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Part IV (final)

Soon two men grabbed and held Ann and me in place as a strange woman attacheda collar around each of our necks and pulled us onto the stage for everyoneto see. Then the Mistress approached us with a red-hot poker and waved it infront of our wet willows, saying, ?I knew you two stupid whores would try tosneak out that open window, the question is which one of you had the idea andballs to do it?? At this point I was scared to death and immediately spokeand said, ?it was Sludge Hole Mistress, she forced me to do it!? Ann lookedat me in horror and surprise, but it was her idea and she shouldn't have laughedat me the night before anyway. Ann immediately started to curse, ?you bitch,I'll get you for this if it's the last thing I do.? She tried to run towardsme but the woman held her collar firm. Then the Mistress put the poker backinto a barbecue of hot coals, patted me on the head and said, ?Good work shithole, I knew you'd sell her out.? Now you can watch and see what we do to slavesthat try to escape.? The Mistress was being very nice and gentle with me; sheeven had a chair brought up for me to sit down. Soon Ann's collar was tiedto a rafter and her arms were tied above her head, until her stocking feetieswere on their tippy toes. What I now know to be a bit gag was secured in hermouth and a device was put across her chest that had two flat pieces of woodwith screws at each end. Ann writhed in pain as the screws were tightened andher bobbles were squeezed and flattened. Then they took those horrid breastclamps with the weighted balls that I was forced to endure and attached themto Ann's nipply-poos. Ann's eyes were wide open as muffled screams of paincame out of her mouth. Then the Mistress announced, ?This is what we do totrouble makers around there,? and the audience clapped.

The Mistress approached me and handed me a paddle, saying, ?Michelle, comehere and help me teach sludge hole a lesson for forcing you to escape.? I couldn'tbelieve she called me by my real name, so I got up and proceeded to paddleAnn's bottom. The audience was clapping for me and I felt just like one ofthe group. I was so happy that I spoke up and didn't have those horrible thingsdone to me. I was especially happy those horrid tit balls weren't clamped tomy poor aching breasts (oops, I mean banana shaped bobbles). I paddled Anngood, really getting into the action and starting to get wet by the experience.I was so glad I spoke up and was now part of the group and would no longerbe tortured. The Mistress then motioned me to come to her and I did. She tookme in her arms and gave me a gentle hug. Then she stood behind me and gentlypulled back my hair and tied it into a ponytail. With her arms on my shouldersshe said to the audience, ?now lets show Michelle what we do to little tattletale whores around here.? No sooner did she say this that she grabbed my ponytail and pulled my head back so hard that I almost fell. Still holding my headback, she grabbed my left breast and started pinching my nipple. I was horrifiedthat this was happening and heard the Mistress say, ?did you thing you wouldget away with being such a little snitch, we hate snitches even more than troublemakers.? To which I said, ?please Mistress, don't torture me, my poor breastscan't take anymore.? Then she swung me away from her and said, ?What did youcall those tits?? At first I was confused, then realizing my mistake immediatelysaid, ?banana shaped bobbles, I meant banana shaped bobbles.? ?Say it againstupid,? the Mistress said. To which I replied, ?p-please Mistress my bananashaped bobbled can't take anymore torture.? The audience started to laugh asI stood expose to all of them naked and scared to death.

The Mistress then took my arms and tied them to a railing across the frontof the stage, such that I was slightly bent over and my breasts (opps, I meanbanana shaped bobbles) were hanging. Then she had me watch as she removed thedevices from Ann and took her back stage; leaving me bent over staring at theaudience that was looking at me like I was an attraction at the zoo. The Mistressreturned and from behind me stuffed what I now know to be an oversized ballgag in my mouth and tied it tightly behind my head. My poor jaw started hurtingalmost as soon as she put it in. Afterwards she came in front of me and spiraledan unraveled coat hanger around each of my banana shaped bobbles, causing metremendous pain, as they were so sore from the night before. My banana shapedbobbles were now tightly spiraled in the wire so they looked like two conessticking straight in front of me, with the hooks from the hangers hanging outin front of each of my nippley-poos. Next someone handed the mistress two bunchesof bananas to which she said, ?Since your tits look like bananas, I thoughtthey might like some company.? The audience started laughing again as the Mistresshung each bunch of bananas on the hooks of each of my banana shaped bobbles,after which they started to cheer. All I could do was scream in agony underthe big ball in my mouth, as the weight from the bananas viciously pulled theskin on my chest towards to floor. Then a women in a nurses costume came upand proceeded to put an enema tube in my poopie hole. They hung a bottle connectedto the tube in front of me and proceeded to fill it with cold milk. At firstI could feel the cold liquid filling me like any normal enema, but after afew minutes it started to make me cramp and I was getting enormous gas pains.I could only moan under my ball gag and pray this would be the end of my punishment.After the enema bottle was empty the nurse took the enema tube out of my poopiehole and the Mistress whispered in my ear, ?Your not to spill a drop, or whatyour going through right now will seem like a cake walk. Understand?? I mouthed, ?yesMistress? from under my gag as I looked at her for mercy.

I was left holding my enema for about fifteen minutes, whaling in pain, whilethe audience went back to mingling and having cocktails. Then the lights beganto flicker, at which point the audience once again turned their attention tothe stage. I could hear someone come up behind me, but didn't know who it wasand was. I tried looking, but my arms and collar kept me from turning my bodyenough to see. Then, without warning, I felt an enormously forceful smack onmy behind, WHACK! I instinctively jerked my bottom forward, almost loosingmy enema but clenched my poopie hold tight to keep it in. Before I could recoverthere was another smack on my bottom from a large wooden paddle, WHACK! ?MMMMOOOOOFFFF? wasall I could mouth under my ball gag from the pain. This continued until I wasutterly in tears, while the audience clapped after each brutal smack of mypoor bottom. Then I heard the paddle drop to the floor, I was weeping terriblywhen I noticed a pair of high black stilettos standing in front of me. As Ilooked up, I saw black thigh-highs and leather corset. Looking higher, I sawthat the woman wearing this outfit, and who spanked the living daylights outof me was Ann. Then the Mistress walked up along side of Ann and gave her akiss on the lips. ?Well, well shit hole, I bet you didn't know Ann has beenone of my professional slaves for quite some time now. When we saw you in theairport, we knew you'd be an easy mark, so I had Ann gain your confidence.You see, I don't like uppity whores who think who the hell they are. So I decidedto teach you a good lesson with the added convenience of having you as entertainmentfor our little convention.? She proceeded, ?And I think your learning yourlesson aren't you?? I motioned my head up and down mouthing, ?yes Mistress,yes I learned it good.? Then the Mistress said, ?But it's not over yet. Nowthat I've taught you a lesson, it's Ann's turn. She especially wants to thankyou for spanking her before.? I tried mouthing, ?please, no? under my ballgag as I started weeping again, but it fell on deaf ears.

Now Ann walked over and removed the ball gag from my mouth, having it hangin front of my neck by its strap. She started stroking my hair, saying, ?Poorlittle shit hole, I bet your sorry looking tits are killing you aren't they?.? ?y-yes,? Ireplied. Then Ann said, ?Then I guess we better take those bananas off of them.Now open wide, because your going to eat every one in order to relieve thosepoor little titties of yours.? Then Ann pulled a banana from the bunch hangingfrom my left banana shaped bobble. I opened my mouth as she fed it to me. Bythe time she got to the second banana I my banana shaped bobble was alreadyfeeling relieve, but my belly was starting to moan. Ann was feeding each newbanana to me faster and faster. By the last banana on my left banana shapedbobble she was shoving them in and smearing what I couldn't get down aroundmy mouth. She became even more merciless with the bananas from my right bananashaped bobble , but I couldn't wait to eat them just to relieve my poor stretchedbanana shaped bobble. As I was eating the second to last banana I started gettinghorrible gas pains and my belly was moaning loudly. Between the milk enemaand eating all those bananas I was cramped down in extreme pain. ?Come on whore,eat the last two, or I'll hang two bunches on each of those pathetic tits,? Annsaid. Ann shoved the last two bananas in my mouth, almost at once, and I diedin pain as I tried to get them down. At this point I felt very nauseous andwas wiggling my bottom to clench my poopie hole as tight as I could; all Iwanted was relieve. ?What's the matter whore, do you have to go to the bathroom?? Annasked. ?yes, please, please, I can't hold it any longer.,? I replied. ThenAnn untied me and led me to the center of the stage where I was instructedto sit on a bucket and go to the bathroom. At this point I didn't care thateveryone was looking at me, I had gotten use to being seen naked and humiliatedand just wanted to relieve my poor belly. So I sat on top of the bucket whileeveryone watched, and relieved myself inside of it. Mostly I was pooping theliquid milk that was put inside of me, but I occasionally would pass a littlepiece of poop followed the sound of passing a large amount of gas. Each timethis happened the audience would laugh and taunt me. Finally, after about fiveminutes, my belly was starting to feel a little better and the cramps werealmost gone Then Ann had me get up from the bucket and walked me over to asmall, round, plastic basin that was in the middle of the stage. She instructedme to kneel in the basin and she took two of the banana peels that were lyingon the floor from when she was feeding me. Ann placed the connected end ofthe banana peel over my nipply poos, such that the rest of the peel was coveringmy banana shaped bobbles as if they were real bananas. Then Ann said, ?Holdone peel over each tit with each hand and stay that way until you're told otherwise.?

Shortly after, about ten men came up from the audience and made a circle aroundme. I looked up to notice they were all masturbating themselves. It didn'ttake much to realize that they were going to cum all over me. After a shorttime one began to cum, then another and so on. Some just aimed at my bananapeels, pussy, feet or ass. Others put their penis right up against my faceand hair. Just when I thought it was over, another ten men came up and didthe same thing. This continued a third time until I was thoroughly drenchedin their sticky, smelly cum. Since my hands were holding the bananas peelsover my banana shaped bobbles, I couldn't wipe my eyes and was having a hardtime opening them without the sting of cum getting inside. Then Ann carriedover the bucket I pooped in and said, ?shit hole, shit hole, look what you'vedone, you've gone and made a mess of yourself. We'll just have to clean youup.? Before I realized what she was up to Ann took the bucket and poured itscontents over my head and all over my body, until it settled at the bottomof the basin in which I was kneeling. The audience wend wild and cheered madelywhile I was kneeling in a tub full of. Milk poop and cum, still diligentlyholding those stupid banana peels over my banana shaped bobbles.

When this was over, music started playing and the audience broke up into groups,mingling, and drinking cocktails. The Mistress walked over to me, picked upa small solid piece of milk-poop from the basin and rolled it into a ball saying, ?Yourpunishment is over shit hole. But you're to spend the rest of the evening asyou are in this tub until I tell you to get out. I hope you learned your lessonwhore.? ?Yes Mistress, I did, I learned my lesson good. Umfhh? I replied. BeforeI finished the Mistress placed the ball of milk poop in my mouth. ?It staysthere all night whore, don't let me see it out of your mouth.? She cleanedher hands using my hair as a towel and left. I was horrified by what was inmy mouth and wanted to barf. Theball of milk poop was small enough so I couldhold it in place with my teeth and only have to taste it when I closed my moutha little to swallow.

I spent the rest of the evening sitting in this basin of sperm and milk poopas they all partied around me. Many of the guests made a point of walking upto my tub and using it as a trash can. They would throw in their melon rinds,peach pits, and banana peels while laughing and calling me trash. One groupmade a sick little game of eating cherries and spitting the pits at me to makethem stick between my banana shaped bobbles and the crack of my bottom. Annonly came up to me once more before the evening ended. She reached in to mybasin and pulled out a browning banana peel, draping it over my head, saying, ?Here'syour crown my queen; he, he, he.? But I remained a good whore, sitting in mytub of milk poop, trash and sperm while holding those stupid banana peels overmy banana shaped bobbles and intensely trying to keep the poop between my teethfrom touching my mouth.

When the party was over the Mistress came up to me and seeing that I was stillbalancing the poop between my teeth, took her hand and quickly smudged it intomy mouth. ?Ewwwww!.? I started gagging and spitting it out while wiping mylips. Then the Mistress said, ?sorry bitch, I just couldn't resist.? I couldn'tbelieve she pushed it into my mouth after I spent the whole night trying tokeep my tongue away from it. Then she took me out of the basin and ran me underthe pool showers to clean me up. She gave me a little hotel bottle of shampooand conditioner and some hair spray and make-up and let me make myself decent.Then she gave me a polo mini dress that barely covered my vagina (oops, I meanwet willow) and no undergarments, and said, ?You can go home now bitch, butyou'll have to wear this on the flight back.. Oh, just one more thing.? Shewalked over to the basin and picked up the disgusting sperm and poop soakedbanana peel and placed it back on my head. ?You have to wear this on the flighthome also whore. And don't think you can take it off, I have a lot of friendson your flight and they'll be watching you. If you remove it, or change clothes,you'll get much worse than you did these last couple of days.? All I coulddo was say, ?yes Mistress? and be happy I was going home and away from allthis. Finally, she walked me over to a table and had me sign a paper statingthat I was a willing participant in what took place and gave my authorizationto sell the video of my ordeal.

I spent the rest of the day dealing with my final humiliation by going throughthe airport and sitting on the plane with that short dress and that stupidbanana peel on my head. Everybody was staring at me as if I was crazy. WhenI sat on the plane I was pulling the dress closed between my legs so no onecould see but knew there was nothing I could do about the banana peel. I feltthat each stewardess was looking at me just to see if I would take it off soI could be tortured. At one point an old woman walked up to me and lookingpuzzled she said, ?Excuse me honey, do you know you have a banana peel on yourhead?? All I could do was make a stupid smile and say, ?Yes I know.? I feltlike such a retard!

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Michelle Mary and I

I was 19 worked at a grocery store in a small town. My bitchy boss Mary was always a drag. Her square face would bark out commands and I began to hate her. However, she did have a beautiful daughter named Michelle. Michelle had perky breasts, a plump butt, and a well-toned body from her years of college soccer. Michelle would always use her 24-year-old sex appeal to flirt with all the male customers. I would ignore the two only to get away from the boss. Things changed when Michelle and I had a...

First Time
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Michelles Mom Seduces Me repost

Michelle Helps her Mom Seduce Me Michelle and I are sleeping in her bedroom when her mom comes in to wake us up since it was almost 4pm..Last night we had sex on the subway Michelle got up and went to the bathroom."So you and Michelle must have had a wild night huh.! You both came home at 7 am."Her mom says to me."Why do you ask" I replied. "Because your cock is hard still. I see one of the reasons Michelle loves you r cock is pretty big”She replies as she pulls off the sheet exposing me...

3 years ago
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Michelle the maid

As michelle awakes bound in her bounds for her sleep. She had slept with a vibrating plug on all night, chastity and ballet heels.Mistress carmen walk into the room, "i hope your ready for you day today my sissy slut you got a big day today." Mistress unbuckles michelle bounds. "Now slut we need you to get changed and prepared for master and house duties. In the bathrom will be your outfit for the day."Upon walking into the bathroon struggling with her ballet heels michelle sees a maiden...

3 years ago
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Michelle Helps Her Mom Seduce Me

Michelle and I are sleeping in her bedroom when her mom comes in to wake us up since it was almost 4pm..Last night we had sex on the subway Michelle got up and went to the bathroom."So you and Michelle must have had a wild night huh.! You both came home at 7 am."Her mom says to me."Why do you ask" I replied. "Because your cock is hard still. I see one of the reasons Michelle loves you your cock is pretty big”She replies as she pulls off the sheet exposing me naked. First before I continue let...

4 years ago
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Michelle For Everyone

Author’s Note: The personalities featured in the story belong to themselves. No profit is made in writing and disributing this story.Starring: Michelle Trachtenberg.Codes: M+/F+/F, Toys, Anal, Oral, Watersport, BukkakeMichelle Trachtenberg put on her sunglasses and cap to finish the disguise. She took the elevator to the basement parking and took her best friend’s car, which she begged to use for this particular occasion. She drove to the Tony’s house up in the Hollywood Hills.The house was...

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Michelle And I Have Sex On The Train repost

Sex on the train This story takes place over 20 years ago My girlfriend Michelle has very long dark brown hair brown eyes she is 5’10 150 and has 38D’s 28 inch waist 40 hips very beautiful face. We met in high school we even lost our virginity to each other. Here is what happend on this fateful night Michelle and I were watching Risky Business on VHS starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. When the movie came to the scene where Tom and Rebecca having sex on the el train Michelle whispered...

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Michelle And I Have Sex On The Train repost

Sex on the trainThis story takes place over 20 years agoMy girlfriend Michelle has very long dark brown hair brown eyes she is 5'10 150 and has 38D's 28 inch waist 40 hips very beautiful face. We met in high school we even lost our virginity to each other.Here is what happend on this fateful night Michelle and I were watching Risky Business on VHS starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. When the movie came to the scene where Tom and Rebecca having sex on the el train Michelle whispered...

4 years ago
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Michelle Morgan

Michelle Morgan Chapter 1 - New Job As far back as I can remember, I've always been a cross dresser. I'm male, and I've never considered myself to be transsexual, but I've always been attracted to femininity; not just as an admirer, but also as a participant. Yes, I do find females to be sexually and romantically attractive, but I also appreciate (and study) women in the way women appreciate other women. Your mileage might vary, but to me, there's a clear distinction between the biology of...

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Michelles Story Part 3

Michelle Part 3Michelle lay by the pool. It was only a few hours ago that Frank had taken her and gave her what she craved but…she had no idea he could be so dominating. Part of that turned her on but part of that didn’t, she felt conflicted. Also, Jake was due home soon and she felt conflicted about that too. She had committed the ultimate taboo with her son Jake and she had no regrets but she felt as though she cheated on him with Frank. That was silly she knew because Jake dated other...

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Michelle ma belle

I work from home by telecommuting, and my wife builds web sites as sort of a side business. So, we're nearly always home together. However, my wife gets real absorbed in her projects and can sit at her computer until the sun comes up. The house could be crumbling around her and she wouldn't notice. A little explaining is in order. My wife is 6 years older than I, and had 2 daughters from her previous marriage. We also had our own daughter together. At the time, they were 16, 10,...

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Michelle becomes Michael

While this story is completely fictional it is directed at an era when dressing or acting of the opposite sex was considered taboo and thus it forced many people to be closeted. I hope you like this story and all comments good and bad are appreciated. Michelle was by all accounts a tom boy she loved to partake in activities normally associated with being a male . Michelle hated to be dressed in feminine attire and on every Sunday she hated having to wear a dress and fancy shoes as she would be...

2 years ago
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Michelles Story Part 2

That afternoon Michelle went home and showered and she passed by her full-length mirror again. She stopped and took off her robe and dropped it to the ground and looked at herself again. She did look good, she knew that. She worked on her body everyday and took care of herself and was blessed with her mother’s beautiful face and dark brown hair. But she had never tried to really look sexy, to intentionally lure men. She had dedicated her life to being a mother so that she had given up much...

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Michelle and Sarah

*Warning* *Warning* This Story is strictly meant for viewing by consenting adults in an environment in which all others do not have access. If you are offended in any way, to any degree, by any aspects of forced sex, rape, nudity, skipping church once a month or anything involving fantasy, things the devil is said to have done, or Pauly Shore movies read no further. If you can not tell the difference between fiction and reality, close the internet window on your screen, turn off the...

4 years ago
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Michelle ma belle Pt 2

So, last time I had written, Michelle had made it clear to me that she wanted to continue our relationship in this manner. She sat down with me a few months after our first night of sex and told me "I know you're feeling guilty about this but I wanted you to know that this was my choice. I've wanted this for the past few years. You've always been so kind to us and treated us like your own flesh and blood." I shook my head and replied "You may think you want a sexual relationship...

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Michelle My Stepmom and Me

I really didn't mind working as a bartender, while I took some time offfrom college here at UCLA. It was a matter of money but I was saving forthe next semester. My customers were friendly and although they knew of mysexual preferences and my girlfriend Michelle, they always treated her withrespect.I was pulling a double shift the day my mom was flying in for a visit so Iasked Michelle to pick her up at the airport. I suppose I should explainabout my mom.She was my stepmom and since I lost my...

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Introduction: Michelle was 21, and I was 18 at the time. She lived across the hall from me in the dorms. Michelle was the most beautiful girl I had seen. She was a brunette with curly hair who wore glasses, my two favorite physical traits in a girl. And she had a supple pair of breasts that made my crotch tingle every time I saw them. Im not a pervert, but you cant resist biological urges. I never imagined myself having sex with Michelle. I just really wanted to be with her. I had never met...

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Michelle Ma Belle

I met Michelle's mother, at Michelle's urging. Her mother had long viewed personals ads in a local newspaper until Michelle finally said, "Mom, just respond to one!" Her mother did, and the rest is history (we've been married almost 17 years.) When I first met Michelle (she was in her teens), we hit it off right away. Something in our personalities brought us together. Of course, the last thing I thought of was sex when it came to Michelle. I sensed, however, that there was something special...

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Michelle and I Part 2

Ant showed up as planned. He was wearing basketball shorts you could see through when back lit. He does wear underwear most of the time, saying they are to restrictive. He stood at the edge of the pool talking as we were on floats nude sunbathing. "Did someone call for servicing?""Yes baby, we both are in need of your services. Can you handle us both" Michelle giggled?"I think I can. I have in the past."He dropped his shorts and his massive cock hung heavy between his legs. He sat on the edge...

Group Sex
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Michelle MaBelle Lillys Lez Love

How Michelle ma Belle and Lovely Lilly met as Finest Friends"Michelle and me met in college. We both are pursuing a career in the theater and production departments. She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Soon she and I became great friends. Her parents and mine were almost neighbors, so whenever we were at home, we used to have these s1eep overs. She moved in six months back. I am friends with her for at least four months I think. She is 5'8", blonde hair, 32C athletic frame...

2 years ago
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Michelle Transformed

Michelle Transformed By Michelle I was so glad to be finally left alone. Watching my older sister, Britt drive down the driveway with her friend Rose. They had both told me that I had better have the house clean by the time they arrived back. Rose was the more dominant of the two and after becoming friends with Britt a few years ago, had recently convinced her that the two of them should live together. Britt had started to seriously physically and socially dominate...

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Prologue: "Michelle? Did you lose a bet or something sweetie?" "Very funny, Jen. No, I have to stop at Uncle Randy's and pick up the suitcases Mom lent him. He won't even open the door for me unless I'm dressed the way god intended. I've got too much going on today to put up with that shit." "Sorry, as they say, you can't pick your relatives." "Yeah, I certainly wouldn't have picked him. Anyway, I've got the nail dryers we borrowed. Thank you so much, that wedding party nearly...

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Michelle and Jeri Part 3

Michelle and Jeri, Part 3 I finally knuckled down and got some work done. I was exhausted after my abject sexual surrender to Jeri earlier. Incredibly I still felt ready for another round but I wasn't sure if my body was. As it turned out, Jeri came home and it was almost as if I had imagined our earlier tryst. He was friendly as ever and chatted to me about all sorts of trivial things but told me that he had plans for the evening. When he saw my brief crestfallen look, he stepped...

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She felt it like she always did. His large head stretching her open as it drove into her body. She loved that feeling, being opened up and the long shaft of his cock right up inside her. His muscular body on hers soft one, his chest pressing hard against her tits. His tongue in her mouth. It would soon be by her ear and she would hear his heavy breathing as he pumped in and out of her. His hands round and under her, gripping her buttocks. Her hands gripping his and her legs curled...

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Michelle and the Mistress

Gloria was on her hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor when her daughter, Mitch walked in. "Hey Mom where's my knickers. " Mitch said.Gloria squirmed as her mind flashed back to doing the laundry wash this morning. She had found a pair of Mitch's cum soaked knickers in the basket as she sorted the dirty laundry in to piles. She had put the wet panties to her nose and sniffed. Oh the smell of teenage pussy. She had become moist between the legs, her nipples stiff, as she thought about...

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Michelle next door

Michelle had recently moved in next door, she seemed very pleasant and on the few occasions that I had said hello to her on the door step or in passing, she had smiled and said that we should introduce ourselves properly. Other than the normal pleasantries, we had not really spoken to each. I noticed that whenever she was at home, she liked to spend time in the garden and paid particular attention to her flowers. As the summer weather improved, I notice that she wore short and a t-shirt which...

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Michelles Big surprise repost

My Surprise EncounterThis story is fiction and did not really happen and was only a dream Hello My name is Michelle I live in upstate New York.I am a 42 year old Female and ,I am Bi-Sexual which means to some of you that don't know that means I like Women and Men. I am 5'9 160 brown hair and brown eyes with 40 DD breasts. I am half Dominican and half Irish. Well any way here is what happened in My dream last night. I started out like any other night seriously boring. So I...

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Michelles Big surprise

My Surprise EncounterThis story is fiction and did not really happen and was only a dream Hello My name is Michelle I live in upstate New York.I am a 42 year old Female and ,I am Bi-Sexual which means to some of you that don't know that means I like Women and Men. I am 5'9 160 brown hair and brown eyes with 40 DD breasts. I am half Dominican and half Irish. Well any way here is what happened in My dream last night. I started out like any other...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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