Peer Shaheb approved fucking the stepson
- 1 year ago
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There once was a boy named Carruthers
Who was busily fucking his mother
"I know it's a sin,"
He said, shoving it in,
"But it's better than blowing my brother."
I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
Jim looked right at me and smiled the smile of the victor. Damn him. I could not believe what I was seeing was for real!
It was nearly midnight and, as planned, Jim left his curtains open enough for me to peek in. It all felt like some type of dream; the gray night, the hazy sight through the dirty window glass, the pale nightgown that Jim's mother wore.
Yes you read correctly, the nightgown that Jim's mother wore. Or more correctly, the nightgown that she barely wore. You see, it was now open to her navel and had her white creamy skin exposed. In fact, her smallish sized breasts practically glowed in the near darkness. Or perhaps it was just my obvious fascination of this new image of her.
What was Jim's mother's name? Gloria I think, Gloria Elliot.
It was not so much that I saw her white breasts, no, that was only the beginning.
I have stood here in this damn bush next to Jim's house for over an hour, waiting. As planned. Gloria, when she finally appeared much to my genuine surprise, I could never believe Jim's claims, she flung herself into her sons arms as soon as his bedroom door was closed. I couldn't hear anything but she made motions for him to be silent as she walked and kissed him towards his bed.
When I write 'kiss', I mean a wide open mouthed, head turned, sloppy wet kiss. I think I could even see the odd slip of the tongue, whom it belonged to, I could not tell. Definitely not the kiss a mother gives to a son.
His hands, as she moved him awkwardly and slowly backwards to his messy bed, were fumbling between the two bodies until he pushed the white nightgown to either side of her chest. That was when I saw the first sight of live female breasts. Oh sure I've seen pictures, on the Internet and in magazines, but never have I seen a living breathing woman's breasts.
Gloria's were beautiful. A handful of creamy white flesh that moved each time she did.
I was enthralled and pressed my nose against the dirty window.
Jim's hands moved upon his mom's bosom in a very non son-like way. To me, it looked as if he was rough with those round globes. Pulling the nipple in all directions, squeezing the flesh violently and pinching the nipples between thumb and forefinger. Gloria's reactions were anything but negative to this stimulation of her chest, she was gasping into her son's mouth as his tongue explored hers.
She suddenly moved her hands from her son's back down between the two bodies, and it was her turn to fumble with his clothing. As she was undoing the belt and zipper of her son's jeans, Jim bent over and took a dark aureole into his mouth to roughly suck.
His sucking stopped as soon as she had his hard member in her hands, holding with a firmness that was easy to see even from my vantage point. I was amused to notice, my own cock was quite a bit larger than my friends. But I soon forgot that when Gloria took her son's hand from one of her breasts and shoved it up between her thighs.
Gloria's body shivered visibly and she ground herself down into her son's hand. Even with the fabric of her nightgown protecting her sex, it was evident she was enjoying Jim's hand.
At that point she spoke to her son. Her face spoke volumes, as she looked very different from the woman I had known for these last several years. What I guessed she asked, was for him to take her. For her only son to fuck his mother.
God, didn't that sound kinky?
Jim nodded negatively, and spoke only a few words. He then moved back and sat upon his bed with knees widespread.
Gloria was only a second behind her son and knelt quickly down between his feet and lowered her face to his lap.
Now, when I say I've never seen live breasts before it also means I've not seen anything overtly sexual. So when Gloria started to raise and lower her head upon Jim's lap, I knew what she was doing but had certainly not seen such a sight.
It was at that moment when Jim looked up and smiled right at me.
Not only was I amazed, excited and nervous, I was also mad that I had lost our little wager.
You see, Jim had confided in me that he was having sex with his mom. No way was I gonna believe that. His mother, Gloria, was nearing forty years old, an age that seemed very old to our own fifteen, and though she was attractive, she did look her age. I had not ever looked at her in a sexual eye before. How could I, she was the parent and we the teenagers, in all ways that that implies.
Though I was a little behind and to the side of the two in the room, I could sometimes see past Gloria's shoulder length hair and see my best friends white hard penis move in and out of her wet lips. What a sight. I think, more than any other, that is what gave me new ideas. Kinky ideas. Wild images. Ideas and images that involved my own cock.
Jim feigned a yawn and then stuck out his tongue to me all the while his mom didn't alter the steady movement of her face upon his crotch. Up and down, again and again. When his antics became old and his pleasure mounted, he closed his eyes and grabbed the back of Gloria's head with both hands.
I could tell what was about to happen. Silently, Jim opened his mouth and fell back upon the bed as his back arched upwards. Gloria didn't stop moving her head but both her hands came around and held her son's hips, as if to hold him from bucking her off.
I wondered what that felt like, I really really wanted to know. I hated my friend with envious jealousy. Imagine, having your own mom suck your cock? It was almost too kinky to imagine, almost.
The scene before me slowed down until Jim lay, as if asleep upon his unkempt bed, and Gloria finally raised her face. I could see a small smile of pleasure written there... and something else. Desire. She looked upon her son with a urgent need.
Could anything else happen? Wasn't this the end, once the guy orgasms? Doesn't he just roll over and go to sleep?
Gloria spoke a few words and keeping his eyes closed Jim moved up upon his bed until he lay full length.
The nearly forty year-old woman stood up and immediately dropped her nightgown. Before me, mere feet away, stood a naked woman. Her wide hips, soft round ass, her thick thighs, her dark triangle and her slightly hanging beasts. A parent she may be, but I thought she was beautiful at that moment.
Jim had opened his eyes and looked upon his mom, with only a fleeting glance past her to again wink at me. He again spoke and Gloria slowly turned about, lifting her hands to hold her brown hair from her neck. When her face was towards me, I could see that her eyes were closed but she wore a face of pleasure. She got off on this, the kinky old woman!
My friend grabbed his cock and slowly stroked its wet gleaming softness as he watched his mom. When her back was to him, he spoke another request. Gloria bent over and spread her feet shoulder width apart. She then reached around her body and grasped each buttock in a hand and pulled. I couldn't see what my friend saw, but his eyes regained a new sparkle from their earlier weariness.
The two stayed in that position for a long moment before her son again made a request of her. Staying bent over, she she moved one hand between her thighs, the other hand moved further inwards behind her. I wished I could see what Jim saw.
With my heart racing and my head pounding, I was in nirvana. The dream just became heaven as my body responded to all that my eyes witnessed.
I didn't see Jim speak anything, but eventually Gloria stood up and turned back to face her son. I had caught a glimpse of her own dew upon both her hands, especially the one that had been between her thighs. In fact, with her back to me, I think I could see the glistening of moisture upon the inside of her full white thighs.
Though she didn't stand thus for very long, just long enough for her son to get an eye full. Gloria moved with quivering muscles towards the bed and crawled upon it and over her son. I watched, unblinking, as Gloria expertly manoeuvred her body till she moved her pelvis down towards the bed and her son. Without any hands to assist, Jim's white tiny cock disappeared into the darkness between his moms legs.
They were fucking.
Or rather, they started to fuck. As Gloria became an animal upon her son. His hard cock appearing and disappearing with such a rapid and violent movement that I wondered how Jim's father and two sisters didn't wake. Gloria was kneeling upon her hands and feet, and actually driving her cunt down until Jim's messy bed bounced in response. It was comical if not for the fact it was so damned exciting to witness. Her head was whipping around with her mouth open and her eyes closed. Her pale creamy skin now bright with sweat and little muscle tremors could be seen intermittently.
What a sight. If you have never seen a mother fuck her teenage son, I would suggest it. Especially if your also a teenage boy with an attractive mom.
Do you know where this story is going? Can you guess what lay in my mind even as I watched Jim getting fucked by his, surprisingly, wild mom?
No? I think you do.
Her wild motions came in waves and I could tell she was getting exhausted. So much energy must go in her animal motions that surely her slight padding and lack of exercise must be catching up with her. Gloria would drive herself down upon her son again and again, before without any forewarning, she slowed down and only moved her body in a snail-like pace. Her slowing motions were now happening more than the faster animal-like ones as her body could not be driven to keep up with her desires.
When I thought she could go no longer, Jim reached around and firmly spanked his mother with several hard slaps. She dropped her torso down and wrapped her arms around her sons neck, the two mouths again coming into contact. Wow, she liked to get spanked, imagine! Jim, though, now moved that hand between the crack of her ass and I could just make out as his centre finger press firmly into what could only be her anus.
With her laying down parallel with her son, I had a better view where they were joined. Jim's small penis was still moving in and out of Gloria, but he was now doing the work from beneath her. She was so full of pleasure that she could no longer kiss her son with the same passion as before, instead he sloppily licked her face. From her eyelids to her chin and back until her face was dripping with his saliva.
Just when I thought Jim was near the end, he gently rolled over, his mom moving with him. When he was laying upon her, her ankles locked behind his ass, he began to drive his cock in a fast and furious pace. I almost started to giggle when I realized he still wore his pants, socks and shirt.
This furious fucking lasted but a moment before Jim suddenly backed up off his mom and grabbed at his own member. I saw him stroke it only twice before a small nearly-white substance shot out the tip of his cock. That first shot landed upon his moms chest, right between her breasts. More appeared from the tip of his white slimy cock but only in dribbles, as his come dropped down upon his moms stomach and dark pussy.
As soon as her son's orgasm hit her chest, Gloria's face and body started to contort. I knew what I was seeing and watched amazed, as if blinking I may miss something. Gloria, Jim's mother, was having her own orgasm even as her son's come landed upon her skin.
The show was over. After several long seconds of gasps and body twisting, both collapsed upon the bed and lay silent in the dark.
I had to force my hands from the window ledge, sore from grasping the wood in such a strong grip, and turned to head back home. The show was over and Jim had won the bet, damn his lucky hide.
Mom came down to check that the doors and windows were closed and locked. As she does each night after everyone has gone to bed. I had just returned from outside Jim's house and watched unseen as she went about her chore.
My mother, a year older than Gloria and a few pounds heaver. But you know what, I think she is much more attractive than Jim's mom. By far.
Mom was wearing her light pink cotton pyjamas, the kind with pants and buttoned up shirt. Oversized of course. I was sitting at the breakfast table just thinking intently, you can guess upon what, as she walked by me. She went to the laundry door to ensure it was locked and then she eyed the windows on her way back to the kitchen.
I had never thought much about my mom as a woman before, at least not till yesterday when Jim and I made that stupid bet. Since that moment I wondered and looked upon my own mother in a different way, a way a son should not look upon a mom. Now, after witnessing Jim's coupling with his mom, my own desires felt more real than fantasy. As if my simple desire could become reality, Jim's did.
Her large breasts swayed when she walked and the chest of her pyjama top moved in a inviting motion. She nearly passed by me again before I spoke up, "Hi mom."
"Geez", I had surprised her, "... I never saw you there dear." She moved over to stand near my left side. "When did you get in? Its after midnight." I was supposed to be in bed by midnight on a weekend night, today was Saturday. Or rather, it was Saturday when I stood outside Jim's bedroom window.
I hoped the near darkness hide my eyes as I lifted them from her chest up to her face. "A few minutes ago."
A few seconds of awkward silence, something that was not so particular especially since I got older. I figured it was because mom didn't know how to talk with me any longer, I was no longer her little boy. It had been like this between us for a couple of years.
"You should get to bed or your going to be tired at church tomorrow." Today actually, but lets not get picky.
"I will mom, soon."
She smiled sweetly and was about to turn and leave when she stopped and asked me, "Are you okay Simon, you look different?"
I just nodded, what could I have said?
"If you ever need to talk with me, you know that I'm always available?" Again I nodded.
Mom just stood there for another awkward moment until she asked, "Could I make you some hot chocolate or a quick snack?" That was my mom, always sweet, caring and a generous person. Right now she was trying to communicate with her eldest child, one that she was finding it harder and harder to understand. Right now, though, I doubted she would want to understand me.
I was about to nod 'no' again but changed my mind and nodded a 'yes' instead. That put a smile upon mom's face, as I rarely opened an avenue for her. She turned about and moved into the kitchen.
The light over the stove was turned on as I watched mom go through the motions of making two cups of hot chocolate. This is what she likes to do best, to be able to help her children and be a mother to them.
God, was I evil to think of her in this new light that I saw her in. I didn't see her now so much as my mother but as a sexy woman that I very much desired.
I soon followed her into the kitchen and stood a few feet away. She only acknowledged my presence with a quick smile and, "Just a couple of moments dear."
The light was behind her and I thought she the most beautiful creature in the world right then. The pale bulb shone through her sandy-brown mid-back length long hair and she radiated the side of her face in such a way that I remembered thinking Gloria an angel. She was just a pale imitation to my mom, who, at that very moment was an angel sent to me.
I moved a step forward and leaned my face in. Being several inches taller than her, my nose nearly touched the top of her head when I took a deep drought of the smell of her hair. Clean. Mom normally showered before going to bed each night, since the bathrooms were busy with everyone getting ready for their day every morning.
It was only a second, maybe two, before she turned her head in surprise at my proximity. "Simon?" I backed up again. "Go wait at the table dear, I'll be right in." The water was boiling. She never even thought to inquire why I had stood over her, or she perhaps she didn't notice.
Mom came carrying a platter loaded with three different types of cookies and two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. She set this down and sat on my right side, only a foot from me, perpendicular to me. It was probably my imagination, but I thought I could feel the heat from her body warm me.
How could I make what I desired happen? How could I have my mom sneak into my room late at night and devour me with her lust?
She reached over and took my nearest hand in both of hers, "Now tell me what's on your mind dear?" I stifled a shiver at the touch. Probably two minutes passed before she asked, "You know that I love you Simon? And that you will always be my little boy?"
More rough than I intended I blurted out, "I'm not your little boy!"
I could see that that stung her, and she pulled one of her hands away and sat back a little in her chair. "Your right dear, I'm sorry. You are no longer a little boy." She tried a small smile towards me, apologizing for her comment with but a look.
If she only knew what she was doing to me, that my pants were stuffed painfully so with my hard member. After watching the show Jim put on and now my own desire for my mother, it was hard to keep my body from trembling.
"Your nearly a man Simon but I'm still your mother."
"I know mom." My throat as so dry this came out as a hoarse whisper. I looked right into her hazel eyes, "I love you!"
My hands, for a long while, fondled my hardness through my jeans almost to the point of orgasm even as we sat and spoke as parents do with her sons.
She smiled gently and looked like she was about to cry. "I love you too dear."
Beneath the table I freed my cock from the confines of my pants, it shot up aiming towards the table as a missile, without even a quiver it held its position solidly.
I felt a drop of nervous sweat drop down my forehead and the sound of the clock pounded loudly in my head. My cock was out and my mind could not think without its interference. Mom said she loved me, and I certainly loved her but I wanted her to prove it. I didn't know how, so I simply acted upon instinct or rather upon my desire. I let the animal side of my take the lead to my desire.
Grasping the hand that held mine, I pulled moms hand beneath the table even as I spoke the words, "No, I mean I really love you!" I felt her chilled fingers wrap around my throbbing hot shaft.
With a surprised gasp she froze for only a second. Long enough for several things to happen. Mom immediately knew what it was that she held, and she opened her mouth in surprise, her eyes never leaving mine. As she did this my cock, that had experienced so much tonight began to jerk with orgasm. My come shot out of my dick with such a force I'm sure it hit the underside of the table. But I kept on spurting until, what felt like, a litre of come came out the head of my circumcised dick.
Without looking I knew moms hand was coated with my spend, that my lap was soaking and that the bottom of the table would need cleaning. I smiled in relief and pleasure. It was a volcano that had been building up with incredible pressure for some time and all it took was the simple touch of the one I desired to allow it to explode.
I had not taken my eyes from her even as I felt my energy drain from my cock. It only took a second or two after my last blast from my dick that I saw the surprise and disgust in my mothers eyes. Never before had I seen such a look in her face. Especially towards me. Her hand was still holding my manhood and we both must have realized it at the same time. Mom tore her fingers from me and then she held it up before her, her wide eyes looking upon the pearl-coloured spend that was generously coating her hand in disgust.
Her mouth opened to say something but nothing came out. I sat back, tired and surprised at her reaction. No, I had no idea what to expect, but disgust was not a reaction I would have predicted. She bolted out of her chair and just stood near the doorway towards the family room. With her back to me I could see that she was just standing, swaying slightly, staring down at her covered hand.
Slowly, deliberately, she stalked over to the kitchen sink and turned the water on. I watched, still sitting at the table, as she allowed the water to clean the spend from her hand. Neither of us moved for what must have been two long minutes until she turned off the water and spun and began to stalk away.
I blurted, "Mom, I..."!
She stopped and without turning towards me she interrupted, "Simon," her voice sounded angrier than I had ever heard it before, "if you want to be treated like an adult I will treat you like one. But you will do the same for me." Mom disappeared through the dark doorway.
I sat alone for a very long time. The dampness of my pants and the cool night air upon my still exposed soft cock a firm reminder that what had just happened was not a dream. In fact, I started to feel angry at myself, at my own actions. Mom had never done anything to warrant this nights behaviour towards her, if anything it was to the contrary.
Certainly I was impassioned by watching Jim and Gloria, viewing for the first time a naked woman and then the full wanton pleasure that her son gave to her. And then, my imagination created images and thoughts in my head regarding my own mom. My anger started to turn to disgust. I started to understood mom's reaction to what I had done.
I finally tucked my penis back into my jeans and then cleaned up the mess I had left beneath the table before retiring to my room. All the while, contemplating on how to make it up to mom.
It was like a whisper as my door swung inwards. Silently I watched as my mom slipped into my room and closed the door behind her. It felt eerie, as if I had already seen this before. But I had, only hours before outside Jim's window. His mom had slipped into his room in much the same way.
I sat up onto my side, on one elbow even as mom came towards me and sat down so softly that I never even felt the bed shift.
Since retiring to my room, I had lain with only my underwear on beneath the covers staring up at the ceiling. Again and again I had relieved what I had endured this evening. To the point that my anger dissipated and my cock again hardened, but my disgust still sat firmly with me.
My bedroom was in the basement to our home and everyone else in my family slept on the top level of our house. I only had a small basement window that now allowed the near-full moonlight to bathe my bed in a blue-gray glow. Mom, in her light pink pyjama's glowed with a gray light as I felt her eyes looking upon me.
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THE PRACTICE BED ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2003The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ...
Hi, I am Kerry. I was 18 years old and going out with an older guy, a college guy. He is Paul, and he is the guy you bring home to blonde girl. I am 5’10” and have long, straight blonde hair. I visit the tanning salon. I have perky c-cup breast. I was disappointed that I had to miss my boyfriend’s college football game to work at a clothes store in the mall. But we all had to work one Friday each month. He would pick me up later, and I knew that we would do the same thing that we always do,...
InterracialThis is a true story that happened yesterday, I have been separated from my second wife for 10 years, she has a daughter Shelley who is now in her early forties , we keep in touch regularly through Facebook.One night earlier this week we were chatting and Shelley asked if i missed living in my old town i replied not really but what i do miss when the weather is nice like it has been this week is the countryside which surrounds the town to which she replied yes my mum told me that you liked...
A couple of weeks ago I had the taste for a Rally’s burger, the drive thru line was very long and it was a nice day in the south so I parked and walked up to the window. I saw this nice looking thick African American black girl standing on a step stool pouring ice into the machine. She had the body of a goddess, caramel skin, nice d sized tits, slim waist, and a cute face. I was aw struck I had forgotten how hungry I was, the only thing that came out of my mouth was “Miss Lady you are sexy as...
Switch up Wednesday, July 06, 2011 3:45 PM Dear Readers, I wanted to write about a night my Wife and I had awhile back. It was during a point in our marriage that we were wanting to have some extra fun, spice things up, explore and see where it lead to. So, we joined an online sex site, figured we would see what it was all about. After we got our profile set up, we browsed awhile. Seeing some interesting people, as well as some very sexy ones, we decided on emailing a couple we had found to...
Khloe Kapri spreads her cheeks and gives Manuel the green light for anal action! Khloe’s looking like a sensual sex kitten with her pink cat ears and matching pink lace lingerie with clear high heels. She’s showing off her slim body out by the pool and catching some rays as Jules entices her to take off her top. Khloe happily obliges and squeezes her tits then plays with her nipples before spinning around to show off her other ASSets. Her panties don’t cover much giving us an amazing view of...
xmoviesforyouCHAPTER 1 As a child Kate Childs would wake up crying, at that age unable to understand she had been dreaming vividly but the worry of her parents had her believing they were nightmares. Perhaps they were. No one got into Kate’s head to check it out and of course years later she couldn’t remember those early childhood dreams. In ageing Kate came to accept that generally she had good dreams. She could manipulate her gift a little by thinking of something and then within a night or two she...
Part 3 By Docker5000 Introductory. Marion is a happy married house-wife living in a small town in 1950’s America. She has one 18 year old son. However Marion finds that her sex drive is running out of control and her husband is unable to keep up with her. So she starts looking for other partners to satisfy her sexual desires. Marion now fucks her first woman and also her son. The next morning Marion and Rachel were both in her kitchen drinking coffee and having their...
Hello friends and this is Ranvijay and this is my new experience and my first story at ISS. I have been following ISS for the past 5 years and read many stories ISS is actually my habit and now coming to the story it is about my massi mothers sister kavita and me how I seduced her to bed. This story is about 3 years back when I was 19 more about me. I am about 5.11 and a bit on the healthy side every year during May-June holidays my massi used to come to Delhi for holidays and this time was my...
With her short, platinum blonde hair and her wintery blue eyes, Skye Blue is an absolute stunner. Those big natural titties are certainly an asset as well. Today, Skye’s auditioning to fuck on film, and she definitely looks like she’s going to get the part as she lounges seductively on our casting couch. She lets her gorgeous boobs hang loose as she rides my thick cock, masturbating while I drill her tight pussy. By the time I’m ready to bust a nut, she’s drenched my rod in her delicious pussy...
xmoviesforyouI've always enjoyed the lure of chat rooms. As I am not the outgoing sort, you could always duck in and out of a chat room, starting a conversation see if it goes anywhere and things can either be a "nice chatting with you" sort of deal, or maybe grow into some sort of online relationship. BBW chat rooms where always my favorite as I have been drawn to BBW woman for most of my life. On one Sunday afternoon about six years ago I was in heading to the rooms and meet Karla. We struck up a nice...
Lucy had just turned 25 and had spent it the way she normally did: sitting at home in her underwear looking at porn. She was fit, had B-cup tits, one of the best asses at her job and had shoulder length black hair. Her brown eyes scanned her computer screen whilst her left hand was busy buried inside her panties. This is was her one day a year she got to just laze around and imagine herself in various fantasies. But this day would be different. She was just about to shut everything down and get...
FetishI was there. Lana was there. And so were Owen and Abigail and Mortimer. The door swung open and a white clad lady with a stethoscope looped around her neck came smiling up to the soon to be proud poppa. “Doctor?” said Mort. “It’s a boy. Mom and our new young man are doing fine. You’ll be able to go in shortly. The nurses are in charge for next little bit. Everybody was talking at once to everybody else. Well, except Mortimer. He was talking to himself. He was kind of funny I thought. I...
We board my 50 foot yacht, 'Adios', at lunchtime after a long early morning flight to Levkas. It's quite hot, 32 degrees, and instead of staying put we decide to sail down to Spartakhori, one of my favourite spots. After shopping at the mini-market and a quick snack at a teverna on the quay we return to the boat, cast off the lines and motor southwards down the Levkas Canal to the Ionian Sea.There are just the two of us, Suzy, my new girlfriend, and me. This is Suzy's first sail, she's a little...
I love to clean my house naked from time to time, it was a freedom that was awarded to me when my husband was gone, and all the kids were at friends houses. This Saturday morning, I shut the door on the last kid for the weekend going down the street for a birthday party. I walked to the kitchen to start a load of laundry, I decided to strip off my clothes and throw them in the laundry. The blinds were still all closed as I perused around the kitchen loading dishes in the dishwasher. Do you ever...
Hi friends, this is Shyam and just got into the sweetness of the teens and staying in a place like mumbai would always have craved in for it…here is my first experience…and not a story…i was 19 to my second yr of business mgmt….in a reputed college known for babes with lots of cash…. We were 54 in the class and to tell u something i would have masturbated thinking abt each one of those class mates of mine…they were really dick erectors……as a group of my friends(7 of us) named...
Abla - Perfectly Formed Fatin - Captivating; Alluring; Enchanting Fatin was terrified she'd never had a male let alone a human male satisfy her like Jake had, plus the fact that the pleasure had been so intense that she had fainted. This was the man she had been searching for her entire life. Crap she thought if her sister found out they might take him away from her. All she knew was she had to have him again she could still feel the throbbing of her body from the aftermath of their...
Before she would let me out of her sight, I had to stand inspection for my mother. She looked me over quickly before beginning her lecture. "Most boys have a father or older brothers to give them the talk. Since you have neither, I guess I'm elected. I'm pleased that you're fitting in with new friends, but you have a lot to learn about girls, especially older girls. I'm not singling Janet out, but you need to be aware that some girls are conniving bitches. They will take advantage of...
When we arrived at the house Sandy parked the limo behind my Jeep. Janet and I kissed each of the girls and made a quick exit leaving the girls to "play" with Sandy. As we got out I heard, "Mom?" and after Janet turned, "Have fun mom, I love you." "I will, Baby. I know, and I love you too." With that, Janet and I disappeared hand in hand into the darkness. I was in no hurry, and in reality, I don't think Janet was either. I think she was pretty nervous, at least she seemed to be...
As I finished closing up our suitcases I couldn’t help but let my mind wander off to what all this long weekend had in store for Rachel and I. We were all set to go to the mountains in a cabin with a couple of friends of ours Brian and Leyla. They had been our closest friends for many years now and after the last interaction about a month ago, we were all closer than before. As I pulled the suitcases into the living room they arrived right on time.“Just something about the bright sunshine that...
SwingersWrong Assumptions - a pony story.Part 1 of 2It was not the first time he visited the Farm, but he hoped it would be the last. In the past year he had built up a solid reputation there: a reputation as a man with well-defined tastes, predictable, solvent and not too hard on the ponys. Not too soft either; showing too much empathy towards the livestock would have been a strategic mistake.As always, he had to stop at two sets of gates. The first was on an open road, manned by a bored-looking...
Hello Iss readers I am Sahil again from Jaipur. This is my second story. I have been regular readers of Iss stories. This happened in 2005, when I shifted to this place Jaipur. The apartment I used to stay was 3bhk. My neighbor there was an house down stairs where a police man used to stay with his family, wife and three daughters. Actually this police man has been posted in a near by town and his family is living alone here & he comes once in a week or some time more than a week. She was...
New member and first post. This is a true story that had happened a couple of years ago. I'll try and keep it brief.A college friend and I where roaming the bars one saturday afternoon just having fun and catching up on old times. We decided to step into another joint on 6th to cool off. We grabbed a seat, order a bucket of beer and went back to visiting. I was wearing shorts that day and never wear underwear but never thought twice about it until I looked up at the table across from me and...
Erin woke up on a sunny Monday morning. It had been a week since she and her new neighbor Nadia had threw caution to the wind and had a sexual encounter. Erin had been fantasizing about sex with another woman and her lover Jake had told her he would try to find a woman who would agree to join them in bed. Now Erin had her summer off, (she is a ) and was ready for a couple of months of good sex, especially now that Nadia had moved in next door. She felt that twinge between her legs as she...
Group SexThis story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Rick and I had been married for a little over four years. The first six months we spent catching up on all the sex we thought we’d missed out on while we were both single. Neither one of us was very experienced sexually before we started dating each other. Our lovemaking had become pretty much unexciting and routine. Sure, we’d tried a lot of various positions and explored our desires. We were...
Hello fellow readers. This is an interesting story; I hope this story fulfills your carving for sex stories and fantasies. This is my first chronicle here on ISS and I will try to narrate it with passion and pleasure. About the writer: Rishi (alias) from Bangalore, well read and traveled, easy with girls and women, good listening skills and charmer. I consider myself fortunate with romance and sex with quite many interesting women of my choices. The story you are about to read took place in...
This is a work of fiction... I turned the envelope over and over in my hand. Should I open it? I re-read the writing in the front of the envelope. "To Susie Mason. I'm Waiting." The letter I had been waiting for. I put my nerves aside and slowly peeled the envelop open. The smell of lavender wafted out of it, almost making my eyes water. Cautiously I opened out the letter. The writing was scrolled and difficult to read but my eyes soon adjusted to the change of fonts: "My dearest Susie, I know...
Straight SexPlease apologize me if you found any mistakes in it and can give feedback to me. This is lengthy. Let’s begin the fantasy. This is series so I’ll be posting the stories one after other else it will be too lengthy. All the parts will be complete one not half for you people to enjoy. Please forgive me for any mistakes in grammar or lines being up and down. I’ve tried my best to give you a clear picture. Enjoy Hello guys this is banner again with another fantasy. This story is about another...
"I can't do this. I already miss you too much. Please come get me. Sammy, are you there?" Marcy froze, looked in the direction of the answering machine and then at me. She wiped her tear-streaked eyes, showing concern. "Aren't you going to talk to her?" she asked. I was too stunned to move. Hearing Shirley's voice was not something I had anticipated when I formed the plan to invite Marcy to Pontiac and fulfill my promise to tell her my 'I got into a little trouble when I was...
Side Effects Part 2 DISCLAMER: If you shouldn't read this, don't. Tom lay back in his bed. In all fairness, it was just a futon mattress that sat on the floor of his bedroom. Tom never quite got around to buying a complete bed: you know, frame, spring mattress? blankets. Tom had better things to spend his money on. The futon mattress had served him adequately for the past six months since he moved into this apartment, and it had served him more than adequately for the past...
(Teen Mike spends time at Aunt Suzy's house)My name is Mike. It all started about a few years ago when I was 18. I went to my Aunt Suzy’s house to spend the day swimming with my cousins, Brian and Lisa. Brian was a year older at 19 and was a sophomore in college. He was about my size at 6’0 and couldn’t be more than 165 lbs. Lisa was my age at 18 and we were both seniors in high school. Lisa was the type of girl that you knew would be hot at an early age. She was about 5’6 and maybe weighed 95...
At 18/19, you might living with parents feels suffocating - especially with yours. Mom and Dad have always been extremely strict, which has in turn simply made you a fairly clever, sneaky young adult - or so you thought! They had always threatened you with summer camp since you were old enough to find it too childish, and honestly you never truly thought they were serious. But after missing curfew nearly every night for a week, and being caught on social media drinking and smoking has sent them...
As he sat down at the end of the bar, he got the now familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t even glance into the corner where he knew the feeling originated from. Looking at the bartender, he smiled and asked for a drink. It wasn’t for him, but he knew someone would want it soon. “Hi.” He heard from behind him. “I don’t normally do this, but when I saw you come into the bar, I just knew I would have to come and talk to you. My name is Kim.” Looking...
Chapter TwoAbbot Balfour was still studying the sheen of the sheer tan pantyhose encasing the well-formed thighs of the pretty stewardess when she reached for the intercom microphone. This caused her skirt to open wider and Abbot’s cock flinched as he took in an eyeful of the young woman’s pristine white nylon panties which she wore over her pantyhose.“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying Southern States Airlines; we have made good time and will be landing forty-five minutes ahead of...
You'd like to think there hadn't been any warning. There had, of course. Way above your head - literally and figuratively - satellites had had their sensors tuned to the area of space long before most of them had recorded anything out of the ordinary. Other had been blinded, complex strings of code beamed up to them from hidden complexes across the globe - or in a few cases, simply deactivated by the controls hidden within them during their manufacture. That part you'd heard about. The news...
Preston is expecting a maid to come and clean his house, but he wasn’t expecting such a sexy maid to come. As soon as she walks in he can’t take his eyes off of her. He eventually gets the courage to come out and ask her if she would clean naked if he tips her really well. At first she’s nervous, but then she agrees. Her perfect body gets him hard as a fucking rock. He starts to jerk off to her amazing tits and big booty. She walks in on him and is shocked! He eases her up and...
xmoviesforyouThe next week was so busy I hardly came up for air, but in my few spare momentsI daydreamed of my adventurous night with Ruth and Charley. Three things keptpopping into my thoughts: Ruth's gloriously fine big ass with my dick in it asshe sucked Charley's giant prick; the feel of his big dick sliding in and outof my mouth; and the incredible sensation of anonymous sex having my dick sucked at my 1st glory hole. I beat my meat 3 or 4 times that week standing upin my dressing room, cumming in...