SRU Weekend in Reno
- 4 years ago
- 40
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When Ash’s (Ashley) partner of three years had chased after his brother, destroying Carl’s marriage, Ash he thought good riddance and god what a predatory bitch. He reminded himself she’d been on the loose when he scored with her that first memorable night and therefore he wasn’t guilty of wooing her off some other luckless dude.
But he was shocked to find how their so-called friends virtually dumped him when word got around that Sharon had left him and his pals told him he was still fine as a buddy but it was ‘the wife who preferred not to have him around any longer.
Ash asked why was he on the outer with their wives and was told that there must be something wrong with him, according to their wives and possibly he’d beaten up Sharon, or refused her request to get married or, and quote, ‘something serious like that’.
Of course Ash said that was all bullshit and his pals said they’d tell their wives but no invitations to resume visitations arrived. Even Mrs Hope at the store where he got his milk, bread and newspaper each morning had asked him aggressively what had he done with Sharon.
Ash was now thoroughly sick of her name. She’d broken up their relationship and wrecked his relationship with his brother. To hell with Sharon!
Three days later he left his hometown of Auckland, New Zealand, on a flight to Australia. When going in to the travel agency to book for a two-week vacation he’d complained thought the price was too high and was told that was because he wanted to leave immediately instead of booking well in advance and taking advantage of ‘specials’. However the consultant Mrs Glass arranged private accommodation to him at a rate well below what hotels and motels charged.
Ash arrived in Sydney International Airport knowing he was to look for a sign that said ‘Dan and Rene McQuirt’.
He pushed his trolley looking for such a sign and only saw one vaguely familiar and went back along the line and read it properly, ‘Ashley Watson.’
He said he was Ashley Watson and the thin, redheaded parrot-faced woman wearing green and yellow said oh hi, she was Rene McQuirt.
‘We were expecting a female.’
Ash looked around for the other components of ‘we’ but no one was with her.
‘I’m afraid I can’t change my sex at such short notice.’
‘Oooh that’s all right then,’ she said. ‘The others couldn’t come to greet you because there’s a beach carnival on at our beach, an annual event.’
‘Oh,’ said Ash, aware his value was less than a beach carnival.
‘What do you do?’ he asked Rene as they walked to her vehicle.
‘I’m a retired cabaret singer-dancer.’
Ash eyed her thin body.
‘Oh I see you are on to me. I had my silicone boob enhancements removed.’
‘Oh,’ said Ash, thinking this rather odd Australian woman was beginning to appeal to him.
‘What do you do Nash?’
‘Actually it’s Ash.’
‘Oh bugger. Shall we try again? What do you do Ash?’
‘As little a possible.’
‘Oooh are you Australia?’ she said that they laughed.
‘Actually I resigned my job,’ said the 34-year-old. ‘My girlfriend dumped me for my brother and all my friends faded away because I was no longer flavor of the month with their womenfolk.’
‘Well that was bound to happen. Did you beat your girlfriend or make her pay half of the restaurant bill or reject her proposal of marriage?’
‘Er nothing like that.’
‘Oh I pleased to hear that. I have two daughters living at home and wouldn’t be comfortable having you living with us if you were a woman-basher.’
‘But I like women.’
‘Good for you.’
‘Rene your application to host overseas visitors stated that you and your husband were very affluent suburban folk with the youngsters long flown the nest.’
‘Well that what’s attracts patronage. If we said two adult kids live at home then no foreigners would come near us because of the fear of family fights and bathrooms either being occupied or left in a mess.’
‘Oh, very perceptive Rene.’
‘Well I do have more between my ears than between my shoulders.’
Ash didn’t have to puzzle over than one.
They boarded a blue Holden V8. Rene started the engine of the veteran vehicle and Ash groaned.
‘What is it, dysentery?’
‘No Rene. I’m an automotive engineer. This engine of this vehicle is so far out of tune it’s a wonder it can progress forward.’
‘Watch your mouth buster. My Dan is our vehicle maintenance man, shortened to Dan the Man and probably you are familiar with that being American.’
‘I’m a New Zealander.’
‘Oh sorry, is there really a difference?’
Yes, thought Ash. Wacky Rene was appealing beyond belief. She was one of those colorful and fearless women who believe everything they said was true.
‘Stop the engine Rene.’
She obeyed.
‘Do you have any tools on this heap, er this vehicle?’
‘If you mean in the boot yes, Dan keeps a tin box of them there.’
Ash tinkered and then returned to the tools and climbed back in the vehicle, saying he’d need the proper equipment to really tune the vehicle but had improved performance.
‘Oh yeah, likely story. Males will never admit they failed a mission,’ said Rene, accelerating forward to turn into the access feeder lane but had to brake heavily to avoid ramming a $A150,000 Mercedes sedan parked opposite on the far side of the road.
‘Struth mate you’ve given the old girl some toe.’
‘Rene stop it. I haven’t touched you.’
‘You fool, I’m saying my car now has grunt.’
‘Oh thanks.’
Ash also expected it was no longer blowing out a cloudy pollutant exhaust of an over-rich fuel mix.
‘Thar she blows,’ Rene said fondly, pointed to a house with an orange roof that went down the hill in three distinct levels and stopped just short of a sea wall. The beach was crowded and colorful for the carnival and the more shapely women than almost totally consumed Ash’s eyesight. Most were down to a little patch over pussy and showing absolutely no bikini hairline and the bikini tops made a brave effort to cover the nipples. Some tits were really quite enormous and as far as he could seen none were implanted with silicone although he was no authority on breast enhancement.
Rene noticed his focus and said dryly, ‘That’s why Australian women are such great swimmers, they have been bred to gain extra buoyancy over their chests.’
He was quite prepared to believe her.
‘I’ll be living on the sands,’ he drooled.
But Rene was ahead of him.
‘Mate after a couple of days you will have over-dosed on tit and almost bare ass. Suddenly the standout women will be tall, lean women with modest curves who bent it like Mrs Beckham.’
He looked blank.
‘Victoria Beckham, famous wife of the international soccer star of yesteryear.’
He still looked blank and Rene said sorry, she should have said the fat-arse wife of muscle-bound Rugby player who ran after inhaling nitro.
Now Ash had a vague idea of what she was getting at.
Ash and Rene were having a cool beer when two young broads climbed the stairs on to the deck. Ash’s dick almost leapt out of his shorts in delight.
‘Girls this is out houseguest Mr Watson. Ash on the right is our eldest Victoria and three years behind is Reno who is twenty and studying English Lit at University. Victoria has graduated in finance and runs admin of our family boat business.’
‘Hi Victoria and Reno. Great tans, great shapes, great your women physically and it sounds like the IQ is up there too.’
‘There is no need to try to suck up to us,’ Victoria said. ‘We know you are a New Zealander and so will be critical and shallow.’
‘Sorry mom but I was only quoting you.’
‘Omigod,’ groaned Rene. ‘To the rescue Reno.’
‘Welcome to our home, Mr Watson
. You look very athletic yourself and although you are obviously older than me I would point out I’m twenty, old enough to date anyone I please. If you want company in bed just let me know. I have my childhood teddy bear somewhere.’
Ash burst out laughing and said he thought he would have landed in a great place.
‘Call me Ash girls. I can’t recall any woman I’ve ever met with the quality of character your mom exhibits. She is simply awesome. I struggle to understand her idiom but watching her face as she enjoys her quips and barbs is sufficient to send my mind rollicking.’
‘You command of language Ash underpins what our tutors say about educated New Zealanders,’ Reno said. ‘My mind was left spinning with what you just said about your mind was left rollicking. Until know I never would have used such a phrase. You obviously have the knowledge to express yourself confidently.’
‘Well observed and articulated Reno and I’ve not been patronizing. What say you Victoria?’
‘Please call me Vicky. With language I’m very Australian and take the easy way out. To acknowledge something without effort we say, ‘Is that right?’ or more informally ‘Is that right mate?’ That reply is short, is generally well received, and ending in a question prolongs the conversation.’
‘God I never knew that,’ Reno the student in English said and her sister just smiled.
Victoria continued. ‘You will find Australian idiom is simplified bursts of language Ash and that tends to have us regarded internationally as being rather unsophisticated and if you move around our vast country you may come to understand why: it can become too hot and dry to put too much effort into talking. Conversely as a people we tend to be very adaptable and given the chance can hold our own if we settle in other countries.’
Ash brushed away a fly and said, ‘I find this very interesting.’
Victoria smiled, ‘Oh I dropped my date for tonight is case you wanted to take me out.’
Ash said carefully, ‘Take you out?’
‘A date.’
‘But I’m thirty-four, rather old for you at… at…er…?’
Victoria giggled, ‘I’m twenty-three. I wasn’t proposing to have children by you?’
‘What? Oh yes I only regarded it as a one-off occasion.’
‘At lot can happen in a one-off occasion.’
Victoria’s mother told her to stop teasing their guest. ‘Vicky means she’ll take you to places for a drink and to talk to people she know, including friends who are quite a bit older that her. It’s a way to introduce you to the social scene we have here and then Reno will take you surfing here and at other beaches.’
Dan and Ash got along very well and had a couple of memorable nights out with some of Dan’s pals when they visited numerous pubs (bars), what the Australians call a pub crawl which involves going from pub to pub in short-stay visits.
At the end of two weeks Ash returned home, satisfied he’d had his best vacation ever.
On the second occasion they dated, Victoria got rather drunk and wanted sex. Ash obliged of course and she was okay but a little lethargic, probably due to excessive dancing and alcohol. He thought unkindly that little sister looked to be the real sex queen, er, fueled with nitro?
On his final night in Sydney Rene slipped into his bed, told him to be quiet and went down on him, giving him his best fellatio ever. Then she said that’s all and was gone, with surprising strength spinning out of his grip and ignoring his pleas to allow him to fuck her.
Ash arrived home feeling more confident and more energized.
Three days later he’d answered an advertisement from a company in Queenstown in the South Island. The two principals were in Auckland interviewing suitable applications to work in the vehicle dealership as assistant service manager with specific responsibility for maintaining high standards of work.
Ash won the position and was given time to sell his small house before relocating 1650 road miles to the south that included crossing Cook Strait in an inter-island ferry. Ash settled in well and paid through the nose for a small house. Prices were high because Queenstown was a ski resort and an internationally acclaimed ‘adventure playground’.
A couple of months later he was promoted to the position of director of operations with responsibility for sales and servicing. He was promoted over the more senior and experienced sales manager and service manager, but was told by the CEO of the investment company that owned a variety of businesses, those two managers were ‘plodders going nowhere’.
Ash was busily dating but had been unable to find anyone suitable to invite to move in with him. Many of the females who passed through his arms were short-term visitors although some did stay with him for a few nights.
Then, out of the blue he suddenly had a houseguest. Since his return from Australia, Ash and Rene had exchanged emails every two to three weeks and she always ended with the line, ‘the others send their regards’ but they never wrote.
In late November Ash answered a door knock. Grinning at him, dressed in blue and with a large hiker’s backpack was Reno, named after the place in America where her mom worked in a show for three weeks, an occasion Rene regarded as the highlight of her career in cabaret.
‘Hiya cobber.’
‘Greetings Reno. Um may I kiss?’
‘Please do but remember you’re not my father.’
Ash kissed her on the lips, itching to pull her close and kiss her passionately because she was so pretty and adorable, but stopped short of that.
‘Call that a kiss, this is a kiss,’ Reno said and slammed against him and gave him a part-open mouth and wet kiss that continued until they were near breathless.
‘Wow. The Kiwi (New Zealand) climate suits you.’
She smiled and suggested he ask her in.
‘How did you find me? I don’t recall giving your mom my street address,’ he said, leading her inside.
‘I asked a guy in a tow truck.’
‘A balding guy with a red beard?’
‘Yes, really friendly until I asked how many kids did he have.’
‘Yeah that will be Kerry Smith. I go hunting with him.’
‘What you shoot rabbits up in these sensational-looking hills.’
‘We go after deer.’
Reno looked dismayed. ‘Oh no not beautiful, trusting deer.’
‘You’re thinking of Bambi. The deer we go after are tough bastards. We stalk them and suddenly they just disappear. We chase them around a bend and they’ve gone. Often we come home empty-handed. Here let me undress you… um let me take your backpack and jacket. Where are you staying?’
‘Here I hope.’
‘Um I live here by myself.’
‘Well that answers my prayer. I worried you might have a woman living here.’
‘I’ve had some women stay here.’
‘Good that means you won’t be rusty.’
Ash swallowed. ‘Are you thinking of sleeping with me?’
‘Shall we say intending?’
Ash now looked nervous. ‘But you’re only twenty?’
‘Bullshit. I’m much older. I turned twenty-one six weeks ago and don’t worry, mom won’t kill or even maim you. She really likes you although in romantic context I think her mind was fixed on you and Vicky. Did you shaft Vicky?’
‘That’s not something I ought to discuss.’
‘Come on, loosen up.’
‘Well we did get together one night.’
‘I bet she wasn’t any good. She says she doesn’t like sex much, that she feels too uncomfortable when insertion takes place.’
‘And you are good at sex?’
‘Yes I adore it. Want to try me out now?’
Ash diverted and asked had she contacted her mom to say she’d arrived safely.
‘Yes a few hours ago when I arrived in Christchurch.’
‘Um but this is Queenstown.’
‘I know but my phone knows where I am and if mom wishes to speak to me she only has to call. Ash you want me to call her and ask if it’s all right if I sleep with you?’
Ash shuffled.
thought so. Well the answer is no. Mom doesn’t decide who I fuck.’
‘We were only talking about sleeping.’
‘Christ Ash stop playing games. You and I will be fucking tonight so get used to the idea.’
‘You’re only twenty… or have we discussed that?’
‘Please get it right, I’m twenty-one. Look this is what girls do when they are released from university end of year. I don’t return until the last week in February.’
‘Wow what will you do during such a long break?’
Reno eyed him steadily and leered, ‘What do you think?’
Ash was taking deeper breaths. ‘Um let’s go out for a drink and then dinner.’
‘Okay but I want to wash my hands and face and change. Please take me to the bedroom and settle me in.’
‘Settle you in?’
Reno grinned. ‘Give me a couple of drawers and some wardrobe space and tell me which side of the bed you prefer to operate from.’
‘Operate from?’
‘Throw a leg over,’ Reno said, really enjoying this encounter.
* * *
They walked noisily to the house from the detached garage, Ash with an arm around Reno and cupping a breast, she not having to place it there. The wines had relaxed him wonderfully.
As he unlocked the front door she hiccupped and said, ‘Let’s get inside and let me get your dick out.’
‘Oh I’ll do that for you,’ Ash said expansively.
She giggled.
‘God your tits are larger than what I remembered.’
She tossed aside the bra and said, ‘Well just a little bit. I’m now into bigger bras. Both Vicky and mom are jealous, particularly mom. Did you fuck mom?’
‘No of course not.’
‘If you pressed her I’m sure she would have done it with you. She really likes you.’
‘Yeah well I really like her too but that doesn’t mean we should have sex. Besides she’s married and you dad and I are pals, and a guy doesn’t do that to a pal.’
‘Oh yes, the old-fashion code but I liked hearing you say that. Dad’s had quite a bit of trouble with mom’s irreverent behavior over the years. Aren’t you going to undress?’
‘I was waiting to make sure you don’t have a penis.’
Reno fell over she was laughing so much. Wiping her eyes after Ash helped her back on to her feet, Reno said, ‘God you are funny, er foul and funny.’
She unbuckled Arch’s pants and they dropped.
‘Can I touch it?’
‘Oh yeah.’
With that encouragement she pulled his briefs down as she dropped on to her knees and licked it up one side and down the other and then sucked the head like an ice cream, looking up at him.
‘Oh yeah, oh yeah.’
Further encouraged Reno sucked in more cock and began revolving her hand around it like a seasoned veteran. Ash thought perhaps there were cock veterans at the age of twenty these days, er twenty-one.
He worried about forcing into her tight little hole and hurting here and that almost made him ejaculate and so he concentrated on pushing her blonde hair away from her very pale blue eyes and thought what a cute nose she had. It certainly looked cute against the slickness of his erection buried in her mouth.
Oh shit his balls felt on the boil. Frantically he thought of some clown tipping a drum of oil over the almost spotless workshop floor just as the CEO began his weekly inspection wearing white shoes.
Ah crisis over. ‘Oh yeah, oh yeah.’
Reno looked up and looked at him happily. Christ she did enjoy sex.
She pulled him from her mouth and said, ‘Glad you are liking this. A great cock. I can’t wait to get it up my ass.’
Ash was shocked.
Reno had just got it back into her mouth when it blew, sending streams of cum into her mouth and making her choke.
‘God you could have warned me,’ she spluttered.
Ash mumbled it was one of the hazards of having sex. He was devastated to learn that Reno had probably lost her anal innocence. Oh life was so heartless on young women these days.
He lifted Reno to the bed, she using that opportunity to wipe her mouth and chin on his shirt.
Ash removed his fouled shirt and went down on Reno, pushing her legs wide and snaking it his tongue.
‘Oh Jesus,’ she cried, filling his mouth with warm liquid.
Ash spat most of it out and grumbled she might have warned him and she giggled and said that was one of the hazards of having sex.
He grinned and set back into taking a ride of exquisite sensations. Although women around his age praised his ability at cunnilingus, Ash thought sadly Reno probably could say she’d had a dozen of first-year university guys, callow 19-year olds, who were better.
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The dialogue between ship and planet continued sporadically as the Gardener made its final approach and took up geosynchronous orbit over the Centerville settlement. Smog still permeated the Eden skies in that area, but brief clearings allowed the humans to see that considerable further development had occurred on the land below them. There were now actually recognizable roads linking the structures—probably, Igwanda speculated, needed to accommodate the natives' newfound use of wheeled...
June Cirillo made an entry in her notebook: ‘July 2nd 1987. On way to England.’ She looked at the words critically and frowned. She really ought to say something else. ‘The flight has been swift and smooth and the time has passed remarkably quickly.’ That was better. Not much, perhaps, but better. Time? It might only take a few hours to cross the Atlantic, but in reality they were going back more than forty years. It had all gone so quickly. Was it possible that so many years had flashed by...
Jenny Edwards sat in at the small table in the little café sipping a soda and waiting. She brushed her light brown hair out of her blue eyes as she drummed her fingers on the table. This was a meeting she'd avoided for over five years, but now, she knew it was time to deal with this situation once and for all. A petite brunette with brown eyes walked up and said, "Jenny?" Jenny looked up and saw her ex-sister-in-law, Amy Taylor, the woman who broke her brother's heart and the reason he...
Lena knelt and placed the weather balloon on the surface of the mud. It was a blocky device about the size of a lunchbox, serial numbers and logos decorating its white casing. She pressed an activation switch on the top and watched it unfold, taking a step back as it whirred to life, its protective shell opening up and expanding into an octagonal dish to reveal the probe within. It was as much a drone as a weather balloon, with four little rotors that were currently folded up in order to keep...
We have been so busy these last few months, moving home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t got round to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes. .As you will have hopefully read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ you will know, both myself and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and not known gives us more opportunity to indulge in our exhibitionist...
Only when we are lucky enough to be away from home, do we really get the opportunity to indulge in my wife's exhibitionistic behaviour. Once we discovered our mutual enjoyment of her desire to be admired by strangers, with my encouragement, she has become quite daring over the years. For us, there is nothing we both enjoy more than some interaction with some receptive voyeur. Recalling the memories is very much a turn-on for us.This was our second visit to the vibrant town of Puerto Banus in...
ExhibitionismOnly when we are lucky enough to be away from home do we really get the opportunity to indulge in my wife's exhibitionistic behaviour. Once we discovered our mutual enjoyment of her desire to be admired by strangers, with my encouragement, she has become quite daring over the years. For us there is nothing we both enjoy more than some interaction with some receptive voyeur. Recalling the memories is very much a turn-on for us.This was our second visit to the vibrant town of Puerto Banus in...
Dear Katie, Pansy, Jeannie, Candi and Tammy, thank you for those lovely comments. Please keep posting your reviews here. Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 13. Mummy and Uncle Jake. Jane was driving fast and the lights of Jake's red Porsche followed close behind, making her loose tawny locks glint in the bright halogen headlights from time to time. Daphne stared at Mummy's beautiful face like a lovesick puppy from her toddler car seat in the back. In profile Jane looked regal and...
We have been so busy these last few months, moving into a new home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t gotten around to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes.Hopefully, you’ve read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ and you know that both I and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me. Especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and anonymous, gives us more opportunity to indulge in our...
ExhibitionismThe weekend was longer for Don than any other before. He moped around the cabin, hurt by the angry words his sister had said to him. Monday morning he rode into work and did his normal duties with a heavy heart. Afterward, he wandered into the bar to find Jason sitting at their normal table, with a pitcher of beer, two full glasses, two full shot glasses, and the sampler plate waiting.“I figured you’d be ready for a cold beer,” said Jason, “and something a bit stronger for your pain.”Don sat...
Fantasy & Sci-FiDearMike S., Tammyjean, Jeannie, Candi and Katie, thank you for those lovely comments. I really appreciate knowing what you think. Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 9. Meeting Uncle Jake While Daphne finished changing Nancy's nappy, Zoe ran off to play with her scooter on the patio. Jessica concentrated for a moment on undressing her dolly, and golden silence reigned supreme for a few minutes. David became aware of the need he'd felt earlier, more pressing now. He pushed a bit and he...
"NO! Damn it Roger I don't want to just take off and lay around the damn beach with you. I'm sick of Miami and have more important things to do than traipse all around the country with you. That's all you want to do any more. We're young. We need to live it up before it's too late. I'm sick of you telling me I can't go out with my friends. I have a life and if you want to share it you need to change your ways. Just because I agreed to marry you doesn't give you the right to tell me I...
Return of the Teen ,Morphed to a Sexual Woman. She was 21 and had been away from home for two years when she called to ask if she could come to stay for a few days, and then was meeting her boyfriend at the airport to go east for her first trip to the Big Apple. As we chit chatted and brought each other up to date on the way to my patio home, I realized that she had indeed matured quite a bit. She no longer had that little girl approach and wide eyed wonder at things. She had become quite a...
Return To The Nursery by Baby Jennie (and Anonymous) This is based on a story called 'The Nursery' by an unknown author. I found it in the archives on Buffalo Betty's old site, untouched and abandoned since 2009, and decided to re-write in for my own perverted pleasure. I hope you enjoy reading it. Warning! This story contains scenes of female domination, forced infantilism, bondage and discipline, sadomasochism, public humiliation, sexual intercourse, homosexual and lesbian sex,...
Dear Sissymissy, Sissy Jeannie and sissy baby Tammy, thank you for those lovely reviews. Thanks girls! One of the reasons I write erotic sissy-baby fiction is to help naughty little sissies like you girls to make sissy squirties in their nappies. I'm pleased to hear I was successful! I hope the next chapter helps you all make even more messes! And the 'potty-training' session is coming soon. I promise! And Anon - one of the joys of being an author is to give hints of what might happen,...
Lena taped the wireless pickup to her throat, then brought up her wrist-mounted computer, a military model that she had recently gotten her hands on. Having the station’s security chief owe her a favor had really paid off. She calibrated it, punching in commands on the touch screen, and the computer registered the microphone. “Testing, testing, one two three...” The graph charted her voice in peaks and valleys, it was working correctly. “Ok Sleethe, are you ready?” The Krell lifted his...
Henry Ruiz-Costa slowly walked up the stairs to enter the building he had not seen in over ten years. Things had changed he thought. A uniformed porter was sitting behind bulletproof glass and there was a walk-through metal detector for visitors. "I'd like to speak to Lord Lambert," he told the porter. "I'm an old friend of his. The name's Henry Ruiz-Costa." The porter was polite. "Would you please take a seat, Sir? I shall check with His Lordship's secretary." Inwardly, the...
When they drove to the Road House for the New Year's Eve dance, Christina was the designated driver. She was not partial to drinking claiming a bad experience in her youth. Josie contemplated to forsake drink but knew it would be noticed. How could she explain her fear of screwing up? She drank lightly during dinner in the restaurant near the harbour and she sipped sparingly when they sat at their table in the dance club. She danced a lot, though. She danced with Henry, but she sensed his...
With the large vault door closing behind Jacob the same eerie silence he had grown up with returned to his life, the mix of boredom and safety that had once been all he’d known. Now it felt strange, a phase of his life he had grown out of, left behind even though his thoughts never quite left.He had lived through more than just one lifetime in the past years, ended the lifetimes of others and helped those in need. It had made him rich and a legend, he owned houses in Megaton, Rivet City and the...
Return to Misty By Kellie Cliffe My name is Dave. At least it is to my friends. To most people I'm Mr. Jones. I teach Social Studies at the local high school. Life is fairly routine, going from one lesson to the next, from one day to the next. Then some two and a half years ago life became really interesting and definitely NOT ordinary at all! That was the day when Misty Wright, one of my students (now ex- students) provided me with the time of my (or should it be HER?)...
"What about us?" Megan asked. "Are we staying? I mean, school will start in a week." They were having supper, and the events of the day were weighing heavily on them. Ellen had stayed to give moral support. "Give me the address of your school. I'll send a note that your mother had a medical emergency in Europe and that your return will be delayed," Henry answered. "Mr. Jennings will go ballistic," Pat threw in. "I can already hear his rant. 'No extra tours, young ladies, just...
It's late at night, Sunny is totally exhausted from her long day and it's time for her to relax. She took a nice, long warm soothing shower. The warm water easing her tired aching body. She retreats to her bedroom and toweling herself dry, I look out the window, noticing a full, silver moon. Its soft glow shining down making the night almost like day. I decide to open my window to share my evening with the warm summer wind. As she stood there, naked, letting the warm air finish drying her,...
It's late at night, Sunny is totally exhausted from her long day and it's time for her to relax. She took a nice, long warm soothing shower. The warm water easing her tired aching body. She retreats to her bedroom and toweling herself dry, I look out the window, noticing a full, silver moon. Its soft glow shining down making the night almost like day. I decide to open my window to share my evening with the warm summer wind. As she stood there, naked, letting the warm air finish drying her,...
The client, heir to a banking fortune in Canada, nodded impatiently as he perched on his chair in the showroom.. He was young, he had speedboats and vacation houses and girlfriends and more money than he knew what to do with. Which suited Max just fine, because his firm catered to exactly such clientele. Max pressed a button on his desk. The door opened, and a woman trainer escorted the man's custom-designed LoveDoll to stand in the center of the room. The young man blinked. "She's so....
8:10 PM local time, Thursday, December 31, 2009, near the city of Huelva on the southern coast of Spain, close to the Portuguese border... "Isabelle all tucked in?" Carlotta nodded. We held hands and began our evening stroll. Our return flights to Chile would start early tomorrow morning, and we had both decided not to attend any New Year's celebrations. We walked along the edge of the ocean, breathing the cold salty air. "This vacation has been a dream for me..." commented...
All too soon their sojourn on Earth was coming to its end. The Gardener had been refitted expeditiously, its new crew and supercargo selected, and the date of departure was nearing. Save for their early unpleasantness and a few annoyances of their public relations ventures, the visit home had been an unalloyed pleasure for both Igwanda and Meiersdottir. They'd been welcomed without either hesitation or qualification by each other's natal families, and both sets of grandparents had doted on...
Good news, it's said, travels fast, and this was no exception. Soon the shipboard romance, and its culmination in the forthcoming ceremony on Eden, was the talk of the Gardener. Even Hill's erstwhile lovers rejoiced for her, so open and giving was her nature, and all of the others on board, even those who knew the two only slightly—as well as the several women who had previously been at pains to show their disapproval of Hill's undisguised sexuality—seemed pleased for the happy...
I had a nice long shower until I felt that my body was somewhat under control again. After I dried myself off, I noticed that the door to Megan's room wasn't completely shut. Was it like that before I got in the shower? I couldn't remember. I moved a little closer to it, trying to look through without being obvious about it. I could see her bed from where I was standing but there was no one there. Seeing that Megan wasn't in there and not hearing any movement I looked a little closer. It...
IncestWednesday, April 13, 2005 (Continued) Julia was waiting for us at the car drop-off place when we arrived at school. This was unusual as we tended to arrive fairly early and where she leaves her bike is a bit of a walk away. After the car had gone, Donna being long gone by then too, Julia greeted us both with kisses on the cheeks. Carol was already holding one of my arms so Julia grabbed the other and we started walking. Julia leaned forward and smiled at Carol, saying, "Good morning my...
Dear Krystalasbaby, Jane Hudson, Sissy Katie, Sissymart and Kitty Poodle, thank you for those lovely reviews. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. BJ Chapter 20. Baby Under Control The next morning when Jane unpinned Daphne's saturated night nappies, she was prepared. She slowly lowered the sodden front flap, took a quick peek, then hastily covered her little girl's spurting clittie. Jane gave her embarrassed baby girl a smile of long-suffering and shook her head in apparent...
Hi, my name is Jennifer and this is another one of my on-going series of stories about my various adventures as a young, wild woman. I get a lot of questions as to how I look. I think I'm pretty average. I don't break any mirrors or anything when I look into them and I personally think that's a good thing. I am petite though, that's my most dominant feature. Strange isn't it that being diminutive is a feature - and a dominant one at that - but I have to say it is. Guys seem to love petite...
I think the rays of the morning sun through the thin curtains woke me up. Either that, or my pussy craving my attention. At least that’s what I like to believe. Because I’m old I know to know how much I enjoy sex. And why not? I love what it does to my body – whether it’s a man’s hands or my own fingers – a man’s cock or my favourite vibrator. All the sensual pleasures of a female body. And the sensation of losing control once the orgasm surges through me and I hear myself screaming in...