Honeymoon Pt. 01 free porn video

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I was afraid he might try to carry me over the threshold and break his back, but he did something even nicer. He opened the door, wrapped me in his arms, pulled me close, closer, kissed me gently and then more forcefully, his tongue meeting mine in a wet sensuous duel. My whole body, tired and worn out as I was, came alive. I pressed my body—breasts, pelvis, mouth—against him, squeezed him, ground into him, felt almost as if I might achieve orgasm right there and then. But his grip loosened, his tongue withdrew, just lingering long enough to lick at my open lips a few gentle times, I realized I was breathing hard, almost climbing up his body, and I let myself back down to earth, or at least to the floor. Opening my eyes I saw that we were in the room, somehow the door had been closed and locked, we were standing beside…the bed. The marriage bed.

I had successfully avoided this for so long. How could this have happened?

Well, it had happened as these things often happen, suddenly and over a long period of time, his love had filled my heart gradually, and I had known I loved him from the moment we touched.

Not from the moment we MET, mind you. I was unimpressed with him at first. Another guy. Another man out to get what he could. And he didn’t even have the decency to try to seduce me. He just wanted to talk. But then he didn’t talk. So I talked. I told him, little by little and all at once, about my late, unlamented marriage, about the temper tantrums of my ex, about the way I had closed myself off as a means of self-protection, about the way our sleeping together became just that. About the way I woke up one day realizing that the marriage had been over for years. About the battles with the law and the lawyers over how to put an end to something that had already ended. About my blissful, sexless single life. About my determination never to make the mistake of marriage again.

And he listened. For months. And he drank my coffee. And he listened. And he ate my cooking. And he listened. And he played with my dog. And he listened. And he stood to leave and reminded me, as he always did, that if I ever needed to talk he was there for me. But this time he touched my hand as he said it. He touched my hand…little more than a handshake, but…it was more than a handshake. It left me weak in the knees — and wet in the crotch.

And the next time we met — the next time he came over, it was all very different.

There was electrical tension in the room as we cooked together, throwing some stir-fry into a wok and warming up some bread from the local bakery. We studiously avoided bumping into each other, with mumbled apologies accompanying each failure. We ate in near silence, our topics of conversation being how our day had been, and how good the food tasted.

After dinner we sat in the living room, he on the sofa and I in an easy chair, and this time HE talked. He talked about his hopes, his ambitions, the way he wanted to make the world a better place, the way his political career was an extension of his moral being. He talked about the difficulties of campaigning, the ever-present fear of rejection, about how hard it was to realize that even with the landslide victory he had enjoyed in the last election, 4 out of every 10 people thought he was wrong for the job. He talked until he had nothing left to say, and then he stood to go.

As he started through the doorway, my hand involuntarily touched his arm. Apparently, that was all the encouragement he needed, because he then took me in his arms, bent his lips to mine, and kissed me. And what a kiss! It was gentle but firm, his tongue sliding between my surprised lips to swirl around in my mouth, my tongue sparring with his as he pulled me closer to him. I could feel his manhood hard against my stomach, and I knew he would stay with me if I asked him.

So, when we finally came up for air, I looked into his eyes and said, ‘You don’t really have to go.’ I took him by the hand and led him to my bedroom.

Inside the room, I closed the door. The only light was from a small lamp on the nightstand. We kissed again, and this time his hands roamed over my body in a delicious way which I had not even known I wanted. His fingers slid down past my waist, kneaded my buttocks through my slacks, came back up my body to the sides of my breasts and then thumbed the nipples which were erect beneath my thin blouse and sheer bra. Meanwhile, my hands were going on their own adventures, moving from his rear to his back to his groin. I ran my fingers over the hardness straining against his pants. All the time we kissed, our tongues flickering in and out of each other’s mouths, our saliva flowing freely so that we were actually slurping as we enjoyed each other. He began to fumble with the snap and zipper at the back of my slacks, and I pulled away from him to do it myself.

‘Wait,’ he said. It was the first word he had spoken since the kissing started, and the one I wanted least to hear. ‘I–I want you to know–I–this is not just for tonight. Is it? I–I want you in my life.’ And those, of course were the words I’d been longing to hear most of all.

‘I want you in mine,’ I said, finding and fondling the hard bulge at his crotch. ‘I want you always.’

He kissed me again, and we spoke no more for a while, except for little moans and sexy endearments. As we sat on the bed, I undid his shirt buttons and opened his shirt to caress his hairy chest. He shrugged the shirt off, and then he unbuttoned my blouse, and I let it slide off as well. He found the front clasp on my bra and opened it, gently lowering it down my arms and to the bed. I was aware of the way my breasts hung, heavy and drooping, their large nipples hard and distended. I felt myself blushing as he looked at them with something bordering on adoration. To distract myself from my embarrassment, I ran a hand over his chest and discovered that his nipples, too, were hard and erect. I leaned over on impulse and tongued one of them, feeling him shiver and hearing him moan. I opened his belt and his slacks and let him slide them off until he was wearing only black socks and white briefs. A beautifully obvious bulge pulsed in his shorts, and I rand my hand over it lovingly before pulling his shorts down and freeing his throbbing erection.

He pulled my panties off as well, and I was embarrassed to see how obviously wet their crotch was. I hoped he would take my arousal as a compliment.

Once we were naked, he was far less confident, far less in control. ‘I haven’t done this in a long time,’ he confessed.

‘Me neither,’ I whispered.

I began to play partly by instinct, partly by memory. I stroked his semi-hard cock gently, feeling it swell to life as I moved my fingers up its underside and he moaned his pleasure. In the back of my mind I knew it was not a large penis, but I also knew it was the most beautiful one I’d ever seen, because it was his. He rolled halfway over so we were facing each other. His mouth went to my neck, up to my ears. When his tongue flicked around, the sound and the feeling raised goose bumps all over my body, and my nipples were immediately full, turgid, tingling. His hand found a breast and ever so lightly stroked the nipple, and then hungrily moved his mouth down to it as his hand slid down my belly to the sparse hair of my pussy. My sudden groan startled him, and he started to withdraw, murmuring his apologies, but I pulled his head more tightly to my bosom and moved his hand down to the hairy wetness between my open thighs.

‘Oh my God,’ he gasped. ‘You feel wonderful.’ His fingers began to explore my slippery cuntlips.

‘So do you,’ I affirmed, taking his balls in my hand and reaching beneath them to the crack between his buttocks.

His tongue was furiously flicking one nipple, and then it moved to the other to offer the same treatment. I weighed his testicles in my hand — they seemed swollen, heavy — and caressed them, reveling in the war
mth, the pulsation, the life that throbbed in my palm. His life, his warmth. I slid my hand up the shaft again to discover that a long string of precum was oozing out the tip. I lubricated my fingers with it and began to squeeze him to stroke him, to coax even more of the sweet slick slime into my loving palm. I sat up and then leaned over to taste his penis, licking the liquid, loving his sweet saltiness. He gasped as my mouth engulfed his cock.

I had never been any good at oral sex, but his appreciation was gratifying. I couldn’t take him deep, but I moved the head of his warm cock in and out of my mouth slowly and sensuously, the way I wanted him to move in and out of the oozing space between my thighs. My rear was up in the air, and the thought of how obscene I would look to anyone watching excited me and moistened my sex further. He seemed to sense my need and slid two fingers inside me, stimulating my engorged clitoris on their way in and out, in and out. I straddled his face, giving him a look at my brazen, oozing, open pussy.

I realized that I liked the taste of his meat in my mouth, his precum seasoning the flavorful, fragrant skin of his penis, and it made my mouth water. I was positively drooling over his sex, and as I licked and sucked my saliva slurped out noisily and ran down his rod to pool and glisten in his pubic hair. I tightened my lips around him so that when the head of his penis left and entered my mouth, it would be squeezed more lovingly, and every time I took him into my mouth, I licked him with more and more passion. Then, without warning, his mouth moved in on me.

The flicking of his tongue along the wet slit of my pussy was electrifying. And when at the end of each long, slippery stroke he flicked my clit with the end of his tongue, I quivered involuntarily and pressed my slick, oozing crotch down more firmly onto his face. The wet sounds coming from between my legs were almost as erotic as the sensation of his thick, slithering tongue intruding itself into the hot wetness there. I moved my mouth down to his balls again and licked them, and the pulsating hairy spot behind them. The sour smell of his anus was erotic to me, much to my surprise, and I even ventured to lick around its edge. He moaned in ecstasy and then abruptly flipped me onto my back and turned himself around to kiss me and let us taste each other’s most intimate flavors. His lower face was wet with my juices, and I lapped them up eagerly as he positioned his penis at the entrance to my vagina. Somehow it seemed appropriate that our first sexual encounter should be in this basic, old fashioned position—I on my back with my legs wide open, he hovering over me with his swollen cock pressing against my wet, willing entrance.

‘Oohhhhhhhhh… hhhhhhhhhhhh… hhhhhhhhnnnnn… nnnnnnnnnnnn!!’ I moaned as he slid slowly but firmly into my warmth. He stretched me where I had not been stretched for so long, and he himself moaned and grunted with pleasure as he filled me up, and I felt his pulsating penis pressing against my cervix..

‘You feel like heaven,’ he whispered in my ear.

‘I am in heaven,’ I whispered back, and I then licked his ear, fucking it with my tongue as he began fucking me.

My orgasm caught me by surprise, I had never come so quickly before. It was as if all my being suddenly centered between my legs and then spread out to the tips of my toes and fingers as well as exploding out my ears and the top of my head. I tried to scream in joy but could only grunt and gasp my ecstasy. In the middle of this bliss I was concerned I might have come before he was ready, but to my amazement my orgasm did not end! The heavenly sensations continued as my whole body went into rigid spasms. My ecstatic pussy contracted vise-like around his cock, but somehow he managed to keep stroking in and out. I was aware of my breasts bouncing and flopping as he thrust back and forth, their distended nipples sensitive to each movement. ‘I—I can’t—it won’t stop!’ I managed to gasp out.

He simply replied, ‘You are amazing,’ as he continued to fuck me, his eyes roving over my breasts, my belly, my crotch, and back up to my face.

After several minutes of sheer exhausting pleasure, he increased the speed of his thrusts, and I heard him moan—almost roar—as he filled me with his semen. Most of the friction between us disappeared and was replaced by a wonderful slickness as his juices and mine splashed and oozed out of my body. My orgasms subsided, and as I came to a more normal state of consciousness, I found myself lying in sheets soaked with sweat and sexual fluids, with a wonderful man lying limp on top of me and inside me.

Before too long, his penis grew flaccid and slid out of my pussy. I reached for it and stroked it gently and lovingly, enjoying its slippery coating. He reached for my dripping pussy and slid his fingers all around in the thick slime which covered my crotch. Then he slid two fingers inside me and began to play inside me, suddenly and unexpectedly bringing me to one more shattering orgasm.

And now here we were in the honeymoon suite. Keeping his tongue engaged with mine, he lifted the hem of my wedding dress (a belted shift, in delicate green—no need for a white gown, whom would I be kidding?), caressing his way up my legs, until he reached the bare thighs above my garters. He broke the kiss, gave me a quizzical look, and broke into a grin as he gathered my bare buttocks into his hands. Moving one hand around to my damp pussy, he said wonderingly, ‘You did it.’

‘I said I would.’ I could say no more as his finger slid into my slit. His other hand found my anus and probed it. My own hands were caressing his growing penis where it bulged through his suit pants.

I had made a promise, in response to a fantasy of his, that I would wear no panties at the wedding. He must have thought I was joking, but I had been absolutely serious. And it had been incredibly exciting. I hadn’t told him yet, but one of my wedding presents to him was going to be a pledge to give up underwear as much as possible. I couldn’t go without a bra all the time, my breasts sag and sway way to much for that, not to mention the fact that my large nipples are hard to hide even with a bra. But what, really, is the use of panties? Just another barrier to keep him out of the place I most want him to be.

I do seem to get excited more easily when I don’t have panties on, and excess moisture could sometimes present a problem. At the moment, though, all that wetness just presented an opportunity.

‘It’s a good thing I didn’t know during the ceremony,’ he said. ‘I’m not sure I could have gotten through with the appropriate solemnity.’

‘I knew,’ I said, ‘and I thought I behaved with remarkable decorum for a woman with vaginal fluids oozing down her thighs.’

‘You were the picture of ladylike gentility.’ He lifted me by my butt, pressing my crotch to his. ‘You still are.’

I gently released myself from his arms and lay back on the bed. I lifted my knees and lewdly spread my thighs apart, fully exposing my moist, orange-fringed pussy. I loved the way his eyes stared at my sodden sex. I could smell myself, the pungent tang of vaginal wetness, and I knew he could too.

‘You are so beautiful,’ he whispered, and he pressed his lips to me slithering his tongue out to taste my warm, flowing juices. I felt something warm flowing all through me, and I knew that I needed to come and soon. I lifted my hips to press my pussy to his mouth, and he reached beneath me to cup my buttocks in his hands and pull me to him. His tongue flicked my proud, eager clitoris and I felt shivers throughout my body. The wet sounds of his tongue in and on and around my sex filled the room, together with my moans, his heavy breathing, and the writhing of my body on the bed.

The phone rang.

I was sure he would not answer it. He had promised that no matter what pressing business came off at the office, he was going to be available only to
me for this brief, torrid honeymoon.

But he lifted his glistening mouth from my pussy and said, ‘I have to take this.’ Then sat on the side of the bed, took the receiver in one hand, and slid two fingers of his other hand into my vagina.

‘Hello?’ He slid his fingers out to slide my clitoris between them. ‘Yes, I understand.’ He reinserted his fingers and found the sensitive spot inside the top of my slit, I splashed myself up against his palm. ‘That will be fine. Thank you very much.’ He hung up the phone and with two hands spread my copious moisture all over my crotch, soaking my pubic hair and spreading the slime down into my anus. I moaned, and he said, ‘I’m so sorry, but that was the front desk. We have to go claim our dinner reservation or we’ll lose it.’

‘I’m not hungry,’ I objected, pressing his hand to me so that my vaginal fluids oozed up between our fingers.

‘Could have fooled me,’ he said, leaning down to kiss me and share with me the pungent taste of excited pussy. I opened his mouth with my tongue and lapped up the slick goodness inside. He stood and adjusted his tie in the mirror. He smiled as he looked down at me, lying on the bed with my wedding dress hiked up over my waist and with my thighs wide open and my pussy soppingly bare, framed by translucent white thigh-high stockings… ‘You make a beautiful bride. I’ll have the sexiest date in the restaurant.’

‘I can’t entice you to stay here?’ I ran a finger along my slit and stretched out the slime in a long shiny line.

‘You could. But I have a better offer. We’ll continue these activities at dinner, under the table.’

‘Ooooh, you are nasty. And you do know how to please me.’ Giving my pussy one last regretful caress, I got up and straightened my dress and my hair. When I reached for a tissue, he stopped me.

‘I want to go into that restaurant knowing that you are literally oozing down your legs for me.’

At those words, I swear I oozed some more. I could feel hot juice rolling down my thigh, and the not completely unpleasant stickiness of my bare crotch. My hemline was below the knee, so I didn’t think any drippings would show, but I wasn’t sure. I’d never been quite this wet before. I felt that the squishing between my legs when I walked must be audible. My swollen labia, my erect clitoris, my damp thighs, even my turgid nipples—all cried out for attention and would have to be denied, for a time.

I touched up my makeup—no small task—and then we headed down the hall to the elevator. It was eight floors down, and as we rode I stood in front of my husband facing away from him, my hands behind me tracing the insistent hardness in his trousers. His hands were on my breasts, gently stroking and tweaking the sensitive nipples he could feel protruding under my clothes. His mouth was on my neck, gently licking and sucking. My hot crotch continued to throb and ooze, waiting for its moment. Just before we hit the first floor, he slid his hands down my belly, across my crotch, and down to the hem of my dress, which he lifted enough to run a finger through my hot wetness. As the elevator door opened to reveal a group of elderly women waiting, he was innocently sucking off a finger and using his other hand to propel me out into the lobby and toward the restaurant.

The restaurant was expensive and dark. We were seated at a tiny corner table covered by a floor-length table cloth and illuminated by a single candle. As I slid into my seat, I pulled my skirt up and spread my legs, giving my poor hot sex some air and feeling more wanton every second. He sat opposite me, his eyes leering into mine in the candlelight, his hand stroking my stockinged knee, moving up to my bare, sensitive thigh.

He squeezed my knee once more and then withdrew to study the wine list.

‘I know you don’t care much for burgundy, but there is a particularly wonderful label here, and if you are ordering the filet, it will be a perfect companion for it.’

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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 20

No doubt about it, we needed a larger bed. I again awoke with the pressure of Kari's knee on my bladder. I recognized that we had the room for a king size bed, if we removed the nightstand and some other items. Yet this small need seemed so insignificant compared to everything else that I loathed bringing it up. I laughed when I thought that Jim would put it on his 'A' list if I did. He worked so well as the leader of our foraging team and had amazed me with the items he found on his first...

1 year ago
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Presidential Perks

You stand in the middle of your new office, and slowly turn in a circle, taking in every detail. You still can't believe the events of the last few days, and how you got to this point. It seems like a dream, and yet when your eyes settle on your new desk, you know this is absolutely real. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT You pick up the sign from your desk, and twirl it over in your fingers. When your father, the previous president of your country, had called you to his death bed you had expected the...

2 years ago
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Letter from Ivy Hill

LETTER FROM IVY HILLDear Shoeblossom: I am a female submissive. I never wanted to be, but my father raised me in a truly disciplinary fashion. My mother left us when I was young, and my father told me that he was going to teach me to not be a wandering slut like Ma. I think part of it, of course was that Pa wanted to get his hands on me. I am a curvy redhead, about five seven, and I’ve been that way since about sixth grade. I know that I was adopted when I was young, and my birth folks must’ve...

4 years ago
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Obeying Katie Ch01

It all started one day at the laser hair removal salon. I never had much body hair and so when I was very young, 14 or so, I started trimming or shaving my abdomen, pubis, genitals, perineum and perianus. I just thought I didn’t look normal when I let my hair grow out naturally. It was so sparse and thin I just didn’t like it. I had done this on and off for 25 years. My ex-wife even prodded me to go the salon years before we got divorced. She loved me smooth but I couldn’t get up the nerve...

3 years ago
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Canadian Lund Se Indian Maami Ki Chudai

Hello frnds, mera naam Raj hai aaur main aaj aapko apni story batane ja raha hu. Main Canada ke Calgary city me rehta hu aaur india me Punjab se hu. Meri email id hai, koi bhi ladki aaur aunty contact kr skti hai fun ke liye alberta state me kahien bhi pehle to apni maami ke bare me bta du. Wo housewife hai aaur mama ji job karte hai maami kafi sundar aaur sexy hai rang poora gora aaur gand aaur mumme dono badde baade hai. Nd m 25 now slim 6 feet handsome attractive that my girlfrnds says ab...

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5 Sunnigalai Oothu Kanjai Kudithen

Coimbatore hotel il vibachaaram seiyum naan 10 aandugalaaga sex seithu sambathikiren ippozhuthu innum ingu thaan thangi vibachaaram seithukondu irukiren. Ithuvarai naan enil ila aangalai oothu thirupthi paduthi irukiren. Avargal ennai oothu mudithu meendum hotelil thangi sex seiya vendrum endraal ennai matume azhaipaargal. Naan ingu sex seithaalum ennku athiga panam kidaikaathu, oru nabaruku ivalavu endre irukum pinbu oru naal muzhuvathum ennai vaithu seithavargal ellam irukiraargal. Aanal naan...

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The Baller and The Nurse

Author’s note 1: This piece is a sequel to an earlier story, ‘Desperate Measures: The Baller.’ If you have not read the aforementioned ‘Desperate Measures: The Baller,’ then it may be a good idea to read that one first. All of the background information on the characters and the circumstances of their interactions are established in the earlier submission. This story picks up the day after the events in the previous piece. Author’s note 2: This story is a Romance, but it contains elements of...

2 years ago
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For Rent

When I was 19 (just a few years ago), I was trying to determine a way to get through school and pay bills. It was hard finding a place that was decent enough to live at paying rent on top of all my other bills. One day I saw an add for someone to help maintain keep up an outside part of a large estate owned by an older single lady. Pay was "free rent" in the basement of a large home that had been converted to an apartment. I thought that it would cut back on a number of bills for an...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Kitana Lure Vintage DP Busty Pianist Kitana Lure Plugged in All Holes by 2 Gangsters

After playing a lovely song on the piano and getting paid quite handsomely for it, Kitana Lure allows herself to be seduced by gangster Vince Karter. At first, she lets him hold her, then he kisses her, and from there she pulls his pants down and starts sucking his cock. Kitana is choking on Vinces stiff cock when the two are interrupted by Vinces gangster friend Erik, who upon seeing what he sees, pulls his cock out and gets it sucked as well. The two friends then go on to fuck the pianist in...

4 years ago
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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 15

Part 15Oh god, this could not be happening!“Mmmm...aren't you a cute little girl?” She got a tight grip in my light pink hair, and pulled my head back. “I see why my useless thing of man wants to fuck you! Harrold, you need to pleasure this girl. Or can you not even do that right?” She looked at Luis, just laying there in the middle of it all, with his big black cock out, but she didn't care. “Does it feel good while my husband is fucking your tight little pussy?”Harrold got turned on, and...

2 years ago
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Louise Liebes 2 Film Fragment


3 years ago
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Out of the Friend Zone

I always had a thing for a friend of mine, even though she was in a committed relationship. They lived together and had talked about buying a house together, marriage, and k**s. Before they had gotten together we had talked about being more than friends but nothing happened before she met this guy.We had talked about what could have happened. She had also mentioned how her sex life was none existent for the last few months. I tried to put it out of my head, but had been thinking about it. One...

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After School Without Rules

He had a grin on his face as he took her hand and led her into the media center. To her surprise it was completely deserted, normally it was packed after school then she saw why. As Teal walked by he flipped the sign to "closed" and locked the door behind them. She became suspicious pulling gout of his grip behind one of the bookshelves "what are we doing?" Without any warning what so ever Teal pushed her against the bookcase in a long kiss. Surprise shot though her body as he pushed...

1 year ago
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A Model for CCs Pt2

Chapter 2 While Linda was gone searching for the dreaded heels Victor gave the outfit he was supposed to wear a closer look. Just looking at the pile of pink gave him shivers. He really didn't want to put any of this outfit on, but it didn't look like he would have much of a choice. "It's only fabric, a bitter pill to swallow, but if you put on this dress now and let that horrid Linda snap some pictures, then get elected for the shoot and repeat this all over your troubles will be...

1 year ago
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Strip Poker Blacken Cuckold Pregnant

My marriage was getting pretty bad. We were fighting all the time, and mostly about stupid things. My wife Jill and I met when I was 19 and she was 18. We didn't get married until 10 years later, and then waited another five before we started a family. Our one son is great, and is now 5 years old. A lot of the trouble started when Jill said that she wanted another baby. I thought that at 38 I was too old for another k**, and that started a long fight. She got back at me by not having sex with...

3 years ago
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Faith Hope and Charity 1 Beeder

As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones; not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle; church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasn’t an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars blush; but a gradual transition. For those of you who have read my earlier...

1 year ago
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Her Best Friend

It all started a few years ago when I moved to Virginia. My parents went through the routine of meeting new friends and I had to do the same. I am about 5'8" tall and i weigh 180 Pounds. I dont usually have problems making friends its just I really didnt care this time. One of my sex toy. About 5'7" tall about 200 pounds and 36DD tits. Her best feature by far was her ass. It was amazing by anyones standard. Her ass was enormous and I had a few wet dreams about sticking my dick in her. I finally...

1 year ago
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A Sailors StoryChapter 2

Unlike many people who join the military, I was perfectly suited for my role. My small stature and mechanical abilities made me an invaluable asset on the submarine. Living your life with 154 other men in extremely close quarters is, however, very difficult unless you are comfortable in your own skin. Privacy is practically nonexistent on a sub, even one the size of the Ohio. When we would go out on patrol, we would carry enough food for approximately 60 to 90 days and could travel anywhere...

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a very bad nightmare

Dear April bill is dangerous you need to leave the house at ten o clock at night someone will be waiting for you outside but you need to do it soon otherwise bad things will start up and result in your death please trust us we know you don’t trust anyone anymore that much but have faith. A trusted friend. I thought it was weird but I figured anywhere is better than here. So I waited till...

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Samantha Strips

The spotlights blaze, the music starts. Stripper Samantha steps onto the stage and instantly your eyes are on her, lusting for her. You’re already seeing her naked body in your mind. In her curve-clinging red top, black leather-look microskirt high up her bare thighs and black high heels, she struts confidently around her stage. She tosses her dark hair, her firm young breasts bounce under the thin red cloth of her top and she swings her hips. Playfully flicking up her skirt up high she gives...

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Miss Britts Personal AssistantBitch Part 6 The Period

I was working on a project with Nicole in her office and she was really miserable and bitchy. After a couple of hours of which i was only interested in finishing and getting away from her, i noticed she had her purse on her desk and it was open. I saw a box of super tampons in her purse and remarked, "Miss Nicole, do you really use those tampons when your so damn miserable"? Nicole just gave me a dirty look, reached over and closed her purse. But Miss Britt was walking down the...

4 years ago
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Bridgittes new Grandpa

the girls mother and due to other plans falling through the sixty seven year old had volunteered to take her for the two weeks that the new couple would be gone on their honeymoon. He hadn't actually met her until the day of the wedding and the girl was not at all what he expected. As he'd approached her from behind, his son just ahead to make the introduction, he noted that she was very tiny at least from the back. When she turned to face him he almost choked. She had enormous tits, if...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning Pt 04

It was Sunday morning and Abbie was out for her morning swim. The dinner with David’s parent’s had been Thursday evening followed by a date with David on Friday night. That date was an eventful one for both. They’d gone to the local place on their side of the lake instead of the fancier restaurant with the walking path. They sat opposite the other eating their burgers and fries talking about college and the soon to start academic year. ‘The swim team meets for first work outs in ten days. I’d...

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The young pet

100% fiction! For those of you reading I’m sure you’ve noticed a good portion of these are from the perspective of the submissive, well I have a little pet of mine and her horny little self is always reading these and against my permission making her tight little pussy of mine moist only to come to me and I make her soaked so for you tonight I’m gunna give you a story think about, read on my pet… Was a young couple, still in high school you see were not like most couple’s though… you see I love...

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MonstersOfCock Bridgette B Learning To Fuck in Spanish

Isiah has cinco de Mayo spirit, dressed in a colorful poncho, a Mexican sombrero and playing maracas so his girlfriend hired Bridgette B to teach him Spanish, when she came to the house Isiah noticed Bridgette’s huge tits and hot body, so he confessed his desire to learn how to pick up girls in Spanish, then Bridgette decided to use a faster learning technique, she rubbed his (gran verga) huge cock to get him hard, then she taught him to say (chupa mi verga) and she sucked his dick even...

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 50

I didn't expect to be awakened by someone kissing me on my morning ego after falling asleep while still loving Etta. I looked down and saw Lisa kissing and sucking me. She rose when my hand went to her head, and as she slid up on me, said, "Good, you can put the fire in my itch out. I wanted you last night, but Sharon only wanted to be with me. I love pussy, but I really love this thing that helped put my babies together." I hugged Lisa to me as she slid me into her, and I told her, "I...

2 years ago
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Adventures Of Me And Madhu

Hi all! My name is Mohit. I am 40 years old with normal sex life with my wife. This story is about me and my wife’s cousin sister. I am a businessman from Ahmedabad. Upper middle class and good looking having a nice physique. One year after my marriage, my wife told me that we have to go to Mumbai. She had some work and we decided to go with our whole family. When we reached Mumbai while discussing the program. I came to know that there was a cousin of my wife who stayed in Mumbai. We had to go...

3 years ago
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RunChapter 55 The Final Twist

“It’s not here.” Tamara let those words settle a moment before adding, “Victor must have gotten it already and got away...” “What does that mean for us?” Bridgewater asked calmly. “He still needs you to turn it on, right?” “Yes. Unless he’s found another way. Another key.” Bridgewater’s expression soured. “A possibility we’ve discussed...” “But,” Gene cut in, “we never did come up with what to do should this be a goose chase. Is there any way to stop Victor if he’s got his last piece and...

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A Night out

This story is set in a old country pub. A young woman has arranged to meet her boyfriend There after he finishes work. This is her story of the events from that night. As you walk into the bar, you notice a young man sitting at the bar alone, there are a few groups of older men towards the back of the bar. Your eyes catch the bar tender, "he's cute" you think to yourself. You grab a seat at the end of the bar. After a minute or so the bar tender comes over and takes your order, then returns...

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My BBW Wife

Every story has a beginning and this one is no different. Perhaps this will provide an adequate introduction to what happened next.When little I thought I was the only k** my age on the street. I'd been in school a couple of years and only saw much younger and much older k**s but then one day I saw a girl my age and she lived six houses down from me and across the street. I had a baseball and glove and was tossing it into the air and running after it before throwing it up again. I saw her then...

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Pride and Prejudice and Fucking Part the Second

[The story so far: Elizabeth Darcy, nee Bennett, is staying at the house of her sister and brother-in-law, the Bingleys, while her own husband is away on business. Before they are parted, Elizabeth takes her husband’s member in her mouth for the first time, and is rewarded with a tasty mouthful. That night, Jane confesses that she and her husband had been watching this supposedly private act, and Jane pleasures her sister with a candle. Finally, while hoping to observe her sister and...

1 year ago
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What She Knows

I was in the basement doing some cleaning when my wife came down and asked what I was up too… I replied, “I’m cleaning up this basement, would you like to help?” You can imagine my surprise when she said, “Okay”. After about an hour or so she says, “Honey what are these?”, Looking over I see she is holding up a pair of shackles from a school skit. “Those are from a skit we put on in university, I was the dungeon keeper and I used them to chain people to the wall.” With that we go on with the...

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The 25 Year Itch Chapter 17 The Final Chapter

“Have a good journey and let’s keep in touch,” I said to Maggie as we saw her train approaching the platform.  I was trying to stay strong, and I wondered if she could hear that my voice was quivering.“As in, you want me to let you know that I’ve arrived safely and then just check on how we both are every day, or keep you updated on what I’m doing?” Maggie looked a little sad as she spoke, which was something at least.  Up to this moment she had appeared rather too happy with events.We had...

Wife Lovers
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 04

I met Mr. Emerly in the hallway as I came down the stairs as he walked out of his office and we made our way to the veranda together. ‘Good morning, Miss Prentiss. I’m anxious for us to get started, so why don’t we do a little brainstorming over lunch and see if we can come up with some sort of an outline to follow …’, he had pulled my chair out so that I could be seated. Already on the table were two generous platters laden with wild rice, marinated flank steak, and fresh steamed vegetables. ...

4 years ago
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My Stepmoms Dirty Secrets Pt 1

Karen, my petite blond stepmom with a body of a Greek goddess, woke me up in the morning with a warm kiss on the lips.“I know what you want, Kyle. And I can give you that,” she was sitting beside me in a short satin robe on her wet showered body, exposing her long, slim legs. “You can fuck me anytime you want. But I want you to promise me that you won’t tell dad about last night. Do we have a deal?”I was speechless.“For a month. You can have me for a month if you keep your mouth shut for the...


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