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By: The Priest

I was about to start the engine when my mobile phone rang, it was Mary, she was unable to make the theatre date because one of her c***dren had gone down with some kind of virus so I decided to make the girlie night into a one woman night rather than give up seeing the one woman show at the theatre especially after I had been so looking forward to it, I had the tickets which were not cheap, I knew the seats were in a perfect spot and the artiste was a fantastic American woman who I had always admired for her talent and the life she had lived to the full, so why not!!

I am 53 years old, married with two c***dren, the only sex partner I have ever had has been my husband, the sex is fairly bland being a race to see who can cum first, I am usually second so in other words I tend to lose out so to say that I get fairly frustrated on the rare occasions that we do have sex is putting things mildly, I have from time to time suggested that he might like the silver medal now and again as it could be so much more fun for the both of us but my dry wit seems to fall on deaf ears but I love him and up until this encounter that I am about to relate to you I have stayed faithful to him, I know of one slip by him whilst I was in hospital having my youngest c***d but for the sake of keeping the family united chose to let it go after of course extracting many promises that it would never happen again and a new car.

I am naturally blond and my body is in fairly good condition, perhaps a tad overweight but I visit the gym regularly and my 36 D’s are still firm and stand proud when I remove my bra, I have very erect nipples which I am regularly conscious of when I am wearing something thin as I get quite a bit of male attention with them leading the way as they tend to do and of course this makes the situation worse as they pucker and go hard when I know that they are getting attention.

So my choice of outfit for this evening was based on my wishing to avoid the embarrassment of them sticking forth, I had on a grey suit skirt with a faint striped sleeveless blouse that buttoned up the front and my grey suit jacket so not a nipple in sight, my only hint of feeling sexy was all below the surface with self-supporting lace topped stockings and lace edged loose fitting panties which matched the bra I was wearing, I felt good and comfortable.

On arriving at the theatre I went to the bar and got a glass of white wine and also ordered and paid for another for the interval, I had time before the show to relax and drink my wine, I noticed a few of the guys eying me as a single woman and trying to get a peek into my blouse between the buttons where there was a small gap but I didn’t bother to adjust it as I was to a certain extent enjoying the thought of being the focus of what I suspect is a male sport of being mesmerised by the bit of naked flesh that is sometimes visible on these occasions and if it gives them pleasure who am I to deny them?? I can hardly imagine them rushing to the toilet to relieve themselves at the sight of a tiny sliver of my breasts.

The bell went for the start of the performance and I made my way with many others to my seat in the circle, I knew that my seat was at the far end of the row and that there was no normal exit from the other end so I was hoping that I would be the first in place because I dislike pushing past everyone to get seated but it was not to be, the other 4 persons on my row were firmly entrenched by the time I arrived so all had to stand whilst I eased past the two younger people and a woman and a man who was seated next to my two adjacent seats as I still had Mary’s ticket, whilst I was moving in I pondered on whether to take the first seat next to the man or to leave a one seat gap, he seemed pleasant and smiled as I passed so I elected for the seat next to him, it turned out that they were a party of 4, husband and wife, their daughter and her boyfriend, this I gathered from overhearing the conversation that went on between them before the performance began.

We all sat down and as I did I stole a glance to the man next to me, he must have been in his early 60’s, smartly dressed over 6ft tall with grey hair and a short greying beard that been recently trimmed and had left its appearance a little bristly, he was not very handsome but was good looking in a manly sort of way with a face and composure that looked like it had seen quite a slice of life, he was strongly built with a very slight paunch.

As he sat and to my slight annoyance he took possession of the arm rest that was between us but I was immediately intrigued by the fact that his arm was on the rest with his hand dangling over the edge slightly on my side of the rest, he was wearing a fleeced jacket and the arm and hand that protruded from the end of the sleeve was hairy with black and grey hair mixed in, I have always had a fantasy about a hairy armed man wrapping those arms around me naked and squeezing my breasts whilst standing behind me so the sight of this limb that matched my fantasy sent a small shiver through my genitals this could be partly because my husband is very fair and his body hair is barely visible.

The lights dimmed and I was conscious of the very small green light above the emergency exit door at the end of my row was casting an eerie light along my row, I was trying to watch the show but my eyes kept straying back to the hand that to all sense and purposes was straying into my space although it had not moved, I developed an uncontrollable urge to either lightly touch the hand or the hairy arm, I tried to will the hand to move in my direction or try to touch me in some way but it was all to no avail as it did not move, I suddenly realised that I was having very naughty thoughts wanting this man to touch me or to make contact with me in some way and that I should really be ashamed of myself but I couldn’t help it the urge was so strong.

I forced myself to watch the show but kept glancing back to see if I had made any progress with my willpower I also realised that I was feeling quite warm and slightly damp between my legs, I put this down to the tremor I had felt at the sight of the arm, it was about this time that my urge got the better of me I am ashamed to say we were about an hour into the show and I pressed my toe into the carpet and raised my heel so that my knee lifted closer to the dangling and in my view highly erotic fingers of the hand, I could not reach without raising my whole foot off the ground which seemed a bit obvious so I moved my hand forward brushing the fingers and scratched my raised knee and for some reason the contact with the hand sent an electric charge through my hand along my arm through my chest and to my stomach which did a little churn, the involvement of my chest made my nipples harden and I was increasingly aware of them rubbing the inside of my bra but as far as reaction from the hand, nothing happened so I tried again, brushing the fingers but this time I took the hem of my skirt and pulled it down a little but still no reaction so I waited for a while and decided to try the knee scratch again as it had been a respectable time since I last did it, as I moved my hand forward the fingers of the hand moved to mine and took my hand across the fingers gently and began to caress the back of my fingers with his thumb pulling my hand back to the shelter of the arm rest out of the reach of prying eyes, my mind swirled, what had I done, he had anticipated my move and had been lying in wait for my movement, I sat frozen I glanced at him and he was still watching the stage, I did not move my hand partly because I didn’t want to draw attention to the move and partly because I didn’t want to, I was enjoying the contact with my nipples, stomach and genitals playing a large part and having a major influence on this decision, I did not know what to do next, he was stroking the back of my fingers with his thumb which was sending small shock waves through me and I could feel that my vagina had started to leak, at this point I lost self control and blame what happened next on a joint collaboration between the glass of wine, the sight of the arm, my nipples and various bits of my genitalia all of which contributed, suddenly all the frustration of my relationship with my husband and longing for attention came out, I slowly pulled the fingers further onto my side of the rest whilst at the same time returning the attention by stroking the back of his fingers with my thumb and I could feel the tiny hairs on the back of his fingers because by now my senses were turned up to maximum alert.
I pulled his hand further down to my leg just above the knee pulling my fingers back and placing the palm side of his fingers on my leg, in a short space of time I had become a trollop, a theatre groupie, I wanted to feel his touch, I wanted to feel those long strong fingers reach into me. I tried to signal my desire by slightly opening my legs placing my hand on the back of his hand and gently pulling his hand up my leg, by now the theatre had become overwhelmingly hot my nipples were rock hard and my panties were becoming increasingly soaked because I was fully aware of what I was doing and knew that I wanted it, I opened my legs a little further and he gently and slowly moved his hand up my leg and under my skirt, his hand was now on the lacy part of my stocking tops and he was still moving, I had my hand up the end of his sleeve and could feel the desired hair of his wrist so I tried to pull his arm with more urgency and again I was willing him to move faster to make contact with my panties but there was no rushing this man, he was taking his time and then I felt him touch my skin above my stocking top and again I felt the electricity flow through me but this time he did not move upwards he moved his fingers into my inner thighs so I opened my legs a little more and could feel his little finger pressing lightly against my pubic cushion I was almost crying with need of his touch, he moved his hand across my pubic cushion searching for the edge of my panties, I held my breath, he was so near he found the edge and because I was wearing loose fitting panties there was no elasticated edge, there was no resistance not from my panties or from me, his fingers slipped easily under the edge then he curled his fingers through the crutch of my panties and pulled slightly and I could feel my panties slide down my back a short way, he was giving himself more room to work without hindrance but at the same time he must have realised that my panties were soaking wet to his touch and then I could feel the back of his fingers stroking my pubic cushion down to my vagina and back up to my clitoris lingering slightly in this position with a little bit more pressure on the hood of my clitoris button.

At this point in time I knew that I was in the hands of a man who knew his way around the female anatomy, he was the master of his trade and he must have sensed my need, my desire and my pure lust because he gently turned his hand and slipped a finger into the lips of my vagina and gently stroked the entrance to my cunt he then followed my slit to the top and pushed aside the hood of my clitoris, sensing what was about to happen I came with such a massive surge of orgasm which wrenched my stomach so hard and fierce that my face was resting against his shoulder and I bit into him and let out a moan, fortunately the music from the show drowned out my stifled cry, he rested his finger on my clitoris and pushed gently on my button and he certainly pushed my button because I came again which really took me by surprise because I did not believe that a woman could orgasm so quickly close behind the other but I was to find out that there is no limit apart from death itself that will delay a woman’s orgasm when she is ready or if the right buttons are pressed, he rolled his finger across my clitoris pressing gently at the same time I came twice one straight after the other and my head was whirling, what was this man doing to me? How did he know so much about me and my body.

He slid his finger back down my slit and slipped a finger into my vagina curling it round till it made contact with the inside front wall of my cunt and rubbing the tip of his finger against the inner wall, juice was flooding out of me as I came once more with powerful surges of climax and he kept gently taking me to the crest of the wave then letting me slide down the other face in a river of pleasure and fulfilment by moving his finger gently in and out of my cunt.

He must have noticed a movement at one of the doors into the circle area and knew that the intermission was coming so he carefully withdrew his finger from my vagina and then did something that once again sent the shiver through my body, he lifted his hand to his mouth and sucked his fingers, in the dim light I could see the shimmering liquid on his fingers, my juice and he was tasting it, he was tasting me.

I straightened myself and prepared to go to the bar for a well needed drink.
As we stood to walk out and his family turned away from him towards the aisle he turned to me and put his head close to my ear and told me to remove my panties during the intermission, I nearly came again at the thought, I had never gone commando and here was a man a perfect stranger telling me, not asking me but telling me to remove parts of my underwear for him, I couldn’t wait to drop my knickers.

Part 2

I walked to the bar feeling that all eyes were upon this debauched woman and found my drink alongside it’s allocated number for which I had been given a ticket.
I started to gulp down the glass of wine whilst at the same time looking out for the toilets and also to see if I could see the man who had been sitting next to me, I spotted him and his family sitting at a table in the middle of the bar with his back to me chatting with his wife who was smiling and laughing with him, I was a little taken aback because I felt that his world should have stopped and waited for me.

Having finished my drink in record time I hurried to the toilets which was busy because of the limited time of the interval and when a cubicle became free I barged past two women to take possession and quickly closed the door, I hung my bag on the back of the door, lowered my panties and sat down on the toilet, realising that I needed to pee I relaxed and let the golden liquid flow into the pan as I enjoyed a moment of relief accompanied by the tinkle of my urine hitting the water and at that point I slipped my panties off my legs and feet and placed them in my handbag, on doing this simple act in line with his instructions I reflected on what had happened that my fingers had been caught on the touch and that I had been lead unwittingly by the dangling fingers into my course of action, the toilet became very hot and again my nipples hardened and I wanted to ensure that I used him so I slipped off my jacket moved my bra strap down to my elbows and pulled my arm back out of the strap, I did the same with the other side then undid my blouse and pulled my bra around so that I could get to the clasp which I undid then pulling off my bra I put this into my handbag alongside my knickers. Just then I heard the bell so I fastened a couple of buttons of my blouse and stood to leave but quickly realised that my nipples were poking through my blouse so I gathered the edges of my jacket and held them together and quickly moved from the toilet through the theatre heading for my seat and imagined that once again all eyes were upon me, every one knowing that I was devoid of underwear, a brazen tart in motion.

On reaching the row and to my horror I realised that although the family was back in place, he was not, my mind raced, where was he? Had he been called away? Had he been knocked down by a tram during interval? My heart sank at the very thought, I took my seat with my mind still in a turmoil, I almost cried with joy when I saw him appear at the end of the row bearing ice-cream and popcorn which he distributed to the waiting fledglings, before taking his seat he smiled at me and removed his fleece jacket, at long last I felt that my will power was starting to work as I realised that he was wearing a short sleeved casual shirt and his thickly coated hairy arms were in full view he placed his coat across his lap, as the lights dimmed I shuffled closer to his seat but he remained in the middle of his seat eating his ice cream, I felt cheated, here I was dressed as per his instructions ready and eager to continue where we had left off and there was him stuffing ice –cream into his face as though nothing had happened as though he had never changed my world as though he had never awakened a sexual monster in me that had a veracious appetite, I felt myself starting to pout like a spoilt schoolgirl.

On finishing his ice-cream he placed the empty carton into the bag on the back of the seat in front that was there for the purpose and slid along his seat into the corner closest to me, his shoulder and arm coming over the arm rest and into my space once again, at last I thought I have him, he is mine for the rest of the evening so I unbuttoned the remaining two buttons of my blouse and pushed my chest out so that my nipples were peeping out and once again they went rigid and puckered as my mind took stock of this wanton woman sitting with her legs slightly apart, her skirt back off her knees enough to feel the nakedness of her vagina exposed in the dim light of the emergency exit and her tits out for all to see in a public place, I shuffled closer and got my left arm inside his arm then placing my hands on his arm pulled his arm back so that his arm was between my breasts, I was in heaven, I had touched the much desired arm and I had obtained a position where I could hunch my shoulders forward slightly and close my breasts onto his bicep which twitched involuntarily, it was his turn to freeze and I smiled to myself in self-satisfaction, I then placed my right hand on my right breast and pushed and rubbed my rock hard tit and nipple against his bicep, this made my vagina once again start to leak my fluids.
His hand had been resting on the arm rest and at this point it dropped off the rest onto my lap where it very slowly started to gather my skirt and pull it back so that I could look down and see the hairs of my swollen pubic cushion glinting in the dim light, I slid down a little in my seat bringing my genitals closer to his hand feeling his fingers come to rest on my slit, I opened my legs a bit more and felt a finger slip into the lips of my cunt and part them then as before he moved his fingers up my slit to my clitoris and my heart started to pound in anticipation of what was to come and I was certain that it was going to be me as he pushed aside the hood of my clitoris and placed his finger on my button but he did not press down, he waited, I was holding my breath, hoping, praying, wanting him to press then he did!! The sensation started at my toes then turned my legs to jelly as it surged its way up into my stomach where it exploded in the most fantastic orgasm I have ever in my life experienced, my teeth sank into his shoulder as I let out a very stifled moan, I squeezed my tits onto his arm as he rolled his finger across my clitoris button making me cum twice more in very quick succession then I realised that all the years of supressed emotions of unsatisfying sex of timid and restrained sexual activity were manifesting themselves here in this theatre tonight, I also realised that the tremendous surge of the first of the three orgasms I had just experienced had been heightened by his hesitation on my clitoris by his slow and gentle but firm and strong build up and perhaps even the ice-cream performance had all contributed to that ripper-rocker of a sexual earthquake that left me breathless and panting and wanting more but at the same time left me with an inner calm of sexual fulfilment and I re-assessed this man’s ability because he was not just a master craftsman as I had first thought, he was a maestro and he was playing me like a finely tuned instrument, he was using his experience and his knowledge of the feminine form to make beautiful music with me and I in turn was desperate to hear some more.

He allowed me to settle again and I started to relax into my role as the theatre harlot, I was sitting half lying in my seat with my skirt almost around my waist with my legs open and my genitalia in full view in the dim light, if the man in front had turned around he would have been able to see straight between my legs into my gaping cunt, he would have seen my tits on display but on thinking this I found that I did not care, I was being used but not abused and I did not care who saw me, he slid his finger down my crack and into my flooding cunt, again I rattled off a couple more orgasms and closed my legs a little trapping his hand and finger in my vagina, he slid in another finger and started to move both of them in and out of my hungry cunt which was sucking at his fingers, I came again with another shoulder biting incident only to be followed closely by another, my mind was in a whirl and I had a slight headache but I didn’t care, I still wanted more of the same, he then removed his fingers and brought them to his mouth and sucked on his fingers tasting me as before then he pushed his fingers back into me whilst at the same time rolling his thumb across my clitoris then he squeezed his fingers whilst pressing down with his thumb and I was taken to heaven and back, I shuddered and shook, my cunt poured juice all over his fingers at the same time as I experienced a mind blowing orgasm, I was spent and I think he realised this because he removed his fingers and just caressed my pubic cushion till I settled down again.

It was at this point that I began to think about him and his needs but the show was starting to tail off to the finale so I slipped my hand under his fleece that was across his lap and felt for him, he was semi hard that I could feel through his trousers so I carefully pulled down his zip so as not to make too much movement on his lap for his wife to notice then slipped my hand inside and through his boxer shorts, what I found both alarmed me and exited me even further, I came to the conclusion that he must be a Sagittarian because their star sign is the centaur (half man, half horse) and I had just found the horse bit because even though he was only half erect he was enormous but then I only had my husband to compare and if my husband was a snake then this man was an anaconda, as I got hold of his prick it started to stiffen rapidly and underwent the metamorphous of going from a semi hard innocent penis to a rampant sexually aggressive cock his foreskin rolled back and I could feel the enormous domed end, I ran my finger over it and felt the wetness of the pre-cum that was emanating slowly out of it so now it was my turn and I removed my hand and put it to my lips then darted my tongue out and licked my fingers tasting the sweet but saltiness of him on my tongue, I knew he was watching me even though he seemed to be staring at the screen, I knew that I was in his peripheral vision and he could see what I was doing, I delved my hand back under his jacket and once again found the monster as I slowly began to move my hand along the stem I could feel the veins in it and the enlarged vein running underneath that carried his seed to wherever he wanted it to go, I moved my mouth close to his ear and for the first time spoke to him “ I want this inside of me” I said and without looking at me he slowly nodded and I relaxed back into my chair, my mind racing whilst I gently and slowly masturbated him but did not make him cum.

Just then the performers started the grand finale and were taking their bows so I removed my hand reluctantly relinquishing control of his prick, straightened my skirt and fastened several buttons of my blouse, the curtains closed and the lights started to brighten and come up, we all stood to exit and just as we were about to move he again turned and told me to follow him to the toilet my mind started to race but like a dog on a lead I followed at a safe distance to the point where he handed his car keys to his wife and pointed along the passage that was to the right of where they were standing, she nodded and made for the exit he walked along the passage with me close behind went down a flight of stairs through the lobby then down another flight of stairs along a passage and into a disabled toilet, this was a fairly large room meant for wheel chairs etc., there were handles on the walls around the toilet and a hand basin as well as a bidet, as I followed him in he turned and locked the door behind me, we did not speak at that time because we both knew what had to be done and what was to follow.

Part 3

Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what followed because I began to realise what a sheltered life I lead but I didn’t feel cheapened in any way, I felt enlightened and fulfilled and this man had awakened me to experiences that I never thought possible.

He took his fleece jacket and laid it along the top of the cistern behind the toilet pan, I put down my bag and he took my hands and lifted them so that my instinct was to look up at him then he bent and kissed me on the lips, instinctively my tongue went out as the kiss deepened so that our tongues were searching for each others flicking and intertwining, he broke off and turned me with my back to the toilet pan, he reached down and hunched up my skirt then sat me down on the toilet then reached back and cupped my buttocks with his hands whilst at the same time sinking to his knees in front of me and pulling me forward to the front edge of the pan, I undid my blouse and pushed it out of the way exposing my rock hard tits, I wanted to feel his mouth on them, I was desperate for him to touch them he leaned forward and kissed each nipple in turn, the effect was electric then he parted my legs to reveal the swollen hungry entrance to my cunt then went down on me, the first thing I was aware of was the feel of his beard along the inside of my thighs as his face sank deeper onto my genitals then his tongue went squirming into my slit pushing its way into my vagina, needless to say I was going crazy I put my hands behind his head and pulled him into me spreading my legs so that I could get maximum contact with his mouth because he was eating me, devouring my cunt and my juices that were flowing copiously out of me into his mouth and across his tongue, my head went back and I felt the comfort of his fleece on the toilet pan behind me then realised that this was precisely why he had put it there, I kept his face in between my legs by holding his head down whilst he in turn licked my clitoris and my slit then plunged his tongue into me, I went wild, a woman possessed, I kicked off my shoes and sent them flying then wrapped my legs around his head digging my heels into his back and pulled him in with them I then grabbed my breasts and squeezed them pinching my hard nipples and pulling them whilst looking down and seeing what was being done to me, he was busy pleasing me and driving me crazy at the same time with his mouth and his tongue devouring and licking my cunt and clitoris in turn then he slipped two fingers inside my cunt and began to finger fuck me again but this time I felt his thumb pressing against my anal rose, he slid his thumb up and down against my arse wetting it from the juices that were flowing from me then he slowly pushed his thumb into my anal passage, there is not a lot of feeling for a woman inside her anal passage but this action had me dancing on his fingers as my arse was violated but I liked it, I was loving it, yet another ripping orgasm hit me as the juice continued to flow and again he slowed his actions and let me relax so I dropped my feet to the floor partly because my legs had gone to jelly and I was shaking I lifted his face in my hands and kissed him full on the lips tasting me on him and pushing my tongue into his mouth, funnily enough he tasted of me and the ice-cream, I smiled to myself, he said “what do you want”? I said “I want you to fuck me” now I never use that word and sometimes admonish my son when he makes the mistake and lets it slip out in my presence in fact I never ever use this kind of four letter word but this seemed so right so wicked so descriptive of what I needed and what I wanted to give to him.

Being a disabled toilet meant that the pan was slightly lower and when he shuffled forward between my legs and knelt up his flies were on a level with my vagina, I reached forward and felt for his zip at the same time he reached forward and tweaked my nipples I laughed because he had caught me off guard again by this action and stopped me in my tracks he fondled my breasts for a few moments whilst I proceeded to unzip him and liberate the monster within, he was half rigid and a few strokes with my hand brought him to full rigidity which is always pleasing to a woman that she can have that effect on a man, I pushed his cock down so that the enlarged purple coloured dome was just touching the lips of my cunt, by now I was breathing very heavily but I was determined to play this man at his own game and hesitated sliding the dome up and down my slit to get the end nice and wet for entry because I had a secret fear that he would split me in two with it but again I stopped with his cock in my hand holding it against the entrance to my cunt, I was inwardly shaking with expectation and was fighting to hold still, he tried to gently push forward but I slid my bottom away so that his hard rigid tool could not get inside me, he put his hands on my buttocks and slowly pulled me onto him, my resistance had long since failed me and my lust had taken over so I slid forward again onto him taking his cock into me with my cunt sucking and devouring it, my cunt convulsed as a massive orgasm hit me pouring my juice out of my cunt with it streaming down his cock and dripping onto the floor, he moved half way into me then stopped and I looked him in the eye, he smiled and said “ what was it you wanted”? I realised that this was revenge for me holding him off from entering me I said “ I said I want you to fuck me” and laughed he smiled and said “ are you sure” I said “ ooooh yes I am sure” he said “ say please” by now I was going frantic and trying to squirm onto him but he was holding his position with my vagina trying to milk the juice from him whilst giving the occasional convulsion as the ripples of my last orgasm continued to aftershock through me “ please, please fuck me “ I gasped “ say pretty please with a cherry on top “ he said teasing me unmercifully “ please, please with 10 cherries on top “ I screamed “ so”? he said, then it came out, “ come on you bastard fuck me, fuck this cunt until she can take no more” I growled in a voice I did not recognise, at this he thrust forward burying the whole of his cock inside me and the result was earth shattering my cunt gave a massive convulsion the wind went out of my lungs as I gasped for air and my stomach did a complete flip as it knotted then released slumping me forward onto his shoulder where I sank my teeth into him, I threw my arms around his neck pulling his face alongside mine, holding him felt so good so natural with his cock inside me as he moved in and out of me almost withdrawing then pushing back into me so that all my emotions surfaced all of my frustrations were washed away in a river of orgasmic pleasure as I thrust my hips to meet his movement as his prick banged against my cervix satisfying and fulfilling every need I had ever had, I was by now coming continuously, this subsided and I pulled away from him a little then said “ I want to give you your pleasure I want you to take your turn,” with this he slowly withdrew from me and stood taking my hands in his and standing me up, my legs almost gave way but I retained my balance and turned around then it happened he put his arms around me from behind and pulled upwards this had the effect of forcing my jacket and blouse open and I looked down to witness the hairy arms under my breasts forcing them upwards, he leaned over my shoulder and kissed the top of my breast then took my breasts in his hands and squeezed them, I pushed back into him arching my back so that my buttocks were pushing back into him whilst my chest pushed forward onto his hands and arms, I reached up and grasped his arms sliding my hands along them feeling the thick hair on his arms and running my fingers through it as his hands groped at my tits his head beside mine as he was kissing my neck and running his tongue up and down my jugular vein, I could feel his cock between the cheeks of my arse and I knew what was required of me, I knew that I must bend over and present my arse to him and let him take me, take his pleasure inside me, he dropped his hands from my tits and wrapped his arm around my waist whilst at the same time pushing me forward so that I was straddling the toilet pan with my hands on the cistern, I relaxed my arse and felt him place his cock at the entrance of my vagina, I slowly pushed back giving my consent to this position then it was just him giving his cock to me and me taking it with what sounded to me like a very loud moan from me as his great big cock disappeared into my cunt instantly filling me, I came again but felt mean and selfish for taking yet another orgasm but I couldn’t help it my vagina was convulsing my stomach was doing forward flips as he started to fuck me fairly hard so that I could feel his balls banging against my clitoris which in itself was driving me wild, I was determined to bring him off so I started to gyrate my arse into him whilst he kept shafting my cunt, his prick felt as though it was right up behind my tits which were swinging wildly with a mind of their own, I was getting what I wanted, I was being well and truly fucked I heard him sucking his fingers and then felt him pushing his finger into my arse hole and I feared for what he might be contemplating next but he must have realised that there was no way that my tight virgin arse could take this prick as I would have needed stitches after it had been surgically removed but I was trying to bring him to orgasm and was failing miserably partly because the orgasm’s were rattling through me like a machine gun and distracting me, he certainly had the staying power and stamina.

My arms were starting to ache and I was beginning to feel weak at the knees, he must have sensed this because he withdrew from me then moved me over, he sat on the toilet pan and moved me into a position straddling him, I took hold of his cock and was about to go down on him and take him into my mouth when he pulled me forward and pushed my body down onto his lap so I ran the enlarged end of his cock across my slit a few times lined it up with my aching cunt and sank down onto him, my cunt accepted him and began sucking at him I felt completely drained but relaxed and satiated whilst at the same time feeling a bit cheated that I had not brought him to orgasm whilst he was banging me but now I was on his lap facing him with my hands around his neck and riding his cock gently to and fro, no wild action no leaping up and down just a steady movement with my clitoris rubbing against his pubic hair and I felt another orgasm escape me as my juices continued unabated to trickle down his cock, I kissed him several times and he gently chewed my chin which was surprisingly erotic so I bit him gently on the nose which again was starting to arouse different feelings within me, I slipped off my jacket leaving my blouse wide open he lifted my arms and I thought he was going to remove my blouse and strip me but once again he surprised me by sticking his tongue into my armpit and licking me, squirming his tongue around, I was partly startled and partly horrified by this action, no one had ever done this to me before and I could not believe how turned on I felt and how erotic this was I moved my hands behind my head and kept them there leaving my upper body open and making myself available for anything he wished to do to me, down below I was still riding him enjoying the movement and the aftershocks that kept creeping up on me then hitting me, he let go of my arms but I kept them in place behind my head leaving myself open and presenting him with what I thought were my major assets, he did not disappoint, he took my breasts in his hands and started to gently squeeze them then milking them and thumbing my nipples, I began to think he had no weapons left in his armoury when he again surprised me by taking my nipple into his mouth along with a chunk of my breast then gently digging his teeth into my tit he pushed his tongue against my nipple and started rasping his tongue across my nipple the effect was that the warm gentle fucking feeling that I had been enjoying in my loins whilst I rode his cock began to surface and I knew that this was no ordinary orgasm this was no ordinary fucked reaction that was rising in me it was as though I was climbing a giant wave to its peak I pulled his face up to mine and clamped my mouth on his sticking my tongue down his throat and exploring his tonsils and then I felt his cock start to tighten and swell and I knew that I had finally brought him to orgasm, he exploded into me whilst at the same time I slid down the other side of the wave and it washed over me like a great warm blanket but this one did not come rushing up my legs and hammering away at my body, it took it’s time and meandered through me whilst I gently rode the wave of sensation and pleasure of his enormous cock whilst he ejaculated into me pumping his juices into my cunt and into my cervix, he was moaning into my mouth and tears were running down my cheeks as I cried into his mouth from pure emotion and pleasure “give it to me, let me take it, fill me up” as he discharged his seed between my legs and flooded me with his juice, he started to relax and I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close I pushed my face alongside his and nuzzled into his neck and at this moment I knew that I wanted this man, I wanted him to be in my life forever I did not care about my husband I did not care about my c***dren or my home or my car I just wanted to be with him to have all of this available to me for the rest of my days to be able to just help myself to a big plateful of him whenever I wanted.
His erection was starting to subside and I stood up from him then moved over to the bidet and let the warm water soothe my aching but extremely satisfied genitals he stood in front of the hand basin and cleaned himself and when he turned to use the towel I realised that even in the limp state his prick was bigger than anything I had ever seen, he took my hands and lifted me to my feet then used the towel to dry my bits and pieces he took my panties out of my bag and held them out to me so I took them and stepped into them then I pulled my blouse together and fastened the buttons so indicating “no” to the bra he smiled and I once more came into his arms kissing him on the lips and burying my face in his shoulder, he put on his coat, opened the door and walked out of my life but this man had shown me that there was another side to just sex an unselfish side that we could take extreme pleasure from each other because he had reached into my river of fulfilment gone through the river bed and into the lake of contentment below and completely satisfied my need and of course my fantasy.

I never saw him again, I looked out for him on my frequent visits to the theatre or my shopping trips into the city but never so much as a glimpse but to this day I live in hope.

As I drove home I was still feeling aftershocks and I began to reflect on the evening and came to realise that it had all been about me and the efforts he made to please me to pleasure me even the trick of ambushing me with the hand, I had wanted it all and was a very willing participant. I needed tonight and even though I had eventually made him orgasm I felt that it was my great big kiss my clamping my mouth on his that finally brought him to a climax and made him ejaculate into me so my pure act of love and affection did the trick or so I would like to believe, I still get wet between my legs when I recall that night and in case you are wondering, no! I did not get pregnant as I was on the pill, my only regret of the evening and if he happens to read this story, I want him to know that I still have a very strong longing for him, this remarkable stranger in the theatre.

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Staying With Erin Chapter 5

When my landlady handed us two buckets - one empty and one filled with soapy water - together with a number of rags, I thought we might get off lightly. I picked the empty one and started to mop up the pee from the floor and wring out the rag into the bucket, trying not to think too much about dipping my hands into the pee now that I’d come down from my sexual high, while Natalie crawled after me and wiped it clean with the wet cloth. Bridget stood in the doorway and rapped her fingernails...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 7 Girlfriends

FEBRUARY 15, 2003, FRESHMAN YEAR "I've fallen in love with someone else." I stopped breathing. My heart stopped beating. The world shrunk down around us until nothing existed but me and her. And I looked ready to die. Adrienne noticed my stricken look. She quickly hugged me while urging, "Ben, Ben, please understand." My jaw waggled a few times before I forcibly stood up, my physical strength breaking carelessly through Adrienne's grasp. And I started heading out of the living...

3 years ago
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I Dominus Hard

“Hold the elevator, please!” A woman's panicky voice made me look up from the email I was reading on my cell phone. Her voice was familiar, a ghost’s from my past. I dismissed the idea as soon as the improbable thought entered my mind. It couldn't be her. What were the odds? I extended my arm in-between the closing doors and they slid back open. “Thank you,” the woman, whose face was hidden from me behind the three gift wrapped boxes she was balancing in her arms, said to me. “What floor?”...

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Back to SalomeChapter 6 The harsh realities of the business begin to set in

I sat in Atticus’s office three days after my shoot with Dirk McKinley. At first I was very hesitant when my manager brought up the idea of shooting with Dirk. However, he assured me that accepting would help get my name out there and lead to many more opportunities. It did take some convincing, but reluctantly I agreed to it. “Comfortable, Jenna?” He joked, knowing that I truly couldn’t sit down the day after the shoot. “Oh, you’re funny, mister,” I said playfully. “So they got the editing...

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Trapped Under my Wifes Desk at Work

Thursday night I was really horny and wanted to have sex with my wife. Unfortunately I had cum too quickly and I could tell she was really unsatisfied and upset. She had gone to sleep mad at me and the next morning, Friday, she was getting ready for work when I had the day off. She put on her red dress and undershirt while I cooked breakfast. ‘I’m sorry about last night, babe. I’ll make it up to you tonight after work,’ I said. I could tell she was upset and she didn’t respond. She was in the...

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Cocksucker Part 1

Sitting in math class during last period is one of the worst parts of my day. It’s not just the fact that it seems to be the longest forty-five minutes ever but I can never pay attention because Mrs.Roads is one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen. As she wrote on the chalkboard I couldn’t keep my eyes off her plump ass that was wrapped in a skin-tight black skirt that was just a little too short. When she turned around to address the class I saw that her nipples were poking through the thin...

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soccer mom ann gets slutty

I never believed anything like this could ever happen to me, but I'm here to tell you that everything here in happened just as it occurred one year ago. Just to set the stage and give you a little back ground, I'm a happily married woman for eight years now, with two beautiful c***dren and a husband who loves me! We aren't rich or anything, but my husband is a very successful corporate lawyer, so we're not hurting any, and by most standards we'd be considered upper middle class! At the time of...

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Lesbian Love

Hi every body this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian submission. It some what thrills me when the readers give in their feed back on the lesbian stories from their comments I can feel the way they feel about the story and many women actually masturbate or reach their orgasm as they read the stories. Well let me get straight down to business and of course this is once again one of those golden memories from my PG days and as revealed by my beloved Malathi my English tutor and her lover...

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Breaking FreeChapter 6 Time together

The filming lasted about eight weeks; finally a day dawned when Bobby awoke spooned against Jessie. He smiled realising that today was their own, the filming was finished and they could relax. He lay behind Jessie his morning erection pressed between the cheeks of her arse; his left arm was wrapped around her, his hand resting on her left breast, held there by Jessie's arm. Gently he nuzzled his face into her hair, smelling the fresh fragrance of her hair; he kissed her neck before lifting...

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Deacons Song

At first I thought it was a fly that awoke me. I tried to shoo it away but instead got a hand full of hair. I awoke with a start since I didn't remember going to bed with a cat, dog, or rat. I looked down at the head of black hair sprawled across my shoulder and tickling my nose. The hair was so damned black it was almost blue. That hair told me it was Rose. Now I do some pretty dumb things when I am half asleep. That morning I tried to look at the clock hanging on the far wall of my one room...

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Shannon The Executive Office Assistant

Shannon was my executive assistant and as vibrant and gorgeously sexy as she was, she was not to be messed with when it came to sexual innuendos. Shannon let it be known right off the bat, after she caught me admiring her posterior as she sauntered out of my office one day that she was very much spoken for.I hated Shannon because she was cute, and because she knew it. She stood only about four foot ten and probably didn’t weigh much more than 98 pounds. She had long brown hair that hung down to...

Office Sex
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Crimen Religiosus

Quintus Serverus was grunting and sweating profusely. He was straining under immense self imposed pressure. A Roman orgy was meant to be pleasure defined. The reason why the barbarian hordes wanted to be in, rather than outside the Empire. Still five butt holes to go was a demanding task. His cohort of slave girls and boys and his reputation as a party stayer on the line. Country villas were luxurious; but by Jupiter, a whole weekend of sex, hopefully there were some gladiators and captives to...

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My Son brings me another Part 3

Our Lovely Son's and Others.How wrong could I be. Or how right. My thought's were going to bite my ass. Big time.Debbie was in the same class as Jorden and Toby, they had become 'friends'.... and all of a sudden it hit me. Danm. It was a sucker punch. I sat up in my bed, the effect upset Susey. Her breasts stood proud as the moving sheets left her naked."What?""Debbie's a boy......, and I think Nicky's a sex addict just like us.""What the fuck, girl have you been sniffing something. Shit, what...

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Main Chud gai Rohit se

Mera nam rashmi mai 27 saal ki hun aur mai raipur mein college mein padhati hun aur wahin se MD bhi kar rahi hun..Mera rohit naam ka ek colleague tha woh humesha mujhe gandi niyat se dekhta tha aur kisi na kisi bahane se kabhi meri chuchiyan aur kabhi meri gand chuta rehta tha..Ek din notes lene ke bahane woh mere ghar aaya jahan mai akeli rehti thi woh notes ke bahane mujhse baatein karne laga aur mujhe bolne laga collehe ki sabhi ladkiyon ke boufrnd hain aur sab chud chuki hai bad tumhi ab...

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Dear JohnChapter 9

She put the groceries down on the kitchen counter just as the doorbell chimes announced a visitor. Abigail Cord smiled. She’d been adamant against hiring a full time maid for the house, but had been happy to keep the twice a week cleaning service on the books, and they did do windows. Answering the door, she was surprised. “Velma!” she said. “Yes, sorry to just drop by like this,” she said. “No, no, I’m just expecting the cleaning ladies is all. But, you did surprise me,” she said. “Come...

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Mom I Like to Milk

You could say it was a pivotal moment: when I was pulling on my underpants after taking a shower and Mom had hugged me from behind. Perhaps not such a big deal: except her hands had fondled my cock while her lips nuzzled into my neck, “ Happy 20th birthday Dick. Mmmn, Twenty with plenty, an growing nicely,” she giggled with gin on her breath, “ give your Mom a birthday kiss darling.” I turned to find she was only in bra and briefs and her hips pressed into mine. Her kiss was seductive;...

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WeaklingChapter 4 Adapt and Overcome

It is the third Friday in November just before Thanksgiving week, when everyone goes home for the holiday, and the last game of the season. My life is getting back in somewhat of an order. I have adapted and overcame the life that was thrust upon me. I am making friends and I find myself really liking this school. I am making friends and the girls are always flirting with me, which makes Martina giggle. Martina and I have become great friends, although some would say that we are...

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SheWillCheat Anna Claire Clouds Needs a hot shower

Anna is trying to get into the shower when she realizes her lazy useless husband still hasn’t fixed the water heater, now she must go over to her father-in-law’s house while he is out of town to take a shower. Little does Anna know her father-in-law Ramon is home early and catches her half naked trying to get into his shower. She is embarrassed but after a short chat she decides her husband doesn’t deserve her, but his hot dad sure does. Unlike her hubby Anna finds out her father-in-law has a...

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Cheerleader Lovers

I really want to be a part of the cheerleading squad going into my senior year. I know getting on the squad is going to be very hard since there is one spot available and 6 girls going for the spot. I will do anything to get on the squad. I am lesbian, and don’t know if anyone else knows. I don't want them to know until I'm on the squad. I arrive to try outs in a skimpy red skirt and blue tank top and my blonde hair in a ponytail. “Alright girls stretch out and lets get ready!” Virginia the...

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Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

I took the call a little after midnight, and yes, it was a dark and stormy night, but I guess in my line of work they usually are — in one way or another. Dispatch called just as I ran across an ex-wife in a bad dream, but the sleepy voice on the other end of the line had no way of knowing that, and even if she had, there wasn’t a damn thing either of us could have done about it. Sometimes late night calls are just the luck of the draw, some nights you end up in the wrong place at the right...

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ExtraCurricular Part 2

During a celebratory night out, teacher Amanda Winter and her 18-year-old student Christina unwittingly become the objects of a sex bet between uncle and nephew Gavin and Josh McClain. Which of the sexy pair will get fucked first? Despite the fact that Amanda has a fiance and Christina a boyfriend, it appears to be 'game on'.Christina hesitated, knuckle poised, at the door to Miss Winter’s classroom. If there was one person in whom she could confide, it was Amanda. Her A-level modern languages...


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