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It's all your fault, my mom says thanks!

by Oediplex 8==3~

Dear Oediplex,

I have become one of your biggest OediPals. Not just because I have read everything you have posted somewhere on the web, but because one of your stories was instrumental in helping me to connect in a wondrous way with my mother, and we became lovers. Just like Allen, in that five part saga of his, which you provided on line for your faithful fans, I am happy to share with you our introduction into incest. (You are welcome to pass on to your readers, with mom's and my blessings). In return, for our personal account, we would like to ask a favor.

I am now thirty-two, divorced, and have lived with my mother for the last six years. Our affair began a year ago, but had it's roots many years earlier. Before I go into the details of that tale, I wish to provide some context. I came across your writings about three years ago by accident, a misspelling when I Googled about the Oedipus Complex. I had one, which had been brewing and was now bubbling in full ferment. Being a house-mate with my mom was stirring up the feelings I had, which had never been very dormant in the first place.

Let me say that I found the advice in your “Open Letter” to the mother, 'Jocasta' was good advice and gave me a real impetus to set in motion my own plan to try to have sex with my mom. I thought sharing one of your stories, printed out and offered to her with a note, might send a message. But it would have to be the right one. I did not want to wind up a wannabe, as you described in your autobiographical telling of “Cum, Ye Motherfuckers, Cum”, of course you did fuck your mom in the end, in a way. I used the guide to your works found at the end of “Mother's Port In A Storm” as a check list to search for a work that would work.

I think “All About the Birds & Bees & Billy” was probably your hottest, but it wasn't quite the opening I wanted. Mom wasn't much of a drinker or did grass anymore, so the "Tokin'”, while awfully good, didn't fit the bill. Moreover, it and “Family Trip” were too long anyway. Wrong time of the year for “Y2K”, and “Pandora's Box Got Me Mom's Box” required too much explanation for my strategy. (By the way, great work on that graphic novel collaboration with PB; Joss, your French partner, helped too, right? Please thank Joss for sending your latest one “To Kiss Where I Came From”.)

To make this short, I finally settled on “Perfect Air, Perfect Heir” as the best piece. I don't know why I didn't think of it straight off the bat, as you will understand when I go into details about how I got mom to at last make love with me. It also relates, in a way, to the favor we are requesting in return for our being open with you about our intimate living arrangements. Now, the dialog is close to the words we actually spoke, as I provide the narration, but I didn't have a recorder on. Mom did help me to reconstruct what we said, so it is fairly accurate, and the action is actually what happened.

My, excuse me, mother says to say – our affair – began with my decision to have my mother know about my sexual feelings for her. My name is Dan and I was 31, living at my mom's house, since my ex, Sue, divorced me. (Her temperament and mine were oil and water, our split having nothing to do with my Oedipal hang up.) Mom, called Cassie, and my father had divorced when I was twenty-two. [Not out real names] She is presently a fit 53.

Mom reminds me of Diane Lane in a recent movie, only with a strawberry-blond color. Natural too! I'm sure of that, I have the proof of the pud-ding, so to speak. I'm getting a little thick, but still athletic. I jog, mom goes to a gym. Though now days, we have a way of 'working-out' together. We were rather independent generally, before our incestuous involvement. Both of us had been in other relationships during that period, some long, others shorter. The house was big enough that we didn't bump elbows. Sleep-overs of lovers were not usual, but not unknown to happen on occasion.

My thought was that if I presented a letter of what was in my heart and head and hard-on, along with an erotic story that it could possibly strike a chord; perhaps stir up some feelings I hoped – suspected - she had. That it might lead to something between us. At least, I wouldn't have to wonder anymore if there was a prospect that we might get together, intimately. Your story of the mother and son, naked on a beach, who wind up making love, was both quite erotic, and even perhaps poetic. It reflected a certain incident that had been critical and crucial to some underlying dynamics between the two of us. That specific occasion I thought I might have detected a subtle undercurrent of influence in our relationship. However, these tensions were unspoken and unacknowledged, but for me, they were certainly undeniable.

I bought a very large, oversize romantic card. In the envelope with it, I put the print-out of “Perfect Air, Perfect Heir”. On the card I wrote this note:

Dear Mom,

I want to thank you for all the love you have given me my whole life. I couldn't ask for a better mom. I hope I have been a son you are proud of, I think you are. I happened on this tale some time ago on the Internet. I found it both beautiful in it's sentiment and very arousing in it's sensuality. I know it is a strange sort of thing for a son to share with his mother, but I have an idea that you might also like to read it. I trust that you will not be angry at me for giving it to you. You don't have to read it if you decide that the subject matter is inappropriate.

Your most loving son,

I gave her the big envelope and instructed her to open it after she had retired to her bedroom that evening. It was not Mother's Day, not Valentine's Day, nor her birthday. No special day, not even the anniversary of the 'incident' of fateful memory. It was an invitation to incest. It was a bold and blatant attempt to interest my dear mother in having intercourse with me, her only child, her son. I didn't know whether it would work or not. I thought that knowing my mother, as well as I did, that she would not be totally outraged. But she might just laugh it off, even if she was not offended.

The worst I thought, that she would be a bit estranged for some time, that things between us be strained for a while. I wouldn't want to alienate the most important person in my life, but on the other hand, I thought that the situation could be a happy one as well. If the plan worked, then our circumstances might be a joyous union, instead of a dreadful division. I was very nervous when she finally left to go upstairs. I decided that I would listen outside her door, to see if there were any auditory clues, to what her reaction was to the card and story.

What I heard was some whispering as she read the card out loud to herself. Then a gasp, then a tittering of laughter, followed by a period of silence. Much like the youngster in your four-part “Sounds of Incest”, I then had the rare privilege of listening to my mother masturbate. I was too keyed up to stand there and jerk-off myself, lest she come out for some reason, and discover me ease-dropping at her door. After hearing her climax, I silently went to my room and waxed my pole thinking of what might have been, and of what I had listen to surreptitiously, and what might be.

If my wishes came true, then I would be cumming with her soon. Is it okay to pray for a sin?

The next morning I came down to the kitchen, I didn't know what to expect. I had heard the sounds of my mother masturbating and climaxing last night, but I was unsure if your story had turned her on, or if it just had gotten her thinking in the general area of sex. Of course, I hoped it had planted a seed in her mind, or rather, more to the point, was watering a sprout that had been planted long ago. That seedling was what I was wishing had germinated, an idea taking root and breaking through to the light now, to grow and bud and flower. However, I was unsure of what her reaction had been.

What I did have as evidence, that the results of the risk I had taken of upsetting her, perhaps even creating a rift between us, had not been too negative, was that there had been no immediate drama. There wasn't any confrontation, no screams or weeping, not any of the sort of hysterics and angry words that mom was capable of. That fiery redhead temper was not shy about making you aware of exactly what she was thinking. Her feelings were out there for you to see, she didn't hide them. She assuredly could be quite demonstrative in her reactions.

As I entered the kitchen all seemed normal. She was in her robe and making coffee, putting some dishes away from the sink, puttering around, typical mom. She came over to the table with two cups of brew, set one before me and sat opposite me. She tilted her head and looked at me with an odd expression. Then she smiled and took a sip before she spoke. “That was a . . . very unusual kind of story for a kid to present to his parent. May I ask what on earth prompted you to give me a copy – of that specific story. I mean its weird enough to have a sexual fiction offered to you by your child . . . I know your not a child, I mean one's offspring . . . much less an erotic tale of incest for a son to share with his mother.”

“Mom . . .”

“Let me finish. Not just that it was about a mother and son having relations, but the very setting and nature of the whole . . . plot and context . . . why that particular story? Why, what – is there some significance to not just what kind of porno you passed to me, but which one, which exact story you chose to put into my envelope?”


“Well, I would like to understand, if you don't mind.”

I sighed, 'here it goes', I thought, this is it. I either bust the wonderful friendship I have developed with my mom, that we have built over the past five years, or it goes to a whole other level. It wasn't going to be the same, one way or another, I imagined. “You remember the time all three of us, dad, you and I, were out hiking, the summer I turned eighteen? We came upon that isolated fishing cabin on that little lake?”

“Sure, it was damn hot that summer.”

“So we decided to go swimming, but of course we were in the middle of the woods, away from camp and didn't have our suits with us.”

“You and your dad decided to go shinny-dipping. Nobody was around, the owners were not home. It was all locked up, they probably came only on weekends. When we discovered the place it was a weekday. ”

“You went in too.”

“Yeah, I kept my bra and panties on, though.”

“Right, except when they got wet you could see right through them.”

“Well, I was your mother, that wasn't any big deal . . . was it?”

“Its not as if I hadn't seen a nude woman, I had read Playboy, etc., but I was interested in what your body looked like. That was the first time I had gotten to see parts, which I hadn't seen since I was seven, when I walked in on you changing one day, and you were naked.”

“Remembered that little incident, do you?”

“Yes, it made quite an impression on me. I formed a lasting memory of that look-see at the lake, as well.”

“And that's why you picked that story . .”

“There's more to it than just the dip in the lake. When I was about twenty-three, I went to visit dad, after you guys were divorced, before I met Sue. We were getting a bit sloshed one night and started swapping histories of our youthful conquests with the ladies.”

“Like father, like son.”

“More than you know, or rather than you previously suspected up until last night. See, I have had the hots for you, ever since that day at the lake I mentioned. But I never ever mentioned it to anyone until that evening with dad. Let me continue before you say anything, because I'm coming to the answer to your question about why that story. I simply said that I thought you were a MILF, then had to explain the term to him. Dad got quiet for a moment, lost in thought and then he himself brought up the skinny-dipping day. He told me never to say a word to anyone about what he was going to tell me next.”

I heard mom hold her breathe, I had her full attention, I was pretty sure she knew where this was going. “Dad said that night, back at your cabin, you were, uh . . . unusually excited, sexual aroused. You were especially hot-to-trot, and wild in bed. A real tigress. He said he thought it might have been because you had seen me naked and been turned-on by your own son. He said the . . effect lasted several weeks, in fact. He wasn't positive, but it was the only thing he could think of, which might have been a stimulating influence around that period.”

“So, you thought that the story by . . . Odeiplex, was it . . . about a mother and son skinny-dipping together and then making love on the beach . . . would be romantic? Would get my – juices, if you will, flowing?”

“Mom, we have been in the same house for over five years now. More buddies than parent and child. And I am your child. Even though I'm thirty-one, I also know that I will always in some way be your boy, still though I'm an adult, and I am confident that you recognize that fact. We both have had dates in the span of our living with one another, even on occasion each of us has brought their respective escorts home, overnight. We are both grown-ups, and have no illusions about the other being sexually active. But you haven't gone out in close to a year. It's nearly been as long for me, as well.”

“So? What, you thought that the 'Old Lady” is likely horny – and so are you . . why don't both of us get it on? We're all adults. Is that what this is all about?”

“No! Mom! Not like that . . . exactly. I gave that story – the particular story which was as close to the memory . . ,” I paused, struck by a realization, “so you did read it.”

“Yes. Finish what you were saying.”

“As near to what we had . . uh, been doing, when . . .” I decided to come to the point. “Well, if you had been aroused by me. If you were aroused by your own son that day. Like I became interested in you, in that way on that same day. Uhm . . . while we couldn't have done anything back then . .”

“Indeed not! Your doodle was such a wet noodle from that cold water! Neither of you could have - risen to the occasion!”

“Yeah, but I don't mean that. I mean you were still married to dad, and I was young and more innocent than not. All though, I wasn't a virgin at that point. Betty Johnson had taken my cherry a few months before.”

“Who was that? I don't remember her.”

“Just a girl I took out for a few weeks.” I continued, “My thought, the reason I gave you that special story, was; if you were turned on by me, and I am most certainly desirous of having the chance to make love to my beautiful, sexy mother; since we are both single, and I think both horny, and . .”

“And if maybe I knew of your feelings for me, and if I maybe still had feelings of the same kind for you, that I would get it into my head to commit incest with my own son. Right?”

“Uh-Huh.” I felt suddenly dumb, and numb with fear that she was really pissed at me for such an insensitive stunt.

“Remember a few minutes ago, I asked if your plan was to get my juices flowing?”

“Yes.” I could hardly squeak out the answer my throat was so tight.

“Well, it did” she stood up. “In fact, I masturbated last night, thinking of that day at the lake. Thinking of you, like you wanted me to do.” She undid the belt of her robe. “I was so hot, I had a real big cum.” Mom shrugged the garment off her shoulders and opened it a few inches. She was wearing just a soft bra and some tight cotton panties. My dick was beginning to rise. “I wasn't sure what I was going to do this morning, about the situation . .”

The dressing gown dropped to the linoleum. “But since we have had this little talk, and you confirmed what I have, for years, suspected, that you gotta thing for your momma.” She started to walk toward me and my boner was stiff in my jockeys. “And now I'm getting wet down there, because my handsome son has set up the opportunity for me to have what I have had a hankerin' for . .” She straddled me on the kitchen chair. “The hunk of meat I saw hangin' between your legs, thirteen years ago.” She sat.

It WAS one of the most erotic moments of my life. Right up there with losing my virginity, the first time I screwed Sue, and including the view of mom at the lake, with her undies wet and her charms quite distinctly visible through the translucent material. I was fully erect now and my mother's panty clad bush was pushing against it. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled my head into the pillows of her bosom. My arms hugged her, my hands on her back. I was in heaven, and all was right with my world. We were going to be closer that ever, we were going to be lovers, we were going to fuck!

I nuzzled into her cleavage as mom kissed the top of my head. Then she whispered in my ear, “You like mommy's mammeries so much, why don't you kiss them?” I turned so that my lips were smooching the tops of her boobs above the bra. She continued her gentle direction, “Get to the point, toggle my tips, nibble my nipples.” I reached up to her shoulder blades and found the catch and undid the three hooks that held back the tender ta-tas. They sprang free, and the straps of her top slid down her arms. I grasped one end of the clasp and dragged the whole article off. Now those double delights were before me for my oral gratification. I began to suckle.

Her fingers ran through my hair, and she gave a little giggle. I mouthed the small, pastel rosettes that capped her peaks. My tongue swirled over the erect buds, and she drew in a sharp breath, and then let out a long sigh. I use my oral digit to flick over the fleshy buttons, mom went, “Mmm!” Her hands sought to pull my tee-shirt over my head, and I backed away to allow the clothing to be stripped off my torso. As soon as I was as topless as she, mom clamped me in a clench, so we were chest to breasts, her nipples poking into my pects. The warmth of her body heat seemed the very comfort of mothering love, like being tucked in with your favorite blankey, the assurance a child needs that they are safe and protected and adored.

Meanwhile, something entirely adult was taking place below the belt. Mom had begun to grind her pelvis against my prominent manhood. Even though two layers of fabric separated our genitals, they were of one accord, in that action which they wanted. I made what little humping I could, pinned down on the seat by her spanning hips. The movement was making me mad with desire. Mom too, as suddenly she jumped up and looking me right in the eye said, “I can't wait any longer. I need you in me. Shuck those shorts, right now!” As she ordered me, so she, herself, followed suit and yanked her undies straight down her legs, and nimbly stepped out of the tiny pile of panties. I saw for the first time, in almost a quarter of a century, the wispy, fluffy puff that provided indisputable evidence that her auburn gilt was natural.

The pout of her split was blushing, and it glistened within the crevice with a promise of an easy entrance. My tightie-whities were down in an instant, as I plopped back on the chair, my rod rigid and ready. Another drop of pre-cum appeared at the head of my helmet, as I saw mom spread her thighs, and begin to mount my saddle horn. She reached to where our loins were coming together and directed the object of her hunger to her hole. With the almost scalding heat of our touching, for the first time where man and woman unite, I cried my call of ecstatic excitement as a shout, “Mommy, I love you!” - - “Baby!” was her equally ardent and voluminous vocal reply as she sank on my shank.

Then I was sliding down into her vagina. I was rising up into her cunt. I was passing deep within her pussy. I was in my mother's body once more. I was surprised how tight it was. The moist clinging tissue seemed to stretch over every square centimeter of skin on my cock. Elastic and yet pliant mom's sweet cavity enclosed my penis. Her vagina was the most pleasurable place that piece of sensitive muscle had ever been. We held in that pose, for who knows how long. It could have been hours, but it was not long enough.

It might have been only half a minute, because our mutual craving to repeat the penetration drove a second stroke, then a third rushed after, in an instant. Then, the stampede of schtupping was on. I didn't have to do much but hold my hips at a slight angle off the chair. I helped better by hanging on to mom's buns to keep her aligned. Her legs were in great shape from those workouts. She rocked and rolled on my Stratocastor, the music we made was electric, a wailing guitar gone wild. I heard her little squeaks of elation grow into full blown shrieks of ecstasy. My own grunts of delight rose to groans of the intense anguish, that almost unbearable sensation of happy hurting, which pricks are prone to, when peaking.

The first time couldn't last any sort of length, since we were both so primed to make up for that lost time of past suppression, in one flash of passion. Like the bright flare of the pan of antique photographers, we consumed our explosive lust. Steamy and sweaty, our bodies convulsed with the physical contortions and mental inflammation of cataclysmic climaxes. Orgasm seems so tame a word, to describe the paroxysms and constrictions of the whole human organism, which possessed our very being at the pinnacle of perfect bliss. We had rejoined in body, we had merged in spirit, we were now melded into one another; an alloy of flesh, an amalgam of family, genetic bonding, between mother and son.

I felt my love flow as a stream into her womb, pumping the essence of my system's essential life-force with my seed. My sperm – messengers of my everlasting lust. Mother's emulsions of her womanhood washed over my dick and balls. The lotion of sex was a white froth that blended with my dribbling spume, seeping out of her hollow. Mother was hoarsely panting, she collapsed onto my front, her slick globes pressed wonderfully on my heaving chest. I felt like I had run a marathon, winded and soaked with perspiration. My once rutting ram was now but a weak worm that slid from her center. I encircled mom's ribs and held her to me, in an embrace that was the most special we had ever shared.

Mom, with her cheek next to mine, puffed, 'You can lodge your tent pole in your mother's hole, anytime you want. Oh baby, how you light my campfire!”

I managed to huff out a few words of my own, “Now that's a skinny-dipping, I'll never forget!”

We kissed and carried on that day and ever since. I introduce my mom to other stories of yours, as well as other favorite writers and artist and my photo collection, my video clips of incest etc.. We like to role-play the frolicking plots and raunchy romps we read of, the various scenes and settings that we find erotic and romantic. (By the way, please feel free to put your special spin on the above loving chronicle of our carnal coupling and incestuous copulation.) Which leads us to our request of you, O Oediplex of nasty nights and dirty days.

If you would be so kind, could you concoct a naughty narrative, a tweaked remembrance of our first day of lusting for one another, by the little lake. When sonny saw mommy's charms and mother hungered for her boy's toy? Recast to cut out the father figure, this time we are both bared and no spot is spared from view, nor hole barred, neither are we kept from our passions by any prudish impediment. In other words, we let our libidos loose and lose any inhibitions and give into what we both desire; to fuck our brains out then and there. Pretty please, with cream on top, mom asks!

Oediplex Responds: Indeed, I'll do my best. I have completed a composition of just such a scenario at your behest. Entitled “Some Things Were Mint To Be!” - A remote lake brings mom & son closer. I think it has a flavor which will titillate your sexual senses, hence the reference in the title. Tell us more of your adventures and we shall post for all of the OediPals to cum and enjoy! Oediplex 8==3~



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Blame Our Sister

Copyright © 2004 by Jefferson "Shh, you need to be quiet." Sonora Sheridan repeated as the two men followed her into the apartment and down the hallway, shutting the door behind them. Sonora led the two young men through the dark apartment and into her bedroom. She touched each of their arms as they moved past her into the dark bedroom. She then closed the bedroom door before finally turning on the light. Sonora then turned and looked at the two young men and smiled. "We need to...

2 years ago
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Blame It On Cain

Even though it wasn't my wedding, I still remember the day vividly. Each sigh of happiness from the grandparents as the bride floated down the aisle. Each tinkle of crystal as spoons crashed against champagne glasses, signaling for one more kiss from the happy couple. Each time my heart broke into a million pieces. I remember everything... "Aren't they a lovely couple?" "Pardon?" I turned to see who had spoken and smiled as my Aunt Rose tipped her glass of champagne back, draining the...

3 years ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 2 The Conversation Part 2

Shocks, yes! I had promised to tell Fiona a secret about Roger and me so that she would share her secret with me. I wondered if that had been a good idea. I wondered if I hadn't been better off without the burden of knowing Fiona's secret. But I wasn't going to go back on my word. "He's got this really unusual idea of foreplay," I started. "Like, none?" Fiona interrupted my flow before it had started. I didn't respond to her interjection, but my look told her that I didn't want...

4 years ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 3 The Aftermath

I woke up in the middle of the night. Fragments of a dream, or maybe several dreams, were still floating through my head. In the scene which I was able to recall most clearly, I was naked, bending over the table in Roger's kitchen. Fiona was standing behind me, not wearing any top or bra. She was slapping my bottom! Her beautiful breasts swayed gently, accompanying the movement of her hand. There were men watching - a different man in each version of the dream. I remembered seeing Roger. He...

2 years ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 4 The FollowUp

As soon as I got to the office the next morning I went to Fiona's cubicle. She hadn't arrived yet. I left a yellow post-it sticker right in the middle of her monitor, asking her to come and see me. Fiona arrived a little later, carrying a plastic coffee cup in one hand and my sticker in the other. "Morning, Liz. What's the problem?" "No problem, not really. I just wanted to talk to you about a personal matter." "Shoot." Fiona sat down on my visitors' chair, taking a sip of her...

4 years ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 5 An Evening with Fiona

"Good evening, Mister Parker. My name is Liz. I'm a friend of Fiona's. Is she in?" A man - Fiona's uncle, I assumed - had answered the door. He didn't seem very pleased about my unexpected arrival. "Fiona! There's somebody here to see you." He called into the house. I could hear Fiona shout, "Just a moment. I'll be down in a second," from somewhere inside. "Just a moment. She'll be down in a second," Mister Parker echoed. As he stood there, without having anything else to...

2 years ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 6 The Day After

So, here I am, back in my room, a nervous bundle of indecision, waiting for the phone to ring. I spent the whole day without wearing any knickers, but that made only a very small contribution to my confused state of mind. I didn't get a wink of sleep all night and now I'm dead tired. Too many things happened to let me find the restoring sleep I need to function properly. In a few minutes Roger will call me and he'll want to know in great detail what happened last night. Of course he'll...

4 years ago
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Stalked Ch 2

he didn’t know how she did it, but Emily managed to get out of bed the next morning. She was still getting over the shock from the phone call from the night before. She didn’t know anyone so intimately to boast such claims as the caller of last night had. At the library she went about her usual routine, but she could hardly concentrate, and was scolded several times by Mrs. Smith. Towards lunchtime, Mrs. Smith called her into her office to speak to her. ‘Have a seat Miss Reardon, your head...

2 years ago
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my new life part 1

As the truck we were in pulled up to the location my captors were taking me too they grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the truck. As I stepped out I took a moment to take in my surroundings. There was a large mansion surrounded by trees to create a fence, the two large women who were holding me by my arms and very little else. As they pulled me from the truck and up to the doors to the mansion I looked out at the gate to the property, there was nothing behind it but more trees which is...

5 years ago
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Confessions of a Bad Girl Part 2

With all the gossip going on about me, I had decided to move beyond sucking cocks and take the next step! But I wanted my first fuck to be special, one that I'd never forget or regret! What I didn't want was a disappointing, five minute hump session with some random guy that only happened because I was drunk or high! I know it sounds crazy, but even a slut should have some standards! But to get what I wanted, I needed to be selective; and find just the right guy - which I did! I know that makes...

First Time
3 years ago
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Suspicious Behavior Part 10

We went upstairs and for the first time in years, we made love. We didn't fuck like a****ls in heat, but made intimate, passionate love. Are bodies melted into one and the lovemaking went on for a long time. She cried after and held me tightly. We professed our undying love for each other. We then took a steamy bath together and made our plans for the following week.My wife made Tony wait all afternoon and all that evening. The next day at work, she bumped into Tony at the coffee...

2 years ago
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Property of Mistress Savannah

The day I had feared for months and months had finally come.  As a result of a takeover by a larger competitor the entire workforce of FlexiTech had been made redundant.  I was a member of that workforce.  A group of FlexiTech employees decided to have a night out to drown their sorrows and I decided to join them.  It was during that night out, whilst the group was walking from one pub to the next, that a rich and powerful Asian business woman encountered us on the way back from her office.?Are...

1 year ago
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The Wild Wild West Ch 4

I woke with the feeling of warm breath against my ear. I turned and looked deeply into Wade’s sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and young. My heart pounded hard against my ribs at the wonderful sight. His hand still softly cupped my right breast, as his arm came across my ribs. His touch was so warm, I thought to myself. If possible, I think I fell in love with him all over again. Memories came flooding back to our last time we shared each other’s bodies. I hope I heard him right and he...

4 years ago
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Leaving Raddling Close Part 9 of 9

The end of the ‘Goodbye Weekend’ was to be a late-night visit. Rita’s shift at the pub finished at ten-thirty and she would be with them before eleven. It was the only time she could make. Rita had a trim figure except for her all-natural, thirty-eight DD breasts, breasts that were always made more prominent by the bras she wore, and generally well displayed in a low-cut, tight, leopard- skin pattern top. She had a husband, Don, who, she told them, was a complete cuckold. He waited at home...

2 years ago
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Dungeon of Pleasure

You find yourself in a very small room. There is no furniture or anything at all, except for that door made of iron just in front of you. You have no idea, from where you came. It is just like, that someone might have been erasing your memories or something like that. The ground is made of very uneven flagstone and the walls seem to be made of masonry. Only one little candle in the room is burning, so you can see the door and everything. It looks like you might just be somewhere...

3 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 45

For once, when Cassie stands at the edge of the pit, it is because she has willed herself here. The Presence hovers at the edge of her senses, exhibiting a faint wisp of curiosity. "I promised I would do this if you let me choose," says Cassie as she peers into the swirling vortex. She pauses for its reaction, and it is as the night before. She senses it in the pit, as if still feeling the need to entice her. "I wish you would talk to me," Cassie says in a forlorn voice. "I wish I knew...

2 years ago
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Theater Sex

Beginning about fifteen years ago, Jeena and I started to visit adult theaters to watch and be watched, and sometimes a lot more. The rules vary, and there are big differences from state to state and theater to theater as to what is allowed and what you can get away with that isn’t allowed officially. Jeena, according to her mood, was up for most anything and loved being the center of attention. We started going to a ‘couples only’ theater on the north side of town. In four or five visits we...

2 years ago
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Webmeets Diary Ch 06

If you have read the other chapters of this diary, you will know that I went travelling after I finished university, intending to meet up with people from adult personal sites along the way. So, after St. Petersburg I went all the way through Russia and Mongolia without meeting anyone else from the internet. Of course, I met plenty of other travellers and locals many of whom were very attractive, but for various reasons I didn't end up sleeping with any of them. By the time I reached...

4 years ago
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Furloughed Fuck

During the first few weeks of lockdown the weather was lovely, the drinking as a result flowed and the time on our hands was strange but nice. Like holidaying at home, important to see positives with so much uncertainty around us.My wife loved a bike ride, loved the nice weather and loved a bit of a social drink! So when the sun shone and the restriction of only an hours exercise was relaxed she suggested we pack a rucksack with some drinks and headed out for a cycle in the countryside. She...

4 years ago
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Ani8217s Massage Experience

Hello all. Hope all are doing good. Yeah, lovers and haters are always there, but many thanks to ISS for helping me to connect to some broadminded and genuine people. For those who think, this is a fantasy/fake/true, you are most welcome to think the way you want to, cannot help or force anybody to think positive always. A little about me, I am Nishant, aged 30, from Bengaluru, offering massages to females and couples for nearly four years now. I have posted few experiences of mine here. You...

3 years ago
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Roundabout Inhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver...

2 years ago
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The Ride

The bike was just flowing into the sweepers. All that work I'd done on tyre pressures and suspension had set it up just right for me and it handled as if on rails. I couldn't wait until the famous Takapau plains. That stretch of flat open road with its long straights that provide the perfect venue for the customary speed test. You come down a rise enabling a perfect view for kilometres ahead to check traffic, cops, road works and other hazards. Then it's power on and enjoy the ride. I...

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Discovering BareBack Gay

I discovered bareback sex when I was in college. It is one of the greatest experiences that any bottom can have. I am super, extra, demandingly, particular who I will do this with, but when I do bareback with a I am getting chills just thinking about it now. I've only done it with three people, all of whom were long term lovers that shared an interest in safe condom free sex. We always got tested before and after we'd done barebacking, and we swore to each other that we were a...

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Devils Island part 15

The next morning Master woke up with his two slaves busily sucking his cock. He decided Sarah needed a good slow morning fuck and besides he hadn't used her in a while. Sarah was ordered up on all fours and Tina to put her head between her legs lying on her back. Tina started to eat Sarah's pussy while Master gave Sarah a few hard strokes in her ass. Sarah was in heaven it had been awhile since her Master had fucked her. While Master pounded away in her ass Tina was licking and eating her...

4 years ago
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Fun in Bus

With the lousy, icy weather we have been experiencing lately, I decided to ride the bus to get to and from work. No need to risk wrecking my car on the slippery roads. On my way home after work one night, things got a little more interesting.I had my heavy coat on over my white blouse and skirt, but it was really warm in the back seat of the bus on the ride home, so I took it off and sat on it. At the next stop, a guy that looked like he was probably homeless got on the bus and took a seat in...

3 years ago
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Watching my sexy wife with a BBC

I awoke early in the morning, with a killing headache after spending the night before having so many drinks. I was fully naked, lying on my back onto the carpet in that hotel room. I then lifted my head and saw my sensual wife also naked, but she was lying on the huge king size bed. Anita smiled at me and she began licking and sucking on the head of Raymond's dick, a black guy we had met the night before at the lobby bar.I could see that Ana’s oral skills were getting the black guy crazy ......

2 years ago
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Goings on in the Dorm

A Chastened Tale Demetri swallowed. He was a virgin and cowered as Chrissie just stood there, staring into his eyes without blinking, sticking out her tits so that they barely made contact with his chest. He tried to back away but had already met the wall of her dorm room. How had he gotten trapped in there? The only way out was through her unless—unless she stepped aside and allowed him to leave. If she didn’t—she’d have them fully against him and he didn’t know if he could deny her...

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A Son Lusts for His Mother Ch 7 9

The next morning, I awoke from a dream about a blow job to find my mom sucking my morning wood. She saw I was awake so she pulled my cock out of her mouth to say, “It’s about time you woke up. I thought you’d need some relief before school so I hope you don’t mind that I woke you up early.” She took my dick back in her mouth and resumed her licking and sucking. I just noticed that she was completely naked in my bed. “Hell no, Mom,” I said, “I think you need to wake me up with my dick in...

2 years ago
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An Awesome Memory With Colleague

Hi guys, thanks for good response for last story published , lot of emails have come from Hyderabad area and I felt very good. I am Anurag 23 well build athletic with fair complexion working in an MNC in Hyderabad. This incident is all about an office team mate who had shown me haven with wonderful sex appetite. This is a real story which happened last month, I was working with her from fast 6 months. We used to go for coffee breaks and lunch together. She always used to tell about her husband...

3 years ago
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Look But Dont Touch

The door handle rattles in the lock and they stumble through the door. Entwined together, they giggle, trip, and collapse to the floor in a heap of winter coats, mittens and half drunken kissing. Diana, the wife has been laughing hysterically for the last two blocks over what, her husband Keith has attributed to nothing at all. The cheap merlot the bartender had poured had obviously dissolved whatever posed as a filter for her sense of humor and now all of the laughter that the week's...

5 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 11 Six Months

I had been a toilet slave to these five women for so long that I had stopped counting the weeks. I had a vague recollection that I had asked Laurie to take another vote six months later, but I had no sense of how much time had gone by. I might have been there for just a couple of months, or I might have been there a year already. I no longer yearned to return to the corporate world of programming, and dealing with tyrannical bosses, nitpicking project leaders, office politics, political...

2 years ago
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Red The Stallion

She was eighteen and it was her first day on the job on the horse stud. Cathy, like most girls, loved horses, but couldn't afford her own so working with them was the next best thing. It was just after dinner and she thought she would go and give the stud stallion a quick brush and pat before going to bed. She went in to the box and Red was standing there quietly with a huge erection. Red was not like other stallions, who could only get a erection when they smelled the hormones in a mare’s...

4 years ago
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The first time I saw Min Young-ju was the day she came in for a job interview. She was from Korea and new to our country. My wife and I have a small business in Phoenix and we’re always trying to find front office people, so it wasn’t unusual to give interviews at anytime during the week. The only thing I remember about her was that she never said a word to anyone, only to my wife during the interview, and that she was sort of cute. I was surprised when Cheryl told me that...

3 years ago
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Highland Magic Ch 14

It was only a matter of minutes before Tilda had everything going they way it needed to be. I grinned at her as we mounted. She had picked the best guards, and from the expression on the six men’s faces, they thought this was a bad idea. I flashed a smile at them. They all seemed to ignore it. The youngest blushed before he saw the error of his ways, and changed to a frown. It only made me laugh. ‘You are in a fine mood, Lady.’ I glanced at one of the soldiers who’d rode up next to me and...

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William And Kimberlys Honeymoon

William was in love with his wife, Kimberly.  They were newlyweds on their honeymoon and spent most of their time in the bedroom.  William was obsessed with Kimberly’s breasts.   Every morning William spooned his wife.  He loved to gently fuck his wife’s pussy.  Her pussy was always quite juicy because they made love a lot.  William loved to hold Kimberly and kiss her neck while making love.William loved her big breasts.  Her breast size was forty-double d.  Her breasts were more than a handful...

Straight Sex
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Lennys Roots Chapter 3

The scuttlebutt from the casino owner crowd was that henceforward Lenny Mazurka was no longer welcome inside the city limits of Las Vegas, Reno and even the more sedate Lake Tahoe gambling establishments. There was a sense of finality about the edict, despite the fact it was entirely verbal and not attributable to any single party. It was sort of like trying to trace back the original source of the Ten Commandments.Lenny was mostly either drunk or high lately and he was playing his I-don’t-care...

Straight Sex
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Good girls are never mean

This story is written in second person because I originally intended it to be a choose-your-own-adventure. Obviously I changed my mind. -------------------------- GOOD GIRLS ARE NEVER MEAN: "This is the last time I tell you Eric, you will not listen to music in my class!" Mrs. Davis' yell startles you awake. It's the first class of the day and she's a dreadfully boring speaker. It's hardly your fault you can't keep away, even if you need the help of a pair of headphones to block...

3 years ago
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The Immortal Witch Inn Part 1 On the Run

The Immortal Witch Inn Part 1: On the Run By M W Lord Jim was a forty year old man on the run from the mob. He had been on the run from them for the past two months after stealing ten million dollars of the mob money. At the time it seemed like a good idea. But now with a hit man after him he didn't think so. Just two days ago the hit man just missed him. He was able to get away by hopping on a train. When he got off the train he saw a sign that said: New in town? Try The Immortal...

2 years ago
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Fortress of MemoryAfterwords

I took my charges to a safe place for the night, (a disused motorhome, which I knew where the key was hidden) and we ate our meal, drank our water, used the toilet- "Don't flush it, we will just rinse it down with a little water when everyone is done" I told them. and then it was time to change into the sweats and get ready for bed. I was embarassed, because living all together in Section 20 had removed any vestige of modesty. I tried not to stare at the brief flashes of pale skin or dark...

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SisterInLaw part 2

My name’s Carla Jean, and I’m in my mid-forties(exact age: closely-guarded secret!) I’ve had a pretty carefree life, always made better by my pursuit of sexual pleasures. I love oral sex most of all, and I have to say that I’m pretty talented in giving it, and never grow tired of receiving. I think my preoccupation with sex goes back to when my older sister got married to a terrific guy named Bill. He was such a gentleman to me from the day I met him, but I also noticed that when my sister...

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Being A Blood Donor Has Benefits

For Natalie…I have been a regular blood donor for many years and have done it more than thirty times, so it doesn’t faze me in the slightest. However, on this particular occasion, things turned out differently.I turned up as usual at the local sports club hall, went through the prick test and paperwork checking before being led to one of the reclining couches. It was in the corner of the hall, a bit away from everyone else. The hall was very busy with people waiting to give blood, some in the...

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It was a pleasantly warm May afternoon. So nice, in fact, that I decided to cut my afternoon classes and spend time down at the pool like any intelligent 14 year old boy would do. Okay, so it was not my pool. My family didn’t own a pool. I was swimming in the pool at an apartment complex about 3 blocks from our house. I didn’t let the little fact that my family didn’t actually live at this apartment complex keep me from sneaking in and enjoying the cool water. I’d long discovered that the key...

4 years ago
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Magic Is An Art Not A Science

Magic is an Art, Not a Science By Bashful Albert stood next to the car as the final suitcases were loaded. Gary walked out and put a pillow in the back seat along with a headset radio. He stood there awhile, like Albert, scuffing the ground with his feet. It was a warm clear day, the beginning of summer. The two 14 year old boys should have been happy that school was over for nearly three months. Instead, they were both closer to tears than they would care to...

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