SacrificesChapter 7 free porn video

“Sonia!” Maya hissed in class. “Stop it!”
That morning, Sonia had made Maya put the vibrating egg inside her, and since then she had been entertaining herself by activating it to tease her, bringing her to the edge of climax and keeping her there for minutes, while she had to pretend nothing was happening.
Looking at Maya’s tormented expression, Sonia giggled. If she’d been a good girl and called her Miss, maybe she would have turned it off. Maybe. As it was, she’d have to put up with it for the rest of the class.
“Please?” Maya asked. “Please, please, please, Miss?”
Sonia looked at her watch and snickered.
“Kiss my shoes,” she said.
Maya gasped. What, in class? In front of everyone?
“I don’t care how you do it,” Sonia said in a whisper. “If you want me to turn it off before the break, kiss my shoes.”
Maya sighed and bit her lip, doing all she could to hold herself from moaning. She dropped a pen, and crouched on the floor, with the excuse of picking it up. There she took the opportunity to lay a discreet kiss on each of Sonia’s shoes.
Sonia giggled, looking at the desperate girl at her feet. It was so easy to control her. In a way, it had been more fun when she had to break her in.
“Please, Miss. I did what you said.”
With a thought, Sonia stopped the pleasure assailing Maya’s pussy. She had obeyed, after all, and it was important to reinforce that compliance had its rewards.
The bell rang, indicating the end of the class, and Maya groaned, realising she had kissed her friend’s shoes to save herself from only a few seconds of torment. It was typical of Sonia to make her humiliate herself for nothing, though thinking twice about it, she might have kept the teasing up during the break, too. She shuddered.
Invulnerability had changed the two girls. They didn’t scurry through corridors and hide in corners anymore, making it quite easy for the Judges to find them.
Maya flinched, but Sonia stood her ground.
“What do you want?”
“We’re going to give you one chance to apologise,” Nicole said.
“Or what?”
“You’ll regret it,” Rachel said.
Sonia took a glance at Maya, who gave a tiny nod.
“So,” Sonia said, “what sort of apology would you like? Something tells me a sorry and a handshake isn’t quite what you’re after.”
Cara lunged towards Sonia, but Heather held her off.
“That’s not what we agreed on,” she said softly.
“These two have to fucking pay!” Cara said. “You’re right.” She glared at Sonia. “You’re going to crawl on your bellies, kiss our toes, and beg us to forgive you, and you better make it look good!”
Sonia began to laugh. “Well, that’s been entertaining. Now, though, we’re leaving.”
She took Maya by the hand and they turned their back on the four girls. They set off, slowly, with Sonia setting a dignified pace, making it clear she was fearless.
The Judges hissed, but then looked at each other, and smirked.
Four balloons hit Maya and Sonia. They were filled with urine. As they touched their bodies, Maya’s magic intervened, and the liquid spilled all over them, leaving them drenched.
The Judges cackled.
Sonia gritted her teeth, glared at Maya, and grabbed her by her piss-soaked hair, pulling her away.
Maya’s knees shook as she stumbled behind Sonia, on the edge of wetting herself, mortified and scared as the Judges taunts followed them.
Once they were alone, Sonia slapped her.
“So you think it’s funny to let them piss all over me, do you?”
“No, Miss!” Maya started crying. “I’m so sorry, Miss. I just didn’t--”
“Shut up!” Sonia slapped her again. “I don’t want to hear your pathetic excuses.”
She took the dirty sock with the aura out of her bag, shoved it in Maya’s mouth, and activated the taste memory, as Maya whimpered and retched.
“You’re going to have that in your mouth for the rest of the day, and that’s only the beginning.” Sonia kicked Maya to the floor and trod on her. “Now get lost. I don’t want to be seen with you. We’ll continue your punishment at home.”
Maya got up slowly. The urine was making her shiver with cold, and the gag in her mouth kept assaulting her with the most disgusting flavour imaginable, keeping her from any noise beyond the quietest whine.
She went to a toilet, and tried to clean herself, though she ended up even wetter than she had been. At least she didn’t smell of piss, though the stink from the sock in her mouth was noticeable even at a distance.
Everyone knew what had happened. The Judges had put Sonia and Maya in their place again. People kept messing with her. The kindest would point and giggle, or call her names. Others shoved her, spat on her, or tripped her in the corridors, giggling as she fell on the floor. When she tried using her magic, she realised Sonia had cut off her power as another part of her punishment.
The worst was she had failed Sonia. She was disappointed, and afraid of the consequences. So while leaving the school was a bit of a relief, as soon as she arrived at Sonia’s door, she felt like crying again.
She rang the bell and waited.
As she was about to ring again, she jumped in surprise.
Warm liquid splashed on her head, flowing down her body.
She looked up, and saw Sonia’s smirking face at the window as she noticed the bitter smell of piss all over her.
“Stay still,” Sonia said. “There’s more.”
Maya’s upturned face was soaked in piss. Sonia giggled, an empty glass in hand.
“The problem,” Sonia said, after letting Maya in, “is I’ve been treating you too nicely.”
Maya writhed naked on the floor, tortured by the collar, nuzzling Sonia’s piss-stained shoes.
“I thought you were like a pet.” Sonia kicked Maya’s face, but it barely registered under the pain she was in. “You’re too worthless for that, though. At least a pet is loyal.” She sighed.
She let the pain stop. Maya began to abjectly kiss her shoes.
Sonia pulled Maya by the hair, and took the gag off.
“Wash yourself,” she said. “Cold water only. Don’t say a word. I don’t want to hear it.”
Maya trudged to the toilet and had a cold shower. She was shivering by the end of it, but at least she finally felt clean.
When she was done, Sonia made her lie on her lap. To her surprise, she stroked Maya’s naked body, warming her up.
“What happened today?” Sonia asked.
“I’m sorry, Miss.”
Maya shivered. Sonia’s attitude was confusing her so much.
“I lost so much power from the auras, our defence was weakened. It would have worked against a real attack, but liquid was too difficult to stop and it came through.”
Sonia sighed. “What’s the difference, intent?”
“Consequences. It wouldn’t actually harm us, so...”
Sonia ran the fingers of one hand through Maya’s hair, while the other caressed her back.
“You should have told me the auras were draining you too much.”
“I should have, Miss. I just ... didn’t realise it myself. Please, punish me.”

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