Honeymoon Night free porn video

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Honeymoon Night by Elizabeth J. McDonald "This is it!" I said to myself as I entered the bathroom. This was the night I would actually consummate my relationship with my lover, my husband, Mark. We would make love tonight and he would take me and make me his woman. He would spill his seed inside my body and I would willingly take it. I closed my eyes and leaned on the door, taking in a deep breath. Tonight I would be his wife forever. I would be his woman forever and ever. I was thrilled and giddy with delight. We were now married. Well, of course, I knew there were issues should certain people find out that I was not legally a woman. However, we did have the ceremony. The minister did pronounce us husband and wife. No one in the ceremony found reason to speak when the minister asked if anyone should find reason we should not be joined in matrimony. Everyone in the sanctuary applauded when we kissed as the minister told Mark he could kiss his bride. Everyone who attended the reception was thrilled and happy for us when they came through the reception line. I was still in heaven and Mark and I considered each other married to one another. I was now Anne Marie Matthews. Mrs. Mark Matthews. I was a married woman and would remain so the rest of my life. The wedding was a fairytale. I wore a gown that was simply magical. Made of raw silk and flowing across my newly found curves, it made me look like a fairy princess. I could not believe that it was me when I looked in the mirror. Martha, my dearest friend and confidant, started crying when she placed my veil in place. I turned and looked in the mirror and immediately drew my hand up to my face. I was amazed and thrilled at the same time. There, before me, was a woman I hardly recognized. There, standing in a beautiful gown of white, was a radiant woman ready to be joined to a man who dearly loved her and wanted to live with for the rest of his life. I felt a tear form in my eye. "Anne," Martha said, "Don't cry. It will ruin your makeup and we will have to start over again." I laughed and she did so in return as well. I reached out to her and we hugged each other, telling each other how much we were glad that this moment had finally arrived. Martha had been with me through my rough times and glad times. We were effectively sisters and had shared each other's joys and pains for over two years. She was now my matron of honor and I was so glad she could share this joyful event with me. "Martha," I said as we broke our hug. "You have been so good to me these past two years. I want you to know that I would not be here with what you have done for me." "Well, I would not have it any other way. You are my dearest friend and I could not be happier for you. You were at my wedding and now I am at yours. Could things be better than this?" I began crying. I could feel the tears fall down my cheeks. Martha smiled and immediately grabbed a tissue, touching my eyes. "Now, Anne," she said. "You have to redo your eye makeup, now. You are a complete mess." I laughed and we headed back to the vanity table. "Oh, Martha," I turned suddenly and looked at her, with a look that must have shocked her. "Martha, I have never had sex with Mark." She smiled and almost laughed. "Anne," she took my hand. "You are going to be just fine. You are just a virgin bride with all the usual butterflies." "But, Martha..." "Don't worry, Anne. You will do just fine and he will be thrilled with you. Trust me." "Maybe he will be disgusted with my... you know." "Anne Kirkendall, you are being silly. He understands completely. He is in love with you." "I want him to be in love with me. I don't want to disappoint him." "Believe me, you won't disappoint him. You are the most beautiful woman in the world today and this evening you will be the sexist woman in the world." Martha smiled at me and held my hands in hers. I looked at her and smiled back. "I know you are right. I am just nervous. Actually, I have it all planned out." "Oh, I believe it, Anne. You can be such a devil. Are you wearing white or black tonight?" "White. Pure, virginal white." "And Mark will have a hard-on all day once he sees you. You won't be able to keep him off you once he sees you come down that aisle." I blushed thinking about Mark having an erection caused by looking at me, but I laughed with Martha. We just grinned at each other. "Well, Martha, my dearest and most special friend. You and I have been together for a long time and know everything there is about each other. You have been so good to me." "I would not have had it any other way." We hugged, touching our cheeks, holding each other in a long embrace of love and affection. "Now, lets get that eye makeup fixed one more time." A few minutes later I was repaired and no sooner had I stood up than came a knock on the door to the room. Martha crossed the room and opened the door. In came my father. I nearly fainted, but I managed to remain standing, looking at him. He was wearing a tuxedo. I had never seen him so well dressed. "Dad!" I was still in shock. The last time I had seen him he was walking away from me, apparently ashamed of what had happened to his son. I remember having been emotionally drained after that encounter. I never imagined that I would ever see him, again. "Hello," he said, smiling at me. "I heard this was your big day." I could say nothing. "Your mother told me and I thought I ought to be here." I just stood there, unable to speak and more tears came tumbling down my cheeks. Martha walked toward me, smiling, taking my shoulders in her hands. "Anne," she said to me gently. "He is here to give you away." "Oh, dad!" I managed to say the words. "Anne," he said, walking toward me. That was the first time he had ever called me by that name. I nearly crumbled. "Anne, you are beautiful. I could never have imagined how beautiful a daughter you could be." He was standing just two feet from me. I could only raise my hands to my face, covering my mouth and my lips began to tremble. "Anne," he spoke again. "Please let me walk you down the aisle and give you away to Mark." My hand still covering my mouth, I nodded, tears falling down my cheeks. "Yes, daddy. Yes. I would love that." "Mark is a pretty nice guy, I think," he said, reaching out to touch my cheek, wiping away a tear. "He must be a pretty great guy to have captured your heart." "Oh, daddy," was all I could say as I melted into his arms and accepted his embrace. I was truly happy. The wedding would be perfect, now. The wedding went by so quickly that I could hardly remember it. A blur of lace, flowers, music, and the attention of my bridesmaids went by my eyes and senses. I remember saying, "I do" and I remember Mark saying it, too. Then, almost before I knew what was happening, Mark took me in his arms and was kissing me. He kissed me full on the mouth and I even felt his tongue tickle my lips. Then, as though I was waking up after a dream, I remember hearing the organ begin to play and the applause of all our guests. I looked out at the congregation and saw smiles. I only saw smiles on the faces of my friends. I especially saw the smile on the faces of my mother and father sitting in the front row. Mom was all aglow, so pretty in her beautiful dress and dad in his handsome tuxedo. I gathered up the skirts of my dress and walked quickly down the aisle on the arm of my husband. "My husband," I said out loud. I was almost embarrassed by saying it, but no one heard me in the excitement of people clapping and the organ music. The photographs showed me smiling radiantly as I walked out of the sanctuary on Mark's arm, my head held high, proudly celebrating my new status as Mrs. Mark Matthews. I was a married woman ready to take her place in society. I was a married woman ready to submit to her husband's conjugal desires. I was a married woman ready to start a new home with my new husband. I was a married woman. I was still wearing the pink suit and white silk blouse of my going-away outfit. I was beautiful. Mom and Martha were right to have insisted that I buy this outfit and wear it as we drove away from the wedding. My pink lipstick and the pink tint of my makeup completed the image of a young, beautiful, virginal, ing?nue off on her wedding honeymoon with the man of her dreams. I smiled as I looked at my image in the mirror. My breasts were heaving a bit under the suit jacket. I was cute, standing there with my hands neatly clasped in front of me, feet firmly together. The pink shoes, four-inch high-heeled pumps, were simply stunning on me, and the white lacy stockings only added to my allure. But, I had to get ready for my husband and he expected a sexy wife to emerge from the bathroom ready for our first night of hot, steamy, passionate sex. I held my hand up to my mouth as a small gasp escaped my lips. "I have never had sex with this man," was my thought. I had kissed him. He had kissed me. We had made each other mad with passion after long sessions of hot caressing, but we had never had sex with each other. I was sure he had been with other women. I had been with other men, but this was certainly different. Since I met Mark, I had not been sexually involved with anyone. Tonight I was the virginal bride and I wanted to please my new, handsome husband. I took off my jacket and hung it on the back of the chair. I looked again at my image in the mirror. My nipples stood out noticeably through my blouse. I smiled, thinking of the time when I had to put small rolled up bits of tissue inside my blouse to simulate hard nipples. These were my breasts and my own nipples involuntarily showing how excited I was on this night of nights. I unbuttoned my blouse, took it off, and lay it across the chair beneath the window. I glanced into the mirror and saw myself. I saw a flushed pretty face and I smiled. I reached behind myself and unhooked my bra, letting my breasts fall free. Two years of hormones had done their job with a nicely rounded pair of breasts with large, dark nipples ready for my lover to take in his mouth. I could hardly wait to feel his lips touch them and make me want more. I could hardly wait to feel what it would be like to have my husband make me completely his. I could hardly wait. I reached back and unbuttoned, then unzipped my skirt, letting it fall to my ankles. I also pushed my slip over my hips and let it fall as well, leaving me standing in my panty hose and panties before the mirror. After putting my skirt and slip on the chair with my other clothes, I stopped once again and looked at my body. It was a good body. Still a bit of male presence there, but with the breasts and slight spread of my hips and bottom, clearly female in form. I hoped Mark would still want me when he saw me in only a barely concealing nightgown. I slipped my panty hose down, flipping them off onto the chair and then, in one quick move, lowered my panties as well. I was still wearing my gaffe and I knew I wanted to leave that on. Although Mark knew fully well that I still had a penis and did not care a bit that it was there, I wanted to present a complete feminine vision to him this evening. The gaffe was flesh colored and pressed my penis tightly back between my legs, also forcing my testicles up between my legs. My own pubic hair was visible, but any vestige of maleness simply disappeared. I need to make an adjustment, though. I reached behind me and moved the cord to uncover my bottom. I needed to be sure that Mark would have clear access to my love nest. There was not doubt in my mind that I wanted to feel his erect penis inside my body that night and I wanted nothing to inhibit that from happening. While men before had taken me, this was the first time I was doing it with a man who I wanted to be with and doing it completely willingly. I wanted to feel Mark inside me and no one but Mark ever again. I was desperate to feel him slip inside my body and then to come, filling me with his semen. My knees began to shake at the thought of it. We had waited until our wedding night and this was the night. I felt like a virgin and wanted to be his. Only his. Reaching into my toiletry bag, I took out a tube of lubricant. I put the long applicator onto the tube's opening and then carefully placed it to my anus. Slowly, I pushed it inside my bottom and, once completely in, squeezed the tube and filled myself with the jelly. It was cool and I shivered briefly, but I knew that it would make the difference in a completely enjoyable time later on. I withdrew the tube and placed it on the sink. I could feel the cool jelly begin to melt and I shivered with the thought that soon it would make possible Mark's long, hard, thick penis sliding inside my special, warm place. Then, I took down the nightgown I had hung on the back of the door for just this occasion. It was white satin with small spaghetti straps and fell to mid calf. The skirts were flared slightly, making a sexy swirl as I walked. The bodice was loose and exposed the tops of my breasts, just covering my nipples. I remembered the time when I bought this nightgown. I decided to get it just for this night. I had known that Mark would, one night, want to make me his very own woman, and I wanted a special nightgown for that. I had never worn it to bed before this evening and now was the time. I was desperate for him to enjoy seeing me and to be excited at seeing me when he first looked at me entering the room. I wanted him to see a virginal bride, dressed in pure white with pink lipstick, ready for her husband to take his conjugal rights. I finished dressing by slipping on a very special pair of shoes. They were a pair of white leather pumps with a three and a half inch heel. Mark loved it when I wore them and always asked me to put them on. Although slightly tight and a bit uncomfortable, I would respond to his every wish this evening. I wanted to exude sex and innocence when he first saw me and want to take me upon first sight. I checked myself in the mirror, touching up my lipstick and brushing my hair quickly. I was nervous, but radiant, and ready for my husband of just a few hours to see me prepared for him to consummate our marriage in our wedding bed. I wanted him to know that I desired his body and wanted him to desire mine. It was time to go out into the bedroom. I came out of the bathroom and looked over at the bed. Mark was lying on top of the covers completely naked. He was gorgeous. I felt a tingle in my tummy and my knees almost buckled. It was almost too much to imagine. Here was a man who actually was interested in me, knowing full well that I was not yet a complete woman. Nevertheless, he wanted me as his woman. I was thrilled and in love. "Oh, Anne!" he said with a gasp, looking at me. "You are beautiful. You are so beautiful." I walked toward the bed. I was thrilled that I was pleasing my man. My pure white silk and lace nightgown flowed around my body as I moved. The silken material flowed against my body and highlighted my curves. It accentuated my breasts and assured that he could see my erect nipples. He could not help but know that I was already aroused and ready for him. I saw Mark look me over as I approached him. He gazed at my face, and then looked slightly lower. I knew he was looking at my breasts. He could see them moving ever so slightly as I walked toward him. The high- heels I had on were accentuating my walk making them jiggle just the way he enjoyed it. His eyes went even lower where he could see the material of my nightgown pressing between my legs. I knew he could see the dark shadow of my pubic hair and the secrets hidden behind. I could feel my own arousal beginning to spread. I could feel the lubricant in my bottom beginning to melt ever so slightly. I felt moist between my legs and knew that I was ready to please my husband. He glanced at my feet and smiled. "Anne, I just love it when you wear those shoes." I knew he would love them. I was glad to be wearing them just for him. They still hurt my feet, but I would wear anything that made him happy. "Just for you, my love," I said. Do you like what you see." He fixated on my breasts. He often looked at my breasts and I thrilled when he did. I was proud of them and thought they were my best and most feminine feature. I changed how I walked for a bit to make them move and jiggle. "Anne, you are so beautiful. I just love how your breasts move when you walk." I could feel them move, too, and love the feeling. Unencumbered by my bra, they jiggled nicely as I moved across the room. I glanced down and saw my nipples clearly through the nearly sheer material of my nightgown. I also saw how the skirts of the nightgown flared as I moved my legs. I was pleased that my appearance was something that Mark was excited about. I saw his penis begin to move and knew that it was me who was making this gorgeous hunk of man get aroused and erect. It made me tremble with excitement. As I reached the bed I turned slightly and sat down next to where Mark was laying. I placed my hand on his chest and ran my fingers through the hair. I loved to feel it. I leaned over and kissed his chest. Then, I moved my fingers to his stomach and my mouth followed, kissing his belly and then running my tongue in his navel. Mark made a small moaning sound and I knew he was enjoying my ministrations of love on his body. I could feel myself beginning to become excited, too, as my nipples hardened and became more obvious. Then, the prize of the evening, I touched his penis. It was still soft, but as I touched it with my fingers I felt it leap under my hand. He moved his hips, too, as he savored the feeling. I leaned over, kissed the tip of his penis, and then, quickly took it in my mouth. I wanted to feel him get hard inside my mouth and he began to do just that almost immediately. I felt it grow in length and girth as I engulfed it in my warm, moist mouth, running my tongue along the enlargening head. I felt it pulse within my mouth and I made a moaning sound to let Mark know that I felt it. "Oh, Anne, that is so good. I love what you are doing. Don't stop, please." I did not and as I continued to hold him in my mouth he continued to grow to tremendous proportions. My mouth stretched to hold him and I was determined to keep this wonderful penis inside until he was completely hard. It did not take long. He reached down and touched my head with his fingers. "Anne, this is so good. My God, you can't imagine how good you are for me." I sucked hard and felt him pulse his hard love muscle inside my mouth. He groaned once again and his head fell back on the pillow. He bucked his hips up and his penis drove deep in my throat. I let it go despite the urgent gagging feeling, but then, just as quickly as it went in, he pulled it back out slightly. I swirled my tongue rapidly around the tip and he bucked once again, and, once again, pulled out. It was as though he knew I could only hold it in so deep for a second and need relief. I was happy to have the wonderful chance to make him feel so good. I knew he was close to coming. "Anne, I need to touch you while you are doing this." I moved around so he could touch my bottom. He kissed my tummy and the inside of my thighs while running his hands across the front of my gaffe. Then, as I continued to hold his powerfully hard penis in my mouth, he ran his fingers between my legs; the satin of my nightgown making it feel so smooth and sensuous. My own excitement began to grow and I knew I would not be long in coming, too. He touched the tender skin of my upper thighs and rubbed his fingers along the front of my gaffe, exciting me. I could feel myself grow, trapped by the strong elastic. He kept rubbing and rubbing, all the while kissing my belly and the inside of my thighs. I was in heaven and nearly forgot where I was. Then, before I knew what was happening to me, I did come. I came in a long powerful spasm of delight. I could feel my own moisture spread inside my gaffe, exciting me to think that my man had made me come; exciting me to think that I was moistened just like a woman would when her man was arousing her. Instinctively, I drove my mouth down on his penis, pushing it deep into my throat. That was all it took for Mark and he began his powerful orgasm, driving his penis even deeper in my throat. I felt him pulse and the semen spilled in my mouth. I tried to swallow, but gagged slightly. Some of it spilled out my mouth and down onto Mark's pubic hair. I loved the sight of the white semen dripping from my mouth. It was his sperm that he had been saving for me. I completed my own exhausting orgasm and reluctantly took my mouth away from his penis. I realized that I needed to feel him inside my body. I needed to feel him enter me and become one with me, fulfilling our love and consummating our relationship into a lifelong love and marriage. "Mark," I was desperate. "Mark, I need you inside me, now. Now." I lay back and looked up at Mark. He was huge looming over me. The hair on his chest, the muscles of his arms, his amazingly huge, yet well- muscled size made me tingle all over. I spread my legs intuitively and he looked down. He moved his hand between my legs and touched my thighs. I closed my eyes and moaned in pure ecstasy. He moved up and leaned down, touching my lips with his and I instinctively opened my mouth to accept his tongue. His tongue lashed the inside of my mouth, bringing tingles to my entire body. My back arched in anticipation of the wonderfulness about to happen. Then, I felt it. I felt the hot hardness of his erection touch my belly. I moved my hand down between our bodies and touched it. It was amazingly hard. I had never felt a part of the human body so hard, yet so soft and so warm. I knew I wanted it inside my body and I wanted him to spill his seed inside me. "Mark," I moaned, hardly able to say a word. "You are such a wonderful man." He only smiled and then kissed me again. His hand touched my breasts and I felt my nipples harden instantly. He leaned over and, quickly pushing the strap of my nightgown aside, kissed my breast, nearly taking my breath away. I could feel my own excitement building. My own hardness was now obvious to me, trapped as it was behind the tight gaffe between my legs. Then, I knew he was about to take me. "Oh, Anne, I need to be inside you." "Yes, Mark." I was breathless. "I want you inside me. Please take me. I need you to be inside me and be one with me." He moved smoothly, yet quickly, and touched my thighs, again. I spread my legs even farther apart and then, with a quick move, was between my legs with his body. I could feel his hardness touching between my legs. It was hot and hard. I wanted to see him enter me. I had to watch this wonderful man fulfill my dream of my husband mating with me. I lifted my hips to make it easier for him and then, reaching down with my hand, guided him to my ready, warm, wet love nest. I felt the tip press against my waiting, willing, opening. I relaxed my muscles and then, with a touch of my fingers, urged him to continue inside. He pushed carefully and I felt the flared tip slip inside my body. I let out a loud moan as I realized that this handsome, loving man was actually part of my body, now. We were one and I only wanted more of him inside. "Oh, Mark," I could hardly get the words out. "I love you so much." He also let out a low moan and then, with a smooth push of his powerful body, slipped his erect penis completely inside my willing body. I cried out and raised my legs into the air, wrapping them around his waist, not wanting him to be anywhere but where he was. I opened my eyes for a second and I saw my legs in the air, wrapped around his powerful, large manly waist, with my high-heeled shoes almost touching his back. I only wanted to spread my legs farther apart to make it easier for him to enter me. I wanted him deeper inside me...deeper into my very soul to make this wonderful, loving man a part of me forever. I wanted to feel his penis, the very essence of manhood, inside my feminine soul to make us one. We were certainly husband and wife, now. I was his wife and he was my husband. This man was making me his woman and I only wanted to feel this man arouse me forever. He held his position for a few seconds, and then with an almost imperceptible movement, began to move in and out of me. After a few more seconds of that, I began to move my hips in concert with his, savoring every feeling. He speeded his movements and then, fully engaged with me, he powerfully, yet gently, pressed his manhood in and out of my body. I arched my back, crying out once again, clawing at his back in desperation and joy at the wonderful feeling of this man taking me into his bed and making me his woman. I could feel my own excitement building; yet, inexplicably I felt that my own hardness had gone away. I was feeling wonderful all over with no feeling centered on my own penis. It was as though it was not there. I felt the excitement throughout my entire body. It was as though I had no penis. The feeling was spread throughout my body and not centered in that one place. Then I realized what was happening. I was no longer a man but truly a woman feeling a man make her complete. This was not a homosexual encounter like those early, shameful times when I was confused. This was different. This was why I existed. "Yes," I said out loud. "Yes, I am really a woman." "Anne," Mark responded. "Yes, you are a woman. You are my woman and you will be my woman for the rest of our lives. I love feeling myself inside your body." "Oh, I love feeling you inside me. It makes me feel complete knowing that you are in there." I lay there, eyes closed, completely enthralled, and enraptured by the feeling. This large man lying on top of me. His hard penis was filling me up. I could feel every movement inside me as he pushed it in and then pulled it nearly all the way out. He was huge, yet I did not feel pain. I only felt fulfillment, as I knew that the right thing was happening. I had a loving man giving me the most intimate thing that can be given. We were sharing the most intimate thing a couple can share. I loved this man and he loved me, his woman. I savored the feeling of him working inside my bottom. I wished I had a real vagina for him to fill with his wonderful penis and sperm, but I was excited that he enjoyed what I did have for him. I closed my eyes and just felt the movements of his hard manhood as it slid in and out of my body. I could feel the large glans as it moved in my bottom. I could tell when he pulsed and it gave me special thrills that spread through my entire body. I wanted to feel him come inside me and wanted to know that he was placing his manly seed inside my body. It excited me to think that he loved me so much that he would do that for me and I urgently wanted him to erupt with a huge orgasm. I wanted him complete his orgasm inside me. Suddenly, Mark's movements increased in tempo. He was making more noises and he placed his head on my neck, biting at my earlobes. I held him tighter as I felt his tension building. "Oh, Mark," I said, nearly breathless with excitement. "You are going to come inside me. You are going to fill my body with your seed. You are going to give me your sperm to make me your woman forever. Oh, Mark, please come inside me, now. I want to feel your seed spill inside my body." "Anne, I am going to come. I can't hold on any longer." "Yes, honey. Do it. Come inside me. I need that, now." And with that, he made a final plunge inside my body and let out a groan that I had never heard from him before. An additional plunge, and then another. I could feel him pulse inside my bottom and I could almost feel the warm semen spill from the end of his penis into my body. Two more pulses and an additional thrust followed by a soulful release of air from Mark signaled the end of his orgasm. I was in complete ecstasy, having fulfilled my man, permitting him to expend himself inside my willing body. I felt him shrink inside me and then, after some minutes, slowly slip out. Then, I was aware of the moistness around my bottom. His semen and my lubrication were leaking out on the bed sheets. I smiled and hugged him closer to me. We were actually going to leave a wet spot on the bed. The thought amused me as I felt the moistness spread even more. After a few more minutes he stirred. He kissed me, opening my lips with his tongue. I allowed him entry into my mouth, just as I had allowed him entry into my most private of places. I wrapped around him completely, not wanting him to leave me. I did not want him to leave me now or ever. I wanted us to be together forever. Then, I felt the tears. He looked at me with concern. "Anne?" I just shook my head, smiled and pulled his head down to my face. I kissed him and he kissed back. I wrapped my legs around his waist and thrust my hips upward against him one more time. Then, I felt him beginning to harden once again. My desperation grew and my kissing became that of a wild woman. "Mark," I said, again nearly breathless. "Mark, come inside me, again. I want you inside me one more time. I need to feel you in there forever." I reached one hand down between us and touched his penis. It was growing. I was amazed at how much stamina he had, but he was almost completely hard. I held his hardening penis in my hand and guided it toward my now very open, very warm, and very wet love nest. I spread my legs wider than ever before and he obliged me by pushing forward. I felt his manhood enter me once again and I threw my head back on the pillow, gasping. "Oh, my God, Mark. You are so big!" His penis was huge and I felt as though I was being split apart. I instinctively spread my legs even further apart, if that was possible. I could feel every little movement as he pressed his erection inside my body. "Anne, you are so tight. You will always be my little virgin." I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it looked like. I wanted to see his hard, fully erect penis thrusting inside my bottom. I wanted to know how sexy it was. It certainly felt sexy. The feeling was growing within my entire body. I needed to feel him pounding into me. He thrust in and out, slowly at first, but then picking up speed. I could not breath for a few seconds as the feeling almost overcame me. His power moved my entire body as his strong thrusts slammed into me. I could feel his testicles slap on my bottom as he drove deeply into me. I let out small groans of pleasure with each powerful thrust. He actually felt larger now than he did the first time he entered me. I tensed my muscles to intensify the feeling, and I almost came. I relaxed, not wanting to have my orgasm, yet, but then, before I knew what was happening, my eyes saw only fireworks, as it seemed like every muscle in my body spasmed. I tensed and released for what seemed like an hour as I could feel myself releasing pent up energy. "Oh, God! Mark, Mark." That was all I could say as I erupted into the most powerful ecstatic orgasm of my entire life. Mark felt my orgasm and it excited him even more. He drove deeply into me with his huge penis and then, he began to erupt, ejaculating more of his precious fluid into my willing body. I accepted him as we melted into each other. "Oh, God, I love you, Anne. I am coming again...coming inside you." I began crying, savoring the feeling of his pulsing penis inside me spilling yet again more semen, giving me his life, attempting to impregnate me, even though it was impossible. I cried even more thinking of that. "Oh, Mark!" I held his face with both hands. "I can't have your baby. I want so much to have your baby." "But you have my sperm. Only you have my sperm." My face was wet with my tears and I was emotionally wrecked. He looked down at me with a gentle smile. "My love," he said with the sonorous, loving voice that had seduced me so often before, "I love you for who you are. We will have a baby and you will nurse it. I will see to that. Trust me, lover." I launched into another jag of crying, but I smiled and held him closely, feeling his still hard penis deep inside my bottom. He pulsed it and I smiled up at him. "I felt that, my husband. Does that mean you love me?" He pulsed once again and I responded with a tightening of my muscles. "Yes, my love. Anne you are my only love. I will never leave you, my wife." To hear that word from his mouth..."my wife"...sent me into another fit of tears, but completely happy tears as I closed my eyes once again, feeling my husband lay atop me with his penis inside my body. We were one body, complete. Complete forever. ? This story is the property of Elizabeth Jane McDonald and may not be reproduced in any fashion without the express permission of the author or her legally designated representatives. Elizabeth McDonald can be contacted at [email protected]. ********************************************* © 2002 by?Elizabeth J. McDonald. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.

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Honeymoon Tragedy

It was a lovely September Saturday and the large church was filled. Danny and the ushers were all dressed in Black Tuxes and the bridesmaids were dressed in Royal Blue. Beth was especially radiant in her White Gown. After a lovely ceremony; the reception was held at a nearby hotel. The young couple frolicked and partied with their young friends and their families until past midnight. Now they made their way up to the Honeymoon Suite. With both slightly tipsy from all the champagne; Danny...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Squared

                       Honeymoon Squared - Chapter 01        I could not believe that I had been talked into letting my new bride's mother join us on our honeymoon. Having adjoining rooms really put a crimp in my plans for a nonstop orgy of sex and freakiness. However it might not have mattered since my brand new wife had developed cold feet when it came to delivering the pussy. All I had ever gotten from her were some average handjobs and a few chances to feel her up, but only above the...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With Virgin Resort Recieptionist

This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and the business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 7″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. What a life I am living.Wow, all thanks to Indian sex story. Ever since I started writing my stories on this site, I have made new friends, sex buddies and have had a chance to meet and please some amazing...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Hotwife Awakening Part 1

I met my wife Gina the year before our last year in college. It was fate, and chance seating arrangement in a class that brought us together.  She was entirely out of my league. I had never, nor could again, have a chance with a girl like her: hot, sexy, petite, Italian, outgoing, extroverted, friendly, and fun with a fiery spirit and libido to match.  She was seemingly insatiable needing more sex than I thought a woman could want. And yet for some reason, she was interested in or at least...

3 years ago
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Barton had been treating the kid with contempt from the moment they met. And no one knew how to show contempt better than Barton. John Barton. The terror of Wall Street. Thirty-eight years old, and officially worth three billion dollars. Some people said it was more like twenty times that, that he could buy and sell Bill Gates and Warren Buffett with his spare change any time he wanted to. And he had made every penny of it himself, by out-toughing the other tough sons of bitches on Wall...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon night

Honeymoon nightI and my aunty Radha had decided to celebrate a swag raat. Aunty went forshopping for our swag raat I too had took nice rest in the afternoon so that ourswag raat will be fresh. Aunty came to our room in the afternoon the see me butdidn't come to my room as my mother told that I am having rest. She told thematter of Neha's alliance being fixed to my mother and return back of uncle withnext two days. And she went to shopping.At 5 my mother told do u know that neha's wedding...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Bliss

Introduction: This is a semi-fictional stroy about my honeymoon. Our Honeymoon The day after I married the love of my life, we drove to our honeymoon destination in the Poconos. We chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a tight budget. When we arrived the place looked a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldnt wait until we could go to our room and relax. We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary fire log, bubble bath, and champagne....

4 years ago
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Honeymoon By Margaret Jeanette Kayla and Josh Hungerford were flying to their destination in the Carribean. It was their honeymoon. Josh thought he was the luckiest guy in the world. He'd always been a quiet type of person who did what anyone told him to do. He knew Kayla was the prettiest girl in the world and that he was lucky to have married her. Kayla was thinking about how she was going to control him. She knew even in high school that she was a dominate...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Inn The Senators Wife

Notes: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2011 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Tailors

I am Mridula and am 20 years old. Slim built petite figure and just got married three days ago. He is a software engineer working in Delhi. Our first night was OK as both of us never had s.. our hm was in beautiful Kashmir. We had booked a bungalow and were taking the flight tonight. We were both excited and he had told me we would have a lot of S.. We arrived in Srinagar and were transferred to the hotel/ bungalow. we would be there for a week. We had s.. a couple of times and slept. Next 2...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Helper

Greg and Phyllis Turner were both struggling to see the road. The snow that started early that morning had just about made the road impassable. They were near the cutoff to the cabin but the snow made it almost impossible to see where to turn. A trip that should have taken about 4 hours had turned into an 8-hour drive.The two had been married that morning and were to spend their honeymoon at his uncle's cabin. For the next 2 weeks they would not see a soul but each other. A heavy snowstorm was...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon couples swap

We boarded our cruise ship to Mexico to start our honeymoon, a 6 night cruise to Cabo. We could not wait to finally get some alone time after the crazy wedding planning process. We wanted to go somewhere isolated and away from a lot of people, so we chose a cruise. We had been on a cruise together before so we knew what we were in for; heavy drinking and watching the same 2 movies repeat on the in room tv's. We had been together for 6 years prior to us getting married so the "honeymoon" part...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Mein Ghamasan Chudai

Dosto meri suhagraat ki story ke baad ab mai honeymoon ki story pesh karne ja raha hu. Sabse pehale toh honeymoon ko janewalo ko meri kuch salah hai: 01: Trip mein destinations kam ho lekin aise ho ki waha pahochte hi lauda biwi ko salami dena chalu kare. 02: Trip mein ghumne phirne ka karyakram kam aur room par hi rehane ka karyakram jyada rakhe. 03: Apne destination par subah ya jyada se jyada dupahar tak pahuche. Ye isliye ki dupahar ko neend puri ho jane ke baad safar ki thakan ka asar...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With My Love My Life

Hi guys, I’m deep from Hyderabad. Basically i hail from Calcutta, but living out of Bengal for last 12 yrs. I m 32 working in a multinational organization. My girl friend lives in siliguri i.E 2nd largest city in West Bengal. It has been destiny that i keep traveling for my work, and she remains in her homely environment. Hence, our relationship was long converted into a “long distance relationship” which contains only “chatting through Facebook messenger or bbm”. Of course i used to miss her,...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Inn Factsheet

Honeymoon Inn Factsheet Notice: The Honeymoon Inn setting and all characters are copyright 2008 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to use the setting and characters so long as the following notice is included with all publications using them: "The Honeymoon Inn and associated characters are copyright 2008 by Kyrie Hobson. Used with permission." Location: The Honeymoon Inn is located in the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas, a small distance from Hot Springs. The Inn sits...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II

Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II Chapter One Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II Chapter One WARNING:This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex including beastiality.? If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upsets you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work.?? ?Copyright 2007 by Kirk. Reposting or any other use...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Gone Awry

Honeymoon Gone Awry Chapter 1 Honeymoon Gone Awry Chapter One ________________________________________________________________________ WARNING: This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upsets you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work.? Copyright 2007 by...

2 years ago
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Well, it is my life story of five years back and how it changed my life. I am Smriti, presently 30 years with a son, who is just 3 years old. I was married to Sanjeev five years back. At that time I was very slim. I am 5'4" and when I was married I had my figure 34-28-34. My complexion is fair, had hairs up to my shoulder and sparkling eyes.From the facial point of view I was never considered to be beautiful. But people said that I had a charming appearance. My body growth had been good since...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Gone Wrong 8211 Part 1 My Mistake

Vineet Sisodiya, 29 years old and the eldest in my family with three younger brothers. Being well settled, my parents forced me into my marriage. I accepted and got married to Chaitali. Chaitali comes from a small town and is a graduate of Arts. Chaitali is magnificent beauty. She’s 5’ 7” tall, perfectly shaped figure, 34-sized firm boobs, 28-sized waists, 34-sized huge butts and fair skin tone. She has a beautiful face cut and long hair with pink lips. Though I have seen some bold pictures on...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Bliss

The day after I married the love of my life, we drove to our honeymoon destination in the Pocono’s. We chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a tight budget. When we arrived the place looked a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldn’t wait until we could go to our room and relax. We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary fire log, bubble bath, and champagne. The clerk gave us our key and directions to our secluded cabin. ...

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Honeymoon at the Cabin Ch 01

Miraculously, we made it. I couldn’t believe it. We were sitting on the back seat of a limo as we were getting swept away to our secluded honeymoon destination in the beautiful California hills. We were trying to charge our batteries for the upcoming two weeks, so I was tucked in your arms and we were both lost in thought. We had been best friends for over a decade and had been in a relationship for the last two years. We knew all of the intimate facets of each other’s personalities. For the...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Helper

Leann and Jason Moore were looking out the window of the jet as it circled to land in Jamaica. They were to spend the next three weeks aboard a diving boat exploring the wrecks and reefs around the islands. Her father gave the trip to them as a wedding present. They both were looking forward to the trip. Both like to dive and they would take this time to really get to know each other. They had been married the day before and spent their wedding night at the Airport hotel in Atlanta. An early...

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Honeymoon With My School Teacher 8211 Part 3

My honeymoon with Judy was going great. We moved out of the room in Kerala and got into the car. We were waiting at the traffic (guys who might have gone to Kochi might know the traffic condition). That’s when I got this brilliant idea! I shared the idea with Judy. Me: Ma’am. Have you heard about roleplay? Judy: Yes Varun! Why what happened? Me: Nothing. I just want to have roleplay with you. I mean it’s my fantasy. Judy laughed and said, “Yes but what kind of role play can we have?” Me: What...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon At Munnar

Hello, all, I am Renu Ramya. I got married around 7 months back. Finally, we got time to go to Munnar. Since I had the US off in the office, I asked my husband for a honeymoon trip. This is my real sex story. He is a business man who keeps traveling within India a lot. Since he had some meeting in Kochi, we decided to go for honeymoon to Munnar itself. It was decided and we reached Kochi. He went for his meeting leaving me in the hotel room. We hired a indicia car and a driver for our transport...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Inn

Honeymoon Inn By Kyrie Hobson As the sheets of rain swept off the roof, they were split by the various gables and finials into translucent curtains. The light, but growing sleet added a glisten to the otherwise grey view. The scene would have been romantic, had I been here with a girl. But I wasn't. "This is just fantastic," Soren said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "what a great fucking idea. Why do we even listen to you, Kevin?" It actually had been a good idea. The...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Horror

Honeymoon Horror Honeymoon HorrorAuthor: Jon MadduxProof reader: FantazMasterCHAPTER 1: THE BIG DAY???? What a lucky break for me, I spend most of my free time aboard cruises, looking for women that are just my type, and what is my type?? I like my women, untouchable, married, not the kind you pick up in the bar that anyone can have for a drink and some small talk.? Cruise ships are the perfect platform; the cruise lines don?t report it because it?s bad for business and the...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon With Grand fatherIn law 8211 Part 2

Hi. This is Madhu once again. You must have read my earlier story “Honeymoon With Grand father-In- law” where my grand father in law bandumama fucked me just after my honeymoon and monthly periods. This is next part of it. After two hot sessions with bandumama, I was sexually satisfied. But he may not be. All the next day he was trying to touch my belly, boobs through saree. While serving lunch to him, he raised my saree such a way that he can see my panty inside saree and petticoat. As mami...

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Honeymoon hell

Honeymoon hell I was always warning my22 year old blonde wife Mel about her driving, she was just so careless, and drove too fast.Well this time she?d really gone and done it, she?d gone right into the side of a police car, and if that wasn?t bad enough, we were in a foreign land, they?d probably through the book at her.We were in Turkey on our honeymoon, we?d got married only the day before.It had all been one mad rush, straight from the reception we?d dashed straight to the airport, just...

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Honeymoon with sister

Hi! My all friends. I am Raj Malhotra, 25, single 5’9” want to share my real hot experience with my real elder Sister to all of you. It was happened recently before just 2 month. She is 27 married having a child of 4 years. She is a very beautiful, sexy and hot lady. I always want to fuck her. I also tried many times before her marriage to fuck her but always I feared if she told anyone what will happen. How ever I succeed to put my hand on her boobs in night when we sleep and many times I saw...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon in Jamaica

My names is Isabelle, i am a French Canadian. I am a white blond girl of 24 years old. I Discovered I was lesbian at age 18 and I stopped meeting and dating man. I was girly and always took care of myself. In bed, my lover told me, I was more a giver and I never really pay attention to it because for me sex was sex. I met my girlfriend Carmen at age 23 she was 31. Carmen was a black woman taller than me, I was 5'2 and she was 5'9. She had a a small ass and medium bubble butt. She had those...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With Heather Owwh Part 2Chapter 2

Jessica placed the phone back on the coffee table in a slow, exaggerated motion. “Jessica, I’m so sorry,” I began. “It’s OK, Aaron, really. I know you would never rape anyone and certainly not an under-aged girl. We’ll get through this. That girl is obviously a psychotic bitch!” ‘Psychotic bitch’ seemed a bit harsh, but it didn’t seem politic to say so. I simply nodded my head slowly in agreement. “And I’m sorry I almost made her call the police. I don’t know what is going to happen, but...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Surprise

It all started on our honeymoon. My name is Jim, 6 foot tall, light brown hair, 250 pounds and built like a fireplug, short but solid. I was 32. My wife Jerilyn, had just turned 20 and she was a 5' 5" blonde with blue eyes and wore a size 3 petite dress. She barely weighed in at a 105 pounds. During our reception she said she felt faint and she went to the restroom for a short while. When she returned, she was flushed but said she felt better and I felt relieved. She left a couple of more times...

First Time
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honeymoon part3

Rod was pissed. He'd dealt with assholes like this before, guys who thought they could use their money to put him down. But Rod always had his revenge. He loved this job. The most beautiful women in the world came here, and he fucked them at will.He particularly loved honeymooners. There was nothing like seducing a woman on her honeymoon. Rod had plucked plenty of cherries, and there's no doubt about it, he thought, fucking a virgin is sweet. But that other virginity--the wife who's never given...

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Honeymoon Cruise of Briana and Uncle Jake

------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- It was lunchtime, so I headed to a restaurant on the boat and had a nice lunch alone, thinking about what all had happened. Needless to say, I ordered several strong drinks and I was quite buzzed by mid afternoon. I headed back to toward the room, my thoughts gathered, I had the intention of ending this. Though we had five days left together on the cruise, I was worried. If the sex was going to continue, I...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Inn

[©2010 BY CLINTON09, ALL CHARACTERS OVER THE AGE OF 18, NO EVENTS DESCRIBED ARE TRUE] C and C (Carl and Candy, née Candace) were at their traditional seats in the pew, front and center. The church service went well, no one had nodded off to sleep and most everyone was there in spite of the important NFL playoff game set for one hour later. It appears the church wives prevailed upon their men to forego the pre-game show for a little churching up. In the parking lot, C and C’s friends were...

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Honeymoon Cruise of Briana and Uncle Jake ltpart 2gt

Introduction: This is continuation of part 1 of this fictional story. This is the continuation of the first part to this fictional story. It is purely fiction, it is a story. It involves love between a man and young girl, if you do not approve do not read. These are fictional characters, any real life similarities are strictly coincidental and unintended. Not a life life was harmed in the writing of this fictional narrative. ————————————- ————————————- It was lunchtime, so I headed to a...

1 year ago
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honeymoon part4

When they got to the villa, there was plenty of luggage for Rod to carry inside. Barton found as many tasks for him to perform, as many things for him to move around, as he could think of. Then he dismissed him:"Look, k**, if you want a tip at the end of this gig, stay out of our hair. You do what you're told and you show respect, you understand? You can start by calling me sir, and thank us when either one of us gives you an order."They were in the living room of the villa when Barton said...

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Honeymoon And Subsequent Escapade

By : Sushmit Patel I’m Shusmit Patel, aged now 27; handsome dark, working as a Marketing Manager in a Chennai-based multi-national. And my loving wife Sudeshna is 3 years junior to me in age; very beautiful to look at, endowed with a voluptuous figure (34 C/29/35), very fair in complexion, tall in height (5’7”), and a happy housewife. Ours was an arranged marriage, held only two years ago. But she’s not a Gujarati girl; She is a Bengali girl whose father had been my father’s colleague and...

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Honeymoon Hell

Chapter 1 Chapter 01 ? Lord Walshingham ???? ??You?ve done my nephew a bit of a bad turn,? said the imposing English lord. ??Gwyneth and I had been forcibly conducted to the main hall of what I assumed was his country estate, Ashcroft Hall. ?I had just demanded why we had been brought before him.? ???? Much later, I learned Charles Dracut, the twelfth Earl of Monmouth, known to his peers as Lord Walshingham, was a notorious rou? and libertine, unwelcome in polite London society.?? T...

1 year ago
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"Well," Beth asked after taking another sip of coffee, "how do you think Jamie likes married life???" "Mmmmmm," Ruth replied, "I think she loves it, she definitely has a glow about her!!!" Even though they were the only two people in the house, Beth leaned over and asked in a lowered voice, "Do you think what they say about black men is true, I mean, you know, in the bed room?!?" "Beth," Ruth replied in an exasperated voice, "how could you ask a mother that kind of question, and it's none of...

Group Sex
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Honeymoon Pt 01

I was afraid he might try to carry me over the threshold and break his back, but he did something even nicer. He opened the door, wrapped me in his arms, pulled me close, closer, kissed me gently and then more forcefully, his tongue meeting mine in a wet sensuous duel. My whole body, tired and worn out as I was, came alive. I pressed my body—breasts, pelvis, mouth—against him, squeezed him, ground into him, felt almost as if I might achieve orgasm right there and then. But his grip loosened,...

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Honeymoon Pt 02

Cabin in the Country He was there when I woke in the morning. It might not seem like such a big deal to most women these days, to find a naked man in bed upon waking, but Charlie and I had never slept together before our wedding. Oh, we had made love. We had screwed. We had fucked each other’s brains out, as the quaint saying goes. But because of his work as a local politician and mine as a church secretary, spending the night either at his place or mine was just too dangerous, actually...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon on Mars Part 1

Introduction: How will a honeymoon on an alien planet end up? Hello Friends, I am sorry about my mistake which i had commited in the actual post and this is the story posted again with the corrections&hellip, this story deals with me and my wife going to Mars on our first honeymoon and meeting an alien there and having a wonderful time with the alien. Here we go&hellip, It was October 27th, 2067 and I was lying down on my bed (a 2035s vintage, soft mattress, king sized bed). I was thinking...

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honeymoon in thailand part 1

Introduction: couple goes on honeymoon in thailand and finds a rare sex convention for the upper class. they get caught in part 2…. To begin, let me tell you a little more about me. im 23year old Asian female. 55 135lbs. naturally attractive without make up and long long black hair. my husband is a white male about 6 and 200 lbs. blue eyed and he works for the military. Weve been married for less than half a year and my husband finally has some time off of work to take me on our honeymoon. im...

2 years ago
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honeymoon vacation part two

As from the part one story you read how our sex was encountered with strangers and turned into orgy on our first day of our honeymoon. As we went in our room Guarav said he went crazy by seeing me fucked by 2 strangers infront of him.He came near and kissed me pressing my ass.“I am very happy with you and I enjoyed a lot last night” kissing me deep.“I want to thank you to making our honeymoon very spicy”.As we slept for sometime went for bath its 3 at afternoon we ordered some food.Bell rang...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon vacation part one

This is a fictional story how a couple encountered into group sex with other couple and his friend.I am Preethi aged 27 working in a call center at Vizag our family is from the north but stayed in the south for so many years.We are from decent family so I got an arranged marriage with Gaurav who is working at Accenture in Hyderabad. He is 29 years old we just had normal chat before marriage and just saw each other in photos so we have never seen each other.One pleasant day Gaurav family came to...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Vacation To BALI

Donnia and I decided to spend our honeymoon in beautiful Bali. We arrived on a Sunday, the day after our wedding. We were a little hung over from our wedding reception, so we just wandered around Kuta doing the touristy things, sightseeing and a little shopping. That evening we had a quiet dinner at our hotel and called it an early night. The following afternoon we decided to hit the beaches.The beaches around Kuta are congested and full of tourists. We asked some locals about the best beaches...

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Honeymoon fun

I am a twenty four year old, six foot three, two hundred pound, very athletic and in shape guy who just recently got married. My wife is twenty five, five feet tall, not quite a hundred pounds. She is very small of course, A tits, nice handful of ass, and a great body. Having said this, I am the guy that wants adventure, something different, something taboo. I want to try out new things, have rough sex, fuck her in the ass and cum on her face...she wants none of this. We got married two weeks...

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Honeymoon Jet Ski

Hubby and I were on our honeymoon on the island of St Martin. I was 27 and hubby was 28. We decided to go to Orient beach to the nude side. While we were there we noticed that there was a boat that was giving parasailing rides. We called our beach waiter over and asked about the rides. He said he would send someone over to talk to us about it. I got my suit on, which was a very tiny thong bikini and then a very nice looking tan guy showed up and told us it was fifty bucks each...My hubby told...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With My School Teacher 8211 Part 5

Hi friends this is Varun back, this is the 5th part of the last episode. I really thank each and everyone who took the time to message me personally appreciating my story and also encouraged me to write more. J: Kutta can mommy poop? And I wanted to take a bath too. Me: Yeah sure. She was happy and went inside the bathroom. I took my phone and Renuka had messaged me. Renu: Da did you leave from Kochi? Me: No chechi I haven’t, will leave within an hour or so. Renu: Ok da, will be there by...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Sex In Singapore

Hi readers, I am a 40 years old man and I look very handsome. I am a rich and successful businessman living in Mumbai. I had not been yet married till this age because I did not find a fitting girl for me. Well, I had many childhood crushes but not good enough to marry. Many women also had a crush on me and wanted to marry me because of my wealth. But I wanted true love. My parents were worried about me and looked for girls regularly. Finally, they met a girl about same my age and they agreed...

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Honeymoon With My School Teacher

Hey, readers, this is your Varun back with another story. If readers come across any mistakes please do mail me, your valuable feedback needs in my mail inbox. Any women/girls in & around Bangalore who needs to satisfy their sexual needs can contact me on: In this story our heroine is my teacher from my old school.Her name is Judy(of course name changed),she had taught me in school in Chennai but got shifted to Bangalore 4 years back. One day I was going through my Facebook (school group) &...

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Honeymoon With Friend8217s Wife Nisha

hi, guys, my name is Nikhil. I am from Kolkata and 24 years of age with a dick size of 8 inches. I am a handsome boy with 5’9 height. My skin colour is white. So this is my first story and this is the story of how I fucked my friend’s wife on her honeymoon. This is true story which happened in October’ 2016. Let me introduce the hottest girl “Nisha” who is the wife of my Business partner Vishal. she is very beautiful with the size of 34, 30, 36. she is 5’5 tall with a face full of cuteness and...

4 years ago
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honeymoon part1

Barton had been treating the k** with contempt from the moment they met. And no one knew how to show contempt better than Barton. John Barton. The terror of Wall Street. Thirty- eight years old, and officially worth three billion dollars. Some people said it was more like twenty times that, that he could buy and sell Bill Gates and Warren Buffett with his spare change any time he wanted to.And he had made every penny of it himself, by out-toughing the other tough sons of bitches on Wall Street....

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Honeymoon Driver Ke Sath 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, Mera Nam sanket hai aur main Ahmedabad se hu. Aaj mai aapko Jo story batane ja raha Hun wo meri bivi ne muje batayi hain. Aur ye uski fantasy hain.ye kahani ek couple ki hain Jo shadi ke dusre hi din honey moon keliye shimala manali nikal jate hain. Kahani – dulhan ki jubani. Honeymoon driver ke sath part 1 Maine driver ki baju vali sit pe driver ki taraf apne dono pair faila kar baithi this aur Puri naked thi. Gusse aur dar ki jagah muje excitement feel ho rahi thi kyo ki mera...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi readers this is Prasad. Back with another encounter with my girlfriend..Thank you for the feedback for my previous story. This is my 2nd story, I am from Hyderabad working in reputed mnc.. About me im 25years old, 5.9″ slim athletic…. And my girl is also working in same mnc. Her name indu(fake) height 5.7 perfect structure 32-28-34..Fair in tone and she is elder than me.. For the feedback mail me , any ladies interested in relation/casual encounters/ friendship mail me… Im posting this story...

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