Polly Gamey (4. Largo) free porn video

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4. Largo

Lizvette was silent as we drove from the hotel to the chapel. For most of the trip, she held my right hand clasped between hers in her lap, freeing it only when I needed to turn. I enjoyed the feel of her firm thighs under the snug white cotton leggings she wore. Her gaze, serene and contented, alternated between the road, the unfamiliar sights, and me. At one point she smiled and lifted my hand to kiss it, when I sang along with Frank Sinatra on the radio,

"And someday I'll know
that moment divine
when all the things you are
are mine."

We drove through the open gates of the Secret Hearts parking lot and I saw Kit and Candy emerging from their car, a sporty apple red hatchback that seemed to be made for Kit. He wore dark sunglasses and a wool blend jacket with a purple tie. With his slim build, dark wavy hair and beard, he looked every inch a European movie star. I half expected an Italian or a French accent when he smiled and extended his hand to me and said, "You picked a beautiful day to marry your beautiful girl." The charm, the aura around this k**, was irresistible. Yesterday, he was a lovestruck puppy, barely able to keep his knees from buckling. Today, he was winsome and confident, with the easy manner of a young man who had just spent hours making love to the woman of his dreams. Kit could have won with a word any girl he wanted, and he wanted and won his older sister. I looked at Candy as she helped Lizvette with her things, and understood why. Like me, he had found love where it wasn't supposed to be, forbidden and unknowable, then he found a way to keep it. I felt a genuine connection to him, and to his sister, and I was happy they were there.

To me, Candy asked, "Did you enjoy the Bellagio last night?" Her tone, slightly flirtatious, slightly teasing, told me she already knew the answer. She too wore sunglasses on that bright desert afternoon, with her hair pulled back in a long ponytail that flowed down to the top of her ass, which swayed prettily under her loose linen dress with each step she took.

"We had an unforgettable evening," I told her. I watched her lips form the same crooked smile in the same semi-concealed laughter I saw yesterday as her brother stammered his vows to her. I added, "Thank you, Candy." She took my hand and squeezed it as Kit held open the chapel doors.

"I'm so glad," Candy said. "You were like angels from heaven yesterday. Our friends had to cancel and we really wanted witnesses. Witnesses who weren't being paid to be here. And Lizvette was just too precious."

We stepped into the foyer and were greeted by the young girl from yesterday, the minister's daughter. Candy and Lizvette smiled at her and said together, "Hello, Luna." Luna opened the door to the bride's room and motioned for Lizvette and Candy to enter. Lizvette turned and looked at me, with her garment bag folded over her arms in front of her. She started to speak but instead stepped toward me quickly. She reached up with one arm and pulled me toward her for a kiss. It was like she was saying goodbye. In a way, this was an ending, and she sensed it before I did. We kissed, looked into each other's eyes, neither of us knowing exactly what to say but both of us well aware that one part of our lives was now ending, and another was about to begin. She turned and walked past Candy, who followed her into the bridal room. Luna closed the door and motioned toward the opposite end of the foyer to another room, where she led me and Kit.

Piero joined us almost immediately. "Good day, Mr. Conlin. Oh, Mr. Donnelly. Good day to you!" He seemed surprised to see Kit. Had he forgotten I arranged before leaving yesterday for Kit and Candy to serve as our witnesses? He adjusted the bill, I knew. "The chapel is prepared and we are waiting only for your bride to dress. I understand you have prepared your own vows, and I will ask you to recite yours first, then your bride. Will you exchange rings?"

"Not a ring, from me, no. But I do have a gift for her. It will require me to kneel. Do you have anything like a foot stool?" I asked him. He said he was sure he could find something suitable, then excused himself to meet with the bride before opening the chapel doors.

Soon, I stood where Kit had stood a day before, at the altar in the chapel, decorated now with Roman arches and columns, probably made of styrofoam, but to the eye appearing almost ancient. The chapel smelled richly of the various herbal plants that adorned the altar and the bridal walkway. The minister entered, with the organ lady from yesterday, his sister Analisa, who greeted me before taking her seat at a full sized harp situated beside the organ. Pluck, pluck zing, went the strings, very harmonously and filling the room with centuries old Italian music, transcribed from guitar at my request. She played beautifully.

The harp music stopped, and a recording of Ave Maria, sung in a rich baritone, began. Luna then appeared in the foyer, now dressed in a simple gown of pink pastel, so sheer the outline of her little body was visible beneath it as she walked through the light of the chapel. Having no breasts, she needed no bra, though her brown nipples protruded faintly through the fabric. Only the visible line of the elastic band of her flesh colored panties told me she wore any at all. Seeing her and the beauty of her youthful innocence made me think of how I must have appeared, at an even younger age, to Dawn, my eldest older sister. Did Dawn look at me and see the same beauty I now beheld in Luna, the night I felt her first touch? I replayed the scene in my mind, as I had thousands of times since, and saw Dawn enter the bathroom as I bathed. She knelt beside the tub, wet a wash cloth and scrubbed my neck, my shoulders, my chest, my legs, then let the cloth fall into the water, and with her hand between my thighs, rubbed me gently, pressing in places that no one else had ever touched. Sensations I never knew suddenly filled me, electrified me, and they seemed to flow directly from Dawn's hand. She became the beautiful source of magical delights for me, and wonderous unspeakable secrets no other boy knew. She always spoke of me as the most beautiful c***d she had ever seen.

Now I watched Luna walking toward me and understood how Dawn could have been so taken. On Luna's head lay a garland of pink petaled flowers and green leaves. She carried in her hands two more garlands. She asked me to bend for her as she placed one on my head, and then did the same with Kit. "Thank you my precious," the minister said to her as she returned to the bridal room.

With no mirrors, Kit and I looked at each other to check how well the garlands suited us. "Yeah. Nice. Not bad. Cool," we agreed. Candy appeared from the room next, in a garland identical to Luna's, and stood in the foyer, looking into the bridal room. Luna dimmed the lights as Analisa began to play, at Lizvette's request, the Largo movement from Vivaldi's Concerto in D for lute and strings,

Lizvette appeared, in profile at first, her eyes cast downward, and with the same serene smile she had worn since we left the hotel. Her hair was braided and coiled on her head, which was adorned with the garland of yellow and white flowers Candy had worn yesterday. She wore a simple floor length gown of white muslin, sleeveless and covering her from neckline to ankles, except for the slit on each side, which allowed a view of her legs with each step, up to mid thigh. I had described such a gown to her, but did not tell her on whom I had seen it before. On her feet she wore ballet slippers, with silk strands enwrapping her ankles and climbing upward. Around her waist, above the baby, a white braided rope of cloth was tied, accenting the round suppleness of her breasts, which jiggled gently with her movement. In her hands she held a bouquet of the same herbal plants that surrounded us, which I could not name then, but now know to have been marjoram, rosemary, lavender, sage, and myrtle. As she came to the mid point of the bridal path, stepping in waltz time to Vivaldi, her eyes looked upward and ahead, but not yet into mine. She was from another time, it seemed, and was almost another girl, though still very much, especially in comparison to Candy the woman, and Luna the girl who walked behind her, the eternally desirable, purely beautiful woman-girl I so deeply loved.

The music ended and the minister began. "Friends, today we come together, in the sight of the God of Abraham, of Jesus, of Muhammad, in the spirit of every lover from ancient times to present day, to celebrate the love shared by Lizvette and William, to unify them eternally in their devotion to one another, now and ever after.

"William, will you now look into the face of your beloved and speak your vows to her?"

I turned to face her and saw her at last looking into my eyes, expectant, trusting, so intimate she seemed unaware we were not alone. It was the look I saw from her only, I realized, when we made love. "My love for you, Lizvette, is the deepest love I have ever known." My voice was low, as if we were making love. "You are the first thought I have each day when I wake, you are the last thought I have before I sleep, you are every thought in between and you are the dreams I dream. I am filled with you. Let me forever belong to you, not only as your protector, your teacher, your lover, but as your husband. I want the rest of my life to be filled with you and the love that we share. Let it grow, and deepen and make us one. I am yours now and forever. And we are our own."

Her lips parted as she silently spoke, "Oh daddy."

"Now, Lizvette, will you, before these witnesses, speak your vows to William?"

"Daddy," her voice was soft and low, speaking only to me, "on the day we met I knew that love would find us. I knew that I would to belong to you. But I didn't know that every day would be more beautiful than the one before. You have given me happiness I didn't know I could feel. I will spend the rest of my life devoted to making you as happy. And I will be your little girl, your daughter, your lover, and your wife, to serve you and know that you will love me, nurture me and guide me. I am yours, Daddy."

I felt my lips respond, "My baby."

"William, will you now give to Lizvette the symbol of your union."

Luna appeared with a small, upholstered footstool and placed it between us. Lizvette was unsure what to do, not expecting this. I kneeled and held her right ankle, and lifted it onto the stool. Doing so, I caught a glimpse of the blue garter she had let Candy borrow the day before, that she had blindfolded me with last night, and that she now wore on her right thigh. With her foot placed on the stool, I turned to Kit who handed me the tiny box that held the symbol of our marriage. I opened it to reveal for Lizvette a small diamond set on a gold heart. I fastened it to her anklet, and, feeling moved enough by our vows to show my complete devotion, leaned forward to kiss the exposed portion of her shin.

I rose and the minister continued. "Lizvette Drew Feliciano, do you now, in this sacred place, before these witnesses, pledge your physical and spiritual fidelity, forever more, to William Entworth, having no other commitments before him, and promise to accept no others after him, for the remainder of this earthly life and the next?"

She looked at the minister and said, "I do."

"William Entworth Conlin do you now, in this sacred place, before these witnesses, pledge your physical and spiritual fidelity, forever more, to Lizvette Drew, while keeping only your prior legal obligations, and promise to accept no others after her, for the remainder of this earthly life and the next?"

"I do," I said to Lizvette.

"I pronounce you, William and Lizvette, to be husband and wife in the eyes of this church, with all the rights and obligations to one another that attend your sacred vows. And now with a kiss, let them be sealed."

Lizvette lifted her face to me as if she could not have waited another second for our kiss. As I felt the softness of her lips on mine, the warmth of her cheek in my hand, I heard Candy sniffle. The scent of the herbs filled my nose and the harp swelled, playing a traditional Italian wedding piece called "Caro Mio Ben" ("My Dear Beloved").

I held her face in my hands. "I love you, Lizvette Conlin. I will love you as long as I live."

. . . . . .

"Oh! Look at us feeding the cake to each other! That really makes it official, Daddy!" She put her phone right in front of my face from behind me as I sat in the hotel room easy chair, watching the fountain outside and enjoying my new status as her quasi-husband. "Aw and there's little Luna. I love her hair. Isn't she the most adorable little thing you ever saw?" I tilted my neck back and rested my head on the top of the recliner to face directly upward at Lizvette as she looked down at me. Her twin braids fell on either side of my face. I lifted one to my lips and kissed it. I could feel her breasts, so soft and firm under her muslin gown, pressing against my scalp. "Mmm here is a close up of us kissing. You have such pretty lashes, Daddy." I tugged at her braids to bring her lips to mine.

Her kiss tasted of the sugary cake frosting she had been nibbling at, and the non-alcoholic champagne she had been sipping since we returned from the chapel. "I love you, Mrs. Conlin," I said. She said she liked the sound of that, but returned quickly to the wedding photos. I stood and went to the dresser to pour myself another glass of champagne, from a bottle of the real thing I had decided to treat myself to, and looked at her from across the room, in profile as she leaned over the back of the recliner. The slit of her gown opened to show the front of her legs. I saw the muslin fabric d****d over her ass and filling the line that separated her cheeks. Her hips swayed slowly back and forth as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Her breasts fell down and forward, tucked and billowing between her upper arms, straining her gown. If she had been a picture, I would have jacked off. I gulped the champagne in one swallow and went to her.

Behind her, I kneeled to kiss her butt through the soft fabric. I held her hips in my hands and rubbed my face against her ass, my cheeks against hers. I wanted to see it closely, to memorize the vision. I faced her ass squarely to admire how the fabric hugged it as she bent forward over the chair, how it flowed into the crevice at the top and outlined her, heart-shaped and firm. As I leaned into her to press my nose into the underside of her ass, she slowly but forcefully thrust it into my face. "Daddy wants some Vettiecake, doesn't he?" Her voice was cool, low, and controlled. "Is there a word for Daddies who love eating their little girls' butts?" She pressed her ass more firmly against my face as she reached behind my head and held it against her. "Is there?" She insisted on an answer. "Teach me."

I reached into the slits on either side of her gown to get at her panties. I felt her free hand slap my wrist, and take hold of it. "Tell me, Daddy. What are they called?" I was loving the feel of her warm ass covered in the softness of her gown, like a cushion of flesh pressed into my face, and I was willing to play her little game.

"Daughter butt-munchers" I said into her ass. She let go of my wrist and I went for her panties quickly to tug them down and off. She cooperated, stepping out of them, still in her slippers. She spread her feet further apart and grabbed again the back of my head. She pushed my face back into her ass, but I was already trying to get my nose into her pussy.

"My Daddy is a butt eater. I'm so lucky." With her free hand she began lifting one side of her gown, exposing more leg till her thigh and the underside one cheek was visible. "And what is the name for little girls who like it, Daddy?" She held her gown in place at that point, exposing no more for me. "Tell me, Daddy? What am I?"

"My angel," I said, more with breath than voice.

Her hand slapped the back of my head! "Angels let their Daddies eat their butts? No. What am I Daddy?" She was in her controlling mode, guiding me somewhere.

"My Vettie cake," I guessed.

Another slap!

"My daughter-whore."

Her hand stroked my hair and scratched my scalp, very pleasingly. "I like that Daddy. But what kind of daughter-whore? If I like my Daddy's tongue up my ass..."

The answer to this one I remembered from last night. My mouth watered anticipating my reward. "My beautiful daughter anal whore." She pulled her gown up and aside in one swoop of her hand and exposed her ass for me. With her thumb she opened her cheeks to show me her pretty pink puckered hole, and below it, her pussy glistened, waiting it's turn.

"I like being my butt eating Daddy's daughter anal whore. Taste me, Daddy." My tongue squished into her ass as her thumb teased the tip of my nose. Was she hinting at something by that? I grasped the top of her thigh with my hand, and with the tip of my index finger teased her pussy, coaxing her lips to unfold, until her clit would appear.

"Oh god Daddy. Yes." She was my little girl again. She lifted the back of her gown and d****d it over my head. Light from the open window and the lamp beside the chair, seeped easily through the muslin and I could see every inch of my baby's smooth ass and pussy. I licked her asshole in long, slow, drenching wet slurps. She tasted rich and sweet and so very, very young.

"Daddy," she paused and when she spoke again, her little girl voice was gone, and I knew I was again with her controlling alter-ego. "Did you like the way Luna looked?"

I remembered, as I licked my baby bride's puckered pink and brown hole, and inhaled the richness of her dampening pussy, Luna's little nipples protruding just slightly through her gown, sitting on top of her tiny mounds, precious little buds of flesh that would barely fill my palms, and of course the loving memory Luna triggered. "Did she remind you of anything, anyone?" Lizvette lifted herself just slightly up and away from my face, waiting for the answer. "Tell me." Lizvette knew nothing of my relationships with my sisters. No one did. What was she referring to?

I remembered then the photograph she had sent me a few weeks before, an old one she had taken on her sister's phone when she was ten, before she had her own phone. She stood in front of her sister's bedroom mirror, while Luci was bathing, with her tee lifted high and tucked under her chin, her arms together, pushing her little mounds inward and upward, smiling at the sight of her enlarged brown nipples growing wider and fuller.

"My little Lizvette. Luna was like my baby when she was that age," I breathed my answer into the space between her legs, admiring the sight of her caramel ass cheeks and her pink lips opening and shining for me, still so young and girlish. That vision mixed with the memory of her young girl's nipples pointing outward, erect and ready for their first kisses. How I wish I could have given them to her then. I pushed my tongue into her ass deeply, till I felt the muscles in my mouth stretching and aching. I pressed my finger into her pussy.

"Yes, Daddy. I told her not to wear her little cami." Lizvette giggled, out of tune with the cool womanly control she had been speaking in. "I told her it makes unflattering lines, as you would say. I wanted you to see her and think of me." She flattened her feet back on the floor and settled her pussy again on my face. "I wish I had known you then, Daddy," she sighed. Her little girl voice had returned and her body was telling me she was about to cum. "Mmm. ... You would have loved having me then, I know." The controlling dominatrix was gone now. My kitten with a whip was again simply my kitten.

I considered her words and knew they were true. She would have charmed me at that age, certainly, just as she did five years later when I first saw her. It would have been a different kind of love, but still very likely, love, just as my love for Bethie had taken on its own meaning for the two us about that time, love for Lizvette would have begun it's course then, too.

"But," she continued, turning her body toward me, and pushing my head away, "this is nice too, isn't it Daddy? Watching me become a woman?" I was now kneeling at her pregnant tummy, my hands gripping her ass anxiously, wanting more of it's musty sweet flavor, as she held my face tilted upward. I saw over her belly and between her muslin-covered breasts her smiling face beaming down at me. "Aren't my boobies more fun now that they're almost grown?" With her left hand she squeezed a breast, forcing her stiff nipple to push into the thin fabric. She smiled at my reaction. "Be still. Watch me, Daddy."

She tucked her thumbs beneath the braided seam above her belly. I heard the sound of Velcro unfastening. The top of her dress suddenly became a vest, now loosened from the bottom half, and the undersides of her breasts were visible to me. "You like me as a big girl, too, don't you Daddy?" She lifted the vest off of her shoulders. A length of thin cloth like a strap went from between her breasts where it attached to the gown, which was now an inverted V, and rose to her neck where it encircled her like a choker. Her bare breasts hung heavy and full, and so grown-up, above her stomach. Her braids fell beside them, framing them. Her nipples were swollen and pointing slightly upward and away from each other. Images of the little girl she had been gave way to the woman she was becoming. "Mommy boobies are pretty, too, aren't they Daddy?"

I rose to my feet, eager to get my mouth on them. Standing, I towered above her tiny body and had to bend awkwardly to suck her. "Daddy should be comfortable now. He's had a long day." She held my hands to keep them off of her and led me around to the chair and sat me down. She was in a sort of mommy mode, very nurturing, very soothing, bringing memories of Dawn, and her mothering, placating ways. I faced the open window and the dancing fountains and she pulled the ottoman closer and sat in front of me. She squeezed a nipple between her fingers and said, "Kiss it, Daddy."

I leaned forward, on the edge of the chair and put my mouth on her nipple. I sucked as she stroked my hair and said, in a very calm and almost relieved voice, "Oh that feels nice. Finally. I've needed this all day." I sucked, gently but firmly, knowing it was a comfort for her, not entirely sexual. She had grown used to nursing me when we were alone. It was relaxing for both of us. I switched to the other nipple after a few minutes. "I love you Daddy," she said, not teasingly, or dramatically as if in the tumult of lovemaking, but as a calm, simple statement of fact.

I reponded by cupping each breast in one hand and holding them together from below. I pressed my face between them to feel their soft, pillowy comfort. "I love you so much, Lizvette. I ... " Words failed me always at some point in our lovemaking. I would simply become dazed with sexual love and longing, as I was now, and could express myself to her only physically. I felt a kiss on top of my head. "Daddy."

She let me caress her breasts with my face for a few minutes while she stroked my hair and let out pleased sighs and amused little giggles. "You're so cute when you're like this, Daddy," she said at last. "But it's time for your present now. You have to let me up for a minute." I held her closer, saying no, I can't. "Just for a minute Daddy. I will sit back down. Just like this. I promise, baby." I relented and begged her to hurry.

. . . . . .

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"I always look on the sunny side," Polly leaned over breathing beer in my ear. I was still too scared to venture even a furtive panoramic of the place. Nevertheless, I couldn't imagine what sunny side my sister saw in this thoroughly dark and dank dive. "You always were a regular Pollyanna," I managed to mumble back. Got a regular elbow-in-the-ribs for that observation. On the long drive down from New York, I'd half-jokingly frightened myself with the notion that when I finally...

1 year ago
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Pollyanna part 1

8:45 PM, the dressing room is buzzing, everyone is putting the finishing touches on their make-up. Most of the girls are already in costume, G-strings, pasties, and high heels or boots are standard for all the girls. They individualize their outfits from there, the usual stuff you see at a gentlemen’s club, cowgirl hats and vests, French Maid outfits, leather dominatrix corsets with matching thigh high boots, and schoolgirl tops and skirts. Michelle decided to go with the schoolgirl look. Since...

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Pollyanna part 2

Patrick drove home in silence that wonderful night with the windows down and the radio off as he grappled with what just took place. The feeling in his loins was incredible, but the struggle in his mind was as equally intense. He wanted Michelle so much, but he could only offer her friendship, and hot, passionate sex. She deserves more than that, much more. He held the fingers of his left hand just below his nose, enjoying Michelle’s scent while he drove, licking his lips occasionally for that...

3 years ago
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Pollyanna Part 4

It has been several months since Michelle left the loan modification department at My Mortgage Inc. and it hasn’t been the same without her. The spark is missing, everyone is just going through the motions and snapping at each other. Naturally, management didn’t replace her. Her work was just redistributed to the remaining team members. Patrick did his best to stay on top of the added workload, and Michelle was adjusting to her new position in the fraud department. Their affair had ended with...

1 year ago
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Pollyanna Part 4

It has been several months since Michelle left the loan modification department at My Mortgage Inc. and it hasn’t been the same without her. The spark is missing; everyone is just going through the motions and snapping at each other. Naturally, management didn’t replace her. Her work was just redistributed to the remaining team members. Patrick did his best to stay on top of the added workload, and Michelle was adjusting to her new position in the fraud department. Their affair had ended with...

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Pollys Past

I went to Vegas to party hardy and to try and forget the latest catastrophe in my life. My two-year marriage to 'the woman of my dreams' had just cratered and I was in sore need of some spiritual uplifting. It was my third trip to Vegas in the last ten years and it was also my third trip for the very same reason. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but either I had a black cloud hovering over me whenever I fell for a woman and married her, or something about being married to me turned woman...

4 years ago
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trip to mexico pt III

Terry had slept very uneasily throughout the entire night. She tossed andturned as the images of her nursing from Carmen's incredible breasts keptplaying in her head. Her pussy was flowing constantly keeping her pantiessoaked all night long. She woke up several times covered with perspirationonly to discover her hand stroking her pussy to another orgasm. Shecouldn't remember the last time she had been so horny and all the while shewas fantasizing about Carmen and Rosa two women nonetheless....

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Its a Sin to Kill a Tomboy

He hated her, little overachieving, athletic, ripped teen girl who made his son look as he operated in slow-motion. She could pitch, catch play any position infield or outfield. For years, his son had played her on opposing teams or he had coached her on his son's team. She out ran, out hit, and out hustled everyone else. At 15 years of age, she played baseball for nine seasons. The team she was on won the championship six years and second place three years. She had lost a single game as...

4 years ago
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7 November 2008Chapter 6

Dan escorted them inside the busy Tilted Kilt restaurant. They were met by a pretty hostess wearing a very small red and black checkerboard tartan themed bikini looking bra with an open white shirt tied loosely under her breasts. Moving out from the counter they could see she was wearing a matching micro-mini kilt, or skirt, that sat low on her hips and had a non-existent hem. Her slender legs were covered with white knee-high socks to complete her sexy look. “Do you have a table with a...

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Cockatoo Part 2

I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a brightlight above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through thewater as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, ‘No, thatcan’t be. It was dark when I fell in.’ The light grew brighter andbrighter and I wondered ‘Maybe I’m dead’. I tried to open my eyes but itwas so bright I couldn’t force my eyelids open. I heard sounds from along way off and it sounded like voices, but they were muffled and Istrained to...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Brandi Love Second Appearance

Life has been tough without Mr. Palms around. Recently he has been committed to a rehabilitation facility after suffering a breakdown. Apparently his life of cuckdom has affected him quite badly. His wife Brandi has been fucking so many men. He has even been forced to watch. Now his son is left bitter and upset having to look at his horrible stepmother. What more pain could she possibly inflict on the family. Today young Johnny would find out. Chilling with a couple of his childhood friends his...

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Cousin Fucked My Hot Wife While I Watched

Hi, I thank all of you for the love and support you have shown for my previous stories. Hope they made you cum in your pants and wet in your twats. I am married to Sunita for five years. Now we have a two-year-old kid. Sunita had been breastfeeding him all the time, yet her boobs are still perky and she is as usual horny. My young cousin Vikas was visiting us here. He had just completed a business degree from a reputed college, and was in Mumbai for job hunt. He had like some 10-15 interviews...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Coco Lovelock OMG I Fucked My Bratty Student

Charles Dera asks his student Coco Lovelock to stay after class so he can talk to her. Charles tells her that there are some stories going around that Coco’s been letting other students look at her naked in the school bathroom. Coco doesn’t deny the accusations, but instead gets a mischievous look in her eyes and starts to get flirty with Charles. He is appalled by her flippant attitude and resolves to give her the discipline she needs. He bends Coco over his knees and spanks her...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 31 The Final Farewell

Saturday Week 11 Dave woke late, laid in bed longer, finally getting up and making his breakfast, which was virtually brunch. He knew he wasn't going far, so he took his time packing up, loading the car onto its trailer and driving his RV out of the caravan park. He was in Ravenshoe by lunch time, parked the RV and unloaded the car so he could tour around. Dave drove out along the Tully Falls Road leading south until it became an unsealed road after 25 kilometres. At this point he parked...

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PornWorld Bambola Stud Patient Plows Busty Nympho Dr Bambola During CheckUp

It’s the beginning of the work week and Dr. Bambola has a few minutes before she sees her first patient of the day. So, to pass the time and prepare herself for the day ahead, she takes out her favorite glass dildo and begins pleasuring herself with it. Some minutes later, after getting dressed, the first patient arrives and Dr. Bambola—with her pussy still dripping wet—takes him back into the examination room. Still horny as fuck, Dr. Bambola decides to seduce the patient, letting his stiff...

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The Mate of a Demon Part 1 My Beginning

I was just sitting on the couch, watching some documentary on The Dark Ages. It was interesting. So see practically the entire world go to hell. Suddenly, my phone was making noise. It was my boyfriend. Well he was sort of my boyfriend. We had never met in real life. We met through some pen pal website. And since then we had developed a real relationship. He lived in Britain. In 2 years I would graduate and I was planning on flying to meet him. Because not only was he my boyfriend, he was my...

3 years ago
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Kelly and Billy

"Billy", Kelly asked, "did you steal a pair of panties from my laundry basket last week?". Nervous and penitent, Billy acknowledged that he had. "Why, Billy?", Kelly asked, as though she didn't know the answer. "Because they smell pretty:", Billy told her. "Well, its not right to steal things, Billy, and smelling girl's underwear is naughty.". The knoledge that Billy was interested in scent of her vagina was flattering to Kelly, and even though she had told him it was naughty, there was...

4 years ago
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The Creature in The Night

Introduction: Young girl new to the area discovers something unknown on her property It all started the night after my nineteenth birthday. I had just moved into my new home in the middle of nowhere in the outskirts of Illinois. Its a quaint little farmhouse surrounded by large oak trees providing shade to the entire 6 acres. My name is Kylie, and I stand at roughly 5 foot. Im not the most attractive girl, with my little amount of belly fat, but my D sized breasts make up for it. My boyfriend...

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Alone in a cruise ship

Hubby had booked a pair of tickets for a cruise around the Caribbean Sea.But then, two days before embarking, he was called by his boss and informed he had to fly away on an emergency business trip. He could not refuse to do it. I claimed we could not take the cruise on the next week and then he told me that I could go alone by myself. I still could enjoy it.I drove Victor to the airport and some hours later I boarded the cruise ship.By the third afternoon on board, I was working out in the gym...

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40SomethingMag Gina Monelli Gina Gets The Real Thing

A woman like Gina Monelli, who’s in her sexual prime at 42 years old, always wants more, so even though she’s made herself cum several times by fucking her pussy with a big, pink toy, she wants to cum again, and again, and again, this time with the real thing. Fortunately for her, the real thing is readily available, so Gina calls him over, gets his dick out and starts sucking it, and before long, she’s fucking it. Gina really loves to take a pounding. No romantic sex for this...

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Revenge Sex With My Ex Bosss Wife Part 2

I step out of the shower, my body is bright red. I must have been in there for almost forty-five minutes. Scrubbing away the combination of Rebecca and my juices. I always take very hot showers, my dick is soft and my balls loose, saggy, drained. This is the most I have fucked in one day since my High School days.After I dry myself off I walk to the bedroom, my phone is flashing blue. I open the home screen and see a message from Rebecca. A video link is in our messages, my dick twitches. I...

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Quick visit

My husband went out to do some running around when his friend stopped by for a visit. I told him he’d be back soon if he wanted to hang out for a little bit. We relaxed with a drink and a smoke as he told me about his ‘no luck’ with the ladies recently. His ex-wife, broken dates, striking out at the bar…. Time went on and he said he should probably just go because he was supposed to have a date. ‘I’ll probably rub one out, just in case. I don’t want to explode on first touch since its been so...

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Daughters of Priapus and I Said Yes

(This is the concluding piece of my stories entitled "Daughters of Priapus." Although it could be read on its own, readers might find it informative to read the others first, in order to acquaint them with some of the characters that are mentioned.) I glimpsed his erection through his boxer shorts, straining against the fabric, and then it disappeared into the pants he pulled on. But I couldn't take my mind off it. Like most women, I've appreciated the sight of a hard cock on my lovers,...

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Rob Vs The Succubus Round 8

We both stood there holding each other for a bit with our heads rested on each others shoulders. Once I had caught my breath, I started to kiss her neck and shoulders.She responded with the same. Suddenly, we were feverishly kissing each other all over.I grabbed her hips and backed her toward the shower. She flung the curtain open with one arm and began to back in. We never slowed down as we entered the shower.Fortunately, there was still hot water. I am not sure that we really cared where we...

Straight Sex
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First Time Experience

Hello Everyone.. just joined this website today. Read many stories here and thought of sharing my story with my girl friend, which eventually ended last spring. I hail from Hyderabad and my girlfriend is from chennai but settled in Hyderabad for past 20 years. She used to respect me a lot and that’s how we got into the relation. Initially we used to kiss and hug and she never allowed me to get into her clothes, and I used to respect her decision. In our last days of our relation she was...

2 years ago
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In deinem Traum kommt ein großer muskulöser Mann auf dich zu und sagt: "Du bist die erste Test-Person. Von diesem Moment an, kannst du kontrollieren, wie eine Person sich anziehen muss. Es gibt drei Arten der Kontrolle: Die erste Art besteht darin, Regeln für die Zukunft festzulegen: 'Du musst grüne Schuhe tragen.' Wenn eine Person sich nur in einer bestimmten Situation auf eine Weise kleiden muss, sagst du zum Beispiel: 'Du musst bei deiner Arbeit ein weißes Hemd tragen.' Wenn eine Peron nur...

Mind Control
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Rants Tantrums and Hissy FitsChapter 3

Even More More Rants Hmmmm ... I don't know what's going on anymore. I thought I had more rants saved than this. Oh well. It's gonna be a loss for some Internet Lit. major fifty years from now when she's trying to put together a Ph.D. on the "Romantic Period" of the Erotic Renaissance. Bad enough we've all forgotten how to write a real letter and now rely on email shorthand, short-stroking the English language to get half-witted, ill-considered, stillborn thoughts onto our blogs so...

4 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 4 I Want This Cock

"Tell me you don't want this cock." "I do," she whispered, staring at it. The Queen licked her lips with lust for it. Don't do this Olivia. Don't do this. She fell to her knees and reached out for that hard thirteen inch black cock. It was their fourth battle. He pulled his penis out at every time they fought trying to get her to service him. The first time she saw it, it was like he took it out and slapped her in the face with it. She'd heard stories about it's affect on women....

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Clear Turquoise Sea

Emma stepped out of the plane into the hot Greek sun. She stopped to let the heat touch her skin, breathing in the air. Following her was her husband Sean. Together they ran a successful finance company and all in her life had been good until Emma became pregnant. The sex stopped almost immediately and Sean, frustrated, started an affair with the company accountant and Emma's best friend, Jane.This was kept secret until Jane, in error, sent a text to Emma's phone. It read, “Hi sexy, canʼt wait...

Wife Lovers
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Emerald Princess Chapter 29

Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 29: Combat Finals ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THAT NIGHT WITH Caireen in her castle she cuddled me, fed me, cuddled me, fed me, and cuddled some more; all while I continued teething in her world too. She turned the baby treatment on full blast, but I didn't honestly mind it that much with how miserable my mouth felt! Each time I nursed from her though, I felt stronger, and by the time she changed me and nursed me that night my...

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Naughty Rachel

'I reckon that if we ever split up; you and Rachel would be really good together.' 'Huh' I replied, rolling over and raising my eyes at my girlfriend.'I'm just saying; you're both into the same kind of music and films, and she's really quite hot.''I honestly can't say I've ever thought about it Chloe', I replied, lying slightly.'Well I have, and I think it's true...' she rolled back onto her side, ready to fall asleep. '... but don't go getting any ideas though.'How could I not get any ideas? I...

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Adrian HunterChapter 3

Dad made it in twenty minutes. He came through the door. I was sitting in the living room watching as he came into the kitchen. "Where is he? You shouldn't have let a stranger into the house." "I spoke from the chair I was sitting in. "There is no one, Dad. I wanted to see you and I knew you wouldn't come home just to see me." "What in the hell do you want? I thought I'd seen the last of you. You can turn around and get out." "Does that hold for me too, Daddy? It has been three...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 5 Shares

Thursday, June 3, 1971 There was light coming in around the drapes on the window in my small stateroom, when the opening of the door woke me. I looked up to see Jason, staring at the two girls sandwiching me in my berth. He saw my eyes were open, so he nodded at me with a silly grin, grabbed his bag, and headed for the small bathroom. Moments later, I heard the sound of the shower. Jason seems to have grown up quite a bit in the last few days, under the excellent tutelage of Julie and...

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Bound to Please

‘Good morning Aida, how was your weekend?’ ‘It was pretty routine, had the grand kids over on Sunday, but other than that pretty boring.’   I loved walking up to the front office in the mornings, Aida dressed impeccably, sexy yet very professional. Her hair and nails were always nicely done. While she wouldn’t create any beauty standards now, when younger she must have been pretty hot. Now, I have a huge foot fetish and she knows it. We often joked that my reason for stopping by was to check...

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Morning Snack With Miem

I woke up with a raging hard on. I allowed my slut miem to sleep in my bed not tied down. I thought she had been a good bitch last night. Every mutt needs a break. I looked at her short brown hair, listened as her breathe slowly filled her lungs, her tiny tits rose and fell. she looked like and angel, so sweet and beautiful. She was, still miem is my slut and my slave. It's time for her to get up!I look into her closed eyes. Reach over and rub the top of her head. mutt miem's eyes snap open! so...

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Roxy and I Enjoy the Forest

I walked down the beach as the sun hung low in the sky over the lake. The beach was all but empty. I passed the edge of the trees, when I heard a noise. I stopped and listened. My eyes went wide. I knew that sound. The moans of sex were unmistakeable over the gentle lapping of the waves on sand. I moved towards the trees and listened to the moans getting louder. I looked through the trees and saw the source.The couple was behind a tree, the man was pounding the woman from behind. My bathing...

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Awesome Night With A Call Girl 8211 Second Experience

Hi readers, I’m new to ISS as an author but a great reader of stories for so many years. I’m Rahul Raj, 6ft and muscular body with a 6-inch cock.Here is the incident which happened some 6 months ago with a call girl named Lal(name shortened). Feel free to leave feedback at Girls and ladies, reach out to me for quick encounters or a secret relation, secrecy and privacy guaranteed. I’m a very friendly good with a lot of sense of humor.You will definitely enjoy my company. Reach me at for...

2 years ago
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Все что произошло у нас с Димой, было как наваждение. Поначалу ничего не предвещало того, что произойдет потом. А именно, что я превращусь в настоящую секс игрушку своего повелителя, моего Димочки. Итак, начну с того, что мне 26 лет. Я азиатской национальности. При росте в 176 см. у меня вес – 81 кг. Как видно, я «в меру» упитанный молодой человек. Еще одна моя особенность это практически полное отсутствие растительности на теле, кроме волос на голове разумеется. У меня довольно округлая попка...

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She Felt His Eyes

Cheryl sat there while her husband droned on with his sales pitch to yet another group of prospective customers. Another dinner, another evening to get dressed up, looking pretty and then ignored. She took another sip of cabernet as she picked at her food. At least the wine was good, she thought to herself.Her husband told her to outdo herself when she got dressed this evening. He said this was a really big opportunity for him and he wanted her to look alluring and sexy to relax his guests. It...

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My Daughters Wedding

My name is prerna widowed my husband passed away when my only daughter was 5 yrs old. I had been married to him when I was 18 yrs, very distinctly he married me not cause of my qualities but more for my voluptuous 36-28-38 figure and my milkfull of assets. I brought up anjali with my husbands insurance and pension. Anjali was 22yrs , had a secured job and a good prospect for marriage. So I was on a lookout for a would be suitor for her. My sister’s family had an orphaned relative on her...

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New Job in Sales and caught Frigging

Hubby had been away for the last month, and now it was coming onto five weeks since I had sex. I was in heat and the temptation to reach down there between my legs, for a good old fashioned frig, was occupying my my thoughts on an hourly basis.Yesterday was thanksgiving day and I was drunk with too much alcohol, wine in particular, was having its usual effect in making me so fucking randy. I needed cock and my cousin, in my mind, was becoming my prime target.As the day progressed I suddenly...

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The Blow Job Interview

“It’s really easy, you shouldn’t have any problems,” Andy assured me. “Alright, if you say so. How do I know whether to hire her or not?” I asked. “To be honest Joey, as long as she’s hot and not mentally deranged, she’s got the job. It doesn’t require that much skill. In fact, a monkey could probably do this job, but I have no desire to fuck a monkey, so I would prefer a human female if possible,” Andy joked. “Wow Andy, how have you not been fired for sexual harassment yet?” I wondered out...

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