Cala de Sirena
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
Don Taylor's vacation was not starting the way he had hoped. His divorce had finalized just weeks before he was to fly off with his wife on what was supposed to be a second honeymoon to save their marriage. Since the trip was already paid for and non-refundable, and he already had the vacation time approved, he thought this would be a good time to reassess his life. However, at 45, he never thought he'd be single again. He still deeply loved his wife, and didn't understand why she left him, or why she didn't want to be married to him anymore. He had tried everything to win her back: couples classes, marriage counseling, date nights, and more, but none of it worked. When things started to improve and he thought they would reconcile, he booked a two-week trip for them to stay at 'Cala de Sirena' because it was considered a perfect lover's retreat. Now, a heartbroken Don was here on his own, trying to enjoying his first summertime vacation he'd taken in years.
To most, Don was a handsome man, standing six feet tall in bare feet, with short brown hair, blue eyes, well-trimmed mustache, and a muscular build. He had believed that he had to maintain his appearance to keep his wife happy, and even though she left, he still tried to maintain his looks, though his broken heart made it more and more difficult. When it was certain his marriage was over, he had tried to go out with some friends, but just didn't enjoy the bar scene like he did before. He had met his wife in college, and now he didn't know how to start dating a new woman. Many of his friends told him to date younger women, but Don didn't find them to be interesting or desirable, and often he had nothing in common with them. This vacation was his time to figure out what he wanted from life, and where he was going to go from here.
The hut he rented was on a secluded beach with a private cove that could only be accessed by boat or other watercraft. He packed shorts, swimwear, t-shirts, and other items he figured he'd need. When he first arrived, the change of scenery was just what he needed: palm trees, sunshine, white sandy beach, a small mountain range, and no cell service in the cove. A true escape from the craziness that was his life, both personally and professionally was what he felt he needed. Even though he saw a building that was owned by his company in the village where he picked up his rented wave runner, it didn't bother him. He followed Mr. and Mrs. Lee, an older Asian couple who rented the huts on the different private beaches to the tourists to where he would be staying. The cove, beach, and hut were exactly what Don had expected, but this also saddened him as he remembered that he had rented this with the intention to enjoy a second honeymoon with his now ex-wife.
Mrs. Lee had a basket of fresh fruits and breads for Don to enjoy which, as it turned out, was the only food in the hut, aside from some butter and bottled water, as Mr. Lee had forgotten to restock the small fridge. Don didn't discover this until after the Lee's had left, and he was putting the fruits away. He shrugged this off and thought the fruits would be a nice change. Besides, he enjoyed fishing and was sure he had seen some fish in the cove when he rode in. He was considering trying to catch a fish for dinner when he saw the storm clouds on the horizon coming his way. He retreated into the little one bedroom hut and soon he heard the storm hit the cove. The rain pounded the tiny hut and any hope of sleep was lost as he lay in the bed he had thought he would be sharing with his wife. At some point when the storm lessened, he drifted off to sleep.
Don awoke to the sun shining though the tiny window in the bedroom. After stumbling into the bathroom to empty his bladder, and wash his face, he decided to assess the damage and see if he was going to need a new hut. He slipped on a clean t-shirt, boxers, shorts, a pair of sandals, and sunglasses as he walked outside. The sun was bright and warm as he looked around. The beach was littered with driftwood and palm branches, but his wave runner was undamaged. He looked around the hut but found it had sustained minimal damage. He decided to gather the driftwood for a bonfire later, and clear the palm branches so the beach didn't look so messy. He noticed a big mound of branches and wood by the beach and decided to start there.
He moved a few branches when he saw something that shocked him. It was a leg, a human leg. Don quickly moved the branches and found the leg was attached to what appeared to be a naked woman. She was lying face down, her blonde hair was scattered over her back and on the beach. He stared at her back, her bare bottom, and her shapely legs. He carefully rolled her over and gasped. Here before him was the most beautiful woman he had seen since his wife. She had full, round breasts, slender build, full hips, blonde curly pubic hair, and the face of an angel. Then he noticed the huge lump on her head. He looked around for a surfboard, small boat, swimsuit, or anything to explain how this mysterious woman came to be on this beach naked, but saw nothing. He checked her pulse, and felt it beating strong.
"You're alive," he sighed with relief.
Carefully, Don scooped her up, carried her into the hut, and gently laid her on the couch, placing a pillow under her head. He admired her beautiful, shapely, naked body for several minutes, then realized that he should cover her so when she regained consciousness she wouldn't be embarrassed and humiliated. He searched through his clothes and remembered he had packed the V-neck t-shirt that his wife would wear and look so sexy in, as well as a pair of boxer shorts that seemed to fit her better than they ever did him. He didn't intend to bring these, but he had put them into the suitcase when he booked the trip, then forgot about them until after he arrived. Don wasn't sure if the boxers would fit the mystery woman or not, but he figured they were better than her being naked. Don dressed her carefully as to not injure her further, brushing the sand off her skin and finding it surprisingly soft and smooth. He found that enjoyed touching her soft, feminine skin as he dressed her, but reminded himself that she was helpless in her condition and he needed to tend to her wounds, not take advantage of her. In his eyes, he found she looked just as beautiful in the clothes, as she did naked. He walked into the bathroom, took a washcloth, soaked it with cold water, and gently placed it on her head. He sat next to her, watching her sleep, and wondered how she ended up on his beach as he plucked pieces of seaweed out of her hair.
After an hour, Don wandered into the kitchen to fix himself something to eat. He was so relieved that Mrs. Lee had given him the fruit basket with breads, and started slicing an apple, some pineapple, an orange, some strawberries, and one of the small loaves of bread. He set everything on a plate and grabbed a bottle of water when he heard a noise. He looked over at the couch and saw the mysterious woman starting to move. He carried the plate of food and bottle of water to the small table next to the couch, and sat next to her. She moaned softly and her eyes fluttered open. She looked around the room, then jumped and gasped when she saw Don sitting next to her.
"Easy there angel," said Don in a soothing tone as he put his hands on her shoulders. "I promise I won't hurt you."
She looked up at him; her blue eyes sparkled as she looked into his eyes. She reached up, touched the compress on her head, winced in pain, but said nothing.
"I put that on your head," said Don as he bit into a piece of apple.
She watched him eat, licking her lips. She looked down her body, touching the t-shirt, the boxers, and then her legs.
"I hope you don't mind that I put this on you," explained Don. "I mean, you're incredibly beautiful, but I was afraid I'd do something I probably shouldn't if I didn't cover you up, and I couldn't find your clothes when I found you on the beach. Maybe you can tell me how you got here and what happened to your clothes. Were you surfing? Kayaking? On 'a three-hour cruise'?" Don sang that last part in a rather deep voice.
The woman just looked at Don, and watched him eat a piece of pineapple, then a slice of bread. Each time she licked her lips, looking at the fruit, the bread, and then his mouth. Don watched her eyes carefully, and then asked, "Are you hungry?"
She looked at him, then at the plate, licking her lips. He reached over and grabbed a piece of fruit. "Here, this is pineapple."
He put it in her hand, then grabbed another piece and ate it. She sniffed the fruit, licked it with her tongue and Don felt his penis harden. She smiled and popped the piece of fruit into her mouth. "Good?" asked Don.
She smiled and put her hand out, as if to ask for more. "Here, try a strawberry this time," said Don.
As before, he took one and ate it to show her it was safe, and she would sniff the fruit, lick it, then pop it into her mouth. Together they ate the fruit and bread and shared the water. While they ate, Don would talk hoping she would respond. "My name is Don," he said pointing to himself. "Don."
She smiled and pointed at him, then grabbed another piece of fruit and ate it. "Do you speak English? Do you understand my words?"
She would smile if he smiled at her, and ate the same fruit pieces he ate, or piece of bread, but didn't speak. He brushed some blonde hair out of her face and pulled more seaweed from her hair as he spoke, "Well angel, I don't know where you came from, or how you got here, but you're here now, alive and well. Considering how bad that storm was, I'd say it's a miracle that you're alive."
She looked at him with her blue eyes, but said nothing. Once the fruit, bread, and water was gone, she lay back on the couch and smiled at him. Don carried the empty plate and bottle back to the kitchen as she watched him walk and return. She didn't seem afraid of him, but rather curious in his movements and the hut she found herself in. She tried to sit up, but Don could see by the pained look on her face that her head still hurt and the movement aggravated the injury.
"Easy angel," he said and she smiled big. "I don't want you hurt again."
She seemed to understand his words, even though she still said nothing and lay back on the couch. Don plucked more seaweed from her hair as he asked, "Where did you come from angel?"
She smiled and looked at him. "Angel?" asked Don.
She smiled again, bigger than before. "Well then, I've learned your name now, haven't I? Or, at least what you like to be called. Angel it is, then. At least I know what to call you. Now, let me freshen this up."
Don took the compress off her head, walked to the kitchen, and re-wet it. He set it gently on her head and she winced again. "I know Angel, it hurts. But this seems to be helping, and right now, that's what matters. Now I want you to rest, and heal."
Don rose to go work on collecting the driftwood and palm branches when she grabbed his arm. Don looked down and said, "It's okay Angel, I'm just going outside for a bit."
She didn't let go, but held tighter. "Okay Angel, I'll say for a bit longer."
Don sat back down next to her and stroked her hair. "It's okay Angel, you've had a traumatic day. Here you are, with a strange man, in a strange place, and it seems you've lost the ability to speak. So how about I tell you about me."
She smiled and he told her about himself, including his job, his marriage, his divorce and how painful it was, and how he came to be there on this secluded island cove. She lay there and listened, never speaking or making a sound. Don rattled on for over an hour, but when he finished, he found that he felt better than he had in a long time. He smiled at Angel and said, "You know, that's the first time I've told anybody about all of that, and I must admit it feels good to get that off my chest. Thank you Angel. Looks like you're living up to your name."
Angel just smiled up at Don but still did not speak. A loud knock came from the door. Don rose to open the door as Angel watched. Don saw Mr. Lee standing on the porch. Don towered over the small, dark-haired Asian man as he stood in the doorway as he said, "Mr. Lee."
"Ah, Mr. Taylor, good to see you are well," said Mr. Lee. "I am sorry about the storm. We get those from time to time and this one was quite a surprise."
"Good to know."
"I came to see if there was any damage."
Don stepped out onto the porch and said, "When I walked around this morning I saw a few things, but most were cosmetic and nothing that affects the safety or structure of the hut."
"Where are these at?" asked Mr. Lee.
Don stepped out, showed him where he'd seen the damage and noticed a cave in the mountainside. As they walked back to the porch, Don said, "I was quite relieved that the damage wasn't worse. I was sure that storm was going to rip the roof off but it didn't."
"When you live in this area, you learn how to take care of things and make them stay put."
"Good to know."
"Anything else?" asked Mr. Lee.
"No, I think we're good here," said Don as he reached for the door.
"Well ... yeah, me and—" Don opened the door and saw that Angel was gone. He looked around but it seemed she had vanished.
"Something wrong Mr. Taylor?" asked Mr. Lee.
Don chuckled. "No. I forgot my wife, or rather, ex-wife didn't come with me. I've said 'we' for so long that I forgot I'm not a 'we' anymore."
"Ah, well my wife will be by tomorrow with more fruits and breads as well as some meats. She's afraid you'll starve if she doesn't."
"That's good to know, but she doesn't need to worry. I know how to fish."
"She still worries, but I will let her know. Good day Mr. Taylor."
Don watched Mr. Lee walk down to the beach, climb into his boat, and row away. He stepped back into the hut and walked to the couch. He saw the compress that he had put on Angel's head lying on the floor. He began to look around. "Angel? Angel? Where are you Angel?"
He checked the kitchen, the bathroom, then as he entered the bedroom, a shadow in the far corner caught his eye. "Angel? You in here?"
He walked over to the shadow and there was Angel, seaweed still strewn in her blonde, curly hair, curled up in a ball, sitting on the floor with her back to him. Don squatted down beside her and realized she was trembling. He put his hands on her arms and said softly, "Angel, what's wrong? Why are you hiding?"
Angel slowly lifted her head and Don saw her beautiful face was red and tear stained. He could see she was scared and upset. She wrapped her arms around Don's neck and sobbed. He sat on the floor and held her, gently stroking her hair and plucking seaweed out. After several minutes of crying, he moved so he could see her face.
"Angel, I don't know why you're so upset, but I promise you, I will keep you safe." He wiped the tears from her face. "Now, let's dry those pretty eyes and go for a swim, or maybe a long walk."
Don stood up and lifted Angel to her feet. It was then he saw how red her knees were. "Did you crawl in here? Oh Angel! Why are you so scared?"
Angel stood on two wobbly legs and smiled up at Don. It was only now he realized how much shorter she was than him. He figured she was about five foot three, maybe five foot four, about the same height as his ex-wife, but with curly blonde hair and blue eyes, not straight brown hair and brown eyes. He led her out of the bedroom, slowly. She moved as if walking was something new. Don wrapped his arm around her shoulders and let her outside. They stood on the porch for a few minutes and looked out at the beach and the water. They walked off the porch and down to the shore. When they got close to the water, Angel stopped and resisted getting near the water. Don released her and walked into the water so just his feet and ankles got wet, but Angel didn't come any closer. Don gestured for her to join him, but she refused to come closer, and would step back if the waves crashed too close.
"Okay Angel, no water today. We'll just walk around."
Don walked out of the water and they resumed their walk along the beach, holding hands and assessing the damage to the shore from the storm. There were lots of driftwood and palm branches littered everywhere, but otherwise, not much else. Don wondered if maybe the vessel she was in had sunk and that was why there was no evidence of how she came to be on the beach, but it still didn't explain her nakedness. As they worked their way back, they found some crabs in the sand. Don grabbed them and said with a smile, "How about a crab dinner?"
Angel just smiled back at Don. "I'll take that as a yes."
They walked back to the hut where Don cooked the crabs and served them with some of the breads and fruit he had left over from Mrs. Lee's basket. Don was so grateful he'd taken those cooking classes with his ex-wife when he was working to save his failing marriage. He melted the butter he found in the fridge, and served up a crab dinner that even a gourmet chef would be proud to serve. He set the table and Angel watched as she sat on the couch. When their meals were ready, he escorted her to her seat, pulling out her chair, and sat next to her. He was more than a little shocked when tried to grab the crabmeat with her bare hands and pulled back because it was too hot to touch. He chuckled at her innocence and helped her grab the fork. Then he grabbed his, and showed her how to spear the crabmeat, dip it in the melted butter, and eat it. Just as with the fruit, she would smell the food before tasting. The smile on her face after the first bite told Don his dinner was a success. Soon, their plates were empty and stomachs full. Don escorted Angel back to the couch, cleaned up the kitchen, and washed the dishes.
"So, are you ready for a warm bath?" he asked as he walked back into the small living room, only to find her asleep on the couch.
Don smiled, walked into his bedroom, grabbed a blanket, and covered her body. "Sleep well Angel, tomorrow's another day."
Don slipped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Thoughts of Angel's body danced through his mind, and soon he was erect. He knew he had two choices, and opted to masturbate while thinking of her. He turned on the water to the bathtub to hide any sounds he might make, stripped down, and imagined touching her soft skin, firm breasts, and wet sex, while stroking his cock until he climaxed. As he did, he whispered her name over and over again. Then he climbed into the tub and cleaned himself off. Once he was clean, he drained the tub, dried off, and tiptoed into the bedroom. He could see her sleeping peacefully on the couch as he slipped on clean boxers. He normally slept naked, but felt that he should wear clothes, just in case.
Don was standing in front of the courthouse with his lawyer talking about the success of the settlement. They agreed to sell the house and split the profits, no spousal support, each one keeping their car, and the bulk of the marital assets were split evenly. He really didn't care about all of that, he'd give it all to her if they would just stop this craziness and stay married. He saw her step out of the courthouse, smiling and laughing with her lawyer. He wanted to run over to her and beg her to stop this nonsense, but he didn't. He just watched her walk out of his life forever. Then, he saw something that caught his attention. A beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and blue eyes was looking at him, staring at him. Staring into his soul. She seemed to be saying something, but her kissable lips weren't moving. The vacation, the trip he had booked months ago, he should go, not cancel. Yes, this is what she was staying, he must take this trip, his future depended on it. He looked over at his now ex-wife as she walked up to a cab. He was torn, there was the woman whom he vowed to stay with 'till death, and now, there was this vision, this angel, telling him to move on and take a vacation.
Don woke up with a start, sweating as he sat up in bed. Angel was sitting there next to him, watching him sleep. Her face looked worried, scared. Was he talking? Was he screaming? He couldn't remember. Don turned on the small lamp by his bed, and could see the worry on her face. He reached up and touched her face; a flash of his dream went through his mind, the woman with the blonde hair and kissable lips. Was it Angel? Was it this mysterious woman who sat here now on his bed? He shook his head and hugged her tightly. At first, Angel didn't respond, then she slowly wrapped her arms around him. Suddenly, Don found himself sobbing, and he knew he was finally mourning the end of his marriage. After several minutes, he released Angel and looked at her face. She wiped the tears off his cheeks the way he had done when she had been so upset from Mr. Lee's visit. She smiled and rose to return to the couch, but he grabbed her arm.
"Stay, please," he whispered.
Angel looked down at his hand, then smiled. She sat back down next to Don. He slid over in the bed and pulled her toward him. She resisted briefly, then followed his lead. Don lay back, and had her rest her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, and she in turn put her arm over his chest. He kissed her head and stroked her hair until they fell asleep.
Don's eyes popped open and Angel was still asleep on his chest. He had a bad case of morning wood and the thought of waking her up the way he used to wake his wife drifted through his mind. He remembered when their marriage was good, how he'd crawl down her body, and lick her clit until she woke up, then slipped a couple of fingers inside her sex until she climaxed. Then they would make love and start their day with smiles. This though was pushed aside when he remembered, this girl doesn't even speak, and would she be so receptive of such advances when he hadn't even kissed her. He stroked her hair and tried to figure out how to get up without waking her when her eyes popped open.
"Good morning Angel," he said smiling, "sleep well?"
She smiled up at him, and they climbed out of bed. Don padded to the bathroom with Angel following him. He heard her gasp as he proceeded to drain his morning erection, and realized, he didn't remember seeing her use the toilet yesterday. He remembered watching a news program with his ex-wife about a woman who had suffered amnesia from a serious head injury she sustained in a car accident. It was so bad, she had to be taught how to walk, talk, and use the restroom. Maybe, he thought, this was what was wrong with Angel. Once he was empty, and soft, he put his penis back into his boxers, brought Angel in, pulled her boxers down, and sat her on the toilet. She watched him with confusion but didn't resist. When he didn't hear anything, he turned on the water at the sink to wash his hands and soon, he heard her bladder drain. Angel even tried to look down to see what was going on and Don giggled. Once he was sure she was done, he grabbed some toilet paper and using her hand, helped her clean up. She smiled bigger and he knew she'd needed to go for some time.
After Don showed Angel how to wash her hands, they wandered out to the kitchen. He took the last of the fruits and bread, cut them up, and they sat at the table and shared the food. He watched her eat and noticed that she wasn't waiting for him as much, but would still eat the same thing he would. After breakfast was eaten and the dishes were washed, Don slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then looked at Angel. She was still wearing the same clothes he had given her and he realized she needed some clothes. He decided to give her a clean t-shirt and let her wear a swimsuit as it could be tightened around her waist. He was pretty sure she didn't know how to dress herself, so he helped her change her clothes. He really tried not to look at her bare breasts or sex, but more than once, he caught himself catching a peek. He also realized she would need some form of a bra, as he was sure her breasts would be needing support soon. He decided that since Mrs. Lee was due to visit today, tomorrow he'd go to the village to buy her some clothes.
Don knew he didn't have any shoes for her to wear, but wanted to enjoy a morning walk so they walked along the shore, but she still wouldn't go near the water. They walked toward the cave he had noticed the day before when a boat entered the cove and approach the shoreline. Suddenly, Angel's calm demeanor became panicky and fearful as she was looking around frantically and trying to hide.
"What's wrong Angel?"
The fear in her face spoke volumes and he remembered how she hid and cried when Mr. Lee had arrived. They were about a hundred yards away from the cave, and Don realized that was probably the closest place she could go to hide. He pointed to the cave and she nodded her understanding. He watched her disappear into the mouth of the cave before he worked his way to the shoreline to meet the incoming boat. Mrs. Lee waved and smiled as Don helped bring her boat to the shore.
"Good morning Mrs. Lee. Good to see you."
"Mr. Taylor," she replied. "Out for a morning walk?"
"Yeah, I like to walk in the morning after breakfast."
"Find anything interesting?" she asked.
"Enough driftwood and palm branches to make some nice bonfires for several nights."
Mrs. Lee handed a large basket of food to Don and grabbed a second basket, then followed him to the hut. "I brought you more fruits, breads, and some meats. I know you told my husband you can catch fish, but I like to make sure you have enough food and I'm sure you're hungry."
"Not really, I finished the fruit and bread you gave me this morning."
"You had enough food?" she asked surprised.
"I found some crabs on the beach yesterday and made dinner with them."
"Oh, you can cook?"
"Yeah, my ex-wife and I took some cooking classes when we were trying to save our marriage. Now I'm really glad I did."
Don opened the door and let Mrs. Lee into the hut. "Mr. Lee said you were a bit confused yesterday."
Don set his basket on the table, took Mrs. Lee's from her, and carried into the kitchen. "I explained that to your husband. When I booked this trip, my wife and I were working to save our marriage and I thought we were on the road to reconciliation. Unfortunately, but the time I realized we weren't, it was too late to cancel so I decided some time to myself would be good."
As Don put the food away, Mrs. Lee smiled. "So you think you are alone?"
"Well no, not at the moment, you're here."
Mrs. Lee snickered. "Mr. Taylor, do you know what 'Cala de Sirena' means?"
"No, can't say that I do," said Don.
"It means 'Mermaid Cove.' There are some that believe that mermaids live in the cove and after a storm, some people have even claimed seeing mermaids on the shore."
"You sound like you've got your doubts."
"A mermaid would only survive on land if she took on human form," said Mrs. Lee.
"So, what you're saying is, they would look like a human woman?"
"Exactly! We get sightings of naked women on the beach all the time after a storm. Not that it matters, mermaids are afraid of humans."
"Why do you say that?" asked Don.
"Well, anytime anyone tries to approach one of these women, they jump back into the sea and disappear."
Don thought about Angel, how he found her naked on the shore, how she jumped when she first regained consciousness, her refusal to go into the water, and how she has reacted when Mr. Lee or Mrs. Lee came. "Mrs. Lee, I think you are telling me stories you tell your children."
Mrs. Lee smiled. "They are part of the stories I have told my children, yes. But you see Mr. Taylor, I have seen them."
Don carried the empty basket back to the table and grabbed the full one, as he asked "What? Mermaids?"
"Yes," said Mrs. Lee. "When I was a child, I walked down to the beach after a storm and I saw a lady in the water. I remember she had long brown hair with seaweed strewn in it. She was so beautiful and seemed to be naked. But when my father came down, she dove under the water and swam away and I caught a quick glance of her rainbow tail. I tried to tell my father about what I had seen, but he thought I was being a silly child and dismissed it, but I know what I saw. Mr. Lee says if he ever caught one, he'd keep it in a tank so he could charge tourist extra to see a real live mermaid."
Don continued putting the food away as he said, "But you're already booked out over a year in advance now. A mermaid would book you out even further."
"Mr. Lee would be happy."
"But would the mermaid?"
"I do not know," said Mrs. Lee. "I don't know if they have feelings like humans."
Don carried the second empty basket to the table. "Thank you for the food Mrs. Lee. Will you be returning?"
Mrs. Lee gathered the baskets. "In a couple of days, I will check back and see how you are doing. I know you intended to come here with your wife, but you still came alone. I won't lie, but I worry about such a nice young man like yourself. You shouldn't be so alone and sad. I hope that when you leave here, you will be happy."
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Bruce and Liz Calahan turned around and saw Kara and Dana standing behind them. It was Kara who had spoken, of course. It was her way of announcing their arrival and surprising the couple. "Kara, baby, I wondered what kept you and Dana, but I could certainly guess!" Liz winked at them, making Dana blush. "Yeah, well, I just had to celebrate my upcoming, legally recognized marriage to my sweet Kara. Luckily, my beautiful bride had no objection to that idea! Gotta love Massachusetts! Where...
Governor Bruce Calahan was right. He woke up to find Liz playing with his cock and balls. Clearly, she had planned a little special shake for breakfast. His thoughts were confirmed she saw him awake and began to lower her mouth onto his manhood. She might have been a nerd, but she was one who could suck a cock better than most women. The experience only intensified when she started licking his balls and deep-throating him. She obviously wanted to get him off rapidly, because that was a...
FetishGovernor Bruce Calahan knew that he would miss Susie Brock alot- in fact, it really saddened him when she had to leave for Harvard, but he knew intellectually that it was best for both of them. She needed to get a Harvard degree, and he needed to get busy on his re-election campaign. He knew that the other was going to put up a tough candidate this time- one who would be much harder to beat. He would have to spend more time on the campaign trail, which would have left little time for him to...
FetishThis story starts off as a true experience but then twists off into what I have fantasized about happening.A little back story: S and I had been friends for 6 or 7 years and he had actually introduced me to my wife when he was dating her sister. S and I had never had any type of experiences together, but one time when I saw him get out of the shower I was really turned on by his semi hard cock. S was about 5'6", in great shape and good looking. I had fooled around with a couple of friends...
***Note from the Author: Special thanks to all of the folks who gave me feedback on my first story, it was greatly appreciated.
"Mr. Hemming wants to see you naked." "What's the punch line?" "No joke. Daniel wants to see what you look like without clothes." "Just like that, out of the clear blue sky, your boss wants to see me naked." "We were talking about our wives. One thing led to another and I mentioned what a cute little body you have." Little? Yes. Cute? She didn't think so. She was petite, and slender, with small boobs and skinny legs. Angel could not image why anyone would want to see her naked....
Hello ISS readers, this is my second story here continuation of first part. I am a regular reader since my childhood, I thought of sharing my experience first time here. To begin with I am aditya a software engineer in an mnc, my height is 5″ ft7 with athletic body, with around 7 inch endowment. This incident happened during the time of chennai floods, exact date I don’t remember. You can send comments and suggestions on gmail. Com. I had be ready to please hot girls and ladies if they had like...
Hi all, I have been an ISS reader for the last 9-10 years. Previously, I used to read Humandigest. But, once they stopped publishing stories, I found ISS which is really helpful for single guys like me. I have been always fantasizing about the stories I read here. After reading stories here, a thought came to me. Why not start writing my own experience in life? So, here it is. This is a 100% true sex story of mine. Let’s begin. This started 3–4 years back when I was new to Bangalore. Being from...
I didn't even hear the alarm in the morning. When I awoke, Joni had already showered. She woke me up in time to take another shower. I was surprised to find that most of the aches and pains were gone. My stomach was still tender, as if I had been punched in the stomach yesterday. But it was just a twinge, not enough that it would keep me from another long day of rape. I took a shower and brushed my teeth and hair. We put our sandals on and went around to check on our dorm. We knew the kids...
Picked up a hitch hiker on their way to San Francisco.I am heading up Rt5, got off to get gas, there is a tranny hitch hiker by the on ramp, I am dressed in my gurl clothes but not too noticeable unless you were tranny oriented. I had on my panties, waist cincher, bra with A cup forms, girls jeans, and shirt. Not too obvious. I stopped the car and the hitch hiker came to the passenger side door, they said, "going to San Francisco?" and I said, "Hop in we will go together". He put his stuff in...
“I love you.” “I know. I love you too.” I lay in bed with my soon to be husband, Rob, after I had just finished telling him about my little secret fantasy, and my inexplicable urge to want to carry it out. We usually tell each other our sexual fantasies and certain ones we end up acting out, but this one was a little different. It was still almost a month until the wedding, we had both decided three months ago to abstain from sex until the wedding night, we wanted to build up our physical...
“Sonia!” Maya hissed in class. “Stop it!” That morning, Sonia had made Maya put the vibrating egg inside her, and since then she had been entertaining herself by activating it to tease her, bringing her to the edge of climax and keeping her there for minutes, while she had to pretend nothing was happening. Looking at Maya’s tormented expression, Sonia giggled. If she’d been a good girl and called her Miss, maybe she would have turned it off. Maybe. As it was, she’d have to put up with it...
Dear friends, hope you liked the first part of my actual life experience through the title of the story, “Journey Of A Teenager”. This is the part 2 of the sequel and all these are real-life experiences. As I entered my college, I became close to a family with 2 young sisters who lived very close to our house. The aunty whose name was Kalyani, also had an unmarried young sister, Kuheli. With time, I became very close to their entire extended family. The relationship developed into such a bond...
Hi to all. I am a software engineer working in a MNC in Chennai. Here I am going to narrate a fantasy of mine. Hope you enjoy this story.Characters in the story:Geeta - She is decent looking girl of 5 4" with curly hair and her stats may be 32 26 34.Swathi - slim and sexy with height of 5 5" with stats of 32 24 34. Her ass looks very soft.Madhavi - She has very big and round ass as well as big breasts, very curvy with stats 38 32 42.Vidya - whitish bubbly girl with seductive smile and with...
Hello dosto, mera nam Tanya hai. Main ek prostitute hu. Waise toh har tarah se meri chudai ho chuki hai, alag alag tarah ke aadmiyo se. Par ek aadmi kuch zyada hi maza de gaya tha mujhe, main wahi kissa aapko aj batati hu. Yeh kissa padh ke har ladki puri gili ho jayegi aur har ladke ke lund khada ho jayega. Us aadmi ne jo mujhe maza diya tha, aisa maza kabi nahi mila mujhe. Chaliye kahani shuru karte hai. Ek aadmi aya ek din aur hamari malkin se kaha usey ek ladki chahiye 2 din ke liye aur...
Saturday night I did go out, even though I didn't have anything in mind. I had spent most of the day running back and forth to the model home. Every time I got home there seemed to be a call from someone wanting a tour of the model home. Each one had a compelling reason why it had to be done immediately, so I turned around and drove back to the model home over and over. By nightfall I really needed to spend time with people, who didn't want to do anything but spend time with me. Okay, some...
Dear indian sex stories dot net friends, Yeh story ek real story hai jo meri aur friend k beech ki hai. Yeh story meri friend pp ki hai jisko maine uski shadi k baad base maje se thoka alag alag places par le jakar. My name is x and is story ki heroine ka name pp hai. Meri age 30 years hai and pp ki abhi age30 years nai. Ab story start karte hai. Main aur pp ek hi college me graduation karte the . College k time pe meri bahotsarigf hi to maie pp k ya college ki ladkiya pe jyada dhyan kabhi nai...
I crashed a sprint car five years ago, and busted myself up pretty good. I had been on top of the world, with a new house in construction, a pretty loving wife, a dream job, and all the shiny noisy toys I wanted. An hour later I was in a hospital bed, wondering if my legs would ever move again, if I would ever have another erection. After three months of surgery and rehabilitation, minor miracles were accomplished and I was put back together, almost like new. My boss saved my job; my career...
Hi readers mai often is site per sex stories perta tha specialy once a weak weekends ko raat ko meri age 26 hai mera name ferhan hai.mai pakistan kai city peshawer ka rehnai wala hoon mai msc socialogy ka student hoon university of peshawer sai. Meri yai first sex ki story hai wo sex jis ki tamana mai us waqt sai kia kerta tha jab mai 10 saal ka tha lakin meri yai arzoo 26 saal ki omer mai pori howee. Kisa yai hai kai jab mai 7 saal ka tha to humara aik relative tha jis ka name gohar tha..wo...
Filling in for Beth - part 8 "Everything has to be perfect." I would say it all day, like a mantra. The roast was ready to go into the oven, the girls were confined to their rooms for the next hour and the air in the bathroom was so warm and thick with moisture I could barely tell when my ass touched the water. I sank into the oversized tub until I felt water reach my neck and crinkle against the back of the heavy duty shower cap that protected my hair. In Tom's tub I can even get...
All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over My mate Jez, he gets my cock well fucking hard. I get my hardest erections when I think about Jez. I only have to think about him and it throbs up into the most unbearably stiff hard-on ever. My erections are well hard full stop but when I think of Jez they’re rock solid. I don’t know what it is about him that makes me feel the way I do. He’s just got this presence about him, this aura. Whenever I’m in his company I...
Gay MaleArlene could feel Ron's body warm against her as gradually she began to recover. The reality of the strange situation was returning, and she wanted to be alone with her lover now. It was then that she heard Erick's smooth voice. "Let's have a little fun with the girls!" he said. Arlene sat up in bed, her face livid with anger. She clutched for a piece of the sheet to cover her nakedness. Erick was standing naked in the middle of the room, having apparently just removed his clothes, for...
On Sunday morning Jennie woke up in the bed alone. Before she could wonder why, George came in with a breakfast tray. Breakfast in a waterbed is also difficult, but he had an ingenious little table that in lieu of legs had a mounting bracket for the bed frame. With much giggling but no mishaps they got it all set up and George back in bed. Jennie was hungry and they ate in relative silence. The breakfast was delicious and Jennie noticed how nice everything had been arranged - there was even a...
I am Peter and my marriage had lasted over twenty years, but it had stopped being a real marriage long before. My wife had wanted a career of her own. I was fine with that. It left me time to stay at home and do my artwork. I sold enough pieces to make it worthwhile. Of course, Natalie, my wife, worked late often. She was a lawyer. Because of this I decided to ride it out and just take care of myself. I knew my wife well by now, and she could have raked me over the coals in a divorce. I just...
CheatingFirst thing she did was decide to go back to college and get her nursing degree, that way she could support herself and live on her own. During this time, she bought a computer to assist her with schoolwork. Not only could it help her with college, she could use it to communicate with her children. Never in her wildest dreams did she think it would improve her love life. Kandy used the computer for her studies, and soon found other ways to utilize it. The internet was a virtual walking...
Hey Guys! This is Sapna and, this time, I am going to tell you about my first time. The boy’s name is Rahul (let’s say). He was a son of my father’s close friend. So naturally our families were quite close and he was a good friend of my brother, so he used to visit quite frequently. We all were studying in the same school and he was like the most popular guy in the school. He was smart, handsome and known for his way around girls. Rahul was good at mathematics and he was helping me with the...
Laurie and her Nephew Prelude You may have read about my beautiful wife, Laurie, and my brother, David. Several months ago, he walked in on her one night in a hotel room in Chicago where she was playing hostess for a former lover’s card game. Laurie and another girl, dressed alike in sheer mesh teddies, served drinks, and then themselves, to the guests waiting to get into the game. When David found her, completely by accident, she...
IncestI have many happy memories of my parents during my early childhood, and only realized when I was thirteen years old and in middle school, that my family is very dysfunctional. My parents both work at blue collar jobs, which they have a hard time keeping due to them being alcoholics. They are usually either not home, of if they are they're drunk and verbally, and sometimes even physically abusive to me.Kids in middle school are old enough to start becoming aware of the social status of their...
LesbianBy the time they'd left the Christmas house party, the world had become white. The cab driver hadn't wanted to go the extra two hundred yards on the untreated surface of their street, so he'd pulled up at the corner and Clare had stepped out onto a snowy carpet that enfolded her feet and hushed her heels as she walked alone towards their house, leaving James to pay the driver.The key won't go into the lock. Is this the right door? Yes, she is sure it is. But the snow has changed everything,...
Wife LoversWe had almost a full year together before we had another visit by Comanches. This time, it was a full war party. There were at least 20, and maybe as many as 25 braves attacking us, plus there was a war chief who ran the attack. The Comanches had already figured out that many White men were away from home, so this was a good time to wipe out the farms and ranches that so pissed them off. We were now strong enough to put up a healthy defense. Each one of us had a Henry rifle, and there were...
After figuring that out, I decided Icould actually just volunteer at a few places to kill 40 hours a week. Out of the four places I am now volunteering, I think I enjoy the Meals on Wheels most. I have had a nagging interest in older women for a long time. Obviously, the majority of the people I am bringing meals to are senior citizens. There are a few disabled people, and some odd cases that I don’t even understand, but right now I am stopping by the homes of twenty different women who are...
Peter's Story - A Girl called Miranda Peter was upset with his parents. Peter was born in the city of Bismarck, the capital of the great northern state of North Dakota. He had spent his entire life in a city, named after the man who started the Second German Empire (or called in German – die Zwitten Deustches Reich) and was forever at war with the French and Austrian Empires. Peter was a high school student, enjoying the city life and always hanging out with his friends and classmates,...
Nicole ran into her apartment building, not even winded. She jogged up the five flights of steps to her floor (something else she had never done before). When she entered the hall to her apartment, she saw Anna waiting for her by her door. Anna looked at her in stunned amazement. "What's with the sweats?" "I went jogging this morning." "You? Jogging? What? Did the devil call this morning and say that hell had frozen over?" Nicole got the spare key from the top of the door frame....
SHORT N SWEET SHORT N SWEET By Velvetglove STANDARD DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT ?Short n Sweet? is a fictional story. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality and any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. It is planned to contain up to twelve parts, depending on the enthusiasm I feel and any encouragement I receive. Copyright is claimed by the author. Part One: July The amazing thing is that it was all my wife?s idea. Now, a bit of background is...
Carol was attractive, 46 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes. Her marriage was unfufilling, sexually. When we met she told me that her husband wouldn't make love to her, so she looked elsewhere. We met and it and there was a mutual attraction between the two of us. I was 47 and single at the time and Carol was 46, married and needed companionship. She stated her husband didn't make love t her.We enjoyed each others company, mentally as well as physically. When she could make it out of her house,...
Group Sex"Jerry, we are going to have to be good the seats are too small for both of us," I said. "Well there have been an awfully lot of cherries popped in the back seat of a car," he said. "I'm not sure those people were almost strangers. I need to get to know you some." I said. Yeah it was a lie, but it sounded better than I don't feel like fucking you. You are just too nice a guy for me. "Well we need to get some sleep then. We need to be on the road early. I want to get to the buyer...
Ab main tumhe apne pehle sex ki kahani sunata hoon ki pehli bar maine kaise apni hostel warden ke sath sex kiya tha.Main 10th class me padta tha aur meri age 18 yr thi.Main hostel me rehta tha.College me Chemistry ki nai teacher aayee thi.Unka name Miss Ragini tha.Miss Ragini ka apne pati se talak ho gaya tha.Wo bilkul akeli thi.Isliye Principal ne mrs Ragini ko hostel ka Warden bhi bana diya tha.Isse unki Rehne ki samasya ka samadhan ho gaya tha.Wo bahut sundar thi.Mrs ragini ka figure...
Hie…. Friends mera nam shaline hai, me mumbai me rehta hu aur me ek second year ka student hu aur mere ghare me me mera chota bhai mummy aur papa rehte hai. Mere papa ek businesman hai aur mummy ek house wife hai. Meri mummy ki height 5.6 ki hai aur gore colour ki hai, aur age unki 42 ki hai aur breast bhi ache khase hai aur wo gujarati saree phen ti hai. Mummy papa roj hum dono bhai k sone k bad sex karte hai. Me ek incident batane ja ra hu jab me ne mummy papa ko sex karte pheli bar dekh aur...
Above the music of the club, Mia could not hear a thing. They were playing ‘Belly dancer’ by Akon. Since she loved this song, Mia worked her way to the dance floor. She started to use what little hip hop moves that she knew. Out of the corner of her eye, Mia saw something that made her stop dancing. A beautiful blonde woman with a curvy but not fat body was dancing all by herself. While Mia continued to watch this woman, she looked around for a place to sit down. There was a seat directly...
I used to work in a lot of different places. One job I still do is fixing computers. The pay is good and usually an average client needs you to work for 10-30 minutes. Son on a good weekend you could earn a full week's salary, while working for 6-8 hours over two days. Most clients needed me to come to their home and look at whatever was wrong due to their own mistakes or improper usage. And this day was no different. I got a call from someone who lived about 5 kilometres away. Marichka was a...
Sexy, young Nicole Doshi teases and tempts veteran porn director/stud Mick Blue in a pleated skirt and a white top — classic schoolgirl attire. The longhaired dirty blonde strips, revealing some very grown-up charms: lacy lingerie, big boobs and a mouthwatering derriere! Petite knockout Nicole confesses to Mick’s POV camera that she ‘always wanted to fuck’ her college professor, but never did. He soaks Nicole’s tits in shiny oil lubricant. She rubs more of the...
xmoviesforyouAnyway, this particular summer when Karen came home she seemed different--still totally hot, with the party girl attitude, but different around me, friendlier somehow. The moment she walked in the door, before she even tried to find mom and dad, she ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "Hey Brian, long time no see! Did you miss me?" I was a little taken aback by this but managed to mumble, "Yeah, I guess so." She laughed and then stepped back and said, "Hey check it out, you like...
"Just a moment," the woman at the rent-a-car desk said, looking at Alexander's license with suspicion. "I need to speak to my manager for a moment." Alexander shook his head. 'Great. Just great. Here we go again,' he thought. It was almost two in the morning and after nearly a day and a half on airplanes flying from Hong Kong to Japan to Dallas/Fort Worth to Chicago, then , finally to Bradley International Airport in Hartford. He was exhausted and wanted to get on his way to his fianc?'s ...
Hi everyone, am writing story for quite sometimes. After reading my story a girl named Janani send me mail to my id. We started to chat, she was very reluctant in giving few details like her contact number. But we kept chatting whenever possible, and started role play. I used to call her kutty, chellam and so on. she calls me as mama. And address my wife as akka. this has been going on for a month. While chatting casually she said that she is going to call me after lots of persuasion she...
"Let Daddy see your titties, baby"The girl on the screen giggled and I heard some shuffling over the speakers. "Oh sweetheart, yes" My Dad gripped his dick harder and pumped just a little faster. "Do you like them, Daddy?" "Yeah, baby. Daddy wants to suck them so badly.""Oh Daddy you make my pussy sooo wet." she pouted"Show me, baby, show Daddy that sweet pussy. he wants to lick it."Oh my gosh, my Dad had definitely turned me on previously but never this much. I wanted so badly to be the girl...
My name is Ralph. I am a light skin Black man. I am 34 years old. I am 6-4 in height and weigh 205 pounds. I have dual bachelor degrees and a master’s degree in psychology. I started off using my computer skills. But I always wanted to practice psychology so at 32 I filled in as a psychologist for a two year period. I tried that but got too emotional with the work that I was doing so I stopped working in the psychology field. It was this particular patient’s case that was the tipping point....
Hi friends, This story is continuation to part 1 After I was done with the call, Alex came near me put his hands on my ass cheeks and kissed me on lips. Alex : shall we baby (saying this he spread ass cheeks) Me : yes master. Alex took me to the bedroom and threw me on the bed. My back was facing him. He spread ass cheeks and slowly inserted his dick in me. It pained like hell. Me : slowly slowly aaaaahh He started fucking ass harder after 5 mins and going deep inside. He started slapping my...
Pablo was an enigma to me. I was attracted to someone I kind of despised. 2 days later after the car blowjob he calls me up. Again not a charmer by any means. He simply TELLS me that he's going to go by tomorrow for "lunch." So for the next few weeks I was having a liquid lunch on most days. I actually began looking forward to these escapades. Pablo began requesting, well actually demanding, that I wear specific attire on certain occasions. His favorite was that I put on a relative short skirt...
My name is Tina. I had my son Alex when I was still in high school. My parents and my sister helped me raise him, and I was eventually able to go to college as make a nice life for us. Now 30, I’m a junior executive at a $1B a year company. With my salary I’m able to afford extra help to manage the house, care for the yard, stock the shelves, et cetera. I also like to care of myself with frequent mani-pedis, massages, and a personal trainer. One benefit of having a baby early in life is...
My continued sex with jenny's(my girlfiend)younger sister Susan was awsome most weekends and the odd day when I was passing she couldnt get enough of my dick. We had a family gathering where her elder sister Sally who was a cock hungry nympho was going to be there, we arrived and the house was filling nicely as the evening carried on I got talking to sally,she was pissed and said she would love to suck my cock.We went out side and she grabbed my cock through my trousers it was a big buldge she...
kk and i stand face to face with our hands clasped behind our backs, eye forward, head held high. our Masters step forward a bit of chain with a clamp on each end. you attach one clamp to each of your wife's nipples. i watch her wince slightly as they bite into her. you step back and Rob does the same to mine..damn they do pinch hard. he steps back and hands you a short length of chain and says "you do the honors mate" and with that, you hook up together by our nipples chains. you and Rob...