Homelands Pt 1 Ch 06 free porn video

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Jack, Todd and I popped out of our skisand placed them in the rack outside the mountainside cabin in which we were staying.

"How awesome is this?" Todd asked. "Don't have to hike across the parking lot to your car. Just ski right up to the cabin and you're done."

Jack and I agreed. I wasn't sure how we'd managed to arrange for our three families to share one of these cabins. They had to cost a fortune to rent. A location that couldn't be beat, and luxurious enough to fetch a stunning price tag even if they'd been built in the middle of nowhere. There were three levels, each one with a gorgeous stone fireplace, a kitchen, two bathrooms, and four bedrooms. There were also two outdoor hot tubs per cabin. And the cabins were most generously furnished.

We took our boots off and began stripping off our outer layers as we went inside.

Mom, Aunt Liz, and Aunt Cindy sat around the fire in the first floor living room, drinking coffee. Presumably with some liquor in it. They asked if we had a good day on the slopes.

Looking at the women of my family, the sense that none of this was quite real grew only stronger. They looked the way they should...but at the same time, they didn't. I couldn't entirely tell whether I was looking at the women I'd known my whole life.

Most of the time, I did indeed see three typical middle-aged women. None of whom, for the most part, were especially fit, though Cindy and Liz weren't too far out of shape. All three wore baggy sweats, garish multi-hued socks, and sweaters large enough to swim in, even though they sat in front of a blazing fire and the cabin had electric heat. None wore makeup. Their hair was frayed, flat, dull.

Yet I also saw three other women, flickering in and out of sight. All three looked like erotic caricatures of the women of my family. Similar enough that you could tell who they were supposed to be, but only just. They were all curves, and those curves were scarcely concealed by their delightful outfits. Because, of course, each of them wore racy lingerie. Babydolls and bustiers, stockings, garters, heels, chokers and so forth. And, naturally, lots of makeup. Their hair was straight, shiny, and full of volume.

"There's a fresh pot of coffee, and plenty of liquors to dress it up, on the counter," Mom said. "We thought you might want to warm up."

We murmured our gratitude and, after taking off a few more layers, fixed ourselves some coffee and joined the women by the fire. However, we sat on the soft couches rather than on the floor, as close to the hearth as possible, as they had.

"Anyone else back yet?" I asked.

"Your father, your uncle, and Mark all came back about an hour ago. Mark's upstairs playing video games, the other two are making dinner," Mom replied.

"Dad's making dinner?" Todd asked.

"I think they hope to get laid while they're here," Aunt Liz said with a laugh. Mom blushed, staring into her coffee mug.

"Anyway, Dom called not long ago and said he, Brianna and Natalie were going to make one last trip up to the top of the mountain. So I wouldn't expect them for a while yet," Mom said. "Probably just in time for dinner."

"So any plans for this evening?" I asked. A few times in the past couple of days, there had been talk of a family game night, or for all of us to watch a movie.

Mom looked at Liz and Cindy. "Not tonight. We figure we've tried hard enough to impose family time already. It's obviously not taking. And the point is to have fun anyway, so no sense in forcing it if no one wants it. It's supposed to snow, several inches, so no one should go out. But as long as you stay in, you're free to do as you please."

"Depending on whether the menfolk do a good job with dinner, you may find one of the hot tubs occupied," Aunt Liz added. Mom blushed again.

Aunt Cindy frowned. "Which leaves me alone among the grownups. Don't suppose you boys would like to join me in the other hot tub?" she asked.

Mom shot a look of concern at Cindy.

"Oh, I'm kidding. Hot tubs are no fun unless...sometimes I really hate being single."


Dinner was great. I had a feeling my father and my uncle were in for a good night.

Brianna and Natalie mentioned that they'd really like to check out the hot tub, but no one wanted to go out there while the parents were using it. So most of the younger generation got out a deck of cards and played drinking games, which made me feel like I was back at school. Jack and Mark turned in early though, as did their mother.

I couldn't help but notice that whatever had transformed my mother and my aunts seemed to affect everyone. The effects were most pronounced with them, and naturally, I paid less attention to what it did to the men of the family, but it definitely was all of us.

With Natalie and Brianna, the changes were far less dramatic. Though they looked good to being with, the alternate versions peeking through looked better. Perfect complexions, whiter teeth, shinier hair, slightly exaggerated curves. As we drank more, it was starting to become harder to feel guilty about checking them out.

As the evening wore on, conversation took a racier turn. We speculated about what was taking our parents so long. Eventually Todd asked if he was alone in thinking something seemed different about Mom and Aunt Liz. He conveniently failed to mention how the same went for everyone else. Including Brie and Nat.

Dom wasted no time in agreeing. I said I wasn't sure, that he could be right. I didn't feel comfortable admitting that I'd noticed that and much more.

"Anyway, I've got an idea," Dom said. "Instead of playing for-"

Mom and Dad came down the stairs just then, covered in towels.

Kristen suddenly folded her cards down on the table. "Hey, pop, can I get your help with something? My bed has been really squeaky. I was hoping to fix it before going to bed."

I stifled a cough. Brianna hid a snicker, but no one else seemed to think there was anything odd about her request. Or they were hiding their reactions better.

Dad said sure, and followed Nat into her bedroom. She closed the door behind them.

Brianna flashed me a quick grin before turning her attention back to her cards.

Mom said she wasn't tired, and asked whether we'd mind if she joined us.

Dom told her that would be great before anyone else could say anything. She asked if he was sure, and when he assured her that he was, she smiled and told us she'd be back as soon as she got some clothes on, without bothering to see if anyone else objected.

When she left, Todd shot him a look. "Dude, who wants Mom crashing the party?"

"Relax, man. Haven't you always wondered whether Mom's got a wild side?"

"He's right," Brianna said. "This should be interesting."

"Weren't you the one who was about to suggest this was too tame?" Todd asked.

"So? I say we see if Mom's game."

Todd laughed.

But he was alone in that.

Perhaps Dom seemed was more aware of what was going on, even though Todd was the first to mention it aloud. That wasn't Todd being astute. That was Todd being Todd.

Mom rejoined us. I realized quickly that I no longer caught even brief glimpses of the heavyset middle-aged woman.

The sexy version was also a short brunette with skin nearly as white as the snow outside. But that skin was now devoid of unsightly veins and blemishes, had only a few wrinkles, and wasn't the least bit ashy or dull. Her lush black hair would have made a model jealous. The way it contrasted against her white skin took my breath away. Her prominent eyebrows, long lashes, and full red lips had a similar effect. Dark red lipstick flattered her lips. Thick kohl and eye-shadow framed her eyes.

Yet, as pretty as her face was, the real kicker was her body. She had huge breasts, larger than her head. They threatened to rip the fabric of her flimsy teddy. And though it was hard to tell with them trapped in the reinforced cups of her skimpy lingerie, I was fairly sure they were firmer than made any sense for their size and her age. Despite those huge melons, her broad hips, and full thighs, she had a waist that was, against all logic, only a few inches wider than Brianna's. Her sheer black thigh-highs and black heels went perfectly with the teddy. A thin black choker with a white ribbon encircled her neck.

The ordinary Brianna wore tight, faded jeans and an oversized concert T-shirt on top of a long-sleeved T-shirt. The other version wore a full body fishnet outfit, with holes torn out at in the front and back, along with black patent leather heels that were identical to Mom's.

In some sense, they were a study in contrasts. Though no one in their right mind would call Brianna flat-chested, her breasts were still quite modest, and you could count her ribs even when she wasn't wearing a see-through outfit. Everything about her was sharp, pointy, and slender, from her nose, to her cheeks, to her ears. The same went for her figure. Everything about Mom that should be round, was, while the parts that ought not to be were not. She didn't have a six-pack the way Brianna almost did, but this version of her still could not be described as fat. Not with that waist, those arms, that neck, those ankles.

Mom's voluminous black hair hung a little past her shoulders. Brianna's red-brown hair was spiky and cut close to her head. The pixie look was working for her, without question.

Yet they also had a lot in common. They both had large, bright eyes. Mom's were brown, Brianna's green. Their eyes were equally shrouded by long lashes. Both pairs of eyes were framed with black kohl. They had the same unblemished, porcelain skin. The overall bone structure in their faces was similar enough that if Mom had been thinner, had a smaller nose and no wrinkles, their faces would be all but identical.

But since none of that was true, I had to say that the one area where Brianna clearly had Mom beat was from the neck up. Fuck, Brianna was gorgeous.

Mom took the seat that Natalie had vacated earlier, across the table from Brianna. "So what are we playing?" she asked. "I haven't played drinking games in years."

"Kings," Todd replied. "It's kind of complicated, but not incredibly so."

"We were playing Kings," Dom said. "But we were just getting ready to make things more interesting anyway. Do you know how to play poker?"

"Not the new games you kids play. Austin Hold-Them or whatever. But I know 7-card Stud, draw...you know, the basics," Mom replied.

"Great," Dom said. "How about strip poker? 7-card stud."

Todd's jaw went slack. I tried to contain my reaction. Dom's face didn't reveal a thing. Brianna smiled and nodded at Mom encouragingly.

"I don't know," Mom said. She was blushing.

Not a surprised reaction, nor offended. Just reluctance. And probably feigned at that, given the hint of a grin I saw.

So, fuck it. "Come on, Mom. It'll be fun. We can stop at any time," I said.

She stared at me, fretting at her lower lip with her teeth. "Why would any of you even want to see...," she began.

"Don't be ridiculous, Mom," Dom said. "You're no harder on the eyes than anyone here. Besides, it's not meant to be exciting. It's supposed to be embarrassing. Raise the stakes."

Mom regarded Dom. "Well, so long as you really wouldn't mind if I did end up losing a few hands. I'm not sure I'm very good."

"We'll get over it," I said. "With years of counseling."

Which probably ought to have been necessary anyway, given the thoughts I was thinking.

"Okay then," Mom said, "why the hell not. But we stop after topless, okay?"

Dom shook his head and started to explain his objection.

I cut in though. "What if the guys lose hands? If we only have to take off our shirts, the game is rigged in our favor. But if we have to show everything, you should have to too."

Dom nodded. If he saw me as trying to steal his spotlight, he didn't let it show.

"That really is only fair," Brianna said with a shrug.

"If we're going to bother doing it...," Todd said.

"Okay, okay," Mom said, a few spots of color in her otherwise alabaster cheeks.

After a dozen hands, most of us had lost at least one garment. Though, of course, Todd had not. And this was, at least in part, a game of chance. The bastard.

Somehow Brianna had also managed to avoid losing. But she was just wearing the one garment, unless she counted her heels. So that was okay by me, for now. I was afraid the fun just might end the minute one of us had to get completely naked.

For my part, I'd lost my shirt. From what I could tell by glancing down, and from the way Brianna's and Mom's eyes lingered on me when I took it off, the alternate version of me was built like a bodybuilder. I didn't know abs could be that well defined.

Mom had taken off her heels and stockings. Her semi-transparent teddy remained, much to my disappointment. But I had to admit, it didn't really leave that much to the imagination anyway. When she got up at one point to get another drink, we got a nice look at her ass. It wobbled delightfully when she walked. At least, I thought that delightful. Todd and Dom seemed a bit less fixated on it, and a good deal more eager to see Brianna lose a hand.

Dom had lost his shirt early, and on the last hand, his pants. He was wearing black silk boxers that couldn't contain his massive erection. I don't mean it made a tent in his boxers. I mean he had it tucked off to the side, and a good two inches or more poked out beneath the bottom. His head reached more than halfway to his knee. "Fuck it," he said. "I guess that doesn't even count." And with that, he took his boxers off.

Brianna clapped and whooped while Mom blushed and pretended not to look.

Mom's eyes remained fixated in his lap for a while. "Does that mean the game is over? Or, what, do we go until everyone is fully naked?"

Todd scoffed. "That will take forever. You suckers aren't getting nothing from me."

Dom shrugged. "How was the hot-tub, Mom? Should we move the party there?"

Mom regained control of her jaw and her eyes. She folded her arms inward. Her breasts couldn't be hidden without a barn though. "I don't know. This was fun. But...."

"Oh, come on, Mom. You don't want to be the buzz-kill now, do you? After all the points you earned in the coolest-mom-ever department?" I asked.

Todd held his head low, avoiding eye contact. I did notice though, for the first time, a pronounced bulge in his pants. I'd been starting to wonder what was wrong with him.

Mom fretted at her lower lip, met my gaze. "I don't know how many points-"

"Mom. We're going to the hot-tub. We'd love, really love, for you to join us. Your choice. But we're going," Dom said.

She nodded slowly to herself. "Alright. Why not."

Dom looked around the table. "You guys aren't going to make me fly solo?"

"Not a chance," Brianna said, and moments later she was stark naked.

I found myself staring more than I'd expected. Her charms had been more or less fully on display already, and she was hardly my type. But she was just so comfortable in her own skin, so certain that all eyes were on her.

I looked at Mom. She blushed, flashed a nervous grin, and looked away.

"Why not," I said, pulling my pants and boxers off. Something in the back of my mind stirred and, with some effort, I enhanced the size of my cock. I was noticeably larger than Dom, especially in girth. For now, that would do.

The women glanced between my legs. They both looked ready to drool.

Todd joined the party. He was every bit as cut as I had forced myself to be, taller, and with a thinner waist. And probably hadn't needed to make an effort of it. His dick was about the same size as Dom's, a touch longer and thinner.

"Your turn," I said to Mom.

She slipped the loose straps of the teddy over her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. All eyes in the room snapped to attention. Her breasts were even larger than I'd have guessed. Gravity had taken a little bit of a toll, as could only be expected, but her massive tits still mostly hung high. Her nipples pointed outward, not downward. Though they hung below her ribcage, they were round and firm, not at all like pancakes as larger breasts sometimes were. Her areolas were large, twice the size of Brianna's, but were still but a fraction of the overall size of her breasts. Her nipples, very much standing at attention, were almost as big as the tip of my pinky finger.

"Daaamn," Todd said.

"Amen to that," I added.

Mom smiled, eased her arms back, letting her natural wonders come forward a bit more. "Thanks, everyone," she said, blushing.

"Now, for that hot tub. I'm getting cold," Dom said. "Someone grab more drinks."

Brianna and I volunteered to see to that.

My eyes were glued on my mother's glorious ass, which seemed so out of place given her comparatively tiny waist, as she headed up the stairs with my brothers. I almost couldn't believe the way her cheeks swelled and rolled as she walked. So busy was I watching her leave, in fact, that I accidentally brushed Brianna's thigh with my cock as I made my way around the back of the bar alongside her.

"Sorry about that," I said.

My heart raced. The evening had been progressively moving farther and farther away from harmless territory, but that was the first time any of us had touched each other. It was like we were playing a game of Jenga, our little game resting on an ever shakier foundation by the minute. Had I just pulled out the piece that would send it all crashing down?

My cousin just laughed. "It's okay." She tapped the head of my tool, softly, and giggled when it sprang back up with force. "I can think of worse things to bump into."

I almost grabbed her and bent her over the mini-fridge behind the bar there and then. But right after she made that comment, she headed for the stairs.

So I followed her up to the second floor and out to the patio. Mom sat between Dom and Todd in one of the hot tubs. Dom had his arms spread out to the side. Todd's shoulders were hunched inward, and he was mostly staring into his lap, but it was more obvious than he probably thought that he was peering out the corner of his eye at Mom.

Brianna slipped in next to Todd, showing no response to the stark contrast between the freezing air and the warm water. I couldn't manage her grace as I settled in next to her. We passed the beers and mixed drinks around once we were both settled.

"...okay, maybe that was a low estimate," Mom said with a blush. "You don't really want to know, do you?"

"Why not?" Dom asked. "It's not like that has anything to do with whether you're a good mother. We're just making conversation."

Mom covered her face with her hands, laughing nervously. "You're going to freak out though. I know it." She hesitated. "Twenty-seven."

Todd's eyes bulged. But Dom didn't so much as blink.

"Good for you," he said without a moment's hesitation.

"I guess," she said. "I don't know if that's good."

"Why not?" I added. "Did you have fun?"

She nodded without meeting my eyes.

"Then there you go. Nothing wrong with that," I said.

"Exactly," Brianna said. "If not for women like you, women of my generation wouldn't be able to embrace their sexuality without shame. So good for you, and good for us."

Mom drew a deep breath. "So what about you all? Have my sons been very busy?"

"I'll tell you, but you're just going to assume I'm bragging," Dom said. "Thirty-four."

Mom's jaw went slack. She recovered quickly. "And you?" she asked me and Todd.

"Only six," Todd said. Then, after a brief pause, "Okay, that's a lie. More like sixteen."

Mom chewed her lower lip pensively. "You should be proud of your decisions, no matter what they are," she said at last.

"Um, thanks, Mom," Todd said with a frown.

"I've only been with four," I said.

Everyone stared at me in disbelief. Including Mom.

I wasn't sure how to feel. Was it flattering that she'd assumed I'd bedded more women? Or disappointing that she wasn't proud of me for being less promiscuous?

"Damn. I knew you were a loser, but shit," Dom said.

Todd laughed. "Seriously. And there've been at least five girls that you dated for more than a year. So that means you're not even batting a thousand within relationships."

Mom slapped one then the other of her sons. "Boys!"

Brianna shifted a little closer. "I think it's sweet. There aren't a lot of guys," she suddenly burst out laughing. "I'm sorry. Couldn't get that one out with a straight face."

"Thanks," I said, dripping sarcasm.

For all the attention my response was getting, I was suddenly sure it wasn't even true.

It was like I lived two lives, in two different worlds. One in a world in which my family was an ordinary family, and my mother was neither preternaturally alluring nor inclined to play strip poker with her sons. Then there was the one I currently inhabited.

In the former, it was true that I'd only slept with four women. But in this reality, I thought it might be a safe bet that I'd slept with more than four women just counting those in my family. I didn't remember anything in detail, but somehow I still knew it was true.

"Bet every one of those girlfriends was might disappointed, too," Todd said. "Do you even know how to make a girl squirt?"

"Todd!" Mom said. "That's none of our business. Besides, I'm sure he does."

I mouthed a silent thank you to her.

Dom made a show of counting out on his fingers. "So I've fucked fully twenty five percent of the women you've been with. Damn. If I'd have known that, I might not have done it." He paused, and devilish grin spread across his lips. "Or maybe I'd have decided to aim for a clean sweep. Apparently it would've been a lot easier than I thought."

"Fuck you," I said reflexively. Though, honestly, I was pretty much over it. Lauren had been a slut-whore anyway.

"Wait, what?" Mom said. "Please tell me I did not just hear-"

"That Dom is into banging his brother's girlfriends? Oh, yeah. Makes a habit of it."

"Too fucking true," Todd said, siding with me over Dom for a change.

"That's pretty rockstar," Brianna said.

Todd and I glowered at her.

She held her hands up defensively. "What? It is. I mean, I'm sorry it happened to you guys, but until she's married with kids, every woman is a free agent. We're not like you guys. We don't just look for the first person above some minimum threshold who will say yes. We need to be with the top dog. If another alpha male comes along...."

"Come on. Not all women are like that," I said.

"Well...," Mom said. "No, not all. But far more than I think my sweet son might like to believe. Including some of the ones you'd least expect it of." She paused. "The only thing I'd disagree with is the idea that this changes after she gets married and has kids."

Wow. I wasn't sure if hearing that from my mother surprised me more than her agreeing to a late night skinny dip in the hot tub with her sons and niece.

Brianna cut in. "Okay, anyway, what's the wildest thing you've tried?" she asked Mom.

"Oh, nothing beats two guys at once," Mom blurted out. Then she covered her mouth. When no one showed much of a reaction, she took her hand away. "Your father doesn't agree to that as often as I'd like though. Sometimes, I'm really jealous of my sister. Jim lets her do pretty much whatever she wants. Sometimes that means she brings another woman home. For her. Other times, she cuckolds him." She pressed her eyes shut tight. "I can't believe I just told you guys that!"

Apparently we couldn't believe she'd told us that either, because for a while, none of us spoke a word. Finally, Todd broke the silence. In characteristic fashion, he asked what everyone was thinking but was too polite to say. "So, um, spit-roasting, or DP?"

Mom blushed. "Both are nice." Realizing that her answer demanded some elaboration, she then said, "It's not hard to overdo DP. But if I get two studs in my bed and it doesn't happen even once, it's definitely a letdown."

Another collective hush settled over the hot tub.

"I've had three," Brianna said at last. "There's something to be said for it, but two is plenty. And I guess I'm my mother's daughter, because I'm just as happy taking another woman to bed as another man. Sometimes, I don't even want any guys involved."

Mom nodded. "I figured as much, but I think I'd still like to say I've done it. Three guys, that is. I've been with women, and it's okay. I don't mind it. But I don't need it, and I definitely want there be at least one guy involved. Preferably more." She sighed longingly. "Something about the idea of three men all being hot for me...."

My cock was so hard it hurt. Picturing all kinds of terrible things in my mind, I leaned back a bit. This led the tip of my dick to pop up out of the water. Mom gasped.

Brianna giggled and immediately reached under the water and gave me a few pumps. "Whoa, there, tiger. Like to hear mommy talk about taking three cocks at once, do ya?"

Everyone went silent.

Now that was definitely the game-changer. But was the Jenga tower about to collapse?

Or were things about to take an even naughtier turn?

I wasn't the only one suddenly filed with anxiety. To judge from the looks on everyone's faces, uncertainty over what would come next was so thick in the air, it was all but palpable.

At least for a few awkward moments. Until I drew a deep breath, sat back up straight, and said, "Pretty much, yeah. That was really fucking hot."

Brianna laughed and started stroking me faster. "Well, it's good to be honest."

"It was pretty damned hot," Todd said. "Long as we're being open."

Mom turned to Dom. "What about you? Did that freak you out? Or did you also think it was `hot' to hear your mother say she wants to be filled with three dicks?"

Dom smiled. "It's hard to imagine anything hotter than hearing you talk about how much you enjoy sex. Except maybe if you confessed that you don't just want any old three dicks. If you were to go ahead and say..., well I think we'd all lose it."

Mom leaned in and whispered in Dom's ear. I saw her arm moving under the water, and then the other arm, the one by Todd, was as well.

Oh, god. My heart almost burst right out my chest. Was this really happening?

Brianna turned to me. "Well how about that."

"Yeah," I said. "Can't say that's how I pictured the night ending."

"Heh. Nope, me either," she said.

Then my cousin climbed into my lap, facing away from me, reached down and guided my fat cock towards the inviting entrance to her love canal.

I held her steady by her hips, staring at her ass and glistening lips.

She let out moans as she eased down my pole. It took her a while to get me all the way inside. Once she had, her pussy was again submerged under water. That might have accounted for some of the sounds she'd made, but I was more than happy to take the credit.

She ground her hips back and forth a few times. "You're fucking huge, Frank. My god. Mmm, you know, this is all kinds of wrong. Absolutely sick, really. But, damned if I've ever been more turned on than I am right now. I don't care that you're my cousin. Actually, I do. It's turning me on even more."

I tried not to let myself think the same. Tried to focus on little things, like not letting her gorgeous, shiny, red-brown locks get in my face.

Was her hair that long a moment ago?

The last thing I wanted was to cum too early. But holy shit, Brianna was tight, and knew how to use her body. God, did she know how to use her body.

She crooked a finger at Todd. He retrieved his cock from Mom and came over to us. Brianna took it in her mouth like she had never wanted anything so badly. He closed his eyes and his chest and ab muscles squeezed so tight they seemed like they'd rip away from his bones. "Oh, fuck, yeah," he said.

I looked past Brianna's red ringlets and saw Mom bouncing up and down on Dom, holding her breasts to keep them from flopping uncontrollably, while he groped her ass cheeks so tight he left pink marks in her white skin.

Concentrate. Concentrate. Must not finish too soon.

A minute or two later, I felt I had more control over the situation, despite a few close calls. But I felt a bit drained. Like I'd given something up to get there.

I could worry about that later. For now, I was just happy it worked. Still on the very brink of cumming, I somehow kept going. Todd had busted his nut and gone back to join Mom and Dom, leaving me alone with Brie. I redoubled my efforts to get her off, and, without realizing I could, did something inside her head to make sure the pleasure of my efforts was nearly twice as intense as it should have been.

"Mmm, baby, I don't know when you learned to do that, but I like it. It's not going to make enough of a difference in the end, but it sure is nice."

I pulled her hair off to the side and kissed her neck, nibbled her ear. As I did, I whispered, "Don't underestimate me."

She cooed softly, rubbing the back of my head. "You're lovely, dear."

The bitch. She was so convinced she was going to prevail, she apparently didn't even feel the need to bother with trash talk any more.

Burning some more energy, I made my already monstrous member grow further. And I picked up the pace, assaulting my cousin's tight little hole far faster than humanly possible.

She laughed, reached under the water to stimulate her clit. "That's it, baby."

And I did. Did I ever.

As I fucked her, I reached around and fondled her breasts. TheyTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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My girlfriend had not been happy when she saw Sara's friend request. After establishing she was a work friend, she had been wary of me accepting, and when I asked why she told me because Sara was "my type".I denied this profusely, of course, but Jasmine was right, my new work colleague was most definitely my type. She was only a little over five foot with black, curly hair and was extremely voluptuous. I've always liked chubby girls, and she was full figured, with a small belly and full cheeks....

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Rositas Rape

Roberto did not like his boss at all. The man was arrogant and boorish but the job was important right now so he tolerated the awful behavior. When Manuel insisted that he be invited over to their house for dinner after meeting Rosita, the lovely wife of Roberto, he dared not refuse. He broke the news to his sweetheart the best he could but she told him it would be fine. She had heard enough stories about this man and it bothered her the way her husband was treated. It was a Friday evening...

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The HealerChapter 11

Trenta was a quiet backwater of a planet. It was quite lovely, but had nothing to distinguish it from any other of over a hundred similar planets that had originally been terraformed. What it had done though was arrange to scatter its non-essential population over many of the thousand islands in its seas rather than stick them in one huge defence bunker. It had then invited the Ground Force Battalion stationed on the planet along with a swiftly formed planetary militia to defend its capital...

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Heaven or Hell

Hi folks, this one is a shorter one. As usual I'd like to thank everyone who read and commented on last week's story whether you understood what I was trying to do or not. Always remember, writing is like a conversation. I throw an idea out there and you may see it completely differently than I do. There are sometimes aspects of stories that I never knew were there that you guys point out to me. A great example of that is Chrissie. Which I've recently touched up for another project involving...

2 years ago
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Rodric and Melisande

Rodric and Melisande by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original...

3 years ago
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The Secretary

The Secretary By Morpheus Gene Howard frowned as he stared at the numbers dancing on his computer screen. He pulled his eyes away from the monitor and dug through the stack of papers on his desk, matching them and double checking them. After the third time, he knew that it hadn't just been a miscalculation on his part. There were several discrepancies in the company records. Discrepancies which could mean that up to 3 million dollars was missing. "Damn," Gene muttered, wiping his...

4 years ago
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Owner8217s son and myself

I am Amritavalli from Madurai. My email ID: I am from Madurai and I am a Tamil lady and craze-for-sex lady. I am a dark skin lady with slim body with big breasts. I have my broad buttex also. My husband is a signals man in south central railways. We are transferred from cuddapah to Tenali in Andhra. Tenelai has many rich Komati and kamma men and women always in riches. We are poor and living only on the salary we earn. I am a lady maid servant in one of the kamma rich land-lord worth more than...

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This is the world of Caldxeria. Your county is a small one on the coast, it's main city Rieo is where your family resides. Several years ago, your father Duke Perrin died of smallpox and left you as the rightful ruler. Now, you have decided to take your rightful place as king of Caldxeria. But how do you begin?

2 years ago
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Milfty Sheena Ryder Rachael Cavalli Poolside MILFs

Sizzling MILFs Sheena Ryder and Rachael Cavalli may not be stuck in the upside down, but our lucky pool guy would not have it any other way. The chicks love laying out by the water in their ultra colorful swimsuits. They show off just enough skin to get his blood pumping on his dick stiff in his swim trunks. So, when they start seducing him, this guy thinks he is caught in a fantasy. He does not want to end his lucky streak, so he will do whatever these MILFs want. He follows them inside and...

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Three Square MealsChapter 117 Progenitor ascendant

Alyssa let Helene cry against her shoulder, rubbing the aquatic girl’s back as she wept. Whispering soothing words in her ear, she waited until Helene had cried herself out, then said quietly, “Let’s go have a lie down.” Helene nodded and let the blonde lead her out of the Officers’ Lounge into the corridor beyond. The door to Faye’s room slid aside after Alyssa opened it with a telekinetic touch. They walked inside then sat on the bed, with Alyssa pulling the weary teal-skinned girl down...

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Deciding MomentChapter 21

"Jessica," her father said as he looked outside, to see if anyone else was with her, "what are you doing here?" "I thought you might be pleased to see me," Jessica said in an almost teasing manor. "It has been a long time. Too long, Daddy. I've been thinking that we need to have a talk, so I came over to talk with you." He was so flabbergasted that when Jessica pushed past him and walked into the house, he continued to stand there for a moment. "I just need to make a call. It...

3 years ago
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The stereotype sex olympics

Brendan is a lucky man. He has been chosen to take part in this sex study. He has shoulder lenth black curly hair and light brown eyes. He wears a long sleeved black t-shirt and blue jeans. He entered the hotel and went to his room. He was given room keys to the girls' rooms as well. He looked at the pictures. Erin-The white bitch-she has blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears hardly any clothes and has big tits. Her ass is definitly spankable. Lei Fang-The asian whore-She has long black hair and...

4 years ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 9

The hidden cove that Reggie had in mind was also close to his uncle's farm. He figured that if they got there, he could sneak away and bring back his uncle's German Shepherd and see what transpires. Cricket knew immediately what Reggie had in mind when he suggested their secret cove at the beach. 'I guess he can't wait to see Betty get fucked by a dog, ' she thought. 'Sure hope she doesn't freak out over it though.' She knew that Jughead wouldn't object too much, as he had enjoyed...

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Who Are YouChapter 13 Takedown

I called Hector, and we went out before dark to set up our spying equipment around the water tank and Hubbard Lake 5; where the LSAs were landing and off loading the drugs. I had been told by Alan that the DEA and DPS labs confirmed the sample I obtained from the truck on that first night was the same basic formula that was showing up in San Antonio, Austin, Waco, and Dallas. So we found a major source of the drugs being distributed along the I-35 corridor. They also thought that I was right...

1 year ago
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Surprise Visit By PO Officers

This is a true story and its unfortunate that it is. It was end of July and on a saturday when my parents went out of town for a church conference. Me and my girlfriend of 8 months decided to hang out at my house. Me and my girlfriend are of indian decent and live in Long Island, New York. I am 26 years old and my girlfriend is 23 years old. Let me describe my girlfriend. She is about 5’7 and has light complexion, but tan on her arms and on her chest from the summer. She has long killer legs...

Cheating Wifes
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Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls and 12 Prep School Boys

Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls and 12 Prep School Boys By JenniferThe first Monday in August, Miss Greeley, from the Lake Forest Preparatory Academy called me to confirm that her girls were expected at Camp Shady Oaks the following Friday. She wanted to be sure that her girls got a complete fishing experience. I explained that August was not the best month for fishing, and that we would have to start quite early in the morning for the best results. We settled on leaving at 6"00 AM, and Sally...

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Motel Fun

After picking me up late at night we found ourselves at the motel we used to get together sometimes. After a playful shower together I waited anxiously for him, naked, in the bed by the light of the TV. My dick was so hard for him it almost hurt. Please hurry, baby, I thought as my hand stroked my aching cock. I wanted to do something tonight I hadn't done before and I was a little apprehensive. I wanted to suck and lick and kiss that beautiful, gorgeous cock of his! To give him some of...

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The Neighbor

This story is true. Zima wanted me to write it for you as he thought it was good. I tended to not think much of my first time, I never thought that my story was too cool as I did fuck my mom or some super model. But here goes. It was summer and I was at the age when a boy becomes a man. I was pretty happy with the my body was changing. I had hair on my balls and was shooting what I thought was big loads when I stroked my cock. I was having much fun with this as I pretended I was fucking...

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My first time

Me ?? Oh I was a senior in high school and it was a couple weeks to graduation! I was partying real hard with my friends, drinking…doing a little smoke and getting ready to find the most fuckable girl and do some serious lovemaking. Heh heh. Hey, I waited 12 years for this day!! Sure all of us knew that driving and drinking was a no-no, but how do you tell seniors this? Ya can’t! Anyway, it happened. An accident. All I remember was Tom saying we were gonna roll and then I must have blacked...

2 years ago
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I recently had a very erotic experience. Up front I will admit that what I did was somewhat risky. I met with a woman and her boyfriend after they responded to a Craigslist ad I posted. On Craigslist under Casual encounters I post as a man looking for a man and woman. My post title was "I want to eat your Creampie" The body of the post was this. "No long back and forth emails. Only a quick pic exchange. I want to watch you fuck her till you fill her pussy with your hot creamy load, then I want...

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Extra Credit

Marketa and Dan, that’s me, two snot nosed, sniffling, stuffed up blue collar working class brats, became good friends before we even learned each other’s name probably because of being left together by ourselves when our mom’s got together to gossip over morning coffee, were often included in things each of our separate families did as if we were family, chose to do most things outside of our immediate families together during childhood whether it was a team activity like basketball, softball,...

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Sorority Sisters Service Project Hormones and House Rules

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Hormones and House Rules By Lenal Samantha found Brody sitting on her bed, clutching a ruffled pink pillow against her chest. She knocked on the door. "Okay if I come in?" Brody looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Not like I can stop you, Your Majesty." Samantha walked in and put her arm around Brody. "This is your room now: if you don't want me here, I'll leave. Do you want me to leave?" Brody sniffled. "No," she said finally. "What's...

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Battlemage Book 1 Beginnings and DiscoveriesChapter 7

"What do you mean there is a war going on?" asked Aric shocked. "I've never hear of it!" "Most of the cities citizens haven't, we nobles keep it from them. It's been a border dispute in the West really. If you had been in the army you would know about it. They don't want to panic the citizens, so the crown doesn't tell them," said Daven. "But that means people are getting killed and no one knows." said Aric. "Yes they are getting killed," said Daven. "But that often happens...

4 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 27 Three People on a Mission

After the very, very pleasant early a.m. with Mary, I pedaled to the Grocery store. My mind was all over the place, going from driver "ed". to Carly, to ways to make winter cash, to Carmen, and several times – to the deposit I had eased into Mary's mouth just moments ago. When I hit the parking lot of the market, it popped in my little peanut brain that – DUH – somebody I know works here ... and I started to wonder if Laura might be around mid-morning on a Saturday. And sure enough ......

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Fantasy in Fiction

It was near midnight when quick footsteps resounded through the square, muffled in the sultry summer air. The girl was alone, her hair shining platinum under the moon; blue eyes shining like gems flicked back and forth under thick lashes. Her arms were crossed tightly over her small, pert breasts, stretching the white baby doll t-shirt she wore across the shoulders. A short black, pleated skirt swished at her soft thighs, occasionally betraying glimpses of white cotton panties underneath as...

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Kimmies New Love

Kimmie's New Love By sissykimmie I would love to hear from anyone who likes this story Hi, My name is Kimmie. I've been dressing now for 5 years. At age 21 I decided that I just wanted to be a girl full time. Now at age 26, I've had hormones for my breasts and hips and I'm fully developed pre-op T-girl with 36" D cup breasts, nice wide feminine hips, lovely brunette hair and a very pretty face. But I was having difficulty finding someone to have a long term relationship...

1 year ago
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Crossdressing at grandmas Part 1

100% fiction! My brother & i boarded the train bound for grandma's. During the 3 hour journey we had plenty of time to talk about the good old days when we would get into trouble chasing her chickens & how she would bake for us. She was very lonley these days & had asked for us to pay her a visit. After getting off the train we made the short walk to her house. Grandma was delighted to see us & as usual had baked plenty for us. She was very elegantly dressed in blue satin blouse,black skirt &...

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One for herThe Train

We were on the train on our way back from lunch in town, where we had drunk lots of wine and were both very tipsy and horny! We sat at the end of the carraige as it left the station and I sat opposite you as you sat looking over my shoulder down towards the whole carraige. There were only a few people on the carraige but they could only see our heads over the seats, although you could see them if they walked towards us. You sat opposite me in your black skirt, blouse, jacket and those lovely...

2 years ago
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Bet Your Sweet AssChapter 14

The day of the Michigan Democratic Primary... I awoke to a pussy on my mouth, riding my face, while a very slick snatch entrapped my cock, much to my delight. I didn’t really care whose twat covered my lips, as I slid my tongue inside it, devouring it with as much fervor as I would lick a soft-serve ice cream cone or eat a pudding. The owner of said cunt definitely didn’t object to my oral attentions, as I licked her repeatedly, soon adding her taint and her butt-crack to my menu for the...

3 years ago
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ValChapter 8

Val didn't show up to the school for two weeks. Tiffany took over the responsibilities of taking Val her homework. But lucky for me two days after Tiffany told me not to come back I was told that I could visit again, and I was able to go to her house and pick up the homework instead of dropping off the stuff. One day I was surprised when I went to her house. Instead of picking up the homework Val greeted me at the door. She was completely dressed and she had her backpack with her. That day I...

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Mays Taboo Chapters 7 and 8

May’s Taboo Chapter Seven That evening I order Chinese delivered and Mark and I had a good sit down talk about our home life and how it has taken a huge change. I mainly told him I would understand if he didn’t want what we just done to continue. As for me, I went on; I like what we have done together this pass couple of days. The entire photo shooting and all the daring shots we made would really get me excited...

2 years ago
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Lessons in Honesty Squared

I watched quietly as he came to. He was obviously disoriented, and his mind wasn't functioning quite up to par. He grimaced in pain as he discovered his condition. He couldn't move well enough to see how bad it was, but he could definitely feel some pains and aches where there shouldn't be any. He tried to speak but discovered now that he couldn't. The ball gag in his mouth prevented that from happening. His eyes began to focus on me. Finally. He'd been out a bit longer than I'd...

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Anime Convention Harem Ch 03

What the hell am I doing here? Kelly thought, scowling into the restroom mirror. It had been years since she’d attended an anime convention, and too much had changed. She didn’t recognize a single costume anymore, and everywhere she turned con-goers were enjoying some kind of inside joke that was part of their geeky little culture. Pathetic. Kelly considered herself a scene-girl goddess, her hair dyed a perfect shade of black and her artfully teased bangs cut along an angle to frame the...

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The Tales From The Tavern Sleep Now My Kitten Sleep

It was a Friday night. More customers than usual had found their way into big ol’ Toms tavern. The tavern wasn’t exactly overflowing though. The old man himself was the calmness in person, easily keeping pace with the ever recurring orders. “As usual,” some may say. One particular lady had been sitting at the bar the whole evening long, listening to all kinds of stories told by all kinds of customers. Stories of love, desire and lust, some of them truly naughty, some of them a little more...

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Good Luck Charlie Chapter 1

This story takes place about 10 years in the future after Good Luck Charlie ended. Because of this Teddy is now 29, Charlie is 14, Gabe is 20, PJ is 31 and Bob and Amy are both 56. CHAPTER 1 Charlie Duncan gasped as she ran a finger over her clit. She rubbed her hands all over her smooth, young body as she laid naked in her bed. It had been an eventful day for young Charlie. In 1st period she'd had sex-ed, and then while walking by the boys locker room she'd seen something that she...

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ExxxtraSmall Mackenzie Mace Tiny Neighbor Finally Gets It

Petite cutie Mackenzie Mace is tanning out by her pool when she notices her married neighbor Nade Nasty peeking over the fence. They exchange pleasantries and pretty soon Nade makes it clear that his wife and kids aren’t home and he has some time to spare, which is great news for Mackenzie because she’s always wanted to try his huge cock. Nade hops over the fence, bringing more tanning oil for Mackenzie and its doesn’t take long for the two of them to move things to the bedroom where Nade fully...

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Return of Reno

CHAPTER 1 When Ash’s (Ashley) partner of three years had chased after his brother, destroying Carl’s marriage, Ash he thought good riddance and god what a predatory bitch. He reminded himself she’d been on the loose when he scored with her that first memorable night and therefore he wasn’t guilty of wooing her off some other luckless dude. But he was shocked to find how their so-called friends virtually dumped him when word got around that Sharon had left him and his pals told him he was...

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My auntthe final chapter

So, I went to my room, sat on my bed, my heart pounding. I could hear the shower running for what seemed like an eternity, sitting, waiting, hoping. Then it stopped, a few more agonising minutes passed then I heard her shout that she was finished and I could get it. I hurried to the bathroom, seeing her disappear into her bedroom with her towel wrapped around her. So I jumped into the shower and turned the water on, I was now rock hard again as the water played over my naked body, I grabbed...

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Made A 36 Yrs Old Bombshell Vaishali Squirt

My Name is Rahul, 30 years old from Mumbai. I am have been an ISS fan for 2 years now and every time, i would read a story, i would think of the day, for my turn. Well finally here it is. This story goes a month back, I am an entrepreneur, and I started my business back in 2010 since the nature of my business is into hospitality I have always had a “You” attitude to win over clients. I have kept my company’s presence strong on social media sites. One day on Facebook I got a random message from...

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Corona HeightsChapter 4

There were two other boys in the van when it picked up Chad Monday morning. He was still a little hard when he got into the van. As he was waiting to be picked up, he had gotten the random thought that he was glad he did not have to go through the same naked pickup that his parents had done. Thinking about that made him think of standing naked in front of Candy, Cassie, and his mom. There was no way of telling which thought affected him more, but the result was predictable. Sean was the...

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Megan Pt 4

I got over to his house that Friday night; he had several of his buddies over. That didn’t stop me from going in to see him. I let myself in and at first my brother kind of ignored me. I didn’t recognize any of the guys that were over. He just have assed introduced me, “This is my sister Megan.” The guys said hi, I kind of noticed them checking me out but I was too pissed to really care. I told Lex I wanted to talk to him alone. He just told the guys that him and I needed to talk in...

2 years ago
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March Madness Leads to March Nakedness

March Madness Leads to March NakednessNCAA Men’s Basketball playoffs are in full swing and many people are making all kinds of wagers on their favorite teams. Thursday night, friend of mine and his wife came over for dinner and to watch two games – North Carolina vs. Wisconsin and Xavier vs. Arizona. Mark is an Xavier fan and his wife Haley was a North Carolina fan. Babs team had been eliminated early and mine only made it to the second round of the NIT, but we both agreed to pull for Arizona...

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My wifes job 2

Robin was watching with me as my wife, Cindy, was fucked by her boss, Richard. After we saw that they were both cumming, Robin announced, “Well, Cindy, you don't need to worry about Ron being jealous. He just pumped a second load into my cunt when he saw that Richard was filling your cunt with his cum.” “Ron, Cindy,” Richard said, “I think it would be great if you two would spend the rest of the weekend with Robin and me, exploring the exciting sex that we can share. Will you do it?” I...

3 years ago
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My Husbands Boss Helps Me Out

I was sharing some stories with my sister, and she said I should write them down, so here goes.I'm 55 years old, and I was married to Richard for 22 years until 10 years ago when the marriage ended. I'm in good shape for my age, still thin with 36c boobs. My sex life during the marriage was frequent but very limited. My husband was fifteen years older than me and very much in charge. I was his "kept woman" and expected to meet his sexual needs, though he preferred a routine from which he rarely...

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Nana K Ghar Me Masi Aur Mami Ki Chudai

Mera nam raj h.Mai 20, sal ka hun.Mai bahut sidha hun,par ye to ap v jante seedhe logo ko hi sex ki jyada bhukh hoti h kyuki unhe asani se ye ni milta.To sidhe kahani pe ate h bat h 2014 k june ki mai har chhutti me nana k ghar jata tha kyuki waha mami(madhuri)age 34 saal aur choti masi(shruti)age 30 saal ,rehti thi.To mai waha isliye jata tha ki kam se unki chuchi aur gand ko din bhar tarne ka to Milega,unki bra aur penty me muth marne bada maja ata tha.Par ab shruti masi ki sadi ho gai thi 2...

2 years ago
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World BeneathChapter 1 Hidden Doors

I was the girl in the back row. The one nobody ever talks to because she's weird. That had happened when I'd turned fourteen or so and been trying to figure out who and what I was supposed to be. By the time I hit sixteen I had a pretty good idea. I'd dyed my long blonde hair, turning it raven black. I'd painted my face white and decided I worshipped death. Not exactly a great idea if you live in Rochester, Minnesota, a town that had never been on the cutting edge of cultural...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 2 Cinderellas Surrender

"Look at you!" Stepmother said, dragging her over to a full-length mirror. Cindy gasped. Her skirt and blouse were back in place, though the blouse was too tight up top. The new bra cupped her breasts firmly, drawing them upward and together, displaying them to the whole world. She ran her fingers through her hair, which had been brushed, and her usual mousy brown curls shown with a luster she had never seen before. "It's time to go now, dear. Your new father and Pablo are waiting...

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An Erotic Tale Of Lust And Love 8211 Part 2

This is the continuation of Part 1. I was resting my head on her lap while she watched TV. She wore a tank top that day and shorts. I slowly moved near her waist and kissed it. She giggled and pushed me away. I closed in again and lifted the tank top. Her skin tone is such that her waist resembled a juicy orange. I moved further close and bit her gently. She moaned and brought her thighs closer and caught my hair and pressed into her body. I licked the spot where I bit and she fell over me. Her...

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White chicks steal black dick

The women of Malibu County were about the do a party. These women were rich socialites and one of them was getting married. The one who was getting married was Crystal, hot busty blond chick who was 5.5 and 19. She was getting married to someone on the Forbes 100. She was dress in a hooters shirt and was wasted. She had lip balm and blue eye shadow on. Her nails were painted pink and so were he toes. There was a large group of them and they were all drunk. They also were high that night. Most...

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A young submissive female meets her new Master

The little one stands before Him for the first time. As instructed she stands in the middle of the hotel room and keeps the eye contact her Master demands. She waits, lost in her thoughts with the tension of the moment making her entire being scream inside. Master’s instructions for dress were specific and the girl made sure she did as ordered. She is wearing a white button down blouse, dress jeans, a red bra and panties. The outfit extenuates her shapely curves and perfect B cup breast....

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NRI aunty

His happened to some weeks ago. I met this very gorgeous NRI aunty at work. She just moved in and we were put in the same team on this new project. I had something that said she was an easy lay. She was god damn gorgeous guys. Her name was Jaya aged 35 and she was in Europe for quite sometime. She was not very tall, slim…firm butt and firm boobs…must have been 34 30 34. She was on overall a petite aunty. I love these petite aunties. You can be so much in control of them in sex I made my moves...

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Jessicas StormChapter 6

It was three in the morning when I felt a small body cuddle to my back. I was spooned to Brenda at my front, my arm around her and a hand cupping her luscious breast. Jessica pressed her body to my back and I could tell she quickly fell asleep. Brenda had passed out after her last orgasm and I carried her to my bed. I returned to the great room and turned out the lights before climbing in bed behind her. The next time I awoke there was light entering through the windows. My morning erection...

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"I think I'll look out front and see what Timmy's doing." She said aloud, as she picked up her remote and flipped the TV off. She started down the hall and noticed the door to her Mom's bedroom was ajar. "I bet Timmy has been in there prowling around, he knows we're not allowed in there when Mom and Dad are gone." She pushed the door open and peered in nothing was out of place. She started to close the door when a thought hit her. No one will ever know, this could really be...

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Sissy en espaol

Hola, hace tiempo que descubrí esta página y no encontré muchos relatos de este tema en español así que escribiré una de mis fantasías aquí, sientanse libre de agregar capitulos ya sea desde cero o ya de alguna historia que tenga comenzada, lo puse público. Esta es mi primer historia que escribo asi que no esperen una obra literaria o algo parecido pero espero que lo disfruten. ❤️ Esta historia hablara de un chico con muy mala o buena suerte según quien lo vea, que pasa por situaciones...


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