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"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends."

Dear God, she was at it again. I never could understand what Jason saw in that girl. For some reason, Cynthia (never Cindy, as she was quick to point out to the unsuspecting) felt that everyone else was put on this Earth to pamper her every request. And my dear, beloved, lunkheaded GUY of a best friend continued to perpetrate the myth. I knew more about Jason than he probably knew about himself. Being best friends and next-door neighbors with someone since 2nd grade would do that for a person. I knew that he could shoot free throws alone for hours when he was upset. I knew that he liked cold spaghetti sandwiches. I even knew when he lost his virginity to Jane Matheson in the 7th grade. The attraction to Cynthia I did NOT understand however.

Okay, that's not fair. I *did* know what part of the attraction was. Cynthia was one of those cute, tiny little women that men feel the automatic need to pick up, cuddle and protect from the big bad world. Cynthia, of course, played up to this with her "poor, helpless me" routine. Maybe I was just jealous. At 5'10" with flaming red hair and a frankly curvy body, I was no one's idea of cute. The fact that I also played volleyball and could spike Cynthia over the net also meant that I was not deemed helpless. The last time I was picked up and cuddled, I was 6 - and the man was my Daddy.

"But honey dumpling (honey dumpling?!), all our friends are over at the mall. Why do we have to be here? It's so boring!"

If you couldn't already guess, the one whining is Cynthia. 'Here' is our school's annual county fair-slash-fund raising event. It's the school's twisted 1950's take on fundraising for the clubs. You know the type. Booths selling everything from pies and pickled eggs to a dunking booth. Since volleyball isn't exactly an alumni favored sport, our team had a booth selling homemade cookies and kisses. As Jennifer, one of our best blockers and a really good friend, said, "Either way we're giving the customer something sweet - and we're going to make 'em pay through the nose for it, too!"

"I've told you. It's for a good cause. Just because the school supports the basketball team doesn't mean we should forget the other teams and clubs. Besides... if you're good, I'll win you a stuffed teddy bear in the Hoops game."

I rolled my eyes at that one since the only type of teddy bear Ms. Cynthia would accept would have to be covered in mink. I couldn't help but grin though at the typical Jason comment about supporting the other teams. Despite being 6' tall, popular, and the basketball teams star forward; Jason always had a soft spot in his head for the little guy. I used to tease him that had he been born a few hundred years earlier, he would have traveled the countryside looking for maidens to rescue and dragons to slay.

"Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends. So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?"

Cynthia had been complaining about coming to the school fundraiser since I picked her up. A constant half hour of complaints interspersed with gossip on who was sleeping with who was starting to wear thin. Besides, I enjoyed the fundraisers. Sure they were corny, but they really were for a good cause. As my best friend Lizzie always joked, "Principal Peterson apparently watched too many episodes of Leave it to Beaver as a child. He has a warped view of reality 50 years later." Lizzie was part of the reason I was so interested in the fundraiser. Look, I know that life isn't fair. The basketball team, like the football and baseball teams, was school sponsored. Alumni practically threw money at the school for these sports. Having a close personal friend on the volleyball team though made me more aware than most just how little money was available for anyone in one of the redheaded stepchild sports. So I did my little part by going to the fundraiser and losing a few dollars for a good cause.

"But Jason..."

I could see the storm clouds approaching with the way she said my name. "Cynthia, we're here to support our school." That came out a little harsher than I intended so I tried to soften my tone and added, "We'll only stay a little while and then we'll go to the mall. Okay?" Her brow unknotted itself partway and she gave a short nod.

I knew Cynthia wasn't exactly happy with that, but quite frankly I was finding it hard to care. We had been dating for a couple of months. To be honest, I think we only continued to date due to habit. Cynthia enjoyed the habit of being seen on an athlete's arm and I enjoyed the habit of having her there. Was it a fulfilling relationship? Let me put it this way... have you ever had an éclair? It looks really mouthwatering, but once you've taken a few bites, you realize that there is nothing but air and calories in the middle.

Looking around, I finally spotted the volleyball team's booth. And immediately started laughing. Some wisenheimer had tacked up a sign proclaiming "Cookies and Kisses. $3 each. Ask about our cute guy discount." It was a toss-up whether Jennifer or Lizzie had made the sign. Knowing the two of them together, I was betting that Jennifer came up with the slogan, but Lizzie actually got her (and the coach) to put it up. Jennifer and Lizzie together had more mischief brewing inside than an entire class of 10-year-old boys with frogs.

I was still smiling when we approached the booth. And Lizzie. I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to the jolt my senses gave every time I saw her. Suppressing the emotion wasn't getting any easier with time either. But I did it. Over and over since about the 6th grade when I realized that Lizzie was a girl. For the sake of friendship.

"McIntyre! Did you remember to bring your credit cards?" shouted Lizzie.

Yep. That was my Lizzie.

"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV? Dialing for Dollars is trying to find me."

I had to make some sort of smart aleck comment. It's what I did and maybe that would help me to remember that I'm Jason's friend. And ONLY his friend. As evidenced by the girl friend scowling at me from the vicinity of his right arm. I sighed internally, but decided to play nice.

"Hi, Cynthia. Enjoying yourself?"

Cynthia just gave a flat stare in my direction and then declared, "This is boring, Jason. There's no one here! I'm going to go call Mary and tell her we're coming to the mall." With that statement, she just walked away. Ah well. No loss there as far as I was concerned, but I was wondering how Jason would react. I should have known.

"I'm sorry Lizzie. That was rude and uncalled for. I don't know what's gotten into her lately." Jason was frowning in the direction of his defected girlfriend so didn't see me rolling my eyes.

I knew what the problem was but decided that discretion was the better part of valor and left it unsaid. "So Mr. McIntyre... did you come for the cookies, company or kisses?" I teased. "Any way you go it's going to cost you."

That got the infamous McIntyre grin that was guaranteed to fell beauties at 20 paces. I'd been the recipient of that grin many times throughout our lives without it affecting me at all. I wasn't sure that I liked the fact that I was noticing Jason's grin now. I'd always known Jason was good looking. He wasn't handsome by popular definition, but he certainly had presence. His features were regular with slightly plump lips that he claimed embarrassed him. His truly outstanding feature though - the one that had girls in the hallway at school swooning - were his eyes. Emerald green and crystal (pardon the pun) clear. When Jason focused on you, you felt that you were the only person in his world. Now those eyes were pointed my direction.

Leaning close enough to give my heart a jolt, Jason stared at my lips for a long moment before slowly raising his eyes to mine. I couldn't decipher the look in his eyes and decided I was entirely too terrified to try. I would have backed up a few steps had my legs been in working order.

"Your kisses are too precious to give away for a mere $3, Lizzie." Then the look was suddenly gone and my pal Jason was back. "But I will take some cookies. Macadamia and white chocolate, please. You know I can't have a monster marathon without cookies."

It took me a moment, but I was finally able to come back. "I know you can't. I still remember the time I made the mistake of bringing over a pizza instead. Jeez. I'd never realized a guy could be that big of a crybaby just over some cookies. I still can't believe you whined until I baked some." I laughed.

Jason and I had been having our Monster Marathon nights at least one Saturday a month since we were 10 and developed a mutual passion for bad B movies. It was an unusual interest for two 17 year olds, but it was an ingrained habit by this point. I think I'd been baking him cookies for about that long too.

"Hey," Jason held up his hands, "I helped you, didn't I?"

"Uh-huh. As I recall, you 'helped' by eating the cookies as fast as they came out of the oven. I think I'll just hold on to this bag and bring them over myself." I couldn't resist one last dig, "At least this way I know that they'll make it to the marathon."

Jason just grinned and dug out his wallet.

That's when I had a thought. Glancing over to where Cynthia was still on the phone I said, "Jase... are you sure about tonight? Don't you think you should make up with Cynthia? She does look kind of pissed right now."

Pissed was an understatement. Cynthia was now off the phone, but had both arms crossed under her breasts and was glaring at me. As soon as Jason turned in her direction, her expression smoothed and she headed our way.

While still looking at Cynthia I thought I heard him mutter, "I don't care." But as he turned to me all he said was, "Don't worry about it. Usual time, okay?" Then he casually leaned over and gave me a quick kiss to the lips. I think my heart stopped. I know that my mind did. All I could think was "YES!" while my hormones broke into the Hallelujah chorus. I just stared in shock as he walked away to meet Cynthia.

We had been friends for a very long time. So, of course, we had kissed before. But it was always on the cheek and, on one memorable occasion, when I broke my arm falling out of our tree house, my elbow. The point is it was always friendly but businesslike. This kiss was... moist. And hot.

When I finally regained enough sense to take in my surroundings, I found my friend Jennifer standing next to me with a triumphant expression on her face. I couldn't help it. I blushed. All she did though was give me a hug and say, "About time."

I must have looked confused because Jennifer laughed.

"What? You think no one has ever noticed?" she said. "It's been obvious for years that you and Jason were in love with one another. We've had a bet going for a long time about the date that the two of you would finally figure it out."

My mind really blanked at that statement. "But," I stuttered, "We're not... I mean, I know what it looks like... Jason just... that is... it's nothing." I finally regained my senses enough to explain, "It was just a friendly kiss. It didn't mean anything. You know we're just friends." I had to believe that.

Jennifer just gave me a pitying look and, thankfully, dropped the subject. The rest of the afternoon passed uneventfully with our booth racking up equal amounts of money for kisses as cookies. It was $300 we desperately needed for new equipment and uniforms. It was also 3 hours I used to rationalize a kiss that made my lips tingle into being merely friendly. Yeah, right. Friendly.

===end Chapter===

"I wait for delivery each day until three. Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV?"

I don't know what came over me, but I did not regret kissing Lizzie. Well, I did regret that it was so short. I really regretted doing it in front of Cynthia. Not because I was sorry for kissing Lizzie - not at all. I'd wanted to do that for years! Cynthia herself made me sorry with her ranting and raving and wild accusations. When I finally suggested that perhaps it would be best if we didn't see each other anymore, she had a major shift of personality. She became weepy. I did NOT like a weepy woman. Too many years around my manipulative mother had made me immune to a woman's tears. I've seen it too many times... a woman doesn't get what she wants and so she turns on the waterworks. Cynthia had just picked the wrong feminine trick to use on me. Which she realized after about 5 minutes. Then came the yelling.

I have to admit that I was impressed. Cynthia used words I wasn't sure she even knew the definition of. Lord knew she displayed more passion during her diatribe than during the few times I had gotten her pants off of her. When she finally flounced out of my car, slamming the door and yelling that she never wanted to see me again, I was glad to be rid of the theatrics.

When I finally got home I went to lie on my bed and think about things. Look, I knew that I'd been attracted to Lizzie for years. But being attracted in silence and kissing the object of your attraction were two entirely different things. When I was still a horny 14 year old I had decided that if I ever had the opportunity to screw Lizzie, I was going to do it. No regrets. No backing out. No questioning it. As an admittedly still horny 17 year old, I had different thoughts. Would I still like to screw Lizzie? Abso-fucking-lutely. Just give me a week alone with her and several boxes of condoms and I might - MIGHT - calm down enough to just want her 3 times a day.

I also wanted to make love to her. Slowly and thoroughly. I wanted to kiss the freckles across her nose. More telling, I wanted the right to cuddle her AFTER kissing the freckles across her nose. Did that scare me? You betcha. Lizzie and I had been friends since I moved here in the 2nd grade. We had been through chicken pox, puberty, and broken bones together. Lizzie knew every embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me. Heck, she had even caused a few of them. I trusted her with my life.

My mom was not exactly June Cleaver. She was an alcoholic for one thing. Some days she would be just fine. Those days, unfortunately, were few and far between. Most days she could be found in a drunken stupor just lying around the house. Apparently Dad was a disappointment to her. I'm assuming the bottle wasn't. The few times Dad got up the nerve to dump Mom's liquor, she would cry on his shoulder about her hard life until he gave in and gave her back her amnesiac. Don't get me wrong. I love my Dad. He was an A+ person. I just wish he'd get Mom help instead of acting as if her problem will magically go away.

The point is that with my family history, I'm not predisposed to trust women. After all, my example of womanhood comes from a manipulative, drunken wreck of a woman. But Lizzie snuck in under my radar. She was there from the time we moved into our house. She's always been there. She's one of the few people who know about my Mom. Do I love her? Yes. I always have. First as a friend - now as more. The question was what was I going to do about it? I guess I was about to find out. I had kissed her. Humpty Dumpty had fallen off the wall. "And all the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again" finished the rhyme in my head. So be it. Prepare yourself, Mary Elizabeth Carrigan.

"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town? I'm counting on you, Lord, please don't let me down."

I walked into Jason's house just like I always had. I'd managed to convince myself that Jason had only kissed me as a friend. I was a little disappointed, sure, but I knew it was for the best. Did I really want to lose the best - and longest - friendship I had over a romantic entanglement that I knew would end in a couple of months.

I knew Jason and his history with women. He wasn't what you would call a player, but he certainly never lacked companionship of the female kind. They were always nice girls (the one exception being Cynthia) but they also lasted a maximum of 2 months. His relationships were light, flirty and brief. I even understood why. I'd had a long relationship with Jason only because I knew it was just friendship and didn't try for anything more. I also knew all his secrets. That sort of kills the 'mystique' in a new relationship.

So I was there to merely watch movies. With my pal. Just like we always did. I gave a quick "Hi" to Mr. McIntyre and headed straight to the door that led to the basement. Mr. McIntyre had finished the basement for Jason's private use. He knew that it was embarrassing to bring home friends when your mother was passed out in the middle of the living room, so he finished the basement - with its outside access - and gave it to Jason for his 14th birthday.

Since Jason and I had been friends for longer than that, my pattern was to come through the kitchen door before heading down to the basement. Besides... I liked Mr. McIntyre. He had a dry sense of humor that could crack me up in no time. Just because his wife was a lush was no reason for me to stop associating with him. So I gave my traditional Hi and wandered down to the basement. Where I proceeded to have a mini-heart attack.

Jason had his back to me, bending down to shove a dumbbell under his bed. Did I mention that he was wearing old sweats cut into shorts? And nothing else! My heart just about stopped watching the old fabric mold to his butt. His back was a sweaty work of art and I think I drooled a little before catching myself. Standing on the bottom step, I grabbed the railing to keep myself from falling down. I had seen Jason work out before. Heck, I used his weights regularly myself during the volleyball season.

I hated that my body was betraying me like this. I'd had no problem ignoring the majority of boys that came on to me. But one little kiss, that probably didn't mean anything, from my best friend and I fall apart. I was disgusted with myself. I gave myself a short stern lecture on friendship before finally coming into the room.

I swallowed hard but was finally able to manage a credible smirk to go with my nonchalant act.

"Jason, you stud. Is this manly display for my benefit?" I said.

Jason gave out a bark of laughter and turned around, toweling himself off.

"No," he said, "You caught me working off some frustration. Although," here he flexed his arm, "if it works on you..."

I laughed and came in far enough to drop the bag of cookies on the coffee table and myself onto the couch.

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Jack reluctantly shuffled back into class, mentally preparing himself for another day of being bedeviled by his teacher. He was unlucky enough to have landed the most notorious teacher in school, Ms Hayden. She was a sadistic vacuum of pure cruelty, and seemed to enjoy humiliating him in front of the class. Jack had spoken to the Principal on the matter, but there was one significant roadblock in his path: she was gorgeous. She had long black hair that was usually tied back in a ponytail, green...

3 years ago
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Sex fantasies

Of course I was worried when Tammy didn’t come to school. And it wasn’t only because we had an oral presentation due in our Senior History class. I was concerned because we had been dating for nearly 5 months, and for as long as I knew her she hadn’t missed a single day of class. And besides, I missed her. We were supposed to stay after school today and I was going to help her with her math homework. That is to say, we’d go to the library and make out, nestled between...

1 year ago
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Gina encounters stepdad again

Note: This story is completely fictional! Gina lie in her bed thinking about what just happened between herself and her step dad. She felt dirty, humiliated. Why didn’t she try harder to resist. She hated herself for enjoying the fuck so much. It was morning and Gina had not slept much that night, she lied in bed until late that morning and her mother had already gone to the office. She was waiting until Peter had also left but he seemed to be lingering in the house, perhaps waiting for her to...

2 years ago
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Sex While I Was On A Business Trip

I used to travel a lot when I was moved from the Engineering department into Sales.   I had that rare combination of technical skills but also the ability to communicate unlike some of my fellow workers.   We were sent to corporate training facilities and would go for 2 to 4 weeks and went through training every day including Saturdays and Sundays.   We had corporate housing in a large condo development owned by the company.   It was fun in the summertime with several pools and sand...

Wife Lovers
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Marcys Playground 10 by loyalsock

"Commanding, powerful," he said. It sounded like he was having difficulty talking.How could he get any bigger inside me? But he did. I was sure of it. In perfect shade the heat increased, the leaves bending in toward us, drawn by his pull. "Primal."Everything became more vivid. The forest was on fire.He fisted one hand in my hair gently pulled my head back."Beautiful," he said, pressing every spot, inside and out, mentally and physically just right. I exploded.I convulsed around him. He kissed...

3 years ago
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Keeping Warm

It was winter and my mum came out of her bedroom to tell me that it was so cold in her room and did i want to sleep in her bed to keep warm".My mum hab a king-size bed and heavy covers, Yet she is always feeling cold for some reason. I jumped into the bed while she went to get herself a drink of water, and god the quilt was heavy and i could hardly lift it to move myself around..My mother returned with a drink of water and she placed the glass on the bedside cabinet, turned off the light then...

3 years ago
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one of my fantasys

My wife is gema shes a 27 yr old slim blonde and very attractive and sexy, Im matt a 28 yr old average white guy , i have a small penis and cant satisfy her. From statements she has made and hints she has given I know she would like to have sex with abigg hung black man. I have tried to encourage her but she insists she doesn't need anyone but me.She has told me a doctor who is a black guy she works with has made playful sexual remarks to her and I know he would like to fuck her. I have met...

1 year ago
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When Your Hormones Go Crazy Part 6

My step-daughter started bringing friends over regularly just after she turned sixteen. I never had a complaint, being a guy, because I'd get to silently watch these cute girls walk around in short shorts, t-shirts, sometimes leggings, and wearing almost nothing else. I could tell at times some didn't wear bras, and really didn't seem to care. I'm not sure because of my reputation as a cool laid back step-dad, or because they just didn't give a shit.When my step-daughter had three or four girls...

1 year ago
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TeenCurves Demi Lopez Candy Cane Challenge

Mrs. Claus aint got nothing on the bodacious Demi Lopez. Not only does she rock the outfit more sexily, but she can fit more candy canes in her phat ass than Mrs. Claus could fit on her xmas tree. Demi isnt just here to house festive treats in her booty though, shes here to prove herself as the best little sexual helper of all time. Our stud whipped out his fleshy candy cane to see if she would suck it like a treat, and sure enough she did until the last . The taste of peppermint excites her,...

4 years ago
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Matron the

Matron Had chosen her profession well she was now with a progressive and luxurious boarding school with a number of very attractive 18 year olds which she loved… taking there virignity and then fucking them, teaching them how to enjoy a real and voluptuous sexy woman…Matron was feeling especially randy today… she had just shaved her tight little pussy and it was now super smooth and desperately needed some attention…she carefully studied the patient list …perfect …room 1b… simon….As she...

3 years ago
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Longing Office Sex Toy

The elevator dings and brings me up to my level of the workplace. I hurry along to my desk, eager to see if he shows today. Every day is always a guess. It is part of the torturous fun.As I sit in my computer chair at my desk, I look around excitedly. Sadly, I have yet to see his head above any of the cubicles. I sigh with anxiety. I want him to come to see me. I smooth out my ass-hugging pencil skirt and pull down my blouse to try to reveal my girls more.Now that I am at my small space in the...

Office Sex
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Family Body Swap Fun

Sitting in your bed one night, with nothing to do but masturbate, your thoughts begin to drift. Tired of the usual taboos, such as teachers, bosses, and other authority figures, you start to think about your mother. Imagining her naked form, your cock starts to harden. Soon, you start thinking about her dripping cunt. But something hits you. You wonder what it would be like to be fucked as your mother, rather than fucking her. As you wonder this, you come to a climax, and black out. When you...

3 years ago
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sister Has a Secret Part 2

Sarah moaned as Hope sucked her cock. Sarah's tongue was buried deeply in Hope's pussy, her moaning causing a vibration that caused Hope's own moans to vibrate her mouth around the cock inside it."Oh fuck," Hope moaned softly. "You're tongue feels so good.""So does your mouth," Sarah replied.Spurred on by the encouragement they gave each other, Hope and Sarah began to pleasure each other more feverishly. The sounds of the sucking and slurping filled the room loudly. It was almost deafening to...

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Naked in School MiraChapter 2

Tuesday Morning I woke up to the noise of my alarm. It was six o'clock. I had my breakfast, then went to get my shower. I'd just finished washing my hair when I heard the bathroom door open. "Good morning, Aunt Susan," I said. I heard the tinkle as she relieved herself. She then wiped herself and flushed the toilet. The door didn't open, so I knew that she was still sitting there, waiting for me. Sighing heavily, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Sure enough, she...

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His Beautiful Bride Part 1 First Time

"No! Vincenzo,I do not want to have sex with you!" Alaina exclaimed, vehemently."Oh really? You are my wife. Just because this is a business deal to be able to get the firm, does not mean there can not be special perks. It is right." Vincenzo stroked a lazy finger down the blondes pale cheek. Her cornflower blue eyes, stared up at him, the internal battle with her desire visible. Long dark lashes closed to conceal her beautiful eyes. And her china white skin turned a soft shade of pink....

1 year ago
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WebYoung Joseline Kelly Judy Jolie Rhythm Is A Dancer

Joseline Kelly is busy enjoying some ‘alone time’ in her bedroom, lost in her own world as she pleases herself while watching a video on her cellphone. She is clearly on a mission to push herself into orgasmic bliss. Meanwhile, Judy Jolie returns home with an armful of books, calling out to her mom, but doesn’t get a response. Joseline thinks she hears something through her haze but dismisses it and gets right back to having fun, unaware that her step-sister’s home....

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Family Stan Kelley Chapter 3

What does our little fallen angel have in mind now? Well, maybe you should read.-----------------------------Kelley thought about undoing her father from where she had him shackled, hand and foot to their basement gym, but decided against it. He had gotten to enjoy his time with her... she now wanted to have some fun of her own! She looked over and saw the cheval mirror that he had given her for Christmas a couple of years back. She had had it in her bedroom, but it was such a tiny room, she...

2 years ago
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The Unfaithful Part 8211 1

Nandita woke up quite early that day. She looked at her cell phone, it was just 6.25 am. She put the phone down and looked at the other side of the bed. Amit – her husband – was still sleeping peacefully. Another one hour before her husband wakes up. She would need to be quick. So she got up urgently. There was a deep sense of tension etched on her face. Nandita stepped out of the bedroom, into the small hall of their cozy one bedroom flat. Normally she loves to make herself a cup of tea and...

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Back To BristolChapter 4

Thursday and Friday passed without incident. On Thursday I did my interview for the newspaper, which went quite well. The reporter seemed anxious to get an agreed version, and was happy to ignore any comment of mine which I regretted as I said it, and let me answer the questions in my own way, not just sound bites. I did achieve one other gentle squeeze on the confidence of Peter Davies which I was quite pleased about. I was talking to Carole at the time, "Have you done anything about...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 23

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 23Professor Colin Steeves slowly awoke and blinking the sleep from his eyes became aware of two new sensations. First was the pure bright sunlight that was streaming through the open window of his bedroom of the guest lodge on the high African plateau, it was quite unlike that which usually greeted him back home in the grey suburb where he lived. The second awareness was the feeling of a soft...

2 years ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 3 Southeast Fringe Benefits

Time to back up a little and explain a few things. You may wonder why I bothered to set up camp at Southeast State after spending an entire semester at Northwest State. I had seriously considered going back to Northwest since I was familiar with the people and campus and hadn’t really been all that impressed by Dr. Kinmon’s offer at Southeast. But Northwest State simply wasn’t ... convenient. It was four and a half hours away from home, and while Southeastern State wasn’t much better being...

2 years ago
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WagerChapter 2

After dinner, I walked up behind my mother and put my hands on her waist. "Abraham, I asked you not to do that when I'm washing dishes." I got up close and gave her a kiss on the neck. "Stop it Abe. The kids might see us." "Cassie, I love you!" She dropped a plate in the sink. Fortunately, it didn't break. "Martin, what are you doing?" "Having a little time with my sensual mother. Did I ever tell you how much you turn me on?" "Get out of the kitchen young man ... before I...

1 year ago
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If I Told Her to Take Her Clothes Off She Just WouldChapter 5

I ran Faye home at ten, after pointing out that if her parents started to worry where she was it could risk everything. Though by then even her strong young body was exhausted, having finally orgasmed itself to a standstill. My body was finished as well, in spite of being pretty fit and rather well practised. I told her I’d pick her up the next morning, then she could spend as much time here as she had permission to be out for. “Permission,” I emphasised, “so there’s not the slightest...

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The Chiroprictor The beginning

The Chiroprictor (The Beginning)It was a very brisk day, mid December. Snow was blowing sideways across the eastern coast of South Korea. The car windows fogged slightly on their jet black Sonata as the couple sped south on Koreas main expressway. Gina, my Korean born Americanized wife was smiling as we had just completed our Christmas Shopping. She had also just gotten her Early Christmas present, a very popular Gucci purse from a top name dept. store in Seoul. It didn’t matter to me that had...

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My joke on my husband backfired

Troy had been home and leave for a week and it was so good to have him home, we fucked for the whole week and then on the Saturday night his old mates form his school days decided to come around for some drinks and catch up with him, the guys arrived about 7pm and by that time Troy had already had a few beers too many but was in a really good mood, five of his mates turned up, John, Ross, Will, Andrew and Ben and Ben’s girlfriend Sharon, Sharon was nice but easily lead, she did exactly what...

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VivianBy J.J. ScribeI was horny one night and my girlfriend was out of town so I decided to go to an xxx video store for some porn. I’ve done this before and picked out some dogs so this time I went up to the counter and asked the attendant, a young woman, for a little help. She was surprisingly attractive for someone you usually find working in a store like this. And she was very friendly. She said her name was Vivian as she guided me toward the back wall. As I followed her, I couldn’t...

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Celebrity Camera

My name is Johnathan Edward Doe. I live in Hollywood, and am the agent of a very sexy female celebrity. It's a well-paying job, obviously, but there is a slight...problem. She is such a bitch! She has no respect for me, calling me a creep and saying I picked 'bad publicity' for her to do, although I was suggesting she do various charity and non-profit events for her to visit. Was it my fault she had so much damn money she didn't know what to do with it?! No! It was her own fault for being so...

Mind Control
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The Flowering

Eighteen year old Ashley Chester nervously smoothed her white shirt. So this was the biker's spring festival? Freddy had dreamed of coming here? It was horrible! All the noise and the smell of beer and exhaust fumes! Ashley put a strand of her short mouse-brown hair behind her ear. Freddy Mason, her boyfriend, had been so excited. He had finally talked his rich father into buying him a Harley Davidson. He had been so cute, like a boy opening a long awaited Christmas present. And now he wanted...

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Nerds on Vacation

I looked around the small bar. It wasn't like most of the sports bars back home. There were no huge televisions that showed multiple sports games at once. There was just one small monitor above the bar. Two ladies were serving drinks and food to the patrons, they weren't dressed in skimpy little outfits, but regular clothes. "We could have done this back home," I shook my head as I returned my attention to my folder. "We were only a few minutes from the Castle," I said with a smile. "It's just...

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Hope Other Four Letter Words

Michael was strolling home from the bar. His eyes were glazed, his mouth was dry and pasty, and feet moved like lead in the ocean. Down the familiar sidewalk between the neighborhood watering hole and the hole in the wall he called home, he walked. His hair seemed to be graying, his wrinkles appeared deeper and he wore a constant expression of bitterness. ‘Thirty is too young to look forty,’ Anna had said, just before last call. He knew she was just trying to cheer him up in her own backwards...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Kimberly Chi Naughty Ninja Nubile

Stealthy ninja nubile Kimberly Chi has a deadly assignment, and she is going to succeed no matter what. She takes out a security guard on her way to obtaining the vital files she is after and then ties him up to an office chair. But instead of doing the poor guy in, she decides to use his body for a secret sex romp! She sucks his giant dong and gets it nice and wet for penetration. Then, she sits back on his cock, moaning as she slides up and down his thick pole. Then, the tiny chick strokes...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact the Cult of the GhostChapter 3 Winter

Wednesday, November 21st, 2013 – Deidre Cheshire – Cassia County, ID I hadn't been to my dead aunt's ranch since I was a kid. It seemed the same now as it had then, like time had stopped for this one spot and the rest of the world had moved on. Right into the hands of Mark Glassner. The main house was painted a faded blue, rising three stories at the center around several barns and sheds. My great-grand father had built it to house his rather large family at the turn of the last century....

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