Wednesday In SOHO free porn video

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Wednesday in SOHO

I felt a little nudge; I was sleeping on my left side while Mark curled upagainst my back. His right arm is draped along my side his hand cupping thecurve of my bottom. He nudged me again. I could feel the hardness against myass so I lifted my right leg a bit and let him slip in between. Mark let outa contented sigh as his little one slides along my pussy. I squeezed my legstogether not wanting to lose him while I opened my eyes and propped myselfup on an elbow.

"It's 9:30" I groaned knowing that on Wednesday nothing broke ourroutine. "All right luv, loosen up a bit and I'll put on the tea whileyou shower." I grudgingly released my grip on Mark and hopped out of bed.The shower was piping hot just the way I like it and in minutes my skin wasbright pink and tingling. I soaped up rinsed off and then did up my hair withan herbal shampoo. It's a bit on the short side so I don't need a conditioner;I just rinsed it clean. There is a tapping on the bathroom door. ReluctantlyI turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Mark is waiting theresitting on the loo with a cup of tea in his hand.

" So much to do Luv." he smiles as he handed me my tea. He kneltdown and with a fluffy white towel and began to dry me. This always made mefeel a bit awkward. I mean he's not exactly my master we all work togetherhere but in a way he is. He's in charge; He's something more and somethingless than the boss of our little group. Anyway I get a little fidgety whenhe kneels in front of me on Wednesdays, Fridays, and every third Sunday. Ilift one foot for him to dry, then the next. He rubs me briskly as he workshis way up my legs and my breath gets a bit ragged. When he reaches my pussmy trembling hands set my tea down on the sink. I raise my arms grasping theshower curtain rod behind me. The towel briskly brushes along my back , softlycaresses my belly and lingers over my breasts. Then he becomes all businessas he dries each of my arms and he finishes my with my neck and face. He usesa smaller towel to dry my hair then applies a soft red lip stick to my lips.

Mark sets the towel aside and brings out the razor. My legs I wax so that'sno problem but Mark insists that he trim and shave my pussy and shave my underarms.I spread my legs wide as he sets to work. He 's very gentle as he shaves meclean along my outer lips, when he gets to the mound he clears the stubbleaway from the little triangle of hair he allows me. It's almost an inch abovemy hooded clit and seems to me to be an arrow pointing the way. Mark callsit my yield sign. After the shave he wipes the area with witch hazel gel toprevent any irritation. Once my puss is presentable I turn around and onceagain grasp the shower curtain rod and stand with my arms and legs spread wide.Mark quickly cleans away the stubble from my underarms. I shudder as the towelbrushes gently against my underarms. I know what is coming.

By now Mark is quite excited whether from all this intimate touching or thethoughts of what's to come He always uses me at this point. I never mistakethis for lovemaking, though we have our share of that. I'm an actress and Iknow my role. This is pure and simple lust, I am here only for his use. Thethought that I might object or even to consent to my own use is unimaginableI'm simply his warm wet hole waiting anxiously to be filled.. He pulls my hipsback a bit so I'm slightly bent forward and steadily pushes deep into my slickentrance. I whimper out my own need. I know my desire for this has no realconsequence or power. The fact that I want him deep inside me is merely a happycoincidence. My hips rock back and forth as he frantically pumps into me. Allto quickly I feel him squirting his seed inside my pussy. I groan in disappointmentand squeeze with my muscles trying to cling his warmth, and strength; all Isucceed in doing is wringing a final spurt from him as he pulls away.

My poor pussy is left grasping at the cool empty air. His cum starts to trickledown my inner thigh He pulls my hand away when I reach down to staunch theflow from my poor abandoned puss. I really wasn't going to touch my throbbingclit but he prevents it anyway. I sob with frustration.

With his need satisfied, at least for now, he is ready to have me dressed.I put on my leather sandals and then stand with my legs spread wide. A pieceof linen two yards long that isn't much wider than an inch and a half is wrappedtwice around my waist. The end is tucked over in back and drawn between mylegs. My throbbing clit grinds against the cloth as it is pulled up and overin front. Mark gives the loincloth a quick tug to make sure it's snug and thatpulls it up between my pussy lips. I can feel the remnants of Marks cum drippingout moistening the cloth.

By now it's almost 10:30 so Mark sets off to the kitchen for a proper breakfast.The entire troupe is there, waiting. Brian is the best cook and almost alwaysmakes breakfast except on Monday's when he's the star of the afternoon show.Everyone is ignoring me. That's normal for whoever is going on stage, sortof a tradition. They all sit down to a proper English Breakfast of sausage,bacon, eggs, and new potatoes, with a slice of tomato, toast and tea. I sitalone on a stool in the corner with a cup of tea and nibble half heatedly ona ginger biscuit. My left hand descends toward my lap. I just need to adjustmy loincloth a bit but before my fingers can brush against the front…" Stopthat!" Mark snaps and all eyes turn toward me. I snatch my hand away likea guilty child and feel the heat flushing my cheeks.

Mark sits at the head of the table to his right sit Brian, Bruce, and Robert(the three B's we call them though Robert hates to be called Bobby) Brian willbe doing the evening show but he seems to be completely calm right now. Onthe left Alice and Jesse sit with my empty chair between them chatting aboutthe weather and how the streets aren't very crowded for this late in May. It'salmost 11:00 when they finish eating.

I squirm in uncomfortable silence trying to derive faint pleasure by rockingback and forth as I perch on the edge of my stool with my eyes closed and myimagination stuck back in the bathroom. "I said stop it!" a handclamps down on my shoulder. Mark is behind me now and he lifts me up off thestool. I drop to my knees before him but he keeps pushing me forward untilI am on my hands and knees. " Now be a good girl and stay there." Hesays. I am completely humiliated, and fighting back tears of frustration butI stay exactly as he has placed me.

Everyone else pitches in with the dishes. They carefully ignore me, workingaround me as I remain stock still. Once the kitchen is cleaned up they go offto get into costume. I wait on my hands and knees by the stool trying not totremble.

They return one by one in there resplendent little costumes Bruce and Bobbydressed as Roman soldiers with their plumbed helmets, armored chest plates,pleated leather skirts and sandals. The lads at the gay bars always tag alongfor a bit when they see them march by. Alice and Jesse are dressed in demurewhite linen robes and sandals they will follow behind handing out brochuresand explaining our little theater to the curious ones that seem bold enoughto be interested. Mark roughly pulls me to my feet and finishes dressing me.I hope he isn't really mad. He slips a short linen robe over my head. Its raggedhem ends three to four inches above my knees and barely hides my skimpy loincloth.My hands are tied behind my back with a wide strip of black cloth that willlater be used as a blindfold. Finally a soft leather collar goes around myneck. It has two imbedded rings. Two rope leashes each about 6 feet long areclipped to the rings of my collar. Brian is off till six when he has to preparefor the evening show. Everyone else is ready. It's 11:20 on Wednesday and mystomach is twisting in knots

"Good luck Luv" Mark says cheerfully sending me off with a peckon the cheek and a good natured swat on the fanny. He heads off to set up thetheater. Bruce and Bobby grab the rope leads and with a gentle tug they headme toward the door. The Girls each grab a stack of brochures and follow behind.

Despite what they had been saying at breakfast there is a good size crowdon the street. So much so that we need to walk down the middle of the roadThe sidewalks are far too crowded. It seems a bit dreamlike, my belly tightenswith each step. I am shivering though it is a hot sticky morning. We head downMeard Street then up Dean and Across Soho Square. The boys set the pace andit's entirely too slow for my taste.

I'm an actor according to my union card and our license calls this performanceart so the Bobbies don't hassle us anymore. When we were first starting outour daily victim would be carrying a crossbeam but there were complaints fromsome of the locals and tourist, that was too much for the local arts council.This is our compromise.

As I said I'm an Actress but it takes very little acting skill to keep myhead bent down and to blush as onlookers crowd around. We always attract acrowd. The girls hand out the brochures with an eye for the serious customerwho can afford the L 35.00 that the show costs. "See the passion of St.Rachel" (St Raymond on the printing when one of the lad's plays the lead)the leaflet proclaims. There is a brief description that leaves little to theimagination, pictures of the theater set up like a little chapel with pewsenough for 90 paying customers. The final a picture of a life size cross inthe sanctuary, no one hangs on it; no sense giving away the show you know.There are directions to the "Theater of the Church of Saint Marks LondonMartyrs" In bold letters at he bottom of the flyer it says "InteractivePerformance Art".

They follow only a few feet behind me. I can hear most of what is said. " Willthey use a real whip on her?" " yes, of course, it's real and madeof leather" "Will she be naked?" " absolutely" " "dothey use nails?" " Get real, It's theater." The chit chat goeson as if I weren't there. It is loud enough to be heard by all those withina dozen feet. I blush and keep my eyes averted studying the pavement as theprocession plods onward.

After crossing Soho Square we turn west on D'Arblay St. past the "adult" toystores then south on Poland where the pubs are filling with some early lunchcustomers. We head west on Broadwick and down a bit of Marshall to Golden Square.By then we have collected quite a following so we head toward the theater.We're walking faster now; it's nearly twelve. I've done this a hundred times,quite literally, but still I'm a nervous wreck every time.

Once we reach the theater the girls go right inside to make final preparationsand then act as ushers. Mark has been manning the ticket booth in the lobbyand the line stretches out the door. There seem to be about twice as many menas women and most of the women are accompanied by a man. I am guided throughthe lobby to the doorway leading into the theater.

Bobby turns me so I face the wall. He unties my hands and allows me a momentto rub my wrists. After a few moments he pulls my right arm back and strapsa leather cuff on my wrist. He repeats the process on my left wrist. He thenraises both my wrists only to draw them together behind my neck. The collaron my neck is rotated until one ring is in front and one sticks out behindme. The metal clip that attaches the leash is clipped onto the two wrists cuffs.The end of the leash is tucked up over my bound wrists. I am turned once moreto face our customers. With my hands bound behind my neck my elbows stick outto the sides. This causes my breasts to rise and jut out more prominently.The short robe I wear rises even higher on my thighs. I am made to kneel besidethe door. Bruce uses his foot to nudge my knees further apart. I lean backresting my bottom on my heels and take one final look at the line of customerswho have come to see me suffer. The man entering the theater stares at my skimpyloin cloth which is now revealed by the kneeling position I am forced into.Bobby takes the black strip of cloth that was used to bind my wrists and wrapsit twice around my head before knotting it behind. I am blindfolded. I tensewaiting for what will come next. The boys tell me they do it to make sure Ican't see. I think they just enjoy making me flinch. I yelp when the frontleash lashes cruelly across my upper thighs. Sometimes they strike a breastor across my belly, there's no telling where they'll strike. "No I guessshe didn't see that one coming." Bobby chuckles.

I'm the only one who uses a blindfold. I have it left on through the scourgingand then for the first half-hour or so on the cross. Mark says I use it becauseI'm really a shy little girl who wants to hide from her inner slut. Maybe he'son to something there. By the time it comes off I'm sweating and panting likethe proverbial bitch in heat. It helps me get into my role and the patronsseem to like it. It provides a little variety for the regular customers.

Now I'm on my knees while the customers pass by on their way into the theater.I straighten my back pushing out my breasts. I grasp my left wrist with myright hand and try to cradle my bound wrists against the back of my neck. Myelbows extend outward like stubby little wings.

I can only imagine the thoughts passing through their minds as they awaitthe show. I wonder how many of those sixty odd cocks are already stiffeningin anticipation. Someone passing by lifts my chin and tussles my hair. It seemsto be a gentle gesture but for some reason I resent it. "bitch." Ihiss under my breath though I don't really know if it was a man or a woman.The church bell (the real church two blocks away) is ringing noon and it'stime to go in.

When I'm blindfolded my hearing seems to improve and I can hear Mark engagedin an animated conversation at the ticket booth. I pick up bits and piecesof the conversation. Mark saying "have to change" A male voice aYank from the accent saying " L100.00 is almost $200 " and a femalesaying " …only one 10 th anniversary. " Ismiled to myself, whatever they were discussing I know Mark will probably agreebecause he's such a hopeless romantic I just didn't realize it would involvedme so intimately. Mark and the American couple finally reached some sort ofagreement and head into the theater.

Someone behind me grabs me under the shoulders and pulls me to my feet. I'ma little disoriented with the blindfold but the hands turn me in the rightdirection then sweep down the curve of my body and give my bottom a friendlylittle swat.

It's beginning and I take a deep breath. I try to swallow but my mouth hasgone dry. The leash gently tugs me forward. My knees are weak and my legs wobbleas I'm lead slowly down the aisle. I strain to make out the anticipatory whispersthat rise from the audience on either side but I can barely hear them overthe pounding of my heart.

I nearly stumbled on the first step up into the sanctuary but Bruce steadiesme. I'm turned about to face the audience. Bruce is on my left but I can'thear Bobby on my right. It seems that Bruce is working alone now. One by onemy sandals are removed, then the wrists are unclipped from the collar. I wantto stretch my arms but I'm given no time as the robe is pulled over my head.The audience murmurs in admiration as my bare breasts are revealed. I shiver;I' m standing before these strangers in my blindfold and a skimpy loincloth.Bruce's hand closes on the front of my loincloth and with a rough tug it toois pulled free. The last vestige of modesty has been removed. After a pauseof a few seconds the spectators break into applause.

I am made to stand before them a few moments longer. I hear footsteps approachfrom my right. Bobby is back. Two pair of hands turn me around. My back isnow to the crowd. My leather wrist cuffs are attached to the two ropes danglingfrom the ornate columns on either side of the sanctuary entrance. I feel myarms are being pulled up over my head, spread wide between the two high posts.The ropes tighten and I'm straining, nearly up on my tiptoes.

The sanctuary is kept warm year round by two electric heaters. It's almost27 C a little warmer than comfortable even for a girl who's naked. Still I'mshivering even as the sweat begins to form on my brow. My breath is comingin ragged gasps. The scourging is about to begin; we use two nine tailed leathercats with half-inch wide suede lashes.

"Ever done this to a woman before? Bruce asked. " Never, My wifethinks she might want to try but…" It's not Bobby but a slow thickAmerican accent, off to my left... "Right, well we're not trying to drawblood here or rip up her flesh." Bruce says calmly. I'm really startingto get frantic now. What was Mark thinking. "We just want to turn herback and bottom a bright rosy pink. Timings important now, so just follow mylead and strike when I give you the nod." Without further ado a cat slashesacross my upper back. I gasp and twist to my left trying to escape the sting.I begin to count to thirty but it takes almost thirty-five seconds before Ifeel a tentative lash on the right shoulder. "A little harder next time " Bruceadvises. Thirty seconds on the dot and Bruce gives me another smart whack withthe cat. The Yank follows right on time and this time I can feel it. "Harderyet" Bruce orders and he waits his thirty seconds to demonstrate witha swat across my bottom I hop and yip in pain. The Yank delivers his blow ontime and across my ass with enough strength to set me dancing on one foot. "Goodone." Bruce observes.

They lapse into silence working like a well-practiced team. I can count thelashes or I can count the time between them I've never been able to do both.I choose to count the time. What I do doesn't alter a thing for I'll be scourgedfor twenty minutes receiving forty lashes spaced thirty seconds apart. Theywork there way up and down my back as I twist and hop from foot to foot forthe spectators amusement. By the time it is half over I've given up countingand Just screech as the blows fall and sob as I wait for the next one. It isn'tthe most sever whipping you're likely to see but by the time it's over my backand ass are on fire and I'm dripping with sweat.

The cats are set aside. The ropes slacken a bit, and my arms are loweredenough to let me stand with my legs spread apart. I walk my feet backward astep and bend slightly at the waist leaning forward and grabbing hold of theropes letting them take some of my weight. I'm in the same position I was inthis morning when Mark used me, my puss feels exposed and needy. The two "Romanguards" take up their position beside me. I can hear the squeaks and rustlingfrom the pews as the girls usher the assembly up the right hand aisle. As theypass through the archway on the right there is a sign. " Use Gloves! HandsOnly." Set along the altar railing are three boxes of disposable latexgloves (small medium and large). I can hear the snap of latex as the firstperson slips on a pair and then they reach me; hands, dozens of them, one afteranother, sometimes two, three, or four at once. A procession of hands too manyto count. They wander freely over my body. I can't see or do a thing, all Ican do is feel. Some want to feel the heat of my whipped flesh through a thinlayer of latex while others feel a need to give my throbbing ass just one moreswat. I can feel cool breath on my burning back as someone leans over me tofondle my dangling breast and nipple. Other hands trace the strands of thewhip marks across my bottom. Everyone feels the need to brush a lingering handacross my pussy's lips.

I tell myself I'll be strong. I won't let these strangers shame me like thelast time (and the time before, and before that….) I squeeze my eyesshut behind me blindfold, grit my teeth and lock my legs in position determinednot to move. I jump a bit when someone's wants to see how far he or she canjam their finger into my ass. That's allowed as long as they don't try fistingme. (That's been tried before and it's one reason why the "Roman guards" standat my side). I'm determined to stand there stoically accepting my fate.

The people seem quiet as they reach out stroking, poking, and grabbing buttheir hands begin to commune with my poor throbbing body. They tell me of curioustongues, nibbling mouths and throbbing cocks wanting to plunge into my pussyfrom behind. My pussy lips thicken and moister begins to seep from betweenthem . She can't help it. It's all those hands demanding, grasping, and fondlingher, brushing over her, she can't take it. At first it's barely perceptiblethe slight tilt of the hips as my pussy pushes upward gradually opening togreet the next hand. Then my hips are rocking as the hands caress the lengthof her. I shudder and before I know it my ass is wagging obscenely and my clitis throbbing and my gapping pussy is nearly grasping at the fingers that strokeand probe. I'm so close nothing will stop me. Now I can hear snatches of commentsas the line files past "Horny little bitch" says a female voice "brazenslut" says another "voracious slit " says an overly articulateman, and "dripping cunt " from another rumbling male voice. I feelmy face flush and I know it's at least as bright as my bottom but I no longercare. I concentrate on what the hands are telling me as I try to block outthe other sounds. But a new problem is quickly developing. The constant sweepof fingers across my pussy and constant poking have combined with the two fullcups of tea that I had earlier. I have a desperate need to pee. Thoughts ofrelease fade. Now as the line of hands continues to file past me I'm no longerseeking them out. I'm squeezing my legs together and urgently trying to avoidthe probing digits. I vaguely wonder if these last few people in line feelcheated. In any event my bloated bladder keeps me from cumming. At last the90 odd pair of hands have paraded past me and familiarize themselves with mybody. I really don't know how long it took. It seemed to go on forever butI'm not sure it lasted much longer than the flogging. I'm sweating And squeezingmy legs together and the boys must know something is wrong. I whisper to Brucethat I need to Pee NOW! and he grunts. I can imagine the grin that's spreadingacross his face. This hasn't happened to me for a long time. And never so earlyin the show.

The leather cuffs are freed from the ropes and my arms drop to my side. Bruceand the other man each grab me under a shoulder and hustle me into the sanctuaryand up the four steps to where my cross lays waiting. The cross is lying flatsupported off the floor by five wooden blocks Three along the vertical beamand one at each end of the cross beam. It's about eight inches off the groundbut quite stable. I'm clenching my legs together begging them to wait, notto put me on the cross yet. I'm sure the audience thinks it's all part of theact. I fall to my knees in front of my cross. A few drops of pee escape andI squeeze even harder. "Don't you dare piss on the rug." Bobby hissesat me. He has replaced the American, a small comfort but I'm too distractedto think about it now. He pulls me up by my shoulder and rocks me backwarduntil I'm squatting on my heals. Bruce shuffles forward and slides a ceramicbasin between my feet. It bumps against my ankles and I spread my legs widerso he can slide the basin forward. I blindly reach forward to steady myself.My hands find the base of my cross's vertical beam. . I feel a light slap onmy ass. "Ok your over the bowl," Bobby says to me. "Now pee".Far away I hear the muffled sound of a church bell striking one.

I squat naked, blindfolded, balancing over a bowl I can't see. I can feelthe eyes of 90 people boring into my back watching me and waiting for me. Nothinghappens. "We haven't got all day, girl. The show must go on." Brucegrowls. Still we all wait . I need to pee desperately but nothing is happeningno matter how hard I try. I get a sharp swat on the ass "Pee damm it!"

Bruce gives me another brisk smack, he seems to be enjoying it. I'm becomingso frustrated that tears are soaking into my blindfold. While Bruce continuesto yell and slap at my abused bottom Bobby brings my right hand up to his mouthand with his tongue licks in circles around my pinky finger. Bruce lands anotherblow on my bottom and then Bobby pulls my finger into his mouth suckling onit as he coats it with his saliva. Bruce has stopped yelling but I tenselywait for the next slap. Then Bobby is blowing warm air on my moistened finger.The warmth and moisture loosens something in my mind and my body relaxes. Theloud tinkling of my pee falling into the basin seems to echo through the silenttheater. The tinkle becomes a splashing torrent and I sigh contentedly, I hopethe bowl is big enough. Another flush of embarrassment washes over my faceas I think of the staring audience. I lower my head and all I smell is my ownurine as it splashes into the basin. With a few final squirts I'm done. Theboys stand me up and while one takes the bowl away the other uses my discardedloincloth to wipe me up. I've splashed some pee on my thighs and bottom andhe's quite thorough wiping me. My puss grinds against his hand. I've been whippedand thoroughly humiliated. It's now time to begin the main event. I take adeep breath as they stretch my arms wide,. They turn me around again so I'mfacing the audience. I straddle wood of my cross a foot on either side. Theyhold my arms outstretched as they walk me backward.

We each have our own cross and mine is a familiar old friend. It is staineda dark cherry that contrasts well with my pale skin. The vertical beam is afour by six inch piece of clear cedar over nine feet long with a footrest oneither side. The cross piece is a five and a half feet long four by four pieceof cedar. It joins the upright in a smooth mortise joint a foot below the top.Two and a half feet below that my sedile protrudes from the upright. It isa hardwood dowel an inch and a half in diameter and juts out six inches. Itis capped by a hardwood knob two inches in diameter.

My ankles bump against the foot rests and I step over them. The two Romanguards pull me down onto the wood. They each take control of a wrist. Firstthe wrist cuffs are attached to the crossbeam. then rope is bound over themhiding the leather from view. I slip my hands through the metal handles thatare bolted onto the crossbeam. As I curl my fingers around the handle a darksquare tab of Iron protrudes between the third and forth fingers. This givesthe illusion of a nail head driven through the palm as the fist clenches overit. We used to use theatrical blood packets squeezed between the fist and handlebut they are sticky and quite a mess when you're being stroked and fondledby a hundred curious onlookers My arms are firmly attached, I'm the prisonerof my cross.

One of the men swings a wooden mallet striking against the bolts at the topof the right hand handle. It is done strictly for show and makes a satisfyingclang. I scream on cue jerking and twisting my torso as my feet flail helplessly.After four or five blows they turn their attention to my left hand and theprocess is repeated. I imagine the audience squirming in their seats as theylisten to the hammer blows mixing with my screams.

The men move down my body easily capturing my feet. They stretched my legsdown toward the foot of the cross. I feel my body slide down the cross untilmy crotch is firmly pressed against the sedile. Only then do they bend my legspushing my feet up toward the footrests. The footrests of my cross are twowooden blocks bolted to the sides of the upright. They are planed to a 45 degreeslope away from the upright. The front half of an open toed sandal has beennailed to each one. My feet are slipped into these half sandals and bound tothe footrests with rope more rope wraps around my ankles fixing them tightlyagainst the upright. My legs are now fixed in an obscenely open position withmy feet pointed outward. It will still allow me to push up and down with mylegs but it is quite impossible to close my legs. One of the men straddlesmy legs. Grabbing my left calf he gives it a tug checking my bonds then hechecks the right. The mallet rises and falls smacking against the side of theleft footrest. It is followed by a blow to the right side. The hammer blowsfall in rapid succession alternating from left to right. I cry out and squirmseductively on my cross.. After about ten blows to each footrest the hammeris set aside. He moves off to attach the chains to the ring at the top of mycross.

My cross weighs over 300 pounds when I'm attached. It is pulled upright byusing a series of pulleys and a hand cranked winch. The top of the cross slowlyrises off it's supports and the foot dips down to rest on the floor. I'm notexactly sure why but this is the one part of the entire scene that makes mevery nervous. As the cross slowly rises the crossbeam is lifted free of theblocks and begins to wobble from side to side. My body begins to slide downwardand I try to press myself back against the wood. I lick my lips and try toswallow but my mouth is drier than chalk dust. My arms shake and my legs trembleas I try to press my body back into the wood. It is as if I hope to find somesafety in the embrace of my cross.

The winch turns and the cross continues to rise. My weight begins to transferfrom my back to my feet and I cling to the handles trying to keep myself steadyon the shifting wood. Soon I feel the sedile firmly planted between my legsand the cross is completely upright. In fact the cross is swinging free asthe entire weight is held aloft on the ropes and chains attached to the upright.The cross seems to sway forward and backward as the men line it up with it'sslot in the stage. The hand crank reverses and the cross slowly descends intothe aperture that has been built into the stage. It descends a full 18 inchesinto the slot in the floor, half of which is a metal jacketed opening in thecement floor beneath the stage.

My cross is planted, I'm trapped, as ensnared as any ancient prisoner crucifiedand displayed before a lustful crowd. The beginnings of panic flicker in myhead and I nurture them. I begin to test the strength of my bonds. I rise upon my legs pushing forcefully against the footrests. I throw my body's weighttwisting to the left then to the right. The cross vibrates like a straininglover but doesn't sway. I lower myself gingerly onto the sedile allowing itto bear most of my weight. I raise and lower my hips trying to find a lessuncomfortable position but in the end must hold myself up with arms and legs.I slide all the way back on the sedile pressing my back hard against the upright.My breath comes in ragged gasps. I try to close my knees but my feet are splayedand my bound ankles are held tight against the upright so I lack the flexibilityto bring my knees together.

The cross is a male instrument. It holds one open, presses into your flesh,proudly displays it's captive trophy. The erect sedile is of course only toophallic as is it's cousin the cornu. But in it's truest and deadliest formit was about opening and penetrating flesh. The cross is rarely gentle withit's lovers.

With a sigh I slide forward on the sedile slipping my pussy up and over thesmooth knob at it's end. The sedile presses along the crack of my ass as Ilower myself further. My legs fold and most of my weight is supported by myarms. In this position I seem to be kneeling in mid air but still my legs aresplayed wide and I still can not close my knees. The sedile is pressing intothe small of my back. I can only maintain this position for a few moments thenI raise myself back onto the sedile. The spectators murmurs impatiently, theywant to touch.

It is much harder for the men of course. Health regulations require thatthey wear a rubber. The show requires them to remain erect for over three hourswhile being tormented and teased. They all use cockrings and desensitizingcreams. I begin to rub slowly across the sediles knob as I think about my malecompanions. Brian and Bruce each have their crosses equipped with a cornu.These blunted horn shaped pegs allow them to take some weight off their armsand legs but only if they surrender their ass to the relentless cross. Aliceuses a cornu too though she has no interest in anal sex when she is not writhingon her cross.

Bobby has a simple block mounted on his upright to rest his butt on betweenhis struggles. He is also the only one of us that did not really volunteerfor the job. His Mistress had approached Mark about having him crucified inpublic. Mark explained to her that we're all card carrying union actors andwe have a theater license to protect. They eventually worked out a deal, Shesold Bobby to Mark for the right to invite up to 4 guests to the show twicea week for a few months. Mark got Bobby a union card and put him to work. Bobbywas heartbroken at first but did as he was told, after two years he has becomeone with our little troupe and seems much happier about his life. He is paidthe same as any of us and he even stands up to Mark now and then if he thinkshe's being slighted. He is certainly the one crucified male in our group whois most comfortable with the women stroking and teasing him as he struggleson his cross. Sometimes when the show is over we ladies will gather aroundhim and take turns tickling his sack and stroking his pulsing shaft to seewhich one of us will bring him off. When his cross is lowered onto the blockswe will take turns squatting over his crucified form riding his erection untilhe cries out.

"Hump it bitch!"

The crude shout snaps me out of my reverie and back into my own predicament.I am panting and sweating furiously. I feel my arms trembling from the strain.I have bent forward as far as possible and my breasts are swaying from sideto side as I try desperately to work the knob of my sedile into my hungry pussy.Even with my hips bent forward as much as my cross lover will allow I can dolittle more than rub myself over the knob. I groan in frustration. The rigidsedile just juts straight out and I cannot work the shaft inside of me. Witha sigh of resignation I straighten and slide back along my sedile. I wincein pain as my blindfold is yanked away pulling a few hairs off with the knot.

With the blindfold gone I blink into the brightness. Sweat blurs my visionand runs down my nose, a drop forms at the tip of my nose waiting to fall.I need someone to mop my brow because I'm unable to brush the sweat away. Ishake my head sending droplets flying in every direction. I finally raise myhead and try to look out at the audience. My vision begins to adjust and theshadows slowly come into focus. Most are too busy ogling my writhing nakednessto even notice or care that my blindfold has been removed. Their eyes justdon't stray above my breasts. They are oblivious to me as a person I am merelyan object of fascination and yearning. The very air I breath is thick withdesire and lust. As my eyes roam the rows of pews I come across some who willacknowledge me. The American who was allowed to whip me is still wearing hisborrowed robe. His wife of ten years has her head in his lap busily bobbingup and down while his half open eyes lock on mine. There is a hardness anda longing in them that makes me shudder. I look away. Two rows back and tothe right a woman squirms in her seat her hand disappearing into her skirt.Her eyes stare deeply into mine with a desperate desire. I don't know if shewants me or wants to be me but again I am the one forced to look away blushingdeeply. There are others though not that many who will look into my eyes andevery time it is I who must look away.

The girls have started to escort the audience up to the sanctuary again.Row by row the pews empty and begin their journey up the right hand aisle.This time I will not have the anonymity of a blindfold. I will see them andall that they will do to me. I have forgotten to breath and I draw in a sharpbreath. I am terrified. The first person is putting on her fresh pair of gloves.She seems so completely normal. If she wore a camera around her neck and asun hat she would be a screaming caricature of a tourist. As she stands beforeme I notice just how petite she really is. She can't be over five feet shereaches up but can barely brush the tips of her fingers against my pantingbreasts.

The man behind her notices her difficulty and roughly grabs me by the hips.He slides me forward on the sedile until he has pulled me completely free ofit and my body drops a full foot. The woman thanks him politely as her handscaress my now accessible breasts she tweaks my nipples and leans forward asif to kiss my belly. Bobby quickly places a hand on her chest restraining herand she moves on. The man who so unceremoniously dumped me off my sedile isnext in line and he takes advantage of my newly exposed position to strokelovingly at my slit as the sedile pokes into my lower back. I push upward tryingto regain my seat and he seems willing to help lift me back onto the sedile.The next one pulls me forward on the sedile and grasping my hips in both handsopens my ass checks and presses me down as if to impale my bottom. In factthe knob of the sedile is forced half way into my ass and it provides me withenough support while exposing my pussy to the wandering hands. He is satisfiedand spends some time stroking my breasts and puss. The line moves on each onespending a minute or so caressing my exposed body. I respond with gentle moansas my pussy once more moistens and my clit peaks out at the line of hands.

A few still want to inflict pain with a slap at my ass or a pinch of mymore sensitive flesh. At times like this I hate pain! I know that sounds alittle strange coming from a girl that makes her living being whipped and crucifieda couple times a week but it's true. I don't like pain. There is nothing eroticabout it. I just endure it and try to get past it. The slaps and pinches driveme back from the edge while the strokes and gentle probing spur me on. Somewant to stroke my arms or neck or along my inner thigh but most lack such subtletyand concentrate on my breasts and pussy.

It is like a medieval pilgrimage, the faithful traveling from great distancesto our little church for a chance to lay hands upon the holy relic that mybody has become for them. Before the first row has returned to their seatsI am hopelessly enthralled. I twist and turn to expose my panting body to thefaithful. My shameless pussy weeps her desire onto my already slick sedile.I raise myself on trembling legs to thrust my pussy at the audience as theyslowly file past me. One man bends to sniff and I all but plunge myself againsthis face. My guards now must restraining me as well as the overly enthusiasticmembers of the audience. When it becomes clear that I have but one desire thecruel remarks begin again but I pay them no mind. I am now moaning and groaningas I shamelessly plead for release The leering line continues past me. Eachone obliged to run their hands across my body. Some (mostly women) seem determinedto tease and torment me; others (mostly men) wanting to be the one that pushme over the edge. I continue to be pinched, and patted, slapped and stroked.

A petite redhead stands before me smiling wickedly. Her thumb gently scrapesthrough the moisture between my pouting lips then reaches under me and impalesmy bottom. I groan as she brings her right hand up taking my clit between thumband forefinger and slowly coaxing it out.

I screech in agony as fingernails pinch into me. I know she must have drawnblood. Bruce pushes the woman away from me but she shrugs him off simply standingback and allowing the next in line to step forward. My tear filled eyes seea knowing smirk on her face. Tears are rolling down my cheeks as a tall manwith sandy blond hair takes her place. He fixes me with his slate gray eyesand I cannot turn away.

" She will pay for that." He tells me with calm assurance. I glanceat her again and see a look of fear wash the smugness off her face. I am glad.They must be a couple, that is why she is waiting for him. He reaches out withan upturned left hand. Gently his palm cups my mons. a finger stenches outalong the crevice of my pussy lovingly stroking in a gentle forward sweep.All thoughts of pain and terror are swept away and I begin to grind myselfagainst the proffered palm. As My motion becomes more vigorous the finger slipsinto me. I groan and begin to work my hips up and down. He keeps his hand pressedagainst me. All of the frustrations, the desires, desperate need and yes eventhe pain of this long day are building to a sharp point. A second finger slipsinto me pressing outward widening my already distended lips. A low gutturalgroan begins to climb several octaves as my lungs slowly empty. A third fingerslips in and my tears flow. A thumb softly strums across my throbbing clitand I burst. I am emptied of everything as I helplessly pump down on the triadof fingers filling me. My wants, desires, and needs simply flow out of me intohis upturned palm. The world begins to narrow and darken but I can't thinkof anything. My cross vibrates with my release and I am his.

"Breath!" some small corner of my mind screams and for a panickedmoment I am sure I've forgotten how. Finally with a gasp my lungs begin torefill. The fingers have withdrawn I wonder if they have been expelled by thespasm that shook me to the core . I open my eyes and see the tall blond standingbefore me. He is smiling complacently. His left hand still cupped below meholds a small puddle of my secretions. He raises this to my nose and I cando nothing but inhale. I am truly emptied, released, beyond caring nothingcan matters now. With another rasping breath I steady myself on my cross.

My arms and legs are exhausted and I lower myself onto the sedile. The manwho has done this to me still stands before me. The line behind him is gettingrestless. They want their turn with me. He isn't finished though, He dips threefingers of his right hand into the puddle of moisture that he cups in his left.Carefully he draws a moist line across my belly. My belly shudders in response.He then traces circles around my nipples and brushes lines along the undersideof my outstretched arms. My body twitches and jerks with each touch of thosemoistened fingers. I was wrong. I wasn't beyond caring. I am being anointedwith my own essence . He is determined to show me I can still blush. He turnsat last and casually sweeps his left palm across the redheads face. She glaresat me with pure hatred. If looks could drive nails I would never leave thiscross. He grabs her by the arm and they both returned to their seats.

The line continues but I am barely aware. I remain perched upon the end ofmy sedile open and uncaring while the end of the line files by. They seem towant to punish me now as more of them pinch and slap my tender flesh than caressit. It is well after three when the line finally ends and the Audience is thankedfor their participation. Mark reminds them that they can purchase souvenirphotos in the lobby. Those that had paid the extra ten pounds come forwardto have their picture taken with a real live crucified damsel. A couple oneon either side their arms entwined across my naked rump. A young man restinghis head against the side of my chest while he throws an arm around my waist.Lovely photos for the scrape book on the coffee table and no doubt a few willend up on the net.

I am exhausted when they finally lower my cross and release me. I spend afew minutes resting in place catching my breath. Eventually Mark comes andhelps me up. He has brought me a change of clothing While I'm done for theday and can head home and rest he has an evening show to prepare for.

Same as Wednesday in SOHO Videos

4 years ago
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Wednesday Afternoons

I kept my brush wet, in case I walked around and saw touch-ups, or drips, but first I went inside and thoroughly washed my hands, washed up, washed my hands of the albatross of my summer-into-fall project. The poor house had had a couple crappy spray-on paint jobs over the crumbling and all-chalked-out century-old enamel. This summer I'd taken on the west side of the house, scraping every inch of it down to bare wood. I was intent on doing a very thorough job. I replaced the worst wood. I...

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Wednesday Lunch Blowjob For my Friend

Hi boys and girls.Today i want to tell everyone about a sexy thing i do almost every Wednesday. Every Wednesday after I have my lunch, I have my dessert of creamy sperm. Every Wednesday I participate in internship in local government building. In the same building, I know a very good friend that gives me sperm after we have lunch. He is an old friend and one of the first men I make experience with sex. He is much older and has a beautiful cock. We no fuck for a long time because of time. So...

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Wednesday Nite Widows Ch 04

Paul lay back watching television in the downstairs den when Ruth Eleanor Taylor arrived home. ‘Hi Mom, have a good night?’ Ruth Eleanor nodded absently. ‘It was real nice. What did you do this evening?’ Paul shrugged. ‘I don’t suppose you boys ever do anything you shouldn’t. You know something that would make you deserve a good spanking.’ Paul sat up on the couch and looked at his mother. ‘What makes you say that? Are you craving to warm some ass. Or did you do something that deserves...

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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

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Wednesdays I fuck your young wife

``````````Her long chestnut hair was fixed in a pony tail. Her face freshly scrubbed, no make-up. She wore a man's large flannel shirt, yellow and black plaid, her long, shapely legs bare. ``````````We greet by touching fingertips affectionately, touching lips in a brief and conspiratorial kiss. ``````````"I come to you pre-fucked," she said wryly. "He threw a quickie into me this morning. I made him pull out and cum in my mouth, though." ``````````"Yeah?" I said, playfully drawing...

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Wednesday Nite Widows Ch 03

Pauline and Ruth Eleanor had left after they watched Liz and Jackie absorb their punishment on upturned bare bottoms turning red. ‘No telling where this little game will wind up after we’ve been at it a while,’ said Ruth Eleanor. There could be some real interesting interactions.’ ‘I have to admit that watching Jackie and Liz getting theirs got to me,’ said Pauline. ‘Old Liz handled her spanking nicely.’ ‘Yes.’ ‘You know Liz doesn’t have a bad looking ass for a gal in her fifties.’ ‘She’s...

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Wednesday morning part 2

Mr Africa had gone out for about 25 minutes, it was really pouring hard outside which in turn made a bit of noise so you can't hear any footsteps, therefore Jackie was forced to stay bended for she may not hear Mr Africa. The 55 years old Africa re-appeared and straight away spoke to Jackie "good news girl, i have managed to convince all the teachers concerned to have you for the rest of the day, we really going to have fun together ant we?" But the girl only had a deep breath and never...

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WednesdaysChapter 8 Wednesday Dana

I was crammed into a corner of the booth with Toni, Ned and Fran, when Toni asked, "What do you do for them?" She meant at work. "I'm International Sales Manager. We have a lot of retail customers overseas, mostly in Europe. They're my job. There's not much travel, but some." "You study Marketing in college?" she asked. "What I do is really logistics — distribution, not really Sales. No, I was good old English Lit. When I went to work for them, I was just an assistant in Sales....

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WednesdaysChapter 30 Phil

Sylvia is a woman who really intrigues me; smart, competent, beautiful. But she certainly takes some getting used to as a person. Very strong, but I like that. I also like it that she's an architect, and a good one. I feel good about the law, she feels good about creating buildings. It gives us a common ground that we frequently return to when we talk about things. When we first started dating, there wasn't much question about the sexual side. She took her time to get to know me, then she...

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Wednesday Nite Widows

Jackie Webster was not sure when the Wednesday Nite Widows Card Club changed their rules and she got her bare bottom warmed over Janet Masons lap. but she remembered exactly how it happened and how it felt. So would Janet, and Lorene Simmons . All three were approaching forty, Liz Ashton was a generation older. Krista Forbes and Mindy Carson, the newest members, had just passed thirty. Pauline Toms and Ruth Eleanor Taylor were in their mid-forties. The eight women played Euchre once a week....

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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes, for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

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wednesday school

Wednesday,I was awaken up around 3am with a message from mistress. All it said was fuck yourself, cum and stuff the butt plug in your ass until you get back and do not change clothes. I set the clock for an hour earlier than normal and when it went off I got up and proceeded right to the strap on and started riding it as instructed by mistress Sami. I rode it hard and then started riding it fast and then I started cumming I rode the strap-on until I finished cumming and it felt so good. ...

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wednesday small cock humiliation

So, Wednesday came around, but I had to work late, which was frustrating as I had been horny all day. Eventually I got home, to find my wife on the couch, in just a see thru top that her large pale breasts were heaving against as she came from the vibrator she had in her beautifully juicy pussy. She smiled at me as i walked in, her face glowing from an orgasm. "take off your clothes" she said.I did. Quickly standing naked in front of her.She laughed and pointed at my cock. "happy to see me...

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I am running late to work, and I needed to get there early. I still have to get home and change. I stayed at Michelle’s last night and while it was worth every minute I know there will be hell to pay when I finally make it to work. I tear into my driveway running into my house stripping as I go. I need a shower before I go into work. I hurry into my shower and cant help but smile thinking about last night with Michelle. As the water beats down on me I remember the touch of her skin and the...

Straight Sex
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It was a Wednesday afternoon, the middle of August, in a rented country holiday house, miles from anywhere in the beautiful Cotswolds. Nine people were sat in the main lounge, all of them naked, and even the briefest of glances would have told any observer that most if not all of them had very recently had sex. There were four men and five women, of varying ages, ranging from the late forties to the late teens. A longer look would have told our observer that the four eldest, two men in their...

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... Memo: Bob, we have a situation in accounting. Leonard, a long time employee has been observed looking at Kiddie porn at work. Signed: ... Wallace, Chief of security. Sitting back in my chair I look out the window. Leonard yet, what the fuck was he thinking. Jeez, he has two children of his own for fuck sake. Give them a bath; put them to bed; anything but porn at work. Know I have to do something. I phone security Chief Wallace. “Wallace ..., Bob here.”... “Fine Wallace, and...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 14 Sunday

Toni drove out the Diagonal Highway in the Sunday sunshine; few cars on the road, the still-green wild grasses swaying on the fields. At the turnoff for Niwot, she bumped over the tracks and drove through the sleepy village to Ned's house. When she turned into the drive, the garage door swung up; the space next to Ned's car was empty. Toni chuckled and drove in, the door beginning to swing down behind her. When she stepped out of the car, Ned was standing in the doorway in t-shirt and...

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WednesdaysChapter 28 Wednesday Toni

Summer was well begun, and on that Wednesday morning, I went off to the office, swinging along the shaded walks of western Pearl Street, past other buildings of condos like my own. I was wearing a new dress I'd just finished. It was a little shorter than usual, showed my legs, but tastefully I think. I was loving the feel of my breasts moving under the front, and now and then I'd look down to watch them sway. I thought about how I'm brown all over, though not many people know it. I was...

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WednesdaysChapter 19 Wednesday Sheldon

When Rudy talked to me on the Mall, I was a little surprised. He'd actually paid attention when I told him I was thinking of quitting and had taken action on it. I had always taken Rudy pretty much the way he appeared - one of those guys who talks about how hard he works, and sort of plugs through the days not really accomplishing much. I guess I was mistaken, because he not only paid attention to me and my problem, but gave me a real alternative to quitting. When we had finished our lunch...

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WednesdaysChapter 25 Wednesday Jenny

It's really been wonderful since I started sleeping with Dana and Ed. Wonderful. The sex is great, of course. I get lots of it from both of them, and I can give back all I want. It's not a continual orgy. But I can be sexy whenever I want; I can grope someone anytime, and I never know when I'm going to get rubbed or hugged or felt up. It's sort of like being on the edge of something loving and sexy all the time. And if I don't feel like it, I can just refuse. The most unusual part is,...

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WednesdaysChapter 27 Lunch

Walking down the Mall at noon, Toni saw Sylvia sitting on a bench, studying her hands in her lap. Toni sat down beside her. "Hi. Had lunch?" Sylvia started. "Oh, Hi. No — but, where's Ned? You usually eat together." "Well, this is his day to eat school food and schmooze with the teachers, keep up with the gossip. Why don't we get a sandwich?" When they returned with bags from Falafel King, they settled on the shady bench. Toni opened the conversation along with her...

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WednesdaysChapter 38 Wednesday

Rudy sat in the booth, feeling the warmth of Sylvia's thigh and shoulder next to him. He looked down. She wore a dress that laced up the front, but now gaped enough to show the firm slopes of her breasts. When he tore his eyes away, they noticed Dana's t-shirt, her nipples punching forth. Jennie sat nearby, her man's shirt frankly unbuttoned most of the way down, showing nothing. Rudy felt Melanie's hand on his thigh and looked into her eyes. She smiled. "Isn't it great?' she said....

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 3 Another Wednesday

Toni went on vacation for a couple of weeks and came back with pictures that passed around the table. "Where is this, Toni?' Dana asked, looking up from the photograph. "That's Cabo San Lucas. Down at the end of Baja California. I go there often. There's not too many people and you get to see a lot of gray whales - they seem to hang out in the Gulf there.' "You speak Spanish?' Dana asked. "Yeah, some. Enough to get by when it comes to food and that stuff. Not to talk to the...

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WednesdaysChapter 21 Wednesday Melanie

I looked down at Sylvia, next to me. She was wearing one of those peasant blouses that lets you show a lot of shoulder and chest. "Do they always card you?" I asked. "Only the ones who don't know me. I've gotten in the habit of just handing them my license before they ask. They can't help that I look like a kid." Ned sat next to her, peered discreetly into her cleavage. He said, "Sylvia, nobody in his right mind would confuse you with a teenager. You just don't look the...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 23 Client Relations

"Listen, Sheldon," Sylvia said, "I've got a problem." They were at Sylvia's office, going over plans for the new building. She went to the door and closed it. "What's up?" Sheldon asked. "You remember what I said the day we met? I don't date clients?" "Yes. And I was kind of surprised — pleasantly — that you changed your mind. You're pretty decisive." "Yeah. Well, I've made another decision. It's over and I shouldn't have broken my rule." Sheldon was surprised. "What...

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WednesdaysChapter 33 Wednesday Ed

Dana and I got there first that night. She'd come home a little early, put on a t-shirt and shorts, and we walked down Maple to Tom's. I love the way t-shirts cling to her breasts, and I love to watch them move as she walks. Anyway, we sat in the booth with our first beers and played footsie, my toes running up her thigh to where her shorts covered her bush. Her foot was busy, too. Then Ned and Toni showed up. "Hi, you two," Toni called, starting to slide into the bench next to...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 34 Barbecue

"I'm glad they're coming, Ned, ' Toni said. "I don't know why we haven't gotten together before." "She said it Wednesday — we never asked. Here they are." Ed's car pulled into the driveway. Ed got out, wearing a pareo tied low on his hips. Dana's was tied above her breasts. Toni looked at Ned. "I think we figured it right." When Dana came into the house, she said, "Where did you get that skirt?" Toni posed and replied, "McGuckin's Hardware. It's two chamois window...

2 years ago
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Wednesday Nite Widows Ch 02

Krista drove. Lorene sat beside her. Jackie sat in back. Krista did not pull out until Janets car left them space to pull out. I bet those two don’t go right home,” said Lorene. “What makes you say that,” asked Jackie. “Because both of them are hotter than a firecracker from working your bottom.” “I‘ll never live that down,” said Jackie. “Don’t give it a thought,” said Lorene. “No one will escape it for long. We’ll all get a taste next week or the week after.” “I had no idea it would...

2 years ago
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I am running late to work, and I needed to get there early. I still have to get home and change. I stayed at Michelle’s last night and while it was worth every minute I know there will be hell to pay when I finally make it to work. I tear into my driveway running into my house stripping as I go. I need a shower before I go into work. I hurry into my shower and cant help but smile thinking about last night with Michelle. As the water beats down on me I remember the touch of her skin and the...

3 years ago
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Wednesday is my favorite day

I always try to enjoy my day off but sometimes it can be hard I’m 6’4” with a strongman build that’s means muscles but with some fat so I’m a big strong guy and when I do meet a guy a lot of the times they want me to top and that’s the problem cause I’m a bottom always have been anyway the reason I like Wednesday’s is because I do some of my favorite things new comic book day and getting fucked so here’s a story about one of those days.I start the day with a shower and make sure I’m nice and...

4 years ago
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Wednesday Afternoon by Stephanie Sarg

Marion anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring, as she checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. “Where was she,” Marion thought to herself, “I wish for once she’d be on time!!!” Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Marion quickly buzzed her friend in. She opened the door listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, she swore there was more than just Evelyn’s steps she was hearing! A second or two...

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Wednesday Afternoon by loyalsock

Marion anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring, as she checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. "Where was she," Marion thought to herself, "I wish for once she'd be on time!!!" Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Marion quickly buzzed her friend in. She opened the door listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, she swore there was more than just Evelyn's steps she was hearing! A second or two later...

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Wednesday morning

It is raining and a bit cold, not unusual weather for these reason on the village of Sunata. St Harry is a mixed school thst is catering for 13 years to 19 years boys and girls, the school start at 07:30 and by 07:31 you late as their caretaker, Mr Jacobs always ready to close the gate. Teachers therefore randomly take turns to deal with the late comers randomly, these Monday it was Mrs Jones who took the late comers to the ground and make them run five laps, yesterday it was Mr Davids who...

3 years ago
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Wednesday Night Out

I am Allen Soames, 32, 6’ 0” tall about 190 lbs. I believe that my word must stand for something. I have been married for almost 3 years, fortunately, no children. That is coming to an end is 3 more days. Here is my story. I met Deborah Callan while I was adjusting to civilian life after 4 years in the army. I might have stayed, but after making my commanding officer look stupid, I was invited to not reenlist. That is a different story. I was at an employment office where I was looking for...

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Wednesday NightChapter 2

Later that evening, as Emily and Heidi walked to their homes, Emily asked her friend, "What did you think of that, really? Did you know anything about that stuff?" "Did I know about what? How to do it, or the whole idea of doing it?" "Everything, I guess. I mean, I'd heard the term oral sex before, sure, and the words blow job sometimes, but I never knew really what they meant. I'd never given it any thought." "And so, now, what do you think?" Heidi was very good at being the...

4 years ago
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Wednesday NightChapter 3

"That guy was a pig. It was horrible! He was so big that I could barely get it in my mouth, and then he pulled my shirt up and started rubbing my breasts really hard and then he started pinching me. Why would anybody ever do that for a guy?" "I couldn't see everything, but I think you are right. He was a pig. I wish I knew what his name is. I'd tell every girl I knew about him." Heidi was trying to be comforting to her friend, but her words were not much comfort. "And then he...

5 years ago
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Wednesday NightChapter 4

Neither girl talked much about her experiences that night, nor what they had each experienced later that evening. It was not until the following Saturday when they were sitting in Emily's bedroom studying that the subject came up, and when it did, it did so very slowly and indirectly. "Mary Jo told me that she thinks she knows who two of the guys were," Heidi said, mostly changing the subject away from the algebra problem they had been discussing. "What guys?" "The guys we gave blow...

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Wednesday NightChapter 5

Emily appeared at Heidi's home just before noon the next morning. As she finished her week-end chores, Heidi stood at her bed, folding her freshly laundered clothes. In a quiet voice, Emily questioned her friend, "So where did you guys go last night after the game? I tried to call you when I thought you would be home, but your phone went right to voicemail. Who took you home?" "OMG, Em, he is so...", she paused trying to think of the right word. "Just wow, is all I can say. I was not...

2 years ago
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Wednesday NightChapter 6

Heidi and Rob became an "item" in school, dating exclusively after receiving the blessing of her mother following a dinner at her house. Many times, Heidi invited Emily to go along, and the threesome appeared at school functions, movies, pizza shacks and ice cream bars on a regular basis. Despite her best efforts to encourage her friend to consider finding someone to date, Heidi could not overcome Emily's reluctance. One evening, sitting in their favorite pizza place, Heidi pressed Emily...

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Wednesday afternoon

Marion anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring, as she checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. "Where was she," Marion thought to herself, "I wish for once she'd be on time!!!" Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Marion quickly buzzed her friend in. She opened the door listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, she swore there was more than just Evelyn's steps she was hearing! A second or two later...

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WednesdaysChapter 2 Sunday Fantasies

They lay naked in bed after breakfast on a lazy Sunday. They were quiet together, side by side, occasionally touching - her breast, his thigh - enjoying the closeness. Ed rolled onto his elbow, looking into Dana's face, haloed by her rich brown hair. "Tell me something?" "What?" "What do you think about when we make love?" She looked up at him evenly. He didn't seem to be playing a game. "How serious are you?" She lifted a little to brush his lips with hers, reassuring him. His...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 4 Jennys Mantra

Jenny arrived at Dana's on Saturday morning for coffee. It looked like she was after more than talk. As usual, she looked like a well-turned-out junk wagon. Great clothes, well-chosen, becoming colors and not cheap - that she wore like gunny sacks. "What's on your mind?" Dana asked, after they'd settled down in the living room with their mugs. Jenny fought a losing battle with herself. You could see it on her face. Indecision, resolve, doubt, uncertainty, hopelessness. The feelings...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 5 Toni

When the clock radio came on, Toni was deep in an erotic dream. The sound of the radio playing the waltz from Carrousel blended with her dream as she felt herself rise to a climax and fall into a sleepy orgasm. Part of her mind moaned in pleasure, part cried out, 'Not again!'. After a few moments, the music ended and the wave of unbidden pleasure passed. She roused, listening sleepily to the first news items, then swung her feet out of bed. She checked to be sure the blinds were down...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 10 Customers

"How may I help you? Are you finding what you need?" Melanie asked the neatly dressed older woman. "Oh, Hi. Well, I sort of need some things, you know." "Yes, I know, you've been coming here since I bought the store. Got something in mind?" The woman looked a little sheepish. "Yes, and I haven't bought anything here since you opened. But, I really like what you've done with the store." She smiled at Melanie and plunged on. "It's not that I don't like what you have, it's...

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WednesdaysChapter 11 Lunches with Toni

When Toni walked out onto the mall at lunch time, she almost ran into Ned Radkus. "Hi," she said. "How come you're not in school?" "I've never liked school cooking," he said with a smile. "Whenever I can, I come downtown for lunch. I have to eat at school often enough, just to be with the teachers, to catch the gossip, hear what the kids are up to. But then I get away and get something good to eat. I'm doing Pearl's today. You want to join me?" Toni hesitated a moment, but Ned...

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WednesdaysChapter 12 Sheldon Quits

Rudi set the phone back in its cradle and looked at Sheldon, leaning long and lanky against the door frame. "You want to talk to me. I want to talk to you. If we stay here, it's a waste of time. Let's go across the street. We can talk there." The two men left the building, stepping into the sunshine and crossing the street. Rudy said, "Want something to drink? I'm hungry." They went into one of the up-scale sandwich stores along Pearl Street and emerged with containers of drinks,...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 13 Dinner with Ned

Early Friday morning, Ned called Toni's office, waited for the voice mail and said, "Hi, it's Ned. I'm busy at lunch today, so I'll pick you up at your place tonight at seven thirty. Look forward to it. See you then." That evening, Ned arrived at Toni's door precisely on time, and in an instant, Toni came out and slipped into the car. She smiled. "You weren't taking any chances, were you? The voice mail said you called at six o'clock this morning." "I have to get up early -...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 15 Monday at Melanis

"Morning!" Melanie looked up as she unlocked the door to her store. The greeting was from Toni, who strode down Pearl Street toward her. "Hi, yourself," Melanie answered. "You're out early. Come on in, I'll start some coffee." The two women went into the store and Melanie turned on the lights, went about making coffee. Toni was wandering about the store, looking at the displays of lingerie, lifting the fabrics, looking at the construction of the garments. Melanie called, "Come...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 16 Meeting

"Sheldon, this is Sylvia Denton. She's our architect on the new building." Rudy waved to the small woman at the conference table. She rose to greet Sheldon. She wore a tan gabardine suit with a long, slit skirt and a tailored white blouse. "Nice to meet you," she said. Her dark eyes gazed steadily at Sheldon, somehow watchful. "My pleasure," he replied and shook her hand. Rudy led the meeting. "Sylvia is with Jones, Jones and Schildwachter here in Boulder. She's the lead architect...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 17 Jenny Flashes Dana

In the mornings, weekdays anyway, the alarm rings at six. Usually, we roll right out and use the bathroom, come back and grab something to read while we wake up. I pick up one of my books of erotica, Ed picks up a copy of X-Rated Letters or something else from the shelf next to his side of the bed. We sit close together as we read and usually I have my hand on his thigh. "You're up early this morning," I said after a while. "Umm. You felt good this morning before the alarm went off....

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 18 Designs

Toni walked into Melanie's shop late one afternoon. Melanie saw her and whistled. "Wow! You're not the Toni I used to know." Toni smiled, curtsied. "Thanks, but you know, I'm still wearing the same clothes as before." "Well, yes, but you've changed them, and there's someone else inside." Toni beamed. She wore a multi-colored print dress of light cotton. Today, it fit her closely, tied with a contrasting sash around her narrow waist, emphasizing her figure. The top was now...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 20 Model Work

Dana stuck her head into Toni's office. She smiled broadly when Toni looked out of the workroom. "Hi, it's me!" "Great, Dana." Toni came out and hugged her briefly. Dana was wearing shorts and a t-shirt that, as usual, clung to her breasts. "Thanks for coming. I hope you didn't have difficulty getting time off." "Hey, I've got so much comp time built up... Anyway, I thought it would be wonderful to take the afternoon off for this. I can hardly wait. And I love that...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 22 Dinner Friday

As he usually did when he was expected at Rudy's and Melanie's, Sheldon finished up early at the office. As he left that Friday, Rudy met him in the hall. "We'll see you about seven?" he asked. "Right. You know I like to get home and shower before I come to your place. Get rid of the office tension." "Yeah, so do I. Well, don't get too dressed up tonight. Melanie said we need to relax, let ourselves go a little." "Fine with me. Shirt and slacks?" Rudy laughed. "Anything you...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 26 Sheldon for Dinner

When Jenny appeared again, it was Thursday evening. Dana was wearing one of Ed's shirts, making dinner. "Hi, Jenny, thanks for calling this morning, I was wondering where you were." "Well, you knew where, but you're welcome. I had Shel bring me by here so I could change and pick up my car. I was a little late to work, but no problem." Dana turned to look at her friend, her shirt open, her body relaxed and lovely. "So, how was it?" Jenny grinned. "Wonderful. Wait 'till I change,...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 31 Four Vacations

Toni came out of her sewing room, now set up in the spare room of the house in Niwot. The weather was hot, but thunder showers were predicted for the late afternoon. She walked out from the sun deck to where Ned, naked, was grubbing in the garden, clearing out weeds. "What do you think?" Toni said. Ned sat back on his haunches, looking at her. She wore a light, boat-neck shift that fell half way to her knees. The sides were held at the waist by a band that brought the material tight...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 35 Meeting of Minds

When the four women met in Toni's office, they settled down quickly, opening sacks and handing sandwiches around. Toni said, "Okay, who's in charge?" Jenny spoke up. "I want to talk about something else. Either now, or later, but I don't want to miss it." "Go ahead..." "Get it off your chest..." "Do it now, might as well." "Well, I want to talk about what happened while you guys were gone. I started telling Dana, but she suggested I wait and we'd all talk about it." She...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 36 Men

The five men sat on the deck in Ned's back yard. The Broncos were playing an exhibition game on a small, portable television, and they half-watched it as they sat, sipping drinks in the late summer sunshine. The women had gone shopping, not wanting to compete with the Broncos for attention. "How did you find this place, Ned?" Rudy asked. "So private, yet such a great location." Ned popped another can of beer. "Took a while. I looked all over the county, and then some. Louisville,...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 37 Shopping

Toni, Dana and Melanie collapsed into chairs at a café in Denver's Cherry Creek Mall, dumping packages and bags on an empty chair. A server appeared and they ordered Cokes. As they were finishing their order, Jenny appeared and ordered the same. She sat down with them and Sylvia followed closely after. "You keep wandering off, Jen, what are you looking for?' Toni asked her. "I'm checking every clothing store I can find for shirts.' She looked at her friends. "I've been looking for a...

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