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"Alright, God damn it, settle down," the voice of my childhood friend, Dave Peterson grated in my ears. Dave was standing over me, staring down at me as I tried to explain my part in the incident. Dave was the county sheriff now in our small town in Ohio.

Above my head, very bright lights beamed down on me. It was like on one of those old TV shows where they try to sweat a confession out of the nefarious perpetrator. It was so cliché and so funny that I kept laughing, even though this was serious business.

I looked around the room to see if anyone else thought it was funny too. The chunky figure that was Martha Erikson, theDistrict Attorney, didn't seemed to be amused as she listened to my statements. Martha constantly tapped her pen against a stack of two or three legal pads. The one thing going through my mind as she continued to tap that fucking pen was, "Jeezus woman, it's the twenty-first century, get yourself a fucking i-Pad."

Martha is ten years or so older than me. She's divorced and chunky, but pleasingly so. As she leans forward, all of that pretty brown hair cascades towards the front and spills over her shoulders. Her frontal lean also gifts me a view of her sweater melons, which are quite substantial and exceedingly fine. I know what you're wondering. And the answer is nope. Not that I don't find Martha sexy as all get out, but I'm a one woman man. That so far unnamed woman is also the reason this man is in this predicament.

Next to Martha was Joe Colston. Joe is my lawyer. For a small town ambulance chaser he's not too bad. Sure he could and used to work for one of the high pressure automotive firms up in Detroit. He could still be there if he wanted to, but Joe is lazy as hell. He only wants to work one case at a time and then only when he feels like it. The rest of his time he spends lying on his ass, giving out legal advice for a fee, over the internet.

Joe is in his fifties with a balding head. His hair is completely gone in the front. He has one of those Donald Trump comb-overs that polite people smile about but never mention. Joe could be far more imposing and probably more attractive to women if he'd just let the hair thing go. Fuck, it's the twenty-first century people. Joe you've got three choices, bud. All of them involve you admitting you're bald.

Number one, just deal with it and comb your hair normally. Get it cut and styled. Everyone has seen the way men lose their hair. It's a part of life.

Number two, get a hair transplant or those plug things. If they work for Elton John, they'll work for anyone.

And the last choice, just shave that shit off and go for the professor X look. It certainly hasn't hurt that prosecutor down in Florida. The one they call, "The Angel of Death."

As soon as he shaved his head, that guy was knee deep in pussy and even got a cool sounding nickname. You can just hear trumpets in the background when someone says that name. Try it. Say, "The Angel of Death." You know you heard that "Da Da," trumpet fanfare. I'm sure that guy is way more imposing as a lawyer than my guy. Let's face it, if you were the opposing counsel, who would you find yourself more worried about meeting in court? "The Angel of Death," (da da) or comb-over Joe. (Insert sarcastic smirk here)

Anyway back to the scene. Next to Joe, separated from me by Dave, sits the woman in my one woman man status, Allyson Pane. Okay the name thing is mostly my fault. Her maiden name was Allyson Scott, but then I married her and made her name the butt of hundreds of jokes.

Allyson is very pretty. She's petite, but curvy. Everything on her is perfect. Her hair is silky straight and as red as a fucking fire truck with ketchup splattered on it. Her skin isn't that Irish skin that looks like milk and never tans. Her coloring is healthy and perfect. Her green eyes draw you in and her smile just latches onto you and makes you want to listen to her. I loved her from the first second that I saw her.

I know some guys who get so into watching her talk when they first meet her, that they never really hear her saying all of those wonderful things that come out of her mouth. Things like, "Get the fuck away from me, asshole. I have a boyfriend."

Guess what, I'm the boyfriend. Oh shit, I got that wrong again. I'm not her boyfriend anymore. We got married. Anyway, to continue setting the scene for you, Allyson's petite, so if you're expecting me to say that she has huge hooters and that's what gives me the willpower to keep my eyes away from Martha's you're wrong. Allyson's breasts are probably cupcake sized but very pert. They're perfect for her. Her ass, though tiny, is curvy and again, perfect for her.

Right now Ally is smiling and she's aiming that smile with utter perfection. That smile bounces off the wall beside her and banks around Joe so it reaches me. I'm smiling right back at her. It is so fucking wonderful to be in love. Nothing else matters when you feel this good. Everything else just takes a backseat to it and becomes a minor inconvenience.

Even the "assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder and intent to do great bodily harm," charges that are hanging over my head right now pale in comparison to the fact that right now Ally is smiling at me and she loves me.

Those charges are something else that we're sharing right now. Ally also faces kidnapping and wrongful imprisonment charges too. That's my girl.

Across the room, Tammy-Joe Dichslukker just glares at us. Her anger, hatred and outright jealousy of Ally are almost sucking all of the fun out of the room. Tammy-Joe's parents as you can imagine have an astounding lack of imagination, but they're nice people and totally un-responsible for the way she turned out. Her mother's name is Tammy and her father's name is ... Steve. But he'd always promised to name his first child after a guy who saved his life when he was in the service.

Tammy-Joe likes to be called TJ and her friends, all two of them, try to remember that. Most people call Tammy-Joe, "the Dick sucker." Nope, it's not a pun on her last name; it's pretty much what she is.

I have my own affectionate nickname for Tammy-Joe. I call her Skankzilla. That is when I call her at all. I guess I should have mentioned that Skankzi ... I mean Tammy-Joe, is my ex-wife. (I'm sure when I said that you were hearing the O'Jays singing, "She used to be my girl," inside of your head, weren't you?)

Anyway, Tammy Joe and Ally are nothing alike. Tammy Joe is a bit taller, a lot curvier and not nearly as nice. Alright, since I'm trying to be honest with you, TJ is a porker now. But she wasn't always. She used to be really fucking hot. Time, gravity and depression have taken their toll on her though. I guess in my younger days, I was a creature of excesses. I figured if I liked something, I should have the biggest and the best one of whatever it was.

I really admire women with great legs. Tammy-Joe has the thickest curviest legs you're going to find. I really love a big butt. Tammy Joe's ass would be perfectly at home on one of those rap star's girlfriends. I love titties and Tammy-Joe wears a 46 quadruple Z bra. Or something like that. I really don't know anything about bra sizes, but those things are huge. She has long wavy dark hair and icy blue eyes.

Tammy Joe was my first love. We got married as soon as I got my degree. And if she wasn't such a slut and a bitch too, we'd probably still be together.

"Alright," screamed Dave again. Are you or are you not responsible for cutting off the victim's ... equipment?"

I calmly look up at Dave and said, "I'm not, well ... maybe WE are. But it's not my fault."

"Now we're fucking getting somewhere," said Dave. "It's her fault. She did it."

"Well that's not true either," I said. "Look at her, Dave. She's the prettiest, most perfect thing that God ever made."

"That's Sheriff Peterson, when we're on a case," spat Dave. "And I don't care how pretty your wife is. I just need to know who the fuck, cut off the Mayor's son's tally-whacker."

"I have your answer, Dave ... I mean Sheriff Peterson sir," I said. I was tempted to give a little salute. But I knew if I did, I'd be laughing my ass off. Then Ally would start laughing too. And we'd have to start this shit all over again.

"It was an accident," I said. "I was actually trying to save that asshole when it happened." I noticed Martha furiously writing notes as I spoke. I looked at her pad. "Martha, asshole has two "S's," I said.

Then I looked back at Dave. "Actually, this whole thing is her fault," I said pointing across the room at Skankzilla, I mean, Tammy Joe.

"Danny, how the fuck is this, Dic ... I mean Tammy Joe's fault? She was back in Michigan, over a hundred miles away from here when this all happened."

"Dave, the events that transpired this evening are the culmination of a shit storm that all started three years ago when I was still married to Dicks ... I mean Tammy Joe."

"Well, Sherman, crank up the way back machine," said Dave. "Let's hear it. The asshole's gonna be in surgery for at least another couple of hours. And none of us are really going anywhere until we figure this shit out. There's coffee and stuff over there on the table for anyone who wants it."

I saw Ally raise her hand. Dave turned to look at her. "You don't need to raise your hand Allyson. This ain't the public schools." I could tell Dave was trying to be tough. So how attracted he was to Allyson, didn't show to everyone else in the room.

"I was just wondering if I could sit there?" she said. "This may be a long story and I'd be more comfortable." She pointed at the chair I was sitting in.

"Danny's sitting there," he said. "If he wants to give up his seat it's fine with me. Let's just get this shit started."

"Oh, I don't want him to give up his seat," she said. Allyson stood up and even the two deputies guarding the door sighed as she walked over to me. And lifting one elegantly sculpted leg after another, settled into my lap. She then wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder.

The collective gulp from the men in the room was loud enough to be audible and I was really glad I had on jeans. No other material would have been strong enough to contain my erection.

As Dave looked at her quizzically, Ally smiled at him. "I figured that just in case we have to go to jail for a while, we'd better have all of the up close time we can get." Dave nodded and I swear his eyes didn't blink once that whole time.

"Hell no," screamed Tammy Joe. "I don't want that little whore sitting in my husband's lap."

"Ex-husband," I snapped.

"You'd still be my husband, if that conniving little tramp hadn't stolen you away from me during a minor bump in the marital road," hissed Tammy Joe.

"You mean our divorce," I screamed back at her. Tammy Joe had a way of just killing everyone's buzz.

"Does anyone else object to Mrs. Pane sitting with her husband?" asked Dave.

"Nope, let's just hear the story," said Martha. "Actually, I think it's kind of cute."

"Whatever makes my client happy is fine with me," said Joe. I'm not sure, but I think I caught Joe staring at Martha's legs.

"Okay," I began. "This all started three years ago. I was making really good money and kicking life in the ass. Myself and a couple of guys I went to school with had all graduated from the University of Michigan with degrees in engineering, I'm a manufacturing engineer. I specialize in automotive manufacturing. My partners, George and Marty are engineers too. George is an electrical engineer and Marty is a mechanical engineer.

This isn't the eighties and jobs were hard to come by, but we'd beaten the trend by going against the grain. Instead of looking for a job with the big three or another automotive company, we went into business for ourselves before the ink was even dry on our sheepskins.

We started our own consulting firm and soon had clients out the wazoo, trying to hire us. I was still with my first love, Tammy Joe and it wasn't a question of if we'd get married, it was only a question of when. Tammy Joe had always been kind of wild throughout college. She'd been her daddy's little girl growing up and had intended to stay a virgin until she got married. We went to different colleges after high-school and where I'd respected her decision to stay pure until marriage, some of the guys at her school didn't. Tammy Joe had apparently gotten taken advantage of at a party on her twentieth birthday.

One of the guys she'd dated a few times had decided that her cherry was rotten and needed to be removed before it infected the rest of her body. He and a few of his frat buddies got her so drunk she couldn't walk and then initiated her into the joys of sex. When she woke up the next morning she knew something was different but couldn't put her finger on why she was so sore down there.

She kept running into guys who were there and they all tried to black mail her to keep quiet about her taking on nearly their entire fraternity. Almost all of them came up with the same offer. They'd keep quiet if she gave them the occasional blow job. So she did. At first it was as I said, just to keep them quiet, but after a while, apparently she started to enjoy it and the uhm ... Dick sucker legend was born.

After a while, there was no keeping anything she was doing quiet. But Tammy Joe did notice that none of the men involved ever went out with her. No one wanted to be seen in public with her either. Because of her reputation, none of the guys would fuck her either. They all assumed that she was fucking everything that wasn't nailed down. None of them wanted to risk getting whatever disease cocktail was brewing in her nether regions.

Tammy Joe took stock of her life during the summer when she came home. She was the laughing stock of her entire campus. No one wanted to date her. No one spoke to her. Not only did she not have any male friends, she had no female friends either. Even her room-mate had moved out to avoid being linked to her. She was the campus bicycle, but no one wanted to ride her anymore.

The funniest thing about it was that except for that first time when the guys took her cherry, Tammy Joe had never really had vaginal sex. And she'd been so drunk that she didn't remember most of that. So when I met back up with Tammy Joe that summer and we started to hang out, she saw the chance to change her stars.

Tammy Joe had always been a very classy girl. Even to this day, she's a bitch, but she's a classy bitch. In fact, I probably wouldn't be remiss in saying that Tammy Joe could probably be the classiest woman in any bowling alley or trailer park she chose to hang out in.

That summer, Tammy Joe and I reconnected and fell in love. I fell in love with both Tammy Joe's voluptuous body and the personality inside of it. I really believed that she loved me and would do anything for me. It was really interesting that all during our courtship and the first few months of our marriage, she was never a bitch to me. Within six months we were engaged. Within nine months we were married and with the success of my fledgling consulting firm we built our dream house.

I gave Tammy-Joe anything she asked for. And it always seemed like she bent over backwards to please me. Nothing was off the table. During our first year together, we did and tried everything sexual that was humanly possible. If only I'd known. It started innocently enough, the drama that ruined our life together. Tammy Joe and I were taking a walk on the beach near our home, when we saw her.

Her name was Laura, as I was to find out a few days later. And she was the perfect complement to Tammy Joe. Where Tammy Joe was voluptuous and thick, Laura was tall and slender. She was playing tennis on a court right next to the beach and the legs underneath her tennis dress caught the attention of every man in the area.

"She's really fucking hot, isn't she?" asked Tammy Joe. I was kind of surprised by the question.

"Not as hot as you are, baby," I said. "Her legs are nice, but they're a bit thin. They don't excite me nearly as much as the thought of these being wrapped around me, while I pound what's between them." I rubbed one of Tammy Joe's thick legs as I said it.

"Ooh, you are going to get some pussy tonight," she gushed. A few moments later she was back on the subject. As an engineer, I really should have been more observant.

"If you had the chance though and I didn't mind. Would you fuck her?" asked Tammy Joe. "Be honest."

"Maybe," I said, looking at her tentatively.

"Your birthday is coming up in a few days," she said. "I think I know what to get you."

I really wasn't worried about my birthday. For once I'd splurged on something for myself. We had Ford as one of our customers. I got a nice discount and bought myself the car I'd always wanted. Yep, I'm sure you all know what I bought. Instead of one of those foreign made sports cars, I bought myself a Ford GT. The GT was made for only a few years as a tribute to one of Ford's best ever racing cars of the bygone era. It was and is the fastest production car that Ford has ever made.

It is Ford's version of the supercar. It runs with Lambos and Ferraris and it was the most expensive thing I'd ever bought outside of our house.

I spent most of the day driving it around the area we lived in and getting used to it. I was about to take it out on the freeway and let it loose, when my cell phone rang. "Danny, come home and open your present," said Tammy Joe.

I walked into the house a short time later and looked around for Tammy Joe. She was nowhere to be found. "I'm up here in the bedroom," she called from upstairs. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, taking them two and three at a time. I was breathless as I got to our room. As I walked into the room, I saw Tammy Joe bent over with one leg up on our bed. Her huge tits were dangling over the edge of the bed and I think even the neighbors heard the "sproinnngggg" sound as my dick went from fully flaccid to painfully erect in a Pico-second.

There on our bed, with all of those stupid pillows that only women understand the purpose of, were the two things I loved most, spread out waiting for me. Tammy Joe's ass and tits did me in every time. By then all of the rich living and food had caused her to chunk up a bit, but she was still sexy as hell.

I dropped my pants so fast you'd have thought they were those tear off things that the strippers wear. "Hold on Cowboy," said Tammy Joe turning around to face me. She stood up and my mouth still watered even after all of this time, when those sweater melons dropped nearly to her waist. The tiny droplets of dew in hair of her lightly furred pubes told me that she was ready.

"What the fuck are we waiting for?" I wondered.

"I guess this was a test," she said smiling. "I still wanted to see if you still wanted these." She lifted her heavy breasts as she smiled at me.

I nodded my head quickly up and down.

"It's good to know that I'm still appreciated and I haven't turned into some useless fat assed house wife who doesn't turn you on any more," she said.

"That will never happen, TJ," I said. Remember this was back when I still thought I loved the bitch. So she was TJ then.

"Well, be that as it may," she said. She must have been watching PBS again or the BBC.

"You will not be using this pussy tonight," she said smiling. "At least, not at first."

I was fine with it, we'd done anal lots of times and pushing my-self between her big globular hips and feeling those tits from behind was one of my favorite positions.

"In honor of your birthday," she said. "I got you this. The door to our bathroom opened and Laura came out, wearing nothing but a ribbon and high heels. The ribbon went around her smallish breasts, wrapped around behind her and circled her tiny waist. It plunged between her legs from the back, came up and covered her vagina in the front. It bisected her torso longitudinally and tied around her neck. There was a big white bow right over her pussy. The shoes she wore were red with tiny white bows on the instep.

"You can un-wrap me, whenever you'd like," she said.

Okay, the first thing you need to know is that I've always been a one woman man. But shit, it was my birthday and there was just something about Laura. She had qualities that Tammy Joe just didn't have. She was really pretty. She was also very nice. Tammy Joe had a hellacious body and I loved her but she was a butter face girl. Tammy Joe was also not very nice. She'd always been kind of a bitch, just not to me. And us having money only made it worse. If I'd told Tammy Joe that I didn't want her gift, she'd have been pissed. I'm not a wimp, but I didn't want to bring that bitch that I knew was boiling just under the surface out, and have her aimed at me.

"I'll be back in a couple of hours," said Tammy Joe. "Unless you call me and tell me to stay away longer.

All kinds of alarm bells were going off in my head as the door slammed. I looked at Laura and she looked back at me and smiled. She started walking slowly towards me, with those high heels clunking, k-thunk, k-thunk, all the way across the floor. On paper she was far sexier than Tammy Joe. But for some reason my dick didn't seem to agree. It deflated and I pulled my pants up.

Laura had a crestfallen look on her face. "You didn't do anything wrong," I said. "In fact you're the best birthday present I got. You're even better than my car."

The look on her face changed immediately. "What kind of car?" she asked.

"A Ford GT," I said.

"You're shitting me," she said. "Can we go for a ride? Can I look under the hood?"

We spent two hours becoming friends. We drove the car around and I did let her look under the hood. We discussed all kinds of performance ratings and engine mods."

Laura told me that she felt very comfortable with me. She was just giving me a birthday kiss, when Tammy Joe pulled up in front of the house. Tammy Joe was grinning from ear to ear as she watched Laura get into her own small car and drive away.

"Did you have fun?" she asked. I nodded my head and I wasn't lying. We really did have a good time.

"That wasn't nearly as bad as you thought it was going to be, was it?" she asked.

"What?" I asked. I was just about to tell her that nothing had happened. When she floored me by launching into the same shitty thing she'd been hinting about for weeks.

For over a month Tammy Joe had been hinting and bringing up the possibility of us joining a swing group. Nope, I know what you're thinking. Not swing dancing, where you dress up in clothes from the forties or fifties and do energetic dances to the music from bygone eras.

This type of swinging involved you taking your clothes off and fucking someone else's wife, while they fucked yours. I'd tried telling Tammy Joe several times that I wasn't into it. But she just wouldn't take no for an answer. She'd been beating that same horse from every possible angle. The look on my face when she brought it up then told her that she'd fucked up so she let it die for that evening.

A week later, Laura was back. I asked her if she'd forgotten something and she said that she was there for the same reason as last time.

"Tammy Joe convinced you to try this again?" I asked.

"She didn't have to convince me," said Laura. "After I got to know you last week, I really like you. And I like the way you kiss."

"Where's Tammy Joe?" I asked her.

"She said she was going shopping," said Laura. "She says that she loves you too much to watch you the first few times. And that her being here might make you nervous. She says eventually you'll get used to it."

I just sat down and frowned. Laura came over to me and started rubbing my shoulders. Her touch really felt good. "Why don't you tell me about it?" she said.

I told her how I was probably stupid and old fashioned, but that I really loved Tammy Joe. I didn't need anyone else in my bed or in my life, unless it was as a friend. She told me that Tammy Joe loved me just as much. It took an extraordinary type of woman to go to the trouble that Tammy Joe did for me to try to make me happy. I nodded my head in agreement but wished that Tammy Joe could see that she was all I wanted. And that was how we spent the second time that Laura came over.

The third time that I saw Laura changed things. Tammy Joe told me that we were having a barbecue when I got home from work that evening. It would be us and two other couples. The first couple I knew from our neighborhood. They lived a couple of blocks over and I'd spoken to the guy a couple of times about my car. In fact that was how we met them.

When the second car pulled up I was shocked. It was Laura and she was dragging some shifty looking guy with her. He was way too old for her and something just didn't seem right about them.

"You know Laura already," said Tammy Joe. She had on a bikini top that was simply inadequate to restrain the girls. "This is Laura's boyfriend Ken."

The guy held out his hand for me to shake and I looked at him. There was something not right about him. First his smile seemed to be more of a smirk than a smile. Kind of like he knew something that I didn't know and it was really fucking funny. I took an instant dislike to him. I just pretended that I hadn't seen him extend his hand.

The second thing was that his reaction to Tammy Joe was off. The neighbor guy, Bob couldn't take his eyes off of TJ's boobs, most guys couldn't. Tammy Joe should never have worn that fucking top with people around and I told her so later that evening. But Ken didn't react at all. So, either he was gay, or he'd seen my wife's tits enough times that they didn't affect him anymore. Tammy Joe's hooters still affected me and I was married to her.

After we ate, the neighborhood couple thanked us and had to leave. They had a small baby and their sitter could only stay for so long. As we relaxed by the pool Ken sparked up a conversation.

"God damn that's some car," he said. "Laura never stops talking about it." Laura was looking down at her feet. I thought that maybe she'd been bragging about my car and it had caused bad feelings between them.

"It's just a car," I said. I didn't believe that for a second but I was trying to lighten the mood.

"She's dying for a ride in it," he smiled. My spider sense was tingling because shit, she'd already been in the car. She'd even driven it.

I reached in my pocket, took out the keys and tossed them to him. "Be careful," I said. "The clutch is kind of stiff and the power comes up fast."

He threw the keys back to me. "Could you take her?" he asked. "She really wants this badly and I want her to have the experience and to enjoy it. But I don't know how to drive a stick."

"Go ahead Danny," said Tammy Joe. "You love driving that care and talking about it."

So blind, stupid, naïve, old Danny, took Laura out for a ride, hoping someone would explain what the fuck was going on to me.

Laura who'd put on a swim suit too, told me that she'd go and put something on over it. As she stood up I could see that though I'd never noticed it. Laura was excited. Her nipples were sticking up like erasers. As I've said, on paper she was far more beautiful than Tammy Joe. But seeing them next to each other brought a whole new set of variables to the equation. Laura was beautiful, but Tammy Joe was just plain sexy.

Laura was the kind of woman you'd put into an evening gown or a little black dress and go to a gala or a party with. Every man there would envy you when you walked in with her on your arm. But Tammy Joe was the kind of woman that as soon as you saw her, you just wanted to fuck her. You needed to fuck her. It was something written into every man's and even, some women's DNA code. She just made you want to put your seed into her baby basket, again and again.

Looking at her I smiled and told her I loved her. I was so glad she was mine. Fuck dinner parties and galas. What the hell is a gala anyway?

And that was another weird thing that I failed to notice. As Laura said she'd put something on, Ken told her to just go as she was. What kind of guy sends his woman off with another man in just a skimpy swimsuit? I looked at Tammy Joe. "I'm going inside to change right now," said Tammy Joe.

Laura and I went out and drove around. We got out on the freeway and tried to get the car up to its 200 mph top speed. About a half hour later, far sooner than anyone expected, we drove back up. Laura sat down by the pool and I went into the house and saw them.

Ken was fucking my wife from behind and tugging on her breasts as he did so. He was fucking her so hard that she lifted off the floor with each stroke. Her big tits were flopping and flying and Ken was grunting. "Oh, Oh baby, fuck me," cried my wife. "I thought you said you couldn't drive a stick."

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I came up with the idea for this one some time ago. I just haven't gotten to it until now. Unfortunately It didn't turn out as well as I had origionally hoped, but I hope that some of the readers will like it. Untouchable By Morpheus The sign in front of me said Clairmont Institute for Advanced Medicine. Sighing, I knew that I was in the right place and started to go in. The institute was my last hope. It was one of those unpublicized places that do research and...

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Untold Story Of Kamya Bhabhi 8211 Part IV

After the incredible blow job in the bus journey (Part 3), we reached home. We both knew what happened but still we didn’t discuss about that. It was always a untold relation with her now. After that nothing more happened for few weeks, but in the middle I can see a change of behavior in her towards me. She use to look at me and give me a naughty smile and also when no one was around she use to lower her saree on her waist and also sometimes bend in front of me to show her cleavage. I always...

5 years ago
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Chapter 1 Hola, my name is Gustavo, and I'm Puerto Rican. I live in New York City, albeit in a nicer part of town than before, and I am a successful executive for a major airline. I have a fat salary, expense accounts, etc., and I love to travel, taking advantage of the staff discount. However, I never forget the downtrodden, the poor, and the unjustly despised. I grew up poor, after all, and I know suffering. So, perhaps for that reason, I find myself especially attracted to the girls from...

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Natalie heaven sex storyrsquos the tail of two bothers

Hello my name is Natalie and am new hear and I will be doing a series off sex story’s on my real life experiences To start with I will answers a couple off questions yes I have been a bit off a slut or a slag or a whore what ever you like to label me I don’t care as the dirtyest ones have the most fun Plenty off story’s to come as I have sleep with about 500 men and 150 woman as I am bi sexual 90% off my story’s on hear though will be the men that’s been in my life will only tell about the...

2 years ago
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Mothers and sons sons and mothers

“Sweetie,” I cooed, “come to the shopping centre with me.”“Oh Mum, I’m in the middle of something,” came the reply.“The porn film will wait until we get home, now come on, I need a man, and you’re the closest thing I have to one.”We got into the car and drove to the nearby shopping centre. “So why have I got to come with you? Jack asked.“Because I need someone to help me, Sonia is away, so that left you as the only person I could ask at short notice sweetie.”“Help you with what?”“I need some...

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Seven Brothers

At first, I just asked the mailing list for advice. But the stunning response I got (all one of them!) convinced me to keep it as-is. So here, without further ado, is: SEVEN BROTHERS by Roy Del Frink The seven Frie brothers of Newark were considered despicable. Everyone seemed to hate them. By some quirk of fate, each acted like the very personification of one of the seven deadly sins. Alex was the "wrathful" one. He got upset at the smallest little thing, screaming...

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A Sissy and Four Brothers

A sissy and four brothers -What is it like? Mother is very strict about separating me from 'the boys' but they've never experienced a 'sister' in the house before so there seems to be a lot of snooping around. A few of my readers have asked me for some additional information about farm life and living as a sissy with four brothers, and I'll respond to the question about seeing Jack again. Jack's mother called me and told me that I'd done wonders about boosting his self-esteem and she...

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Three Wicked Brothers

Chandra was so excited to finally be able to go to the prom that year. She was 16 and just a junior but, got asked to go to the prom by senior Daniel Kentwood, who was not only popular but a major babe. Chandra lived with her elderly father and her three brothers, Mark, Andrew, and Jared. Her mother had passed away when she was just twelve in a car accident. She grown up alone not knowing many things that woman should know. This was going to be her first date ever. She was nervous and tense....

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LOST Kate Prisoner of the Others

[LOST] KATE AUSTEN - PRISONER OF THE OTHERSKate’s Re-Capture [synopsis] After running for such a long time through the jungle, Kate was eventually captured by some of The Others. Unfortunately for her, she had made the mistake of running right into their trap, they had many men positioned stealthily with guns and as she ran into their radar they encircled her. Knowing she was completely outnumbered and also very exhausted from the prolonged chase, Kate did the only sensible thing she could and...

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A Wife for Seven Brothers

Flossie was the only one to get off the train at the rail-side platform that was marked only by a number. There hadn’t been any sign of human existence for many, many miles. She’d hoped, staring out the coach window as the scruffy land rolled by, that she’d made a good decision. Her last big one hadn’t been great but it kept her alive. A widow at twenty-five, her gold-hunting husband off searching for his fortune for two years before falling in a mineshaft, her income had stopped suddenly. No...

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One Slave for Three Brothers

This is a fictional story of three country brother's kidnapping and training a beautiful raven haired Latina girl to serve them domestically and sexually. Juanita is tortured and fucked repeatedly by three brothers and is gang banged by six dogs. Three brothers , Jim, Jack, and John, inherited the large cattle and horse ranch they grew up on when their Father died two years ago. A few months after the Pa died Ma passed away they are left alone to work the stock and fend for themselves...

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Satisfying my Brothers

When we reached grandma’s house it was nightfall and grandma welcomed us with some superb pancakes. I walked into the bedroom upstairs and started to unpack. I slipped on my favourite pink lingerie and headed to the drawing room. I loved my grandma very much as she was not strict as my mom. After a light meal I decided to go to bed. I went upstairs took of clothes, masturbated with a dildo for a while and then plunged into deep sleep. Next morning Suddenly I felt somebody pulling of my...

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Insatiable ituous mothers

PRELUDEJill Hastings and Laura Kelly were sunbathing in Jill's backyard. Both single mothers, who were knockouts in their bikinis, were discussing their dilemma. "What are we going to do Jill to get things back under control?""I don't know Laura. We certainly opened up a can of worms.""Big worms at that," Laura replied with a mock chuckle and then said, "Seriously, we can't go on like this.""I know. You know your son brought two friends over the last time and they screwed my brains out. I have...

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The pleasure between brothers

As brothers we fought a lot. Sometimes it was the heavy all out war kinda fights but others were more like light wrestling matches. The heat wasn't doing much to dull our tempers and we began to roll around. Being in our underwear you'd think its be awkward but besides various crushes on girls I never really had much time to think about sex or lewdness before so the thought never crossed my mind before then that being nearly naked and covered in sweat while wrestling with another boy could...

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Wife Swapping Between Twin Brothers

Hey, guys, I’m back with another story. The story is about two brothers who swap their wives and have an open family between the four of them. The story is about two brothers who were identical twins. Their parents died when they were 19. The elder brother’s name was Jake and his younger brother was Jerry. Both of them have well-built bodies as they go to the gym daily. Both of them had jobs when their parents died. So they could manage themselves and live without the help of their uncles and...

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The Three Brothers

Author's Notes: Story is inspired by The Gold Dress by Paula Girl. The Three Brothers Frederick, Sam, and Michael were three very tight brothers growing up. Fred was the natural leader of the boys, was generally well-liked, and appeared ready to accomplish great things as he was about to graduate college. If he had any faults it was that he could be hot-tempered with his two younger brothers. Sam was very much an introvert, soft-spoken, and kept to himself. Michael was the family...

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Femboy Funtime 2 The Bang Brothers

Bobby Martingale had a hard job. See, frat life is fun, until you decide you want to try and build your resume and take a leadership role. Then all of a sudden you're not one of the guys getting up to wild antics anymore, rather, you're the one who has to protect the brotherhood's reputation and keep up relationships with university administration. Bobby was the president of Rho Sig, and there was a reason he was the only candidate. No one in their right mind wanted that job. Maybe...

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‘There’s nothing to go on for. Nothing for my heart to cherish, but if that is true, why am I still here. Why do I still have existence? I did all I could. I still do all I can. But why? Why am I here? Do I still serve a purpose? I can’t even see. I don’t want to see. The pain it may bring me is too much. But if I am here I might as well look. No it hurts too much. It’s like opening your eyes for the first time. Too much pain but I will try. Oh they opened a little. Oww Its to bright out there...

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Untouchable Chapter One

Dani rolled her eyes and pushed her hair back behind her ears, ignoring her fathers shouts from downstairs. She inspected her cheek, smoothing out an area where her foundation was uneven. Tonight was Elle’s party, and Jason was going to be there. She had to look good. She had straightened her brown hair, bought new mascara to emphasise her striking green eyes, red lipstick to give her sexy pout, and new clothes to show off her curved. She hoped she looked good enough. “Daniela! Get the hell...

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Hola, my name is Gustavo, and I'm Puerto Rican. I live in New York City, albeit in a nicer part of town than before, and I am a successful executive for a major airline. I have a fat salary, expense accounts, etc., and I love to travel, taking advantage of the staff discount. However, I never forget the downtrodden, the poor, and the unjustly despised. I grew up poor, after all, and I know suffering. So, perhaps for that reason, I find myself especially attracted to the girls from the "wrong...

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Sharing Mothers

Note : This story is completely fictional! Russel and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We are actually more like brothers than friends. Neither of us have siblings, so we probably subconsciously rely on each other to fill that gap in our lives. When we graduated from high school, we joined the Navy together. After we finished our schooling, we were assigned to different ships and went our separate ways it is our heart breaking separation but we accept the situations...

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Daughters Slut Training 6 Daughter Takes on Her Brothers

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Daughter Takes on Her Brothers By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My eyes flicked from my daughter lying on her back, her first customer's cum leaking out of her well-fucked and bald snatch, to President Carver pulling out his wallet from his discarded slacks, his dick soaked in my daughter's juices. A hot tremble raced through me. I pulled my fingers out of my own snatch, my orgasm...

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Boned By My Big Brothers

I stepped out of my small car and grabbed my shopping bags. I headed toward the little blue beach house that Mom and Dad had left me and my three older brothers last year before their tragic deaths from the boating accident. I didn't want to think about that, though. When I got inside and rushed upstairs to my room, I stopped in shock and accidentally dropped my bags on the floor. My big brothers relaxed on my bed, completely naked and stroking their big cocks while smirking at me. They were...

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More Than Just Brothers

Introduction: Seventeen-year-old Mark secretly loves his brother, thirteen-year-old Jason, more than just a brother. One day, while driving home with his brother, Mark takes a bold risk, and advances on his younger brother. This would be the beginning of a relationship closer than just being brothers, a relationship that would make the two brothers closer than ever before. It is only natural for brothers to argue and fight. Every sibling relationship is like that, regardless if it is a constant...

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Untold love for mommy and daddy

Often on nights like this I would stand in the shadows of the door in my bra and underwear masterbating to there love making, my mother was gorgeous she had a cute firm ass the made my mouth water and my clit wet, she had huge bouncing boobs that when my dad licked them I would want to moan with pleasure. As a bi-sexual teenager I also found my dad very atractive, he had a huge throbbing cock and nice sharp cut abs. Tonight as I stood in the doorway secretly watching there love making I got...

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Untold Story On Kamya Bhabhi 8211 Part III

Next morning I wake up late after that adventure and saw she was already gone from the room. I saw the bed was gently made clean. May be she awake before me and cleaned it. I thought how she will react as I made her almost naked at night and kept her almost like that only. Thinking of that I got very scared. Then I remember that I took her panty also in my hand but I couldn’t find that now. I started searching for that but was unable to find it, maybe she took it when she was cleaning the bed....

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Untold Story On Kamya Bhabhi 8211 Part I

Hello all to ISS reader, today I am going to share one of the incidents that happened to me when I was in college. I was that time 20 years old. The incident involves by bhabhi whose name was Kamya. She was married 1 year ago to my elder brother. We use to stay together in a joint family. She was a very nice girl, in her mid 20s and she was very pretty looking. Kamya bhabi had a very nice figure. She always used to wear saree at home and that exposes her figure very nicely. She was around 5.5...

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Untold Story On Kamya Bhabhi 8211 Part II

For next few days I didn’t get chance to get close but I every night saw from the hole of the door. I saw Kamya bhabhi getting fucked by brother several times but every time she was left unsatisfied. She used to carve to my brother for more sex but he was not able to satisfy her fully anytime. I just thinking of getting one chance to fuck her properly and I would have satisfy her every hole and fuck her. But whenever I get chance to look her I used to stare her asset, especially when I was...

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Untold love for mommy and daddy

Often on nights like this I would stand in the shadows of the door in my bra and underwear masterbating to there love making, my mother was gorgeous she had a cute firm ass the made my mouth water and my clit wet, she had huge bouncing boobs that when my dad licked them I would want to moan with pleasure. As a bi-sexual teenager I also found my dad very atractive, he had a huge throbbing cock and nice sharp cut abs. Tonight as I stood in the doorway secretly watching there love making I...

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Untold Love 8211 21My Wife With A Shemale

On the weekend night, my wife had told me that she would wake up a little early next morning and will have a massage from the girl that would be sent by the neighboring Bhabhi. Next morning, I too woke up at 10 AM and found my wife missing from the bed. I knew she might be in the guest room having a body massage. I went to kitchen, had breakfast and after going through the news papers, thought of going down and peeping in to the guest room to watch the massage and the girl. When I reached close...

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Untold Love 8211 20

I don’t know how all this happened. I along with my 22 years old married daughter was alone at home as my son in law had gone abroad for a course and my wife was in UK with her parents for two weeks. It was Sunday noon and my daughter was still sleeping. I prepared fresh orange juice and went to her room with a glass in my hand to offer her in the bed. I gently opened the door and saw her turning her back towards me. Since the curtains were drawn and room was a bit dark, it was only after few...

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Untold Love 19 How I Became Incestuous

This is a true story which remained a secret between me and my elder sister since our adolescence and perhaps, this is going to be my last story as I didn’t like indecent remarks by few gentlemen on my previous stories. Now let’s come back to my true experience. I have only a faint idea of how those relations and longings developed between us and how we started enjoying the secrets of our life. We both are now married and have our children. My elder sister, Fazeelat is six years older than me....

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Untold Love 18 My Niece is My Sex Partner

Having caught my innocent looking niece getting filled by my dog and squirting my sperms in her deep pussy mercilessly during last night, I felt embarrassed and guilty when I opened my eyes next noon and found myself still lying stark naked on her bed. I was feeling hungry with cramps in my stomach and wanted to rush to the kitchen for preparing brunch for both of us. I quietly slipped out of her bed but felt my plump meat loaf still swaying in my crotch despite fucking her at least seven times...

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Untold Love 17 My Innocent Looking Niece

My niece Farah was staying with us as she had got admission in the Engineering College of the metropolitan city. My wife had gone abroad to see our children studying in UK and we two were living alone and enjoying our life like a loving child and a caring uncle. I was happy and relieved that she soon became very intimate and friendly with our male dog collie and always took care of him in the absence of my daughter and wife. I saw her many times giving him bath while putting on T shirt and a...

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Untold Love 16

I had developed sexual relations with my cousin sister Shazia who was 4 years older than me but later she became my sister in law. We got a number of opportunities to perform oral sex but never got a real chance to perform a wet and passionate love making. However, when Shazia got married, I started loving her younger sister and after settling down in our professions we got married with the consent of our parents. Time quickly started passing as we developed good sexual understanding and we...

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Untold love 18

This actually happened a long time back when my little angel was 18.My wife was out of country for a week in connection with a conference and my daughter was enjoying her summer vacations with me at home. It was in the afternoon of a hot and humid day when I came back from my office. I undressed myself and wrapped a towel around my waist for taking a quick shower. “What’s going on daddy?” I heard her saying while she entered my bed room. “Going to take a shower baby” I replied with a smile. “I...

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Untold Love 14 Daughter Son Sister in Law

My wife had gone to attend a seminar in France and my married sister in law (Sil) with her one and half year old baby boy had come to see and stay with me for a week. My daughter and son in their late teens were at home and they both shared a common bed room, but used to sleep on single beds separated by a centre table. After early dinner at around 9.00 PM, the kids went to their bed room, my sister in law took her baby in the guest room without saying me good night and I came into my bed room....

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Untold Love Part 12 Mom8217s Love

When I reached home after completion of my final examinations from the States, mom was really missing me. It had been over six month since our last passionate love when she came to see me in Washington D.c. I knew Papa was away for the last two weeks and mom was anxiously waiting for me. I had decided to give her surprise and kept my arrival itinerary secret. When I reached home, the security guard at our farm house was surprised to see me. He told me that mom was present whereas my dad was...

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Untold Love 11 We swapped our Sisters

Ahmed has been my childhood friend. Similarly my younger sister Neha and Ahmed’s twin sister Mariam were very close friends. Neha was one year younger than me but coincidentally we all were class fellows in one of the most expensive institutions of the country. Although we were like brothers and all the class fellows used to be envious of our friendship, yet Mariam and I loved each other and had developed sexual relations. We often used to bunk off the class for corner meetings and on many...

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Untold Love 10

I know papa loves licking steamy pussies. I know, he is neither a whoremonger nor does he run after the call girls. He is very handsome, has a stout body and a huge meat loaf drooping down between his legs. I know; he is very probing with his tongue. He can make any woman wet in her panties and make her squeal in pleasure with the delicacies of his tongue; rolling along her delicate hidden assets. I have seen my mom squealing in ecstasy, thousands of times, our maids squirting hundreds of times...

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Untold Love 9

She is now 22 years old, married to a rich, handsome and sexy business man for the last one year, still having no baby as she is completing her post graduate studies. She is as voluptuous and steamy as she was before her marriage and leads a very successful and happy sex life with her hubby. Her hubby, my son in law is a well reputed business entrepreneur with lavish life style residing in one of high class luxury apartments in Karachi. He belongs to an ultra modern social family where sex is...

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Untold Love 8 Daughter in Law is onboard

My wife and elder daughter had gone to see my son who was at the final stage of completing his course in architecture in the States and only my daughter in law Rimsha was at home with me. She had recently completed her engineering and was working under my supervision in our construction firm. Rimsha is not only my Bahoo (daughter in law) but also the daughter of one of my best friends. It was in the evening of another hot and humid day, when I was reading a news paper, sitting on a rocking...

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Untold Love 7 The Great Wedding Ceremony

Our wedding anniversary falls on 11th May which coincides with the wedding anniversary of my parents in law as well. We planned to celebrate our first wedding anniversary with my parents in law, in Dubai where I along with my wife Marium reside in a studio apartment, looking after our construction business. Mariam, a true symbol of sex always feeling wet and steamy in-between her legs, was thrilled with the idea. As I have already narrated in my previous episodes that I come of a high class,...

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Untold Love 6 The Flashback

When I flash back to my past, I remember I was only 20 years old waiting for my matriculation result. My father was a lawyer and my uncle (my father’s brother) owned a real estate business. Both lived at a walking distance in the same colony in Lahore. We were four brothers and two sisters. I was the eldest, Neha my younger sister was at number two in the sibling order and remaining were younger than us. My uncle was newly wed having only one year old baby girl. His business was spread over in...

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Untold Love 5

Dear Readers, do not forget to read or glance through the previous four parts of my true experiences, if you really want to reach the bottom of how it all happened innocently. After the arrival of my wife Mariam (40) and younger daughter Shanza (18) back from our hometown, my son Aamar (19) also returned from the excursion trip. Meanwhile my elder daughter Faryal left for Lahore to continue her studies in the college. The routine started as hitherto fore. I started paying additional attention...

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Untold Love 3

She was taking a shower while I went down to the kitchen for preparing snacks for a light dinner. After 30 minutes or so, she came straight to the kitchen. She was wearing black shorts and a red mini shirt revealing her breast cleavages, belly button and fleshy sides of her thighs and long legs. “Hello papa, what’s going on” she smiled and kissed at my cheek. “Fixing something light for dinner” I replied and asked her hesitantly without looking towards her, “Honey, do you have a boy friend?”...

5 years ago
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Untold Love 2

Next morning, I got up exactly at 9.00 AM, which is a normal practice for our family during the weekends. Since it was Saturday, I decided to take a break from my business. I immediately went down, gave a call to my assistant to take care of the business and directed him to call me only in case of emergency requirement. Subsequently, I went to kitchen, fixed a very nice breakfast keeping in view my daughter’s choice and started waiting for her on the dining table. After thirty minutes or so...

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Untold Tale of Alan And Elena Do You Feel What I Feel

"Do you feel what I feel, can you see what I see, can you cut behind the mystery, I will meet you by the witness tree, leave the whole world behind" Broken Arrow, By Rod Stewart This story happens Before "Make Me Happy" Alan is very tired today, he has done an all night job on a project and has just put it in the mail to be delivered, and has done a meeting with another potential client, if he get this one gig it'll make his year, and for the rest day of he doesn't have another job to...

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Living with brothers

I remember my c***dhood as a happy one. After Mom left, dad was left to raiseus four boys. That was no easy task and he managed to do it well, despitehaving to run a business. You see, Dad and Uncle Pete owned adiner/restaurant in town. We lived in Vermont and our business was seasonal. During the diner was open just for lunch except on Friday and Saturdaynights when dad kept it open for the skier's dinner. Uncle Pete would flydown to Florida for the winter where he owned a restaurant with...

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MaryAlice and her Brothers

Mary-Alice now lived her life to the fullest. Enjoyment was uppermost. It had not always bee so. When she was younger, Mary-Alice had often been left out of her brothers' activities because, being older and boys, they played games that held little interest for her. Except for the usual childhood teasing, her brothers treated her decently. Eventually, her three brothers, Tommy, Nicky, and Ronny, who were respectively 14, 15, and 16, began to include her in their life. The fun commenced when...

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Foresaking All Others

Copyright, [email protected] He got off the sofa, "Oh come on, please Helen don't be so silly it really will be a great bash." Her eyes watched the television as she replied, "Chris I've known you for seven years, I've been married to you for five of those years and in all that time I have never liked those two prats that you call friends, they are childish, pathetic and stupid, even the word bash is juvenal, they play stupid pranks and the way they want to look at every porn site...

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Special times with my brothers

Since a little girl I had always looked up to my two older brothers. Following them around like one of their shadows. As we grew older I became closer to the eldest Jason, 19 occasionally going to the movies and drive-ins with him. I would pretend he was my boyfriend and always felt safe and loved when with him. Jason was shy and felt no girl would want him. Yet he was tall handsome and quite athletic in build. He had everything except confidence and I know he felt safe with me on our trips...


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