Viking Fucking free porn video

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Viking Fucking

It's a mild Spring morning in the golden fields of Scandinavia. New life bursting at the seems all around.

The sky is clear blue, with white fluffy clouds painted on the bright canvas of the day.

A king is striding along through the tall grass, with wooden carved bow in hand, hunting for wild boars or rabbits or reindeer, or any kind of tasty game he can find and claim for his own.

He is a powerful man.

Tall, and strong, and big. Like a man-mountain made out of unflinching meat and muscle.
With his thick long hair, and majestic beard.

His green tunic struggles to contain his strong barrel chest, with his firm pecs fighting to burst out, and short downy hair barely an inch in length just coiled beneath the soft emerald fabric.

He only has a minimal amount of brown leather armour on, mainly around his big boots, and archer-braces on his thick steely wrists.

He is hunting alone, for he commanded his hunting party to spread out far and wide across the fields, with the furthest going as far as the fjords a couple miles away.

As he ventures deeper into the fields, he notices some movement up ahead.

He pauses, staring hard in that direction. The drawstring of his bow pulls a little tight as he prepares himself.

He takes aim at the rustling spot in the cereal field ahead.

He suddenly freezes.

A figure emerges.

A woman.

Jet black hair, steely eyes, wearing black leather armour over a red tunic, cut short just below the hips, and sheep-skin boots.
She's wielding a sword.

They both stare intently at each other.

He's never seen her in his village before.

"Fair maiden, who are you?"
He calls out to her as he lowers his bow.

"Don't you know me, Tor?"
She smirks as she cautiously moves a little closer.

"I do not."
He replies.

"Really? You of all men should know who I am..."
She sneers a grin.

"How so, maiden?"
He asks as she creeps closer.

"Simple. I've killed many of your men."
Her grin turns into a devilish smirk.

"You killed my men?"
He couldn't help himself but to heartily laugh.

"You find it funny?"
She grins.

"My men are the best warriors around! Only the best fighters, male or female, can hope to best them,"
He stopped laughing to explain,
"And you're far too beautiful to be a fighter. Maybe your delicate hands are best suited for goat-milking."

She gasps in offence,
"Let's see you say that after I'm done milking you!"

The king slowly raises his eyebrow at her, as she suddenly realises what she just said.

"..Of your blood! I'm, uh, going to milk you of your blood, yes..."
She adds to correct her previous statement.

"Ha ha! Fair maiden, what is your name?"
He asks in a jolly chuckle.

"I am Angielycka, daughter of King Thorstrike, the knot-mistress of a thousand bonds, the keeper of cream, the viking warrior princess!"
She declares bold and proudly.

"And I am King Tor Odinsbeard, standing in a field."
He returns unimpressed with a smirk.

"Your acts are legendary. You killed an entire army of 20,000 men with little more than a couple thousand warriors by your side..."
She praised,
"But let's see how you handle a real challenge!"

With that, she drew her sword up, and charged at him.

Thinking quickly, he dropped his bow and drew his sword which had hung on the side of his belt.
She suddenly stopped charging, and stood still in her tracks.

"Oh my..."
She quietly gasps.

"Does my sword intimidate you?"
He chuckled.

"That, uh... That's a very impressive sword actually..."
She pondered on it, her teeth gently sinking onto her bottom lip as she studied it.

"Come have a closer look."
He sneered with a joyful smirk.

"It's so big and thick..."
She sighed as she stared hard, twirling one of her long black braids of hair around her finger.

She suddenly shook her head, regaining her composure.

"Bah! It'll take more than a pretty sword to best me!"
She triumphed as she lifted her sword and rushed forward into combat.

He blocked her first strike, and her second, and threw a strike of his own.
She dodged out of the way, and lunged her blade to his leg.

He parried it, and swung his blade for her neck.

She roll-dodged out of the way, and danced around to his side with a twirl, and stabbed for his heart.

He side-stepped to dodge it, and lunged at her like a fencer.

She swotted his blade away with her own, and ran up to him.

With a jump and kick-off his stomach, she had lept and flipped off of his chest, parting with a kick of her toes to his chin.
His big manly beard stopped the impact from that kick from hurting no more than a gnat's bite.

He "woah"'d silently at her impressive moves.

"You dance like a faery!"
He then teased her, trying to put her off her game.

"And you, good king, dance like a 1-legged warg!"
She teased back with a smirk.

He smirked back, unfazed by her insult.

They met swords again, and with a quick flick, she'd cut a strap of cloth on his tunic, slashing the fabric open at the seam.
Without even thinking, he just grabbed the collar and ripped it open, revealing his bare chest.

She sighed at such a mighty sight.

They clashed blades a few more times, until she lept with her foot out for a flying kick.

Reacting fast, he grabbed her ankle mid-air and used his awesome brute strength to swing them both around and crash her down onto the wild grass beneath his feet.

The impact was so sudden, that her sword fell from her hand.

He lunged down with his sword, which she narrowly avoided as it stabbed into the earth beside her head.

She quickly grabbed the handle, pushing down with all her might to stop him from pulling it back out.

He purposefully fell on top of her, straddling her stomach as he grabbed her wrist which looked tiny in comparison to his big bear-paw like palms.

With complete ease, he was able to overpower her, and move her hand away from the sword handle, and pinned it down beside her head, opposite from the side of the sword.

"Ugh! Let go!"
She yelled.

He grabbed her other wrist with his other hand, and proceeded to easily pin it down above her head.

She desperately tried to arch her back, but his weight easily trapped her. She kicked her feet, trying with all her might to wiggle free.

He chuckled with smug triumph as her breathing quickened, using her all energy to try and break free.

"Get off me! Get off me!"
She cried out, still trying to thrash her legs around.

"What's the magic word?"
He asked in a patronising tone.

"Fuck you!"
She replied and sunk her teeth into the flesh of his forearm.

To her amazement, he didn't even flinch, and simply chuckled.

With a sudden move, he had moved one of her arms under his knee, which felt like a tree-trunk weighing down on her helpless limb.

With his hand now free, he rested it upon the handle of his sword.

She cried out with one last burst of energy, tasting the bitter flavour of defeat.
Accepting her fate, she then relaxed her body, and accepted his right as battle-victor to finish her.

"Don't gloat. Just finish me and be done with it."
She sighed, almost petulantly like a young teen.

"Now why would I do a thing like that?"
He asked with a more gentler chuckle.
He took his hand off his sword and brushed a lock of loose black hair away from her pretty eyes.

She knew he was toying with her, she sneered and sighed, averting her gaze as she realised she couldn't do anything about it.
He cheeks began to blush, as the humiliation of defeat set in.

Defeated, pinned, helpless...

"Such a pity..."
He sighed.

"What is?"
She met his eyes once again, with a puzzled look.

"If I had more feisty women like you in my village, I could take my place as chief of all tribes in Scandinavia in no time!"
His face lit up.

"What makes you think I'd ever agree to fight for you?"
She questioned.

"Simple. I've bested you in combat. You must do as I command now."
He smirked.

She laid there for a moment, turning her head to study the effortlessly strong grip he has on her wrist, and his leg trapping her other arm underneath his weight. She tried once more to move, but felt the strong yet completely effortless ease at which he was pinning her.

She sighed once more, laying her head flat down against the dewy grass, and bit her lip.

"You really have got me beat..."
Her voice relaxed.

"So, how about it? You want to be claimed as a woman of my village, under my rule?"
He asked.

"In my village, a woman is never truly claimed by a man until he bests her with his..."
Her eyes moved down for a moment, and then back up to his,

The powerful king took a moment to smugly take in the pair's current circumstance.
"Seems to me I've already bested you with my sword?"

"Not that sword..."
He eyes ventured south again once more.
And once more she looked back up into his, with a quick lick of her lips and a nibble.

She couldn't quite believe how quickly her body betrayed her.
Here she was, pinned down by the leader of her enemies, bested and defeated by him.

And yet...
She couldn't help but notice just how attractive he is.

She knew she should be repulsed by him for being the enemy, and yet, he's so handsome, and strong, and powerful.

She could feel her nipples stiffen hard under the heavy press of his large tree-trunk thighs.
She could feel her heart beating so fast inside her chest, and not due to any physical excursion from the fight.

And most of all, she could feel the excitement burning through her soft flesh of her pussy.
She was undeniably wet and turned on by him.

Even his smug chuckle did nothing to dampen the lustful fire in her nether regions.

"Maybe I ought to do my royal duty, and claim you then..."
With that, he moved forward.

With his weight now off her as he moved, her arm suddenly had a little more freedom.

For a moment, she went to reach for the dagger hidden inside the boot on her foot.

She thought about it.

But then...

She slipped her free arm behind his knee and wrapped it around his thigh, as he took a little more of a comfier seat over her chest.

He was mindful to not put the entirety of his powerful frame down on her, but instead gave her just enough leeway so as not to be uncomfortable, and yet maintaining her thoroughly pinned status.

She watched intently as he used one hand to untie the hemp string holding the crotch of his brown sheep-skin trousers together.

Her eyes widening in intrigue as a large firm cock escaped from the enclosure behind the material.

"Oh my...!"
She sighed in very pleasant surprise as the full size of it came into sight before her.

"You ever seen a king-size cock before, my lady?"
He asked with a smug tone of voice, holding it proudly at the base in his hand.

"N-n-no, sir."
She replied, taking her eyes off it momentarily to look up at him from behind the huge shaft.

She then looked back upon the glory of his member, with her eyes going cross-eyed as she studied to large pink bulbous head of it.

She swallowed and subtly licked her lips.

"That's uh... That's a really impressive sword you have..."
She complimented, still very much amazed by it.

"Thank you."
He smiled, this time the smugness in his voice was replaced by sincerity.

"You want to kiss it?"
He asked, lowering it with his hand a little closer to her lips.

She sighed, trying to show some semblance of protest to such a suggestion.
But she knew she wasn't fooling anyone.

She then nodded her head.

"Go ahead, you may kiss it."
He grinned as he let his heavy helmet sit upon her lips.

She kissed it.
Then she kissed it again.

And again.

She couldn't believe what she was so willingly doing, and yet, it felt so right to her.

It felt so natural to kiss it.
Even if the cock she was kissing did happen to be attached to her sworn enemy.

She looked up into his eyes as her soft bouncy moist lips kept pressing into his stiff, hard yet smooth flesh.

"May I..."
She sighed heavily, and felt her warm breath wash over his cock,
"May I taste it?"

"You may."
He replied, studying her lips.

She opened her mouth, and anxiously approached the big, almost intimidating acorn of his cock's head.

She pressed the tip of her wet tongue against it.

She moaned with a satisfied sigh, as she softly and slowly licked it again, and again, and again.

"Taste good?"
He asked as he adjusted his big manly fingers around her wrist, which he was still keeping pinned to the ground beside her head.

"Hmm-mmmm... So good...!"
She answered, before she immediately engulfed the entirety of his helmet into her mouth.

She just couldn't wait to feel the heaviness of it inside of her.
It sat like a heavy lump of a fleshy rock against the broadness of her wet tongue.

And instinctively, she began to suckle on it.

She looked up into his eyes once again as she did so.
Almost daring him with a single look to push it deeper...

He moved his hips, slowly pushing it into her mouth more until his was tickling her tonsils.

She didn't even gag, like as if her tonsils were desensitised to such a stimulation...

He let go off her wrist, and wrapped his strong large fingers around the hair on the back of her head.
And with a daring smirk, he lifted her head and stabbed her throat with the tip of his helmet!

Her eyes widened in both shock and happiness as he did so.

Letting out a long groan of appreciation, she just let him manipulate her head movements to his own desire, as he thrust his cock in and out of her throat as she desperately tried to keep in time to his movements with suckings.

With her hand now free, she reached for the stiff base of his cock, and found to little surprise that she couldn't quite wrap her fingers fully around it.

Regardless, she just gripped it firmly in her hand, and proceeded to wank his steely fleshy hot shaft, rubbing her hand up and down as she took the mouth-pounding in her stride and pushed and manoeuvred her tongue against his thrusting cock between sucks/thrusts.

After a short while, he was ready to blow.

He re-positioned himself just a little bit, moving down to just beneath her breasts, which he ripped the armour/tunic open to expose her bountiful bosom, and took his throbbing stiff cock in his hand.

She clutched her arm around his thigh tight, like as if she was hugging a giant teddy bear for comfort and support, and rested her head down onto the hand of her other arm on the ground.

She kept her eyes looked onto his helmet as he jerked off.

"P-please can I have your cum?"
She suddenly asked, surprising the king a little.

He paused for a moment.

"Please... May I have your cum? Please? I want it so bad..."
She sighed as she writhed underneath him.

It felt like just saying those words had made her feel even more starved and desperate for it than what she already was.

He chuckled, and continued to wank away.

"Please give me it... Please... I'm so hungry for it, so thirsty for your kingly cream... Please...!"
Her begging became more desperate, so unashamed.

"Oh I'll give it to you, don't you worry..."
He winked as he masturbated.

"Thank you... I need it so bad! Right on my mouth, right here...!"
She moved her hand and touched her lips with a fingertip, which she then licked in preparation.
"Please please please give me your cum... Cum all over me - please!"

Finally, she was given what she was begging for.

With a big pump, cum started to shoot out of him with such an awesome velocity.

The white creamy goop smacked hard against her skin.

Then another landed right on the top of her lip.

The sudden, almost vanilla-like smell overpowered her senses as cream splashed around her top lip, right under her nose.
It then dripped down into her mouth, while another load suddenly splashed hard directly onto her tongue.

"Oh my god!"
She sighed breathlessly as she was suddenly overwhelmed in creamy goodness.

Her eyes were closed as she wallowed in the amazing taste, and the feeling of hot jizz all over skin.

She felt little hot drips splash against her tits, almost like as if she was being sprayed in the hot fat of frying bacon.

She opened her eyes to look, and saw droplets of semi-transparent white cum painting her tits and nipples.

She was breathing so heavy as he was groaning with orgasmic pleasure.

One final pump of cum had landed on her cheek.

"Oh fuck! ...Oh my king...!"
She sighed in orgasmic pleasure at the overwhelming delight.

She laid there, wallowing in the tastes/smells as she swallowed what she could get, and wiped/licked the cum up off her skin with her fingers.

She even licked and sucked his own cummy fingers clean for him.

"Thank you so much!"
She kept repeating, amazed and completely tamed by his majestic cock and cum.

"May I clean you up, sir?"
She then politely asked as she eyed his cummy cock.

"Of course."
He replied.

With that, she lifted her head and took his cock back into her mouth once again, this time to more gently and lovingly clean with her tongue and lips until it was only shiny wet with the residue of her warm spit.

"Thank you."
She thanked him once again as he took his only slightly deflated cock out of her mouth, and she gave his helmet a strong kiss right on the tip.

"Don't thank me just yet, young lady."
He smiled as he stood up.

He stroked his wet cock a couple of times in his hand, which visibly stiffened out straight and rock hard again.

He then bent down, grabbing her wrist and ankle with both hands, and effortlessly turned her around onto her stomach.

She didn't even try to put up a fight as he then positioned himself behind her, and laid his broad muscly chest down against her back.

With his beard nestling on the back of her neck, he whispered firmly in her ear:
"I've only just begun to claim you..!"

And she let out a deep sigh as she felt her soaking wet pussy being suddenly penetrated by his huge thick prick!

Grabbing her wrists, he bent her arms back and pinned them down against her spine as he lifted himself up, and proceeded to fuck her raw, right there in the middle of that field.

Her intense cries of pleasure echoed around in the open sky as the smacking sounds of his lap against her shapely buttocks rang out with each and every powerful thrust.

He grabbed both wrists at the same time with just one mighty hand, pinning them just as strongly as before, and with his other hand, he wrapped her hair around his fist, and pushed her face down into the grass.

She only just about managed to turn her head a little to the side so as not to be in discomfort, and took the hard pounding like a real woman should.

Accepting his invading shaft, she quivered and came all over his cock, soaking it in litres of thin slightly-sticky juice.

"P-please - please - fuck - fuck!"
She panted hard between quick breaths as her pussy spasmed and gripped tight around his powerful cock, being completely dominated and claimed by it.

She couldn't get her words out as he fucked her senseless.
But they both knew, she was his now.

Nothing could change it now.

She was his.


After a long hard pounding, he roughly threw her over onto her back once more.

With a powerful roar, he pulled out of her soaking entrance, and wanking his throbbing shaft furiously, spewed cream all over her stomach.

Plenty of thick streams strayed from her tummy and sprayed instead over her pillowy tits, coating her hard as ice nipples in sticky splashes.

One strand ventured as far north as to land with a heavy splat against her lips, which she eagerly lapped up with a rolling lick.

She was panting as hard as he was.
Calmly writhing around on her back beneath him like a tamed b**st.
Softly purring...

Tamed and claimed...

He panted, catching his breath, resting his heavy fat cock against her dripping slot.
The heat radiating from it was so intense, it almost felt like it was burning his slowly deflating flesh.

After a very short breather, he stood up, towering above her once again.

He bent down, offering barely more than a grunt, as she submitted herself to his whims.
He grabbed her torn tunic, and wiped the cum off her body with it.

He then grabbed her arms, and with ease, picked her up to her feet before throwing her over his shoulder.
He then started to walk off with her.

"Where- Where are we going?"
She asked with an anxious stutter.

"You see those trees over yonder?"
He replied with a question of his own as he pointed to the woods at the edge of the field.

She tried to lift and turn her head to look in the direction they were heading.

She answered, unsure.

"Well I'm going to find a nice, tall strong trunk, and fuck you hard against it!"
He declared with a cheer.

"Oh, no!"
She gulped hard.

...But then, with a sigh as she rested her chin on her hand against his back, relaxing her body which softly bounced on his shoulder with his powerful strides, she quietly yet excitedly declared:

"Oh yes..!"

The end.

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Alison Goes to London chapter 2 A Brief History of Fucking

Before the Great Enlightenment of the 2020s, European society had a dysfunctional, nay, schizophrenic attitude to fucking. On the one hand, both men and women favoured what society called “sexual liberation”, i.e. the right of anyone to fuck whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted, without any attendant responsibilities or obligations. On the other hand, society claimed to value what was called “the family”: men and women who fucked each other and conceived children by that act were expected...

3 years ago
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MILF Bred by Hubbys Boss and Teammates Part 2 MILF Fucking

In Part 1 of this story, we learned that my name is David, and my wife, Sarah, had encouraged me to join a men’s basketball league, to get some exercise and to help relieve my sadness at being an empty nester, after our kids left for college. I joined my boss’ team, and partially because of my feelings of inadequacy at having a small dick, I eventually became a cocksucker for my teammates.My boss always had the hots for Sarah, and after he used my cell phone to send her pictures of his and a...

2 years ago
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Homegrown Fucking

I sat alone, semi-aware of my surroundings while I thought about my discovery. I didn't even know Delia was seeing a boy, she never acted like she was dating, she doesn't spend any time on the phone or texting any boys, all her time was spent with her friends, girl friends. Who in hell fucked my daughter three times? Did I just discover something recent or has she been screwing for a while? Was she being careful? That was the question that finally rose to the surface of the confusion and...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Gone Wrong 8211 Part 4 All out fucking

It was the last day of our stay. The next morning, we were about to leave. I prayed to God that those guys didn’t show up today. They had already fucked Chaitali in the morning. The last guy was terrible. He fucked her while she needed to shit. Later we fucked in the bathroom while bathing. She was tired, and so was I. So we decided to have a nap after breakfast. It was 3 pm when I woke up. Chaitali was shaking me up to wake me up. I looked at her. She was wearing a two-piece bikini. I looked...

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Natalie Sawyer Breaking Entering and Fucking

Fan fiction that may contain content not suitible for people under the age of 18. Be Warned.Celeb - Natalie Sawyer (Anal, MF BJ, FINGER, RELUC, SPANK, SQUIRT)Natalie Sawyer is a 35 year old Sky Sports News presenter and she had just finished her shift on Sky Sports news HQ. She was wearing a red dress (as seen in pictures 2,3 and 4 above) and beige coloured heels. Whilst on TV, she always liked to show a bit of cleavave, she was never afraid to show some while on air. She has shown some...

1 year ago
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From Camming to Fucking

It’s hard to say how I got to cam to cam first, my husband had been trying to persuade me on and off for a couple of years. I think it all came to a head when I went through menopause, instead of what I expected, a complete lack of interest in sex, I went ballistic, couldn’t get enough.My knickers always seemed to be damp with my juices, and it was very frustrating as although my husband could easily get a good erection and cum, he was no longer fuck me enough, and certainly not the way I now...

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Reverse Fucking

By: AWC No, Not an A+, not even an A. Just a C or even a D would be enough for Ben. He flunked his midterm Chemistry paper but the worst was that he was already on the academic probation and if he could only get at least a D, he would still fail but would not be thrown out of college. He was not very confident but he was acting like one as he walked through the corridor to the office of Professor Eleanor. When she returned the paper to Ben with a big F, she had also written a note on the...

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Mega Ass Fucking

“What are you wearing, Diana asked”? Uh, I was just going to wear my board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, why do you ask? Jack answered. “Because guys have it so easy, you just wear anything, whereas us women need to think about weather, what if I get wet, what will I wear if we go to dinner?” “Stop stressing, just wear your bikini and take shorts and a top, what’s so hard about that?” “Nothing, I guess when you put it that way, but get a couple of windbreakers in case it gets chilly later, you...

2 years ago
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The Joy And Pleasure Of Incestuous Fucking

[A fictional story of Incestuous Love and Sex for pleasure reading and practice only within the norms and traditions of the society and consent of partners]. After taking very early dinner, our parents went out for the memorial service leaving us two behind in the hotel room alone. Oh, I must tell you here; my name is John and my twin sister’s name is Irene. We both had returned home for 2 weeks the winter break at the school. Mom and dad were extremely happy to see us home but with a slight...

4 years ago
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My Wife Anna Salac Continue Fucking

The next morning I woke up to the alarm buzzing in my ear. I rolled over to find Anna still asleep. I crawled out of bed and sat on the edge of it trying to wake up enough to head to the bathroom. The sun was pouring into the bedroom through the French doors in our room.I finally got the energy to head to the shower.After showering and shaving, I went back into the bedroom and Anna was not in bed. I was already running late for work so I got dressed and headed to the kitchen.Anna was in the...

4 years ago
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Virgin gets a well deserved fucking

His name was Tyler. He dropped out of highschool, and was three years older than me. He had dark hair, lots of stubble, and didn't care about anyone or anything. All my life I had been the good girl. I went to school and got good grades, never touched drugs or alcohol, and never even talked to the boys who I thought would try "bad things" with me. I was a virgin, and I was fucking unhappy about it. I couldn't stop thinking about sex. At night I would lay awake touching myself, and thinking of...

Straight Sex
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Beyond A Much Needed Fucking

Sixty-one-year-old Pat Mitchell had ended a long period without sex by getting an after-hours fucking from barman Ian Smithers, who was close to twenty years her junior. They had fucked in the bar after closing up with Pat's husband Cyril asleep upstairs after yet another evening of heavy drinking. The fucking took place over the back of a chair but had got so frenzied in the end that a chair leg broke.Whilst the shag very much satisfied Pat, she now wanted more. Ian was happy to give her more...

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A Much Needed Fucking

Pat Mitchell, aged sixty-one, owned a pub in a smallish English town along with her husband Cyril. The pub did quite well, but Cyril was drinking more and more and often left Pat plus their regular barman, Ian Smithers, to clear up and lock up at pub closing time. Pat and Cyril had arguments about it when he was sober, but nothing seemed to change.Pat was a big woman, certainly not obese but also not too far short of it. Her face was not unattractive, although sometimes she had so much make-up...

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Mom fucking

Hi friends my name is kiran,iam father is died last my mom is widow.her name is latha,she is 45.she is white in color,long hair ,big boobs ,buttocks ,and……..she is so family is very poor family.we are trouble in after my father is died. I am study in mom is lived in my father working place because my own house is at that day mom is called come to home.iam going to my home mom introduce one person his name is kumaran.his age is tell to him his...

3 years ago
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My father and i were on a long road trip to go see my grandparents in london, my mother two bothers, and two sister's had gone down on the train. We had been driving for a long time. I tossed and turned trying to sleep, but couldn't because the sun was out and beaming its hot rays into the black car. We rode in the car in absolute silence. My father and i didn't exactly get along he was still fucking mad as hell with me, he caught me and my sister's all naked in my bedroom masturbation and...

1 year ago
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Mature BBW Debbie Gets Another Good Fucking

Fifty-five-year-old larger lady Debbie Simpson had had what she was now convinced was the fucking of her life when she hooked-up at the annual company conference with the considerably younger Simon Curtis.In the few weeks since that night of sex, she had had two sexual encounters of sorts but neither was particularly successful and certainly neither were satisfying for her.On the first one with a youth of eighteen, he ejaculated in his underpants before they really got started and he fled in...

2 years ago
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Gay Jerking leads to gay fucking

I had a regular jerk buddy I had found online. We would always do it at his place, different times of the day whenever we both were free. We looked forward to it for sure as we both loved watching gay porn and cumming together. We couldn't have gotten along any better. Things would escalate one day though as i was sitting next to him on his couch. Gay porn playing in front of us as we both jerked our cocks together. Both of us sitting with all our clothes off as we held on to our hard cocks....

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Sucking and Fucking

My girlfriend and I was driving through a neighboring town when she had pointed out a new sauna to me. She said we should try it sometime, I said ok. I told her that I loved going to saunas and that they make me fell relaxed. The next day I had decided to try it out before we go there together just to make sure it was safe. When I had entered I was told that i have to get a locker and change in to shorts, so I went to the locker room and changed out of my clothes into a pair of shorts....

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Dianne Gets A Good Fucking

Dianne Jones was in need of a good fuck even if she did not realise it herself yet.She was having an early evening drink in a wine bar with three women from work and they were chatting about things in general when Dianne glanced up and made brief eye contact with a young man that was clearing the glasses off a nearby table. It was just the briefest of contact but two things came to Dianne's mind, firstly he was very good looking and secondly she had not seen him working there before.Dianne was...

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Group Study Fucking

Hello friends I am back again with another little story. I did not know under which topic I should have put this story couple incest or group since I like incest I will put it in that. Also I would like to thank ISS for providing such a beautiful platform that makes people share their sexual fantasies. I would request all my dear readers to please rate his story 5 or 1 and if you don’t like it so that next time I can narrate my sexual experiences better. I will try to keep the language simple...

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Humiliating Ass Fucking

Humiliating Ass FuckingBy: Londebaaz Chohan Laski slapped Nussbaum’s lovely ass when he did not answer immediately a question asked by Laski, if he got turned on by the roughness shown by Laski. "Answer me, bitch”, he said; “Are you turned on by my roughness? Are you ready to take my hard cock deep inside your throat and beg me to fuck you?"Laski was not in a mood for games tonight. He was very horny and he simply wanted to fuck Gifford Nussbaum very hard and rough, making him scream and shout....

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A Good Ole Boy Whisky Farm Fucking

Brandy and Comfort are like two peas in a pod. The two grew up together in a small city on the east coast. It was three weeks before they were to go their separate ways and off to college. They decided the best way to depart before college was to take a little trip down south. They wanted to see if they could experience some southern hospitality for once in their lives. The girls packed up their luggage, jumped in Brandy’s pink convertible, and headed down south y’all. While traveling the girls...

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Straight Boys Fucking

I’ll never forget the conversation I had with my good friend Justin after he moved back from Canada. We were out with friends, and everyone was listening to Justin talk about his Canadian adventures. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he drops the dime that he had a threesome. Holy shit! He wasn’t exactly a pussy hound, so this was big news. We were thrilled for him.Of course, we couldn’t leave it at that. We all needed the details. As Justin explained how it went down, about five minutes passed. We are...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Tremendous Fucking

Most of time I spent watching xxx movies n and if got chance sex. I was not having great hype of reading sex stories then I taken interest in reading some of them make me hard on & masturbating inside my pant Cumming. Especially when it is written by female, Bhabhi sex, neighbor woman. This is my 1st time narrating my tremendous fucking with her which I enjoyed and got extreme sex pleasure. my name is Panuj not stud guy but have innocent look in my eyes female used compliment on me by saying am...

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Desire Of Pussy Fucking

Desire Of Pussy FuckingBy: Londebaaz Chohan There was nothing to be looked over when Laura Kaysi was the topic of discussion. She was tall like 5’ 8”, the best known athlete of her days in the High School, Captain of Basket Ball team, and a cross country runner no less. She still jogged every day. Laura Kaysi was the essentially the mom of the neighborhood. Tall and slender with medium length brown hair which was always pulled back in a ponytail and her facial skin tone invited many to talk...

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Laundromat Fucking

the laundromat, grocery store and men’s strip clubs. I wasn’t going to go into a men’s strip club, but the grocery store and laundromat were not a problem. Especially the laundromat . Being a single man, and living in an apartment, I went to the the laundromat at least once a week. I didn’t have a washer or dryer and the apartments didn’t provided laundry facilities. I never really gave it too much thought though, until one night when I was doing my laundry quite late. It was one...

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extreme group fucking

So before you think we’re old farts and don’t have sex any more, we’re not, I’m 5ft 9 and 80kgs, (170Lbs) with a cock that is 7 inch’s along the top, and fairly fat around the shaft, my wife is shorter at 5ft 4, and has a curvy body with 38 DD boobs shaved pussy mmmmmm and a tight little butt, guys still eye her up, So over the year we have done a lot with other couple’s and guys as well as kink, and it is great to have a forum like this to be able to tell others about our fun. We have...

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Isha Paid Her Debt By Fucking

Hi Friends!!! How are you all? My Name is Harman and I am from Dehradun. This is my 4th story in ISS. You can read my earlier experiences in ISS by searching my name. I have received some really good responses especially from ladies and request you to please continue doing the same.Before I tell you about my new experience let me tell you something about myself. I am 5’5”, fair in color and medium built. I am 31 years old. Since I have my own business I keep traveling especially Delhi and...

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXIII 8211 Dream Fucking

My dear Friends I am back with another sexy experience MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – DREAM FUCKING. I believe that sexual satisfaction is right of every one. And responsibility of sexual satisfaction is more on the male partner in the act. But it is observed that, in many cases females left unsatisfied by their male partner. I am sure that you will agree with me on this. Sex is an art and you can satisfy your partner if you know this art well. With this message, I start below my dream...

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Mature BBW Debbie Gets A Good Fucking

Fifty-five-year-old Debbie Simpson was a big girl. She had a wide arse, huge tits and thick thighs and she was in need of a good shag.She had been married but that was long ago and sexual partners were infrequent and often just for the one night. But a one night stand was something she was very much wanting at the moment and she was hopeful of getting one.She was in a hotel, having arrived for a meeting the next day that involved department heads and other executives from a nation-wide company...

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Oh I Love Fucking

“Oh I love fucking!” said the fourteen-year-old blond as the man who had just deflowered her put his cock back in for another go. The lightly-fur-framed hole was an easy entry because his two friends had also filled it and added their lubricant while he reloaded. He’d sent them on their way after their dicks were drained. This pussy was all his for the rest of the evening. She thanked him for his thoughtfulness in providing so much pleasure. “Oh I love fucking!” said the high school senior as...

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Making Love and Hardcore Fucking

“Get on the bed.” “Yes sir,” I replied, my voice as confident and controlled as I could muster, but to be completely honest, my insides were quivering with excitement and nerves. I felt a whip strike across my ass and his voice followed. “Say it louder, whore!” “Yes sir!” I yelled this time, as I got on all fours at the foot of the bed. “Good whore.” “Thank you,” I mumbled out, trying to regain my breath from the whip strike. But as my breathing regulated, another one landed across my left...

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Beckys First Ass Fucking

My wife Becky have been married for 15 years. In that time are sex life has gone downhill. Last year for our anniversary all that changed. That night we got a sitter and stayed the night at a hotel in town. I took her out for a nice dinner and some wine. At dinner I talked about all the fun we had when we first got married,blow jobs, rim jobs both giving and receiving. After out first c***d was born things started to change. Blow jobs were once a month and not more rim jobs. I still eat her...

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Unlimited Blowjobs and Ass Fucking

This story starts way back in craigslist heydays when finding someone to fuck was kinda of easy. For a good period of time getting laid was a matter of patience and responding to the right ad or posting the right ad. But then, finding ass started getting more scarce. When searching on craigs for some tail I would often use the keyword of the town I lived in. This meant that all ads would show up, not just men looking for women. Noticed this one particular ad kept showing up from someone posting...

4 years ago
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Awesome Pussy Fucking

Awesome Pussy FuckingBy: Londebaaz ChohanI had thought about it, planned it and deliberated it many times in my mind. I wanted to make it different that day. I wanted to fuck Dorothy and I wanted to fuck her, but when she begged me, compelled me to do it. After what she did to me last week, I was not going to spare Dorothy. I wanted to show, prove to her; what this monster cock of mine can get me. Dorothy was the sister of my c***dhood friend Joseph. We practically grew together at least from...

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Reg and Kev Thug Fucking

This is my first time writing and need your comments of improvement but I think the next one will be better and involve the same people. So I hope everyone likes it and those that dont at least give me a chance.--Reg and Kev Thug Fucking--I wanted it so bad that Kev asked me slow down sucking his dick. Slow up man or you r going to suck the skin off my dick, but dam your mouth is the bomb. We meet at the local club a couple of months ago, but talked over the phone or internet. Had alot of...

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She Male Fucking

She Male FuckingBy: Londebaaz Chohan The town was not new for Bennet. He had been a traveling salesman, visiting this area at least once a month for no less than a week or more for the last two years. The bar was definitely new for him. The crowd seemed very aggressive and noisy. Guys were all over the girls and the girls were going after guys. Their sexy bodies were taunting, teasing and tantalizing like the babes on the road side raising the temperature in the bar. Bulges were found in every...

2 years ago
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Cousin Brother Wife Fucking

Hi to all ISS reader and here is your Salamon back with my next experience!!!!!and friends I’m very happy to say you that I have given birth to a boy through my sexy teacher and friends thank you so much for your comments for my previous stories Fucking a virgin Senior and hot dream teacher fucked and I have decided put my next experience with my sister wife of my cousin brother Athai Paiyan. This incident took over 3 months ago before she left abroad and there will be no need of describing...


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