Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 297
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"Ah Miss Pennyworth, a good morning to you," said Sir Walter Wyles-Smithe.
"And too you, Sir Walter," said Miss Pennyworth. She closed the door to the long but narrow law office and hung her outer jacket on the coat rack. "I thought you were in the Fifth Circle for another two days."
"The trial was adjourned, I'm afraid. Missing witness don't you know. That's the demonic courts for you; frightfully disorganised."
Miss Pennyworth nodded and settled into her seat behind her desk. There was a large pile of papers waiting for her, but first she opened the large leather bound appointments book and flipped to the week's page. She trailed a long manicured finger across the lines.
"It seems you have no court appointments for the remainder of the week. Has the Fifth Circle rescheduled yet? We will need to book the time."
"Not yet, I'm afraid." Sir Walter idly pulled at the collar of his starched white shirt and scratched his neck. "I expect a runner within the week with the revised summons. And drat this rash. All the sulphur in the Fifth Circle will have me scratching for days."
"Very good," said Miss Pennyworth. "I will make a note." She lifted an ornate fountain pen and wrote a short message in her tight copperplate script. "Will you be taking clients until then?"
"Anything interesting?"
"The widow Hera is suing the executor of her husbands estate for a controlling stake in the Fillenbank Gas Works."
"Pedestrian twaddle." Sir Walter waved a hand like a Thespian on stage, the motion not directed at anyone in particular save perhaps the shrunken monkey head on the wall, sandwiched between two bulging books of case law. "Am I not a barrister of the Triple Crown? Have I not practiced before the courts of man, god, devil and beast? Have I not prosecuted the parties unnameable and sued on behalf of those unmentionable? Give me succour, woman. Succour!"
"Very good, Sir." Her fountain pen made a tiny mark. "The Sixtieth Street Murder—"
"The Rumble appeal before the House of Earls?"
"Mere gutter work!"
"The Ambrosia Tax case before the Exchequer's Court in Session?"
"Perhaps, perhaps, but no. Tax law is a young man's game." Sir Walter leaned back in his chair and let out a long sigh. He idly hefted a book of law from his desk and drew his fat thumb across the heavily embossed letters. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of Hell, it read, a foundational tome in his craft.
"The Right Reverend Burning Gates is suing Heaven under its resident Person-hood of His Serene Worshipfulness, the Ambassador Plenipotentiary the Archangel Jegudiel."
"Ah, ha! That is more like it." Sir Walter sat bolt upright and slammed his copy of the Commentaries down onto his desk with a bang. The impact set the spun glass tea-set on a nearby worktable ringing. "The drama of the judicial stage. To weave the chains that bind men, gods, demons and angels alike. Who is defending?"
"His Serene Worshipfulness, the Ambassador Plenipotentiary the Archangel Jegudiel has retained Belloin Potts of the Chambers Potts, Black and Discord."
"Potts! Potts!" Sir Walter almost shook in his chair. His already ruddy face grew red with fury. "I won't have it, I say. I won't have it. Never will I share a courtroom with that man, not after what he did in '42. The bond between Pupil and Master is sacred. Why, the very structure of pupillage itself. And he burned it down!"
"Very good, Sir." Miss Pennyworth frowned slightly as she made another small note. "Would you be willing to advice Mr Jacobs on the case?"
"Oh I suppose I might." Sir Walter made a rolling motion with a hand. "Experience must give a few sage words to youth. But that won't take much of my time. No, it seems to me, Miss Pennyworth, that I must amuse myself for the remainder of the week."
He once more took up his copy of the Commentaries and leaned back as he idly skimmed a passage concerning the ancient privileges of Earls in the Upper Barrows of the Fourth Circle. It failed to keep his interest and he finally looked back up at Miss Pennyworth.
"Were are Jacobs, Mewl and that boy Fletcher?" he asked.
Miss Pennyworth looked up from breaking open a wax sealed document. It bore the mark of the High Court. "Mr Jacobs is preparing his closing remarks for the Blackshire Case. Mr Mewl has taken Mr Fletcher to visit Redgate Prison."
Sir Walter muttered an inaudible nothing under his breath and once more returned to his book. It didn't last long and yet again he turned his attention to Miss Pennyworth. His eyes narrowed just a fraction.
"What are you wearing, Miss Pennyworth?"
Miss Pennyworth coloured slightly. "It is the newest fashion, Sir."
She wore a tight white dress shirt, cut to fit her figure. It clung tight to her large breasts and hugged her flat stomach. The 'V' of the high pointed collar bared the exposed skin of her neck. Below the shirt she wore a tight skirt that ended a little below her knees.
Her auburn hair was twisted into a tight bun and held in place with a pair of large hair pins. Ruby earrings glittered on her years, almost the exact same colour as her make-uped lips.
"Newest fashion, right, right." It was Sir Walter's turn to colour slightly, a distinct crimson cast coming over his corpulent face. Slowly, so as not to be noticed, he reached into his suit jacket's pocket and withdrew a small cheap volume, barely more than a pamphlet really, bound in cardboard. It smelled of sulphur and in letters only a slightly different colour than the cover it read, 'Six Words to Control a Vixen.' He'd picked it up as a lark in the Fifth Circle but now ... He shifted in his seat as his member stirred in his breeches.
He slipped the volume between the pages of the Commentaries and turned to page one. His eyes devoured the words in a way they hadn't legal text since his own long gone pupillage days.
Finally he said, "Miss Pennyworth, you look frightfully hot. Maybe you should undo a..." Dare he?" "A button?"
Her eyes flashed and her pen skittered, making an ugly black mark. "Sir Walter, that is a highly inappropriate comment. You know very well I am engaged to the Baronet Wellesley's son."
A hot flash ran over Sir Walter's face and he started to sweat. He tugged at his collar and pushed on. "I only say because I am feeling very erinaceous lately." That was the first word in the book: erinaceous. Now he just had to hope.
Slowly Miss Pennyworth nodded. "Of course, Sir. I apologise. I shouldn't have assumed such an improper character to your words, and it is very hot."
Her fingers rose to her neck and fiddled with her topmost button. The pearl disc popped free and her tight dress shirt opened an inch.
Sir Walter gobbled in the sight. The curve of her throat was now completely bare. And was that? Yes it was, just a hint of cleavage. His heart hammered in his chest and his member grew so hard it made sitting dreadfully uncomfortable.
Hands shaking slightly, he turned to the next page of 'Six Words to Control a Vixen' and started reading.
It took Sir Walter almost half an hour to grasp the second word and during the time Miss Pennyworth worked her way through more of the piled paperwork. Her pen made a scratching-squeaking sound as she inked another bill of credit.
Sir Walter's lips were dry. He licked them and tried to speak. His voice came out like a frog's croak, and not a noble frog either, such as the one he'd represented in the famous case of Crumb-snatcher v Puff-jaw.
He coughed and said, "Miss Pennyworth, might I trouble you for a glass of water?"
She looked up and smiled. "Of course, Sir. I will get it at once." She stood and walked heel-toe to the small kitchenette. Sir Walter's eyes stuck to her shapely rear as she did.
"And a snifter of the good port while you are about it!" he called after her.
Miss Pennyworth returned shortly a few minutes later, carrying a glass of water and a cut crystal goblet containing a splash of port. From the slight iridescent cast to the colour, it looked to be a gift from the parties unmentionable. The other gentry were known for their skill in such things.
She leaned forward and placed both on his desk. As she did, he had the perfect opportunity to look down the neck of her shirt and just caught the swell of her breasts. His shaggy eyebrows went sky high and he dabbed at his forehead with a monogrammed handkerchief.
"You still look frightfully hot, Miss Pennyworth," he said. "Perhaps another button?"
She froze in place, hand still on the port goblet, and Sir Walter hurried on.
"And you have been seeing to your jentacular duties I trust?" There it was, word two.
"I," she said, voice hollow and a little dazed. "I think ... I mean yes, Sir. I will see to it at once."
She stood upright and flicked open another button. There was a noticeable looseness to her dress shirt now. If only she'd still been leaning forward ... Oh what Sir Walter might have seen. Still, there was the next word.
Sir Walter chugged down half the glass of water, swigged the port and took to the next page of his book with a hunger he'd seldom known. Miss Pennyworth returned to her desk and paperwork.
The third word took longer still for Sir Walter to grasp and it was nearing lunch by the time he was done.
He looked up and saw Miss Pennyworth still at her desk. Her shirt hung loose off her shoulders but still hid all the tantalising titbits beneath.
The time for caution was over. This was no Benstein v. McJerry to play careful legal battle before a watchful judge. This was the Crown v. the Justice Guild and the moment to wow the jury.
"Miss Pennyworth," he said in his best commanding voice. "If you are going to let that shirt fall off your shoulders I simply insist you remove it entirely. Lamprophony has no place in this office, you hear?"
That pronouncement phased Miss Pennyworth and she sat unmoving for perhaps half a second. But when she did start moving it was everything Sir Walter could have dreamed.
"Of course, Sir, you are right," she said and her hands started down her shirt. Button after button popped and then she slid the entire garment off her shoulders in a single fluid movement.
Sir Walter quivered to such a degree that an onlooker might have worried he'd been overcome with a case of dyspepsia. Of course if the onlooker could also have seen Miss Pennyworth they would have quite understood.
Miss Pennyworth sat prim and proper in her chair, working through another document. It bore the mark of the Church. The one thing out of place was that she was now topless. The only thing covering her above her waist was a peach coloured brassiere that cupped and held her breasts. And those breasts. They appeared so large and firm, like ripe melons. Everything else was pale bare skin, only now revealed to Sir Walter's hungry eyes. His member was a bar of the hardest steal from the Frankish Ironworks.
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This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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Another true tale... I've told it as accurately as I can from memory. Hopefully someone out there might enjoy this! Background ---------- The year was 2004. I had built up something of an online presence, with profiles on most of the personals sites out there - both as a guy, and as my girly alter-ego. That summer, two rather interesting women got in touch with me. Introducing Mistress Pink... ---------------------------- I had a profile on a well-known UK BDSM site. This...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Rolly looked at the contents of the big bank box and pulled out what he would need: pack, bedroll, belt with the sword he had taken off of Martus, dagger, eating knife, fire kit, various ropes, cords, and thongs, Debora's bronze shackle and chain, her iron slave collar, his slungshot, leather mitt with bolo shoulder strap, beggar's clothes, good boots, and a purse with a two conchs and twenty shells. His first stop was the nearest blacksmith where he asked to have the shackle made into...
Shortly after dawn a number of women and two men showed up and knocked on the door. Rolly and Rachel greeted them. My name is Roland, Prince of Tyndell, Kenty, and Balkat. I came here last night unannounced and found your lord taken ill. Is your reeve a good and honest man?" Some of the women scoffed. "I take it the answer is 'no.'" "What do you want with our reeve, Milord?" "I have some questions for him about a friend of mine who has gone missing." Rolly circled his hand over...
It was a mighty pissed off bunch in the cave the next morning. Mr. Texas wasn’t smiling. “This has got a bad feel to it, boss. You’ve lost twenty two men so far, all killed by Brad Walters, an old man, a kid, and a girl. What you think would happen if the whole Walters clan showed up?” Bart Hill was consumed with rage. He was blind in his left eye, his partner had lost a leg and might lose another if infection got into his wound. Two of his best men were down. One had a hand missing, the...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
The woman walked around the room in an imperious manner. She looked over his application and resume making ticking noises as she did. The kind of ticking sounds with her tongue to the roof of her mouth. You know, that sound one makes for no, no, no when one is less than impressed with what you are seeing. He watched her trying not to look as if he was gawking at her. She wore an impossibly tight blue dress which came only to her upper thigh. Her ample bosoms strained the material and fat...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
Let me introduce myself. My name is Phil, except for the times when it is Alexandra. And somethimes people call me Lexie, although I do not greatly care for that. My childhood was complicated. My father always encouraged me to get involved in sports and boyish activities, which I did, and generally enjoyed. My mother encouraged me to pursue more girlish interests, and I often got pleasure from those too. My parents support for me was frequently contradictory and whilst neither of them...
We were 2 in her car dress as little cute girl by miss Cassandra after breakfast Going to make the grocery miss Cassandra relating how good little girly boy we were, learning i wasn't alone to have met the black young neighbor living near the campwe both had suck him , me last night, images of the young boy a bit younger than me , with such a bigger cock , feeding it to me by miss Cassandra and him kissing i was fetching stuff on the list, my ''sister'' did the same Cassandra just walking the...
Handsome Prince Vincent, my hot hunk of a boyfriend, picked me up for our date at 10:00 that Saturday morning a few weeks ago. We had fucked gloriously, so many times before: he’s way too hot for me not to ride him every chance I get, but we haven’t had so many public dates. And that day promised to be our first truly romantic date together He may not have arrived in a pumpkin stagecoach with white rat horses, but I didn’t mind. My sexy prince’s company matters more to me than the grandeur of...
Straight SexWell, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
‘Tell me a story, Jacob. Oh, please, you promised me!’ Jenny pleaded whilst straddling her husband’s thighs, black lace panties pushed to one side to accommodate his throbbing cock. Running her hands through his shoulder length blonde mane, she giggled as she slowly rose and fell, her tight pussy squeezing his erection delightfully, her deep blue eyes full of impish delight as she gazed into orbs that nearly matched her own. Jacob was the eldest of the childhood friends by a scant handful of...
"Tell me a story, Jacob. Oh, please, you promised me!" Jenny pleaded whilst straddling her husband’s thighs, black lace panties pushed to one side to accommodate his throbbing cock. Running her hands through his shoulder length blonde mane, she giggled as she slowly rose and fell, her tight pussy squeezing his erection delightfully, her deep blue eyes full of impish delight as she gazed into orbs that nearly matched her own. Jacob was the eldest of the childhood friends by a scant handful of...
BDSMThe new Baron of Sachs-Tyndell held court in the upper room of his whorehouse for the next week until he was certain that his side was healing. Shortly after the fight he held a ceremony to make Rotrington and the three knights his vassals through acts of homage and oaths of fealty to him. The three knights were then sent out to round up the foot soldiers, and after a speech urging no hard feelings between miners and soldiers he granted the men freedom from their serfdom if they wanted to...
I have just began working for Miss Anderson a hot MILF that lives on my street, and lately i have been having a hard time concentrating on my classes during school. I had never thought that I would ever be attracted to another woman, sexually or otherwise,until i first saw Miss Anderson.I could get my mind off of her no matter how hard i tried. "Laura,Laura? Helloooo, Earth to Laura." Jenny said as she waved her hand back and forth in front of my face. Huh? Oh, sorry Jen." I said...