Bride Spoiled At Sea free porn video

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"You cannot be serious!" Lynette Olsen rolled her eyes & stared down her nose at the Nigerian waiter who had just handed her a tray. The haughty American newlywed easily managed that feat despite the man's being at least 18 inches taller. She pushed the oval plate aside, "I am not holding my plate. Follow me." She swept into the buffet, pointedly ignoring the man's grimace. He waved another waiter over to take his place, a Filipino woman who frowned but took the tray to follow the American bitch.

Just three days into the 14 day cruise, the 24 year old newlywed had reached nearly legendary status, & not as a polite or generous cruiser. While many of the Americans-- most according to the more cynical staff-- were self-absorbed to the point of being unknowingly rude, the petite blonde seemed to go out of her way to cause trouble. The security had been 'too pushy' and 'too rough.' The room wasn't sufficiently clean. The food was too hot or too cold. There was too much ice in her drink. The coffee was old.

Cruise staff did everything short of running to hide when she swept out of an elevator onto their floor. Even so, they managed to paste a smile into place, hurrying in the fruitless effort to comply with whatever the little bitch demanded. And it wasn't just the staff to whom she'd become notorious.

She butted into lines, pretended to ignore others in the shops, demanding attention from the clerks. She brushed aside towels on the pool deck, taking choice lounges. & she arrived late to the shows, & left early. The first day she'd laughed at the man standing before her in the line to board the boat. He wore a worn T shirt & frayed cut-offs, & carried an old duffle bag instead of any real luggage. When it became obvious the man had heard her & taken offense, she had laughed to Mary, who'd been standing beside her, that at least he couldn't be called 'white trash.' A black man at least 20 years older than the young cruisers, Mary had at least had the grace not to laugh at her friends bigoted comment.

In fact, in general the rest of her group weren't frankly evil, though no one stepped in when she was delighting in torturing the staff, either. Her parents had obviously spoiled the little bitch rotten, & those around her-- including her husband-- knew better then to rock the boat, so to speak.

Seeing the cruiser she'd offended while boarding the boat staring at the scene she'd just made, Lynnette sniffed & turned, pointedly ignoring the man's condescending frown as she followed the hapless waitress, pointing impatiently at what she wanted to eat.

Having seen the latest display of selfish arrogance, Marlin Day shook his head & turned his attention back to the remainder of his meal. Considering all that he'd already eaten at breakfast and lunch, he knew he would have to spend a fair amount of the afternoon at the gym if he wanted to be able to have dinner. For a moment he smiled, imagining Cheri would have loved the wealth of everything on his vacation.

That quickly reality crashed in on him again. Cheri was the reason he was on the damn cruise, something they could have never afforded. But as amazing as the service and availability of nearly everything was, he bitterly considered he would have never traded his marriage for it. He got up, his appetite gone.

In contrast to the little bitch thoughtlessly pushing through the other cruisers in the buffet line, Marlin Day had already developed a quiet appreciation among the ship's staff. He was quiet and patient and polite. He tipped well, adding to the 15% already attached by the cruise line. Deng, a Vietnamese waiter stepped forward as the big black man got up from his table.

"Don't like the food?" he asked, more than ready to resolve any issue the passenger might have. Marlin looked at him in obvious surprise, then managed a troubled smile.

"No, it's all great," he assured the worried waiter, eyeing the man's nametag as he did so, "Thank you, Deng, but I guess I'm not as hungry as I thought I was." He had slipped a five dollar bill under his plate, and in an easy handshake transferred another to Deng's automatic response when the passenger held up his hand. "Thanks for looking out for me, though. At least I know there's no shortage of food on board." He wandered off, as Deng collected the tableware, sharing the additional tip with the second waiter working that area of the dining room. He wondered just what ghosts were haunting the quiet passenger.

Safely away from the crowded dining room Marlin climbed above the pool deck and settled uneasily into a lounge chair, tilting his long worn UAW baseball cap down to cover his eyes. Letting the breeze ruffle his T-shirt, he realized why the uppity bitch he'd just seen in the buffet line had so easily angered him ... She'd made him feel like a pretender the day they'd boarded the boat, & had almost openly sneered at him when passing him as he'd left the dining room after dinner the first night, wearing his gray Under Armor collared shirt & black Dockers. He'd taken to avoiding her whenever possible, even staying off of the veranda of his cabin after he'd found out she was in the state room above his. The last thing he wanted was to have her say or do something to drive home how out of place he was on the cruise, alone. She was a too vivid reminder of the person his wife actually turned out to be, rather than what he'd thought.

It'd barely been 8 months since his life had been turned upside down. He'd come home to find Cheri lugging suitcases into the garage, loading the already burdened Acura SUV she had leased.

"I'm leaving you," she'd said without any sign she cared if he was hurt by her decision. He'd stood watching her, barely able to comprehend what she'd said ... He hadn't known they had any problem. Thinking back, he remembered sagging into the nearest kitchen chair, wracking his brain for what had happened to bring it about. He could come up with ... nothing.

True, he was no high profile lawyer or doctor, but he had always provided for them. If Cheri wanted something, she got it, including the imported high end SUV. His rise from the hourly wage line employee to a salaried manager with Chevy had been earned through hard work, but even so, it had hurt his chances to rise farther faster when word had gotten out that his wife was driving a non-American product ... then the new Z3 by BMW. The pointed comments & veiled threats hadn't bothered Marlin; the smile he'd seen the day she'd come home in the little silver convertible had enough he would've gone back to the line if that's what it would've taken. The point was, he did not live to work ... he job was merely the means to see more of Cheri's smile.

"What did I do?" he'd asked when she came back in the last time, obviously checking for any last item she'd left behind. He hadn't yet checked the house to see just how inequitably she'd 'divided their assets.' Though he'd come to believe she'd actually paused just praying he would ask that, she had provided an Oscar worthy performance. She had paused for a moment in practiced consideration, lifting her head, rolling her eyes, before staring down at him imperiously.

"It's not what you did," she'd sniffed, "It's what you don't do." Marlin could remember thinking she was implying he had been ... lacking in his abilities in the bedroom. "You don't DO anything," Cheri had sneered, "We don't go away except to the lake with your friends." He had always thought it was their friends. "We don't have adventures. We aren't what you promised me." He still couldn't understand her point. "I won't stay locked away like this ... I've got a chance to live, & I'm taking it."

"Cheri," he'd stood up, reaching out for her, "I can give you what you want ... All you have to do is ask ... Tell me what to do." She'd laughed at that. & then she'd been gone. If she'd told him he wasn't 'doing the job' in bed, maybe he would've just tucked his tail & run. Or if she'd told him there was someone else he had tried to convince himself he would've written her off as spoiled goods. Instead, he'd sat in the kitchen, in the over decorated house that no longer felt like his own, emptying beer after beer. Stripped of his usual inhibitions-- he didn't usually drink more than a single beer-- Marlin had listened to what Cheri had told him replaying in her head. & he'd found himself becoming angry that she'd lied.

Like most line employees turned management, Marlin's successes were borne out of self-control & organization. As the former fled on the tide of a twelve pack bender, the latter had proven to be Marlin's salvation, or so his friends put it.

Marlin had stumbled into the den, digging out the lease paperwork, including the codes for the overpriced European knock off of On Star that was incorporated into her SUV. He called, rambling that he was unable to find his wife, unnecessary subterfuge given his appropriate codes, & scrawled an address on the blotter before passing out.

The next morning, he'd ignored the headache driving to what he'd assumed would be a hotel or a girlfriend's house. Instead, he'd found a bit of the truth. She had traded up to the assistant VP, a notorious womanizer whose wife had finally gotten fed up & had left him in the year before.

Cheri had taken most of the things of value in their house, but she'd left the digital camera she'd just had to have for Christmas the year before. Marlin didn't remember picking it up. He didn't remember sneaking around the house, since he was already more than certain of what was going on. Somehow, though, the jarring image of the wife he loved giggling & prancing naked about the fancy granite island in the designer kitchen, pursued by her equally bare lover, his boss' boss. Without thinking he'd studiously captured it in HD on the SDHC card as the older, overweight executive 'caught' his lithe, laughing wife, spun her bare ass to the cold smooth surface of the matching kitchen table, & proceeded to fuck her for 2 or 3 minutes as she loudly urged him on, emphatically announcing before she began to shake theatrically that she was cumming. He used the video setting, capturing her calmly standing up to pour herself a bowel of cereal that she ate, still naked in the kitchen, after her lover had retreated into the house, presumably to prepare for a day at work. Though the camera was Cher's & he'd never been particularly interested in photography, the images turned out well, with none of the blur his tears had imparted to his initial viewing.

He hadn't meant to use the pictures, the vestiges of his love enough that he would have let Cheri ruin him & pursue her happiness. But the total dedication he'd shown his wife was mirrored in his treatment of the people under him. There was shock & support & barely suppressed outrage at what Cheri had done to him. Even before his assistant, a man who had been injured working the line but who wanted to work rather than accept a disability pension, had learned of the photos on the disc, left in the drawer of his desk, he had spoken to the lawyers at the Union, & suddenly Marlin had been represented by the high powered lawyers he thought Cheri wanted him to have been.

Arguing various EEOC & ethics violations & Alienation of Affection, the court case had actually been a formality, after the in-house company agreement had been pounded out in smoky backrooms. Marlin found himself with his boss' old job, the man who had been cuckolding him having been forced into retirement, making room for his boss to move up. His legal costs ... his living expenses from throughout his marriage & for the next 7 years ... as well as recompense for the monies lost in the division of the estate had all been provided by GM separate from the monies paid to the Union lawyers who had crafted the deal.

Unwilling to risk adverse publicity on the heels of coming hat in hand to Uncle Sam, the executives had demanded only two things: the standard non-disclosure, of course, & that Marlin take a leave of absence-- without any reduction in salary or benefits-- for a year. Ignoring the advice of his counsel & friends, he had been ready to refuse at the thought of being away from the only thing he could still call familiar.

Ben, his aide, had finally gotten through to him, pointing out that Marlin's saying 'no' in order to keep his job would only lead to the executives finding a way to quietly get rid of him; he'd unwittingly lose what he was fighting to maintain. So he had agreed. As a final 'incentive' the administration had tapped a little known agreement with Princess Cruise Lines. He had been provided the already scheduled 2 week New Zealand cruise cabin his ex-wife & her lover had been preparing to take on the company dole.

Because of how much he'd loved Cheri, & how much of himself he'd devoted to their marriage, it hadn't seemed like karma or kismet or divine justice to him, as friends had insisted. The counselor his lawyer had insisted he see-- also on the company's dime-- had assured him he was 'entirely normal' & his responses & feelings were to be expected. She told him he'd been hurt by his wife's callous rejection-- she'd used the word 'damaged, ' he remembered. She had said if he could just 'turn off' his love it wouldn't have been real love, & he wouldn't have been so devastated.

She'd surprised him, agreeing that getting away would be good for him, warning him not to dwell on how frequently she would creep into his thoughts, & insisting he try to seek out some 'company' just as a casual encounter, upon which he could start to 'rebuild.' As he'd left her small office the last meeting before he left for the cruise, she'd warned him his anger was real & valid, & that he shouldn't be surprised when it surfaced. He'd nodded as if he'd understood, but wondered if she was a quack after all ... he only felt numb.

Marlin threw on his exercise gear-- the short & T shirt he'd worn the day before-- and headed to the sparse but adequate gym. He had protected at least an hour three times a week to stay in shape through most of the marriage, beginning the day after Cheri had complained he was 'starting to get fat.' Of course, she'd proceeded to complain that he was spending too much time 'preening' or 'being selfish, ' but in that one small area of personal freedom Marlin had persisted, until the motivation for his beginning to exercise had long been forgotten.

He had pushed himself harder in the days after Cheri left, whether to punish himself or prove she had been stupid to choose another man over him he never considered. When the head shrinker had asked if he was taking care of himself he'd conceded he was doing more than before, refusing to bite at her proferred, 'is it too much?' rejoinder. He hadn't held back when she'd asked if he felt inadequate, reminding her pointedly that he'd seen what Cheri had left him for, & assuring the unflappable woman he had nothing to feel inferior about. Afterwards, he felt it'd been a small blessing that he hadn't offered to prove it; at times all women seemed pushy & calculating.

Marlin lost himself for 30 minutes doing the ship's version of the stairmaster. At 6'2" & 210 pounds, he had learned in the first trip to the gymnasium that the treadmill belts sometimes slipped as he tried to run, & the track was so short he felt dizzy trying to get his miles in. He would've kept at it for another 15 or 20 minutes, but acceded to the myriad signs asking that he not use the cardio machines longer than a half hour. Instead, he ran through the machines and worked the dumb bells for another 20 minutes before making another attempt on the treadmills. The unit he chose did not threaten to pitch him headfirst through the window. He pounded through almost 4 miles before his half hour had elapsed, & then spent a few minutes in the sauna before collecting a diet soda on his trip back to the room.

Showered & shaved, he donned a collared, short sleeved shirt & one of the 4 pair of Dockers that he'd brought, glad for the 'smart casual' designation & for the 'dine anytime' option. While it meant enjoying any of 3 or 4 restaurants, he had returned faithfully to the first he had attended. The food was the same in each, & keeping to a schedule meant the same wait staff cared for him in the majority. He frowned when he left his stateroom; the door hadn't latched. He pushed it open, letting it close again, without the latch engaging. He tugged the door closed, making a mental note to tell Ricardo, the attendant about the problem. It didn't really concern him-- there was little of value in the room not already locked in the safe.

As the nights before, a bottle of wine had been set aside-- he assumed pre-ordered by the asshole who'd been banging his wife-- and Marlin enjoyed 2 glasses during his dinner, alone, seated with a view out of one of the big windows showing the expanse of ocean. He asked after the waiters, smiled at Boom, the little Thai bartender who doted on him, & having learned they could accept such gifts, insisted that they enjoy the rest of the bottle when they were done with their shifts. When Antonio, the head waiter, asked if he had not liked his meal, eyeing the plentiful remains when Marlin indicated he was done, the reluctant vacationer explained there was simply too much food, & that he didn't want to go home too big to fit into his clothes.

The way Boom giggled at his lame joke, & considering the attention she had paid to him during his meals, Marlin wondered fleetingly if she might fit the role of a 'causal encounter' that had been encouraged. He surprised himself at even thinking it, leaving abruptly to escape the sudden discomfort. Behind him, the wait staff huddled, aware that the big, friendly American was troubled by something. Given that most problems boil down to sex or money, & considering that he was casually giving away ½ bottles of pricey wine each night, having dined alone, they agreed it had to be the former. None of them were about to ask, though.

While Marlin Day spent a quiet hour in the library awaiting the evening's show, Lynette & her bridesmaids were partying in the top deck bar. The drinking had started during dinner, with 'bottomless' Limoncello shooters, white & red wines, & champagne with dessert. Lynette was not a belligerent drunk, but neither was she soothed, & after her party finally left, 2 teams of wait staff, who'd been working together to minimize the disruption for other diners & to defray the blonde's expected ire, sighed in collective relief, sharing imagined ways of getting back at the impossible to please bitch.

Andrew, Lynette's husband, had suggested they return to their stateroom before the show, hoping to enjoy some 'private time' with his new bride. Lynette had dismissed the idea, insisting she wanted to have 'fun on her honeymoon, ' & dragging the other women up to dance. Andrew was, unfortunately, already used to such frustration. Rather than endure his gorgeous bride's taunts about his lack of dancing skill, he & the other groomsmen headed for the casino. One of the few benefits of being Mr. Lynette Olsen was the nearly bottomless budget he could tap, & the men were soon enjoying a game of Texas Hold'Em.

None of the wedding party made it to the show. A benefit of cruising is the variety of almost constant entertainment. While the men moved to blackjack, craps, & back to Texas Hold'Em, most winning more than they were losing, the women continued to down the day's cocktail & whatever other drinks the single men in the club hoping to get lucky were buying. & Lynette insisted the bar staff continue to honor the 'bottomless' Limoncello shooter deal she'd had Andrew buy her at dinner. By 11PM, she was barely conscious. Complaining she needed to go to her room to change into more comfortable clothes, she staggered away from the others, who laughingly bet whether or not she'd be back, or would even make it to breakfast the next morning. But they were having too much fun to consider going along with her. & none could imagine the pretentious, demanding blonde would get into any trouble.

Marlin had enjoyed the show-- a medley of show tunes & dance numbers managed despite the moderate pitch & roll of the stage caused by the rough open sea. He segued into the lounge on deck 7 where a jazz combo had played. Hidden in the shadows, he had enjoyed the music & 2 Foster's lagers. When the combo took a break at 1100, he decided to call it a night. Tired, pleasantly buzzed on beer & good music, he slid the card into the lock, pushed into the room without turning the light on, stripped between the bed & the sliding glass door, & paused. There was a nearly full moon reflecting on the water. He dug the digital camera-- the same high-end unit he'd used when he'd discovered Cheri's infidelity, & snapped a couple photos before setting the camera down & flopping onto the bed naked. He drifted to sleep, remembering the subtle curve of leg & bottom he'd noticed as Boom moved about doing her work, & the shy smile she offered whenever she approached his table...

Lynette staggered down the stairs-- the elevators didn't reach the top deck bar. The hall pitched violently, only in part due to wave action, & the young bride held the stair rail in a death grip as she made her way to deck 14, immediately below. She stumbled past the elevator on the floor, giggling drunkenly as she weaved her way along the deck to the mid-ship access. She pushed the elevator button, then pouted, finding the indicators on every car were counting down.

While she was loath to use the stairs, she'd been more adamant-- even hopelessly inebriated-- not to use a public restroom, & at that moment it was a struggle not to wet herself. She turned, stumbling down the stairs. The world tilted & spun as she made a turn on the landing. She nodded her head in self-satisfaction at the next floor.

"Thirteen," she slurred, & turned, managing to make the next flight. "Twelve," she crowed triumphantly, then giggled, "Aloha!" the name preceding the number of rooms on her floor. She paused, orienting herself before weaving past the elevators & down the starboard side. "Starboard, right!" she giggled, stopping at the second door down the hall; the outside cabin, of course. She fumbled her card out & slid it into the slot, leaning against the door as the urge to pee threatened to become overwhelming. She pressed on the handle & the door at once, nearly falling into the room, then giggling when she didn't.

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Bride Janet Lynn Stickney [email protected] When dealing with people remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudice, and motivated by pride and vanity. - Dale Carnegie My dad unexpectedly walked in on me, and believe me, it was a very bad time for him to walk into my room, a very, very bad time. I was standing there, ready to try on the gown; I was wearing my white satin and lace bustier, white...

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Bride8217s maid

I knew that the girl was looking at me since morning when I first saw her. I am here at my best friend’s wedding which is going to be happening the next day. The place was surrounded by a crowd all the time. She seemed to be the friend of the bride and was struck up with the bride like glue. I was eager to find a chance to speak with this beautiful girl. The time was almost midnight and everyone was returning back to their homes. The bride and bridegroom returned to their respective rooms when...

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Footprints In The Sea

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 25 and 26 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read the previous chapters, please do so. Charlotte returns to New Zealand and then travels on to London to have her...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 58 Silent Sea

We followed Heather down the pathway to the rocky intertidal expanse and picked our way toward the rowboat that sat patiently in the shallows. Between us, we silently pushed the craft into deeper waters, until it floated freely with enough clearance for the extra weight it would now carry. Heather held it steady as first Lara and then I got in. She joined us with a nimble leap. I studied the rowboat as I sat in the stern with Lara. Though clearly aged, it was sturdy and well-maintained. A...

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A Walk by the Sea

Never seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be, For the gentle wind doth move Silently, invisibly. Love’s Secret William Blake He had felt this heart’s storm coming for so long he failed to pay heed to the meaning of his words. In the end, he knew, he had failed to understand the terms of their contract, the bargain they had struck, all rendered meaningless by time. For years now, her hand in his had been a bittersweet thing — nothing now was as it had been. The sound of her...

5 years ago
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Along the length of the moonlit rocky cliff, other tentacles also rose, twitching, seeking. The creature knew the competition would be fierce, and odds of individual success were slim. But onward it climbed, finding a gaping crack in the cliff and contorting its body to squeeze itself inside. Other creatures would find similar openings, but this one held a sense of promise. Surely this must be the one. Lashing out with a tentacle at a competitor that sought to encroach upon its tiny cave,...

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The Kitten The Pup and the Aegean Sea

Lorenzo moaned as he struggled to open his eyelids. His tongue passed over something acrid and sticky as he licked his cracked lips. He heard a slight, hesitant whimper. He felt a warm snuffling against an ear. Suddenly an ache in the core of his body spread out and over each stiff limb. His jade green eyes slowly squinted open. Each pupil gleamed as the austere summer light of a sparsely clouded sky reflected from the striated Aegean sea's surface and into his eyes.There was a scrabbling sound...

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Furry pirates on Monster Islands Sea

The Monster Island Sea was largely ignored by the great naval powers of the world. It was too far away and too dangerous. The Canine Empire was far to the west, the Feline Theocracy began leagues to the east and the Equine Collective positioned far to the north. The sea had temptation though. Each of the three powers denied engaging in any trade with one another but if for whatever reason they did want to send a merchant vessel or two, perhaps carrying silk, spice or salt, then the Monster...

4 years ago
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Footprints In The Sea

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 1 & 2 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints In The Sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific and more than one thousand miles from the nearest habited land and located between New Zealand and South America, Charlie Broughton explores what he...

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Spoiled My Super Cute Friend8217s Relationship By Fucking Her

Thanks for the wonderful feedback for . Now I am back with a new one where I kind of spoiled my friend’s relationship. Yes, the heroine of this story is my friend from college. Her name is Nidhi. Lookswise, she is super cute. Her assets are small but this Indian college girl very sexy and has a perfect figure. It all started when I moved to Bangalore recently which was my new job location. I texted Nidhi to see if we could catch up. She agreed and we both went out to see a movie. After the...

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My Heart Belongs to the Sea

The summer sun glimmered on the emerald sea as the waves broke against the shore, swallowing up the tiny footprints in the sand. Isabelle was a tall red-haired girl now in her 23rd year. She strode along the beach with her dress fluttering in the warm breeze, vexed by matters of the heart – and feared that her longing would be unrequited. Richard had grown up in the beach house next to hers. In their childhood they became friends. As the years progressed and the two grew into maturity, so had...

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Clear Turquoise Sea

Emma stepped out of the plane into the hot Greek sun. She stopped to let the heat touch her skin, breathing in the air. Following her was her husband Sean. Together they ran a successful finance company and all in her life had been good until Emma became pregnant. The sex stopped almost immediately and Sean, frustrated, started an affair with the company accountant and Emma's best friend, Jane.This was kept secret until Jane, in error, sent a text to Emma's phone. It read, “Hi sexy, canʼt wait...

Wife Lovers
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Passion at Sea

Passion at Sea This was my second cruise alone and I was looking forward to the relaxation, sun and new ports. I didn’t realize at the time that “new ports” would take on a whole new meaning by the end of the cruise. The first day was spent on the cruise line’s private island and I used the day to walk along the water’s edge, exploring, doing a little swimming and snorkeling. I never tire of being around the Caribbean . The water is breathtakingly beautiful. The color of the water runs the...

4 years ago
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Capturing His Spoiled Wife and MotherinLaw

Chapter 1 Chapter 1. Planning the Capture Brad looked at his wife getting dressed.? His thoughts and feelings were mixed.? While he felt hatred and contempt, he was still sexually turned on.? He hated Sheila because of five years of living with her insults and arrogance.? She was the stereotype of a spoiled bitch. Sheila expected to be well taken care of. She wanted maids, lots of expensive clothes, jewelry and fancy vacations.? She had gotten all of these luxuries growing up and expected...

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Unforgettable adventure on the sea

Anna was a young virgin special 20-year-old, who went on a trip on the boat. She always liked the sea elements. She inhaled all his bosomy smell of the sea and enjoy the breeze in a hurry, putting his wind is not very tanned body. In this journey of her father sent, knowing about her troubles on the personal front, he decided that it is the journey into a far country and motion sickness can be very useful will fall to heal emotional wounds. Keep an eye on a young lady's father asked his friend,...

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Amy 2 Amy by the Sea

Amy 2: Amy by the Sea by Amy K The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Dr. Strangeshop or, How I Learned to Hate the Mall Full-on summer came around. Temps rose, mosquitoes snacked on precious bodily fluids, faces went shiny from the humidity. Emily was no longer a senior at Delacroix High, and I...

2 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 5 The Great South Sea

Two days later, and after a tearful good bye, HMS Medusa put to sea. After four days of clawing up against westerly winds, they reached Plymouth where they were joined by two prison transports. A third transport was not yet ready, waiting for another consignment of convicts from a distant prison. The two other captains insisted on sailing, saying that the prisoners were on board already and had to be fed. Tony pointed out to them that his orders were to escort three transports, but they...

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Bride Bachelor Party With Sissy And Macho

Hi ISS Reader, you can contact me at , this is the extension of my previous story [My cuckold experience at Bangalore], please read this story to understand how Ramya transformed herself from traditional to kinky. Ramya and I became very close to each that, she considered me as her second husband. Now a day’s Ramya would never go out with Praveen alone, she would always request me to join them. We would always make fun of Praveen as sissy and his behavior also started to change completely like...

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Bride Wore White

"You're so grown up, I can hardly believe it," Mom said, almost crying ... again. "I know." I smiled at her reflection in the mirror, sitting at the small vanity. "I'm so nervous." "Hold still, Kylie!" My best friend Janisha wanted to fix my make-up. It was my big day, my wedding day, and I wasn't really all that nervous. My mom wanted to hear that kind of stuff though, so I gave it to her. It wasn't everyday her daughter got married, after all, and she only had two of us. My...

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Under the Sea

By Volterra At last my long awaited holiday was almost here with just one more day at the office and then a well-deserved couple of weeks of complete relaxation in the Greek Islands, a favourite destination of mine. This year will be strange holidaying alone, something I’ve not done too often, but I was still looking forward to the peace and quite of the island of Patmos. The next day in the office I skipped lunch so as to complete all my work early and make a quick exit home to pack...

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Ladies at Sea

Throughout the recorded history of man there has been an ongoing fascination with the nude female form, in its erotic response to abuse, and a primal desire to see naked females undergo severe debasing torture. There are hundreds of examples of cultures that openly practiced the sexual debauchment of women on a regular basis. Drawings on the walls of caves clearly indicated that the breasts and pubic mounds of captured women were a delicacy, eaten directly from the living victim. In Ancient...

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Romance at Sea

NOTE: This is a story about developing attraction and companionship rather than pussy being pounded on every page. Be warned. EG. CHAPTER 1 Fog drifted over the city as former celebrated international pianist Gwendolyn Chappell was into her thirteenth session of being interviewed by her biographer, Stephen Miles. ‘What do you recall as your naughtiest moment of your life Gwen?’ Dressed as if going to a ball, although it was only just after 8:30 am, Gwen said she would have to think about...

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The Old Man and the Sea

THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA By C Once a small village along the great Southern Sea was afflicted by an especiallycruel, lustful tribe of mermaids. They were beautiful, with luxuriant blondhair, full round breasts, and slender waists. Their skin was pale, nearly thecolor of snow. The human (somewhat human) half ended in a gently swelling,hairless mons , broached by a little cleft that madea rosy contrast to the white skin surrounding it. Farther down, they had thetails of dolphins, with powerful...

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Conquest at Sea

She had lived in New England all her life, when her father’s business failed and the family decided to move to California, her heart had cried out at the idea of leaving the culture and society that she had always known. The day that they went down to the harbor and boarded the old ship they had almost had to force her on board. Surprisingly after a day or two at sea, she found that she loved the quiet and the gentle rolling of the waves against the hull. It was a time of calm and rumination...

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The Man From The Sea

The name is Maldos, and I am a Satyr. In case you don’t know what a Satyr is, I will be glad to enlighten you. Satyrs are Immortal beings who walk the world of man. We look like men, but with somewhat hairier bodies, and we also have goat-like horns. Oh, and I almost forgot about the cloven feet. And the unforgettable goat-like tail. It turns on the women, I swear. Isn’t that a pretty picture? Ancient Greece is the magical realm I call home and Trickery is the nature of my game. I am somewhat...

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The Sea

Across the long grass to the sea. Down the steep path, me in flip-flops ('thongs' actually cos we are in Australia). Across the shingle with its pieces of wood, bleached white and those little bits of indestructible blue cord that you find on every beach in the world.Behind an outcrop of sandy-coloured rock, our secret cove. No-one but us would take the trouble to clamber this far over the unfriendly rocks but the cove has lovely big flat stones worn smooth by the wind and weather.We undress...

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Stranded at Sea

My name's Andy. I'm 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. I'm pretty tall and while I have an average amount of muscle, my body looks quite toned. I was 23 at the time and was still in college but had been out on a yearlong work experience internship. I had been single for two years now, having the odd fling here and there but nothing much to brag about. I was looking forward to seeing everyone again. Work had been pretty intense for the last two or three months...

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Sage and Sea

The heady scent of golden wheat, burning wood and fallen leaves, mingles with the far off scent of the sea. The fragrances of autumn drift gently through the air, my nostrils flare ever so slightly as I breathe deeply into my lungs. The moon is as round and orange as a ripe pumpkin. A giant orb hanging low and bright in the sky, its glow matches the glow in my eyes as I approach the gathering of people. My boots made of whisper soft doeskin, laced up to my calf, pad lightly over the loamy...

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Coral Sea

She wondered if this would be her last summer on the island. She knew her time was short and relished every moment. The warm sun eased the constant pain from her arthritis and the salt spray soothed her dry, wrinkled skin. So many summers ago and so many memories washing over these beaches like the constant lapping of the surf. *** They had honeymooned here. Thirty lust filled days hastily sandwiched between his basic training and the hellfire in the Pacific. They were so young. Her body was...

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Stranded at Sea

Introduction: It was the end of my long internship at an advertising agency, and I was looking forward to the kicking off the summer the right way. I would have never believed what was in store for me My friend Roger was very well off on the financial side and was having a massive party at his dads private beach house down the countryside. Knowing Roger it would be over the top and very fancy looking. My names Andy. Im 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. Im pretty...

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Aphrodite of the Sea

Ah, the salty sea breeze, the gentle rocking of the boat, and the sound of nothing but waves and sea life, there is no better feeling than the feeling you get when you're deep sea fishing. You've been at this for years, actually having gotten pretty good at it, but still never landing anything worth mounting on the wall at home. Last year, you almost caught this huge swordfish, but a shark landed it before you and took half of your fishing line with him. This year, you're determined to catch a...

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Golden Sun The Lost Age Lust at Sea

Felix's group had been days out on the sea to circle the Osenia continent once again. When Sheba decided to follow Felix on his journey, she'd had no idea they'd be traveling this much on sea. The seafaring was easy at least. They had probably the most powerful ship in the world, and Felix kept the ship safe with his Psyenergy. The sea monsters kept at bay, but it also made traveling less exciting. Since the ship was also controlled by Psyenergy, the party didn't have to resort to tricks, or...

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Thick fun at sea

Just at the end of July, I went to sea for work. The end of business meetings and lunches I went to the hotel room quite early around 7pm. The smell of the sea beckoned me to go outside and walk. I went to the page where you can find the dates and I wrote that I was at that location so if anyone is interested then let me know. I went into the shower and started to get off my feet and lightly touch my body, which already made me a little horny and excited that I had to find something tonight, I...

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Bounties of the Sea

Bounties of the SeaByWhipsaw        WARNING: The following story is fictitious and should not be taken  seriously. The tortures described are extremely dangerous and could cause serious injury or death.Prologue  I am not sure when I stopped believing and gave up on life, humanity?????and all of the other shit. Chapter One      As I looked around at my newly remodeled home, I was very pleased. The last of the workmen were boarding the boat that would take them away forever and I could start on...

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Rape at Sea

RAPE AT SEA I have been in the US Navy for 24 years and am considered a crusty old sailor.At 43 years old, I am twice the age of a lot of the men as the military ismade up of mostly 18 to 24 year olds. I am a Master Chief Petty Officer whichis the highest rank an enlisted person can achieve. When the Navy announcedthey were going to allow women on combat ships, I was mad as hell. Being ?oldschool? I felt a war ship was no place for females. Having just returned froma 6 month deployment which...

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The Princess Beyond the Sea

Once upon a time, a baby girl was born in Aitarsha. Her name was Lukia, and she was the daughter of the king. They lived in a palace, by the sea, built of stone. As Lukia grew up, the king decided that she should get married, and started looking for boys her age that she could find attractive and interesting, but she was always unhappy. Oh, some of those boys were sweet, but she couldn't think of them as peers: she was Lukia, daughter of Leises, and they were just villagers, sons of peasants...

1 year ago
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The lad from the sea

Maybe it was because I was a complete stranger that he felt able to tell me his secret. At least I thought so at the time. I figured out later that he had started talking to me because I had a broad, hairy chest, a beard and was older than him. It was all part of his secret. He told me he was eighteen. Actually he said he was eighteen and four months so I didn’t argue. Then he said he had a secret and was bursting to tell someone. I told him that he was welcome to tell me his secret and that my...

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Adventure at the Sea

This incident happened about nine months ago when I was still married to my chubby hubby.  I received a text message from Jeffrey, who was Raymond buddy. He invited me to his yacht. He said Raymond and Robert would be there. Robert was another buddy of Raymond whom Raymond occasionally shared me with. I was to meet them in the boat club in Sentosa at 11am and we would sail out to the sea and were scheduled to come back in the evening. I told my son and hubby I was going to out to meet my client...

Group Sex
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Home By The Sea

Two figures, dark cloaked and masked, diligently scanned their surroundings as they guided a boat toward the sandy strip of beach ahead. The tang of the sea hung heavily around them in the humid air, leaving the approaching boat shrouded in mists. The sea was calm and glassy in the faint light of the crescent moon, only the surge of the waves against the shore and the faint sloshes of water against the bow of the boat breaking the silence. The keel of the boat barely scrunched into the sand...

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