Life After Death Ch. 08 free porn video

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I woke up to find Rachel beside me in bed, curled up nicely in the sheets. Rachel’s shiny long black hair was all tangled up and she was sound asleep. I could see that she was nude under the sheets. Actually we both were, because we were so tired after last night’s love making that we collapsed into the bed, drifting off into a sound dreamless sleep, the type that comes only when everything is just perfect.

‘This weekend is turning out to be really exhausting,’ I smiled. Teasingly I started to tug at Rachel’s side of the sheet, pulling it away from her sleeping body, when she suddenly caught hold of it with one hand

‘Steve behave darling,’ Rachel said, sounding very sexy.

‘How come you didn’t say that to me last night,’ I said taunting her.

Rachel was trying hard not to sound sleepy and was making a really bad effort at it.’ Steve … get up now.. We have the whole weekend to ourselves, lets get up, I’ll feed the horses and we can go out’.

‘Sweety, I’ve got a better idea, why don’t we spend this glorious morning making love to each other’ I said grinning.

‘I guess, that is all we have been doing for the last week. So now lover, get up and get dressed and lets go out,’ Rachel picked up a pillow and hit me bang on the head.

Rachel started to get up to go to the bathroom and as she got up I tugged at the bed sheets as she rose. The bed sheets fell off her, and so as Rachel stood up she was completely and beautifully naked.

‘Steve, don’t do that,’ she said, trying to sound annoyed, but not really caring at all.
‘Hey baby, turn around for me please,’ I asked her.

Rachel turned her head around and grinning said, ‘ No way Sunshine, if I turn around or come back I’ll never get ready today!!’ With that she started to make her way to the bathroom. I could still make out the little grin on Rachel’s face, and I couldn’t help but look at her from head to toe. Her shapely legs were ample proof that she took good care of herself. Her legs curved beautifully into her hips along her bum. I tried to remember if I had noticed how her fantastic legs had been, when I first saw Rachel at Miles and Helen’s Stables back in February. Sweet memories were coming to me of that first Sunday afternoon together, as I looked at her slim waist and her bare back as she sauntered into her bathroom.

‘Wow, I can’t believe how lucky I am,’ I thought

Rachel disappeared into the bathroom and pulled the door lightly. I could hear the water starting. I lay in bed silently as my thoughts wandered to last night. I couldn’t believe we both felt so strongly about each other, and I knew how happy we would make each other. I sat there wondering how my family, in particular Jane’s parents would feel about this development, I decided that could wait. As I let my mind wander back to last night, it was so beautiful, our love making, so soft and tender, I began to feel a familiar stirring in between my legs as I got aroused by these thoughts and noticed my shaft begin to grow really erect.

‘ Hell with going out,’ I said, to myself as I started to move towards the bathroom. I stood outside it still stark naked and tried to hear Rachel inside, under the shower, humming softly. I slowly opened the door and went inside. The steam was really filling up the bathroom as I felt the sudden humidity inside, I could make out Rachel’s shape inside the shower cubicle as the hot soapy water cascaded over her body.

Rachel heard me enter and shouted out, ‘Steve, get out of here, we haven’t got time for this today’.

Rachel poked her head out of the shower, her hair all wet and looked at me waiting for me to answer.

‘Don’t look at me that way darling, I love you so much and seeing you like that, makes me lose control’ and I began making my way into the shower.

Rachel stood staring, watching me move towards the cubicle still totally naked. I reached her and slowly started to pull open the door. Rachel moved back a little as I feasted my eyes on her beautiful body. Her body glistened as the water flowed down it and over her hands, down her firm breasts and stomach and then down her legs as my eyes traced a path. Moving closer I started to kiss her on the lips, and could feel the shower wetting me as our lips met in a sweet kiss. As I started to kiss Rachel passionately, my hands ran down her back, moving across it and pulling her closer.

I could feel her soft breasts under my chest, her nipples already starting to get erect. Rachel was by now breathing very heavily. She could feel the dampness between her legs and she felt my hard shaft press against her.

‘Hey babe,’ I said, breaking from the kiss ‘You still want to go out?’

Rachel looked at me with a look in her eyes that was filled with pure passion and said

‘I’ve got a better idea, why don’t we spend the beautiful morning making love to each other because my love, you’ve just made me horny as hell’

‘Ha, Result!!’ I said laughing.

I scooped her up in my arms and started to carry her outside the bathroom, the water still dripping everywhere.

‘No Steve, I want you right here and right now baby’ Rachel said huskily, the words were coming out with great difficulty. All she wanted to do right now was to make sweet love to me.

I pushed her to the floor, Rachel lay down, the water from shower still dripping off her. She lay back with her eyes closed knowing very well what was going to come next, waiting for it to happen. I was kind of half lying and half sitting besides Rachel, admiring her naked beauty. Her breasts were heaving up and down with her heavy breaths. Rachel’s nipples already erect. I slowly moved my hands across her breasts, feeling their softness. Starting to feel all along their soft shape, feeling the erect nipples under my hands. I moved my hands down to her stomach and looked at her. Rachel was lost in some faraway place, not believing that something could feel so good. I moved my hands along her jewelled navel, along her waist and then teasingly close to her pussy. I stopped just above her crotch, feeling the wet neatly trimmed hair and then again moved up to her breasts and started to massage them. I continued to tease her, wanting her to make the most of my loving hands. I was moving very close but still far from where Rachel wanted them to be. I could see that her breathing had become heavier and that she was making soft noises from the back of her throat

‘Steve, don’t torture me darling’ Rachel said taking hold of my hand and pressing it to her aching pussy, making me feel how wet she really was down there.

‘I want you there’ she said huskily. I could make out the animal pleasure in her eyes as she surrendered herself to my mercy. Rachel’s legs started to move apart giving me greater access to her most private parts. My hand started to move up and down the cleft of her pussy, the other one massaging her soft inner thighs. I continued to do this, feeling her wetness grow under the touch of my hands.

‘Steve.’ Rachel said in an urging tone ‘Put it in darling… I want to feel your finger inside me’.

I slowly started to insert my finger inside her raging hot pussy.

‘Aaaagh’ Rachel groaned, ‘push it in, I want more’

I started to move it in to the depths of her tight pussy. I continued to do so for quite some time listening to her moans, feeling her insides wrap tightly around my fingers, feeling her soft inner thighs. I started to kiss her again, with more passion this time, my tongue licking her face. My mouth started to move downwards towards her stomach, down to her thighs. I started to kiss her thighs, with my fingers still inside her dripping pussy. My mouth moved to the insides of her thighs, kissing them, licking them with my tongue, I could smell the musky odour of sex in the closed confines of the bathroom, driving me wild. I moved my mouth and kissed her pussy. I felt the heat generated at her pussy and it made me want her
even more. I could feel the taste of her juices. My tongue slowly started rolling around her clit as she started to go wild. I continued giving her clit the much-needed attention it needed, with my tongue. I could feel it throbbing with arousal. I continued to kiss Rachel down there feeling her bush under her lips. I spread her legs roughly, the passion was taking over me as well, and continued to lick her right until Rachel was on the edge or her orgasm. Rachel was going crazy with pleasure as I pushed her body up to meet my mouth.

My tongue continued its dance in and around her pussy as Rachel started to buck her hips, nearly ready to climax. She started to climax, as her hips started to move upwards, and her legs seemed to start shaking as she orgasmed. She shuddered in delight for quite some time, a slight moan escaping from her mouth. I looked at her face, it was completely flushed as the last waves of pleasure passed over her brain, making her smile in delight.

Rachel opened her eyes and looked at me.

‘That was wonderful darling,’ she said and looked at my naked body. Rachel stared hungrily at my massive erection

‘Looks like you are ready Steve,’ she said in a voice filled with lust and desire.

‘I am always ready for you darling’ I said in a somewhat desperate tone as all I wanted was to orgasm like never before. I started to move on top of her. I started to kiss her, our tongues meeting passionately. I moved my mouth downwards to Rachel’s breasts, kissing them, licking them. I sucked in Rachel’s swollen nipples one at a time all the while feeling my hard cock moving along her body. I could feel my cock sliding along her flat stomach, along her groin..

I was still licking Rachel’s breasts when she said

‘Steve, make me yours, make love to me darling’.

‘Not so soon baby, I need to make you more horny’ I told her.

‘Can you feel that baby?’ I asked as my cock was in my hands and I pushed it against her pussy.

‘Yes darling, do it now ‘ she said almost begging me to do it.

I started to position myself as Rachel parted her legs. Catching hold of my cock in her hand and positioned it against her pulsating pussy.

‘Yesss baby, do it now’ she screamed with pure animal pleasure.

I started to enter her as she cried out,

I started to penetrate, pulling Rachel closer to me, feeling my cock go deep inside her. She moaned loudly as I kissed her. My hands started to fondle her breasts a little more roughly as Rachel shouted out loud,

‘Steve, do it faster baby.’

I moved her against the wall and pinned her against it and used the extra support to penetrate even deeper inside her. My hands were now vigorously massaging her breasts, my passion almost hurting her tender breasts. I could see the passion in her eyes and was way too overwhelmed by the passion to notice anything other than what I was doing to her.

As my cock entered in the tight confines of her pussy, she could feel it filling her completely. I have a normal sized cock but it sure felt good to feel it all inside her. I started to move, trying to move inside her tight cunt. I started to kiss her as I started moving my hips to enter deep inside her. Rachel wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me down feeling my hard cock reaching her deepest confines.

‘Aaaghhh Steve, I am coming’ she screamed out loud in passion as she started to orgasm. At the same time I could also feel my orgasm building but I still continued to thrust, pushing my cock deeper. Rachel started to orgasm holding me tight. Soon after, I could feel that even I was going to come and I shouted loudly,

‘Even I am going to come now baby, hold tight.’ and then with one final thrust I started to come inside her. I could feel her insides gripping my hard cock as it started jerking.

‘I love you Rachel,’ I groaned as I started to come, my semen spurting deep inside her. After a long time, when it was over I pulled my cock out and lay besides Rachel. I still had a blessed look on my face as I felt the last tremors of my orgasm. When I was finally all spent, and had pulled out from her, the both of us sat there on the bathroom floor too exhausted by our combined passionate lovemaking. Gently, I lifted her up and wrapped her in her robe and carried her back to bed.

Normally I would be up with the sun every morning, I loved to watch the dawn rise sitting at the kitchen table of my home looking out over the fields to the east with a mug of tea, and a couple of slices of hot buttered toast. This morning was very different having spent the night alone with Rachel for the first time, I sat and looked around the warm and friendly farmhouse kitchen that seemed to fit this rambling old farmhouse so perfectly, although it was gone 10.00 o’clock and I wasn’t watching the sun rise looking out over the paddock I felt the same sense of peace. After poring myself another cup of tea I walked down the hall and up the stairs of the old house, quietly opened the bedroom door and leaned against the doorframe. There she was, sleeping in her bed, I stood there against the door frame taking her in her serene beauty, her silky dark hair falling around her shoulders and framing the soft features of her face. She was lying on her side wrapped around her pillow, the soft linen sheet tucked snugly around her body. I couldn’t help but stare at the gentile curves of her body that made her seem as if she were a marble statue stretched out on the bed. I stood there for several minutes before turning and going back downstairs to the kitchen and sitting down to finish my tea. After a while I got up then went around straightening up the rest of house being careful not to wake her. Once I was done I went and stared out her living room window, allowing myself to get lost in my memories of recent weeks events. My watch beeped and brought me back to the present, when I looked at it I saw that it was 10:30. I smiled remembering how we had told each other how we felt last night and how great it had been to come back here with her and the wonder making love so tenderly and then again albeit more aggressively this morning on the bathroom floor. I also remembered that I had promised her breakfast as I left her in the bedroom earlier so I set to work.

As Rachel lay half sleeping, she dreamt of how her life had gone and of all the times during the last two weeks she nearly told Steve how much she loved him. She had been scared of his reaction, as she had known how broken he had been after the death of Jane. She had not been looking for a relationship, and never slept with anyone as quickly as she had with him, but from the first Saturday that he had brought Issy over and later Tim also, she felt as if she had met the love of her life. For the first few days she had wrestled with the fact that she had fallen under the spell of this courageous, but sad man, who was doing a tremendous job of bringing up his children alone, who she had already come to love as if they were her own. She had quietly tried to learn as much about him as possible without being to obvious, but in the end it was plainly evident to anyone who knew them how she was beginning to feel about him and although she didn’t know it, the exact same feelings were true in reverse. From the minute they met again at the Regional Business Forum lunch, Steve had started to become alive again. She had also made the decision that she would embrace the memory of Jane and rather than try to erase it and replace her as his only love. She had talked to him about Jane, and encouraged him to deal with my grief, telling him that although they were together, if he needed to tell her things about his life with Jane, then that was fine. She wasn’t prepared to try and become her replacement, but she was prepared to love him and the children without any judgement or prerequisite. She and Alice had even sat with Tim and Issy and watched the tape that Jane made for the children before she died. Obviously she wasn’t
a saint, but she understood the need to celebrate the wife and mother, whilst not sanctifying her memory. She intended to be loved for herself, but in her mind this was the natural way, there was no scheme or plan to snare him into marriage or anything other than, she was falling in love with him. So it seemed the most natural thing in the world for her to do.

Slowly Rachel was roused from her dreamy thoughts, she was unsure of where she was for a second but as soon as she realised she was back in her bed a smile came to her face, knowing he had carried her there after their lovemaking. She pulled his pillow to her and took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. She began to think consciously about how they had met each other, and how much they had fallen in love in such a short time. She took a deep breath and smelled the aromas coming from the kitchen, getting up and making the bed, she grabbed his shirt from last night and a fresh pair of panties from the draw, loving the smell of him against her skin.

Smiling to herself she wandered down to the kitchen. Standing in the entrance to the kitchen from the hall, she watched him for a moment as he worked in her kitchen before he turned around and caught her.

‘Good morning my love. You ok? How did you sleep?’ I asked grinning lovingly at her.

‘Best nights sleep I have had in a long time.’ she replied ‘You in my bed made it amazingly comfortable, I could have stayed there all day.’ She smiled warmly and walked over to lean against the counter between them and gave me a gentle kiss.

‘Would you like some tea or coffee?’ I asked as I turned around to pour myself another cup of tea.

‘ Coffee please with a little milk and no sugar.’ she smiled as she stepped around the counter.

I had not noticed that she was only in her panties and my shirt. I turned around to hand her a cup and almost dropped it when I saw her. She giggled when as she watched me.

‘What’s so funny?’ I asked in an almost sarcastic tone.

‘You are,’ she answered with a sly smile.

‘I hope you are hungry. I made eggs, bacon, sausage,, baked beans, hash browns and toast for you this morning.’

‘You’ll make me fat but I’m starved. Is it ready?’ she laughed

‘Yes darling. Why don’t you sit down and I will bring you a plate. Do you want any thing to put on it?’

‘No thank you babe.’ she replied

I served up our plates and brought them to the table. I handed her a plate, kissed her on the top of the head and sat down myself. I looked up at her and she was staring at me.’

‘What was that for?’ she inquired.

‘I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself, I’m happy!.’ I said smiling. She just smiled at me with that smile that I had grown to love so much in recent weeks. I just smiled back at her hoping she could she see how much I loved her.

When we had finished eating we just sat and talked for a while. Rachel looked at the clock on the wall behind him and saw that it was almost 11:30. She stood up picked up our plates and went to the sink to rinse them off. As she walked away, I noticed my shirt barely covered her well-shaped, firm bum. While Rachel was standing at the sink I walked up behind her, put my hands around her waist and softly kissed her shoulder, then pulled her hair back and started kissing her neck. She tilted her head to the side, placing her hands on the edge of the sink and took a deep breath. She could hear her heart pounding in her head and as I began to nibble on her ear she could feel herself getting wet. She pressed against me and reached up and turned off the water as she turned around in my arms. As our eyes locked

‘Is this ok?’ I asked in almost a whisper. ‘I want you so much. I have wanted you again since I saw you lying on the bed just now, you looked so beautiful lying there.’

‘Rachel, I want you so much right now and want to make love to you again.’

She just answered me with a soft, slow kiss. We melted together in our combined passion. Our kisses started out slow and patient. I opened my mouth slowly and she followed. Our tongues met and fought for dominance for a moment before I conceded and let Rachel have her way. Her tongue explored my mouth carefully, and then she signalled my tongue to follow hers. I explored her mouth with care and precision. As we kissed, my hands slid down her back to her ass. I squeezed it firmly and she let out a soft moan. Rachel was playing with my hair and she felt my hands slide up under the shirt she was wearing. My hand on her bare skin was almost too much. Rachel was so wet that the satin of her panties felt cool on her skin and she thought we were going to start dripping.

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Kunoichi mistresses of love and death

Two guards, patrolling one area of the forest, are going about their routine patrol. Nothing seems amiss when one of them feels thighs wrap around his neck and then immediately close off his airways as they squeeze and the lavender-haired woman attached to them spins on his shoulders, muffling his face into her covered crotch while she strangles the man with her thighs. The other man turns, hearing only the muffle whimper but only gets to see the scene for a glimpse before he's bent over...

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Inches from death

Carol knew she had fucked up, it was easier to admit than to deny. She had known something was off, enough to make her store her gear two floors down from her actual destination, which might save her life if no one noticed the women’s clothes behind the bed it would looks as if Derek had been there on his own.She had heard four shots, so she knew she wouldn’t meet Derek again, but the fact that she was still alive here on the ledge of the roof meant she had a chance to survive.It was the only...

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Amy 27 Amy in Game of Death

Amy 27: Amy in "Game of Death" Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We Were Rich Once The next few days were pretty shitty. I mean, like really majorly shitty. If you already had this big pile of shit and then you pooped on it and then an elephant pooped on it, too, you'd...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 96 Between Life and Death

(Kaoru is lost in thought at the Aoiya.) Misao: It's dangerous to sit staring out the window like that. You don't know when or where an enemy will strike. Kaoru: Misao. Misao: Uh-uh-uh! Not Misao, Okashira! (Kaoru sighs) Himura should learn the secrets and hurry back, huh. Kaoru: Yes, but... (they look out the window, at Yahiko practicing outside) Stronger, stronger... it's only natural for a swordsman. If he gains the great strength of the succession techniques, he'll have an...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 396 Dicing With Death

Monday, October 22 to Saturday, November 3, 2007 With the pressure to make a decision removed and knowing that I could leave solving the Surveillance Problem to other Marks, I would be happier over the next few days, and especially over the next few minutes while I was celebrating in the shower. It should be easy for me to stall the baddies for several days because our knowing their plans in advance gives us a huge advantage. If we repeated avoidance maneuvers like we had in New York too...

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PromiseChapter 11 The Taco of Death

I WAS LAST IN LINE for the shower. Afterwards, I snagged one of the remaining clean towels and walked out of the steamy bathroom to dry off. My companions were standing hand-in-hand in the doorway to the patio watching a pair of small fat birds forage in the ivy at the top of the patio wall. “Good morning, Sofía. Good morning, Javier.” At that moment there was a knock on the door. “Will you have breakfast this morning, don Miguel?” Suddenly I was starving even though I was...

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Lifes Lessons The Aftermath

It was about ten in the morning and I had just woken. I was lying in bed trying to let my eyes focus after waking from a deep sleep. I noticed there is a crack of sunlight sneaking through the blackout curtains. It was refracting against the cut glass ceiling fixture making the light burst into a thousand colors. I could hear Ann breathing rhythmically beside me. She doesn't snore, she purrs, unlike me. I can wake the dead when I cut loose. Thinking to myself, as I gently pulled down the covers...

Group Sex
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The Devils Pact the Hell ChroniclesChapter 6 To Death

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, November 17th, 2014 – Svitlana "Lana" Paquet-Holub – Seattle, WA I smiled at the beautiful face of my sleeping daughter. Lily was in her crib, swaddled in a pink blanket. Carrying Lily to term had been a wonderful, trying, tedious, amazing, uncomfortable, loving, and exciting experience. It was all worth it to bring forth my darling daughter. My wife, Chantelle, leaned against me, staring down at her. Lily was a miracle. A daughter born...

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Full Metal Deathmatch

Lights high above you cast a flickering half-light across the crowd, the heavy bars, the oil-stained concrete. Two hulking shadows stand, immobile, across from each other. There is a bewildering pattern of sound throughout the arena: the hum of power cells, the hiss of coolant, occasional sparks, and of course the charged anticipation of the crowd. The hi-beams flick on, and in an instant the two frames are on the move. The sounds of machinery are completely drowned by the immediate roar that...

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?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are amused when they watch horrible scenes The show of death. ?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are eager to watch horrible scenes. As long they is no personal complication, at least?.?But for me it is very personal?,? Richa protested, ?It is my life that is endangered. I want out. This is not what Brenda and I were promised when we were invited to this holiday. We were to have a very good...

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Journal entry #1 It's been years since I slept after the sun goes down. Nobody knows where they came from but they feed on sleepers at night. You sleep during the day. You work at night. Farmers have the worst of it, but a lot can be done by the headlights of a tractor. I'm Karl. Karl Green. I've always been good with mechanical things and I capitalized on it. I'm a machinist, and I've a fair hand at MIG welding too. I live in Sidney, Iowa. It's in the far south west corner of the...

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Copyright© 1976 THREE MORE VANISH; FOGEY GANG ACTIVITY ON THE RISE New York (Yelopress/ASP) A spokesman for the DEFA today released details of the disappearance of three adult males, all in their early 20s. Missing and presumed dead are Daniel Tompkins, James Rivington, and Jacob Astor, all of the notorious Lower East Side sector of New York City known as "Bodysnatchers' Alley." In DEFA custody and undergoing intensive interrogation are two presumed members of the executive council of...

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Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp

Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp I could not believe it when I got hired as a lifeguard at a nudist camp. Interestingly I had to wear trunks that identified me as the lifeguard, while everyone else was naked. The job came with food and lodging. I saw women from babies through teenagers, adults, and old ladies. I saw breasts from nonexistent to drooping to their waists. I saw guys too but tried not to look at their cocks, even so I saw some real monsters. I saw all sorts of scars from...

2 years ago
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After a night at the Mall the Hill family suffers a fate worse than death

Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...

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The Arrest of the Mask of the Red Death

Hi, I’m Jenny, I like to create erotic scenes and characters in order to help me turn on and get off.  I love to enhance and embellish while I lay naked on my futon. My cunt throbbing, my juices flowing and my clit growing,I can feel myself galloping down an old country road at midnight. My legs opened wide by the girth of the saddle. I visualize my rise in the stirrups. My pelvis rocks and I slide up and down the saddle with a superior glide. The friction excites me and the heat lights me.I...

First Time
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On Death

It seems that a number of people around me have recently experienced personal tragedy, sometimes unexpectedly and sometimes in the form or a lingering illness. Their grief and sorrow got me thinking and reminded me of a story told to me by a good friend Tino, who is now a retired minister. ****************** A man and a woman had a child. He was the apple of their eye, and they loved him more than anything else. One day, just shy of this 30th birthday, a drunk driver lost control of his car,...

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Someones Death

A soul passed from earth to somewhere else and the halls are still dark, the hospital still smells of urine, we still laugh and talk over our coffee about sex, old times, and the new conspiracies. The souls come and go. We supervise their shell while their spirit floats away and then we cover them with a sheet, wheel them down the hall, and place them in the morgue. While they die we push drugs into veins, rush around, feel we can stop the whole natural process, do our best to defy God, and...

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Gotta Break Em All part 5 Machampion of death

Such was the case for the Trainers on Route 34. Machoke spotted Campers on both sides of the Route, and moved to the left, while Machop moved to the right. They moved at a steady pace, believing they had not become infamous to anyone outside of Azalea. This was not entirely true, as Team Rocket Grunts did report about a hostile Machop during their attempt to take over Slowpoke Well and Azalea Town. After that initial report, no Grunt in the area managed to report anything new to the...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 The Temple of Death

At first, I thought I was dreaming. How could Zayne Masters be with Eloise de la Zouche? He was at Palakkad Fort awaiting trial. But if it was a dream it was uncannily lifelike. “You are not dreaming Elijah,” Eloise said, reading my mind. “How did I get here? The last I can remember was drinking a glass of --” Realisation then struck me, the drink had been drugged. But by whom, and why. Eloise answered both my spoken and unspoken questions. “When my High Priest arrived at Doctor...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Wagers of Death

Spending time in The Hole is not something I would recommend. Judging by the dimensions the structure had been built to house Indians. A European could not stand fully upright without his head being forced into the bars of the cover, and had to sit, squat, or kneel, on the bare earth when not standing stooped. From ground level, I had a worm’s eye view of the world, and that was only a yard or two circumference around my ‘quarters’. The sun broiled down, and it was just as well I was naked...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 3 Going home from Karsakini And Life and Death

Molly dropped to her knees beside Ken as the rest of her medical staff arrived, checking the wound she saw the blade had cut deeply in to the stomach between the esophagus and the duodenum. "Crap, this wound is bad, Nancy how about the side." Nancy Ortiz was examining the stab wound in Ken's side; it was a clean in and out. Grabbing her medical pad, she started scanning him. "I think his lung has been nicked, but I am not sure. Yet!" Nancy waited for the scanner to finish the scan,...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 35 The Emirs Death

Few of the Emirs of Kobekistan ever died in their beds. Most were assassinated, often on behalf of one or other of their sons, who would then ascend to the throne. His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was the subject of several attempts by Crown Prince Mustapha to overthrow him during the next fourteen years, though the young Prince never attempted patricide as a route to the throne. Thus it was that His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was one of the fortunate few Emirs to die...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 40 City of Death

David Granger was driving down highway 80 heading for the 395 interchange when a bright flash lit up the sky behind him. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw the huge mushroom cloud forming. "Oh my God," he said. He watched as the pressure wave came boiling out of the mountains and picked up his car. The 1990 Trans Am went flying through the air and over the embankment where it smashed into several parked cars. The fire engulfed the car as it continued moving and it smashed into one of...

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KennedyChapter 3 Kennedy Learns the Facts of Life and Death

Kennedy celebrated her tenth birthday in style with Mr. Glastonbury at a small, hole-in-the-wall Chinese restaurant in China Town in New York City. It was not a particular surprise to Kennedy to learn that Mr. Glastonbury spoke Chinese; it was only a surprise when she found something he didn't know. He was unusually quiet at dinner, while Kennedy was unusually unrestrained. She didn't care, she was now ten, a double-digit age. She didn't care what other people thought, but in her mind she...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 1

Introduction: First, let me introduce myself…the author. I am a 37 year old divorced career woman, no kids. I am in a serious hetero relationship with an interesting sex life…pretty creative, with role playing and outdoor encounters being the most exciting. I have been lurking here for a few weeks, reading all the hot, sexy stories members have posted. I thought Id try my hand at writing and keep it busy and away from my coochie for a change. Im going to try telling this story as a male, to...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 3

Introduction: Best read the stories in sequence! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 3 Monday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dads, so she couldnt come over, but wanted to. Id gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was interesting and had no rings or other evidence of...

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Stepmom8217s Way To Son After Hubby Death

The house was eerily silent. Even at 10 pm, I generally expected some noise, despite the events of the past few days. Dad and Andrea had been fighting constantly lately, only changed up by his epic snoring and the very rare round of make-up sex they had. My kid sister Chloe was at the grandparents for a few weeks during the summer, as I think my folks hadn’t wanted to expose her to their fighting and whatever was going on over these weeks. They were in counseling, but honestly, it seemed like...

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Lifeguard 2

From the Lifeguard 1 Story:I woke up sometime later with my spent mother on my chest snoring peacefully, my now soft penis still in her anus. My mother was smaller than me, so her weight wasn’t an issue, it’s just that I really needed to pee. So I started trying to wriggle out from her embrace. When I did she stirred. She said, “Don’t move.”She slowly pulled herself off of my penis, did a quick spin where her asshole was in front of my face, and said, “Eat it out.” Before I could even form a...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 2

Introduction: Youll want to read Part 1 first! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 2 The phone rang, waking both Karen and myself with a start. Wed slept for only about 15 minutes. Well, it would have been bad to sleep longer, but it would have been almost tragic if the phone had rung while we were writhing around having such marvelous sex. Especially if shed had my cock in her mouth I thought! To give Karen some phone privacy and to take care of some personal hygiene issues, I ran into the shower and...

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Lifes a bitch and now so am I

This is Lifes a bitch and now so am I!!! This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have...

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Lifeguards Tale

When I was eighteen, I got a job as a lifeguard at Cherry Park Apartments, a new housing development just outside Chicago. These days pools and recreation centers are dirt-common in suburban developments, but back then the concept was new and a bit daring, smacking of sybaritic luxury. This was some time ago, and things were a lot different than they are now. A lot different. The Beatles had just arrived, the Pill had just been introduced, and I'd just finished high school and was looking...

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Lifeguard 5

From the Lifeguard 4 Story After she was finally done cumming, she pulled her now flaccid penis out of my mouth and proceeded to give me a big French kiss and started sucking the remainder of her cum into her mouth. We started hugging and kissing and kissing and hugging. That was even fun.After a few minutes of doing this, we just laid there giggling and laughing about what we had just done.Caley then said, “You are one sick boy.”I then said the only sensible, normal thing an eighteen-year-old...

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Lifeguard Has a Speedo Boner

“Do you know where I can get some tanning oil?” Chris looked down from his lifeguard post upon hearing the question and found a stunning stud at the bottom. A mere ten feet below Chris was a majestically muscled blonde, boasting firm washboard abs and rock-hard pecs. Chris looked down in amazement as he checked out the rest of the stud’s body, his toned biceps and forearms, his defined thigh muscles and tight calves. Chris got his gaze stuck in the tanned stud’s defining feature, his swelling...

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A Fate Worse Than Death

                            A Fate Worse Than Death - Chapter 01 (revised)        That last punch literally popped one of my eyes out of my head. It was now dangling from its socket, giving me a very interesting view of my cigarette burned tits, both of which were missing their nipples compliments of the butane torch that had been used to turn them into a pair of charred lumps of cooked meat before the Red soldier with the pliers ripped what was left of them from my squeezies. The torch was...

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Residential Marriage Guidance Aftercare

Residential Marriage Guidance - Aftercare Xxx So, a sequel to a sequel or the third part of a trilogy? The idea for this came to me as I was finishing "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance" and I just had to write it. You'll probably have to read "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance to learn the characters and background and get the most from this story. As always, feedback on what you find hot and what is not is gratefully appreciated - same goes for my other stories if...

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