- 2 years ago
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"I can't do this. I already miss you too much. Please come get me. Sammy, are you there?"
Marcy froze, looked in the direction of the answering machine and then at me. She wiped her tear-streaked eyes, showing concern.
"Aren't you going to talk to her?" she asked.
I was too stunned to move. Hearing Shirley's voice was not something I had anticipated when I formed the plan to invite Marcy to Pontiac and fulfill my promise to tell her my 'I got into a little trouble when I was fourteen' story.
"Eggshells," I muttered as we heard the machine click, signaling the end of the message.
"Huh?" Marcy asked as she disentangled herself from me. She had heard about the morning Shirley had wakened me from my nightmare, but what was going through my mind didn't register with her; I was walking on eggshells only this time I was awake.
"I didn't tell her you were coming," I said to explain my reaction to Shirley's call.
"You didn't do anything wrong."
"Yes, I did. I withheld information from her."
"Sammy, you did nothing wrong. Don't you think she withholds information from you?"
"I don't know," I admitted. "I've never thought about it."
"She does, believe me," Marcy assured me. She was on her feet now, taking our wine glasses to the kitchen. "Call her... now!"
Marcy went into the bathroom while I dialed Shirley's number at the dorm. I heard water running and assumed she was washing her face.
"Hello?" Her voice was crisp, expectant.
"I'll be right there," I said.
"Where were you?"
"I'll explain when I see you," I answered, wondering what I would say. I was relieved when I heard her say, "Okay."
I wanted Marcy to go with me to pick up Shirley, but she insisted that go alone. The two mile drive to her dorm gave me a few minutes to consider what I would say, how I would explain why I hadn't told her about Marcy's visit.
What did Marcy mean when she said that Shirley withholds information from me? Did she know about the sheet of paper with Shirley's name hyphenated with mine? Or, was it something else that she wasn't telling me?
Shirley was standing in the lighted doorway when I stopped the car in front of her dorm. I jumped out and went to her. She dropped the small bag and flew into my arms. We held each other without a word passing between us.
"You feel good," I said, moving my hands to her jean-covered ass and feeling her crotch rub against my leg as I stuffed my hands inside her back pockets.
"I couldn't sleep without you," she said, gently biting my earlobe.
"Does that mean you're going to move in with me?"
"It means I'm willing to try. Can we pretend it's the thirtieth of September?"
"I haven't told you my 'I got into a little trouble when I was fourteen' story," I reminded her.
"You can tell me on Saturday night after our date. Let's go home?"
Now I was really in the soup. Didn't she remember about my promise to tell Marcy the story before I told her? Why had I invited Marcy to come to Pontiac to hear the story? A promise is a promise, that's why.
But what did she say? 'Let's go home.' Wow, that sounds really good. I had to find a way to make things right between us. How could I ever have not told Shirley about Marcy's visit?
In the car, she held the small case on her lap, not bothering to buckle her seatbelt.
"I have something to tell you," I said, deciding to get it over with. If I hurried I'd have time to explain the circumstances before we reached the apartment.
"I have something to tell you, too. I love you Sammy Oldham, and I want to make love to you. Please forgive me for putting it off until I was sure. Nothing is going to change between now and September the thirtieth. I'm sure now."
I looked over at her and watched as she bounced the case on her lap. She was leaning back in her seat, like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
The weight on my shoulders was becoming unbearably heavy. Should I tell her that I loved her or should I ask her if she trusted me? Would this be a good time to ask if Mrs. Samuel K. Oldham sounded better than Shirley Pennington, PhD.? What I wouldn't give for the next ten minutes to be over.
"Marcy's here," I blurted out as I parked the car next to the dress shop.
Shirley's response to the news that Marcy was there told me to forget about making love. "When did she come?" she asked, sweetly. She may as well have said, "The glove stays on!"
I didn't even try to explain why Marcy had come or that I had done nothing devious by inviting her without telling Shirley. As far as I was concerned it was an innocent miscalculation on my part. Marcy's visit was to be a surprise. Wasn't I entitled to have dinner and spend an evening with an old friend?
"She's pretty upset over breaking up with Press," I offered.
"That's too bad. When did she come?" she asked for the second time.
"She came this afternoon. We were going to surprise you."
Shirley turned, handed the small bag to me and scurried up the stairs. By the time I reached the door the two girls were embracing. I took Shirley's bag into the bedroom and when I came back they were seated on the floor with their backs to the couch, sipping wine, talking a mile a minute.
I joined them on the floor, leaning against my footlocker and tried to figure out what they were talking about.
"When do you start?" Marcy asked.
"Saturday afternoon," Shirley answered.
"Bummer, my flight is at one-thirty."
"That's okay. I hate goodbyes. Sammy will take you to the airport. We'll have lunch here. I can't wait to make a recipe Betsy gave me. Do you like..."
"Start what?" I asked, interrupting her.
Both girls looked at me and then at each other, grinning. Shirley scooted her ass next to mine and gave me a sip of wine.
"Olivia offered me a job in the dress shop. She needs someone to do alterations on Saturday afternoon," she said, moving back to sit next to Marcy.
"How come you didn't... ?" I started to ask but stopped when I saw her eyebrow go up; warning me that fair was fair. Marcy was right. She didn't tell me everything.
Marcy's mood was chipper and we never did return to the subject of her breakup with Press. Nor was anything more said about our failure to tell each other everything.
We talked about classes starting soon and laughed about little things that had happened over the summer. Every so often Shirley would scoot across the floor and offer me a sip of wine from her glass, which had been my glass earlier.
When the bottle was empty, we went to bed, Marcy on a sleeping bag in the front room, Shirley and I in the bedroom. The golf glove was missing but her T-shirt and panties may as well have been a chastity belt. Even our goodnight kiss was brief, but we went to sleep holding each other.
I must have overslept because I woke up alone in the bed, needing to piss. As soon as I stepped out of the bedroom I smelled cookies baking. I also heard voices coming from the kitchen and stopped to listen.
"I told him I love him."
"It's about time."
"I know I should have told him before. He tells me all the time."
"When's the big day?"
"Big night, you mean?" Shirley giggled. "It was going to be last night until..."
"Oh, god, Shirley, I'm sorry if I fucked things up between you guys. Sammy begged me to come and I couldn't refuse him."
"I know. And you didn't do anything wrong. It's just that it would make me more comfortable if we were alone in the apartment."
"I did fuck it up, didn't I?"
"Yes, I guess you did," Shirley giggled again.
"You don't think we were, you know? I would never want you to..."
"No, I know better. Remember, I trusted him before I admitted that I love him."
I sprinted toward the bathroom, making the floor squeak with every step.
Shirley appeared at the door before I finished taking a leak. She had a glass of orange juice in her hand and a sheepish grin on her face. Nothing was said about my overhearing their conversation.
After breakfast we showed Marcy how we logged into the Oldham network and traded emails with Suzanne and the people we had met the summer before. I was a little surprised to see messages to Shirley from a guy in human resources.
Marcy sat at the computer and watched the interchange between us.
"He just wanted to know if we got back to school all right," Shirley said to me when she saw how I was leaning over Marcy's shoulder to read the email.
"I assume he's new and doesn't know you're in love with Sammy Oldham?" I suggested.
"I assume you're correct," she answered, rubbing the back of my leg with her knee and smiling demurely. "Shall I tell him or do you want to?"
"I'll tell him," I said, putting my arms around her and pulling her close.
"Don't you dare unless I see what you write," she whispered in mock protest. I felt her warm breath against my ear.
Marcy turned in the chair to watch us. She must have noticed my erection and I was sure that Shirley felt it stabbing her tummy.
"Is it all right if I write: 'Shirley loves Sammy'?"
Her answer came haltingly. "That sounds... good. But it's..."
I interrupted. "How about: 'Shirley loves Sammy; Sammy loves Shirley'?"
She didn't answer for several seconds but I felt her cheek nodding before she whispered, "Much better."
Marcy broke us up. "You guys want to run or fuck?" she asked.
We cracked up. Shirley opted to run although I would have preferred the second choice.
Somehow, we wound up on the dusty river road and stopped at the Foster home where Shirley delivered her cookies. We didn't see Luke, but Edna invited us inside.
Edna passed out the cookies, one to each of us, and put the others on the top shelf in a cabinet. She poured each of the children a small glass of milk, and then apologized to us, saying she wanted to save enough for their supper.
It was apparent to me that the house made Marcy uncomfortable. Hell, it made me uncomfortable too, and I had spent my early years in a home where candles were only used when the electricity was turned off. It was obvious that Edna took pride in her home. There wasn't a speck of dirt to be seen and the children's faces looked scrubbed and their hair had been brushed. There was a vase of freshly cut flowers on the kitchen table.
If Shirley even noticed the barren walls and lack of furnishings she didn't let on. She spoke to each of the children, calling them by name and giving them individual attention. They adored her and Edna seemed to be enthralled with her too.
Shirley was floating on air, talking enthusiastically to Edna and the children, not taking notice when Marcy and I waved goodbye, saying we would wait outside.
"She's making the family one of her projects," I explained to Marcy before Shirley joined us. None of us had an urge to run any more that day.
We took Marcy to one of the school cafeterias for lunch and then walked around the campus, pointing out the various buildings, the student center and the dormitories. Shirley even showed us her room and introduced Marcy to Tammy, who had arrived back at school that morning.
Tammy and Shirley hadn't seen each other since the end of the last school year and had a lot to catch up on. We left them, both talking fast, interrupting one another. The last thing I heard was both of them exclaim at the same time, "I'm in love!"
"I'll take an earlier flight," Marcy offered as we walked down the stairs.
"Nonsense, I asked for you to come and you're not leaving until I say you can go."
"You don't need me, Sammy. Shirley wants to be alone with you."
"She also wants you to stay. She wouldn't like it if I agreed to let you take an earlier flight."
We stopped at one of the tennis courts and took a seat on a bench. Two couples were playing mixed doubles. I tried not to laugh when I saw the ball hit a crack and take an errant bounce.
"I already screwed things up by being here. She was going to have sex with you last night until she found out I was here."
"I know, but she really was good about your being here, wasn't she? She adapts well to surprises. That's one of the things I love about her."
"Are you sure about this, Sammy?"
I looked at her and then back at the court, watching an exasperated freshman retrieve her ball.
"I'm sure. I haven't felt this way for a long, long time."
"What's a long time, four years?"
I turned to Marcy. Our knees were touching and I couldn't help reaching over and touching her hair.
"You know me too fucking well. Yes, it has been four years since I felt this way."
Marcy reached for my hand and pulled it away from her hair. "Does she know you're not over Becky?"
I looked back at the court, watched one of the girls make an excellent return and withdrew my hand in order to clap my hands together. It was an automatic response and I didn't realize I was the only one applauding until I felt the four players' eyes upon me. Embarrassed, I turned back to Marcy and took her hand again.
"I'm over Becky," I said, trying to sound convincing.
Marcy smiled at me, knowingly. "Yeah, just like I'm over Press."
"I'm sorry we didn't get to talk more about that," I apologized.
"I can't wait until I get email so I can bug you about every little thing that happens to me," she laughed.
"That wasn't a small thing that happened to you. I wish I could be more help."
"You've been a big help. Seeing you happy did wonders for me. It gives me hope for the future."
We were still holding hands when Shirley caught up with us. It was fun seeing the tennis players watch as she took a seat on my lap and excitedly related what Tammy had told her about her summer romance.
"Are you going to miss having Tammy as a roommate?" I asked.
"We're going to stay in touch. I invited her to dinner next Friday. I'll make spaghetti and you can open a bottle of wine."
Marcy released my hand and rose to her feet. "I'm so envious of you guys. You're going to have a quiet place to study, get to sleep together and socialize with your friends."
Shirley got up and led Marcy away, whispering something that I couldn't make out.
We had Chinese take-out for dinner and I opened a bottle of chardonnay.
"School hasn't started yet and this is the third bottle. That leaves only twenty-one bottles to last us until Thanksgiving," I bemoaned.
"You guys are so lucky," Marcy said again.
We drank to Marcy beginning her freshman year of college and to Shirley beginning her part time job.
Shirley held her glass in the air. "This is to you, Sammy. You're beginning the beginning."
"Are you getting tipsy?" I asked. "What do you mean by beginning the beginning?"
She wouldn't admit she was tipsy. She attempted to make her statement sound sensible. "Tomorrow night we're going on a date, right?"
"Right," I agreed with her.
"The date will be the beginning of the beginning."
"Okay?" I said, dubious.
"You're going to begin at the beginning and tell me everything about the trouble you got into when you were fourteen."
My memories of my early childhood were not pleasant. While some people wish they could go back to their carefree childhood days, I look at childhood as something I survived and lived to tell about. I recall my first few years on the planet as being in the middle of two parents who spent most of their awake moments arguing and fighting. The fights often became physical, no doubt fueled by my fathers alcohol abuse and my mother’s addiction problems. They finally broke up when I was four years of...
IncestThe girls spent the next two weeks planning for Marcy’s visit. Sylvia and I had sex every other day; Jay and I had none. Well, none if you don’t count a little fellatio as part of three- and four-ways. I was getting downright masterful at self-deception. Nate and Seth advanced to some kissing and petting but nothing more. Nate left the room when Seth and Charlene had sex. Mike and Sylvia, with some guidance from Carl, often talked casually with Nate about whatever he wanted to discuss. I’m sure...
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I installed an answering machine in my room because I didn't want to miss calls from Marcie. I enjoyed speaking to her and I got the impression the feeling was mutual. She loved to talk about football. She remembered plays I had made during the football season that I had forgotten and she knew every play that involved Press. She even made minor details that I didn't think very important, sound impressive. I wondered what their dates were like with her talking about sacks he had made and him...
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IncestThis is a continuation Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D The Mercer Hotel, SoHo, New York.Lat: 38N 53' 33.78" Long: 77S 3' 38.91""Nothing's been the same since New York," gasped Natasha Romanoff, shuddering as the firm hand met its target once more."Well that's literally the understatement of this century." Maria Hill replied coldly, her calm drawl noticeably clipped, at least while her breathing settled: "You've proven to be...
I exercise and played many sports and I was becoming dedicated with my physical development that included a narrow waist, firm lightly muscled arms and an all boy's overall appearance. I was finding that I almost narcissistically loved to show off my body and often dreamed of exciting women or even men to look or gawk at me at the beach. I think I even looked younger than my age looking as trim, tanned and anyway I liked to perve on the guys in the gym and the beach.A fuck buddy had taken me to...
WARNING: This is an adult story, containing sensitive material of a sexual nature, including graphic descriptions of consensual, ‘vanilla’ sex within marriage. If you find such material offensive or are underage, do not read further, but please bypass this story for one more suitable for you. This story is written for enjoyment and entertainment purposes only, and no commercial profit is expected to be made from it. It may be copied for personal use or for posting on other sites, provided...
Day 27: John’s eyes snapped open at the soft treads in the hall beyond his door. Two? Yes, two sets of feet moved cautiously until they were standing just outside. He heard leather creak, and the occasional click of metal on metal. His hand slipped off the pallet to find the Tooth’s haft. What is it? She asked. Someone just outside, be ready. I am always ready, even when you’re busy stabbing your woman. John had no reply to that, but whoever it was seemed inclined to wait. He debated...
Disclaimer: I do not take credit for this piece, it is nothing more then a completion of many fragments that make up a whole by a number of anonyms authors including myself. Though most of witch is written by myself the idea as a whole is a group collaboration. The hope is to attract new fans and authors to join in and help create something for everyone to enjoy. If you wish to be apart of the world of Pi Pi Pi then proceeded to the link below and join me and many others in creating of Pi Pi...
Maria has an 18 year-old daughter named Charlotte. Stephen hasn't met Charlotte because she has been off at college, but she was supposed to be visiting soon because she was going to have a break from school. Because Maria has to work it was up to Stephen to pick her up. It had been a week since Stephen had sex with maria and he was feeling particularly pent up from his sexual frustration with her on the morning Charlotte was supposed to arrive. Stephen had woke up to an empty bed since Maria...
Kamil and Karim had been blessed many times over. They were tall and handsome with fit, well-formed bodies. Kamil, who was twenty-four and a student at the university, had a beautiful girlfriend who he planned to marry upon graduation. Karim was three years younger and was working in his father’s shop until he entered the university the next year. He had never had a serious girlfriend, but with his good looks, he had many available admirers who were happy for him to fuck them. Therefore, he was...
IncestI left Resha’s home at about 11 in the morning and drove to Sam’s office to talk about the security proposal. On the way I passed the parking garage where Gracie switched into the Town Car for her drive to Detroit with Marta. That was only 9 days ago but it felt longer. I missed her. I never felt “miss her” about anybody before, yet suddenly I was tempted to fly to Detroit right now. But I knew that would do nothing to get us back together long term. Plus, I had too many irons in the fire....
For My Daughters by shalimar Chapter 1 Esther and Grace played with the tea set Albert had set out for them on a small table in the corner of the room. He had placed their tiny table there so he could keep an eye on them as he scrubbed the counters. Al had washed the dishes the two girls had used for dinner, and then he made sure the kitchen sparkled before he gave them his full attention. Rebecca entered the kitchen from the living room where she had been reading a steamy...
I hope that you read part one of this and were interested in hearing more about my wife and myself. When I discovered that my wife wouldn’t be offended by my lewd thoughts of sharing her with another man I began to whisper my thoughts into her ear while we were fucking. It enhanced her arousal to be giving those naughty thoughts of mine to her. I just LOVE the way she cums these days when she knows that she doesn’t have to hold back and that cumming for me really excites ME! Also, I do...
Kalani Chapter One “ A fter all that I have done for you!” Those words were constantly playing over in Kalani’s mind as she drove down Peachtree Street in her Range Rover. The vibration of her Palm Treo interrupted her thoughts, as she picked it up she smiled to herself, it was a text message from Danielle, Dani to her - and only her. I DON’T KNOW IF I TOLD YOU BUT JUST IN CASE I HAVEN’T – I LOVE YOU BABE! That message brought about a warm feeling for Kalani. Danielle Mackenzie...
LesbianThe Bet Belladonna [Author's note: This Story is largely based on a story premise suggested by Karen Bolte] Parker strolled through the grocery aisle, pushing his shopping cart. The sting of another rejection letter refused to leave him as he looked at the items on the shelves. Parker had turned 30 the night before. He marked his birthday alone, choosing not to celebrate a milestone of the waning of his youth. Parker was 30 years old and felt that he accomplished nothing in...
I didn't have sex with another guy until I was 21. I was always the quiet, nervous type. I had been watching gay porn since I was 13. I had never tried anything with another man because I was too scared someone might find out. Eventually though the urge was too strong and I finally got tired of playing with dildos and fantasizing. The only place I knew of to find other guys was craigslist. So I posted seeking an older, experienced, discrete man who wanted to top a younger boy. I ended up with...
Hello everyone. I am Someone from Ludhiana, Punjab. And I am currently doing my studies. I am 20 years old and my height is 5’9″ of fair complexion and very smart. The story I am going to narrate is about 1 year from now and is about me and my ex. It all started when we were in12 and was bf-gf but never had sex. Her name was Shreya and she was very fair in color just like a doll. Her vital stats must me 34-30-36 and she was really horny (which I came to know later) and I used to love this fact....
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Mind-Controlled into Lesbian Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they'd locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy...
How it started, I don’t really know. My wife (Pam) and I have a great relationship. We have sex at least 3 times a week maybe more. But things do get stale. My mother-in-law (Debbie) comes and visits 2-3 times a year for a week long visit just to catch up. I have known her a long time, from when I was in high school. Debbie has a so-so body, but really likes to show off her more than ample 38D chest. We have always flirted. When Debbie’s second husband past away, we invited her to come...
(Still 4 years ago) Still in her 'Wet Dream' outfit, Alex picked up her cell phone, got Marc-Us into her car, told him to sleep on her way back to the UFW campus, and woke him so he could drive home. What kind of furor he would generate tomorrow when his posse got dumped off the gravy train that was provided by his St. Louis Cardinal signing bonus, she would love to see. Those people were abusers too, but of a different kind. When she returned home, Spats was the only one who watched as...
We left our hotel, turned onto the lane opposite and drove slowly along between the high hedges. In five minutes we passed the gate where the track ends and after turning a corner drove into a farmyard with a stone farmhouse to one side. We parked, walked to the door (or more accurately G hobbled hanging onto me) and hit the knocker hard on the wood. In a few seconds we heard footsteps on the other side, the door opened and there was the farmer looking well scrubbed and quite smart. “Come in,...
"A thorn between two roses," my sister and mother laughed as I stopped to deliver a dirty look. There were sitting on either end of the couch where I had been before leaving to get a snack. They had also changed the channel to a chick flick."Hey," I cried. "No fair, I was watching the game.""Too bad, so sad," they chimed in unison. Mom and my sister Lisa often said the same things at the same time. They were so much alike. They had the same laugh and the same light red hair, though Mom's was...
"Alright, God damn it, settle down," the voice of my childhood friend, Dave Peterson grated in my ears. Dave was standing over me, staring down at me as I tried to explain my part in the incident. Dave was the county sheriff now in our small town in Ohio. Above my head, very bright lights beamed down on me. It was like on one of those old TV shows where they try to sweat a confession out of the nefarious perpetrator. It was so cliché and so funny that I kept laughing, even though this was...
I was glad to see no mention of myself or Cameron on the DigiNews feed following the gala. The mainstream press, on the other hand, had descended into tabloid journalism at its worst. From a photo of us leaving the gala they had leaped to her being romantically involved with me less than a year after Jeryl’s death. That had taken on a life of its own with mud digging trying to paint me as stepping out with Princess Caroline as well. Somehow, they missed having a picture of me with Imogene in...
Tyler closes the door softly now, he turns back to me and slowly lifts me up and takes me into the bathroom of his massive wing in the castle complete with lounge, dining and bedroom with a beautiful canopy bed. Tyler sit's me down next to the sink he place's my hand in it carefully, runs some cold water over my now cut and bleeding finger's and walks towards his bedroom without saying a single word to me, tears roll down my cheeks as I realize what it goes to happen to me and that I...
Cam 7! At some point in your miserable life, you need something special to heighten your arousal. Something that’s different from the same old porn movies and the fake moaning. Some live cam chat definitely goes a long way. That’s right- nothing heightens your arousal better than seeing a naked girl touching herself in the right areas, fingering, and sometimes even squirting. Webcam girls will stretch across their beds, most of the time wearing next to nothing, just waiting for you to initiate...
Live Sex Cam SitesMs Marca … Fort Worth Boat Show Part 1 I got home just after 11 PM from a date, it was a Coke date, will to tell the truth I went with the guy to the park and we fucked for a couple of hours, he was in his first year of college at North Texas. Mother told me while I was out that a guy had called asking if I was the young lady who modeled at the mall and would I be available to do the Fort Worth Boat Show. I looked at mother and she had a big smile . “Don’t tell your father...
For over 20 years, three office workers had dealt with a great deal of BS from just about everyone they so much as bumped into on the street. Their only comfort was the fact that they were not suffering alone, and a friendship of sorts formed between the three misfits. Gregory, the middle aged one, was taller than anyone else at work, and just about everywhere outside work as well. He had a squared out jaw covered in stubble and short dark hair that defied combs and gravity alike. While he was...
My wife's s*******n-year-old niece, Sue, was stayingwith us this summer. It was a pleasure to watch her walkaround the house and pool, because she was really built andliked to wear tight-fitting halters on her 36-C breasts andshort shorts that molded to her 35 inch ass. Her bikinisuits were as skimpy as my wife would allow, and I couldoften see blond cunt hairs poking out from the legs ofher pants. Her clothes looked as if they were molded toher body, nicely outlining her...
Hi doston mera naam kabir hai aur main iss ka naya member hun aur apni pehli kahani lekar aya hun ummid karta hun aap sabko pasand aayegi aur khaas taur pe meri sexy female frnds ko jo ki apni bur mein finger kar rahi hain.Yakin maniye main apko nirash nahi karunga. Meri umar 26 saal hai aur meri body kafi athletic aur well built hai.Main college ke time se hi games khelta tha aur regular gym jata tha.Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai jiske wajah se meri kafi ladkiyon se dosti thi aur...