Mistress Penny
- 3 years ago
- 34
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"Penny, you get your little butt in here and do the dishes!" Penelope Farrell heard her father's yell but the only effect it had was to cause her to hunch her shoulders tighter to her neck. She knew he would go back to the couch and the TV.
Penny was ten years old that summer. She lived with her father and her brother, Carl. Their house was on a street of other run down houses that ran next to a pine and alder forest near the coast of Northern California. Penny's mother had died when she was only four years old. The scant memories she still had of her were fading fast. It didn't help when her dad got drunk and slapped her for her failures to please him. But even that wasn't as bad as what Carl did sometimes.
Penny picked up the coins she had stacked on the hard packed dirt. Once again she counted them. They still only totaled $13. 47. She had been saving for a month to buy a ticket on the bus to go visit her aunt. Aunt Sheila was her mother's sister. She had offered to take Penny after her mother died but Penny's father needed the welfare money.
When Penny had called the bus station the man had told her a ticket to Portland cost $27.95. It would take a lot of cans and bottles to make that much but Penny was driven to escape.
She replaced the money in the butter tub and put that back into the hole she had scraped out of the dirt. Standing up she kicked the dirt back over her treasure and added the dead branches on top of it all. She had to be careful because Carl had stolen her money once before.
Penny slipped between the trees, moving away from the house and deeper into the forest. Her knees were dirty from kneeling on the ground and one of them had a streak of dried blood from a thorn. She reached the pile of logs the storm had twisted from the ground and dropped there the winter before. She started around it. She was headed for the cliff where she could sit and smell the salty breeze and look down at the waves foaming over the rocks and splashing against the edge of the land.
Somewhere off to her left a twig snapped. Penny froze in her tracks, hardly daring to breathe. A rustling followed the snap and it seemed to be coming closer. She ducked low and held her breath. The sound stopped and she let her breath out as silently as she could manage. She inhaled again and waited, ready to bolt if she needed to run. Then the noise started up again but it was moving away from her now. She straightened her legs and then went up on her toes to peer over the logs. Just above the tallest of the bushes she saw a head of tangled brown hair. Carl! She breathed a sigh of relief that she had eluded him.
If he found her out here there was no telling what he would do. The least of her worries was that he might make her tell him where she hid her money. Unconsciously her hand moved to press against the vee between her legs as she remembered the last time Carl had messed with her. She had bled and her 'pussy' (as Carl had called it) had been sore for a long time. Even Carl had been scared when he saw the blood and it made him stop. That was just from his fingers.
So far he hadn't put his thing in her but he said he would when she was old enough. She just hoped she could save enough money to go to her aunt's before then.
She might have told her dad what Carl did to her but she didn't trust him either. Carl had told her that Dad would never believe her unless she let him put his finger up her to prove the truth. The idea of her father's scarred and dirty fingers (so much like Carl's!) inside her made her skin crawl so she didn't say anything. All she could do was try to stay out of Carl's way and save her pennies for the ticket that would be her escape from all this.
When she no longer heard her brother's steps she continued toward her safe spot. She thought she should put her money there but it would be too easy to lose. Animals came there and she had heard that coyotes and raccoons liked to chew on things people had touched for the salt. Besides, it was all rocky there so there was no way to hide anything except by putting more rocks on it.
The trees thinned and she began to feel the wind. She smiled when the first salty caress tossed her red hair back. Then she stepped out of the trees into sunshine. The bushes ended with the trees, leaving only the grasses that ran right to the edge of the cliff. They tickled her bare legs as she walked through them. Something -- a mouse or a shrew, maybe -- tore through the grass away from her path. She stopped and watched the progress of the tiny creature as the grass shivered and then stilled.
She skipped along now, distance making her forget for a time the hell that was her life. Unlike most kids, Penny hated summer. It was a scary time for her because she couldn't go to school. Sitting in class she knew for sure she was safe. Carl had quit school three years ago, when he was eleven. Her father didn't even know where the school was, so he could never come and take her out of class. Even though some of the kids at school teased her and made fun of her ragged clothes and torn sneakers, she felt good there.
Penny loved English and reading. Her favorite class, though, was geography. She looked at the pictures of places she would go one day when she was older. The strange looking people with their strange and brightly colored clothes made her long to be older sooner. She even wanted to go and see the naked people in Africa and South America. Maybe she would go naked with them if it was warm enough.
She was thinking about geography as she picked her way carefully over the rocks and lowered her feet to the narrow path that slanted to her cave. It wasn't far and she had no fear of heights so it didn't bother her that she was one misstep away from a twenty foot fall to the rocks below.
She reached for the lip of rock and pulled herself into the shallow cave. With her foot she kicked a pile of droppings off the edge and watched it break on the rocks. Then she pulled the towel she had hidden from behind the big rock and spread it out. A picture in her geography book showed a Muslim man sitting on a patterned piece of rug. The caption said it was a prayer mat. Penny didn't think about prayers when she sat on her towel. But she guessed it was a kind of prayer to think about how her life would be better when she was older.
Thinking about the natives in the jungle made Penny smile. Letting her eyes scan the sea below she made sure there were no boats. Then she pulled her tee shirt off. She toed her shoes off and pulled her shorts down followed by her underpants. When she was naked like the natives, she sat cross legged on her towel in imitation of the Muslim.
She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. The sunshine was warm on her pale freckled skin. The breeze was a little cool, but it just made her feel more tickly. Goosebumps formed along her arms and legs and her little nipples poked out. She pressed a hand over them and rubbed. When they were hard like that it felt kind of good to rub them. It gave her a little tingle between her legs when she did it.
That was something that puzzled Penny. When she put her fingers down there it felt good. When Carl did it, it hurt. But he was rough with her. He only wanted to make himself feel good, though she couldn't figure out why it made him feel good to hurt her. She didn't mind it too much when he made her take his thing in her hand. It was funny to watch it get stiff and he got a silly look on his face just before it squirted the stuff. If he would just make her do that she wouldn't mind. After he squirted he would usually leave her alone for a few days.
He tried to make her put it in her mouth once but she threatened to bite it off. He slapped her for that but at least he didn't make her suck on it. She was smart enough to know that he would want her to suck it until it squirted and she didn't ever want any of that sticky, smelly stuff in her mouth!
Penny sat there until the sun was beginning to sink into the ocean. It would be too cold then to be naked. Also, it would be too dark to find her way back up the cliff. She stood up, rolled the towel into a ball and stuffed it back behind the rock. When she was dressed again she climbed up to the top and went back through the trees.
She watched the house for a few minutes before she went home. The pickup was gone from the carport, as was Carl's bike. She was glad. She looked both ways before running across the road and into the house.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to present to you this year's Valedictorian, Penelope Farrell," said the Superintendent. He turned sideways and held an arm toward where Penny sat on the podium. She smiled and brushed her long red tresses back over her shoulders. Rising to her feet, she nervously approached the speaker's stand and adjusted the microphone. She was eighteen.
Penny had never saved the money for that bus ticket. As things turned out, Fate had made it unnecessary. A week before she turned eleven her brother was caught with some of his friends raping and beating up a girl behind the convenience store. They sent him away to reform school. While he was in there he had fought with some other kids and they said he had killed one of them. It would be a long time before he would get out, if ever.
It was just a year after that when her dad, drunk and out of whiskey, got into his pickup and drove off. Penny was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when the police came. Her father was killed when he drove his truck through the guard rail and off the freeway overpass.
The people at Child Services weren't very nice, except for Mrs. Sterling. Penny told her about her aunt and Mrs. Sterling made sure that all the papers got signed to allow Aunt Sheila come and take her back to Portland. Penny felt out of place for the first few months with her aunt. She met her Uncle Jim and her cousin, Hank, for the first time. Uncle Jim was nice, but Hank didn't seem too happy that she was there. After a while, though, they got along okay.
Penny's graduation speech was kind of corny, she thought, but it was what was expected of her. When she finished and the auditorium erupted with applause she blushed and returned to her seat. Shortly later she rose again to accept her diploma. Then a little after that everybody was on their feet and all the grads were tossing their hats in the air. Penny was so happy that she cried.
Aunt Sheila was wiping away tears, too, when she came through the reception line. She hugged Penny and sobbed that she was so proud of her. It made Penny cry again and then her Uncle Jim was crushing her against his chest and kissing the top of her head. Penny thought then about her father. She hadn't thought too much about him in the seven years since he died. And she never thought about Carl, except when she had first come to Portland. Then it was only when he came to mess with her in a nightmare.
"So what's the program, Honey?" Uncle Jim asked her.
"We're supposed to have a 'lock down' party at the Elks Club, but I don't want to go." It was an effort by the school board to prevent the graduates from going off to drinking parties. They could go to the lock down and leave when they wanted to. But if they left they couldn't return. Everybody was supposed to bring sleeping bags and stay until the next morning.
"Oh, you should think about it," Aunt Sheila said. "It might be the last time you'll see some of your friends. People tend to drift apart after they go off to college. Trust me, I know." Sheila Findlay was thinking particularly about her high school boyfriend who had "drifted off" to the Army and Vietnam. He had been sent home in a body bag.
"I'd rather go home, I think," Penny said. The truth was that she really didn't have that many friends. Most of the girls didn't like her because most of the boys did. Most of the boys liked her because of the things she did to them in parked cars and her bedroom when Hank and Aunt Sheila and Uncle Jim weren't home.
The abuse Penny had suffered at Carl's hands had perversely quickened her sexual instincts. In Portland she found that she could get boys to do what she wanted simply by stroking their cocks. When she was fifteen, Penny fell in love. Brad hadn't been satisfied with a hand job. To satisfy him, Penny had bravely taken him in her mouth. When he squirted she swallowed. To her surprise it wasn't as bad as she had feared. The next day she sucked him off again.
In fact she became fascinated with giving blow jobs. Brad had been the first, but even while they were going together, Penny was bestowing her oral favors on other boys. She liked the way different penises looked and tasted. When Brad found out what she was doing with other guys, he broke up with her. Sheila never went steady with any other boy after that.
Her cousin Hank, two years younger than she was, had his first sexual experiences with the pretty redhead. The two teens had a lot of firsts together. After she stroked him off and sucked him off, he finally gave in to her pleas to lick her. He found that he enjoyed it. They played with each other's ass. It was with Hank that Penny had first 'gone all the way' when she was sixteen. While Hank was pumping into her slick pussy she chuckled to think that Carl had been just Hank's age when he wanted to fuck her. It was a sort of sweet revenge on her bastard brother to give herself to fourteen year old Hank.
At home after graduation, Penny changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. She looked at the nice watch Aunt Sheila and Uncle Jim had given her for graduation. It looked nice on her wrist. Then she sat at her dresser and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair had been styled at the salon for graduation. It was shiny and copper colored. The ends curled in ringlets. Her green eyes were bright. She cupped her breasts. She still liked to sit naked whenever she could. It still made her feel good to rub her nipples. Now at eighteen, those sensitive nubs capped sizeable breasts.
Her hips curved nicely down to her firm thighs. She had a little roll at her waist but it was not unattractive. Hank liked to bite her belly when they played. Thinking about Hank made her sad. After the summer she would go off to Seattle to the University. She could have picked a school closer to home but the UW had awarded her a scholarship. The Findlays weren't rich. The scholarship would cover tuition, books and housing. All that remained was pocket money. Penny had a job lined up for the summer as an intern at the local radio station to cover that. She was planning to major in Communications.
Her aunt didn't have a clue about Penny's sex life, not to mention what Penny and Hank got up to when they were alone. Penny thought that Uncle Jim might have his suspicions, but he had never said anything to either of them. What Penny would really like to have had as a gift was a night with her uncle. Jim Findlay was tall and strong. It had taken Penny several weeks to warm up to him. Once she did, he became her ideal man. She had suffered a crush on him since she was thirteen. She had been with her aunt and uncle just a few months when she had awakened in the middle of the night. She started out of her room to go pee but saw that the light was on in their room. She could hear some noises and then her aunt groaned.
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It was the middle of the night. Penny lay in bed next to her sleeping husband, John. She was naked and had one hand between her legs and the other fondling one of her tits. She looked across at John thinking what a kind loving man he was. It was so sad that his sexual drive did not match hers. He looked upon sex as being the way to make a baby. After they had a baby boy, David, his sexual interest in her ceased. In the twenty one years since then Penny had suffered increasing sexual...
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Ben saw her that one Saturday afternoon. She had to be the hottest girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. Her long dark black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a short blue jean skirt and a white crop top that showed her gorgeous tanned skin and flat little tummy. Ben could see the shiny belly button ring she wore which reflected in the sun. He felt himself almost drooling. She was his new neighbor and quite a looker. She had to be at least 16 like his younger sister Julie. She carried...
NEIGHBORSA STORY OF SECRECY AND SPYINGFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCOPYRIGHT © 2010CHAPTER 1The heat was stifling outside. Even the pool wasn’t helping today. It had to be at least a hundred and ten degrees. I swam in circles, trying to force myself to stay focused, but it was so HOT. I finally gave up and climbed out, trying to ignore the heat from the concrete that was baking the bottom of my feet. I grabbed my towel and dashed towards the house. Right before I went in, I caught a glimpse of...
A few weeks later, my mother wondered about something."Do you remember what you said about that summer evening?"“When?" said I."When you were home alone all summer and there was a party and… with the neighbors?""Oh yes, that night I remember very well.""When you were fucked by all the neighbors on the couch.""Yes, I remember.”"Dad and I have talked to the neighbors, and they are ready for a new round.""What do you mean?""We have planned for the four ladies, Helen, Maryan, you and I to stand on...
Some friends and I were chilling playing spades and the topic of escorts came up. "How do you guys feel about paying for sex?" my boy Danny asked.Having never thought about it, I kept out of the conversation and just listened. My buddy Wayne stated, "shit I'd do it...actually I have done it truth be told," we all listened in. "Yea im like hell if I can afford it why not put some money down for a dude that I may never have a chance with. So that's what I did I paid for this porn star to come...
Chapter one: Living with Penny 1 Brenda's room I was over at my neighbour Brenda's house for the afternoon as I do once a month because I was only nine and Mother preferred I wasn't alone by myself. I didn't mind because Brenda was sort of polite to me even though she was a year older. However she usually preferred us to go our separate ways so she usually played by herself all alone in her room while I ended in a world by myself with a toy train set in the basement. It was just a...
The Lady motored into Nanaimo harbour just before five that Sunday afternoon. In the three-plus hours since Tom's mental surrender to her, they had talked about inconsequential things. Tom wanted to talk to her about the things he wasn't sure of. What were her likes and dislikes? He thought he knew, but he wasn't positive. There was so much more to know about someone who was dedicated to capturing him for a lifetime. Connie had backed off after her final declaration. She had pushed him to...
My grandmother on my father's side used to say "in for a penny, in for a pound" when she was playing cards. It meant she knew she was taking a risk, but you either played to win, or you folded. That's where I was when I stepped off the plane in Yakima on my return. It was a Saturday afternoon and it was no surprise that Ali was accompanied by Jack, Jess and Matt. They were all anxious to greet me and it was nice to have a warm reception. I felt pretty damn good about my family and my...
I was working from home one day sitting at my desk when I noticed Dwane the 17 year old black k** from across the street walking between mine and my neighbors house. I thought this was kind of odd he should be in school what was he up to? I went into the kitchen looked out the window into the back yard, watched him open the gate to my neighbors yard. He looked around then closed the gate behind him, walked over to the patio door where he was greeted by my neighbors wife Janet. This peeked my...
To make matters worse, my dad is one of those manly men and he seems convinced that he needs to turn me into a “manly man.” My dad can be such a dick sometimes, no wonder my mother left. I just wish she would’ve taken me with her. She probably couldn’t bare the thought of having a sissy for a son.. But, that’s life or so I’ve been told. There’s not much I can do about it. At least it’s finally the weekend. As I grab my crap out of my locker and pile the mile high stack of homework for...
Richard and Clarice had a wild couple of sensual interactions leaving Richard physically and emotionally worn out, Clarice satisfied beyond her dreams and the neighborhood changed forever. After the weekend adventure things began returning to normal; Richard was quiet at home with few interruptions, Clarice found a job and was figuring out her duties. Richard missed Clarice during the week and was still uncertain about their relationship. When the next weekend came, Clarice showed up. After a...
I could hardly believe my ears as I sat there.I was sitting beside the pool in Tim Wilson’s backyard, chit chatting with Tim, our neighbor that lived about six houses down the street. Tim was quite a bit younger than I was, having just turned forty I was 9 years older than the 31 year old Tim. Although we weren’t close friends, we would have the odd pint together and just shoot the shit a bit . . . the age difference never seemed to matter. On this particular day we had been talking about the...
NeighborsJohn had just come in from work; it was late, around 11:30 pm. It was a warm summer evening with a light breeze blowing. Without turning on the lights he went in to his bedroom stripped and dropped his clothes in a pile and walked into the kitchen and got a beer from the fridge. Wearing only his briefs he opened the sliding glass door and walked out onto his balcony. He lived on the second level of a building in a new, modern apartment complex on the southeast side of town. It sat up...
Straight SexThis story is cowritten with brevdravis (https://chyoa.com/user/brevdravis) please check out his content and become a follower of his if you like what you see. Enjoy and have a nice fap! We're back, bitches! The hiatus is over, and Neighbors Next Door has returned with a vengeance!! We are very delighted to see an audience cumming for more content and apologize for our premature pull out. We hate to leave you hanging and have arrived with plenty of loads to fill your kinky pleasures to the...
I closed my legs tightly together. I wanted to retain the hot load of cum that was deposited deep within me. The man who had just fucked me, lay beside me. He was gasping for air, like a drowning man breaking out of water. He should be, he had just given me the best sex of my life. My pussy was dripping his cum and my juices, into a puddle. I had just orgasmed, and for the first time in my life, I had squirt, not much, but I did. My partner and our mattress was wet. I glanced over to see my...
Group SexI was sitting in my compartment on the southbound train, heading for Los Angeles. I hadn't seen my girlfriend since she left for UCLA ten months ago. Why am I taking the train? I'm terrified of flying and I fall asleep while driving. But the expense was worth it to have my own compartment where I could stretch out to sleep. I'm six-six and the chairs in the cattle car just aren't conducive to sleeping. Also, I could shut out the k**s.We actually left Seattle on time, passing Safeco Field and...
"TJ! Are you there?" Came a whisper through my open window. I turned away from my video game to see who it was, Mrs. Jenkins from next door. "Deena? Is that you?" I whispered back trying to not wake my mom. "Yes TJ, you got a minute? I need someone to talk too." Deena said. I went and opened the front door and let her in. We went to the kitchen and I fixed her a glass of wine. Deena was my neighbor. She was in her early sixties and not half bad looking. Petite, pert though small tits, White...
My second submitted story - this is a complete work of fiction, definitely a fantasy. I guesss it's up to you to decide whether it's a fantasy for the man or the woman . . . Larry had moved into the neighborhood three months ago. The house was rented because he wanted to get comfortable with the area before buying. But there was an option to buy with this lease and so far, he thought it was going to be a distinct possibility. The house was modest, only 6 rooms and a garage. But...
BDSMIt’s been about six months since the girl Lisa moved into the apartment above mine. It’s turned over a few times since I started living here, so I just said hello when I saw her on the stairs. She was very pretty and much younger than I was. She kept walking while replying with a pretty dismissive, “hey”. I didn’t think much of it until I heard her moving furniture around and making a lot of noise ... At 3am in the morning. Over the next few months, it happened a lot, especially on weekends...
My cock started to finally go limp as i set on the side of the bed. I threw my shorts on and headed down stairs. As I got down stairs Jason was coming out of the bathroom. “I’m glad I caught you, the shorts don’t fit” he said, holding the shorts up with his hand.“Well crap, those were the only pair I thought would fit” The girls were all in their bikinis. All five of them looked amazing. They all had different body types and all looked great, in their suits. Jason stood at the side and gave...
Jen and I have been married 5 years now, we met in college. She’s a marketing major, I develop computer programs for a gaming company. Life is good, we live in a high scale neighborhood that is gated. We’re both 27. Jen keeps in top shape as well as I do, we both work out at the country club. Every house in this neighborhood has a pool in the back yard at a minimum. We have great neighbors and they’re all about 28-40 years old. There are lots of parties and the wives all look hot.Our next door...
Jen and I have been married 5 years now, we met in college. She’s a marketing major, I develop computer programs for a gaming company. Life is good, we live in a high scale neighborhood that is gated. We’re both 27. Jen keeps in top shape as well as I do, we both work out at the country club. Every house in this neighborhood has a pool in the back yard at a minimum. We have great neighbors and they’re all about 28-40 years old. There are lots of parties and the wives all look hot.Our next door...