Theatrical....18 free porn video

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So back to this evening, we drove off to the hotel, Julia and I marched through reception again, while my friend booked us in and got the key, same room, as we went to the room a door opened in front of us and the black waiter came out carrying his tunic, he smiled and walked past us back to the reception, “is that?” Julia asked, “yes, he seems popular all of a sudden” I said smiling at her, we got to the room and I threw myself onto the couch, kicking off my shoes as I chuckled at the recollection of what had happened,
Gerald came into the lounge from the bathroom where he had visited the toilet, I stood up and put my arms round his neck he buried his face in my neck kissing it, I began to get stirring, I moved my head and planted my mouth on his, he tasted fantastic, I had missed him so much,
I almost wept, my worries were over, my vagina was rejoicing, “shall we order some food and see if we can catch a waiter” he said, “oooo yes” Julia said, he looked at me, “did he?” he asked, “no, I made him use a condom, I want to be your supper tonight so I kept her nice and fresh for you, she might be a little damp because I came close but I am very ready for you” I said, I was unbuttoning my jacket as I spoke, Julia turned her back and I unzipped her dress, she threw it off her shoulders and it dropped to her feet, she looked at Gerald for a reaction to her half cupped bra with the contents that looked like they were boiling over and her Lace French styled knickers, “so that’s what’s underneath” he said as I opened my jacket and dropped it off my shoulders,
I looked down at my breasts, there were red finger marks on them where Tim had groped me, “you look fantastic” Gerald said, “can we take a shower while Julia orders some food, order what you like” he said to her, she looked a bit disappointed that he had not invited her into the shower but she would get her turn before we went home, I took off the rest of my clothes, happy to be naked for him, he showed his appreciation by first of all tenting then he dropped his trousers and shorts and his enormous cock flew out to say hello,
I got him into the shower and he went down on me as I clung to the shower head to hold myself up, I was in sexual heaven within minutes, first of all feeding him my tits as he sucked and groped them, then he went down my stomach to my pussy and nibbled my clit into a fantastic orgasm that drained the breath from my lungs, he knelt on the floor as I lifted my leg and he ate underneath me licking out my cunt and running his tongue around my arse, I was home again and when I took his cock between my legs,
I came several times before he dumped his load into me and I felt that gratifying surge of his seed bursting into my vagina, flooding it instantly with hot boiling spunk, how could I have ever thought that a 14 years old boy could do this to me, give me all of this, but I knew at the back of my mind that the situation with Andrew was far from over, a little more training and we would get there” I thought as I bent over and he fucked me again from behind this time making me come again and pulling me back by my hair, I loved it, I craved it, I was a whore, a bitch, a trollop and a slut as well as an i****tuous mother all rolled into one.
We went into the bedroom to dry off, I put on a bath robe and laid on top of him playing with his chest hair, he gave me a piece of paper with a telephone number on it, “what’s this?” I asked, “it’s my mobile telephone number” he said, my heart leapt,
I know that it doesn’t sound like much but to me it was like getting the crown jewels, it was a step closer to him, I thought that he did not want to give me his personal number because of the chance that I would pester him, but he apologised and said that he had intended to give me his number but got it mixed up with his home number blaming the lack of his glasses and saying the he should have gone to Specsavers, I slapped him hard for that quip, I sat up on him and he gently milked my breasts,
I made a mental note to teach Andrew that trick, I liked it, I liked being treated like a cow, to have my tits sucked, as I moved on him I could feel his cock growing again, “I had better let Julia have a turn, she must be feeling a bit neglected and I did invite her” I said, he nodded, and I got off of him reluctantly, looking longingly at the rigid monster as I left the room, Julia had just come out of the shower, she had a towelling robe on like mine, open at the front, her medium sized tits bobbing as she walked, her mousy coloured pussy neatly trimmed, “did you order some food?” I asked, “yes, they said there might be a slight delay because the hotel is fairly full and the kitchens are busy” she said, “our friend is waiting for you if you would like to sample the goods” I said, “are you ok with that, he was driving me nuts in the theatre, he just talked to me and before I knew it, I was kissing him and pulling his hand up my skirt,
I just wanted to eat him and I would have if we had been somewhere more private, somewhere like the manager’s office!” she quipped as she made a dash for the bedroom dodging my swipe neatly, she left the door open which was nice, not that I wanted to watch or to listen but because it showed that she did not intend to hide anything from me, that there was nothing underhand going on, I looked at the piece of paper in my pocket, then I entered it in my phone without a name for obvious reasons, now we had contact both ways, if I was missing him (which I did for every moment I was not with him) urgently, I could call him up and just hear his voice on the phone, when he had called me at the beginning of the week to make the arrangements for this weekend, my heart had gone wild in my chest when I heard him, simply listening to him speak took the breath from me, this was most certainly a big step forward and it once again made me think about my future, I heard a noise in the passage way and I opened the door tentatively to see what all the ruckus was about, a group of young men and teenage boys were in the corridor, they must have just come from a club or something because they had a crate of beer with them, and among them a few girls,
I recognised Marci from the club and her pal Liz, one of the guys saw me looking and grasped his crutch and pointing it at me, “here you are darling get your gobbling gear round this” he said as the guys around him began to cheer, I think it was a football crowd, I pictured Andrew and Roy doing the same thing in their hotel tomorrow night, or tonight, because it was now long after midnight, I closed the door, and went back to sit on the couch, Julia was being a bit noisy as he fucked her and I was a bit envious as I knew that she had benefitted from that big cock that I had left behind, he would have her stripped by now and mounted on his cock as she cruised along taking her pleasure, my vagina started to react as I pictured the scene, I was getting horny again, I was starting to get insatiable and I knew it, I was looking forward to climbing into bed with my man and sinking into a pit of sexual torment and having my holes filled and satisfied, my mind wandered to the guys in the passage and Marci,
I bet they had her knickers off by now, she would be at the end of a line of cock and they would each take a turn at her juicy cunt, filling it with their young boyish seed, my mind flitted to Andrew and his boyish seed, and the speed at which I could take him, I wondered how long it would take Marci or Liz to take that lot, I bet they can hardly walk when they are finally released I mused, “just how much cock could a cunt take” I wondered, I sat, my robe closed and the tie fastened loosely, I slipped my fingers into the robe and found my clit, I massaged it gently and felt the makings of an orgasm, I thought about Tim and the way I had showed him my tits in the theatre, and the way that some of the guys in the bar had eyed me as they tried to look into my jacket to see if what they had caught a glimpse of was true or had they just imagined it, the flash of an areola, the full half curve of my breasts, I looked down my dressing gown at my mounds, my almost perfect orbs, Tim had enjoyed them, it had made his cock hard, not the promise of a fuck but just the sight of my tits had done it as well as the touch of course, I picked up the phone and called room service, where had that food got to, there was no answer, the room service was supposed to be 24 hours but they had said they were busy to Julia, I bet she was on her 5th or even her sixth orgasm by now,
I was still massaging my clit gently, I needed an orgasm, my need was growing inside of me, the more I thought about my daughter soaking up that cock, my cock, the more I needed it, I needed to do something to take my mind off it, I know, I would go along to reception and complain about the room service, I stood up and went to the door, I opened it and looked out, the noise was coming from down the passage, about two doors away, the door looked closed, I stepped out to see and our bedroom door closed behind me,
I froze, I had no key, I couldn’t ring the bell because Julia would think I had done it on purpose to disturb her and Gerald, I turned and headed for reception, two of the boys from the room with the party were coming the other way, they laughed as I approached them, “this one looks like she’s ready for it now” they said and laughed, I cowered and held on to my robe as I scooted past them, almost running, how right they were though, I was ready for it now, I was ready to be butchered by that cock of mine, I got to reception and banged the bell, a sleepy looking night porter emerged from his cubby hole beside the desk “excuse me, we ordered food ages ago and it hasn’t arrived, can you chase it, suite 214” I said, he shrugged his shoulders, “and I have locked myself out of my room, can I have another key?” I said, again he shrugged, you have key card he said in a thick foreign accent, “no” It’s in the room” I said, “you have identity” he said, “I threw my arms wide, “do I look as though I have identity, then I remembered that my gown was loose and felt it slipping open, I grabbed it as he stared at me,
I think I flashed him, his expression had certainly changed, “is anyone else in room, maybe I call them” he continued, “yes, no, they can’t be disturbed” I said, “please, bring your master key and open it yourself then I will get the card and prove it’s my room” I reasoned, “no leave desk” he said, “oh fuck! I thought, I was getting more and more frustrated, maybe they had finished by now and I could knock on the door to get in, I walked back in the direction of the room, I got to the door and listened, there was silence,
I pushed the bell, no response, I pushed it again, still no response, then the door along the corridor opened and a cacophony of noise swept out like a tide two guys staggered out into the passage, I tried to hide in the doorway but they saw me, “hello darling, looking for a party, we know where there is one and if you ask us nicely, very nicely, we’ll tell you where it is” they sniggered as they looked me up and down, I was suddenly very aware of my predicament, “she looks like she’s ready for bed” one guy said, “there’s a coincidence, so am I” the other one said as he swayed sideways towards me, laughing to his mate, he got to me and put his arm round my waist, “come on sweetheart, give us a kiss, for old times sake” he said, he stunk of stale beer and he had a bottle in his other hand, the hand round my waist was trying to feel me up as I pushed it away, “oh my goodness, she’s well equipped, better than those two slags in there, perhaps we should take this one to the party after all” the guy beside me said, he had his hand firmly on my dressing gown holding my breast, he was groping me,
I tried to push him off me but my efforts were just making my situation worse as my dressing gown was slipping open, each time I got his hand away, my gown slipped open, then his hand came back and got hold of me again, “here, have a drink” he said, “you’ll feel better for a drink, more friendly like” he said as he offered me the bottle, “no thank you, I don’t want one” I said, “oh go on, be nice lady” he said as he thrust the bottle at my lips, “here, she’s fucking gorgeous” the other one said, I felt like saying thank you but I didn’t think it appropriate,
I was in trouble and I knew it, if I wasn’t careful I would find out how much cock a cunt could take, “the other one was approaching me now, “let’s see yer tits then” he said, “don’t be disgusting” I said still trying to fend off the octopus, the bottle was back at my lips again, “ave a drink why don’t ya” my assailant said, he pushed the top of the bottle against my lips and tipped it slightly, beer washed onto my lips and down my chin, I shoved it away, I could taste that bitter taste again like in the café, I inadvertently licked my lips, the beer taste was even stronger, “ave a drink with us and we’ll say good night lady” the buy beside me said, he kept swaying around dragging me with him so that I was still having trouble with my gown, I had given up with his hand as he had it firmly clamped on my breast, he wasn’t groping me anymore, he was just holding it firmly, I looked at the pair of them, ok, ok, one drink and that’s it, you have had your fun now give me that bottle and we’ll say good night” I said, trying to make an effort to escape, I grabbed the bottle out of his hand and took a swig, the bitter tasting liquid hit the back of my throat and made me cough, “here, she likes that, give her some more” the one in the passage said, “no guys, honestly, we said one drink and that’s it” I said, “aww, don’t be like that, be nice, just av another one, for the road” the guy beside me said as his head dipped and I thought he was going to throw up, he was very drunk, I got hold of the bottle again, “this time you promise?” I said, “promise, cross my art and ope to die” the one beside me said,
I put the bottle to my lips and just as I tipped it to take a drink, a hand came up and got hold of the bottle pushing it into my mouth as it discharged it’s vile tasting liquid into my mouth, I was choking and all I could do was swallow as the bottle was held inside I was trying to keep up with the flow of the beer, I must have drunk half the bottle when he let go and fell sideways stopping himself from falling just before he went down, the beer tasted very strong indeed, the label was all gold and black lettering as though it was some kind of special brew, it was beginning to taste alright like Gerald had said in the café that night, you’ll get used to it, I was getting used to it but I realised that I had not had anything to eat, I had relied on the food from the hotel, I began to feel a bit light headed, maybe another drink would put me right,
I took another swig and looked at the bottle, the words on the label began to blur, I took another drink, then another, I lolled against the wall, “cheers” the guy in the passage said as he raised his bottle, “cheers I heard myself saying as I lifted the bottle again and took another big swig, I lowered the bottle, then a thought struck my befuddled brain, “here” I said using language they might understand, do you have any food in there” I asked, “yeh, we got loads of food, we ambushed the waiter with the trolley, it’s got loads of fucking sandwiches and stuff on it” the guy who had been holding me said, “so that’s what had happened to our food, “lead me to the food, I need food” I said, they turned and staggered off towards the open door,
I got to the door and looked inside, Marci was naked and was being mauled on the couch, Liz had managed to keep her clothes but she was also being mauled on the floor , I took a second to focus, then I saw the waiter in the middle of it, I staggered in and over to him, “where’s our fucking food you bastard?” I said, not believing what I had just said, “hello darling, remember me, I fucked you a few months back” he said, he tried to put his arm round me but I pushed him away and looked for the trolley, I saw it by the wall and staggered over to it, I got hold of a plate of sandwiches and put one in my mouth, then I began to chew, I kept hold of the plate and sank to the floor,
I looked down and saw that my pussy was exposed but my tits were covered, my gown had come loose and opened down the front without me fixing it, I was gobbling sandwiches like there was no tomorrow, then swilling it down with the beer, the waiter came and crouched in front of me, I looked at him with a glazed expression, he stood up, “na, she’s pissed, she won’t be any fucking use” he said, “I waved the bottle at him, “cheers I said” as I ate another sandwich, Marci was being spit roasted in the middle of the floor as the guys cheered, I had almost eaten the plate of sandwiches and I was feeling much better with the bread and food soaking up the alcohol, I looked down again and my pussy was still in view, no one was taking any notice of me,
I felt that I was no longer attractive so no one even wanted to fuck me, “no one wants to fuck me” I heard myself saying, I stood up against the wall and tried to walk but I kept falling backwards against the wall, a guy staggered over to me, “ere, wanna dance darling” he said as he put his arm round me, I put my hand on his shoulder, happy to be mobile, he pulled me away from the wall and I wrapped my other arm round his neck burying my head in his shoulder, we were just dancing round in circles as he held my backside in his hands but I was past caring,, he began to grope my arse, then he put his face down into my neck and started to kiss me, the tingling feeling started all over again like it had done when I played with my clit, I clung on to my new boyfriend, we were still dancing, but to stay upright I had to rest against him, he was lifting my gown so that he had hold of my bare buttocks, I didn’t care, I just wanted to dance, just to dance,
I turned my face towards him and he put his lips against mine, I kissed him, his kiss got harder as he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth, I opened my lips and the snake slipped into my mouth, it tasted of stale beer and cigarettes, I was eating his tongue and the need was getting more fierce as I pushed my tits into him, “fuck man, this babe is fucking hot, she’s gagging for it” he said as he broke the kiss, I wanted more as it was making me feel nice, I got hold of his head, I felt the tie being unfastened and my gown flapped open, then his hands came off my backside and up my torso, my tits were grasped hard as I was groped, “oh fuck man, I’ve got to have this one” my dancing partner said, “no one wants to fuck me” I heard myself saying, “that’s not true darling, we all want to fuck you” he said as a ring of blurry faces laughed, “what shall we do with her, we aren’t going to waste a chance like this, my partner said as he groped my tits running his thumbs over my nipples, it felt good, oh so good, “get that gown off her man, lets have a good look at her” a voice said, my gown was being pulled off my shoulders as my arms were detached from around my dancing partner, the sleeves of my gown were pulled off me as fingers probed my tits pinching and groping them, the other sleeve went as they held my hands to keep me upright,
I was standing in front of them naked I could feel myself swaying, “fucking hell she is one gorgeous chick man” a voice said, “get her over the couch, then we can all have a go” another voice said, “yeh lets do her if she wants it then why not” another voice said, I felt myself being walked forward, the couch back was in front of me and as I got to it I was pushed over it, I flopped over it and looked down, Marci was on her back on the couch with a guy on top of her, he was grunting as he fucked her between her legs, she looked up, “fuck, where did you find her, hey you had better watch out man, she’s on the game and some suits paid a fortune to fuck her the other week, her pimp got angry about the way they were treating her and he broke some dudes face” she gasped,
I could feel a cock in between my buttocks as it jabbed at me trying to find entry, then my buttocks were pulled apart and fingers were probing at my cunt sliding into it, they were juicing me up for the shag, then I felt the soothing thrust of a cock inside me as the owner began to shaft me, “got to use a condom” I muttered, “what’s she on about now?” a voice said, “something about a condom” another one said, they chuckled, “got to use a condom or you might get a nashty disheesh” I said, “fuck man, she probably got a dose” another one said, “its’ s a bit late now” a voice said behind me” I felt the cock inside me jerk and then the warm feeling of spunk being pumped into my hungry waiting cunt, it felt good, oh so good, that cock pulled out as another one mounted me and started banging at me, his thighs hammering against my buttocks, someone knelt on the couch in front of me over Marci and a cock was shoved in my face,
I looked up as it was shoved in my mouth then the owner of this got hold of my hair and began to fuck my face, the third cock was now in my cunt, I was heading for an orgasm, suddenly the cock was ripped from my mouth and I heard a familiar voice, “ok guys, that’s quite enough of that” he said as I was once more lifted over the front of the couch, my legs dangling as I was picked up like a doll and thrown over his shoulder, I looked up to see the faces behind me disappearing, I waved to them as we turned the corner and then the corridor floor was below me as my hair and tits dangled, another door, then another and I was unceremoniously dumped on the bed, I looked up, Julia and Gerald were looking down at me as I saw my hand waving in front of me, “better get her into the shower” Julia said, “the bidet first I think, they were into her by the time I found her” Gerald said, he picked me off the bed as I put my arm round his neck, he carried me into the toilet and sat me on the bidet then he turned on the jets and I felt the warm water beneath me, he pushed his fingers into my vagina and the soothing feeling of the water jets inside me, I lolled my head against him, the reality of what had happened was beginning to dawn,
I hadn’t been ****d because I was a willing participant, “I began to weep, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop them” I sobbed, my mind in a whirl, but I was safe now, all I wanted was to sleep, I woke with a blinding headache, I was laid between Gerald and Julia in the bed, I tried to get up because being laid flat on my back was not helping, “good morning sleepy head” Gerald said, I looked sideways and fell against him putting my arm round his neck, he felt so secure, so safe, “morning” I croaked, “what time is it” I said, “10.00 oclock” he said, “in the morning?” I asked, “yes, why, have you somewhere to be, are you meeting your friend for lunch or something” he quipped, I slapped him gently on his bare back, Julia got out of bed, “shall I order breakfast” she said, “you’d better, we need to get some food into her to soak up all that acid, she smells like a brewery, goodness knows what she has been drinking” he said as Julia went into the lounge, “I’ve never seen her like that before, dad is the one who drinks, mum normally drives him home and puts him to bed” she shouted from the lounge, “oh hello, can we have breakfast for three, suite 214” I heard her say on the phone, then I heard her put it down, “that’s probably why she got drunk so quickly, she’s just not used to it and she’d had nothing to eat either” he said, he was stood getting dressed but I didn’t want him to, I wanted him to climb back in the bed and hold me close and to never ever let me go, to feel his naked body against mine, to feel his life injecting penis inside me forever, “where are you going?” I asked, “nowhere” he said, I laid back down, the knives in my head started again, “what are we doing today” I asked, “well, I thought that you would have to go home but Julia tells me that you have an extra night because your husband and son have gone to a football match or something so, if you are up to it, I thought we might go shopping, have some lunch out and then come back here, if you are feeling well enough that is, otherwise you can stay here, we can do the bit of shopping I need and then come back, what do you think?” he said, “sounds like fun” I said “and so domestic” I thought, “a man who likes shopping, what more could a girl want” I mused, Julia was standing in the doorway in her bath robe, there was a knock on the door, “room service” the voice said from outside the door, Julia went to the door, it was the waiter who I had first encountered,
Julia looked disappointed, he wheeled the trolley to the wall and plugged it in, “would you like me to serve it or will you help yourself?” he asked, before Julia could answer, “we’ll serve our self, thank you” Gerald said, again Julia looked robbed of her potential prize, Gerald sat on the bed, “can you remember any of what happened last night” he asked, I thought I had better play the memory loss card, “some of it, I remember going to reception to look for the food, there was an obnoxious guy in reception who was no help at all, but the room door had closed and I didn’t want to disturb you two, I didn’t think it was fair” I said, Julia came in with some tea and a plate full of toast, she handed them to me on the tray, I sat up in bed chomping on the toast and sipping the tea, this was the life, “I remember meeting two guys in the passage way who insisted that I have a drink with them, beer” I said smiling at him, he grinned, “I gathered that from the way you were stinking drunk when I found you, we had the usual police helicopters and dogs out” he joked, “yeh, I’m sure you did, oh! and I found our food by the way, that lot on the corridor had captured it, and the waiter” I said, “which waiter?” Julia asked, “the black guy” I replied, “shit” she exclaimed, I would have gone to their party myself if I had known” she said,
I was still munching my toast, Gerald got up and went into the lounge, I heard the clinking of cups and plates, Julia was sitting on the bed looking at me, “are you ok?” she whispered glancing over her shoulder, “apart from a head ache and a bit of a queasy stomach, I’m fine, why?” I said, “when he found you, you were being spit roasted by that lot, he was very concerned about you, we went to reception and he gave them hell, they did actually offer to call the police but they denied having seen you so we assumed you were in the hotel somewhere so he went looking” she said, I heard footsteps and he came through the door, carrying a plate of food, he sat on the bed, the smell of the hot food made my stomach churn, I gobbled down more toast, that would soak it up, “so what do you need from the shops?” I asked trying to sound enthusiastic although the prospect of shopping with my lover for the first time was appealing to me, “ I need some socks and a new bow tie” he said, “oooo, going somewhere exiting are you” I fished, “I told you in the theatre, I have to go to a conference in Newcastle, I was wondering if you might be able to get away for a few days?” he said, I looked at him through what must have been very bloodshot eyes, “I’m not at all sure about that, unless the team are playing Brazil away” I said, he chuckled, “I should be so lucky” he said, I smiled at him, this was nice, he was being genuinely caring and wanted me to be with him, it made me feel very special in his life, “well, it’s in three weeks’ time so think about it and let me know” he said looking straight at me, Julia went out,
I put my hand on his, “were you angry with me last night, Julia tells me that you found me in rather compromising circumstances” I said, “no, not at all, it wasn’t your fault, you had obviously had too much to drink and they were having their fun, Jean, we both know that when the booze is in, the brains are out, if you are ok and no harm is done to you then we let it go, I am not going to linger on it, we both know the score in this relationship so why dwell on it” he said, “so you aren’t going to punish me again then?” I said, “no, unless you want me to” he said smiling, “well, I was rather hoping that you might take us both out on the town tonight, I could do with some exercise, and now you have two girls who are willing and ready to please” I said, “ok, if that’s what you would like, then yes” he said, my stomach ache was back but in a different way,
I slid out of bed and went into the shower, although I had obviously had one the night before, I felt I needed to get the stink of cock, cum and booze off me, but I must say that the prospect of a raunchy night out with him made my pussy tingle with anticipation, I began to think about the 4 cocks I had taken the night before and wondered if that classed as a gang bang, one of my other little fantasies, that searching kiss came into my mind and what it had done to my compliance and the lowering of my defences,
I would have to be more careful, a heavy kiss was obviously an erogenous zone for me, my pussy tingled again as I lingered on the thought, by the time I came out Julia was dressed and ready for the action, I put on the costume but regretted not having my bra, it had served me well the night before but I mustn’t have been thinking ahead because it is one thing to go out at night bra less and feeling sexy but in the cold light of day it was different somehow and very tarty, perhaps I could get one in the town.

To be continued……..

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FLASHFORWARD: After more teasing in the living room Beverly and Erica manage to get a short reprieve upstairs to discuss what just happened while the JTP call their mothers and ask to stay for dinner. The JTP wanted to stay and watch what happened next! “What the hell?” Erica had a churlish expression of disgust on her face. She was still naked except for her pink headband and leg warmers she had worn downstairs. Erica and her mother didn’t have long before they would be expected to return...

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Eden RescueChapter 17

By the time the planning revisions were complete the Ark had, at last, entered worm space for its faster-than-light transit to the Eden system. As MacPherson had noted in his greatly abbreviated pre-launch briefing, the transit was in objective terms instantaneous; from the moment they entered the wormhole to the moment they emerged no time whatever would elapse in the physical universe; the two events would occur simultaneously. Subjectively, though, it would seem aboard the Ark to last...

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Mending A Broken Heart

This is based on the true story of some close friends, the participants have read and allowed the author a little poetic license but basically the story is true. Chapter I: I laid my head back onto the overstuffed arm of the leather couch that was the centerpiece of my sparsely decorated living room. Immediately my thoughts were taken over by the memory of the young lady I had met in the conference room of Jan-X Corporation. As my memory captured her image I stripped away the formal business...

2 years ago
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FATHER & SON BANQUET: The Appetizer It all started when I caught him in the basement beating off to the men in a magazine and he invited me to suck his wonderful un-circumcised cock. It was the exactly the same size as mine. In fact, playing with dad was perhaps the closest thing I have come to sucking my own cock only with a perfect foreskin that I loved pushing and pulling. It was incredible. Once my mom became convinced that dad liked men more than her they broke up—though they remained...

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Jennies Story The AccidentChapter 4

Time it was, and what a time it was, it was A time of innocence, a time of confidences Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph Preserve your memories; They're all that's left you. - Simon and Garfunkel In June I looked up from my text book to find Mark standing over me, he was so silent I hadn't heard him open the class room door, or even the few foot steps it took to reach my desk. Pulling me out of class we would soon be hugging each other in the hall. It always made me happy to...

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Deidres Dilemma

Deidre and I were 14 years old when we first started dating. Dating was probably a bit strong, as we didn't actually go anywhere, just hung around together after school as part of a group, but we would sit together and smile at each other and the other kids knew we were 'going steady'. We were in the same class at high school, as it was a co-educational school. In fact, we had been in the same class for most of our schooling, but it was only this year that we became good friends. Most of...

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More Than Words

With a stretch and a sigh, Leah stood up, following other students off the bus, her luggage dragging behind her. She stopped outside, leant against the wall and fumbled through her purse. She took out a pack of Marlboros and placed the cork filter between her parched lips. "Where did that fucking lighter go?" She mutters, fishing through her purse and her fingers grasped around her white lighter. Cupping one hand over the cigarette, she flicked the lighter, lighting it and took a long drag....

Mind Control
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The Beginning of an Affair

Mike had dreams of his friend's wife Molly, but always thought they were just that... till that one fateful night of strip poker and skinny dipping... It was like any other Friday night as Mike stepped out of his garage and through the gate to his neighbor’s back door. They had been playing poker and getting together for drinks every Friday night for months. It was the usual suspects… the neighbor John and his wife Angela, along with another couple, Pete and Molly. Tonight, they...

Cheating Wife
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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 3

She didn't know why, but beyond calling his office and telling Barry that she had talked with Harry and agreed to do what he was blackmailing her to do, she hadn't told him that the first time would be that day. The first Barry knew of it was over dinner. He had filled her in on what his day had been like and then had asked: "What kind of a day did you have?" "Just a normal old house wifey kind of day. Sucked off a fifteen year old boy because it was his birthday and then spent the...

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A Day In The Hot Sun Part 1

 Hello all. We're just coming out of a stretch of very hot weather here. For over two week, we had temperatures in the middle and upper nineties. I've always loved hot weather, but even for me, it's a bit too hot. You can't stay in all of the time, so you just need to deal with it. If dressed you're appropriately, and stay hydrated, you'll be fine.A week ago this past Sunday was the hottest of all , the temperatures were ninety eight in the shade, and there was bright sunshine all day....

Straight Sex
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My Summer In The Big City

INTRODUCTION This is the second of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer In The Big City By: Zylux The time was the late sixty's and my friends and I had managed to survive our first year at a small university on the east coast. We had lived in on campus dorm rooms, which were cramped, noisy, and...

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banging Bernie

Bernadette was her full name but we just call her Bernie. Her father was the principal of our school and she really had a crush on me at the time. She would corner me every chance she could stealing a few kisses before I could get away. Bernie wasn't bad looking but being the principal's daughter I didn't try to go farther with her.She was about 5'6 long curly black hair,a lot of freckles and black eyes, now day's she would have been considered goth. She had big tits and a nice ass...

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THE NEW GYM TEACHER A tale of Larry and Hugo

It was a normal day on H.K. Isles as a certain chubby boy was hanging out with his close friend Grizzle Hog. The two were playing the new card game craze called “Island Battle Force”, focusing on all the Forces in Island Word. Grizzle had reached into his deck and he drew his favorite card. Hugo watched as a big smile came to the young boar’s face. Hugo just sighed: "Just end it already." "As you wish then. Goofiness: 20", Grizzle said triumphantly."Damn it Grizzle! What card you were...

1 year ago
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Oh brother

I Went on vacation to Germany with my Boyfriend my brother and his Wife around the beginning of August, the first day in Berlin we must have walked a least 20 miles trying to see a lot of the tourist sites, by the time we got back to the hotel we all were so tired and sore, they had a hot tub and a steam room (they called it a "Wellness Center") down in the lower basement, my brother and i decide to go get massages while his wife and my boyfriend went upstairs to go to bed, it was about 10 P.m....

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First time with my mom

Hi every one my name is Pramod. I am from Kerala. Now I am working in Bangalore. I am 25 years. In our culture incest is forbidden sin. But it happens in my life it is changed me all of sexual thoughts in my life. I never thinks it happens in my life. This is not fiction. The names involved, excluding mine, have been changed for obvious reasons. But believe me, it is all true, though it happened a long time ago, when I was just a kid. When the situations changed in my life I am 17 and my mom...

3 years ago
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Fun with an Arab guy in Delhi

Thanks for my ISS readers. My special thanks goes to my long list gay friends and couples for their e-mails and their invitation. Do write to me at OR It was on Thursday, 7th November’06. I was walking nearby Palika Bazar, Near Co naught Circuses, New Delhi, (India). During the walk, a foreigner person has called me from behind and said, “Could you please help me”. I said, “Yes”. He was holding a Camera and asked me whether I take his snap. I agreed for that and took around six photos. After...

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Club Perfecto

Club Perfecto Xxx A short story giving a slightly different angle on someone's transformation. As always, love to hear some feedback on it (or any of my previous stories if you read them). Slip on some satin and enjoy - S.S. xxx Tall, muscular and handsome, in his late twenties with chiselled good looks, Stuart Cameron was a highly succesful broker with his own business. He should have been an extremely eligible catch, with his pick of women, but he had a slightly...

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Fucked Girlfriend8217s Bestfriend In Oyo Room

Hi friends! My name is Divine and I’m here with another story and I hope you will like this one. This happened last week. I’m in last year of my graduation and fortunately, I have a girlfriend since second year. So, coming to the story. The name of the girl in this story is Vaishnavi. She is my girlfriend’s bestfriend and they are like sisters. One day, my girlfriend and I were casually talking and I asked my her to have sex with me. But she said I won’t do it till marriage. I tried to convince...

2 years ago
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Finally it happened weekend away in Vegas

The contrast of a black man and a white woman has driven me wild for years. Ex-girlfriends of mine had told me about their experiences with big black cock, and then watching interracial porn and reading stories on this site and others only fueled my fantasy.We'd been married just over 10 years when fantasy finally met reality. It wasn't an easy task to make it happen, but it was worth it when it finally did and this is the story of how it happened first time. After a few years of being married,...

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Husband Shared Me With Our Son

It was over a week before I could contemplate having sex again after my son fucked me at the New Year party. I think his dad became more suspicious the more I said I had a headache until I give in. He started fucking me like some wild man, something I have been wanting from him for ages.He had my juices flowing in no time at all, partly as I was thinking about the last time I had sex with our son and his big fat cock. Then all of a sudden when he was pounding me in to the bed he asked me“You...

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Room Service

Louise was in a hurry to get to the hotel. It was noon rush hour and the traffic was becoming unbearable, even though she was not the one driving. Her chauffer was wise to her ways, although he never let anyone in on her secret. Louise was a very attractive older woman. She was 47 but didn’t look a day over 35. The limo finally pulled up to the hotel entrance and she got out in a hurry so her lover wouldn’t have to wait longer than usual. She went to the desk and gave a faux name so they...

4 years ago
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K T and FamilyChapter 3 Security Concerns

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: The horse and buggy caravan had one helpful aspect. It focused attention on the preparations. Once again, owning the caterer proved useful. Dad went to work on Thursday prepared to do damage control. Instead, most of the reporters wanted to talk to the Events people. Jeff Winston appeared on the morning shows, since Mom would not even consider it. Rick Williams made the media contacts that started his career in politics. Sean: If I were to choose a...

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The Scorpion Princess Chapter 3

The Akkadian awoke early the next morning. Wrapped in the arms of Cassie and Honey as he had fallen asleep the three handmaidens all rose as one. After a quick wash in the baths the assassin and Honey donned fresh loincloths whilst Cassie now dressed herself in the multicoloured robes of a Shemite moneylender. Outside of the tower the courtyard was a hive of activity with the Sorceress's Orcish guards saddling horses and camels for the journey back to Al Areth. Cassie would part...

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Chrissys Journey to Becoming a Woman

Chrissy's Journey to Becoming a Woman By Christine Wilson Final Chapter With Sami being gone for the summer, I was hoping to have more time with Roger but, life had its way. Kim, the receptionist, took a leave of absence for the summer to have her baby. Dad asked me if I wanted to work there and I said yes. I told him that he had to pay me and that I needed some new "work" clothes. The salon has a reputation for being upscale and trendy. Those working there had to look the look. Mom,...

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Nidhi Banged In Wayanad

Hi guys and ladies..its me Aditya. Back to share one more of my experiences which I had recently. Hope you guys liked my previous stories. Don’t forget to give your reactions to my stories. I can assure you 90% of the facts are true in my stories. The current story happened to me 30 days back when I got a mail from a lady named NIDHI.. Nidhi, 31 from Nagpur. Was settled here in Bangalore since last 3 years after she got married to Deven who was working in KARVY finance. He used to remain busy...

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Teachers Movie Theatre Gangbang

The thirty young school students were safely locked up in the YMCA under the supervision of two other teachers and three volunteer parents. I had organised the night off to take time to stroll around the city. I told the 'powers that be' that I was going out with a family member, but in reality I was just looking for adventure. The idea of sitting in a room with thirty giggling 12 year old boys and girls did not appeal. I'd had a shower at the Y and I had got dressed into an outfit that...

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Pathi Permission Se Chuthayi

Hello all iss readers.Thanks to all those who read my last stories and those who mailed me.Aap loko ko malum hai ki muje sardar lok bahuth pasand hai.Wo sab meri pathi army me dhe thab ki bath hai.Fir wo muscat me kam karne gaya udhar fi meme sardar ko doond nikala aur unse chuthuwayi. Ab meri pathi muscat se wapas ghar aagaye.Unka age 60 hogaye aur kuch beemari fi hai.Meri age 47lambayi 5ft 7 inch moti hum.Mem 38 ki bra aur 42 ki panty pahanthi hum.Savle rang lambi bal aur moti lips fi hai.Mem...

3 years ago
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Botched Ransom

Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... Botched Ransom “How old are you, Chrissy?” asked the man. He was stroking her hand as he said it. “I’m twenty,”...

2 years ago
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Not meant to be

Lisa was a single mother, but she always put her kids first. Even if that means sacrificing her love life. She wanted someone to be a friend, but did not want anything long term. Jace on the other hand was married. He loved his wife, but over the years, she was not interested in having a physical side of their marriage. This wore Jace down over time. He started becoming attracted to other women, but could not bring himself to do anything. Lisa and Jace had hung around together several...

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The Protector Family MattersChapter 5

Max had barely slammed the passenger door before Jonas stepped on the gas. "Call the gate and tell them to open it," Jonas ordered calmly as his Mercedes slid through the first curve. Max called while Jonas negotiated the second curve. The Mercedes slid on the rough surface of the road and as soon as the tires regained traction Jonas floored the gas pedal again. "You should buckle up Max," Jonas said in a normal voice. "Traveling in a car without your seatbelt is dangerous." Max...

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Fun Continues With Melissa The Cook And Padma Gets Involved Too

This is in continuation from my previous story. Obviously things were now quite at a different level between me and Melissa. When my wife would be away traveling, she would pretty much hang around at my flat almost all the time and we would have lots of sex. I must say I was happy and couldn’t complain. My wife would come back from her office travels all extremely horny and we would have great sex for a few days, during which time Melissa would keep out of the way. In December however, due to...

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Better Than the Jackpot

Tiffany wrapped Amy in a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you.” She held her at arm’s length. “How do you stay so tight without plastic at our age?” Amy dimpled. “An hour and a half workout a day and lots of sex. You’re looking pretty good yourself.” Tiffany laughed. “I get my workout keeping a fourteen-year-old in check. Do you have any other luggage?” “Nah, just my carry on.” “OK. Want to get a bite on the way back?” “I’m good. I’m ready to relax a bit.” She sighed “I hate flying. I get...

1 year ago
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A Visit from My Best Friend Beck

Late in the afternoon, there was a knock at the door to my apartment. My roommates, Matt and Simon, were both out of town for the weekend. Lounging in sweats, I headed to the front door unsure of who my surprise visitor could be. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened it to find Becca waiting excitedly outside.Beck, as I called her, was one of my best friends from college. Since our first meeting at a frat house freshman year, we had shared a lot. I told her everything, and we grew into...

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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage4

There are 6 mature, big breasted, curvy, white ladies who have worked very hard to lose their baby fat from their 3rd pregnancies after their 3rd breeding session last year with 4 well endowed, young black men. White ladies are; Tryphaena, Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Beverly and Steph. Black men are; Randolph, Sam, Tom and Danny. Although all 6 ladies lost their baby fat, because they're all mature none have six packs, but are very well proportioned and are in excellent shape with great hip to waist...

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My first time with Ted

My First Time with Ted by alexcarr © Feeling Ted’s hot cock inside me proved to be a real learning curve, The way he stripped and unzipped me with that certain eagerness, his breathing changing rapidly as he eventually found my tackle my ass and everything, his warm fluid kisses which did everything enduring me to want his fuck so much. Holding my breath and gritting my teeth the first time his stiff cock started to enter my virgin ass I felt the immediate pain as he worked himself into me,...

4 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 18 Had a Dad

It took a bit longer than I expected to finish the clean up of Clara’s yard that evening, but eventually I shut the shed up and made my way to the back door of her house. Clara was preparing something in the kitchen. Some kind of music was audible through the door and it got louder when she waved me in. “All done?” she called, raising her voice over the music. I smiled and gave the thumbs up. “Would you mind turning down the stereo in the studio?” she requested, indicating her wet hands...

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GND 30Chapter 22

We went for the option of sleeping at Mel’s place that night; she’d quickly made clear that she was desperate to finally welcome me to her own space. I drove home to grab a few things, and then retraced my steps as far as Woodland Hills, stopping at a convenience store to fill the short list she’d texted me once she’d had a chance to look in her own fridge. I immediately saw a bit of the darker side of fame; my arrival in her driveway was greeted by a harsh glare of security floodlights,...

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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik Ultimate Slut

Wearing sheer lingerie and stockings, slender, lovely superstar Adriana Chechik reams her throat and asshole with a huge rubber dong, squirting in anal ecstasy. Next is an interracial threesome with studs Jason Brown and Jax Slayher. She gives deepthroat blowjobs to both big black cocks. The men ruthlessly fuck the slender white girl’s tight pussy, asshole and drooling mouth. Her butthole gapes as she squirts in orgasm! Adriana sucks dick ass-to-mouth and rims ass, and the studs stretch...

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My Mothers Visitors PART 4

She came down the stairs and passed him on the way to the kitchen. He looked over his shoulder and watched her hips sway from side to side as she walked. His whole body shivered. “Hey Alex your brother just called, he’s in town for the week.” Alex groaned. His older brother Greg had always tormented him. At home and at school he always talked down to him and teased him, but everyone laughed along because it was all just ‘sibling rivalry’. “He’ll be here by the time you get back from...

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The Colorful Butterfly

I was wandering around in my favorite discount department store doing some miscellaneous shopping. Of course, as is my usual modus operandi, I was also perusing the lovely ladies as I went, mostly looking for the nice round bottoms and/or the heavy bulbous breasts that turn me on. I was in the seasonal Valentine's aisles when I spotted her. At first it was just a flash of skin that attracted me because she was wearing dull black pants and a dull black jacket, neither of which were...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 38 The Eyes are the Mirror of the Heart

January, 1982, Washington, DC The flight to DC was uneventful and landed on time at Dulles Airport. It didn’t take long for me to deplane and when I walked out of the Jetway into the terminal, I immediately saw Colonel Anisimova. I walked over to her. “Good morning, Comrade Colonel,” I said with a smile. “Good morning, Stephen Rayevich. I see you are aware of my new rank, and you know how to properly address a Russian officer!” she said with a nod and the barest hint of a...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 33 The Qualifying Part Two

A ten minute break after the second game allowed every bowler to help themselves to an array of drinks on tables set up at either end of the fourteen lanes. I grabbed one and, with Sarah, moved over to talk to Vikki, her mum, my mum and Madeleine and Robbo. "Well," said Vikki grinning before she gave me a hug and pressed her naked breasts into my chest, "that was quite a transformation 243 and 236, and to leave a man who for all intents and purposes the best in the world at minus two."...

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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 21

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

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Youre mine now

When I was 15, my father molested an orphan that i thought would be my adopted sister. Her name is Veronica. She was 14 when my father started coming to her room at night and do some nasty things with her. It started with just touching when she was sleeping, until my father got bold enough to undress her little by little. I know about this because I was attracted to my adopted sister that i punched a small hole in the wall between my room and hers so that i could spy on her. I never would've...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 8

“A power drill?” Tanya asked, trying to twist her head around from her upside down hanging position. “Ooo, le kinky!” “I got the idea while watching an old Tri-d remake of ‘Body Double’. When the guy butchered his wife, I immediately thought of you.” “How sweet,” Tanya murmured. “And this net you had laid out for me to walk into? Where did that come from?” “Old Tarzan movie,” Frank replied, looking around for an outlet. “And how is this supposed to hold me?” Tanya wanted to know,...

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A Pleasant Unexpected Journey

I am Srini aged 37. Right from my teenage, I am fond of reading sexy stories. I was changed to a gay by one of my cousin brother at the age of 18. Whenever I go for a journey, I used to buy Debonair to pass time in train. In the recent times, I used to download gay stories from internet and take printouts to read in the train, as gay books are not openly available in India. This is the one fantasy story which combined with some real time activities. I was travelling from Delhi to Bangalore by...

Gay Male
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Andhi Bahu Ki Chudai

Hi mera name viren he me ek shadi suda hu or meri age he 25 or meri biwi ki age he 24 or hamare sath mere papa or meri maa sath me rahti he ye un dinoki bat he jab meri biwi ka ek akasmat huwa tha mere papa meri biwi meri maa wo bahar mandir ja rahe the us time ek trak ne jordar takkar mari or meri biwi or meri maa ko bahut laga tha or mere papa ko kuch nahi huwa tha q ki driver ke samne ki side me acsidunt huwa tha or ha jab muje pata chala to me office se jaldi hospital pahucha phir pata...

4 years ago
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CUM DIARIES First time fuck in her Bedroom

So she was a little on the young side. Normally speaking I wouldn’t be caught dead in someone else’s house. In the hall a collection of the large extended family in silver frames, some deceased. I kept telling myself to turn back. Wouldn’t she prefer to fuck in my car? I would have preferred going at it in the toilets where we met. But this piece of work had some things in store. The road of St.Lucia had an Audi parked but she assured me that the whole road was currently as some beach side...

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FirebrandChapter 5 Top Pair

Moralez marched along the corridor, feeling the rough texture of the carpet beneath his prosthetic foot. He stopped to lean against one of the whitewashed walls once he was out of view of the Admiral’s quarters, running his hands over his scarred face. He held one of them up, watching as a slight, involuntary tremor made the polymer fingers twitch. He clenched and unclenched his fist, willing the shaking to stop. Damn it, how long had it been since his emotions had interfered with his...

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Akka Nu Dengina Tammudu

Hi, ISS readers naa Peru Rajesh(name changed) naa vayasu 22.well build body vundhi. B-tech final year chaduvuthunanu.nenu hyderabad lo vuntanu.nenu iss lo stories some 2 years nundi chadhuvuthunanu. so nenu e roju na sexlife gurinchi chepalani e story rasthunanu. nenu first time kavadam valla adhina tapulu vunte sorry nanu excuse cheyandi.e story lo nenu ela na sontha akkanu degano daniki na luck ella kalisi vachindo chepalani anukuntunanu. First nenu ma enti gurinche, maa family gurinche...

1 year ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 12

When their geography teacher reached them, he looked at Sandra first and then at the other students. "Follow me," he said. Sandra couldn't place it, but she didn't like this teacher. Was it because she was naked or was it something else? She sure had felt weird when he had looked at her just now. They all started to follow him to the entrance of the building, and the history teacher, Frederik's dad, joined them with his class. They walked up the stairs and to the second floor. Both...

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My sexy student

In the heat of the afternoon, I watched the players on their last lap round the soccer field. It was my first coaching job looking after a Under-19 Girls High School and I loved every moment of it.I waited for the last player to come in before dismissing the team, "Great work. I'll see you Friday."I dragged two big bags across the ground—one filled with equipment and the other with soccer balls—towards the clubhouse. As usual, some of the mothers had stepped out of their cars to watch the...

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Chance Encounter in Georgia Part II

It was late morning when we woke up. Adam and I laid there in bed, still tangled in the sheets, just smiling at each other. We broke the silence at the same time when we said, "Good morning," which was followed by laughter since we said it at the same time.We let time stand still as we looked into each other's eyes, smiling. The room was silent as we laid there. Adam broke the silence by saying, "Stay here and get dressed. I'll be back in about an hour and a half. I have a surprise in store for...

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