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Many thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for their assistance in preparing this story for posting.

Everything was at the hurry up! Really!. My employers had just taken over a much smaller concern that had recently gone to the wall. I think the company probably got everything on the cheap from the administrators. In spite of my own having been very successful in recent months, and completely swamped with work, our management was somewhat in a panic to bring its new acquisition into the fold, and get it up and running.

To which end a group of us had been shipped up there to reorient the staff and oversee the installation of our company's systems. In short it was complete chaos for a couple of weeks. There had been little time to plan anything out and just about everything was happening on the fly. Even down to replacing the new acquisition's computer network, which was not extensive enough, and adding the necessary wiring.

In brief, the ten of us were running about like blue-arsed flies during the days and, quite literally, meeting up in our hotel bar for a while most evenings to plan what was supposed to be happening the next day.

None of us lived more than an hour or so away by train, but we were all staying over in town most nights, because of those so necessary evening meetings. One or two of the guys had managed to slip home on the odd evening to see their wives and families, but the choice of who we could afford to have slip away depended on what was happening that day and first thing the following morning.

Anyway, feeling pretty knackered, I'd been in the hotel bar for about half an hour waiting for the rest of the guys to show, when she walked in. Sherrie was one of the computer nerds, hired in from a specialist company, helping set up the computer systems and train the staff on how to use them.

And boy, did she take me by surprise when I realised exactly who had walked into the bar. Sherrie definitely did not look anything like the nerd who had been teaching our newly acquired staff how to work our company systems all day. Gone was the baggy sweeter, calf length skirt and spectacles, to be replaced by a tantalisingly short skirt and a fitted silk blouse.

She didn't look around and case the joint. Sherrie just settled herself onto a bar stool and ordered a drink. I figured she was waiting for someone, and I suppose, I wondered which of my married colleagues was about to stray from the straight and narrow.

I was up like a shot from my table and very soon slipped onto the stool beside Sherrie.

"Hey, gorgeous, what's a nice girl like you, doing in a dive like this?" I asked in as sexy a voice as I could muster.

Sherrie turned to look my way, I do believe, intending to give me the evil eye and most likely tell me where I could get off, but then she recognised me.

"Oh, Christ, Steve, Stop messing about. What are you doing in here?" she grinned.

"I'm staying here Sherrie." I said as gestured to the barman to put her drink on my tab. "Hey, I asked you first anyway."

"I'm meeting John one of those electrician guys for dinner. He lives in town and he's picking me up here."

I thought you computer guys were all staying at the Conaught?"

"We are, but John doesn't need to know that does he? Besides, the fewer people know that I date the better. I don't date work colleagues from my own company; it leads to too many complications."

"Ah does that explain why you hide your light under a bushel in the office?"

"I'm not sure how I should take that. I think I'll assume it was meant as a compliment."

"It certainly was Sherrie. On your look now as you sit here, and your skill as a camouflage expert at work. Christ you scrub up well! Poor John is going to get the shock of his life when he gets here."

She grinned at me. "A high proportion of the people I teach how to work our systems are men, Steve. Let's just say they take in instructions better when they are looking at the monitor and not trying to sneak a look at my god given assets. Well you know the secret of my success in the business now, Steve."

"Yeah it was one hell of a surprise when I realised it was you sitting here."

"Men; don't give me that one Steve. I'll lay odds that you watched me every step of the way in here. And that it took you more than a little time to work your gaze up to my face."

"Yes I did, I'll admit it, and who could blame me. Sherrie, you are one fine example of your gender! What a shame you don't date colleagues." I grinned at her.

"Steve you always were a charmer even to that geek in the office. But just remember you don't work for the same employer as me, so technically we're not work colleagues."

"What an enchanting idea Sherrie. Except for that one fly in the ointment, I'm married!"

"Damn, just when I thought I was going to get lucky." She grinned. "Still if you ever get tired of married life, you know my company's phone number."

We must have joked together in the same manner for about twenty minutes before Sherrie's date turned up, and after he'd recovered from the shock, they left together. I bought myself another drink and then went back to my table in the corner to await my colleagues.

I don't know, probably ten or twenty minutes later I went out to the gents. While I was in there another guy came and started to use the urinal adjacent to mine.

"Pretty girl" he commented.

"Sorry?" I said, not really being sure that I'd heard him correctly. It's always a little uncomfortable when a complete stranger starts talking to you in the gents, you just never know what his motives are; but I tried to remain polite.

"That young lady you were talking to at the bar, she's a pretty girl." The man clarified.

"Yes she is, isn't she?"

"You in town in business?" he asked as I started washing my hands.

"Yeah, we're setting up a new branch office in town."


"Yes I am, but why are you asking?"

"Oh I was just thinking. Married men who are away from home should look out for who's watching them, when the talk to pretty girls in hotel bars."

The guy was washing his hands by then as I dried mine under the air blower. He was confusing me something chronic. I was trying to workout whether he was some weirdo trying to pick me up, or an unlikely looking pimp, touting for business for his girls.

"Are you implying something?"

"Yeah! That you've been in the bar three evenings this week, and whenever you're in there, so is that little shit over in the other corner; haven't you noticed him?"

"No. I really don't know what you are trying to say?"

"The moment you started talking to that young lady just now, he started fiddling with his phone. And what's more; when you go up to your room in the evening he moves out into the lobby and hangs around out there until well after midnight."

We were exiting the gents by then and the guy told me that he couldn't say anymore at the moment, he thought the guy in the corner might have noticed that he'd spotted him. He asked for my mobile number and told me he'd call me in a few minutes, then he walked out of the hotel's front entrance.

Confused, I returned to my seat in the bar, still trying to figure out why I'd given a complete stranger my mobile number.

True to his word my mobile rang within a few minutes. It was the guy and he told me just to sit quietly and listen; then he told me an almost incredible story.

He went around the houses quite a bit, but the essence of what he told me was that he had recently been stitched up by his now ex-wife. He explained that while away on a business trip he'd innocently fallen into conversation a pretty young woman sitting at a hotel bar.

During their chat it came out that she had come into the bar to hide from her abusive ex-husband, who she'd managed to spot in the street outside before he'd had a chance to see her.

It hadn't dawned on my gullible new friend; that sitting on a stool up at the bar wasn't the most conducive place for her to hide. If he hadn't been so beguiled by her good looks and story, he probably would have realised that a better choice of seat for her, would have been in a dark corner.

Anyway she pointed out marks on her face and arms that led him to believe that someone had recently been violent to her, and consequently he swallowed her tale, hook, line and bloody sinker.

Then she suddenly claimed that her husband was about to enter the bar and fled via a door at the rear. Fearing for her safety, my new friend followed her, and quickly located her trying to hide in an alcove in the corridor.

He had suggested that he get her a room for the night where she could hide, but she insisted that she could not go into the hotel's lobby because her ex-husband would most likely see her.

Yeah, even I guessed what was coming next. After a lot of discussion it was decided that the young woman would take his key and would hide in his room, while my new friend booked her a room of her own. Then he'd give her the key and she could hide in there for the night. Which in essence was what happened. The instant he gave the young woman her key, she'd given him a hug and a kiss on the cheek in thanks before he'd escorted to her to the room and then he'd immediately returned to his own.

He didn't see the young woman the following morning, and brushed the whole incident off as a slightly expensive wander into the realms of old fashioned chivalry. Feeling quietly pleased with himself, he'd thought the incident was over. But it wasn't!

A few days later while unpacking his suitcase, his wife found a pair of ladies briefs tucked into the bottom of it; then all hell broke loose. Within days he was served with divorce papers and in them he discovered that a certain young lady was admitting to having a liaison with him in the hotel room that night. What's more, there were photographs of him with the young woman, in the bar, and entering and/or leaving, his hotel room.

He claimed that the whole pantomime had been set up by his wife and her lover, who he'd later discovered had been her superior at the place she'd worked before their children had come along. Although he had no evidence of the fact, and none that his wife had been intimate with the guy until after their divorce was underway, and they were officially separated.

"It was all too bloody pat!" he said "The bastard was round the house giving her the business the evening the judge issued the separation order. And I'd been banned from going near the place because the cow claimed I threatened her with violence!

"Now she's got the house, because I've got to supply accommodation for the kids until they're of age. I've lumbered with child support, alimony and maintenance on the sodding house. And all the while that arsehole is banging my ex-wife in it!"

"I can understand your obvious frustration my friend, but what has that got to do with me?" I asked when he eventually fell silent.

"Are you sitting in seat at that corner table you and your friends have been using all week?"


"Then try not to make it too obvious, but in the corner at the other end of the wall there should be a young guy sitting there on his own. I should imagine he's almost hidden from you behind that damn great Triffid of a plant thing."

I casually glanced in the direction me new friend had indicated. Sure enough, there was someone behind that plant, but I could not see whom.

"Yes, I think I see him."

"Well, I'm not sure what his game is, but that little shit is watching you my friend. I'm just giving you the nod because you look like a decent enough bloke to me, and I wouldn't like to see you stitched up like I've been."

"Well that's most kind of you my friend. But I don't intend to stray from the righteous path."

"Neither did I, my friend, and actually I didn't! But that didn't stop me from getting stitched up. For some reason your wife must think you're straying when you are away from home."

"Never! I'm very rarely away from home actually. This is my first trip in over a year." I informed him.

"Rather odd then, don't you think. Why else would that guy be following you?"

"Following me?"

"Yes of course. He has followed you into the hotel for the last three nights."

"Nonsense, my friend, It must be pure coincidence that we've both arrived at the hotel about the same time every evening."

"He's not resident in the hotel. He goes home just after one AM. Look, I can prove it to you. Finish your drink and then leave the hotel. Walk down to the Plume of Feathers, it's only a couple if hundred yards or so. There are plenty of entrances, so if his is watching you, as I believe he is, then he'll have to follow you inside the pub to make sure you don't slip out of one of the others. If you stand up at the bar itself, you'll be able watch for him to enter, in the mirror behind it."

I passed the other guys on my way out of the hotel and told them I'd be back shortly. It was only after I'd walked about halfway to the Plume of Feathers that I'd wondered if I was doing the right thing. After all, there was the distinct possibility that I was setting myself up to be mugged or something. There was sod-all in the way of other people about.

I made the Plume safely and ordered a pint. Sure enough the young guy I'd risked a quick gander at on the way out of the hotel bar, came in and bought himself a drink at the far end of the bar. Then he took a seat on the far side of the room from where he could plainly watch me.

A couple of minutes later my mobile started ringing again.

"Was I right, or was I right?"

"Yes," I conceded, "he's over by the wall, trying to pretend that he isn't watching me."

"What are you going to do about him?"

"Buggered if I know."

"Well, just don't do anything stupid like letting him know that you've spotted him; or chatting up some bit of spare. Let me think on it and I will call you tomorrow."

"But what if he's ... you know, planning on robbing me or something?"

"No, he's not the type. I figure he's a college student, earning some readies, by working for some iffy private detective agency. He certainly has no idea of how to covertly follow anyone."

"I never spotted him."

"You, my friend, are a little bit too much like myself. The thought of straying doesn't cross your mind and therefore you don't have any reason to keep looking over your shoulder. Now, your redheaded mate, he's on the make and he's scanning around all the time. I'm a little surprised that he hasn't spotted your shadow."

Yes well, the redheaded colleague of mine he was talking about, is actually the office Casanova, and whom I'd first suspected that Sherrie was in the hotel to meet.

Having finished my pint in the Plume, I made my way back to the hotel by somewhat meandering route that took me along by the river. I hoped that it looked like I was out for an evening stroll to take in some fresh air.

Back at the hotel the guys were curious about where I'd disappeared to, but they didn't push me on the subject. Then we got on with looking at office plans and discussing what we hoped we were going to get done the next day.

Later, as I left the bar on the way to my room, I could just discern -- out of the corner of my eye -- that someone was hiding behind that plant again,

"Are you okay?" my new friend asked when he called me the following afternoon.

"Yeah fine, still can't figure out why that kid should be following me though."

"Do you want to know?"

"Yes I believe I do. Someone must be paying the bugger and if my wife's wasting my hard earned cash I'll pretty annoyed!"

"Okay, leave it with me. There's a couple of other divorced guys working at the office I've been seconded to. I'll have to stay out of sight because the bugger might recognise me, but we think we've got a foolproof plan where they can grab the bugger and ask him what he's about without letting on that you know he's been following you."

"That'll be a feat, wont it?"

"No the boys are going to kid him on that they've been employed to follow you as well and they are going to get stroppy with the lad. Shit, he's only a kid; he'll probably wet his pants. Anyway, they'll promise him that if he comes clean with them, they won't let on to whoever is employing him that he fucked the job up. With any luck, he'll keep his mouth shut rather than risk losing his job."

It was arranged that I'd take another constitutional around the same time that I had the previous evening. Only this time making my way to the river via a very specific route that took me along a dark ally.

I'll admit that when I got into that ally I wondered once again, whether I'd been conned into walking into something nasty.

Half way down the ally I just caught sight of two dark forms loitering in the shadows. I was somewhat relieved to hear one of them say. "Keep going - he's about fifty yards behind you!"

Then I continued with my stroll and nothing further of note happened -- that I was aware of -- and someone was back behind the plant once again when I made my way to my room that evening.

"Well it worked, but it doesn't make much sense." My new friend's voice said when I answered my mobile phone just after midnight.

"Oh he talked then?"

"Boy did he, they couldn't stop him talking."

"Well, they looked like big guys to me."

"In a pitch black ally, at that time of night, everyone looks like a big guy my friend. But this, you just aren't going to believe, I know I can't get my head around it."

"Your little tail has to pick you up from your office every evening. He has to follow you around until midnight and then when he's satisfied that you've gone to bed, he can knock off and go home."

"Is that it?"

"Yes, he's moonlighting for a local detective agency as we'd surmised. But they aren't really interested in what you do or where you go, unless it's to the train station."

"The station?"

"Yeah, you know those things that run on rails."

"Yeah that's how I got up here, no point in bringing the car."

"Well, the interesting bit is, if you do go to the station he's to watch what train you get onto. If it's a train going north, he can knock off and go home. If you get on a train going south ... well, then he's got a mobile number he has to call immediately."

"South you say?"

"Yes, I would assume you live on the south coast my friend?"

"I do!"

"But why would you get on a train going north?"

"My sister lives about a half hour up the line."

"Hmm, I think its bad news then, don't you?"

"Yeah, have you got the number the lad's supposed to call?"

"I'll text it to you the instant we end this call."


"What are you going to do my friend?"

"I think I will pay my sister a visit tomorrow night!"

"Do you need any back-up?"

"That would be kind of you. I have no idea what I'm going to walk into."

"Text me the time of the train you'll be going down on tomorrow and we'll meet you at the next station along the line. Oh, and my two friends, if you spot them anywhere, don't acknowledge them, if you understand me? They are complete strangers to you and it might be safer for everyone if things stayed that way."

"Is that really necessary?"

"They are two very angry ex-husbands my friend. You'll only have to give them the nod and they will be only too happy to take care of anything you need after we are safely on the train back up here."

"I'm sorry?"

"There are CCTV camera's on all the stations nowadays my friend. Virtually unimpeachable when an alibi is required."

I didn't recognise the phone number that my tail was supposed to call. It was a mobile number anyway, so it would probably lead nowhere even if I'd tried to trace it.

After travelling one station north I switched to a southbound train, and was joined by my new friend one station down the line from where I'd begun my journey. He informed that the youngster had watched my northbound train go out, and then left the station, presumably to get an early night.

I saw no sign of the two large dark shapes I'd passed in the ally the previous evening, and my new friend didn't mention them.

We obviously discussed what I might discover when I got to my house, and what we would do if no one proved to be home.

My wife hadn't mentioned that she was going out, so we figured that she was expecting company at home. Well, there was always the chance that I'd call for a chat later in the evening. I had done that already once that week and on reflection my wife had sounded just a little ... distracted.

She had admitted to me that she was in the middle of a TV program and that she had muted the sound on, when the telephone rang, and that she was trying to follow the program via the TV's subtitle feature. Constance always did follow those stupid soap programs on the telly, so I'd accepted her explanation at the time.

By then I wasn't so sure. Actually I was racking my brain trying to recall what else I'd heard in the background during the call. Some half heard sound was bugging me and a couple of times I had thought that maybe Constance had put her hand over the microphone. She'd also giggled at one point in our conversation, but I'd assumed that she was laughing at something in her soap.

I looked around, but just the two of us alighted from the train at my home station. My new friend must have noticed.

"Don't worry, they're here already. They came down by car earlier."

As we began walking towards my house, my companion began to talk to himself. For a few seconds I thought he'd lost his marbles, and then I realise he had one of those Blue Tooth do-what's-its in his ear. He was obviously talking to the two dark shadows.

He informed me that we'd better hold up somewhere for a while. Constance was still alone, but she was expecting someone.

When I enquired how he was so sure. He told me that she'd opened the integral garage's door about five minutes ago and moved our car out into the street.

"Looks like her visitor intends to stay all night." He commented.

We wasted a little time looking in shop windows in the town precinct where we couldn't be seen from the road, until my companion was informed that the game was on. Then we made for my house.

My companion stopped me from charging in like the proverbial bull in a china shop. He pointed out that tonight probably wasn't the first night Constance had had a visitor, so there was little point in closing the stable door after the horse had bolted. We needed to give them enough time to get well and truly into, whatever they were going to get into. So that we could get the evidence I would need when it came to a court battle.

My companion had more experience than I in these matters, so I took his advice. We hung around in the back garden for about twenty minutes before my impatience got the better of me; then I sneaked up to the rear lounge window. Luckily those curtains, that Constance had been so pleased to find, had shrunk ever so slightly when she'd washed them. I'd never got around to getting the steps out again and adjusting the ruffle cord so they completely closed together in the middle.

I really would never have thought Constance was capable of it. She was stark naked and kneeling between the legs of and equally naked Tony Copland. He was one of our Local Council Members no less, and his party's prospective parliamentary candidate for the next general election. Our sitting MP had already announced that he was intending to retire.

Quite obviously Constance was performing the act that a certain ex-President of the United States had described as "Not having sexual relations." I somewhat disagreed!

The only way I knew the guy was called Tony Copland by the way, was because Constance had been delivering circulars for his party before the last local elections. Constance wasn't a party stalwart or anything, but she had inexplicably become involved in the last local election campaign.

Ever since, I've wondered whether Constance's affair with Copland, evolved out of her work for the party during that election or whether her sudden interest in local politics and the election was a result of her and Copland's affair. I have to accept that's probably a question I'll never learn the answer to.

I suppose I was still pondering that question, when my companion pulled me away from the window. The last glimpse I got was of Constance's head going up and down. Copland had both his hands entangled in her hair, for encouragement I suppose. For obvious reasons I was having a little difficulty controlling my anger. But to be honest with you and what made it worse for me, was that Constance had always claimed that the mere thought of oral sex, made her feel ill.

When we were well clear of the house, my companion handed me a small video camera, complete with a lanyard to put around my neck. He explained that when we got in the house I was to keep the camera pointing at Copland and Constance as long as possible. But should Copland go to attack me, I should just release the camera and defend myself. He reminded me that the camera would continue recording, even if it were just hanging from the lanyard. And that whatever I said or did, once we got inside the house, I was under no circumstances to make threats of physical violence against either of the perpetrators.

"If he comes at you, you crack the buggers head open for all I care, but don't raise a hand to him first. I'll have this camera trained on you all the time to prove that you haven't attacked him and I'll try to keep this one on both of them all the time as well."

"Two cameras?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's my business, selling video cameras wholesale. Didn't I tell you?"

"You've told me nothing about yourself. I don't even know your name!"

"Probably better that way, if you decide you want the boys to do the business later on."

After sneaking into the garage, and slowly letting all of Copland's car tyres down, we passed on through the fire door and into the kitchen. From there we could actually see -- and record -- what was going on in the lounge, where Copland was by then returning the favour to Constance.

How the hell Constance never saw us standing there, recording the scene, I just don't understand.

Then Copland seemed to tire of his labour and climbed up to mount Constance, even though she did object by saying that he hadn't got her off yet. I thought that was damned unsporting of the guy.

Copland said something to Constance about not being able to contain himself any longer and started humping away for all he was worth.

Somewhat oddly, I thought, Constance told him to take it easy, and kind of inferred that he hurt her when he went at it like that. Their conversation didn't really make very much sense because Copland interspersed almost every word he spoke with the two words "Fucking bitch" while Constance kept repeating "Oh fuck!"

I'd never heard Constance use profanities in all the years I'd known her. Usually when we made love she'd repeatedly chant "Oh my god!" I'd always taken that as a compliment, perhaps I'd been mistaken.

Copland was going at it for several minutes when a mobile phone that was laying on the coffee table began to ring. This caused him to halt screwing Constance for a second, and look at the ringing telephone. After a moments thought he rolled over along the sofa pulling Constance with him so that she was on top and told her to fuck him as he picked up the still ringing phone.

Constance obliged and began to slowly move herself up and down. Actually I should imagine that Constance was happier to be on top; many's the time she'd performed in the same manner above me.

The odd thing was that by then Constance was looking into the mirror on the wall behind our sofa, and not far short of staring into my companion and my eyes in our reflections in the bloody thing. God alone knows where her mind was.

Copland put the phone to his ear and said "hello!"

Then things began to get comical. I of course could only hear one side of the conversation. What the caller was saying to him I have no real idea. But I kinda got the gist of it.

"How did you get this number?" Copland demanded.

"No, I have nothing I wish to make a statement to any newspaper about!"

"How dare you young man? I'm..."

"If you make accusations like that in your newspaper young man, I'll have your damned job for you!"

Constance had stopped her gyrations and was looking down at Copland. She must have sensed something in his tone. Or maybe what the reporter had said to him had suddenly put Copland out of the mood for sex and that had had repercussions for a particular part of his anatomy.

"Now you look here! I'm visiting a local resident on official council business. It's part of my duties as a councillor to assist..."

"That's none of your business. Her husband is well aware that I am here this evening."

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Nemesis Dave

I'd finally pulled up at my house at three o'clock on the Saturday morning. The traffic had been atrocious on my drive back from Aberdeen to London. It always is on Fridays and there had been a multi-vehicle pile up on the motorway that had delayed me for several hours. I figured Vicky (Victoria), my wife, would have been in bed hours ago, but I was surprised she hadn't left a light on for me. Extracting my bags and briefcase from my car's boot I just about managed to carry them all at...

2 years ago
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Nemesis Fiona

As always I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for proof reading and editing this story. "Damn this bloody rush hour traffic," I thought, as I sat in the queue of cars and buses. All I wanted to do was get home and go to bed. I'd been called away with my two assistants to deal with a major breakdown at one of my company's production plants up north three days ago. After working around the clock, we had finally gotten the line up and running again on Thursday afternoon. The three of us...

3 years ago
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Nemesis Stella

Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. That should keep the GPs happy at least. How do you know your loving wife is cheating on you and shagging her private stud on the side? Well,...

1 year ago
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Diedre Desmond and me

I said I'd explain the reason why I'm both sub and dom in my profile. Firstly, I've had a sub streak since I was young, but only experienced domination when I was about 20. The names have been changed and what was said exactly is as accurate as my 60+ year old memory can manage! I had joined an accountancy office after college and began studying for qualifications. The office was run by a middle aged (50 ish?) lady who had a curvy figure, short dark hair and really good legs! This...

3 years ago
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A Wish Unwanted Part 2

A Wish Unwanted - Part 2 by Limbo's Mistress "Penelope Jean Davenport, get your butt down here right now!" The urgency and annoyance in my mom's voice carried easily through the closed door of the bedroom, cutting right through the stupor which had descended over me the moment I glanced at the front of my driver's license. As if to serve as universal confirmation, the name inscribed beneath the picture of the smiling brunette matched her words perfectly. Penelope? That was bad...

1 year ago
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Our First Time With Others

It was the last summer before most of us left for college and a friends party gets carried away taking Michelle and I down a new path. The summer of 1985 was going by so quickly and school would be here for us again before we knew it. One of my friends decided to have a get together at his parent’s lake house before we all left for college. I usually didn’t go to these parties because of all the drinking but since this was probably the last time many of us would see each other for years, I...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Alicia 01282019

When she came through our door, 20 year old Alicia told us she was curious about what it would be like to be in porn, a fairly common story. Closer to the truth though is what this food service worker was really looking to do was turn her tits and pussy into cash. And we’re ok with that, it gives us more girls to fuck! In Alicia’s case, she had only watched porn 3 times, so she wasn’t really sure what she was getting into, so we decided to give her a quick tour of the jizz biz...

4 years ago
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Mistaken Beauty

Mistaken Beauty Written by Princess Kay Partly edited by Penny Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content warning: This story contains scenes with transphobic characters and an attempted murder. Colorful tents lined the plaza. The shops and restaurants had closed, and in their place...

3 years ago
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Meeting Lori Again After Motherhood

Lori and I had been very sexy intimate lovers for nearly three years before she'd moved to another town halfway across the state. We'd first fucked in her office, with me turning Lori on until she was more than ready to fuck me. Then, I'd slid my hard horny cock in between the tight wet lips of Lori's hot pussy and I fucked both of us right into powerful thundering orgasms. It was totally hot. Lori was a very beautiful and very sexy young woman in her 20's and she wasn't getting much...

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Attack of the werewolfs

You are a 21 year old woman but most people say you still look like your 16. You have blue eyes, Your hair is blond, you have white lightly tanned skin, and a pair of C-cup breasts. The only hair on your body is whats on-top of your head which reaches down to your shoulder-blades. You just woke up and are still only wearing a pair of panties and a long T-shirt. Suddenly an emergence news broadcast flashes onto your TV set. "Just this in, we are getting reports of werewolf's having flooded the...

2 years ago
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Accounting 300Chapter 2 Gross

Hobie Brown volunteered at the Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center. He loved it. He loved working with the kids, he loved organizing and participating in their events, and he loved making a visible difference. The Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center kept kids out of gangs, off the streets, away from drug dealers and in touch with people who cared and listened. The Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center was doomed. It was ironic and sickening. The philanthropic act by the world's greatest criminal boss was to keep...

1 year ago
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Dragons Breath

I was sitting down enjoying my lunch today with a bunch of the girls from work. We were talking about the normal topics like we usually talk about. Denise always likes to talk about sex or she finds a way to turn the conversation into some type of sex story. I usually don't like to get myself involved in their sexual discussions. So as the topic turned to sex, I kindly excused myself like I always do. I don't like to engage in sexual conversations because of my lack of experiences. The one...

1 year ago
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Washed UpChapter 25

Day 109 - Tuesday, August 17, 1847 We got on the road early, after another of Mina's wonderful breakfasts. We let Rawhide ride the horse Tommy had been riding and Tommy rode behind Mindy. I don't think he or Mindy either one minded that. The road was mostly down hill today and we made a lot better time than we had in a while. I think we probably made close to seventeen miles for the day. M & M rode on either side of Rawhide for most of the day. Every once in a while, I'd hear Sam...

2 years ago
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Tempted by a Great White Goddess Part I

by rayray330It was a cool and quiet night as I casually strolled into her neighborhood. Even though I was slightly nervous, I wasn’t in any way uncomfortable or afraid because I was about to encounter a world that had intrigued me for quite some time but never had the opportunity until now. I was on the verge of meeting “her” in person for the first time and she was going to take me on a sexual journey into the fascinating world of BDSM. Regarding the circumstances you might say that I was full...

1 year ago
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That Night

Remember we went to that club last week? Actually, I met someone there. He was seated at the table next to ours and I’m pretty sure he knows you.  He walked over and introduced himself while you were getting us drinks and talking to your friend at the bar. It was hard to talk so he suggested we move to the corner of the VIP section that was closed off, as the club wasn’t full. It was great because it was quieter than the rest of the club and rather private.  He was about your height and quite...

1 year ago
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A woman spies on her neighbors while gardening in

It was a beautiful late spring day and Lisa was in herbackyard weeding the landscaping. Like all the homesin the subdivision she had a high privacy fence aroundthe yard and Lisa was working on the fence linebetween her and her neighbors Tabby and Greg, a couplein their mid-thirties that had moved in over thewinter. They were friendly but Lisa had not had toomuch interaction with them yet.Tabby and Greg were working in their backyard as welland Lisa could hear them over there discussing whereto...

1 year ago
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The Loyalty GeneChapter 14

Stephanie glared straight into the camera. “Why can’t the stupid driver deliver the package after Daddy comes home?” Alfred, impersonating Grainer’s AI, said, “Miss, the package is for you, and the delivery man insists on a signature.” “But Daddy doesn’t like it when I talk to strangers. He’ll take me to the basement.” Jason glanced up from the live video streaming on his phone. “The basement?” Alfred replied, “Mr. Grainer reserves his more serious punishments for the basement.” “What...

1 year ago
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Saying goodbye

‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ Bing Crosby crooned over the airwaves. The volume was low, but still audible, as Reagan pulled her moms lumbering SUV out of the mall parking lot and into the chaotic flow of traffic. She would have much rather been in her VW convertible but with Lilly and Cora in tow, along with all the gift shopping they had to do, it just wasn’t roomy enough. ‘Where are we headed now?’ Lilly asked from the backseat. ‘I’m hungry.’ ‘You’re always hungry.’ Cora...

3 years ago
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A young sissy

My desires were had to explain, not that I would have told anyone anyways. Being so young and wanting the company and pleasure of older men was not something that seemed common, but to me seemed natural. I craved their hands on me and I craved pleasuring them. Even then, I knew men had needs. Even then, I knew I wanted to meet their needs, anyway they needed or wanted me too.Late at night, alone in my bed, I would imagine being with the men I saw in a Playgirl magazine. Their soft cocks looked...

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Andy TaylorChapter 7

It was in the middle of the night when Kathy was awakened by Kelly's body shaking and by the sound of her sobbing. Tightening her hold on the girl, she just listened as Kelly relived some of the terrifying experiences she had had on her trip out to Los Angeles. Although she couldn't be sure, it sounded like Kelly had spent at least one night in a drain culvert that passed under the highway. As Kathy held her even tighter, their body contact and warmth seemed to quiet Kelly down. After...

2 years ago
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My First Fictional Story 8211 Part I

Hello readers!!!! This is my first fictional story and my all further stories will also going to be fictional cause I am virgin and they are my fantasies. Kindly don’t ignore the mistakes and tell me what they are so that I can learn by my mistakes. Well about myself. I am an Indian boy that’s all I can tell you. If you wanna know about me then contact me on my email address i.e. Now my fantasy begins I am Akash lives in India and I am a college going boy. My childhood was awesome because I...

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Focused On Sex

Milena's story My name is Milena and I work in a well-known chain of Opticians on the high street. When the manageress of our store suggested that we have a ‘wear what you want day’ I was excited. I’ve always been one for fancy dress. Then she added one or two caveats. We must be decent and not wear anything that brings the business into disrepute. Knowing me, that was a tall ask, but hey ho! She said it would be good for morale and create a talking point among customers and attract passing...

Quickie Sex
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Taken In The Woods

I was out walking in the countryside. It was a warm spring afternoon, the sun was shining, and it was about 75 degrees. I was not cruising. I had my camera in hand and was simply enjoying the walk. Taking a few pictures of whatever interested me along the way. As I walked along I encountered a few fellow walkers, a few horse riders and occasionally a cyclist.I had chosen well. The area was virtually deserted. I had seen only two people in the last 20 minutes. It was time for a rest, so looked...

4 years ago
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I want to be a girl Part 1

You come to pick me up & when I answer the door your cock starts tingling. I'm in a short black dress w/spaghetti straps, no bra so my perfect tits & nipples are barely covered. I have on thigh highs & 5 inch red heels. The dress is beyond tight & you can tell I don't have panties on. I have nails & lipstick to match the shoes & I've curled my red hair a little. I kiss you once as you enter. I need a minute to finish getting ready but can't help but notice the bulge you...

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Big Sister Tried Out As A Centerfold Part Three

After the experience in the garage with my big sister Annie, we were like ships passing in the night in the house. We didn’t make much eye contact the night everything happened.When I entered the house, I considered texting her or mentioning that I’d stashed the old Polaroids and the newer ones so that they’d be safe. Then I figured maybe I’d better not even go there. When it came up, I’d deal with it then. I wasn’t even sure if she hated me or if it was going to be weird.Even still, once I got...

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Hotel Rouge Part 1

Hotel Rouge was everything its website promised - intimate, discreet and luxurious. There was no check-in desk, just a table in the richly decorated hall, where the young woman who materialised as soon as I came in noted my name, took a tasseled key from a drawer and picked up my bag. I couldn't help watching the seductive rotation of her marvellously rounded bottom on the way upstairs - the tight skirt showed it off to perfection, and I got the impression that the woman was more than aware of...

2 years ago
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Trixies Big Case Chapter 3 Tammies Debrief

Tammi’s Deposition “He’s not gonna make a mess in here is he”, Trixie asked Tammi pointing to the muscle bound naked white boy as he crawled around her office. White boys had a hard time controlling their little baby dicks and Trixie knew Randy had that problem in spades from watching the file video from Tammi’s case. Tammi laughed, “Oh no Agent Daniels, here let me show you, roll over Randy”, Tammi ordered. The white girls both laughed with glee as the tattooed white boy rolled onto his...

2 years ago
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A FORWARD SPILLING OF FINE BREASTS In her magic mirror, She has three legs, And sometimes four Breasts (and sometimes more); She is a dancer, Slender in a white dress Full of surprises. When she moves, One tends to overlook Or forget the feckless freckles On her molten back; It is harder to ignore The parted lips Of her ravenous cunt. Sometimes she is a brunette, Instead of a blonde, With a pineapple In lieu of a cunt. She wears the flimsiest Of flimsy things, The...

4 years ago
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The New Manager

Eventually Donna got a permanent job at the store, she had been working there in a temporary part time position but now she’d landed a permanent part time position. After she’d been there a good couple of months she was doing an extra two hours when her line manager, Sally, asked if she’d sort out the clothes for the sale in the store room at the back of the store.She was walking round to the area when Steve caught up with her, “Oh you’re back with us” he said, “Yes and I’m permanent” she...

3 years ago
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My 6 Month Affair with a 72 year old Real Story

IntroI read some stories here and they were very interesting only if they were real. That gives me the idea coz i have plenty of real ones from my own experiences which can help readers to feel good. So wanna hear one ? Stop wanking at the picture & continue readingWell it's not a big secret that i am Xhamster verified if you didn't realize, that i have a high sex drive with much will to express it. I have had plenty of partners before even though i am a happily married mom now although i...

1 year ago
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My College accountant fucked me for fees

The accountant of collage fucked me for payment of collage fees The accountant of collage fucked me for payment of collage fees Hi readers thank you for your Positive feedback for my previous story hope you all loved it.This story says how I got fucked by my college professors when I was in my college in 1st year, Doing this was the only thing I could do to pass the subjects and so that I could pay my fees as I belonged to a poor family, Now coming back to story. All this started when I...

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Saving Martha

Saving MarthaBy Brewt.BlacklistJuly-September 2010Sometimes Down OneWoo"OH GOOD god. Whoever designed this place had no idea what he was doing," thought Martha as she looked up to her right. Through the open door of the women's room, she could see all the way to the front door of the crappy twang bar she'd landed in than night. "But then, he is kinda cute. Maybe the guy knew what he was doing after all." There stood John, looking in at her, intently.Martha was lithe, almost waif-ish, wearing a...

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Fill Er Up

Liam tossed the empty bag in the garbage can, having filled the windshield wash buckets for the last time. He checked his phone, and saw that he only had five minutes left in his last day. He took his time walking back from the diesel fuel island, burning up one of those five minutes. Tomorrow, his evening would be free. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was going to do with it, truth to be told. He had plans for the weekend, but everyone would be busy on a Thursday night. There were only a few...

1 year ago
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A good friend

I have a friend whos name is Novak.We have known each other since we were little k**s.We have always done everything together and have no secrets.But he didnt know that i liked to wear womens clothes.He has blue eyes,is very handsome and is very developed and he also plays football.Since we were really good friends i saw his dick several times and it was nice and big. Sometimes i dreamed i sucked it and that he came on my face.One day we came to my place after a night out in town and he was...

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Erin gets fucked first time

Erin gets fucked PART 1After a few weeks of mutual masturbation that ranged from quickies to full blown all afternoon shows between us it was fantastic when we went that little bit further and you made it clear that you wanted my big fat cock end to be the first one you held in your little young hand, entered into your lovely innocent mouth and let me push into your ever so young and innocent fresh cunt.You did play the innocent for a while but couldn’t help wandering into what turned out to...

2 years ago
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Caterpillar Breasts and Other Poems

CATERPILLAR BREASTS Caterpillar breasts, One after another Down the center of my chest: This vision of possibilities Astonishes me With its beauty, Making me want to be the insect In Kafka's "Metamorphosis"-- Except, please, I want to be A caterpillar-- And a hermaphroditic one, at that-- With as many penises As I have breasts, Instead of a cockroach, Revolting and loathsome: I am a breast man, after all, And I would like to fuck myself Between my multiple breasts, Having...

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Shama Ki Chudai

Hi dosto i am rahul from delhi i am good looking person now come to story mere gahar par ek naukari thi jo salo se kam kar rahi thi uski ek beti thi jiska naam shama tha 18 saal ki 5 fit ki choti chuchi aur mast gaan thi ek din jub wo ghar par aayi to mai aakela tha main us ko bulaya aur idhar udhar ki baat ki to pata laga ki wo bhaut garib hai to maine use apni factory main kaam dene ko khah diya wo khush ho gayi fir main us apni factory main bulkar dhere dhere pata ne laga aur wo pat gayi ek...

2 years ago
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Watching April Aprils Lust On The Lake

It was a very lusty day for my wife April. I knew it was going to be as soon as I started to wake up. I felt some very pleasant pressure down below and heard the sound of breath being pushed through someone’s nose as well as the sound of some greedy slurping. There was no mistaking that she was sucking my cock to rouse me from sleep. I let out a sigh, not opening my eyes, as I felt her warm tits tickle the right side of my waist. “Mmmmm, okay,” I groaned opening my eyes to...

3 years ago
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Marc and Moni part 3 BBC used

Marc and Moni in trouble, Moni becomes a true cums Moni becomes a true cumslut wife We get in Lamonts car and drive back to out hotel room, while in the car Lamont instructs me on how i will behave. He tells me from now on i am to smile wide at him and fawn over him no matter what anfd at all times. I am to tell my hubby that i am his white slut and that i enjoy it and want it. You got that he says, yes i tell him, as much as i hate myself i cant help but feel trapped yet my pussy keeps...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 11

I could barely contain my excitement as Elizabeth Chandler went into the school, she had long toned legs and did they look good or what? I suppose she could have been wearing flesh coloured tights but if that was the case, why had she stumbled when she saw me and blushed such a lovely shade of pink? I wanted to dance on the steps as I congratulated myself in arriving early this morning. Getting out of bed earlier, I'd had this sudden idea that I wanted to be there when the vice-principal...

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With Shraddha And Our Love Making Part I

By : Aniketmylove Hello Friends, My Name is Aniket Sharma and I am 25 Years old, you can call me Ani (Ye Naam mujhe meri Girlfriend ne diya tha). I am very good looking with height of 5 feet 9 inches. I wanted to become a super model but luck was not with me and I didn’t get any good chance to show my caliber as I am from a small city Ujjain. A few days ago I started reading few real stories here and thought I should also write about my 1st true love making day. That was my first experience & I...

4 years ago
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My First With My Girlfriend

Hi, I was new in Mumbai. It was year 2006. I had just completed my Graduations and was looking out for a job. Finally got a job in a PR firm. It was my first corporate job experience. being from a small city in MP, I was really enjoying the open culture of Mumbai. The openness in office, calling seniors by name, having parties almost every weekend, girls hugging team members, and use of words which are still taboo in my city. Words like Fuck, Chutiya, Shit were like the most common thing in the...

2 years ago
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Mother tells mewho is my Real Father

Hi my name is Amrit.My family consists of my Mother,Father,Me and my uncle that is papa’s younger brother.He loves me more than anybody.Dad is always busy with work and tours. My mom is a house wife. My uncle lives in our ancestral village house. When Papa goes on tours he comes to live with us to take care of me and Mom. This series of incidents started three years ago when I was 15.My Mother at that time was around 33 years old. She is very beautiful, with a pink complexion. Big juicy boobs...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Adriana Maya The Horny Job Hunter

Ebony hottie Adriana Maya is super happy to be home after four long years. She is impressed with how much her stepbrother has grown, and he loves how fat her ass is! Later, she catches him watching her get undressed in the bathroom and he convinces her to go down on his stiff rod! The next day, Adriana is nervous about her big job interview. To help her unwind, he shoves his massive cock in her tight, wet pussy. A couple days later, Adriana is getting ready to leave home again for her new job....

4 years ago
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God Bless the Child

God Bless the Child Katie Leone Chapter One Jeremy Bergeron was not living a life of luxury or anything closely resembling the idyllic picture that many associate with childhood. He didn't know that; most four year olds wouldn't. Jeremy's world was the part of the rural city that the people from the bad part of town called the worst part of town. A subdivision of run down, five room, single family houses was all that Jeremy knew existed. Rarely did the toddler ever leave the...

3 years ago
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In the Amazon Empire An Amazon Wife SpeaksPart Five

In the Amazon Empire: An Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Five by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Penthesilea, Nanette's First Wife Hemia and Uther, his parents Nanette Penthesilea, Rylann's husband Baroness Sylvia Penthesilea and Dame Oblea Penthesilea, her noble parents Alistair, Nanette's Second Wife Ira, maid to Rylann Hadrian, Rylann's new maid ********** Types of Amazon men: drones~men required to have at least two...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 4 Project Tuath

Aeron showed Lee to his workroom. He told her what he had been working on, and she asked about the shield he had created. Lee was peckish and pulled the box of bickies out of her satchel to eat while they talked, the bracelet help, but she also found the extra food didn’t hurt either. She said to Aeron, “Sorry, but I have a bloody fetish for chocolate and Juanita made these for me. I smelt them from my satchel. Would you like to try one?” Lee offered him a biscuit. Aeron accepted to be...

3 years ago
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Ek Raat Saali Ki Jam Kar Chudai Aur Use Abhi Tak Pata Nahi

Meri saali humaare saath 1 saal se reh rahi h.Meri biwi maal h par saali usse mast maal h.Uske boobs thode chhote hain par gaand gazab h.Main hamesha se use pasand karta tha par jabse wo saath aake rehne lagi uske chaal chalan aur kapde dekh use chhodne ka mann karne laga.   Wo har subah dodne jaati yoga pants pehen kar.Waapis aate hue uski pant itni gili ho jaati ki uske gaand ke saath hi uski chuth ka shape dekh paata hun.Uska night gown itna chhotha rehta h ki kabhi wo bina dekhe jhuk jaye...

1 year ago
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At the restaurant I was on time and had been waiting for fifteen minutes. I kissed her cheek and I asked her why she brought the bag? She explained she had done a little shopping and I would find out later what was in there. We talked casually about our day and what we were going to do for the long weekend. We decided to go to my Lake Austin Waterfront tucked away on over an acre of beautifully landscaped grounds. An entertainers dream with lakeview terraces, 500 bottle wine room & elevator....

3 years ago
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my experience with my hot sister

then one day in the around the begining of summer i started having dreams about my sister. i dreamed that i groped and fondeled her parts and had sex. then in my waking life i found myself staring at her ass and breasts when she wasn't looking and getting really turned on, she had more effect than any of the girls at school. one day i was chilling in front of the tv. when my sister walked in the door looking hot as ever. "hey mitch!" i looked up "yeah...

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