Theatrical....15 free porn video

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when I got home I dragged her to one side and told her of the plan, she went into a tizzy, “but I’ve nothing to wear” she protested, “ok, I’ll cancel your ticket, there will just be the two of us” I said, she jumped, “no, I didn’t mean that” she said, I showed her what I had got for her and she nodded appreciatively,
I had decided to wear the white lace bra that I wore for the wedding, I felt really good in that and it showed off my assets a treat, it also allowed me to wear a low v necked blouse that showed off my inner curves of my breasts, I dropped the bombshell at dinner, telling Roy that we were going to the theatre and that as we were going for some drinks afterwards, we would stay over at Mary’s place, he didn’t like it one bit, “so I have to get my own dinner again” he said, “and something for Andrew as well,
I will get something out of the freezer for you both” I said, it was a deaf and dumb dinner and I knew I hadn’t heard the last of it, he had a habit of brooding on things and then when we are alone in the bedroom he would start in on me and give me a hard time, he never hit me but I think he came fairly close sometimes when I wound him up, we went into the lounge after dinner and after I had washed up with Julia asking me for details as she dried, I think that got Roy annoyed as well as it was obvious we were whispering, we went to bed, and as I thought, he started to argue, I got annoyed and picked up the pillows, got a blanket and went down onto the couch, it was more comfortable than the spare bed,
I got my head down and was asleep when the lounge lights came on, I blinked, Andrew had come down for a drink and didn’t know I was there, “oh, sorry mum, I didn’t know, you and dad been fighting again?” he said, “yes, just a bit” I replied, he turned out the lights and the night lights kicked in, he got his drink and came and sat on the edge of the couch, in the very low lights, “mum?” he asked, “yes dear” I said, “are you really going to stop my stuff for two months” he said, “yes” I said, “you have to learn that we mean what we say Andrew,
I know you think it’s unfair especially as Simon does not seem to be being punished but you are younger than him and we do not want you to grow up with his attitude, plus the fact that you are more intelligent than him, you are doing better at school and I can see that he resents that and tries to get you into trouble to bring you down because he is jealous of you and your other friends, he does not have many friends because no one likes him” I said, “but I thought we were friends you and I” he said, “we are but I cannot show you friendship if you keep going and telling him what we do and talk about,
I have tried to help you with your problems because that is what friends do, they do not keep trying to drop you in the dirt” I said, “mum?” he said, I held my breath, “yes dear” I said, “how should I kiss a girl?” he asked, “you shouldn’t, not at your age, it’s dangerous, it leads to other things that will get all your stuff taken off you forever” I said smiling, he grinned back, “why do you ask?” I said moving on to my back, and lifting one knee, the blanket was over me, but I was rather warm, because it was a warm night, “ I tried to kiss one of the girls at school the other day, she’s nice and I really like her but she said I was a rubbish kisser” he said looking at me, “so tell me what happened” I said, we were talking and she leaned forward and kissed me, she opened her mouth and I pulled away,
I think she tried to stick her tongue in my mouth, ugh, gross” he said screwing his face up, “there is nothing wrong with that and it is how people kiss who like each other very much, it also leads to sexual stimulation like we talked about the other night, she must really like you if she did that to you but if you rejected her then she would feel embarrassed and would lash out and say something that she possibly didn’t mean but thinks will hurt you, hence “you are a rubbish kisser” I said, “I see, so I should have let her stick her tongue into my mouth?” he said, only if you wanted to, you could always keep your lips closed and see how it goes but don’t break contact, she will probably squirm her tongue against your lips to get you to open them, then you should keep her out for a short while and then let her in and let your tongues touch, you might find it’s nice” I said, “can you show me what you mean, I am not sure I understand” he said, “ok, bend down here” I said,
I placed my lips close to his, “now if it is just a kiss like I kiss you in the morning for school, then it is just the connection of lips briefly, like this” I said as I kissed him on the lips quickly, “but if it’s with a girl you like a lot then it takes longer, a lot longer” I am going to kiss you, don’t panic, just do what you think is natural and you like” I said, I put my lips against his and opened them slightly, then I sucked one of his lips into mine and held it, then I slipped my tongue between my lips and felt his lips closed, I pushed my tongue along the slit between his lips and they began to open, my heart started pounding, it was happening again, I was pushing boundaries with my son and I was liking it, my tongue slowly went into his mouth and he licked it, that electric shock started again, then I felt his hand on my breast, “whoa!” I said, what’s that about” I said breaking the kiss, “it felt natural,
I was getting excited and I wanted to touch you again” he said looking down, I glanced at his waist, his cock was hardening again, “oh fuck” I thought, “here we go again”, “can we try that again” he asked, “ok, if you must” I said, I closed up on him again and kissed him on the lips again, this time I felt his tongue touching my closed lips, he moved it along them and I began to let him in, we touched tongues and again the electricity, I pushed my tongue into his mouth and squirmed it around, my head was spinning like a top as without thinking I rolled over taking him with me so that he was between me and the back of the couch, his legs fell beside me and I moved one leg over his and pushed my body against him, I could feel his cock against my stomach,
I threw off the cover and felt his hand on my breast again, this time I let it go as he clutched it squeezing it and tweaking the nipple, my cunt was leaking and I was fighting to stop myself, going further but that voice was back again, “go on, do it, let him have it, you know he wants it, just open your legs and let him in” it said, I was still eating his mouth, he tasted of toothpaste, he was trying to pull my nightdress down to get at my breasts, I reached down and pulled up my nightgown brushing my hand past his cock that was out of his pyjamas and felt wet, “pre-cum” I thought, I pushed my hips at him and his cock slid between my legs, scr****g the underside of my slit, he was so close to my vagina, I put my hands either side of his head and pulled his face away from me, I looked at him, his eyes were on fire as he continued to grope my breasts,
I was fighting to stop myself, I was conscious of the fact that I was gently humping my hips at him as his cock slid back and forth under me, stroking the edges of my labia and making me tremble with excitement, “are we having sex?” he said, “no sweetheart, we are close but we mustn’t because I am your mum and having sex makes babies” I said, my orgasm was rising and I began to shake as it hit me in the stomach, “mum, mum, are you ok?” he asked, “yes, I’m fine, I just had an orgasm that’s all” I said, I am not sure if it was the surge of juice from my vagina that lubricated his cock but he suddenly lunged forward with his hips and his cock went into me, parting my labia lips,
I was part way through my orgasm and I grabbed his backside with my hands and pulled him into me jerking at him, his cock went in all the way to the hilt, he lasted about three seconds and I felt the rush of hot spunk inside me a he came hard, the line had been crossed, I was fucking my son, I was past caring, I could not turn back the clock, I had played with fire and now I was being burned in the fires of hell, I nipped my cunt together holding on to his cock as it shrank inside me, I could still feel the heat of his spunk in my vagina, it wasn’t a long way in because of the limits of his length,
I looked at him, I didn’t need to tell him that we had just had sex for the first time, I could see it on his face, I had taken a virgin cock, my mind was once again in a whirl, what now?” I thought, “how do I handle this situation, I made my mind up that as we had gone so far and there was no going back, some training was in order, I slid off him and the couch, “stay there and don’t move” I said to him, I stood up and pulled my nightdress over my head, I looked at him, he was eyeing my nakedness, my nipples puckered under his gaze, I turned and padded naked into the downstairs toilet where I made a quick use of the bidet and dried my bits, then I went into the kitchen and pulled out the knife drawer,
I pushed my hand into the slot and reached for one of the 4 boxes that I had put there the day before, they were in a small shelf at the very back behind the drawers, I went back into the lounge and threw the box of condoms on the couch, then I threw off the blanket and pulled his legs around so that they were over the edge of the couch, he was now in the normal sitting position, I got hold of his legs and pulled his pyjama trousers off, he made an automatic move to cover his genitals with his hands, I straddled his legs and sat on them, pulling his hand away from his tackle, then I got hold of his pyjama top and pulled that off as well, I was taking charge of this, he made a grab for my tits, I got hold of his hand and move them, “now young man, before you ask, yes we did have sex and it was very nice but it was wrong, it was a very, very bad thing to do, however I enjoyed it as did you and I have no doubt that we will do it again even though it is bad” I said looking straight at him, “but why is it bad?” he asked, “because you are my son, if anyone found out about his you would be taken away and locked up in a home, we would not see you ever again, I am not allowed to have sex with you because we could have babies and those babies would suffer from a terrible blood disease and they would die very young” I said trying to get home the seriousness of the situation, “so will you have a baby now then?” he asked, “no because after you were born I was sterilised and I cannot have any more babies luckily” I said but we have to sort you out and your technique” I said, “first these” I said pointing to my breasts, “stop grabbing at them, it’s not nice, they will give us both pleasure but they are not just for your amusement, I fed you with them when you were a baby so treat them nicely, be gentle with them and we will both have a nice time with them, here, give me your hand” I said taking it,
I put his fingers on my nipple, it puckered, “you see how it reacted when you touched it, it is very sensitive and it is an indication of arousal, that means excitement like we talked about, around it is the areola, it is part of the system that gives you milk when you suck as a baby” I said, “now run your fingers around it gently, see how the nipple is distending, now that gives me a nice feeling, I am becoming aroused when that happens, it’s a sign that I like you and it, now cup my breast in your hand and squeeze them, no, gently I said” as he grasped his hand round my breast, “there, now that’s good for me and for you, I glanced down at his cock in front of me, it was starting to stir, “now another nice feeling is when you hold me close to you and I can feel my breasts against your chest and when we are kissing” I said, I leaned forward and pulled his arms round me, now put your arms round me and touch my back with your hands, that’s right” I said as he obeyed,
I felt my nipples and then my breasts touch his chest, “now stroke your hands over my back, “now that is very nice” I said, “yes, that feels good” he whispered, I turned my face and planted my mouth on his, my lust was rising again, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and I fenced with it, I felt his cock rising between us, I began to eat his mouth again, my chest was heaving, my nipples felt like bullets against him, I knelt up and steered his now rigid cock under me, slid it along my slit to wet the end and sat down on it as it penetrated my cunt, I began to ride him and this time he lasted about 10 seconds before I once again felt the surge of cum into me, I looked at his face, he was panting hard and his eyes were closed, I picked up the box of condoms and took one out in its foil packet,
I slid back off him and went to the toilet, I again cleaned up and went back to my position on his legs, he was looking at me again, “now, when you are having sex, it’s important to take precautions, that way you are less likely to come quickly like you have been doing and you are less likely to catch what we call a social disease, some of them can kill you but they are all nasty, they come from people who are not clean or have had what we call unprotected sex with someone who has it, so for the sake of this training, I am going to put one on you to show you both how to do it and how it feels, first we have to get you back up again I said as I slid back off him and onto the floor, I knelt in front of him and parted his legs, his penis was hanging on his testicles, spunk smeared over the end of it, I took it in my fingers, I glanced up at him and kissed the end of it, I ran my tongue around the end and collected some spunk that was collected in his foreskin onto my tongue, I swallowed it, I continued to lick around it, holding it gently and wanking it at the same time,
I ran my tongue down it and sucked on his small balls, my cunt was streaming juice, I was about to have my son once more and hopefully I might even make one for myself this time, he was starting to react as I went back up and slipped the now semi rigid cock into my mouth, sliding my tongue over the end, then it kicked and I felt the surge of punk in my mouth again, he had ejaculated again, I swallowed the seed of my own flesh and blood, “not to worry, we can get you back again” I said looking at him, he was looking very guilty, not like my husband when he came and he thought he had satisfied the world because I had faked an orgasm, he would give the earth to have me swallow his cum when he shot it into my mouth but over the years I had got to know when he was coming and had sent it elsewhere but to the back of my throat, my friend was a different kettle of fish,
I could eat his cum all day because I knew what he would give me in return going down on my cunt with his tongue, his long wicked naughty tongue, he would give me pleasure beyond my wildest dreams, I had never known orgasm’s like he gave me, deep searching feelings that satiated and gratified my desires, I was in need of one right now, “don’t worry about it, it’s perfectly natural, perhaps if you don’t look at me licking your penis you might be able to control it better” I said, he looked at me, “mum?” he asked, “yes sweetheart, “has anyone ever kissed you down there?” he said, “yes dear, your father has, it is very nice for a woman to be kissed down there” I said, “could I kiss you down there?” he asked, my stomach churned, “ you could but I am not sure that you would like it, perhaps when we get you back up again, we could try if you like” I said, “I’d like to try” he said, I could feel my cunt leaking again at the prospect of my son eating my cunt, should I or shouldn’t I let him try, the thought of my having and orgasm on the end of my son’s tongue was very powerful and it was steering me down a road of depravity where my son could easily become my sex slave, “ok, let’s change places” I said, I stood up and took his hand, he slid off the couch and stood up,
I turned and sat down sliding to the front of the couch as he went to his knees in front of me, he moved between my legs, staring at my pussy, “it looks wet” he said, “that’s because I washed it after you came in it, we have to stay clean” I said, “now, get your face in front of it and you can touch it if you want to” I said hoping that it would make him horny, there was more chance of him giving me the full treatment if he did, he slid his fingers into the hairs of my pussy, I laid back against the back of the couch watching the progress of his fingers through the fine silken hair of my pussy, he was feeling for my hood, he slipped his fingers into my slit and I felt the shock of his touch on my labia, “now this is what we call foreplay, it gets us both very excited so that when we do have sex, the feelings are heightened, it’s like when I kiss you down there, you get very excited and I know you have been coming quickly but you will get used to it and learn to control it” I said, “I hope!” I thought, “that’s why I want to do it to you because I know you like it,
I made you come when I touched your clitoris in bed, it was nice to see it happen” he said, “so now move your face closer to my pussy and give it a little kiss” I said, “like I kissed you on the lips” he said, “yes, like that” I said, “he obliged, my vagina lurched more from the vision of my son kissing my pussy and the thought of things to come than from mere contact, he looked at me expectantly, “was that nice?” he asked, “yes, now do it again but for a little longer this time” I said, he obliged again and this time I could feel the heat of his breath and the touch of his lips on the hair, “now push your lips a little further into the hair and kiss a bit harder, like you did when I kissed you on the mouth” I said, he put his mouth to my pussy and pressed his lips against it,
I felt the sensations rushing as his lips made contact harder, then I felt his tongue slide into my slit, “oh fuck” I thought, he’s learning quick, he flicked his tongue then pulled back again, I was panting, my nipples were out again and I was losing it, “it tastes funny” he said, “I know, I said you might not like it” I said, “oh, I like it but it tastes different” he said, “so would you like to do it again” I said hopefully, “yes, can I?” he said, he pushed his face back into my pussy and began to slide his tongue into my slit, I pushed my fingers down into it and spread my lips, his tongue was now squirming around in my slit, I inadvertently put my hand on his head and ran my fingers through his hair, I was sinking fast as the feelings coursed through my loins, I put my hand at the back of his head and applied a slight pressure, I felt his teeth touch my lips and I humped gently at his mouth, his teeth slid against my labia,
I pushed his head down a short way and his tongue went into my cunt, the orgasm started as I forced his face against me, grinding my cunt against his face, his tongue was dancing in and out of me, I could feel the surge of the climax as my head went back and I heard myself groaning, I jerked and he broke away, the wave of sensation washed over me making my stomach convulse but then it died quickly as the source of my pleasure was removed, I looked at him through glazed eyes, I was dangling on the precipice of a giant orgasm, he looked at me, “I couldn’t breathe” he gasped, “yes, I’m sorry about that, it was nice” I said, “you liked it?” he said, “yes” I croaked, he knelt up and he was hard again, I got hold of the condom, and leaned forward,
I got hold of his cock and slipped the condom onto it, he looked down at it, “what does that do?” he asked, this will stop me having babies and it will stop either of us getting an infection” I said, he was staring at my tits again, “now Andrew, look at my face, don’t look at my breasts, you might be able to go a bit longer if you don’t look at my breast” I said, I pulled him between my legs by his cock, he was a bit low down so I threw the two pillows onto the floor, “Kneel on those” I said, he put them in front of him on the floor and knelt on them, he was at the perfect height, I steered him toward me, “now when I say push, I want you to push with your hips like you did on the couch, then I want you to move your hips backwards and forwards” I said, I lined him up sliding the tip of the rubber covered cock of my son against my slit to wet it, I held it in front of my vagina, I looked at him, “now push” I said, “look at me Andrew, look at me son” I said as his cock disappeared between my legs, I felt his thighs against the insides of my legs as I opened them wider, he came in further, he began to shaft my cunt, “no, don’t look at those, look at me” I said, he was doing fine, this was record for him, he was plunging his cock into me. my orgasm was building, then his eye strayed and he exploded into my cunt, filling the condom,
I gritted my teeth trying to extract the orgasm but it wasn’t to be, it died again as my son convulsed in front of me, I closed my legs on him and held him inside me for a few seconds to recover and then he pulled out of me, I looked down and saw the bulb of the condom was full, I took hold of it and slid it off his cock, I held it up as we both looked at the milky liquid inside, “there a millions of little fishes in there and they would try to swim inside me and fertilise my eggs, if I had any” I said, he stared at it fascinated, he was looking very tired so I decided to call it a night, he put his pyjamas back on and I kissed him good night, he went off clutching his drink in his hand, I put my nightdress back on and sat on the couch, I picked up the condom that I had tied and looked at it, so this is what it had come to, the fruits of my labour,
I was sure there would be more, I would make sure there was, but right there and then I was aching in my stomach from the lack of a fulfilling fuck, I needed my friend and Friday could not come soon enough, my vagina jerked again at the thought of having him inside of me once more, I pulled the blanket over and slept till the morning.

To be continued…..

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Aparna Aunty 8211 My Sexy Horny Milf Aunty 8211 Part 2

Hello guys, how are you? I hope everyone is fucking who has a partner and who doesn’t is using their hands to proper use :P You may have read my previous sex story “Aparna aunty my sexy horny MILF/Aunty part 1” this is continuation of it. My name is Rahul and I’m 23 years of age. I thank ISS for providing a stage to share experiences. NOTE : People who read the story it’s a request to give your feedback and I’ve received mails from guys to share the details of the women I went out with and...

1 year ago
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The Morning Tease

I rolled over, being woken by the sounds of the early summer morning. He was on his back, covers around his knees, and a glorious morning erection poking at the front of his boxer briefs. I couldn’t resist, licking my lips, I reached over and ever so lightly ran my fingertip up the length, pausing to draw a tight circle right in that sensitive spot below his head.His cock throbbed at that touch as he stirred, hips pushing forward on their own accord.I stopped and stared at it. His cock, the...

Straight Sex
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Wetting my Pants in Nightclub Lineup Female

"Just a couple blocks to go!" I thought as we neared the club. I was wearing my high rise redskintight American Apparel Disco pants, made of a thick lycra material that clung to every curve & high black PVC heels. I was super excited to go clubbing but there was just one thing... I really really had to pee! Later I would find out that my "friend" laced my water with diuretics earlier at my house. Anyways, my bladder was already full and the tightness of my pants and sitting down, which...

4 years ago
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First time with a crossdresser pt1 True Story

Ive been married for a few years now, but I always find myself straying from time to time to get my fill of kink. Guess you'd say it is a way of easing stress every once in awhile. I got alittle break one time when the wifie was away visiting her parents for a few days. I was good at the start but after a couple of days had passed, you guessed it, the familier itch to go out and try something crazy hit. I have always been facinated by sub/dom and knew just were to take my search. Well it...

3 years ago
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My Future Wife Flashing Before Letting Me Have Her

Together, Carla and I found a townhouse in the city and decided totake the plunge and move in together. We'd been dating for a goodeight months. Unquestionably, there was massive sexual chemistrybetween us. But we continued to date and get to know one anotherbefore rushing foolishly into a living situation that may have killedour close physical bond. In time, we discovered that we had much incommon and we decided to go ahead and get a place together.Still, the move-in worried me, not...

3 years ago
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Sybian Dreams Part Two

Well the next few days all I could think about was receiving my package. I swear the thoughts about this Sybian were really making me quite wet. I had some really great orgasms, while playing with my other toys. But, I’m a vibrator whore and I just love my toys. Although, this toy would be the grandest of them all.I wanted to get started with learning a little bit about it. I found the directions on-line and started to become familiar with it. I mean it did seem like a toy like this you needed...

1 year ago
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How my wife became a multicum slut

My wife and I had a housemate that lived with us for more than three years. This narrative is the true story about how our housemate and I enabled the way for my wife to blossom onto becomes this incredibly horny, multi-orgasmic nymphomaniac. This was not something we planned or tried to do. It just sorta went along on its own momentum after we got her to try a threesome. From then on the housemate would join us in bed whenever we all got the urge. Which was four or five times a week! This...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Ex Girlfriend

Hi ISS readers, this is Hert back with a story. About me, I am 23 years old 6ft average muscled guy from Chennai but pursuing my studies down south. About my ex-girlfriend, she is medium height fair enough with a 34-32-32 size which makes any men to have her. Any females who like to have sex chat and all kinda fun can contact me through 100% privacy guaranteed (strangers who have contacted me would know it already ). Guys stay away as usual as I won’t reveal any of my girl’s information. But I...

1 year ago
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Deceived Newlyweds

Looking at the wedding invitation in his hands from his frat brother, Tyrone Milton let his thoughts drift back to the end of his junior year in college. The invitation came from Brad Wilton, the frat brother who had beaten him out of the coveted office of president of the fraternity for their senior year of college. He began to fume as he tossed the invitation off to the side of his desk. "That fucker! I owe him one!" he muttered loudly. The fraternity that Tyrone and Brad Wilson had joined,...

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Fixing the computer

For some time the PC I had been using had been in need ofan upgrade. Surfing the net was always rather slow, notreal good when you are trying to look at gay porn whileyour wife is not looking! I have been happily married forquite a few years to a wonderful woman who knowsabsolutely nothing about my gay side. I told myself toforget that side of me when we met but lately it has gothold of me again and I just can't help myself.A friend of mine sells and fixes pc's as a businessworking from a shop...

3 years ago
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The Wife

Well were to begin? My name is Amanda Smith of course it wasn't always, I used to be David Wright. Confused well that is understandable let me explain: When I was 18 I met a wonderful lady Mary, she was twice my age. I know it seemed odd but we made a wonderful couple and it wasn't long after that I was moving into her house. She was an executive for a fortune 500 company and me a lowly high school student, Mary was making a 6-figure income and I was working part time at a donut...

3 years ago
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My First Everything

Dreams do come true I was a freshman in college, and I had the opportunity to do an internship that would change my life. Not only did I have the time of my life, but I also had my first sexual/gay experience. I shared the apartment with seven other guys. Everything in this story is 100% true. The names have been changed for obvious reasons, and all the boys mentioned have girlfriends.. I'll give you an idea of what I'm like, 5’11, in okay shape, not too skinny or too fat. I have brown hair and...

Gay Male
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Heroine Harem

It was known as the burst event. It happened just over twenty years ago. Scientists were studying an artifact rumored to have the world's magic sealed inside. The scientists didn't believe that, but were very interested in the strange energy it gave off, which didn't seem to cause any of the harm ordinary radiation would, and it didn't seem that the particles were actually decaying. During a test involving electrical currents it exploded, releasing an untold number of lights that scattered into...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked A Beautiful Woman I Met In Bus

I am Piyush from Cuttack. I am a tall and fair looking guy with a 6″ dick. This incident happened in April which I am going to narrate here. It was a sunny day and I was traveling to Bhubaneshwar in a bus. I picked it from Cuttack stand so I got a seat. I was eagerly waiting to start my journey as it was too hot on the bus. One lady came wearing a saree. She found no seat so I offered her the seat next to me. She asked me for the window seat so I had no option other than to accept it. I was...

3 years ago
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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 9

When Jade woke up, she was immediately confused, which was a new feeling for her. It was only for a second, but to wake up with her face practically buried into a guy's chest was certainly a different experience. Beck was never the type to cuddle afterward, usually raring to go afterward if he didn't think another round might be in order, but she immediately knew from last night that this guy… Freddie… was not going to be like that.He was still fast as!eep, but his arms were wrapped around her...

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Truth or Treat

(Two couples find the fun really starts after the party)Andrea Donovan was not too thrilled with her husband Seth at the moment. He had accepted the invitation to Jared Devlin’s Halloween party without even asking her. Part of the reason was probably because he knew that she didn’t like Jared all that much and that if he’d asked first she would have said no, or at least argued about it for a while. In fact, it seemed that they were doing a little too much arguing and too little lovemaking. Both...

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MylfXTeamSkeet Jaycee Starr Penny Pax Embrace The Ginger And They Will Cum

Cute ginger Jaycee Starr has yet to embrace her red hair. But her sexy neighbor Penny Pax has long since realized that redheads do it way better. When Jaycee watches Penny fuck a big cocked stud through the window, they catch her in the act and invite her to join. She explains her insecurities, but Penny assures her that guys love gingers. Jaycee joins in on the phone and our stud fills both their pussies up with all the man meat they can handle. He plows them hard and then gets ready to bust a...

2 years ago
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Saturday Night

It was early morning.  My grandparents made breakfast and to tell you the truth it was really good, better than what we have back home.  I kept eating and thinking about Friday Night.  Was it wrong for me to do that, I was just insane to go that far, I could of cleaned myself up, but instead Dean asked me to clean it up for me, why did I let him do this.  I spaced out completely.  Then my brother arrives from his morning shower and sits at the table. Grandma "Ok, dear, here you go, fresh bacon...

3 years ago
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Mature Couple Teaches Me To Sex

I was just 15 yrs old when a older couple taught me all about sex. I was taught by this couple how to fuck a girl and a man. I was taught how to be fucked by a man. I learned how to suck cock and how to do a 3some. They were a nice couple in their early sixties. I moved in with my dad when I was 15; my parents had divorced and now I needed discipline from my Dad; according to my mother. I remember her saying, ‘he will make a man out of you.’ My Dad did a lot of repair side jobs and...

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opertunity i cant throw away

HI this is my first attempt at a storyWell im a 32 yr old divorcee, ive dressed up in panties and nylons for as long as i can remember. I've also been curious to my sexuality for years but done nothing about it, dont get me wrong i love nothing more than eating pussy, i do it for hours. Now its time to explore my bi curious side.I;ve been on here a lot hoping someone would turn up, well finally its happening ive been asked if id be the first to fuck his ass. I didnt have to think twice and...

2 years ago
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Wet By O. Henry James Well, Dr. Hanson, as I've been telling Dr. Pollack all these weeks, and by the way please convey my condolences to him about his accident, there have been these really terrible side effects of the experimental medication. I mean, well, not really terrible compared to the disease itself, you understand, and I am *very* grateful it's in remission, but they are *terribly* uncomfortable and embarrassing. I'm wet all the time, and I basically have to shower...

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Whitewash High Ch16

Glug…glug…glug…slurp…glug…“You like it rough, don’t you?” Nik said, holding the woman’s hair like handlebars.His cock rammed down her throat hard and merciless. She did everything she could to not feel like puking. Eyes watered, fingernails dug into his quad muscles, and a dirty smile shone from the facial abuse.“Fuck, Daddy, I’m your China ****doll. Don’t take it easy on my throat. Harder!” she demanded, just before the thick, Ivory Tower of white cock shut her...

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Futa Naked in School 06 Futas Taboo Naked PerformanceChapter 3 Julietrsquos Futa Taboo Passion

Xochitl Estevez’s Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister’s eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my style of tight jeans and belly shirts. When I moaned in annoyance as she fucked...

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Out to Lunch

A few years ago I was invited by a friend to join him at lunch to meet someone he knew from IRC. I had only met Janine once on IRC and knew her only by her nick, "sexy lady." We met at one of the better restaurants in town and were shown to one of the more private tables upstairs. Our conversation started in a fairly general way with each of us giving a bit of background about ourselves. Conversation soon got around to our respective spouses when Janine mentioned that she and her husband had...

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Daddys Girls

Copied from another siteDaddy’s girlsAfter my wife left me I obtained custody of our two daughters. Being a lone father could prove itself challenging, having to raise two teen girls from a single salary wasn’t an easy task nor was explaining to them what is happening to their bodies once they hit puberty. But Lily and Eva were very smart for their age. They understood quickly what happened, why their mother isn’t around anymore, why they feel the way they feel and they gave me little...

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Summer SAM WASNT ALLOWED reviewed

When Cian and Niall got to the pool Ben was already there. Ben was 13 and the same height as Niall, he had curly brown hair and hazel eyes and was extremely good looking, he was not extremely muscular but had a fantastic sculptured physique. Sam arrived a short time later and the four boys went to get changed. They were the only people at the pool so they got changed quickly and Niall and Ben went to the pool. As Cian was about to lose the changing room Sam kissed him on the lips and said "...

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The Warehouse

I lay on my back, naked, staring up at the shaved pussy of the woman squatting over me, another woman helping her masturbate. Strictly instructed not to touch, I wait passively as the rubbing on her clit becomes more and more furious. The sound of kissing, licking, and moans surround me. My belly tightening, adrenaline rushing through me, giddy anticipation building. Without warning, her lips bulge, as if her pussy is trying to turn itself inside out, and I brace for the flood that I know is...

Group Sex
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Sex With A Beautiful Indian Girl In USA

Hello everyone, I am Krish back with some of the incidents that took place in my life over the past year when I moved to the US. First of all, thanks to all those lovely guys and girls who have taken the time to message me on my previous sex stories. For those who are reading my writings for the very first time, I am Krish, 24 years old guy from Hyderabad but currently staying in the US. I generally write my in a lengthy fashion so if that is not your cup of tea, I would suggest you quit now...

3 years ago
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Mothers and Daughters Motel Fuck part 3

Holy fuck that white bitch was a piece of work, stacked up victims, even gave me photos of the moms and daughters for me to choose from. Could have had a virgin twice a week not twice a month as planned. Some trailer trash that’s true, mostly like her fallen on hard times. Mostly white, some moms crying, some not wanting extra, no pressure pimping mom always happy to have her ass fucked for the extra. Set up simple, Email only. I organised Motel, she virgins, always met after school, I’m picked...

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Outward BoundChapter 10

The first thing the next day, I surprised Lucy Golden in her office. She had just finished meeting her section bosses and assigning the days jobs. I was seated in her outer office, talking to her secretary. A nice young lady, petite and cute. I’m sure that she was a heartbreaker in the wardrooms. “Captain,” Lucy was surprised. “What can I do for you? I thought I was going to have some time for the wish list you wanted.” While she was talking, she waved me into her office. “No, Ms. Golden,...

2 years ago
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My Sexual Journey 8211 Part 9

I was resting myself on Anju’s shoulder while she was resting herself on the wall. We were both under the shower and my tired cock was touching her ass. We were both tired and there was a satisfying smile on my face. There were moans coming from the room; Mausam was moaning loudly but I didn’t care much and stayed there with Anju. Slowly, the moans were getting softer and Anju turned towards me. She looked so happy and satisfied. She kissed me and then we cleaned ourselves. While cleaning, we...

4 years ago
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The Drain Guy story

Following up from our “My naughty slutty wife before we met” story, here’s another favourite example that DJ has shared with me….The Drain Guy.This happened in the same house as the previous story, and DJ still gets really horny when she recalls the feelings she experienced when this took place. Although there was no actual physical contact, she tells me it was one of the horniest experiences she can remember from her past. So, the setting is as follows…. After some really bad storms, some...

1 year ago
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Amber Gets Stretched Part 4

A week and many "work out" sessions after Amber starts to work in my shop, I get another call from the Scalzi twins. "Gary, you been holdin out on us long enough, we want that slut of yours now. We'll be there at six." I don't know what to do, I haven't mentioned anything to Amber yet, but I got to come up with something fast. I try not to look worried as Amber walks down the stairs, wearing a sexy uniform as usual. A strapless bikini top that hardly covers her tits, and a thong bottom that...

Group Sex
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Serviced in Business Class

She tapped him on the shoulder, and he looked over towards her. She made a point of looking around—all the other passengers in the business class cabin were asleep, and the flight attendants had pulled the curtain, making it very dark. She looked back at him, and he could see the wicked glint in her eye. She lifted her blanket to show that she'd unbuttoned her blouse and had undone her bra—the lacy one he'd picked up for her the last time he was in London—and what had actually provoked this...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Anna Bell Peaks Before You Go

Damon Dice is packing to leave on a business trip, but before he heads to the airport his girlfriend Anna Bell Peaks demands one last romp. Damon has never been able to say no to such a horny babe with such an incredible set of tits. When she flashes those big knockers for his enjoyment and jiggles them in her hands, Damon is instantly captivated. He can’t keep his hands or mouth off of Anna Bell’s tits and hard pierced nipples. Throwing Damon backwards onto the bed, Anna Bell...

3 years ago
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Naked Cartoon Adventures

Your favorite animated characters (both male and female) from both the big and small screen are getting naked. For some of these characters, it’s the most terrifying and humiliating of their lives, others a new and exciting experience, of some just don’t see what the big deal is. The stories you can tell range from a simple streaking story to an erotic story of exhibitionism. The choice is yours! Also, all normally underage characters are 18+ unless stated otherwise.

3 years ago
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Only A Gothic Sisters Love Chapter 2 Part B

Introduction: Just read and enjoy Authors note. Hope you guys still enjoy reading these stories ha ha SORRY FOR THE LONG AUTHORS NOTE BUT IT NEEDED TO BE DONE!!! NOW REJECTS AND SHEJECTS WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY Only a Gothic Sisters Love Chapter 2 part B Liz, Taylor, and I walked out of the parking lot into the South Shore Plaza mall. People in the mall where buzzing about trying to get there Christmas shopping done, or finished I couldnt tell which but I didnt care. Liz grabbed my hand and...

1 year ago
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Fucking my bitch

Hii guys.. I m Yuvii from delhi..24 years old.. I am a dom..i hope u know what a dom and sub is... Dom is one who dominates nd sub is one who is submissive to his or her master.. So.. Coming to story. i have a strange way of telling my experiences..i expect the reader is a female nd she is imagining herself with me cuz k will adress the reader as You in my story. So get ready cuz it's just u with whom m doing all this.. So now.. I have a gf.. She is the most horniest bitch i have ever...

4 years ago
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Ciarra the ColdChapter 7 Leaving The Keep

Vixen arched against me, moaning quietly in the dark. Struggling against exhaustion, I forced my eyes open with a yawn. Time passed as I slowly woke up. I’ve never been a morning person. Idly stroking my fingers through her fur, I reached around to pull her against me, only to find matted wet fur where her side touched the bed. Did she wet the bed? For a moment I was disgusted, but then I realized my mistake. Not pee, lubrication. The thick slimy mucous was just confirmation of her...

2 years ago
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Scally Fucker

Usual rules apply.Read only if it's legal where you are,or this stuff gets you off!The lad in the flat above me was an absolute looker!About 20,slim,red hair,which I love,green eyes and the cockiest smile on his cute face.Jeeze,the times I'd tugged meself off thinking about him,surprised me cock hadn't dropped off!And what made it even better was a real gobby scally-lad.He was never in anything but trackies,footy-top and trainers.Fucking mind-blowing! His name's Wilf,NEVER Wilfred,as I learned...

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A Balmy SpringChapter 11

"Do you think it's going to be weird living in the same house?" Mia asked me. "I don't know, maybe. I know that I'll be glad when I can see you as I talk to you every day instead of just being able to hear your voice." "You don't like my voice?" "What?? No, of course not!" "You don't?" "That's not what I meant! I mean I DO like your voice, just not as much as your face," I blushed in anguish. "That's not what I meant either." Damn. Even after nearly a year, the Mia...

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