Theatrical....28 free porn video

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Come Saturday and I left her in charge of Andrew while I met up with Gerald and we spent the night at the hotel, I had never really figured out why we just didn’t go back to his place, I had a slight inclination where he lived but not certain, all I knew was that it would be a nice house because of the district it was in, but then when I thought about it, the hotel better suited our needs, especially mine with my wayward tendencies, but this weekend I had to talk with him about his long term plans because the wedding in America loomed on the horizon and I wanted to go as much as he wanted to take me, things at home were at a stage where I could easily and would be justified in walking out even though the house belonged to me as my grandmother had left me the money that I had bought it with,
if Gerald would let me live with him then I could leave the family intact and get out of their lives, I wanted to be with him, I needed to be with him, he was my life, my oxygen.
Our first meal together that Saturday was lunch, I was dying to get my hands on him and I think he sensed it because he teased me unmercifully by insisting on another cup of coffee which he never had done before, chatting about all kinds of stuff when all I wanted to do was get him to the room and jump his gorgeous bones, but it did give me the opportunity to broach the subject as I began by saying that I was looking forward to the American trip but was not certain if I was going to be able to get away, unless, and it went on from there, I told him about my husband’s affair and how I was so unsettled at home,
I told him about my options and he actually asked me if I would like to move in with him, I suddenly panicked and said that I would like to keep things the way they were even though I adored him, I suggested that I would make my husband move in with his floosy then I could take care of my c***dren myself, my resolve must have impressed him because he didn’t push the situation but afterwards I was kicking myself for not grabbing the opportunity while it was on offer, he seemed a bit down that I had refused his offer and to this day I have no idea why I said no but like the stupid twat that I am, I did, we spent the afternoon in bed as I became re acquainted with my best friend, his cock, he took me to heaven and back several times and I concluded by realising that it wasn’t just sex with him, he was the complete package, sometimes warm and gentle as he made love to me and other times fairly rough as he fucked me to within a fraction of me losing my senses again and passing out,
I ejaculated on him at one stage in the shower as I stood on one leg being thrown up the air as he rammed his cock up into me, slamming his magnificent tool against my cervix, I was screaming and shrieking as he fucked me, we had dinner and were having a drink in the bar fairly late, tormenting each other by dragging it out when we heard voices, there was no one else in the bar apart from a barman, the local team were playing away hence my husband being away so there were no supporters in, but I wasn’t too bothered,
I needed to talk to him anyway and was losing interest in being deviant because I had done almost all of my list, the swing doors into the bar flew open and Julia came in, she had obviously been drinking, “ah there you are, I was looking for you two” she said, I stood up, “what’s the matter, has something happened, is Andrew ok?” I said fearing the worst, “yes, everything is just wonderful” she said as she sat down on Gerald’s lap, she put her arm round his shoulder, “Jen sends her love and asked me to give you a kiss for her” she said as she planted her mouth on his, I could almost taste the vodka, she clung on to him and shoved her tongue in his mouth, he held his hands up at each side of her,
I smiled, “so did mum tell you” she said, “what?” he said trying to humour her as she squirmed on his knee, “my little brother, my naughty little brother tried to fuck me the other day” she said, “I was suddenly concerned that she might say something she shouldn’t about my having educated Andrew, I was concerned that he might just put two and two together, “I’m sure that Gerald does not want to hear about your adventures” I said, she waved her hand at me, “it’s ok mother dear but I need to tell your fellah about what sort of family we are, so!, Gerald, where was I?” she said, “you were telling us about your brother” he said smiling at her, “my naughty brother” she corrected, he nodded, “him and his friend stripped me and fondled my bosom, they did, really they did and then they tried to fuck me, did I tell you that bit?” she said, “yes you did sweetheart” he said, she stared at him and rested both hands on his shoulders, “am I really your sweetheart?” she asked, “of course you are” he said once again trying to humour her, “my brother has a nice cock but I like yours better, if you want to fuck me you can, I don’t mind,
I won’t resist, not like I did with my brother” she said, “your naughty brother” Gerald said correcting her this time, “that’s right, my naughty brother” she said, “whose that?” she said trying to focus on the barman, she was not wearing her glasses and everything more than a meter away was a blur to her without them, “it’s the barman” Gerald said, “do you think that he might want to fuck me, if I show him my tits will he fuck me?” she said, “possibly” he said, she was having problems focusing on him as well and he was only 4 inches away from her,
I chuckled as I watched my daughter with what could easily be her future step dad, she started to undo her blouse, “if I show him my tits then he’ll fuck me she murmured to herself as she struggled with the buttons of her blouse, “can you help me Gerald, I seem to be having a problem and my barman is waiting” she said, he looked at me, I nodded, I was once again curios as to how far this would go, he undid her blouse and her flowered bra was visible with its bulging contents, she looked up, “hey!” she said, “Mr barman, would you like to have sex with me?” she said still squirming on Gerald’s knee, the barman smiled, she looked at Gerald, “tell him Gerald, tell him he has to have sex with me,
tell him I’ll let him fondle my bosom” she said, she had obviously taken a liking to this word bosom because she was using it a lot, “how can I get him to fuck me?” she said, “perhaps if you took off your knickers” I said joining in, I was getting horny just thinking about it, “she looked at me and put up her thumb, “Gerald will you do me the honour of pulling down my knickers?” she said, “are you sure about this?” he asked looking at me, I moved my seat around so that was right beside him, I, leaned over and put my lips beside his ear, “I want you to, I want you to give her to him, let him fuck her if he wants to, little tramp, she deserves it” I purred flicking my tongue around his ear lobe,
I was not sure what was coming over me, this was my daughter and I wanted to see her get butchered, to get punished for interrupting my night with my man, she stood up and swayed, he caught her and brought her back in line, then she pulled up her skirt and he took hold of her white cotton knickers and pulled them down, I saw the look on the barman’s face as he took in this beauty he was being offered, Gerald took her hand as she stepped out of them and sat down again on his lap, her skirt round her waist, her pussy in full view,
Gerald had his arm round her waist and he slid his other hand into her pussy, she opened her legs, “what are you doing Gerald?” she said as I sensed that she was sobering up, he’s getting you ready” I said, “for what?” she said “for the barman, you said you wanted him to fuck you so now you are ready for him” I said, Gerald had his fingers on her pussy fingering it, Julia was still squirming but she was also trying to push his hand away as the reality began to dawn that she might have to see this through, Gerald’s attention to her pussy and clit was wearing her down as she began to weaken, reaching behind and grasping his head,
I stood up and waved to the barman to come over, he slowly put down the glass he was polishing and moved around in front of the bar and then slowly towards us, Julia was staring at him as Gerald slid the hand that had been round her waist up and took her bra with it, her tits bobbed out into the open, the barman stared at them, I bent down facing the barman giving him a flash of my cleavage in my loose fitting top, I pulled apart Julia’s legs exposing her genitalia to the world, then I held out my hand to the barman, he moved closer and I pulled down his zip, Julia was now almost frantic on Gerald’s fingers,
I fished around inside his pants and pulled out a sizeable cock, Julia stared at it, I was slowly wanking it to bring it up to full hardness, I now had a handle and I pulled him closer to Julia, “open your legs wider sweetheart, were’ going to give you what you want” I said, she glanced at me and Gerald put his hands on the inside of her legs and pulled them open further, her vagina and labia lips on show as she was stretched open, I pulled the cock closer as I steered it into her, the barman lunged forward and the cock disappeared into Julia, she jerked her head back and the barman began to shaft her, she brought her head forward again and grabbed hold of his jacket dragging him closer so that the rest of his cock went into her, I was already making a mental note to add this to my list, she leaned back balancing herself on Gerald’s knee and lifted her knees as the guy increased his pace into her, he was building,
I could tell, Julia was gritting her teeth as her orgasm surfaced and she shuddered hard, the barman groaned and launched his wad into her cunt, she moaned as his sperm shot into her, he wilted out of her panting as she dropped her knees gasping, she stood up and cum was dripping out of her, I looked down and Gerald had cum on the knee of his trousers where it had spilled out of her, we stood up, wished the barman good night and went to bed, I got Julia into the bathroom and onto the bidet, I shoved my fingers into her feeling the puddle of cum inside her and flushed her out, she clung to me while I did it, then I got undressed and put her in the shower,
I washed her down and showered myself then we put her to bed in the other bedroom and we went to bed, “Gerald was smiling at me” so, was that so that she would not disturb us?” he asked, “of course, I don’t want her in the middle of us tonight, I want you all to myself for a change” I said smiling, as usual he gave me a night to remember taking me in every position including my arse and again I finished up yelling and shrieking at him as my many orgasm’s ripped in to me tearing me apart.
The following lunch time we went home, I was not looking forward to the evening because it was time to sort this out, I had the evidence of his infidelity with Leslie along with the fact that he had slept in my bed with her, we sat in the lounge and when I accused him of having an affair with her he denied it, then I pointed out all the evidence including her long hairs In the shower which was a fabrication but he didn’t deny it, then I told him that I had found someone else and asked him to pack his things and leave,
Julia and Andrew were sat with us at their insistence and Julia was upset, dads and daughters and all that stuff, Roy was in tears by the time we went to bed, I slept with him and he suggested that we have one more time, I refused, I didn’t want him touching me, I belonged to Gerald now, I was wholly and solely his property and it felt good, I was already regretting not accepting his offer to let me move in with him, and it was another seven years before I did after Andrew got married.
Roy moved in with Leslie and I was alone in my bed,
Julia went back to college and it was three nights later that I invited Andrew in to my room, I let him strip me after a severe talking to about respecting women and the use of condoms, neither of which he had applied when he tried to fuck Julia, but I made him use one as I rode his cock, we shared a shower and I sucked his cock in the shower, funny how life changes.

Three weeks later saw us winging our way to JFK, I had been forced to limit Andrews visits to my room to once a week, he was wearing me out once he had mastered the art of holding off till I came, he had even taken me in the shower one day holding my leg and shafting me and of course the freedom also meant that I was seeing much more of Gerald, he came round to my house one evening for a meal and I introduced him to Andrew, I managed to get him into my bed and almost but not quite fucked his brains out, this seemed to break the ice a little and I was invited around to his splendid abode, a fabulous place and again regretted my refusal to move in, he had not mentioned it since preferring to respect my wishes, but this was one occasion that I wished he wouldn’t, Andrew being the man of the house resented Gerald from the start so that was never going to happen, we still visited the hotel and Gerald had a similar experience to me with the football crowd when he was set upon by a hen party in the hotel one night but of course they had picked on the wrong guy because not one of the 10 women could walk straight the following morning as my fuck machine went through them, but like I said, here we were on our way,
I was very excited and managed to get him into the plane toilets for a mile high experience but he gave the game away when I realised he had done it before, he was too slick with his technique, Del had managed to wangle a seat on the plane, she had craftily organised several meetings for him during the week to sort out little things, and what does an executive need if he is to attend meetings, a secretary, we giggled like schoolgirls when she told me but I was pleased to see her again, we had to stop at JFK to complete the entry to America formalities, then we flew on in the Leer to the private airstrip at the farm in Colorado, the place was massive and was to be the venue for the wedding and party Mildred had already had her bridal shower as they call it, so Del and I missed out on that one but come the Saturday we witnessed Mildred Leyton Mitchel marry Leroy Thomas Swanson the third,
it was a truly momentous occasion with hundreds of guests from around the world, including among others, the princess Samir, I mentioned her specifically because she was my gift to him after what happened to me, it was a couple of days after the wedding, the afternoon before we had been taken to see the ritual of the stud farming part of the estate this involved a brood mare that was in season and a magnificent black stallion, the horse was brought up to the mare and as he tried to mount her a big condom was stuck on his cock, I say cock but it was more like a fucking baseball bat hanging down between his legs, a few strokes and the condom was full of very valuable semen, I felt a bit sorry for the mare because there was no foreplay involved at all, he never wrote, he didn’t call her, but then it would probably have brought tears to her eyes anyway from what I saw of it,
Del nudged me as his cock expanded to about twenty times its normal length once he got a sniff of the mare, the following morning Gerald had gone for his early morning swim in the pool, he had been in the habit of doing this leaving me in bed for his swim then laying on a sun bed for an hour catching some rays, of which there were plenty, but this particular morning I had got up early after he went out and went for a walk, it must have been the sight of what I had seen before that drew me to the stables, most of the workers on the farm were black negro and some of them were working in the fields as I strolled along the path,
I entered the barn and apart from the occasional movement of a horse it was fairly quiet but then I heard a whimpering sound, I moved quietly along the rows of stalls with their railed top sections, I approached an open stall and stopped dead in my tracks, in the stall was a black woman, naked, she was holding on to the rails with her hands and was bent over as a very big black guy with an enormous cock was shafting her from behind perspiration dripped from the nipples of her huge tits as they swung beneath her chest, the whimpering was coming from her, his cock was like a small tree trunk and was so big that it was only half way into her and by the way she was jerking at every forward stroke,
I would say that he was hitting the top, like I said I froze mesmerized by the spectacle, she must have seen the movement and turned and looked at me, then she smiled and flashed her big pearly white teeth at me like Sam used to do, the guy looked at me as well and also smiled, as I watched, she came twisting and writhing her black shiny body, I turned and walked out, I was feeling all kinds of things, it had been a bit like seeing the stallion and the mare only this time the mare had got her reward, my nerves were jangling and my pussy was definitely leaking, needless to say Gerald got a very warm welcome when he returned as I leapt on him and he creamed my cunt for me, Gerald had satiated me but there was a tiny speck of irritation in me that drew me back the following morning,
I walked very quietly into the stables and apart from the occasional snort of a horse there was no sound, I approached the open stall hoping that this was a regular occurrence, instead of the couple in the stall there was just a wooden stand with a saddle on it, I as wearing my blouse top and my favourite yellow shorts, as I looked at the saddle on its stand, then a pair of hairless black arms came round me and grasped my breast pulling open my blouse as my tits bounced out, I felt my nipples distend instantly, hands around my waist and I was lifted and unceremoniously thrown over the saddle face down,
I didn’t fight it, I just let it happen, my shorts were pulled off me and my buttocks pulled apart, then I felt a face and tongue between my buttocks as my arse and cunt were licked and the tongue penetrated my juicy cunt, my arms and tits were hanging over the saddle as I stared at the straw covered ground then I felt the end of a very thick large cock being rubbed up and down my slit to wet it and by now there was plenty of wet, then it was forced into my cunt as my mouth opened in a soundless scream, I felt like I was going to be split in two as it pierced my labia lips and made them yield to it, it penetrated my cunt as she adapted to it, I felt that cock go all the way in as it sc****d along the inside of my cunt, I was coming already just with the penetration as I jerked and humped against the warm worn leather of the saddle, he began to shaft me driving that cock in and out of me, I was being torn apart by him, I came 4 times before he let go and fired what seemed like a gallon of spunk into me, it flooded me instantly with hot sperm then it was pulled out and I heard the footsteps leave the stall,
I hung there for a few seconds then dropped off the saddle to the floor panting still, my chest heaving as my nipples began to retract back into their areoles, I grabbed a hand towel that was hanging on a nail by the door to the stall and wiped my cunt, spunk was dribbling out of me, I pulled on my shorts and knickers, then I wrapped the blouse around my torso and tied it below my breast to hold it closed as all the buttons had gone as it was pulled open, then I got shakily to my feet and made my way back to the house, I spent a good long time in the bathroom on the bidet, my vagina had taken quite a battering, I had to try to dodge Gerald’s amorous approach when he came in, the day went as smoothly as ever and I spent a bit of time in the pool which in itself helped to sooth my savaged genitalia, I caught some sun and realised I was getting bikini marks,
I was also getting some interested looks from the other execs that were there but with the state my undercarriage was in, I didn’t take them up, Del came and sat with me and I told her about my experience, “so technically you were ****d” she said “yes I suppose technically I was but I’m not complaining and I am not going to tell anyone because tomorrow they will all be down there” I said, she smiled wryly, “so you’re going back again tomorrow” she said, “I might” I said smiling at her, at dinner that night I found myself sat next to the princess, they had been moving us around the tables for dinner to allow us to meet everyone and to mix up the conversation which was nice, “hello” she said, “you’re Gerald’s partner yes?” she asked, he was chatting with someone in the door way so hadn’t joined us at that stage, “well, yes I suppose I am but really we are just good friends” I said, “so how would you describe your relationship with Gerald?” she asked, “open” I said, she smiled to herself, “why do you ask?” I said, “oh!, no particular reason, I like him and wondered, he has as you say got balls” she said, it took me a second to decide whether she was asking me or telling me,
I had seen her by the pool earlier in the day with three handmaidens, all with fabulous figures but her majesty had a very nice pair of tits that were a little out of proportion with the rest of her but knowing Arab women I knew that the rest of her would soon catch up, her skin was very tanned in texture although I knew that her colouring was in her breeding, the hand maidens had been applying cream and lotions to her and both Del and I caught a whiff of the perfume and agreed that it was a good job that the stallion wasn’t loose, or the men for that matter, so you like him then?” I said, “oh! yes, I like him a lot” she said “well don’t worry about me” I said, she smiled at me her eyes sparkling, “did you know that he takes an early morning swim around 7.00 in the morning” I said winking at her, she blushed and resumed her meal,
Gerald came and sat down, the princess grinned at him wolfishly past me, the following morning saw me positioning myself on the balcony which overlooked the pool, Del had called me to see if I was going back to the stables but I told her that during dinner I had lifted my hand for some reason and found that I was shaking, I put it down to the fuck from the morning, I settled in my chair to watch.

To be continued…..

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Ladies Day continues

The next day, the sun creeps in through the curtains of the guest suite at the stables, awaking what appear to be two lovely blonde girls from their slumbers. The girls are Alice and Sarah, lazily stretching in the two queen sized beds in the luxury suite that the brothers showed them to last night. Before they went to bed last night, they removed all their make up with plentiful supplies of cold cream, but in the pink nighties and still with their long blonde hair, prominent boobs,...

1 year ago
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Doomed Dynasty Pt 04

CHAPTER 9 The honeymooners returned to find the drought had broken, and the land throughout the Province of Marlborough at the top eastern end of the South Island of New Zealand was slowly regaining its greenness. Next morning, at their first morning tea as a household of three, Matt had just sat down. Patricia was pouring tea to eat with their scones when they heard the Land Rover arriving. Matt was itching to go. Casually he said, ‘That’ll be Art bringing the Rover back for me. I’ll...

3 years ago
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Just Say I Love You

Years ago I had been a member of a motorcycle club called The Rebels.   I still had my vest and every few years I would shake off the dust and wear it to a club reunion.   This year as I pulled up at the Sweet Water Creek Bar and Grill on my Harley I had Heather behind me.   I noticed a number of other bikes out front but I didn’t recognize any of them.   That was not unusual as this was a common biker hangout.   When we went inside I realized those bikes belonged to another club.   They were...

2 years ago
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Driving Miss Cindy

If I were to believe the other fleet drivers, being a chauffeur in this company was an iron clad way to get laid on a regular basis. The stretch drivers all had stories of back seat orgies in which they were invited to participate, or the female passenger who got so pissed off with her drunken partner that she had him dropped off home and she continued on with the driver. Most of these stories I would slot into the urban myth category, because from my experience nothing like that actually...

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Sex With My Colleague

Hi ISS Readers, I am a great fan of ISS and I used to read almost all the stories from Couple and Incest section and I was excited to read these stories. I felt are these things really happens like sex with bhabi, sister, mother, sister in law etc. I am 32 years old guy working in Hyderabad as IT consultant and we have lot of onsite projects and would like to narrate the story of my colleague. I am very much interested in writing some erotic words translated in Telugu language. I was deputed...

3 years ago
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Net Se Bed Tak Married Woman Ke Saath

Hi, mein Manish mumbai se aur mein apni sachi haqiqat leke ayah u apke samane. Mere bare me bata du mein 27 saal ka mard hu aur Mumbai mein engineer hu, meri height 6 aur weight 68 kg hai mei gora aur slim hu. Mera mail id hai: Mein app sabko zyada bore nahi karunga aur apni story bataunga. Meri story ek mahine pahele ki hai mein aksar yahoo chat pe chat karta hu aur married house wife ko thondata hu. Bahoot dino ke baad mujhe ek real bhabhi milly name nahi batunga bas xyz samjh lijiye kyonke...

1 year ago
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SurvivingChapter 10 Women trouble

The crossing to Knapdale the next morning was short; barely an hour and we landed at the same Klberry where Duncan had been so recently slain. Some one hundred and fifty men from the lordship met us there and Lachlan introduced me to the local captains. Commandeering twenty horses we decided to ride on to Aird Driseig, the main settlement of the lordship. I ordered the remaining men, now over two hundred, to come on behind us, picking up some other contingents, Lachlan added, at Ormsary and...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Layla Love She Loves Anal

Curvy blonde Layla Love spreads her wet pussy lips and exposes her tight butthole. She sucks pro stud Mark Wood’s stiff prick, covering it in shiny spit. Layla bounces on his cock, taking a deep pussy pounding. Next, she gasps while Mark’s meat pummels her sweet ass. He teases her sphincter, and it gapes expansively. Layla masturbates as Mark sodomizes her ass aggressively, moaning in orgasm on his pole’s girth. The anal reaming culminates in a raunchy, ass-to-mouth blowjob....

4 years ago
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Bleach sister revised

Hello. My name is Karin Kurosaki and I have problem. Lately I have been having strange feelings for my twin sister, Yuzu. I don't know when it started, but since it did it won't go away. We are both 12 years old, about 4'10”, black hair, blue eyes, and a chest that is just starting to form. It scares me, because every time I look at her now my heart skips a beat and I get these strange feelings between my legs, I don't understand it. I've never felt this way before and I'm not sure...

3 years ago
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Twice a week

Ever since I stuffed my cock into my first girlfriend’s asshole, I’ve been an anal sex addict. She didn’t like it, but I’ve been able to find many who have over the years. Any woman’s ass is tighter and hotter than her vagina and the intensity of the experience is always unforgettable. My success rate for anal girlfriends has always been a little low though. Most of the time I have to fuck a chick a few times without going for her butt, I’ve discovered it’s a better strategy not to bring the...

2 years ago
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Sean and Roger 20 Years OnChapter 5

Sean Beth and Faith were collecting firewood from the woodshed behind the house when they heard the commotion. They heard one of the Religionist women scream and went to have a look. By the head of the trail, they saw Thane lying over his horse's neck and John behind him, swaying. Martin Goodfellow was carefully guiding the Arabian and Rada was beside the horse, fussing over the two youths. She saw Faith and Sean Beth and cried for help. Allsinger appeared behind, carrying an autorifle,...

2 years ago
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Seduced By My Real Sister Part 8211 1

Hii readers!!! This is my first time submitting a story here and I assure you these are honest real incidents I had with my elder sister.My name is ayush and am currently 24 nd have completed my btech.My height is around 5’8 and have athletic lean body.But the story is not about me but my sister who is currently 25 and her name is neha.She is about 5’7 and has a slim busty body.She wears glasses and is a bit nerdy and hard studying girl.She has done her b.Com from du.Her face is not that much...

1 year ago
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Verry Incestous Relations 5

Introduction: Cindys twin teenage boys dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, her breathtaking sister and her luciously ripe bodied cousin with randy results Verry Incestuous Relations CHAPTER 5 Mother Gets It All Three Ways TUESDAY: A – WELCOME TO THE ECSTACY MOTEL, ROOMS RENTED BY THE HOUR: Cindy was lying on her back on the floorboard of her van, right behind the bucket seats, with her son Larrys cock in her mouth, and his large scrotum lying on her forehead. She was...

4 years ago
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Behind The BarChapter 6

Dave drew six beers and grinned as he thought about what Buck had told him. Now that Buck knew for a fact that his cock wasn't too big for a woman to handle, he was determined to fuck with some of the college girls he knew. Brandy had completely laid Buck's fears to rest about the size of his cock. Now Buck was proud of his massive prick. Not only was Brandy increasing business with her gold swizzle sticks, she was helping out the customers with their sex lives in the process. As Dave...

2 years ago
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African Terms for Same-Sex Patterns*kimbanda, diviners; esenge (pl. omasenge), man possessed by female spirit; eshengi (pl. ovashengi), "he who is approached from behind" —Ambo/Ovambo (Wanyama) wändarwäräd, "male-female"; wändawände,"mannish women" —Amhara (Amharic) jigele ketön, reciprocal anal intercourse —Bafia (Fia) mzili (pl., inzili); buyazi —Bagishu/Bageshu, Gisu kitesha (pl. bitesha), male and female —Bala/Basongye/Ba-songe/Songe mokobo, tongo, sterile men —Bambala/Mbala akho’si,...

3 years ago
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R is for Running Deer

Authors note: I would like to personnally thank Little Cloud (Cloudy) for helping me with the translations used in this story. It was my hope to better personalize it, as well as authenticate this story for your enjoyment. So again, my thanks to her for doing this for me. It was nearly time. He would soon make his own way to the place of his fathers. A place where his father once had gone, and his father before him, and his father before that. It was time. As a young child he had always...

1 year ago
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My pleasure is you

It's almost three in the morning and you wake up, alone in the bed."I thought he said he was coming to bed!" you mumble as you rushed out of the bedroom and down the hall. You didn't even take time to put on your robe you were so upset. "All he thinks about is that damned web site!" you think silently, your irritation growing into anger.As you approach the door to the den, in the mirror you see me sitting at my desk but can't see what's on the computer screen. You pause at the door without...

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Marriage Between Aunt And Son sisters son

This story is about my friend chamara.he lives in colombo.he lives with his parents.he has a relation aunt( mother's sister)she came to live with them 6 months ago.chamara is 19 years old.and aunt age is 30. his aunty's name is priyani. she is widowed her pregnant age she met to car accident with her husband.she lost her husband and c***d.After that she came to live with chamara's family. Priyani do love to chamara...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 22

As the policemen finished reading Barclay his rights, they each grabbed an arm and led him out of the room as a stunned audience looked on. When they passed Allison's table, Barclay's eyes met hers. Without saying a single word, he managed to convey a hurt so profoundly deep it bordered on betrayal. But oddly enough, there wasn't an ounce of anger to be seen. In that moment, Ally knew that what Barclay felt for her before the big confrontation was indeed genuine, and the hurt she saw in...

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Compensation an Incomplete ManFive

“Mr. Aho, there’s a visitor for you.” “A visitor?” “Yes, a woman who asked to see you.” “Did she tell her name ... or forget it, I’ll come down myself. Thank you.” On my way down from my office, I wondered what this was about, since I was sure that I hadn’t agreed on any meeting and practically nobody came here to meet me unless we had agreed on a meeting. The only woman I had seen lately besides Minna was Sergeant Koskinen and I wondered why she would come here to see me without prior...

3 years ago
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Kayla and Tracy A Day in the Life

KALYA AND TRACY: A DAY IN THE LIFE By Brett Lynn Awoken by the sunlight, Kayla rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, then vaguely gazed at the city scene outside of her panoramic windows. Realizing that if was a bit cold to her left, she glanced over in that direction to confirm what she thought. "Damn, I must have slept a bit late," she muttered to no one in particular. Shaking the cobwebs out of her head, she pulled the sheet off of her, then sat up, feeling that now-familiar...

1 year ago
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Pearl II

I cracked a bleary eye at the rose petal filled tub in the bridal suite at the Driscoll Hotel in Austin and wondered if I had the energy to drag myself over to it. I was so drained that I'd risk drowning if I fell in. Prying my other eye open, I tried to locate my bride. Exhibiting more of her apparently bottomless energy she was fully dressed and was typing furiously at the hotel's antique desk. I tried to get irritated, but couldn't muster the energy. Last night, after the most...

4 years ago
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Secret Affections

My hands were resting on my mother's naked shoulders. In some ways it was nice to feel her being close, but I was still trying to getting used to this kind of closeness. Most of the time I was trying to keep my eyes closed and breathe calmly in and out, an occasionally I looked out of the window to my left. It was a perfectly normal afternoon outside, the sun was shining and I actually think even a bird was singing."Not quite yet, mom," I eventually had to sigh.I felt the warm lips moving for a...

3 years ago
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Fucked Khala My aunt 5

"We both got up and went to the washroom and washed our limbs. I put cream on her pussy. Then when we came back to bed, Khala said – there is still pain in the pussy! I said - let me see. I kissed on the pussy and started licking it, then she said - Ahhhh… getting rest, feeling great, please lick and lick! I licked and sucked her for ten minutes and then she came. I kissed her and we both clung to each other and slept.." Now Further Next morning at five o'clock my eyes opened I found...

4 years ago
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Shes ready 1 first cummings

Introduction: Authors note this story contains sexual actions involving minors, if this bothers or offends you then you should read a different story. Also this is my first attempt at a story so good reviews will result in further stories. A bit long and takes a while to get to the real action but worth the reading if you wait a bit. Authors note this story contains sexual actions involving minors, if this bothers or offends you then you should read a different story. Also this is my first...

3 years ago
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The Hart LandChapter 3

“I like Sue, Gene’s sister. She’s funny and talks like she can handle herself in any situation,” Mom said. “I asked her what to do to get a better deal on a divorce and she told me to flash my pussy at old man Reynolds and he’d damn near get me a divorce for free. I told her that I loved flashing my pussy all of a sudden and she said she did too. Sue told me that the old buzzard wanted to pay her five hundred dollars to shave her pussy and let him see it.” Mom was still laughing. “Wow Mom,...

3 years ago
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My First time

We have all had a first time that said its easy for that to get eclipsed by better sexual experiences. But i think its still nice to remember, i was 19 and i wanted to really show my girlfriend at the time i was a awesome but had no idea how to. I was a newbie i was born with a nice cock but no knowledge of how to make it work. Well my girlfriend of the time helped me with that it was a tuesday i skipped out of class to meet her at a local pizza place where we dined and talked about music and i...

2 years ago
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daddys play toy the beginning

I have been dying to tell this to someone all these years. Let me tell you about myself I am 38 yrs old now and this is my fondest memory about my early sex life. My Parents have been divorced for as long as I can remember. I live with my Mom and on the weekends My dad has been using me for his sexual pleasure. Most of the time he would just strip me naked and put his cock between my legs and make himself cum. He would also suck on my cock and try to get me to cum but i must have been...

4 years ago
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Letter From Jenna

i serve my Master at this very moment. He studies a great deal, and when He does i am allowed to serve Him in quiet gentle ways. He reads, tonight, for pleasure; and while i am encouraged to read as well, tonight He has asked that i write. My service to JaredMaster in these quiet times varies. Sometimes i touch or suckle, sometimes i take notes that He dictates, but tonight, i am His lap table. Earlier i sat astride Him, face toward his feet while He fucked my eager cunt with His magnificent...

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VacationChapter 35

Day Thirty-five - Sunday I woke up snuggled against Sue's delicious pillows. It was so comfortable I didn't want to move, so I didn't. All I could think of was how lucky I was to have Sue lying next to me. I should probably go to church and thank the big guy for what he had given me these last few weeks. He deserved some big thanks. I glanced at the clock to see it was only six, a little early for a Sunday, but it was when we usually woke up. The longer I rested, lying against Sue's...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Sarah Vandella Zoey Parker I Pledge Allegiance To My Father Figures Cock

Zoey Parker was not looking forward to her family fourth of July activities. She was going to try her best to get out of it, no matter what it would take. She cornered her stepdad but he would not budge. She figured if she got into the patriotic spirit, maybe he would change his mind. She grasped his cock firmly and recited the pledge of allegiance. Stepbro saw what was going on and told his stepmom Sarah Vandella. She could not believe it. Why should they get to have all of the fun? She laid...

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That Day With My Son

This was the moment that started it all. Here I was sitting on a stool in my kitchen. I was modestly dressed—tennis shoes, black leggings, little pink tank top cropped up high, no bra. This freckle-faced young man named Eric stood between my legs with his hands gently on my waist. I held his face in my hands. I kissed him slowly. Then I opened my lips and waited to see how he’d kiss me back. His tongue came in too fast, too desperately, but I welcomed him in. His hands were getting bold,...

1 year ago
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Our First Date

I met him at the library, in my writers group.  It is hard to find good men, and that is a problem that only gets worse as we get older.  All the good ones are taken, one way or another.  He is older than I am, but that's okay.  A mature man is probably good for me.  Goodness knows I've had my share of losers over the years.  I wasn't blessed with a good eye, when it came to picking men.    My high school sweetheart was killed by a drunk driver when he was 17.  I was devastated at the loss.  I...

Love Stories
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My First extramartial affair

My name is Madavi and I am 22 years old and I am married and got 1 kid that is my son 6 month old I was married on my age of 19 that is very small age my shape is 34 32 38. Now I will tell my story people may think it is a imaginary but it is a fact after lot of thinking I finally telling it. I came from very strict family my papa was very strict he don’t like any pre marriage relation ship so there was no sex before my marriage after marriage about 2 years from now my father expired in a...

3 years ago
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Behen Aur Bhai Ka Fullon Kamasutra

Hi friends yeh ek sachi baat hai jo mere saath pichle saal hui thi. Mai ek jawan ladka hun jiska bout lamba hai. Isse mai bohuto ko satisfy kar chukka hoon. Yeh tab ki baat hai jab ek baar meri mama ki beti jise hum ripmy bulate hai jiski umar hai voh hamare ghar par rukne ke liye gaon se hamare ghar ane wali thi. Who bout sundar sexy hot ladki hai jiske bde bde chooche aur moti gand dekh kar kisi ka bh khada ho jayega. Upar se garmiyo ka mousam tha to sab halke aur loose kapde pehenti thi usne...

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The Blind Girl in the Rain Part 4

The final chapter in the Blind Girl in the Rain series. Someone once said: "It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.." The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home. The long walk had done me good. Cleared the...

2 years ago
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A Year Ago part XIII

A Year Ago - part XIII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phases of the story... In bed late Friday night I thought of Cynthia's question this evening. "Oh Sara, do we have to stop?" After we making out on her sofa I drove home alone. Her kisses were all I could think of. I wanted more but we both decided to take this slowly. Her scent was till with me. Her hands had played across my butt as she kissed me that last...

1 year ago
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TheUpperFloor Aiden Starr Amara Romani Sadie Santana Kasey Warner Ember Stone Evil Hot Halloween Orgy

The witching hours of our annual Halloween BDSM ball were chocked full of beautiful local BDSM players riding the fucking machine, taking floggings from their Master’s and fucking on all the furniture. Meanwhile our nympho house slave Amara has her hungry little pussy clamped wide open to the floor as her senior slave Ember strains in tight bondage and begs loudly for hard cock. The sadistic Governess torments poor Amara’s exposed clit with a crop until she is desperately begging to...


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