Home Schooling free porn video

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Summer break had just arrived, and no one was more thankful than Damon Miles. His freshman year at Stanford University was a rough one, and he barely had survived final exams with his sanity intact. He looked forward to a long, relaxing summer at his parent's home in Las Vegas. While studying for his finals, he allowed himself to daydream about long, lazy afternoons chilling poolside in his backyard. As it turns out, his daydreams became reality, and then a whole lot more than he could have ever imagined.

It all started out innocently enough on the first Wednesday of summer break. Damon allowed himself to sleep in after staying up late the night before unpacking some of his bags that he had lugged back home from college. With the sun peeking in through the blinds, he finally found the energy to roll out of bed at about 11 o'clock. He trudged down the stairs in his pyjamas into the kitchen, and started brewing a pot of gourmet coffee. As he took a seat at the kitchen table to rest his still weary bones, he noticed that his mother had left him a note.

"Damon, please make sure to bring your dirty clothes down to the laundry room and be a dear and help Mom and Dad with some yard work. Mow the lawn and make sure to skim the pool. Great having you back, by the way! Love, Mom"

Damon grumbled silently at the notion of being put to work right at the start of his glorious summer break, but decided he would be a model son and grin and bare it. After reading the sports section and enjoying 2 cups of coffee, he headed up to his room and sorted out some his dirty clothes and brought them to the laundry room. Then, he got changed into a plain white t-shirt and some old jean shorts and headed out back to start mowing the lawn. Back and forth across the lawn he went, working up a light sweat in the dry desert air. Then something caught his full attention. He glanced over at the neighbour's yard and noticed someone out by their pool. He stealthily made his way up close to the fence with his lawn mower so he could get a better look. Laying out on chaise lounge poolside, was a full-figured, voluptuous and very nicely tanned blonde woman, who looked to be in her early 40's. Her plentiful bronzed breasts, barely contained by a skimpy black bikini top was a sight for any straight young man's eyes. Her long, smooth legs glistened in the afternoon sunlight. Damon instantly knew that this was a woman who worked hard to maintain her appearance. He took in one last look at this divinely endowed figure before continuing on with the rest of the yard.

As he finished up, and headed inside to take a shower, he couldn't take his mind off the sexy figure in black. He recalled an elderly couple living there before he left for school, but had never seen her before. He wondered if they had moved out and she had moved in to take their place. What a great turn of events he thought, if it was really true.

Elizabeth Miles returned from work at about 3:30pm. Damon was comfortably settled in a recliner in front of the TV in the family room when he heard his mom arrive. He went upstairs to greet her and figured he might ask about the neighbor to quell some of his curiosity. "Mom, did we get new neighbours to the east? I noticed someone new out there today, and was wondering what happened to the old couple that owned it?" Elizabeth glanced over at her son and replied,"Yes! The Thompsons moved back to Florida while you were away at school, and now a new family lives there. They seem to be nice people from what I can tell, but I haven't had the chance to chat with them much. Maybe you should find the time to introduce yourself to them and be a good neighbour." Damon wasn't the type to be very outgoing or sociable, but he figured it couldn't be a bad idea to get to know a neighbour who looked as beautiful and scorching hot as she did. He figured, when the time was right, he would make sure to stop by and say hello.

For the next few days, Damon didn't see his new neighbour while doing yard work and laying out by the pool. The excitement had kind of died down a bit, when Saturday rolled around. After lunch with his parents, Damon changed into his swimming shorts and headed out by the pool. After swimming a few laps, he pulled himself out of the pool, and laid down on a towel in the grass to catch some rays. 15 minutes had passed and he didn't notice when the same bikini-clad woman came out of her house and positioned herself in the same chaise lounge. She looked in Damon's direction, and a light smile escaped her lips.

An hour crept by, when Damon sat up abruptly as he heard someone call out his name, an unrecognized feminine voice. He looked over, at the neighbour's yard, and saw the blonde yelling out his name and waving. Damon made his way over to the stunning blonde who was leaning over the fence. She smiled and said, "Hi, I think you must be Damon, I'm Jillian, I talked with your mother yesterday, she explained that you are just coming back from college, so I figured I'd just say hi. We just moved in a few months ago." Damon tried to utter an intelligible reply, but his focus was on Jillian's cleavage, which was more pronounced as she leaned over the fence. "Hi! Yeah, uhhh, hi Jillian! Uhhhmmm, it's nice to have new neighbours for sure. Uhhmm, welcome to the neighbourhood." They managed to make some small talk for a few minutes, and Damon let her know that if she ever needed to borrow anything or needed help with anything, to come on by, and Jillian reciprocated the offer. As they parted ways and Damon turned to walk back towards the pool, Jillian called out after him as if she had just remembered something.

"Hmmm Damon! How about you stop by on Monday afternoon? I can fix a lunch for us if you are not busy? Just some pleasant, neighbourly chit-chat if you are interested."

Damon blushed a bit and turned around and smiled at Jillian. "Sure, I'll be available, I can be there around noon."

He didn't really know what to expect out of this lunch with Jillian. As Sunday passed, and Monday came around he pondered the possibilities. He decided that he was going to play it cool, and not expect anything out of the ordinary because he didn't want to get his hopes up too much only to get them crushed. His luck with girls up to that point in his life had been sub-par, and he figured this probably wouldn't change anything.

Monday afternoon came around, and Damon locked up the front door of his house and made his way across Jillian's front yard and knocked gingerly at the front door. She came to the door promptly and let Damon in, and they walked through to the back patio, where Jillian had prepared grilled chicken sandwiches. For the next 30 minutes or so they ate, and chatted it up, getting to know each other. Jillian explained that her husband was an Army Lieutenant who was stationed in Afghanistan, and wouldn't be back for another 6 months. Damon talked about his never-ending hardships and travails of college life. This went on for a while when Jillian took on a more measured, serious tone. She explained how she refused to send her 2 daughters to the failing local high school, and how she couldn't afford to send them to a nicer private school. She then went on about how she has been homeschooling them for the last 5 years to make sure they get the right education. It was evident to Damon, that this was a woman who took
the education of her daughters very seriously.

"Well, I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore, I wanted to ask a favour of you. Would you be willing to help me out in the health sciences curriculum? There is something I wanted to cover with my daughters, but haven't had the opportunity to do, until maybe today. It's kind of important, and I wanted to make sure they understand this subject well."

Damon looked quizzically over at Jillian and replied, "Sure, I'd be happy to help out with whatever you need. Uhmmmmm.... what is it that you need me to help out with?"

Jillian thought for a second and said, "Hmm, you won't have to worry about anything, I want to keep it under wraps for now. Just make sure to come by tomorrow, at around 1:30. In all likelihood, you'll probably find it to be an enriching experience."


Tuesday morning, Damon got up around 9:00 to wash his car and run some errands for his mother. He was still curious as to what kind of schooling Jillian needed help with, but decided not to let his imagination run wild. 1:30 came around, and he headed over to Jillian's house once again. She
answered the door, and smiled warmly at Damon, "I'm glad you came, please follow me." As Damon followed her, he noticed she was wearing a black bra which was totally visible through her sheer white blouse. Her black knee-length skirt accentuated her flawless legs. From the foyer, she led him up the staircase and down to the end of the hallway, and into what appeared to be a rather spacious make-shift classroom, complete with chalkboard, a large LCD television mounted on one wall, a teacher's desk, and 2 student desks, with 2 beautiful young girls occupying them.

Jillian introduced Damon to her daughters, and Damon's excitement was palpable. Brenda was 14, and had long, shiny auburn hair that perfectly framed her cute, delicate features. He couldn't help but notice the faint outlines of her nipples showing through her white flower-print halter top. Tamara was 15, and was the spitting image of her mother. She also had flowing, golden blonde hair, and she also definitely worked on a deep, sexy tan. She's kind of young to be working on a tan, Damon thought to himself. Her beautiful, blue eyes locked in on Damon as she shook his hand lightly and let out a little smirk. As Damon, checked out her nicely framed rack, barely contained within the confines of her pink striped tank top, he couldn't
help but wonder to himself where all these well and early-developed girls were, when he was at that age.

Jillian then led Damon to a seat next to the teacher's desk and she went to set up a video presentation. "Girls, today, we will begin your formal lessons in Sex Education. I want you pay careful attention to these particular lessons, because the information you will be presented with will be invaluable as you grow into full womanhood. To start off, please watch and pay attention to this introduction to male anatomy and sexual response." As Jillian started up the DVD presentation, and the diagrams of the male reproductive organs were displayed and explained on screen, Damon's mouth became a bit dry and his heart started beating a little harder, and he noticed his hands getting a little clammy. What could she possible need my help with in this lesson?

The video presentation concluded about 20 minutes later with a segment explaining the physiology of an erection, and it showed a heat map representation of a penis going from totally limp to fully erect. Brenda and Tamara slyly glanced at each other and giggled softly. As the television was turned off, and the lights came back on, Jillian took over from there.

"Girls, we are very lucky today to have a volunteer who is willing to help you understand this subject a little bit more in depth. You will never get this kind of an education in a public school, so please pay attention! We have seen some scientific depictions of the male anatomy, and I have some textbooks you can take a look at later, but Damon has generously volunteered his time and his body to give you an up-close and interactive lesson. Isn't that right Damon?"

Damon was in a state of total disbelief. He managed to reply weakly, "Sure I guess, this is kind of important, so I am ok with it I think". A million thoughts were racing through Damon's head. Most of all, he was torn between the emotions of total, ultimate fear and extreme mind-blowing sexual arousal. His mind desperately sought a middle ground to calm himself down, as his heart rate went thought the roof. He had never just voluntarily disrobed in front of people who were mostly strangers, much less 2 girls who were still in their early teens. It went against his modest nature. Then he took a look over at the girls again, and decided that since they were so welcoming and friendly, he would be able to go through with this lesson. It had to be better than doing chores around the house he thought to himself.

Jillian directed her daughters to pull up their desks right up to the teacher's desk. As they scooted up their desks, Jillian glanced over at Damon. "Damon, you can go ahead and remove all of your clothes and place them on the chair. When you are finished come over here and stand in front of the desk please."

Damon did as he was instructed. While he was removing his clothes, his back to the girls and Jillian, he pondered this unique situation. He decided that if we was going to do this, he was going to do it right. He decided that it would be best to appear confident and manly in front of these girls to give them a solid first impression of a male's sex organs. He finally got down to his boxers, sliding his thumbs under the waistband on each side, he bent over slightly, and dropped them. At that moment he felt a slight breeze come in through the window which gently greeted his newly unveiled manhood. There was total electricity in the air. He took a deep breath and turned around to face Jillian and the girls and was warmly greeted by 3 pairs of ogling eyes. He felt a tingle go down his spine as made his way in front of the teacher's desk.

As Damon approached the desk, Jillian couldn't help but admire this fine human specimen. Nicely sculpted and nicely groomed as she noticed he had neatly trimmed pubes. Jillian lightly placed a hand on his shoulder and directed him to lean back a bit against the desk, putting his formerly private parts on full display. As Damon got settled in, Brenda and Tamara scooted in even closer. The scene was incredibly lewd. With the girls leaning forward in their desks, their faces were about a foot away from Damon's penis. They were entranced by this display, and Damon's manhood, to his credit, had everyone's full attention.

With Jillian standing right next to Damon facing the girls also, she began pointing out the various features of the male sex organs. "Damon's penis is a fine example of what a mature woman should be looking out for, when considering a mate. When you girls grow older, you will hear people referring to the penis in a variety of colourful terms, slang, and phrases such as 'dick', 'cock', 'prick', 'dong' and 'schlong'. For the practical purpose of simulating real-life casual conversation and discussion, I'll be referring to it as a 'cock' for the rest of the lesson, as this is a very widely accepted and used term."

As Jillian went into an explanation of of the scrotum and testicles, Damon's mind drifted into a hazy, dreamy state. He could feel Jillian's fingers poking, prodding, and unwittingly stroking his cleanly shaven scrotum and the tender balls within, as she explained sperm production to the girls. Damon slowly took a look down at his cock and realized that the inevitable had just started. He could feel the blood flow slowly moving into his cock as he felt it take on a little more weight. Brenda took notice as Damon's cock lightly pulsated, and started swelling beat by beat, and jutted closer and closer to her face. Tamara, barely able to contain her excitement looked up at Damon and noted that he seemed to be enjoying this, by thrusting his pelvis out even further, and spreading his legs a little bit wider.

As Jillian finished up with testicles, Brenda could no longer contain her curiosity. She raised her hand, and interrupted her mom by pointing at the head of Damon's cock. "Mom, what's this extra skin up here at the end of Damon's penis? Umm, I mean Damon's cock. The cocks that were in the video had none of this extra skin up there, and I've never seen this on daddy's cock when he comes out of the shower."

"Well, let me explain Brenda," said Jillian, as she lightly grazed the tip of Damon's cock with her forefinger. "This is called a foreskin. Damon has what we call an 'uncircumcised' cock or an 'uncut' cock, which isn't too common here in the United States. Many women here choose to have their baby's foreskin snipped at birth and that procedure is called circumcision. Usually it's for religious reasons, aesthetics, or cleanliness. However, there's no reason any man should be ashamed of having an uncut cock, as long as he keeps it clean by washing it daily. Here, let me show you how it works."

Jillian lightly pinched the skin underneath Damon's still expanding cock and started to move it up and down the shaft ever so delicately. "You'll see, when an uncircumcised man gets sexually aroused and starts building up a lovely erection like Damon currently is doing, the head will start poking out from the foreskin."

Brenda and Tamara's eyes were both transfixed on Damon's expanding cock, as Jillian gently manoeuvred Damon's foreskin across his now emerging, glistening, slightly moist, purple cock head. Tamara took note of how the emerging purplish head contrasted colourfully with the light brown shaft. How beautiful and alluring, and yet somehow at the same time, quite naughty and implicitly forbidden, the sight of Damon's cock was, she thought to herself.

Damon, still lost in a slight daze and a bit light-headed, slowly looked down to witness Jillian masterfully manipulating his foreskin. He looked up at the girls who were obviously excited at having this surging cock jutting and swaying rudely and obnoxiously, just mere inches from their faces. He took another look at his cock, and felt some pride surging, as he decided it was an impressive sight. At full length it reached about 7.5 inches according to his last measurement, but he was more proud of the meaty thickness of it. As he reached full mast, he admired the surging veins and the bulbous, throbbing purple cock head, eagerly awaiting to be fully revealed to the attentive audience.

As Jillian's masterful manipulations of Damon's foreskin continued, she looked up at Damon and asked, "Is it ok to keep going?". Damon just nodded, and Jillian proceeded to work the foreskin all the way back, fully and triumphantly exposing the glorious, mushroom shaped head. Jillian moved her head down a bit to get a closer look. "Now his foreskin is fully retracted behind this ridge called the corona. You'll notice how nice and smooth looking this is, the foreskin helps keep the glans protected when not in use." Jillian lightly brushed the back of her index finger across the glans and Damon let out an uncontrollable sigh. "Now, if we take a look underneath Damon's beautiful cock, we'll find the fraenulum. This little triangular patch of skin underneath is a very sensitive spot for the uncircumcised male as it is filled with high intensity nerve endings. Girls, this is a very special spot. We can make Damon feel intense pleasure by stimulating this area." With that explanation, Jillian lightly pressed her middle finger on the fraenulum and began moving it in circles, tantalizingly slow but ruthlessly effective, as evidenced by Damon's rapid breathing and utter look of resignation.

As Jillian continued with this motion, Damon let out another sigh and then a moan escaped his mouth. Both Brenda and Tamara looked up at Damon slightly amused. His cock, standing at full attention in front of 2 enraptured young girls, and a married woman whom he was finding to be devilishly devious, was almost too much to take. He glanced down at Jillian and noticed her cleavage was beginning to peek out more from the top of her blouse. His cock involuntarily twitched as he wondered what they would look like fully unleashed.

"Mom, what's that clear juice coming out from Damon's cock?", Tamara asked. Jillian replied matter-of-factly, "That's pre-ejaculate dear. It's more commonly called pre-cum, when your man gets sexually excited or horny, he will start producing this fluid which can act as a natural lubricant during intercourse, it can come in very handy." With that, Jillian gathered the droplet on her index finger, and started to slowly spread it around the smooth glans and then around the corona of the cock. The glans swelled even further in appreciation of this gesture. Damon started breathing a little more heavily and everyone took notice. Jillian peeked up at Damon and smiled at him as the girls looked on. "Damon, would you be ok with my daughters handling your gorgeous cock so they can become more familiar with it?" Damon nodded furiously lost in his dreamlike state of unbridled lust.

"Ok girls, be gentle at first, start out nice and slow. Brenda, you go first, just place your hand around his shaft here somewhere in the middle, and you can slowly move it back and forth, this will feel very good for Damon."

Damon watched intently, mouth half-open, as Brenda cautiously placed her hand around his meaty cock shaft. She was only able to wrap her around half way and marvelled about this to her mom. "Mom, are all men's cocks this thick? I never imagined it to be this large!" Brenda said, as she struggled to get a better grip much to Damon's delight. Jillian let out a small chuckle and replied, "No Brenda, we are very, very lucky to have Damon here today for this demonstration. I have never in all my years seen a cock as big and beautiful as this. When you grow up and eventually get married, it would be ideal to have a breath-taking cock like this that you can take care of." Brenda grinned and looked up at Damon as she began to slowly stroke his cock, noticing how her administrations were pleasing him. Tamara watched silently biting her lip, fascinated as her younger sister lovingly stroked and tamed, the angry and somewhat threatening looking, swollen cock. The head disappearing from view on every up-stroke, only to re-appear triumphantly on each down stroke. What a neat little mechanism this foreskin is, she thought to herself.

After a couple minutes of Brenda's stroking, Tamara finally got her chance. Damon slightly aimed his engorged member to the left so Tamara could get a better handle and view. Tamara, also was only able to get half way around his cock, but continued on with the stroking. She noticed that the pre-cum had started to flow more heavily down Damon's cock shaft and she scooped it up and worked it into her strokes. Damon let out some more moans, as he leaned farther back on the desk, completely lost in the what he figured had to be a dream.

As Tamara continued with her stroking, Brenda looked over at her mom who was also leaning back against the desk next to Damon, proudly watching her beautiful daughter stroking some Grade-A prick. She hadn't noticed, but her skirt had crept up her legs exposing her red cotton panties to Brenda. Brenda looked up at her mom and said, "Mom, it looks like there is a wet spot on the front of your panties, did you accidentally pee?"

Jillian lifted up the front of her skirt and noticed the wet spot also, and explained, "No Brenda, you see when a woman gets aroused or 'horny', like a man, she also starts secreting her own juices to aid in lubrication. This will happen to you also, it's ok, it's nature's way of helping out."

After a few more minutes of cock stroking from Tamara, Jillian decided to move the lesson forward. "Ok girls, now it's my turn to worship Damon's lovely cock. I want to introduce you to 'fellatio', which is oral sex, or more commonly known as a 'blowjob'." Jillian squeezed her way between her daughter's desks and got on her knees to face Damon's rock-hard, glistening member. As she wrapped her hand around the base of Damon's cock and gave a soft introductory tug, he let out a low guttural groan and a copious droplet of pre-cum surged forth and threatened to be wasted on the floor. Jillian expertly moved her tongue into place to catch the falling droplet on her tongue, and looked up at Damon who managed a weak smile of approval. He looked down at her ample cleavage and then into her eyes. He couldn't quite believe that this hot, dreamy blonde bombshell of a mother of 2 was about to service his member.

Jillian looked over each shoulder at her daughters. "I'm not going to get too technical about how to give a proper blowjob, just watch some of my techniques, make mental notes, and perhaps you'll be able to employ them later." Jillian then turned her attention back to Damon and his cock and got down to business. She lovingly bathed her tongue all around Damon's swollen purple cock head making sure to pay special attention to the fraenulum.

As Damon sighed in pleasure, he leaned back on his elbows to get more comfortable. He had the ultimate trophy wife, submissively kneeling in front of him, worshipping his cock. He was on top of the world. He decided he was going to relax and enjoy the experience. Jillian started stroking the cock with her right hand as her tongue flickered and danced underneath the cock head in a furious frenzy, sending it lightly bobbing up and down in agonized ecstasy. Damon's foreskin was now moving back and forth, covering and uncovering the head, playing peek-a-boo with Brenda and Tamara.

Jillian then laid her tongue on top of Damon's glans, and slowly and gently eased the foreskin down over her tongue. The cock head and Jillian's tongue now hidden from view, she swirled her tongue around and around the head, working miracles under the cover of darkness.

Brenda and Tamara glanced at each other in amusement, as their mom's tongue gyrated lewdly underneath Damon's foreskin. She rather enjoyed playing with this gorgeous, uncut cock she decided, and looked up at Damon with a mischievous grin. The foreskin swirl continued for a few more minutes to Damon's sheer pleasure, and he started moaning a little bit more audibly, lost in total sexual abandon.

Jillian then proceeded to rub Damon's cock all over her face. She loved the warmth, security, and lust that the purple, shiny, pristine cock head radiated and she relished in it. Back and forth across her cheeks, to her chin, and to her forehead. She loved the feeling against her skin, and Damon loved what she was doing also. He gave Jillian his involuntary approval with streaks of of pre-cum all over her glowing, lovely face. While enjoying this, Jillian explained to her daughters, "Girls, it is very important to take pleasure and enjoy when performing a blowjob on your man. This is a very intimate act, so you need to let your man know how much you appreciate being able to worship and please their cock. This will also make him enjoy it that much more."

Brenda and Tamara stared open-mouthed in disbelief at their mom's actions. They had never witnessed her getting this worked up over anything. The mysterious power of a formidable, strong, dangerous-looking cock was now becoming apparent to them. Tamara felt a wetness between her legs as she moved them together, and realized that watching this was really turning her on.

Damon groaned again in pleasure, as Jillian resumed stroking the now ridiculously swollen shaft, with the veins rippling beneath her delicate palms. Popping the head in and out of her mouth and now tickling and fondling Damon's testicles with her left hand, she had him riding on cloud Nine. John's grunts, moans, and sighs now came out a rapid, uncontrolled pace. Lost in ecstasy, he glanced down at Jillian and noticed that the top two buttons had become undone on her blouse. Her bronze tanned breasts almost fully in view, barely contained by a skimpy, black lace bra. What a heavenly rack he thought to himself, and how it deserved attention. Damon knew he was getting close to the point of no return as he felt the warmth of his seed, beginning to pool up near the base of his cock. Deciding to be bold and adventurous he spoke up. "Uhhhmm, Jillian, I'm getting close. I wanted to see if you wanted to try something else for the finale. I've always had fantasies of thrusting my cock between..." Jillian interrupted, "Ha, I know what you want! I'm glad you asked. It'd be a pleasure to have you tittyfuck me."

Jillian got up off her knees and quickly undid the last few buttons on her blouse and threw it to the floor. Then, she made her way to the front of the classroom and sat down in the teacher's chair and undid her bra. She unleashed the most beautiful breasts that Damon had ever seen. Something about tan lines really turned Damon on, and she had some nice ones that very neatly framed her swollen, distended nipples. "Brenda, Tamara! Come up here and stand on either side of me, this is the climax, the grand finale." As her daughters excitedly galloped to the front of the room, Damon got himself ready, positioning his penis in front of Jillian's heaving breasts.

Jillian leaned back in the chair so Damon had unfettered access. "Girls, Damon is getting close to reaching an orgasm and he has made a special request of me. For a lack of established proper terminology, this is known as a 'tittyfuck', which is an advanced technique for sexual pleasure. I am going to satisfy Damon's request because he has been an excellent volunteer today and this is a great way to show your appreciation." Damon placed his cock between Jillian's breasts and then he pushed them together, lightly cupping the outside of her tits, so his cock nestled securely between them. Then he started the thrusting. This was a dream come true for Damon, as he looked down and watched the lewd and lustful machinations of a glorious tittyfuck, performed with reckless abandon. Jillian, Brenda, and Tamara also enjoyed the scene, as they watched Damon's 7.5 inches powerfully piston their way between Jillian's breasts. The foreskin quickly retracting over the glans on every upstroke, and recovering on every down stroke, like clockwork.

As Damon's thrusts grew more violent, he let out some a****listic, b**stly grunts, and Jillian knew that he was going to burst. She quickly explained to her daughters, "Alright, you girls come in closer and take a good look. Damon's about to experience an orgasm, and he is going to have an ejaculation. You're going to see a white milky fluid spurt from his cock, this is called sperm, or semen, but most people just call it 'cum'. Normally, a man would ejaculate inside a woman's vagina, but we can save that lesson for later on. For now, just watch the ejaculation in process, this is going to be an extremely pleasurable experience for Damon."

Damon slowed down his strokes just a bit, maybe he thought, he could prolong the intense pleasure for a few seconds more, but it wasn't meant to be. Jillian took a hold of Damon's scrotum, and gently started tugging and squeezing the sperm swollen balls urging them to spill their seed, and Damon finally let loose. He grunted loudly as his first orgasmic contraction sent a long milky white rope of cum violently spewing over Jillian's left shoulder and splattering against the chalkboard making an audible splash and a visible mess. He continued in his orgasmic bliss as his spasming cock danced between Jillian's tits in a uncontrolled frenzy. The next 4 jets of Damon's seed, streamed across Jillian's face and some got in her hair. Jillian cooed in delight as she relished the sensation of a young stud's warm cum decorating her face. Damon continued by blasting several shots up her chest and into her chin, splattering mercilessly against her skin. This was a dream fulfilled Damon realized, while he coaxed out the last few spurts on Jillian's breasts and then lustily massaged Jillian's nipples using his sensitive cock head, delighting in the aftermath. He sighed in pleasure at this sight. A fully-conquered, beautiful, voluptuous, married blonde mom lay beneath him, with her tanned skin, rightfully covered in his copious jism.

Jillian smiled at Damon, and pulled him closer to her. "Here, let me clean that off a bit for you." She tenderly gave his deflating cock a warm tongue bath, removing most of the semen and at the same time, showing her appreciation for a victorious, promising, young cock. Out of curiosity, Tamara then ran her finger between her mom's breasts to scoop up some of Damon's semen. She rubbed it between her fingers, and noticed the smooth, soft texture. Hmmm, not bad she thought to herself, as Brenda proceeded to the same, smearing some on her cheek to experience the sensation that her mom felt.

Damon got dressed, and a still topless Jillian walked him to the front door with the semen still decorating her face and breasts. "I hope you'll be willing to come back and help out with some more lessons in Sex Education. I think everyone enjoyed it, especially my daughters. Maybe we can get them more involved next time," she said with a devious smirk. Damon replied confidently, Any time, any place, I'll be there!" Jillian gave Damon a warm hug and he departed, practically skipping across her lawn to his house. He wondered what the rest of the summer had in store for him.

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Home Schooling

100% fiction! Man, talk about the worst day and the best day of my life! There I was, in my room stroking my dick when Mother walks in with my clean clothes and catches me. I froze in mid stroke, she froze in mid step, and we gaped at one another for what seemed like forever. Then she chuckled. “Want me to do that for you?” Shocked, all I could do was nod. She put the clothes on my dresser and proceeded to give me the greatest hand job I ever had. The only thing wrong was she felt so good I...

2 years ago
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Young Lady Ginas homeschooling

Young 'Lady' Gina's homeschooling I was still called George when I moved in with my slightly excentric aunt Celia almost two yeas ago, after my mother had a serious nervous breakdown due to my lecherous oger of a father leaving us. For some reason aunty, after walking in on me wearing her prettiest undies and high heels, had taken up encouraging (and accomodating) my little transvestite affectation to the full. Aunty sorta found it a delightfull and classy foible and decided that she...

3 years ago
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Intimate And Romantic Schooling

It all started in my adolescent age ,I was young and proactive full of energy and enthusiasm . I completed my 11th std ,looking forward for the vacations so that I can go to my grand ma’s place and spend the holidays satisfactorily with full satisfaction .I was a very active boy and considered myself the humorous , everyone in the family loves me . I used to participate in every activity at home and school as well . Before starting the next syllabus ,generally we get 45 days vacations ,I...

2 years ago
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Alternative Schooling

I woke to the gentle stroking of a soft hand down the side of my face.  I opened my eyes and in the dim light saw the shadowy figure of a girl kneeling beside the bed.  Her head was bowed, eyes downcast and her long, dark hair fell forward, draping her face.  With one hand she stroked my face again, in the other she held a telephone. ?Billy is calling, Sir,? she said softly. Groaning I glanced at the clock as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up.  As I took the phone from her,...

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George Schooling

His older sister, Greta was eating a small spoonful of Happy Flakes Cereal. She smiled at him and ruffled her long hair that was a deep black, much like his own and his father’s. His father, Herb was engrossed in a newspaper. George’s father was an overweight, balding salesman. He was very successful and the family lived quite well, but it came at price. George rarely saw his father, as he was always on the road. George took a seat next to his mother, who patted his back and handed him a...

4 years ago
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Andrea Believes in Home Schooling

It happened again last night and I hate myself for letting my own frustrations dictate my mood this morning. I am married to a wonderful man who has given me three wonderful children. He works hard so I can remain at home and he has always been great in my bed or wherever we choose to enjoy each other. Sometime ago he and I opened up our marriage and while I won't go into all the details of that part of our life, I will tell you that my loving husband has met so many of my fantasies, watching...

4 years ago
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The Omega PathChapter 4 Peanut Butter and Schooling

Crystal McKnight quietly crept out of his bedroom, tip-toed through the living room, and headed towards his kitchen. It was still dark inside the apartment, but there was enough of the bright morning light seeping through the heavy curtains for her to make her way through his man-cave. The twenty-year old girl was clad only in a large men's dress shirt that draped like a tent over her nude body. The shirt still smelled of him, and she luxuriated in the drench of his scent. Her bare legs...

2 years ago
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Homer loves Mindy simmons

Homer Simpson falls in love with co worker Mindy Simmons who is very sexy she is attracted to him too Homer and Mindy are working together and she's flirting with him and he is so attracted to her he thinks about her naked in his dreams she's a young beautiful redhead with green eyes and red lips he wants to kiss her she feels like kissing him too he leans in kissing her she keeps kissing him then says to him Homer I'm in love with you he says me too Mindy they are in the hotelroom they are...

2 years ago
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Julies Summer Schooling

‘Enjoying the view?’ ‘Hmm?’ ‘You like what you see over there?’ ‘Don’t know what you’re talking about.’ I turned on my sofa-bed and smiled sheepishly at Lucy. Best to own up when you know you’ve been caught out. Plus there’s a special dispensation for letting your eyes stray when you’re on holiday. I read that in FHM. Not that I was easily distracted from the five foot six of tightly-coiled sexual fury lying next to me. Since our first meeting two months previously, when Lucy had sold me a new...

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Julies Summer Schooling

'Enjoying the view?''Hmm?''You like what you see over there?''Don't know what you're talking about.' I turned on my sofa-bed and smiled sheepishly at Lucy. Best to own up when you know you've been caught out. Plus there's a special dispensation for letting your eyes stray when you're on holiday. I read that in FHM. Not that I was easily distracted from the five foot six of tightly-coiled sexual fury lying next to me. Since our first meeting two months previously, when Lucy had sold me a new...

3 years ago
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A Visit to MatildasChapter 11 More Schooling

The morning of our third day was taken up with further classes, starting with Miss Carson giving us a run down of all the things she and Mrs Danbury had noted that had been at fault on the day before. “I’m afraid,” said Mrs Danbury that there is a certain amount of correction needed in order to make sure that the lessons are learned from yesterday. Each of you will come forward. Bryony James, you first.” Brian got to his feet unwillingly and went to the front of the class. “Bend over the...

3 years ago
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Homeward Bound

The automatic doors at head office opened. Immediately, like a blast furnace, the heat struck, taking my breath away. England was experiencing the strangest summer in years. It was either monsoon rainfalls or temperatures so unbelievably high that no one wanted to venture outside for more than a few minutes. Everyone hated the rain, but having to work in heat topping thirty degrees certainly couldn’t be called a picnic.“Jesus, it’s so bloody hot,” I muttered, walking towards the car park. James...

2 years ago
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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

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Homecoming Themes

This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at http://www.mcstories.com/ChangesTrick/ChangesTrick.html. Go ahead and read that story as well....

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=== Homesick === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. ----- We'd all gone to see the new _Tombs of Atuan_ movie, Mom and Dad and Kiara and me. On the way home, we chatted about the movie and got into an argument about whether they'd gotten Ged and Tenar's relationship right. Those were the last normal moments of our lives. Then Dad turned into our subdivision -- still normal --...

2 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 1

After my encounter with Andrea in our local gym, the rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Besides me replaying that amazing night in my head over and over, and going on my morning runs, it was a pretty long weekend. The weekend seemed to drag out forever, simply because I was waiting to see Andrea again on Monday. That Monday was the first day I was ever excited to go to school and not just because it was Homecoming. After my first 2 hours were through I could hardly contain my...

3 years ago
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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
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Homeward Bound

The automatic doors of head office opened and a blast furnace heat encompassed me, taking my breath away. England was experiencing the strangest summer in years. We either had monsoon like rainfall for a couple of days or such tropical temperatures which no one in their right mind could stay outside, which lasted two or three weeks at a time. Everyone hated the rain more than sunshine but when you have to go to work in 30 degrees. “Jesus it’s so hot” I muttered to myself, walking out towards...

4 years ago
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Homecoming Part2

HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...

5 years ago
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Homeless Shelter

"Who was that on the phone James?""It was Rev. Jones at the shelter. The guy that was supposed to show tonight didn't, so Rev. Jones asked me to fill in. They have a capacity crowd tonight because of the cold weather and he's afraid that if all the homeless men don't get their cocks sucked before they go to bed tonight, there might be some trouble because they'll be restless and won't sleep well. The weather is terrible, but I feel I must go in.""Yes, the snow storm is bad, but dear I have...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 08

Homecoming Ch. 08 Edited by Frinkles© 2007 This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Alright, alright…UNCLE! For those of you who are disappointed in Daniel’s actions, believe me so am I. The guy is human. He’s a bit of an idiot at times. He’s letting his little head do the thinking rather than the ‘big’ head. He knows he screwed up which is why he’s in the dang farmhouse praying...

2 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 2

The rest of the week was pretty frustrating as Megan’s and Christie took every chance they could to tease me around school. I managed to survive the week of football practice with Christie and the squad practicing around in short shorts and sports bras. Christie was a huge tease as she would often talk dirty to me during our nightly calls and even email some naughty photos. She told me not to jack off all week because she wanted me to save it for Homecoming. Through it all, I received good...

2 years ago
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Homeless Girl Sex is Fucking Awesome

Does anyone else have a homeless friend? I have a friend that sleeps in my driveway in his car for the past 2 weeks. Weird shit is, this motherfucker won't come inside! We tell him to come in but he just wants to sleep out there. I think he is trying to pick up on a homeless girl and he wants to show her that he is going through the same struggle.I see where he is going with this, I mean homeless girls can be hot. Think about the logistics. Chances are, she's not fat, she's not thinking...

4 years ago
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Homeless Man

Following on from that day’s events with both Daddy and the taxi driver me and Nina were both really tired so after the k**s were in bed we decided to have an early night.I kissed Nina on the lips and said goodnight, she said not so fast sissy my pussy still needs cleaned as I haven’t been in the shower yet, she then says I’m sure you will enjoy the taste of the two men who shot their loads your girlfriends well used cunt. I look at her and say Yes Hun I’d love to clean their loads from your...

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Homesick and lonely

From 2002-2004, I was stationed at the US Naval base in Yokosuka, Japan. It was then, and still is, the Headquarters of the US Pacific Fleet. When I was stationed there, it was a very busy place. The war in Iraq was in full swing, and a lot of our ships were deployed. My rate was IS, which designates Intelligence Specialist. Because my rank at the time was E-6, which is Petty Officer First Class, I was in charge of a small group of sailors. I remember the day that she arrived,a young female...

Straight Sex
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HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she wouldn't have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two...

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Homecoming With Kelly

It was early in October of 1977. Kelly and I were high school seniors. Our school celebrated homecoming for an entire week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school we had crazy contests like tricycle races and stuffing a Volkswagen (for which the puny little freshmen had a built-in advantage). Thursday evening was the parade through downtown followed by a big bonfire at a farm just a mile away from the high school.Kelly looked great that night, as always. She was wearing a pair of short,...

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INTRODUCTION I’m mostly a very lonely 18 year old male, I don’t want to be called a boy since I believe that at this age I am a man. I’m a middle child in family that consists of us as three siblings, two conceited sisters is enough to drive anyone mad including my father who decided to walk away 4 years ago after he and mom got divorced. Now let’s talk about that beautiful creature that gave birth to me. My mother Linda (38) is a tall beautiful half Brazilian and half White woman from South...

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Homely Piss Whore

Maranda was homely. She’d known it for a long time but she had the same need to be wanted as the pretty girls did. She just couldn’t just show her tits and ass and expect the boys to fall all over themselves for her favors. It was frustrating seeing the other girls in her class get dates and she was never asked. She took a business class in high school and learned about marketing. That’s what she needed to do for her personal needs. She tried offering straight sex and she got pumped and dumped...

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Homeless old lady

I was walking around Las Vegas in a “bad” neighborhood and chatting with the local homeless people. I met some very nice people and chatted about life. I met this one lady who was super outgoing and friendly and probably very high. She was probably 70 years old with long grey hair. She was moving stuff around and decided to change clothes. She stripped naked as she was picking out what to wear. She had long boobs with awesome little nipples. She had a grey big bush. I thought she looked hot but...

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There were always the three of us, Billy Wagner, Terry Goodman and myself Robert (Rob) Cook all of us life long friends. We were the Three Amigos, The Three Musketeers maybe even the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse (naw, there were four of them), anyway we were all 17, seniors in high school and right now very much on the look out for some pussy. We lived in the very upscale gated community of Metropolis just north of San Diego and our families all had money, real money if you know what I...

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Homely But Horny Swap

Hi ISS readers, my name is Sathya and today I am going to narrate a true story about my first swap which happened two days ago. This is my first swap and my first ISS story. I am a continuous reader of ISS since 2008, I have read many stories but most of them are false but I still love to read it as it fantasies me in this story. I am going to tell you about how I encountered that’s the really interesting part for any story it and how I enjoyed it before going to my story, I want to share an...

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Homes for Sale

Cum oozed out of my just-filled snatch, the warm creamy mixture of semen and sperm drifting slowly down both sides of the crack of my ass to drip onto the sheet below. I wondered how many millions of other dying sperm had soaked into the fibers of that cheap sheet in that cheap room in that cheap motel in that cheap neighborhood that the cheap son-of-a-bitch had chosen for our first – and possibly last – fuck. I've been fucking for fun since I was fourteen and fucking for money since I was...

2 years ago
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Homecoming The Worst Week of My Life

Introduction: I fuck with my new boy toy during Homecoming week.. I last left you with telling you how I had found a way to control my jealousy. While at the same time, get some attention, especially when I went along with John when he was making personal appearances somewhere. If you need to know, more read my last story Becoming the Slut. I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more...

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Best friends Lexie and Samantha, (better known as Sam) were really excited that it was working out perfectly to double date to their prom. Both juniors and best friends since third grade, Sam was dating Josh, a football player, who had recently introduced his buddy Zack to Lexie. They hit it off and all agreed to attend the Homecoming Dance together. The girls were both cheerleaders and so very excited about the Friday night game as well as Saturday's dance. The boys, both seniors playing their...

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Homecoming A small Forward: I know some people are looking forward to more stories with images, I'm sorry that I didn't deliver such a thing. I still may in the future, but right now I'm focusing on a different story that involves elements not typically explored in trans-fiction. The next one will most definitely be illustrated, this one...I originally wanted to, but then I felt the writing spoke for itself enough. If I'm wrong, tell me, and if any one's interested in doing some...

4 years ago
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Homecoming Sex BEST EVER

Here's a story written in first person from a 16 year old me. :) After reading these stories often I finally have built up the courage to write about the craziest, best night of my life. I’m 16 years old, about 5’3” and a little on the thick side but in an athletic way. I have 34 DD tits and a round juicy ass that boys have always loved. At school I usually wear short skirts and low cut shirts that show off my boobs and legs which gets everyone looking. The story that I’m writing about was my...

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Carl McHenry looked up from the textbook spread out on his dorm room desk and out the window at the now dark sky. He had been trying to understand the last economics problem in the review for the last hour and still couldn't get it. Maybe he was just overtired, he told himself. After all, he had been studying non-stop for the last nine hours. Attending the University on a scholarship, Carl needed to maintain at least a B average. It was because he was having problems in a few of his classes...

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Homeless Pt 01

I was shopping with my wife one afternoon–a frigid day in early January. We had just left Walmart and I drove past a homeless man leaning against a stop sign with a handmade sign exactly like the one I describe here. I have often wondered how people become homeless and why so few of us seem to care. That sighting was the inspiration for this story. It’s long so I’ve divided it into six parts. I hope you enjoy it. Sr. Longo Part 1—I meet and befriend a homeless woman. CHAPTER 1 It was the...

5 years ago
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Homeless guy and the black seeded slut

This story is about my newly loaned beautiful, sexy Hotsubwife, forty something year-old submissive slut, I had decided I wanted to fuck anywhere, but especially in public, and preferably in broad daylight, I told her that it was going to be either, all-night super-markets, drive-in theaters, shopping center parking lots, in hallways and on balconies of hotels and in parks.Anyway, I decided to go downtown at noon, to an alley behind some businesses near Nottingham city centre. There was an area...

2 years ago
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Homegrown Fucking

I sat alone, semi-aware of my surroundings while I thought about my discovery. I didn't even know Delia was seeing a boy, she never acted like she was dating, she doesn't spend any time on the phone or texting any boys, all her time was spent with her friends, girl friends. Who in hell fucked my daughter three times? Did I just discover something recent or has she been screwing for a while? Was she being careful? That was the question that finally rose to the surface of the confusion and...

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Homewrecker Emerald

The man looks around the bedroom. Her party dress is placed neatly on a chair, yet her underwear is mixed in with the messed-up bedsheets. “Am I being pranked?” He rubs his eyes and looks around again. “Where’s the camera?” The woman with quick light taps splatters her cunt juice all over her large firm thighs. She raises her legs up in the air like a candle, showing off her massive round cheeks and spreads her pussy wide open. “Oh no,” she says smiling. “I’m, like, so embarrassed right...

2 years ago
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Homeschooling With Jillian Part One

Summer break had just arrived, and no one was more thankful than Damon Miles. His freshman year at Stanford University was a rough one, and he barely had survived final exams with his sanity intact. He looked forward to a long, relaxing summer at his parent's home in Las Vegas. While studying for his finals, he allowed himself to daydream about long, lazy afternoons chilling poolside in his backyard. As it turns out, his daydreams became reality, and then a whole lot more than he...

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its late on a wednesday evening and i'm veggitating in front of the tv when my phone rings. its you, saying you're in germany and on your way home. you say you're landing in MA as a diversion for bad weather and, knowing i live in the state, am i close to the base where you're landing? i say 'yeah, it's a few miles away. why? do you need a ride when you land?' you say you dont wanna impose, but yes, you'd like to see me and if it's ok, will i pick you up? 'sure baby, no...

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By Samantha G. At different times in our hurried lives, certain events will happen and shape who we are, as well as what we do. These events help to prepare us for the road ahead, and hopefully a more defined goal. These events can also cut us free from ancient ghosts that haunt us. Ah, the roaring nineties. George Bush was president, and preparing for war. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Gas was one dollar and sixteen cents a gallon. And Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation,” was...

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My girlfriend and I hav been going out for some time. Since our freshman year of high school, but since her parents are strict Catholics we havn't been allowed to officially go on a date. Let me give you some images of my girlfriend and I. Nicole, my girlfriend, is about 5'3", latina but not very dark, muscular legs and a tight ass from playing water polo, a nice flag stomach but not a six pack, and ample breasts, a little under a C cup. My name is Matt and im about 6'2", pretty muscular...

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There is something about that striped blouse and dark skirt together that makes me want to do things to you. Bad things. Real bad things. You come home from work in that combo and I can’t believe how fast I’ve gotten hard. Now it’s your turn to submit. No mercy! You walk toward me with a slightly tired looking smile of greeting and I say ‘Stop. Get down on all fours. NOW!’ You look a little taken aback but you obey immediately. A deal is a deal and you always keep your word. ‘Crawl to me –...

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Ashley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward…but by who…and why…what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation Ashley...

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The house was a beautiful old-fashioned timber two-storey place with a huge block of land surrounded by trees on three sides. When Frank and Michelle first saw the house, they both agreed it was a bargain for the price it was on the market for. It was in very good condition, quite clean, and surprisingly well insulated. The real-estate agent told them that all the windows were double-glazed, and the previous owner had been supposedly obsessed about quiet. Despite the old-fashioned external...

Mind Control
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(Author's note: thank you all for favoriting this story! If you like this one, my other story that I've written, with some help, is called "The Casting Couch" and is in the Erotic Couplings section. If any of you want to add chapters or a different branch, go for it. I only keep this story as "moderated" so that I can proofread what you've written. As for the content of this story: all characters are over the age of 18. Any content that is similar to real life events is merely coincidence.) My...

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As you come into our house, you enter by the entrance way that is about three yards long. Looking to the right is a hallway with a bedroom on each side and a 3/4 bath at the end. As you walk into the living room, you look across the room and there is a futon with two large, curtained windows behind it, on the left, there is a short couch facing the futon with a coffee table between them.We placed the small couch there to give separation between the living room and the kitchen-dining room to the...

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Homelands Pt 1 Ch 1516

I tried locating Mom after that. Itworked much easier than the time I'd spied on Liz. Almost instantly, I sensed who was fucking her. All six of them. Jack and Mark. Vince and Ishmail. Todd and Dom. Letting out a dejected sigh, I severed the link, or dismissed the supernatural connection, or hung up, or whatever the hell the term was. No doubt Iva would know and could make me feel like an idiot child for never having heard it. Whatever I did, I no longer sensed my mother's exploits. Good for...

4 years ago
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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 03

All of that flashed through my mind, inperfect detail, in a matter of moments. At least, I knew it had to be mere moments. It felt like it had been hours, or days. But Mom was still sitting in my lap, Brie still standing behind her playing with her hair softly. For a moment, I thought Mom was riding me, Brianna yanking her hair and fucking her ass hard, the way my father had been doing. Except, that was years in the past. It only felt like it had happened just a few moments ago. "So?" Mom said,...

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Homelands Pt 1 Ch 06

Jack, Todd and I popped out of our skisand placed them in the rack outside the mountainside cabin in which we were staying. "How awesome is this?" Todd asked. "Don't have to hike across the parking lot to your car. Just ski right up to the cabin and you're done." Jack and I agreed. I wasn't sure how we'd managed to arrange for our three families to share one of these cabins. They had to cost a fortune to rent. A location that couldn't be beat, and luxurious enough to fetch a stunning price tag...

3 years ago
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Homelands Pt 1 Ch 03

I went back to the suite, feeling like steam should be billowing out of my ears. Naturally, I realized I had no right to be upset. Neither about the fact that the three of them were so cavalier about fucking their family members, against the most basic moral instinct, nor about the fact that Dom had sex with Mom before I did. How could I be appalled that they were proud of what they'd done? I'd done the same. As for my brother fucking Mom before I had the chance to, how depraved did I have to...


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