Blame It On Pattaya 1 free porn video

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"My god Fred... quick, look over there in the pool! Look at that slut! Can you believe what she's doing? Have you ever seen anything like it?"

Lifting my head from my pool towel, I looked over towards where Marge was staring and felt a lustful ache begin to grow deep in my balls. Standing waist deep in the water, one of the hotel guests I'd noticed earlier, an attractive woman with bobbed jet-black hair in her early forties was looking over in our direction and what's more, she was naked from the waist up and displaying a nice sizeable pair of tits.

Thank god I was wearing sunglasses and able to look the woman up and down without appearing too obvious. From what I could see, she had kept herself in good shape for her age. She had everything I liked in a woman, nice big firm tits, a tight little ass, and full lips that looked made for cocksucking. In short, she was pretty much like my wife Marge only sexier.

I tried to be nonchalant about it. "Oh Marge, lighten up a little!" I said quietly out the corner of my mouth, "She's not hurting anybody! She's just getting a tan! Now for Pete's sake mind your own business...besides," I admitted. "I kind of like it. You know, she looks kind of German. I think I'll call her Fraulein Titzerhangen!"

"Well, I'd expect you to make a joke of it." Marge snorted. "But I think it's downright disgusting! I mean, after all Fred, this is a family resort! How would you like it if I ran around like that?"

"Like I said the lady probably is German honey. That's what they do over there! Nudity is no big deal to them. A lot of Europeans are into it. And to answer your question, I'd like it. I'd like it a lot!"

"Come on Fred, give me a break! There's nothing natural about it. That woman's deliberately flaunting her breasts at us! She's enjoying showing them off! And look, the man and woman with her are leering at us while she's doing it. Now let's get out of here! I want to go back to our room."

Marge was right. Sitting behind her across the pool, a Teutonic looking male and women in their forties were watching our reaction. Reluctantly, I turned my gaze away from Mz. Titzerhangen and tried to keep my wife engaged in conversation until my woody subsided.

Now I've been around the block a few times, and I sensed this lady wasnt just after a few extra rays of sunshine. I know a horny woman when I see one, and this woman had the lean and hungry look of a starving dog that's just spotted a box of T-bones falling off a truck. My guess was the three of them were probably swingers looking for a little action, and I had to admit they had my attention. The question was, with an uptight wife like Marge, what could I possibly do about it?

Before I get started, I suppose should put in a little background information. I'm Fred Harmon and my wife's name is Marjorie. Marge and I have two teenage girls from her first marriage, and we live in Connersville, a small town in Indiana where everybody knows your business and the most exciting thing you can do on a Friday night is to rent a movie and order in a pizza. In order to keep the wolf from the door I sell used cars, and my wife Marjorie sells Avon. What little she makes selling Avon she usually puts into her hobby of collecting orchids so we don't have a lot of wiggle room after all the bills are paid. But hey, we have a nice house with a basement chock full of hand lotion and perfume and stuff.

Anyways, one day coming home from work I got a big surprise. Once a week I'd buy one of those scratch and win cards the corner stores sell, and this one turned out to be a winner. It wasn't enough to retire on, but it was enough to take a much-needed vacation and have a few bucks left over.

What I decided to do with the money was to leave the k**s at home and take Marge on a package holiday to Pattaya, Thailand. Now I have to admit my motives weren't all squeaky clean. Over the years, our sex life had diminished to about once a week and Marge had turned into a bit of a prude. I had chosen Pattaya as our destination because I'd heard all about its raunchy nightlife and I had hopes that its heat and atmosphere might loosen Marge up and make her more exciting in bed.

My plan was simple. I thought a tropical vacation far away from home and anyone we knew would recharge our batteries, and possibly inject a little kinkiness into our marriage. Without mentioning to Marge that Pattaya happened to be the chosen destination for anyone in the market for sex, I showed her some glossy brochures of its fancier resorts and in no time at all had talked her into a three-week holiday there.

When I turned fifty, I began to realize that all of us have just one shot at life, so I figured I'd better start doing all the things I wanted to do. Like Marge, I'd been married once before and my first wife and I had experimented with sex, d**gs, and rock and roll. I'd done a lot of things I came to regret, but also a few things I really enjoyed. I was much younger back then and it was the era of free love, and while watching a well-hung friend fuck my partner I'd discovered I was a full-fledged voyeur.

I had kept that part of me under wraps for such a long time, but after being married to Marge it was emerging once again. I loved Marge very much but I'd come to realize that she was dull and nothing would turn me on more than watching her being pleasured by a huge cock.

The one thing I wasn't prepared for was the heat. Marge took to it like a duck to water but it made me feel really ill. As for the rest, well I'd known what to expect in Pattaya, but Marge didn't. I feigned ignorance, acting as shocked as her when we walked down the street and saw the hordes of scantily clad bar girls sitting outside their establishments inviting us to come on in. But my plan backfired. All the sleaze frightened her and she became furious at me for bringing her to such a place. She'd insisted on going back to our hotel complex and staying there, safely ensconced inside its walls. Now with this woman openly displaying her tits at us, it looked like I had another chance at loosening Marge up.

Still waters run deep. I knew Marge had a struggle acknowledging her sexuality. Although she'd never admit it, often when she appeared angry, she was actually aroused. Once I had somehow managed to talk her into seeing a dirty movie. It was all about a white woman having a threesome with a couple of black guys and I'd thought Marge was okay with it, but when the woman fished the guy's big ten-inch dicks out of their pants she went apeshit. She'd stormed angrily out of the theatre with me sheepishly in tow, and ranted and raved about how offensive the movie was, but I noticed when we hit the hay that night she was hornier than a hoot owl.

Underneath Marge's prim and proper facade, there was a nymphomaniac longing to be free and I felt it was my duty to let it out. If I could just get her loosened up enough, I knew she'd be a real firecracker in bed. I just needed a chance to push her in the right direction, and if I was careful and played my cards right, this just might be it!

Sure enough, back in our room Marge acted true to form and continued to harp on about how disgusted she was, so I suggested that maybe we should go to bed and try to forget about the incident. Wasting no time in accepting my invitation, she climbed on top of me and damn near fucked me to death.

Next morning, as a small token of thanks for the great piece of ass she'd given me, I crawled out of bed and brought Marge her morning coffee. Apparently, she still hadn't purged all her bad memories because after she'd finished her coffee she dragged me back into bed and fucked me once again. What with Marge's renewed appetite for sex, we just made the breakfast buffet in time, and lo and behold, who should come along and give us a big smile and sit down at the next table but Fraulein Titzerhangen and her two cohorts. Our little holiday was getting interesting.

I'd already made Marge promise to be civil if we ran into them, and she kept her word by returning an awkward smile to Mz. Titzerhangen. While we ate, every now and then, I'd notice they were stealing glances at us. Mind you, I was stealing a few of my own. I figured since they were sizing us up it gave me the right to size them up too.

Fraulein Titzerhangen I've already pretty much described, except today she'd chosen to wear a thin black cotton blouse for breakfast. At least I think it qualified as a blouse. Knotted under her generous milky white breasts, the thing was so small and transparent it somehow had the effect of making her seem even more naked than when she was in the pool. Did I mention she had on a skirt? It was white, short, tight, and so small it could have doubled as a pocket hankerchief.

The other woman was as quiet as a mouse. She was a few years younger than Mz. Titzerhangen and she was no slouch in the looks department either. She was a nicely packaged redhead, and she had a nice pair of tits like her friend, a small round ass and the kind of feral quality that makes your pecker sit up straight and pay attention.

The man was blonde with steely blue eyes and a jaw that looked like it had been carved out a block of solid granite. He had powerful muscular arms and a big hairy chest and he could have easily been a poster boy for the Aryan race. None of this was wasted on Marge. I noticed she had a flushed look on her face that I'd only seen once before, back when I'd been courting her and she'd been about to go to bed with me for the very first time.

Since Marge was lost in her own thoughts, I returned to sipping my coffee and eying Mz. Titzerhangen's cleavage. Suddenly the poster boy spoke up and I almost choked on my coffee.

"They're very nice aren't they?"

"P...Pardon me?" I sputtered, "I don't understand what you mean...what's nice?"

"My wife's breasts of course. You were looking at them, weren't you?" he asked, with a thin smile.

I felt as if the dining room walls were closing in on me. Marge was glaring daggers at me and Mz. Titzerhangen and her redheaded friend were looking slightly bemused.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" I gasped, my face turning a bright red. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stare!"

"No, please, don't apologize," he chuckled. "It's perfectly all right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure Frieda is quite flattered you find her attractive." After all beautiful things are meant to be admired, are they not?"

He turned to Mz. Titzerhangen.

"Isn't that so, my little puderdose?"

"Yes Hans my love." She looked over at me with her mysterious smile. "Do you like what you see sir?"

"I...I guess so." I stammered feeling just a little chagrined.

"Please allow me to introduce ourselves." Poster boy went on. "I'm Hans... Hans Kessler. This is my wife Frieda of course, and this is our friend Anika...Anika Schultz... And you are?"

"Fred...Fred and Marjorie Harmon." "And how are you enjoying Pattaya, Mrs. Harmon?" Frieda asked Marge. She reminded me of Ingrid Bergman as she exhaled a big puff of smoke from her morning cigarette. Thankfully her question took the focus away from me.

"Please... call me Marge. Mrs. Harmon makes me feel very old. Pattaya's nice, but it's very dirty! I...I'm sorry about my husband. He's having a hard time with the heat. I'm sure it's affecting his behavior."

"Yes Pattaya can be very hot and dirty, can't it?" Frieda replied. She smiled at Anika as if they were sharing a private joke. "Doesn't Marge have lovely skin, Anika?"

"Yes Frieda, she most certainly does." Anika looked Marge up and down like a surgeon deciding where to make the first incision. "You don't look like you ever need to worry about getting old, Marge. You're so pretty, and Frieda's right, your skin is just like a baby's. What's your secret?"

"Well, I am an Avon representative," Marge blushed.

Now if there's one thing Marge likes it's flattery, and somehow these two had figured that out real quick. Soon the three women were giggling and chatting away as if they'd known each other for years. Marge was so busy sharing her Avon expertise she'd forgotten all about Frieda's topless show. She can be pretty naïve at times and this was one of those times. I don't think she suspected for a moment what was going on, and I sure as hell wasn't about to tell her.

Hans was a real smooth operator too. He just sat back and waited while his two women worked their magic on Marge. Every now and then while Marge went on about her cosmetics, the three of us would exchange glances. It was almost as if there was a silent agreement between us that Marge was going to get herself royally fucked. It was just a matter of when and where.

Suddenly Frieda finished her coffee and announced they had to get going as they had a little shopping to do. Marge looked so disappointed to see them leaving Frieda threw her a bone.

"It's been so very nice meeting you Marge. I wish we didn't have to run off so soon. Say, I have a wonderful idea. Han's has rented a car for the day. This afternoon after we've finished shopping we are all going out to see the Nong Nooch tropical gardens. They are supposed to be quite spectacular. Would you and Fred like to come with us?"

Marge lit up like a Christmas tree and took the bait. She was hooked.

"Why that would be just wonderful Frieda! We'd love to, wouldn't we Fred?"

"Yeah that sounds great."

Frieda smiled. "Good, then it's all settled. We'll finish our shopping and meet you in the lobby at one o clock."


After finishing breakfast, Marge and I had a morning dip in the pool then went back to our room to wait until our new friends returned from their shopping expedition. As arranged we met Hans, Frieda, and Anika in the lobby, then they insisted that before we headed off we had to come up to their suite for a glass of Schnapps. Once in the suite, Hans rounded up four big tumblers and filled them right to the brim, and then he raised his glass in a toast.

"Well, here's to our new friends Fred and Marge! Und Weg Fred! Und Weg Marge!"

What the heck is that supposed to mean, Hans?" I asked.

"It's something we say back in the old country when we drink Schnapps, Fred. In English, it means down the hatch. I must warn you two. It's considered very bad form not to finish your drink."

With that, the three of them saluted us and drained their glasses. Marge looked at me and I shrugged as if to say it would be impolite not to, then we both cried Und Weg! and tossed back our drinks.

I swear it tasted like I'd just downed a large glass of Draino, and it took every fibre of my being not to spew it across the room. Marge was a real trooper. I've done a fair bit of drinking in my day but other than the odd glass of sherry at Christmas, she never touches the stuff, so how in heck she managed to keep it down is way beyond me.

Hans laughed appreciatively, yelled wunderbar and slapped me on the back, while Frieda and Anika gave Marge a big hug. Our new friendship had been sealed.


I felt someone shaking my shoulder and heard Marge's voice coming from somewhere behind me.

"Frank! Wake up! We're here!"

"Where's here Marge?" I groaned, waking in a hot, clammy sweat.

"The gardensh you shilly ninny!" she slurred, and then giggled to herself.

My head felt as if someone had put it in a vise. The schnapps and the searing heat had got to me. To this day, I still can't remember much about the gardens. I do know that on the way, Marge was in the back with the two women sharing a bottle of wine. They were all giggling and singing Goodnight Irene while I sat slumped in a semi c*** in the front seat next to Hans. The rest was all kind of a blur of color until I woke up in our hotel room and sat up in bed with a start. The noise of the air conditioner had woken me, and then I realized Marge was missing.

I staggered into the bathroom to splash some cold water on myself and saw a large note from Marge taped on the mirror.


After I'd brushed my teeth and put on some fresh clothes, I made my way downstairs. I spotted the three of them sitting over near the pool. Marge was sitting squeezed between Hans and Frieda, and Anika was just returning from the bar with what looked like three giant Mai-Tais.

I noticed Hans had his arm around Marge, and she had her head resting on his hairy chest. She was also wearing a tiny, red and white polka dot bikini that I'd never seen before, and her hair had been done up like Frieda's. What little there was of her bikini bottom was pulled up into a camel toe in front that revealed the lips of her engorged pussy. Marge was also wearing four-inch black heels, and she was so flushed she looked like she was in heat. She looked up and saw me standing there gawking and waved me over.

"Hi Honey!" she said innocently, and I wondered what they'd been up to. "You were sleeping so long we were wondering if you were ever going to wake up! You must have got too much sun. What do you think of my new hairdo and my swimsuit? Hans and Frieda thought I needed a makeover so the girls did my hair then they helped me pick out this bikini in the hotel gift shop!"

"She looks good Yes?" Hans said, with a big shit-eating grin, not even bothering to move his arm from her shoulder.

Hans was wearing a red and white striped t-shirt, a thick gold chain with a sharks tooth pendant, and a pair of tight white sailor pants that advertised the fact he was sporting a semi- hard cock that looked to be over twice the size of my own when I was fully erect.

For the first time I began to entertain some serious doubts. Once Marge had a taste of that giant Bratwurst of his, if she hadn't already, there was no telling what might happen. I wondered if bringing my wife to Pattaya was such a good idea after all. I was torn, I wanted to protect her from herself, but a large part of me wanted to watch Hans doing her, and that was the part that would eventually win out.

"Fred," Marge was tittering like a love struck teenager. "Hans has chartered a boat for tomorrow and we're going out to the islands. Isn't that exciting?"

"Yeah that's just dandy. Say hon, do you think I could speak to you alone for a moment?"

"Sure Fred, what's the matter?" she asked as she tottered over to me while sipping on her Mai Tai. I sat her up at the bar with me and ordered myself a short beer.

"You don't think maybe you just might be getting a little too cozy with the Katzenjammer k**s Marge?" I whispered.

"Nonsense, Fred. They're all really nice! I was wrong about Frieda. Why, she even shares my love for orchids. I can't remember ever having so much fun before!"

"I really think you should cool it honey!"

"Why Fred Harmon, I do believe you're jealous. Don't worry about Hans and me sweetheart. We're just having a little fun!"

"Well you might be Marge, but it looks like Hans is acting pretty darn serious! He's all over you for Pete's sakes! And in case you've missed it, it looks to me like Frieda and Anika are both sniffing after you too!"

"How dare you! You can't really believe that!" she replied. The anger was rising in her voice, but I could tell by the look on her face that she was secretly pleased. I knew then that my rescue attempt was too late, and I might as well throw in the towel and enjoy the show. Marge looked down at my lap then looked me straight in the eye.

"Fred, why on earth do you have an erection? Surely it's not from me snuggling up to Hans? What kind of a twisted pervert are you? You should be ashamed of yourself. Imagine telling me to cool it, when it's really you that's been getting your rocks off. You'd better watch it buster, or I just might give you something to really get off on!"

Women are strange. They all follow certain patterns. One of Marge's was that whenever she wanted to do something she knew wasn't right, she'd find a way to blame me so she could justify it to herself. But then I guess I was strange too. I was the one who set her up for this and I was willing to take the blame as long as I could watch her get fucked.

Marge did cool it, and we finished having a drink with our new friends, settled up our bar bill and went to bed early that night without talking about it. She suspected I knew what she was up to and she didn't want me to know that she knew it. Our mutual dishonesty with each other made me think of a line from an old English poem that said, 'Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive.'


The next morning I decided to take a new tack with Marge and tell her the truth and let the chips fall where they may. I thought it was time we got honest with each other. I brought her a coffee and we lay there in bed as I told her why I'd really brought her to Pattaya. Marge listened in silence until I'd finished then she began to question me.

"So you're saying you find me dull and you would like our sex life to be more exciting, that you'd like it if I were kinkier?"

"Well you're not exactly dull honey, but it could be better."

"And you really wouldn't mind it if I slept with other people? Let me get this right, you'd like to watch me do it, and you wouldn't get jealous, or think any less of me?"

"Yeah, I hope you won't think I'm too weird honey. I'm not saying I wouldn't get jealous, but I'd still love to watch. I've been a voyeur for a long time and I'm only just coming to terms with it."

"And it would be okay with you if it was Hans, or even Frieda or Anika?"

"Yes Marge, I know it sounds kind of strange but I'd really like it."

"Judging by the bulge in his pants it's obvious Hans has a huge cock. You do know that if I did it things would never be the same? That more than likely I'd want to do it again?"

"Yes sweetheart but even though I know all that I'd still get off on it."

"Well you'd better be careful what you wish for because I have a little confession of my own. Do you promise you won't be mad at me if I tell you?"

My pulse raced, I was so excited to hear what she had to say that I almost stopped breathing. Marge paused, unsure of how to begin. I swear I could hear my own heart beating. I was glad the bedclothes were concealing my erection.

"I could never be mad at you baby, I love you too much for that. What is it you've done?"

"It's not so much what I've done honey; it's kind of more what I'd like to do."

"And what's that baby?" I choked. My mouth felt dry, my voice was raspy.

"Well, remember yesterday when I told you Hans and I were just having fun and you said he was coming on to me?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well you were right, he was coming on to me, and I'm sorry, but I didn't want him to stop. Oh god, I can't believe that I'm telling you all this!"

"It's okay Marge. Jesus, go on! What was he doing?"

"While we were at the gardens Frieda and Anika wandered off. You were so out of it from the Schnapps and the heat that Hans and I parked you on a bench for you to rest. Then he took advantage of it and pulled me behind some bushes. He kissed me then he put his tongue in my mouth and took my hand and put it inside his pants. Oh Fred, I'm sorry but he got me so turned on!"

I gulped, waiting for her to go on. By now, I was pumping my cock. My precum was flowing freely, soaking my hand and the bed sheets. I was ready to come at any moment. Marge noticed what I was doing and replaced my hand with hers. She gripped me in her tiny hand and began to slowly jack me off. I wondered if she was thinking about him.

"Do you want me to give you a blow job honey?" she asked. She had never done that before.

"Does the Pope go to Sunday mass?" I croaked rhetorically. "Oh fuck yeah...but finish your story first!"

"Well like I was saying, he took my hand and put it down his pants. His thing was all gooey and so big I could barely get my hand around it, and I could feel it throbbing! Then he said he had a really big load for me and asked if I'd like to suck him off. I couldn't believe how dirty he was talking to me!"

"Did you do it?" I groaned.

"Are you sure you're okay honey?" she asked me with a genuine look of concern in her eyes. "Your heart is beating awfully fast!"

"I'm fine! Come on, for Pete's sake tell me! Did you do it?"

"Please don't get mad! I got down on my knees, held onto that perfect ass of his and started doing it, but then we heard his wife and Anika coming so I stopped." Marge's hand began to move faster. "Fred, you feel like you're going to come. I think maybe I'd better finish you off now, okay?"

Marge slipped down under the covers and took me in her mouth then started to suck me off like an old pro. Trust her to twist things around to make it sound like she was doing it just for me.

By the sound of her moans, I knew she was imagining she was finishing Hans off. But hey, if she wanted to suck on my cock while thinking about his, that was okay with me! The load I had churning away in my balls after listening to her lurid confession was probably as big as Hans's anyway. Marge made little mewling sounds as her tongue swirled around the head of my cock, and then suddenly she sucked my full length down her throat.

I have never been a religious person, but at that moment, I had an epiphany. My mind was filled with a vision of her kneeling in the grass with her painted lips stretched around Hans's big throbbing baby maker. I wondered if she was having the same vision.

I cried out from something between pain and ecstasy.

"Holy fuck Marge!! Oh god, Oh god, I'm fuckingg cumminnng!!!!"

Unable to hold back any longer, I let fly. I held the back of her head as my cock erupted and a mega load of boiling hot cum shot up through my urethra and filled her cheeks till they bulged out with my thick creamy spooge.

Marge greedily gulped it down, using her fingertips to scoop up a big glob of jism that had seeped out the side of her mouth and then swallowed that too. When she'd finished she crawled up and lay there smiling, snuggling up to me with her head on my chest and my leg wedged between hers. If she were a cat, she would have been purring. She had come as intensely as I had, if not more.


Although our lust had been temporarily sated, we still had a few things to sort out. We had a boat ride to go on and we had to plan for any eventuality. Ever the practical one, Marge brought it up first. I have to give her credit. As we were getting ready to go boating, she came right to the point.

"Honey, what should I do if Hans tries to fuck me today?"

"What would you like to do Marge? Do you want him to fuck you?"

Marge lowered her eyes, embarrassed at her confession. It was hard for her to acknowledge her feelings.

"You already know the answer to that question Fred," she said quietly.

"Maybe, but I want to hear you say it out loud baby. Tell me what it is you want."

"Okay, I want him to do it," she whispered softly.

"Want him to do what sweetheart?"

"Damn you!" she wailed. "Fuck me! I want him to fuck me! I want him to fill me with his cum!!! There!!! I've said it!!! Now are you happy? Oh Fred..."

Marge started to thrash around on the bed. She was so excited it was scary. Hearing her using the word fuck like a common two-bit whore had my cock already starting to come back to life.

"Oh God Fred, his cock was so big, and I've been so fucking horny since yesterday!!!"

"Good girl Marge... Let it all out honey... I want to know everything about you. When you're excited, it really turns me on! Let me know what a cheap little slut you easy you are!"

"Damn you, you asked for this! I only hope you're ready for it!"

Marge's eyes glazed over. It looked like she was going to come again. I saw she had her finger on her clit and was rubbing it frantically as she talked to me. The inside of her legs was soaking wet. The room reeked of her sex.

"I loved feeling his cock throbbing in my mouth!" she panted. "I loved everything about it, the taste, the smell, but most of all I loved how big it was!!! And his big hairy balls were so swollen, honey! Oh god, they were so swollen and filled with cum!!! He told me he had a huge load to fill up my married pussy with!!!!!"

Her fingers became a blur as she worked her clit. Her cunt was puffier and redder than I'd ever seen it before, and I could tell she was very close.

"I'm so horny from thinking he might try to fuck me today, and that you actually want him to do it!!!!"

"You like that don't you baby!" I teased. "You fucking size queen, you like the idea of me watching that big cock slipping up into you...stretching you... spurting way up inside your belly while I watch!"

That did it for Marge. She threw back her head, arched her back, and let out a moan that seemed to go on forever and then she screamed.

"Yes!!! Holy Mary mother of god yesss!!! Oh god I'm cumming!!! Sweet Jesus I'm cumming!!!!"

Marge went on for so long that I was worried she might be having a heart attack, which would be pretty hard to explain to the k**s back home.

To be continued...

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Blame it on James Brown Part 2 of 2

They held each other for a time, her head on his shoulder and his arm around her. Dixie had gotten some sleep after she’d left the radio station, but she was already spent. Daniel was exhausted and nodded off. Dixie eased herself out of the bed, put on her robe and went to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. Her man could sleep, and whenever he awoke his meal would be ready.----When Daniel awoke it was after eleven. Dixie was gone, but left him a note. It said that she’d gone to church and...

1 year ago
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Blame It on Monica

Well I couldn't blame it on anyone else! I mean, there I was off on a course for a few days, staying in a sleepy little archetypal English village. Next door was a pub, next to that was the church, dating from the 1100's, next to that another pub. One called the Swan, the other the George and Dragon. The bed & breakfast overlooked the village green — more typically English would be quite impossible to imagine. Except that the housekeeper in my old English Guest-house was actually...

2 years ago
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blame the internet for me being a sissy slut

I suppose I should start by describing my self. I am 6 ft tall and although sporty I would not be well built or anything. I am 24 with a nice job that keeps me going, am single, and live by my self with a lot of family and friends close by. My story and life is now about 1 friend in particular. Her name was Emily; she was slim 5ft 9 inches with long shiny black hair. I was always attracted to her but always thought that nothing would ever happen between us because we were such good friends...

4 years ago
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It's all your fault, my mom says thanks! by Oediplex 8==3~ Dear Oediplex, I have become one of your biggest OediPals. Not just because I have read everything you have posted somewhere on the web, but because one of your stories was instrumental in helping me to connect in a wondrous way with my mother, and we became lovers. Just like Allen, in that five part saga of his, which you provided on line for your faithful fans, I am happy to share with you our introduction into incest. ...

3 years ago
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Blame it on Pattaya 2

Marge and I had our morning shower and got ready for our coming boat ride. I threw on my favorite Mets t-shirt and a pair of shorts but Marge dressed for the kill. It seemed that when she'd confessed having the hots for Hans a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she was starting to make up for lost time. After slipping on her new thong, she pulled a breezy looking off the shoulder pale yellow sundress over her head, and then topped it off with a wide brimmed straw hat with a black...

2 years ago
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Blame It on the Water

by scribbleskillz Two hours ago, it was a good day. I was with my parents out for a weekend of scuba diving and sun tanning off the coast of Catalina. A much needed weekend of relaxation brought to us through spontaneous means (my pops had cracked a screw and instead of a sports car for his mid-life crisis, he bought a rather big yacht). And so we'd been enjoying the sun after a nice afternoon dive. Armed with margaritas and not a care in the world. That is what I call blissful. Thirty minutes...

2 years ago
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Blame It on the Water

by scribbleskillz Two hours ago, it was a good day. I was with my parents out for a weekend of scuba diving and sun tanning off the coast of Catalina. A much needed weekend of relaxation brought to us through spontaneous means (my pops had cracked a screw and instead of a sports car for his mid-life crisis, he bought a rather big yacht). And so we'd been enjoying the sun after a nice afternoon dive. Armed with margaritas and not a care in the world. That is what I call blissful. Thirty minutes...

1 year ago
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Blame it on Rio

Hello ISS readers. I am a journalist and have had several sexual encounters over the past few years. Let me describe one such affair I had with the supervisor of the media help desk in rio centro, the conference venue in rio de janeiro, brazil. Every word i am writing is the recollection of a true happening. Some years ago, i was on assignment to report on an international conference in rio, brazil. At the end of the first day, i wanted to have a document faxed to my editor in new york. So i...

1 year ago
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Blame it on James Brown Part 1 of 2

Note to reader: This story has a slow build, so if you're looking for a quickie you may want to save it for later. Thanks. September 1975, Denver Daniel had a big decision to make. And he had to make it soon.He was sitting in a lecture hall, lost in a daydream while waiting for the professor to arrive so class could begin. Daniel was beginning his sophomore year as an engineering major, and the fall semester was only three days old. His dilemma, and the big decision that was weighing on his...

3 years ago
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Blame It On Hermione

Very important author’s notes: The spark for this lewd tale came from reading Harry Potter. Regardless of whether you like or dislike the movies or books, imagine how exciting it would be to utilize the ability to go back into someone’s memory and observe what happened to them at a certain point in time. These memories are stored in a stone receptacle . . . called a pensieve. A witch or wizard can extract their own memories or another person’s . . . and stores them in the pensieve, and reviews...

2 years ago
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Blame it on Bacchus

Vesta, goddess of the hearth, was taking her leisure in her garden when she was startled from her reverie. "Auntie Vesta!" cried the cheerful voice of her uninvited visitor. "So good to find you here!" The portly god who greeted her was Bacchus, god of wine. Vesta sighed and inwardly cringed. In truth, she would have preferred a visit from any other god, even Vulcan, who at least remained civil when he kept his temper in check. Vesta supposed Bacchus may have been tolerable when sober but...

3 years ago
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Blame It on the Purge

Marcy and I were sitting on my sofa, watching the Purge, as it happened, just days away from Halloween. We ate plenty of popcorn and drank a few beers together, just kicking around a bit, brother and sister (okay, stepbrother and stepsister, but we had grown up together, so we tended to leave the “step” part out of things). I jokingly called her “Marcia Brady” and “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” while she teased me by twisting my name, changing Julian to “Julia” or “Jules” (her excuse being that...

1 year ago
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Blame Our Sister

Copyright © 2004 by Jefferson "Shh, you need to be quiet." Sonora Sheridan repeated as the two men followed her into the apartment and down the hallway, shutting the door behind them. Sonora led the two young men through the dark apartment and into her bedroom. She touched each of their arms as they moved past her into the dark bedroom. She then closed the bedroom door before finally turning on the light. Sonora then turned and looked at the two young men and smiled. "We need to...

1 year ago
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Blame It On Cain

Even though it wasn't my wedding, I still remember the day vividly. Each sigh of happiness from the grandparents as the bride floated down the aisle. Each tinkle of crystal as spoons crashed against champagne glasses, signaling for one more kiss from the happy couple. Each time my heart broke into a million pieces. I remember everything... "Aren't they a lovely couple?" "Pardon?" I turned to see who had spoken and smiled as my Aunt Rose tipped her glass of champagne back, draining the...

2 years ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 2 The Conversation Part 2

Shocks, yes! I had promised to tell Fiona a secret about Roger and me so that she would share her secret with me. I wondered if that had been a good idea. I wondered if I hadn't been better off without the burden of knowing Fiona's secret. But I wasn't going to go back on my word. "He's got this really unusual idea of foreplay," I started. "Like, none?" Fiona interrupted my flow before it had started. I didn't respond to her interjection, but my look told her that I didn't want...

3 years ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 3 The Aftermath

I woke up in the middle of the night. Fragments of a dream, or maybe several dreams, were still floating through my head. In the scene which I was able to recall most clearly, I was naked, bending over the table in Roger's kitchen. Fiona was standing behind me, not wearing any top or bra. She was slapping my bottom! Her beautiful breasts swayed gently, accompanying the movement of her hand. There were men watching - a different man in each version of the dream. I remembered seeing Roger. He...

1 year ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 4 The FollowUp

As soon as I got to the office the next morning I went to Fiona's cubicle. She hadn't arrived yet. I left a yellow post-it sticker right in the middle of her monitor, asking her to come and see me. Fiona arrived a little later, carrying a plastic coffee cup in one hand and my sticker in the other. "Morning, Liz. What's the problem?" "No problem, not really. I just wanted to talk to you about a personal matter." "Shoot." Fiona sat down on my visitors' chair, taking a sip of her...

3 years ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 5 An Evening with Fiona

"Good evening, Mister Parker. My name is Liz. I'm a friend of Fiona's. Is she in?" A man - Fiona's uncle, I assumed - had answered the door. He didn't seem very pleased about my unexpected arrival. "Fiona! There's somebody here to see you." He called into the house. I could hear Fiona shout, "Just a moment. I'll be down in a second," from somewhere inside. "Just a moment. She'll be down in a second," Mister Parker echoed. As he stood there, without having anything else to...

1 year ago
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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 6 The Day After

So, here I am, back in my room, a nervous bundle of indecision, waiting for the phone to ring. I spent the whole day without wearing any knickers, but that made only a very small contribution to my confused state of mind. I didn't get a wink of sleep all night and now I'm dead tired. Too many things happened to let me find the restoring sleep I need to function properly. In a few minutes Roger will call me and he'll want to know in great detail what happened last night. Of course he'll...

3 years ago
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Perfect night

Perfect nightI take my wife out for dinner and after for drinks at a local bar. She's dressed casual showing off a little cleavage. Little does she know I have plans for her tonight. After a few drinks and shots I meet up with a guy at the bar that I set a meet up with. I give a quick intro to the wife that he's an old but I used to work with ages ago and we chat for a while. Before we leave he insists on doing a shot with us and goes and gets a round before we leave. He gets the shots but adds...

2 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 7

I had no idea what Mistress meant when she said they would be having more fun with me. Maybe I did, but I didn't want to think about it. The plug in my tiny asshole, had me trembling in horny discomfort. It was locked into the frame of my chastity belt, so I knew it was staying put, for a while at least. The problem was, the more I started to get used to the feeling of it invading my tight behind, the more it turned me on. This would normally be a welcomed feeling, but by this point, I was so...

4 years ago
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Jay and Chris at the Wedding

It wasn't that they were tired of each others' bodies. Jay was shorter than Chris, had chestnut hair, hazel eyes, a tan, and was a tennis instructor, so he had a great body: six-pack, adonis belt, the works. Chris, taller with blond hair and blue eyes, had a lean swimmer's body, thin but built. No, they did not tire of seeing each others' sexy builds, but they both began to feel that their fucking was too routine. They needed more to keep their passion going. Then came the wedding. Jay's...

2 years ago
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Rebeccas Homecoming

You feel something vibrating against your leg and freeze, momentarily enjoying the pleasant sensation. Realising your mobile phone isn’t stopping, you reluctantly reach inside the pocket of your trouser suit and pull out the device. As you open the home screen of your Apple smart phone, you see an e-mail notification. The message is from me and your curiosity is piqued. You decide to steal a quick glance, despite being in an important business meeting and don’t really have the time. Your...

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Santas Helper

It’s Christmas Eve, and for the first time, we aren’t able to spend it with our children. However, we made the best of it, and had that day all planned out; sleep late, play lazy, and maybe with weather permitting go to a movie. My husband even had a holiday feast in mind, turkey, with all its trimming, green-bean casserole, baked potatoes, apple salad, and a yummy apple pie for dessert. A smile crossed my face as I remembered the comment he made. “Honey, this meal is guaranteed to spice...

2 years ago
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My Bi Journey Episode 2

Episode 1 recounted how I learned to suck whilst still in school but I then started dating girls. However when I went to college I was very sporty, lots of competitive cycle riding and rugby but unfortunately got an iguinal hernia (that's the one where your ball sack swells up). So before my last year I had the op in the summer to correct it, this was before the days of keyhole surgery so I was shaved nipple to knee and ended up with a 4" scar running diagonally from my cock.I used to go...

4 years ago
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Hot Sex Session With Aunty

Hi friends, You can call me Tabish, 24, and i am from Patna. I have been an avid reader of ISS and and there was never an iota of thought in my mind that i will be writing a story of mine one day. So for any mistakes that you may encounter, please pardon me. Suggestions for improvement and unfavorable judgements are welcome to my email “”. I am very much open to mature ladies to share their experiences and create our own (especially from the Patnites). This story is a complete fantasy. The...

3 years ago
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Two Days In ParadiseChapter 3

She followed us for a short distance then turned aside while we continued straight. The hall opened into a foyer and we took a wide stairway to the next level. In one direction was another narrower hall, in the other, beyond the landing, sunlight beaconed in the distance. We went in this direction and walked out onto a verandah. This platform overlooked the clefts farther south of those we had seen earlier. It was a breathtaking view. "Beautiful," I remarked. "Yes it is," said a...

3 years ago
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Golden Maid 2

Hi all – In the first part I have described the preamble and environment about the real story and the run up to the scenes that unfolded in part 2. Now further…..She poured couple of mugs of water on her beast cleaning them also of my saliva. She twitched her face in pain. I asked do they hurt? She showed the nipples which were ripe and swollen. I said no more touching them tonight. She pulled my hand to her breast and started squeezing my hands on them. “They may swell and bleed. You will keep...

4 years ago
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New Friend

The theater was mostly empty, which was strange for a Friday night. Although the featured movie had came out several weeks earlier, Mike thought there would have been more people there than there actually were. All his friends had flaked out on him tonight, saying that had to study for one AP test or another. Mike probably should have been home studying for his too but he had studied enough the last several weeks and wanted to relax before the big days. Watching this movie was a good way he had...

2 years ago
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Snow White the Naughtiest Princess

Have I ever told you the tale of Snow White the Naughty Princess? No? Well, let’s get started. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a great King and his beautiful Queen. One day, when the King returned to the castle from his adventures, the Queen welcomed him with a tiny baby in her arms. The baby was gorgeous, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. What a pleasant surprise it was for the King, who hadn’t been home for two years. “My King, I’m...

1 year ago
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BabymakerChapter 10

My parents were in the kitchen when I woke up Sunday morning. I almost didn't go in there, but I didn't really have a choice. The world seemed different now that I'd had sex with my own mother. I waited for something terrible to happen and I felt sick with fear and guilt, or maybe just fear. I might have only wanted to feel guilty, because that would be normal, right? The fact was that I was afraid of the future, of the consequences, but looking back, I kind of enjoyed remembering the...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 312

Thanks to sbrooks103 for this one: A husband comes home. “Good news, Honey, I got you some aspirin.” “But, I don’t have a headache.” “Okay, let’s fuck!” dorsetmike ‎provided this one. A woman is woken up at 4.30 in the morning by some strange noise downstairs. She tries to wake up her husband, but the other side of the bed is empty. Rather scared she screams: “Who’s that in our house?” To her relief it turns out that the cause of the noise is not a burglar, but her husband. The...

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Pour sauver son mari

Pour sauver son mari ? Coulybaca / Bedo ? Chapitre 1 ? ? -???????? Que t'est-il arriv? qu'est ce que ces marques sur ton visage ? Demanda-t-elle affol?e. -???????? Oh,  r?pondis-je m'asseyant tout penaud ? ses cot?s... J'en prends plein la gueule... Les gardes les laissent faire... Il regardent, certains s'en vont lorsque ?a d?marre.... Encore 32 jours et je pourrai sortir... Tu dois m'aider ch?rie... -???????? Je ne crois pas pouvoir le faire... Sanglota-t-elle ?perdue. ? -???????? Sanderson, de quoi parles-t...

1 year ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 9

By the time Sereine and I got to Wayside, we were both tired. We had let our egos control our actions, by hopping eight shipping containers to Wayside. Their combined mass and volume was more than the utility equipment we had hopped to Earth some months before, and we had been pushing our limits to hop that much equipment. We decided to leave the shipping containers on Wayside, and hop them to the ranch, later. As soon as we had stored our travel equipment and rested, we hopped home. Since...

4 years ago
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A bad date

Chapter 1( comment at [email protected])  After another party with friends, Paul went home. It was going to be a calm evening because his younger brother Mike would be away. Paul was drunk enough and he just wanted to get to bed as soon as possible.  Entering the apartment, the man saw his brother still getting dressed. In fact, Mike was almost dressed except for his polished shoes. He wanted to look like Mr. Right in the eyes of his new girlfriend. Although she didn’t know that she wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Wifes first time with another man

I had tried to talk my wife into letting me watch her with another man for months and then she finally agreed to at least watch vids of cuckolding and then we eventually worked it into our fantasies and role playing during sex. Went a step farther and signed up on a swingers site to test the water. This was years ago so we were both in our early 30s and although she still looks great today she was smoking hot back then. She agreed to let me post some pics of her and see what happened. After a...

3 years ago
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Another Friday night has come upon us as I invited over my best friend Marcus to spend the weekend with. We decide we want to have some fun so we invite Grace to spend the weekend with us. I'm still the only guy Grace had ever fucked. After my 14th birthday, Grace and I had hung out several times after to fuck. She had gotten adventurous the last few times and she had me fuck her in the ass. She enjoyed it and had expressed several times that she would want to do two guys at once. Madison...

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Hatching a Heroine Chapter 9

Hatching A Heroine Chapter 9 Written by Emilie Ember Edited by Talia Elliott Belser Hood thrown back to show her face, dark skin and red hair on proud display, Lonna stomped her way out of the clothing shop and into the streets. Behind her walked a confused Melissa driven forward by three armed men and one brown furred rabbit Sapphi, who'd apparently been keeping watch out front. The silver krakens on blue indicated their fealty to the countess of Koleff. That, combined with...

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The Valentine Virginity Of Hot Neighbour Girl

Hello, horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back again. Thank you readers and my dear fans that contacted me and appreciated me for my story. Special thanks to my female fans too. I request the readers (both boys and girls) to just reach out to me in hangouts or mail so we could stay connected. I would love to connect with more of the like-minded ISS fans. Re-introduction about me. I am Arjun from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 26 years old, 6 foot tall, fair and regular gym guy with...

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A Woman of The Church

It was a Wednesday, Wednesday evening; Wednesday late evening. I was helping a friend out by putting up some shelves in a basement of a church hall. Not my usual job but just something I turn my hand to every so often. I had started to put these up after my usual day job, so I had started late and I knew there was going to be a meeting in the hall above, so knew I could finish late as well, at least till the meeting went on till. The friend I helped out could not be there with me, and anyhow,...

Wife Lovers
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30Day Program

A 30-Day Program By Jennifer Lee James and Sonya were out in the back parking lot behind the office taking a smoke break, and the topic of quitting came up. "I tried a few months ago," he said. "I was good for a few weeks, and then fell right back off the wagon." Sonya smiled and took a drag. She was a good-looking redhead who had recently joined the company, and James had to constantly keep himself from looking at the front of her shirt. She was tall, almost six-foot he...

4 years ago
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The Games Part Seven

THE GAMES PART SEVEN By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 24 THE PRESIDENT EXAMINES THE LATEST polls and grows more angry by the second. Tonight's events have not helped the cause, not the short term goals nor the long...

1 year ago
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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part II

Chapter 4 Robb had drained about $1200 from the bank card that bore his name. He bought a backpack at a thrift store. He broke the card in half and threw it away. He walked and walked, and walked... ...and walked. During his internet musings he discovered the idea of the Walkabout. Walking until you meet yourself, considering the events of the week, that seemed like the most likely thing in the world. He knew that there wasn't an explosion behind him. He also knew that he wasn't...

1 year ago
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Polaroid Club Book IIChapter 8

Ralph Taylor stood leering down at the hunched, naked, horror- stricken form of his star salesman's lovely young wife. His huge, thickly veined prick jutted towards her in its erection like an accusing finger. Behind him, still beating his own throbbing penis with one hand, his face a flushed, sweating red, stood the thinly built postal clerk, his leer almost as salacious as the Auto Circus manager's. Cindy finally realized the exact dimensions of her position, and scrambled away from the...

4 years ago
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My first time

Having had no gay intentions before it never bothered me if guys chatting to me,wasn't looking for a hook up or anything,didn't think I was that way until one night out with my friends!!We had hit a few pubs and down enough beer for the night when someone suggested we hit a nightclub. Wasn't into loud music or dancing but went along anyway.Was pretty packed out with a lot of youngsters considering I was in my early 40s but thought what the hell and headed to the bar. While waiting 2 lads stood...

1 year ago
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LongreachChapter 3

For over a year we worked our asses off at Longreach. We carefully selected people to migrate to our new base. Besides the repair ship, Marn; we also had a mining/refinery ship! It was busy converting raw material into useful finished products for us. The base on the planet which we named Alton, was located on the continent where Eric had spent so much time. The second base was named Caston. Both bases were recruiting people for various positions. One thing we wanted was a trained army. Not...

2 years ago
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A Surprise Cuckolding

My experiences with cuckolding, believe it or not, were not planned. At least my part wasn’t, initially. My wife Lenora and I had a good marriage, had good kids and what most people would call a normal life. Then unexpectedly, as guests at my wife’s friend’s daughter’s wedding (“The Wedding Surprise”), both I and my wife, Lenora, were introduced to the world of cuckolding (or drunk wife = forced cheating with BBC = cuckolding). Whatever you want to call it, it was fucking awesome!These new...

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Getting Dirty At A Truck Stop

Disclaimer: This is a fantasy story about a truck stop (for the most part, some part at the start of the story is true). As such, I’ve let my wild desire and imagination run free in this story and indulged in activities I would otherwise never do. If you’re averse to kinky and dirty sex, or golden showers, you are warned. I’m a fairly straight-looking bi-bottom who loves to wear lingerie and get fucked by hard mature men. I don’t really have a type in men as such. Anyone with hard and willing...

Gay Male
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The Photo ShootChapter 6

We pulled up to Sarah’s house. Jim told me to come inside, he had a couple photo shoots lined up for Kara and I, I was glad, I needed to have an orgasm soon, after what happened today at school, I needed it. We walked inside, Sarah quickly got undress, and put on her red collar. Kara was already there, but she was dressed in what looked like a doctors outfit. Jim told me to take a shower, and put on the clothes he had laid out for me. Jim said; “He has to make some phone calls, and to meet...

4 years ago
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Watching a Couple Fuck

I was on a business trip and decided to go down to the bar after a long day. I sat at the bar and ordered a beer and watched ESPN on one of the TVs on the wall. I noticed a cute brunette looking at me. She had shoulder length hair and she was wearing a blue dress. The dress had a lot of cleavage. Her tits were Ds for sure. She smiled at me. I smiled back. She got up. Oh fuck. I tried to act cool. She sat down and said hello and smiled. I said hi and smiled back. She was probably in her mid-30s....

1 year ago
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Mom plays Nurse

After braking both of his arms in a motorcycle accident, a 17 year old has to rely on his mother to help him in everyday things including bathing and going to the toilet, but gets extras in the process. I always remembered my dad once talking about motorbikes with the family in the front room of the house, debating how the great Barry Sheen was a rare breed after he'd come off his bike again braking his legs, and how they were death traps. "Bloody dangerous if you ask me," dad...

4 years ago
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While She Slept

Lastnight was so hot, I just have to tell you about it. I suggested we go to bed earlier, the girlfriend and me, we hadn't had sex in a few days, and I was a bit horny … well, very horny … if you know what I mean?The thing is, she'd been yawning already for a while, and by the time she'd done her face, and put on her creams, and done all her other 'beauty' stuff (which is totally un-necessary in my book, as she's a knockout already) her eyes were beginning to droop, and I knew in my heart of...

1 year ago
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Valetines Day SucksChapter 3

It was three days before they would let him have visitors. His mother and Wanda never left the hospital. Brock's father had arrived and when he heard about where Brock was, he brought bags for both Wanda and Brock's mother. I talked to them for a long time before getting them all to see things my way. At this point, I think I'm the only one he would trust anyway. I convinced them to let me be the first one to talk to Brock. I was hoping that I could straighten things out between Wanda and...

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