Judge Walter Cormell GregsonChapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 33
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Laura had explained that she was intending to spin the story to her folks about needing some time to herself, and having gone to stay with a friend while she communed with nature. She’d find some way to gloss over not having gotten in touch for a month.
I had real doubts about how well that was going to work out, but I reasoned that she knew them pretty well, way better than I did. She said that she wasn’t intending to give them any time to question her; she would be going onto the attack about what her father needed to do to stay out of jail himself.
As I drove off, with her waving figure receding in my rear view mirror, my confidence that this had all ended well receded at almost the same rate. In a couple of minutes, she’d be back in her own familiar environment, her parent’s large and luxurious house, and the conditioning of twenty years would immediately reassert itself.
By the time I got to the construction site, I’d pretty much convinced myself that perhaps she’d been play-acting in being so friendly, just to get herself free rather than dead, and that she was even now talking to the 911 dispatcher or the nearest FBI Special Agent. Or, that she herself was sincere, but that her parents would quickly force the truth out of her, with the same result, that I’d be hunted down like a rabid dog.
It wasn’t a good feeling, not good at all, especially after the fun, laughter and joyous exploratory intimacy we’d shared at the weekend. Maybe I should have gone ahead with my trip to Missouri. I could have gotten her dropped off shortly after dawn and now been headed for the I-85 before hiding myself in the border country between Georgia and Tennessee and buying a detailed road map to plan my trip north. It’s not like there weren’t several tens of thousands of almost identical trucks along my route; I could probably steal someone else’s tags a couple of times a day to give the authorities real trouble in tracing me.
But I hadn’t left town. It was probably too late to start now. Running off would almost be an admission of guilt and weaken my potential defense that everything had been consensual. Jeez! Why the fuck had I embarked on this mad-assed plan of revenge?
What with my mind inhabiting a parallel universe, my work that day was not my best; although I knew I’d absolutely done the right thing in releasing her, the suspense of waiting for the FBI to roll up and point guns at me before cuffing me was almost too much to handle. The other guys quickly noticed I couldn’t do a damn thing right, and they got a good laugh out of it, saying I’d obviously had far too good a weekend.
Despite my paranoid fears, there was nobody waiting in ambush when I got back to the cabin that evening. I spent a couple of hours removing what other evidence I could of my captive and the makeshift cell (a bit of wood filler and a lick of paint covered up where the spyhole had been in the door, and the drywall she’d excavated got the same treatment), and then sat on the porch worrying. I WANTED to believe in Laura, but recent experience had made me real cautious about women. I’d trusted Kasey; she’d set me up to lose everything. I was so down that I concluded that Miss Gregson was probably exacting some revenge and torturing me by making me live in daily fear for a while before she actually had me arrested. I had a disturbed and restless night; every sound from outside had me listening for more, wondering if it was the cops coming to get me. Didn’t help that I could smell her soap and shampoo on my sheets and pillows, reminding me how good she’d felt in my arms; I decided to strip the bed and take the linens to the service laundry in the morning.
Tuesday I was a little more attuned to waiting until the ax fell on my neck. My work was only a little better than the previous day, but at least the guys realized I was having a problem about something and backed off a tad with the joshing.
I picked up the washed laundry on my way home from the site. When I drove up my driveway, I saw there was a small compact parked in front of the cabin. Not a normal government vehicle, and nobody in it. Still, I’d never had any other visitors, so I guessed that this was my nemesis. At least they weren’t doing it in front of my workmates with blue lights, sirens and the local TV station to record it for posterity.
I pulled the truck up beside the car, turned the key off and sat for a minute, resigning myself to my fate, before climbing out. There was still nobody in sight.
I paused on the porch before I unlocked the door. There were two brightly colored cushions on my tatty wooden chairs that most certainly hadn’t been there that morning. That fact confused me even more. What the heck was going on?
I heard the sound of running footsteps and turned to face them, just in time to see my ex-captive come round the side of the cabin and launch herself into my arms. Her hug and kisses felt real good. When we finally separated, I got a chance to speak.
“Laura! Sweetie, what on earth are you doing back here?”
She chuckled.
“What does it look like, honey? I’ve come back. I’m sorry it took me so long; Dad was being real mule-headed until Mom and I told him that we’d turn him in to the Feds ourselves if he didn’t start listening to what I was saying. Then he finally did some serious thinking, and got to cursing. I would have called you to tell you, but I don’t have your number.”
I shook my head in disbelief.
“Sweetie, I know that we got kind of close at the weekend, and you know I’m real happy that you’ve come over, but would you care to explain WHY you want to be back with me, after I kidnapped you and held you captive for four whole weeks? Why aren’t you still at home with your folks, getting to know them again? Don’t you owe them some family time?”
She laughed and kissed me again.
“Honey, there are a whole lot of reasons. You are the real deal; you aren’t pretending to be something you aren’t. That on its own makes you a better man than half the guys I’ve ever met. Then you’ve shown me that you are kind, considerate and respectful. You had me in your power, and you didn’t abuse me. You could easily have pushed me at the weekend, but you respected my promise to Jenny. Even when I tried to use my body against you, your moral code wouldn’t let you. You showed that you cared about me as a person. I missed you last night, so much so that I realized that I’ve fallen for you.”
I staggered back in amazement.
“YOU have fallen for ME? Why in God’s name would you do something crazy like that? You’ve got it all, and I’m just a lowly construction worker.”
She put her hands up to cradle my face, looking deep into my eyes.
“Grey, honey, I’ve just listed a few very good reasons why I think that you are the man for me. Jenny would have loved you. I’d like us to date and see how we get on. I think we’ll be fine. We’ve got so many basic values in common, and I trust you completely.”
She giggled.
“Oh, and then of course there’s the big one. There aren’t that many men tall enough for me to wear heels when we go dancing, so I thought I might hang on to you a short while longer, see how well we fit on the dance floor.”
I shook my head in disbelief at the direction this conversation was taking. I seized on one word.
“We’re going dancing?”
She giggled, a real peal of amusement, but clearly laughing at the situation, not at me or my obvious male confusion.
“Oh yes, honey, we are going out to dinner, drinks and dancing as our first public date. You were going to ask me, weren’t you? But tomorrow, not tonight. I’ve got other plans for now.”
She dragged me into my bedroom.
“I’ll be back in just a moment.”
She returned with a bright and colorful comforter, which she proceeded to lay out on my bed.
“There! That brightens the place up. Now, honey, that offer of yours about licking me all over. I reckon you might have missed a couple of places last time, so I’m going to give you another chance to fully redeem your promise.”
It was my turn to grin.
“You know something? You do look good enough to eat! You mind if I put the bed sheets back on first? It would be a shame to have to launder the comforter. And I haven’t washed since work, so I’m not that nice to be close too.”
“I can live with watching you wash. Maybe I could help?”
We took a naked dip in the creek together, and then walked slowly back to the cabin, hand in hand.
“I wasn’t expecting you, so there’s not a lot in the larder.”
“I’ve got a few things in the car; I wasn’t sure that you’d have been to the store. How about working up an appetite first?”
Wednesday morning after breakfast, wearing only panties and a smile, she sat down on my lap and handed me her hairbrush. I’d learned all about brushing a girl’s hair with my daughter Aggie, and Laura was purring when I finished. Her hair was shining a whole lot more than when she’d only had the comb to remove the worst of the tangles. She finished dressing, I locked up, showed her where I kept the spare key, we kissed yet again, and drove off in our separate vehicles, she following me until we reached town.
That evening, I finished work an hour early to meet up with her. She looked amazing; she’d had her hair tidied up and was wearing a dress that showed her figure off, and some heels. Our first stop was a men’s outfitter where she chose a sports coat, a dress shirt, a tie, dress slacks and shoes for me to buy and wear out of the store. But, before I got fully dressed, she took me to the suit racks, and picked out three possibles. She talked to the salesman, instructing him almost as if I wasn’t there, and then sent me to get dressed in the sports coat, my work clothes folded into a store bag. I got back to her and was welcomed with a smile of approval.
“You clean up real well, honey!”
I grinned at her.
“Not as well as you do! You look like a million dollars!”
She grinned mischievously.
“That’s a raise! Last week I only looked like a quarter of a million!”
She kissed me on the cheek to show she wasn’t whining about having only been valued at that much in kidnap ransom.
“Let me get the bill.”
“Already taken care of, honey.”
I wasn’t going to argue over money in front of the store clerk, so I waited until I’d walked her to her car.
“You can’t buy my clothes! What do I owe you?”
“Grey, honey, would you have bought them for yourself?”
“I guess not, I had them before, but I’ve no cause to wear them now.”
“Wrong, wrong, wrong, buster. If I’ve dressed up for our date, then you have to be smart as well. Anyway, you’re buying dinner. It’s what the guy does on the first public date. Maybe we’ll start going Dutch after that.”
I know when I’m beaten. She was an irresistible force, and I’d be a fool to fight when she was going in a direction I was more than happy to take. I gave up arguing and took her over to the Red Lobster franchise for our first public date. No reservation needed, food reliably okay if not outstanding. We enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine with our meal, and then we walked to a nearby bar where we danced for a while. She felt so natural in my arms. Seemed like she felt the same about me; her grin was infectious.
“I just knew it, Grey. You are exactly the right height for me, and you’re a great dancer. Where’d you learn?”
“Mom and Dad taught me at first, and when I was twelve they made me go to Cotillion for a couple of years. That did me a lot of good; I did better at school after learning the discipline of dancing. Learned to talk to girls as well!”
That was true; I’d had some nice dates before my folks had been killed. Afterwards, I was just too busy trying to keep out of the state fostering system to have any time to date, and which high school girl would go out with a boy who was not only broke and pretty much homeless, but who also kept bursting into tears when some memory of the past intruded, even if he could dance?
“I don’t want to know any more about that part. Can you do a foxtrot?”
“I sure can! Haven’t tried for a couple of years, but I guess it’ll come back pretty quick.”
It did. Having such a responsive dance partner sure helped. She was good; even when I mis-stepped, she stayed with me, and that confidence upped my game. We stayed there until quarter to eleven, and then drove back to the cabin, she following me. She backed her naked butt into me under the wonderfully soft comforter that now adorned my bed, pulled my arm around her, and was almost instantly asleep.
Thursday morning we skinny dipped together in the creek bathing hole while the coffee was running, then after breakfast I left for work, promising to be back by four. She called me on my cell at lunchtime just to talk, and we had time at the cabin for me to wash and change out of my work clothes before she drove me back into town to the outfitters. The suit had been tailored and fitted perfectly; she picked out another dress shirt and tie, and this time I insisted on paying. We ate at the steak house, where I proved I could handle a whole place setting of silverware and use a napkin without disgracing myself, before going back to dance for a couple of hours. She was absolutely streets ahead of Kasey on the dance floor; we fitted together so well. She had an arm around my waist and her head against my shoulder as we walked to her compact to drive home to the cabin.
“Grey, honey, I could sure get used to this!”
“Laura, sweetie, I hope you will.”
“If tomorrow goes as I intend, we shall do this a lot, I promise you.”
“Are you ever going to tell me what you have got planned, or are you testing me to see how quick I think on my feet?”
She giggled.
“Introducing my wonderful boyfriend to my parents and letting them get to appreciate him for the amazing man he is.”
I pretended to look around me.
“So who is this guy? I’m jealous of him already.”
She prodded me in the chest.
“Oh! You!”
We went to bed as soon as we got back to the cabin; the lights in my bedroom were on for a couple of hours as we did some more mutual exploration. I’d have to get some drapes to save closing the shutters; I didn’t want to corrupt any of the local wildlife by turning them into voyeurs.
Another skinny-dip in the creek before breakfast Friday, and Laura ran through the schedule for the day. Twice. She thought (correctly) that I was too nervous for just once to be enough. Then she kissed me and sent me off to work.
Henry Hallett looked at me a little strange when I took him the timesheets after lunch; I assumed that it was my minutes-old haircut and clean-shaven look that impressed him, or maybe the fact that I’d clocked off early on Wednesday and Thursday. He didn’t say anything, and I headed straight back to the site to finish off the afternoon.
That night, we were having dinner with her parents at their place. I didn’t know precisely what she’d said to them, or exactly how she’d explained her absence, but they welcomed me as if my shit didn’t stink.
That evening it didn’t; I’d met with Laura at a motel at four where we’d shared a long shower under hot water, and I’d gotten my skin completely clean for the first time since the Guard weekend, and then she dressed me up in the suit and tie. I looked pretty damn good, though I say it myself. I felt even better with her holding my hand as she opened their grand front door and pulled me inside.
We were soon standing in their formal reception room, where she’d led me to make the initial introductions. Her father cleared his throat, sounding kinda nervous.
“Mr McKinley, my wife and I want to thank you most sincerely for looking after Laura for the past few weeks while she found herself again. We were real worried that she’d gone off without a word, we so hoped she hadn’t done anything stupid, but now she’s come back to us whole and restored. When my sister Jenny became ill and died, Laura changed, became serious and introspective. We didn’t know what to do. Now, she’s gotten that sparkle back in her eyes, and some real fire in her belly, and she puts it entirely down to how you helped her review where she was in life, and where she wanted to be. We’re going to be eternally grateful to you for what you’ve done for her.”
I blinked in surprise. Laura and I hadn’t discussed the story she was going to tell her parents in that level of detail; she’d clearly made it sound to them as if I’d been her Good Samaritan, therapist and Yogi all rolled into one. The manners my parents had instilled in me rescued me from making more a fool of myself than necessary.
“It was no trouble at all, Sir; I’m so glad that I was able to help her and give her the quiet time she needed to think.”
The lady in question excused herself to go to the kitchen and put the food she’d prepared that morning into the oven. Her mother went with her; her father offered me a drink and wouldn’t take no for an answer. He got me a craft beer, and took a whiskey himself. Mrs Gregson came back with a glass of something in her hand, and sat next to her husband on the love seat opposite the couch he’d ushered me to. I noticed that Laura was staying out of this part; I hoped she knew what she was doing.
“Mr McKinley, Laura was quite forceful to both of us Monday when she got back. It appears that my husband did you a monstrous injustice earlier this year. Not to put too fine a point on it, our daughter promised us both that she’d see her father disgraced and ruined if he didn’t put things right. Of course, once we’d reviewed the papers against the additional information, we could see the problem straight away. Please, will you stay with us tonight as our guest, and we’ll make full redress tomorrow?”
I couldn’t refuse such a direct appeal.
“Sir, Ma’am, from what I understand it was actually deliberate fraud and perjury on the part of my ex-wife’s lover, and your husband was only taken in by a con-man. All I ask of you is that you help me get access to my daughter again. Yes, I’d be honored to be your guest.”
Her husband studied me for a moment before responding. I guess my quiet reasonableness contrasted with whatever Laura had laid on them.
“That’s very generous of you, Mr McKinley. Laura made it very clear to me that I had totally failed in my duty as a judge and as a human being by signing such a document without carefully reading and understanding it. All I can say in my defense is that I was taken in by someone I trusted completely, and I should not have been. I was in total breach of the SCRA, and my violation could have had severe consequences for me if you had followed up.”
“I’m sorry, Sir, SCRA? I’m not familiar with it?”
“SCRA? Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. It’s a Federal law, originated during the Second World War, updated in 2003. Basically, it’s to protect people who are away on active service from being taken advantage of while they are serving. So your being taken to court in your absence for divorce and child custody was illegal. So was the sale of your home without your knowledge, and the closure of your bank accounts. You should have known that, anybody at the Armory would have been able to help you out, get you in touch with someone from the Judge Advocate’s Corps, who’d have fought your corner and won.”
I thought for a moment. Crap! I hadn’t even mentioned the divorce to anyone military, just the pay guy, and he’d probably assumed that I already knew about my avenues for redress. Sounded like I’d badly fucked up by not asking for help.
“I didn’t know. I, uh, I haven’t told any of the guys in the Guard that I’m divorced. I spent three months in Iraq showing anyone I could pin down long enough my photos of Aggie and Kasey; I was missing them so much that I just wanted to show them off. After doing that, I couldn’t face admitting that I’d lost them.”
“Damn! If you’d gotten some JAG lawyer to contact me to tell me that you’d been on active service, I’d certainly have looked again at the papers. There was no mention of you being in the service at all, just the false claim that you’d deserted your family. If there had been, I wouldn’t have granted anything and I’d have gotten in touch with the military authorities to make sure you knew.”
I remembered not to curse in company, but my face must have shown my remorse and self-contempt. I’d given myself extra months without my daughter, when there had been a remedy within my grasp. The Judge must have seen it in my eyes; he stood, approached me and gripped my shoulder in sympathy.
“Let it go, Son. It happened, you can’t go back in time and change it. Don’t beat yourself up. We’re going to get it sorted now.”
I nodded and took a deep breath. He was correct; I’d fouled up, but there was no point in dwelling on it. I still wanted to give myself a decent ass-kicking, but that was more regret that I could have been so prideful and stupid as to not ask for advice.
Laura rejoined us at that point, and sat right next to me on the couch, our bodies touching from shoulder to hip.
“Grey, would you mind letting Mom and Dad visit your place tomorrow morning? I’ve been telling them how calm and peaceful it is out there, and how much quiet reflection and thinking I’ve been doing, and they’d like to see it for themselves?”
“Sure! The cabin’s not up to much, but I’ve got free run of a quarter section of unspoiled woods, and it’s real pretty. I missed it a whole lot when I was out in Iraq.”
There were a few questions about the facilities; I stressed the two bedrooms angle. Then Laura stood up and announced that it was time for dinner. I already knew that she could cook; with a real oven and hob to play with, she showed herself to be a darned good one. The judge and his wife made small talk as we ate; I grinned to myself as I kept up my end of the conversation. I don’t think they’d expected me to be quite as knowledgeable about local affairs as I was, and I could see Laura trying not to giggle as I gently fenced with her parents. It was all good-humored; I suspected they were enjoying the novelty of entertaining their daughter’s beau for the first time, and were relieved that I wasn’t a spotty teen with no knowledge of appropriate subjects for grown-up conversation.
Laura marched all of us into her father’s home office after we’d eaten and I’d helped her clear away. She took his big desk armchair, making him sit in a hard chair in front of her while she dictated her terms. I’d done enough psychology to respect her seizing the power position, and tried not to grin too widely. It looked like she’d done a real number on her parents. This was a very confident young woman.
Only the topic of conversation wasn’t the one I’d expected, about reversing his decision on my divorce and child custody arrangements. Apparently they’d already had THAT discussion in full, which explained the earlier apology. She pulled a couple of sheets of yellow legal note paper from under his leather-mounted blotter and smirked at me.
“Daddy, about our pre-nup. Grey’s cabin and personal property are to be excluded from communal property. Everything he owns now remains his if we divorce, no matter what the cause.”
I realized that I was now engaged to be married. It was a surprise, but the basic idea sounded real good to me, so I didn’t bother disputing it. Okay, so maybe she was a step ahead of the play book, and needed slowing down a tad, otherwise I might have felt that I was being brow-beaten into this. As you might have guessed, I’m kinda old-fashioned and I did want to make it a formal proposal, so I interrupted her.
“One moment, please, Laura, we’re missing something rather important here.”
I got up from my chair, went down on one knee in front of her, and asked her to do me the honor of becoming my wife.
My, the way her whole face lit up!
She said that she’d be delighted, her Mom hugged and kissed us both, and even her father smiled as he shook my hand and congratulated me. Yeah, Laura had without doubt gotten something BIG she could hold over her parents’ heads, if they were that quick to accept me. They insisted that I called them Walter and Amy. That was surely going to take a little bit of getting used to, after all my months of hating them from afar.
Week one, Day two, Sunday As usual, I was up and about soon after dawn broke. Sure looked like it was gonna be another lovely day. I backed the truck into the barn so she couldn’t see it and be able to describe it, then I did a couple of hours just enjoying being alive with a little yard work thrown in, before looking in on my prisoner through the spyhole. She was still lying on the mattress; I was pretty sure from her posture that she was awake even if she wasn’t moving about. With no...
"Walter!" Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes and glowered angrily at her son's bedroom door. "Walter, I know what you're doing in there! I am absolutely sick of listening to you jacking off in your room every day! Walter, are you listening?" Her teenage son didn't answer. The rhythmic thumping continued louder than ever, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall as Walter eagerly beat his prick, flailing...
Lately, I've been really naughty around my neighbor, Walter. He’s often outside with his friends playing poker, and I’ll purposely be outside parading around naked. I’ll swim naked in my pool, or hang my wet clothes on the laundry line. I’ll play croquet in the nude. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist and love to be naked and have people watch me. I totally get off on it. Walter, is a sixty-five year old man. He’s widowed, and I know he loves to see me naked. I mean what man wouldn’t want to see a...
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While Walter Waits….. Finally, after several emails, Lily agreed to meet Andrew. She gave him the telephone number and address of a pub with a good restaurant and they agreed to meet there the following Saturday evening. Andrew rang the number and discovered that the pub was in fact a small hotel. He booked a table for two and a room for that night, as he did not care to return to London so late. On the Saturday afternoon he drove the 90 or so miles and checked in at about 5:30 and headed for...
"Ah Miss Pennyworth, a good morning to you," said Sir Walter Wyles-Smithe. "And too you, Sir Walter," said Miss Pennyworth. She closed the door to the long but narrow law office and hung her outer jacket on the coat rack. "I thought you were in the Fifth Circle for another two days." "The trial was adjourned, I'm afraid. Missing witness don't you know. That's the demonic courts for you; frightfully disorganised." Miss Pennyworth nodded and settled into her seat behind her desk....
My name is Tere and my story is about the night I met Walter. Anyway, to start out a night of horror, I had a blind date and it turned out to be really bad, the guy being shorter than I am and bigger around then he was tall, with a roaming eye. We had agreed to meet at a restaurant and then follow each other to a club where we were to meet some of my friends. After meeting him at the restaurant I was trying to figure out a way to dump him, but couldn’t think of a way not to be mean, so he...
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We continued to meet weekly with the doctor. I was taking a half-day off work each time. Five weeks later, I went into work in the afternoon following a session and immediately had my boss, Peter Minshull, in my face. "Look here, Walter. This business of coming in when it suits you doesn't cut it. I expect you to put in a full day's work for a full day's pay." "And I told you I was using my sick days for personal reasons. That should be good enough. What do you want, a note from my...
I first met him in a funny way. I was at an adult bookstore, looking to suck some cock through the gloryholes. After a few minutes, a guy slid his fat white cock through, and I took it in my mouth and started sucking, slow and deep. I’d do a hit of Rush every few minutes, just to make it more exciting. He didn’t last too long before unloading a big sticky flood of cum in my mouth. i kept his cock in my mouth till he withdrew it, then I spit it on the floor and wiped my lips. As I did, I noticed...
I first met him in a funny way. I was at an adult bookstore, looking to suck some cock through the gloryholes. After a few minutes, a guy slid his fat white cock through, and I took it in my mouth and started sucking, slow and deep. I'd do a hit of Rush every few minutes, just to make it more exciting. He didn't last too long before unloading a big sticky flood of cum in my mouth. i kept his cock in my mouth till he withdrew it, then I spit it on the floor and wiped my lips. As I did, I noticed...
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The Cuckold’s Comeuppance: The Secret Revenge of Walter Mitty The soon to be ex Mrs. Miller was at lunch with her lawyer.“Bob, what the hell is taking that god damned judge so long?”“Relax Carol. You know this is the divorce and criminal trial of the century. The judge did say she’d have a decision today. It’s not even noon.”“Listen, mother-fucker, you said my name wouldn’t be dragged through the mud.”“I’m a lawyer and I told you that Ben is probably behind it. Remember that there was only a...
HumorThe woman walked around the room in an imperious manner. She looked over his application and resume making ticking noises as she did. The kind of ticking sounds with her tongue to the roof of her mouth. You know, that sound one makes for no, no, no when one is less than impressed with what you are seeing. He watched her trying not to look as if he was gawking at her. She wore an impossibly tight blue dress which came only to her upper thigh. Her ample bosoms strained the material and fat...
It was a mighty pissed off bunch in the cave the next morning. Mr. Texas wasn’t smiling. “This has got a bad feel to it, boss. You’ve lost twenty two men so far, all killed by Brad Walters, an old man, a kid, and a girl. What you think would happen if the whole Walters clan showed up?” Bart Hill was consumed with rage. He was blind in his left eye, his partner had lost a leg and might lose another if infection got into his wound. Two of his best men were down. One had a hand missing, the...
I got a couple of more, then I became a ghost. I didn’t make a move for six days, watching, waiting. There knew I was still out there, so they kept looking. Once or twice I was close enough to touch one, but I let them go. I wanted them relaxed and comfortable. They found our cave and moved in. Then they found the mine. I was watching from behind a rise, heard them whoop and holler, saw them comin’ out with bags of ore we’d already mined. Still I waited. When they started mining in earnest,...
If you have seen the restaurant scene from "Pretty Woman", you have some idea what dining on the ship is like. There were two waiters standing five feet from us, waiting on us hand and foot. I don't think my water glass was ever under half empty. There were tables for two, and tables for eight. Since there were always three of us, we sat at the large table all the time. That was nice, as we got to meet people from all over the U.S. The Japanese passengers tended to keep to...
Ian and Sonia Walters are a couple aged in their late fifties for whom the dynamics of their sex life had changed in recent years. The change initially came about by accident when almost ten years previously, Ian caught Sonia in bed with a much younger man. He threw the semi-naked youth out of the house before thrashing Sonia'a arse with a leather belt. The thrashing hurt her and had her howling but it also further aroused her and certainly aroused Ian who promptly gave her a good fucking.For a...
CuckoldThree weeks later we were on the range moving some cattle to keep the grass in shape, when we told Pa we were leaving soon. He just grinned. “I figured. You boys been kind of antsy lately. Got any idea where you’re going?” “We think we might like to see Colorado, see if every creek up there is really filled with gold.” He frowned a little but didn’t say anything. He paid us wages just like the regular hands and we’d saved a mite up. Almost three hundred each. That was more than most cowboys...
A week later we were a good ways down the trail. I eased up on Zeke. “Seen ‘em yet?” “Maybe five of them, tryin’ to stay out of sight. They don’t look too salty.” “The four riders on the ridge do. They look like they mean business.” “Yep, those boys act serious. Maybe we need to let the fools catch up with us get lost in the crowd a bit.” An hour later we found what we wanted, a little draw just off the trail. We eased into it and waited. We heard them for a good while before we saw them,...
I was about halfway back when I spotted them. They were camped in a little hollow but it offered little in the way of concealment or defense. There was a low ridge right above it and a man could ease on top of it and it would be like shootin’ fish in a barrel. In fact, that’s just what I did. I could see the whole camp from the ridge and it looked pretty rundown. Whoever these people were they weren’t really equipped for the trail. When the woman spoke I knew who they were. Grinning, I stood...
WALTER'S NEW LIFE My thanks to Monica Rose for proofreading and helpful suggestions. This is a work of adult fiction so that's a caution that covers everything. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. 1 More than 30 years ago, in the mid-eighties, I bought half of a semi- detached house in a neighborhood of Portland while the other half was bought by a young woman named Dahlia after her divorce. She had a seven month-old daughter name Laura. I moved in with...
That night I was sitting in my room trying to get the last few paragraphs of a book report that was due the following morning. With my social life so improved, I was finding it more difficult to get everything done on time. I wasn't complaining though, I was a lot happier with the new situation. I was happier, that is, until Walter called home unexpectedly with the news that he had been in a big fight at the University, had then been arrested by the campus police, turned over to the local...
Walter's appointment was at eight thirty. Dr. Driscoll was the orthopedic surgeon that worked with the high school football team. He specialized in sports injuries, but was treating Walter because he'd done the surgery on Walter's shoulder when he hurt it, in his junior year, playing football. Walter was in and out of there in about thirty minutes. Dr. Driscoll was planning on performing the necessary surgery in another week. He was waiting for Walter's knee swelling to subside, before...
I picked up Audrey early, and we went out and had some breakfast. She had gotten comfortable about eating around me by now, and we each had three spicy chicken sandwiches at Carl's Jr. I loved their ninety nine cent specials. Six sandwiches and two large Cokes for less than nine dollars. Full, we sat and talked in the parking lot until it was time for the first bell to ring. I went to the library to see if Kiki was there. "Kiki, my little love goddess. I'm getting tired of driving over...
Right after I got off of the phone with Carla, I gave Jimmy a call. At first we chatted about the lack of progress that he was making with Brenda. He was sure that he could get laid if he only had some more time and a good place where the two of them could be all alone. His after school job, and his parent's insistence that he maintain a good grade point average in school, had combined to leave him with almost no free time. I felt like telling him that it didn't take that long to take...
Misjudgment By Zedd I was at the Mall early Saturday trying to decide whether to blow what little allowance I had saved for the music CD or a new set of head phones, and checking out all the babes that frequent its air-conditioned tiled spaces, when I ran into a girl from school I knew. I saw her coming, passing right in front of the music store I had been heading to myself, and didn?t have time to duck and run. I knew she had it in for me, and I could tell she?d seen me...
Within two days of Walter's return for the Holidays, he and Carla were back together again. I got home from helping Jimmy Lakeland with raking the leaves around his house at about two thirty, and the two of them were in the living room, making out hot and heavy. Jimmy and I had just negotiated a deal where I would pitch in, by helping with some of his chores over at his house, and, in return, he would be giving me rides to and from school for the remainder of the school year. The kicker,...
I pulled up in front of Audrey's house at seven twenty the next morning, and she was already waiting at the curb near her mail box. I leaned over and opened the door for her, and then took her book bag so that she could climb inside easier. I was unsure of what the proper protocol should be between a slut and her master, but I leaned over to give her a good morning kiss anyway. She seemed pleased with my choosing to kiss her. After we had exchanged our verbal hello's, and how are you's, I...
Two and a half weeks later we rode into Carver’s Gulch, about fifty miles South of Cherry Creek. It was a boom town, tents as numerous as buildings and construction going on everywhere. Bob and the girls held the herd back while we rode in with Miz Parsons. She’d taken the time to primp a little, wearing a divided riding skirt and a nice blouse and jacket. It caused a little stir because women, beside the occasional prostitute, were pretty scarce. If she’d ridden in with her daughters she...
We were on our own horses as soon as they walked off skinnin’ back to camp. They were up and ready to travel so we left right away, rolling into town just before lunch. This town was a pretty good burg. We drove the cattle right down main street and into a couple of corrals. Merchants were all over us before we could dismount. The livery owner hit us first, giving us the charge for feeding and holdin’ the cattle. Zeke grinned. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I suspect they’ll be sold in...
After five weeks of ambling higher and higher into the mountains we still hadn’t found a decent spot to file a claim. We stopped at a few likely looking spots, panned and dug for a couple of days and would have very little to show for it. I think we were both getting discouraged when fate took a hand. We sat our horses, looking at where the trail used to be. It had rained for almost ten days straight a couple of weeks before we entered the country, and a mudslide had pretty much wiped the...
That night we talked to the Monahans. They’d worked hard, all but Murdock, and lucked out. They found a little vein that was about eight feet long and three deep before it petered out to nothing. After that what the netted a day wasn’t worth the effort and time they put in to it. Still they’d found about two thousand dollars worth. Many a ranch had been bought for a lot less. “We’ll be headin’ out day after tomorrow. Our claim has played out and it ain’t worth stayin’ the winter for. We’re...
We slowly enlarged the vein up to twelve feet wide with no end in sight. We also had no idea how long it ran and we stopped after twenty feet. We sat on the floor of the shaft looking up. I could tell Zeke had something on his mind. “You know it could take years to fully mine this vein. I for one don’t want to put that much of my life into it. We got money now Brad, enough to buy and stock a pretty large spread.” “Are you saying we should walk away?” He snorted. “Hell no. I think we...
I saw nothing the first day, and decided to turn around about noon the next day. As it was, I’d be eating jerky before I got back. The first couple of hours were uneventful but just before ten my scalp started tingling and my horse seemed uneasy. I’d learned long ago to trust my instincts, so I loosened my shotgun so I could drag it out easier, and made sure the strap was off my pistol. My horse saved my life. I was on a narrow trail, steep drops on both sides. It made me so nervous I...
Since I couldn’t do much real work I spent the next week scouting and watching the trail. We’d made the stashes we talked about, weapons, ammo, a little grub and coffee, some rags for bandages, that sort of thing. I wasn’t just ridin’ around. There were a few choke points on the trail in, and I had Gal and Eion help me loosen the base of a couple of big boulders, and rig a deadfall out of some mighty impressive logs. It probably wouldn’t hurt them but it would clog the trail and make them...
After the logs our enemies decided to retreat back down the trail for a good camping spot. Darby went among his men, assessing their wounds. Two were hurt bad enough that their figtht was over. He promised them their fair share of the gold when they had it. Five more were hurt, ranging from lumpy noggins to broken arms. Worse, eleven of their men and fourteen horses were dead. Maybe his father should have been a little more careful. They’d had a good thing going until his father had jumped...
We eased around the corner in case the miners had gotten brave. Shocked doesn’t come close to what I felt when Gal rose up from behind a rock. We looked at each other and grinned saying the same thing to each other. “I thought you was dead!” When he went over the cliff he dropped eight feet onto a ledge, knocked cold on the rocks. It took him ten hours to wake up. It took him another day to figure out how to get off the ledge. Finally he took his gunbelt and jumped, flipping it over the base...
Zeke and I were sitting in our saddles taking one last look at the valley. The new road had been cut and graded and as we sat on Derby Ridge I could see the green lushness of the valley, marred only by the mud of the mine and the surrounding settlement being built. Despite being the scene of so much suffering it was still a beautiful place. Em and her oldest daughter were traveling a ways with us on the way back to their ranch. They had a contract to sell and deliver supplies to the miners,...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
I had the beginnings of an idea germinating in my brain. I left early the following morning to get to school before the early first bell that rang forty five minutes before first period began. People often came to school early to use the library or some of the labs. Some just came early to sit in the cafeteria and talk to other kids. I was going in that early in order to look for Kiki Elder. I assumed that it would take Audrey some time to talk Cindy into cooperating and accepting the ass...
I found Dana walking between classes right before lunch period for me. Her lunch period came right after mine did. She didn't seem comfortable to be speaking with me, but she did stop at least, to see what it was I needed. "Dana, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to avoid me." "What do you want Barry? I'm going to be late for class." "You know Carla Rizzo don't you?" "I know who she is, why?" "Audrey and I are having her come over to Audrey's house for...
You would think that, after getting drunk and having a wreck where someone gets killed, that you would be in a lot of trouble. I'm talking years worth of trouble, in the slammer forever, kind of trouble. If that was true, then why was Walter sitting in our living room when I woke up Sunday morning? More importantly, why wasn't he in jail? The answer lies in the presumption of innocence, and in the fact that my parents had found themselves a well connected lawyer to represent Walter. I...
I thought about what my father had said to me, especially the part about him and mom being proud of the effort that I'd made to get along with Walter. It had been better between us then, but I was still doing things that I knew would piss him off if he ever found out. Thinking about it, I started wondering if I wouldn't have been better off to have tried to reach some accommodation with Walter years before. How much of our feuding was a direct result of my actions against him? I heard my...
After school I gave Audrey a ride home and then went over to Mr. Michael's car lot. My father had already called him to tell him that I was coming. The first thing that I noticed was this bright red Camaro. It had a special wheel package, and looked like it was going fifty miles an hour when it was parked on the lot. For me, it was love at first sight. Mr. Michael's must have seen the look on my face, because he asked whether I wanted to drive it first, or just write it up and drive off...
In spite of all of our efforts to talk Walter out of doing something rash, he and Carla drove all the way out to Nevada, and were married in someplace called Winnemucca. Carla got herself a job as a change girl in a casino there, and Walter found work as a laborer at a construction site. Because of his legal problems, he was unable to get clearance to work in the gaming industry himself. After a few months, Walter and Carla moved to Reno, because Walter's company had a big new building...
Walter came home at around nine o'clock and went straight to his room. I saw the look on his face and decided not to bother him. The look alone told me that his talk with Carla hadn't gone too well. I had been sitting at home the whole time telling myself that I needed to get out and start making my life happen. I had come to the conclusion that I hadn't been trying to live my life, ever since Audrey and I broke up. I was just going through the motions, pretty much wasting the past six...
A Gay Hardcore Older for Younger BDSM Prisoner Whipping Caning Crucifixion CBT Fantasy.I put up with some ads on a gay BDSM personal site. I'm an older man and I used to be a stud and fuck guys but now I'm not getting ground that well. I'm 6 ft 2. Around 270 getting kind of heavy in my older age but not too fat.I was looking for a younger man to come use me. Maybe some light or play bdsm. Nothing too serious. I'd like some bondage and flogging. A little bit of CBT to keep my cock hard. Some...
I could not believe what the judge was saying. She was sentencing me to "Class-A Sissy Incarnation". I knew what this was, everyone knew. It is a State law saying that a guardian appointed by the judge could incarcerate a person to their control and mandate the troubled person to become a sissy. It was legal and happens way to often since there is no room in our jails. Society approves of this treatment. I was weak in my knees, sick to my stomach, crying uncontrollable when my mother...
The early midday sun startled me as I left my building. Like every day. I should have gotten used to it. But still every day I winced at the bright sun and needed a moment for my eyes to adjust. I definitely wasn't a morning person. And yes I was aware of the irony. After I could see again without tears coming to my eyes I started walking to my 'work'. Not that I had to walk anywhere to do my work. I just preferred to be found in one spot. As I walked on the sidewalk I heard the sound...
After that afternoon with Kiki and Dana, my little world quickly started to unravel. It began, as most disasters do, simply, with Dana telling Brenda about our little session with Kiki and Walter, and then bragging to her about how she had turned Kiki out to girls. Brenda couldn't wait to get on the telephone to tell Audrey all about it. Audrey didn't exactly dump me right away. What she did was far worse. She started cheating on me. The worst part was that she did it all behind my back,...
I was sitting at home, it was the next Saturday, trying to think of how I wanted to proceed with hiring and training two more samplers. Ellen had slacked off from her first day sales results, selling about twenty units per day for the next three days. She and I hadn't fooled around any more since that one time, although she continued bringing a change of clothing with her every day to work. She had purchased several new outfits for herself, and asked me if it would be okay to leave them in...