Shannon's Ascension free porn video

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"Shannon's Ascension"

By Thomas Chaser

([email protected])


The consultancy offices were easy to find - a modern one-story office building,well landscaped, with a handful of parking places near the entrance. Shannondidn't have a car since most of her daily needs were fulfilled by the university,so she walked the few short blocks to the offices. She entered the small lobbyand went to the receptionist's station, a simple window cut into the side ofthe wall with a narrow shelf upon which rested a small silver bell. A texturedplastic pane separated her from the persons on the other side of the wall.Shannon rang the bell and the frosted plastic panel slid back. A woman withblonde-hair and blue eyes, not much older than Shannon, looked up from hercomputer, "Yes? May I help you?"

"I'm Shannon McKinney. I'm here about the modeling assignment you advertisedin the Daily Crier ? The one about demonstrating itemson a lecture tour?"

The woman looked at her quizzically "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't … oh,wait … you must be looking for Annette. One moment and I'll get her." Thepanel slid closed and Shannon could hear voices emanating from the other side,first the receptionist's voice, and then another woman's voice, slightly deeper.After a moment, the door next to the panel opened and a woman, in her mid-fortiesand wearing a grey business skirt and jacket very similar to Shannon's, appeared. "Hello,I'm Annette. I understand you're here about the modeling job?"

Shannon looked at the woman and said "Yes, the advertisement said thatit was mostly preparing demonstration materials." The woman laughed andreplied, "Right, that's the one. Not only will you be helping preparethe demonstrations, but you'll also be acting as scenery excitement. You know,adding some dazzle to the props, sort of like the models on game shows, you'sell the steak'", the woman explained and gestured with her hands, mimickingthe flash of a camera. "Normally we use the same girl for this, but ournormal model, Caroline over there," Annette waved towards the receptionist, "hurther ankle recently and can't do the work. We didn't want to let her go so she'sacting as our receptionist until her leg feels better and then she's goingback on the lecture tour, so this will be a pretty short assignment." Cockingher head, Annette continued, "Short-term assignment work is hard to fill.A lot of the girls the modeling agency sends over aren't suitable and the goodones tend to want longer employment commitments. I hope you didn't have anylong-term expectations about this job."

"Oh, that's quite alright," Shannon replied, "I'm eager to … well,really I'm just … well, I don't know what to say!" Annette lookedat her with quizzical concern. Shannon quickly added, "I mean, I'm surethis is a wonderful job."

Annette accepted her explanation and handed Shannon a clipboard. "That'sfine. Just complete these forms and return them to Caroline, then we'll giveyou a quick physical." Shannon looked at Annette, puzzled. Annette continued, "Itsjust a formality. We require all of our employees to undergo a routine physicalas part of the group insurance plan. Rather than pay another physician to dothe work, we just do it ourselves and submit the paperwork to the insurancecompany. We also like to administer a drug test, but that usually takes awhileto get back from the lab, so given the urgency of this assignment I think wecan let that slide this time." Nodding her head, Annette turned and disappeareddown the hallway.

Shannon completed the forms and gave the clipboard to Caroline. She smiledand gestured towards the hallway, "Ok, just go through the door and waitin the first examination room on the right. The doctor should be here any minuteand he can go ahead and give your physical today. You know, you're very luckythat you got this assignment and that you can get this preliminary stuff takencare of so quickly," Caroline chatted, still seated at her desk, "WhenI took this job, I had to wait a week for the interview, and then two moreweeks for the drug tests to come back from the lab. It's a pretty easy job,really, and it pays exceptionally well. And, this is a great way to get overany sort of jitters about speaking to an audience!"

"Well," Shannon explained, returning Caroline's giggle, "I'vedone some modeling work for friends but never anything professionally. I stillhave some reservations about whether I'm qualified for this or not."

"Well, trust me, this is a fantastic job," Caroline chirped, "andyou should hold up well."

Shannon walked the few steps to the door Annette had indicated and enteredthe room. It was like most medical exam rooms she'd been in. It was small,and in the center was a padded examination table with silver stirrups mountedat the corners, a small stool next to it, and a chair off to the side. Woodencabinets lined the walls on the other side, with jars of cotton swabs, bandages,and tongue depressors sitting on top of the counter. Shannon was sitting inthe chair when she heard the door open. Startled, she stiffened up quicklyand straightened her jacket. A man entered the small room. "Hello, Shannon,I'm Doctor Wellington."

The man was in his late thirties and wore a dress shirt, tie, suit pants,and the ubiquitous white jacket that let everyone know he was a doctor. A stethoscopewas draped around his neck. He extended his hand. "I'm glad to meet you.I've been reading your forms and I just have a few more questions that I thinkthis exam should answer." Shannon stood up and accepted his handshake.The doctor continued, "If you'll remove your jacket and blouse, we'llgo ahead and get started."

Shannon unbuttoned her suit jacket, slid it off her shoulders, and foldedit neatly, laying it on the chair next to the exam table. The doctor turnedto the side and pulled open a drawer, withdrawing an inflatable cuff and bulb.Even though he was a doctor, Shannon felt just a bit embarrassed at the thoughtof placing her feet in those stirrups and exposing herself to a man she hadonly just met. "Oh, don't be silly," she thought to herself, "he'sa doctor and its completely legitimate; besides, you're still wearing yourbra."

Slipping off her blouse and laying it on top of her jacket, Shannon tookher place on the exam table and extended her left arm. The doctor slipped thecuff over her left bicep, inflating the inner tube. Shannon could feel thethrobbing in her arm. The doctor took the readings, made a notation, and releasedthe air from the cuff. "Your blood pressure is very good. I saw on yourforms that you exercise regularly. Congratulations because its paying off." Thedoctor smiled at her warmly and placed the ends of the stethoscope in his ears.He cradled the metal disk in his hands to warm it, then placed it against herchest. "Breath normally for me, please. Ok, hold it. Now exhale. Good." Hemoved the disk to the other side and repeated the process, then did the samefrom the back. "Excellent, you have good lungs, but I expected no lessfrom a runner, of course." Shannon smiled at his compliment. "Now,please remove your bra so that I can administer the breast exam."

Shannon was startled, but again she chastised herself. It was common knowledgethat women should receive regular breast exams, and he was a doctor, but shehad never had one before. She unfastened the front clasp of her bra and slidit down her arms, folding it in half and placing it on her blouse and jacket.She could feel her nipples begin to harden, and in a slight fit of modesty,she held her elbows close to her sides, but stopped herself from raising herhands to cover herself - after all, this was perfectly normal - and insteadfolding them neatly in her lap. The doctor had his back turned to her whilehe wrote in her medical folder. "In fact, why don't you go ahead and removeyour skirt and shoes as well. I'll be performing an exam of your pubic regionto monitor for STDs." Stunned, Shannon paused a moment, then laughed atherself for being such a prude. "Is there a problem, Shannon?" thedoctor asked without turning from the folder. "Hmm? No, I'm fine," shereplied.

"Ok, please raise your left arm for me," the doctor said, turningtowards her. Cradling her left breast in his palm, he squeezed softly, thenprobed along the edge of her pectoral muscle with his fingers. He stared intentlyat her left nipple, then traced a line with his finger around the circumferenceof her areola, watching it pucker. "Good, you have good color. No signsof bruising or ruptures, and the nerves appear to be sufficiently sensitive.Now for the other side." Shannon blushed slightly. She hadn't expectedhim to touch her nipple like that.

She had always thought her breasts were too small. During puberty, she hadwatched the other girls develop early and attract the attention of the hormone-drivenboys, and with her slight build she had always felt inferior. She had compensatedby joining the track team, to be with other girls whom she considered skinny,in an attempt to gain acceptance through sports. She had met most of her boyfriendsthrough the track team, but inevitably they left her for girls that could fillout their letterman sweaters better. After entering college she had continuedher training regimen and had matured into quite a stunning beauty, lean andtoned with clear skin and dark brown hair. She had gained weight and she knewshe had developed curves in all the right places, including a new bra size,but still she harbored a slight insecurity about herself, about her body. Shehad always managed to attract dancing partners at the fraternity parties buthad allowed only a few boys to get very far with her despite their best efforts.And they did try hard. But the few times she had spoken with them about herfantasies had seemed to make the boys uneasy. A few guys had given it a goodhonest try, but the sex had been clumsy and certainly less fulfilling to Shannonthan for the boys, and the relationships had never lasted.

The doctor probed the pectoral line of her right breast, repeating his stimulationof her nipple, letting it pucker into a hard tip adorning the soft skin ofher breast. "Good, everything is perfectly healthy. You're in tip-topshape, Shannon." He smiled at her. She was beginning to loosen up, tofeel more comfortable with him now. "If you'll just lean back and putyour feet in the stirrups, I'll begin the vaginal scan." This was themoment Shannon had dreaded. She had always felt uncomfortable with these typesof examinations, knowing that soon the doctor would be focusing on the mostintimate part of her body. On a few occasions with her previous doctors shehad actually started to become aroused, and with her knees spread wide forthe exam it was impossible to hide her wetness.

Shannon lay back on the exam table, the paper crinkling under her back asit compressed into the padded foam lining. To help with the process, she spreadher knees a bit. "Ah, thank you. Just a bit more please," the doctorsaid calmly. She spread her legs until she could feel the resistance of herinner thighs. "Everything appears to be ok so far, but I'm going to needto have a look at your cervix," he said, as he removed a pair of surgicalgloves from his coat pocket. Shannon, trying to act as casually as she could,watched as he began to look at her sex.

Wheeling the stool over, the doctor moved between her knees, bringing hisface closer to her mound. She could feel his breath between her thighs andon her tummy. Softly, he parted the lips of her slit with his gloved fingersand inserted his thumbs to open her up. Shannon twitched with nervousness ashe probed her mound, and she tried to calm herself by closing her eyes andtaking easy, controlled breaths. Keeping her eyes closed, she pulled her armsback and locked her fingers behind her head, trying to act relaxed, as if shewas by her dormitory's pool sunning herself. With her eyes closed, she couldn'tsee the doctor's appreciative glances at her body.

She was trim, with a lean flat belly and strong legs of a runner. Her breasts,only slightly flattened from lying on her back, were firm and pale, and hernipples had been tugged into slight ovals as she had placed her hands behindher head. A naturally thin line of fur covered her sex, accentuating the slendernessof her body. Her straight brown hair, normally pulled back into a ponytail,was splayed around her head, framing the exquisite features of her face. Thewinter months had removed most of the tan lines of summer so that the triangleof her hips was only slightly paler than her legs. Her eyelashes flutterednervously as the doctor continued to probe her mound. She could feel herselfstarting to get aroused by his expert touching, and she tried to fight it,trying to avoid possible embarrassment. The doctor, sensing her excitement,deliberately probed a bit deeper with his fingers. She was definitely startingto become aroused, and her nipples were so hard that they actually hurt. Shetwitched as the doctor found her g-spot, and the muscular lines of her stomachand thighs danced under the lights of the exam room. The doctor knew she wasbecoming hot and he continued to massage her, feeling the wetness building,before withdrawing his index finger.

Shannon suddenly felt the cold steel surface of the speculum pressing againsther labia and she gasped audibly as it was inserted within her. The unrelentingmetal was very cold and the sudden pressure was almost painful. Unapologetic,the doctor moved the instrument within her tunnel, then turned the screw, openingher wide to his unrelenting gaze. He produced a small penlight and shone itdown her snatch, her pubic hairs coming ablaze with wayward light. To Shannon,it seemed like an eternity, sitting there naked on the table, her knees spreadwide while the man ran his fingers along her snatch and the cold steel instrumentpressed against the walls of her tunnel, reaching deep inside her. She couldfeel herself becoming very, very moist and she knew the doctor could smellher arousal. She trembled at his touch, unable to control herself. If thislasted much longer…

"Ok, Ms. McKinney. I'm going to take a sample now. You may get a feelingof fullness and possibly some cramping. Let me know if it becomes too uncomfortable." Shannonsmiled as she thought to herself, "the whole damn thing is uncomfortable!"

The doctor reached for the spatula and inserted it into her body, slowlyguiding it along the length of her pussy. She could feel the instrument asit brushed against her cervix and she spasmed reflexively. Her taut stomachmuscles tightened as she fought her involuntary reaction. The doctor's manipulationof her body had triggered a reaction that she couldn't stop. She could feelthe familiar warmth of arousal beginning to envelope her body.

"Fine, fine, Ms. McKinney. Your vaginal canal is splendid. I'll conduct thebimanual exam now, but I want to leave the speculum in for a bit and take somemeasurements. Now, if you'll just relax, I'm going to check for proper ovarialdevelopment. This may hurt just a little."

Shannon exhaled slowly, releasing the stress she was feeling from being exposedon the table to a complete stranger, but also to release some of her sexualtension.

The doctor placed a hand over her vulva, then moved it up and pressed againstthe lower part of her belly, feeling for the slight resistance of her sex organsjust below the skin. The doctor's other hand moved to the tiny lockscrew onthe speculum and began to turn it, causing the jaws to separate a fractionwith each turn. Shannon began to feel extremely full as the speculum increasedits pressure on her vaginal wall, stretching her wide. She inhaled deeply,absorbing the pressure she was feeling in her pelvis, and arched her back,trying to accommodate the increasing size of the instrument buried deep withinher. Suddenly she couldn't hold it any longer. "Ow Ow Ow Ow….please…" shebegged, wincing with pain from the pressure below.

"Hold on, Shannon. Just relax and let yourself go. I need to leave you fullydilated for a moment so I can record the measurement." The doctor made somenotations in the file and turned back to his patient.

Suddenly Shannon felt something pressing against her puckered asshole. "Relaxfor me please, Ms. McKinney. I need to open you up to check your anal elasticitywhile your vagina is fully dilated. If you fight it, you'll just hurt yourself.Just relax and take it nice and easy for me," the doctor said in a low tone, "that'sright, just relax… nice and easy…"

Shannon tried to relax but the pressure in her vagina was very strong. Sheheld herself up, her back arched to accommodate the speculum's expanding jaws,as the doctor forced his thumb into her anal opening. She winced as it slidin, unaccustomed to the feeling of something being inserted there. A boy hadtried to poke her there once and he had learned a hard lesson afterwards. Thiswas different. This was a man who was examining her body, for science and medicine.She could feel him moving around inside her; feeling him as he felt her fromthe inside out.

"You've passed. Congratulations," the doctor said triumphantly, snappingthe speculum closed, removing it from her, and peeling the gloves from hishands, "You're in fine shape. You can go ahead and get dressed. I'll submitthe forms to the insurance company this afternoon and Caroline will get youready for the assignment. When you arrive tomorrow, Caroline should have youremployment papers ready."

"Tomorrow?" Shannon murmured, opening her eyes.

"Yes, I know it seems so fast, but I have a presentation tomorrow morningand I'll need you here first thing in order to get yourself prepared. Get hereno later than 8 am for your wardrobe fitting. Caroline will have some clothesready based on the measurements you provided on the application forms. Youcan dress casually if you like, since you'll be changing into our wardrobeanyway. Don't wear any make-up and keep your watch in your pocket. Try to avoidwearing anything with elastic - particularly underwear. Sometimes it can leavecompression lines in your skin that don't synch up with the hemlines of theoutfits. You'll have a pretty full day tomorrow so be sure to get plenty ofrest tonight." The doctor collected the file folder and turned to exitthe room.

Shannon sat up and got down off the exam table. She could feel the moistnessbetween her legs as she pulled on her panties and fastened her skirt. Not wantingto keep the doctor waiting, she didn't bother putting on her bra, instead sheslipped it into her jacket pocket and fastened the buttons on the blouse, thendraped the jacket over her left arm and followed the doctor out of the room.He turned the manila folder over to Caroline, who smiled and waved cheerfullyat Shannon as she left the office. Wardrobe? Shannon liked the idea of wearingexpensive suits that she didn't have to pay for. "That wasn't so bad," shethought to herself, "this could be the best job I'll ever have!"

Shannon was on cloud nine as she walked back to her dorm room. She noticedthe furtive glances of the young men who stole peeks at her breasts, her hardenednipples pressed against the loose material of her blouse, and for the firsttime in her life she felt truly sexy. She smiled at any boy who happened tomake eye contact with her, and she giggled when more than one glanced awayin embarrassment at having been caught. "I'm going to be a model!" shethought to herself, embracing the notion that the former flat-chested wallflowerthat had been ignored by the boys back in high school was going to be givenfabulous outfits to wear, was going to be the epitome of all of those boys'fantasies.

It was late in the afternoon, just a little before her normal dinnertime,when she got back to her room but she was too excited to think about eating.She tried calling her best friend but she had already moved out of her dormfor the summer. Similar attempts to reach her other friends also proved fruitless,so she threw herself on her bed and rabbit-punched her pillows. "Thisis ridiculous. I need to release this energy," she thought. Changing outof her best dress suit, she slipped on a pair of black tights and a joggingbra, pulled some low-cut socks over her feet and stepped into her running shoesfor a quick run around the campus.

The sun seemed brighter; the air seemed cleaner. All of her problems weregoing away and she felt terrific. A model! She couldn't believe it. She pickedup her pace and gave a slight jump in the air. She punched her fists at theair. Her legs felt fresh and strong. Her heart raced as the sidewalk flowedunder her feet, her hair bouncing with each step. She passed runners headingthe other way. Before today, she would keep her eyes focused on the ground,afraid to make eye contact with the people coming at her, but now she kepther head up and smiled at each and every one of them. She was happy and shewanted people to know it.

When she returned to her dorm, she noticed that the student parking lot hademptied drastically since the morning. The students had wasted little timein moving on with their lives, and in four more days, at the completion ofthe graduation ceremony, Shannon would be moving on with hers. Her answeringmachine's message light was blinking frantically, but she ignored it and insteadpeeled off her running clothes. Turning the handles of the faucets, she waitedfor the hot water to start flowing and caught a glimpse of herself in the bathroommirror. She straightened up and placed a hand on her hip, turning to the side,judging her profile, then turning around and looking over her shoulder at herbackside. She had never really noticed her body before. She had always consideredherself to be average-looking, if a bit on the slender side, but now she sawherself differently. Where before once stood a skinny little girl now stooda lithe young woman. She turned to the front, looking at the way her tonedlegs merged into her hips and tummy. She lifted her arms, watching them tugat the mounds of her breasts. She cupped her left breast in her hand and lether thumb rub her nipple, then ran her other hand across the lower part ofher belly, tracing a line across her hips, imagining it to be a lover's touch.Her fingers found the tangled forest of her mound of Venus and she let a fingernailrasp against the opening of her snatch, tickling her slightly.

She remembered the doctor's exam and how she had become aroused as he hadprodded her. It had seemed so routine and he had been so nonchalant about probingher, just a matter-of-fact process. Perfectly appropriate. But why had shebeen so stimulated by him? She didn't know, and she didn't care. Her fingerpushed closer, and she imagined it to be Doctor Wellington's gloved thumb pressingdeeper into her. She spread her legs a bit more and leaned back, resting hershoulders against the cool tiles of the shower stall, and watched herself inthe mirror as she slipped first one, then another finger into her slit.

A fingernail found her clit and soon she was twitching as her fingers rubbedthe small head. Her other hand cupped and fondled her breasts as the fingersburied in her snatch increased the tempo of their stroke to a frantic pace.She could feel the heat building in her loins, the warm glow of her impendingorgasm and imagined that she was in the exam room, open and exposed to thedoctor's touch. Her heart was beating rapidly and her breath was coming inshort, quick gasps as waves of pleasure rippled from her sex. She looked ather reflection; the sight of her nude, her nipples hard and proud, a hand betweenher thighs, a sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead, chest, and hips, wasintoxicating. Her stomach muscles twitched as she worked towards her climax,her legs struggling to maintain balance against the tiled wall.

Just then a door slammed down the hall, causing her to jump with surprise,interrupting her dreams and machinations. Even this late in the day, studentswere still packing their things and leaving the building for the summer. Shenoticed steam clouds drifting out of the shower tub as she started to comedown from the heights of her arousal. "Oh, stop it!" she thoughtto herself. "There will be plenty of time for that later." She testedthe water temperature and adjusted the knobs, then stepped into the water flowand lathered up. The water felt warm and she could feel her muscles relaxingslightly as her blood vessels adjusted to the heat. She lathered up her hairand let the soap cascade off her shoulders. She folded her arms across herchest, catching the water and forming a pool between her breasts, then releasingthe water and letting it fall with a big splash on the bottom of the stall.She quickly soaped up her legs and torso, then finished with her arms and face.When she had rinsed the suds off of her body, she stepped out of the showerand grabbed a towel, dabbling at the beads of water clinging to her skin, thenwrapped the towel around her chest and entered her tiny dorm room.

Sitting on the chair at her desk, she pressed the answering machine's messageplayback button. Most of the calls were from her friends wishing her a goodvacation, telling her about the deadline to drop off her hall key, or theirfabulous vacation plans, a few were from boys she knew wishing her the bestof luck for the summer, but one was from Caroline.

"Hi, Shannon. This is Caroline from Dr. Wellington's office. I justwanted you to know that I sent off your paperwork to the insurance companythis afternoon and we should have your employment card back sometime tomorrow.We may not have it in time for the presentation tomorrow afternoon, but don'tworry about it because you'll already be registered as an employee of the consultancyso there shouldn't be any problems if you happen to get hurt for some reason.Don't worry about a thing; you're going to love this job. I have so much funwhen I do it, but I turned my ankle a couple of days ago doing something reallystupid. Ugh, I don't want to talk about it. Well, maybe I'll tell you aboutit after the presentation," Caroline let out a giggle, "This is sogreat! I feel like you're my little sister. You're going to have so much fun.Listen, take my advice and get lots of sleep tonight and for tomorrow - I don'tknow if the doctor mentioned it or not - don't wear any underwear because sometimesthe elastic can leave marks on your skin and ruin the presentation. Don't wearany makeup and just keep your hair straight, no gel or anything. I looked atyour charts (I hope you don't mind) and you seem to be in great shape. I thinkyou'll hold up really well, particularly since this will be your first timeand the doctor usually goes a little easier on his models when they're juststarting out. Oh, and don't wear socks either because the band can leave aring around your ankles. Sometimes that matters, sometimes it doesn't. It dependson how the presentation is set up. I usually just wear a pair of slip-on sneakerswith jeans and a t-shirt. Real casual stuff. We'll have your work clothes readyfor fitting tomorrow morning. Ok? See you tomorrow!"

Caroline's enthusiasm wasn't lost on Shannon. Shannon was still trying tocome down off of her emotional high and Caroline's message didn't make it anyeasier. Shannon looked out her dorm room window at the people making theirway along the street in the growing darkness and thought about how quicklythings had changed for her. For once she felt like things were going her way,that the world was her oyster. She chastised herself, "oh, don't be sucha silly little girl. You sound like a giggly teenager." She opened upher mini-fridge and pulled out a cup of yogurt. She didn't like to miss a fullmeal, but she still didn't have much of an appetite. She was too nervous, tooexcited, and still a little too aroused to think about food.

She placed the empty yogurt container in the trash, washed the spoon andlaid it in the dish dryer, then unraveled the towel from around her chest andused it to dry her hair. She walked across the room towards her bathroom, naked,and for the first time she didn't care if anyone saw her through the windowor not. She plugged in the gun-shaped blow dryer and began to let the jet tossher hair. On a whim, she pointed the dryer at her chest, feeling the warm airsweep across her breasts, enjoying the feeling as the air tickled her nipples.She waved the dryer over her belly, giggling at the sensation, then tentativelyaimed the barrel at her mound, letting the warm air brush against the thinslit of soft fur. A pleasurable gasp escaped her lips as the heat wafted acrossher body.

She couldn't hold the dryer there for too long or it would start to feeluncomfortable as the warm air began to burn her skin. She wondered if thatwas how it felt to be burned at the stake, like the Christian martyrs and thewitches. She held the blow dryer just below her slit, pointing up like theflames from a bonfire, focusing it on one spot, and waited to see how longshe could endure the burning pain. It wasn't long. "You're such a wimp," shesaid to no one in particular.

She set the dryer down and rubbed some moisturizer on her face. She stillcouldn't believe that she was going to be a model, that she would be posingin front of a live audience and demonstrating products. She picked up the blowdryer and held it sideways in front of her and looked at herself in the mirror. "Thisis the Model XT2000, the leader in blow dryer technology!" she exclaimed,studying herself in the mirror. "Well," she said disappointingly, "hopefullyI won't have to do any speaking."

She unplugged the blow dryer and placed it back in its hook, then she brushedher teeth and rubbed lotion on her hands, flipping the light switch off withher elbow as she continued to work the hand lotion into her skin. Still nude,she decided not to put anything on before easing underneath the covers of herbed. If she was going to be working first thing in the morning, she didn'twant to risk having lines on her skin from the night before. Then she thoughtabout the possibility of the sheets leaving lines. What a conundrum! She decidedthat if she slept on top of the bed, then only half of her body would be touchingthe fabric and that would reduce the risk of sheet marks sufficiently.

She had never tried to sleep nude, at least not since her childhood, andlying on top of the bedcovers now made her feel like she was exposed. She laythere, feeling her heart beating softly, the night air cooling her skin, causingevery nerve in her body to come alive with sensation. She thought about theday's events, about the interview, the examination, and Caroline's phone message.What did Caroline mean about Shannon being able to hold up well? And what astrange choice of words to use together. "Hold up well". It soundedlike something that belonged in one of those horror movies, where the heroineis bound and tortured while the hero tries to rescue her. Shannon stretchedher arms over her head "Oh yes, rescue me!" she cried out loud, thenlaughed at her joke, clasping her arms over her chest and rolling onto herside. "I'm going to be naked and open all night," she said aloud, "whois going to come and rescue me?" Giggling again, she rolled onto her backand stretched her arms out over her head, each wrist bound by imaginary strapsto the corners of her bed. Likewise, she spread her legs wider, so that herankles pointed towards the corners at the foot of her bed. "I'm goingto stay like this all night, like a prisoner," she moaned dramatically, "likea prisoner of the Inquisition!"

She held herself there, stretched out on her bed, the shadows of the windowpanespainting bars across her naked torso. She lifted her head and looked at herbody displayed so openly, the muscles of her stomach tightening from the exertion.God, she felt so sexy, so beautiful. She could only imagine what she wouldlook like to her imagined tormentor and his evil henchmen. Would they havetheir way with her before torturing her? Or would they torture her first andthen rape her? She smiled. It didn't matter. She tried to make herself relaxbut she was still too worked up. Her hand wandered across her chest, rollingand squeezing her nipples until they puckered up, firm and hard. Her fingersdanced across the flat expanse of her tummy, drifting across her hips untilthey rested in the dark tangle of her bush. She brushed the back of her fingernailacross the opening of her slit, feeling the nail's smooth texture against herflesh, then inserted her finger into her snatch, probing softly. She broughther knees up slightly and raised her hips, welcoming her touch.

"No! Don't do it like this," she thought to herself, "youare a prisoner of the Inquisition, and prisoners aren't supposed to enjoy theircaptivity." She laughed softly at her fantasy. "Well, its obviousI can't trust myself." Getting up from the bed, she pulled out four thigh-highstockings, tying one to each corner of the bed. Leaning forward, she tied herankles to the legs of the bed, then lay back down to position herself in themiddle of the mattress. Satisfied that she was more or less in the middle ofthe small bed, she reached up and tied the stockings on the headboard intoloops. Pulling herself towards the headboard until she felt the tension ofthe stockings around her ankles, she inserted her hands into the loops of materialover her head and twirled her wrists, wrapping the stockings around her wristsuntil they felt snug and she was certain that she wouldn't accidentally workherself loose during the night. Her binding done, she looked at herself again,at the shadows crisscrossing her body, her hips, her sex. Her nipples werestill erect and she could feel the moistness collecting between her legs. "Perhaps," shethought to herself whimsically, "some kind sir will free me from my prison." Turningher head away from the window, she closed her eyes and drifted off to a restlesssleep.

Shannon awoke with a start. It was still dark and her hands were tingling.The orange glow of the clock next to her showed that only an hour had passedsince she had bound herself to the bed, spread-eagled. She tugged at the bondsholding her wrists to the bedposts, turning her hands to unwind the loopedstockings. Groggily, she pulled herself up and bent down to the knotted stockingsholding her legs apart. She tugged at the material with her numbed fingersuntil her ankles were freed. She flexed her hands, letting the blood circulateback into them. She felt the familiar pressure on her bladder and got out ofthe bed and went to the bathroom. The sudden light hurt her eyes, causing herto blink reflexively. As she emptied herself, she looked at her wrists. Ifthe material was tight enough to cut off her circulation, then perhaps it wastight enough to leave seams in her skin. She rotated her wrists, looking atthem front and back, and was relieved to see only one noticeable indentation. "Stupid,stupid, stupid," she scolded herself, "it would be just like me tothrow away a great assignment for one silly fantasy." Finished with hertoilet business, she wiped herself and flushed the commode, then turned offthe light and collapsed back into the bed.

The next morning, Shannon left for the office a bit early, dressed in jeans,a simple t-shirt, and shoes. Per Caroline's advice, she wasn't wearing a bra,nor panties, nor socks. Shannon had never let herself go out in public withoutunderwear and it felt different to be walking about the town that way, withoutthe usual binding of the elastic across her shoulders, chest, and hips. Shefelt comfortable, but uncomfortable at the same time, as if she were walkingaround naked in public. She wondered if the morning sun was illuminating thesilhouette of her torso through the thin cotton shirt, but there were few peopleout that early in the morning so she tried not to be too concerned about it.

Entering the office lobby, she was greeted by Caroline who was dressed ina tight-fitting business skirt and light blouse. Caroline gave her a smileand said, "Annette and Doctor Wellington are going straight to the auditoriumthis morning to get the stage set up, so it will just be you and I for themoment. I've got your wardrobe in the back room. C'mon, let's get you dressed!"

The two girls walked past the receptionist desk and down the short hall toan unmarked door. Caroline turned the handle and, as she entered the room,flipped the light switch. It was a small room, not much bigger than the examinationroom Shannon had been in the previous day, and various odds and ends were pushedup against the wall. Along the far wall was a clothing rack, containing a hodge-podgeof vests, jackets, dresses, pants, and such, and each article was covered witha thin plastic bag. "Today's presentation will focus on the medieval period,so let's see if we can find you something appropriate," Caroline said,thumbing through the rack of clothing and pulling out a simple white cottongarment, "Ah, here's a night shirt that should fit you. Go ahead and trythis on and I'll see if I can find a vest and a skirt to go with it."

Shannon looked for a door to a dressing room and, not seeing one, quicklyslipped off her shoes and pulled off her jeans, draping them over the top ofa cardboard box nearby, then lifted off her t-shirt and placed it over thejeans. As she stood naked in the room, she noticed her reflection in the three-sidedmirror next to the rack, and became aware of her nudity and how odd it feltto be naked while Caroline was fully clothed. She found herself gazing at thecurves of Caroline's body, at the way the line of muscle in Caroline's thighsaccentuated the curve of her hips and ass. Caroline was a little taller thanShannon and bore slightly larger proportions, with fuller breasts and widerhips, a near-perfect match to the sketches of fertility goddesses Shannon hadstudied in class. It brought back memories of her days in high school when,after gym class, the girls were forced to take showers before returning toclass and Shannon had compared her body to those of the more developed girls.She had endured a terrible teasing by some of them.

Caroline noticed Shannon's gaze and moved next to her. "Its ok. Youlook wonderful," she cooed, placing her hand on the naked girl's shoulderand turning her a bit, "you should be proud." Shannon smiled at thecompliment and took one last look, then continued fumbling with the costume.As she slipped on the nightshirt, Caroline produced two more pieces of clothing:a simple green vest and a matching skirt. The vest was stiff, more like a corset,and fit around her midsection so that the nightshirt was all that covered Shannon'sarms and chest. The corset pulled the shirt tight across Shannon's breasts,the material feeling rough against her unprotected nipples. The skirt wrappedaround her waist and fell to the middle of her shins, with the nightshirt actingas a petticoat. Shannon turned and faced the three-sided mirror next to therack and Caroline stood beside her, adjusting the hem of the shirt and dress. "Well," Shannonsaid disappointingly, "its not Donna Karan."

"Oh, don't sound so sad," Caroline remarked, "you'll onlybe wearing it for a short time today. Just be glad you didn't have to dressas a Roman slave like I did last week! I felt absolutely exposed!" Carolinefumbled in the rack and pulled out a dress, holding it up to her chest so thatShannon could visualize it properly. The dress' neckline was deeply cut, sothat it fell just below Caroline's bust line, exposing her breasts. Gold trimcrisscrossed the hem and wrapped around the waist, and there were no sleeves.The hemline for the skirt was high on her legs. Shannon laughed at the ridiculousoutfit. "Oh, my God! You didn't really have to wear that, did you? Tellme you wore a top!" Shannon exclaimed. Caroline laughed, "A top?Oh, no! If I had, then it would have affected the performance and Dr. Wellingtonwould've had my hide! Its not so bad, really, and afterwards you'll realizethat there's nothing to be ashamed of. After you've done a few of these, you'llget used to it."

Shannon began to feel a little alarmed. "There's nudity involved? Nothingwas mentioned to me about that!"

"Oh, don't worry about it. They may have something different planned foryou. And besides, it was kind of fun being up there in the spotlight, lettinga bunch of strangers look, but, " Caroline said, waving a finger, " don't touch!" Carolinegiggled and continued fumbling with Shannon's dress.

Shannon looked again at herself in the mirror and liked the way the corsetmade her breasts more pronounced. "I think you make a wonderful peasantgirl," Caroline chimed, "you can leave your things here. I'll lockthe office when I take you up to the auditorium so your stuff will be safe." Carolineglanced at her watch. "Oh! We're going to be late! Hurry up, let's go!"

"What about shoes?" Shannon asked.

"Don't worry about shoes. You won't need them. C'mon!"

The girls climbed into Caroline's car and they drove through the wakeningcity to the performing arts auditorium. Shannon noticed that there were quitea few cars in the parking lot, a number of them with out of state license plates.Several others were obviously from a rental car fleet. Caroline pulled aroundto the side of the building where Annette was waiting and Shannon climbed outof the car. "Good morning!" Annette beamed, "I'm glad you madeit! You're just in time. We have an exceptionally large audience this morning,so please don't be scared. I'm a nervous wreck and I hope it doesn't rub offon you."

Annette pushed Shannon through the stage door and waved Caroline off. "We'vegotten everything set up and the doctor has already started his presentation.I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to rehearse yesterday but we had a numberof other things to focus on so we took a chance that you would be able to handlethe pressure of the opening of your first show. How do you feel? Did you geta good night's sleep like I told you to?" Annette looked at Shannon, whonodded her head noncommittally. "Ok, now, when the doctor calls your name,all you need to do is walk across the stage and stand next to him. Then, simplyfollow his lead and he'll take over from there."

Just then, they both heard the doctor say, "Gentlemen, may I presenttoday's participant."

"That's you, dear," Annette said, pushing Shannon towards the stagecurtain, "break a leg!"

Shannon parted the curtains and walked across the front of the stage. Brightlights blinded her, but she knew better than to raise her hands. She remindedherself that she was supposed to be a professional! She walked confidentlyacross the stage, concentrating on keeping a good posture, her gaze never leavingthe doctor until she stood next to him, her bare feet leaving spotted printson the dusty stage floor.

Taking Shannon's elbow, the doctor addressed the audience. "The Inquisitionwas one of the most significant events of the early 13 th century,and can be considered a direct result of the opening of trade routes to theeastern kingdoms and the flow of ideas that accompanied the flood of goodsthrough Italy and Spain and into France and Germany shortly after the Crusades.Some of these ideas took hold amongst the fertile grounds of the grass-rootspagan religions and soon posed a threat to the Catholic Church as it competedfor the spirituality of the people, as well as the wealth and power of thelocal leaders. As the strength of the Church grew and the role of the locallords and kings as communal leaders decreased, the Church's wealth and influencebrought it into the political arena, and soon it controlled the laws of theland, including the ability to arrest heretics for crimes against the canonsof the Church and to conduct interrogations to determine suitable punishments."

"Typically, an interrogation began with the simple arrest of the suspectedheretic and the subject would be brought before the inquisitor for questioning.If the subject resisted, or if the statements given weren't trustworthy, thenthe second level of the interrogation would begin: the threatening of the subjectwith torture. The key tool at this stage was the subject's imagination, andimagined pain can be more coercive than actual pain. If the subject still didn'tcooperate, then he or she would be elevated to the third level of the interrogation- being shown the actual instruments to be used against them."

With that, the doctor turned as stage lights snapped on and illuminated severallarge pieces of equipment behind them. Shannon turned and was shocked at whatshe saw. She recognized several of the artifacts from book illustrations aboutcastle dungeons. On the far left of the stage was an upright stock designedto force its captive to remain standing. On the far right were a pair of heavywooden crosses, upright and turned at a slight angle towards each other. Inthe center of the stage were two instruments of torture; a heavy wooden benchwith stout legs and a single drum, with ropes lying loosely at the foot ofthe bench and dangling from the drum, and a giant wheel, similar to a wagonwheel but larger and with a thicker rim that had leather bonds attached toit.

Waving his arm to each piece, like the ringmaster in a circus, the doctoraddressed the audience. "Stocks, for holding prisoners, were also usedto secure victims for torture, but the preferred tool for the use of non-deadlyforce was the rack. There was no single design, but rather variations on thetheme. This particular model is a composite of designs that were used in Europeover a period of 200 years. The Romans are credited with the initial developmentof a rack-like device and its design evolved as the level of technology improved.Variations exist even today, but it is the Inquisition with which it is moreclosely associated. Some models used wooden slats or rollers instead of a singlewooden bench, some used ropes instead of rollers, others featured two drumsat each end, but they all had the same intent - to bring a prisoner beyondtheir pain threshold but short of causing death. If a prisoner were to be executed,they would typically be broken on the wheel or crucified. Fortunately for Shannonhere, we won't be using those last two methods today." A low rumble oflaughter emanated from the audience. "Last week we saw what the stockscould do, so today we'll be demonstrating the rack."

Shannon whirled around and looked at the doctor, realizing what was aboutto happen. "No!" she shrieked, trying to pull away. "Calm down,now, easy", the doctor whispered, "I won't hurt you. All you needto do is follow my lead and go along with it. Its called 'acting'."

Frightened, with her heart beating furiously in her chest, Shannon remainedin place on the stage. The doctor moved behind her and began fumbling withthe drawstring of her skirt. Still recovering from the initial shock, she heldher position and stared into the blinding light, not certain what to do asher skirt fell to the floor. Reflexively, she stepped out of it as the doctorworked on the laces holding the vest around her torso, which soon joined theskirt on the floor. Quickly, the doctor tugged at the knot holding the neckhole of the nightshirt together and began lifting the bottom of the long shirtover Shannon's waist. She pushed down with her hands, stopping the shirt frombeing raised higher than her hips. She had never taken her clothes off in publicand was reluctant to start now.

"Remember, this is part of the show," the doctor growled in herear. Shannon paused a moment, weighing her options. She thought about Caroline'swords, that it only seemed bad in the beginning. Closing her eyes, she relaxedher arms and allowed the doctor to lift the dress up and add it to the pileof clothes at her feet. Shannon was now completely nude, holding her left armacross her chest and the other across her hips to protect her modesty. Posingnude in front of strangers was certainly not something she wanted to do. Sheknew she wouldn't be able to remain like that for long, but she was determinednot to surrender her body to the audience so soon.

The doctor turned Shannon around so that her back was to the crowd, givingthe unseen eyes a clear view of her well-toned legs and lithe body. Sensingthe admiration of the audience, he tugged at Shannon's bent elbow, guidingher towards the rack as she stumbled clumsily across the dark stage, her straightbrown hair flowing behind her. The doctor seated her on the machine with herfeet pointed towards the end of the bench and slipped knotted loops of thickrope around her ankles, spreading her legs so that they were held the fullwidth of the bench. He then pushed her back, indicating that she should liedown. Shannon hesitated a moment, then lay back. She suspected what he intendedto do to her, but she wasn't sure how far he'd go. Was he sincere when he saidhe wouldn't hurt her? She didn't know, but at the same time she knew she didn'twant to quit. This was her Inquisition fantasy come true, only there was nobodyhere to rescue her.

She remembered Caroline's words, that she should hold up well; or rather,that she should hold up well to whatever the doctor had in store for her. Sheremembered her fantasy from the previous night, of being held captive and madeto confess. The thought of it excited her, but that was a fantasy, it wasn'treal, and certainly wasn't something she had wanted to be revealed to a groupof strangers. She clung to the fantasy; if it wasn't real, then maybe she wouldn'tbe afraid of him, or of the experience. She vowed to resist him as best shecould, for as long as she could. She would defeat him and her fears.

When she was fully reclined, he lifted her by her armpits and pulled herup towards the drum to take the slack out of the ropes that held her feet.He then grasped a length of looped rope from the drum over her head and movedto slip it over her right wrist. She reluctantly lifted her hand, momentarilygiving the audience a brief glimpse of her mound. She twitched slightly asthe rope brushed against her bare hip and came to rest against the thin furcovering her sex. The doctor then grabbed the other length of looped rope fromthe drum and slipped it over Shannon's other hand, pulling at the knot untilit was securely fastened around her left wrist. He checked the knotted looparound her right wrist and moved towards the drum. Shannon lay on the rack,nude, bound to the evil device, afraid of what the doctor might do to her yetalso curious to discover if she had the strength to see it through to the end.

The doctor continued his presentation. "Once more the prisoner wouldbe put to the question and be given a chance to confess or surrender whateverknowledge the officials wanted. If the heretic were to confess, a scribe woulddutifully record her statements and only after her statement was complete wouldshe be released from the machine. Shannon, do you have anything to confess?" Shannongave a slight shake of her head, trying to play along with doctor's act. "Verywell then. We'll progress to the next stage of the interrogation."

Shannon shuddered nervously as the doctor began to spin the windlass of themachine, the spool taking in the rope binding Shannon's wrists. She felt therope tugging at her right wrist, the one covering her mound, first since itwas the one furthest from the spool. She tried to hold her hand over her sexas long as she could, but she knew it was only a matter of time before hersnatch was revealed to the audience. Choking back a low sob, she allowed herhand to be lifted away from her hips and drawn across her torso. She heardthe sounds of people shifting in their seats as the rope was wound over thespool, and she could feel their gaze on her private region, its pale skin baredfor all to see. The drum rotated, the rope continuing to be drawn up as sheheld her left arm across her chest, hiding her nipples that had already begunto harden with anticipation. Soon the rope holding her left wrist felt thetug of the machine and her arms were pulled over her head, revealing the roundcurves of her breasts to the crowd.

She was now stretched on the rack, bound nude and exposed to the audiencewho sat in the darkened auditorium, the only sound being the rasping of thedoctor's breath as he spun the windlass. She could sense the titillation ofthe crowd as they studied her body on display before them, the stage lightinggiving her skin a warm glow and illuminating the tuft of hair between her legs.The lines of muscle in her thighs stood out under the light as she flexed herlegs nervously. Her lean tummy curled slightly as she shifted on the rack.Her arms, tugged up over her head, pulled at her breasts, turning the areolasinto soft brown ovals as the stalks of her nipples rose to greet the cool airof the stage. She could feel her heart beating strongly inside her; could hearher breath as it passed across her parted lips. The bright light was directlyoverhead and she turned her head to the side, away from the crowd, trying toshield her eyes with the upper part of her right arm.

The doctor secured the windlass and moved behind the rack, then lifted atray upon which lay various tools and instruments and strode to the front ofthe stage. Tilting the tray, the doctor presented the instruments to the audience. "Clampsfor crushing the victim's most sensitive tissues; wire for tying up a man'stesticles; various pins and needles for puncturing skin, and," the doctorsaid, lifting a round object into the air so that the crowd could get a betterview, "the pear, used for extending vaginal and anal openings." Thedoctor turned a screw and the object split into thirds, like a piece of fruitas its cored, the ends revealing sharp claws as a threaded bolt running throughthe center of the evil instrument spread the pieces wider. "The talonson this model were designed for ripping and tearing the victim's inner tissues,and could be very effective at extracting confessions, as you'll see in a moment." Shannonshivered at the sound of his speech. Surely he wouldn't use such an evil deviceon her. She had cooperated with him, had followed his instructions. Perhapsit was just simple theatrics. She tried to not think about it, about what sucha thing could do to a human being. She quivered slightly, bound naked and helpless,her thighs widely parted and vulnerable to his touch, her breasts exposed andinviting.

The doctor set the tray down behind the rack, out of Shannon's visual range,and grasped the handle of the windlass. Slowly, deliberately, he turned thewheel, drawing the rope across the drum. Shannon could feel the pull on herarms and inhaled deeply, waiting for the stretching of her body. She imaginedherself at the hands of the unseen torturer of her fantasy, a damsel held captivein an evil castle, awaiting her handsome prince. A clasp on the windlass tickedoff the notches as the toothed gear rotated on the drum. Tick. Tick. Tick.Tick. The pull was increasing steadily, unrelenting, tugging at her arms, liftingher wrists up off the bench. Even as she felt the machine drawing her out,she could feel the sweat beginning to form on her brow and below her breasts,and her pulse began to quicken as she anticipated what was about to happen.Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. She could feel the pressure on her arms, the ropestightening on her wrists, prevented from moving farther by the wide part ofher hands. Tick. Tick. Her whole body was beginning to feel the pressure nowand she squirmed on the bench as the pull increased on her nude body. Her nipplesrose and fell with her breathing as she readied herself for punishment aboutto be inflicted on her. Tick. Tick. She could feel the sweat beading on herbrow and she knew her whole body was starting to glisten from the force exertedupon her. She felt the warmth beginning to build in her breasts and betweenher thighs as her body betrayed her fantasy. Tick. She breathed deeply andlet the air escape slowly, feeling her ribs starting to push against the tautskin of her torso. Tick. Her hands were beginning to tingle. Pulled up thatway, she wondered if they were turning purple from the lack of circulation.Her breathing quickened, her heart pounded in her chest. Tick. She breathedheavily in her distress as the doctor worked the mechanism. He wanted Shannonto cry out, wanted her to surrender. All she had to do was cry out, to makea confession, and he would stop.

Shannon could feel the rope tightening around her wrists. She opened hereyes to look at the doctor, a quick glance to see what he was doing. Tick.She closed her eyes, an image burned into her mind's eye; him, both hands onthe windlass, pushing inexorably against her body's resistance. She could smellthe sweat forming on her arms and the moistness beginning to build in her loins.Tick. Panting heavily, she fought back the fear that threatened to consumeher. Her shoulders were being lifted from the bench, joining the steady marchof her body towards the drum. She winced as the first tingles of pain trickleddown her arms. Tick. Her back, slick with perspiration, loosened its grip onthe dark wood of the bench. She buried her mouth against her arm, her breathhot and fast with pain. Tick. Her hands were really tingling now, growing numbfrom the grip of the ropes around her wrists. She gasped and squirmed as herback started to lift away from the bench. Tick. She could feel the tensionin her lower spine, could feel the vertebra straining against the pull of therack as her torso was pulled into the dark air of the auditorium. Tick. Sheturned her head from side to side, the pain building as her pale body was liftedfrom the bench and she was completely suspended above the rack, her feet preventedfrom moving by the thick ropes around her ankles. Her breath came in quick,rapid gasps as she fought to control the pain welling up inside of her. Herchest heaved, her nipples rising and falling with each hard-fought breath asshe hung above the stage, the spotlight illuminating her tortured muscles.Sweat glistened along the full length of her body and matted her hair and shecould feel the labor of her lungs as she gasped for air.

Tick. The doctor had cruelly taken her one more notch, had pushed her toher limits, tested her. She inhaled deeply, agonized, trying to absorb thepain, but it was too much and a cry escaped from somewhere deep in her throat.She'd had enough. Her threshold had been reached. The doctor released the tensionof the windlass slowly, gently easing the body of the crying girl back downonto the bench, but kept enough pressure on her tortured limbs such that shecouldn't move. Locking the windlass, the doctor once more strode to the frontof the stage, leaving the panting, sweating girl bound to the rack.

"Often, a subject would pass out during the questioning and would needto be revived. The usual method was to rub nettles against the victim's skin,causing a terrible itching. Another method was to douse them with ice coldwater." With that, he suddenly produced a pail from a darkened cornerof the stage and tossed its contents towards Shannon's bound body. She watchedwith horror and fascination as the water arced through the air like a crystallinedragon, its full contents landing with a solid smack against her skin. Sheopened her mouth and inhaled deeply from the shock of it, gasping and sputteringas the water mixed with her sweat, cooling her body. She shook her head, tryingto clear the liquid from her eyes. As the harsh coldness subsided and her rapidly-beatingheart slowed, she could feel her muscles relaxing.

The doctor paused, letting Shannon recover from the ordeal of the stretching,then picked up the tray of terrible instruments.

"Once the inquisitors were satisfied that a particular torture had reachedits maximum effectiveness, new methods were applied," the doctor announcedto the crowd, "and the standard procedure was to focus on the generationof localized pain." Selecting two small C-shaped instruments from thetray, the doctor held them up to the spotlight, "clamps, for crushinga woman's nipples."

Shannon watched as the doctor walked towards her, holding the two cruel piecesof metal in his hands. The cold water had stimulated her nipples; they werealready hard and proud as the doctor took his place next to her stretched,bound body. She squirmed as the doctor stroked her breasts seductively. Stimulatingher breasts wasn't necessary for this torture since the nubs were already erectand available, but the doctor's manipulation of her breasts was causing hernipples to ache with the pain of sexual excitement. She could feel his gentletouch, a lover's touch, and her body responded involuntarily, becoming arousedeven as she lay nude on the rack. She could feel the warmth returning to herbreasts, her chest glowing with her passion. The sinewy muscles of her legsand taut torso twisted under her pale, soft skin as the doctor continued strokingher. She could feel the moistness collecting between her legs even as she triedto resist him. He knew where to touch her, where to stroke her skin and stimulatethe response he wanted. He traced circles around her breast, centering on eachnipple, then down her belly, stroking the width of her hips just below herbellybutton, across her pelvic bone, then sliding his palms along her flanksand kneading the skin like a masseuse, stopping at the top of her thin lineof soft fur, pushing her blood towards her mound. His fingers raked acrossher ribs and her tummy, leaving faint lines from the pressure, then his fingersdanced lightly across her arms and shoulders, then continued down towards herhips. She shuddered at his tickling, her gleaming skin trembling at his touch,the fire beginning to burn in her sex. She lifted her head to encourage histouch, but she was bound tightly to the rack, stretched across its frame, andsuch movement was difficult. Helpless, she lay her head back and closed hereyes, welcoming the feeling of his hands upon her skin. Her breasts ached withpleasure and she could feel the warmth building in her loins.

Suddenly she felt the cold chill of the metal clamps on her chest. Liftingher head, she watched as the doctor slowly released the spring of a clamp,its jaws closing against the pert nipple of her left breast. She gasped atthe pressure as the metal gripped her sensitive nub, crushing the skin. Thedoctor lifted the second clamp to her right breast, and she breathed quickly,anticipating the pain as that nub was also crushed by the unforgiving metal.She stared at her own body for a moment, at the silver clamps adorning herperked nipples, then, fatigued, lowered her head to the bench, its wood staineddark with sweat and water.

She breathed in the air, absorbing the pain, the clamps on her breasts risingas her lungs filled with air. Her ribs were stretched tightly against her skin,her lean belly pulled flat by the exertion of the rack. Her pubic mound rosetowards the light that glistened in her thin line of fur, her vaginal juicesmixing with the sweat and water that streamed from her body. She knew her ordealwas not yet over, and she swore she would see it through to the end.

"And now gentlemen, the pear."

Shannon was startled by his words. She began to pull at the bonds aroundher wrists and ankles, trying to free her arms, to close her legs. The doctorpositioned himself over her crotch, lowering the oblong metal object betweenher parted thighs. She closed her eyes, knowing that she would be unable tosee it enter her canal, even if she lifted her head. Terror began to fill herthoughts as she remembered how the device had split open to reveal its jaggedtalons. She felt the pear's cold tip pressing against her vaginal opening andshe shuddered, waiting for its intrusion. The doctor rubbed the blunt end ofthe pear along her swollen lips, letting her anticipate its entry into herbody, then slid it slowly into her tunnel. She moaned as it entered her, itsmetal rubbing against the moist pink tissue. Even with her natural lubricantsflowing, it still hurt as the doctor pressed it farther up the orifice. Hervaginal muscles squeezed against the unyielding object as it passed deeperand deeper, and she wondered how far it would go. She felt the pressure deepinside her as it reached its limit, pressed up against the pink bulb of hercervix.

"Gentlemen, we are now ready to begin the final chapter of today's demonstration," thedoctor said solemnly.

The doctor reached down and began turning the screw and she could feel theleaves of the pear slowly spreading wider. She pulled at the bonds holdingher wrists and ankles as she tried to move her hips, trying to accommodatethe increasing size of the device. She could feel it stretching her tissue,pushing against the insides of her pelvis. She moaned as it kept expandinginside her. Opening her mouth she began a low moan, breathing hard, fresh sweatstreaming from her body as the pear split open, entrenching itself within herhelpless body, until finally the doctor stopped turning the screw. He knewher limits, how far he could go with her. He had determined that yesterday.

She lay there, stretched taut, open, vulnerable, under the bright light ofthe darkened stage, sweat streaming from her body, matting her hair, mixingwith the juices of her loins. Yes, the doctor had worked her body like a musicianworks a finely tuned piano. He had brought her pain, and he had brought herpleasure, and he had brought her pain again.

He reached between her thighs and pressed a switch at the base of the pear.

The metallic device immediately began vibrating, a low, gentle hum that seemedto travel across the entire length of her body. She shuddered. Every nervein her body now focused on the buzzing object buried deep within her sex. Wavesof pleasure coursed through her and she inhaled deep and strong, arching herback as best she could, trying to spread her thighs, briny water racing betweenthe furrow of her breasts, breasts that were capped by horrible silver clamps.Her mind became cloudy as the waves of pleasure consumed her body, the firebetween her thighs burning with the heat of passion. The doctor, the audience,the punishment of the rack all faded from her mind. All that existed was herand the object that gave her so much pleasure in her deepest regions. Her stomachcontracted as she moved her hips rhythmically, working towards her climax,the heat building higher and higher as she gulped the cool air desperately,hungrily, a roaring bonfire of lust exploding between her legs, exploding likea supernova, consuming her entire universe. "Oh, God…" shemoaned, then exhaled slowly, the air passing through parted lips as she waselevated to a level of pleasure she had not thought possible. Until now.

Shannon shuddered with her orgasm, her body rocking with pleasure, the beadsof sweat and water trickling from her body as she tugged at the ropes bindingher, the cords of her muscles twisting under her warm skin as she surrenderedto the object buried in her loins. S lowly the thrusting of her hips beganto subside and a warm peaceful feeling replaced the ache of her passion. Shesighed, her bare breasts heaving as the warmth infused her entire body, spreadingfrom the glorious wetness between her thighs. Basking in the glow of her womanhood,she hardly realized that the buzzing had stopped as she settled onto the bench,breathing deeply, warmly. Her heart was slowing, returning to its usual steadybeat and a feeling of utter contentment came over her as her body relaxed.

"You look absolutely radiant."

Shannon blinked her eyes open. A woman's voice, familiar, but the face wasblurry. Who was it? Shannon tried to focus on the image, straining againstthe bright light and the salty liquid that had seeped into her eyes. A haloof blonde hair above her. An angel. Fingers gently caressed her forehead, brushingher hair back, wiping the sweat and water from her face lovingly. A woman'stouch. Shannon tried to speak, but her throat was dry. Her voice cracked "Caroline?"

"Hey, sweetie." Fingers continued to stroke Shannon's hair, comfortingher. "You were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic."

Shannon opened her mouth to speak, but Caroline tenderly pressed her fingertipsto Shannon's nose and mouth, "Shhhh. Don't try to speak yet. Give yourselfa moment. There's no rush. You're so beautiful right now; so precious." Shannonsmiled and relaxed, resting comfortably on the dampened wood of the bench,shivering with pleasure. Caroline loosened the ropes on Shannon's wrists sothat blood could circulate back into her hands, but she didn't completely removethem. She wanted Shannon to remain affixed to the machine a bit longer.

Shannon's mind was beginning to clear and she looked around. The doctor andthe audience were gone. It was just the two women, one bound nude, helpless,adorned by instruments of pain, the other clothed and free. Caroline leanedover the helpless girl's chest. "Shannon, dearest, I'm going to removeone of the clamps now, ok?" Caroline looked at Shannon, waiting for asign of affirmation, and said "I should warn you, it hurts just as muchcoming off as it does going on." Shannon steadied herself and took a deepbreath, waiting for the pain to come, steeling her mind against the unwantedsensation. As Caroline squeezed the springs on the clamp, the cruel jaws partedand drew back from the pressed skin. Shannon winced, pursing her lips in painas the blood returned to the pinched nub, and cried silently as Caroline setthe loosened clamp on a corner of the bench. Caroline massaged Shannon's woundednipple, softly rubbing the skin around it, soothing the burning tissue. Itfelt good. "Are you ready for the other one, now?" Caroline whispered.Shannon nodded her head quickly, steadying herself for the pain. Caroline squeezedthe clamp open and lifted it from Shannon's nipple as a small cry of anguishescaped from Shannon's mouth. Shannon jerked at the ropes around her wristsand ankles. "There, there, sweetie. Its almost over," Caroline saidsoftly as she began rubbing both of Shannon's nipples, caressing them gently,using her palms to massage the mounds of Shannon's upturned breasts. Shannonsquirmed on the rack, feeling the tingles of searing pain in her tits as thecirculation returned to the injured skin, even as her natural endorphins triedto mask the agony of her body's abuse.

Caroline moved down to Shannon's waist and placed a hand over the bound girl'ssex, petting it gently, alerting Shannon as to what was going to happen next.Shannon lifted her head and remembered the toothed ends of the pear, imagininghow it would rip apart her tissue and she could feel the fear welling up insideher again. Caroline mumbled to herself, "Lefty loosey, righty tighty." Shannoncould feel the pear shrink inside her tunnel, retracting upon itself as Carolineturned the screw. "No!" Shannon thought to herself, "don't doit!"

When the screw would turn no further, Caroline began withdrawing the devicefrom Shannon's nude body. Shannon tried to yell "No!" but all shecould muster was a hoarse whisper, and she swallowed, hard, trying to findenough moisture to speak, to scream. Jerking hard at the ropes around her wristsand ankles, fighting the grip of the rack, Shannon shook her head violently,croaking her protests from an impossibly dry throat. Shannon would do anything,anything at all, to keep from having her insides ripped apart. Caroline ignoredher pleas and proceeded to remove the object. Caroline knew Shannon would fighther, hard, and had left her tied to the bench for that reason. Shannon couldfeel the pear sliding out of her and she could imagine what it was doing toher sex, to her womanhood. Still bound to the rack, unable to speak, too weakto resist, she could do nothing but gasp and tremble with fear. Finally shefelt the device part from her body and she wondered how much blood was mixingwith her juices in her genitals, her sweat on her legs, and the water on thetable. Strangely, she felt no pain, but she knew that in extreme cases of traumaa nerve ending could be over stimulated and render the injured tissue numb.Shannon trembled violently with fear at the thought of the damage to her loins.

Caroline held up the evil device, the one that had given Shannon so muchpleasure and caused so much fear, so that Shannon could see it clearly. Surprisingly,there was no trace of blood; nothing as traumatic as she had imagined. Shannonlooked at Caroline, utterly confused, but still no words could come from herthroat, so Shannon mouthed "What?" Caroline looked back at the helplessgirl and laughed. "You poor thing. The doctor played a trick on you; aterrible, wonderful trick." Shannon realized what had happened. He hadswitched the instruments! She smiled and laughed weakly at her gullibility.

Caroline moved to the foot of the rack and freed Shannon's legs, then movedup to the drum and finally released her wrists from the ropes that had abradedher skin. Though freed of the grip of the rack, Shannon was too exhausted tomove and lay in the position she had been forced to assume during the presentation.Caroline sat on the bench beside her and stroked Shannon's forehead, wipingthe fresh beads of perspiration from her skin as she lay on the rack.

Shannon was completely spent. Every joint in her body ached and her musclesfelt like rubber. Her body was limp with exhaustion, suffering the dullnessof extreme fatigue. Shannon, groggily, lowered her arms and tried to sit up.Caroline saw her struggling and wrapped one arm behind the poor girl, helpingher lean forward, and placed the other across her shoulders to steady her.Caroline tenderly stroked Shannon's face and the nude girl began to cry softly;from pain or from love, Caroline couldn't tell. Caroline squeezed Shannon'sshoulder and drew her closer, consoling her, cradling her head as the youngergirl wept in Caroline's comforting embrace. "There, there, sweetie, itsalright, everything's ok," she whispered. Shannon accepted Caroline'shug, lifting her arms to grasp Caroline even as sobs choked in her throat. "That'salright, let it out, its all over now." Shannon released herself completely,letting her emotions flood out of her unabashedly. She had been taken to theheights of pain, of pleasure, of ecstasy, and now, of love.

As Shannon's cries began to subside Caroline separated herself from the nudegirl and slid off the bench. Reaching underneath the machine, she lifted asoft red blanket and wrapped it around the wet skin of Shannon's shouldersand handed her a bottle of water. The water tasted sweet and soothing, itscool sensation splashing across Shannon's tongue as the clear liquid emptiedfrom the bottle. Exhaling with a satisfied sigh, Shannon tried to speak. "Where… whereis everybody?" Her voice was more breath than words.

Caroline laughed. "They're all gone. The doctor excused the audiencejust after he switched on the vibrating pear. He wanted your first forced orgasmto be a private experience. He felt he owed you that much. He wanted me tobe here for you because he was afraid you might develop feelings for him afterwardsand that would've complicated things for the next presentation. So he and Annetteleft as soon as the audience had cleared out. And here I am."

Shannon, now becoming aware of her nakedness and where she was, felt a tingeof embarrassment at what she had allowed to be done to her. She had submittedherself to a strange man's touch, given him permission to bind her, to exploreher body, to reveal her fantasies, and he had done it in front of completestrangers. And she had enjoyed it. "How much? How much did you see?" sheasked furtively.

"Oh, not much. He stationed me in the lobby to see the guests away.Besides, it was nothing new to me. You aren't the first. I've been throughit, too, you know. Only I had to deal with Annette's straightforward clinicalapproach to employee health care - clean me up, dress me, send me on my way.I didn't really have someone there for me afterwards."

Shannon looked at her and realized the generous gift that Caroline had givenher.

"You can thank me later," Caroline said jokingly. "C'mon,let's get you home."

Same as Shannon's Ascension Videos

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It was tough for me to get used to the idea of being single again after twenty-two years of marriage. At my age, it wasn't easy to find female companionship -- at least the kind that I wanted. Sure, there were a couple of gold-diggers. I mean, I wasn't rich, but I was pretty well-fixed. I had no mortgage on my home, no car payments or other serious bills, and a considerable salary. As I said, not rich but comfortable. My job was also interesting. I was the chief software engineer for a...

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Shannon II part A

I had filmed Dave’s brother’s bachelor party and as I have said before I don’t like Dave and never have. He’s arrogant, boastful and a royal asshole, he also happens to “own” Shannon. I say he “owns” her, because she insists that he does. As a result Dave dominates, abuses and humiliates Shannon sexually. At the bachelor party she was made to have sex with two dogs and then fuck the entire room full of men. In the first story I had written that slut Shannon, visually reminded me of the...

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Shannon II part B

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Shannon Becomes My Personal Stripper

I saw her laying out at the apartment pool on her stomach. She had on a very skimpy and very revealing bikini, with the strings of her bikini top undone.She was super focused on her cell phone, so she did not see me approaching. I took up a lounging position on a pool-side chase lounge chair, about ten feet from her and proceeded to strip out of my shirt.She glanced in my direction, then quickly returned her attention to her cell phone. After a few minutes, I jumped into the pool and swam a few...

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Shannon The Executive Office Assistant

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ShannonChapter 3 The Anniversary

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Shannon III the wedding part B

Introduction: A woman is dominated by an older man This story, like Shannon III part A, is a more romantic tale than the other Shannon stories, however it has some hot scenes in it and some humor as well. Shannon III the wedding part B Previously on Shannon. Shannon and I were married two week to the day from the bachelor party that I had first met Shannon. The wedding was a fiasco that resembled the bachelor party in almost every way except Shannon is now married to me and Woof a huge pure...

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Shannon III the wedding part B

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Shannon James pt11

“James…James………JAMES!” I snapped back to reality, “Eh What?!?!” very nervous and very aware that I got caught staring. “Close ya mouth sweetie; you’re starting to drool. I want a full briefing and my usual coffee in 45 minutes” Shannon issued the command with firmness and yet just a hint of sultriness and seduction that had me wrapped around her finger from the moment she hired me 8 months ago. My name is James and I’m a 21-year-old undergraduate working on my degree in...

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I'd been married almost fifteen years. And I finally grew tired of the same bullshit. I'd been dealing with a very prude, non-sexual and vanilla behaving wife. The occasions we would have sex, it'd be over and done in ten to fifteen minutes. She'd get hers, whether I was doing her orally or using fingers, and then beg me to fuck her. The minute I'd get in, thrust a couple of times, I'd hear the same time."Oh God. I want you to cum so bad. Can you do it? Are you ready?" and if I didn't,...

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Shannon Filthy Chav Slut

Shannon was only 18 but she already had a reputation of being a bit of slapper around the estate, It had started when she was suspended from school for sucking a lad of in the school car park. and she didn't help her reputation by the skimpy, tight-fitting clothes she wore down pub on a friday and saturday night. Shannon had been with her boyfriend Nick for nearly a year now, he was nice enough and had his own car but he was fucking boring and Shannon craved a bit of excitement. It was Friday...

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Shannon looked in the bathroom mirror as her stepson fucked her from behind. Her heavy DD breasts were being clumsily groped through the blouse. A few buttons fell off and a big breast was revealed. His thick shaft stretched her mature pussy as David thrust in and out. Rapidly. His big balls slapped against her pussy. She arched her back and pushed her big ass out to meet his eager thrusts. His hands on her hips, grabbing her love handles, as his tempo increases his hard cock twitches inside...

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Shannon and I

About one year later, I found myself no longer as close of friends with Justin, which was to blame on him and I attending different schools. I was starting to hang out with Shannon a little more, but mainly late at night when my friends and I would decide to hang out with her. One day, while txting Shannon, we began to plan hanging out and going to a movie. Since it was getting late, we couldn’t go that same night so we made these plans for another day. Finally the day arrived, and I was...

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Shannon Part 1

We met through an online ad, which, by today’s standards, is neither surprising nor uncommon. But this was some years ago, and I was as hesitant about answering her ad as she was about placing it. The fact that I DID was, as it turned out, nothing short of serendipity--for once I met her, I knew I had to have her. What I didn’t (and couldn’t) know, however, was how much she would risk in order to be with me. The ad said something to the effect of: Bi-curious petite blonde female, 24, mommy of...

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Shannon intergalactic detective

Shannon was an officer of the Intergalactic policing agency, charged with maintaining the peace across the cosmos. She took her job very seriously, and was very young to reach detective. Being a woman also made her have to push harder then most. Though the human race had advanced far sexism had been hard to drive out, and still existed in male dominated fields like policing. Shannon also had to be more stern to be taken seriously. She was short, standing at four 11. She was in good shape, with...

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Shannon Kelly Welcome Biography

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Shannon swallows gallons of it

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Shannon Kelly

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Shannon Part 1

We met through an online ad, which, by today’s standards, is neither surprising nor uncommon. But this was some years ago, and I was as hesitant about answering her ad as she was about placing it. The fact that I DID was, as it turned out, nothing short of serendipity–for once I met her, I knew I had to have her. What I didn’t (and couldn’t) know, however, was how much she would risk in order to be with me. The ad said something to the effect of: Bi-curious petite blonde female, 24, mommy of...

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Mass Effect Spectre

Welcome to Alliance Military Database; Classified information requested. ..... ..... "Establishing secure connection." "Secure connection confirmed." "Please log in to access your profile."

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God of LoveChapter 37 New Pet

Outside the building, Lucas and May got into the car. The silence was deafening as May started the car and drove out of the neighborhood. She was shaken by the situation on many levels, while Lucas used what he learned from his mother from a young age to keep calm and analyze things coldly. “I’m sorry about earlier. I spoke as if you had an obligation to help us.” After a few minutes of driving, May apologized and said nothing more. Lucas could see the coldness in her words. Even though...

4 years ago
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Times of morning blindness

My cousin's name is Sabah and she is 36 years old and I am the first to marry my uncle and I will deal with her as my big sister until something happens that I did not expect. One day my uncle told me about the marriage of her eldest daughter and because I was considered like the eldest daughter he wanted me to help him choose a device My daughter Muna and of course agreed and did not hesitate and asked me to accompany her daughter and mother to choose household appliances and kitchen utensils...

3 years ago
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Evilmommies Little Sperm Eater

Evilmommie's LittleSperm Eater My husband had a complete aversion to eating his semen, or anyone else's.The first time I asked him to lick his semen out of my vagina after makinglove to me, he was quite annoyed. It was John who had encouraged me to dominatehim, but he didn't want to do anything too icky. Besides which, I had recentlyput John into a chastity device and he'd been abstinent for some time, andhis semen backlog had risen after I'd begun tying him down for long teasingtreatments,...

4 years ago
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HomebodiesChapter 5

Dizza Yankeur, aka “Yank”, the cultural anthropologist from the civilian science department, was fifty-seven metric years old and had two PhDs to her credit. Still in her first career when most humans her age were well established in second careers, she had arrived at CVS the previous day hoping to arrange some escorted trips to the northern border region where California, Oregon and the high desert of Nevada came together. She was interested in this particular region of the North American...

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Sbbe Stories From the Academy

SbbeStory1 I?m a member of the Academy do tasks for Taskmasters and have a lot of what I call Sbbe Stories. A Task Master thinks up the idea for the task and then I as a performer, am privileged to perform it. I want to share the little stories that come from the tasks. Enjoy. ****Performed for Hawk_Fann The photographer was going to be here at 11 so I hurried through my workout on the treadmill. The shower helped me finish waking. I was feeling a bit...

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Silver ArrowChapter 23 A Change in the Weather

I made a seven-thirty reservation at Candilotti's. I was excited about our date. Rose and I were getting along very well and I felt more and more impressed with her as I got to know her better. I also found I was looking past her handicap and not seeing it as a barrier, merely a fact ... not unlike my dietary needs. I had explained on the phone my inability to eat large quantities to Mrs. Candilotti and she said to leave it to her and she would create something special for Rose and me. I...

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The Game

There is a mansion, deep within the forests of some insignificant country. Large and imposing, with towers, dozens of rooms, several floors, and a checkered past that few dare talk about. This mansion lies empty and abandoned, forgotten by all unless it is THAT time. Once every year, when corruption, violence and crime are at an all-time high, and time has forgotten all that has happened in the past this mansion comes back to life. It is in that period that the mansion is restored by its...

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Family Trials

Family Affairs Victoria - Mom (Blonde) Jessica - Older Sister (Brunette) Kelli - Younger Sister (Blonde) Family Matters Allison - Mom (Redhead) Erica - Little Sister (Redhead) Family Frustrations Elizabeth - Mom (Brunette) Katherine - Little Sister (Brunette) ATTENTION: Rape is wrong, immoral, and illegal. Please don't do it! Fantasizing and reading about it is merely the sign of a healthy imagination. Over 2 MILLION views can't be wrong!

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Miranda It Had Been a Very Long Two Years

She left me two years ago for another man. To this day, I still think about how she just walked out without giving me any explanation at all. Since then, I have not seen any other women. None. That is because of two reasons. One, I am scared that another would do what she did to me, and two, well, I am still in love with her. You would think after two damn years I would be over it. Well, I’m not. Every day that goes by, I still think of Miranda. I still see her long wavy dark brown hair flowing...

Straight Sex
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It was on that Thursday in June last year that Lauren’s life completely changed. It was coming up to their school’s prom and a boy called James had recently asked her out, and on the Wednesday night he had taken her on her first date to the cinema. The film was average but Lauren had hardly noticed because of the close attention that James had been paying to her. It had started off with the ‘yawn-arm round the shoulder’ and by the end of the film this had evolved through cuddling up to full...

2 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 18

The entire house awoke at the same time Monday morning. The five of us went outside where Wanda and I lined up the three with no experience and faced them. She said, "Follow Chuck's movements. They will be slow and deliberate. You will know what he will be doing before he does it, but just stay in his rhythm. I will follow him too. Tomorrow, we can do mine. I wish we could hear Chuck's music; it would make our movements even more enjoyable." I kept all of my movements in the basic forms,...

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Chris swirled Jane around in his arms as they entered the apartment. It was theirs, all theirs, and safely away from the soft cocoon of their family. They immediately started exploring, exclaiming over the view out of the kitchen, the three large bedrooms, and nicely appointed living room. “This was a great idea. Just us and no one else.” Chris said has he gave Jane a passionate kiss. The had plotted about moving to New York for almost a year, ever since they were married. Their families were...

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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 8

The temperature dropped as we entered the cave. Blaster had wrapped himself in a thick fur cloak over his Sun robes. When he shivered, I chuckled. All that fur and he is still cold. At any moment, a slavering monster might jump out at us and I needed an unfettered sword arm, so I was not afforded the luxury of a cloak. "You should feel how cold armor gets here," I told the Muse. "Be thankful you don't have to swing a sword. Against the monsters of the Arctic, I chose a Flamefang, one of...

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Managing Marys Mother

"I hope she likes you!" Mary says for the dozenth time as you drive up the winding drive way to your new girlfriend's mother's McMansion. "I'm sure she will, Mary," you assure the adorable blond communications major, patting her on her sculpted inner thigh, easily accessible since you encouraged her to always wear miniskirts. Mary giggles nervously. "You don't know mother!" Mary says. "She hasn't approved of ANY of my boyfriends EVER! I don't think she's ever approved of any MAN! I mean, she's...

Mind Control

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