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A week later and I had been getting my occasional fix from either a text or a call from my friend, I was happy in the reassurance that he was making contact, that he was interested, I was a little apprehensive about the wedding because I was not sure how I would react when I saw him, or Anna or Mary for that matter, she had been on the phone a few times interrogating me as to what had happened after she left, I told her about the punishment,
I think she nearly had an orgasm on the phone from the noise she was making, the picture of her slamming my friends head against the pillow stuck in my mind as another side to this woman that I had never seen before, had we let the tiger out of the cage, the wedding might give us the answer, my daughter Julia was home and the house was buzzing, she had finished University and been offered a job by them, she wanted to be a teacher and had graduated with a first honours, she lived on the campus and came home when she could, as I said, she was to be a bridesmaid at the wedding so she had come home a few days early, she had a night out with Lisa and some other girls without us old folk, the day of the wedding arrived and I had chosen my outfit very carefully,
I wanted to look good for the wedding but I also wanted to look appetizing for him, my cream coloured costume with the skirt about 8 inches above my knees and my jacket was all that was really visible on the surface, underneath was a seething bed of sexual temptation, my blouse was pure lace, almost semi-transparent but not quite, my bra was also white lace and again semi-transparent, it was very cut away showing the bulge of my breasts off excellently, the blouse on top and as I opened my jacket in front of the mirror I could see the faintest outline of my areoles and nipples, they even puckered as I looked, lower down were French style knickers and white stockings with lace tops, hold ups of course, I wanted him to draw breath when I stripped for him,
I wanted to take his breath away as I showed him what was there for the taking, I knew he would find a way, he always had, in the theatre he had fucked me after escaping his wife and family, he had escaped them again to get me out of the mall and into the hotel, now it was my family that would be around me but I knew he would succeed and I was a very willing participant, whatever he wanted, he could have, the car came and took Julia off to the wedding, we climbed into our car after I had made sure that both my husband and son looked respectable, there had been an argument because my son thought it would be cool to go in his trainers, this was because he was too idle to clean his shoes, all went smoothly at the wedding and I managed to catch a few glimpses of him as he moved around, he had been offered a plus 1 but I was pleased to see that he was alone although I did notice a few of the single ladies eyeing this tall dark stranger amongst them, of course, Anna, Mary and Lisa knew who he was but had so far kept quiet passing him off as a far distant relative who happened to be in England on holiday, I was ok in the sex department, my husband had made another failed attempt but I managed to get my wank in the bath, it wasn’t very satisfying, not like one of his fucks but it held off the ache I had been experiencing in my stomach for his cock inside me, at the reception, Anna had put him on our table although he was not sitting beside me,
I had my husband on one side and my son on the other although Andrew, my son did the occasional jump ship to go talk to his friend and cousin Simon who was two years older at 16 and the son of Anna my sister, Andrew idolised Simon who was quite a big lad and played rugby for the school, in some ways he took after Anna who I have already said is quite a big girl, he was sitting between Mary and one of the aunts who were constantly demanding his attention, Mary was like a Cheshire cat smirking at me from her exalted position, I glared at her jokingly until he turned and caught me, I felt myself blushing, after the meal, the aunt wandered off leaving a space on his left, I was tempted to fill it but I daren’t because I knew that Anna was watching me like a hawk, waiting for me to stray, I knew she wanted a piece of the action as well but there were no promises, he stood and went to the toilet, Andrew had gone to talk to Simon, I waited for several seconds which seemed like hours, trying to time it right,
I stood and headed in the direction of the toilets, the reception was being held in a very nice hotel on the outskirts of the town, my timing was spot on, he was coming out as I was going in, “oh! hello, fancy seeing you here” I said, I could feel my blood pressure rising, I have a habit that when I am very embarrassed my chest and neck go red, I could feel it happening, he looked me straight in the eyes, “I booked a room here, room 317, just let me know when, I’ve missed you” he whispered, I glanced around, Anna was watching me, I smiled and held my hand out to him, he shook it gently taking hold of my fingers, I made a quick note of the hairy wrist as I ran my thumb over it,
I had taken one of my fixes and went into the toilets, he went to the table, when I came out, the scene had changed, my daughter for some unknown reason was sitting beside him, the other two seats between him and me were vacant, Julia was chatting him, it was obvious and I know my daughter well enough, my mind raced, whatever could she be talking to him about, what was going on, she looked around and waved to someone at the other side of the room, he glanced sideways towards me he looked down and I followed his line of sight as he leaned back, I saw the hand on his thigh, Julia’s hand,
I felt my mouth drop open, then my husband spoke to me from the other side, “are you ok, you seem distracted” he said, “no, no, I was just taking it all in, it’s a lovely wedding isn’t it?” I said, I was confused while at the same time curious, then a thought struck me, what if Lisa had told Julia about that night of her hen do, maybe Julia was now after a piece of the action as well, now there was only my son and husband left, I couldn’t see him fancying either of those, Julia was still talking to him and smiling, she looked past him and looked at me, she smiled sweetly, then returned her attention back to him, after several minutes of this he got up and headed for the stairs,
I was preparing to follow when Julia got up and also headed for the stairs, my mind raced, what the fuck was happening, I knew that Anna had taken a couple of rooms, one for the bride and groom for the night and one for the bridesmaids to get titivated up in, but that was too easy, no, this was more sinister, I eventually stood up and looked around,
I headed for the toilets and the deviated to the stairs, they were well ahead of me and I arrived on the third floor almost out of breath as I saw them disappear into a room along the corridor, I moved steadily along looking at the room numbers, they had gone into 317, a maid was just finishing a room a couple of doors down and she turned her back to head for her trolley, I jammed my foot in the door and slipped inside, I turned the door bolt to make sure I could get out, I was in the next room but one to 317 it was devoid of baggage and was empty, I went out onto the balcony and looked along, no sign, I looked at the dividing railings, they weren’t too high, I hitched up my skirt and threw my leg over the railings, as I came down on the top of the railings, it pushed my knickers up into my slit, making me jump, “oooo” I thought, I made it to the room after another “oooo” and peeped round the corner, the curtain to the balcony was slightly away from the wall affording me a view of the room without exposing my presence,
I pushed gently at the window and it moved, it was not locked and opened enough for me to hear, she was sitting on the bed and there was an argument going on, he was standing in front of her about 3 feet away, “but Julia, please be reasonable, I care for your mother, I am not looking to break your parents up but if you tell your dad then it will split them destroy their marriage and possibly ruin your life, I aren’t married, I am a widower so it’s no loss to me but you and your family must mean something to you so why don’t you just relax and let it go, your mother is happy” he said, “yes, I know, she is happier than I have ever seen her and Lisa told me why, because of you and what you are doing for her and to her” Julia said, “so what do you want from me?” he said, I held my breath, “I want what you gave Lisa” she said, I let out a sigh, I knew it, gabby Lisa had spilt the beans and now my daughter was trying to blackmail my boyfriend into shagging her as well where would it all end?” I thought, Julia laid back on the bed, her arms outstretched either side of her, “come on, do it” she commanded, he looked at her and laughed, “just like that, have you no self-respect” he said chuckling, she glared at him, “after a few years at Uni, you lose all that, sharing bathrooms with no locks on the doors in case the students top themselves, so in answer to your question, no I don’t, so get your pants off and do me or I will tell my dad the truth, I’m sure that mum will not be able to explain away her absences on the aforesaid dates, so the end is nigh for those two and you will be responsible” she stated, I was horrified by what I was hearing, he stepped forward just at the moment that she sat up, she got hold of his head and kissed him hard on the mouth, “and I do fancy you, honest, I like older men, they are so experienced” she said, again my mouth dropped open, “ok, stand up, we had better get you out of this dress otherwise it will be ruined” he said, she smiled to herself as she turned, he dropped the zip on the full length red velvet gown and it fell to the floor, my daughter stood there in her underwear and stockings waiting to be butchered,
I didn’t know what to do, should I stop this, if I did the cat would be really out of the bag, he was obviously prepared to sort her out and I was certain that once tasted she would be content and not want to lose touch, he crouched down behind her and pulled down her knickers, she stepped out of them, then he undid her bra strap, I was getting turned on by what was about to happen, that old feeling of watching him fuck someone else was back “now kneel on the bed” he said, she obeyed, she crawled forward her medium sized tits bobbing as she went, how are you going to do it” she said, “you’ll see” he said, he took off his trousers, she was watching him through her legs, “no, eat me first like you did Lisa” she said, “fucking hell!” I thought, was there no end to this, just how much had the new bride told my daughter, had she mentioned the black guy as well, we would see in due course, wait till I get my hands on you young lady” I thought, he knelt on the bed behind her as she dropped her head to the pillow arching her back and pointing her backside up in the air, he parted her buttocks with his fingers and buried his face in her bum crack then went down to her vagina, she jerked at the very sexual contact, I groaned, my pussy was leaking, he licked her arse and cunt, she was almost screaming as the first orgasm hit her, her head first came up and then went down hard as she shook, her legs were trembling and she fell flat down on the bed, she stayed there for a few seconds but I had already made a mental note that I wanted him to do that to me at the earliest, it was very erotic, she rolled over as he crawled forward between her legs, she wrapped them around him as he pulled down his shorts and stuck his cock into her, she arched back again as the penetration went in, her head went back and he attacked her throat, licking and slurping at it, she began to shake as the next orgasm struck, the climax came with her bouncing on the bed under him, she laid back staring at him, “I knew you would be good, apart from Lisa’s recommendation, my mother likes you so that’s good enough for me” she said, he pulled back out of her and she rolled over, “now from behind if you please” she said, “cocky little bitch” I thought as he pushed his cock into her doggy style, her head went down again, she moaned, “oh fuck that’s good, your cock just catches the spot” she said, I nodded, I knew just what she meant, he began to shaft her and she was building, “harder, fuck me harder” she said, he increased his pace, “harder you bastard, harder” she said loudly, he both increased his pace but also drove his cock all the way into her, her mouth opened in a silent scream the lunge had robbed her lungs of air and she jerked as she came, she fell flat down but he kept his cock inside her and fucked her hard, she was yelping and whimpering the massive wave of her sexual climax hit her in the stomach,
I saw her stomach convulse as it tried to fold her in half, her face in the pillow she was shaking, her whole torso was shaking, he pulled out of her, his large cock wet with her juice, I sighed, I had almost lived that fuck with her, I knew what it felt like to be on the end of that cock, she rolled over and looked at him, “thank you, can I see you again?” she asked, “you had better ask your mother, she seems to be my booking agent these days” he said,
I stifled a laugh, he got dressed and she got off the bed and put on her clothes, his last move before they left the room was for him to zip up her dress, she spun and kissed him on the lips before she disappeared through the door, I had to have him, I was desperate to have him, my cunt was leaking, my nerves were on edge I needed that cock inside me and soon, I began to plot, he had my number but I didn’t have his, I could call reception and ask them to page him then tell him to come to the room, I turned and made my way back along the balconies, I had tried to open the door of the room but there was a piece of wood laid in the track stopping me, it was there so that they occupants could get some air without risking security, I reached the room I had come in on, as I walked into the room I stopped dead, Andrew and Simon were standing in the room, “what are you two doing here” I whispered loudly, “we followed you” Andrew said, “what on earth for?” I asked, “Simon wants to ask you something” he said, “what?” I said looking at Simon, “Andrew told me what you did for him and I would like you to do the same for me” he said smirking, “don’t be stupid Simon, I will tell your mother about this” I said as I tried to walk past them, Simon stood in my way and as I tried to get past he pushed me backwards and I fell onto the bed, as I said, he is a big lad and I was no match for him, before I could get up, he knelt on the bed beside me and put his hand on my chest feeling my breasts, then he pushed his hand up my skirt and into my knickers, I was struggling I felt his fingers around my pussy, then they went into my slit, my feelings were mixed, should I let him fuck me in front of my son, no, I had a better idea,
I relaxed back onto the bed, I put my hands up, “stop!!, ok, ok, what is it that you want, whatever it is I’ll do it” I said, he let go of me and stepped back, I sat up, Andrew was trying to look away from me, he could not make eye contact, “I want you to suck my cock” Simon said, “ok, drop your pants” I said as I began to unbutton my blouse, trying to make him think he had me, I remained seated on the bed, I beckoned to him to come closer, his hardening cock was sticking out in front of him, he was staring at my bulging breasts, I got hold of it as his fingers went into my blouse fondling the heavy orbs within, my nipples puckered and began to distend, I stood up as I cupped my hand round his balls, I put my arm under his chin and pushed him back whilst at the same time grasping his balls and grinding them together, an old trick my mother had taught me to deter over amorous boyfriends, his eyes bulged as I ground them in my hand, he was quite well hung so it was easier, he started to scream as I pushed my arm into his throat, “now look dear nephew, come near me again and I will cut these off, do you hear me” I shouted in his face” he nodded, his eyes full of fear, I was still grinding,
I let go and brought my knee up just to finish the job, he fell to the ground clutching his very bruised manhood, I looked at Andrew who was making a bee line for the door, he had witnessed his hero downed by his mother and he knew he was in trouble, “and I will deal with you later” I shouted after him, Simon was staggering to his feet trying to drag his trousers up, clutching his trousers and his equipment, he made a dash for the door, “and I will tell your mother” I said as he went through it, I stood for a few moments trying to gather myself, it seems that our family were a bunch of shits with all the tales they told, maybe it was time for me to jump ship and leave them to it,
I reached for the phone and dialled reception, I heard the announcement over the public address downstairs, he came to the phone and I told him where I was and that I was in need of him, I went to the door and looked through the gap, watching for his appearance, he walked along the hall and I came out of the room,
I went to him and kissed him on the lips, he unlocked the door and we went inside, I was taking off my jacket before he turned round, he looked down at my open blouse, “what happened to you?” he asked, “I was preparing for you” I said, he took me in his arms as I threw my jacket on the bed and I sank into my oblivion as we fell back onto the bed, I got off again and gave him the strip I had promised myself he would get, he seemed very appreciative as he fucked my hole and made me come several times, every one satisfying and soothing my shattered nerves, I sucked his cock before he got into me and he tasted of cunt, I didn’t mention it, we showered together and he took me standing with my leg over his arm, I clamped my mouth on his and he fired his load into me, I sat on the bidet for a long time after, letting the water soothe my bits, I was tempted to let it stay there as a constant reminder for the night but thought it might leak out and stain my costume.

To be continued……..

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A night of terrors

It was late at night. A dark, misty fog covered the streets, which were only illuminated by flashing street lamps in a cold and dim light. The streets were empty and quiet. Only from far away one could hear the barking of street dogs, the humming of occasional cars passing by and other sounds that were impossible to specify. It was raining. A girl, 18 year old Nela, walked through the streets. Alone. Her hair wet from the rain, the cowl of her hoodie jacket pulled deep into her face and her...

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Penny Barber 150 103000

I love fucking milfs, and so would you if milfs ever wanted to fuck you. There are so many reasons to love milfs, that it's impossible to list them all. Ever since Jennifer Coolidge played her iconic milf role as Stifler's Mom in the hit teen movie "American Pie," men have had their eye on their friend's moms.Nostal-JackingDid Jennifer Coolidge ever create an Only Fans account? If not, she fucked up big time. I recently saw her in a commercial, but I know it didn't pay like Only Fans would. At...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Mere Naaye Padosi Reema Bhabhi

Hello friends, my name is Rohit, I am 24, from Kolhapur, Maharashta. This is my first story. This is a true incident which happened in my life. By the way, if any girls, aunties interested to spend fun time with me are whole heartedly welcomed. My email ID is I will continue the incident in Hindi. Mein ek Apartment mein rehta hoon waha pe bahoot sare Marwadi families rehte hai. Mere pass 1 pug dog hai. Mein hamesha der raat 11:30 ko use ghumane le jata hoon. Ek din mein use aise he 9:30 baje...

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Unexpected Beautiful Sex With Aunty

I am Ishan from nagpur. I am 23 years of age. This is a real life incident that happened with me an year ago when I was in final year of my B. E. graduation. Though I was an average student I always had good rapport with my professors and teachers in my college life. This story is how I came to love a woman 15 years elder to me. Coming to the story as I told you I always had a good rapport with all my professors may it be male or female. One such professor of mine was Simran who used to teach...

2 years ago
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Fucking a Hermaphrodite

I had my first sexual experience after one of my parents’ parties; not only was it my first time having sex, but it was also the first time that I fucked a BBW AND the first time that I was with someone with both tits AND a cock. Let me explain. Mom and Dad often had small parties at our house, and so I was exposed to a variety of people who were usually drunk. My own mother and sisters were skinny, but for some reason, I was always attracted to very large women. One of their friends was a...

3 years ago
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The Neighbors Suck Like UsChapter 13

Jerry nudged his cock-knob into his mom's cunt. The idea of fucking his mother was turning the boy on far more than fucking with Claire or Debby would have. He knew that it was wicked and sordid and depraved-and he longed for it all the more because of that. Holding his prick by the hilt, he rubbed the head around in her gooey cunt, using it like a ladle to stir that slot to a creamy froth. Then he began to fuck it in. Margot arched and undulated and moaned, her face a mask of raging...

3 years ago
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13year old boy 15 year old girl

one week end my and her parents both had to go out of town. so we told each other where we were going and we both were going to the same beach, and were staying at the same hotal i was on the 5th floor she on the 6th. when our parents would leave. we went to each others rooms and made out. well one day i went over and she was naked watching porn on the tv. she told me to sit down by her so i did. she started to p;ay with her self and i got hard watching...

4 years ago
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All Iz Well

Hey everyone hi, I am Veer and this is my first story please reply me about it through mail and all the replies will be apreciated and now let me tell you all about myself. I am 20 year old boy 5 ft.5 inch in height I had just shifted to Kolkata for my studies and two of my friends were there in a rented house there everything was good except food we all decided to cook our self but no one was a good cook. Our neighbour was small family of three her husband (Mohan) wife (Smita) and a small...

2 years ago
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Coded Conversion

WARNING The start of story is set in 1989 and uses the UK legal smoking age and computers from that time. As always, my story includes smoking, gay sex, crossdressing, hypnosis/mind control and involuntary sexual behaviour along with some violence. If you don't like any of those things then don't read it. I know smoking is unhealthy but it turns me on and it's my story! STORY It was a beautifully sunny Saturday as I rode my bike over to Dave's house. We were going to spend the day...

3 years ago
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My Gift to The Lord

Conversation 1 – C1“Hi my English name is Emelda. Welcome to our Church.”“Hi I’m Kev,” I responded, the wheels turning in my head as I took in the curvy legs barely concealed by her floral print dress. Although in her late thirties or early forties, her taut skin and red pouty lips stirred my dick to attention in my khaki pants.“Are you American?”“Canadian, from Vancouver.”“What brings to you to Tokyo? And how long have you been a Christian?” she asked, with an eagerness and glint in her eyes...

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Trick Or Treat A Night To Remember

It was after just after eight in the evening and the rain had started to come down in buckets and I figured that I had probably seen the last of the trick or treaters so I turned off the porch light and took the bowl of candy back into the kitchen and set it on the counter. I really enjoyed Halloween, all the kids in their costumes and everything... it kind of brought back my childhood memories. I popped open a beer and went into the den and cuddled up with my San Francisco Forty Niners throw...

2 years ago
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Shaking Things Up

©2017 MojaveJoe420 (Author's note: Hiya strokers! Kind of a short one for ya. I know, I know, very little character development, it seems like it's mostly just sex! Try and suffer through it. I'm using Italic paragraphs to indicate the woman's internal dialogue. I don't know if the literary police will like it, but I do! Thanks for checking this out.) “Oh my God that’s so fucking hot!” Sherry whispered as she and her husband watched the porno on their bedroom big screen. 60...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 4 Prudence HarrisChapter 3

The girls split up in the hallway, as each went to the room she shared with another sister. Mary didn’t clean up. Instead, she pulled her nightgown up and lay on her bed, her legs spread. Bobby’s slippery spunk was all over her pussy lips, and she had two more orgasms as she rubbed it all over her pussy, torturing her clitty. Knowing that that slipperiness was a man’s sperm just made it even better, somehow. As for Beverly, she’d known how to masturbate for a long time too, though she did it...

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I'm a heavy man weighing around three hundred pounds. I don't eat much but I do like foods that are high in fat. I see this guy on television saying that he lost over one hundred pounds eating Subway subs. I have always wanted to loose weight but lacked the enthusiasm. Something told me to begin doing what this guy did. It was a hell of a sandwich. I lost over a hundred pounds and still going. This is how I did it. It began with my first Subway sandwich. I walked into the store and saw this...

4 years ago
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Jealous ProtectorChapter 9

It was the evening of the same day, about nine o'clock and Patty and her mother were sitting in the living room. Paula was pretending to read a book while she covertly watched Patty playing lovingly with Champ. Little prickles of sensation rippled over Paula's flesh as she remembered the way Champ had sunk his huge cock to the hilt in her daughter's eager vagina. She wondered if they were going to have to get rid of the dog. You just couldn't have a dog around that made love to human...

3 years ago
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Oops my Bra fell off

I remember…It was Friday; that hot sweaty summers evening as you made your way home with your Husband and his work colleague; Phil. The birthday drink had gone well in the restaurant and the “only one drink” turned into two, three, four and who knows how many after that? It was along that dimly lit road that I stood at the bus stop and watched as you caught your foot on a paving slab and fell against Phil; his face already covered in lipstick from your kisses and his neck covered in your love...

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Bake ShopChapter 3

Chance stands naked in the shower behind his wife as she adjusts the temperature of the flow. His frosting slathered cock stands erect against her comparably smeared ass. Even though he went soft just a little while ago, he is raging hard again. Even after all these years since that first time, and after having their daughter, he finds that he is just as attracted to her as he is his sister. Satisfied with the water and with his hands on her hips, Jill turns to face Chance, smiling before...

3 years ago
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Dragon Age Slaves

Chapter 1: Bethany Hawke teaches someone a lesson Chapter Text Bethany had had just about enough from Isabella; and thought of a way to teach her a lesson. All she needed to do now is getting her alone; somewhere isolated and quiet. They were on a mission to stop a band of mercenaries that had been attacking anyone who dared to walk this particular trail. Just then Isabella said something that cut into her thoughts; something that made her very mad. That is it she said to herself, this has to...

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Cabin Lovin

The night smelled seriously of rain, and Megan was happy they had gone with a cabin that, bonus, had windows with screens and a fireplace! While Mark was out with his new found camper buddy fishing, and she hoped, having some quality guy time, Megan was busy transforming the cabin from a dusty, faintly moldy smelling dwelling, to a homey, clean haven from the rainstorm she sensed was coming. When they first arrived, Mark had started stacking the firewood, checking the fireplace flue and...

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My Employee Shabu And Her Aunt

Dear Readers, This is a yet another story of my sexual relation with my employee Shabu. It had been around one month since I have had sex with Shabu. I rang Shabu on Saturday late in the evening with intent to have sex over video chat because my wife was on her two day stay with her parents. She told me why not to have a real one since she too was alone in her home. Majority of her family members were gone out to attend the marriage ceremony of one of their relatives except her grandmother and...

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Best Friends Foreverpart six of thirteen

CHAPTER 11:Lawyer Donnelly was nothing if not knowledgeable of how to do these kinds of negotiations. But, he was wrong about getting the check on the same day that the deal was consummated. It took two days. The guy was actually apologetic. I was sitting in his office looking at the actual check from Marcort.“They actually thought they’d be in litigation for forever,” said Mr. Donnelly.“Well, I guess they got something out of this too then, right?" I said.“I’d say that that’s a fair...

Wife Lovers
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Private Julia Parker Debuts With Poolside Fuck

Today has the pleasure of introducing you to Julia Parker, a saucy blonde who is making the most of the hot summer sun showing off her tight bronzed body and enticing in the lucky Don Diego. After some sunbathing Julia cools off in the pool and treats her man to a blowjob before heading over to the deck chair and offering up that juicy pussy for a taste. Then enjoy the sight of this horny blonde in action as she takes a hard pounding outdoors in the sun fucking her way to refreshing...

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Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband

Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband! : CHAPTER ONE. I recently discovered that my husband has been going to some ‘Swinger’s’ parties/orgies. What he had told me was that he was going away on business trips, and that he couldn’t get out of them! Since these gatherings are normally meant for couples only, (and as he has been attending them as a ‘Single Male,’) he has had to worm his way onto the group’s invitation list by offering to ‘serve’ the guests. The organizers agreed that...

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BrotherInLawChapter 9

It wasn't easy, but the next two days, Wednesday and Thursday, were enough to help Ginny forget the unforgettable-- those horrifying minutes at the mercy of Arnie's vicious dog, the incredible depths of degradation she sank to, even worse than her experiences with Marty Bondman back in California. Ginny had awoke the next morning feeling worse, perhaps, than on any day of her life, but by midmorning, she'd nearly forgotten the depravity of the night before. Flo rushed her out of the house...

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A Mermaids Tale

This story only available on Lush Stories.“E’er starlit water greets rolling mistAnd emerald tides greet smiling moon,Thou shalt hearest Neptune’s splash:Beware yon mermaid’s doom.”For some people, stuff like in the films never happens. I never win competitions, and I never win prizes or the lottery (okay, I never enter or buy a ticket, but it’s not the point). I am always just seconds too late to pick up the wallet full of money that earns the honest person a reward for handing it in. And I’m...

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A man and his maid Part 16

Chapter VAmong our friends was a very pretty lady, Connie Blunt, a young widow whose husband died within a few weeks of the marriage. She had been left comfortably off and had no c***dren.She was a lovely golden-haired girl of about twenty-two years, slight, tall, and beautifully formed, a blue-eyed beauty with a dazzling skin and pure complexion.She and Alice were great friends and she was Alice's pet chaperone. The two were constantly together, Alice generally passing the night at Mrs....

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Dating Danelle repost fix I hope

Introduction: Introduction of a young teen to slut stardom I am trying to get rid of the ? when the preprocessor posts the story and cant translate a character. Word slants its so they are translated into ?. I am hoping I figured out how to fix that we will see. This is a multi-part story that if the rating is high enough I will keep posting the other parts…there are currently 4 parts and I work on it regularly, so who knows where it will end. Here is part I again: Danielle was the daughter...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Bernie Matty Gifts For My Girlfriend

Matty and Bernie are enjoying a quiet day together, with Matty on the couch and Bernie in the kitchen. Bernie brings Matty a treat of chocolates while hiding a second package behind her back. When Matty has sampled the chocolates, Bernie pulls out the other box. This one contains a dildo that Bernie is ready and willing to try it out with Matty right here, right now. Setting the chocolates aside, the girls get to work enjoying themselves. Playing the toy along Bernie’s breasts is the...

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The Seventh Year

by Blue Elder Julia, she is my ex-wife since she fucked with another guy seven years ago, called me yesterday evening to ask me to come with her to a concert. You must know, her affair with the other man found its end almost a half year ago. I think he was just tired of fucking Julias same hairy pussy over the years and was looking after some new and more curious cunts. That seems a bit strange to me because Julia is extremely good looking, with her 36 years not the very youngest...

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My Nice Niece

This is my second story. Readers can revert with their comments at I come from a large family – five brothers and two sisters. My eldest sister got married while I was in third. She had five children, two daughters followed by three sons. I hit together very well with the youngest daughter of my sis as I was good in my studies and Mona looked at me as her role model. Since she lived near our house we played together whole day. When she was 7 years old, her father got transferred to another...

4 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of Zelinskyys Azov Battalion

I am only sixteen, she thought wondering why she wasn't afraid. Maybe because hanging didn't sound as painful as being shot. And the thin ropes swaying in a light breeze didn't look scary enough. She almost smiled wondering that such insignificant piece of rope could end her life. Her friends Kateryna and Anastasiia were scared of what awaited them, though they tried not to show it openly. Kateryna was very pretty, with shoulder length black hair, smooth skin and big brown eyes. Anastasiia...

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This Bear Is Gentle

DING DING DONG. "Oh damn," Lauren sat up in bed, pushing her hair out of her eyes, suddenly remembering the air conditioning man was supposed to arrive at 8:00 o'clock. She stayed up late, chatting online with some college classmates while watching an old movie and forgot to set her alarm. Grabbing her red silk robe from the foot of the bed, she pulled it over her dad's old undershirt and little boy boxer shorts as she ran for the stairs. Barely getting both arms inside the sleeves of her...

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Down by the Old Swimming Pool

We grew up far enough out of the city to have 10 affordable acres, but close enough to enjoy the convenience of a big city. One of the beneift of the location and the size of the property was that our in ground pool was far enough away from the house that you couldn’t really see what was going on out there. That proved to be valuable the summer I was half into my teens and my sister was one year behind me. Our summer routine was to do chores around the house and the propery in the relatively...

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