Blame It On Bacchus free porn video

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Vesta, goddess of the hearth, was taking her leisure in her garden when she was startled from her reverie.

"Auntie Vesta!" cried the cheerful voice of her uninvited visitor. "So good to find you here!"

The portly god who greeted her was Bacchus, god of wine. Vesta sighed and inwardly cringed. In truth, she would have preferred a visit from any other god, even Vulcan, who at least remained civil when he kept his temper in check. Vesta supposed Bacchus may have been tolerable when sober but it was a hypothesis that was impossible to test!

Still, she was the goddess of the hearth after all. She couldn't really bring herself to be a poor hostess, even to an unwelcomed guest.

"Greetings Bacchus, Son of my Brother Jupiter. May I offer you refreshment?"

"Refreshment? Refreshment, she says! That is precisely the matter which brings me to your abode!" the jovial god said to her breasts. "I knew you were the one deity in all of Olympus who would best appreciate my feat! Refreshment is the first thing to jump to her able mind and precisely the reason for my visit. Yes--refreshment indeed! Ha-ha!"

Vesta pointedly pulled up her toga, which had been showing more cleavage than she was want to, and looked disparagingly at the younger deity.

"Bacchus, you are clearly more drunk than is even your norm. Pray, speak your peace and the reason for your visit. I have no patience with riddles."

"Your pardon, Divine Auntie, please!" the round-faced god apologized, "It is but the excitement of my new creation which drives me to such ebullience while in turn it drives me to seek your wisdom."

So saying, he revealed a large earthen jug from the basket he carried and presented it to her.

"Not another of your spirits! By Jove, Bacchus, when will you be content with the grape? That nasty stuff you made from figs last century should have convinced you to stop this foolish experimentation! Wine of the grape is the only beverage you have ever produced that is fit for the table. So says the goddess of the hearth!"

"Not so hasty, my dear goddess," smiled Bacchus, "This is no experiment; it is a veritable miracle!"

"Really, Bacchus," Vesta objected, "If you must continue with your 'innovations' test them out on someone with a less delicate palate like Neptune or Pluto. That uzo stuff you made left my tongue numb! I'm not going to try any more of your ridiculous... oh my!"

Her protestation ended when she smelled the golden liquor that Bacchus poured into a crystal chalice. The odor was powerful yet delicate, intricate and all together divine.

"As I said," beamed Bacchus, "This is not my usual offering."

Unable to help herself, Vesta lifted the chalice and sniffed the golden liquid. The complex odors scampered through her nasal passages like happy children. The goddess' eyes went wide.

"Bacchus, what in the heavens is this?"

The rotund deity preened with pride.

"That, my dear Vesta, is pure, undiluted, fully fermented... ambrosia!"

"Fermented ambrosia?" Vesta asked, amazed. "I didn't think that was possible!"

"Damn near impossible!" exclaimed Bacchus, "I've been trying to do it since before Minerva was even a tiny crack in Dad's forehead!"

"And... does it taste like..."

"Well try it, Vesta, try it!" Bacchus pushed. "Words can't describe the taste!"

"Oh, yes... well then, try it I shall."

The goddess of the hearth raised the glass to her lips...

Portia sighed as the temple came into view. That was where she would stay the night. It was still about three hours until sundown, but the only other temple she could reach in that time was dedicated to Mars and she would have no hope of a good nights sleep there! So she had no choice but to impose upon the vestal virgins.

The eunuch guards looked mournfully at the scarlet sash around Portia's waist that marked her as a priestess of Venus. She smiled pityingly at them. They made no move to stop or question her; Any traveling priestess was allowed to seek shelter in the temple of Vesta, even a priestess devoted to The Goddess of Love.

The vestal virgins themselves were less likely to be so welcoming. The blonde girl who stood watch at the inner gates scowled at her. Portia resolved herself to put her best face on the thing.

"Greetings, servant of Vesta!" she exclaimed, "As a wandering priestess of your Divine Mistress' Kinswoman, I seek lodging for the night."

The girl made no attempt at all to sound civil in her obligated response: "Any priestess of the Gods of Rome may take succor at the Hearth of Vesta. Enter and be comforted."

Then she added with a biting self-righteousness: "Though I had always heard that the priestesses of Venus prefer other lodging."

This was true, of course. Portia had been on the road for 12 days now and each night she had had her pick of lodging. Everyone was glad to welcome a priestess of Venus. The only problem was, while they were glad to give her the best bed in the house, she was given little time to sleep in it. Inevitably, she was called on to perform her clerical rites. All of them. Often on damn near every member of the household. She had spent last night at a hostel of the Roman legions and hadn't slept a wink! The residue of the legionnaires' rites still clung to her in places. She needed a bath and a rest!

"I believe my cousin is a priestess here," Portia told the young vestal. "Since I was passing by, I thought it would be nice to renew acquaintances."

The diminutive door maiden raised an eyebrow. Clearly she had a preconception of what sort of families produced priestesses of Venus and they weren't the sort that produced priestesses of Vesta.

"What is the name of your cousin?" she asked.

"Marla," Portia answered, "Marla of Verona."

The flaxen-haired young lady got a rye look on her face.

"Marla is indeed one of our sisterhood," she conceded. "Given your familial ties, no doubt she will want to be the one to present you to High Priestess Palonia, so I will forgo that... honor... and deliver you to your kinswoman."

"Thank you," said Portia, "You are too kind."

The priestess of Venus followed the young vestal as she led her in silence. Portia didn't know why the vestal virgins had to be so uptight!

Well, that wasn't really true. At the very least she had a good theory. It had to do with the connection that all gods had with their clergy to some extent or another. Communing with Venus during the rites had certainly effected Portia herself. Her libido hadn't been nearly so strong before her initiation. She had likewise seen how her childhood friend Amacus had become more violent after performing the blood rites of Mars as the war god's vassal. Communing with a god inevitably lead you to acquire the traits of that god. Naturally, the vestal virgins acquired the traits of Vesta.

But Portia felt it went deeper than that. A priestess of Venus only tapped into the Divine Libido during the love rites. Apart from that time, Venus pretty much let her be. The Love Goddess couldn't very well have her clergy tapped into her psyche all the time, what with her colorful social life among gods and men. Day to day life would be constantly disrupted by the Goddess' Divine Orgasms.

But Vesta, Portia suspected, was such the control freak that she might very well require her priestesses to stay in constant communion with her. The constant contact with the goddess' psyche, along with her mandate of virginity, was bound to make anyone a bit... uptight. Portia worried what it might have done to Marla.

The young vestal led her to the kitchen where four other virgins were engaged in the unending task of preparing the hearth bread. The one that shared her honey-colored ringlets Portia immediately recognized as her cousin Marla, despite their twelve year separation.

"UmHm!" said Portia's guide, drawing the attention of all the bakers. "Marla, this 'priestess' claims to be your cousin and seeks lodging with us for the night. Since she's your kinswoman, I thought you should be the one to tell Mistress Palonia."

Four pairs of eyes seized upon the scarlet sash about Portia's hips and then three pairs went to the honey-haired vestal. Marla's eyes went to her feet and she blushed and generally acted like she needed to pee.

"I... I never expected to see you here, Portia," she said.

"Well, I didn't really expect to come here myself, but here I am," said Portia, quickly loosing patience with her cool reception here. She should have just spent the night in the woods but now that she had made her request she would be damned if she was going to back down in the face of prudish self-righteousness!

"Well, every priestess has the right to seek shelter in the house of Vesta," Marla said, more to her fellow virgins than to her cousin. It saddened Portia to be greeted this way. She and Marla had been friends in their childhood.

"Thank you for your hospitality," she said, nodding formally.

"Well, I... I guess we have to announce your presence to Mistress Palonia."

Marla looked resentfully at the door maiden, then bid her cousin follow her to meet the high priestess. Portia wished they would just skip the formal welcome that clearly no one wanted and just give her a loaf and a bed. She followed her reticent cousin and ignored the indignant whispers they left behind them.

"So you really like it Auntie Vesta?" Bacchus asked.

"It's amazing!" Vesta exclaimed, "Absolutely amazing!"

The goddess of the hearth finished off her goblet.

"It does go to the head, though, doesn't it? You don't intend to share this with mortals, do you?"

"Oh no, dear Vesta! Perish the thought!" Bacchus declared. "This is a treat for the gods alone. Do have another draught."

The god of wine filled her goblet.

"No, I shouldn't..." said Vesta with little conviction.

"But I need your guidance, Vesta!" Bacchus explained, "I plan to hold a feast for all the gods of Rome to share my creation, but I don't know what I could possibly serve to compliment ambrosia wine. More ambrosia seems redundant, but anything I could produce would seem so common next to such a wine. Then I remembered my dear Aunt Vesta, the finest cook in the heavens, the goddess of goddesses when it comes to laying out a fine repast. Surely you can advise me as to what meal could properly accompany such libation!"

Vesta smiled.

"Your flattery pleases me, Bacchus. You have your father's tongue. In truth, this wine of yours would do well to adorn any meal, but the perfect meal, ah, that only the goddess of the hearth can divine. Come, nephew. Accompany me to my pantry and together we shall set the perfect table."

Taking an indulgent sip from the chalice, Vesta strolled towards her kitchen. The god of wine hefted his jug and followed, a sly smile on his lips as he watched the gentle sway of Vesta's divine posterior.

Portia's cousin led her in silence to meet the high priestess of the temple. Clearly Marla was not happy about this little family reunion. Portia wondered if she had made a mistake. Halfway to Palonia's quarters, however, Marla's firm set shoulders seemed to slacken and then the girl stumbled. Alarmed, Portia put a hand out to steady her.

"Marla, are you all right?" she asked.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah, um, fine. I just feel a bit... strange, all of a sudden."

The vestal virgin blinked twice then grinned at her cousin.

"Where were we going?"

"Uh... to meet the high priestess?"

"Oh yeah! that's right! We gotta tell Palonia that you're gonna sleep over!"

The grin on Marla's face got bigger.

"Maybe you can stay in my room and we can tell stories!" she exclaimed.

"Um, yeah Marla. That would be fun," said Portia, confused by her cousin's sudden change in demeanor.

Marla grabbed her hand and, swinging it back and forth, lead her the rest of the way to the chambers of the high priestess of Vesta.

They entered the conservatively decorated room to find a middle aged woman with dark hair held up with silver combs. She had a bemused look on her face as she stared off into the heavens. One sandal dangled precariously from her toes.

"Mistress Palonia," Marla said to gain her attention.

"Hmmm?" said the high priestess, "Oh... Marla. How are you, dear? It seems to have gotten awfully warm suddenly, hasn't it?"

"You know, I was jus' thinkin' that myself, I was!" Marla replied.

"I thought so," Palonia nodded. "Sooooo... whose your friend?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. This is my cousin Portia. She wants t'spend the night at the temple 'cuz she's a priestess."

"Oh how nice," Palonia said, "Greetings from the servants of Vesta..."

The high priestess' jaw dropped and she gawked at the red sash around Portia's hips.

"By The Holy Flame," she exclaimed, "Marla, did you know that your cousin's a whore?"

Both Marla and Portia blushed at the senior clergywoman's frank language.

"Priestess, m'lady," Portia corrected, "Priestess of Venus."

"Yeah right!" exclaimed Palonia, "I seen one a' those temples of Venus once when I visited the capital! People give 'em money an' the priestesses do all sorts of nasty stuff to'em. In my book, that makes 'em whores!"

"That's a common misconception, m'lady," Portia explained. "You see, we do not perform the rites in exchange for donations. All the gods demand certain things of their servants: Vesta commands that you maintain the eternal flame, bake the hearth bread, remain virginal, et cetera. Likewise, there are certain acts which Venus asks her clergy to perform. And of course, those that come to worship are inspired by the Goddess to give donations to Her glory and the maintenance of Her temple and priesthood. But it isn't a financial transaction. We do what we do because Divine Venus mandates it, not so worshipers will pay us. A temple of Venus is no more a brothel than a temple of Vesta is a bakery."

"Yeah, but what kinda goddess tells her priestesses to get all naked and do that nasty stuff?"

"Well, our Venus is certainly a free spirit," Portia admitted. "Not nearly so composed and proper as your Vesta."

"You can say that again!" Palonia said and Marla giggled wildly.

Portia was confused. Marla and Palonia were acting very strangely. Not like Vestal virgins at all. If she didn't know better, she would swear they were drunk.

"Hey Bacchus! My goblet's empty again!" Vesta called out.

"Oh dear, allow me to rectify the situation," said the god of wine, pouring another draft of the golden liquid.

"Thanks!" said the goddess of the hearth, "Now where was I?

"Cheeses, Auntie Vesta," Bacchus said. "Cheeses!"

Vesta rolled her eyes.

"I know it was cheeses! Which one? I got like three hun'red differnt cheeses! Iss like I was sayin' if yer gonna invite the whole lot of 'em over t'try yer wine, ya gotta start out with an appetizer. An whas gonna go be'er wif wine than cheese an crackers? I mean, there's a reason why it's a classic. Am I right?"

"Right you are as always, Lady Vesta," Bacchus agreed, saluting her with his cup.

"Damn right I'm right!" Vesta affirmed, "Now anybozy can jus' plop down a wheel of aged goat cheese, but it takes real skill to choose jus' the right cheese fer the wine. Now I've tried every single domesic wine wif yer cheese... No, wait a minute... I've tried every single domessic cheese wif yer wine... yeah... an' there all crap!"

"No!" Bacchus exclaimed.

"Yep!" she countered. "The Romans are great at architecsur but as far as cheese goes, they suck ass! 'scuseme. The gorganzola comes close but iss got an afertase like Vulcan's feet. I d'know what they wer thinkin' with that mozzarella shit. Maybe if you melted it on flatbread with some sorta sauce it would be worth eatin'... I dunno... but it goes wif wine about as well as Mercury's togas go with those weird sandals he's always wearin'!"

"But luckily, the republic's esspandin," Vesta continued. "I hadda try the local shit firs, a' course--loyalty and all that--but I say anyplace with a Roman legion posted there is fair game for Roman cookin', am I right?"

"Logical," Bacchus agreed.

"Essacaly!" Vesta nodded emphatically. "Now there's this lil' backwater part of the republic they call the nether-regions or sumpin' like that..."

"Sounds like my kind of place!" said Bacchus with a wink.

Vesta snorted and giggled.

"Bacchus yer jus' naughty! But anyway, they make this stuff they call gouda. I gotta wheel of it somewhere. Jus' a secon'."

The goddess of the hearth rummaged through her collection of cheeses while Bacchus enjoyed the lay of her toga as it draped her divine rump.

"Found it!" She declared and cut two small slices of the mellow soft cheese.

"Thank you," said Bacchus, accepting the morsel she sliced for him.

"No probem!" said the goddess, nibbling the cheese and washing it down with a large swig of the wine.

"Now thas much be'er" she declared and smacked her lips.

"So on to the main course?" Bacchus asked.

"Not so haysee, missser," Vesta objected, " I said be'er, I din' say it wasza bestests! There's at leass a dozen more I gotta try t'figure out the perfec match!"

"Sorry--I didn't mean to rush you. You know best, I'm sure."

"Damn straight I do!" Vesta bragged. "Iss a very delicate process. Which remines me: I gotta cleanse my pallet!"

She took another swig of the ambrosia wine, swishing it about in her mouth and swallowed it.

"Damn thas good stuff. On to the muenster!"

"Well, I guess we gotta make 'er welcome, right?" Palonia was saying, "I mean, thas what we do, isn'it Marla?"

"Huh?" said Portia's cousin, who had been admiring how the light on the high priestess' crystal-headed scepter sparkled. "Oh yeah, Divine Vesta proclaims that any priestess of any of the Gods of Rome shall be welcomed in the Temple of the Goddess of the Hearth. Iss a rule."

"Thas right!" Palonia declared, "An' rules are rules. Thass why they're rules. Am I right?"

"Yer right!" Marla declared, pointing emphatically at the high priestess, "Thass why yer the boss, cuz of all the right people, yer the rightest!"

"Thas' right!" Palonia agreed and both the virgins giggled.

"Ya know what?" said the High Priestess. "I wanna have a fessibal!"

Marla giggled.

"We can't have a fessivbal!" she said, "Iss not one of Vessa's holy days! I know cuz I'm in charge of the calendar this year!"

"Well shit! Vessa's got relatives, right?" Palonia pointed out. "We oughta show some respec' fer them too, right? I mean, by honoring Portia here, we're honoring you as well--Why shunza it be the same wif the godseses?"

The two virgins turned to Portia.

"Is it one of Venus's holy days?" Marla asked hopefully.

"Um, no, not really." Portia said. If it was she wouldn't have dared try to spend the night sleeping. "But... I do believe it is a minor holy day of Saturn, Vesta's sire and Venus' grandsire..."

"Great!" exclaimed Palonia, "We'll have us one of those warchamacallits that they had back in the old days!"

"A Saturnalia?" Portia asked, eyebrows raised in disbelief. Surely Palonia didn't know what she was saying. Saturn's rites made those of Venus look tame!

"Yeah, lesss have one a those!" Palonia exclaimed.

"Ummm, what exactly did you have in mind?" Portia asked delicately.

"Well, I think it involves dancing around a fire, an' we got us a fire, so we're set!" said the high priestess.

"I love dancing!" Marla exclaimed and clumsily twirled about.

"All right then!" said Portia, smiling at their innocence, "I guess I'm up for a party!"

She was still tired, but how often would she get a chance to see the vestals let their hair down? As if on cue, Palonia pulled the silver combs out out of her hair and shook out her long dark curls. Whatever was going on, Portia was going to go with it and see what happened.

"Lesss go t'the courtyard then!" Palonia exclaimed.

Portia followed the giggling, staggering vestals, shaking her head in disbelief.

What ever was going on with Marla and Palonia was obviously effecting the two priestesses keeping Vesta's Sacred Flame as well. They had piled on much more fuel than usual and built it into a raging bonfire into which they were staring and giggling. They had shed their robes of office and wore only the gauzy white shifts that served as their undergarments. Even in these brief outfits, they sweated heavily in the heat and the white fabric was plastered to their bodies as they sat sprawled before the fire.

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As soon as I got to the office the next morning I went to Fiona's cubicle. She hadn't arrived yet. I left a yellow post-it sticker right in the middle of her monitor, asking her to come and see me. Fiona arrived a little later, carrying a plastic coffee cup in one hand and my sticker in the other. "Morning, Liz. What's the problem?" "No problem, not really. I just wanted to talk to you about a personal matter." "Shoot." Fiona sat down on my visitors' chair, taking a sip of her...

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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 5 An Evening with Fiona

"Good evening, Mister Parker. My name is Liz. I'm a friend of Fiona's. Is she in?" A man - Fiona's uncle, I assumed - had answered the door. He didn't seem very pleased about my unexpected arrival. "Fiona! There's somebody here to see you." He called into the house. I could hear Fiona shout, "Just a moment. I'll be down in a second," from somewhere inside. "Just a moment. She'll be down in a second," Mister Parker echoed. As he stood there, without having anything else to...

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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 6 The Day After

So, here I am, back in my room, a nervous bundle of indecision, waiting for the phone to ring. I spent the whole day without wearing any knickers, but that made only a very small contribution to my confused state of mind. I didn't get a wink of sleep all night and now I'm dead tired. Too many things happened to let me find the restoring sleep I need to function properly. In a few minutes Roger will call me and he'll want to know in great detail what happened last night. Of course he'll...

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The Courtesans Journal Ch 5

At the end of the term, Eleanor and I left the school to start my new business. My grandmother’s London townhouse became our new home and we bedecked the place as befitting a rich member of London’s Elite. An entire wing of the upstairs was for my work as a courtesan. But unlike nearly every other courtesan we had ever heard of, I catered exclusively to women. Some were students from school, namely the very rich women I had deflowered who had since married old rich men who could not pleasure...

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Cruise Encounter

We got the kids showered to wash off the sand they had tracked back from the beach. Then we managed to get them ready for dinner, shuttling back and forth between our adjoining cabins. Our daughters had one with a Queen and a bunk bed setup, while Katie, Reagan, had been staying cozy but comfortable in the other. We were headed to dinner in the main dining room a bit early, hoping to catch a show in the showroom afterwards. We enjoyed our meal and our banter with the wait staff. We...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 5

The evening of the day of Victoria’s chastisement both girls looked absolutely lovely at dinner and the flow of conversation showed no sign from either of the girls regarding the day’s events, but only discussions of how things could move forward. Aunt Lydia of course disapproved of business being discussed over dinner but the enthusiasm of the younger members of the family was infectious. After dinner Jake had a short discussion with his uncle before retiring to bed. It was less than half...

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Seducing Kay

Kay and I have been work colleagues for just over 10 months now. It wasn't until recently that she started to open up and tell me more about herself. She is about my age (I'm 54 yrs old) and she is quite petite with a stunning little body. Long blonde-streaked brown hair falls to the middle of her back. As my eyes descend lower I note a very shapely butt, one that I would love to molest. From the front, the view is just as good. She has a pleasant face, which often hosts a smile. Her tits...

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gemma and i

ok , so it should’t have happened . Gemma was my best friend & although we had flirted with each other on occasion I had never imagined a situation which we found ourselves in last night . It had been a traumatic day . My boyfriend of 14 months had accidenly received a text message from me which had been intended for another guy I had met whilst on a girlie night out a few days earlier . Let me point out that nothing had happened between me & this guy , but the situation had been made much...

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Angels Journey Chapter 41

I'm slightly calmer when I make it out of the room and into the cooler corridor. I try and take a few deep breathes to calm myself, but who am I trying to kid? In this corset... and this horny... nothing will help. I try and focus on how to hide the note.. but I'm drawing a blank. I make it to the main room, still desperately horny and try and look at the clock.. it's a little blurred, but there's still a couple of hours left of the afternoon shift... hmm.. if only I wasn't wearing this...

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Fiona Murphys Last FlingChapter 9 Fiona Murphys Makeover

It was only after long thought and careful deliberation that Fiona decided she needed some professional assistance in making her appear a bit younger in order to attract the young studs she so desperately needed to fill her lonely lifestyle. She had been doing quite well in that department ever since the unexpected departure of her long-time disinterested spouse. However, she knew that her ability to attract men was a matter of circumstances and luck that all conspired to give her...

2 years ago
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“Thank you Grace.” I thanked him back and wished him a good day. With his departure, a smile broke across my face. Our deal concluded, the man would be moving into his new home within a few days. My name is Grace and contrary to my job as a real estate agent, I’m actually an introvert that posses good communication skills. Type of person that stays to herself so much that she has never had a relationship with another person besides her son. Actually he was the reason why I hadn’t....

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 49

Several lovers later, and I kid you not, I was joined by a lady dressed like Bond villain Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp from the 007 film GoldenEye. She had the costume down to a science, including the hairstyle, and she acted the part as well, riding me as aggressively as she could, even getting a bit rough. She bit my lip, but not too hard, and she also pinned my hands down by my wrists to the cold surface of the mall floor. She clearly knew and grasped that I was more than ready for something...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Mia Evans Close To You

A sheer robe and a thong are all that covers Mia Evans as she waits for Sam Bourne to join her for their date. She watches from her upstairs window as he lets himself in the gate, then waves for him to come inside. As Sam makes his way upstairs, Mia sheds her robe and lays on the bed to greet Sam with a kiss and an unspoken invitation to fuck. Flipping Mia onto her back, Sam settles between her thighs. He has a perfect line of sight up her body as she rubs her own breasts and nipples....

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Naked Holiday With My MotherChapter 3

We saw her waiting at the terminal as soon as we got out of customs and although I knew she'd be meeting us, I still felt a thrill in my groin knowing that if things went how mum thought they would, I'd get to know my Aunt a whole lot more intimately! I made myself scarce when we arrived home and left mum with her sister while I went up to my room to unpack, it was about half an hour later when I heard a knock on my door and shouted for whoever it was to come in, "Anne and I are just...

2 years ago
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Three Js and an S Go Skiing Day 4

Four young college girls on a skiing vacation have to find other things to do when an excess of new snow traps them in their cabin. This is the fifth in this series and describes a day leading up to an evening of group electro-sex. It might make more sense if you have read the previous days of "Three J's and an S Go Skiing" For the most part, the stories in this series are pretty mild. If you are looking for heavy duty stuff, try one of my other story series. = = = = = = = = = = =...

2 years ago
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One Rainy Night 8211 Barsaat Ki Ek Raat With Ria A Mallu Girl Part 1

This is Akshya Ganna, back again with my another real life incidence. I am 38 now and have a very good athlete physic with strong lust for young sexy girls. I trust you have read my other stories “My Brother’s Bride”series, “Strong Coffee With Kajal” series, and many others if you search by my name “Akshay Ganna”. Well in short I am the naughty horny bull. This real life incidence is between me and my cousin sister Kajal’s close friend Ria. Ria is Kajal’s college junior and they are very close...

2 years ago
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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 26

Ed followed Nick and Ernie up the hill to the green. The mayor and fire chief were directing ... I suppose they thought they were. After a couple of minutes Ed asked Ernie where people had the boards from the last storm. "Most of 'em burn 'em over the winter." "That'll never do ... someone needs to take a truck to the mill an get slab wood. John? You have that big truck ... Here's fifty dollars ... go buy all the slab that's window size the mill will sell ... make trips. Eight foot...

1 year ago
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Sleazy Satanic Cult 20

“Follow us. Our chief wants to meet you!” shouted one of the bandits. The three men who napped him were in another room chilling whilst their cocks were getting sucked by three twinks who had shaved heads with piercings that adorned them all. The most peculiar though was that the biohazard symbols was tattooed around their holes. Daemon didn’t know what this meant, and he was frightened. As he was walking, hands bound and escorted by a guard suddenly grabbed Daemon’s fragile neck and knelt...

4 years ago
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Blonde In The Orient by loyalsock

Marla wiggled her ass in the face of the half drunken Japanese businessman, he reached out and slipped his hand between her legs and ran a finger along her g-string covered crack. After the quick feel, he stuck a thousand yen into her waist band and called out to the waitress for another drink. It was almost ten o’clock in the evening, and still the company men, as they are called in Japan, were drinking and carousing with there business associates. It was said that sake and geisha girls was...

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Black List VI From the AshesChapter 9

The Terrestrial Defense Force office is a chaotic mess as agents rush from desk to desk. By now, every news station has picked up on the morning’s events of the assassinations that have taken place and the New World Regime’s proclamation of credit to those events. Mike Grines, director of operations, isn’t too far shocked at the bold moves, but in combination with the sudden reports of the Black List falling under a similar attack has brought an entire new level of shock. “Alright, listen...

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Friendship club

Hallo mai pramod mai nashik maharashtra se hu mai apko meri ek sachhi kahani batata hu .maine local paper me ek add padhi thi ki apke shahar me aphi ki age ki ladki aunti ke sath dosti (friendship) kijiye maine us number pe phone kiya to samne se ek sunder ladki bat kar rahi thi usne kaha ki apko hamari membarship leni hogi uske liye apko 3000 /- rupees icici bank me jama karne honge to maine kaha thik hai maine 3000/- rupees icici bank me diposite kar diya. Do din chale gaye lekin wo log phone...

4 years ago
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Billy Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhymes Were Never Like This

She looked so amazing, I had to do a double take, was it really her? They had dyed her hair a deep scarlet, and pinned it up, exposing her curved neck with long loose ringlets falling from her temples, perfectly framing her face. She looked sexy, sultry. She was heavily made up, thick red lipstick and large dark eyes, half closed, she looked like a goddess! She wore a long white gown, which emphasised her gorgeous curves, split high at the sides, exposing white stockings as she was led before...

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Jeannies Story

I read each magazine and book cover to cover every chance I got. I learned about so many different kinks and fetishes. One of the earliest cuckold stories I read involved a husband daring his wife to answer the door for the pizza guy while wearing only a towel. Of course, the wife took the dare while the husband hid in the closet to watch what happened. The young wife opened the door for the pizza guy, pretended to be searching for money and dropped the towel. In a moment of uncontrolled lust...

3 years ago
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Ying-Yang By Trang Jade Nguyen E-mail: [email protected] It all started in 1995 during my Christmas vacation. I was living in Brooklyn, NY, was 12 years old and in the 8th Grade. My name at the time was Thomas. Everyone called me Tommy. One day during Christmas vacation I was at the house of my friend David. Dave showed me these porn magazines he found in an abandoned house we use to play in. The magazines were called Nugent and feature many nude photos of people I never...

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When Nora Met Master

Room 1723. Nora knocked softly on the door. A moment later, the door to the hotel room opened revealing Him standing before her. ‘Hello, Nora.’ He said nothing more, but instead wrapped her in his arms. She tipped her face upwards to look into his eyes and their lips met. While they continued to embrace and kiss, he led her two paces into the room, almost as if they were dancing, just enough for the door to shut. They kissed each other for quite some time before finally he ended their kiss...

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The Red Prom Dress

The Red Prom Dress By Stats It was my destiny. I have been living full time as a girl for twenty months. I just finished my second year of college. To my complete surprise I achieved an A average. I am sitting on my bed with my legs folded in front of my breasts. My arms are on top of my knees and my mouth is resting on my arms. My hair falls loosely around my feet. My beautiful peach colored toenails are nestled in the waves of my hair are like pearls. I move so my forehead...

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Sarah and Greg Get Married

"Are your parents coming?" Greg asked. "I don't think so," Sarah replied matter-of-factly. She had given up on her dad long ago, but she still had hope for her mother – there were a few, strained conversations over the phone, but Sarah wasn't holding her breath expecting a "welcome back" any time soon. It had been eleven years since her parents threw her out of their house and their lives for being "a freak" - at least that's what they called her. Sarah paused for a moment as she...

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PornMegaLoad Cammille Austin Cammille8217s Future StepSon Fucks Her Ass

In this lovely scene, lovely and sexy mom and granny Cammille Austin sucks and fucks the guy who’s about to be her step-son. Yes, Bambino’s lucky dad is going to marry Cammille, which makes Bambino very lucky, too, because judging by this scene, he’s going to have regular fuck access to one of the hottest GILFs on the planet, a woman with big, pierced tits and a pierced pussy. A woman who loves big, black cocks but is perfectly happy with Bambino’s big, not-black cock....

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Cuckolding Andy Episode 2 Told by Amanda

When I woke the next morning Andy was already downstairs and I could hear the sounds of him clearing away. My head was sore and for the first few moments it was just like any other hangover. Then what had happened the previous night came flooding back to me and I felt a little tense wondering what the consequences might be. I decided to take the bull by the horns and headed downstairs fully expecting some sort of confrontation, but there was none. In fact Andy was really pleasant all day and...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Clinic 03

Syd stood in the swimming pool room. It smelled of chlorine and blue green glimmers splashed across the walls as the aqua tinged water rippled. He heard bare wet footsteps slapping across the pool deck and turned in their direction. An athletic looking African female approached. Her hair was bunned atop her head by a bandana which was all the clothes she wore. She walked to Syd stark naked and extended her hand. Her skin color, everywhere, was dark chocolate. Her muscles beneath looked lean...

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The LotteryChapter 17

Sally woke up to the music that came from her clock radio. She sat up and pushed the button that silenced the alarm. "I'm fifteen today!" She thought to herself. Sally got out of bed and walked into her bathroom, pulling her tee shirt over her head. She stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. She studied her firm breasts, still tan from the days spent topless in the sun. She smiled to herself, remembering the fun she and her cousins' had being naughty. The young girl...

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sexy moms taste final part

thank for bad and good coments and will write more stories if you all would like me to go on. If you would like it please email me to do so. If not I guess I will stop writing. Next morning I got up my mother was already out of bed and I could hear her doing something in the kitchen. I walked there naked and she didn’t hear me sneaking behind her. She was just so sexy in her night gown that she was wearing and her ass was inviting me. I grabbed her from her stomach and slid my cock...

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Forever in My HeartChapter 2

Easter Monday, April 5th, 2010 Just after 9:00 Monday morning. Ms. Madeline Westerbrook Esq. was leaning across John Hanlon’s desk; ass high up in the air, hose and panties around her ankles semen dripping down her thighs. He’d just finished his ‘six minute workout’. Zipping his fly he smacked her cherry red behind, smirked and said, “Don’t know why you won’t let me check that back door.” Madeline turned; her immediate supervisor John Hanlon; he looked a little worse for wear this morning....

3 years ago
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Marwari Wife to Open her Thighs Wide

They were a Marwari couple and were my neighbors in the apartment. Husband Vishal was a middle aged guy and wife Shraddha was pretty young lady in her mid 20s. Shraddha is a very attractive housewife, healthy in build, with good height, milky white complexion. But her sex appeal lies in her ¡§In the face kind of breasts¡¨ and nicely rounded ass. Every time I see her, my eyes invariably either get drawn towards her navel or her beautifully round boobs. Many a times I even shagged thinking of her...

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Nightclub Singer

continue to chat as I smoked the cigar. Jasmine begins to feel the effects of her drink. She found herself relaxing and finding humor in my aimless chat. She became increasingly conscious of how close I am. " Jasmine," I said quietly. " What?" she said, slowly turning her head toward me. I immediately brought my lips to hers. She is taken completely off guard, did nothing to stop me and this fact would later haunt her. She has been a widow for five years, her husband died in a trajic...

4 years ago
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Ultimate Indian Honeymoon

The first thing a married couple dreams of is their Honeymoon. We went on our honeymoon after 5 months (as I had to go abroad for my project and she had to complete her MCA finals) But the 15 days that we stayed after marriage was like a fairy tale. With lots of love romance and Sex. Got to know a lot about each other.Then we met after h2 months and had lots of sex, but Honeymoon was still awaited. It actually brings you close. Plus we wanted a lot of adventure. The story may be long but...

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From Twosome To Threesome

Hello, friends this is the story of how I fucked a women and surprisingly while fucking her son comes in the middle. Do mail me n give feed backs at One day I was checking my mails and I got a mail from a women named akansha . Then we had a chat for few days then we exchanged our no.S She said her husband is in merchant navy and is not able to satisfy as most of the time hes away. She said she need sex. Well lemme describe you about her Name: akansha Stats: 36d 34 40 yeah she had a very big...

1 year ago
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BangBus Melody Parker Eighteen And Not So Innocent

Today we got picked up a 18yo that was walking back home from her boyfriends house. It wasn’t expensive to get her to flash us and to get her in the van. We find out this cute thing loves big dicks so i had my friend show her his cock. She freaked out for what she calls a huge dick for a white guy. We offered some cash for her to touch it but she ends up sucking and fucking. Her great body looks great taking a pounding until she ends with her face glazed with cum. I felt bad dropping this cute...


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