CrunchChapter 6 free porn video

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After dinner, Ronni did indeed roll me out into the evening air as the temperature cooled and the shadows lengthened. A trip up the sidewalk got me several conversations with the neighbors. My accident was the biggest event the block had seen in years. As far as anyone knew, I was messed up worse than I really was, and I guess that Ronni and Rena had been remiss in publicizing my actual (in my mind) rapid recovery.

This made for happy conversations with the neighbors, a couple of whom had heard rumors that I was either paralyzed or lost a leg. Finding me being pushed up the sidewalk by Ronni, wiggling my toes in the sunshine dispelled the rumors. She rolled me back on my front porch and together we held audience for a while before it was time for us to go back inside.

That was dusk. Once inside, she gave me kisses.

"Just makin' up for not being able to kiss you out in public ... yet!" she smiled. "so what'd you think about our talk with Mom and Dad?"

"I think that deep down inside, your Dad wishes you were older or maybe I was younger, but I think he's okay with it. You mom seems a hundred percent on our side, though."

"Kinda what I thought, too," she said. "I need to go talk to him for a while, that's all. Your sister is coming over this evening to visit you anyway, so that'll give me time."

"I'm not totally helpless, baby," I said. "You can leave me for a little while. My only problem is getting to the bathroom."

"I know, babe," she said. "But I'm not leaving you alone if I don't need to, so when she gets here, I'll go for a while. You might want to talk to her about us anyway."

"You're right. I need to break the news. But I'd rather do that when you're here."

"And don't let her bathe you. I get to do that, okay?"

"Okay, sweetie. I definitely need a bath. And a shave."

She grinned. "Yeah. A shave. BOTH ends."

"Uh..." I was thinking of how delicately I performed the shaving of my pubic regions. I wasn't sure that I was ready to give that operation over to somebody else, no matter how much they loved me.

"Uh, nothing! I will be VERY careful. You're getting hairy. And I got used to it being shaved."

"Okay ... I guess you're my future wife. I need to trust you."

"Yes you do, love," she affirmed. "I'll be VERY careful. It's MY toy, too, you know."

We were both laughing at that idea, our foreheads touching, when we heard a car door slam in the driveway, then two voices. That would be Deb and her husband Terry. Ronni was opening the front door when they stepped onto the porch.

"Hi, Mizz Deb. Mister Terry! Come in!" she chirped.

The two of them came and greeted me and then Terry announced that he had to go to the store, so he was leaving Deb for a while.

"Well, thanks for dropping her off, bud," I said.

"I hate to run," Terry said, "but we got a toilet that's runnin' and guess who gets to fix it?"

"I know what you mean. Do what you gotta do. You can buy me off with some of your barbecued ribs later."

He grinned. "Yeah, we can do that. See ya!" The door closed.

Deb's turn. "She looks happy. You look happy. What's up?"

Ronni knelt at the arm of the recliner and wrapped her hands around the bicep of my right arm, leaning her head on my shoulder.

Deb's eyebrow raised. This was an obvious display on Ronni's part and Deb picked up on it. "You two..."

Ronni smiled.

"Deb," I said, "remember when we were in the hospital and you thought that you could see something about how Ronni felt about me?"

Her eyes shifted back and forth between me and Ronni. "Yeah, I remember..." she said warily.

"Well," I said. "It's true. Ronni does love me. And better yet, I love her. I have for years. And best of all, we've decided to get married."

"No shit!" Deb blurted. "But you're almost forty. And Ronni..."

"I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen in a month."


Ronni stepped in. "Mizz Deb, I've loved your brother for years. It might've been a silly little girl thing when it started, but it hasn't been for a long time."

"I can accept that, sweetie," Deb answered. "But Dave's got two nieces your age. You know 'em. Ya'll go to school together."

"Yes ma'am," Ronni stated. "And they're good kids. And so am I. I don't party. I don't run the roads. I am doing great in school. And I know what a good marriage looks like. Mom and Dad have one." She paused. "I watched."

Deb drilled onward. "That's good, baby. But when you graduate from high school, he's gonna be forty. Do you want a forty year old husband when you're eighteen?"

"Mizz Deb," Ronni countered, "Other than the occasional run-in with a pickup truck, he's healthy. I figure he's gonna make eighty, easy. That's gonna give me forty good years with 'im. You an' I both know marriages that didn't make a tenth that."

"That's the point, Ronni," Deb said. "I was here when that happened. He went to pieces. I don't want that to happen to 'im again."

I started to say something but Ronni's fingers gripped my arm.

"Mizz Deb, I was here too. I was ten. And I remember. He was the nice guy next door who set up a kiddie pool for his little girl an' let me play in it, and he came to my birthday party and did rope tricks, and he was the best adult I knew besides Mom and Dad an' when he was messed up when Lisa left, I told Mom and Dad that I'd go be his wife so he wouldn't be so sad."

Deb sucked in a sharp breath upon hearing that confession.

"Mom explained to me why that wouldn't work because there were things I didn't understand when I was ten, but I tried to be his friend anyway. And he's been there when Dad was out of town, and he's been MY friend, too, and he's been my tutor and that's why I do so well in school." She paused, staring at Deb. "So is it okay if I love him? For real?"

"Deb?" I questioned. Deb's face was priceless.

"Ronni, if you want him, and he wants you, I think it's a good thing, then. Have you told your mom and dad?"

"We had the discussion earlier today, Deb," I said.

"Must've not been as bad as I would've imagined. You're still in one piece." Deb said.

"Mom and Dad are good with it, Mizz Deb," Ronni added.

"Well, Ronni, you can drop the "Mizz Deb" thing. You're gonna be my sister-in-law..." She sighed. "So! When?"

I looked at Ronni. "Soon. When I can stand up."

Deb's eyebrow raised. "Wedding? The whole "princess for a day" thing?"

Ronni fielded that one. "No way. Friends. Family. Me. Dave. He can wear his good suit. I'll wear a dress. It might be white, but I'll buy it off the rack at Penney's or something. And it might all take place in our back yard."

"She's practical, Dave. But then I already saw some of that."

"Yeah," I said. "She's a keeper." I got a little kiss for that comment.

"I need to go to the house for a while, baby," Ronni said, standing. "Mizz ... uh ... sorry. Deb's here for a while. You'll be okay."

Deb caught her for a hug before she got out the door. The door closed.

Deb hit first. "Dave, are you SURE? She's such a sweet kid ... but SEVENTEEN?!?!?"

"Deb, I am sure. I watched her grow. The last couple of years, as she matured into a young lady, I prayed that time would warp and I could go back and find her. I never came on to her the whole time I chauffeured and chaperoned and coached. I just watched, and shared and helped. And wished."

"And the whole time, she was doin' the same thing, in the opposite direction. That's something!"

Deb smiled. "Maybe you ARE doing something right."

"I think so," I said. "My heart says so."

"No kids, Dave. Remember?" Deb knew about my vasectomy. "How's that gonna work?"

"We talked. She says we can borrow kids anywhere. Or adopt. Deb, the girl wants ME. It feels good."

Car lights flashing in the window told us that Terry was back. He came in the front door.

"Babe," Deb said, "You ain't gonna believe this news..." And she told him.

Terry shook his head. "I've seen stranger shit than that, Dave. Deb says that girl's been by your side every day since the accident. That says something to me. Either you pay well, or she's crazy. And love counts as crazy, right babe?" And he gave Deb a peck on the cheek. "When's the wedding?"

"The future Mrs. Johnson says as soon as I can walk."

"You're not doing that big wedding thing, are you?" I knew that Terry was thinking of his own two daughters when he asked that question.

"Nope. She says friends and family and a back yard."

"Good," he said. "Maybe my girls will get a clue."

"One can only hope," I said.

"Yeah," Deb chimed in. "You oughtta be happy they wanna get married at all."

"That's not what I meant," I laughed, "but it's a good thought."

We continued talking and laughing for another half-hour before the footsteps at the door announced my Ronni's return. She walked right in.

"Oh, hi, Mister Terry," she chirped.

"Babe," Deb said, "You just as well call him just Terry, too, since he's gonna be your brother in law."

"Oh, so he knows too, now?" She smiled and came to my side, sitting on the arm of my chair. I slid my arm behind her, around her waist. She clasped my hand in hers, entwining our fingers together. She sighed. "Well, good! " She paused. "I guess. You're not mad are you, uh, Terry?"

"Nope. I wonder, though, Ronni. How would you tell our daughters? I mean, they're YOUR age."

Ronni was looking thoughtful when I turned to her. "I think," she said, "that I'd tell them that love comes in many forms and that what's right for one couple may not be right for another. And don't rush."

Terry looked at her. "And you're not rushing?"

"Oh, no sir. I've been planning this for seven years. Dave didn't know it. Now he does." Her smile was sublime.

"You planned this for seven years? How?" Terry was getting ready to get the story.

"When Mizz Lisa left Dave and he was all messed up, I told Mom and Dad that he was my friend and I could be his wife so he wouldn't be sad. And now I'm gonna be." She grinned.

"And we'll be there clapping" Terry said. "And the girls. Right, babe?" he turned to Deb.

"Yep. That's my brother. And my new sister. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I guess," Terry said, standing. "I have a broken toilet waiting on me."

Terry shook my hand and Deb gave me a careful hug, then Ronni escorted them to the door, hugging both of them as they departed. When they left, she closed and locked the door behind her.

"Well, news is out, Mister David Johnson. You're gonna have a wife."

"A bright, cute one, at that," I said.

"I'm glad you think so, baby," she said. "nobody's ever told me I'm cute besides you and Mom and Dad."

"Come here, Ron," I said. I motioned for her to sit in my lap.

"Can I do that without hurting you?" she questioned.

"I think so, baby. I need you close to me."

She figured out a way to ease into my lap without bumping my bad leg, and curled up against my chest. She was tall, not lanky, but long-legged and she felt good in my arms. Yes, arms. I rested my left arm on her so the fingers of that hand could touch her as my right arm moved over her, touching, caressing.

"I know I'm not cute, Dave," she said.

"Ronni, my sweetness, did I not say that I love you?"

"Yeah, but..."

"But what? What's not cute?"

"Brown hair. Brown eyes."

"The girl I love has hair that is alive and shiny and is a kaleidoscope of browns and coppers and bronzes, and her eyes sparkle with laughter and humor and intelligence."

"My nose."

"Is purely Ronni. Not a carbon copy of everybody else's nose. And it crinkles when you grin. And it made me smile the first time I saw your face when you were seven."

"My titties aren't big."

"Ron, little one, your titties are perfect. Look at your mom. She isn't big there either. That's just a genetic fact, babe. And your future husband thinks YOURS are absolutely perfect. Everything about you ... perfect. For me." I kissed her on top of her head. "Because I love you."

She twisted up to land her lips against mine. "I want you to be happy, baby. You've been with other women."

"And that's all the more reason to appreciate my Ronni. You're not other women. You're you. You've been my friend for years, and if I didn't think you would be my everything, I wouldn't have allowed this to happen, babe. I'm not in this to get in a seventeen year old's panties. This is forever stuff for me."

She raised her face away from mine and a soft smile spread across her face. "Me too, Dave. Forever." Her lips met mine for a long kiss. It ended with a giggle. "I can feel that, Dave," she tittered.

"I can't help that, babe. It knows about you now."

She wiggled her hip against it. "You know, I need to bathe you tonight. And some other things."

"Okay. I guess it's time, then." I recalled her promise to shave my genital area.

She carefully climbed off me and then pushed my wheelchair up, helping me into it. I sat in it next to the bed as she laid down a layer of towels for my coming sponge bath.

The next step was a change from the original routine, because she stripped me completely naked now except for the cast and a bandaged set of ribs. She helped me into the bed and then proceeded to sponge bathe me, rolling me onto my back, then onto my front, changing the water three times. Finally she came back with a fresh basin of hot water, a razor, and shaving cream. My face was shaved quickly. She was comfortable with it now, and I didn't even flinch.

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Got a call about some gang related graffiti going down on a private residence down an alley. When we rolled up, our little black Picasso took off running. Thankfully, his artistry skills and running abilities are both not very good. Once the situation was under control, we let that black mother fucker use the only tool he has that matters – his big black cock. Whatever artistry skills homie lacks with a paint brush, he has them in spades when it comes to pleasing white booty. Officer...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex with Cousin

I was desperately looking for a day to fuck this hottie! And then came that fine day when I was to fulfill my fantasy. I was visiting her and she was alone in her house... For about an hour, we were just talking in general and then she asked me for snacks! I said yes to bhel poori(an Indian snack) and she went to the kitchen to prepare it.. I followed her and got a nice view of that well rounded ass when she was bent over on the kitchen counter... My dick immediately stood up to full...

2 years ago
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Long Quickies Journey into Panties

"It was nice talking with you," she said as she turned and left. Yes, this was a good party, I had already talked to three women now. I stepped over to a group of two women and a man. I stood just beside them between the woman who was talking animatedly with the man and across from the other woman who looked my type. Quiet, reserved, not too pretty and not too plain. She looked at me and I nodded hello to her. We both turned our attention to the on-going conversation. "Dear, get me a...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 13

The following new historic character appears in the next few chapters: Nathanael Greene American Army Commander, 5'-10" tall, at 58 years old he still had broad shoulders and a deep chest even thought his hair had turned gray. That evening (Wednesday) we tried an actual restaurant. The food wasn't much better than that at the tavern, but they didn't serve hard liquor, and the General stayed reasonably sober. "Burke was one of my dispatch riders during the war. He was a wild young...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 1

Misti was a very pretty girl. She had a sweet looking face with big, brown eyes, a full nose, and cupid's-bow mouth. Her smooth, soft complexion looked as if she had been in the sun just long enough to give her a nice tan, and her eyebrows looked like they had been drawn on her face. It took very little effort to get a smile, which always seemed to make her glow.This was the icing on the cake, so to speak. She was 5 1/2 feet tall, with long, slender, well-shaped legs, that were soft and smooth...

3 years ago
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The letter part 2

4 weeks have gone by and I still haven't heard anything from you. Just for the heck of it I check my email that we used to use for communication, wondering if you by chance remembered what it was."You have a new message" pops up across my screen. My heart starts to pound in anticipation. I click open and the message appears across the screen.******Little one,It indeed has been a long time since I have heard from you, but I have not forgotten about you either. I was not sure how to find you...

Love Stories
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Double Trouble II

DOUBLE TROUBLE IICHAPTER ILori Lavalle was a luscious package; barely 22 years old; she had a 36 C/D bosom, her breasts firm and round, with 37? hips, a terrific bubble ass and, thanks to her penchant for wearing tight corsets, a waist that barely measured 24? around.  At 5’ 7? and 130 pounds, long lustrous black hair, with startling green eyes and high cheekbones, she was as innocent-sexy as could be.  Especially when she wore the long, snugged-up-to-pussy sheer lycra stockings, almost always...

3 years ago
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Shes More Than Meets The Eye Ch 3

From Part II As they reached the door, Damien paused, laughing. “This is totally crazy, you do realize that don’t you?” “Well,” she answered, giggling delightedly. “You didn’t think I was totally sane, did you?” Laughing, she opened the door, peered out both ways, and pulled him unresisting into the hallway… Damien’s heart leaped into his chest as he heard the heavy hotel door snick shut behind them. Wandering through a strange hotel in the wee hours of the morning, butt naked, was NOT where...

2 years ago
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Birthday Girl

It all began one hot, summers afternoon in a nice little neighbourhood on the outskirts of town. The heat-wave that had lasted two full weeks and everyone who wasn't at work was taking it easy and enjoying the sun. Apart from the odd passing car and the faint sound of a TV or radio all was quiet on the street. Reclined in the back yard on her Mom's lawn Lorissa was treating herself to some leftover goodies from her party. 'Lori' had celebrated her eighteen birthday that very morning. She...

1 year ago
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The Futalorian

Episode LXIX THE FUTA AWAKENS A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… The unity of the Galactic Republic is strained after the Battle against the Trade Federation on Naboo. Queen Amidala knows that corruption within the Senate is to blame, and is determined to restore trust in Democracy. She worries that the Senate is only able to keep order through the support of the Jedi. If the Jedi fall, so does the Republic. The Jedi Council is shaken by the death of Qui Gon Jin at the hands of Darth...

4 years ago
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A Splitting of the SoulChapter 7

Chenosh was in her office when Xander came in holding flowers. Looking up from her desk and a stack of papers, she saw two bundles of roses, each with their own card. One card had lines engraved into it near the edge, while the other had silver. Chenosh could see her name clear engraved in the same color on the front of them. "What's this?" Chenosh asked looking at Xander. He shrugged in response saying, "They came for you. A delivery person dropped them off downstairs and I was called...

2 years ago
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Assassinating her Pride

(an Assassin's Creed fan fiction) NOTE : The plot and characters are baeed upon the game Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood. For folks familiar with the franchise, this plot is placed in the mission "Castello Crasher" and occurs as Ezio sits on a ledge near the top of the tower, observing Lucrezia and Cesare share an intimate moment. The guard who comes later is not part of the actual game. For those unfamiliar, the plot is based in a ficitonal Renaissance Rome ruled by a family called...

1 year ago
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My Fantasies Story 1

Jaren and I had been friends for a long time but even though we sent pictures to eachother, we didnt really know what each other looked like. But when we finally did meet it was at our school's football game. I went up to an old friend who just so happened to be friends with Jaren. We started talking and when Terrel had finally said my name Jaren said hey at first I didnt know who he was but then when he said his name was Jaren I realized. He looked good he was tall light skinned and had some...

1 year ago
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The BDSM Monthly Club Social Part Six

The BDSM Monthly Club Social Part SixRobert told Kathy, "Go over there and help Suzy suck your husbands cock and when John is through with the two of you, he will no doubt find something else for you to do."John looked up and said, "Sounds good to me Robert."So Kathy went over and knelt down with Suzy and she started licking up her husbands hard shaft which led to her and Suzy french kissing then John took each woman by the hair and pressed their faces close so they could kiss and suck each...

2 years ago
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First blowjob

I finally decided to go down on this guy I like for the first time – really, the first time, as in my firsttime, ever – and here I am having to encounter balls for the first time. I mean, I finally got up thenerve to give a blowjob, months and in some cases even years after my friends, had just begun to geta little confidence about the idea of me with a dick in my mouth for the first time, when this guyhas to lift up his sweaty sack and lay it right on my mouth. Great. What the fuck am I...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Slimthick Vic Wifey Gets Lucky On St Patty8217s Day

Slimthick Vic is a certified freak, 7 days a week. And she’s all mine. Except when I hand her off to random studs to rearrange her insides. She likes that. And St. Paddy’s day is no different. She picks up this guy Damion Dayski at a party we were at. She was a little shy to be filmed, but once this stranger got to feeling her up she didn’t mind anymore. Once back home, Damion & touch & paw at her, getting her excited. Her pussy is already wet as she freshens up in the...

2 years ago
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The Halloween Dance

It was the night of October thirty-first. My friends and I had tickets to go to the local night club’s Halloween dance. There are twelve of us who work and generally hang out together. Mostly male but there were three women who worked in our section.The local club had changed its name to “The Coven” using a makeshift banner hung across the real name. The tickets specified that all attendees had to wear fancy dress.At work, there was a buzz of excitement about this Halloween party and the bosses...

1 year ago
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Wife secretly fucking husbands boss

I have been fucking my husband's boss for over a year. My husband doesn't have a clue about what is going on. Jim is my husbands boss. Jim is 6'3 and weighs about 210 pounds. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. Jim is very tall but muscular, since he is a carpet installer. He is a very good looking man, and a great lover. I don't really know why, or how this affair started. Im not all that great looking, at least I don't think I am. I am about 5'1 and I weigh about 130 pounds. Im kinda thick...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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Stocking vacation

Stocking vacation Kim Hye-jin looked forward to her first trip to Jamaica. She had just graduated college from Seoul National University with a degree in business administration. It had been a long four years of hard work and study. This vacation was a gift from her parents to reward her for being a dutiful daughter and achieving her goal of being top of her class and finding a high-paying job in the States. She was on the fast track to success, at least according to her parents who had...

3 years ago
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Thanks for the Memories

Thanks For The Memories by Jenny North TIME: The Near Future Tom Reynolds woke up with a smile on his face. He sat up and stretched his arms, adjusting the shoulder strap on his silky pink nightie that had fallen down. He giggled and walked over to his bedroom mirror and made a face as he looked at his reflection. Short hair, no makeup, flat chest...he looked like he always did in the morning, like a guy in a nightie. He sighed deeply. "Time to get gorgeous!" he grinned,...

3 years ago
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The Old Pervert

This happened to me quite some time ago and i would like to share this experince with you.Firstly i was back then a gangly teenager,with what i would call an average size cock,around where we lived at the top of our road used to be situated houses that were divided into 2 flats one up one down,for the older generation il call it,my friends and i were always playing football around the streets, and one particular evening the ball was kicked half way up the road,so i went to fetch it upon...

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Maid to pay

Yay! The day had finally arrived. I'd been terrified and excited in equal measure for the months leading up to today. Unfortunately little did I know that today was going to go very differently to how I'd planned. First let me jump back to how this all started. I've been a crossdresser since I was a kid, but unfortunately I was always a bit of a fat kid, who grew into an overweight,tall and well-built man. As a result I never really got the knack of dressing enough to be all that...

4 years ago
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Ruksana Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello doston ap logon k dher sare phone aye watsapp aya or req bhi ki kya hua ruksana k sath likha nahi ap ne to doston aj main apni or ruksana k sath jaipur me bitaye gaye lamhe K bare me batane aya hun or mafi bhi chahta hun itne late reply ka shalu bhabhi badla hua nam ap ne pucha tha ki ap ko meri story or chodne ka style kafi pasand hain ap delhi se Kafi door rahti hain warna pakka chudwati or ap meri sari story ek sath kaise dekh or padh sakti hain to shalu ji apko kahani k page k search...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 4

"You aren't helping!" Elspeth snapped, crossly, flat on her back on the bed with her leg up on pillows. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh." Shawna giggled, and Elspeth finally managed a rueful chuckle herself. "It was... painful." "So what are you going to do about Briana?" "I don't know... give up, I think. She made it fairly clear she's not interested, and even if she were I think I blew that chance with talking to Marcus like that." "What are you going to do about him?...

3 years ago
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Blood MoneyChapter 6

I told the women what I had done, and we all laughed at the antics of the town marshal. Now that this business was settled, I was ready to go to the county seat to collect my $125 bounty money and to pick up a set of wanted posters. That was planned for tomorrow. However, I still had an appointment with Helen that night. The next morning, I left for Arbuckle, the county seat. That was a three-hour ride at a fast lope, but I wanted to get there and back all in one day. I really hated to leave...

2 years ago
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Old Mrs Rhodes

My name is David and I'm 40, married to my beautiful wife maria, we have 2 grown up c***dren, boy and girl. What I'm about to tell you I've never told anyone else. It goes way back to when our first c***d was born 19 years ago. We lived near Manchester at the time, in a small 2 bedroom terraced house...... Maria had given birth to our son 2 months previously and, having fallen on hard times, I found myself between jobs. These 'incidents' that I'm about to relate started during a 3 week period...

1 year ago
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Al Fresco Threesome

He was out birdwatching, enjoying the tranquillity and the sunshine. In the distance he could hear the burble of water running, and he realised that would be a likely spot for birds. He made his way towards the sound and came to the edge of a clearing. There, about 50 metres ahead of him, he saw a couple lying on a rug, arms around each other, kissing passionately.He stopped himself just before he betrayed his position. His heart began to race as he realised what was likely to unfold before...

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