BecChapter 32: Late Saturday Afternoon free porn video

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Dad opened the front door for us and made a big show of peering around – looking for the two mystery boys we were supposed to have with us. When he saw no sign of them, he told me to go into the living room and sit down for a talk. It wasn’t really a request and it was clear that the talk he had in mind wasn’t necessarily going to be pleasant.

Liz came with me – she didn’t have much choice because I had a firm grip on her hand – and we sat together on the couch. I was a bit unsure about what was about to happen. Dad might realize I was teasing him and accept the joke or he might get angry in which case I would have to sit there and let him lecture me. I’d thought it was funny at the time to mislead him but I’d started regretting it almost straight away.

My position on the couch put me right across the room from Mum’s painting. She hung on the wall glaring down at me. I felt a long way away from the little girl shown in the picture sitting under Mum’s protection and helping to hold Angie. The real Mum appeared in the doorway to the hallway and leant against the wall where she could watch proceedings. Dad had taken up a position in the center of the room and glared at me even more fiercely.

“You, young lady, had permission to go to the cinema with your friend Liz. You did not let us know in advance that you were going there with a couple of boys. Especially since we’ve never met, or heard of, the particular boys involved. If you had, there might have been a few more conditions placed on you going. I did not appreciate having you drop that piece of information into the conversation over the phone when it was too late to do anything about it.”

He scowled at the two of us. “As for the boys involved, I must say they’ve lost all credibility with me. They have failed to do what I told you to ask them to do. I wanted them to show up here so I could meet them. If they were even half-way decent sorts of people, they would be here.”

“But, Dad, they are here. This is Dougal,” I held up Dougal so Dad could see him. “ ... and that’s Sampson.” Liz took her cue from me and lifted up Sampson. “I never said they were boys, I only said their names.”

“You ... what... ?” Dad spluttered, looking back and forth from Dougal to Sampson to me to Liz and so on.

“I told you we were going with Dougal and Sampson. You assumed they were boys.”

“Aaargh!” Dad clutched at his head and garbled a few more words...

“I may have mentioned something about them being our dates for the afternoon.” I put on my best little-girl voice. “I’m sorry if I upset you, Daddy.”

He pointed a shaky finger at me – or maybe he was shaking his finger at me, I’m not sure – and said, “you, you...” before collapsing into his armchair and clutched his head again, this time muttering something about being too old for all of this. Then he sat there holding his head and rocking back and forwards like a ... well, like a crazy person, I guess.

Liz leant over to me and whispered in my ear, “I think your dad is broken.”

I nodded at her and looked back at him with concern.

Mum didn’t seem too worried. She was still leaning against the wall with what used to be her stone face on. I say used to be, because she seemed to be trying to hide a grin and not succeeding very well. Dan had appeared in the doorway with Angie on his back. He was watching us all carefully. Angie was also watching us from her place on Dan’s back with her thumb stuck firmly in her mouth.

Dad sat up a bit and looked at Mum. “Is it too late to send our girls back to where we got them from? I’m sure the packaging didn’t warn us that they would turn into teenagers.”

Mum shrugged. “I have a feeling that amongst all those papers we signed at the hospital that there was some clause about no-returns or trade-ins.”

“Perhaps I could kill them with a shovel and bury them in the bottom of the garden.”

“Not near my studio you won’t,” Mum replied.

I leant back to Liz so I could whisper, “He’s not too badly broken. He’s making jokes.”

“Those are jokes?” Liz whispered in reply. “He’s talking about getting rid of you.”

“Yeah! Sure! But he’s talking about killing me with a shovel. Dad’s an electrical engineer. If he really wanted to kill me, he’d probably connect my bedroom doorhandle up to some gizmo and electrocute me.”

Liz stared at me and quietly shook her head.

Dad hadn’t finished with his comments. “Maybe we could put them up for sale on ebay.”

“See? And I thought Dad was old fashioned.” I was still whispering to Liz. “He can be all modern and stuff. Being sold on ebay would be cool.”

Mum had gone over to where Dad was sitting and pulled his head into her stomach. Dad proceeded to hold onto her and pretend to cry into her stomach while Mum stroked his head and said, “There, there, dear. It’s only for another seven years. Then they won’t be teenagers anymore. After that we get three years of peace before Angie gets to be a teenager.”

That caused a new batch of pretend sobbing from Dad.

“Your whole family is weird. You know that, don’t you?” whispered Liz.

“Sure I do. But that’s why you like me. You like weird things.” I grinned at Liz.

“Very true!”

“The good news is that I’m not in trouble,” I whispered.

“How do you know for sure?”

“Dad’s making jokes and fooling around. He’s upset with me but not mad at me. If he were really mad, he wouldn’t be making jokes about getting rid of me.”

“That’s absolutely right!” snapped Dad. Whoops, I must have said that louder than I meant to.

“I am upset with you. You let me think you were out with boys and I was worrying all afternoon about you.”

“Dad, I was teasing you. You’re always teasing me and I’m supposed to laugh. But when I tease you it turns into a whole drama. I’m sorry you were worried, Dad, but get this. I’m becoming a teenager. Teenagers hang out with boys. It’s like it’s a rule or something. They go on dates, they kiss and they do all sorts of other stupid things. I fully intend to do all of that – well maybe I’ll try not to do too much of the stupid stuff – but I’ll probably do all the rest, so you’d better start getting used to it.”

“Hah!” said Dad. “I have a solution for that. I won’t let you be a teenager. I’m cancelling your birthday ... and the next five after that. You’ll have to stay twelve until it’s time for you to be twenty. It’s too late for your sister, she’s already turned into a teen but there’s still time to save you.” Dad’s eyes were twinkling. He was enjoying this far too much for someone who was supposed to be upset.

“Oh, okay. That’s fair!” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Tara gets to be a normal teenager, just because she got there first. But I have to stay twelve for six years and then suddenly become twen ... nineteen! If you make me skip six birthdays, my next one would be my nineteenth, not my twentieth.”

Dad rolled his eyes at me and ignored my correction. “As for your sister, when I finish here I think I’ll go nail her into her room. She can stay in there until she’s twenty. What do you think, Louise?”

He looked at Mum and she looked thoughtful. “I suppose it would be alright. We’d have to cut a little hole in the door so we could push food in for her. Now the question is, what should we do with our little Bec for the next six or seven years.”

They both turned and looked at me. I recognized my cue. “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I was being silly and I got carried away.”

Dad nodded and smiled at me with genuine warmth. “You know what to do when you want to go out with boys, don’t you?” he asked in a gentle voice.

“Yes I do, Dad. I promise I’ll do the right thing.”

Dad sighed and looked at Liz, who had been sitting quietly through all of that. “So, how is our favorite daughter today? Did you have a good time at the movies?”

I glared at Dad. That was supposed to be Mum’s joke to call Liz her favorite daughter but now he was doing it too. Dad completely ignored my glare and kept looking at Liz.

“Yeah, it was great!” Liz replied.

“Here’s a piece of fatherly advice. When you get old enough to have kids, make sure they aren’t smarter than you. It only causes headaches.”

“Sure, Mr F. Make sure they aren’t too smart. Gotcha! Good advice. Um ... how do you do that by the way?”

Mum sighed. “I tried dropping mine on their heads a few times when they were little. It doesn’t seem to have worked though.”

Liz grinned cheekily. “It might not have made them stupid, but it sure explains a few other things.”

“Hey!” I exclaimed and pushed her away from me.

She rocked in her place on the couch and then pushed me back with a big grin on her face. That quickly degenerated into a tickle fight on the couch, accompanied by non-stop giggles.

Liz and I ended up lying together on the couch and holding each other in a loose hug. The tickling had stopped and the giggling was dying away. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up high in the air (well, not really that high) and put down so that I was sitting properly on the couch. It was Dan, of course. Liz scrambled around until she was sitting upright just next to me.

Dan sat himself down on the coffee table (it’s solid wood and could probably hold up a horse) and I realized he had a serious expression on his face. I looked around and saw that Mum and Dad had left the room. Angie was sitting on the floor playing some sort of game with Lucy (the doll).

“Dad might’ve forgiven you but I’m not sure that I have. You should be glad that I didn’t know anything about this until we got home. I would’ve marched straight into that cinema and hauled you out of there.”

I stared at Dan in surprise. Why was he angry with me? He was supposed to be on my side. I could feel my eyes getting suddenly damp.

“Had you forgotten why Tara is in trouble today? Had you forgotten what she was up to last night? Mum and Dad are still trying to deal with that and the very next day you decide to pull a stunt like this.”

I was feeling as if the world had suddenly pulled itself away from underneath me and I was falling out of control. It had just been a little joke and now Dan was unloading all this on me.

“It’s not the same,” I managed to gasp. “I’m not like...” I stopped myself in time before I said I wasn’t like Tara. That would have been a terrible thing to say – even if it were true. “I’m not like that.”

Dan was staring straight at me and I felt incredibly uncomfortable. He knew what I’d been about to say. My nose started to feel runny and I knew I was going to have to sniff any second. Why was Dan being like this? I hated it.

“Maybe you’re not, but how is everyone supposed to trust you if you lie to Dad about what you’re doing?”

I sniffed and quickly used my hand to brush the water from my eyes.

“When you go out,” said Dan, “when there are boys around, I might drop by once in a while. Just to say hi! I want you to think about that. Anytime you’re out with a boy. If I was to turn up at that instant – and I might – would you be embarrassed for me to see what you were doing? If the answer would be yes, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it.”

Dan turned his gaze onto Liz. “And that goes for you too. You seem to have been adopted into my family so that makes you my sister too. Don’t think I won’t be able to find either of you.” He tapped the side of his head. “I have a finely-tuned sixth sense for finding my little sisters – anytime, anywhere.”

He looked back and forth between the two of us and shook his head.

“Both of you are capable of standing up for yourselves, but I haven’t forgotten how persistent some teenage boys can be. I’m not saying this to make your life miserable. I’m saying this because I love both of you. I want you to have fun, but I want you to be safe and I want to make sure there are limits on what you do.”

Dan went quiet and looked carefully at us both. My eyes and nose were still leaking but it wasn’t so much for the same reason anymore. I don’t really know why I was still crying. I just was. Liz was staring at Dan like she was in a trance. She’d never experienced Dan in full big-brother mode before and since she doesn’t have her own brother it must have been a totally unique experience for her. When Dan turns it on, he can be ... I don’t know ... overwhelming.

“So! Do we have an understanding here?”

Liz and I both nodded together several times like those little bobbing dolls that go in the back of cars.

Dan stood up, then leant forward and kissed Liz on the cheek. Then he leant towards me to do the same to me, but I remembered in time and moved my head away. I mumbled “don’t touch me,” but it wasn’t very loud and I’m not sure if he heard me.

Dan looked at me a bit strangely then turned and left the room. I picked up Dougal from where he was lying abandoned on the floor beside the couch and clutched him to my chest.

Inside my brain, I remembered back through the day and decided I’d done a good job of avoiding Dan today. I’d even managed to stop myself from hugging him when he was in the Big Benny suit, though that had been very tempting.

Inside my head, a little version of me stood up in front of a crowd.

“Hi! My name is Bec and I’m a Danaholic.”

“Hi Bec!” answered the crowd in a dull monotone.

“It’s nearly two days since I’ve touched Dan...”


“ ... and it hurts!”


I jumped and blinked the tears out of my eyes, looking around frantically. Liz was sitting beside me with her arm around my shoulders and there was a damp spot on her shoulder where my head had been resting. It wasn’t Liz who’d yelled though.

Tara stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

“What?” I snapped at her, still unsettled by her yelling at me.

“I said ... Dad wants us out the front. Come on.”

I blinked up at Tara. She was wearing an old pair of loose-fitting beige cargo pants and an oversized olive-drab sweatshirt with “University of Life” in large, bright red lettering. The sweatshirt also looked a bit old, but I’d never seen any of that outfit before. It was so totally the opposite of what she normally wears.

“What are you wearing?”

Tara plucked at the sweatshirt. “Mum made me wear this. She said that since we have guests coming that I get to wear proper clothes instead of that bathrobe. She bought it all at a second-hand charity shop this afternoon. I found the receipt in the bag. This whole outfit cost her three dollars and fifty cents.”

I ran my eye up and down. “You look fine. It’s kind of trendy in that casual, laid-back sort of way. I wouldn’t mind wearing that myself.”

Tara rolled her eyes at me, but she didn’t try to argue.

I stood up and hugged Tara. “Let’s go out and see what Dad wants us for.”

I kept my arm firmly wrapped around Tara’s waist and she had hers around me. Since I had Dougal clutched into my side with the other arm, I didn’t have a spare hand for Liz. I looked at her and gestured with my head and she seemed happy to trail along after us with Sampson dangling from one hand. Glued together, side-by-side, we walked out the front door and down the drive.

Dad had brought a big cardboard box out of the garage and set it down on the nature-strip beside the road. It was the box that the new oven had arrived in earlier in the year. The old one had gone up into the sky to live in that place where all the different types of cookers go when they die.

Pretty well straight after we’d bought the oven, Dan had cut one of the sides out of the box and Angie had spent many happy hours playing in it. Now the box sat with the open side up and Dad stood beside it with a big permanent marker writing something in large letters on a square of cardboard.

Same as Bec
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You Are a Meany Chapter 28 The Saturday Morning Bike Club Rides Again

There were no real changes in Luke or Lori's life until the spring of their junior year. Luke was thriving in California. Good grades, good friends, and good weather helped Luke to live the good life. Luke's grades were as high as the waves he loved to ride. His being in the top 20 of his class was going to get him into Stanford. The Harvard of the West Coast was his dream school. The university had one of the best, if not the best, computer engineering programs in the world. Luke's...

4 years ago
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Saturday Night

It was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with lots of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet....

1 year ago
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Saturday Night

It was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with a lot of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet. You...

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Football Saturdaywith Anna Missy

I met Missy when we were paired up to study my nursing class and we immediately became friends. On Fridays some of the class would meet up for happy hour and she brought along her room mate Anna. They are both beautiful, dark haired girls with perfect athletic bodies that I envied, as I am more on the thin side. We would always have fun as we got to know each but when my boyfriend and his friends would arrive they would leave soon after. I was telling Missy one afternoon that a couple of BF's...

4 years ago
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What a Saturdaynight 07Sept2010

wow, what a night began with a chat on older turkish(56yo) man had seen my pics on xhamster and was interested in me.after a while he told me to dress extreme slutty, include collar and leach, take the train to bonn, go to the mens restrooms and leach me in an open stall.i did as told, waited nervously about an hour, then he appeared, to me by the leach, led me to his car and told to get in the trunk.after a ride about twenty minutes, tha car stopped and he lead me to...

3 years ago
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the saturday slave

I started coming to the restaurant because of the lighting, more than the food. I was living alone, after the divorce, and it was less trouble to go out to a neighborhood place most evenings than to shop and cook and clean up for one. Over a month or two I tried everything close to the apartment, some known for their food and others for their bar scene or their unique features, but after a while I realized that what made them comfortable for me was toned down lighting, not too dark for reading...

3 years ago
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A Saturday Morning Fantasy

The internet and Google makes it easier for there to be ‘unexpected connections’.“Hey T,” the email read, “Are you going to the APA convention in Denver?  Love to see you there.” The American Psychological Association annual meeting was held there in 2016, the time frame of this story.The email  was signed ‘Russ’, and my Russ memories came flooding back. Russ was an associate professor when I was in grad school. We had a short, intense, erotic fling.  That was a dozen years ago, and his email...

Wife Lovers
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Sams Saturday Night

“No, you go without me, Kim! Have a great time.” “Yeah I know, but I can’t go tonight; not in this state.” “I’ll be fine by tomorrow, really; Monday latest. I’m really sorry.” “Nah, don’t worry. I’ll be ok. See you soon. Bye!” I touched the screen of my phone to end the call and slumped sulkily down on the sofa. It was ten o’clock on Saturday night and I was home alone; not something I was used to and definitely not something I liked. As a twenty-year-old single girl and a student at the local...

First Time
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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

1 year ago
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Working Saturday

I don’t relish the idea of working on a Saturday, though I often find myself doing so. I shouldn’t be so quick to complain though. This particular Saturday was an exception. I had gotten to my office about 10:30 a.m., thinking I would work about three or four hours, get a few letters written and maybe catch up on some reading. I was dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, my weekend summer uniform. I hadn’t bothered shaving, though I took a long shower to wake myself up and to try and motivate...

4 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 03

It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....

Group Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 03

It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca.Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....

3 years ago
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Collateral Synopsis  Unbeknown to her, Lucy is put forward as collateral for a gambling debt payment. She hasn?t money so must give her body, something her stubbornness and pride refuses to do. Can she survive the Boss?s painful methods of persuasion?   Collateral  by obohobo   Warnings  Please take note!  The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal i...

2 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 02

Weekdays were the definition of dull, boring, and uneventful. There were classes, there was homework, there was having to stay sober, and there was very little free time. However, as dull and tedious as those weekdays were, they also made my Saturdays even better. Especially since I got to spend all of my Saturdays with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca was a cheerleader at Rasington University, and she was very good at what she did. She always looked sexy in her skimpy blue and gold...

College Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 02

Weekdays were the definition of dull, boring, and uneventful. There were classes, there was homework, there was having to stay sober, and there was very little free time. However, as dull and tedious as those weekdays were, they also made my Saturdays even better. Especially since I got to spend all of my Saturdays with my amazing girlfriend, Becca.Becca was a cheerleader at Rasington University, and she was very good at what she did. She always looked sexy in her skimpy blue and gold...

2 years ago
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A Saturday Morning Surprise Part 2

About two days later, my stepdaughter handed me something. When I looked, I saw that it was a pair of panties and a smile spread across my face. I looked at her and she said, “Laura sent them to you.” I put them in a pocket and told Jessica, “Tell her thanks and ask her when we can get together again.” Jessica smiled and replied, “Oh, I know when you guys can get back together. Laura is going to be here again Saturday morning. She is going to be here right after mom goes to work.” My smile...

4 years ago
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Saturday Morning Solution

SATURDAY MORNING SOLUTIONThe Keyhole Adventures continue… A couple weeks had passed since Mom and I almost did the deed. It was hard to concentrate on school work wondering if and when we would explore one another next. I thought and thought and realized Mom was thinking she may have “missed out” on some things marrying young at the height of the Great Depression and me coming along after the big war. Dad was also 10 years older than Mom and might have been losing interest in sex and the...

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Squirted on her Friday Squirted on my on Saturday

I want share a story about the horniest weekend of my life involving 2 different women. I had started seeing this girl recently and it wasn't too serious as we had only been out once or twice on a date. I had early in the week to meet her on Saturday night and I was hoping I could finally get her into bed to have sex with her. She was very sexy, black bobbed hair, slim and nice tits or so they looked. I couldn't wait but was very nervous on how our date would go. There was a work night out...

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Mave My date last Saturday

I put up part 1 of this story before but instead of posting part 2, I took down part 1 and I am posting the whole thing together. That is how I meant for it to be. I drank a little too much that night. This is all true except for the names...If you only want to read the sexy part, skip ahead to the end of part 2.Part 1It had been awhile since I have had a companion or a lover. Ever since I broke up with my last boyfriend and my last lady lover met someone else I have been pretty lonely. As a...

4 years ago
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The Saturday Surprise

The Saturday Surprise Belladonna "You think you know me better than I know you?" Amber Eason asked, as she stared down at Tate Carpenter. Tate looked at the girl he had worked with for three years and said, "I know that I know you better." "Would you care to make a wager on that?" "I think I would," Tate replied, smiling at the girl he had found attractive from the moment she had been hired. Although Tate was not her boss, Amber did perform secretarial tasks for him...

2 years ago
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Sex on a Saturday

Aaaahhhh! Alas another Saturday. A day of leisure. I don’t have to worry about traffic jams that make me late for work or what my boss, ‘fat ass’ Katie will have to say about it. No customers asking me for absurd requests like a red wedding cake with purple icing or mango chutney when mangos aren’t in season. Just the normality and me. Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s...

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Saturday Night at the Wallflowers Ball

July was coming to a close in the summer of 1956, and I had been hard at work from sunrise to sundown. I was now an experienced caddy over at Shennecossett Golf Club and on the A list of escorts for the Saturday dances at the Griswold Hotel. A list escorts had an open invitation to work at every Saturday dance. It paid $10.00 for the evening, and involved dancing and talking with the female guests at the Hotel. The escorts referred to the Saturday dances as the Wallflowers Ball. Popular wisdom...

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Louise the following Saturday

We left the hotel around 9PM and drove her home. I dropped her off about a block from her house. She was a little cock hound too! After all the time we spent in that hotel room fucking and sucking, she played with my cock all the way home. When she got out of the car she gave it a squeeze and told me she'll see my next Saturday, if not sooner. She kissed me and walked up the street. All that week I couldn't get the picture of her tight young body bouncing up and down on my cock crying out as...

1 year ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Part 2

Weekdays were the definition of dull, boring, and uneventful. There were classes, there was homework, there was having to stay sober, and there was very little free time. However, as dull and tedious as those weekdays were, they also made my Saturdays even better. Especially since I got to spend all of my Saturdays with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca was a cheerleader at Rasington University, and she was very good at what she did. She always looked sexy in her skimpy blue and gold...

4 years ago
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An Ode to Lateshay Lateshay and Eric Cum t

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a copyrighted work of fiction under my pen name Dean Denhomme. The inspiration—my muse if you will—for this vignette is the incomparable Lateshay. She can be found on x hamster under that name.Now, before we begin my little fuck story, allow me a word or two about Lateshay. If you visit my site on x hamster, it is easy to see that I am a tit man. So, it should come as no surprise that she provides the physical template for my imaginary fuck buddy in the story that...

2 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

It was Saturday. However, this wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. It was my twenty-second birthday. As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I...

Group Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

It was Saturday. However, this wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. It was my 22nd birthday. As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past Midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I struggled...

1 year ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Part 3

It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....

2 years ago
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Saturday in the Park

Meghan O’Roarke led two very different lives. Every Sunday, she attended mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral with her parents and two brothers. Afterward, they would all go to Toasties on E. 51st Street for breakfast. She enjoyed this weekly ritual and her role as a loving daughter and sister.During the week, Meg worked as an executive administrative assistant to an accounting firm's head and was looked upon as a valuable asset to the firm. Her conservative manner of dress and how she conducted...

3 years ago
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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 2 How To Be A Success Without Really Trying

Four Months Later: There have been a lot of people finding fault with me and Em and Homer, saying we got undeserved success as singers and writers and composers and musicians and all such shit. They also say ever since we became a success we have been real snobbish. First all those New York critics bitched about Em insuring her vocal chords for one million dollars. One sissy faced little round assed pucker butt said as how thirty-nine dollars ought to be considered overkill. Some of the...

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