TUESDAY AFTERNOON free porn video

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Tuesday Afternoonbybigbrother054©
Josh and Ted stopped in front of Jessie's high school. Jessie, Josh's sister, was talking to a couple of friends, waiting for her brother to pick her up. Ted nudged Josh and jerked a thumb toward the group.

"Your sister's friends are hot," he said, making a different jerking motion in his lap.

Josh shook his head. "Jesus, Ted; is that all you ever think about?" Josh had listened to Ted's lurid description of every female under the age of thirty, as they drove down the street. He couldn't pass a woman without making some kind of suggestive remark. It was getting old.

"Come on, dude," cajoled Ted. "Haven't you ever wondered what that red-head would be like?" He waggled his eyebrows in what he thought was a suggestive gesture. "You know what they say about red-heads..."

"The same thing they say about blondes, brunettes, and chicks with tattoos?" Josh asked. "Ted, you say the same thing about whatever kind of chick you're looking at."

Ted shrugged. "Well, what can I say? They're all sluts... underneath." He punctuated the last word by grabbing his crotch.

"Shit, Ted... Shut up," he slugged Ted's shoulder, "here comes my sister."

Jessie bounced up and stood outside the car. "Hey, Ted, Big brother..." She made no move to get in the car, just glared at Ted, who smiled up at her.

Josh slugged him and said, "Open the door, Jerk-Wad."

"Stop hittin' me, Dick-Face," replied Ted, as he got out of the car and opened the back door. "After you, Miss Edwards..." he said with mock grace.

Ted watched as she ducked and scrambled into the car, hoping to catch a glimpse of upper-thigh, or even her panties. He was disappointed. Jessie had plenty of practice getting into a car in her short school-plaid skirt, without giving her brother's sicko friend a peep show.

Once settled in, she smiled sweetly at Ted. "That you, sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar."

Josh shook his head, smiling. "Wrong on both counts, s*s," he called back.

"Shut up," said Ted, climbing back into the front seat.

Jessie dug around in her purse as they pulled into traffic. She found her brush and gave her golden blonde hair a few swipes. She kept her hair short, just below her collar, framing her round freckled face. She wasn't what you would call a classic beauty, having high, plump cheeks and a pug nose, but she was cute.

"So, Jessie," Ted said over his shoulder, "what's the scoop on those two girls you were talking to? They available?"

"I'm not your pimp, Ted," Jessie replied in a tired voice.

"Hey, I was just askin'," he shot back, feigning hurt innocence.

"What's wrong? Can't you find any college girls dumb enough to go out with you?"

Ted laughed airily. "Oh, you are a real comedian, little girl..." But he said nothing further.

Josh smiled to himself, knowing that his sister had struck a nerve. Ted did have trouble finding girls who would date him more than once. Small wonder, he thought, the way he treated them. He had no social skills whatsoever. Ted hadn't learned to keep his big mouth shut.

"So, how goes the man-hunt, Jess?" Ted asked, slyly. "Got any poor sucker on the hook, yet?"

Josh cringed at the mention of his sister's hunt for a boyfriend. He knew that she felt odd, being the only one of her friends still unattached. It was getting close to graduation, too. If she didn't hook up with someone, Josh would have to be her date to the senior prom.

Jessie sighed and responded, "Oh, I have a few prospects," she lied.

"Yeah, right," scoffed Ted. "Whoa, check that out," he said to Josh, pointing at a young, large-breasted blonde. Leaning out the window, he shouted, "Hey babe! Whatcha doin' later?"

Josh laughed and said, "Come on, Ted. Get over yourself, will you?"

Ted sighed and remained quiet as they drove on down the road. The silence was a welcome respite from Ted's constant stream of cat calls and lewd observations. Josh popped a CD in the car's player, and they drove on listening to DePeche Mode.

When they got to Ted's apartment, he hopped out without a word and waved over his shoulder. Jessie got out and took his place in the front seat.

"I hope he's not upset," she said earnestly.

"Forget him," her brother said dismissively, "he's an asshole."

"Then why do you hang out with him?" Jessie asked.

"Habit, I guess," replied Josh. "We've been friends so long, I don't even think about it."

Jessie sighed heavily and hugged her backpack. Josh shot her a glance and asked, "What's the matter, s*s?"

"I can't find anyone to take me to the prom," she muttered. She turned a puffy-eyed face to her brother. "Is there something wrong with me, Josh? Am I ugly, or what?"

"Hell, no, you're not ugly," replied Josh. "You look great. A little... innocent, maybe."

Jessie looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you look kind of... prudish." He cleared his throat and added, "Not that that's bad, necessarily. It's just..."

"What? I should look like that slut Shelly Piccolo?"

Josh knew Shelly Piccolo. Hell, everyone knew Shelly Piccolo. She'd slept with half the boys in her eighth-grade class, and worked up from there. By the time she got to high school, most of the senior boys knew her reputation: "If you want a good time, just call Shelly Piccolo. She puts out like a Coke machine."

"No," replied Josh, fighting back the involuntary hard-on brought about by the mention of Shelly Piccolo. "I don't think you need to go that far. Just try to look more... accessible."

Josh tried to explain that it was more a matter of attitude. She usually hugged her backpack to her chest, as if it were a shield. And it wouldn't hurt to undo one or two of the top buttons on her blouse. And she shouldn't glare at boys, as if she were daring them to talk to her. Jessie listened attentively, making mental notes.

"So, all that stuff makes me look prudish?" she asked at the end.

Josh shrugged. "Yeah, sort of. Of course, that's just your big brother's opinion." He turned the corner and pulled into the driveway of their father's house. "I mean, it all says: 'I wouldn't even consider having sex with you.' And that's a real turn-off."

"Josh," she said timidly, as he shut off the ignition, "I don't think I want to have sex."

Josh chuckled, then looked at his sister's face. She looked like a frightened rabbit, cowering against the car door. "You're serious..." She nodded and opened the car door, bolting for the house.

"Huh," Josh said, staring after his sister. He'd never heard of an eighteen year old girl who didn't at least think about having sex. This was not good, he thought.

He gathered his stuff and followed Jessie into the house. She wasn't in the kitchen, so she must have gone on to her bedroom, he thought. Oh, well, she needed some time to think things out. Maybe, if she took his advice, she could finally get a date.

He grabbed a Coke from the fridge, a bag of sour cream and onion flavored potato chips from the pantry and went in to the living room to watch TV. His team was playing an exhibition game, so he had no further thought of the conversation with his sister. It wasn't until half-time that he even got out of his chair.

When his bladder demanded attention, he got up and went to the bathroom. As he came out, he could hear sobbing coming from his sister's room. He went to the door and knocked gently.

"s*s? You okay?" he called.

"Yeah," came the weak reply.

Josh sighed, considered going back to the game, and then knocked again.

"s*s? Can I come in?"


He eased the door open and saw his sister getting up from her desk, closing her diary. She had changed into a pair of worn jeans and a gray pullover sweater-shirt. The gray woolen material emphasized the redness of her round, freckled face. She reminded him of the days when they were in grade school and some bully would steal her doll, or tie her pig-tails together. He was overcome by his protective instinct, and determined to fix whatever was wrong.

She stood in front of him, eyes downcast, tears drying on her round cheeks. She took a deep breath, making her firm round breasts rise provocatively as she looked up and met her brother's eyes.

"What's the matter," asked Josh, looking stern.

Jessie stepped forward and put her hands on his shoulders. "Oh, Josh! I'm never going to find a date..." She began weeping again as Josh hugged her. "I'm such a loser!"

Josh sighed. "Oh, is that what's bothering you?" He pulled her away slightly and looked into her red eyes. "I thought we had that settled. All you need to do is a little image polishing..."

"But," she stammered, "Even if I do... I wouldn't know what to do! I-I don't even know how to kiss properly." She buried her face in Josh's shoulder and sobbed again.

Josh stroked his sister's trembling back and made soothing sounds. "Come on, s*s. It's not that bad." He pulled her back again, saying, "Look, what if I showed you how to kiss? Would that help?"

Jessie stopped sobbing and stared at Josh with a blank expression. "That sounds stupid," she said flatly. "It's like one of those dumb romance movies..."

"Fine," said Josh, turning to leave. "You just figure it out on your own..."

Jessie ran up and grabbed her brother's arm. "Wait," she implored. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude." She placed her hands on his shoulders and smiled up at him. "Go ahead. Teach me..." She puckered up and lifted her lips.

Josh laughed and said, "First of all: no puckering. They only do that in the movies." He put his hands on either side of her face and shook her gently. "Loosen up... There..." He gave her a light slap on the cheek. "Just hold still and follow my lead. Now..."

He leaned over and placed his lips against hers as he grasped her lightly around her waist. He kissed her gently and pulled his head back to assess his sister's reaction. She still had her eyes closed, licking her lips.

"You can open your eyes, now," he said. "Well?"

"That was okay," she whispered. "I thought it would be... different."

He leaned in once more, this time pressing her close and kissing her a little harder. He felt her breathing change, deepening, as her breasts rubbed against his chest. As he pulled away, a thin line of spittle dripped onto Jessie's chin. When he looked down, he could see her stiffening nipples poking at the fabric of her top.

He smiled and asked, "Something more like that?"

Jessie took a deep breath and replied, "Yeah." She wiped at her chin and said, "Um, I think I get the general idea..."

Josh saw the redness in his sister's face change and spread down her neck. He also felt a rising pressure in his pants and realized that he was getting off on this. He pulled his sister closer and said, "I think you need more practice."

"I don't..." she began, then, as he pressed his body against her, "Okay."

Josh reached up with his right hand, coming up Jessie's back and pulling her head to one side. He began kissing her lightly on her neck, working up from the base until he reached her ear. His other hand rested in the small of her back, pressing her into him.

Jessie felt tingles dancing on her spine as Josh kissed her neck, and a curious sensation in her stomach when her body pressed against her brother's stiffening manhood. Her head lolled back and her breath came in short gasps. She knew this was wrong, but didn't care. She just wished it would never end.

"I don't think you're a loser," Josh whispered in her ear, punctuating his comment with a kiss on her earlobe.

Grasping the back of her neck, he kissed her again, on the mouth. Her lips parted as he slid his tongue into her mouth. As he explored that hot cavity, he slid a hand down to her denim-covered ass and pressed her closer. As she quivered, he began moving his hips back and forth, savoring the feel of her body.

Jessie gasped for breath. "Josh, how did we get on the bed?"

They were kneeling on Jessie's bed; a single with Winnie the Pooh sheets and quilt. Josh had maneuvered them onto it as he groped his sister. The action had been almost u*********s... Almost.

Josh smiled at his sister and said, "I thought this would be more comfortable." He moved his thighs forward, his left knee coaxing her legs apart. His thigh rubbed against the crotch of her jeans, allowing him to feel the damp heat there.

"Have you had enough practice?" he asked softly.

"Mm, no," whispered Jessie. "I think I need more instruction."

Josh tilted her head back and kissed his sister on the clavicle. He pulled at the collar of her top and exposed a shoulder, planting hot, wet kisses. With his other hand, he stroked her side, then her firm, round breast.

Jessie moaned softly as he massaged her and squeezed her hard nipple through the woolen fabric. The feeling in her stomach had become a pulsating throb of pleasure. She felt her panties getting moist with her vaginal secretions. Her brother's thigh, pressing against her mound, sent chills up her spine.

"You're getting pretty wet down here," Josh said, moving his hand down to Jessie's crotch. He stroked the damp denim of her jeans, pressing firmly against her mound.

"Josh," she whispered, "we shouldn't..."

He silenced her with a kiss, once again exploring her hot mouth. She kissed him back, sliding her tongue across his teeth and the roof of his mouth. He moved his hands to the hem of her wool top, pulling up. He rubbed her exposed midriff before pulling the top further up.

"Arms up," he whispered. Jessie obeyed, lifting her arms to allow the removal of her gray sweater. Her arms came down to rest on her brother's shoulders.

Josh felt the skin of her back, rubbing small circles with both hands. He moved his head down to kiss the soft skin between his sister's ample breasts. She threw her head back, moaning, "Yes. Yes."

With a teenager's practiced hand, he unsnapped the black lace bra, pulling the straps forward as he nudged the cups away with his nose. He lowered the bra and slid it off to the side. His lips found the erect nipple of Jessie's right breast and he tickled it lightly with his tongue, then sucked gently.

Jessie grasped Josh's hair, pressing his face into her tingling breast. With her other hand she stroked her free breast, squeezing the nipple. As her brother suckled at her tit, she began rhythmically gyrating her hips, humping his thigh.

"Oh, God, Josh," she groaned shakily. "Ah... shit, that's good!"

Josh ran his hands up Jessie's torso, grasping her under her arms. "Lie back," he whispered, giving her a little shove.

Without questioning him, she responded, "Okay," and leaned back until her head rested on the Winnie the Pooh pillow. She lay back, panting and watching her brother.

Josh ran his hands down her stomach and back up to her breasts. He began there and kissed his way back down. She twitched reflexively as his lips caressed the short hairs below her navel. As he kissed her belly, Josh massaged her denim-shrouded crotch.

"Oh, my God, Josh! What are you doing?"

As he continued working at her zipper, Josh replied, "Don't worry about it. This is gonna be great!" He opened the top of her jeans and kissed Jessie's panties. "Trust me..."

She watched, confused, as her brother pulled her jeans down. They were tight and clung to her damp skin. As he pulled, he raised her legs up and fought to get the pants off. Jessie felt a wave of fear come over her.

"Josh, stop," she said, without much conviction. She locked her ankles together to prevent the removal of her pants. "Don't..."

Josh let her legs drop to the bed. He leaned down and stroked he exposed panties, feeling the texture of the black lace, and the warmth of her damp pussy. He ran two fingers under the side of the panties and felt her shaved mound. His fingers moved down to her damp slit, feeling the slippery warmth of her labia.

"You don't want me to make you feel good?" Josh asked. "What's this, then?" He rubbed her slit, found her swollen clitoris and tweezed it between his fingers.

"Oh, God!" exclaimed Jessie, her body jerking.

He gave her clit another twist, causing another wave of vaginal flow. He inserted his fingers between her labia and rubbed the lining of her opening.

"You don't like that?" he asked. "Okay, then..." He removed his fingers and wiped the dampness on his sister's stomach. "I'll stop. If that's what you want."

Jessie looked at him with pleading in her eyes. She let out a long whimper, then said, "Damn you, Josh! Don't stop!"

"That's my girl," praised Josh, lifting her legs. He finished removing the jeans and spread his sister's legs. "I just want to make you feel better," he said, placing his hand on her mound.

He pulled the waistband down, kissing the panty-embossed flesh and her shaved mound. Jessie raised her hips as he pulled her panties down to her knees. He sat back and pulled her feet up, removing the panties. Then he spread her legs. He admired his sister's glistening pussy for a moment, then lowered his head, pressing his lips into her hot, dripping snatch.

Jessie screamed and bucked as her brother sucked her clitoris, sending a jolt of pleasure up through her body. As he continued, she felt waves of contractions seize her body. The stimulation elicited ever more vaginal discharge, so that when Josh raised his head, his chin was shiny with her juices.

"You liked that, didn't you?" he asked, grinning broadly.

Jessie panted, raised her head to stare down at her brother. "Wh-what the Hell was that?" she asked.

Wiping at his chin, Josh replied casually, "That, little sister, was an orgasm."

"Oh," she said, letting her head fall back. "Is that all?" she asked the ceiling.

Josh crawled forward, pausing to scoop up two fingers of her cum. He leaned on an elbow as he wiped the sticky fingers on her lips, then kissed her before she could scold him.

"You feel better now?" he asked.

Jessie grinned sheepishly and replied, "Yes, Big brother. Much better." She reached down and felt the large lump in his jeans. "But what about you? Your thing is as hard as a rock!"

"Ah," said Josh sagely, "now we get to the second part of the lesson..."

He stood up on the bed and urged Jessie to her knees before him. "Now undo my pants," he said, smiling down at her round face.

"Alright," replied Jessie. She began to undo the button and pulled down on the zipper.

"Not so fast," said Josh. "Go slowly, erotically."

"Oh, I see," said Jessie. "Like a stripper." She smiled girlishly up at her brother.

"What do you know about strippers?" he asked.

Jessie giggled. "Nothing, really," she replied.

She returned her attention to her brother's pants. She pulled the zipper down, slowly, then reached up to caress the bulge in his boxers.

"It really is hard," she said.

She leaned in and felt the bulge with her cheek, then put her mouth on it, biting down gently.

"Hey, what gives?" asked Josh.

"It looks like a big sausage," replied his sister. "I thought I'd give it a bite." She rubbed her brother's sausage and frowned. "Did I hurt it? I should kiss it better." With that, she pressed her lips to the cotton of his boxers and kissed the wounded bulge. She felt it throb against her lips as she administered her healing touch.

"Oh, that's much better," said Josh, raising his head, eyes shut. "Oh, yeah."

Jessie continued peeling away Josh's jeans until her brother stood in his boxers. She reached up and pulled the waistband away from his body, looking down at his tool.

"Oh, my," she said in faux shock. "Look at that monster!"

Josh chuckled softly. "And you would be a cock expert, eh?"

"Oh," she replied slyly, "I've seen a few... pictures."

She slowly pulled down her brother's boxers, revealing his stiff manhood. Cautiously, she took it in her fingers and felt along the length of it. Reaching the tip, she felt the sticky precum, which oozed forth.

"Wrap your fingers around it," prompted Josh. "Just give it a slow stroke."

Josh's penis was about six inches long, Jessie had never seen a real cock before, so she didn't know if this was indeed a "monster." However, in her hand, it felt enormous.

"It feels so soft and warm," she whispered in wonder. "Does it hurt?"

Josh chuckled. "No, it feels good."

Jessie rubbed the head, spreading precum, noticing how it made stroking easier. She felt Josh shiver whenever her fingers flitted around the crown of his penis, and knew that she must be doing something right. She guessed that stroking from the base would produce more of the lubricating fluid and through her experimentation found it to be true.

Josh moaned softly as Jessie played with her new toy. He loved the way she held him so delicately, almost as if she were afraid she'd break it. But it was time to move on...

"Jessie," he whispered, "why don't you give it a kiss? Right on the end."

His sister scowled up at him. Kiss this nasty thing that came out of his pants? Of course, he had done much more to her, down there... She supposed she owed him something. She made a sour face as she put her lips on the tip of his cock-head. Reluctantly, she gave it a kiss, tasting the salty precum. It was much like the stuff he had smeared on her lips...

"That's good," said Josh. "Now put the end in your mouth and suck on it."

Jessie said nothing, but sighed heavily before taking the head of her brother's dick into her mouth. Warily, she began sucking. More precum oozed into her mouth.

"Ugh," she muttered, backing off, "that's gross!"

Josh put a hand on her head and coaxed her back into position. "You get used to it..."

Jessie resumed sucking, daring to go just a little further. Her brother's hand pressed on the back of her head, forcing her to take another inch.

"Suck harder," she heard him say. She sucked harder.

She could feel the pulastion of his member as it grazed the roof of her mouth. She allowed her teeth to sc**** along the shaft as she sucked. This caused Josh to tremble and moan, so she did it again. He was pushing harder, pressing more of his cock into her mouth. She had a few inches when she felt him at the back of her mouth, causing her to gag.

She pulled away, trailing a thick line of spittle and precum. Josh stroked her hair as she coughed and caught her breath.

"Try to fight back that gag reflex," he said gently. "And breath through your nose."

He pressed her head back toward his groin, muttering soft encouragements. His cock slid in until she gagged again, but this time Josh held her head in place. Jessie fought the reflex and swallowed hard. She felt the hard cock penetrate another couple of inches, then slide back. Just when she thought he would withdraw, she felt his hand press her forward and his cock forcing its way back into her mouth.

He finally let go of her head and allowed her to pull back. She coughed and spluttered. Josh smiled down at her as she gasped for air.

"I guess you're going to need more practice at that," he said, kneeling down. He wiped her eyes and kissed her forehead. "It takes a lot of practice to be a good cocksucker."

"It's not fair," croaked Jessie with a frown.

"What's not fair?" Josh asked.

"It's so much easier for you to do me," she explained. "That's not fair."

Josh was amused at her earnestness. "Well, that's not the only way you can do me..." He took Jessie by the shoulders and laid her down on the bed. He spread her legs and knelt with his cock above her pussy. "You're still wet down here," he said, fingering her slit. "It would be real easy for me to put this in there."

"But that would be..." she gasped.

"I know," said Josh, giving her clitoris a rub. "But what we've already done is i****t." He leaned down and kissed his sister's breasts, letting his stiff dick rub against her pussy.

Jessie's nipples responded to his lips and tongue, as Jessie moaned. She felt her brother's cock rubbing against her clit, her pussy getting wetter by the second. Her body began to quiver as she gave in to temptation.

"Yes," she whispered. "Do it."

Josh lifted his hips slightly, which was all that was needed to get his cock in position. He lowered himself gently, feeling her labia spread. His sister trembled as his dickhead pressed into her hymen.

"I love you, Jess," he whispered.

Jessie felt a sharp pain as her hymen ripped open. Then she felt her brother's cock pressing against the walls of her vagina. She closed her eyes and tried to hold back the tears, as her brother took her virginity. It seemed to take forever for Josh's penis to work its way into her. She felt the contraction of her vagina as it slowly penetrated her, inch by inch. Soon, the pain was a thing of the past.

Josh kissed his sister's quivering mouth and her flushed cheeks. "It's okay," he said. "Relax." He pulled back until just the head of his cock remained inside his sister, then pressed forward again. She let out a low moan. He pulled back, pressed forward. Her pussy was the tightest he'd ever had. He slowly began pumping, then picked up a little speed.

Jessie felt the rhythmic thrusting of her brother's manhood and knew that she was being fucked. She was being fucked by her brother! Oh, God, she thought, what am I doing? She felt Josh reach his hand down to fondle her clit as he kept pumping his hips. He pressed his mouth against hers and kissed her hard, as waves of nausea swept over her. Then it was waves of sheer ecstasy. She turned her head away from Josh's face and gasped deeply. Then she felt the convulsions again. She was having her second orgasm.

His sister's body jerked and spasmed under him. He heard her gasping for air, then her loud, long moan as her vagina spurt forth her second orgasm. He felt his own building climax, spurred on by the knowledge that his sister was cumming. He gave a few hard thrusts, then filled his sister with his cum, pressing his cock to the hilt.

Jessie's vagina was still gripping his cock tightly, and he was more than happy to leave it in her for a while. She gasped and gripped his head, pulling at his hair. She kissed him hard on the mouth.

"Oh, God forgive me, Josh," she gasped. "I love you. I love you, Josh."

He stroked her sweat-soaked hair and said, "I love you, too, Jessie."

"Josh," asked Jessie, "does this make me a slut?"

Josh smiled warmly. "Of course not," he said, "it makes you my slut."


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Tuesday Morning 3 AM

It was early last Tuesday. I am not sure what roused me out of my slumber that time of the night. It was seemingly becoming a habit. What concerned me was the time. A quick peek at the iphone on the bedside table revealed it being just short of three am. Fuck, only an hour before I had to drag my sorry ass out of bed anyway. I took a long drink of the water next to my bed and slumped back against the pillows. Had it been earlier, as I was becoming accustomed to wake up, one am or an hour later...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Tuesday Night Annie and Michelle

Tuesday has been a wonderful day and I am hoping to continue into a wonderful evening. As I follow Michelle to her house I cant help but think about how beautiful she is. She has long thick brown hair with pale blue eyes. She has kept in very good shape. You would never guess she is in her mid 30’s. Her ass is still nice and firm. And her breasts are amazing as I saw today. I could lick and massage them for days. We have always known that we both were bi-sexual but had never considered being...

2 years ago
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It was Tuesday evening at the hostel and she was working a late shift with a sleepover. At 9pm she had supervision with David. She had been working at the hostel for a while so her and David knew each other. In the supervision David asked her about how things were at home. She wasn’t enjoying being at home, that’s why she had taken the job. Because her and David were friends the conversation came around to sex and basically although she loved her husband she wasn’t getting enough sex.Later that...

2 years ago
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It was Tuesday evening at the hostel and she was working a late shift with a sleepover. At 9pm she had supervision with David. She had been working at the hostel for a while so her and David knew each other. In the supervision David asked her about how things were at home. She wasn’t enjoying being at home, that’s why she had taken the job. Because her and David were friends the conversation came around to sex and basically although she loved her husband she wasn’t getting enough sex.Later that...

2 years ago
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Tuesday Morning Fort Stockton 1881

It was a warm Tuesday morning in September 1881 when Jared Brewster pulled in the reins to stop the buckboard. He was neither young nor old, neither tall nor short; but he was a man to be reckoned with. Lean and solid, iron hard body, calloused hands, face creased and burnt from long days on the range, a good shot with a rifle or pistol. Beside him was his woman; Lori, another man’s cast-off wife, once a Comanche then a Kiowa captive, that sort of told it he figured. Behind her sat his three...

2 years ago
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Three months after Jessica's wedding Jess came to see me. We chatted in the office for an hour or so, at the end of which Jess invited me over for supper the following Tuesday night. The rest of the day was the usual. I went to a ball game in the evening sitting in a box seat. Some of Gino's people were on hand. Gino showed late and we had a few. I enjoyed a good night. Tuesday evening I show at Jessica's new house for dinner. I parked in the garage as per Jess's instructions. I...

2 years ago
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Tuesdays in the woods

4 a year, we had experimented a little with bondage. She enjoyed me tying her 2 the bedposts. We added a blindfold to the mix. It was such a turn on 4 her 2 not see me fondle her tits, lick and f*ck her.As these sessions went on, I began 2 have all kinds of other fantasies. Like she was my sex toy. I figured anyone cud sneak in2 the room, slip their cock in2 her and she wud have no idea it wasnt me!We like 2 picnic in a park outside town. Theres a secluded lake. Most people go 2 a beach on the...

4 years ago
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Tuesday Night Creampie

It started off with making out, running a hand through her hair as I moved lower towards her earlobe and neck. My breath teasing her skin along the way. My tongue dancing along her neck and moving downward to an exposed breast. My hand still on the back of her head, I rose to continue kissing between flicks of her pert nipple with my tongue. She could feel my rigid excitement, still veiled by clothing. I kept kissing and licking, but moved a rough hand down the front of her panties, a probing...

2 years ago
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Tuesday night suprise

Hi a true story my wife went over to her best friends house tonight,her best friend that I have wanted to fuck for years and have even masterbated thinking of her on more then one occasion, that's nothing new or anything. But as soon as she got home she grabbed me and pulled me in the bedroom she pulled off her pants and undies and lay on the bed. I am like holy crap and start pulling off my shorts yes its nov. and I am still wearing shorts. Any way she stops me and tells me to lick it. As soon...

1 year ago
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Tuesday Night

He called and told me he wanted to come by to see me. I loved the idea and welcomed it. I answer the door and he kiss me. We sat down on the sofa, We started kissing again and at one point I told him I had a surprise that was going to do to him (which was a body massage) but I was not going to reveal my secret just yet. I ended up going to take a shower and he lit candles all around to room. Before I jumped into the shower I put on some music. We ended up dancing into the bedroom in front of...

3 years ago
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We were the last of a dying breed. We were sexual entertainers and acrobats, the best, and because of that, we'd managed to struggle on when all the other troupes had finally collapsed. We'd always been small, and that's probably why we'd survived on our own as long as we had, but now we were in serious trouble, we were one body short. Although there were ten of us altogether, it was basically a family troupe, and to a certain extent always had been, right from when my grandparents first...

2 years ago
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Tuesday Morning Hangover

I groaned. While it probably could be heard several blocks away, hopefully it couldn't be traced back to me and my hangover. I winced as the tiny gnomes wielding their sledgehammers inside my head worked up to speed. My mouth tasted like my favorite Cowboys had stampeded through it with their shoes off. My arms... exactly what was wrong with my arms? I didn't seem to be able to move them. I wanted to lift my head and see what was going on but thought I should rest first. 48 hours sounded...

4 years ago
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One Lucky Afternoon

One Lucky AfternoonRita Morris was a making a shopping list when her husband Colin called for the 4th time in a week and said that he'd be late at work which was really beginning to irritate her. She'd wanted sex twice already over the last few days but Colin had fallen asleep each time after they had dinner. Frustrated, she'd retire to her bedroom texting on her phone to late in the night until she'd fall asleep. One of those nights however she'd taken matters into her "own hands" bringing...

3 years ago
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Wednesday Afternoons

I kept my brush wet, in case I walked around and saw touch-ups, or drips, but first I went inside and thoroughly washed my hands, washed up, washed my hands of the albatross of my summer-into-fall project. The poor house had had a couple crappy spray-on paint jobs over the crumbling and all-chalked-out century-old enamel. This summer I'd taken on the west side of the house, scraping every inch of it down to bare wood. I was intent on doing a very thorough job. I replaced the worst wood. I...

3 years ago
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Saturday Afternoon

The Happy Hills Golf and Country Club was THE place to live. Four hundred plus homes on huge sites, together with two eighteen hole golf courses and the Club House and other amenities that go with great wealth, it was populated by those who called themselves Upper Crust, the hoiest of the hoi polloi. Loosely speaking, the people who lived at Happy Hills were the type who truly believed that their shit didn't stink. Tom Wilson looked like a penguin in his Quarterly Formal Night at the Club,...

1 year ago
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Friday afternoon

Subject: MOM/SON Stories: 5. Friday Afternoon 1-12 - friday.inc [1/1]From: [email protected] (Sookan)Date: 1997/04/10Newsgroups:alt.sex.stories.i****t------------------------------------- Friday Afternoon Part 1Bobby sat on the commode in the plush upstairs bathroom with athin, well-worn magazine of grainy photographs of nude women inhis left hand and his K-Y jelly-lubricated erection in his right.As he stared at a waist-to-head picture of a particularly sexybrunette with...

2 years ago
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An October Afternoon

                                    A n October Afternoon.   It was a slow in the office that early October afternoon so Wendy left early for the day.   Pulling into her driveway, she saw her son Brandon’s car which meant he'd already picked up his younger sister, Brittany, from high school cheerleading practice.   Once inside the house, Wendy kicked off her shoes then went to the kitchen and found the kid’s books on the dinette but, no evidence of the usual afternoon...

3 years ago
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Doggy Style Afternoon

“Remember that heavy petting we had last May at Loew’s Paradise?” My girlfriend Michelle Hanley asked me that as we sat in one of the lounges at the City College of New York.“Petting? I'd call what we did mutual masturbation. We both came, obviously.”She laughed at that, “Yeah, I was using a 1950's euphemism.”“It actually, I think, covered a whole range of behaviors, from fondling through the clothes to literally, as I said, jerking each other off.”“Well, with us, it was definitely the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Femdom Afternoon

My friend Chris told me about this wild experience he and his wife Angela had last weekend. (It’s just a weird coincidence that Chris’s wife Angela shares a name with our little waitress playmate from the last post). Chris and his wife are both in their early forties like us, and Angela is still pretty hot. She’s about five-four with a good figure. She has medium length, light brown, maybe a bit blond-ish hair, and has kept really fit. Her tits aren’t too big or too small, and she has very nice...

2 years ago
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BecChapter 31 Saturday Afternoon

“ ... so she ended up wearing both dresses. Pearl and I figured that together they created a decent layered look – it’s what all fashion-conscious three year olds are wearing these days,” I said. “Well that explains that little mystery,” Mum laughed as she slowed the car to turn a corner. “Oh! Speaking of mysteries – I wanted to thank you for taking all those grotty clothes out of my school bag and putting them in the wash,” I said. “I was all set up with the gas mask and the tongs ready to...

2 years ago
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SATURDAY AFTERNOON I met her when TA, was 19 years old, she had already been in a bad, and very abusive marriage, she left, and lived for a short time on the streets. That is where I had met her, she offered me anything I wanted for $50.00. I gave her a hundred, told her to get into the car. We have been together for the last couple of years. Now, she seems to be my shadow, as we are always together, I was 61 in November of this past year, and people are always asking if she is my daughter or...

2 years ago
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Craigslist Afternoon

Being married and bi, when your wife doesn’t know you like to suck cocks, means you don’t get to play as much as you would like.I found I was bi several years ago when my wife had a number of medical problems and our sex life was more restricted than usual.It was then that I found the enjoyment of man to man sex, especially sucking cocks. The directness of the play, each knowing what the other wants and how to please him really appealed to me. It was direct, immediate, not subtle and very...

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SATURDAY AFTERNOON I met her when TA, was 19 years old, she had already been in a bad, and very abusive marriage, she left, and lived for a short time on the streets. That is where I had met her, she offered me anything I wanted for $50.00. I gave her a hundred, told her to get into the car. We have been together for the last couple of years. Now, she seems to be my shadow, as we are always together, I was 61 in November of this past year, and people are always asking if she is my daughter or...

3 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 25 Abbie Explains What Tim Experienced That Afternoon

Tim and Abbie head to bed. As they undress and climb in together, Tim broaches a topic that has been on his mind since this afternoon.  With everything else that had happened, it had been pushed aside, but now he wanted to understand.“Abbie, when you soothed me this afternoon, besides talking to me calmly, you did something which I don’t quite understand,” Tim starts.Abbie smiles and pulls Tim to her, his head on her breasts as she strokes his head as she talks.  “You mean with the latex gloves...

1 year ago
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Lust In The Hot Afternoon

Whew! I thought, it's hot! Stepping inside the large Bookstore, I paused for a moment to wipe the sweat off my face. The cool air begins washing over me. It's so nice and cool in here, I thought as I started indulging one of my favorite pastimes—book browsing. I saw her come in a couple minutes later. Being one of the first really hot days of summer, she was not immune to the heat anymore than the rest of us. She had a fine sheen of sweat on her face. Her dark hair was just starting to...

1 year ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 6 Wednesday Afternoon

Robert - Wednesday after lunch We finished our lunches a few minutes before the bell rang indicating that we would need to go to our first afternoon class. I remembered something I had thought about asking Patricia before all the excitement this morning. "Would you want to go out to eat with me after the game Saturday afternoon?" I asked Patricia. "Only if you will go with me to the football game." She replied. Now all I needed to do was think of someplace we could walk to. "Do you...

1 year ago
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One sunny afternoon

It happened one sunny afternoon. Tom lived in a one bedroom flat along with his wife Jackie in a quiet cul-de-sac in a country Village. Tom did not work very often he was a carpenter and worked for several building firms as and when required. His wife Jackie was a nurse worked in the local hospital mostly afternoons but did some nights as well, They had a healthy sex life and were very satisfied with each other however just lately they had been talking About adding some Spice into their sex...

Erotic Fiction
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Chantelle The Next Day Saturday Afternoon

Chapter One “Now can we go to the mall” was the first question as soon as I got in the car, rapidly followed by “Are we gonna stop for lunch?” and by “Did you like our show and blow!?” which provoked gales of laughter out of the two of them. “Slow down,” I replied “I don’t know where you girls come up with this stuff, but yes, I loved your show and blow. Who wouldn’t like getting a blow-job from one of you!? And I’m guessing that you two have had sex together before, ‘cause that was so...

3 years ago
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Making A Baby On Sunday Afternoon

Of all the times for Mo to call I was thinking, being at the time deeply involved withy Gregg. But it was Sunday afternoon and she probably thought, being a nice day, I was out in the garden or something. I loved gardening but loved what hubby and I were doing much more. How was she to know Gregg (my husband) fancied a quickie- but it was turning out to be much more than that, Gregg’s excuse (as if he needed one) was to make a baby, that is what we both wanted but it was hard going getting...

1 year ago
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Early Sunday Afternoon

It was Sunday afternoon, and I was ready. The apartment was neat and tidy again, and my laundry was clean, damp, and bagged by the front door. When Steve left last night, I wasn't thinking clearly enough to ask him what he would be wearing today, so I had no clear idea what I should wear. Indecision - I hate that. I settled for my burgundy cord pants, a sleeveless plaid ruffle top, and brown penny loafers.Now, all that I needed was for Steve to call. Mmmm. Steve. I was looking forward to...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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E022 Sunday Afternoon

After he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma.  She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids.  Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten.  She is on page fifty of the...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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E022 Sunday Afternoon

After he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma.  She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids.  Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten.  She is on page fifty of the...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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A bit sore after a wild afternoon

My cunt felt a bit sore, but I had been totally satisfied a while before.I came out of the bathroom and looked how messed up the bed sheets were. It looked like somebody had fought a wild battle there. I pulled down the towel and started to get dressed. I needed to get back home to my beloved hubby. Victor would be worried about my absence.My Black Master was there lying on the bed, staring at my naked body as he stroked his hard dark cock. It was shining in the shadows, still coated with my...

3 years ago
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Learning Afternoon

Learning AfternoonBy: Londebaaz ChohanThomson had just discovered masturbation as a great relief for all sorts of tension and for the needed magazines with pictures to induce fire to the thought of jerking off, he decided to go to the bookstore. This was his first visit to this store but he had heard that they carried a great selection and in huge quantity as well. For the ease of every one the store was well known for not asking any ID at the entrance or for purchases. Thomson appreciated it...

1 year ago
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A Spring Afternoon

Obviously, I shouldn’t have watched. It goes withoutsaying. Any decent person would have gone about their businessand not stared, slack-jawed for well over an hour. Evenif I can’t actually name anyone I know who would actuallyhave walked away, I still know I shouldn’t have watched.It was spring. I was home early, windows open, reading abook in my room upstairs when I heard my neighbor’s wifechatting outside with another woman. Claire is a lovelylady about thirty. Blonde, if not naturally thenin...

3 years ago
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A Backdoor Afternoon

Well, here I sit in a large college lecture hall that holds perhaps 400 students. This hour there are but about 75 s**ttered about in the semi-circle elevated rows. A TA drones on and on in review for next week's test. I know the material well and am only here to observe an older female student that is somewhat attractive. I usually wait to sit in the row she chooses and plop down about a dozen seat away. The curved rows let me see when she moves to the edge of her seat and her skirt stays,...

1 year ago
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A sexy afternoon

A sexy afternoonA some might know I am a trained masseur. It is a pleasure to pamper my client with my variety of strokes, and to see them gradually relax on the table under the caring guidance of my hands and arms. A few of my clients have fallen asleep during the treatment, and I see this as one of the best compliments that I can get.On the other hand (literally), I am a sucker for the feminine body with its curves and the softness of its skin. I do get turned on by the feel of her body as it...

3 years ago
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Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Lazy Sunday AfternoonBy SchneiderVerseAfterDarkLos Angeles…The soft ring of Sam’s PearPhone on her nightstand reverberated throughout the bedroom on the lazy Sunday afternoon for the two occupants that shared the room.Cat barely registered the faint sound across the room due to the increasing pleasure flooding her brain as her blonde roommate kneeled between her spread legs and delicately kissed and licked her inner thighs and outer lips while the redhead lazily reclined on her bed, partially...

4 years ago
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Jessicas nasty afternoon

Well the next afternoon I was back at the Thompson house to "Feed the cat" again. Yeah, right! I was there to spy on freshly scrubbed Jessica who I'd seen fucking her boyfriend yesterday! I quietly snuck into the house and the kitty saw me right away. She rubbed my leg and got her reward of canned cat food and then I made my way towards the back of the house. I saw Jessica's boyfriend's motorcycle outside so I figured she would be out by the pool and too busy to notice me. I was right. ...

3 years ago
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Love in Late Afternoon

As we walked in the partial shadow of the buildings, I strode, one foot in front of the other with my arms out, balancing on the wall while he walked on the flat ground beside me. “Hey, careful” he laughed, extending his fingertips to steady me by my hands. I jokingly retorted, turning my head toward him. “Oh, shut up! I’m perfectly capable of walking on a little wall like this.” I slowed our pace, not looking away from him, and him not looking away from me. My heart skipped a beat, and I'm...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Hot As Hell Afternoon

Hi friends. This is Vikki here once again with a yet another incident. Girls/aunties/MILF’s who know me are already in touch with me on and for others, this is Vikki here from Bombay, 30 yrs old average build with 6 feet height and 7 inch drilling machine. I have fun during the afternoon as lonely ladies are free and so can I remove time as I am married too, so fun happens only when spouse is busy. Coming back to my latest pleasurable incident This incident happened between me and my net...

4 years ago
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Yesterday afternoon

Had a day at the races yesterday. Sitting opposite me in the sunshine was a woman, I guess early 50s, quite attractive, well made up. She wore a shortish skirt that I hoped I would be able to see up but she kept her legs tightly closed. I kept looking at her and I think that she soon realised I was looking at her skirt. We smiled at each other and I looked dowen at her skirt and nodded. She then realised what I meant and slwly parted her legs but not wide enough to see her panties.I mouthed the...

4 years ago
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Breast Punishment Afternoon

Today is Sunday and he came back on Friday night, he watched my videos but I hadn't followed his instructions well enough, i had not been hard enough on myself. This is an account of my Saturday afternoon.12 noon on the dot - he walked up to me, lifted my shirt and bra over my head (without undoing it), squashing my tits against my rib cage and lifting them so high until my bra came off.  There I stood in my jeans and no top and he looked at me and handed me 16 rubber bands, telling me to put...

1 year ago
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Dog Day Afternoon

Authors: xelliebabexThe Australian summer lingered long into March and with a final burst had turned the sun's full power into creating a hazy, humid heat wave that wilted every living thing in that part of the world. Kira was dripping with sweat, and her shirt clung to her as if she had just entered a wet T-shirt competition. She groaned setting the last of the boxes onto the floor in the kitchen. She could see movement through the window that looked out over the back yard, and she moved...

3 years ago
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A Hot Afternoon

She said her name was Annalise. We met at the Greyhound/Amtrak station on Canal Street. She was a true native of New Orleans. To be accurate, they were called coon asses. She was dropping quarters in a cigarette vending machine when she tapped me on the shoulder. “Hey, Mister, do you have change for a dollar?”I looked up from the newspaper that I had found on the bench. Her smile was hypnotic, her tee-shirt, damp from sweating in the ninety-eight degree weather. It was obvious that she wore no...

Straight Sex
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BecChapter 32 Late Saturday Afternoon

Dad opened the front door for us and made a big show of peering around – looking for the two mystery boys we were supposed to have with us. When he saw no sign of them, he told me to go into the living room and sit down for a talk. It wasn’t really a request and it was clear that the talk he had in mind wasn’t necessarily going to be pleasant. Liz came with me – she didn’t have much choice because I had a firm grip on her hand – and we sat together on the couch. I was a bit unsure about what...

1 year ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 14 Saturday Afternoon

Tracey arrived just before the kids were to head out next door – she’d ridden over to us on her bicycle, so Brad stored the bike in the garage (making sure to avoid scratching Joan’s car) and brought Tracey through to introduce us. Tracey was an attractive 15 year old girl, her breasts were nicely developing. She’d brought a bag with her swimming gear and before much more conversation could take place, Brad had whisked Tracey off next door for a swim and to meet up with Meg and Shelly. Joan...

2 years ago
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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 25 Sunday Afternoon

Lance Jenkins arrived at about twenty minutes after two. Tara opened the door and looked him up and down. He was dressed nicely in a good pair of jeans and a button up shirt. “You must be Lance,” said Tara. “Come in. Bec is expecting you.” Tara led him into the living room where I was sitting with Angie. I stood up and went to Lance. “Hi!” I said and went up on my toes so that I could kiss his cheek. “Come and sit down.” I gestured at the couch where I’d been sitting. While Lance was...

3 years ago
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Ty In The Afternoon

I had refurbished the small backyard of my Florida Gulf coast home to be a small tropical retreat with extensive plantings that also provided complete privacy. The beach was only a mile away but having a quick escape out the back door was great. I had a screened patio with an outdoor kitchen and grill, plus a hot tub and a very comfy lounge for sunbathing.Over the month since completion, it became my routine to change into something tiny (or less), grab a cold drink and just chill, catching the...

Gay Male

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