Making It Special free porn video

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Chapter One

She was sitting on the front porch when I pulled the truck and trailer in front of the house. Not planning on staying but just a few minutes, I turned on the flashers and met her half way across the yard as she ran to meet me.

"Daddy, I've been waiting all morning," Beth said, hugging my neck. "What took you so long?"

"It's only 9:00, Sweetheart," I told her. "I'm actually 30 minutes earlier than what I told you."

We walked back to the front porch and I reached for her backpack. Grabbing the straps and throwing it onto my shoulder, I told Beth to go say goodbye to her mother.

Disappointment showed on her face, but she turned and went inside the house. I headed back to my truck to stow away Beth's backpack when her mom, my ex-wife, stormed out the front door.

"How am I going to reach you in the middle of nowhere," she snapped. "Lord knows where you're taking MY daughter."

Knowing her intent was to get under my skin, I maintained my cool and answered her calmly, "You have my cell phone number. Leave a message and I'll check them a couple times each day." Turning to face her, I said, "And she's our daughter, not your daughter."

Beth had followed her mother out of the house and stood close by, her eyes like saucers. She remembered all the fights her mom and I had been through. Both, when we were together and since the divorce.

Pam and I were high school sweethearts. I was a year ahead of her and secured a good job right after I graduated. While she spent her last year in school, I was able to save enough money to buy the lot for the home she now lived. By the time she graduated, I was living in a singlewide mobile home I had set up on one side of the lot and had started working on the foundation of our new home.

We married a few short months after she was out of school. She spent her day watching soap operas while I worked, then she offered her guidance on what I should and shouldn't do while working on our house in the evenings.

The progress was slow, paying for materials as we ordered, but two years later we spent out first night in our new home. I still say Beth was conceived on that first night. The best part was that we didn't have a house payment.

"Are you ready, cupcake," I asked Beth, looking past her mother.

Pam turned and saw Beth standing there. "Are you sure you want to go camping with all those bugs and creatures, and God knows what else?"

Seeing the opportunity to get away, Beth reached up to hug her mother and kiss her on the cheek. "Daddy and I are leaving now," she said, somewhat sternly. "Good-bye, Mom."

Looking back towards me, Pam made one last effort to pick a fight.

"Don't forget, my child support payment is due the first of the month," she said.

I set Beth's backpack in back of the truck, and then held the door while she got inside. While I was climbing into the truck, I told Pam I had packed a carrier pidgin. "I'll be sending your check air mail." Then close the door and pulled away.

Several minutes passed after leaving Beth's mother standing in the front yard. Finally, Beth broke the silence.

"Why does she have to be so mean to you," she asked.

"That's the only way some people know how to communicate," I answered.

"You've never tried to pick a fight with her," she said. "When you're not around, I'm her target for smart-ass comments,"

"Beth," I scolded

"Well, it's true," she said, a tear forming from the water in her eyes, then rolling down her cheek.

I reached my arm around her and pulled her to me, holding her in a one-armed hug.

Beth was growing up fast. To fast in my opinion. At only 13-years-old, she had seen a lot more than I was willing to admit. The arguments between her mother and I, and God knows what she has seen since the divorce. Her mother led a pretty racy lifestyle.

Beth had reached the age where her looks were becoming more important. Her mom had let her start wearing a little makeup, against my better judgment, and I had noticed a change in the way she dressed. Her tops seem to be a little tighter to accentuate her budding breast and thinning waist, and the flair of her hips were obvious in her tight cutoff shorts. Her legs were smooth and long with muscular thighs. A visual feast for any young stud.

I stroked her long light brown hair, pulling it away from her face. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and I smiled at her.

She was growing into a beautiful woman, just like her mom. Fortunately, her personality was much different than her mom's. She cared about others more than she cared about herself.

At times, Beth would say things that surprised me. How such maturity came from such a young mind. Then at other times, she acted just like other young girls her age. Playing with dolls, or dancing to a tune on the radio.

"So where are we going," she asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Somewhere special," I told her. "A place I haven't been since I was about your age."

"I hope it's not crowded," she said. "I want you to spend all your time with me. This is the first time we've spent an entire month together."

A bit of a loner, just like me. Though she possessed her mother's beauty, she still had some of my qualities.

Beth was born the first year we were in the new house. That was the year I started taking college prep classes at night, eventually completing my degree through an online school. Working with my uncle had its benefits, but I earned my way to the top.

My parents had died when I was not much older than Beth. Uncle Pete took me in as if I were his own. He had never married, saying women only wanted to get their fangs into what he had worked so hard to acquire.

His image of women reminded me so much of Pam. After Beth was born, she realized she had missed a lot of her youth and felt a child was only tying her down.

Pam took a job in an insurance company as a receptionist. Most of the other ladies in the office were single which only fueled those things she said she had missed. It first started with her night out with the girls. Soon, once a week turned into two. The nights kept getting longer and longer until finally, my suspicions proved to be true.

Our sex life, which was great in the beginning, slowly dwindled to a hand job on Sunday mornings before getting out of bed. I had attempted to bring romance back into our relationship many times, only to be chastised for my efforts. If I ever tried to have any sexual contact, especially after one of her nights out with the girls, she would find a way to avoid me until she took her bath and was ready for bed. Then she would complain about how tired she was and only wanted to go to bed, to sleep.

One night, I thought I'd surprise her when she returned home. When she came in, I had burning candles and a glass of wine waiting for her. As in the past, she ignored my advances and headed towards the bathroom. Pissed, I walked in on her just after she had stepped out of her panties. We both looked at the panties lying on the floor, the cotton gusset stained with sticky cum., Her eyes raised to meet mine.

"I must have a yeast infection," she said nervously. Then a dollop of cum dripped from her crotch and landed between her feet.

I had to get out of there. Out of that house. For the first time in my life, I was afraid. Afraid of what I might do if I stayed there with her.

I called her then next afternoon and told her I needed some time to think. That was when she informed me that she had already contacted a lawyer and was filing for divorce.

Unfortunately, in the state we live, a man practically has to have a videotape of his wife committing adultery before the courts will show him any favoritism. The same was true in my case. She was able to keep the house, one of the vehicles, and the majority of the contents inside the home. Although, I did get joint custody of Beth.

She tried to push the issue in court, wanting alimony in addition to the child support. The judge saw through her ploy and told her to be happy with what she had received.

I moved into a small house I had just purchased through my uncle's business and focused on my work.

Uncle Pete was in real estate and had built quite a large company over the years. His foresight to purchase some farmland on the edge of town made him millions when developers decided that would be an ideal place for a new mall. As the money kept rolling in, Uncle Pete kept buying more property. It seemed everything he touched turned to gold.

By this time I had worked my way to vice presidency and senior agent of the company. Uncle Pete trusted me with his business affairs and began to take trips to different parts of the world. Something he had always wanted to do, but his business never allowed.

It was on one of these trips that Uncle Pete died. News reports said the chartered plane had engine failure and crashed off the coast of Greece. What they failed to mention was the engine was lost when a rebel group shredded the plane with bullets. The pilot tried to keep the plane in the air long enough to reach a civilian airport, but came up several miles short when they plunged into the sea.

Uncle Pete had left everything to me. His fortune, all of his assets, and his company.

I tried the singles scene, waking up with a strange woman in my bed that I had brought home so inebriated she slept in her own puke. It didn't take me long to learn I didn't need someone like that. I didn't want Beth to be around someone like that.

Beth was my inspiration. Everything I did was for her. I loved the weekends she was with me and dreaded the moment I had to take her back.

Now that I was financially set, I had decided to take some time away from work and spend it with the person I loved most. I had discovered while going through some of Uncle Pete's files that he still owned my grandparents old farm in the foothills of North Carolina. In fact, he had purchased more property in the area making the total plot of land just over 4,000 acres. I had been there as a child and thought the land had been sold after my grandparents passed away.

Pulling the camper Uncle Pete had purchased just a year ago, I was heading back to the old farm with my daughter.

Beth and I would ride along in silence for a while, then she would begin talking about her friends, and what they did. The cab of the truck would get quiet again, except for the tunes from the radio station she had found, and then she would share another story about her friends.

The trip was pleasant. Beth seemed to open up with me more than she ever had in the past. I learned that she had taken an interest in boys, and that she received her first kiss at an end-of-school party just two weeks ago.

Beth had leaned her seat back and dozed off. I had turned off the interstate onto a secondary road and looked over at her sleeping peacefully. Her head shifted slightly with the sway of the truck. Her young breast had the slightest jiggle when I hit the bumps in the road. And even though she wore a bra, the puffiness of her nipples pushed through the padding and left two swells the size of quarters in her top. She had slipped down slightly in the seat, pulling the cutoff jeans tight into her crotch. Her prominent pubic bone showed distinctly over the seam of her shorts that disappeared between the lips of her pussy.

Damn, I had to get a grip on myself. I could feel my prick throbbing in my jeans as I ravished my daughter with my eyes.

Chapter Two

I concentrated on the road once again, trying to find something that I remembered from my past. Then, just ahead, I saw an old driveway with rusty bands on each side. The bands use to be wagon wheels that decorated the driveway, but after years of exposure to the elements, the wood had rotted away leaving the metal bands.

I made the turn onto the old, two-rut road. The jolt of turning off the pavement shook Beth awake.

"Are we there," she asked.

"Just about," I said. "If I remember correctly, this dirt road is about a mile long."

It was shortly after 4 p.m. when we turned onto the driveway. The trip up the side of the mountain took much longer than I expected. Several trees that had fallen over the years blocked the path and had to be removed. One area washed from the rain had to be filled with dirt. We reached the old house just as the sun touched the hills in the western sky. The house was in bad need of repair. Most of the windows had been broke, either by storms, old age, or vandals.

Behind the house was the old barn. The tin roof rusting through in some areas and one of the doors swung gently back and forth in the breeze. The other door hung sideways with a single hinge keeping it from toppling over. A large tree limb perturbed through the roof.

I pulled the camper through a grove of trees near the lake at the south side of the barn. The shade from the huge oaks concealed the sunlight and stifled the growth of weeds and other vegetation. Once the trailer was squared to the lake, I pushed the transmission into park and turned off the truck.

"We've made it," I said, looking at Beth.

"This place is neat," she said, looking out the window.

The sun, setting lower in the sky, cast a yellow stripe across the lake. Beth stood there looking across the water as I began to stabilize the trailer and ignite all the pilot lights. Finally, Beth turned to me and said, "I've got to pee."

"Give me just a minute, pumpkin, I don't want you inside until after I get all these pilot lights going."

"But I have to go, bad," she said, crossing her legs.

"Well, run over by that tree," I said. "After all, we are camping."

Beth headed towards one of the big oaks. I could see her unbuttoning her shorts as she disappeared into the shadows.

"And watch out for snakes," I shouted

"Daddy, that's not funny," she shouted as I went into the camper.

After all the pilot lights were going and the generator had been cranked to save on batteries, I extended the awning and was about to set a table next to the camper when Beth came waddling up.

"What happened," I asked.

"I didn't push my panties down far enough and got them all wet," she said.

"Just run inside and slip them off. The water will be hot soon and you can be the first one in the shower."

I finished setting up camp and sat down with a cold beer when Beth came back outside. She flopped into my lap and asked if she could have a swallow. I had let her sip from my beer in the past, hoping she would dislike the taste, but she always came back for more.

I handed her the bottle and watched as she tipped it back. After several large slugs, I grabbed the bottle and pulled it down.

"Hey, easy there kiddo. You haven't had anything to eat. All I need is for you mother to find out I got you drunk."

"I'm thirsty," she said catch her breath.

"And I'm hungry. Go make us a salad and I'll fire up the grill."

She handed me back my beer, kissed me on the forehead, then scurried back into the camper. I fired up the grill and pulled the steaks out of the cooler.

Fifteen minutes later I reached into the cooler for another beer and sat down across from Beth to begin eating.

"Can I have one," she asked. "Just with my dinner."

"I probably shouldn't, but I have some wine coolers that you would probably like better."

I reached back into the cooler and pulled out a tropical flavored drink, then sat down across from Beth to enjoy my meal.

"Mmm, this is good," she said taking a drink from the alcoholic beverage.

We chatted as we ate, Beth asking what we were going to do the next day.

"Can we go fishing, are there fish in the lake, is there a boat around here, can we go exploring, is it alright to swim?"

It was times like this that she made me feel my best. Nothing else in the world seemed to matter. It was just she and I, together.

Finally, putting the last morsel of steak into my mouth, I pushed my plate to the center of the table and leaned back in my chair.

"Compliments to the chef," I said.

"Uh huh, I was hungrier than I thought."

Beth mimicked me, putting her plate on top of mine and then sitting back in her chair. I started to scold her when she put her feet up on the edge of the table, but then thought, what the heck. Her knees were bent and she slowly opened and closed her legs, looking at me whenever her knees were apart, and then loosing her gaze as her knees touched.

Looking under the table, I could see Beth's chair up to her waist. As she spread her legs, I found myself looking where they disappeared into her cutoffs. In the available light, I could make out the pink, puffy lips separated by the seam. Apparently she had taken her wet panties off and not put on a fresh pair.

I felt a twitch in my own pants as I looked at the smoothness of her lips. Only a few fine hairs were visible. If there were anymore, they were concealed by the small strip of cloth that ran between her legs.

"Play your guitar for me, Daddy," Beth said. Her voice made me realize for the second time today I was being turned on by my daughter's beauty.

I shifted in my chair in an attempt to conceal my erection. I caught Beth's eyes as she stared at the tube of meat extending along the leg of my pants.

"Why don't you jump into the shower while I clean up these dishes," I told her. "We wouldn't want a critters coming up during the night and making a feast on our food. Then I'll get my guitar out."

Beth helped me carry the dishes inside the camper as I filled the sink with water. She rummaged through her backpack, and then started into the small bathroom/shower combination.

"You may want to leave anything you want dry outside the door," I told her. "That bathroom is kind of small. I don't know how anything will stay dry in there."

She stepped just outside the door and pulled her top over her shoulders and then removed her bra. Then I heard the distinct snap and zip of her shorts. Glancing her way, I watched as she bent over slightly and pushed the cutoffs down her legs. I was right. She hadn't put panties back on when she changed earlier in the evening.

Her ass was beautiful. Two full globes resting at the top of each leg. Though they were just beginning to develop, her hips broadened nicely to accentuate her ass. I couldn't help but notice how the puffy lips of her pussy peaked out as she bent over. Just above was a small indention in each cheek indicating the spot of her little, pink rosebud.

I gave a wolf whistle and she bolted upright, snapping her head around to look at me.

"Oh, stop. You've seem me naked hundreds of times," she said.

"Yes, but each time it gets harder and harder for me to restrain myself," I smiled at her.

I noticed her glance at my crotch and a huge grin appeared on her face. "Yeah, I can tell," she said.

She had caught me a little off guard with her comment. When it finally registered, I looked down and saw my cock pushing at the front of my pants. I started to redeem myself but she had already stepped into the bathroom and pulled the door closed.

Chapter Three

Nudity had never been a big issue with me. When Beth was born, I told Pam that we should not change our habit of going without clothes, even as Beth matured. I felt if we hid our nudity, Beth would think the human body was something to be ashamed of.

I washed and rinsed the dishes, making sure not to turn the water on too strongly to deplete her supply from the shower. After I finished, I grabbed my guitar and went back outside, grabbed another beer and sat down under the canopy of the awning.

I swigged down half the beer and started picking out tunes from the past. I'd played a guitar most of my life and had been involved in several garage bands. Several of the groups had made CDs and asked me to record their acoustic work. I'd even written a few songs that some of the groups performed.

Beth came out of the camper wearing a short terry cloth robe that reached her mid thigh and had a towel wrapped around her wet hair. She pulled a chair up in front of me, took the towel from her hair and began rubbing it dry.

Occasionally she would call out the name of a song, or hum the melody for those she couldn't remember the name, and I would strum out the music.

After about 45 minutes, she had finished drying and then began brushed the tangles out of her long, brown hair. Her robe had worked open slightly and I could see a strip of flesh from her neck to her navel. The robe wasn't open far enough to expose her breast, but just enough to see the swells under each side of the robe.

I put my guitar away and reached into the cooler for another beer. Without thinking, I also pulled out another wine cooler, unscrewed the cap, and handed it to her.

She hesitated just a moment, giving me a puzzled look, and then took the cool drink before I changed my mind.

I sat back down and stretched my legs out. She sat her brush on the table and pulled her feet onto the edge of the chair, hugging her knees.

"So what do you want to do first tomorrow," I asked.

"I want to go swimming, but I want to fish, too," she answered. "Maybe we could go exploring and find an old abandoned cave."

"All that on just the first morning? We won't have anything to do after our first week here," I joked. "Why don't we start by exploring? We'll see what's up in the old barn and house, then check out some of the trails around here."

Beth began picking at her toes, and then moved her left foot to the side so she could look at it closer. When she did, she revealed to me that she was totally nude under her robe.

There in front of me, just over five feet away, her pussy was plainly visible.

From my angle I could see the outer lips were smooth and lightly covered with fine hair, the inner lips protruded slightly about half way down her slit. Even her hooded clit was peaking out between her puffy lips.

On top of her mound, a few darkened strands of peach fuzz hair marked the area where a full bush would one day appear.

With her one foot pulled to the side, I watched as the lips parted, exposing the pink mouth of her vagina. The opening was small and dark, hiding her virginity just inside.

I could also see the wrinkled rosebud of her anus. Just like her pussy lips, a few strands of course brown hair decorated around her opening. But surprisingly, the hole was not small and dainty as I would have expected. Instead, a large ring of muscle that appeared thick surrounded the opening.

"Daddy, didn't you hear me," Beth said, again bringing me to reality. "I asked if you were okay."

She was looking at the tent my cock was making in the front of my jeans again.

"Ah, yes. Why, what's the matter," I asked.

"You looked like you were in another world, like you were having a seizure or something."

"No," I answered. "Guess I had drifted back to the office."

Beth jumped out of her chair and leaped into my lap, straddling my waist with her legs. In an attempt to catch her, my hands fell upon the backs of her legs and slid higher until they cupped the cheeks of her ass, my arms causing the front of her robe to open farther.

She leaned over and kissed me on the forehead, then hugged me tightly.

"You're mine during this vacation," she said. "I don't want you thinking about work. I want you focused only on me."

If she only knew how much my attention was focused on her, she wouldn't have jumped onto my ridged cock. Now, with her weigh fully on my lap, I could feel my shaft poking at her pussy through my jeans. Because my pole was confined within my pants, her weight had caused it to bend, creating unbearable pain.

"Honey, you're getting mighty big to be jumping on my lap like that," I said with a little groan.

She loosened her grip around my neck and sat upright, her robe was now open down the front. One plump breast the size of a tennis ball topped with a rose-colored puffy nipple was staring me right in the eyes. The other side of her robe had pulled across her tit and was pulling her nipple to the side. Except for her arms blocking my view as she rest her hands on my chest, I could see the length of her naked torso down to her crotch which she now pressed firmly against my ridged cock.

I groaned again, partially from of her weigh pressing harder into my shaft, but more because of the view of her magnificent body. There was no doubt that she was feeling my rod beneath her.

"I just wanted to be close to you," she replied.

"I love being close to you, baby. I love for you to sit in my lap. Let's just say my body wasn't totally prepared."

She gave me a look I had never seen from her before, her eyes sparkled and her lips drew into a mischievous grin.

"You body feels fine to me," she said as she slowly leaned over and kissed me on the lips.

Her kiss was soft and warm, lingering just a bit. Pushing the limit of what a father daughter kiss should be.

I could smell the alcohol from the wine coolers on her breath and detected a slight humping movement in her hips, rubbing along my shaft.

I closed my eyes and pulled the cheeks of her ass tighter to me. It had been so long since I felt the warmth of a woman, the softness of their skin. I had been so wrapped up in the company, and settling my uncle's death, that I hadn't taken the pleasures of a female for almost a year. Now, sitting on top of my hardened manhood, I had a beautiful woman with hot blood pumping through her veins. Young, vibrant, and my daughter.

"Oh, shit," I thought to myself. "I can't do this. I can't take advantage of my own daughter."

I pulled my hands from the inside of her robe and grabbed her arms, straightening her up to a sitting position. I pulled her robe closed, as if to keep her warm from the night air, then slid more upright in my chair.

"I think it's time we headed to bed," I said.

There it was again. The same look. The same smile. She didn't say anything. The look said it for her.

"We've got a busy day ahead of us," I said, making an attempt to clarify my comment.

Her smile turned into a frown as I pushed her up off my lap. Once she was standing, I made a quick attempt to straighten my shaft without her seeing. My attempt was fruitless as I saw her look at my groin and smile again.

"I need to jump into the shower," I said, turning towards the camper door.

I grabbed a towel from the closet and placed it just outside the bathroom door, then grabbed a pair of boxers from my suitcase.

Typically, I slept in the nude. Although Beth had seen me walking around my house naked when she stayed with me, I felt it would be more appropriate if I wore something until I slid under the covers.

Beth said she was going to lie down and read for a while before she turned off the light.

I stripped my clothes off as Beth had done just outside the shower door and was about to step inside when I heard Beth make a wolf whistle.

Looking over my shoulder I saw her peaking around the divider partition with a huge grin.

"Yeah, right. Like this old fart is really something to look at," I commented.

"Looks fine to me," she said. "At least what I've been able to see."

I shook my head and stepped into the shower. Just as I was about to close the door, I heard Beth say softly, "Felt pretty damn good, too."

Chapter Four

As I slid the soap over my body, I considered jacking off to ease the tension, but decided with Beth just outside the thin walls she would hear my groans.

I rinsed, turned the water off and opened the bathroom door just enough to grab my towel and boxers, and then pulled the door back closed.

The shower had felt good. My erection had finally subsided and the stickiness from my perspiration had been washed away.

Feeling fresh, I stepped out of the shower and opened the divider.

Instead of taking one of the bunk beds, Beth lay under the covers of the queen-size bed at the front of the camper. She was propped up on several pillows with the sheet pulled up to her chest reading a book.

"I thought you were going to sleep in the bunk," I commented.

"I tried," she said. "But it felt like everything was closing in on me. You don't mind if I sleep with you, do you?"

Against my better judgment, I agreed that she could sleep with me. After all, it was a queen-size bed. I should be able to keep some distance between us.

I flipped the sheet down on my side of the bed and slid under the sheet, and then reached up to turn the light out on my side of the bed.

Turning on my side facing Beth, I watched the sheet moved gently up and down with her breathing. As her eyes scanned across the pages of the book, my eyes scanned her beautiful features.

Her straight brown hair was neatly brushed, not a strand out of place. She tucked it behind each ear to prevent it from falling into her face as she read her book. The skin on her face looked so soft and smooth without a single blemish. Up close you could see just a few light freckles that decorated her nose and cheeks. Her lips were full, almost forming a natural pout, and her chin was small with the slightest indention in the center. Following her neckline to her chest, I could see the softness of her skin without having to touch. The covers were pulled up tight across her chest with her arms resting on top to hold her book. Under the covers I saw how her small breast pushed two swells from underneath. On top of the swells I could see the distinct outline of her nipples, creating yet another set of swells on top of the others.

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The Massage Special

It was actually an early birthday gift from my best friend. Pam knew I had been pretty stressed and wanted to give me something that would help with it. She gave me the gift card, and told me that it would cover any type of massage they offered. Then she told me that when I go in, make sure you tell them you want the special. They will know what you're talking about. Everything is covered in the coupon, including the tip. All you have to do is go in and come out more relaxed than you have ever...

2 years ago
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Yearning to Feel Special

"Mmmmmm. What I'd give for this moment to last forever. Lynn, you'll never know how much I appreciate the way you braid my hair. Talk about pampering!!" "Hey, Angie, what do you think a best friend is for?" I responded. "I think this is just an added bonus. I'm lousy at braiding my own hair, and my mom is anything but gentle." "I hate to admit it, Angie, but I'm actually being selfish, as I love running my fingers through your long silky hair." "Now, if I could only find a guy...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14E14 XXXmas Day Special

We watch a mini-montage of Ye olde English town, with snow falling slowly, and Christmas shoppers hurrying back to their cars with bags full of gifts – and hear traditional Christmas music and sleighbells... Then fade through to our studio, which has been set up to look like a fairly unconvincing Santa’s Grotto – with a couple of comfortable couches arranged infront of a large (fake) fireplace, and an over decorated Christmas tree, which is stacked with presents. On one couch – two sex...

3 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Cross Dresser Part 19 Christmas Special

Christmas Special It was now around Christmas time and I couldn’t have been happier. Any other year we would have had family over which meant I had to dress normal because the other members of our family still had no idea or at least weren’t talking. However this year we had no plans at all, our cousins were off on vacation to Mexico until new years, my grandparents were not in a visiting mood because of some family matters that keep us from talking to each other at the moment and others we...

3 years ago
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Nobody Special

Sitting in the court room. waiting for the judge to rule on the divorce, I leaned over to my attorney, "Bert, I've changed my mind about fighting with Karen, give her what she wants." "Have you completely lost your mind? She is the one who wants the divorce, the one who cheated on you. No, hell, no, I will let you do that," he said angrily. "Bert, you are a good friend and my lawyer, do what I tell you," I answered. "Why, John? I don't understand, please explain it to me." I sat there in...

First Time
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After School Special

I sat at my desk trying hard to focus on the book in front of me, but it was a losing battle. Although Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner may be an all time classic, it was nowhere near as interesting as Miss Ross's amazing ass. Friday's were dress down days for the teachers and I lived for them. Usually on these afternoons I was treated to the sight of my favorite teacher's fine ass in a pair of fairly tight jeans. Last week those jeans were accompanied by a pair of black boots the heels of which...

2 years ago
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Something Very Special

Something Very SpecialBy: Londebaaz Chohan For some much unknown reason or reasons, the passing year was very busy. Other than her part-time job, Candice worked as a volunteer in couple of the charitable organizations, keeping her busy till much late in the evening. Michael was also on the fast track and in spite of their desire to slow down in life had not been possible. They had not taken any mini vacations this year, like they had not gone to the beach even once throughout the summer. They...

3 years ago
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The Special

He looked at the text message on his phone: 'I need to see you, ASAP!' As usual, a real flair for the dramatic, he thought, but it was his boss, so he got out of bed and quickly showered and dressed. Forty-five minutes later and he was entering the office. "Stuart, it's another 'special'...and when I say special, I mean special!" Joe Morris exclaimed. "So what's so 'special' about this one, Boss? I thought you said after that last god awful job I was, and I quote: '...Entitled to...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e20 Page 3 Horse special

Series 7, Episode 20: Page 3 Special We open with a montage: Still images of Page 3 girls - smiling, topless models with amazing bodies; clips of these same models at show-bizz functions and public appearances; cover shots of adult magazines with those same girls highlighted; and more ‘Page 3’ shots – blondes, brunettes, black girls, white girls, fake boobs, real boobs (but always big boobs). These aren’t the Page 3 superstars – not a Sam Fox, Linda Lusardi or Maria Whittaker of the 80s –...

3 years ago
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Vincent and Erin Halloween Special

“Sorry honey, I had to go costume shopping! Love you! Erin” Vincent chuckled to himself as he rolled out of bed, hard-on raging from the nightly dreams of the two of them. He wandered to the shower and washed up, trying to clear his mind and get his blood circulating away from his penis. Twenty minutes later, a much cleaner, but still horny, Vincent emerged from the steaming shower, towel in hand. He dried himself off and flexed a few times, feeling that much sexier knowing that Erin...

2 years ago
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Utopia Chapter 11 The Survivor Special

Title: UtopiaRating: NC17Summary: A world without clothes and money... but with the same drama.Note: Special Chapter featuring some Survivor stars!Jan woke up from his slumber and after he had made himself some coffee exited his apartment. "Good morning, Laura, Claire." Jan said with a smile as he took a sip from his coffee when he saw the girls outside. "Hey you, haven't seen ya in a while," Laura said as she had her arm around Claire. "You going to check the mail downstairs as well?" Claire...

4 years ago
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Something Special

It all started when I was walking home one day in hot Florida from the grocery store. I had gone there because I needed a couple of folders for school. I was still walking out of the parking lot when some weird guy in a large tan truck drove near to me and offered me a ride. He said sweet things to me, one in particular I remember is that he said I looked like an angel. Perhaps it was bullshit but back then I believed it. I actually rejected his offer and told him no thank you. I continued on...

3 years ago
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Vincent and Erin Halloween Special

Nine o'clock came much too early for Vincent that Halloween morning. When he woke, he rolled over to try to make love to his eternal lover, Erin, to find her not in his bed. Instead, there was a note taped to the pillow. “Sorry honey, I had to go costume shopping! Love you! Erin” Vincent chuckled to himself as he rolled out of bed, hard-on raging from the nightly dreams of the two of them. He wandered to the shower and washed up, trying to clear his mind and get his blood circulating away...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Speciality

Present Time. I walked naked down the bare corridor, my feet echoing as they slapped on the cold hard floor. The old hag led the way at a snails pace, the weary years telling on her ancient bones. Why I followed so passively was really astounding given that I was naked and anyone could see. At the end of the corridor we turned right, down a darker and shorter corridor. The old hag looked back once to make sure I was still there, although my footfalls should have told if I were not. We reached...

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Midnight Special

The floor consisted of the east wing, her unit, and a west wing and the two separated by closed doors. That night only three people were on the unit and all of them scheduled to go home sometime the following day. Nurse Candice was the only one scheduled, along with a nurse’s aide who worked on the west wing; she was available for help, but only if called. Therefore, she had the floor all to herself and she loved that thought. She always wore a regulation uniform that was either a...

1 year ago
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Red Ribbon Special

Ch 1 - Hell No"No Marnie. I wanna know why! I know they get better tips when they wear them. Why won't you let me?""I told you why." Marna states dryly, ignoring Shae's pleading gaze. Pressing save on her document, she puts it in an email titled 'Mirror, Mirror', and presses send. Shae spies the recipient, Joe Paulson, the advertising guru for their traveling show, and tucks it into memory. Marna closes her laptop and moves on to a stack of paperwork on her table."This isn't fair! I work just...

4 years ago
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Midnight Special

Nurse Candice is beautiful, playful, sensitive and sensual. She is forty-five divorced and loves to play the field. Being single gives her the opportunity to do just about anything and she makes certain she gets a good fucking now and then. She works for a small community hospital on the day shift. About a month ago, she began to hate it, especially on days there were just too many nurses trying to be boss. She preferred a shift that ran like a well-oiled machine where everyone worked together....

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Anniversary Special

Anniversary Special By NorthernWolfShe was comfortable until he shortened the rope raising her tied wrists higher up her back which pulled her shoulders back and tightened the loop around her neck. Bent at the waist and forced to her knees her large breasts hung freely allowing him to wrap the base of each one tightly with a black leather thong. Narrowing the base of her tits forced them to bulge as they began to deepen in colour. The latex hood encasing her head covered her eyes and left only...

1 year ago
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Friday Night Special

Friday Night Special Friday Night Special By Cthulhu Its just another Friday night about 7pm in the evening, I am sitting in the lounge with my wife after dinner thinking is been a few weeks since we played any bondage games.I say to my wife H ?I think it would nice to have a bondage session tonight?, H replies that she?s not really in the mood and she a little tired this evening and is probably going to have an early night.We both used to enjoy bondage in our sex life but H has...

2 years ago
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A Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Administration Winterval Special

Although a light snow had been falling since shortly after we left St. Louis, we were making good time, and I felt at peace as we drove through southern Indiana. Despite my family's tendency to transform into Dysfunction Junction, the snow and the impending holiday festivities put me in a good spirit and brought my mind back to a Christmas many years ago. It was 1982, and I had turned x three months earlier. I had passed through that awkward phase of puberty and was an attractive kid; I...

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Senior Special

Nelson walked out of midnight karaoke at the strip club, forty dollars lighter, buzzed, and horny.  After two wrong turns in the parking lot, he found the right Prius and made the drive to his hotel without incident.  Once he was in his hotel room, though, he still had the problem of being horny.  Time to fire up the computer and check out some porn. On a whim, he did a web search for escorts.  To his surprise, there were three different websites just for escorts in this one city.  Adjusting...

3 years ago
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Blue Light Special

The train seemed like it would run on forever. Sitting in his black and white police cruiser, several cars back waiting in line, police officer, Bugs Parr, squirmed impatiently in his seat. Leaning forward, he stretched his neck to see if he could see the end of the long noisy freight train. “Goddamn if that ain’t the longest fuckin’ train I’ve seen in ages,” Sergeant Wilson said as he rolled his passenger side window down and spit. Hanging his arm out the window he sucked his teeth and said,...

3 years ago
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The Special

My feet seemed to be carrying me around the back of the house without my volition. Following the instructions: through the gate, around the side of the house, under the flowering jasmine, its delicate scent seeming to double the number of butterflies in my stomach, to the door painted red, and knock.I hesitated, my feet had done their work, it was now up to my fist to knock on the door painted red.Today's special: six of the best for $50, find out how it feels, the post had said, email for the...

1 year ago
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Something Special

Her heart pounding in her chest, Sarah pulled the glass door open and walked into the lobby.  She nodded at Joe, the sweet, gray-haired security guard.  He said a cheery good afternoon to her with a big smile.  Feeling herself blush, she mumbled back, “Good afternoon.”The elevator took forever, of course, and she worried about Joe wandering over and talking to her.  Fortunately, he ignored her just like she ignored him until the elevator finally dinged its cheery ding, and the doors opened.She...

2 years ago
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Dee And Kavi 8211 We Are Special

Hey all, this is Deepak. Been a long time! Without any further delay, I am heading into the story. New readers go and read the past stories to get a hold on the timeline. I am saying upfront that the first 2-3 paragraphs contain a lot of drama. As it is important to know the drama to know how we came closer. Since our parents are not at home we started to move more freely and talk lots. We usually talk a lot but now we can sense a spark that is moving around us. I tell something funny and...

4 years ago
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Chris Evans 2Story Special

Main Title: Chris Evans 2-Story Special.Title: Elevator LoveRating: NC17Summary: two males get cozy in the elevator.It was a hot Sunday and I had just returned from grabbing a cup o' joe at my Starbucks across the street. Since it was the weekend I had slept in till late. Now I was getting ready to go back to my apartment and do whatever was the first thing that would come to mind.So far I hadn't made any plans. I would see to it as soon as the elevator would get up on my floor. As I pressed...

4 years ago
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After School Special

After School Special by Marlissa There she was. "Come in Brenda!" Glen Simmons absently shouted. Brenda Porter, the freshman girl who had freaked out at at her bus stop shyly entered the room. Glen wondered why he didn't remember her from the junior high school, then remembered this was the transfer student who had just started at Bentson High. He pointed to the seat which she took, careful to keep the hem of her red spandex miniskirt under her thighs. She was a pretty...

3 years ago
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Easter special

It was Easter, my family always got up early in the morning and celebrated. Me and my 16 year old twin sister would get up and find pre- hidden eggs. Well that was the day that it all went south if you know what I mean. My sister is my twin, not identical but still my twin. She was about 5' 3'' and had long beautiful brown hair, and from my guess, B cup breasts. Yes her breasts were small, but they fit just perfect with her petite hips, small waste, and her face could put a model out...

3 years ago
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Tonights Special

Tonight's Special By B.L.H. I stood up from my chair, releasing me from my usual nightlife, sitting down in a comatose like boredom, drifting away into TV land. I flipped off the TV with the remote control and walked over to the refrigerator. Leaning my head against the cold metal surface of the refrigerator, I sighed and thought about what I should do tonight. I had literally no friends, at least not awake or in town that I could talk to, considering I had just moved here...

2 years ago
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I Made Her To Feel Special

Hello friends, this is my first story and 100% based on a real experience I am Sanjay a male masseur (that I do to earn money) my age is 29 I m tall and good looking if any lady does not matter how she looks but should be romantic and searching for romance and sex can contact me at Coming down to my story I have posted one online ad for massage service for ladies, days passed I haven’t received any mail or call my savings were almost end I cant afford royal living that I wanted… After couple...

4 years ago
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Senior Year Part IIChapter 12 Christmas Special

Friday December 23 Brook bailed on me when I had to go to the Love Letters set. She and the moms decided to go shopping one last time before the ‘rents flew out. I’d pointed out that there was shopping in Malibu, not only in the trendy areas of LA. How they’d missed the Country Market totally mystified me. I had planned to take Brook there, but when her parents had their problems, we’d all gotten distracted. Kitty Ellis had told me last night at the premiere that she wanted me to come in...

1 year ago
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The CircleChapter 48 Aftermath of the News Special

Matt shook his head and said, "Willow, I knew you did the news and worked at the station. I love you. BUT I had no idea that you were this courageous or brilliant. You are FABULOUS. That broadcast was mind-blowing." Rod Minchen nodded. "Willow, this may get you an Emmy or Murrow Award for investigative reporting. I will certainly be sure to call it to their attention." Willow said in a low tone, "I just hope I'm alive to accept it." The entire group hung around until the eleven...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 42 Holiday Specials

December 23, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “You should have called me before discussing this with anyone,” Jamie said. “Why? We’re not going to settle, and I understand the legal issues.” “You won’t entertain any kind of settlement?” “If Dante wants to hear my offer, I’ll tell him right now - my offer is ‘nothing’. And I’d appreciate if he paid your fee, personally.” “Spare me the references to The Godfather, please.” “That’s ‘Part II’m but I’m serious, Jamie. If he offers to get out of the...

4 years ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 2

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man,...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 3

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too...

3 years ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. No male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 2 Turnabouts Fair Play

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man, if...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 3 Donna

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too sensitive,...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Chapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. NO male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say that...

She Males
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Matchmaking Trap

Note : This story is completely fictional! Roberta was a 43 year old bartender, working weekends to make enough to keep her house, after her husband's death. She was also incredibly gorgeous, with soft, sensual skin, that cried out for a massage. She kept her hair cut fairly short, but it was still a beautiful jet-black, and she managed to seem quite feminine, despite her tomboyish exterior. She had loved being married, because, unlike many wives, she wanted sex every day, and made sure that...

2 years ago
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Fucking a mature woman is special

Thank you readers for accepting my first story “My papa and advocate Antra aunty” and thank you for your valued feedback in my email ID. As I told you before that I am not a regular reader of ISS, but I sometimes go through the beautiful erotic stories whenever I feel bore and get time to sit in the internet. I am Rohit, 23 years old and from a higher class family. My father is a businessman and unfortunately my parents got divorced and stay in distance. My mother later married with an older...

3 years ago
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Castration Specialist

Big Balls and Sharp Scalpels! Nurse Pamela, RNCourt Ordered Castration Specialist!Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated StoriesGestapo Mistress, Dommy mommies, femdom cuckolding! Fetish Stories for Adults Only!**************************************The naked young man being wheeled into  the nurse's office by two bigblack guards gaped at the voluptuous woman who smiled at him from herseat as she swivelled around.The first thing she saw brought a smug smile...

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Bill Was Special

by Larry Malone It was the 1970s, height of the sexual revolution and way before the AIDS epidemic that cooled it down and I was in the middle of it living in the San Francisco Bay area. I became an eager participant of the “free love movement” with no reservations. I had recently tried being “Bi”, giving and receiving, and enjoyed the experience to the point I was really looking forward to doubling my pleasure and the number of available partners. I was experimenting with...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 4 Tonight It Was Special

She once again sat back down on the mattress and had to smile that Ol'Jack had only lifted his head watching her. She laid back down petting him and taking a deep breath. This was far from the only night that she couldn't stop thinking or dreaming about Roger raping her. It made her nauseous to think about the things he did that night and over the next few weeks until she built up the nerve to runaway. Before he moved in with her and her mom, Holly, her old real birth name, would never...

3 years ago
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Red Light Special

Entering Mr. Barton's office, I knew exactly why he had summoned me. I had fallen behind with my studies.As my heels clicked across the floor, I felt his bright green eyes following me. Reaching his large desk, he smiled and nodded toward the empty red leather cushioned chair. Sitting down, I felt my knee-length skirt rise up my thighs, presenting my teacher with more than I had intended.This close-up view afforded me another opportunity to appraise the married, thirty-something, tall handsome...

4 years ago
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Return of the Kosmetics Killer Entry 1 A Christmas Special

Now the only thing on my mind was to find some hot woman, kill her, have sex with her corpse and then apply make up to her face. I also wanted to leave my next victim dressed in something a little special as Christmas was approaching. I broke into store, procured some clothes, money and a Santa costume, complete with a huge red sack which I filled with cardboard and boxes. I was soon ready to go back to what I do best. I dressed myself up in the Santa costume and started to prowl the streets...

2 years ago
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Shes Special

**This story has been dancing around in my head for a while. I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, please let me know what you thought. Any and all comments are appreciated. You can get in touch with me through the link below. I also wanted to thank someone for taking the time to read through it and give me encouragement. Thank you, Don.** Chapter One ‘You knew I had to work late tonight. That was the whole point of you watching our son.’ ‘The thing is…’ Kat rolled her eyes at the...

1 year ago
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Something Special

With excitement you start up your computer, wondering if the letter I promised you will be there. A slight tingle spreads through your body when you spot my e-mail, and you pass over all of the rest of your mail to open mine first. It’s empty. Nothing written on it. You look quizzically at it, then scan the rest of your mail. Nothing else from me. Your disappointment is palpable, and you begin to write me a note, asking what’s up with the letter. That’s when you feel a ghost-light touch on...

3 years ago
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Anniversaries Are Special

Anniversaries have always been special to me. It’s a time to look back not only on the day that you are celebrating, but all the days since then. It’s been 20 years since my husband and I were married, but I remember it like it was yesterday. It was right in that church just across the street. We didn’t want a huge wedding, but we did want a fun one, so we elected to fly a few of our closest friends and family to New Orleans and have our wedding during Mardi Gras. What a perfect place for a...

3 years ago
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Little Big Man Saturday Night Special

I woke up in Mom's bed alone again. I lay there as the afternoon's shopping trip ran through my head like a porn movie. All those women... fucking Mom like that...  fucking that woman and jerking on her huge tits. Red and Blondie. Fucking awesome."Go shower and change your laundry over, then come for a sandwich," Mom called from the kitchen.I did as she requested, putting on a pair of shorts, and sat down in the kitchen to a huge sandwich and a glass of milk. I was hungry and wolfed it down as...

4 years ago
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Massaging Mom Leads to Something Really Special

I remember my mom's friend Janice used to come over twice a weekand give mom a massage. After that mom would give her a massage.They both undressed for the massage, but covered their buttockswith a towel. I used to come and go as I pleased and they seemedto think nothing of an eleven year old seeing them partially nude.Some days I would sit and watch as they massaged each other fromhead to feet. When I was twelve, I used to watch more frequently.I was becoming much more curious about their...

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