- 2 years ago
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The Happy Hills Golf and Country Club was THE place to live. Four hundred plus homes on huge sites, together with two eighteen hole golf courses and the Club House and other amenities that go with great wealth, it was populated by those who called themselves Upper Crust, the hoiest of the hoi polloi. Loosely speaking, the people who lived at Happy Hills were the type who truly believed that their shit didn't stink.
Tom Wilson looked like a penguin in his Quarterly Formal Night at the Club, what with his newest tuxedo. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on Jane Roberts, blue strapless showing off her creamy tits, two thousand at Saks. But his mind was underneath that dress, remembering the taste and aroma of her dripping twat and the softness of her mouth as it had so expertly serviced his cock that afternoon. Tom was supposed to have been playing golf at the time.
Bob Roberts, similarly dressed, stood next to his wife, but his gaze flitted back and forth between his wife Jane and Audrey Simons, wearing her flaming red outfit, twenty five hundred at Neiman. Bob's thoughts about that afternoon were of Audrey's awesome vaginal muscles and the way they had milked his cock and balls of all their juices. Bob had told his wife that he would be playing tennis.
Audrey's husband Steve Simons searched the ballroom until he saw Colette Green, ravishing as always in her lavender off the shoulder outfit, two thousand Euros in Paris. That afternoon her tight asshole had entertained Steve just the way he had always liked to be entertained, Audrey's rear entrance notwithstanding. Steve's wife thought that his statement about exercising meant that he would be in the Clubhouse gym, and had no clue that his planned exercises would be illegal in some jurisdictions.
And Dave Green, the senior member of the Board, was surreptitiously ogling Nancy Wilson, Tom's wife, in her basic black and white, eighteen hundred Euros in Italy. Dave was still distressed, even ashamed, of the ordeal he had put Nancy through that afternoon – though she always handled it well – at a time when he was allegedly in the Men's Card Room playing five and ten dollar poker.
Together, the closets of these four women were filled with clothing that had cost enough to maintain a small village, but none of the eight cared. The people of that small village lived in a different world. Each of the women was then best described as arm candy. All eight knew each other in their rarified gated enclave, their homes on three acres or larger plots with the two professional golf courses weaving among them, each winding up at the monstrous Clubhouse.
Tom had met Jane quite by accident. He had been walking toward the Men's Locker Room wearing his golf spikes when they caught on a piece of loose carpeting. Of course, the Maintenance Man in charge of that area was terminated that same day, but he's not part of this story. Anyway, the caught spike caused Tom to stumble, bouncing into Jane. Neither was hurt, Tom apologized and Jane smiled. At that point, Tom's nose began to twitch. A long time unrepentant pussy hound, Tom had learned to pick out those subtle clues which told him that a married woman could be had.
Tom bided his time for about a week, during which time he pleasured his cock with other available women in his stable, augmented by the occasional assistance of his strong right hand. Once he learned that Jane's husband Bob would be out of town on business for a few days, he made the call. One might refer to it as a 'fateful' call but to Tom it was merely the investment of a few minutes with the potential return of a nice piece of ass.
"Hi Jane, this is Tom Wilson. I want to apologize again for my clumsiness and make it up to you with a lunch."
"Well thanks," she said guardedly, "but I have someone here now. Could I call you back in a half hour?"
He gave her his office number and sat back in his chair, wondering if she would actually call. What he didn't know, what he would never know, was that the someone at Jane's home was the young man who tended to their swimming pool. That young man had just marinated Jane's pussy in a teaspoon full of sperm and was at the moment using his tongue to clean her out.
And what that young pool boy didn't know was that Jane fully understood the meaning of Tom's call and fully intended to call him back. She knew her talents and, unless she was badly mistaken, that pool boy would have competition for Jane's time. Though she might shut him out totally altogether.
Jane called Tom back, accepted his offer of lunch the following day and smiled herself to sleep that night. Lunch was at an upscale restaurant – neither of them ever patronized anyplace but upscale – near Tom's office. The meal and the coffee afterward were spiced with meaningless chit-chat. Then Tom put on his serious voice.
"You know what I wanted to ask you," he began rhetorically.
"Of course I do," she interrupted him. "That's why I'm not wearing any panties today. The question is where?"
It took Tom a moment to recover his aplomb. "Well, the firm has an apartment for out-of-town clients..."
Again she interrupted. Standing up, she said, "Finish your coffee and let's go."
And so began three months of Tom cuckolding his friend Bob.
On the afternoon in question, the day of the Formal Night at the Club, Tom and Jane met at the apartment. Though used to each other by then, they were still in serious heat and lust. Nevertheless, by then each was comfortable in confining their thrice weekly get-togethers to oral sex, soixante neuf, a six and a nine determined to please each other. Tom loved best of all having his cock sucked, a practice his wife Nancy considered to be slutty – at least with him. In return, Tom was willing, nay, thrilled, to eat Jane's pussy for as long as she could hold out. For her part, Jane felt that making a man eat her out was one of the most degrading thing she could impose upon him, and that's why she loved it so much, enough so that she was willing to blow him as compensation.
They were so hot for each other that they didn't bother with the old seduction ritual of undressing one another. Each quickly went to one side of the bed and disrobed quickly, throwing clothing one way and their bodies into the middle of the bed. Jane was there first and Tom connected first, his hands rough in spreading her legs and his head into her welcoming vee instantly. The aroma drifting upward from her pinkness was like nectar to his nostrils. His lips softly kissed her damp slit. It took Jane longer to twist her head under and between his legs, her eyes and then her mouth searching for the hardness she had come to love ever since that first night with her Dad. But that's for a different story.
Tom licked up and down her slit for a short while. Then, as she had long since trained him, he stretched his neck further, running his tongue down along her 'taint' to her perfect circle of a rear entrance. It was to Jane the absolutely worst thing she could ask of him, the most degrading, and yet to Tom it was the slightest of prices for him to pay for the pleasing talents of her tongue. But then it was back to her pussy, to drive his tongue inside her folds, and finally to take her clit into his lips for that awesome trip to Paradise.
For her part, Jane used lips and tongue to arouse what was already aroused, to excite, to tease. She licked his purple crown, scooping with her tongue the tiny droplet of clear fluid that for some reason always oozes out of the male slit. She puffed with warm air, reminding Tom that her work was for some silly reason known to all the world as a blow job. She licked along his hard shaft, a claimed seven inches that she had never bothered to measure. She fondled his sac with fingers, then tongue and ultimately lips, letting those two little guys know that they weren't forgotten.
And then she latched on, sucking to Tom's heart's desires, her head bobbing as for apples at a Halloween party, all the while feeling Tom's lips sucking her clit as a lamb at the teat. With all their practice, they exploded as one, exchanging fluids that they would soon return to each other when they began their post-orgasmic kissing.
To the untrained fly on the wall, it looked as if they were two lovers pleasing each other. In fact, they were two lustful people using each other to obtain their own pleasures. They showed that themselves by never exchanging a single word on the ride back.
Bob and Audrey alas were truly in love. Their fucking began in lust and slowly turned into love. If only they had met earlier in life. Bob had started out as an ordinary faithful husband, given to the occasional fantasy but never having the nerve to try. Then one evening he was working late at the small office where he had started out, the place that had given him the start to his current great wealth. Hearing unexpected noises from a supposedly vacant office, he had opened the door. Lo and behold, there was his co-worker pronging the company receptionist doggy style.
"Want to join us?" asked the nubile nymphet. Bob hadn't the slightest idea whether either of them was encumbered by spouse, nor did he have any morality problems if they were. But the sudden opportunity to satisfy his simple fantasy – which was for any different piece of ass – manifested itself in an instant hard-on. Quickly deciding that his co-worker would be the perfect alibi if Jane questioned his whereabouts – how could he know that Jane herself was putting out for anyone with a cock – he gladly joined in. The girl took Bob orally while the co-worker finished her off vaginally. After he filled her mouth with his concoction of sperm mixed in semen, she let him know that she was available at any time.
Although Bob took advantage of the offer about once a week, the more important result was that he came to realize first, that he liked the idea of fucking someone other than Jane, hot though she was, and second, that he could get away with it. And so Bob joined the world of the philanderer, hitting on different women whenever he thought that he might score. Sometimes he struck out, but often enough he got his pipes cleaned and went home happy.
Audrey too had always stayed within the bounds of her marital vows. Yes, she was a flirt, might even have been deemed a coquette – whatever that means – but most of the men at the Club knew that her actions were merely friendly teasing. Once in a while, a man might make an actual pass at her, but Audrey was talented enough to turn them away without offending them. They always remained friends.
Sexually, her husband Steve could be rough at times. He often wanted – and got – from Audrey things that she didn't care for in bed. Among other things, she never liked it when Steve slid a finger inside her ass, and liked it even less when that finger was replaced by the one he used to count up to eleven. Oh shit, did that hurt! But it was her marital duty, so her mother had taught her, and Audrey never fought back.
Steve also had another problem. He enjoyed the fruit of the vine – by which euphemism I mean to include hard liquor. One or more martinis at a long lunch, something harder before the drive home, and merlot always on the table at dinner, all these affected his inhibitions beyond what they might do to his liver. And sometimes Audrey thought that she notices the faint aroma of an unfamiliar scent on her husband.
All these things weighed on her mind, daily, and so it was when Bob, by then a Club resident, casually suggested a lunch date, she accepted without hesitation. In the back of her mind, she knew that Bob's intentions were not so admirable, and she wondered how she would react. So she was quite surprised when nothing happened at lunch beyond the most innocent of touches to her hand. She actually wondered if she should have been offended, but decided against it. Yet she couldn't get Bob out of her mind.
Two weeks later, they met for another lunch. The discussion then went beyond the Club politics that had been the subject previously. Audrey mentioned her husband's drinking, though she kept his sexual preferences and possible adultery to herself. Bob was more open in discussing his business affairs and the growth of wealth that moved him into the elite community. Still, there was tension in the air, tension so thick that one could cut it with a knife. Yet nothing progressed beyond more open touching of her hand and an air kiss as they parted.
Audrey had no choice but to go home and masturbate fiercely. She couldn't understand why she was so hot for Bob; not necessarily for his body but at least for him to ask for her body. Perhaps because he was so casual about their meetings? He was certainly no Adonis, but there was something about him, some je ne sais quoi. Outwardly he was just Clark Kent. Underneath, maybe he was Superman. Not that she needed a man of steel for her loins, but definitely for her psyche.
"Why do you keep asking me out for lunch?" She had been torn between asking that question or remaining silent.
Bob too was torn, though he had no doubt about the real answer. "Because I'd like to make love with you."
Audrey melted. Her pussy gushed. She feared that her skirt would show a huge wet spot. And as much as she had been wanting to hear that question from Bob, and as much as she had thought that she knew what her answer would be, she couldn't help but hesitate. But not for too long. Finally she spoke, actually whispered.
"That would be nice."
She spoke so softly that Bob couldn't really hear her. However, the words were few enough that he could read her lips. And he saw her shy smile.
The Happy Hills Motel was two exits down the Interstate. The six day (never on Sunday) afternoon desk clerk was a woman named Liz. A woman of the world, Liz could spot a cheating husband a mile away. She collected cash only, no receipt, and generated a single use key card, such as what clerks give when a potential customer wishes to see the room before deciding to take it. When the couple had completed their fucking, usually within two hours, Liz changed the cum stained sheets herself. She took them home and washed and ironed them, so that they never were counted by the Laundry service and thus never made management suspicious.
Bob had been there often enough that Liz knew to give him the room farthest away from any foot traffic or prying eyes. Heck, she had even spent some quality time with him in that room, but as before, that's for a different story. As it happened that first day, Bob and Audrey were out of there in under an hour. Audrey Simons, if she lived to be one hundred, would never forget that hour. Yet she was so bedazzled by the concept of sharing a bed with someone other than her husband Steve that she couldn't remember even one single moment of that hour. Except for the fact that Bob had taken the trouble to make her cum.
On their second visit to the Happy Hills Motel, Audrey told Bob that she was in love with him. Bob had previously heard that from other women du jour but never on a second fuck; it made him nervous, and he never returned the compliment. On their third date, with Liz the desk clerk beginning to envision a lifetime annuity of stolen room rent, Bob surprised himself by telling Audrey that he loved her. What terrified Bob was that he was telling the truth.
On the afternoon of Formal Night at the Club, with Liz realizing that they were starting to take more than the standard two hours each time, Bob and Audrey were kissing deeply the moment that they closed the door to their love nest. To say that their hands were all over each other would be misleading, because both of Audrey's hands were on the back of Bob's neck and his were on the small of her back. Hugging tightly, he could feel the press of her breasts on his chest while she could feel his arousal against her loins. Yet the touches were not sexual; rather they were affectionate.
But no matter how much they loved each other, their touches could not remain chaste for very long. They parted and slowly began to undress one another. Audrey opened Bob's shirt buttons and her hands reached to tweak his nipples, useless as the proverbial tits on a bull but actually effective for his arousal. Bob pulled her sweater over her head and reached behind her to unhook her bra. It dropped to the ground as he gently kneaded the soft orbs with which women nurse their children – and sometimes their lovers.
She opened his belt and zipper, watching as his slacks dropped to the floor. Her hands quickly pulled down his shorts. As his hard manhood popped into view, Audrey bent and gave his crown the slightest of kisses, smiling broadly.
Bob opened her skirt in the same manner, and it too hit the floor. Audrey wore lace panties, but not for much longer, when they revealed her damp pubic hair hiding her vaginal opening. She had so wanted to shave herself bald down there but was sure that her husband would guess the truth.
Bob dropped to one knee and bent to give her pubes a kiss. To Audrey, imagining her lover as in a fairy tale, it seemed as though her was kneeling before Her Royal Highness to receive a knighthood. For Audrey knew that she would gladly give to Bob everything that it was in her power to give.
But as he kissed her womanhood, Bob's hands were on her ass cheeks, pulling her toward his face. It took every ounce of her willpower to keep from flinching, to keep from tightening her butt cheeks as his touch reminded her of the vile, painful, degrading anal assaults from her husband.
Bob led his lover to their adulterous bed. They lay quietly, facing each other, hugging. But nothing else. Though their mouths were closed and quiet, their eyes spoke volumes about a love that neither had ever expected. They had all the time in the world. The desk clerk never rang the phone to rush them; she could tell from the look on Bob's face when she gave him the keycard that they were in love.
When the lovers did speak to each other in bed, it was about fantasies, about never having to go home to someone else, about their dreams and desires, about vacations to Tahiti or other South Pacific islands that they knew they would never get to see, not with each other anyway.
But then it was time, time to do that beautiful thing that couldn't be done over the telephone, not properly anyway. They kissed, tongues negotiating for position inside each others' mouths. Bob reached down to touch her, to feel between her legs, to her soaking secret place. She rolled onto her back, her legs parting, making it easier for him to touch. She reached out to her lover's tumescent maleness, his member, his tool, his beautiful cock. Bob levered himself over her as she led him into her wetness.
He slid into her loins right up to the hilt. The hilt, such a bellicose word for a coupling so tender. Their parts might separate once his sperm spewed out to lubricate those parts but the coupling would be forever in their hearts. He stroked into her vagina, then raised up for another stroke. She lifted her hips to keep him contained, then allowed his cock to press her down as he lunged again.
Introduction: An absolutely true story. Start to Finish. As a pretext: This is all 100% true. No embellishment, no exaggeration, and no fictional component. It had been a while since Id seen Jim. We didnt talk as much as we used to. We used to hook up as teenagers. Have a few beers, get naked. Mostly teenage experiments. Wed got chatting online, and out of the blue he said to me I want to come see you, its been too long. I wasnt sure, but he was right, it had been a long time. Hed always had...
I already had a second man in mind for such an occasion. Most of the weight lifters who frequent the gym nearby are steroid filled monsters. However one slim, fortyish man looks more like a retired football player. He calls into my shop once a week to check out new items. After a while he became very comfortable about telling me how his ex-wife liked him “fucking her with tongue.” “She really got off on it. “So did I. And I miss it. I still fantasize and dream about it.” “If you are...
SATURDAY NIGHT SISSY by Throne I spend all week, every week, dreading Saturday. My wife Alana met Dutch several months ago. I knew my bride had a past as a party girl, and that she still flirted with men. Male eyes always went to her, a tall girl with a stunning figure -- big bust, tapering waist, flaring hips, full thighs and, most of all, a plus-size bottom that sticks way out and moves like it's on springs. Dutch was the kind of guy she used to date -- big, rough, uncouth. The...
Sat 8:15 pm Sat 5:15 pm Testing the knot at my right wrist, I find it firm, with no give.? Then I flex my muscles, and give the restraint a solid pull.? It only gets tighter.? I grunt with satisfaction, and then systematically try the other wrist, and both ankles.? None slip or give at all.? She did an excellent job of studying the knots, and tying me in a way that keeps my arms and legs taught.? The ball gag in my mouth makes my jaws ache lightly, and I am drooling down my chin,...
Finally, before getting into the story, a brief description of myself: I’m barely 5’8”; roughly 125 pounds; not overly skinny, but probably thinner than average; 36C-28-34; areola just short of two inches wide with nipples that stick out almost 3/4 of an inch when hard; pussy hair neatly trimmed to a thin light brown strip about two inches long above my slit, everything else shaved clean on a regular basis; light brown hair that goes a couple inches below my shoulders when I let it down,...
It was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with lots of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet....
It was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with a lot of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet. You...
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July was coming to a close in the summer of 1956, and I had been hard at work from sunrise to sundown. I was now an experienced caddy over at Shennecossett Golf Club and on the A list of escorts for the Saturday dances at the Griswold Hotel. A list escorts had an open invitation to work at every Saturday dance. It paid $10.00 for the evening, and involved dancing and talking with the female guests at the Hotel. The escorts referred to the Saturday dances as the Wallflowers Ball. Popular wisdom...
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Hey my name is shailendra I hate working on Saturdays. I didn’t have to go in however I was behind on a few things and instead of rushing thru things on Monday, I came in on Saturday, about 11:00am, to get a bit ahead of the game. What I didn’t expect was for Saranya to be there. She was not some drop dead gorgeous woman but was very hot, in her own way. She was in her late 30’s so a bit older than me with shoulder length hair and long legs that just kept going. She was in pretty good shape as...
IncestDuring the course of the next week, Jess got a raise and suggested that rather than just coming over to my place, we go out and celebrate her raise with a Saturday night out (though not the whole night, because what would be the fun in that?). I proposed we go to a combination bar/restaurant/dance club about a half hour from my apartment that we hadn’t been to in at least a couple years (might have even been over three years, we couldn’t really remember). It’s actually a pretty decent...
Helen arrived at the door and being of the average height for a sixth former was able to read with little difficulty, the inscription on the plaque. It identified the door as that to the study of the Headmaster. She glanced at the clock above and saw that a further minute had elapsed and that a mere four minutes remained before the hour would be reached. She stood quite still outside the door praying that nobody who knew her would appear at the far end of the corridor. There was only one...
So being spoiled by my Mon-Fri job, i am pissed when i have to go in on Saturday and catch up. Last Saturday I walked in to find Cheri crying in Sandy’s office. Of course she was the only one in the office,being the weekend. Cheri is in her late 40’s, short curly red hair, 5’1, plump with an average face (not naughty at all) and a BIG, albeit lumpy, ass. Her pants were somewhat tight and when she bends over, her button shirt treats you to a nice set of pale white D cups. She has 3 daughters...
This is my story of a Saturday morning jog, just a story and fantasy.On one beautiful Saturday early morning I decided to take a jog through a nearby park, this is an ideal time when no one is around to disturb me while I jog. It was quiet and very peaceful morning, just the birds sing and the sky was clear. I put on my headphones to listen to some music while I jog. As I was jogging down this deserted path, all of a sudden a man with a mask jumps out from behind some tall bushes and started...
So being spoiled by my Mon-Fri job, i am pissed when i have to go in on Saturday and catch up.Last Saturday I walked in to find Cheri crying in Sandy's office. Of course she was the only one in the office,being the weekend. Cheri is in her late 40's, short curly red hair, 5'1, plump with an average face (not naughty at all) and a BIG, albeit lumpy, ass. Her pants were somewhat tight and when she bends over, her button shirt treats you to a nice set of pale white D cups. She has 3 daughters...
Saturday Morning SissyI woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something waswrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn'tunexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was aleather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tetheredsecurely to the foot of my bed with a short chain.Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and mynipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red dye. Ifthat...
Every Saturday night I bend hubby over,lube up his ass/pussy,insert a butt plug,and start out with his punishment.The slapper is used 1st,It makes such a nice sound,slowly marking his white ass.I push on his plug,pulling it out,and back in until he is moaning.Next I use a crop to highlight the red in his rosy cheeks,Swat swat swat,Ohhh the sound of the crop swishing through the air hitting his crimson ass,I am In heaven.Finally,a ol fashioned thick wood paddle is used until the cheeks start to...
I’m Doug the husband. I coach division one college baseball for a University located on the west coast of Florida, I’m not saying which one but you’ll probably know after reading my story. I’m married to my beautiful wife Sandy. Both she and I turned thirty last summer. I never thought I could fall in love at first sight but with Sandy that was the case. She had a body that most women would die for. At five foot four her tiny waist and hip’s only accentuated her luscious 34c breasts. Her long...
CuckoldSaturday Morning Sissy I woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something was wrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn't unexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was a leather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tethered securely to the foot of my bed with a short chain. Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and my nipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red...
It was a nice Saturday morning. I had woken up early to get a workout in, and I was relaxing in the bath afterwards. I heard the door open, and heard the soft shuffle of feet. Someone was trying and failing to sneak up on me. I feigned sleep as a hand slipped into the water and wrapped around my cock. "Good morning, Katie," I said without opening my eyes. The hand lifted my cock and gripped it firmly. She stroked my hardening shaft while she asked, "How did you know it was me,...
I own a television and hi-fi store. Most of the week I can cope on my own but on Saturdays I employ a young girl to help out in the store. Her job is to look after customers who are buying just leads, batteries etc. leaving me to look after the higher spending customers. Sarah can wear what she wants providing it's not jeans. She usually wears dark trousers and a teeshirt. On Saturdays when the weather was atrocious and customers seemed thin on the ground we usually just chatted. Sarah was...
As Charlie Tucker pulled into the parking lot of the school, he wondered, as he often did on Saturdays, what other seniors did on their Saturday nights. Was he missing out on anything that he would later regret? Wild parties, like in the movies, where parents were out of town and everything was chaos? Or were those types of parties just fiction, and everyone was sitting at home on their computers or binging on TV?He had two juniors assisting in the AV room, Dinesh and Michael, and those two had...
My parents divorced when I was f******n. My brother and I went to live with my Father. He owns a very successful construction company. By the time I turned s*******n my Dad had remarried. He married Kim. Kim was well built to say the least a very busty double d with very long curly red hair, a slender body about five foot six, tight slim ass and olive green eyes. She was exactly half my Dads age. He was forty-two and she was twenty-one. Everyone knew why he married her but wondered why...
A lot has been written about adult/child sex. Most of it assumes the act involved is sinful and it is, in most places, illegal. I agree that forced sex in any form should be illegal, regardless of the age of the parties. Yet, when sex is initiated by an underage girl; or in almost any situation with an underage boy and an older woman, there may be no harm in it as long as the adult is caring and careful. It may even be beneficial to both parties. Especially when the underage participant is...
It had been a while since I’d seen Jim. We didn’t talk as much as we used to. We used to hook up as teenagers. Have a few beers, get naked. Mostly teenage experiments. We’d got chatting online, and out of the blue he said to me “I want to come see you, it’s been too long”. I wasn’t sure, but he was right, it had been a long time. He’d always had a certain hold over me. I can’t explain it. But as a teenager, he’d always loved coming all over my face, cleaning it off with my panties, then...
Quick warning: As with the last story this has an “icky” part. Not my cup of tea, and it is just coincidence that it happened in two straight weeks. I include it because it is what actually happened, but it’s really not important to the story and I do give a warning before it comes up, so feel free to skip it if you like. Following our long weekend together, Jess and I got back to our traditional one-night hook-ups. We didn’t really make any plans during the week, just for Jess to...
I am standing in the kitchen, trying to finish the dishes before you get home. It’s a Saturday and you had to go into work. I hate it when you have to do that, but it is part of your job. I console myself by thinking that at least it’s only half a day. I’ve been at the dishes for about twenty minutes. There were more there than I expected, so it is taking me longer than I had hoped. I hear your keys in the door as I make my way to the last little stack. The door opens and I yell out to you that...
(a continuation of The Bitch’s Oven and Ding Dong the Bitch is Dead) Robin opened her eyes to a glorious day. It was a little cloudy but only outside. The sun was shining so bright for Robin it didn’t matter what the weather was. She had some plans to prepare. Suddenly she understood where Jennifer had been the day she sent her away to get ready for her date. There was plenty for Robin to do today. The first thing was to hit the liquor store for champagne, bucket and two glasses. Danny knew...
My bedroom is decorated tastefully with beautiful rich black furniture, black drapes and champagne colored carpet. I take a lot of pride in how my home is kept and while it gets messy from time to time, I attempt to keep things up. I had been cleaning all day one Saturday while my husband was away in class. I decided to run to the grocery to get something to cook for dinner. While perusing up the seafood aisle, I ran across an old friend, Michelle, I hadnt seen her in years. She looked good, we...
On Saturday morning, my sweet wife said it was my turn to do the laundry.So I picked up some big items that would not fit in our washer and went to the laundry place. As I got there, I found another two ladies doing the same.The kind woman who ran the shop came over to me and said she would do it for me. I thanked her, thinking I had at least forty minutes free for me…Upon my return, the lady had dried all the items and they were folded.She sat down next to me and I noticed she was flirting...
It was a Saturday morning and I was super horny so I decided to head to one of my favorite ABS to look for some fun. I was on my way with condoms and lube in my pocket along with some wipes, hoping to find a horny top in the video booth section. When I got there the parking lot was pretty full so it showed some promise as long as all or most weren't there for the same as me. The ABS is in a pretty seedy area with a lot of thugs around and some tend to hang out there looking to get off, which I...
We are a couple who after 25+ years still enjoy great sex within reason. I have always persuaded the wife to go along with my Ideas. These were always within her boundaries. We are NOT swingers, though I have no issues with trying the Lifestyle if she agreed. We have NOT tried bringing another male or female into our relationship. We are both str8t, do not have any plans to change. To many our sex life would be boring. My wife is very private. We do however enjoy Outdoor Sex, Road-head, loud...
Saturday night could not come soon enough for Amanda. For three weeks, she wanted to return to Max's playroom. The experience there made her yearn to return. The thought of being a submissive aroused her. Max was a good man who Amanda wanted to dominate her. Amanda and I finished supper and looked for something to do. Max called me earlier and asked, "Would Amanda and I come over?" I said, "Sure." I did not tell Amanda. I knew she wanted a return trip to the playroom. Amanda was a wild...
BDSMGonna keep this short, as it could have been much longer lol, but putting this on as so many people asking what I got up to last Saturday lol, saves me repeating it.Out for a drink round town with husband, i owed his sex in a pub toilet (long story there lol), so later on Saturday night he reminded me and said he would txt if gents was empty and safe to follow him. If no txt, then I was to open my legs and give him a flash when he walks back to table. I didn’t look at my phone because a guy had...
My parents had arrived back from there 2 week vacation and were both back at work. My holiday was finally over although it was still 3 weeks till actual varsity started. Jessica and I were completely broken up and not talking to each other. Caitlyn's boyfriend, James, had returned therefore it was hard to see her. I was talking a lot to my ex Cassi and she was always keen to meet up. After a discussion and a number of messages we agreed to book into a hotel room for a Saturday. The Friday night...
Recently a fraternity brother of mine and I decided to check out a bar across town. We had already had a few beers when I spotted this really attractive woman who had settled onto a bar stool just a few seats down from us. She appeared to be in her early thirties and was really hot. Blonde wavy hair that fell just to her shoulders, nice chest, and a short skirt which really showed off her tanned and toned legs.Tim and I both took notice of what a total package she was. I didn't think either of...
Its early morning, the sun is just starting to come up. I slip out of your bed still nude from our love making the night before. I turn and look at you still sleeping, so amazing. I kneel down and find the "toys" from last night, I pick them up and carry them with me into the bathroom. I love the door open. I learned my first few days with you never to close a door between us, unless the c***dren are going to see me. I sit down on the toilet, and pee. I finish and wipe myself. I look over and...
It was a Saturday morning when I decided to take the Mini to the car wash. I knew if I got there early, I could get right in. The owner, Rick, greeted me. He was a young and strikingly handsome man. Dark short hair with deep green eyes and a beautiful smile, this soft spoken man stood about 5’9” tall. Nicely built, but not over done. He had 4 other men working for him, but one stood out. He was very tall, I would guess 6”4”, black, and he was also remarkably handsome. His name was Sam and he...
Group SexI was only 23 when I first moved to New York in 1978. It was a great time for me. I hit the ground running and relished the fact that I was living there. Being young and new I was up for anything and that was exactly the right attitude to have to make the most of living in Manhattan. I had a studio on the Upper East Side and was earning a good salary for the time. I had plenty to do and lots of girlfriends. New York girls at the time (who knows? maybe still) were just as horny as the guys, as...
I've haven’t been ableto write for a loooong while and believe me that’s been driving me crazy. Finally, I was able to put this little number together. I hope you like it. . It was early Saturday morning, around 8:41 am. Bree yawned wide, not bothering to cover her mouth as she lay in nothing but a small tight black t-shirt that stretched mercilessly across her large breasts and blue string bikini panties. She lay on her back watching the large mounted flat screen TV that hung on the wall, her...
ReluctanceSaturday Evening and Dragged Out to Play Once a month there's a club that basically has mostly men looking for glam queens and the queens that are being hunted by the men. They usually have a theme for the night, and while not some dressers will have costumes that fit into the motif of the evening, most go in any kind of outrageous outfit that they decide on. So on a given night at this club, you can see anything from the most gorgeous 6' babe all the way down to the guy in a dress...
Saturday Girl It all began in one of those Saturday lulls when the shop was quiet and all the work was done. Kerry and I were on the main pay desk when Dave, the manager, came over. He told Kerry that she wasn't to wear jeans to work again and that she should wear the uniform skirt as she usually did. This started an argument of course, Kerry arguing that her jeans were black and smart (which they were), that some of us guys wore them (which we did), and that it was too cold for...
I woke up last Saturday morning to find my beautiful girl Chrissy lying naked asleep next to me, I kissed her sweet lips tenderly and cuddled up to her whilst thinking how lucky I am to have her... Little did I know, later that day she was going to show exactly how much she owns me!After half an hour of watching my sleeping beauty, she began to wake, smiling at me as she opened her heavy eyes and kissing me 'good morning'.We spent the next hour or so doing as we normally do every Saturday...
It was early morning. My grandparents made breakfast and to tell you the truth it was really good, better than what we have back home. I kept eating and thinking about Friday Night. Was it wrong for me to do that, I was just insane to go that far, I could of cleaned myself up, but instead Dean asked me to clean it up for me, why did I let him do this. I spaced out completely. Then my brother arrives from his morning shower and sits at the table. Grandma "Ok, dear, here you go, fresh bacon...
IncestSaturday with The Pervs (Author’s note: The following story is a fantasy created by the author and nothing more. It is intended in NO WAY to condone or encourage incest as an action or lifestyle. As I wrote this I had a certain image of what the Perv women would look like and picture certain ladies in the adult film industry in their roles. You are of course welcome to imagine however you like. Now, without out further ado, enjoy J ) Saturday morning came bright and quiet to Perv house. Sam...
IncestMy Sister Thinks I'm Sexy #1 - Saturday Morning SurprisePrologueI’m Carrie Smith. I’m a pretty average college student. I study, go to parties and stress about the future. I’m also a lesbian who’s in love with her younger sister. See? Average.My younger sister Leslie is just a year younger than I am. She’s smart, pretty and popular. She’s also still in the closet. Our parents know about me; I’ve been dating girls since middle school. Leslie on the other hand, had only had boyfriends so far, so...
IncestBeing young and new I was up for anything, and that was exactly the right attitude to have to make the most of living in Manhattan. I had a studio on the Upper East Side and was earning a good salary. I had plenty to do and lots of girlfriends. New York girls at the time (who knows? maybe still) were just as horny as the guys, as far as I could tell. There were plenty of times I would hook up with a girl I'd just met in my local bar that night and have a couple of weeks together and then...