Demon Queened - Chapter 5 free porn video

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Demon Queened Chapter 5 Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. The rain kept up for another half hour. The townsfolk spent the entirety of that time trying to dissuade me from my course of action, shouting such things as "A young lady like you shouldn't be putting herself on the line!" and "Let the real adventurer's handle it!" Among them, however, was a surprising ally. "If she says she can do it, she can do it," Lissera told the crowd. She hardly looked convinced herself, continuously throwing glances my way, but she nevertheless managed to deliver the line in a firm voice before turning to me. "But are you sure you don't want to wait until morning? They're more active at night..." "I'm sure. I'm intending to camp out tonight, in any case, so taking care of them before bed would be ideal." That was another lie, of course. I intended to sleep in a comfortable bed, back in the tower. I couldn't tell the townsfolk that, though, and it was unlikely they'd let me simply slip out of town if they thought I was planning to camp among monsters. "I told you that you could bed at my place tonight, though," Liserra pointed out. She had a pout on her lips, but I didn't think she was actually that upset about my refusal. Rather, she seemed worried over my plans. "I'll be fine," I told her, my voice gentle but firm. "Oh, just let her handle it," declared a blue-haired woman, slamming her leather jack on the table. If there'd been any alcohol left in the thing, it probably would have sloshed over the sides from the force she put into it. "We've spent half an hour trying to convince the fool woman. What do we care if she takes this on herself? It's not like there'll be a body left for us to worry about burying." "Mother Reliz," one of the villagers protested, "you surely can't be suggesting we condone this madness!" "I'm suggesting that we stay out of its way and mind our own damn business," Reliz declared. "And that someone gets me a damned refill..." Tasha hurried forward to take the woman's leather mug, bringing it to the cask for a refill. I, for my part, did my best not to stare at this so- called "Mother Reliz." She was the one who'd helped me shoot down Jackson earlier that evening, which had somewhat endeared me to her up to this point. Hearing her called "Mother," however, told me that she was likely a priestess, an affiliate of the church that vilified my people. Just knowing that caused a surge of anger and disgust to well up within me, though I quickly shoved it down. The woman didn't seem to be too terrible a person, so far; perhaps a little salty, but that was all. Nevertheless, I thought I'd be better off avoiding her. "The rain seems to have stopped," I declared, making a show of putting my hand to my ear. I'd actually been tracking the sound as it trailed off. "I'd best be going, now." "At least let me get you a lantern," Liserra suggested, frantically. "She can borrow a lantern, right, Tasha?" "I'll be fine without it," I told her before Tasha could respond. "It would just ruin my night vision anyway." "But you can't even see the moon with those clouds! You need a lantern," Lissera insisted. "Come on, Tasha, please? I'll pay it off if she doesn't come back with it." Tasha hesitated for a moment, looking conflicted. To her mind, giving in would probably mean saying goodbye to the lantern. Further, with the merchants avoiding the area, it was uncertain when she'd be able to replace it. Despite that, she slowly, somewhat reluctantly nodded. "I've got an old spare I suppose I can let you borrow. It's just a candle lantern, mind, but it should give you a little light." "It'll do fine," I promised, eager to get underway. The innkeeper gave me a resolute nod and headed toward the stairs at the back of the room. I stood silently while I waited, ignoring the quiet murmurs of the worried townsfolk around me and the worry evident on Lissera's face. Even though she supported me, she was still clearly concerned about whether I could really back my claims. "I do hope you know what you're doing," Monica muttered from her seat. "Lissera really doesn't have the money to be replacing a lantern..." "Monica!" Lissera cried out, blushing bright red. "It'll be fine. I know you'll bring it back in one piece." So she said, but I could hear the faint tremor of uncertainty in her voice. "It'll be fine," I insisted, giving her a confident smile. "I'm stronger than I look." "Are you?" Monica asked, voicing the doubt everyone at the table seemed to feel. "I've seen plenty of people whose strength outstrips their physique - I've heard some of the strongest humans barely show any muscle at all, in fact. But getting there takes hard work, and I got a good look at your hands earlier - I don't think you even have a single callus." "That's because I've always healed myself with magic," I fibbed, meeting her eyes and refusing to break contact. I knew the phenomenon she was referring to concerning muscles. It was common among demons. Our strength was primarily supernatural, and the stronger you got, the harder it became to give your body an actual workout. It was interesting to know humans worked the same way in this world. "Believe me or don't. All I can do is promise to return." Monica's brown eyes searched mine. I'm not sure what she found, but after a moment, she shrugged her shoulders and looked away. A moment later, I heard the sound of heavy footsteps walking down the stairs, and Tasha arrived with a lantern. It was already lit. "Thank you," I said, smiling as I reached out for the lantern. For a moment, Tasha's hand remained firmly on the lantern. "Be careful out there," she told me, voice pitched low. "Getting this taken care of soon might be what's best for the town, but the last thing we need is your corpse on our conscience." Then she took her hand off and looked away. "I really will be all right," I promised, trying to reassure everyone once again. Nobody responded, this time, so I shrugged my shoulders and turned toward the door. I had already opened it when I heard Monica whispering behind me. "You're going to be paying off that lantern for months, you know." "Shut up," was Lissera's whispered reply. "She's gorgeous, and I don't want her to die." My cheeks flushed bright red, and I hastily opened the door and stepped through. The air outside was all but frigid, especially compared to the inn's warmth, but, as when flying, I didn't mind it in the slightest. The night was pitch black beneath the clouded sky. That usually wouldn't bother me, with my unnaturally good eyes, but the lantern light really was interfering with my night vision. Everything seemed to fade away to nothing less than twenty feet away. On top of that, poor Lissera would apparently have to spend months paying it off if it broke. It was plainly evident to me that I couldn't bring it into the fight. I kept it with me while walking through town and then opened the lantern's cloudy glass door and blew out the light. I placed it next to the outer wall, which surrounded the fields, for safekeeping and started to walk down the path and toward the forest proper. Of course, I also released the spell that made my hair look brown. While I'd made a big deal about my strength to the villagers, I really had no reason to restrict myself to physical fighting. There were twenty opponents, after all, and I was under no obligation to fight fair. As far as finding the wolves went, I decided to simply stomp through the forest and make noise until they found me. The villagers had painted them as fairly aggressive, and I was hoping they would rush to defend their territory. If it didn't work, I always had the option of searching for them with magic, but I was hoping to avoid that. Just as I had felt Lissera's magic power, when she'd poured it over me, I was sure the wolves would know it if I used magic to scan for them. I wasn't sure how well they'd be able to gauge my strength or how they'd react to it. In the end, I didn't need to worry, anyway. I was less than a quarter- mile from town when I heard the low growl of a predator, and a moment later, a single wolf emerged from the underbrush to my right. It looked more or less like a traditional wolf to me, sleek in form but well- muscled. Its coat was gray, glossy, and obviously well cared for. The horn it was named for, which sat in the center of its forehead, was a sinister red, far too resemblant of blood for my tastes. The wolf walked casually around me, keeping its eye trained on my form. When it reached the center of the road, in front of me, it let loose another loud growl. More wolves emerged from the bushes in response to this call. The village had listed twenty, but the count seemed closer to thirty to my eyes. Like the leader, they were largely sleek and well-muscled. There was one on the smaller side, however, perhaps two thirds the size of the others. It seemed much thinner, and its fur was matted and dirty. I was curious about its circumstances, but once it took its place in the circle with the rest, I had to treat it as an enemy. Even emaciated as it was, it could still be a threat to me. The lead wolf was the first to move. It lowered its head and charged at me, intending to skewer me with its horn. Its attack was well telegraphed, though, and I simply stepped aside. It didn't stop, to my surprise, even after passing me, instead ramming its red horn directly into a tree. The sharp instrument pierced through the wood like a needle through cloth, showing off both the horn's sharpness and the brute strength of the lupine monster. More concerning than that was the way the bark around that horn was darkening and crumbling away. When the wolf pulled away from the tree, a large chunk of the trunk dislodged with it, crumbling to ash and falling to the ground as the creature shook its head. Then it turned back to me and let out a low pitched bark. The other wolves reacted as one to the sound, with each letting out a growl as they lowered their heads toward me. Then they started to close in, some wolves dropping back to make a second row as the circle narrowed bit by bit. I wasn't sure if they could actually penetrate my skin with their horns like this, but I got the feeling that even getting poked by it would result in an unpleasant experience. It was a good pack tactic. The wolves had me surrounded on all sides, meaning that I couldn't simply run through them. They weren't running forward, so there was no chance of them hitting one another. And if I devoted my attention to one of them, I'd leave myself full of openings for the rest. I had assumed that the horned wolves were only base animals, but it seemed they were intelligent enough to make plans. Not that it would save them. "I'll give you one chance," I told the wolves, on the off chance that they could understand Solla's common tongue. "If you bow your head to me and allow me to lead you somewhere less populated, I'll let you live." I considered letting loose a burst of magic energy with my words but chose not to. If the wolves scattered, I'd never be able to clear them all out. And if they decided to attack someone they saw as defenseless, that would tell me all I needed to know about them. The wolf I'd pegged as the leader made an odd sound. It was like a growl, but with pauses built into it. I wasn't sure, but I thought it might be laughing at me. All the while, the wolves continued to walk toward me, their horns growing closer and closer. A sigh slipped from my lips, as a familiar tickling sensation slid across my back, and my black wings spread wide behind me. A single flap took me up and into the air before wolves could even react. They stared up at me in surprise, then glanced to their leader, who let out a small bark in response. It looked like he was about to personally lead an attempt to drag me down from the air. I was grateful that they hadn't decided to flee, as it would save me some trouble, but not thankful enough to give them a second chance. Holding a hand out toward the leader, I allowed energy to build up in my hand. For its form, I imagined crackling electricity, which tingled against my palm. After I'd built up a considerable amount of energy, I shot it out toward the leader, striking him in the chest. Instantly, his fur stood on end, and he stiffened in place, unable to move as lightning ran through him. Of course, I didn't stop it there. Instead of coursing down the pack leader's feet and into the ground, the electricity jumped to the nearest wolf, burning its way through them even as I continued to pour electricity into the leader. From there, it went to the next wolf and the next, moving faster than they had a chance to react to it until every wolf there was frozen in place. When I cut off the stream of power, each of them slumped down to the forest floor. All in all, it took less than a minute to end the wolf pack. The ease of it made me feel a little guilty; they were never a real threat to me, to begin with. But they had been a real threat to the villagers, the merchants, and anyone else they'd come across. Their aggressive territorialism meant that relocating them by force wasn't an option, either. I'd done what I had to do. I knew that. It didn't change the fact that I'd just killed nearly thirty living creatures, though. Grimacing to myself, I landed on the ground and made my way to the lead wolf. As the first one I'd struck, it had been exposed to more of the current than the rest of the pack, and it was in pretty bad shape. I could smell charred meat and burnt fur. The horn on its head still gleamed red, though, same as ever, so I reached out and carefully snapped the thing at its base. I'd bring that back to the village, as proof. As for the formerly horned wolf itself - it wouldn't really do to leave so many cooked wolves lying around, would it? I decided to put them all in my bag. It was a little strange feeding them into it. The bag itself was no bigger than a fist, but the wolves still fit. It was like they were being shrunken down as they went in, their bodies narrowing to slide into the too-small hole and then disappearing into depths that shouldn't have existed. I wasn't entirely sure how it worked, though I assumed it was powered by some sort of holy magic. It had come from heaven, after all. Regardless, the process went smoothly, and I soon arrived at the final wolf. It was the one I'd singled out as emaciated at the start. Up close, it really was skin and bones. Weak and small, with matted and dirty fur. I couldn't help but think that the other wolves must have been mistreating it, though I couldn't say why. Perhaps because it was on the smaller side? Nature truly could be cruel. Unfortunately, I, too, needed to harden my heart. No matter how weak and pitiful it looked, it was still a monster. And like all monsters, it could breed with the base species it had diverged from, in this case wolves. And since every pup it brought into the world would be a monster, just like it, it wasn't something I could ignore or let go. I knew that. Which left me wondering why in the world I'd left it alive. I'd made a point of striking it with the electricity last, with a lower charge and for the smallest duration. I'd intended to knock it out while I decided what to do with it, but, apparently, I'd gone a little too easy on it, as its eyes were open and trained on my form. "...Your pack attacked me first, you know," I pointed out. "I know I was here to get rid of you all, but if you hadn't decided to attack me, then nothing would have happened." The wolf stared silently at me. When I stepped closer, it tried to stand, but its legs wouldn't support it, and it quickly fell back down. That didn't stop it from snarling, though, its lips pulling back to reveal sharp teeth. It was supposed to be intimidating, I think, but it really seemed more like a desperate last stand to me. I could see nothing but fear in its gaze. I hesitated for a moment, then stepped closer to it. It growled again but didn't even try to move away. I walked right up next to it, then knelt beside it and moved my hand slowly toward its side. The horned wolf moved faster than I thought it was capable of, snapping at my hand. I didn't pull away fast enough, and the teeth grabbed hold of my wrist. I could feel the teeth pressing against my flesh - but there was no pain, no blood. No wounds. It wasn't even strong enough to break my skin. "If you're quite done?" I inquired of it, lifting an eyebrow. It continued trying to dig its teeth into my wrist for a moment. There seemed to be desperation in its eyes. I didn't think it was going to stop. So I decided to test something I'd been wondering about and let some of my raw magic power spill out from my hand and across the creature's body. Its reaction was instant and dramatic. It let go of my hand and began to whimper, lowering itself to the ground and trying to make itself as small as possible. Perhaps because it was a monster, it seemed sensitive enough to my power level to know that it had no chance. "Good. Now that we have that settled..." I reached out toward it, again, ignoring the fearful whimper it let out when my hand touched its side. I could feel its rib cage beneath my fingers, each bone standing out sharply beneath the skin, and I again felt a twinge of pity for the state of this poor thing. "...I can't believe I'm doing this," I muttered, more to myself than the wolf. Slowly, heat began to gather in my hand, flowing into the creature. I'd never tried a spell like this before, and I wasn't entirely sure how it would work, but I decided to focus on the idea of cells multiplying and repairing themselves. I provided the energy since the creature was far too weak to support this sort of spell, and as my magic pumped through the body, a mental image of the beast appeared in my head. It didn't seem that my spell had dealt much damage to it - or rather her, as I now realized. It was merely that the wolf hadn't had much health, to begin with. She was weak from malnutrition to the point that I wasn't sure how long she had left. Her calcium deficiency seemed especially bad, and her bones were starting to show it. I focused first on undoing the damage my spell had caused, which didn't take long at all. I provided nutrition by reaching into my empty bag and literally pulling the nutrients out of one of her packmates. A little macabre, perhaps, but it seemed the least it could do after letting this poor thing fall into such a state to begin with. Once I had taken care of her immediate health problems, I focused on the wolf herself. The first thing I did was pull water from the air. The second thing I did was to absolutely soak the wolf, whose eyes widened in shock at the sudden dousing. I ignored that, however, using magic to pull the water out of the wolf's fur and then wetting her again, and again, until the dirt in her coat had loosened its grip on her. I then used another spell to gently tease the filth from her body, forming a giant clod of dirt, twigs, and even a few leaves, next to her. Finally, I ran my fingers through the fur, undoing any knots I found. The wolf was silent throughout all of this, not making a sound even during its repeated waterings. It looked confused to me, but it seemed to be slowly coming to the conclusion that I didn't intend to hurt it again. I didn't speak, either, content to simply work on its coat. In the end, I spent an hour just prettying her up. When I was done, I gave her a little pat on the head and rose to my feet. "You should be fine from here," I informed her, a little smile on my lips. "I know I must be crazy, letting you go like this, but I do hope you'll stop making issues for the townsfolk. It would be even better if you relocated, but I suppose that might be asking a bit much. I'll be quite cross, though, if I end up having to come back and deal with you." The wolf didn't respond but merely stared at me. After a moment, I shrugged my shoulders and turned back toward the town. It was only a quarter-mile back, and then I could collect my potatoes. I'd have to hurry back home after that; it was already quite late, and I was starting to feel tired. Very tired, in fact. Just walking was taking a surprising amount out of me. Which made me all the more annoyed when I had to stop and turn around. "Why are you following me?" I asked, placing hands on my hips glaring at the wolf. "If you're expecting me to feed you, or some such, I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree. I've got nothing on me but salt and shellfish, and I'm sure you know more about hunting than I ever will. You're in good enough shape to hunt, now, aren't you?" The wolf didn't respond but simply stood in the center of the road. Her tail was wagging happily as if she were simply a pup excited to be getting attention. The blood-red horn on her head, however, reminded me that I was dealing with a wild monster. My impromptu healing session might have earned me some goodwill, but there was no telling if or when it would turn on me. "I know you can't understand me, but I certainly hope you know better than to waltz into town," I sighed, turning away and starting again down the road. The wolf followed me for quite a while but stopped when we hit the edge of the forest. I half expected it to whimper when I kept walking, but it remained as silent as ever, just watching me go. I tried not to worry about the fact that it was now sitting in the center of the road. It would likely scatter once I was out of sight, in any case. I picked up the lantern by the wall on my way back, lighting it with a spark of magic. I also reached into my purse, preemptively pulling out the pack leader's horn so that I wouldn't have to explain where I'd been storing it. As a final touch, I used a spell to turn my hair brown. I was getting very fatigued by that point, and my feet felt heavy as lead. Still, I forced myself to continue walking down the path. I knew at this point that I wouldn't be reaching the tower that night, but I still needed to return the lantern and maybe ask them to deduct a night at the inn from my reward. When I reached the gate, I was surprised to see a figure waiting for me. My usually crystal clear vision had turned into something of a blurry mess in my exhaustion, but I recognized the purple hair. "You came back," Lissera said, her voice confirming my suspicions. "Did you find the... Wait - in your hand - you really got them!?" "Yes," I told her, forcing the word out. It was suddenly difficult to breathe. I wasn't sure what was wrong with me. "I... Inn.... Bed... Need..." I was gasping for breath, and my vision was starting to blur. It was all I could do to walk forward. "Woah! You don't look so good," Lissera observed, moving forward and wrapping an arm around my waist. Without much choice, I leaned my shoulder against her. "Need... Sleep..." "Come on. My house is at the edge of town - much closer than the inn. Let's get you tucked in." Alarm bells were ringing in my head at the suggestion. I knew it was a bad idea, though I couldn't say why. But we were already walking forward before I had the chance to protest, and forcing words out was so difficult. I wasn't even sure why it was a bad idea. A closer bed sounded like a beautiful thing to me. And then the door to her house was opening, and a moment later, I was stumbling into her room. Her bed was stuffed with straw. It wasn't very soft, and it poked a little when I collapsed against it. The pillow wasn't much better. Despite that, I soon found myself closing my eyes. There was something wrong with this, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was getting so hard to breathe. My vision was going dark. But I couldn't fall asleep yet. I had to think. I had to figure out what was wrong. But before I could, the darkness took me. *** When I awoke, I couldn't remember where I was. The bed beneath me was scratchier than anything I'd felt in either of my lifetimes, and the pillow was just as bad. The blanket over me was woolen, which made it warm but very scratchy. When I peered around me, I could see that I was in a small room with shuttered windows. I could see a little light through them, which told me it was morning but did nothing to tell me where I had ended up. The last thing I remembered was trudging back toward the village. I'd been intent on getting a room at the inn. Had I succeeded? Suddenly the doorknob rattled. I reached quickly for my magic, intent on turning my hand brown, but then froze. My hair was already a dark brown, the usual white nowhere to be found. What exactly had happened to me? The door opened, and I was surprised to see Lissera on the other side. Then I remembered. She'd met me at the town's gate and led me inside. She'd taken me to her house, where I must have collapsed. Why had I collapsed? Had I really been that tired after only a single day's work? It was true that I'd never put much of an effort in, in this life, but that still seemed a little much. "You're awake!" Lissera exclaimed, grinning in sharp contrast to my frowning face. "I was really worried for a little there... Our doctor called it the worst case of magic depletion she'd ever seen." "Magic depletion?" I asked, shocked. I'd never run out of magic in my life up to that point. But then, I'd never spent an entire day flinging nonstop spells. Between flying for more than three hundred miles, while maintaining spells pretty much the entire way, and then everything I'd done on the beach, plus my flight back, my illusion in town, and everything that had followed - perhaps it wasn't surprising that I'd run out, after all. Actually, I was fairly impressed with myself for hanging in so long. Still, Abigail hadn't outright collapsed when she ran out of magic. Was it because I'd tried to hold on too long? Or was it because of the difference in our species? I wasn't wholly mortal, so perhaps my body was more dependent on magical energies? Though the fact that a human could recognize it implied that it could happen to others, too. "That's right," Lissera confirmed, oblivious to my deeper wonderings. "You were out for three days, too. I've never even heard of someone taking that long to recover their energy." "Three days!?" I screamed, grabbing the blanket and pulling it off myself. I tried to stand, only to be hit by a rush of dizziness. My legs didn't feel weak, precisely, but it was apparent they hadn't been used for some time. And I was starving. How had I not realized that before? My stomach was crying out for food. "Careful," Lissera told me, coming forward to prop me up. I leaned against her shoulder, thankful for the help. "I don't know how demon bodies work, but if you're anything like a human, you'll need to eat before we get you moving around." "A..." I stared at her, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. "You...?" I couldn't get out the words. "I saw the white hair, Eena," Lissera informed me, with a small frown. "White hair. There's only one being that looks human, except for her white hair. So far as I know, anyway. Your majesty." "I-I'm not..." I started to lie, then trailed off as Lissera arched an eyebrow. "..Why did you help me, then? If you know?" "You saved my town," Lissera reminded me, a small smile flitting across her face. "For potatoes. I don't care who or what you are - I can't think of you as evil after that." "And... My hair?" I asked, glancing down at my dark brown tresses. "Walnut dye. My whole family works with clothing, so I know a bit about dyes. I didn't know what to do when you collapsed, and I couldn't let the doctor see your white hair, so..." She trailed off, shrugging her shoulders. "Thank you," I said, putting as much honest emotion into the words as I could. I couldn't know for sure how vulnerable I'd been, but if there'd ever been a chance to kill me, it had been then. She would have been a hero to her people, and the demon queen line would have come to an end. Instead, she'd shown me kindness I'd never expected and wasn't sure I deserved. "You saved my town," Lissera reminded me, again. "I mean, you did save my town, right? You had that horn, and there haven't been any attacks since you went out there." "I killed the wolves," I assured her, smiling faintly. "All but one of them, anyway, and if she causes trouble, I'll finish the job." It was the least I could do to thank the woman who'd saved me. "Alright then. I'm going to go get you some food - you wait here, okay?" Lissera guided me back to the bed, settling me down. I nodded, relieved to be off my feet. "Just wait right there," Lissera reiterated, heading toward the door. "Don't go anywhere!" I nodded, unsure why she was being so insistent. It was a little suspicious, but I was reasonably sure she didn't mean me any harm after all that had happened. And it wasn't like I really had the energy to go anywhere, anyway. So I waited, in the dark room with its single shuttered window, sitting still on the bed. She came back about ten minutes later, with a wooden bowl in her hands. It was full of porridge, and the sight of it brought a small smile to my lips. When she handed it to me, I immediately began to dig in. It was bland, without even a hint of sugar, but I still ate every bite. "So?" Lissera pressed after I finished. "Are you feeling better?" "Very much so," I confirmed, smiling and standing. My legs supported me much better this time, and I could feel energy flowing through my body. If a human slept for three days, I doubted they'd recover this quickly, but it seemed that I was made of sterner stuff. "Good," Lissera said. She looked relieved. "Alright. The villagers all gathered as many potatoes as they could for your reward, so I've got them in the main room for you. You should take them and get out of here. Quickly." "Is something the matter?" I asked, frowning once more. "Or do you simply want me out of the way now that you know what I am?" "What? No," Lissera refuted, shaking her head rapidly back and forth. "It's not that. It's just... There's been a little bit of a complication?" "A complication?" I parroted back, my frown deepening. "What sort of complication?" "Well, remember how Monica and I were talking about Trevill? The one with the horse? Went to the city to get an adventurer?" "Yes, I remember," I told her. "Is he back?" "He's back," Lissera confirmed. "And he brought an adventurer with him. And when we told her that a single adventurer had taken on all twenty wolves - well... She decided she wanted to meet you. And she's been pestering me about when you'll be up to seeing visitors, ever since." "I see. But I don't see what.... Wait. She? So Travill also brought back a single adventurer?" I asked. A single adventurer, coming to slay twenty wolves? That was fine for me, but hadn't Monica said something about this requiring an entire party? "That's right," Lissera confirmed, nodding. "And I don't think you want her pressing into your backstory..." "And... If I could ask this adventurer's name?" I asked, my mouth dry. "Helllooooo?" called a voice from outside the bedroom. Lissera flinched instantly. "I knocked, and knocked, but nobody answered, so I just came inside! You're here, right, Lissera? How's your patient?" A woman walked in, not waiting for a response. Just looking at her, you could tell she was an adventurer of some sort. She was wearing greeves that went up to her knees and a skirt made of leather straps with decorative gold studs. The armor that covered her upper body was somewhat form-fitting, hewing close to her stomach and sides. It didn't show boobs or cleavage, but it still made clear she had curves. She was wearing bracers, and her left hand was encased in a gauntlet, while her right hand was free. There was a large sword buckled to her left side. She had red hair and orange eyes, and she smiled brightly when she saw me. "You're awake! It's so great to meet you. I can't believe you really took out twenty wolves by yourself! You must be really strong. And I hear you're self-trained? And not even an adventurer, yet! But you're already taking on quests like twenty wolves, and you're doing it for literal potatoes - which is really nice, by the way. I was just going to turn down the reward, but I know people need to eat, and taking the reward in a way the village can pay is just brilliant!" The woman paused, then laughed. "Sorry," she told me, "I'm babbling and babbling, and I haven't even told you my name." She held her hand out toward me, a grin on her lips. "I'm Lucy. The heroine!"

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Demon Queened Chapter 2

Demon Queened Chapter? 2 Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. "...I can't believe it," Abigail whispered. True to her words, my maid's eyes were filled with disbelief as she stared at me. Her mouth opened again, and then closed as if she couldn't quite figure out...

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Demon Queened Chapter 7

Demon Queened Chapter 7 Written by Princess Kay Edited by FallingLeaf Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. I stared at the bear before me. It was something like nine feet tall, standing on its hind legs. It had dark brown fur, with lighter brown spikes extending from its spine and elbows....

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Demon Queened Chapter 3

Demon Queened Chapter 3 Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. I slumped onto a leather couch, unconcerned about dignity. I was wearing a backless black halter top, with a boob window, that ended somewhere north of my midriff. My red skirt, which ended barely halfway...

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Demon Queened Chapter 4

Demon Queened Chapter 4 Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. My flight to the ocean was exhilarating at first. I flew as fast as I could, using magic to shield myself from the wind as I shot through the skies. I'm not actually sure what my top speeds were. I think...

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Omake Devilla and Lucy in the woods Not Demon Queened 61 a softfork

Omake - Devilla and Lucy in the woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 =============================================================== not written by Princess Kay, but posted "somewhere" with Princess Kay's permission (c) B.Lowe License: If you can imagine a use for this text, I allow it. If you are Princess Kay and can imagine a use for, I would feel honoured :-) This story is inspired by Demon Queened written by Princess Kay. It is not written by Princess Kay, nor is it cannon. It...

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DemonDriven Lust

Mary scowled as she flipped through the pages of the scuffed book.  “Guys, this book is full of spelling mistakes. And most of the ‘potions’ chapter is just recipes for soup and chili.” Sean poured the last line of flour onto the living room carpet as straight as he could, completing the pentagram. “C’mon, Kaitlin only paid 50 cents. What do you expect?” He stood and dusted his hands. “How does this look, you two?”Mary stood staring at the design, clearly uncomfortable. The satanic symbol was...

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Demon cheerleaders

Demon Witch Cheerleaders my friend and I were at the wrong place at the wrong time when the cheerleaders come back then we were caught by them something was going to change me forever 1 . cheerleader snoop and changes "Come on man, this is heaven." My friend Jake tempts. "Dude if we get caught I heard the cheerleaders where ruthless." I reply. "But the risk Is worth it James!" he counters. I finally agree with him and we wait until school is over. When...

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Demon Surrogates

It’s a clear spring night outside the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace’s windows. The warm spring air has just come in for the season, pushing out the frigid air brought about by winter. With their apartment almost ten stories above the city below, the bedroom window is wide open letting the nice air in. Mrs. Wallace is lying on their bed, lost in a deep sleep. Her blonde hair covers her pillow, while the covers are down enough to show the outline of the nipples, sitting on B-Cup breasts under...

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Demon Crossing

I rode into the valley reluctantly and headed toward a pass on the far side. This whole valley was called Demon Crossing and there was a reason. Once a millennium ago an army of demons had spilled out of their realm and into this valley. They had one thing on their mind, to kill and destroy. We had been lucky, there had been signs before the demons surged out of the realm gate and a army was here to stop them. Every year one man was sent to scout the valley for signs that the demons might...

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Demon Line

Three times we have had other countries try to invade us. We were going to be prepared if they tried again so we built the Demon Line. First it was a thousand meters of fields of grain and then a deep trench filled with water that was twenty meters across. On the other side of that was the demon line. The outside was plates of steel and then several meters of reinforced concrete. The demon line was thirty meters high with machine guns in it. On top was huge turrets that held artillery and anti...

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Demon BaitChapter 9

Later that evening, the property wards were activated again. It was from the area of the driveway. “Who can that be? Has Josh returned?” I asked. “It’s David De Tocqueville,” Al told me, and on checking with my Magic senses, that was who I detected, also. “What in the world does he want? You don’t suppose that he made his apology while we were gone, do you?” I asked. Al didn’t answer. “Let’s go and see what he wants,” I told him in a bored voice, as I drew my wards up around both of us...

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Demon BrideChapter 2

The next morning, Badger found himself excited thinking of the night's activities. He got up around the same time as the woman from the previous evening. As he looked at her, he felt Lucinda stir in his mind. He felt her lust as he considered the woman, but something else. He felt a desire to chase, to capture, to hunt. "Why not? I can at least try," he thought to himself. "Excuse me, but it's not often that a sexy woman I don't know mounts me for her pleasure after I have excited her....

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Demon Graveyard

Her car wasn’t too far away but still, she had already spotted her ex coming from behind. He was drunk and stumbling around. She looked around seeing a crypt. She rolled her eyes, usually in the movies she would be the first one to die by going into the crypt and waking the ancient horror within, a mummy, a zombie, some other kind of undead abomination. She slipped through the already open gate of the ten by ten crypt. She could hear him calling, and he was a violent man, never quite forgiving...

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Demon Stranger

Steve moaned as he felt his master hump inside him. The master he had just met online the week before only known to him as Phil. As painful as it felt, it was also the most incredible pleasure he had ever felt in his life. The steel-like phallus reached deeper inside him than he thought possible, stimulating him in ways Steve didn't think possible. Slowly he began to push up on it, before letting his own weight drop him back down on the massive demon cock. That demon cock he had been...

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Demon BaitChapter 3

The following characters appear in this chapter and others: Samuel Barrett Master Wizard, presided over many of the Wizards meetings, 5’-10’’ tall, 205 pounds, 58 years old, dyed black hair and goatee, dark violet eyes Bob, Minor Demon, short at 4’-6’’ tall, red skin and horns on his head, gray beard and hair, Seventeenth century clothing, buckles on his shoes The meeting of the Executive Council of the Ley Line Wizards started at 8:00 that evening. It was attended by all of the major...

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Demon Whorehouse Transformation

The following tale of sexual depravity contains adult material. If you are under the legal age for your area (generally 18 or 21), or object to explicit sex, stop reading NOW. Otherwise, if erotic situations and taboo acts turn you on, then please enjoy yourself. The characters and situations are, of course, completely fictitious. Feel free to post or archive, as long as the story remains intact and unmodified, and my contact information remains attached. Otherwise, this work should...

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Demon BaitChapter 7 The Search

New character appearing in this chapter: Bruiser Major Demon, Gang Leader, 5’-0’’ tall, tan skin and 6’’ long horns on his head, brownish hair, wearing a 1920s suit and a fedora, carrying a Tommy gun Yes, I had prisoners to interrogate, but how to do that was the question. I was still twelve feet tall; more than twice the height of the prisoners. How was I to interrogate them and ensure that they were sufficiently terrified of me to tell the truth? Also, there were Bob and Cassius plus...

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Demon Dicks

The room felt calm in the Creneth household. Then the clock hit six in the morning, and Andrea's eyes opened. While her hands were already groping and feeling up her cock, her mind was elsewhere. Her body moved with the ease and tranquility of a woman with no scruples about her often wild plans, and the firmness of a creature of such rigid determination that no man or woman could deter her. She crawled out of her bed, making sure not to disturb the sleeping Markus and moved with the...

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Demon Overlord Lucifer Part II

Heres Part 2! Chapter 2: Im the Demon Overlord! When I came to, I was in my room. My eyes slowly opened, revealing my surroundings. I looked up and saw a girls face right up to mine. It took me a second to realize my position. I was laying down on a lap pillow. I slowly got up and scratched my head. Good Morning Master, The girl said. Mornin, I replied. I looked at her, and saw she was bare naked. This must be a dream, I said to myself. Youre not dreaming, Master. She replied. Oh? I moved...

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Demon Overlord Lucifer Part IV

Sorry for the ever-so-long wait everyone. Ive been dealing with some shit that makes it hard to get inspiration for writing. However, Im making it up to you guys by making this part longer than usual, with more Erotic content, so Enjoy! Chapter 4: Im the Master Now. I looked over Hildegards naked and unconscious body. Looking at her breasts, waist, hips, and crotch. She probably had about an E-cup or thereabouts, Ive never seen anything past DD. I skimmed my finger from her crotch, up her...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 21 A Face From the Past

As Rob was affianced to Bridey he and I frequently dined at the Slade residence in Bloomsbury Square. The meals were always enjoyed in a most convivial atmosphere. Rob and Bridey served at us at mealtimes, until one day I stood up from the table and announced I too would act as a footman, and wait upon the diners. “But you are a guest,” Zinnia said. “As is Rob,” I pointed out, “and I do not expect my friends to wait on me, so shall take my turn to wait on them.” Zinnia looked embarrassed....

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Demon Lovers

by Varshanka Ravyn looked in the mirror. Meghan's dad had done a wonderful job on her makeup and body paint. But that came with the territory she supposed. He was the high school art department teacher. And the makeup artist for the drama club. His payment had been being able to see Ravyn naked, and being allowed to put all her makeup on himself. Every last drop of body paint had been his pleasure. And the tent he'd been pitching the entire time had been worth it. Ravyn didn't think she...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 19 The Italian Job

Selling the Star of David eradicated my financial problems, and even if unemployed I could now subsist quite well on half pay. Nevertheless, I made a call on John Stafford at Scotland Yard to enquire, first, if there were any prospect of employment at MI6, even in a temporary, part time position. Next, if he had any information regarding the whereabouts of my sister Becky. Finally, what results, if any, came from the search of the caves at West Wycombe. However, it was the last query on my...

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Demon Overlord Lucifer

Foreword: An Idea I have been tossing around for awhile. The sexual development might be slow in this story, and it might be more story than sex, so if you want erotic content quick, this may not be the story for you. Nonetheless, If you feel like sticking around, feel free to. Tell me what you think of the premise and the story in general. If it feels cliche or if there is something that doesnt make sense, feel free to let me know. Demon Overlord Lucifer, Chapter 1: Im the What?! My eyes...

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Demon BaitChapter 5

New character appearing in this chapter and others: Cassius Minor Demon, short at 4’-8’’ tall, red skin with short horns on his head, gray hair and beard, very fancy and expensive seventeenth century clothes, silver buckles on his shoes Bob and I entered what looked like a very ritzy saloon with fine wood furniture and wallpaper plus better lighting, but it was deserted presently. It appeared that those who had been here had left in a hurry. There were turned over chairs and drinks left...

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Demon BaitChapter 10

Character appearing in this chapter: Christian Pennson Young, rash Ley Line Wizard, 5’-9’’ tall, 170 pounds, 25 years old, light brown hair, dark eyes I had just turned to the four men there, when there was a huge flash of Magic as something appeared inside my wards. It startled Al and me as well as the four men. What had appeared was a huge black dog. It looked like a Rottweiler on steroids but was uglier. It stood at least four feet tall at the shoulders, had a rather blunt flat face...

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Demon Chronicles Seven Sins Asmodeus

Would love to read your comments. English isn't my first language, don't mind some of my grammar mistakes. Skip to paragraph 8 for the kinky parts ;) I walked down the dark alleys of the Underworld, carefully placing my steps to avoid dirty puddles. The coldness still crept up my thick coat. I dream about this place almost every night, and I’ve overheard enough from the other residents that this was the Underworld, where the fallen angels live in peace. I wanted to explore more of...

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I am Hornless. A demon. One of the many infernal entities who have been graced with the ability to blend into human societies with minimal risk of detection. Unlike our more chaotic kin who delight in embracing the worlds they visit in fire and brimstone, Hornless are far more subtle, like a whisper in the wind, the third voice in one's consciousness given a living, breathing vessel, disguising ourselves to spread sin and debauchery in silent, conspiratous wakes. This immortal shell of shape...

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Demon BaitChapter 2

The following character returns in this chapter and others: David De Tocqueville Powerful Magic user, 6’-0’’ tall with broad shoulders, 40 years old, dark hair and violet eyes Consciousness slowly returned. I had no idea how long I had been unconscious from the massive orgasm that had knocked me out. Ken had moved off of me and was lying beside me. We were both still breathing heavily, and my body still shook and quivered from that massive orgasm. Looking up, I finally noticed all of...

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Demon BaitChapter 4

We appeared in what looked to be an indoor mall. There was a broad center area or aisle with stores on either side of it. It was an atrium, and there were two levels visible above the stores that looked like they contained living quarters from what little I could see of them from my present position. Above the third level, the roof of uneven rock was visible. I could see that the mall continued on for a good distance from where we had appeared. There were bridges at several places on the...

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Demon BaitChapter 8

“Well, this is a fine kettle of fish,” I said in a sarcastic voice, as I continued to look at the gang of Major Demons assembled outside of the restaurant. “Is there fish?” Al asked, licking his chops. “No, Al, we are the fish,” I told him in an annoyed voice, before turning to the others. “Can you three transfer out of here by yourselves?” I asked. “Yes,” Cassius said in a relieved voice, while Binne looked uncomfortable. “Maybe,” she said. “Go ahead and transfer then. I’ll hold them...

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Demon Dream

Last Saturday night, I brought a guy home, looking to get fucked. Turned out he was a wimp: when I said ‘no,’ he actually took me seriously and stopped! Jesus! Whatever happened to men????? After he left, I was frustrated, my body on fire with the need for cock. Before wimping out, he had fondled my breasts and licked my nipples. I was insane with lust! I went to bed alone, my tits hot and swollen, nipples erect, my cunt soaking wet. I’m amazed I got to sl**p at all. At least, I think I...

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Demon BaitChapter 11

Samuel Barrett arrived at David’s apartment early the next morning to talk to him. “There was an interruption in the Magic from the Lines again last night. It lasted for about a half hour, but it took considerably longer for the lines to return to normal,” he told David. “The Dragon, she must have had a caller. I was told earlier by one of those I had watching her at night that a man visited her on the last occasion of the Lines losing their Magic,” David told him. “But what were they...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 Yellowbellies

The thought of Becky and Shelley engaging in ‘rascality’ had my demon spitting and screaming inside me. ‘You have no choice but to cut off his nugs. He has debauched your sister, and family honour demands you seek out the scoundrel and dispatch him.’ My demon was right, but there was scant chance of finding Shelley in Lincolnshire, where I was bound. Horse Guards had sent a letter to Lincoln Castle notifying the garrison commander of my imminent arrival. An escort would be dispatched to...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 20 ILL MET BY GASLIGHT

After a morning spent reading the instructions for the Military Advisor to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany I went out for a stroll, and in fact dropped into Boodles. I needed some company and coffee, and thought I might later walk past Madame Whipcrack’s establishment in St James’s Square, just round the corner from Boodles. I had no intention of taking General Fitzwarren’s advice, but as I was in the neighbourhood a saunter past the house was warranted. As it happened I fell in with some old...

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Demon InvasionChapter 8

White House, Washington, DC “Mr. President, I hate to disturb you so late in the day, but we just received a report from CIA headquarters. It is rather long, so I will summarize it. They have finally located the source of the monstrous creatures that have invaded America. There is an installation in the mountains of North Korea very near to the border with China, and your input is needed. In this installation is some sort of machine which is capable of transporting beings from one universe...

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Demon family run a brothel tavern

set in the 1900s southern Italy In the large megacity of Ledan is a tavern by day and brothel by night run by the only futa succubus in the city. Her speciality at day was pouring delicious milk into beer as to increase the city's people's libido. Her nighttime speciality is giving the best hate fucks to anyone who asks for it, she already racked up quite a following. Her name was Jessika. She had originally entered the city to disprove the myth that succubi can eat people's souls by having sex...

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Demon High

On the prime material plane rested a small blue marble made of dust and creatures who were convinced they existed alone in the universe. Just beneath their universe was another, the Underworld. Within the Underworld a vast cluster of worlds known as Netherworlds, existed. The primary inhabitants of these worlds were known as demons. These ambitious creatures strive for many things, power, lust, wealth, fame, and diplomas among them. One such Netherworld was known as Blood Parch, and was said to...

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Demon InvasionChapter 6

Mom and her crew made it to the park without any distractions. She found a good place to park the car so that they could see all of the park. This park was set up as a meadow surrounded by trees, except where there were streets. That usually made it an ideal place for kids to play, either on the meadow or among the trees. However, the recent monster scare was keeping the kids out of the trees and in the open area where they could be seen. Also, there were more adults in evidence than usual...

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Demon InvasionChapter 9

White House, Washington, DC “Mr. President, I have the latest report from DOD (Dept. of Defense) on the North Korea situation. I am delighted to report good news for a change. The satellite scanning of the area by deep penetrating radar of where the dimension transportation machine was located shows that the cavern has been collapsed. Furthermore, a very close analysis of the scans made by several passes shows that there is nothing left in the former cavern that even resembles a full...

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DEMON Part 2

“Yeah, that's God.” She leaned forward, her large breasts pushing against my chest, and her arms to the sides of my chest, rocking back and forth slowly In my cock. “Oh my god. Our Lord and savior is an asshole.” I sighed, wrapping my hands around her, except my hands were at the bend of her back. “So you're literally a demon? Or an angel?” “It's all just a profession really. Choose whether you wanna chill with humanity or fuck with them.” There was one big question on my mind though....

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This time, I probably won’t come crawling back to Rebecca. I know full well that I fucked up choosing her, and there is no coming back from it. “Can I at least get my clothes?” I called from the sidewalk, but the only answer I got was a slammed door. She was probably going to sell them anyways. “Damn.” I jostled with my jacket pockets, trying to find the keys to my sports car. Finding my keys in my left pants pocket, I started the car and began to leave. I didn’t want to know, or care to...

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Demon Invasion

The rain lashed down upon the window without mercy as it tore you from your slumber. Stretching awkwardly you casually ease yourself from between the sheets before pulling yourself upwards into a seating position. Casting a bleary glance downwards you notice the time on your phone reads 6:00 am. You let out a tired groan before cursing to yourself. Placing both feet on the cold wooden floor you casually pace over towards the bathroom and clamber unceremonially into the shower. Jet's of steaming...

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Demon Dreams

Demon DreamsShe came to me in the night, she was like a dream. Very young and very hot, hardly dressed, with a mischievious smile, I woke up with this fine lady’s hand massaging my junk. I could not believe my eyes, it was like a night terror but I did not feel afraid, just paralyzed. My cock soon started to grow, without a word she took me into her mouth and started to suck the head. After torturing the head of my cock she swallowed it all the way down to my balls. Her tonsils massaged...

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Demon GateChapter 4 Red Spider Lily

The Oni was waiting for him when he arrived, sitting on the boulder with her cudgel leaning against it at her side. She looked as magnificent as ever, her massive legs crossed and her red skin shining in the sunlight, her white hair blowing gently in the breeze. She greeted him with a wave, Satou taking a moment to catch his breath. He had hurried, and the terrain was difficult. “Welcome back, little Satou,” she cooed. “I trust that your journey wasn’t too taxing?” She was making fun of him...

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Demon GateChapter 6 Locking Horns

Satou boiled with conflicting emotions. He was elated, his heart still racing after his encounter with Higa. He couldn’t keep his mind off her even for a moment as his family chatted around the table. Whenever he closed his eyes, all that he could see was her red skin and her white hair. He could still taste her lips, feel the smoothness of her body, like an afterimage that lingered in his mind. But at the same time, his gut was twisted with dread. Like a charging ox headed towards a cliff,...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 9 Interlude in Chippenham

The Wiltshire market town of Chippenham is situated some half way between Newark and Taunton, and where I decided to rest the regiment for a day. Repairs to waggon wheels showing signs of damage, such as loose wheel rims and broken spokes, needed to be carried out, and the respite would be a welcome break from marching for the men, who had conducted themselves well during the journey. Thanks to Rambo’s servicing of the local Cotswold sheep there was money in Regimental Funds to obtain ale for...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 17 The Star of David

Lieutenant-Colonel Barber arrived at regimental HQ on the 30th November. I had moved back to Taunton in order to be on hand to welcome him, and once we had completed the formalities of handing over command I left for Bristol, and ultimately London. The Duke of York was carrying out his plan of putting ‘men who had smelt powder’ in command of Militia regiments. Barber had been commissioned into the 10th Foot, and served with distinction in Egypt. I knew the Lincoln Imps would be in safe hands,...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 Speed the plough

Walking homeward along Hatton Street I wondered at my sudden act of charity towards the Rothsteins. Was the demon inside me relaxing its grip on my frozen emotions, or was it because Judith Rothstein had caused John Thomas to re-awake? A slight movement in a narrow alleyway to my right caught my eye, and I felt for the knife carried in the top of my boot – the area was a haunt of footpads and cutthroats. I stopped walking, and allowed the faint moonlight to glint on the blade of the knife...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 23 Business is business

I spent the entire day after the Twelfth Day of Christmas in bed, comatose, and it was only in the afternoon of the next day I summoned sufficient energy to rise from my bed and wash and shave. I recalled what the veterinary in Stow on the Wold had said when Rambo, the regimental mascot, had over extended himself in the tupping of ewes: ‘Rams are like men, they fornicate until exhausted, and then continue fornicating until completely and utterly exhausted’. Like Rambo I had over reached...

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Christmas is approaching again. Before my ex wife left ten years ago, Santa was still alive and well in my daughter’s imagination. I enjoyed the holiday season back then, never letting anyone forget what Christmas was really about. The last Christmas we were together we attended midnight service singing His praise. By New Year’s Eve she had left, moving in with some man that I had no idea even existed. She never voiced any interest in seeking custody of our daughter. I’m glad she didn’t. My...

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Demonic Nightmare 1

Joel wasn't one of those sad, lonely bundles-of-nerves that was usually into this stuff - and that was why he was quite so good at it, he thought. Typically it was the reclusive, nerdy types that put any serious time into learning the Infernal arts - to compensate for those areas where they were lacking, mostly. To finally get a girlfriend, to provide a shortcut to good looks and charm, to revenge themselves upon those they otherwise would have no chance to get back at... the petty...

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Demon BaitChapter 6

New characters in this chapter and others: Mandara Maddy’s Sword, called the Spirit Eater, enchanted and able to cancel Magic spells, can change sizes with its mistress, speaks in her mind, but doesn’t always obey her Druj Evil spirit, appears to be part goat and part woman, can use strong Magic, can use fire that can not be put out even by Magic Binne Faerie Princess, the Illusionist, appears to be a young woman with a curvy figure and breasts, has fine long blond hair, pale skin and...

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Demonic Partnership Slamarias Search

Slamaria had just stepped through the portal that they opened on the plane she turned around so she could see Simon on the plane. Suddenly! Everyone who stepped through the portal back to the mansion heard an explosion as they looked on in horror they saw the plane blow up through the portal before the portal closed automatically. Slamaria’s heart sank at the fact that she lost Simon and fearing for her own life as well as the life of Simon. ‘What just happened?’ Terra asked disbelief in her...

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Demonic 2

Knowing what Rikimarue has planned for her would make any Woman go insane but Ayame keeps her sanity by focusing on several scenarios such as all the ways she could escape with her Son, even if she could escape with her Son where could they go? how could she support her Son and herself? All these thoughts take up her concentration 99 percent of the time but there's always that 1 percent that creeps into her thoughts and that 1 percent is after being brutally gangraped and impregnated she...

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Ahhh the demons are coming, coming so fastThey bare your soul like an ugly past. Pounding their chests and fangs so sharpThey rip and tear inside my head and heart.I can’t escape them...Let me be!Why oh why do you do this to me?I was hidden away in my seclusion Where it was safe in all my delusions.My mind screams outBut my mouth says naughtI’m trembling in fear of being caughtHidden here in my little secret spot.I long for peace inside myselfBut the demons rage cannot be shelved.Their claws...

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