Carnal Veil
- 2 years ago
- 27
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SO FAR: Divorcee and short-term prostitute Jilli Drummond has endeavored to escape from her sordid past and on the coast meets a young man Joe Wright who has taken a month off to recover from the aftermath of his divorce. Joe takes the former hotel restaurant manager into his mini RV on the homeward leg of his circuit. ‘Home’ is a 26,000 cattle ranch in South Dakota. Thus begins a cultural shock including some exciting times for the refugee from the city.
On her first morning on the Wright’s Narrow J Ranch Jilli was stirred from sleep pre-dawn by a cock’s crow that also woke Joe who introduced her to a new day’s cock. After it was over he kissed and patted her before weaving off for a pee and returned to sleep back some energy.
She dressed in her traveling shirt and shorts that had dried from being washed in the shower the previous evening. She walked out on to the front porch and looked out into the direction of the brightening light in the sky.
‘Best time of day.’
She came close to peeing herself in fright, having another male’s voice behind her, just off to the right. Of course, Joe’s dad. Fuck he’d scared her as she’d set her mind free to greet the new dawn.
‘Yes, it’s lovely, away from the city the first light air seems to wash one’s skin.’
He snickered. ‘Hopefully it’s free of agricultural chemicals.’
She’d have turned to him and smiled, she guessed in the strengthening light he’d catch the smiled answer if her were looking, being a man and watchful of his son’s pick-up babe he’d be watching.
‘How was the sex under my roof?’
Time to show he wasn’t the only toughie around here. ‘Astonishingly good – your son is masterful at it Abe. I hope for his sake he’s equally good at ranch chores or whatever you call them.’
Abe was grinning and patting the chair beside him. ‘Sit down here young woman – about the only thing I lack around here is lip and you seem to have a can of that.’
‘You’ll have to knock me down to stop me Abe,’ she smiled. ‘I’ve inherited my smart-ass mouth and my grit from Irish and Scottish forebears.’
‘We claim white South African and Scottish ancestry and pretend we are untainted by English blood, just like your family I suspect.’
She chuckled and said the English were not all moaners or prissy brats.
‘What would you like to do today?’
‘Go to the nearest large center to buy a car. Would you take me Abe?’
‘What kind of car do you want me to buy you?’
She flushed with embarrassment. ‘Oh no, you don’t understand, I have money and shall earn my keep while I’m here. It’s just that I don’t know much about vehicles and don’t want to feel I’m isolated out here during my stay as I really am a city girl.’
‘You don’t much worry about what kind of vehicle – just that it must have four wheels and only require gas and then it takes you anyway at anytime?’
‘Yes, exactly. You’re the man Abe.’
‘Go fetch us coffee Jilli and we’ll take the mugs for a walk.’
* * *
They entered one of the huge barns, it was filled with vehicles and machinery. Jilli saw with affection the RV was lined up with other road vehicles. There were no cars, only Dodge pickups, one an extended cab, she assumed that was Abe’s and also served as the family chariot.
He walked to the last vehicle and pulled off a dustcover. ‘Will this do you?’
‘Perhaps,’ she said doubtfully looking at the lowered old Ford pickup. ‘Does it go?’
‘Faster than any other four-wheeler in this barn,’ he grinned.
‘But it’s old.’
‘Jess is putting on the years but you wait till you see her dressed up, very much like the transformation you hit us with last night. This baby has been re-engined with all-new running gear with permanent four-wheel drive. Can you drive – I mean really drive?’
‘I think so. I received my grounding as a teenager being a member of the V8 Boys Gang, as a driver, not as a groupie.’
‘What’s a groupie?’
‘I’ll tell you when I think you’re old enough to learn about groupies Abe.’
He roared with laughter. ‘I was just trying you on, I read car, truck and motor-cycle magazines – it’s a hobby. I drove Betty a couple of weeks ago so she’ll start fine.’
‘Betty Ford. Get it?’
‘You’ll a real smart-ass Jilli,’ he grinned as she’d been able to hold back her smirk.
Abe drove it out and Jilli fell in love with the burble of the motor – saw the twin exhaust tail pipe endings under the driver’s door and when Abe turned the vehicle she saw two more under the passenger’s door. This was a wolf under sheep’s clothing although the narrowed depth of the windscreen indicated a cut-down body with properly excessive power under the hood. The white body and grille indicated a 30’s something model but Jilli was sure much reworking of the body lay hidden under the ho-hum exterior.
As she approached Abe alighted and waved her into the lowered seat and that’s all – no instructions, no warnings about overpowering into turns or to drive carefully to get the feel. He watched as she buckled up the double harness without fumbling. She smiled beautifully at him and winked and drove off as if Miss Daisy was in the back seat.
Jilli went down the dusty gravel main access road and then turn-off into the dusty paddock at the first gateway and went back towards the barn over the rough terrain, assuming this was the horse enclosure when they were kept near the homestead. Joe had said they carried fifteen horses as from June to October people paid to stay Friday to Monday in the modernized original bunkhouse with its communal kitchen and ride over the property that in its heyday spread over 224,000 acres.
The ride was stiff, as she expected, but with no apparent handling difference than driving on the graded track she knew the engineering underneath her was superb. She returned to the access road and headed back to the barn at a higher speed and circled it, waving to Jess and Joe who were now standing beside Abe. She went off and circled the house, staying clear of the poultry shed and the more distant kennels where the inmates were in frenzy. She barreled around the end of the house climbing rapidly from 15 mph to 60 and keeping the four-speed manual box in third gear shot past her waving spectators and returned at the same speed weaving between the two water tanks and the elevated diesel and petrol tanks without dropping speed and halfway between her spectators and the house slowed and spun the vehicle into twin 360’s and ambled back to them at 15 mph.
She looked at Abe first to be greeted by a very toothy smile. Jess looked worried and Joe wore a ‘that’s-my-girl’ smile.
Abe opened her door as she unbuckled. ‘What do you think?’
‘Made for me.’
‘Betty is yours for as long as you live on this ranch.’
Jilli alighted and kissed Abe for his generosity.
‘You drive safely in this thing Jilli, it’s no toy.’
‘Yes Jess, I have been known to show responsible behavior at times.’
When Joe drove off to join three ranch hands to shift cattle to new pasture Jilli prepared to spend a boring day with Jess who said she would be sewing new cushion covers. Abe said goodbye and as an after thought said to Jilli, ‘Wanna come?’
Anything was better than sitting inside or lounging on the patio so she jumped at the invitation. ‘Where are you going Abe?’
‘Over to the Zimmerman’s.’
‘God, you can’t take Jilli over there looking like this – take her into town and buy her a shirt, Stetson and girl boots.’
Abe looked pained. ‘I know nothing about girl clothes.’
‘True,’ Jess sighed. ‘But Jilli does.’ She went over and kissed Jilli and said, ‘Mae acts as if she’s the First Lady in this community and unfortunately her daughter Grierson is going the same way. We can’t have you going into their home looking like a waif from th
e city.’
‘Community?’ Jilli asked looking out through the windows in three directions without another house in sight.
‘I know what you’re thinking dear,’ Jess smiled. ‘You probably have the feeling of being isolated but we do have neighbors and I grant you there are some distance away. The population of Butte County is about four persons per square mile. Oh, and another thing when we make an offer it is polite to accept, I realize you’re huffing wanting to tell me you can afford to pay for your own clothes. We don’t doubt that, we just are being friendly and want you to feel welcome during your stay.’
‘You drive,’ Abe said, pointing to the black quad cab diesel. Once they were underway he called his neighbors, the phone was answered by Mae Zimmerman, She said Sly was over at the barn without his phone, bawling out someone. Jilli grinned hearing the plumy voice.
‘He was expecting me over for coffee and a yarn, but we have a sweet city girl staying with us and I need to drop into Belle (Belle Fourche) to pick up some suitable clothing. She’s wearing little black dresses up to her hips or shorts or jeans so tight her ass almost splits through when she sits down.’
The plum dropped from the voice as Mae went into a hee-haw laugh and told Abe he was incorrigible. ‘How old is this city girl?’
‘Ah, I’ll drag Grierson out of bed, she’s bored to tears and would love company of her own age – I think that’s her crying now. You’ll be far too late for mid-morning coffee, come to late lunch. That will give you time to take your young women through to Rapid City to top stores – there are eleven shoe outlets in Rushmore Mall alone.’
‘As you say Mae, over and out.’
Abe said to Jilli, ‘We have limited cell phone coverage at our houses, but only just, out on the range its CB radio or nothing beyond shouting distance.’
At the road bounding the ranch, Abe directed Jilli to Rapid City. She purchased two Stetsons and four pairs of boots and sneakers, two pair of jeans, three dresses and a variety of shorts and tops, belts and jewelry.
Abe’s wearily patient face burst into motion, Jilli saw, as she walked toward where he was sitting. She wore a button down collar white and blue traditional western shirt, loosing fitting boot jeans, brown oiled anklet length boots and a brown Stetson that made her look both tough and beautiful.
He said something that sounded like ‘You’re the daughter I never had’ but he was wiping his nose so she thought it was a comment not meant for her. She just apologized for taking so long and handed Abe the receipt for the Stetson she was wearing and the boots and handed him the shopping to carry except she held on to the white Stetson with a white fine plaited headband that had cost her – ouch! It was for weddings and rodeos if any invitations came her way.
He’d left a small package on the seat and as they both eyed it he said, ‘It’s for you.’
It was kindda cute – a belt with a silver buckle with the inset ‘J’ in rhinestone. Although not something she’d buy for herself she would now wear it so yelped with delight and kissed him – Abe was so pleased he forgot to look around and be embarrassed at the attention they were receiving in the busy mall.
Jilli reached into the side pocket of his jerkin without comment and hauled out his phone, redialing the last number called.
‘Mrs Zimmerman? Jilli Drummond calling – I’m your late-late luncheon guest with Abe Wright. I’ve had such a wonderful time…’
‘And time ran away on you and you believe I’ll greet you by kicking Abe’s ass for lateness?
‘Well, I had been told you were a lady,’ Jilli giggled.
‘My, you have a smooth tongue. I knew you were female and knew you were being taken shopping so added an hour on to your expected arrival time. It will be spot on if you leave Rapid City right now, it will mean the Zimmerman’s being saved from starvation.’
‘Oh I’m really sorry Mrs…’
‘Jilli, shut up. You’re our guest – you can do anything.’
Abe said as she handed back the phone, ‘You can even charm the pants off them on the phone.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘Mae is rather a hard-nosed bitch, deep down she was thinking of kicking my ass for being late until you laid your super-charged honey drops.’
‘Never mind. Just treat Mae like a loco cow capable of charging you when you least expect it and you should do fine with her. She’s the only woman around these parts that scares Jess.’
As they left the parking lot Abe instructed Jilli to keep to the speed limits through the city and to floor it when he told her as he knew the usual spots for stationary road radar speed checks.
They flashed past the gateway to the ranch and in forty-eight minutes and Abe said quietly – ‘That’s a new record from mall to ranch gate – a full four minutes on me. How come?’
Borrowing and modifying terms used by her horse riding instructor she remembered from some years ago, Jilli said straight faced: ‘I drive maintaining a classical seat with straight lines and keep my foot on the gas pedal balanced and loose while applying even pressure.’
Abe guffawed and almost choked. ‘God, you can be so funny.’
An elegantly dressed blonde woman in dark sunglasses, long white shorts, floral shirt and sunhat was standing on the steps to greet them and a younger edition joined her and then out came a big-belly man clutching a can of beer.
‘She would have seen our dust cloud on the gravel,’ Abe said in case Jilli had not worked out how their hostess knew to be there.
Jilli slowed to avoid covering them with dust as while there was an extensive concrete apron the wind was coming from behind the vehicle.
‘God – did you fly Jilli?’ Mae asked, looked at her watch.
Abe called out he needed a clean pair of underpants.
‘Get him a pair Sylvester.’
‘I was only kidding Mae,’ Abe protested.
‘So was I,’ was the cool reply.
Mae walked up to Jilli as she alighted and put on her new Stetson.
‘Oooh, great shopping. My, what a wonderful figure.’
‘Cloned from yours I rather suspect, ‘ Jilli said, drawing a slight smile.
‘Calling me Mae is fine. This is my husband Sylvester – don’t kiss him he’ll smell of beer – and this big darling in my Grierson.’
Jilli was 5ft 11in in her stocking feet but the Zimmerman girl stood another three inches taller. She was a little too thin and her skin rather weathered but the underlying beauty was there. Her eyes were piercing blue but on this occasion friendly as was her smile and she practically rushed forward at the introduction and hugged and kissed the visitor who just had time to drag off her hat.
‘God, you smell lovely. What is it called?’
‘Sweat,’ Jilli said straight-faced and even Mae smiled.
During a beautiful lunch in the shelter outdoors Mae asked Jilli with casual deceptiveness, ‘Why are you staying with the Wright’s? She received a most unexpectedly honest reply.
‘I met Joe over at the coast, on the second night we fell into bed by mutual consent and it was so good that neither of us wanted to give it up so here I am.’
Both men looked as if they’d trade a thousand bucks to be out on the range, anywhere on the range and Grierson looked as if someone was reading her Cinderella.
‘Oh, that’s s-o-o beautiful.’
Her mother unleashed her claws. ‘I think that’s something you should not talk about, it’s so immoral. Grierson had been keen to marry Joe but finally decided she was too tall.’
‘It’s okay Grierson.’ Jilli soothed. ‘I believe it’s traditional for mothers to take the moral high ground. My mother spent all the time I’ve known her perfecting ways to embarrass me.’
‘Really – then my mom is not unique?’
‘I think she possible is, Grierson – but not insofar as embarrassing her daughter is concerned. I
n that respect she’s a typical mom.’
‘You are very bold Jilli – my mother is very dominate.’
‘My instincts tell me to like your mother Grierson – I imagine she’s placed a spear in the ground and she stands by it, solid and true like the pioneering ancestors.’
Mae coughed coldly. ‘Am I superfluous to this conversation?’
The two men looked as if they’ pay five grand each for a saddled horse and a gate opened to the range.
‘Oh no Mae, please excuse me for my rudeness. I guess I was over-keen to attempt to bond with Grierson. Please fire away and cut me to ribbons.’
Mae paused briefly before replying. ‘You are a most unusual woman Jilli, my impression to this point is you are as hard as nails but with your smile and calm projection you can be so seductively disarmingly.’
Jilli was instantly seductively disarmingly: ‘You sum me up so well Mae.’
‘God Jilli, you’re incredibly,’ Mae said generously. ‘You are the most interesting woman who has entered this community in zonks – probably not since the days of the original pioneers when women really were women.’
‘Huh?’ the two men said in unison, unsure where during that head-to-head Mae had completed a u-turn.
‘May we be excused mother?’
‘Of course Grierson. Off you two go.’
Grierson opened her phone and called a number using speed dial. ‘Okay Red, bring them over.’
‘With gear like that you can ride, surely?’ Grierson asked, looking at Jilli’s clothing.
‘Well yes, but with limitation. Up to a canter is okay but if my horse broke into a gallop, or tried to jump something or plunge down a rocky slope I’d wet myself and abandon the saddle.’
‘Oh thank God, I haven’t wound up with Superwoman,’ Grierson cried. The men laughed and Mae smiled at her daughter affectionately.
‘The Paint is yours – her name is Vita which in Spanish means intelligent, which she is. Vita is quiet, fast and very reliable, broken in for trail riding, works instinctively in driving cattle and seems to enjoy roping and has amazing stamina.’
‘She sounds amazing – why don’t you ride her instead of your big bay?’
Grierson said her long legs meant she was better suited to a taller horse like Harold.
‘I didn’t name him and he doesn’t respond to any other name because he knows he’s Harold.’
The Zimmerman seniors and Abe were watching to see if Jilli really could ride and appeared to lose interest when they saw her approach her mare on the proper side and introduce herself by rubbing a hand over Vita’s nose before swinging up on to the saddle, a little awkwardly, but made it in the first attempt. The horses were walked to the first gate that was open and entering the huge pasture developed as a hay field Grierson kicked Harold into a canter and Jilli followed and soon looked very comfortable.
‘I’m a little rusty.’
‘I knew that which is why I didn’t attempt a fast getaway at the ranch house.’
Twenty minutes later, mostly walking, they came to a large damned lake with cottonwoods at one end and after attending to the horses the women went skinny dipping. Although it was late May and a sunny day the water at that altitude was cold so their dipping was brief. They then lay on a patch of clean grass drying because Grierson had not packed towels although had remembered sodas and biscuits.
Chewing on a biscuit, Grierson – probably a 34B Jilli had surmised – eyed Jilli and said she had lovely breasts.
‘Guys seem to like them although I think there’s too much droop but mostly I’ve been told that’s just fine. Touch them if you want – I like being touched.’
Grierson made a high-pitched sound and reached out a tentative hand. Soon they – both former college girls – were embraced kissing and breathing noisily.
‘You…(puff)…want to (puff)…go all the way?’
Jilli’s reply was to roll on to her back and open her legs. Grierson mounted her in reverse position and right in front of Jilli’s mouth was a beautiful lush moist peach, confirming that Jilli’s was not the only bald cunt in the community. She formed her tongue into a half-channel and pushed it in, feeling Grierson was slopping around happily down below, and allowed the taste of Grierson to trickle minutely into her mouth, knowing a mini flood was likely in due course as she put two fingers to work.
Both done, they lay back shielding their eyes from the late spring sun expressing surprise it was warm enough to remain undressed.
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SO FAR: Divorcee and short-term prostitute Jilli Drummond has endeavored to escape from her sordid past and on the coast meets a young man Joe Wright who has taken a month off to recover from the aftermath of his divorce. Joe takes the former hotel restaurant manager home. ‘Home’ is a 26,000 cattle ranch in South Dakota. Thus begins a cultural shock including some exciting times and now it’s time to introduce Jilli to local society. Chapter 5 Hostess Mae Zimmerman met Joe and Jilli at the...
Monica Selles finished her shower and toweled off. She was still fuming from her encounter with that bitch, Mia Bawden, her English professor. She should have taken the advice of her friends and taken the section taught by Professor Murphy. They said he was just dreamy! All she wanted was to protect her perfect grade average. She left the witch’s office and headed right for a phone to call Dr. Lavery’s apartment. She shouted obscenities when the answering machine explained that he wasn’t home...
Monica kicked woke the boys from their fuck-induced slumber and rousted them out of her one room apartment. She then picked up the phone and dialed David’s number, leaving a suggestive message on his recorder. She fixed the bed and lit some incense to cover the gamy smell of sex that lingered in the loft, then headed to the bathroom. She turned on the water, and admired her lean body in the large mirror. She pushed her perky breasts together and the teats stuck out in hard pride. She admired...
Joe awoke the next morning surprised to see that he had slept until well past 9:00 A.M. He grinned thinking about how that little vixen had worn him out last night. Next to the bed was a small table with a covered dish and a note. Kerri had left him breakfast before leaving for work in the morning. She worked at one of those posh bookstores at the mall that made more profit from their excellent cappuccino bar than the books people always browsed, but never purchased. Along with the breakfast of...
The young girl awoke to dank aroma of mold and sweat, the smell drenching her senses. She felt her stomach in knots, and although it coiled madly she dared to open her eyes and gaze at her surroundings. She grimaced as she sat up on what appeared to be an engorged slab of stone and looked down at herself. Bewildered, as she realized that she was only clad in a sheer black gown, that clung feverishly to her shapely frame in the coolness of dingy room. She did not recall how she got into such...
Murphy intended to drive straight through, but at Pennsylvania’s maximum speed limit of 55 mph, he soon realized it would be impossible. His stomach churned as he traveled at a snail’s pace on the narrow highway that was bordered by continuous four-foot mounds of road-grime stained snow. The ugly plow dung reminded him of the truck-stop food he had ate earlier, but still couldn’t digest. The landscape was dull and lifeless, even the sunset was gray. God–he hated this miserable state and...
Joe went in to his office after finishing the yard, showering, and eating some lunch. During the whole drive to the campus his mind reeled with mixed thoughts. He couldn’t believe what he had been through in the last forty-eight hours. He didn’t feel like a man who had, in a very short period of time, cheated on his wife, slept with his best friend’s wife, co-worker’s daughter, or secretly lusted after a go-go dancer (not to mention the luscious blond from the hotel). In fact, he felt pretty...
Once you were a member of an elite crew of time traveling pioneers, sent into the distant future to discover obstacles in the path of progress and report back to base.. that was the plan. But it turned out there was no going back, and after going one million years into the future it looks like this post-apocalyptic world is your home from here on out. With your advanced knowledge of the fields of time you hypothesize that since you are not able to go back to your present time, you may be...
I took my time dressing, wanting to maximize my "assests" as much as possible. When I hunted, I made sure my trap was set with the perfect bait. I wanted to catch the best specimen of prey possible and to do so, you need good bait. Checking my reflection, I decided I definitely had good bait. I was dressed in an exquisitely tight black halter dress that hugged my ample rear and large chest. My tits were practically spilling out of the dress. The length was perfect as well. It was...
I sat at my desk drinking the same old boring cup of coffee, wearing the same old boring clothes, doing the same old work, when I realized I was living the same old boring life. I had been single for over 6 months and hadn’t been on a date. I hadn’t had sex in over 9. I was long overdue. The problem wasn’t me, I was attractive enough I suppose. I have long black hair, hazel almost golden eyes, large firm breasts, and a round ass. The problem was, the men that asked me out didn’t seem to strick...
Hey there a dear reader your JJ back with a bang, late is late nothing to feel sorry the new assignment is taking my time away. No fuss here is what I have scribbled for you. ‘Yes’ you are right mature passion again, my god why do these women older to me drive me crazy? To understand this concept you need to go through this heavenly journey. A day at the office as a new joiner nothing much to do and it was driving me nuts to just sit there and do nothing. Like always I started to scribble these...
Phil looked at his watch. It was nearly half past eight. Where was she? Stacy was never late. He ordered another beer and checked his phone then nearly jumped out of his skin as he noticed the stunning beauty that had emerged next to him. Where the hell had she appeared from? She was unbelievable. Long sleak clack hair, deep green eyes, full red lips and an amazing, slender, athletic frame. She was dressed in a simple tight fitting back lace dress, black stockings and heels. The barman placed a...
Fetishsgtblkwarrior: You could come visit metrankwilitee: All the way in Alaska???sgtblkwarrior: Yeah!trankwilitee: But it’s so cold.sgtblkwarrior: I’ll keep you warm.trankwilitee: Really?sgtblkwarrior: Yeah gurl. You know I been feeling you for a whiletrankwilitee: Same here. What if I do come?sgtblkwarrior: I’m gonna fuck the shit outta you!trankwilitee: Yasssssss Daddysgtblkwarrior: For real. We’ll hang out & have a good time & stufftrankwilitee: I’d like that.sgtblkwarrior: I’m for real...
Chapter One: Virgin Connection By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Cherise – Tol Via Village, The Kingdom of Athlos I hurried with my chores. My eyes were drawn to the dark edge of the Rothin forest. My family's farm lay right on the edge of the dark woods. Silver flashed between the trees. A unicorn had neared the edge. Everyone in the village whispered about the dreadful, horned unicorns that roamed the large woods. Everyone who risked the forest always spoke of catching glimpses of the...
Internet Connection By early in 2003, I had been an active member of an internet community for several years. The community was a NASCAR racing related group consisting of members from all over the United States. There were even a few members who popped in from overseas. The community members would spend hours chatting with each other in the chat room of the web site. Our conversations were not limited to racing. We discussed a wide variety of topics, especially during the off-season,...
I found myself in the position of having a fanatic admirer from a few videos I posted. I called him "V", which was the first letter of his name that I struggled to pronounce. V had figured out what college I attended and emailed me several times a day. Initially, I found V's pursuit flattering and we started communicating. I even agreed to meet him for oral sex back in the archives of the college library. I actually was excited to meet a "fan". I arrived about ten minutes and V was already...
Hi my name is Kiran and I am a 33 year old housewife staying in the upmarket area of Pune. In our society most families are from the upper strata and most of the women atre not working. We have an informal club called “Desperate housewives” named after the comedy serial on CNN. If our husbands find out what kind of fun we have when they are not there they will faint.As far as my body goes I am dark talk and voloptous with large breasts and a round nice ass. My husband who likes to have me from...
THE PERSIAN CONNECTION There was a beautiful but poor Persian girl that was a sister to a "wife" of a classmate. He was moving and I owned a pickup. He sidled up to me trying to work the angles to get what he wanted, I didn't see the need for all of this attempted manipulation. I was glad to help. Having come from a two- year collage with a quarter system, ASU was a slow drawn out process. Nine weeks to cover a subject, verses what seemed to be unlimited time and a cost that was...
“What do you want?” she spat angrily! This was it, this was the moment I had fantasized about for so long. I exaggerated my looking at her from bottom to top. Beginning with her cute little bare feet with dark purple painted toe nails, I shifted my gaze upward, past her smooth olive skinned calves, up to her bare chunky thighs, the memories of kissing, nibbling and biting the insides of them thighs while working my way up to that beautiful clean shaven pussy to taste every drop of her wetness...
"Hi, is this HighlandLass84?" I asked the woman who appeared on my Skype screen. "Yup, that's me. I go by Nicky if you like." "I do like. Short for Nicole?" "Very good and quite correct." "You a Scot?" "Nope, my parents. Hey listen, before we get too far, there's a couple of things about me you need to know." "Okay, go ahead." "Well, I live at home and I have a son." "Really? How old?" "Six. He's just starting grade one." "Wow, I bet that's a big thing for...
Berkshire and London, 1866 At age eighty Lady Wilkes was still a person to behold. From the moment Rose saw her she was awed. Under white hair, a pair of blue eyes looked at Rose with honest friendliness over half-glasses that sat perched on her nose. "Ellen tells me only good things about you, Mrs. Tremayne," the old woman stated. "She also tells me that you were orphaned early?" Rose blushed a little. "Yes, I ... My mother died when I was fourteen years old and my father had died...
Hey everyone! A fan request here for Darkrage6. I took some requests and he’s the 1st winner. So I have a Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato story for you all. It’s a futa story, so if that’s not your thing move along. This is not in the Drug Trials universe, rather it’s a separate arc. Everyone is over 18, and celebrities don’t act like this. Enjoy! *** ‘Where are you going?’ ‘Just to get water, I’m thirsty.’ Demi stated while extracting herself from her lover. ‘Okay.’ Selena didn’t complain...
She was running late, and she hated being late for this sort of thing. It had taken too long to get the stockings on and she hated the feel of them. It had been years since she’d worn stockings with a garter belt and she wasn’t sure why she was wearing them now. It was just coffee at a Starbucks. The red suede suit with the skirt with the slits up the sides was hanging on the closet door. Too dressy? But she’d dressed in red the times before and it was Christmas. Well, almost Christmas....
This story is about a young man’s homecoming to confront a painfully failed relationship. The events, places and people are nothing more than a product of my imagination. There is no SEAL Team 12. To make my character a part of a real SEAL Team would serve to dishonor these brave men for their sacrifices and their accomplishments. I hope you like my story and accept it for what it is – just a story with a happy ending. * I first met Charlene Thomas the summer between third and fourth grade....
Disconnections Disconnections- a series of stories -by Eve Adorer Disconnections - Overall Synopsis:?Disconnections? comprises independent, and not interdependent, stories. Though not interconnected, the stories have a common theme: the ?disconnections? of the overall title. I hope you?ll enjoy them ?. Sulina ToledoSynopsis: A becoming mission beckons ambition. Sulina Toledo ? Part ONESulina Toledo sat checking her clipboard. The all-female studio audience murmured, conversing....
"Well that is cryptic" I said. "Can't wait to hear about it tonight!" Katie said with a smile. She kissed me. "But I am running late for class. Reagan is going to drop the little one off at mom's and take the kids to school." She kissed me. "I love you!" I headed over to Escondido to see what it was that Mounika found. When I arrived I saw a different car in front and a dumpster out front. Mounika met me at the door. She had been excitedly awaiting me. She jumped on me,...
It took less than a week for the law suit to disappear. Clary reported that the law firm in San Francisco was what he called a “convenience store operation” that were in over their heads when they realized there was no chance of cashing in on the suit and that international law was involved. That was one problem solved. I was over at the Alvarez home by invitation on Sunday evening. Mama made it clear that it was a standing invitation and that two little girls would be disappointed if I...
You stare at your computer screen, and a useless dating site stares back at you. It's barely given you an connections, only one conversation with a lady, and no dates. Your cell phone interrupts your funk. "Hi Bill, what's up?" "'What's up?' We were supposed to go to the bar tonight!" "I said I'd think about it." You look back at the web page, wondering if the bar could be any better than this. "So? You've thought about it. Are you coming?"
Copyright© 2005 "Bob, we need to talk," my girlfriend Terri said in That Tone of Voice. We had just finished another bout of mind-blowing sex and I was almost ready for more, but suddenly the only thing hard about me was the cold, growing knot in my stomach. I had been married long enough that I knew I had to respond. I also knew anything I said was probably going to be wrong. "About what darling?" Tell her you love her. Reassure her. "My treasure," I added, "my beautiful one. My...
Doc and Margaret boarded a train to Chicago with Milton’s notes safely tucked between them. The Chicago tickets, purchased by William the day before their departure, would postpone anyone following them at least a day. If they were lucky, it would send someone ahead of them to Chicago. When they arrived in Fort Wayne, Indiana, they got off the train. Wesley Allen was waiting to pick them up. The meeting was warm and cordial. The three-hour trip from Fort Wayne to Wesley’s home in...
Before I'd taken more than a few steps Marian reached forward as if to steady herself by leaning on John's shoulders. John's triumphant grin was quickly replaced by a mask of pain when Marian kneed him in the testicles before jumping away and blowing her whistle. "I said no!" Marian screamed to the now prone John who lay crumpled on the ground. Marian was shaking, but unhurt, when I arrived at the scene. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, just a little rattled," she quivered. I...
Family Connections Bob Collins lifted his coffee cup to his lips and breathed in the steamy scent before taking a sip. He cradled the warm cup in his hands and looked around his lush back yard, filled with trees and shrubs and surrounded by a high concrete block wall. Across the small patio table from him sat his 20 year old daughter Laurel, home for the weekend from her third semester at college and her current roommate Jill. The two girls sat side by side, slightly away from the round, glass...
IncestDisclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. A Quick intro and greeting: Hello to all my pets, fans, and anyone else who is new. I love writing, and sometimes I...