Return To Cala De Sirena free porn video

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Jenny Edwards sat in at the small table in the little café sipping a soda and waiting. She brushed her light brown hair out of her blue eyes as she drummed her fingers on the table. This was a meeting she'd avoided for over five years, but now, she knew it was time to deal with this situation once and for all. A petite brunette with brown eyes walked up and said, "Jenny?"

Jenny looked up and saw her ex-sister-in-law, Amy Taylor, the woman who broke her brother's heart and the reason he left the country. "Amy," said Jenny.

Amy sat in the empty chair and said, "I'm so glad you agreed to meet with me."

"I'm not sure why you insisted on meeting with me," said Jenny.

A waitress walked up and said, "Something for you ma'am?"

"Diet Coke please," said Amy.

"And would you like a refill?" asked the waitress.

"Sure," said Jenny. "Thanks."

"Coming right up ladies," said the waitress and walked away.

"Have you talked to him?" asked Amy.

"Who Don?" asked Jenny.

"No, Santa Claus. Of course Don, who the hell else would I care about?"

"Look Amy, you'd better back off now or I'll leave. You broke my brother's heart and because of you, I haven't seen my brother live and in person for over five years now."

"I'm sorry Jenny," said Amy. "I really thought I was doing the right thing at the time. Only now, it's just, I miss him. The problem is, he changed his phone number, he's not working here in the city any more, he moved out of the apartment he was living in, and I can't find him."

"He's left the country," said Jenny coldly.

The waitress walked up, set the drinks on the table, then asked, "Anything to eat ladies?"

"Maybe later," said Amy.

"We need a few more minutes please," said Jenny.

"Okay," said the waitress and walked away.

"What do you mean he left the country?" asked Amy.

"He went on vacation and never came back. He got a permanent transfer and said he wasn't coming home. He calls me via Skype once a month, as it's cheaper than using his cell phone. Our talks are short, but he seems happier. He doesn't look like he's 50."

"Where is he Jenny?"

"He's on an island. That's all I'm going to tell you."

"Damn it Jenny! Why are you hiding him from me?"

"I'm not. He's moved on to my shock and surprise. I'd almost say he's found someone else. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get going. Goodbye Amy."

Jenny stood up and threw a ten-dollar bill on the table. "Jenny wait!" cried Amy.

Jenny glared at Amy. "What?"

"Next time you talk to him, tell him I'm sorry."

"Fine," snapped Jenny and walked out of the café.

Jenny walked to her car and drove home. "Why did I meet with her?" she said to herself. "I knew it would end up like this."

Her phone rang and she pushed the Bluetooth headset button, "Hello."

"Are you still with the bitch?" asked Daniel, her husband.

"Nope, I'm on my way home."

"Good, because our flight leaves in a few hours."

"I can't believe we're doing this, and it means the world to me that you were able to book us a place that would take the kids."

"Jenny, I love you. I know how upset you've been since Don moved away, and how much you want to see him. Did you tell her we were going to see him?"

"Nope," said Jenny, "she tried to get me to tell her where he's at but I wouldn't do it."

"Does she want more money?"

"She claims she wants him back."

Daniel laughed. "Jenny, I'm telling you Don's with someone else. He may not want to tell us, but there is someone new in his life."

Don Taylor woke to the sun shining though the small bedroom window of his beachfront home. Lying next to him was his wife Angel. She was on her back, naked, and unconscious. Her firm, soft breasts rising with every breath, and her legs were parted just enough for him to see her moist sex below her blond pubic hair. He moved slowly onto the bed until he was positioned between her legs, and began gently kissing the outer lips of her sex. Angel stirred a bit as Don smiled and continued to kiss and lick her outer lips. He slipped a finger inside her as his tongue licked up to her clit. He heard her softly moan as he slipped a second finger into her and began to suck and nibble her clit. He knew it wouldn't take long as his fingers worked inside her sex, and his tongue flicked and stroked her clit. Her moaning grew a bit louder, but not as loud as in the past, and soon, her body shook violently with her climax.

Don crawled up her beautiful body and she smiled at him, her blue eyes shining. He kissed her forcefully as his firm, erect cock entered her willing sex. She moaned into his mouth as they made love. This was a normal morning ritual in which the person who woke up first, would wake the other. Don gently thrust within her and Angel's hips rose up to meet him. They kissed deeply as they made love and soon, Angel was climaxing a second time, moaning in Don's mouth. It was after a third climax that Don joined her and they ended with them both climaxing together. They kissed for several more minutes until Don's penis slipped out.

"Good morning Angel," said Don softly.

"Good morning Don," she replied. "Thank you for the wake-up call."

"Mmmm, my pleasure."

"Momma!" They heard the cry of a young girl from down the hall. "Momma!"

"Perfect timing, duty calls," said Angel smiling.

"And she wants you this morning," said Don smiling.

"She usually does."

Angel slipped out of the bed, slipped on her nightgown, and padded out of the room. Don watched her curly blond hair sway with each step she took. He stepped out of the bed, slipped his boxers on, and padded to the bathroom to empty his bladder. He slipped on a robe and wandered out to the living room. Angel was in the kitchen fixing breakfast when two tiny arms wrapped around his leg.


"Oh no! Angel, a sea monster's got me!" said Don smiling.

"Oh Don, what are you going to do?" said Angel with a wink and a smile.


Don looked down at the blond curly top little girl with her arms wrapped around his leg. He smiled and scooped her into his arms and began to tickle her. The little girl began to giggle excitedly until she said, "Stop it Daddy!"

"Daddy? Who is this Daddy you speak of?"

"Daddy!" she exclaimed.

Don kissed her small face and smiled, "Good morning Joy. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes Daddy," she said in her squeaky little girl voice.

"Wanna see what Momma's making for breakfast?"

"Yes Daddy," she said.

Her blue eyes sparkled as he swung her onto his shoulders and carried her into the kitchen. "Momma! Look at me! I'm taller than you and Daddy now!"

Angel looked up and gasped, "Oh my Joy! Look how big you are!"

Don kissed Angel's cheek, "Good morning dear."

"Good morning," she said. "You two ready for breakfast?"

"Yeah!" cried Joy.

"Sure," said Don.

Don put Joy down into her chair, and sat next to her. Angel carried the food to the table, served Joy, then Don, and herself. They ate quietly for several minutes, then Angel said softly, "Don."

"That time again Angel?"

"We haven't gone in a long time, and she needs to see the family."

"Angel, I have never stopped you from going, you know that."

"I know Don. But this will be longer than normal."

"May I ask why?"

"I can't tell you that right now Don, but maybe on our return I can."

"Momma? Why can't Daddy go with us?" asked Joy.

"Because Daddy has to work and you know Uncle Jason needs my help," said Don.

"When am I gonna meet Uncle Jason?" asked Joy.

"Maybe when you and Momma get back from your visit," said Don smiling.

"We'll see Joy, now eat your breakfast," said Angel, her tone not as happy as it had been.

After breakfast, Don showered and dressed as Angel gathered up the things needed for their trip. She walked into the bedroom as Don was slipping on his shoes and asked, "Why did you do that?"

"What?" he asked.

"Tell Joy she could meet Jason."

"Oh," said Don. "Angel, you've met Jason, and he's made up with Grace finally, so why can't Joy meet her uncle?"

Angel sighed. "It's hard enough to explain to her why you can't go, but now you want her to meet Jason?"

"Angel," said Don as he pulled her into his lap, "I love you. All of you. Heart, soul, and rainbow tail."

Angel giggled, "Oh Don."

"And the only thing that would make me happier would be if I could introduce you to my sister, or join you two on one of your trips."

"Maybe one day you can meet my mom, since you've already met my cousin."

Don smiled when he found out that Jason's Grace, was also Angel's cousin. They met when Angel was pregnant with Joy, and it took so much for her to trust Don after the way things had soured with Jason. But it was seeing Angel and Don together that got her to finally forgive Jason, and allow him to see his daughter, Star.

"Angel, nothing would make me happier," he said as he softly kissed her lips.

They began to kiss more deeply, when they heard soft giggling. They looked up as Joy was standing in the doorway. "Daddy kissed Momma."

Don and Angel reached over and grabbed Joy each kissing her cheeks and tickling her. Joy laughed and squealed. After a few minutes, Don gathered his things and walked down to the beach and his wave runner. Joy came chasing after him, and Angel followed. Don slipped on his life vest and moved his wave runner into the cove. He walked back to the shore, scooped up Joy into his arms and kissed her cheeks.

"Daddy's gonna miss his Joy."

"Daddy, why can't you swim like Momma and me?"

Don brushed her curly blond hair out of her face and stared into her bright blue eyes. "Because Daddy isn't special like you and Momma are, baby. He's just a man, who was lucky enough to meet and fall in love with your beautiful Momma. Do you know what a magical woman your Momma is?"

"Really Daddy?"

"Really," said Don.

"I love you Daddy."

Don wrapped his arms around her tiny body. "I love you too Joy. And I'll miss you. Promise you'll be good for Momma and the family."

"I will Daddy."

Don choked back his tears as Angel stepped up and took Joy from him, setting her on the beach. "Now get ready Joy and we can swim out with Daddy."

Joy's face lit up as she smiled and ran off to where they hid their clothes. Don wiped his cheeks and smiled. "You two swim safely, okay."

Angel took Don's face into her hands and kissed him gently on the lips. "Thank you for what you said to Joy."

"I meant every word," said Don.

Angel kissed him again. "I know, and that's why I love you so much."

"You'd better get ready to swim, here comes my favorite water baby."

Angel turned to see a naked Joy running to Don. "Throw me into the water Daddy!"

"My pleasure!" exclaimed Don as he scooped up Joy, carried her into the surf and tossed her into the water.

Don climbed onto his wave runner as Joy swam up to him, her rainbow mermaid tail splashing in the water. She touched his leg and said, "Daddy's tail is broken."

"Yes Joy, Daddy's tail is still broken. Remember to stay by Momma when we leave."

"I will," she said.

Angel ran into the surf and dove in. She swam up to the wave runner, put her arm around Joy, and smiled up at Don. "Be careful Don. There's a storm on the horizon. I can feel it."

Don looked down at Angel and touched her cheek, brushing her curly blond hair from her face. "Angel, I swore to you five years ago that I would love you and be true to you. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to make me risk what we have. Now, you girls need to get going before your family thinks I'm keeping you away."

Don leaned down and kissed Angel softly on the lips. "I love you, Don."

"I love you, Angel. And I love you too Joy."

Don kissed Joy on the top of her head and the girls swam away from the wave runner. Angel and Joy swam next to Don until he reached the open water, then they waved and swam off and Don rode to the village. He docked his wave runner and went to work. The day was rather boring and by the end of the day, he walked by Jason's office and said, "You gotta get home or can we meet for a beer and sampler?"

"Grace and Star left this morning, and I'm assuming Angel and Joy did as well."

"Yuppers," said Don.

"Then let's go," said Jason as he stood. His short salt and pepper hair was mussed and his brown eyes reflected the sadness he felt.

"You're still not used to Grace and Star leaving for these trips are you?" asked Don as they walked out of the building.

"I just barely got them back and they are leaving me again."

"But they come back," said Don as they entered the bar.

Ginger smiled and said, "The usual boys?"

"You know it Ginger," said Jason.

They took their normal table as Ginger brought a pitcher of beer and two mugs to their table. "I'll have them start your sampler right away."

They watched her walk away, her auburn hair swaying with every step, then Jason filled the two mugs and they toast. Jason took a sip of his beer and sighed. "Does this get easier with time?"

"I have found that Angel has always made the homecoming worth it. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh," said Jason surprised. "Something wrong?"

Don shook his head, pushed his brown hair back, and said, "Just before they left, Angel said something about a storm on the horizon and for me to be careful."

Jason sat back in the booth. "That's an odd warning. I don't think she meant a storm like what brought her to you."

"Yeah," said Don, "that's what I figured."

Ginger walked up and set a large plate with chicken strips, Buffalo wings, crab legs, fresh fruit, mozzarella sticks, French fries, onion rings, some assorted sauces, and two plates. "Anything else boys?"

"Nope," said Jason, "I think we're good."

"Enjoy," she said, and walked away.

They each took a plate, filled it with food, and ate. "What do you think Angel meant?"

"I don't know," said Jason. "I've only had Grace back a short while and Star still barely talks to me."

"I wish I could help with that."

"You worry about Angel and Joy. I think just your being there for them has helped a lot."

Don dipped a chicken strip into some sauce and ate it, then said, "She said she'd be gone longer than normal this time."

"Grace didn't say she was going to be gone longer. But then again, she doesn't stay with me as long as Angel stays with you."

"How much time do you get with Grace?" asked Don, as he ate a mozzarella stick.

Jason sighed, "She's just up to two weeks now. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for anytime she's willing to give me, I just wish she'd give me a bit more."

"Well, after 15 years, you can't expect miracles now can you?"

"No," chuckled Jason. "Besides, my miracle came when she came back in the first place."

Ginger walked up and said, "Excuse me boys, but there's a woman here asking for Don."

Don turned around and saw a tall, slender brunette smiling back at him. "Jenny?"

"Hey bro," she said smiling.

Don jumped up and walked up to her. She walked up and wrapped her arms around him. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," she said.

"Where's Daniel and the kids?" asked Don as he released her.

"They're at the cabin, unpacking."

"Come, meet my friend."

Don escorted Jenny to the table. "Jason, this is my kid sister Jenny Edwards. Jenny, this is Jason Blackwell, my boss."

"Nice to meet you Jenny," said Jason.

"So you're the one who's stolen my brother away," said Jenny.

Jason's face took on a quizzical expression, "Excuse me?"

"Since he came here, he hasn't been home. I haven't seen him in over five years."

"Ah, yeah, about that Jenny, sit down, let's talk."

"Why don't I leave you two alone to talk, Don, I'll see you tomorrow." Jason slowly rose.

"Oh don't leave on my account, please stay," said Jenny.

Jason paused, "How about I get you a drink?"

"Beer works for me," said Jenny.

"I'll get a mug," said Jason as he stepped away.

Don turned to Jenny and sighed. "Jenny, I should have told you this a lot sooner, and I'm sorry I didn't, but I didn't know how."

"Donny," said Jenny, "you know you can tell me anything."

Don sighed. "Jenny, the reason I never left this place is because, well, because I met a woman when I came here."

"That's wonderful!"

"There's more," said Don, "and it's a long story. One I don't want to share here."

"Fine, can we come to your house?" asked Jenny.

"Yes, but she's not home right now."

"Where is she?"

Don sighed. "Jenny, there is so much I want to tell you, so much you don't know. How long are you guys staying?"

"Two weeks."

Don sighed. "Meet me here tomorrow with Daniel and the kids, and I'll take you my house and we'll have dinner. I'll tell you everything then. I promise."

"Okay," said Jenny.

Jason sat down and filled the empty mug in his hand. "So Jenny, you're Don's younger sister?"

"Yeah," she said. "Don's been a great big brother and I've missed him so much."

Jason handed her the mug full of beer. "Well, I can assure you we've taken good care of Don."

"So I see, I'd swear he hasn't aged a bit since I last saw him."

"It's amazing how fresh air and sunshine can make such a difference," said Don. "Did Mr. and Mrs. Lee take you to your cabin?"

"Yeah, they did," she said as she drank her beer.

"Mrs. Lee has lots of stories. You should ask her about them," said Jason.

Don shot Jason a dirty look, then said, "She does know a lot about the local culture."

"She did say that any single men who come here never leave."

Jason smiled. "Just because the last three who came here never left doesn't mean it's a trend."

"Don, are you happy here?"

"Yes Jenny, I am."

Jenny finished her beer then said, "I need to get back. I'll see you tomorrow Don. Maybe your friend Jason can join us?"

"We'll see," said Jason.

"Just meet me in front of the bar tomorrow and I'll find you guys. Do you have a boat? All I have is a wave runner."

"We have four wave runners. The kids are teenagers now you know."

Don gasped. "Dear god, I'm sorry Jenny, I wasn't thinking."

"We'll see you tomorrow Don. I hope we'll get to meet your lady friend as well while we're here."

"Me too Jenny. And Jenny, you and I need to talk alone, during this trip. Just you and me, no Daniel, no kids."

Jenny looked at Don's face, then said, "Sure Don, no problem."

Jenny rose from the table, threw a five on the table, then said, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Amy's asking about you. She met with me a few days ago asking me about you."

"What did you tell her?"

"You've left the country, and you're not coming back."

"At least it's the truth," said Don.

"You're really not coming back, ever?"

"Jenny, I'll explain, but later, when you and I are alone. I promise."

"I'm holding you to that," she said smiling. "Jason, it was nice meeting you."

"Jenny, it was a pleasure."

"Bye sis," said Don as he kissed her cheek.

Jenny left the bar and Don blew out a breath of air. "So Don, how are you going to explain Angel to her?"

"Better question, how am I going to explain Joy?"

"What do you mean?"

"I told you Amy was my ex right?"


"Major sore spot between me and Amy was my inability to give her a child. I was told by doctor after doctor I couldn't have children."

"Oh shit. Yeah, you're going to have fun explaining her now aren't you. But remember, I told you I thought they had some kind of magical power. Maybe it's more than just making us fall in love with them. Maybe Angel healed you to get her pregnant."

"I've thought about that. And I've often wondered why we haven't had another child. I guess she could only heal me once. Not that it matters, Joy is everything I could hope for and more. She asked why my tail was broken again."

Jason laughed. "She thinks your tail is broken?"

"Yeah," chuckled Don, "she is three though, we're still trying to figure out how to explain the difference to her."

"She'll understand as she gets older. Now you'd better get home. Tomorrow you've got company and you need to get things ready."

"Are you going to join me?"

"Do you want me there?"

"It might help," sighed Don, "without Angel, I may need the moral support."

"Then why don't I come over now and help you prepare. Then tomorrow we'll caravan to your place, have dinner, and you can tell your sister about Angel and Joy."

Don and Jason each threw a ten on the table and left the bar. They rode their wave runners back to Don's cabin and made sure everything was ready for the visit from his family. That night, after Jason left, Don stood out at the shore and looked out at the still water. He knew Angel was well out of earshot and wouldn't hear him call her, but still he called out her name for several minutes until his voice hurt. Then, he walked into the house, climbed into his bed alone, and drifted off to sleep.

Don was standing by the beach when he heard a woman's voice, "Don!"


"Don!" said the woman's voice.

Don knew the voice wasn't Angel's, but it had a familiar tone to it. In the water, a woman's head appeared. Her hair was darker than Angel's, but Don felt a sense of familiarity to her. "Hello."

"Don Taylor," said the woman, "you are the one who is with Angel?"

"I am," he said.

"She heard you call, but cannot return, not yet."

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"I am here to tell you she is fine, but she must stay away. She is needed with her family."

"But I am her family!" exclaimed Don. "And I need her!"

"And when you truly need her, she will return," said the woman, "but we need her more. Please Don, don't call her again as it brings her too much pain."

Don sighed, "Who are you?"

She looked deep into Don's eyes. "I think you already know the answer to that. We will meet again soon Don Taylor."

She dove under the water and Don saw her rainbow tail splash up and disappeared. Don's eyes popped open and he found himself lying in his bed. He looked around his room as he realized he'd been dreaming. He shook his head and wandered to the bathroom. He knew he'd seen that mysterious woman from his dream before, but he wasn't sure exactly who she was. She would only come when Angel was gone, but this was the first time she actually spoke to him directly. After a quick shower, he dressed and rode to work.

As he left his cove, a flash of yellow caught his eye. Don stopped the wave runner and let it float while he waited and looked around. Angel's head popped out of the water near the wave runner. "Don," she gasped, "what is wrong?"

Don smiled, "Angel! What are you doing here?"

"You called me," she said. "I can't stay, but why did you call?"

Don sighed. He knew he had to tell her. "My sister Jenny is here. I wanted to know when you were coming home as I want you to meet her."

Angel shook her head. "You know I cannot."

"Angel, she will love you as much as I do."

"No Don, she will not understand. No human female will."

"If she does, will you meet her?"

Angel sighed. "Don, there is a great storm on the horizon that I cannot help you with."

"Do you still love me?" asked Don.

Angel's face took on a quizzical expression, "Why do you ask me that?"

"Please Angel, just answer it."

"Don, I love you with my whole heart. I loved you before we met. I knew when you came to the island you were destined to be the father of our child. I was just to hide on the beach until you found me and then get you to impregnate me. I never meant to get hurt, but you were like no man the others have ever spoken of. You didn't try to impregnate me, you took care of me, you healed me, you clothed me, you kept resisting the urges I knew were within you. Then, after we made love that first time, I was in so much pain, and you just held me. Then I could feel your pain over your hurting me. None of my people have ever experienced such a sensation."

"Angel, I wanted you so badly, but I didn't want you to think I was a monster."

"I would never think you were a monster. I think you are wonderful."

Angel looked down into the water. "You gotta go babe?"

"Yes Don, I must."

"Angel, I love you. There is nothing that will ever change that. Kiss Joy for me and tell her Daddy misses her."

"She misses you too. She'll be quite upset when she finds out I met you without her."

"I'm sure," said Don as he leaned down and kissed Angel. "Please come home soon. I miss you both so much."

"We miss you too. I love you Don."

"I love you too, Angel."

Angel reached up and kissed Don softly on the lips. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and Don felt his erection grow. Angel's hand slipped to his shorts, and she felt his firm erection under her fingers. "Come into the water, lover, and let me do something about this."

Don slipped off his wave runner, and Angel slipped under the water. He felt her slip his shorts down, his erection freed, and Angel's mouth engulfing his member. He moaned as he felt her lips and tongue touch his rock hard shaft. It was difficult for him to see her in the water with his life vest blocking his view, but the feelings he felt told him exactly what she was doing. He felt her mouth slide along his shaft, sucking, licking, occasionally her teeth brushing along the side, a trick she learned some time ago. Soon, he felt his climax approach. He reached under the water and touched her head to warn her but she just sucked harder and seemed to take his entire member into her mouth causing him to climax harder than he had in years. He moaned loudly as he felt his seed fill her mouth and throat. When he was drained, she slid her mouth off, pulled his shorts up, and rose to the surface.

"Did you like that?" she asked.

"Angel, just when I think you can't surprise me, you do."

They kissed again, bid their goodbyes as Don climbed onto his wave runner, and Angel dove under the water and disappeared. Don continued to the village, docked his wave runner, and realized his shorts were still wet. He decided he'd change when he got into the office with the spare pants he kept for meeting. As he walked up the pier, he heard Jason's voice say, "Fall off your wave runner?"

Don blushed and said, "Yeah, something like that."

Jason walked up smiling. "You're late."

"Yeah, about that—"

"Did you see your wife?"

Don smiled, "Yeah, I did."

"She the reason your shorts are wet?"

Don smiled and blushed. "Well ... yeah."

Jason and Don walked to the building. "Tell her about your sister?"


"She gonna meet with her?"

"Not sure."

"That's better than a flat out 'no'."


"Got dry shorts?"

"Pants in the office."

"Go buy some dry shorts and get your ass to work. Save the pants for when we really need them."

"You sure?"

"Yup. Least I could do for a man who just had an underwater blow-job."

Don blushed and looked at Jason. "How did you—"

"I was waiting for you and saw you had stopped. That and a flash of blonde hair told me all I needed to know."

Don smiled. "It was fucking awesome."


Don ran to the small clothing shop and bought a new, dry pair of shorts, changed at the store, and went to work. His wet shorts were hung in the back of the shop, and delivered later when they were dry. After work, Don and Jason walked to the bar where a small group of people was waiting.

Jenny smiled and exclaimed, "Don!"

Don smiled, "Jenny!"

Don hugged his sister, then turned his attention to the others. "Daniel, it's good to see you again."

"You look good Don," said Daniel.

Daniel was tall, with black hair and brown eyes. His build wasn't as muscular as Don's, but he wasn't overweight either. Next to Daniel was a tall, gangly teenaged boy of sixteen, with short, dark brown hair and brown eyes. "Jimmy?" asked Don.

"Hi Uncle Don," he said.

"Wow, did you ever grow!"

Standing next to Jenny was a beautiful young woman, with full breasts, soft, curly brown hair, big blue eyes, and curvy tall body. "Jenny? I thought you were bringing both the kids. But where's Amanda?"

"Uncle Don!" cried the young woman. "I am Amanda!"

Don frowned. "You can't be Amanda. Amanda's a little girl with pigtails in her hair. You're a full grown woman."

Amanda giggled and hugged Don. "Don, you're just as incorrigible as ever," said Jenny.

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Sirena looked around her "workshop." She'd bought an old laboratory on the sub levels of Relun city from the main university. They had been happy to get rid of it since the sub levels were now mostly used for casinos and the more vice driven entertainment of the city. Being below ground didn't bother her a bit and the place was perfect for what she wanted to do. Two months ago she'd finally decided to strike back at all the preps who would pick on her and her friends for being more intelligent...

3 years ago
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Cala de Sirena Joys Birth

It was Don Taylor’s last day before he began his family leave, and it couldn’t end soon enough. It seemed that every time he turned around, his boss and good friend Jason Blackwell was giving him, ‘Just one more thing.’ He had the program installed into his office computer and the computer at home to allow him access to his work files should he need them, and had copied all of his important files onto several flash drives. In Don’s mind, the day seemed to just drag on, and his thoughts were on...

4 years ago
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Return to Cala de SirenaPart 2

The weekend was longer for Don than any other before. He moped around the cabin, hurt by the angry words his sister had said to him. Monday morning he rode into work and did his normal duties with a heavy heart. Afterward, he wandered into the bar to find Jason sitting at their normal table, with a pitcher of beer, two full glasses, two full shot glasses, and the sampler plate waiting. “I figured you’d be ready for a cold beer,” said Jason, “and something a bit stronger for your pain.” Don...

2 years ago
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Cala de Sirena The Return

Jenny Edwards sat in at the small table in the little café sipping a soda and waiting. She brushed her light brown hair out of her blue eyes as she drummed her fingers on the table. This was a meeting she’d avoided for over five years, but now, she knew it was time to deal with this situation once and for all. A petite brunette with brown eyes walked up and said, ‘Jenny?’ Jenny looked up and saw her ex-sister-in-law, Amy Taylor, the woman who broke her brother’s heart and the reason he left...

1 year ago
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The Escalator

I have seen you in the mall a few times. You are a sexy mature gal, not a BBW and not slim. You are elegant, and have a great smile. I dreamt of you last night, only this time we were in a shopping mall, and had to take three escalators to get to the third level.We both got on at the first level and I was behind you and, being bold I put my hand under your skirt and rubbed your inner thigh You jumped, and I quickly stopped. You turned around to look at me look at me. Not a word came from your...

3 years ago
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Going Down on the Up Escalator

Sometimes people get in such a rush that they simply forget to look at the small details and find themselves in situations that should have been able to avoid with ease. That was certainly the case of young Tess McAllister who normally was a level-headed and cautious young lady of excellent and proper up-bringing. However, this was a special Friday evening and she was in a hurry to get to the main ballroom on the mezzanine floor before the dance party officially started. Before getting...

2 years ago
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The increasingly aggressive sounds of the seagulls slowly woke me up that morning. The gentle rocking from the waves slapping the side of the boat had helped me sleep amazingly well. The smell of coffee and ocean air let me know that you were already awake for a new day with new adventures in store. I kept my eyes closed while I lazily grunted and stretched and untangled myself from the sheets. I hadn’t opened my eyes yet but I felt the sun warm my bare skin. I buried my face in the pillow and...

4 years ago
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Holidays in Calabria magnificent old man number 1

If for my second favorite old man I get nervous, here I want to break everything.I've been on vacation for a week, the eighth day I decided to look at the various photos I had taken, but I could not find one that made me excited in particular,after having had breakfast I went to the beach and as usual I was going to position myself almost at the end of the coast because I find it a nice piece of beach;but I still did not find myself halfway through my journey, which came to me in front of this...

3 years ago
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Mad Diaries 8211 Part 8 Vacation In Calangute Goa

Hi guys, this is Madhan after a long time. I was overwhelmed with your response to my stories. At the same time, I was fed up with people asking for details and photos about Lakshmi, Sanjana, and Keerthi mam. I won’t share the photos and details of them to safeguard their identity. Now coming to the story. It all happened in April 2019. After coming back from Ooty, Ashok, and I enjoyed life to the fullest. We had sex with Keerthi mam and Sanjana in our room and with Lakshmi when we went to our...

2 years ago
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My Neigbor the Chocalate Dream

"It was a typical boring Wednesday night with nopthing to do. There was nothing interesting on television to watch so I decided i want to look at something a little more interesting. So I jumped into my car and drove over the river into the neighboring state to a adult bookstore that offered private strip shows. There you give the house a dollar and receive a one dollar token that when you ste into a booth the curtain opens and you get a peek show of a nake girl that dances on a pole attached...

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Nisha Escalates Fresher8217s Party Pt 2 Day Two Cum Treat

After telling you about how I escalated the fresher’s party, that my batch organized for our juniors, into a sex party, I am bringing you the account of the next two days. The sex continued till very late that night. It was around 2 in the morning when I started feeling drowsy and shut my eyes. Alcohol had kicked in and most of the people had started to fall asleep. When I woke up, the sun was already beating down. I glanced at my wrist watch and it was 11 in the morning. I was lying on my...

2 years ago
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Nisha Escalates Fresher8217s Party 8211 Pt 1 The Unstoppable Orgy

Hello friends, my name is Nisha and I am Aastha’s younger sister. Don’t confuse me with Aastha didi’s daughter, whom she named after me, as she is very young right now. Aastha didi told me that she has been posting stories about her sex experience on this portal. So I thought to use this ID to post mine as well. Now, I won’t be boring you all with our family background and all. I am sure Aastha Didi must have told you about it. So, I will just begin with it. The incident took place a few years...

1 year ago
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A Night In Calabria

A Night in CalabriaMelissa felt that old surge of excitement and anticipation which electrifies her body as she dressed for an encounter with I Desire. The Great Goddess Aphrodite had whispered to her to come back here to Calabria, to Pizzo on the Costa Viola. The insistent voice in her head had to be obeyed, and so she duly departed from Alexandria, Egypt to arrive on the Calabria coast. Naturally, she instinctively knew who would be waiting for her at the Cafe La Nave on the seafront.Melissa...

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Tentacle Monster Calamari Part 1 of 2

Lorna collapsed against her apartment door after she locked up. She kicked her first shoe across the room but misjudged her second, vaulting that one towards the high ceiling. She froze in place until it crashed in front of her. Then she bounced her clutch off of the nearby table and it too thumped onto the floor. She pushed herself upright and stripped off her little black dress for the fourth and final time of the night. Naked, she picked up her dropped things and carried them to her...

Monster Sex
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Tentacle Monster Calamari Party Part 2 of 2

June was rolling the sushi while Lorna made another small batch of fried calamari. The luscious tentacles could easily be sliced or diced or shaved, and readily blended into a myriad of sushi styles. Cooking it, though, was trickier than cooking ‘normal’ squid, which was tricky enough by itself. Lorna knew her way around seafood though and soon found the right combinations of marinades and oils, and cooking temperatures and times. The downside, or upside, was having to do all that...

Monster Sex
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The Violence Escalates

I walked around on cloud 9 for days after I got back to the detention center. Jeff had done as he promised and had come for breakfast the next morning. I had been a little afraid that he wouldn't. I mean, in my past experience once you let them fuck you, they kind of disappeared. 9:00 am though he was knocking at my door. He had breakfast and we spent the morning and part of the afternoon together. When we said our goodbyes he kissed my cheek softly and squeezed my hand. "Ill see you at...

1 year ago
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A New PastChapter 37 Escalations

“Crap, Paul,” Hunter said as we settled into out seats on the GX-3 in preparation for a flight to Salt Lake City. “Is it always such a hassle dealing with the Pentagon?” I chuckled. “That was a very pleasant meeting compared to some I’ve had with them.” “They sure don’t want to take no for an answer.” “I know. The Navy really wants a fusion powered fleet.” “It makes a lot of sense from an operational and cost perspective” Hunter said. “I think agreeing to furnish them with some generators...

3 years ago
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Calahans CampaignChapter 2

Governor Bruce Calahan was right. He woke up to find Liz playing with his cock and balls. Clearly, she had planned a little special shake for breakfast. His thoughts were confirmed she saw him awake and began to lower her mouth onto his manhood. She might have been a nerd, but she was one who could suck a cock better than most women. The experience only intensified when she started licking his balls and deep-throating him. She obviously wanted to get him off rapidly, because that was a...

4 years ago
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Calahans CampaignChapter 3

"Do you, Elizabeth Michelle Chancery, take this man, Bruce Fitzpatrick Calahan, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty, as in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?" the priest asked the rather obviously pregnant and mature bride. He personally thought that this wedding was late, by the Church's standards, but better late than never. "I do," the somewhat...

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Calahans CampaignChapter 4

Bruce and Liz Calahan turned around and saw Kara and Dana standing behind them. It was Kara who had spoken, of course. It was her way of announcing their arrival and surprising the couple. "Kara, baby, I wondered what kept you and Dana, but I could certainly guess!" Liz winked at them, making Dana blush. "Yeah, well, I just had to celebrate my upcoming, legally recognized marriage to my sweet Kara. Luckily, my beautiful bride had no objection to that idea! Gotta love Massachusetts! Where...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 32 They finally meet Calaras family Can John win them over

The Invictus slipped effortlessly out of hyper warp in Epsilon-Eridani, and the crew watched from their places on the bridge, as the holographic map displayed the bright yellow star at its centre. There were two wide asteroid belts that ringed the system, and one single huge planet that was labelled Jericho. “Nearly home Calara,” John said with a smile as he watched the brunette’s reaction. “It feels like so long ago when I last visited, but it’s only been a matter of months!” she replied,...

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A Set of Calamitous OccurrencesChapter 2 A Tantalizing Talk

To understand what happens next you have to know the word empathy. When you see a car accident and think to yourself: ‘I hope no one was hurt.’ You feel empathy for the participants of the accident. When you see a message about a funeral and feel the grief of the family you are being empathic. It is the ability to identify with someone else’s feeling. It is something most people come into the world with, but not all people. A fine example was Joan, who was born with no sense of empathy, if...

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A Set of Calamitous OccurrencesChapter 3 An Excruciating Examination

My name is Gina Gilson and just like you I couldn’t help but develop a feeling of caring towards Ellen Hall, it is a rather strange thing, but she is such an innocent girl with such an unfortunate faith. Unlike me, who excessively studied every bit of her tale, you haven’t done so yet and as a direct result haven’t attached yourself emotionally to the poor woman. I implore you to leave this story here so your caring for Ellen will fade away and you could move on with your life, it might be...

4 years ago
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A Set of Calamitous OccurrencesChapter 4 A Frightening Finale

Joan was never accused of rape, everything she did was with full approval from her partners, by the end of this chapter you will know why ... my name is Gina Gilson and I have spent all my life trying to piece together Ellen Hall’s life since she met Joan, it is a daunting task and unfortunately, I had little success as you might have noticed. The more I exposed about Joan the more I was shocked to find such a Vile woman exists. For example, take the woman known as Cum Dumpster. You are wise...

3 years ago
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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Arrives in Caladon

December 13th, 1885 While I had wished to set out upon the Gypsy’s Promise under Captain Teach, the simple fact was that Mr. Bates’ chosen man for all things nautical was simply not in the docks at Tarant, but was rather shipping freight to a mysterious, undisclosed location. Entirely above board, I was sure. Surely, Captain Teach would never mislead customs officials to transport goods for Mr. Bates in an extralegal fashion. The very idea was preposterous. And so instead, we paid for...

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Calahans Campaign Chapter 2

Governor Bruce Calahan was right. He woke up to find Liz playing with his cock and balls. Clearly, she had planned a little special shake for breakfast. His thoughts were confirmed she saw him awake and began to lower her mouth onto his manhood. She might have been a nerd, but she was one who could suck a cock better than most women. The experience only intensified when she started licking his balls and deep-throating him. She obviously wanted to get him off rapidly, because that was a...

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Calahans Campaign

Governor Bruce Calahan knew that he would miss Susie Brock alot- in fact, it really saddened him when she had to leave for Harvard, but he knew intellectually that it was best for both of them. She needed to get a Harvard degree, and he needed to get busy on his re-election campaign. He knew that the other was going to put up a tough candidate this time- one who would be much harder to beat. He would have to spend more time on the campaign trail, which would have left little time for him to...

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Escalation Pt 1

This story starts off as a true experience but then twists off into what I have fantasized about happening.A little back story: S and I had been friends for 6 or 7 years and he had actually introduced me to my wife when he was dating her sister. S and I had never had any type of experiences together, but one time when I saw him get out of the shower I was really turned on by his semi hard cock. S was about 5'6", in great shape and good looking. I had fooled around with a couple of friends...

2 years ago
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Return of her Master

I spy you sitting with friends. You glance up from your drink and see me. I see the surprise on your face and then lust as you immediately get up and walk towards me. I enjoy watching your big film tits bounce as you get close. Makes me wonder if you have any underwear on underneath your tight fitting dress. You approach but say nothing. You know and understand that I am your Master and it is only I that can speak first. "Are you with friends?" I ask. You bow your head slowly. "Yes Master but I...

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Return to slavery

Return to slavery by Rowena Return to slavery by Rowena  Rachel sat in her beautifully appointed office ,dressed elegantly in the latest and most tasteful fashion a white silk blouse buttoned to the neck, a smart black skirt to just below the knee, her long blond hair piled high on her head, so very different to the slutty clothes she wore when she was a slavegirl so long ago. She sighed contentedly. She was now a successful and rich business woman. She enjoyed her power and wealth....

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Return of Magic The Rogue Teuton Section 1 The Tome of Severius the Roman

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is what I hope to be the beginning of a series of stories. Be patient, and I will get it done. If you want to egg me on for whatever reason, then review the story and say something on the order of "Hurry up and finish the story you idiot!" Though I would appreciate if no one called me an idiot or some such. ;) And now, Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1. Preface: Of the Orders of Magic Magic has existed throughout the history of mankind,...

4 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 9 Cluster Fuck II

Major Ruiz-Costa of the Royal Marines sat in the passenger seat of the Land Rover, watching the dusty road ahead. The freed hostage was in the car behind them and he was relieved over the bloodless outcome. After receiving a tip-off from a local Shiite elder they had surrounded the hideout of the kidnappers. The door was ripped from the angles when the small C4 charges exploded, stun grenades were fired, and they were upon the bandits in just two seconds. Nobody was hurt, least of all the...

3 years ago
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Return Trip Led To Great Sex Encounter

Hi everyone, this is Ilumjack again with another incident that happened during a return trip. This incident happened while I was returning from my trip to Bangalore. I was in Bangalore with my family on a vacation. I had to return back to Mumbai earlier due to some pressing things at work. But the rest of my family stayed back in Bangalore and was to get back to Mumbai after four days. So it was on a Thursday afternoon that I reached Bangalore Airport to take my flight. After checking in my...

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Return of Magic The Rogue Teuton Section 1 The Tome of Severius the Roman Part II

Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1: The Tome of Severius the Roman Part II By SsiRuuk25 The morning came to soon for Larisa. She had lain awake last night for several hours, unable to cry, yet unable to get to sleep. When she finally did, her sleep was filled with nightmares. Finally, early in the morning, the nightmares stopped and Larisa was able to sleep peacefully. Then the sun shone in through the barred window of her cell, shining right in her eyes. Larisa tried...

3 years ago
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Return to Seattle Chapter 1

For those who have not read the stories of "Family Get Together", chapters 1-6, please take the time to do so, it is the intro to this very lustfull adventure, and will explain much of the situation described in this second eddition to the tale of pleasure, lust and fulfillment.  It has been a year since my visit to Seattle, the memories of my brother Wade and his wife, as well as Arisol still haunt me, the temptations of the flesh had overtaken me during the visit.   Though, finding out that...

2 years ago
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Return to San Diego

Return to San Diego This is a follow up to the story San Diego. In that story, Mark, a 15 year old, went to San Diego with his mother to visit his aunt and cousins. His 17 year old cousin, Suzy, found Mark trying on some of her clothes. She thought it would be fun to get him dressed up for the rest of the week. The week ended with Suzy and Mark going to an all-girls party. This story takes place 15 years later. ----- Mark was a 30 year old man that had began trying on his...

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Return To The Nursery chap 18

Dear ........ Chapter 18. Hypnotised. Baby Daphne drew harder on the silicon teat, sucking down another mouthful of soothing warm milk. She wriggled on her back on the noisily crinkling mattress cover, staring at the fairy mobile twirling slowly above her head and listening vaguely to the Nursery rhymes it played. She was aware that she was wetting her nappy, but content to let the lovely warm stream flow over her tummy and dribble down between her buttocks. She loved that sweet...

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Return To Service

Return To Service It felt just the same, yet ultimately different being in that cock-house again after almost a year. I burned with the excitement of what I had possibly missed, and felt eager for a return to service when I’d see something unfamiliar and wanting to look my way. Not a minute after the thought subsided that very thing to happened, and let me tell you, the man had me ready with just a look into his brown-as-my-own eyes. I smiled as he stood there and looked long at me. Almost as...

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Return To Service

Return To Service It felt just the same, yet ultimately different being in that cock-house again after almost a year. I burned with the excitement of what I had possibly missed, and felt eager for a return to service when I’d see something unfamiliar and wanting to look my way. Not a minute after the thought subsided that very thing to happened, and let me tell you, the man had me ready with just a look into his brown-as-my-own eyes. I smiled as he stood there and looked long at me. Almost as...

1 year ago
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Return To The Nursery chap 4

Chapter 4. Nanna In Charge Sheila crowded close to David as these thoughts rushed through his head, making him feel doubly awkward about his baby ways. "Come on, baby girl," the tall blonde crooned, taking one of his trembling hands in her much larger one. "Let's show you off to Simon. He's only seen the photos so far." David jerked in fear, thinking, 'Mummy has been showing off my baby photos? Oh no!' Oblivious to his rising panic, Sheila sang, "I'm sure he wants to see how pretty you...

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Return To The Nursery chap 2

Chapter 2. Carrots and Sticks Jane watched him from the corner of her eye while she finished dressing and getting ready. He lay writhing in shame on her bed, face flushed, not knowing where to look. He still had his dummy in his mouth and a shiny stream of drool trickled down his cheek to stain the flaps of his dribble bib. Jane reflected, 'That was a clever suggestion of mother's; making him dribble copiously whenever he uses his dummies. It adds another extra element of shame to his...

1 year ago
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Return from my aunts part 2

Return from my aunts part 2We lay together for some time, dozing and gently caressing one another, nowadays I doubt she had climaxed but my inexperience…well… you know how it is! Quietly she whispered “look you have tonight and tomorrow and that night and dad gets home on that next morning, I am yours till then but , we must sleep at least a bit…and just before he gets home you must leave me well filled, he likes to poke me soon after he gets in, he has no refinement and he just slams it in...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 6 Reunion

It was already past eleven when Josie had an opportunity to sit with Henry. His grateful smile gave her a pleasant rush. It was hard to make superficial conversation when they had such weighty issues between them. She told him of the plan to visit Ellen and to ride over to his house for a visit. "That's great, Josie. There is a lot I want to show you. There's also a lot I need to explain." His voice dropped to a whisper. "I also want to return your husband's money to you. It's blood...

2 years ago
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Janes Calamity

Four days ago, Jane had rode into her sisters' small ranch, up north. She was looking forward to seeing her sister and niece again after drifting for a while, earning money by gambling and bounty hunting. She soon learnt that her sixteen-year-old niece, Amy had ran away with a man. A scum-bag gambler named Jason Mathews, who Jane and her sister both disliked, but who Amy thought she loved. Her sister was worried sick and so was Jane, she knew the savage world around her and was wise to...

4 years ago
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Cousin Calamity

I grew up in a predominantly blue-collar Catholic family back in the sixties and seventies. My father was one of thirteen children. Nine of them were male, and the other four sisters. Strangely, all four sisters lived far away, and we seldom saw them. Five of the brothers lived in the same suburb and we interacted very frequently. My mother was one of four sisters, who also lived rather nearby. Our home was like a busy train station, because my dad was a very outgoing person, and loved having...

1 year ago
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Cousin Calamity

I grew up in a predominantly blue-collar Catholic family back in the sixties and seventies. My father was one of thirteen children. Nine of them were male, and the other four sisters. Strangely, all four sisters lived far away, and we seldom saw them. Five of the brothers lived in the same suburb and we interacted very frequently. My mother was one of four sisters, who also lived rather nearby. Our home was like a busy train station, because my dad was a very outgoing person, and loved having...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Return to EdenChapter 9

The dialogue between ship and planet continued sporadically as the Gardener made its final approach and took up geosynchronous orbit over the Centerville settlement. Smog still permeated the Eden skies in that area, but brief clearings allowed the humans to see that considerable further development had occurred on the land below them. There were now actually recognizable roads linking the structures—probably, Igwanda speculated, needed to accommodate the natives' newfound use of wheeled...

3 years ago
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Return Flight

June Cirillo made an entry in her notebook: ‘July 2nd 1987. On way to England.’ She looked at the words critically and frowned. She really ought to say something else. ‘The flight has been swift and smooth and the time has passed remarkably quickly.’ That was better. Not much, perhaps, but better. Time? It might only take a few hours to cross the Atlantic, but in reality they were going back more than forty years. It had all gone so quickly. Was it possible that so many years had flashed by...

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Return to KrellChapter 5 Lena the Intrepid

Lena knelt and placed the weather balloon on the surface of the mud. It was a blocky device about the size of a lunchbox, serial numbers and logos decorating its white casing. She pressed an activation switch on the top and watched it unfold, taking a step back as it whirred to life, its protective shell opening up and expanding into an octagonal dish to reveal the probe within. It was as much a drone as a weather balloon, with four little rotors that were currently folded up in order to keep...

4 years ago
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Return to Puerto Banus continued

We have been so busy these last few months, moving home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t got round to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes. .As you will have hopefully read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ you will know, both myself and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and not known gives us more opportunity to indulge in our exhibitionist...

1 year ago
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Return To Puerto Banus

Only when we are lucky enough to be away from home, do we really get the opportunity to indulge in my wife's exhibitionistic behaviour. Once we discovered our mutual enjoyment of her desire to be admired by strangers, with my encouragement, she has become quite daring over the years. For us, there is nothing we both enjoy more than some interaction with some receptive voyeur. Recalling the memories is very much a turn-on for us.This was our second visit to the vibrant town of Puerto Banus in...

1 year ago
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Return to Puerto Banus

Only when we are lucky enough to be away from home do we really get the opportunity to indulge in my wife's exhibitionistic behaviour. Once we discovered our mutual enjoyment of her desire to be admired by strangers, with my encouragement, she has become quite daring over the years. For us there is nothing we both enjoy more than some interaction with some receptive voyeur. Recalling the memories is very much a turn-on for us.This was our second visit to the vibrant town of Puerto Banus in...

4 years ago
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Return To The Nursery chap 13

Dear Katie, Pansy, Jeannie, Candi and Tammy, thank you for those lovely comments. Please keep posting your reviews here. Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 13. Mummy and Uncle Jake. Jane was driving fast and the lights of Jake's red Porsche followed close behind, making her loose tawny locks glint in the bright halogen headlights from time to time. Daphne stared at Mummy's beautiful face like a lovesick puppy from her toddler car seat in the back. In profile Jane looked regal and...

1 year ago
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Return to Puerto Banus Continued Part 1

We have been so busy these last few months, moving into a new home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t gotten around to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes.Hopefully, you’ve read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ and you know that both I and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me. Especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and anonymous, gives us more opportunity to indulge in our...


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