Wednesday Nite Widows Ch. 04 free porn video

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Paul lay back watching television in the downstairs den when Ruth Eleanor Taylor arrived home.

‘Hi Mom, have a good night?’

Ruth Eleanor nodded absently. ‘It was real nice. What did you do this evening?’

Paul shrugged.

‘I don’t suppose you boys ever do anything you shouldn’t. You know something that would make you deserve a good spanking.’

Paul sat up on the couch and looked at his mother. ‘What makes you say that? Are you craving to warm some ass. Or did you do something that deserves one?’

‘Oh I don’t know. It seems two or three boys by themselves might find themselves in some sort of mischief or other.’

Paul raised his eyebrows. ‘Mischief that deserves a spanking? What kind would that be?’

Pauline and I were talking tonight. We wondered if you and Jay along with Dirk might be practicing some form of self abuse.’

Paul looked at his mother incredulously. ‘You mean jacking off?’

‘Putting it bluntly, I’d say that was what we wondered.’

‘Good God, Mom. Everybody does that. Why get spanked for what everybody does all the time?’

‘Speaking bluntly, we have a rather open relationship, I suppose we can speak honestly.’

Paul shrugged. ‘I imagine you’re bringing up the times we’ve warmed each others butts.’

‘That’s a big part of it. It would hardly be looked upon as a healthy mother son relationship.’

Paul smiled. ‘I rather like it. I think you’ve enjoyed our little sessions.’

‘A son should not see his mother nearly naked. A mother should not view her grown son’s erections.’

‘Or spank him until he comes on her leg?’

‘Or spank his mother’s bare bottom until she climaxes.’

Paul smiled. ‘I wasn’t sure, I wondered about that’

‘Now you know.’

‘If I tell you what I really did tonight will you tell me what you did?’


‘And then one spanks the other? Is that what this is leading up to?’

‘It may come to the point where we probably should.’

‘Bare ass bottoms?’

‘You’re on.’

‘How about totally naked? Both of us?’

‘That’s a big step.’

‘Hell Mom, you’ve copped looks and felt my joint. I’ve seen your pussy more than once. Why not get naked?’

‘What have you boys been doing?’

‘Sucking each other off.’

‘Do you enjoy doing that?’

‘Of course. And I enjoy letting somebody else fist me. And it isn’t making me crazy or blind.’

‘I’m not surprised. I know you’ve got a big one.’

‘Now tell me. What did you do?’

Ruth Eleanor unbuttoned her blouse and dropped her skirt. She worn nothing under them. She turned to show her son her naked buns. ‘They’re red because I let a friend spank me.’ She looked to the floor then raised her eyes to Paul. ‘Then she ate me out till I came.’

Paul smiled. ‘You really get off on being spanked?’


‘Me too, sometimes, and I like spanking your big butt.’

‘As you can see, she laid it on me pretty good tonight.’

‘Maybe I should just rub yours a little tonight and then let you spank me.’

‘I’d like that.’

‘It will probably make my dinkus stand up.’ Paul stepped out of his pants. His long, rubbery cock dangled down his leg.’

‘You really do have a nice one, but I can’t let you put it in me. It wouldn’t be right.’

‘Hey Mom. This is truth, right? I’m not into women. At least not the pussy end. Now your ass. That’s really neat. You’ve got a beauty.’

Ruth Eleanor smiled, perhaps a little bitterly. ‘Just like your daddy. Hung like a stallion and he’d rather feed it to another man.’

‘So we don’t fuck. There’s other things we can do.’ Paul removed his shirt and seating his mother in the center of the sofa, draped himself across her lap. His semi soft cock draped between her smooth thighs. ‘Now, Mom, give your cock-sucking, whipping boy what he’s got coming.’

Ruth Eleanor raised her hand and brought it down smartly on the boys taut ass cheeks. With each succeeding blow she felt his long slender instrument lengthen and fill until it poked rigidly between her clenched thighs. ‘Do you fuck your friends?’ asked the sweating woman as her hand descended again. ‘Do you put that big thing up their tight little butt holes?’

‘They aren’t queer, Mom, I am.’

‘Whose ass have you been in? Don’t tell me you haven’t tried it?’

‘I fucked a man. The last time I told you I’d been bad. That’s when I did him.’

‘Did you let him do that to you?’


‘Has anyone fucked you?’

‘Once, a friend did me and I did it to him.’

The hand descended again. ‘Do you like it? Did it feel good, being fucked like a girl.’

Paul gasped for breath. His hips moved up and down on his mothers naked thighs. ‘I loved it. I loved the feeling of his cock moving inside me.’

Ruth Eleanor stopped and moved him off her lap. She slipped to the floor and on her knees grasped his stiff cock. She lowered her mouth and made it wet before bending forward with her face in the couch’s cushion. She waved her lush bottom at her son. You like ass fucking so much, try humping a good one. Do you think you can plug your mother’s ass and make her feel good?’

Paul put an extra glob of spit on his extended instrument and aimed it at the puckered, brown star between her taut cheeks and forced it in, inch by inch until he had it burried inside her and his pubes tickled her flesh. ‘You got it all, Mom.’

‘Then do your horny Mama like you meant it. Slam it to me and don’t worry about doing it too hard. I like it that way.’

‘You really like it in the ass? I mean really like it?’

‘After you were born, it was the only way your daddy could do me and keep it stiff. I learned to love it. Then he left me for a man.’

‘I’m sorry, Mom. I really am.’

‘You’ll do the same thing someday. In the meantime, fuck me hard with that long thing. Ram it in and make me hurt.’

Paule pounded into her, his flat belly smacking her lush ass cheeks,enjoying the tightness of her anal walls clutching at him. It was as though he were creating a vacuum as he withdrew, a vacuum that wanted to pull the come right out of him. Then he slammed back until he hit the resilence cheeks of her fabulous buttocks. He was thankful for the two loads Dirk had sucked from him. Those earlier comes now made this session last longer and he wanted to make his first mother fuck last as long as possible, even if it was up her ass that her would give her his first tribute.

Ruth Eleanor went wild under the pistoning cock in her asshole. She moved in all directions, rotating, pumping with him, coming almost continuously as he fucked her. At last she felt him relinquish his load deep within her. She screamed as she reached her final orgasm and felt him freeze and rest his weight on her.

‘God! Mom! You fuck good.’

Ruth Eleanor colapsed to the floor. ‘Why haven’t we done this before?’

‘Gosh. I didn’t know you wanted it. I knew you got off spanking my ass.’

‘I love the feel of your cock when it slides up and down between my thighs when I spank you. And I love your tight hard buns when I slap them.’

‘Feels good, Mom.’

‘Can I hold it for a while?’

‘Sure.’ Paul smile. ‘But you know where it’s been.’

Ruth Eleanor smiled and rolled to her feet. I’ll get a wash cloth and clean it up for you.

Paul loved the roll of her hips as her retreating buttocks disappeared into the downstairs john. He heard the water run then, through the open door, heard a torrent gush into the commode as his mother relieved herself then flushed.

The warm, wet cloth felt good on his shrinking but still semi-hard cock. She wiped him off tenderly then bent to kiss it before curling beside him and clutched her son’s cock in her fist and closed her eyes. Paul reached to the couch to drag down an afghan and cover t
hem both. They slept, spoon fashion, on the floor.


The Wednesday Night Widow’s Club met each week through the next summer and into the winter. Jackie left her husband and moved in with Janet after Janet’s son, Dirk went off to school.

Each week, a pair of Wesnesday Night Widows got their buns warmed. Each week couples, in some pairing or other, managed to get together to work off their sexual frustrations. Some pairings became semi-permanent. After a time there were few combinations of spanker and spankee that had not been acheived. Most buns had been warmed across most laps and there had been no reluctance to submit a bared butt to punishment. There was no tail that had not been bared, spanked and caressed. There were few complaints when a hand strayed beyond a rounded surface to give added comfort.

Those who crowded around to watch the weekly submission and supposed embarrassment envied either the punisher of the one being punished. All knew that the atmosphere was purely sexual and this weekly meeting afforded a release they could attain no other way.


They sat around Liz’s play room where the Wednesday Night Widows met each week.

‘What I could use for Christmas is a good, hard cock,’ said Lorene.

‘Amen,’ said Janet and rubbed her crotch, suggestively, through her slacks.

‘Cock turns me on,’ said Liz, ‘but when that ain’t available, I’ll settle for the taste of furburger.’

Lorene clapped her hands. ‘I’ll be damned. True confession time. By God, we’ve go some honest women amongst us.’

‘You mean you’ve never sampled that?’ asked Liz.

‘I ‘m not saying that. I confess to picking a few stray hairs from between my teeth,’ said Lorene. ‘I’ll dine at the gash as long as there’s enthusiastic reciprocation.’

Janet looked around the room, judging the expressions of the other women. ‘I might as well fess up. I imagine in college we all dabbled in a bit of feminine companionship, one way or the other. As I remember, it reduced the tension and I don’t believe it ever dulled my appreciation for hard cock.’

‘That’s three that’s owned up,’ noted Lorene. ‘One more and we’ll have a quorum.’

‘Shit,’ said Krista, ‘I’m gulty. I’ve been kissed down there and I was always willing to pay back.’

Jackie nodded, ‘It’s happened, but I don’t want to be misunderstood. I don’t want anybody accusing me of being a dyke.’

‘I’d never call any of us that that.’ Ruth Eleanor smiled, wickedly. ‘I’ve given and received, graciously.’

Pauline shrugged. ‘Who am I to be different?’ She looked around. ‘But personally I still like getting my ass slapped first.’ She shook her head apologetically.

‘Hey. Don’t apologize,’ said Liz, ‘to each his own. Whatever gets you off, I always say.’

‘Amen,’ breathed Lorene.

All eyes turned on Mindy.

The red head blushed prettily. She shrugged. ‘What can I say? Until I got with you girls last summer, I’d never touched another woman. I have to admit, spanking all your butts turned me on a lot more than I would have thought.’

‘Everyone knows what happened to me the first time I was across your lap.’ Jackie paused, then shrugged. ‘It was a lot more than being turned on.’

‘I was envious,’ admitted Mindy.’

‘I guess that makes it unanimous. We all eat fur pie,’ said Liz.

‘As an alternative,’ corrected Janet.


Maybe next time,’ suggested Krista, ‘the losers should eat out the winners.’

‘As a consolation prize?’ asked Lorene.

‘You can convert this old gray snatch into happy valley, any old time,’ said Liz.

‘With reverse tongue english by the recipient, I presume.’


‘Are we playing cards tonight?’ asked Krista.

‘Let’s just get into it,’ said Ruth Eleanor.

‘So how do we declare losers and winners?’

‘Have we agreed to the tonguing bit?’ asked Lorene. ‘I’m ready.’

Mindy downed the rest of her wine and refilled her glass. ‘Hell I might as well get into it with my friends.’

Janet nodded.

The other’s voiced their acceptance.

‘I’m for declaring the winners and losers right now and start the party,’ said Liz.’

‘With four sets of partners, It going to take some time to find two losers’.

‘Let all eight play high card, low card.’

‘With four winners and four losers, we all get into the act,’ said Jackie.

‘Here’s what we could do.’ proposed Lorene. ‘We shuffle four kings and four queens. Four pairs. We each draw one card. King of Hearts eats out Queen of Hearts.’

‘Sounds fair to me.’ said Liz. ‘We pair off and play lickty split.’

Krista giggled. ‘Put that way, it sounds crude but I’m game.’

Jackie smiled. ‘I don’t think there’s any losers in a game like that.’

‘How about you, Mindy?’ asked Lorene. ‘You’ve never tongued at the groove?’

Mindy shrugged. ‘I’ve got to admit it, I’m curious.’

‘So,’ asked Janet, ‘do we take off all our clothes? Do we do this in front of each other?’

‘As far as I’m concerned,’ said Liz, ‘We can sit side by side on the edge of the couch and the cunt-lappers can kneel in front of us.’

‘I think pussy ticklers sounds more appetizing,’ said Janet.

‘Honest to God,’ said Krista, ‘I’m dripping honey already.’

‘Save that sweet stuff,’ giggled Lorene, ‘I’m thirsting for it. I really am.’ She pulled her blouse from her skirt and began unbuttoning it. ‘C’mon. Let’s all get naked.’

‘I’m not shy,’ said Liz Ashton. ‘You gals have seen everything I’ve got.’

‘You might say the same for me.’ Jackie shrugged, unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it.’

Krista noticed Jackie had not bothered with panties. ‘I see someone else decided to save time tonight in case she lost.’

‘You too?’ Jackie smiled.

Krista nodded as she stepped out of her mini skirt. ‘I thought, what the hell. We have damn few secrets from each other. I might as well come prepared.’

Liz finger combed her salt and pepper bush and let one finger trail into the almost hidden crevice. ‘Krista’s not the only one that’s got an oozey quim. I’m juicy as that freshly fucked fox they’re always talking about.’

‘I love it when you talk dirty,’ said Mindy, ‘I never heard a lady talk like that.’

‘Nobody’s accused me of being a lady,’ said Liz. ‘I have been called a damned good fuck.’

‘In some places, that’s a compliment,’ said Lorene.

‘All the places are the right places to get fucked,’ said Ruth Eleanor. ‘No holes barred.’

In moments the eight members of the Wednesday-Night Widows clustered nakedly around the table. Liz separated kings and queens. She shuffled them carefully and put them to her left for Lorene to cut. One card at a time, she dealt them around.

Janet turned a king of clubs. ‘Looks like I’m a muff diver,’ she said quietly.

Krista drew the queen of diamonds.

Jackie turned over the king of hearts.

Mindy turned the king of diamonds and blushed.

Ruth Eleanor turned the king of Clubs. She turned to Pauline who turned the queen of the same suit. ‘Looks like your pussy pie is all mine.’

Liz looked to Lorene, ‘It looks as though you and me will be serving. Now it’s a question of whose cunt custard gets tasted by who.’

Lorene turned to Janet and showed her the queen of clubs. ‘I’m all yours. Your hairless merangue, so to speak.’

Janet checked Lorene’s crotch, took in the shaven mons and the smooth lips below. She licked her lips enticingly. ‘I think I’ll enjoy this.’

‘I know I will,’ breathed Lorene, ‘I’m going to love it.’

‘She’s going to lick your hole a whole lot,’ said Liz. She turned to Jackie, ‘I hope you don’t mind mushing through brush cause there’s a lot of it down there.’

‘I’ll manage,’ said Jackie. ‘I’ve been thinking about this.’

‘Me too.’

‘How do you want me?’ asked Lor

‘Do you mind the floor?’

Lorene lay on her back, drew up her knees and parted them.

Janet watched the pink line widen in the crease and saw the gash glisten wetly in the light. She crouched before the slightly older woman and lowered her head. Her tongue sought the slickness of the pink, inner lips. She heard Lorene’s moan and ran her tongue the length of the labia to the emerging clit.

Lorene’s hips lifted from the floor and remained there for the length of the contact. ‘God!’ breathed Lorene.

‘Look at them go at it,’ said Liz. She took Jackie’s arm. ‘Where do you want to tongue wash this old gray pussy?’

‘Where ever you say.’

‘If it makes no never mind to you, ‘Liz nodded to the floor, ‘I think it might be real neighborly to set up shop next to our friends.’

Jackie wrapped her arms around the plump mounds of Liz’s buttocks and buried her face deeper in the foliage of the older woman’s bush. She loooked up to her companion then lay back. ‘Then Come on down.’

Liz went to her knees, straddling the younger woman. She moved forward until her pussy lips parted directly over Jackie’s mouth. Is this all right?’

Jackie stared at the dark, hairy snatch spread above. She reached up and tenatively and stroaked the coarse curls. ‘Can I play with this thing a little first?’

‘Honey, you can do anything you want to with this old cooze.’

‘I want to feel it inside and out.’

‘Go ahead, I’m wet enough to lubricate a python prick.’

‘I can tell.’ Jackie giggled. ‘I love feeling up someone else. God knows, I’ve done enough playing with myself lately.’

‘Good,’ murmured Liz. ‘Come on jiggle that clitty.’

‘It’s so big,’ marveled Jackie. ‘Like my little finger and at least an inch long.’

‘Since I was a little girl, I couldn’t keep my fingers away from it,’ confessed Liz.

‘I can’t remember when I discovered mine. It’s so small compared to this, more like a pea.’

‘I’ll bet it’s as sensitive as anybody’s.’

‘I go wild when anybody touches it.’ Jackie giggled. ‘Including me.’

‘I love to have mine sucked, to have a tongue swirl around it until I nearly go out of my mind.’

Jackie parted the nether lips of her companion. She bent upward and flicked her tongue at the exposed, pink protuberance then wrapped her lips around it.

Liz’s breath exploded in a gasp of ecstasy. Her hips settled downward. Her thighs enclosed Jackie’s ears. Liz’s bush tickled Jackie’s nose. Jackie’s lapping was muffled as her tongue vibrated deep inside Liz’s cuntal walls The older woman wriggled her hips rhythmically, her thighs clamped her pleasure-giver’s head as in a vise.

Mindy and Krista watched the couples on the floor writhe in their couplings. Mindy was overwhelmed with the action.

‘They didn’t have any trouble getting to it.’ Mindy’s was the understatement of the night.

‘You’ve got a pretty red-haired pussy,’ said Krista. ‘Maybe next time our roles will be reversed and I’ll get a taste of it.’

‘I guess I’m supposed to do you,’ said Mindy. ‘I’m kinda new at this.’

‘You don’t have to unless you want to,’ whispered Krista. Their breasts flattened as she hugged the red headed girl to her. ‘Never do anything you don’t want to do.’

‘I’m so damned horny too. I thought I’d get spanked tonight.’

‘Would you like to be spanked?’

‘I think so.’

‘Well,’ smiled Krista, ‘that can happen later.’ Krista sat on the edge of the couch and parted her legs teasingly. ‘See anything you like?’

Mindy nodded.

‘Don’t be bashful,’ cooed Krista.’

Mindy looked wistfully at the other woman’s lush, hairy garden and watched the pink slit widen for her. With a moan, tongue extended, she bent forward. She parted her lips to cover the steamy crack of the open woman. She made as if she wanted to swallow that soft, hairy clam. The tip of her tongue speared the moist opening and forced its way into that slick lower mouth and forced its way as far as it could reach.

Krista’s hips churned beneath Mindy’s hands. Her slick snatch forced its way against the girl’s mouth, the crinkly, wiry hair chaffing wildly against the girl’s lips. There came a time Janet was aware of Lorene twisting and turning beneath her, then moving her onto her side. Quickly, Lorene’s head delved between Janet’s thighs. She felt the other’s wet tongue attack her honey-pot. Janet had to admit, even in her wildest dreams, sixty-nine with a man had never been this good. Her mouth, wet and slick with her partner’s pussy lube, Janet came again and again in throbbing pulsations she thought would never stop. Her insides quivered, flittered and fluttered, as she tried to give Lorene’s smooth, shaven pussy as good as she got. She wondered if she would ever stop coming and if she did if she would be able to walk.

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A valentines day romantic nite

Hi send your feedbacks or any ladies aunties for any relation contact I was sitting at my room with my lap. She came with wet hair and closed door. She looks sexy in that outfit. Get a hard on seeing her. I put my lap on table. She was searching something in shelf. I just hugged her from behind. W: Hey what you doing. Just sit ya Me: Darling it’s a romantic day Heavy rain outside cool breeze coming inside room and good climate for a perfect nite I just hugged her tightly. Dress in her...

3 years ago
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It was a Friday Nite

It was a Friday Nite By Ms. Jenny Ann The following story is based on a dinner date that really happened, some of the things that I report may be real or what I wish had happened. This story was written by me and may not be sold. It maybe downloaded or shared for free sites only. It was a Friday night, Jane and I were going out to dinner. When we got to the restaurant and were seated, the waitress came over and asked, "Would you ladies like something to drink?" I said, "I...

4 years ago
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NITE OF THE PIGS::: CHAPTER 5::::: After Sarah and Marie are forcibly taken and now staked out over a huge tree running along the ground, Their pussies and clits stung and chewed on by unimaginenable jungle ants and catapillars. An absolutely new thing is coming to fuck and pleasure them, thought up by the evil tribal woman and her two...

1 year ago
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A Wet Nite

My name is Rob and I just turned eighteen and I was at my uncle's house. "Hey come join me will ya?" my uncle said yelling from the hot tub. "I'm coming" I shouted back. I hopped in the hot tub and the water was just right the jets caressing my back and my stomach it felt great. "So your 18 now buddy, you can go clubbing, and by your mom cigarettes legally." I laughed he was right though, when I was young my mom always told me once I'm 18 I'll be making cigarette runs for her so as long as I...

1 year ago
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Hello there buddies, a mid week quickie from your one and only JJ over & over again on the lesbian lust. Now is that lesbian love only for girls and young women, frankly speaking it’s a clear NO. Everyone would agree with me that it is a very safe sex for the young widows and the divorcees. The society in which we live is still a retarded one where these two categories of females while seen with men going around the city will have its own problems. As we have been exploring the hostel and...

4 years ago
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Wednesday 23 September

Wednesday 23 September will live long in the memory of Michael Jenkins. It started as a typical day, he went to work at the bank, as usual, he had his lunch at the Metro Café as usual, finished work just after five pm as normal, and headed to the local adult education centre which was not normal. Wednesday evening was generally spent at number fifty-two Walton Terrace with Mr Smith. Not tonight, tonight he was heading for classroom fifteen, still to see Mr Smith though. Michael had been to his...

3 years ago
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Wednesday Afternoons

I kept my brush wet, in case I walked around and saw touch-ups, or drips, but first I went inside and thoroughly washed my hands, washed up, washed my hands of the albatross of my summer-into-fall project. The poor house had had a couple crappy spray-on paint jobs over the crumbling and all-chalked-out century-old enamel. This summer I'd taken on the west side of the house, scraping every inch of it down to bare wood. I was intent on doing a very thorough job. I replaced the worst wood. I...

2 years ago
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Daddys poker nite 2

To fully understand this story it would be a good thing if you read the first part, however I have included this synopsis for those who either do not want to, or who, for some reason, do not have access to part 1. Previously on Daddy’s Poker Night Doug’s twelve year old daughter Callie had all but seduced the men at her father’s poker game and they fucked her thoroughly till the wee hours of the morning. Callie’s dad had drunk himself into oblivion before the sexual activity had...

2 years ago
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A good nite

with a sly wistful smile. I had bought a bottle of wine and eight dozen roses. Taking one red rose out from the rest, I placed it on the table in the suite. Then I tore the petals gently off the remaining roses and scattered them from the door to the table; another trail to the other room where a hot tub awaited. I then made another trail to the bed where I scattered the remaining petals. I next arranged candles throughout the two rooms and around the hot tub. I then went...

3 years ago
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a nite in the park

One day on a Saturday, Jenny asked Tim to drive the family to the mall. Mark was due for some new clothes and Jenny wanted to pick out a new outfit. Tim hated the mall, he hated the crowds and having to find parking. He knew he would be bored while Jenny did the shopping. Jenny knew this, so to get him moving Jenny told him he could go to the electronics store or sit in the food court while they shopped. She said she it would only be a couple of hours. It was a sunny Saturday and Tim really...

1 year ago
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My Life Stories Gym Nite

I just wrapped a towel around my waist and took one step towards the gym showers when someone asked, ‘hey, do you know if they have soap and shampoo in the showers or do I need to bring my own?’ Turning around to see who was talking to me, I was greeted by a middle aged man who, aside from the towel around his neck, was totally naked. ‘Hi, I’m Sam, I just joined this gym tonight and wasn’t sure.’ I reached out to shake his hand and I felt his eyes ripping my towel off me. Before looking at my...

4 years ago
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Thick wifes rough nite

One night my wife of 10 years, Dee and I went out for drinks. She is a 30 year old mexican women with a great big latina ass. She is 5’9 and about 190lbs with most of it in her fat ass. She has olive skin and average size breasts, about a C but with huge brown areolas and big nipples. But by far her best asset is her huge butt. She has long thick legs and a nice fat wide ass.She is by no means a model, but she more than makes up for it with 2 things. 1. That big ole ass and 2. She is a fucking...

4 years ago
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angel buxoms nite with mr super cock by me from a

My huge stud Mr. Supercock held me by my little hand and led me into his private elevator to take me up to his private residence leading me over to a seat ,sort of like a throan sitting down in it he lifted me onto his lap and was squeezing my huge tits through my sexy new bra ,"Fuckin huge tits you have my little slut as he mauled them with one hand his other went for my tinny throbbing clitty his big strong fingers engulfed my entire clitty/cock the second he touched me I came a huge gush of...

4 years ago
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A long nite

I'de met a man online. I watched his cam, saw his need and his wonderful cock.We'de had a difficult time actually meeting so I told him I was going to Lowes, he should meet me there.We described what each other was wearing, I arrived there early.Frank was tall at 6'4", older and had a goatee.In the tool section (of all places) I saw a man meeting his description.He smiled. I smiled at went down a deserted aisle.Gathering my shorts I pulled them tight on my ass and bent over to look at something...

4 years ago
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sotf bondage nite

I come home from work and ur no where to be seen I call for u and got no answer, I shouted up stairs for u and heard a moan coming form the room and walked in there you were on the bed, I asked you were u ok and u told me that you were horny and needed too get off, I asked was dinner made and you told me we were having a takeaway for dinner,i said ok then since we were havening dinner you forgot something and you asked what, what was it remember we are having visitors tonite and you said oh...

2 years ago
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Angel Buxoms nite with Mr Supercock

My huge stud Mr. Supercock held me by my little hand and led me into his private elevator to take me up to his private residence leading me over to a seat ,sort of like a throan sitting down in it he lifted me onto his lap and was squeezing my huge tits through my sexy new bra ,"Fuckin huge tits you have my little slut as he mauled them with one hand his other went for my tinny throbbing clitty his big strong fingers engulfed my entire clitty/cock the second he touched me I came a huge gush of...

3 years ago
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bar nite

I was bored last night so i went to the bar down the road from my house. i was not looking for much just needed to get out of the house.i had only been there for about 15 min when i was approached by a younger guy. he sat down and ask if he could bye me a drink. i told him yes and he sat down. we bull shited for a bit and had a couple of drinks each when he ask if i was interested in going back to his place. i acted like i was not interested and told him maybe another time. i think he could...

4 years ago
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Girls Nite Out Part 2

We walk from the kitchen in to the lounge -- Mick sits in the corner of the sofa and I sit between his legs ... I feel his still hard cock in my back...I have a sheet wrapped around me ---- as I lean back into Mick his hand slides inside the sheet to hold my breast and my nipple is caught between his thumb and forefinger.....Jen sits in the opposite corner of the sofa --- sitting there in her silk vest top and boxer style silk bottoms --- nice and baggy for max comfort ... as we sit chatting I...

1 year ago
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Late Nite Hype

The past three months was spent by me trying to find a job. I looked & search every where to no avail. So, I went thru this temp service, Ameri-Temps for the time being. They gave me a study job. I worked the job for two weeks now it was cool cause i had got money in my pocket. After working so hard this friday, i was ready to go home & sleep the night away. But, a buddy of mines said" Man befo i head in i gotta have me a drink. Ameri-Temps always had a van that drop us off & pick...

3 years ago
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Late Nite Hype

The past three months was spent by me trying to find a job. I looked & search every where to no avail. So, I went thru this temp service, Ameri-Temps for the time being. They gave me a study job. I worked the job for two weeks now it was cool cause i had got money in my pocket. After working so hard this friday, i was ready to go home & sleep the night away. But, a buddy of mines said" Man befo i head in i gotta have me a drink. Ameri-Temps always had a van that drop us off & pick...

2 years ago
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Late Nite Hype

The past three months was spent by me trying to find a job. I looked & search every where to no avail. So, I went thru this temp service, Ameri-Temps for the time being. They gave me a study job. I worked the job for two weeks now it was cool cause i had got money in my pocket. After working so hard this friday, i was ready to go home & sleep the night away. But, a buddy of mines said" Man befo i head in i gotta have me a drink. Ameri-Temps always had a van that drop us off & pick...

4 years ago
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Late Nite Hype

The past three months was spent by me trying to find a job. I looked & search every where to no avail. So, I went thru this temp service, Ameri-Temps for the time being. They gave me a study job. I worked the job for two weeks now it was cool cause i had got money in my pocket. After working so hard this friday, i was ready to go home & sleep the night away. But, a buddy of mines said" Man befo i head in i gotta have me a drink. Ameri-Temps always had a van that drop us off & pick...

1 year ago
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wow family vaction part 2 first nite followup

It is safe to say that it was a painful and uncomfortable night trying to get some sleep. My nipples were so sore from the sun burn. My inner thighs and crotch were burning not only from the sun burn but my pussy was still soaked from playing on the deck. Pasha was equally in pain but she was still masturbating without any shame being in the same bed as me. Tammy, was masturbating when Pasha and I walked into our room. She looked shocked and stopped as soon we entered the room. Pasha said,...

3 years ago
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Girls Nite Out part 2

We walk from the kitchen in to the lounge -- Mick sits in the corner of the sofa and i sit between his legs ... i feel his still hard cock in my back ..I have a sheet wrapped around me ---- as i lean back into Mick his hand slides inside the sheet to hold my breast and my nipple is caught between his thumb and forefinger ..... Jen sits in the opposite corner of the sofa --- sitting there in her silk vest top and boxer style silk bottoms --- nice and baggy for max comfort ... as we sit chatting...

1 year ago
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Girls Nite Out

Written for a special friend .................This week hadn't been the best -- they just seem to role into one bad week after the other at the minute ....Jen called me on Friday and asked if I was coming out with the girls at the weekend and just forget about all the shit in my life ....She's been my best friend since school -- no secrets --- None ............ When she called I said " yes I'm in - I fancy a NSA fuck --- that will sort my pussy out at least !!! "" she laughed when I said this...

3 years ago
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1 nite passion

me being da dj n at my party was djing most the night sow these sexy lokkin chicks evrywere but this 1 she looked at my eyes gave me da fck me look looking up n down at me sorta thing like anyways im drimnking smoking having a gd time then this gawjus looking gal comes upto me and ses if u do a shot of tiquila i will get off with u so i sed y not then thois gawjus gal starts sexy kissin me on the couch wee cant stop kissing she grabs my hand takes me to my room so we doing the sexykissin n...

2 years ago
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Our clothes found A resting place on the floor. Piece by piece, This is the night I will release my sexual desire to you , Naked with your hands and mouth all over me. Wanting to touch you has never been this much. I am in ectasy from what I feel and see. The Fire is red, AND IT'S Flame BURNS , THE fire of your kiss is what burning MY heart of desire, Touch me, baby, just kiss me LADY, Feeling our naked bodIES rubbing against each OTHER , Making love to you, maKES my heartS contend , Release...

2 years ago
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best nite threesum PART 3

"go on me fuck her pussy mate" i sed "dont worry bud am gonna ,u like it ohh yeah feels fucking good this " he sed . she let off more moans he grabbed her by the arse cheeks and got faster slamming his cock harder each time she moaned even more while sucking me faster i could feel vibrations off her mouth every moan she did and it felt sooo good. oh baby yeh i sed he eventually shot his load up her shaved pussy and pulled it out with spunk drippin out her pussy slit he got an old rag and wiped...

1 year ago
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best nite threesum PART 2

i ten opened my eyes and my mate started to walk over with his dick out pulling it slowly and my gf was slowly licking my shaft and he walked over and he got on his knees behind her and started rubbing her back and sed u dont mind do u she sed if he dont then i sed no i dont mind i fucking love this ..he rubbed her back up and down while she sucked me all the way down she nearly choked i few times i just watched and turned me on while i saw her mouth sliding down my cock my mate then slid her...

4 years ago
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fun nite

i was at a party the other night when i met this girl, granted she a little meaty but i wasnt complaining it was a sort of turn on anyway. we got chating and continued to drink, as it got later she looked deeply into my eyes and a was hucked so we when up stairs we found a spare room we when in and i locked the door no sooner had i done that i turn to look at her and find she is already naked and walking over to me she pressed her body against me so i.kissin her soft lips and ran my fingers...

2 years ago
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nancys nite out pt 1

“Damnit,” she said as she got out of bed in one quick motion. “Late, mother fucker,”“Good morning baby,” came from the bed scaring the shit right out of her. Lying in her bed was prolly the best looking man she had ever seen. Struggling to remember the night before, staring into his startling blue eyes. Rolling her look down she took immediate notice of his flat abs and thick arms corded in muscle that rippled with each movement. As the blanket moved as he sits up she caught a quick glance of...

1 year ago
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the lite nite 3 way

ok we were talking about my birth day was 20 she was 21 two day before and she said we can do a 3 way ...we put a post on a site to find some one and we get a girl she sent pic she was sexy and so wus my girl so i was feeling lucky we took the drive 2 hour to see her and get a hotel we get there at 7 we got the hotel and we chilled till the girl said she was ready for us to cum get her...she text us we went to go get her we pull up to her home and waited for her to cum out ..she open the door...

3 years ago
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Trashed Basil Hell Nite

TRASHED BASIL TRASHED BASIL As Lindy moved her crotch around, trying to get her young lover, Hugh to stick his dick in her harder, she noticed a little face peeking in the door. ?Oh, you bad boy, Basil?are you being nosy?? Lindy smiled at the chubby husband of hers, wearing blue eye shadow and an apron. Basil sighed. It had been quite an evening. Basil and Lucinda had had a big fight earlier in the week, because he was weary of her bringing lovers home in front of him. So Lindy had cut...

1 year ago
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Gym Nite

The weather outside was frightful to say the least, blowing and snowing to beat the band. But Myron had closed two sales and gotten a hot lead on a third. Walking into the locker room and around the partition he felt like he stubbed his toe when he found some Black k** stuffing clothes into "his" lucky locker. 'Better hurry up fellas, if the weather continues as is, we may close early, said one of the attendants.' Myron frowned and took two lockers away from the k**. For a moment he wondered if...

1 year ago
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Nite at the Red Lotus

I was stationed overseas in Asia working in Army Criminal Investigations Unit. We worked a lot with the Local Police force on Black Market Investigations, as such I got to know a lot of local businesses. We were hot after a local gang that were siphoning a lot of goods and supplies meant for the American Military bases and we were not having much luck. Seems we'd get so close a big bust and we'd either miss altogether or find some small operation. The frustration colored everything and affected...

3 years ago
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Thought it would be a quiet Sunday Nite

"Cut Haitian"He texted me in the earlier part of the afternoon to see if I would be free later on so he can "put in some work on my ass". as he put it, before he go in to work.He showed up smelling fresh and we went straight for the bedroom. All I had on was some pink boy shorts and a tank top with my hair wrapped. I sat on the bed and we chatted about nothing as he took off his clothes. He then stood in front of me with his extra hard thick dick and lay on top of me, toungue kissing me and...

2 years ago
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A Busy Thursday Nite

The Married Grad School Dude.I was filled from my busy weekend last weekend so I wasn't checking my freaky email as much, but on Thursday I decided to log on and see who and what can get inside me. The first email was from a 26yo in grad school whom I chatted with a couple of times in the past but our schedules was always in conflict; But tonight he was free to pass and ready to drive the 25 minutes to hook up.So when this 6'0" 185lbs dark skin brother from a southern state walked through my...

3 years ago
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A Horny Late Saturday NiteEarly Sunday Morning

19yo claimed to be his first timeSo after the Haitian left, I checked my other emails and saw I had one from a 19yo old who was new to the area who wasn't that far from me. I spoke to him on the phone and was feeling him out and decided I didn't want him to come to my place, so we decided to meet up at a midpoint location.I arrived first and waited two minutes before I called. He was actually closer to the spot than I was so I am thinking maybe he flaked, but he answered as he was pulling up...

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