Ascension free porn video

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Ascension By Dawna Tompson A man acts on his desire to medically alter his gender and unwittingly begins to unravel the mystery of his lifelong compulsion. Rated R --------- The faint yellow bulb lit up first followed by a familiar ding announcing the arrival of the elevator. An elderly man with a pensive look stepped forward and then turned back toward the elevator door as if to return. But the doors closed before he could step back. Though he was perhaps in his early seventies from a distance he seemed younger. Perhaps it was the way he walked, erect and sprite on his feet, more like the gait of a middle-aged or even younger man. His short- cropped steel-gray hair and his erect posture suggested a former military man. He walked down the hall with a measured pace, checking the names on the wall near each door. He stopped halfway down the corridor and bent closer to a name plaque. "A. Ceilo, M.D." He reached for the door but found that it was locked. He paused for a moment perhaps still trying to make a decision. Then he spotted the small sign next to a button. "Ring for Entry." The sign, written as a command, may have been just enough to coax him to enter. The door buzzed. He hesitated again and took a deep breath. He grabbed the curved brass handle and then walked through the door. The waiting room was small and contained only a few simple straight-back chairs. Like the corridor that he had just come from it was painted in light pastel colors. He picked the chair in the corner farthest from the door and sat down. He could make out a lone figure behind the receptionist's frosted glass silently working at a computer. He glanced at an abstract painting on the wall. He didn't know much about abstract art but to him looked like an upside down tornado made of pink and purple lights. His attention drifted as he stared off through the window at the clear blue autumn sky outside. He had barely begun to realize how brilliant the sky appeared when a young man in green scrubs opened an interior door and motioned toward him. "The doctor is ready to see you now," he announced. The doctor was a kindly looking middle-aged woman. She was dressed in a white lab coat and had reading glasses perched on top of her dark brown hair. When she stood he noticed that she was short, only about five feet tall. Her girlish figure had long since evaporated but she was still well proportioned. She greeted the man and then asked him to sit down. She pushed back a tuft of unruly hair and then leafed through a manila file. The man glanced around her small office. Framed certificates and diplomas hung neatly on one wall. A large bookshelf filled with medical reference books occupied another. A stack of research journals were arranged neatly on the corner of the desk. His attention was drawn to a framed picture sitting on the desktop. Two young soldiers, their faces smeared with the grime of warfare, their arms draped across one another's shoulders, each smiled widely at the camera. This was a portrait of brothers-in-arms. He smiled wryly in recognition and then leaned a bit toward the picture. Before he had a chance to ask about it the doctor looked up and inquired, "How long have you had these thoughts?" He turned his attention back to her. "I'm not sure, he hesitated. It began a long time ago but to tell the truth I'm not sure. It didn't start out this way." His tone became more defensive. "But I want you to know that I'm not confused about my gender, I'm a man. I know I am. And I'm not a sissy. I've never been with a man before. I was a soldier once. It's just that..." "What is it?" she coaxed soothingly. He softened his tone. "Look, I've had these thoughts for more than fifty years, ever since puberty and maybe even before that." "That's a long time to contain so much energy inside," she replied. "Please, we are not here to judge, we are here to help you." "I like women so much that I want to become one. I know I'm not a woman trapped in a man's body. I'm not transsexual, but I feel the need to become one. I feel this deep inside. I can't shake it. My mind is clouded with overwhelming thoughts that I need to reside within the body of a woman. I want to become a woman, I must become a woman. I guess I'm just messed up, but I can't take these thoughts anymore." "No, please," she responded, "believe me these are not uncommon feelings. I think I can help you but I need a bit more information. How exactly does this feeling manifest itself? "Well, I'm not sure what you mean" "Are there sexual feelings associated with this sense of wanting to become a woman? You needn't feel shy about telling me." "Yes." He paused to consider if he should add more details. He continued slowly, "Most of the time I find it pleasant to imagine what it would be like to be physically changed into a woman. What would it be like? How would it be done? What would my new body look like? Stuff like that." The doctor's soft demeanor seemed to have put him at ease. "Other times I picture myself already a woman experiencing different sexual situations." "That's quite common is these cases," she replied. "I find that most of my patients feel that way. Most of them have intense sexual fantasies associated with this impulse. Sex is one of the most powerful energies you have within you so we'd expect that that it would be your principle focus." She paused to let that idea sink in a bit. "I can help you. We can begin right now if you wish." "I'm not sure what you mean. Are you prepared to begin right now? I thought this was just an initial consultation," He seemed hesitant and uncertain again. "I could refer you to a therapist." "No, no," he hastily replied. "I'm satisfied that you are what you say you are. I've seen many of these cases in my career. I can assure you that more consultation and therapy won't help you as much as I'm prepared to do for you starting right now. This moment if you wish." "I ... uh... are you sure, it's okay?" he stumbled. "Yes, please. It's what my staff and I seek to do for patients like you who come for help. We are here to help you feel exactly how you need to feel, that is our mission. Please, tell me, would you like to begin?" "Yes, I am ready. I want to do this. I must do this, and now is the time. I've waited far too long. I don't want to miss this opportunity." She leaned forward and pressed an intercom button. "Raul, will you come here to escort our patient into the preparation room," The young man in green scrubs reappeared from behind a screen. He was slender and handsome with dark hair and a bushy mustache. "This is Raul, he will prep you and then I'll be performing some initial procedures to help you get started. I'm quite sure you will be comfortable with him." "Hello, my name is Raul." He extended his hand to the man. "I'll be with you for some time as we get prepared, are you ready?" The man nodded and followed Raul behind the screen, through a large white door, and into a medical waiting room. "See you in a short while," chirped the doctor. "Please, undress and then sit on the table and put on this gown, the open end should be toward the front, not the rear like you might expect," instructed Raul. The man did as he was told, stripping to his underwear and socks. "No, everything must go," laughed Raul. "We'll begin by removing all the hair around your pubic area. This is mostly so that there is no risk of infection during the procedure but in any case you aren't going to want to remain hairy down there are you?" "No, of course not, but... wow this is moving fast." "No buts, now... , yes, that dressing gown looks delightful on you, the pink frills are already setting the stage for what is to come. We don't like to use regular hospital gowns, so the doctor allows me to pick out the prettiest gowns for our patients. Do you like it?" "Yes, I guess so," replied the man. It occurred to him for the first time that Raul was probably not heterosexual. He slipped on the gown and tried to fold it to cover his manhood. Raul was most delicate. He used a shaver for parts of the job and a depilatory cream to remove all of the hair from his mid-thigh to his belly button. The man felt quite naked and a little aroused as he glanced at the spread of bare white skin below his navel. He tightened the open gown around himself to hide his embarrassment. The soft pink cloth against his smooth white skin only seemed to make it worse. "God," he said out loud to himself, "I'm going to embarrass myself. What am I doing here?" Raul glanced down once and then quickly met the man's eyes. "Listen, there is no need to be embarrassed, this is perfectly normal. I've got to prep the procedure room and it will take me a few minutes. I recommend that you masturbate now as this will probably be the last time you'll ever get a man's wet orgasm. There is some lubricant on the table here, you can use as much as you like." The man blushed at such blunt talk. He turned out the lights, squirted some cream on his hands, and tried to conjure up one of his many fantasies. But his normally addictive story lines eluded him. Despite the thrill of being hairless down there he simply could not hold an erection long enough to sustain an orgasm. He turned the light back on, lay back on the exam table, and listened to his heart pounding rapidly inside his chest. Raul discretely knocked at the door and then ushered in a gurney. "We're ready for you. Hop up here. I have to start an IV and we'll give you something to take off the tension a bit." Raul inserted the metal rod into a slot on the gurney and reached up to hang a bag on the metal arm. He turned back when he sensed that the man was staring at him. "What's wrong?" The man shook his head. "Something about the way you hung that bag reminded me of something but I can't put my finger on it, just forget about it." Raul shrugged. "Will I be knocked out?" asked the man. "Only if you want to be, but most everyone we treat wants to see and experience the full flavor of this procedure. Most find it thrilling. The doctor will give you a local but even that will only block the pain, you'll still have tactile feelings during the procedure." After carefully draping a green sterile surgical cloth around his pubic area Raul stepped back as the doctor entered. Like Raul, she too was now in scrubs and wore a white mask and an operating room shower cap. "We are going to start a series of very simple procedures that will help you achieve your lifelong dream," she announced. "I'm giving you a local anesthetic and then I'll inject this needle directly into your testicles." She held up a long thick needle for him to inspect. The man involuntarily winced. "It sounds much worse that it really is. This will begin shrinking and retracting them upward toward your abdomen. It won't take long before they ascend completely. You'll feel some pressure but let me know if there is any pain." "You can breathe a little," laughed Raul. "It's over. How does it feel?" The man sat up. "Not bad, not bad at all, can I look?" The doctor spoke again, "Yes, can you see how the testicles have already retracted and your scrotal skin is tighter? You must be highly motivated to achieve this much in such a short time. Now, let me explain the next step. Ordinarily I wouldn't do these all of these together but since you are responding so well I think we can proceed. I'm injecting this needle into your corpus cavernosum. Does that hurt?" "No, it just feels cold and full," he reported. "Yes, that should pass quickly. This is the same medication that shrunk your scrotum and testicles. I'm using it to shrink the erectile tissue around your penis. "I'm now going to apply this vacuum cup to the penis and open the valve on the pressure cuff. As you can see your penis is retracting nicely, this pushes out the remaining blood and collapses the corpus tissue... and there you are! Are you comfortable?" "Uh huh," the man mumbled, obviously engrossed in the spectacle of watching his own penis shrink to the size of a ten year-old boy's organ. "That's amazing, will it stay that way?" "So far nothing we've done is irreversible. Are you okay?" He nodded. "We are pushing you kind of hard but I think we can keep going. I've got one more big needle. This solution has to be injected directly into each of your nipples so we can set up the stem cells that will grow into mammary glands. This is going to pinch and it will burn a little as the solution expands into your breast. Ready? Here goes." He rubbed his breast a little and then reached toward his bulging nipple, "It doesn't hurt too much. But they feel pretty full and strange, not exactly what I imagined." "It will feel tight at first and then very soon your areola will stretch and the nipple will start to feel more natural," the doctor advised. "Okay we are through for now. I'll let Raul help you onto the gurney. Raul where did you go?" Raul reappeared and had him slide off the table onto the gurney. He pushed it slowly down the hall toward his room. "I do feel motivated, but what does that have to do with it?" queried the man. Raul responded, "Oh, the results almost always depend on how much energy you are willing to direct. The doctor tells me you have a half century of fantasies to draw upon. That's going to really help you. Now sit back while we take a ride. Let's see, you are going to occupy 101," He turned the gurney toward a doorway. "Oh no, 101, that's going to be a tough one," the man mumbled. "Huh?" "Nothing," the man waved him onward, "let's go do it." Raul maneuvered the gurney to align it with the bed. "Okay, slide over, but be careful." "Boy. I'm bushed. Ever since that bout of pneumonia I don't seem to have as much stamina anymore," the man murmured as he set his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again bright light was streaming through the frosted window in his room. He dropped his hand under the sheet and ran his fingers lightly over a stiff nipple. He smiled with pleasure. Just then, Raul reappeared and lifted the sheets to have a look down below. "Wonderful progress! They've already shrunken to the size of peanuts, and..." He reached down, gently lifting the flaccid penis and lightly pressing his fingers against the tight scrotal skin. "Yes. They've pulled up to about a half centimeter from the abdomen wall." The man was surprised at how pleasurable Raul's soft hands felt down there. He worried that he might get an erection in front of Raul but his shrunken manhood remained limp. "Ready for the next step? I promise this will be easier." He rolled a wheelchair over to the bedside and encouraged him to hop in. He struggled to help the man get into the chair, moving his body slowly, setting it down gently, and then helping him to shift his weight to his hip. "Awkward isn't it? But that kicked-in-the- nuts feeling should pass shortly." After a short ride down the hall Raul guided the chair into a different exam room. The man glanced around the room. It was equipped with a long steel table. On the wall behind the table was a large rack of electronic equipment. Toward the back of the room he could see a deep tub partly hidden behind a privacy curtain. Next to it was a small but serviceable hair salon. It was equipped with a shampoo sink, a swivel styling chair, large mirrors, hair blowers, curling irons, scissors and the like. Next to it was a shelf filled with shampoos, conditioners and other hair products whose exact purpose he was uncertain of. Raul helped him move from the wheelchair to the table and then snapped on the large light mounted over it, "Okay, this is going to be very simple. It sounds a bit bizarre but this will make a world of difference to you. You get naked, I rub this cream all over your body, flash this laser gun at the cream and then we set you in the tub for a warm bubble bath. When I'm done you'll be as smooth as a baby and as bald as a billiard ball." The man involuntarily rubbed his scalp. "Oh, don't worry, it won't last long. Now put these on, lie on your back, and relax." He handed the man a pair of tinted goggles. He watched as Raul deftly squeezed a tube. Pure white cream erupted onto the latex glove. He relaxed and closed his eyes. Raul hummed as he worked, lathering the man's arms, slowly working up toward his shoulders and chest. His warm hands moved across the man's breast in a circular motion, passing smoothly over his engorged nipples. Raul's tuneless hum masked the man's breathless coos of delight. He appeared to be asleep as Raul tenderly approached the clean shaven regions below his waist. Raul noticed the diminutive organ twitching a feeble attempt at manhood but he said nothing. Soon he was immersed in warm water and surrounded by fragrant bubbles. He stepped out of the tub and into a luxurious towel that Raul held up. Raul helped him wrap it around his torso and then tucked it neatly around his chest the way a woman would. He pulled the top of the towel away a bit and examined the clear white skin exposed on his chest. "Look, the dark area has nearly doubled in size." He pointed to the areola on his left breast. "They also seem to have a little bit of heft to them." He cupped his hands. "Could they be pushing out already?" He dropped the towel and shook his chest back and forth showing off a slight wiggle. Raul responded enthusiastically, "You already have the nubbies of a twelve year-old girl. I told you. The more motivated you are the quicker things unfold around here. That doc is wonderful isn't she?" "Yes, yes, she is, but something doesn't seem quite right, how can this be happening so quickly?" He fingered his nipple. "They are really sensitive but they feel pretty good if I'm careful." Raul glanced down at the man's legs. "Those look like they belong to a long cool woman." The man turned his attention to his hairless limbs. "My goodness, I didn't know my skin could look so young. Look at how it shines without any body hair." "That cream peels back the top layers of skin and exposes a more youthful looking layer. I think the laser tightens up the skin too and that reduces the wrinkles. You look years younger already." He moved in front of a mirror mounted near the sink and rubbed his head. "I sure look different without any hair on my head too." Raul busied himself with another machine. "We are going to fix that right now. Come over here and sit down," he instructed. "You are about to see an artist at work! I know I should have asked ask you in advance but I picked out a rather dark brunette shade for you. I think it fits you. I'll add in just a few hints of lighter almost blonde strands and just a dash of reddish ones as highlights. It's not too thin, moderately thick, and it may, when we are through, have a slight natural wave to it. The multi-colored strands are actually more natural looking than if we selected only a monotone. I think the color will complement your skin too." Raul was clearly engaged in a subject he seemed to know a lot about. He prattled on excitedly, "I've selected the length to be a few inches below your shoulders. A feminine hairline must come down to about here, and we'll insert thinner and shorter strands here at the base of your neck. It will look natural, believe me. When we are done I'll show you how to wash and condition and curl it. If it seems too long I can cut it later." "No, I think it's going to be perfect. Let's get started," said the man with a hint of girlish excitement. "I can't wait to see how it comes out." "Move your head back like this and relax," Raul commanded. He then began busying himself setting up the machine, opening plastic packets, and arranging tufts of hair in the machine's feeder. He turned on the machine and it began to quietly insert strands into the man's scalp one at a time. After checking to see that it was working correctly he adjusted the speed so that its arms soon became a blur. The man could hear the whirl of the machine and feel impulses on his head as it inserted each follicle. His excitement increased as the machine progressed across his scalp but he couldn't really see anything that was happening on top of his head. "Finished!" Raul spun the chair around to allow him to see the results in the mirror. "Well, what do you think?" He expected to hear the delightful squeal of a satisfied girl. But the man expressed more shock than delight. "It's exactly how I remembered it," he whispered. "I've often fallen asleep trying to picture how it would feel to have long beautiful hair, and this is how I remember it. But doesn't that seem backwards Raul? How can I remember hair that I've never had before?" "Watch!" Raul twisted the chair to give him a better view in the mirror. "I can pile it up in a messy bun like this, or rearrange it in a more elegant lift like this. Or my favorite. I take this and poof it up little like this and then pin it here and let the rest fall naturally over your shoulders." He stroked his loose hair expertly with one hand while holding the rest of his hair in the fingers of his other hand. "Once we pierce your ears these silver earrings will be a wonderful compliment." He took the silver loop earring from Raul, placed it against his ear, and then cocked his head expertly to assess the effect. He plucked a necklace from the box that Raul had fetched the earring from. He held it to his neck, twisted a bit in the chair and then smiled and nodded. He stopped suddenly in the middle of this reverie. "But what about my face? I have the skin and hair of a 20 year-old woman and the face and body of an old man with a shrunken dick. I look ridiculous." "Don't worry, we've got that all worked out, the doc does I mean. I'm certain you'll be happy with the results. Now come on, we still have a lot to do. We've got to get back to the procedure room." Raul held out his hand to help him out of the chair. The gown opened a bit exposing a now shapely smooth leg. He turned and extended his leg and pointed his toes down toward the floor. He let out a soft sigh. The loose ties on the gown unraveled exposing much more than his leg. Wispy strands of brown hair tumbled down around his face. "Gosh, look at me. I'm so small. I'm already starting to look like a woman down there." He stood up shakily, wiping sweat off his brow. "Are you okay?" "I dunno, all of the sudden I felt a little lightheaded. My whole body is hot and I'm sweating like a pig. Can you open a window?" "That would be the estrogen kicking in. You'll be like this for a while. Okay one moment and then all of the sudden a hot flash. It will stabilize soon enough," Raul assured. "Are you ready for the next procedure?" "Raul," the man patted his hand in his in an automatic gesture, "I'm ready for anything you have." Raul moved to give squeeze him on the shoulder and was surprised to find himself enfolded in a full embrace. The man held him close. "I'm not normally a touchy-feely person." He slid his arm around pulling Raul's head so that his bushy mustache brushed against his cheek. He spoke gently in his ear, "But thank you so much Raul." The doctor was waiting when they arrived. She positively gushed, "You look wonderful! Look how smooth your skin is. Raul did wonders with your hair. I like it, it looks gorgeous." Raul beamed at the compliment. The man stroked his unfamiliar locks warily and then broke into a warm smile. Raul lifted the man's legs into the stirrups at the end of the exam table. A moment later the pink dressing gown was open and his legs were spread wide. The doctor gave him a cursory glance. "Things look very good down there. There is also some other good news. Your blood test shows that you've already stopped creating testosterone and you are already generating a significant amount of estrogen. I expect it won't be long before you start to feel the effects of that." "We already discovered that, didn't we?" Raul chimed. I'm really quite impressed with your progress," she beamed. "Are your breasts tender already too?" He nodded. "But how can that be, doctor?" The man seemed genuinely puzzled. "I've seen those You Tube videos of men making the transition and it seems like it takes months for them to experience any significant effects." "Oh, you'd be surprised how much more quickly you'll start to see major effects when your body produces its own hormones. It also helps to be so motivated. Your inner energies help to heal and also accelerate the changes. "You must have enormous pent up energy from ... how long did you say you've felt this? "Over fifty years, but doctor my skin looks as smooth as a twenty year- old. How is that possible? How can this be happening so quickly?" He unconsciously pushed a lock of brown hair away from his face in an undeniably feminine motion. "Are you unhappy with the results?" she asked with a worried look on her face. "We can slow this down or stop it." He brushed aside his concerns. "No, no, no, I love the results, forget about it. What's next?" Dr. Celio rolled a small white box that looked like a large laptop computer attached to a small cart. It had a wand that looked like a microphone. She continued, "Raul and I will now be doing some body shaping. This ultrasonic machine will loosen up your fat cells, sort of like melting butter. See, right here at your stomach, it's already loose. Then I shift it around a bit like this, this lump gets spread out and formed into a more feminine buttocks... Raul hand me that form and the clamp... then we'll add some more to your thighs to round things out a bit. We'll take most of this away and that should leave you a real waist... A little tighter Raul, good we are at 24. This other gets divided and pressed upward toward your chest. Any leftovers get sucked out through this tiny incision and up through this tube. "Next come your breasts. I can form this residual fatty tissue into any size or shape. Raul, bring out the chart. Can you tell me what kind of breasts you want?" "I like the perky ones in the third row," chimed Raul, "I think you should go with a 38 double D's but that's just me." "I think we should go a bit smaller, a C cup would leave you shapely and well balanced. Full rounded ones will look better I think." The man nodded his ascent while trying hard to hide the expression of satisfaction on his face. But he couldn't do it. "Oh doctor, they are so beautiful," he cried. "Now, we must zip you up in this body suit to stabilize everything. You'll feel the pressure cuff inflating off and on for a while and that might be a bit uncomfortable, but we don't want to lose this lovely new shape of yours do we? I'm also going to attach this frame to your pelvis and back like so. We want your spine make a feminine arch and we need to rotate your pelvis a bit." "Ugh!" he cried out. "Yes, this is the most uncomfortable part but it won't take long for things to heal properly. Raul, the IV again, put in about 25 cc's. This will take the edge off and help you sleep." He slept fitfully, tossing and twisting in the white sheets of the hospital bed. The clumsy suit and frame hindered his movements. He began talking, "Get a knife....Breathe, dammit breathe! Stitch, hold on buddy, we're gonna get you some help. Keep your head down... Incoming, watch out!" Still asleep, he then moaned and coughed and took in a deep breath. He woke with a start, panting heavily just as Raul came in to check on him. "Are you alright?" asked Raul. "I think so. I was having a weird nightmare. First, I was trying to cut down the IV you hung and then I was sitting in the mud trying to do something important. After that I was back in the hospital again, this last time, when I had pneumonia. I felt people rushing toward me. I heard an alarm and people talking in hushed tones, medical people I think. And then I was gasping. It was horrible." "You were you in the hospital before you came here?" Raul inquired. "Yes, and that's when I made up my mind that I just couldn't continue to live with these overwhelming thoughts anymore. I just had to do something to change myself and see if I could relieve this overwhelming desire." "I understand. Believe me I do. And we are so happy you made that decision," responded Raul. "I'm certain it's exactly the right thing for you," he turned slightly. "What happened to your neck?" the man inquired. "It looks like a raw burn." "Oh, I did something stupid. I wasn't as courageous as you. But the doctor tells me it will heal eventually." The man started to say something else but reconsidered. He sensed that this was a sensitive subject for Raul and he didn't want to pry. The doctor walked in breezily wearing a stylish tan skirt and a stretchy pink V-neck pullover instead of her usual scrubs. The tight blouse conformed to her shapely breasts. "Do you remember?" "What? Remember what? Why is it that I can't remember what it is I'm supposed to remember?" he stammered. "That shit they gave me in the hospital clouded my memory." "I just meant if you remembered that we are going to remove this uncomfortable frame and unzip this tight suit. Let's see what your new body looks like. Let me unhook this... Raul can you help us?" In just a few moments, Dr. Ceilo and Raul had disconnected the hoses, stood him up, removed the frame, and unhooked the bulky fasteners. They struggled to peel off the skin-tight suit. "Come here, in front of this mirror," she coaxed. "Wow!" exclaimed Raul, "that's a knockout number 10 doc, you do good work." The man stood before the mirror turning to admire a nicely arched back that enhanced the profile of his shapely rear end. The curves of his wide hips now flowed naturally into a narrow waist and then broadened out into a classic hourglass figure. Tears welled up in his eyes. His lips quivered as he sobbed, "It's so wonderful. I'm nearly complete. You don't know how long I've waiting for this. Thank you doctor, and thank you Raul." He wrapped his arm around the doctor while reaching out with the other to pull Raul into a three-way embrace. "It's so wonderful! Why do I suddenly want to hug everybody all the time? Why am I crying like a little girl? It's so strange and yet it feels so good!" "You're becoming a lovely young lady now, why don't you try to take a few steps? I think you'll be surprised at how different everything feels. Is it familiar yet?" inquired Dr. Ceilo. "Oddly it is. I feel like the way I've wanted to feel for a long time. This is correct. This is right. Oh soooo very right. I feel light and feminine and free and delighted!!" He pirouetted and spun with his arms out wide and then tossed his long brown hair above his head and then let it cascade along his soft white shoulders. He soon found himself on the table again with his legs spread wide in the familiar stirrups. The doctor touched the man on the shoulder. "Everything we've done so far is reversible, but this next procedure will be more permanent. Are you sure you are ready to proceed?" "Yes, I'm determined to do this," he nodded. "Okay then let's proceed. Let me numb this a bit first. This shouldn't hurt but you might want to look away," she advised. The man continued to stare at the doctor as she picked up a stainless steel tool. The tool had a small handle attached to a thin steel tube. She gently held his tiny organ between her index finger and thumb. "I'll have to insert this into the urethra and introduce this medicine to help shrink the prostate gland. Ooops. Raul, a wipe. That was just some leftover semen that surged. There, that was easy. Are you still comfortable? Now I need to make a small incision at the base of your penis, catch the compressed urethra with this tool and cut and stitch it to the underlying tissue surrounding the incision. This will take a few minutes. The man nodded without lifting his eyes. The doctor sang quietly to herself as she worked, "... Try to remember the kind of September, when you were a tender and callow fellow..." She looked up. "That's from the musical 'The Fantastiks.' Did you ever see it? Too bad. It's a story about how things aren't always what they seem to be. There, I'm done. Next, we'll seal the penis with this surgical glue. Otherwise you could get an infection through the unused opening. Okay, we are ready to form the vaginal canal," she announced. "Doesn't that mean major surgery? Castration, penile inversion, the works?" he asked in a concerned tone, "I've read some about it." "SRS?" Her tone was a bit dismissive. "That's a crude and brute force approach. Oh, I guess it can give pretty good results if the surgeon has enough skill. But it requires major invasive surgery and a long recovery. We use something new, stomatic nuclear stem cell transfer. It's fast, it almost always gives near perfect results, and it's virtually non invasive. I'll just make a small incision... Here let me adjust the mirror so you can see... I make the cut here, at the base of your scrotum with about this much from the anal opening." She held up her fingers to indicate the distance. "They used to grow this tissue in a lab and then surgically implant it but now it's done in situ. The results are better when the body's own energy is used to stimulate the new growth. Part of it is accomplished through the enzyme production that is activated by those surging hormones you've discovered. That helps the stem cells grow rapidly and differentiate properly. But the real trick is this tiny mesh." She held up a small nylon looking web between her fingers. "It's the support structure that guides the cells to develop and differentiate properly into vaginal tissue. This web will expand, shape, and support the growing vagina until it reaches its full depth. And this little nub here ..." She pointed to a small almost invisible protrusion inside the thimble shaped device. "This is going to support the cervix as it develops. There is quite a lot of new science behind this approach and maybe later I can dig out some literature if you'd like to read up on it. Now everyone responds a little differently but I expect that these cells will probably start dividing fairly quickly. It shouldn't be long before you'll feel very noticeable results. Alright, the incision is done, there is just a little bit of local bleeding... Raul a sponge, thank you... I'll insert the web using these forceps." He winced a little. "You might feel a little pressure and it will pull a bit. Tell me if you feel any pain." He shook his head. She continued to talk while still busily engaged in her work. "We'll put in a few of these dissolving stitches to hold things in place until the new growth begins to merge with the rest of your body. See, I can already put the tip of my little finger in the canal. Can you feel anything?" "Hmm-mm, interesting," he replied. "I'll bet you'd use a different word if that local anesthesia wasn't still working," Raul chuckled. She happily described the next steps as she carefully selected another stainless steel tool from the sterile cloth Raul had placed on the tray next to her. "Now a simple incision along the center of the scrotum like this, and then I have to widen it a bit and ... this will tug again... I'll pull it all the way around the base of the penis to form the clitoral hood and then anchor it. Then we form the vulva and labia minora by folding the excess tissue back a bit and... Raul a number five, thank you... then stitch this into what will become your labia majora. This will tug a bit and it might feel strange for a while until the penis adjusts to its new position." The man stared fascinated at the activity going on below his waist. She stopped and held up her gloved hands. An annoyed look crossed her face. "Raul, I don't want to change gloves, can you tuck this loose hair up under my cap for me?" Raul tucked in her hair and rolled his eyes. "Okay, close your legs a bit. I'll have to put this pad down there for now. It's just a normal menstrual pad for women but it should take up the excess blood. Later we'll see about using just a Tampax to soak up any residual oozing as that should be more comfortable. How are you feeling?" "Exhausted." "This can be quite tiring, let's give you something to help you sleep again. Raul, can you help her back to the room?" He was already drifting off so he wasn't sure if he correctly heard her subtle change in pronoun. When he awoke the shadows on the wall cast by the bed tray did not appear to have moved since he flopped into bed. He wondered if he could have slept for an entire day. Raul walked in quietly. "How are you feeling? Better? Rested?" "Did the doctor refer to me as she?" he asked. "I don't know, probably. Why? Isn't that how you want it to be?" "Yes, but I'm still trying to get used to the idea. I like the sound of it. But it still kind of gives me goose bumps." Raul expertly pulled on a pair of latex gloves. "I need to check on things. Can you open your legs a bit? Let me pull the pad off. There is a little bit of dried blood so this might tug a bit." He pulled gently against the pad and then peeled it away slowly. The crusty dried blood contrasted sharply with his soft white thighs. "Well, everything looks to be healing just fine. There has been acute shrinkage of the penile scarpa and glans. The top layers of derma have peeled nicely, the tissue exhibits a nice pinkish color, and I can see evidence of some expected physiologic leukorrhea, probably caused by the fluxating estrogen." "Can you say that in English?" he quipped. "Your dick has shrunken to smaller than the tip of my little finger, it's pink and creamy and turning into a girlish clitty. And it looks like you are about to become the proud owner of a virgin's juicy cunt!" He let out a full throated laugh. "Raul, you devil, how can you speak to me like that?" He said in mock horror, but obviously delighted by the off-color chatter. "I know you love medical dirty talk," he joshed. The man paused for a moment, lifted his head up in a more serious demeanor, and then locked eyes with Raul. What is it," he asked. "Can you do me a favor?" "Sure, whatever you like." "I'm terribly curious but it's still too weird for me to touch anything down there just yet. Can you check and see how much I've grown, down there I mean... can you tell how deep it is?" "Okay, let me know if it hurts." "Oh god, Oh great goodness, wow!" he gasped. I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He pulled back quickly. "No, no, no, Raul, you didn't do anything wrong. Wait, Let me catch my breath... that was a lot more than just interesting," he blurted. He broke into a huge smile. Raul leaned closer to his head and lowered his voice in a conspiratorial tone, "Just between us girls let's just call it a medically necessary gynecological exam," He paused and then asked, "Hey, do you want me to help you get up and go to the bathroom? I'll bet you are going to want to check out the new plumbing, don't you? ... Is everything coming out okay?" "I thought I would have to learn to pee all over, but it seems I peed all over!" "As soon as it heals, everything will work normally. You'd better rest some more, it will help you heal." He hopped back in bed. Raul fluffed the pillow and pulled the sheet up toward his chest. "You're gonna need a bigger sheet if you want to keep these twins covered!" he laughed. The man woke up at the sound of a light rap on his door as an unfamiliar attendant came in carrying a food tray. "Hello, Selia," she pronounced it as Sa-LEE-a, "my name is Stacy, I brought you some food. " "Huh?" he groped. "Who are you?" "I'm Stacy, I brought you some food." "Selia? How did you know...I mean who is...." he stammered. "It's written on the door, it's your name isn't it?" Stacy waved at a hand written paper taped to the door, "Would you rather I called you something else?" "Yes, it's..., no it can't be. Selia sounds correct but how can my name be Selia? I used to have a different name, but why can't I remember it? That damned stuff they gave me at the hospital when I was sick... it made me forgetful. I'm sure I'll remember. I do remember the ambulance and that damned breathing mask but everything else just seems like a fog. Why is that? Stacy, were you here earlier? Did you ask me something while I was asleep?" "I just walked in," Stacy replied, confused. "Someone asked me if I remembered. They whispered it in my ear just as I woke up. It wasn't you?" "I told you I just walked in." Stacy shrugged and then lifted a metal cover on the tray. "This is chicken soup but they have other stuff in the kitchen, if you like I can bring something else." Stacy's eyes beamed with helpfulness. "No, this is fine." Selia picked up a hand to reach for the spoon, stopped in mid-motion, and then lifted the other hand and spread her fingers wide. "I did your fingernails while you were asleep. I hope you don't mind. They make your hands look more feminine. I'm sorry but I can't think of you as having ever been a man. You seem like a lovely woman to me and I wanted to make you feel that way too." "Yes, I'm starting to feel it. It still seems a bit odd, but I think I'm adjusting to it. I like the sound of 'Selia' and I like you thinking of me as a woman." Selia sat straighter in the bed, held up her hands, and then twisted them back and forth several times, alternately inspecting the bright red enamel and then her palms. "It's Lira" "Huh?" "Lira. That's the nail color, Lira Red or something like that," Stacy stammered. "I can go look for the bottle." "No that's okay. Look how long my fingers look. I swear my hands look different too." She glanced up at Stacy with a curious look. "Oh yeah, I put on tips before I painted them, that makes your fingers look a lot longer and thinner." "They are very pretty," Selia mused. "Funny, I can't remember what my hands used to look like. But I don't think they were this smooth and well manicured. I guess I never paid much attention to them." "You look tired, would you like me to adjust the pillow for you?" Stacy appeared to not have paid much attention to Selia's musings. "Why don't you rest some more?" Selia tilted her head back on the pillow and glanced at Stacy, taking her measure from head to toe. She was young, probably twenty-three or four. She was petite. A hint of a shapely body appeared from under her loose watermelon colored scrubs. Her dark hair was piled high at the crown of her head and then pulled back into a high neat ponytail. A few wisps of loose hair framed her engaging brown eyes. Her face wore a look of concern and helpfulness. Selia began, "Are you? I mean have you ever been ... Did we already meet? I mean how long have you been here? That is, did you ever serve in the ... never mind." Stacy responded with practiced helpfulness, "Would you like a book to read? We don't have much of a selection." She ruffled through a small stack of books. "How about this one, it's 'Many Lives, Many Masters'?" Selia shook her head. "How about some TV? We seem to only get one channel and it always seems to play old movies. I think 'Dead Again,' with Emma Thomson and Kenneth Branaghan is on." She held up and pressed the TV remote. "No that must be later. This looks like 'Platoon' with Charlie Sheen." "I saw the play," Selia snapped a bit harshly. "I'm sorry,." She turned off the TV. "I'll leave this remote hanging on the bedrail for you." Stacy looped a strap that was attached to the remote onto the bedrail and then stepped toward the sink to refill the water pitcher. Selia was annoyed at the way Stacy had hung the remote control and fiddled with the knot to try to untangle it from the rail. She turned suddenly at the sound of a pop. "Stitch No!!" she cried out. Stacy was kneeling on the floor. Her left hand was held against a huge red stain spreading across her chest. She held up her right hand to stop Selia from getting out of bed. "No, stay where you are, I'm alright." Selia was clearly shaken. She was trembling and breathing in short quick gasps. Stacy got up and rushed to Selia's side. "Are you alright? There is no need to get frightened. I'm okay. I just tripped and spilled water all over myself. The sound was just the pitcher hitting the floor," she soothed. Gaining some control, Selia managed to stammer, "I saw the dark wet stain on your pink scrubs and for a moment I thought it was blood. I'm okay. I overreacted. Maybe it's just the hormone thing again. I'm tired, let me sleep some more." Stacy stroked Selia's head until she fell back asleep. When she woke up Dr. Ceilo was standing alone next to the bed. "Selia, you look wonderful." "How did you know my name is Selia?" Her head popped up off the soft pillow. "It's your name isn't it? It's a pretty name and it suits you." "Yes, but why can't I remember my other one? What was my name when I walked in to see you? Why can't I remember? How long ago was that? Why are there are no clocks in this place and no one wears a wristwatch?" Dr. Ceilo gazed intently and nodded but didn't reply. "Was Stacy ever a patient of yours?" Selia immediately felt badly about asking when she noticed the small frown on Dr. Celio's face. "We are very private here. Why do you ask?" she countered. "It's just that Stacy reminds me of a guy I knew a long time ago. It's really uncanny how much she reminds me of him." "Maybe she's related to him, you should ask her." "No, the guy I knew didn't have much of a family and he died way too young to start one of his own," Selia replied. "I'm very sorry." Dr. Ceilo seemed genuinely concerned. "Stacy is very helpful, along with Raul. We are all here to help you heal, so let's get going. We still have some additional work to do. Do you remember?" "Stop that, I can't remember much about anything, I just remember that I want to be a woman. I don't need to remember anything else!" Stacy had been in the bathroom wiping out the sink and refreshing the towels. When she was finished she joined Dr. Ceilo at Selia's bedside. "Selia, I hate this ugly dressing gown Raul gave you. Wouldn't you like to put on some real clothes? We have a nice wardrobe down the hall. I'll bet we can find something pretty to wear." Selia's mood brightened. She nodded to Stacy. Stacy helped her out of bed and they walked out of the room together. Dr. Ceilo watched from behind as Selia walked down the hall. She had her left hand placed high on her hip with her palm pointed down. Her right arm was by her side and bent at the elbow. Her wrist drooped so that her fingers pointed toward the floor. It looked natural and feminine. Selia romped through the wardrobe. "This, and this, and this bra and those panties, and that blouse is darling. I've dreamed of being able to dress like this for years but I've never had the opportunity. Oh, this skirt looks so catty. This belt matches those shoes nicely. I love this handbag. Is it a Coach? Look, if I stand this way, I can almost see the reflection of my perfect female self. Feel how soft this lace trimmed bra is. It's pretty and comfortable and it gives me support and separates them nicely don't you think? I love these clothes you picked out Stacy. We have the same taste. We think the same way. It's almost like we are brothers-in arms... er... I mean," she caught her mistake in mid-sentence, "I mean sisters-in... um." Stacy gushed, "Sisters-in-fashion!" She giggled. Then, almost without a pause, she excitedly continued, "That low fitted blouse looks like it would show off some cleavage. That might be exciting. Let's try that." Selia added, "Do you really think the doctor can fix this old ugly face? It would be so wonderful if she could!" Stacy nodded toward Selia's exposed butt, "You really should put on some bottoms, it won't look right for you to go prancing down the hallway in just a thong. Try these. I think they'll show off your curves." Selia took the stretchy black tights Stacy offered and started to put them on. She had them midway up her legs when she looked up and stopped. She stared quizzically at a pale floor-length gown hanging in the closet. She carefully lifted the dress off its hanger and held it up against her body with one hand. She stroked the pearl-white satin charmeuse with the other. She stretched its long translucent sleeve along her arm and squeezed the heart-shaped neckline against her breast. She tenderly ran her fingers over the shimmery lace bodice. "I know this gown, I've seen it before, I can see myself wearing it, but how can that be? I've never been here before have I? Stacy? What is going on? Why does this seem so familiar?" Stacy smiled and then shrugged. "We better get back to Dr. Cielo. She still has more work to do. Now finish dressing. You'll need some shoes too. Hmmm... Maybe a seven and a half. Try these black pumps. I think they'll go with your outfit. No they are too big. Let's go down a size. These will fit but you have to be careful, the heel is much higher and thinner but I'll help you manage." The two began walking toward the procedure room. Stacy held Selia's hand as she stumbled a bit in the unfamiliar heels. Without any conscious effort her shapely butt began to swing in a sexy rhythm synchronized with her petite footsteps. Stacy had Selia sit on the exam table. She left the room just as Dr. Ceilo arrived. The doctor smiled as she entered the room. "Those clothes look so good on you, I love that blouse. It shows off your figure," Dr. Ceilo exclaimed. Selia tossed her head back and smiled brightly. Dr. Ceilo faced Selia. "You've begun to take notice of your surroundings. I think once we complete this procedure things will become much clearer." "Oh doctor, this has been such an experience, I can't begin to tell you how much you have done for me," Selia replied. "But I don't think you really understand how much you have done for us too, especially Raul and Stacy." Selia looked puzzled, but the doctor began again before she had time to consider the remark. "Today we have two last procedures. One is a simple but uncomfortable procedure to shorten your vocal chords so that you sound more like a woman. The other is to restore your face. I'm sorry but to do these procedures I'll have to administer a general anesthesia. "I'm going to cover your mouth with this and then I want you to start counting backwards from 99." "Ugh! Another mask. Ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-eight, no seven," Her voice was faint and muffled through the mask. "Breathe deeply. You are starting to remember, Selia," the doctor whispered in her ear, "it will come back to you I know, especially once we give you your face." "Remember, what?" Selia barely mustered a faint whisper before appearing to drift off. "Who you are Selia, who you are," the doctor spoke solemnly as she finished with the anesthesia and removed the mask. The doctor worked silently with some small tools that she slid expertly down Selia's throat. "There, that seems to do it. Raul, step over here and help me get started with the facial template." "Doc, I think we are making progress," Raul said as he began sliding and pressing a silver-colored template to Selia's face. "Yes, I understand Stacy's reenactment was worthy of an Oscar. It surfaced some strong emotions. She told me the gown seemed to trigger something too, just like I thought it would. Now if we can just restore her face, I'm sure she'll remember. Can you help me here? No, pull it this way a bit. Now the heat gun, quickly. Yes, this will do fine. Hold it for a moment." Stacy reappeared, as always, ready to help. "Stacy sweetie can you help Raul remove the template? Go ahead and peel it, start at the forehead Raul. Here, use this tool to lift it. Stacy, hold her head like this," the doctor directed. Raul slowly peeled the fabric away to reveal the face of a beautiful woman. Selia was physically complete. Her skin was smooth, the ridge on above the eyes gone, she had perfect facial symmetry, large eyes, high cheekbones and a small feminine chin supporting wide pouting lips. "She's beautiful," cried Stacy, "I can't wait to apply a little eye shadow and lip liner. She probably won't need much to make her look like a goddess." "Yes, I'm certain this will do the trick. Let's wake her up," replied Dr. Cielo. "Selia, wake up dear, you are home now, do you remember?" Asked the doctor. She stood directly in front of Selia rubbing her lightly on the cheek with the back of her hand. Stacy was holding Selia's left hand and Raul massaged her feet. Selia stirred and then opened her eyes. "Glpk, glug, glug." "Don't try to speak just yet. Here, trying drinking this first and the then start speaking in just a whisper until it feels better," commanded the doctor. "I think you'll notice a remarkable change in your voice once the medication wears off. It should take only a short time." "Here, take a look in this mirror, this is your face. Do you remember?" Selia starred at the reflection of her face in the hand mirror. She slowly lowered the mirror into her lap. "Doctor, your name ... It begins with an 'A', what is it? It's 'Ascension' isn't it?" she asked. "Good, you remember now," the doctor replied. "Selia dear, what else do you remember?" Selia looked to her left at Stacy. Her eyebrows rose and her mouth dropped in astonishment. "Stacy, we were in Nam together, weren't we? I recognized you when you walked in my room but you were a man back then, that's why I was confused. We used to call you Stitch." She paused and her lips began to quiver. She swallowed, trying unsuccessfully to hold back a searing emotion. "I'm sorry I couldn't get to you Stitch. None of us could help, we were pinned down." "No," replied Stacy, "it was my fault for getting you guys into that situation in the first place. I should have been thinking about the others instead of running off like that to fill my canteen. When I took that shot in the chest I let the whole platoon down. I owe all of you a lot more than you owe me." "But ... I didn't think you made it off the hill that night." "That's right, Hill 101, but you did make it and you lived to be an old man. Thank goodness for that. It was a pretty horrible night for all of us." Turning toward Raul now. "Something bad happened to you too. Isn't that right?" "Hmmm." Raul's eyes dropped toward the floor. His hand involuntarily rose to rub the burn on his neck. "That's right," he said shamefully. "Remember when we were in basic training?" Selia let out a gasp, raised her hands to cover her mouth and then pointed. "That's you! It happened a long, long time ago but I remember every detail. That scene is burned in my mind. I found you hanging from the second story railing in our barracks! I tried to cut you down. I should have recognized you immediately when I first saw you here. I cut you down and tried to revive you." Raul lifted his eyes and looked into Selia's. "Yes, and I've learned a lot since then," he said solemnly. "Oh, goodness. I was too late, wasn't I? I thought that something bad happened when you did that." "It's not so bad. It's just that I needed to learn how to deal with life a little better. I was queer in a time and place where that was simply intolerable. Basic training put me over the edge. You just happened along a bit too late and I ended up here. You have no idea how much you have helped me since you've arrived." Then his mood lightened and with a twinkle in his eye he taunted. "But if you had looked like this back when you were giving me mouth to mouth resuscitation I would have revived and then gone straight!" "And Doctor Cielo, can I call you Ascension? We've crossed paths many times before haven't we?" "Yes, do you remember the doctor who treated you at the First Aid station after you got off the hill? At other times I appeared as a store clerk, a medical assistant, or a helper throughout your life. I've kept my eye on you the whole time. I was the one who pulled you back on the curb...remember that day when you mindlessly tried to cross the street in front of that bus." "Yes, yes, I remember, but how did I get here?" Selia asked. "You know," she replied. "You took the elevator up to this floor after you left your hospital bed. Lucky for us those doors closed quickly enough to stop you from going back down." "I didn't make it through that bout of pneumonia did I? The nurse called a code, I couldn't breathe, and then I died. I remember now, standing alongside the bed looking down at my old body as they worked on me. My first thought was, 'who is that old man there?' Then I wondered what would become of me. I guess I really didn't have to worry did I? I should have known there were loving people waiting for me, but I didn't expect this. Thank you all, thank you. I should have known right away who I was. But why did you play this elaborate game with me?" "You were quite a tough nut to crack, Selia," Ascension replied. "We weren't sure you would remember so we devised this little drama for you. If we hadn't you might have wandered around aimless for a long time trying to figure out who you really are. We couldn't let that happen. So Raul and Stacy and I cooked this up. We're quite proud that it worked out so well. We stayed pretty close to his current understanding of science to make it seem more convincing." "I was convinced you were turning me into the woman I always wanted to be. I didn't realize that you were actually restoring me to who I am," Selia gushed. "You're ready for your next phase now. Raul, Stacy, go get her ready. We are all going to enjoy this next step." "There is more?" Selia asked. "Oh, very much more," Ascension replied. "Now go with Raul and Stacy and get ready, I want to see you in that gown and dressed to the nines. I'll meet you in the sunroom." Ascension walked across the hall and sank into the stuffed couch. She pushed back her unruly hair, exhaled deeply, and let the bright light stream onto her face. She allowed herself a contented smile. She could hear Stacy and Selia giggling before she saw them appear at the door of the sunroom. "Look at her, she is gorgeous," cried Stacy. Raul stood behind Selia with a brush, preening her lovely curled brown hair. Stacy had applied eyeliner and shadow, a hint of blush, and a shade lipstick that perfectly enhanced her sensuous lips. Her manicured fingers grasped the soft fabric, lifting the hem of her dress off the floor just a bit. She walked expertly with small delicate steps on her fashionable platform heels. "The gown is lovely, you are lovely," Dr. Ceilo declared. "I feel myself again, I feel wonderful. Thank you so much," Selia beamed. "Are you ready?" queried the doctor. Selia took Stacy's hands in both of hers and leaned over to kiss her. "You've been such a help." Then she turned to Raul and pulled him close whispering something in his ear. She pulled back. "Look, the burn is almost healed," she exclaimed. Raul rubbed his neck and smiled. "Doctor, thank you again for everything. I can't believe I could have forgotten who I really was." "That's why you kept feeling the need to become a woman, your unconscious was trying to remind you throughout your entire life. But it's okay now, you remember who you are, and that's what's important," the doctor responded. Okay, so how do I do it?" Selia asked. The doctor smiled, "You tap your shoes together three times!" "You've got to be kidding me? Just like Dorothy?" Selia scoffed. The doctor opened the palms of her hands and shrugged. "It works, what can I say?" "Okay, one, two... Oh look at me. I'm ME again, I AM ME, thank you for helping me to remember... three!" A quivering light began to shine through her now translucent gown. At first the light appeared as a rolling blob of alternating light, first a palette of greens, then a mixture of azure and blue, and next a palette of red and yellow pulsating light. Slowly the quivering began to accelerate. The light was soon throbbing, spinning, and oscillating faster and faster. The light became powerfully bright. "Oh it tingles, it feels good," Selia cried. The light was brilliant yellow and expanding. It soon hid Selia's torso so that only her face appeared above it and only the bottom of the satin dress and the tips of her shoes were visible at the bottom. Purple bubbles of light appeared to surround and encase her in a loving embrace. Streamers of pink light shot down from a point high in the sky and then returned skyward in a spiral forming a tunnel of light. The light surrounding Selia had now turned a brilliant powerful white, increasing in intensity, the pulsing increasing to ever higher frequencies. Three strands pressed outward from the ball of energy. They formed into effervescent streams and they moved in unison straight toward the awestruck threesome. The light entered the hearts of each. Selia's voice pierced them, "I love you." The rivers of light withdrew back into the glowing ball. Its brilliance intensified. They could no longer look directly into it. Selia was completely absorbed within its warmth. The ball of light then shot upward through the tunnel of light at a fantastic speed, quickly turning into a bright star in the sky and then winking out. The tunnel quickly closed. Afterward, a few sparks of light were left dancing on the floor and walls of the sunroom. They dimmed and then disappeared. "Wow," exclaimed Raul. "What's it like up there?" "It's wonderful. You'll find out for yourself soon enough," Ascension replied. "It must be difficult for you to come down to this level isn't it?" Raul asked. "Yes, but it's not as difficult as going all the way down like you and Stacy and Selia did. Even my short trips down there leave me exhausted and forgetful. I can see why you both cut your visits short." "Why do you think she did it, chose to be a man this time, it must have been a hard decision to make." "She knew that she had to accomplish two important tasks this time around and it would have been difficult to do them as a woman. " "Whew!" Raul whistled. "That was some sacrifice. She spent a whole lifetime in a man's body just so she could perform two small acts of compassion." "Small but important actions," Ascension responded. "Yes, I know, no one knows that better than me," he said softly as he touched the nearly healed scar on his neck. He then reached up and playfully pulled a tuft of Ascension's hair between his fingers. "Now will you PLEASE let me fix this for you?" "Stop it Raul. I told you it was fine," she said in mock aggravation, pushing his hand away. The faint ding announcing the arrival of the elevator and the sound of its door sliding open could be faintly heard through the sunroom's thin walls. "Besides, we don't have time for that. We have another patient arriving. Stacy honey, get me my lab coat. Are my glasses in the pocket? How do I look?" "Very professional," Stacy replied. "Is this one going to be as tough as Selia?" Raul inquired. Ascension answered, "This will be much worse. She has no idea who she is. She spent a lifetime as a macho man, a thrill seeker, womanizer, and sports nut." "That's pretty hard for me to imagine," Raul said incredulously. "This is going to be a challenge."

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Sandra Teil 1

Nachdem Katrin hier mit ihren Geschichten über Vera so viel Erfolg hat, versuche ich‘s mal mit Sandra. Diese Geschichte ist wahr, nur ein paar Details, Orte und Namen habe ich verändert. Sinngemäß ist aber alles erhalten geblieben.Vera macht übrigens gerade eine kleine Pause, und das hat einen guten Grund: Katrin und ich schreiben an einer längeren Geschichte, die wir zu Weihnachten fertig haben wollen. Unsere erste reine Fantasy-Geschichte. Aber um Euch die Wartezeit zu verkürzen - hier kommt...

4 years ago
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Marine Dad and King

Marine Dad and King By Buck Jones Note: This story is based on real events that occurred nearly 60 years ago, and is another story in my series of how seduction can be perpetrated with a degree of ease, even though the emotional harm can last a lifetime. The small three bedroom house was oppressive. Two growing boys shared one bedroom, the parents shared a bedroom whenever the husband decided to come home, the third room was a sewing, storage room… all within 900 square feet. And this Marine...

4 years ago
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Granny fuck and upskirts

It was really exciting but the thought of getting caught scared the shit out of me anyway I made my mind up I was going to give it a try, I didn't have the best camera phone but I thought anything is better than nothing, I made a point of everytime I was at her flat I would sit opposite her with my camera app on, always pretending to text on Facebook whilst pointing it in her direction, One day I was there I got a couple of great shots as she stood up to do something, unbeknowing to her I...

2 years ago
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BangBros18 Kira Perez Santa8217s Cumming To Town

It’s Christmas Time and Bang Bros is celebrating with you for a special holiday treat. Santa is making his way around town to deliver presents on Christmas, but when he shows up to Kira’s house, he finds out that she doesn’t believe in Santa anymore. Santa has to think quick, he thinks of the one thing that EVERY 20 year old girl likes. DICK. Big, long, fat, dick. He takes it out and once she sees it, she’s a believer again. She takes him inside and gives him an amazing...

2 years ago
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Miss Sade

The stern schoolmaster stared disapprovingly at the object of her desire, a precocious 18 year old blonde with sparkling blue eyes, small but firm breasts and soft, lightly golden skin. She waited until the girl was about to pass her by before announcing her presence with an authoritative, "Good afternoon Miss Lisa." The girl was somewhat startled at first, but regained her composure quickly enough.             "Good afternoon Miss Sade."             There was an...

4 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 106

Neither of us wanted to get out of bed when the alarm went off. I hadn't looked at the clock when we'd finally dozed off, but I know it was probably 1or 2 in the morning. For every gain, there's some loss; it's all a matter of balance. As far as I was concerned, I was way ahead in the plus column this morning. I stumbled out of bed and was all set to go down to the kitchen when I heard a quiet whine coming from the living room. Bozo didn't have any problem getting up with the alarm. He...

4 years ago
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Sedici anni Capitolo 10

"Claudio, quanti soldi hai? "“Qua, conta", disse tirando fuori un rotolo di banconote dalla tasca, "è tutto quello che ho."Contai i miei ed i suoi soldi e sorrisi annunciando che eravamo giunti alla nostra meta. Tutto a posto e quella sera avremmo messo in azione il piano di Alessandro .Per tutta la settimana precedente avevamo lottato per trovare un po’ di privacy ma non ci eravamo mai riusciti. Sembrava che i nostri genitori stessero tentando di non permetterci di stare insieme da soli. Il...

2 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 6 Callsign

“The prosperity of the pride depends on a successful hunt,” the narrator said as a lioness stalked through the brush, her straw-colored coat shining in the hot African sun. Her round ears pricked up, and the camera panned over to a warthog, the tusked animal raising its head from the ground to sniff at the air intently as clouds of flies swarmed around it. “She approaches, silent, waiting for the perfect moment to strike...” There was a surge of drums as the lioness leapt from her hiding...

4 years ago
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Cousin Khushi Has The Last Laugh In BDSM

Hello guys. I am back again, with another real incest story. The hero in this story is Armaan and the heroine is Khushi. This is a slightly long story. So, guys and girls, it’s time to give your hands a task which you won’t regret! I won’t waste a lot of time and shall come to the story directly. Brace yourself for the adventure! Armaan :- 6′ cock, 6.5″ height (dude), athletic body. Khushi :- 5’6″ height, 38-28-38 stats, curvy body and an ass to die for. This story goes back 4...

2 years ago
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Nickel NoveletteChapter 6 Spying

“Ready for another game, Terry?” Faith asked. “Let me get these trousers off. There are two days more left in this suit. Get the nickel.” Terry pulled back the covers, and she flipped the nickel. It landed Tails. He picked it up and put it on the top of the dresser. “I wasn’t spying, Jack.” she said. “Honest. How was I to know you’d be skinny-dipping there?” “Yeah! Everybody calls it the swimming hole, but you would never think that someone would be swimming there. Well, now I have...

4 years ago
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Turning things around

This disagreement festered and became a major problem in their marriage. Finally she had had enough and said if he thought sucking cock was so great maybe he should try it. He was a bit taken back by her suggestion. “I am not gay” he insisted and the subject was dropped. Well for a couple of weeks anyway. But of course he hadn’t given up hope and again, one night, he began to push her again. He was very surprised when she went down on his and did indeed suck him. Not a full blowjob, just...

2 years ago
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Gothic Amy And Me Part 10 I Know Pronounce You

Introduction: Wedding and aftermath ,) Authors Note* I read a comment that gave me a good idea. But I have to say when I started this story I wanted it to be realistic. And slowly Ive been drifting from that but its all good. But Ive gotten suggestions for bestiality and pregnancy and I think someone asked for piss. Any thoughts or comments on these? Anyway&hellip,. REJECTS AND SHEJECTS&hellip,&hellip,I know pronounce you&hellip,. The moon glowed bright and the wind chilled my bones. It had...

3 years ago
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Humare Parivar Ke Chudai Ke Karname 8211 Part 3

Main aur meri randiya adhe ghante mein ghar pahunche. Ate ate humne daru ka acha khasa stock le aye the. Ab hum teeno ki aag pure joro par thi. Ghar mein ghuste hi maine dono randiyon ko hall mein bithaya aur main mom ki room mein gaya. Wahase dupatte aur handkerchief le aya. Ab maine unake hath bandh diye aur ankho pe pattiya bandh di. Uske bad mujhe call aya. Maine meri dono randiyon ko bedroom mein chhod diya aur akar gate open kiya. Waha Monika, uska boyfriend aur 5 male friends the. Usne...

3 years ago
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Brenda Jerks off with the Boys 2

Brenda sat in her kitchen looking at her son Lenny for several seconds, “mom since you have joined the club what about a gangbang with a couple of the guys”? She was shocked at the request but at the same time excited at the prospect of it. “Well before I agree I’d like to know what exactly would be involved; well a couple of the guys would come over you would get fucked for a couple of hours. Would the guys come in me? Yes, ok so that means no condoms right yes but I can guarantee you would...

4 years ago
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The Fucking Bookie And My Bosss Hot Wife

"Hey, Rich, would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"  I stopped at his doorway and turned back at quitting time. "Sure, I've never been invited to your house before, Mr. Stamstone," I replied, with my eyebrows risen. "Faye would love to see you." My head turned, I smiled and my cock stiffened as I pictured her. Her blonde hair, big rack and hot body that she frequently flaunted when she visited the office. I remained quiet for a moment, until my phone rang. "So, is that a yes?" I...

1 year ago
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My Fathers Hands

100% fiction! There was something about my father’s hands—something that captivated me. Soft, dark hair dusted the area just above the knuckles, and thick veins stood prominent beneath the weathered skin. His fingers were large and strong, yet quick and clever. They were hands equally capable of crushing or caressing. Hands that ___ one moment and charmed a violin the next. Powerful hands; gentle hands. The hands of an artist—the hands of a carpenter. I spent most of my childhood watching those...

4 years ago
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Pehla Live Blue Film

Hi doston, namashkar mera naam mallika hai mei aapko ek dam sachi aur apne sath ghna likh rahi hoon ummeed hai aapko pasand aayegi,haan to shuru karti hoon baat unn dino ki hai jab mei 18 saal ki thi mere mom dad videsh me rahte hain aur main hindustan me apni bua ji ke yahan rah ker padhai kar rahi thi phupha ji ki teen biwiyan hain sabse choti bua ji hain wiyon ke bachan na hone ke karan unki shadi bua ji se hui aur ye love marriege thi ab teeno ko bacche hain aur ladke hain to mei shuru...

2 years ago
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My wife Sarah and I were enjoying a small golfing and spa break which we had been enjoying immensely, until i managed to twist an ankle when fishing a wayward ball out of the rough. Luckily we were talking to a lady in the bar that evening who was actually by her self on a spa break and enjoyed golf and happened to have her clubs with her so arranged to play with Sarah the next day.They met at breakfast the next morning and off they went. I took myself off to the spa for a little bit of...

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The Sexual Education of Madison Parker

Madison Parker stood in front of her full-length mirror, admiring herself in a new pink bikini.She had just had her seventeenth birthday, and, in September, she would begin her senior year of high school. She was dating the star of the school’s baseball team, who was away attending a camp for young men with the potential for playing professional baseball.Madison turned back and forth, studying her body. Her mother would disapprove of how much of her butt was showing. Nor would she care for the...

First Time
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Sex with Bhabhi

I am seducer from kolkata age 28 My aunty with a married son, her daughter-in-law whom I used to call Ranju Bhabi was a damn sexy lady, I always dreamt of having her one day. One day I went to auntie house to see her, she was not there and had gone off to her daughters house so I decided to stay back and gossip with bhabhi, she was looking gorgeous as ever in her blue sari and sleeveless blouse after some time of chatting of here and there she went off to her kitchen to make tea for both of...

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Alexander and Jennifer We Meet

I am 25 years old and just out of Harvard Law School with my law degree, after Harvard Business School with an MBA, and my four year degree from Harvard University. I am what could be classified as a third generation business tycoon. My great grandfather started a very lucrative business, after having returned from Europe in World War 2. The company works as a kind of mediator between rival companies who need to do business together, but lack the required mutual trust and respect to accomplish...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 499

???????????????? Therapist: What would you say to your dad if he were alive today? Client: Sorry for cremating you. I honestly thought you were dead. ???????????????? Another gem from Biiguy Apropos “the speed of darkness’ The speed of smell is faster than the speed of light. After all, when you’re baking a cake and open the oven, you smell it before you see it. ???????????????? And this gem is from Alphqwe I know that the voices in my head aren’t real, but sometimes they give me some great advice. ⊹⊹⊹ ⊹⊹⊹ ????...

4 years ago
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The Secrets Of A Feminine Me

I am usually a fun guy to be around with. I have lot of hobbies like dancing and lots of outdoor games. I was introduced to Masturbation at an early age and have been masturbating since. All my friends used to watch porn and blue films but every time they made me watch it i used to go away. It used to make me feel dirty and stuff but i still masturbated. I had reached my class 12th but i still wasnt able to watch porn. My friend used to reply i react like girls do. I even had a gf but we also...

Gay Male
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InCyndiary Tryst

The t-shirted, long-legged young woman pulled her panties up, tossed me a confident wink, and threw back the deadbolt.From my seat in the rented room's most secluded corner, I watched him cross the threshold. My hands clenched the polished oak chair arms in a vain attempt to suppress the soaring pulse rate. For the umpteenth time I wondered why his unique presence deepened the throb beneath whatever I happened to be wearing, in this case, a short, summer skirt and blouse. Nothing else.Instant...

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Rashidha Chapter 17 Cum slut

I love cum. I cannot emphasize this enough. I could drink it all day everyday. But of course, it`s limited at home. Me and my mom have a schedule of drinking cum. You know this. My mom tend to have fun with me through cum. Let me explain. She actually enjoy seeing me swallowing cum. It`s like a mom seeing her c***d drink milk. But in this case it is cum. I know that some of you masturbates to my stories, maybe some of you are masturbating right now. I`ve realised what I am doing. I`m wasting so...

2 years ago
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Victoria Is A Seductress

"Holy shit!" I yelped, jerking back onto the wall."That look like it hurt," she observed, getting into the shower with me."Victoria, you're naked," I moaned, rubbing my arm."Just the way you like me, correct?" she pondered, leaning down with me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to hurt yourself," she assured me, rubbing my arm and leg. "You're my brother-in-law, so I love you," she reminded me, prior to kissing me. "Don't you love me, Matt?"I couldn't resist the temptation...

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The Houseguest Part 2Gettin a Paddlin

It’s that time of year again when mom and dad leave town to attend one of dad’s crazy annual conventions. It’s always great to see them get away (and out of my hair) for a few days. While they’re gone, I am able to do anything that I want. Unfortunately, this year would be very different. The drama started as they were getting ready to leave. Of course, it has to be an event. It’s too difficult for them to just say goodbye and walk out the door. Mom does everything but make a grand-exit. ...

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sex with PE teacher fantasy

A LUCKY COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLAYER FUCKS THE TEACHER OF HIS DREAMS. READ ON FOR MORE...I've always fancied my PE teacher from high school. she was a blonde about 5 ft 11 and even though she had only B cups she had the most amazing ass anyone would love. you could even see it when she wore sweats but most of the time she wore tight shorts. she was also incredibly cute with sky blue eyes and a lovely white smile. all the guys liked her but they all said her breasts were too small...k**s these...

2 years ago
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The taboo app

Today wasn’t the best day, your mum was making you go out to aunts house it was small gathering some cousins and aunts. You your not the most sociable but alas you had to interact or at least great your family you didn’t have to like them it didn’t help that your cousins are hot as hell. As your day dreaming about hot sex with them you snap back into reality and you see that you’ve arrived. You take in your surroundings. Your aunt lives in a huge house but then again it’s in the middle of...

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A Night Never to Remember

moaned from agony. My head was bouncing and the room was slightly spinning before my eyes. What a night... Right there I bowed that I would never again drink so much. There was a neighborhood party and basically everyone living on this block was there. There were even a couple of invitees. The party was outside and inside the building. It had lasted till god knows how late, or rather early in the morning. Alcohol was flowing generously and there was plenty to eat as well, anything from potato...

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Step Sister Fucked Me

Hii everyone…. I am ajay and this story is a fantasy. So first of all about me…. I am 23 years old and a virgin. My mail id is . Sorry for the mistakes….If u like the story then please do reply.   So coming on the story…. I have a step sister who is elder to me. Her name is anusha and she is 24. She is so much sexy and at the same time cute too. She is 5’7″ and size of 32d 28 34.   We were like good friends and share everything with each other(but not sex related till that time).   So one...

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The FreshmanChapter 21 A Problem a Question and a Solution

The following day the reception area of the University Memorial Center was reserved for conferences and the visiting Danubian leaders. The university president, the governor, and several local politicians and union leaders awaited the foreign delegation, while Cecilia Sanchez and Cynthia Lee stood waiting with the group of graduate students. A large banner hung in front of the building with the inscription: Doc-Doc Danube! – Our university welcomes our Danubian guests The Danubians arrived...

1 year ago
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PornDude Twitter

Have you seen my Twitter for PornDudeCasting yet? If you haven’t, well, you’re kind of missing out. The site is famous for their 280-word character limit, so you obviously ain’t going to get the kind of longform porno reviews you find here at ThePornDude. That’s fine, because I ain’t tweeting reviews. Nah, I’m posting on the same topic—hardcore pornography—but my angle is just a bit is one of the biggest, most famous websites in the world, so I shouldn’t have to give them...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Wild West Widow part 4

Karen Masters woke up aching in every joint the morning after being gang banged by the eight officers from the fort outside town. They'd given her a very . Their big cocks had repeatedly and roughly penetrated both her holes and she'd been used as a prostitute. Large, well muscled men who took their pleasure without worrying if they hurt a woman. Karen had experienced several orgasms because her clit became very sensitive with all the friction of the large shafts thrusting inside her, but she...

Group Sex
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The New OwnerChapter 14

I laughed, “That is why I love you so much. Now, I will go and order us a picnic lunch. You take your volleyball team up to the suite and shower. We can meet at the helicopter pad for our ride out to the waterfall site to look around.” Jill kissed me, “Yes Master, we will do as you demand.” She was laughing as she gathered everyone up and led them off. I took Wendy by the hand and led her to the pub where I ordered sandwiches and drinks for the eight of us. When I charged the order to the...

2 years ago
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Great Way to Start a Weekend

Weariness was the word he was looking for. Fatigue would have worked too. Unwinding from the pressures of yet another work week, Mike was lying peacefully on his back on the king bed he shared with his lover, Jana. He didn't know whether to doze off into a blissful nap or reach down into his pants and relieve himself of the heavy throbbing coming from his stiffening cock. Either one would have felt nice. He could use the half hour of rest that a late-afternoon nap would afford but he could...

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Two Aunties Seduced Me At Banjarahills Road No10

Hello guys and gals, this is Rakesh Cupid with second story of my real life incidents not a reel life and also, urge our authors to publish real life true stories. About me: This is Rakesh Cupid, athletic body type, working in a leading MNC and living in Hyderabad. You can reach at my email – Now lets move to the incident during my last year of graduation. I’ve joined for CA-IPCC coaching in a reputed oldest institution in Hyderabad (I don’t want to take name and spoil its reputation bcoz...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIX The Lion and the Unicorn

Alice awoke suddenly, shivering, the air quite chilly on her naked flesh, which was rather strange, or so she thought, seeing as she’d been immersed in hot water, or so she had thought.“I must have been dreaming again,” she murmured as she shook her head. “Or perhaps this is the dream…”Other images seeped into her mind, however, making her re-consider whether it had been a dream or a nightmare. She was having a bath. It was quite pleasant, only she’d been shackled in the tub so she couldn’t...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Cat vs Beast The Battle Rages

The yellow object shifted slightly as the cats paw pushed on it. The cat’s ears pricked forward in surprise. The floor wasn’t supposed to shift like that. Floors were things that stood still, that didn’t move for any reason. Yet this thing, which was apparently not a floor, had defied all the rules of the small universe the cat knew and had shifted when the cat had batted it with her paw. Bending her head down towards the object, the cat inhaled swiftly, smelling the yellow abnormality. It’s...

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A visit to uncles house

It all started when myself and parents visited him one summers day. I changed into my bikini which I had had a couple of years. Since then I had filled out a whole lot more. I was still slim but my boobs had got larger and they really showed in the bikini. I noticed him looking at them a few times and it sort of excited me.  I decided to really tease him, so whilst we were swimming I got on his back and rubbed them on him. A couple of times I also brushed against his cock which felt pretty...

3 years ago
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First Kiss 4 ndash Fillow 1

B.t.V.S. - First Kiss 4 – Fillow #1"Look, Red, all I was saying is B needs to chill out, okay? I ain't no leader," Faith grumbled as she paced back and forth in Buffy's room. Willow was sitting on the bed, watching."Buffy's been going crazy with everything, Faith. No one wants to listen to her anymore, because we're not getting anything done and we keep losing Potentials. We need to make some headway if we're going to have any chance of beating the First. You can help us with that. Buffy just...

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Home for the Holidays

It began like that cheesy Christmas movie, where the guy was in a race against time to make it home for the holidays. Except instead of racing, I was taking my time. Why, you ask? Have you seen the movie "Christmas Vacation"? Well my family is actually like that. It's stressful, embarrassing, and a ton of other things that aren't fun. After a 5 and a half hour drive, I finally arrived in my home town. Like it always is in the winter, my town was really snowy, and really cold. You couldn't take...

Straight Sex
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Truhals World

In the beginning, there was Truhal, the Great God...and He was horny. So He made 5 Goddesses to be his wives, and another 23 Goddesses to be His concubines, and they satisfied Him. But, being the Great God, His seed was potent, and between them the 28 Goddesses produced hundreds of divine children. And as children are wont to do, godly or not, They bickered and fought, and Truhal had no peace. But although He was something of a pervert, Truhal was wise, and saw that what His children needed was...

3 years ago
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Come sort my tap fuck my old pussy part 4

We are our way to Anne's, Claire chatting away as she normally does, the weather what she wants for the shops etc,I pulls up outside the shopping area she gives me a kiss on the cheek & says see youin a couple of hours at Anne's if you haven't gone, ok no problems,Well I gets to Anne's knocks on the door, she opens it standing there looking straight at me, you ok yes she says, right them lets have a cup of tea and I will look at that tap, I had a couple of tools in my hand,We goes in the...

2 years ago
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Enter the DarknessChapter 5 My Real Education Begins

January, 1985 Contrary to my growing fears, my new teacher didn't think there was anything wrong with my brain. I started school that Monday. I was happy to learn that Joel, Janet's little brother, was in my class. He smiled at me when I walked in with the secretary that showed me where my class was when I got there early that morning. My teacher was a tall, handsome man with wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes named Mr. Braun (pronounced "brown" with a light German accent). He gave the...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 7 Hate

Introduction: Chapter 7 deals with the yin yang emotions of love and hate. It dives much deeper into the hidden feelings of Matt and Sora Sora worked her fingers faster and faster. Sweat dripped from her body and she had begun to pant. She was begging to reach her limit but she had to finish. Time was running out and she had to share her gift with the world. She could not fail not today. She felt as though a thousand eyes were on her at once. She could not fall to the pressure she had to...

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An afternoon with the maid0

I dumped my bag in a corner of my room and decided I needed a shower to freshen up after soccer practice which had left me pleasantly tired. I yelled out to Sally downstairs to pour some chilled juice for me which I planned to gulp down after my shower. I stripped off and entered the shower stall. I turned the force of the shower up to max and enjoyed the needles of the water-spray hitting my back. It was like a body massage for my aching muscles. I turned around and tried to move the...

3 years ago
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Attitude Change

"Uuuugh! Wha?" The warm, wet tongue on my face caused a shiver to pass through my body and I started shaking freely for while. "Yap, yap, yap." Through slitted eyelids I glimpsed the blurred image of the small, brown dog. Moments later, in response to the insistent yapping, heavy footsteps approached and, still not able to open my eyes fully or move my head, from my prone position I saw the toes of a pair of green wellington boots. "Are you alright dear?" Had I been able, I would have...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 33

Tracy sat beside me in the car, we hadn't moved from the Sports Centre car park. As she leaned to buckle her seat belt, she flashed me a dark look. I was about to start the car and ask her where she wanted to go when she said, " I thought you liked me Ann." I leaned back in my seat; I knew what this was about. Back in the cubicle I had barely touched her, now I thought she saw this as rejection, which in a way it was. But not for the reasons she must be thinking. " Of course I like you...

2 years ago
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Brownies and Milk

The old woman sat in the kitchen taking tentative sips of her tea. It was still too hot to drink. The only light spilled in from the living room. The family sat, lay, or sprawled over the furniture only half watching the television. This was her favorite time of night. The dinner dishes had been cleared up; the whole family was in the house. "A world within the home and a world without." as her grand mother used to say. She sat with her tea, inhaling the scent of citrus rising from the hot...

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Quick Flash Last Night Was Amazing

Last night was…amazing. I’m just going to write everything down in this email because I want to record it, but at the same time I had to share with someone just how amazing last night was. I think part of the reason why it was so amazing was due to the fact that it was so spontaneous. We were just sitting there talking and then it all just…happened. Last night we invited Sean over for dinner. I don’t think you’ve met Sean before. He is that neighbor who is a floor down from us. He moved to New...

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Helping the Elderly Ch 03

This is a continuation of the original story without any recaps. Read "Helping the Elderly Chapters I and II" to get the full story from the beginning.*****"Darlin,' I need to run an errand before we head on to your house.""Okay, Harry. Where do you need to go?""We need to stop by the Walmart pharmacy to pick up a prescription.""Alight. I will wait in the car. I can't go in looking like this."Tracy loved dressing like a slut for Harry, but wasn't about to parade her body around in public. She...

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My GFs Halloween Costume

MY GF'S HALLOWEEN COSTUME by Throne I made two stupid mistakes. There I was, happily enrolled in college and with a stunning girlfriend. Magda was a svelte beauty with long black hair. She was easygoing about almost everything, except her insistence that magic was real. We dated for a month before she confided that belief to me. I immediately began to chide her about it and, to be honest, as the weeks passed my taunts went from mild to outright disrespectful. Halloween was getting...

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