Jesus Speaks Galician free porn video

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So that’s why she didn’t come to the funeral—didn’t even acknowledge my letter—Penny thought. She put her forehead to the cold glass in the window overlooking the village street, gazing with a detached vision at the blanket of early December snow, which was covering the street and narrow front garden with a lovely covering of white.

But Penny wasn’t fooled. She knew the ugliness and neglect that was hidden below the snow. She knew this would be a bleak Christmas for her, like so many of the others she had gritted her teeth through over the years while others basked in the glow of the season within the bosoms of their families. She let her shoulders sag and loosened her finger hold on the typed letter, letting it flutter to the floor.

She had thought that it was because Millie still carried the resentment of their parents—their father an ever-complaining tyrant and their mother a whiny alcoholic. The estrangement had sent Millie spinning out of England to Spain, where she’d been this last decade and more, answering Penny’s letters with only terse responses—not answering their father’s few, complaining and judgmental letters at all. Not that Penny would have answered the letters from her father to Millie that she’d gotten a glimpse of either—full of bitterness and judgment for Millie having gone off with a foreigner and not, to anyone’s knowledge, having ever married him.

Penny knew why Millie hadn’t married Rodrigo. He already was married, and, being Catholic, there would be no divorce even if there was no love. He’d been older than Millie. Millie had let Penny know when Rodrigo had died, but her father had been so bitter about it that neither one had bothered to tell him.

Now this letter—from a hospital in Lugo, Spain, from some sort of patient representative, a sister someone or other. Penny’s father buried not more than a week and Penny, who had taken full care of him at his village house during his last two months, only now beginning to wrap up his affairs and go back to her job in the book store. It was the Christmas season. The bookstore would need all of its employees pulling overtime. They hadn’t been kind about holding her job for her while she cared for her father in his last days—certainly not considering how much time and effort she’d given them for over a decade. The bookstore was her total life now, but it didn’t seem like she meant that much to the bookstore.

The problem was that now the hospital in Spain wanted to send Millie back to her house. There wasn’t anything they could do for her, the cancer was too far advanced. She was insisting on going home to die. But there had to be someone there to receive Millie and take care of her. Penny was the only relative of hers that Millie had identified on her admittance forms, and she claimed there was no one in Spain to take care of her. Penny knew, though, that her job wouldn’t be held for her to allow her to attend another relative through a terminal illness—certainly not during the Christmas season.

With a sigh, Penny reached down and picked the letter up off the floor. Family was family, no matter how estranged. She sank down into the chair at the old secretary, read the address at the top of the letter and the sister’s name, and began to write her return letter.

* * * *

Penny hadn’t expected to be met by anyone at the airport in Santiago. She’d sent her flight number and arrival time in the letter telling Sister Noela at the Lugo hospital she was coming, but she hadn’t received an answer. But there was a younger man—at least young in Penny’s mind, as she was a bit past thirty herself—standing in the reception hall, waving a sign with her name on it. How many Penelope Stanleys could there be coming off the same flight in northwestern Spain?

‘Senora Stanley?’ he asked rather hesitatingly when she came and stood in front of him and pointed to his sign. She had never thought of herself as tall, but she was a couple of inches taller than he was. Other than that he seemed normal and was supporting an engaging smile. He was dark haired and a bit swarthy but quite presentable. Looking at him now, she could see that he probably was older than she was, maybe even ten years. If so, the years had treated him well.

‘Yes, I am Penny Stanley,’ she answered, trying to give him a smile that equaled his, but she’d just come off a long day catching her flight without knowing where she was going from here other than the address of her sister’s house somewhere in the region, somewhere on a mountain slope above the Minho River, if she remembered rightly what her sister had once written to her. She had no idea how far it was from the Santiago airport, though. She could tell from the map that there was a good distance between Santiago and Lugo, where the hospital was.

‘I am Xesús,’ the man said in halting and heavily accented, but easily understood, English. ‘Xesús has come to take you to your home. I know you didn’t expect anyone from the family to meet you—the hospital didn’t know that your sister had family here until it was too late to inform you.’ Penny was quick to adjust to the man’s way of referring to himself by name, although it made her smile each time she heard it. She also was greatly relieved to know that there was someone here with connections to Millie, and that she didn’t have to figure out everything for herself.

My home? Penny thought. Hardly, although she couldn’t say where her home was at the moment. Her own flat in Reading was just a rental and she’d put her father’s house close to Oxford up for sale—and already had offers on that, as housing was tight in the university town. It had also been uplifting to discover that houses, even a modest one like her father had lived in, went for a good price in the Oxford area. If she could find a far cheaper economy to live in, she could squeak by on the interest from what she’d get for the house without having to continue working herself. As she was afraid, the bookstore had let her go, and she didn’t have a specific job to go back to. She wasn’t that fond of her flat in Reading, either, so ‘home’ was something to be negotiated at this point when the time came. It certainly wasn’t in a remote area of hot and dusty Spain, though.

‘Did you say Jesus? Is your name really Jesus?’ she asked, trying, unsuccessfully to keep the tone of disbelief and challenge out of her voice. That couldn’t be right.

He just beamed back at her. ‘Yes. We don’t spell it as you would, but it’s the same name. We use that name in Spain. Spanish Catholics believe in instilling the attributes of the Holy Family in our families. My father’s name was Xesús and his father’s name was Xesús. So, my name is Xesús. My brother is Joseph and my mother is Maria. So . . .’

‘Oh, well, that’s interesting,’ Penny said. And strange, she thought, but she didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot with anyone here—especially someone who had met her at the airport to take her to Millie’s house.

As they drove east from Santiago, she appreciated even more that someone had come to pick her up, as the journey was long and the route convoluted. But she also was surprised to find that her impression of Spain as hot and dusty didn’t hold for this Galician region. The hills were rolling and still lush with vegetation. It was been a crazy year in weather across Europe, and winter had not reached northern Spain yet. It was as green as England was in summer—even more green if that was possible—while being wilder and more lush in foliage and with steeper slopes running down to the faster-flowing waterways. The villages they passed on the way were even smaller and less-ordered than those in the Reading area and as old, if not older, most being made out of stone, many unoccupied and falling down—but in a picturesque way.

She wouldn’t have known that Christmas was approaching if many of the houses didn’t already have colored lights and a smattering of outdoor Christmas ornaments on

It was nearly dark when they arrived at a hodge-podge of stone cottages set at angles and closely abutting a small, winding road high above a meandering river, with a checkerboard of garden plots, many planted to grapevines, tumbling down the slope to the water. Nothing was in flower or full leaf now, of course, but it didn’t take much to envision how vital this countryside would look in full bloom.

‘Fincas,’ Xesús explained as he maneuvered along a road hugging the side of the mountain and observed Penny looking down at the pattern of small plots.


‘Yes, through the centuries family holdings of the fields became divided and subdivided and families intermarried to the point that everything is divided into small plots—fincas—and a family now could have a series of the plots located separately so that they have to do more walking than tending of the plots to cover them all in a day. Senora de Peres has several of the fincas down there.’

‘Senora de Peres?’

‘Yes, your sister.’ Xesús gave her a quizzical look.

‘Ah, yes,’ Penny said. So, Millie was going by the name Peres here rather than Stanley. That must have been Rodrigo’s surname. They will think the two of them were married here, it’s likely they didn’t know Rodrigo had a wife elsewhere. That was natural enough, she supposed. If the villagers knew of their living arrangements, they likely would be unwelcoming, and Millie wasn’t one to take an effort to make friends herself.

Xesús pulled up in front of a stone cottage that looked like a ruin and that was so close to the road that the small Fiat Xesús was driving barely had room to park between the road and the rock wall. A door opened, and light spilled out onto the Fiat before it was stifled by the figure of a heavyset, elderly woman.

‘Dores. From the village. She has been sitting with Senora de Peres,’ Xesús explained.

And so it began. Millie had already been sent home from the hospital to die. Yet another ordeal of vigilance to the end for Penny—her last living relative, and yet another one who she had not been close to in life. She hauled herself out of the Fiat and reached for her suitcase, but Xesús was faster than she was at hefting it. The village woman, Dores, gave her a stiff, ‘Hola. Buenas,’ and an ‘it’s about time you got here’ look as she stood aside for Penny to enter the cottage.

The two women had barely acknowledged each other at the door before Dores had turned to return to the sick room and Penny’s attention had been arrested by seeing a decorated Christmas tree beside a fireplace in which a fire had been laid. She almost cried. She hadn’t had time to even think about decorating a tree before she’d left England.

Seeing where her gaze was turned, Xesús gently said, ‘Christmas trees are important back in England. We thought—’

‘Yes, yes, thank you, Xesús. It’s lovely.’ And indeed it was. Already the heaviness that had been weighing her down for what it seemed like years was lifting. ‘Now, maybe I should see my sister,’ she said, pulling herself back into reality.

* * * *

Millie had settled down at last, the effects of the morphine finally having taken hold. Penny had held and rocked her just as she’d seen the village woman, Dores, doing while Xesús was showing her around the cottage. There hadn’t been much to see inside the house, and it was a work in progress, although the ‘progress’ part of the work was well done. There was the main room that served as living room, dining room, and kitchen. This room, as well as Millie’s, off to the left as the cottage was entered, had been tastefully renovated with some sections of the wall being stone and some white plasterboard. The plasterboard sections were hung with abstract landscapes that obviously were from the village area and were masterfully done. Lights hung over these, the only lighting in the room other than the glowing Christmas tree, to which Penny’s eyes frequently wandered in appreciation. Millie’s bedroom was large, with a similar wall treatment. A modernized bath and large walk-in closet were on the street side of this wing, and the bedroom opened up onto a stone terrace that ran the full length of the house on the back, with a view down the slope to the Minho River and up the mountainside on the other side of the narrow river valley.

The room to which Xesús had taken Penny’s suitcase was on the other side of the house. Her bedroom was small, but also opened out onto the terrace in back. The walls were just stone and the room obviously hadn’t been renovated yet. A primitive bath, entered from both sides, separated it from a room, also not renovated, on the front of the house, which obviously was an office and catchall room. From the art supplies strewn about, it also had once been used as an art studio. The unfinished paintings were by the same hand as those on the walls in the renovated part of the house. Rodrigo? Penny wondered. She couldn’t think of Millie as having artistic talent. But she was having difficulty remembering anything about Millie, who was nearly ten years Penny’s senior and had left England and, as she put it, ‘the clutches of her family,’ when Penny was too young and alienated from the family herself to pay much attention.

She didn’t know any more about Rodrigo—other than that Millie said, whcn she’d left, that she’d follow him to the ends of the earth if she had too. As Penny remembered it, her father’s major objection—her mother was too deep into the bottle to voice much of an opinion one way or other—was that Rodrigo had been a good ten years older than Millie was—and was a foreigner and a dreamer.

Being a dreamer obviously was a sin in Penny’s parents’ eyes.

Dores, in a language Penny couldn’t fathom and that didn’t seem like Spanish, which Penny had some familiarity with, attempted to convey Millie’s pain killer injection schedule to Penny. Xesús, who said Dores was speaking Galician—more like Portuguese than Spanish—interpreted as best he could. Penny managed to get across that she knew all about applying the drugs, as she had just been through that with her father and only needed to know the schedule. When that had been dispensed with, she suddenly found herself alone.

All alone, sitting beside a lowly moaning woman who was a mere bag of bones version of the sister she had known so little and so long ago. All alone in a stone cottage, perched on a mountainside who knew where. All alone. Penny had to make frequent trips out to the living room to look at the Christmas tree to keep from sinking into depression.

When Millie’s breathing became regular, Penny rose from beside the bed and started to wander more purposely around the small house. The light was dim in the main room other than around the Christmas tree. She went to the refrigerator, which was almost bare. What would they do for food, she wondered. Where could she get some? How could she get some? There was a jug in the refrigerator and she quickly ascertained that it had wine in it. She found a wine glass—there didn’t seem to be any dearth of wine glasses in the kitchen. Millie quite likely was her mother’s daughter. But Penny wouldn’t be catty about that at this moment. She couldn’t think of anything more that she wanted—no, needed—at this moment, than wine.

She poured herself a glass, pulled a throw blanket off the back of a sofa to wrap around herself, wandered out onto the terrace, and sat in a patio chair there. The moon was full and picked out the checkerboard pattern of fields—what Xesús had said were fincas—cascading like folds in a blanket down to the ribbon of water below, reflecting the light of the moon. She sighed. The view was divine. The wine was delicious. After a few minutes, though, she shook her head. She wasn’t anywhere close to be in the mood to be seduced by this wild and primitive country. She was still in the mood to feel sorry for herself and at a loss of how she could be expected to carry on here.
She rose and walked back into the house, letting her feet carry her to what had been the studio at the front of the house, with its intriguing mysteries. It wasn’t just the stacks of paintings, many unfinished, to explore. When Xesús had breezed her through the room before, she’d seen that there was an old secretary desk there with papers strewn across the top. She’d even seen the envelope with her name on it propped up on the base of the desk lamp.

She sat at the desk and fingered the envelope. She returned it to its resting place and took a swig of her wine. She wasn’t ready to face whatever that said yet. Her eye went to a couple of folded pages that looked like documents. The thicker of the two seemed to be a will. Ah, good, progress, she thought. Whether there was one and where it could be found had been a worry in the back of her mind all the time she was flying here. She had no idea what, if anything, Millie had to leave behind—let alone who she’d leave it to. She only knew that she’d be left doing something about it. She had kept forcing those worries into the background as being ghoulish to be thinking about yet.

She folded the official-looking document open now. It was in Spanish and hard to decipher, but she saw Millie’s name—with the surname ‘Peres’—and her own on the first sheet. There were three sheets of paper, the other two with Millie’s name but someone else’s—a different name on each sheet. There were lists of bequests—probably of property—under the names on each sheet. The light was too dim to make it all out, but the listings weren’t identical. They seemed to be for different property.

Just then, the other legal-looking document was disturbed and fell open. This too was in Spanish, but this was more identifiable. It was a marriage certificate. The names on it were Rodrigo Peres Varela and Millicent Stanley de Peres. It was dated some six years earlier. So, they were married. But Millie had never thought to notify either their father or Penny. Why would Millie keep this from Penny? Millie had communicated rarely and then only tersely, but Penny had regularly . . . but then, no, she hadn’t. She’d followed Millie’s lead more than eight years ago. She’d stopped writing too because little was coming back. And that was before the marriage. Still . . .

Penny reached back for the will to more closely examine that, but just then the lights went out.

Her first thought was what sort of backwater place was this that cut the power at night. That was her second thought too, but then she thought, oh, well, she was exhausted anyway and had experienced too much today already. She downed the last of the wine in her glass and felt her way through the connecting bathroom to what would be her bedroom, just barely tolerable in its unrenovated condition.

Groping around, she found that there was a candle in a holder on her bed stand, with matches beside it. She took this as further evidence that the power was routinely cut at night in the village. The candle gave her enough light to pull nightclothes out of her suitcase, use the primitive bathroom facilities, and climb into bed.

She was awakened sometime after dawn by the cries of pain coming from across the house. Damn, she thought, looking at her clock and springing out of bed. She’d missed the injection schedule by an hour. Her first testing with taking care of her sister, and she’d bungled the time by an hour. Millie must be in deep pain.

Injecting the morphine and getting under Millie and rocking her body until the cries and sobbing subsided took longer than Penny had imagined it would. Dores had been so good about it the previous night and Penny was so clumsy. Penny would give anything to have the old village woman here now, and she was sure that Millie thought the same, to the extent that Millie could think anything.

Millie was lucid, though, for a brief moment or two between the pain killer deadening the pain took effect and put her into a merciful painless dreamland. It was just a moment of recognition. Her eyes turned to Penny and a voice Penny recognized across the years weakly said, ‘Penny? You’ve come?’

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EVERYTHING IN THIS STORY IS PURELY FICTION. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO reality IS COINCIDENTAL. I opened my eyes but quickly closed them. It was bright. It brought on much confusion when I realized I was not in my dimly-lit apartment. "Oh, she's awake." I heard someone murmur dissatisfiedly. "Hush, Liz. I know she's not what you wanted, but--" she cut off when I sat up. "What's going on?" I asked, confused. The two women looked at each other. One was tall and slim, but not skinny. Her green eyes...

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The Slave Speaks Chapter 2

"No!" I cried. This angered him. "I AM YOUR master." he held me tightly as I shook, and finished undressing me. He slapped me hard on the ass twice. "I would do more for this great crime, but you should look decent for this. Rachel, take her." Rachel pulled me into the hallway again, this time bringing me to large doors. I heard a loud crowd on the other side. "You're GOING to do this. Be prepared, he has a large cock. I would know." she smirked, "Oh, and no cumming until you're given...

Erotic Fiction
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Silent speaks louder than noise part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Rajin im 19 years old now im 5'3 tall,black hair,brown eyes nad have a 7 1/2 inches story happen when it was my 18th Birthday,my parents decided to celebrate it by picnic at the beach.let me make it sister at that time is 18 3/4 years old,she's 5'3 tall,long curly black hair,bgrown eyes same as mine,have a firm breast w/ small brown nipples,and a big ass,yes our family had really big story goes like this... it...

2 years ago
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Jesus fucking Christ I sucked my roommates

Two days ago, I text my roommate and ask him if he wants to see a movie because I bought some popcorn and a Pepsi bottle. So he says "Yea! Of course. What movie?" and I text him back "Your call. Let's see something that we haven't seen in a while and we loved it". So we are watching The Matrix. Everything exciting, talks about how the movies was made, how hot Trinity was by that time, how I couldn't imagine Will Smith as Neo, etc. The movie ends, he goes to his laptop to check Facebook for the...

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Jesus Please Forgive Me

As I opened the doors to the church, so the long phalanx of people waiting outside could enter, I nodded at the preacher standing in the pulpit. Besides me, he was the only person who knew what was about to happen, or so he thought. I looked across the church and saw that my wife had noticed the exchange between the reverend and myself. She smiled nervously. I guess she didn't think that I liked him much. In her mind though, any contact between the two of us was good. As the hundreds of...

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Dont Speak to Me of Desire

Don’t speak to me about desire. I know more of that word than most know about their own heartbeats. I have desired many things, some of which I have actually managed to grasp. I know desire. I know it well. I desire her with a part of me so ancient that it is nothing more than the spawn of patience. I look at her and wonder what it would be like to know her touch on my skin. Soft? Harsh? Dominating? Submissive? This part of me, an elder of mankind be eons, does not wonder… it waits. It waits...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 9 Open Sushime

We all deal with bad news in different ways. The doctor simply released the tension in his knees and slid to the floor. Asim also lowered himself to the ground, but he then leaned forward and began to pray, extending his arms over his head and touching the floor with his forehead. “Allahu’ Akh’bar.” “Would you stop that!” hissed Caroline. “Subhaanaka Allaahumma wabi hamdika wa tabaarakasmuka wa ta’aala jadduka wa laa ilaaha ghayruka.” “I said STOP that,” said Caroline, and actually kicked...

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Learning To Speak To The Wind Chapter One

Learning To Speak To The Wind Part One By Warm Hearted Edited By Commentator Even though my friends and coworkers tried to talk me out of it, I was attempting to mark off a major thing on my bucket list. I was on a four day hike on the Appalachian Mountain Trial. The weather was perfect early Fall in North Carolina it was a little brisk, but the nights were...

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Learning To Speak To The Wind Chapter Two

Learning To Speak To The Wind Chapter Two By Warm Hearted Synopsis: The former sixty year old finds himself trapped on parallel 12th Century Earth where Magic works. He is in the body of a seven-teen- year-old girl. Mike's future is totally controlled by a wicked King Edmond. The King's plans for make is to make her Queen on her eighteenth birthday so he hands Mike over to Lady Ann to be trained to be a proper Queen. We see Mikes story unfold in this second chapter of Learning...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 17 The Faint Light at the End of It

Well, there we are: the final chapter. You have until January 1st to read this story before I make it available to premium members only. Your comments are welcome and if you find you like this sort of thing: there’s plenty more available on my site. – RD It rained. I think it should rain, at funerals. Most people stood under black or transparent umbrellas, but I wore a Macintosh over my black suit and I just didn’t care. I needed to focus on not crying. Rain on my face might help to conceal...

2 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons06 Help the Fairies Err Hire the Intern

“You should see your face when Phil has his ‘conversations’. It’s priceless.” Meg imitated her mother, opening her eyes wide with her fingers. “Your eyes grow big and you don’t know what’s going on.” “She’s not the only one,” Abe added. “You have to admit, it’s hard to follow one side of a multi-part conversation when you only hear one person.” “Are the other ... creatures always with you?” Betty asked, resting her hand on her chin. “I mean, do they ever give you a break to go to the...

3 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons20 Resistance is Never Mind

The camera zoomed in, focusing on a crowd of reporters and onlookers, a stage full of prestigious city officials, and a single overweight plumber, occasionally talking to himself. The image focused on the Mayor and Police Commissioner, holding hands over their heads in a show of strength. The mayor backed off, conceding the stage to Commissioner Malcolm, who approached the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a most unusual press conference. Since there’s bound to be a lot of...

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Penny Wishes 3 Speak Only Truth

Penny Wishes 3: Speak Only Truth By Captain Webster and Dr. Isosceles Make your wish on a magic penny and then, watch out. John was depressed. He had really blown it in school today. His parents were gonna be so "P.O.'ed" at him. He knew what the problem was, he just didn't know how to fix it. He always got very nervous under pressure and, when he got nervous, he tended to lie. He just couldn't seem to help himself. He started out meaning to just tell the truth and take his...

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Author's note: this is a lazy coffee-time short story for feet-up, chill-out time. It's about a girl, and a guy, and girl/guy stuff -- though if you're not into romance of the explicit kind, you may not want to read on. . . ------------------------------The sun is warm against his skin, the rock against his ass a total pain.He has been here for maybe thirty minutes and lying down for twenty: absurd, the amount of time spent on looking around, choosing a spot, getting...

4 years ago
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Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

The exact wording varies a bit between the various editions of the prayer books used by different Christian churches, going back to the original Anglican Book of Common Prayer. We may have left beautiful words like "condignly" and "betwixt" behind and we have made language more inclusive – back in 1662 only men were urged to speak up!, but the crux of this early part of the wedding service is the same; the Minister has to ask if anyone knows a reason why the marriage about to be conducted...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 4 Begin the legume

“Okay, so maybe it’s me. I’m on TV, sometimes. I did a movie. Someone made a painting and thought of me. Or they saw an ad or something. This happens to Emma all the time.” Melody shook her head. “Except in her case they Photoshop her face onto pornography. That’s her actual face, not a portrait. This is one, and it’s fairly well done. The painter wasn’t very experienced, but certainly talented. I’d say he used a live model, not just one reference picture.” When Melody says these things,...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 10 You Can Come Down Now

This chapter was originally posted with a copy/paste error that caused a section to repeat. This should now be fixed. Thanks for letting me know. You should also feel free to talk to me if it’s not about formatting errors! I love hearing what made you laugh, or if you spot a mistake. By the way, I am now also aware discrete and discreet are spelled differently in English. My proof readers missed it as well, so I always hope to hear about things like that from the SOL-community. – RD. “TWO...

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Speaking With Your Demons13 Revelation Fallout

“Well, Mr. Walker,” the Commissioner said, spreading his arms to include everyone in the room, “you’ve certainly convinced me that we can finally change our pervasive anger-management issues. You’ve also won over the most skeptical of opponents by convincing these cops, for whom traditional talk therapy has never helped. But we’re all interested in something a little more concrete. Say maybe a real-life demonstration?” “I was hoping I could treat Officer Waters, but his berserkers seem to be...

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Speaking With Your Demons14 Taking a Stand

Only, it was no ordinary dream. He found himself back in that familiar Philadelphia park. It was once again a bright, warm, sunshiny day, only there wasn’t another soul there, no outside noises, no traffic sounds or jet contrails. Phil was instantly on guard. Glancing up into the heavens, he opened his arms. “Hello? Anyone there?” “Good evening, Phil,” came an answer, quiet as a whisper but seemingly coming from everywhere at once. “Okay, for someone in the midst of their own dark ages,...

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Her Apple PieChapter 8 On Speaking Terms

Those eyelids had to weigh a ton each Cliff decided. He really tried to keep his eyes open listening as Kylie read from the paper but the laws of physics won out. He missed the sight he had enjoyed. That was his girl reading to him. The girl he had fallen in love with, who looked good enough to eat even in a ratty sweater over worn blue jeans. She looked like she had stepped out of one of the happy dreams he sometimes had, dreams where his world was still like it should be. As his eyes...

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Speaking To The Specimen

The guard stared straight ahead. His name would be divulged except he happened to be an extraterrestrial in service with an exploratory extraterrestrial space vehicle, meaning the syllables could threaten to twist beyond recognition whichever tongue should attempt pronunciation, and not a few would contract a sore throat. So this tale will have to call him The Extraterrestrial Guard.Anyway, this Extraterrestrial Guard would say he had plenty of experiential practice in watching over abductees...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 7 Speaking the Truth to Power

July 10, 1992, Chicago and Glencoe, Illinois “Be very careful, Tiger,” Jessica said on Friday afternoon. “I will,” I said. “I just want answers to my questions.” “Will you be able to trust those answers?” “That’s a good question,” I said. “All I can do is see what she has to say, if anything.” “You said that her dad thought she’d talk to you.” “But he wasn’t completely sure. She didn’t tell him ‘no’ outright. It’s as we discussed - she’s an emotionally immature seventeen-year-old. Jesse...

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Speaking With Your Demons02 A Leopard Changes Its Spots

Abe jumped as Phil approached, trying to hide the person he was with. For a larger, older man, Phil moved quietly. Phil noticed the young woman behind Abe, but glanced around anyway. “So, did you find any likely candidates? I don’t see anyone nearby.” “I ... I did,” Abe said, biting his lip. He hesitated a moment and then stepped aside, revealing the young girl. “This is my niece, Meg Whiting.” The girl did a little curtsy, smiling brightly but nervously. “Pleased to meet...

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Dont Speak

‘I mean it,’ Lori said, gesturing slightly to emphasize the gun in her hand. ‘Say one word, just one, and I swear to God, I’m putting a bullet right between your eyes.’ Thankfully, Derek didn’t say anything. Lori was so scared she wasn’t sure if she was bluffing or not, but she didn’t want to find out whether or not she could pull the trigger. Derek didn’t force the issue, but he didn’t seem worried, either. He just stood there, looking at her impassively. A little too impassively, to be...

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Hear See Speak

Author’s note: I did not expect I was going to post my short stories on this site. They tend to be tragic, and Hear, see, speak is no exception. It’s strange, I want my short stories to be powerful enough to punch someone in the gut. They probably aren’t, not yet, but I’m quite sure that there’s a glimmer of profoundness in each one of them. At least that what I tell myself. I want to make you think when you read this. Write your thoughts in the comments. Gift your insights and perhaps even...

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If I Could Only Speak Yiddish

This story takes place around the 32 foot cabin cruiser that I kept at Shelter Island Marina. It was a very upscale marina, situated right behind the Voyager nightclub. It wasn't uncommon during the summer for me to spend Friday, and Saturday nights on the boat. Boats always require a lot of upkeep, and by spending the weekend nights on the boat, I could try my luck finding a lady in the club at night, and have all day to clean, or paint or whatever maintenance the boat needed without making...

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English Speaking Classes

For any comments contact to Hello friends, My name is Preeti, I’m 28 years old, I have one kid age 7 and hubby of age 30. My family consist of me, my hubby and my son. My height is not much it’s about 5’2 and my figure is 36,28,36. Coming to the story , it was parents-teacher meeting and every time my husband use to go with my son,but this time due to some problem he was unable to attend meeting, so he said me to attend. That time i was bit scared because my son goes to reputed english...

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Can I Speak to the Manager

Literal internet meme mom needs to speak to the manager because her six-week-old computer will not power on. Karen gets all her problems solved. I had only been working in the tech portion of our local big box consumer electronics store for a few weeks. I had started after high school graduation as a temp employee while I was on the delayed entry program for the Army. I was waiting entry, as apparently schools for Explosive Ordinance Disposal had a waiting line. Maybe I was not your typical...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 8 Have your cake and a free car

It was the seventeenth of May 2015. Rome, where I had been only four weeks ago, was but a dim memory. Fortunately Caroline’s face as she toppled over and fell into the drink was still available in my mind in Hi-Res. The weather was lovely for late spring and we had a chance to have ‘Sunday Morning Coffee And Something Nice’ in my back yard. I had baked a chocolate cake, which had turned out rather well. Didn’t look like much, because glazing cakes is actually very difficult, but it tasted...

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Speaking With Your Demons05 A Little Devil Goes to Heaven

They were in the middle of dinner—Phil was introducing Meg to sushi for the first time before they called it a night—when his cellphone rang. “Pardon me. Not many people have this number, so there’s a decent chance this is serious.” “Don’t worry about us.” Abe popped a piece of tuna roll in his mouth. “I’m enjoying this. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to afford something this good.” “I almost ‘spect it is one of your invis’ble friends,” Meg said. “Amen to that.” Abe held up...

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Speaking With Your Demons12 The Devilrsquos in Them Papers

“If it’s so intriguing, why not just call him?” Abe replied. “Her,” Phil corrected before chuckling. “You know me, I can’t think straight without a cup of joe.” “Well, you’ve had your coffee, what’s preventing you now?” “The weak complementary swill they serve here only provides enough fuel to reach the decent stuff at the corner.” As they exited the building, someone rushed up, shoving a microphone in Phil’s face. There was a camera crew and a news van behind him. “Mr. Walker,...

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Speaking With Your Demons16 A War Erupts

Phil and the others got up early, but were reluctant to venture downstairs, afraid of the reception awaiting them. They instead prepared what they could from their small refrigerator and packaged goods. They were munching on warmed leftovers, dry crackers and orange juice when Phil’s phone rang. “Phil here.” “Phil, this is Leslie. As you guessed, we’ve been swamped since we announced the news of today’s release. Everyone is demanding your number, as they either want their own exclusives or...

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Speaking With Your Demons19 Unwanted Assistance

“This is an emergency news broadcast, interrupting your normal programming. As strange as this sounds; there’s an otherworldly ‘aerial conflict’ unfolding along Seattle’s streets. After repeated attacks on Phil Walker—the man championing the idea that invisible demons cause mental illnesses—he’s apparently declared all-out war. Give me a second to read this, as it’s quite a doozy: there are now several dragons and an ... allied Viking Berserker ... searching the city for a renegade band of...

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Speaking With Your Demons22 A Shot in the Dark

“I’ve been so caught up with the study, I never got a chance to ask,” Tracy said, as she accompanied Abe and the others home from the university, boarding the Link Rail. “The administration is fielding thousands of new applications for admissions, most from already established professionals with successful practices. Rather than leaving them dangling, they’re pressuring me to finish up quickly so they can let everyone know where we officially stand. So what happened since the dramatic...

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Can I Speak to the Manager

Karen’s address was in a gated community with a security booth. The officer at the gate eyed me wearily when I pulled up. “What’s your business here, son?” “I am here to work on Ms. Smith’s computer.” “Oh? She did not leave word. I will have to call.” I waited and could not help laughing when I heard her yell at him over the speaker phone. “Well! Let him in!” “Good luck fella,” He said, rolling his eyes when he opened the gate. I found her address. Whoa, what a big ass house. Not a mansion by...

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Can I Speak With You A Moment

Chapter One – Determination If she wanted it, she got it, what’s the big deal? That is how life works, right? There are the ‘have’s’ and the ‘have not’s’. Plain and Simple. Amy, of course, was one of the ‘have’s’ She had come late in life to well-off parents. Being their only child and a daughter at that, anyone could imagine she had the princess concept down pat by the time she went home from the hospital. One would hope that as she interacted with others, her peers, teachers, or even...

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