Summer Hire Ch. 11 free porn video

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After lunch, they walked for a few minutes around the village, looking in shop windows. Erik checked the time and said, “We’ve got a little while longer before we’re supposed to meet Cathy. Let’s walk a bit more.”

Melissa laughed, “Assuming my legs keep on working, after my morning session with your personal bitch goddess.”

Erik was quiet for a moment, and then said more seriously, “Let me caution you. In the world you now inhabit, comments like that are not considered courteous. Mistress Amy is a far more traditional domme, certainly compared to how I conduct myself as a dom.

“She agreed to train you as a personal favor to me. From her general point of view, my approach to being a dom is… well, offensive, to tell the truth. She believes that I encourage lazy, sloppy habits in a sub. And she has told me, in very direct language, that she thinks I ruin subs by spoiling them.”

“But why did you want her to train me?”

“Because I’m convinced that you are truly a sub, down to your bones. And I think that you will eventually find your home in this world. Plus, I think Mistress Amy is right, at least in part. I am a very lenient dom. If you only learned from me, you’d be poorly prepared for doms like Mistress Amy.”

“I don’t think I’d like to be a sub to anyone like her. Besides, I’m with you, remember?”

“Yes, but we will spend some time in the wider world of my BDSM friends. You’ll need to learn how a sub is expected to behave.”

“Okay. I guess. But, well, can you give me an example?”

“Sure. Last night, you wore my collar and leash. That is a traditional way of marking a sub who is owned, who has a master. The leash, however, was short, and I left it loose most of the night. It was more symbolic. Traditionally, I would have led you on the leash. If I had let go of the leash at any point in time, you would have immediately gone to a kneeling position and waited for me take the leash again.”

Melissa listened, simultaneously horrified and aroused by his description.

“The other big difference about how Mistress Amy would have expected you to behave last night is how you looked all around you. A slave attends to her master, and nothing else exists. When we were walking, you should have only looked straight ahead, never focusing on another person or thing. A slave relies on her master to lead her on a clear path. You simply follow. When we stop, you should cast your eyes down.

“To be a slave is to step outside of normal human interaction. A slave is something ‘other,’ something special. In the BDSM world, it is considered very impolite to talk to somebody else’s slave, unless you have the owner’s permission. If somebody tries to talk to you, you should ignore them. You only exist for your master.”

Melissa was amazed, “Wow, that seems pretty loaded.”

“It is. There is a surprising amount of sexual power in the rules for formal BDSM social interaction. My guess is that the first time we go to a scene like that, you’ll be drenching wet the whole night.”

Melissa shot a shocked look at him, not sure how to feel about his prediction. He grinned and chuckled, “You’ll see. I bet you’re wet right now, just listening to me talk about it.”

Melissa opened her mouth to protest, but before she could, he grabbed her hand, saying, “Let’s go in here.” They entered a vintage clothing shop. There was only one salesperson and she was helping another customer. Erik gave the young woman a friendly smile and led Melissa toward the back of the shop. With his free hand, he picked a yellowing linen lace blouse from a rack as they walked past, saying, “See, here’s the one I was telling you about.” Then he ducked into the dressing room vestibule, with her in tow. There were two small dressing rooms, both open. He pulled her into the far one, closing the door behind them.

He hung the blouse on a hook, then gathered both her hands in his. Pulling her wrists together, he took them in one hand and lifted her hands up above her head, pinning her to the wall behind her.

She moaned softly in protest. He commanded her, “Spread your legs apart.”

She was too dumbfounded to immediately comply. He repeated himself, slower, his voice dropping to a much lower pitch. “Spread. Your legs. Apart.”

This time, she followed his instructions. With his free hand, he reached under the front of her dress and plunged a finger directly inside her. As he had predicted, she was slippery wet. He pressed his finger upward against her G-spot, lifting her onto her toes. A shaky moan of desire escaped her lips. To silence her, Erik kissed her full on the mouth, his tongue insistently probing her mouth. She responded energetically, arching into him and pressing back with her tongue, searching out the inner reaches of his mouth.

Then his finger was gone. She whimpered with desperate need. She felt, rather than heard, his zipper being drawn down. Suddenly, he was inside her. Pinned against the wall, she was lifted up off the floor. She wrapped her legs around him, locking one one foot around her opposite ankle, so she could hold onto him. He pushed her back into the wall in a steady, rising rhythm.

Her breath shortened, heart pounding. She only wanted him deeper and deeper. Their motion grew too frenetic to maintain a kiss. He broke away and clamped a hand across her mouth, keeping her quiet. His other hand still held her arms, pinned above her.

She exploded into a climax, screaming against his palm, while her hips bucked against him. She could feel his jetting release, pulsing into her, each spurt lengthening her orgasm.

Finally, they collapsed against each other. He let her slide down the wall, until she slumped, half sitting, half kneeling in front of him. He leaned hard against the opposite wall, catching his breath.

He was startled when she took his spent penis in her mouth, licking and sucking it clean.

He chuckled, “See. I was right. You were wet.”

She popped his clean penis out of her mouth and replied, “Yeah, well now I’m really wet.” She looked down and laughed briefly. “And I’m leaving a big wet spot on the carpet. Well, at least it’s their carpet and not the back of my dress – which is quite lovely by the way. Thank you.”

“The pleasure is all mine.”

She leaned her head back against the wall, looking up at him. “You sure about that? I kind of recall having my own orgasm just now.”

“Ah yes, and a splendid thing it was. But you see, it was an orgasm I deigned to give to you because that gave me pleasure as well.” Then he pushed away from the wall, giving her a hand up.

Melissa took a step toward the door and stopped as she felt a rush of warm liquid running down the inside of her thigh. “Oh! I really am soaked. It’s pouring out of me.”

Erik reached down and wiped his hand up along the inside of her thighs, scooping up their combined juices. He raised his hand to his face, breathing in the fragrance of their sex. “Now that is perfectly wonderful.” He offered his hand to her to smell, “Here.”

Somewhat dubious, she bent forward to sniff the wetness of his hand. The smell was lighter than she had expected, very earthy, salty, and perhaps even a little sweet. She sensed that the pheromones wafting out of that wetness were making a deeper, more primitive connection somewhere inside her. Smelling their two juices mingled together gave her a feeling of connection and strength. She was suddenly flooded with a feeling of being special to him. Her heart yearned for yet a deeper connection.

She quickly steeled herself against being carried away. “Down girl,” she told herself firmly. She smirked at her teenaged infatuation, glad that he couldn’t see her expression while her face was still tilted over his hand. Sternly, she reminded herself, “I’m his sex slave, not his girlfriend.” Knowing what a sex slave should do, she reached up and took his hand in hers, licking him clean while she turned his hand back and forth.

The taste wasn’t terrible, but her emotional state was deeply bittersweet. Forcing herself to adopt a lighter mood, she looked up at him. “There you go. All ready?”

He smiled, although an edge of concern was evident around his eyes, as though he had sensed her mood. “Almost.” He reached down to zip himself up, and then he snatched the linen blouse off the hook.

They walked out of the dressing room together. She was grateful the vestibule of the dressing room was still empty. Walking back into the main part of the shop, they saw the sales clerk waving goodbye to her other customer. The clerk turned, “Oh there you are. Did you find what you wanted?”

Erik handed the saleswoman the blouse and reached for his wallet, “Yes, it’s perfect. Just what I’ve been looking for. For a long time.”


When they stepped out of the shop, Erik looked around and then checked the time again. “We still have a few more minutes, let’s go this way.” He took Melissa’s hand and set off down the sidewalk. She walked quietly alongside, soaking in the sunshine and trying to settle her feelings.

After a couple of minutes of walking, Erik asked, “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, just trying to get used to all this.”

“It’s a lot, I know. Hopefully, your shopping trip with Cathy will be relaxing. Do you like shopping?”

“I’m a girl. Recreational shopping is a favorite way to decompress. Of course, I’m not used to actually being able to buy much.”

“Well, I hope that coming back with full bags won’t be too traumatic. Since we’re killing time in the village, are you up for one more thing that might stretch you a bit, or do you really need to have some downtime?”

She pursed her lip, considering. “As long as it’s not too intense, I guess it might be a fun distraction.”

Erik nodded thoughtfully. “We can keep it lighter.” He pointed at the saddlery shop down the block. “Let’s get you fitted for some leathers.”

She wasn’t sure what all would be involved, but trusting his promise to keep it lighter, she said, “Sure.”

When they walked into the shop, a little bell tinkled over the door. She was immediately aware of the smell of leather. The front room had several saddles displayed on stands. One side wall held a wide variety of boots. The opposite wall had bridles, harnesses, and all sorts of equipment she couldn’t identify.

A young man came out from the back room. He was gorgeous, in a lean, dark-haired, elfin sort of way. His movements were unselfconsciously graceful. He seemed to almost flow to a stop in front of them, ending in a brief half-bow. “Hello, Master Erik. I’m afraid Master Drexler just stepped out for lunch. Shall I call him, or may I be of service to you?”

Erik replied, “I’m confident that you’ll be able to assist us. I only need to get my new slave measured for a harness, and possibly a cuirass with pauldrons, vambraces, and greaves.”

Remembering what Erik had told her about etiquette, Melissa squelched her reaction. Instead of turning to look at him in puzzlement, she stayed quietly by his side, still looking ahead, not focusing on anything in particular.

The young man came forward. “Certainly Master Erik. I would be happy to help you. Please, come this way.”

Even though Melissa kept her eyes straight ahead, she could sense in her peripheral vision that the shop worker had only looked at Erik. The clerk had only spoken to Erik as well, as though she didn’t exist. Ordinarily, if a salesperson treated her this way when she was out with a man, she would get very irritated. Today, it felt somehow very different. “Perhaps,” she wondered, “it’s because they’re talking about me.” Even though she was being treated as an object, in this context, it was somehow really arousing.

“God,” she thought, “I’m still dripping down my thighs from the other shop. This is embarrassing. How could I ever hold my head up around Professor Macklin again?”

Her undergraduate Women’s Studies class with Professor Jill Macklin had really opened up her eyes about all the sacrifices women had made to reach their present level of equality, and how fragile that position could be. At this moment, she felt terribly guilty for betraying women, and even more shameful because it made her feel so horny.

Erik asked, “I forget your name, slave?”

Melissa’s eyes flew open, angry. The clerk answered, “Joseph, Master Erik.”

Melissa froze her angry reaction, forcing herself to continue walking with Erik into the back room. “Joseph is a slave too?” she asked herself. “Of course, he is. He called Erik ‘master,’ plus he was so deferential. Not just a fawning salesperson. A slave. Somebody else’s sex slave. Wow.”

Melissa took a quick peak to double check that Joseph was really a man. He seemed so beautiful and graceful, she hadn’t really been certain. A close inspection of his butt as he walked in front of them, however, convinced her that he really was male.

Then she saw Erik noticing how she was staring at Joseph. She quickly fixed her eyes blankly ahead. In her peripheral vision, she caught the beginning of a grin on Erik’s face.

Joseph led them into a large dressing room, which had a raised dais in the middle. It reminded Melissa of a wedding shop that she had visited when she was a bridesmaid. This dressing room, however, was decorated in browns and tans, and decorated with horse prints.

Once Joseph pulled the door shut behind them, he gracefully sank to his knees, clasped his arms behind his back, and bowed his head. Melissa struggled not to gape at the fluid beauty of his movement, along with the strangeness of seeing a man in this submissive pose.

With his head still bowed, Joseph addressed Erik, “Master Erik, your slave will need to be undressed.”

Erik nodded in agreement, “Of course. Please assist her.”

Joseph rose effortlessly, “Yes Master Erik.” Joseph walked behind Melissa. She stood very still. Joseph’s touch was so light that, at first, the only indication she had of being unzipped was the sound of the zipper. Then she felt the slight give of the fabric around her bust as the back of her dress fell open.

Joseph ran his fingers up under the dress’s shoulder straps and she couldn’t help but shiver. He lifted the straps from her shoulders, easing the dress forward and down, carefully gathering it up so that it did not fall on the floor. He held it for her, letting her step out of it.

Melissa stood naked in her wedge sandals, while he carefully hung her dress on a clothes rack. She was very conscious of dribbles of moisture running down the inside of her left thigh. She suspected it was a little bit of Erik’s remaining contribution, reawakened by the sudden increase in her own juices. Surprisingly, though, rather than being embarrassed, she found herself standing proudly. She was Erik’s submissive, marked by his semen and her own arousal. In this moment, the combination felt right.

Joseph walked back between them, kneeling down again. “Master Erik, your slave will need to stand in the middle of the dais.”

Erik crossed to one of the leather chairs along the wall and sat down casually. “Yes, yes, of course, but before you measure her, clean her up, will you?”

“Certainly Master Erik.”

Melissa stood still, uncertain what she should do. Erik made a waving motion to her, indicating she should step up on the dais, so she did. Her movement caused a fresh run stream of moisture to drip down her thigh, nearly reaching her knee. Now she began to feel a little embarrassed. She carefully looked straight ahead, keeping her vision unfocused.

Joseph knelt in front of her. She was surprised that she had not even seen him stand or get a cloth. When his tongue reached out to gently caress the inside of her leg, she realized why. Startled, she looked over to Erik. He grinned, seeming for all in the world to be a contented male lion, watching the rest of his pride feast on a gazelle that he had brought down. He waved his hand lazily side to side, indicating that she should spread her legs. She looked back in uncertainty, then resolved herself to gaze blankly ahead, complying with his wishes. She fought to suppress a tremble as Joseph’s velvet tongue inched higher.

All too soon, he reached her labia. Rather than stop, his tongue slid inside of her. She gasped, shuddering.

Joseph paused. Melissa forced herself to remain still, her eyes blankly looking ahead. She would not let herself look back over at Erik. She did hear him, however, dismissively say, “Continue.”

Joseph did, plunging his tongue deeper, before sliding it upward, past her aching clitoris. She couldn’t stop her groan of pleasure. She was unaware she had even made a sound until it had already escaped. His tongue came back, circling her clitoris, teasing her, bringing her agonizingly close to the edge of a wonderful orgasm.

Just as she was about to cross over into an orgasm, she dimly was aware of Erik saying, “That’s good. I’m sure she’s clean now. You may continue with measuring her.”

Slowly, the meaning of his words penetrated through to her awareness. She realized that Joseph’s tongue was gone. He was once again standing beside her, measuring tape in hand. She felt frustrated and foolish. Her chest still heaving, breathing rapidly from the nearness of her orgasm. Ignoring her state, Joseph began to take measurements.

In five minutes, he was done. Her breathing had stilled and her aching need for release had faded to a dull frustration. He helped her dress again, then Erik stood up to offer her his arm. She stepped off the dais to take his arm, letting him lead her through the shop. As they passed through the front room, he asked airily, “Enjoy yourself?”

She quietly whispered, “Asshole,” carefully looking straight ahead with a pleasantly blank face.

He laughed out loud. As his amusement quieted to a chuckle, he asked, with feigned sternness, “I must have misheard what my delightfully obedient slave said – could you repeat that?”

“I said, ‘Thank you, Master Erik, for such a fascinating experience.’”

“Ah, that’s what I thought you said. You’re certainly most welcome.”

They stepped out of the front door and Erik laughed again, “Okay, you can relax back to your normal, semi-slave self.”

“Gosh, thanks. How could I ever repay you for that incredibly frustrating encounter?”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll think of ways. But truly, part of being my sex slave is being toyed with. You won’t always be allowed to cum. Sometimes, it’s just for my pleasure, not yours.”

“So you enjoy tormenting me?”

“Absolutely. It was… very enjoyable. And it gave me lots of ideas for other games to play.”

“I don’t think I like the sound of that…”

“And well you shouldn’t.” Erik gestured ahead of them, to where the car was parked. “Ah, here you go. Cathy is waiting for us.”

Melissa saw a well-put-together woman in her fifties sitting on a bench shaded by a tree. She was wearing a summer suit with a white jacket and tan lace pencil skirt. As they got closer, Cathy stood to greet them. Melissa was both relieved and slightly disappointed to see that her lace skirt was lined, and the black and tan pumps she wore had moderate heels, not the six-inch stilettos that Erik seemed to prefer.

Melissa was perplexed about why she had felt a fleeting disappointment that Cathy wasn’t dressed in some over-the-top sexy attire. After a moment’s reflection, she realized that being with Erik had already created a warping of what felt reasonable to wear, both in private and in public. Seeing Cathy dressed more conservatively made Melissa feel more self-conscious, even though she hadn’t been the least bit self-conscious while walking around the village the past hour without underwear, in a dress that was at least mildly sheer. She knew that anyone who had seen her backlit by the sun would not had needed much imagination to see everything they wanted. She felt a little unsettled that being with Erik made her so casually comfortable with being publicly erotic. It was disconcerting to discover that what felt ‘normal’ could be so easily changed.

Erik and Melissa stopped when they reached Cathy. The older woman held out her hand to Melissa, saying, “Hi, I’m Cathy. It’s so nice to meet you. When Erik told me about you, it was such a joy to hear his excitement. I can see why.”

Melissa blushed, shaking her head slightly to deny this praise. She responded, “I’m so glad to meet you too. All the people in Erik’s life seem to be amazing.”

Melissa wasn’t certain why she had been more formal in her response, but she realized that Cathy reminded her of someone who would play the role of a rich aunt in a soap opera – attractive, clever, and overly formal.

Cathy smiled back at her, then turned to Erik, giving him a hug and a light kiss on the lips. “And shame on you, for corrupting such a lovely lady. You, sir, are truly incorrigible.” She shook her finger admonishingly at him, “And wicked, too.”

Erik grinned, shaking his head in mock sorrow, “Alas, it’s all too true.” Then he dug a key fob out of his pocket, handing it to Melissa. “Now remember, you need to be back and dressed for your session with Sensei Mike at 4:30.

She looked at him and then at the car, startled. “You want me to drive? That?” She pointed at the low, powerful sports car. She wasn’t sure what model it was, but she was absolutely certain it was expensive.

“Sure, you know how to drive a stick.” He stepped away from them, waving, “See you later.” Then he turned and walked away, without looking back.

Melissa watched him go, exasperated. As he turned a corner, she squatted down to take off her shoes. Looking up, she saw Cathy staring down at her with a quizzical expression. Melissa shrugged, “Well, I’m not going to drive that thing in these fucking six inch wedges.”

Cathy chuckled in agreement, “Off hand, I’d say they’re a one-inch platform and a four-inch heel, although I absolutely agree with your decision, since I’m going to be your passenger.”

Melissa laughed too, as she stood up, shoes in hand. She clicked the key fob door opener, “Come on. Let’s go shopping.”

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Summer in The City

Hot TownThe Outdoor Film Festival had Grant Park buzzing with activity and hot women. Yet, she still stood out to me. She seemed hot from a distance, and not just from the July Chicago heat. As I watched, she suddenly began gathering her things and leaving. I caught up to her, and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and then promptly collided with my chest. “Sorry!” she said in apology. “You’re not leaving, are you?” I said as if we were old friends. I could see she was scanning my six-foot...

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Summer 9

She’d arrived with a small suitcase, much like before. And, just like before I offered her the spare bedroom. I probably should have talked it over with Jennette first, but thankfully, she seemed okay with it.‘I think telling you no would be worse for us than telling you yes,’ was what she told me and so it was settled although, despite that, I was understandably nervous with both of them in the house especially since Summer, had she changed at all during the last three years, seemed to fall...

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Summer in the fields

Steve is an average 19 year old on the outside. He has a full time job, a live in girlfriend (Amanda), divorced parents, and 2 cats. On the inside he's about to erupt. Summer is the eruption. Summer is Steve's "alter ego" who comes around every now and then. Steve used to let Summer drive around on the many less traveled roads in the area. Summer has never been with a guy, and she only got enough courage to massage the outside of her asshole with her wet finger. Right now Summer's about to...

2 years ago
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Summer Sex and Summer Love

This is more of a stroke story than anything terribly serious. In spite of the first person narrative, it is a work of fiction, it is not biographical. There are always snippets of truth and fact in any work of fiction. I’ve tried to give my characters thoughts and words which fit the time, the place and their situations. In my last summer of graduate school, I scored a real coup. I was picked with another guy for a heaven-sent student assistance job. The two of us were responsible for...

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Summering in Femininity Part 11 Summers End

Over the course of the summer, Taylor's life had changed in numerous ways, but the most noticeable change was in his morning routine. After agreeing to join the cheerleading program, Taylor was then quickly roped into Emily's morning jogs, so that meant being up early and in a tight running outfit. Once the run was over, Taylor would return to Aunt Agnes' to take a shower, which was a whole production, since he had an entirely new hair and skin-care regimen courtesy of Emily's cajoling....

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SummerChapter 4

Summer's beginning to show a little, but at least she's not having too bad of a case of morning sickness! She sure looks cute in maternity clothes! #RING# I reached over to pick up my phone; it was Dad! "Hey Greg!" "Hey Dad!" "We'll be in Greeley next week for a Corporate Meeting at their Regional State Farm Offices – We'll stay with you and Summer while we're there - How's that?" He said. "Sure Dad, It's been so long since either of us have seen you and Mom, I hope we...

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SummerChapter 2

"So, Jake, where do you normally take your naked, horny girls to show them off?" Summer was grinning as her fingertips flirted with both the shoulder strap of her top and the incredibly short hem of her skirt. She was turned to face me, her bare legs draped over the center console of the car. Though the wind was flapping her skirt again, all I could see were acres of smooth, tanned thigh; she had her hand on the hip that was facing up, preventing me from being able to see beneath her...

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Summer Job

Author's Note: This story does not contain any sex; sorry. Summer Job It wasn't until Alex Harvey put his bike away and locked the shed that he realised how tired he felt. The two hour session at his karate club had been especially intense and then typically he had ridden the 5 miles home as fast as he could. He dragged his suddenly heavy feet up the path to the front door and went inside. "Is that you Alex?" called a voice from the kitchen. "It is," replied Alex as he...

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SummerChapter 2

My sisters and I went to the Newport Beach Brewing Company, a rather upscale place that has a selection of beers, if you're so inclined and of age, as well as a decent selection of food to choose from. Both Summer and June ordered a Newport Beach Blonde, one of the beers on tap at this place, while I got a coke. They all knew me there, so I couldn't get a beer, even if I tried. I got us all a Three Cheese Pizza to share as well. As tantalizing as it was to let them both get drunk, I made...

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Summering in Femininity Part 2 Things Are Going Swimmingly

The next morning, Taylor finished up his breakfast and was heading back to get changed when he noticed that something was missing from his room. "Aunt Agnes!" Taylor shouted. "Have you seen my bathing suit?" "I don't think so," Aunt Agnes shouted back as she climbed the stairs. "Where did you leave it?" "It was on the chair in my room," Taylor said as Aunt Agnes walked in. "Was it underneath that pile of dirty clothes you had sitting on it?" Aunt Agnes asked. "Maybe,...

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Summering in Femininity Part 10 Three Cheers for Taylor Continued

That night, Taylor's manicured fingernail was positioned over Owen's contact as Taylor stared at his phone. He'd managed to secure a night away from Emily, thankfully Emily's mom had some event that required the entire family to attend. Taylor felt happy and secure having eschewed the feminine attire to wear the clothes he'd brought with him from home, a men's t-shirt and shorts, in addition to removing his prosthetics, being the first time in a few weeks that Emily wasn't around, he was...

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Summer on the Farm

Sara and Ken were friends. Every summer they were together and explored the mysteries of growing up. They made plans for a fun summer. Little did Ken know what was to happen. Ken came from the city and Sara from the country. Sara was one of five of Ken’s summer friends, all girls. She grew up on a farm in central New Hampshire. She turned 17 over the winter and could not wait for summer. Ken grew up in the second largest city in Massachusetts. This was his last trip to the farm for the summer. ...

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Summer 8

I’ve had a few relationships. More than a few, really. A couple ended kind of ugly, but most of them ended when we both simply lost interest in staying together. Thing was, Summer wasn’t my girlfriend. That said, I felt an emotional hit when she left, and, afterwards, life seemed a little empty, at least for a while. It’s not that we drifted apart or had any kind of disagreement. It was simply that she felt a need to continue on her journey...The day had started out as most had since she’d...

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Summer By: Mahohokus Summer vacation had just started, I was now a senior in high school and was enjoying the first few days of days of summer. I was sitting with Jack in his car at a drive-in hamburger stand eating lunch Jack had just graduated from high school and would be going into the Marines the next day. The Marines was sending him back east to Parris Island for basic training. Jack would finish basic training and...

4 years ago
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Summer Camp Once a Scout Always a Scout

Summer Camp: Once a Scout, Always a Scout Prologue The line separating fact from fantasy often blurs as one ages, this is not true for me. The line is very clear. With one exception, all of the characters and most of the incidents are as described. The reader will have to determine which is the exception. There is one indisputable fact that runs throughout, however: almost all older women (any woman over thirty in my view) are horny by nature. Place them with a bunch of horny young men and...

1 year ago
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Summer Dreams

The day was unusually hot, so Summer decided to shut the house up and turn on the air-conditioner to try to cool down. Finally, she thought, I have the place to myself. Kids and hubby were off at football as per the norm for a Saturday. Wearily she sat down in her comfy chair in the lounge room and started to think about all the excitement of the last few weeks. It had started with her decision to quit her job after 15 years with the same company. Summer had realised that career-wise, she was...

2 years ago
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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 01

Walter has just finished college and is spending one last summer taking care of his weird uncle’s cabin located on Pond Cove, a secluded area surrounded by a government nature preserve. All of the other owners, except one, have been bought out by the government which wants to turn Pond Cove into a frog sanctuary. Walter meets his neighbors for the summer– six sorority sisters who are spending one last summer together.Things get a little warm... and a little weird... as Walter learns about his...

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Summering in Femininity Part 3 En Femme

Author's Note: I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying the new story, this is one that's been in my head for years and I'm happy to finally have it down on the page. Additionally, if you've been chomping at the bit for more stories, I've taken part in a few CYOA interactive stories over at and that you can find fairly easily. "What am I going to do?" Taylor asked, after explaining his current situation to Aunt Agnes. She sat with a pensive look on her...

3 years ago
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Summer of Love part 1

Not only cousins, but also lifelong best friends, the two boys look so much alike that they’re often mistaken for brothers, even twins. Both are short, with Aaron standing 5’5, weighing in at 125 pounds while J.J. is 5’6, and 135 pounds. Both have lean and wiry builds. With their dark hair and blue eyes, they are never seen without their backwards baseball caps, and when they smile, their boyish charms are only enhanced, with both of them flashing winning tinsel grins with their braces....

2 years ago
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Summer I love you

Finally! Summer! For me, that has two meanings. School is over, I’m back from college. Finally, I get to lounge by the pool and relax for three months. Also, my baby sister is named Summer. At 19, Summer had perfect long, blonde hair hanging down just past her shoulders. Her body had developed during my first year of college, so my summer break that year was quite a shock. When I left, she was a 5’6” gangly 16 year old girl with a pretty face. When I came back, she was still the same height,...

3 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 1

Not only cousins, but also lifelong best friends, the two boys look so much alike that they’re often mistaken for brothers, even twins. Both are short, with Aaron standing 5’5, weighing in at 125 pounds while J.J. is 5’6, and 135 pounds. Both have lean and wiry builds. With their dark hair and blue eyes, they are never seen without their backwards baseball caps, and when they smile, their boyish charms are only enhanced, with both of them flashing winning tinsel grins with their braces....

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Summer Secrets part 1 of 7

Summer Secrets By Varian Milagro Chapter 1 It should have been a great day. It was a beautiful June morning and the school year was ending in just a couple minutes. All of my classmates were excited; half of them were counting the exact number of seconds left until summer break officially began. I looked around the room knowing that it was probably the last time I'd be in this school. I was a middle school graduate now and would be a tenth grader in...

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Summer Escapades Series Chapter 1

SUMMER ESCAPADES – The Beginning of a Great Summer Chapter 1 By Bob Andersen I loved going to camp. It was the only thing that I looked forward to during the summers, even more than baseball. I had gone to the same over-night camp since I was 8 years old, and now that I was 15, I looked forward to the Counselor-in-Training program. It meant that I would be away from parents and my little brother for a whole 8-weeks. That in itself should have been enough, but I also knew that a lot of the kids...

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 01

Things get a little warm... and a little weird... as Walter learns about his submissive side from the hands of some expert teachers. This story stands on its own, but the storyline will continue in the future. Because this is the first chapter, there is a lot of setup and staging before things get interesting. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual...

2 years ago
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Summer Experiment

Summer Experiment Chapter One Frankie felt the agitation building in his body simply talking on the phone to his wife. He missed her terribly. She was hours away and he was feeling so down about being alone. And she was bringing up the same old thing all over again, sex. He didn't like the topic of sex. It made him feel nervous inside just talking about it. It was awkward discussing their sex life or lack of it and it was even worse to do it while his wife was on a speakerphone...

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Summer friends with a benefit

Me and my wife don't really like to label our relationship. To many boxes with some many constraints attached to them. If somebody asks we just reply that we are swinging, as it seems to sum up our views on sex and love. As far as I'm concerned, I've never been into monogamy. The whole concept of just fucking one person for the rest of the relationship seems boring to me. I don't own anybody, and nobody can ever claim to own me, or my body. It's my life after all.My first experience on this...

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 08

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The saga comes to a close as Walter and Holly return to school... now as teachers. How they get their new teaching positions, who their principals will be, and where they will teach is all discovered in this final chapter of Summer at Pond Cove. This story stands on its own, but makes a little more sense if you have read the previous chapters. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of...

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Introduction: This is the dark tale of Jana who accompanies her boyfriend to a summer solstice celebration held deep in the woods. The story is very OTT and is meant to be. It is not for the faint of heart and it does not have a happy ending. It is a dirty, dirty story with tons of fucking, cannibalism, death, horror, and destruction. If you do not like this sort of thing then please do not read it, choose something happier. If you read it despite this warning, please keep your comments to...

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Son-in-law's Summer of Love and SexbySusanJillParker©This is a Summer Lovin' contest story. Please vote.Wife abandons husband and baby for a wild life on the French Riviera. *Glad for the experience, it had been a long, hot, emotionally charged and sexually frustrating summer spent with my mother-in-law. Surviving the heat, a record number of 90 plus degree consecutive days, no longer feeling sorry for myself, I was looking forward to the cooler temperatures of fall to clear my head for a fresh...

4 years ago
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Summer 6

I didn’t quite know what to expect the next morning. After all, we’d crossed a line, one that couldn’t be recrossed again, and I found myself consumed with a million little worries when I woke. Nothing to do about it, at least not until Summer arose too. I decided that we’d sit down and have a long talk and work this out…As usual, though, Summer was… Summer, meaning things just sort of worked themselves out. Or maybe they didn’t. At least not how I expected.I heard her stirring. Or rather, I...

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Summer 7

We drove to the spring again, accompanied by Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun. She was giggly. She’d been so all morning. She’d also brought one of her shopping bags with her. I didn’t ask. I’m sure I’d find out later.“Stay here for… Oh, I don’t know. A while.”“Why?” I asked.“Because I asked you too.”So I did. Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes going by. And then I picked up my easel and my paint box and joined her at the spring.“Don’t laugh,” she told me shyly, as if I would. She was...

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Summer At Pond Cove Chapter 08

It’s hard to believe that my summer at Pond Cove has come to an end. Things didn’t finish the way I had expected. Actually, things didn’t begin the way I expected either and the summer was nothing like I thought it would be. I thought I would have a lot of time to myself over the summer to get ready for my first year of teaching. Instead, most of my summer was taken up finding out I was a painslut, falling in love with another painslut– holly, submitting myself to Mistress Gloria... and then...

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Summer Cockbuster Part 3 A Summer to Member

I was catching up with my old high school buddy Jeff.  We hadn't seen each other since two summers ago, when we had gone to a movie together - and ended up sucking each other off in the back of the theater.Now seeing each other for the first time in a long time, we'd just started to watch a movie on the couch at his house, but we didn't get far into it.  Almost immediately, we took turns blowing each other.  Then, as he came back from the kitchen with beers, his dick swaying temptingly as he...

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Summer Nowhere Part One The Summer Home

written by Nellieneska, edited by atrain_alex89 Every year the Clark family goes on its annual summer vacation trip. They own a house out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by endless amounts of trees and a lake that spans on for miles. While on these vacations, it is rare to come across another soul, which is what they liked about it. They got to escape from the world and just have a little fun and relaxation before heading back into their daily lives. As time went on, these trips seemed to...

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Summer Fling

Summer Fling By Mr. Double-U All Arnie wanted was a summer love. That wasn't too much to ask, was it? He sat on his blanket, listening to the waves against the shore. 'It's Labor Day weekend. Another summer shot in the ass' he thought. He watched as the couples walked arm in arm across the beach and sighed. 'He isn't so great looking', Arnie thought. 'How come she's with him and not me?' Arnie sat up and continued with his book. Arnie wasn't a star athlete or a rocket...

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Summer Class at a Girls School

Copyright 2008 tgwriter7 My father was a bridge builder, an engineer. I grew up in five towns and three countries, I grew up wherever my father's work took us. He had passion for it, said there was something about an idea that came from his mind being built on a massive scale, his thoughts becoming part of the landscape. But then our family would move on leaving nothing but monuments. As families go we got along, we didn't have time to make close friends so we ended up making...

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Summer at the Beach

Hello, dear readers. My name is Marcia. Marcia Darling. I can't help it, that is our family name and we are stuck with it. Just to give you a little information about myself: I am 42 years old and still, if I say so myself, rather good looking. About 5'8" with a well proportioned body, 36D and 28 inches at the waist, 34 at the hips. My longish hair is almost platinum blonde (only my hairdresser knows for sure). I know my way around a lipstick and an eyelash curler, with no problem....

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Summer Sunshine

Clara My mind wandered as I looked into the eyes of the attractive, exotic young man above me. It was a strange time to be thinking about other things. His tanned skin and exotic eyes alone should have been enough to keep my interest, but it somehow wasn't the case. As his sweat dripped down onto me and my body finally began to respond, I was imagining another face. I stifled a laugh and Stephen thought that it had something to do with what we were doing. Alone in my own little world, I...

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Summer StormsChapter 4

The next morning, I woke up bright and early and stared at the ceiling. Outside the cabin, dawn was just breaking, and the world was awash with the usual muted forest noises. I listened to the sound of the birds for a few moments, and had just decided to get up, when I heard a soft whimper. I blinked (as if blinking would make me hear better), and strained to pick up the sound over the birdcalls. Quietly, very quietly, I rolled to the edge of the bunk bed and peered over. It was just barely...

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