Theatrical.....14 free porn video

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Theatrical…… 14

I woke and it was daylight, but I had been wakened by a tickling sensation on my legs, the gravity of what had almost happened the night before struck me but there it was again, the tickling, I kept very still and my eyes closed,
I moved slightly as I would if I was being irritated by something, then I felt my nightdress moving slowly upwards, at first I thought it was my husband getting amorous and I slightly opened my eyes, Andrew was leaning over me looking at my legs, I closed my eyes again, he seemed to be on some kind of exploratory mission, I thought that if I woke properly then it would scare him off his trek of discovery, I was intrigued by what he hoped to find,
I laid still as my nightdress was pushed up to the top of my legs, I knew that by now he would be able to see my pussy or the bottom edge of it anyway, he was getting bolder and I moved to slow him down, he stopped and sat back, looking, then he tried again getting it a little further up almost to my waist, by now my full pussy was exposed and he touched the hairs then he ran his fingers into them as though he was savouring the touch, I opened my legs slightly and he ran his fingers down over the hood of my clit although he would not be able to see it because of the hair and he would not know where to find it, most men can’t and it forever remains a mystery to them, he slid further under me with his fingers and then I felt one of his fingers slip into my slit, the feeling was like an electric shock and I jumped, he pulled away again, I stirred but kept my eyes closed, his fingers came back again after a short delay, he was stroking them through the hairs on my pussy and slowly moved my hand over and put it on top of his, he jumped but I had hold of his fingers as he tried to pull them back,
I opened my eyes, I looked at him, he was blushing, “what are you doing?” I whispered, “nothing” he blurted, “what were you looking at?” I said, I was looking at you” he confessed, “and what did you hope to see?” I asked, we were back at the barriers again, “I just wanted to see your err…clitis” he stammered, “clitoris” I corrected, I pulled his fingers onto my pussy and pushed the tips of them into the hairs, I felt them touch the hood, there is the protective cover, because that part is so sensitive, it is protected” I said, I used his fingers to push aside the hood, “and there underneath it is my clitoris, feel” I said as I touched my clit button with his fingers, the result was a massive electric shock that made me jump, he jumped as well, “what happened?” he asked, you touched it, that’s what happened, if you kept on touching it you would make me have an orgasm” I said, “do women have orgasm’s as well as men?” he asked, “yes, they do” and you should inform your father of that” I thought to myself, he pushed gently against it, obviously trying for the same result as before but the initial shock was passed, now my vagina was leaking and an orgasm was building, there, that’s nice” I said soothingly,
I pushed his fingers further down and into my slit, I was treading dangerous water again but again my cunt had taken command and it had its own agenda, “there, you feel how it’s wet, that’s because of what you were doing” I said, “did you have an orgasm” he asked, no, that is the lubrication before the orgasm so that when a man puts his penis inside, it gets lubricated so that it doesn’t hurt” I said, I glanced down at him and his cock was hard again, I looked back at his face as he stared at my pussy, “can I see?” he said, “see what?” I asked, where it goes?” he asked, “where what goes” I asked fearing the answer, “the man’s penis” he said, “I pushed his fingers further down and spread my fingers in his, I felt my labia lips open, he was staring at it but I couldn’t see it, I was going by feel, he brought his other hand into play and pointed with his finger, touching the opening to my vagina, “in there, is that where it goes?” he asked, I gulped, “yes” I said, “it looks very small” he said, “that is so we get plenty of feeling as it goes in” I said, I let go of his fingers and they went back to my clit, he pushed aside the hood and began to massage the button, “you shouldn’t do that because mummy will get excited” I said, “then will you have an orgasm?” he asked, “yes” I said, I would like you to have one, I would like to see” he said,
I adjusted his fingers on my button and he massaged it steadily, it was rising, I could feel it, my body was reacting rapidly as it built, my stomach convulsed as it lifted me partly off the bed and I came, I grabbed his fingers away and fell back panting, “did you have one?” he asked, “yes” I croaked, “was it nice” he asked, yes, it was lovely” I said, “is it nice when you have one?” I asked, “yes, it’s nice” he said, “would you like one now?” I asked, “yes please, like before?” he said, “yes, if you like” I said, he laid back and I knelt up, might as well give him the full treatment” I thought as I pulled my nightdress over my head, I was naked on the bed with my son preparing to give him a wank, he was staring at my tits. “you like those?” I asked, “yes they get me excited” he replied, I fished in his pyjamas for his cock and pulled it out, it was once again rock hard, “oh, if only?” I thought, I began to wank it, I was beside him and he reached out and cupped my breast, squeezing it gently, feeling the weight of it, he ran his thumb over the nipple and it puckered, it was again having an effect on me, I went down on his cock slurping it between my lips as I wanked it and licked around the dome, it didn’t last long, this was too much for him and his cock exploded into my mouth as he grunted, I continued until the spurting stopped, I swallowed the seminal fluid and looked up at him, “there, was that good?” I asked, “yes he panted”.

I sent him for a shower and to get dressed, we have an en suite so I went in there, I was nearly done when my husband came in, “oh, hello” I said kissing him on the cheek, I had no desire to taste second hand beer this morning, what happened last night?” he asked, “at what point, the point where you passed out drunk, the part when we heaved you into a taxi, the part where I had to undress you and get you to bed or the part where I dragged you downstairs to sleep on the couch so that you would not wake the house with your horrendous snoring?” I said, he looked at me blankly, “I suppose I owe you and Anna an apology” he said, “not me, you owe your c***dren one for embarrassing them in front of their friends, I am past caring anymore” I said looking him straight in the eye, “oh!” he said, it was another warm day and I was dressed in my yellow shorts and a sleeveless blouse, I had gone without a bra, I felt good as I pottered around the house, the doorbell went and I went to it, it was Anna and she had Simon with her,
I invited them in and Simon skulked past me, we sat down in the lounge and Simon’s eyes went straight to my tits, my nipples were showing through my top, “he wants to apologise to you” Anna said, I looked at Simon, he was still staring at my tits, “well?” I said, he looked up at me, “I’m err.. sorry auntie Jean for what I said to you at the wedding” he said hesitantly, “what have you done with Andrew?” Anna asked, he has lost his TV, his computer and his mobile phone for a month” I said, the blood drained out of Simon’s face, “and what about him?” I said, “just that he has had to apologise” Anna said, “so he is never going to respect women because he knows that all it takes is a brief apology and everything is ok for him that is” I said, Anna glared at me, “and it’s no use looking at me like that, we are not pieces of meat here for their amusement, we cook, we clean, we chase after them day and night and all I ask is respect, nothing more and nothing less, Roy is in the garden, he wants to apologise for making a prat of himself at the wedding” I said, “Simon go and see Andrew, I want to talk to auntie Jean alone” Anna said, Simon stood up sneering at me, he looked at my bare legs and walked out, “that boy is trouble” I said, “so what did happen between you and Andrew?” Anna said, “I caught him having a wank, it was the second time,
I shouted at him the first time so this time I thought I would try another tack, I sat down beside him and explained a few facts of life, his father was supposed to have done his 6 months ago but as usual it was half a job, “you stick this in here and babies come out the other end, nothing about us and our needs but it was just a reflection of how he thinks of me so hence, you know what!, has been like a breath of fresh air to me Anna, suddenly life is worth living again” I said, “so, did you give Andrew a blow job?” she asked quietly, “sort of” I said, “I was trying to get his hands away from his dick to help him a little and he went off bang, in my face” I said, she chuckled, must have come as a shock, no pun intended” she said smiling, I chuckled, “yes, sort of, I didn’t punish Andrew for doing that, I am punishing him for telling a clown like Simon” I said, Does Colin treat you like that, I don’t think so, you wouldn’t tolerate it” I said, she nodded, “so how are things with your friend?” she said softly, “the same, things are good and I expect them to remain that way in fact I am expecting a text” I said, “did you enjoy your visit to 317 yesterday?” I said, she blushed, “yes, how did you know?” she asked, “I was outside on the balcony” I said,
I am going to tell you something in the strictest confidence and I don’t want you to get angry or upset because it was 6 of one and half a dozen of another, my friend shagged Julia at my request, the groom shagged Julia, Lisa nearly caught them, he ran out onto the balcony naked, my friend came in looking for me and shagged Lisa then you caught them and he shagged you, then he fucked me after you lot” I said, Anna sat there with her mouth open, “wow, sounds like 317 saw some action but yes I did enjoy it, like you say, it’s refreshing, the respect, the satisfaction, will you allow me to see him again?” she asked, “I need to see him myself first, I will ask him and let you know, I have no problems with it but you will understand that he does it for me” I said, she smiled at me, “my problem is that I have tasted the fruits now and I cannot stop thinking about it, my mind keeps wandering back to that hotel room” she said, “what, 317” I said, “no, the other one with the black guy” she smiled, she stood up and I followed, we went into the garden, Colin was out there with Roy, he must have come in the back way,
I stood back as Colin said hello and stared at my tits, Anna went to Roy and kissed him on the cheek, he blushed and apologised profusely for his behaviour at the wedding, Anna put her arm round his neck and kissed him on the cheek, “thank you and I forgive you for behaving so badly” she said, chuckling as she walked away, Roy was left looking gobsmacked, “what you have to realise is that sorry does not always put things right” I said, Roy glared at me, we walked back to the house, Colin’s eye followed me all the way,
I thought he had got over his obsession but obviously not, I could feel my tits gently bouncing as I walked back, we sat in the kitchen, things were quiet upstairs so I went up quietly, I stood outside Andrews room and listened, then I walked in, his computer was on and they were looking at porn channels, “right” I said, now it’s two months” I said, “oh mum!!” Andrew said, “Andrew, you know the rules, whose idea was it to turn it on, do we have to disconnect it entirely for you to learn?” I said looking at them, Simon was looking elsewhere, “Andrew hung his head, “Simon said we should do it” he said, “so do you realise that Simon has not lost his TV or his computer or his mobile phone so he doesn’t care that you have, it’s not his problem, that is how selfish your cousin really is, wake up Andrew, with friends like Simon you do not need enemies” I said, Simon sneered and stared at the screen, Andrew reached over and turned it off, I went back down stairs, Anna was making a cup of tea, “trouble?” she asked, “nothing we can’t handle, Simon had persuaded Andrew to put his computer back on again so I have extended the ban to two months” I said, “goodness, you really are a tough parent aren’t you?” she said, “I will remind you of that when your son is sent to prison or is admitted to hospital because someone took offence to him and his ways” I said, she went quiet,
I picked up my phone and glanced at it, my heart leapt, there was a text, I pressed the secret code to turn it on and read the message, it was from my friend, “Theatre, Fri ni, 8.oo BB", I went looking for the local newspaper, I fished through the paper and found the items of local interest including the theatre listing, the Blues brothers were on for the weekend, knowing him he would have got very good seats, my stomach started to churn already and we were a week away, now I had to wait for his call to confirm, it came as I was out shopping on the Tuesday morning, I was buying something for the occasion, something special of course, “hi” I said cheerfully as I answered the phone, “where are you?” came the voice, “can you talk” he said, “in the supermarket car park and yes, I am sat in the car, it’s good to hear your voice, I am missing you dreadfully after the last weekend” I said, “yes it’s nice to talk to you, how are you fixed for Friday?” he asked, “it will be like old times, are we visiting the toilets again or do you have other plans?” I asked, “whatever you like, is it possible for you to be out overnight?” he asked, my stomach churned again, “yes of course” I said, “good, then I will see you in the theatre, it starts at 08.00 pm and the seats are M 27 and 28” he said, “can I ask you a favour before you go?” I said, “yes, of course” he said, “ as we are going to the hotel, can I bring Julia along, I think she would rather like to meet our friend at the hotel” I said, “you mean the plain chocolate?” he said, “yes, that’s the one” I said, “yes, ok, I’ll get another ticket” he said, “brilliant, bye, I love you” I said but he was gone, I was never really sure how he felt about me, he never told me that he loved me, I told him a million times during the relationship but it was never returned, he humoured me, I could have anything or anyone I chose but never the reply I wanted to hear, still, we can’t have everything in our lives and what he did for me was unbelievable, who am I to protest,
I went round the supermarket and my mind was spinning, another night at the theatre, the possibilities were endless, I went around the shops again in the mall, I was on a mission, I had to get something very special, for both me and Julia.

To be continued…

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Abused as a tranny at a sex party with my mum

This story is a follow up to "Caught wearing my mother's stockings"I decided to go to the party and be the tranny slut they were looking for. After all, it's nice to be wanted and I really would do anything to keep those photos of me dressed in my mum's stockings, private from my friends.I've never had anything up my ass before, in fact I've never even had sex at all. This was going to be my first sexual experience. Unless you include being wanked off by my mum or kissing and groping fat girl,...

1 year ago
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It Is Always A Holiday In My Heart

Hi, my name is Cynthia Towers. I have long blonde hair and green eyes. I have medium size breasts. I have been working at Piquant Press. Even though I have just gotten promoted to junior editor, sometimes I wonder if I really want to be working where I am. Sometimes I get homesick for the town of Winter Haven and the people in it. Spending the holiday season in my home town has refreshed those doubts. Sometimes I think that I wanted to try my fortunes elsewhere just because I wanted a new...

2 years ago
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Sekhar8217s Sex Adventure 8211 Part 2 First Anal

Hi, I am Sekhar. I am back with the next episode of the story of my first anal sex. Thank you All for your amazing response. I was surprised by some of the responses of some ladies. I wasn’t expecting that kind of appreciation. Coming on to the story. As I have already mentioned how I fucked Shreya’s pussy. Now it was time for her lovely ass. If you guys have not read my previous story. Please read it and rate the stories about the Shreya. The next day we decided to miss college and decided to...

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The Orphanage BluesChapter 10

The next day was Saturday, one of the two days Donna and Prudence were off. In theory Sally and Meg had two days off during the week, but in reality they took time off only if they had something else to do. Most weeks they worked the same seven days as Mavis did. Families didn't take days off. That was the way they looked at it. Mavis got up early, as usual. Saturdays were like any other day to her. She expected her hips to ache, like they usually did, but she felt fine. In fact, as she...

1 year ago
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Lindas Lay on the Thames Part 5

Day 6 SundayI woke up around 7.30 and had to explain to Natalie that I had to leave to continue my hike. As a parting gift I left her my crotchless fishnets. We’d discarded our respective fishnet attires just prior to going to sleep. Natalie in turn gifted me her black hold-ups as a souvenir for me. Both sets of nylons had miraculously stood up to the punishment they’d taken the night before. I dressed, putting her black fishnets on and having exchanged contact details and one last kiss I...

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Gigolo gujarat

Hello everyone this is my first story on iss. I am rohit from rajkot. I am 26 years old with 8” dick. This incident happened about 6 months ago. I live in posh area of rajkot, (uni. Road). One night at abt 11 o’clock when i was returning at home, i found a bhabhi around 30-35 was driving a car alone. It was winter time and i was exited to have that accident. I decided to follow her on my bike. Maine apni bike uski car ke pitchhe rakh kar uske mirror me light maari…… adn i got no response ....

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A fortunate providential accident

Hi, mi name is Alberto, a 24 yo. Spanish guy and here is my story that began to be created at a bus body so that all male passenger attention would only driven toward her, nobody uttered a word  -speechless, staring at this beauty. I reckon she was 35 yo. 1,75 tall, long waving  reddish hair. She wore a tight white blouse with low neck through which her wonderful breasts were seen, also the owner of some embellished tits, along with splendorous nipples.  My stare immediately searched at her...

3 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 19 Wedding Belle Blues

The day of the wedding for Princess Helena and Prince Lewis was soon upon us. The venue was the abbey built on the site of the battle which took its name from the town of Hastings some eight miles away. The abbey buildings, some ruined but with the Abbots lodgings converted into a splendid house, stood on the crest of Senlac Ridge; the site of the King Harold's final stand. The assembled host in the abbey grounds atop the ridge was as great a gathering of the aristocracy as had been seen...

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Meeting a fellow member in town

I keep getting asked for another story so I though I would share what happened recently with someone I met on here! A couple of months back I was chatting to a friend on here who happens to live near by. As usual we had been flirting and swapping a few pics. After we’d both made each other cum we got back to normal chatting. It turned out we were both going to be in Town the following weekend. He was pushing to meet up but I thought that would be dangerous. So I agreed to check on here to see...

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A Sunday Without Football

There had been much discussion about squirting lately and it was a mystery to me. Mike had a couple of exes that squirted and we decided we were going to see whether I could do it. It was planned for over a month ago, but things came up, like football most times. This is a true account of our ‘research’ today when we both had the day off. I woke, had a nice long hot bath, shaved, showered off, and dressed in shorts and a t shirt. When Mike got back from a run with the dogs, I fixed a late...

3 years ago
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Cum for Me A MS story

The accident wasn't all Lisa's fault, but she carried the guilt with her as she often did with things in her life. The car came out of nowhere and demolished hers with quick v******e. But it wasn't the car that had her upset. It was what happened to her teenage son, Josh, who was sitting in the passenger seat. Both of his wrists were broken from the impact of the accident. Both arms were put in casts for eight weeks.For the first week, it was like he was a baby again. She had to help him dress...

2 years ago
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Stroking Sissy

STROKING SISSY by Throne My wife June told me to get out of my apron, put on what she'd laid out for me, and then come to the bedroom. As she sauntered away I couldn't help admiring her trim but sexy figure and pixie-cut blond hair. I sighed and went to my room, where I slept on nights when she banned me from her bed. It still upsets me to see my space, small and decorated the way a girl in her early teens might like, all pink and white, with rainbows and unicorns. Right in the...

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Lawn Movie Party Night

Every year Don a contractor that lives at the end of our read end street and his wife have an outdoor movie night at their mini estate. Don and Vicky are the nicest most down to the earth people you will ever meet and self-made millionaires. I Gerry and my wife Ann had lived on our street longer than anyone else and are senior in age to Don and Vicky by about fifteen years. The years have been kind to Ann even at sixty nine, her huge boobs 44DD are still very firm big pink areolas and thick...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 12

“The straps are too tight!” growled the elderly man. “They have to be tight,” replied Ed absently echoing his standard answer to the often-repeated complaint. The ambulance bounced as it hit a minor pothole in the highway. The old man shouted, “Tell that driver to be careful. I’m in pain back here!” “He’s being as careful as he can be,” replied Ed as he looked up from his journal. The drive had been remarkably smooth. “Damn it, why are you making me ride halfway across the country in the...

3 years ago
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Making Dreams Come True

Making Dreams Come True by Writer345 1. Helena's Request I was waiting nervously in my library when I heard the doorbell ring, I didn't move: Concita would see that it was answered, that was one of her duties. Besides I knew exactly who was there, I had invited the damned woman after all. At 6'2" I am tall for a woman, I'm also blonde and people say that I exude confidence: I suppose that it goes with the job, I'm a merchant banker. As I am used to being in total control I...

4 years ago
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Last StrawChapter 19

It was with definitely mixed feelings that Julia welcomed Julie for her first session as a true patient. Julia had come to regard Betty as a very good friend. They had been meeting together for lunch or breakfast almost weekly, and Julia had been invited to dinner a few times when Frank was away. It return, Betty and Alan had been to the Waxman house for dinner once and had been treated to dinner and a play once. Now that Julie was a patient, getting together with Betty posed an ethical...

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My friends wife

I am the regular reader of ISS very exciting stories are been written by number of writer it really gives the hard one while reading maybe its just assumption Or Real only the writer knows it but its really good to Read it. I am narrating my part of the story you can assume as you want Real or my Mind. I am a man aged 40 years married since last 7 years have a very plump wife who is fat & enjoy fucking her regularly. Since I am not satisfied with the quality of sex with my wife I have a roving...

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TriadChapter 3 The Short Talk

Helen insisted on serving us breakfast in bed. "That's what mates are for," she said. But the way she pronounced the word, it sounded more like "maids". She was wearing once again the French maid's apron and nothing else. This was the day when Cathy and I were scheduled to make our guest appearance at the ALT-conference. We felt tempted to ring the organizers and tell them we wouldn't be able to make it because of 'domestic problems', but Helen persuaded us to go. She said she was...

1 year ago
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My Virgin Sister Chapter Three Final Chapter

"Oh Jack!" she begs. "Don't pull your cock out. Fuck me with it! My pussy feels good, doesn't it? It's burning, Jack. Just fuck me! I'll suck the juices off after, you know I will." The look on her face, as she pleads, almost make me change my mind, but I want to tease her just a little more. I lift my weight off of her and she starts humping my cock, as I pull it out of her pussy. I slide up her body, slip my pussy soaked cock between her lips and start pumping in and out, fucking...

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My Best Friend 22 Homecoming Pt 3

Author’s Note: Last we saw of the love infatuated couple, they were at a party with Jay’s cousin Moira. A party that was being held by Jeanette and just as we left off looks like there was going to be some games at this party. Jay didn’t know what these games were until he was cornered into saying yes. Does this new twist mean this is the beginning of the end of the relationship between Jay and Amanda? Will Jeanette’s confession change the dynamic between her and Amanda? Will Jay’s dick be the...

Love Stories
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Altered Fates Dennis

Altered Fates: Dennis (I know, its not the greatest name, but it works) By Morpheus ([email protected]) Walking home from work, I happened to look down, and saw a small brass colored medallion sitting in the gutter. Curiously, I pulled it out and held it up examining it. When I'd seen it, I'd hoped that it might be worth something, but as I looked at it, I realized that it was only a cheap piece of costume jewelry. Probably for kids or something. I noticed that there was a...

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Fuck Buddy the fun continued

So after our first session where my friend was forced to walk along corridors naked (amongst other things), it was pretty clear that she enjoyed being submissive and was open to try new things. A couple of days later i saw her and she said she was keen to meet up regularly. I couldnt see her for any sexual encounters for a week, so set her two tasks to do for my enjoyment. The first was drive to work with her ti*s exposed - not to much as i didnt want to distract other drivers causing an...

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Making the Most of Our Second ChancesChapter 1

I'm so thankful that summer is finally here. I've been struggling in school this whole year. It went down the tubes very early and I was never able to get back on track. I'm just now starting to feel like I'm alive again. Today is looking like it was going to be a beautiful day. I decided to start the day getting the lawn mowed. I figured it would get quite hot later and if I get it done early, I'll be able to stay just a bit cooler at the same time. My name is Mark Andrews. I just...

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Blind Date

Since Erin’s break up with Tommy she had almost become a recluse. Everywhere she went people would ask "Where's Tommy?", and were surprised to hear they had split up, telling her that they had always made such a wonderful couple. But they didn't know the real Tommy, did they? They didn't have to put up with Tommy insistently asking if he could tie her up to have sex with, and getting irritable when she said "NO". All they ever saw was the happy face he always had on outside the apartment....

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Dont Go Breaking My HeartChapter 2

The next night was Star Search, so we wrote down all of the names that flashed at the beginning and the end of the show. We also thought we were better than any of the singers we heard on the show. It was early in the season, so we hoped that they hadn't selected everybody for the entire season yet. Ed McMahon was a pretty good host of the show. From what Dad had told me at the time, he usually always had a drink before he went out on stage, both at The Tonight Show and Star Search. This...

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TVS Showroom Se Bedroom Tak

Hello friends, aapko shiv ka namaskar, dosto ye meri life ki pehli kamukta story hai joki publish kar raha hu,ye ghatna puri tarah se sach ahi aur bas name and place changed hai, I hope u enjoy this story. Toh ye start hota hai jab main engi. 2nd yr mein tha pune mein aur mujhe nayi bike leni thi toh maine mere uncle ko bataya jo wahi rehte the and unhonne tvs apache book karadi,I was very happy about it. Sorry friend main khid bare mein batana bhul gaya main ek normal sa bachelor hu with lean...

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Pennys Promiscuity 22 to 25 Going Pro

Chapter 22“Can you see?” the young radiologist asked, running the square plastic sensor over my lower belly.Pete and I were in a private examination room in the discreet clinic in which the Gynaecologist I had previously visited was based. It was far enough away from home for our visit not to be noticed by our friends or colleagues and the consultant himself was known for his discretion.I was lying on my back; my slightly swollen tummy was bared and covered in goo to allow our first ultrasound...

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On a silent and dimly-lit street, a young man in a gray hoodie and sweatpants fidgeted with his pry bar, trying to slip it under the window sash and catch the Porsche's locking mechanism. Carl was a little nervous, wiping the sweat from his brow as he worked. This was far and away the nicest car he'd ever boosted and the closest to his home. He hoped the car alarm didn't go off, he was less than a block from his house. It might wake up his mom, who would find out that Carl had snuck out...

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Teenager virgin student Shruti

100% fiction story! Hi, this is Kripesh. My 4th one is a sweet story as the heroine of the story is a fresh teen. Her name is Shruti (real name). She just crossed 18 when this incident happened. Let’s come to the fact: I am a private math's tutor. Sometimes I teach science also. I can teach physics, chemistry and biology. I had sex with Swati 1st time in my life. It was an amazing experience. Shruti is her sister. Their father respects me a lot as I was his daughter’s private tutor. One day, he...

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The Minister Ch 03

Hi guys, This is a continuation of The Minister series I have been writing. It probably won’t make sense if you don’t read the other chapters but please yourself. Just a warning that it is quite slow moving. I hope you like it! Leave comments and vote please! ***** Derek walked home, he didn’t care about the cold wind against his skin or the icy rain, drenching his expensive suit and dripping off the end of his nose. All he could think about was the kiss. He regretted it immediately. Not...

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