Buried at the Beach
- 4 years ago
- 21
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"Oh, Skull, that was simply wonderful. You're a great lover with a mighty cock," cooed Carmen. And when I kill you, you murdering bastard, I'll try to cut it off while you're still breathing.
"That's better," said Skull as he stood up and wiped his softening cock on the rag that had been her panties. "You're a slow learner but you'll get the message in the end. You, Little Tart, get the fucking dildo and make her happy again."
Carmen groaned. Mirabelle, her eyes red and puffy from crying, slowly crossed the cabin and picked up the plastic phallus from the floor where April had dropped it. She returned to the mattress where Carmen lay on her back. April knelt by the dancer's head. One hand caressed Carmen's left breast the other held the riding crop.
"Let me," said the accountant. "She's a better cook than me. And it is my dildo."
Snake nodded. Night was closing in. It was time they ate. April grabbed the instrument from Mirabelle who was relieved to be rid of it.
"Roll over, Carmen," said April."Let's do it doggy fashion." She whispered, "And I like to look at your back." Skull grunted his approval and reached for the almost empty jar of rot-gut whisky. He tipped the last of the booze into his fruit jar.
Carmen groaned as she turned over and drew her legs under her. Carmen's back was a mess of criss-crossed bloody ridges from the flogging Skull had given her. Earlier, at the destroyed mine entrance, she had adamantly refused when he demanded that she should "fuck me back, whore. Tell me how good it is for you". He beat her. She remained frigid. He beat her more savagely. She had only complied with his sick order when he switched his tactics and threatened to beat Mirabelle to a pulp unless Carmen gave him "a good time" while he fucked her on what he called "Max's grave".
April inserted the plastic cock with unnecessary force into Carmen's sore but well-lubricated cunt and started to pump it in and out. Carmen had been subjected to unremitting rape by Skull or one of his harem using April's dildo since they had returned to the cabin. After April had been at the task for ten minutes or so, without Carmen uttering a sound, the accountant bent over Carmen's crouching body.
"This is what you wanted to do to me, isn't it?" April whispered adding another cut of the whip to Carmen's already lacerated back. "Beat me, fuck me and then ... what?"
"Guess," Carmen groaned.
"I'll bet it was what you got the kid there to do. Have me tongue your pussy while your husband—oops! Sorry. Your late husband—buggered me."
Carmen said nothing.
"Answer me you bitch!" squealed April. She hit Carmen with the crop again and drove the dildo viciously deeper.
"You're not hitting her hard enough," said Skull. "Here, give me the whip and I'll show you."
April stood up and surrendered the riding crop to her master. His cock was already showing signs of resurrection. He raised the whip above his head and brought it crashing down across Carmen's muscular buttocks. It drew blood instantly. Carmen sobbed involuntarily. Skull grinned and hit her again.
"Fuck-toy reminded me. Carmen, you told Maxie he'd never have your ass. Well, that's true enough I guess. But, sugarbuns, you're gonna offer your tight little ring to me right now. And while I'm digging in the ditch you can explore Fuck-toy's cunt with your lips and tongue. You understand? If you don't there'll be one less for supper."
Carmen nodded. She would not give the sadistic rapist the satisfaction of begging him to stop her torment. April sat down on the mattress, her legs either side of Carmen's head and thrust her pussy into Carmen's face. April smiled up at Skull as he pumped his cock yet again. When he was ready he nodded and she grabbed two fistfuls of Carmen's blonde hair and roughly ground her puffy cunt into the widow's face.
Skull left the dildo deep inside his victim as he knelt and squeezed his growing erection into the dancer's fundament.
Deafened and blinded Max slowly picked himself up off the floor of the van. He was dazed but otherwise unhurt. The van had not been crushed. He and Toni had been flattened by the over-pressure but the two remaining money bags had broken their fall. They were in total darkness.
Toni had come scrambling out of the triangular shaped opening of the approach tunnel. The young man had been unsteady. He had been sobbing with terror and seemed to be bleeding from a head wound. Max had reached out for him and grabbed an arm. Toni started to say something when the gelignite exploded. The lights went out. Max and Toni were blown into the back of the van as the roof of the horizontal shaft begin to crumble. The air was thick with dust. The two trapped men choked and coughed in utter darkness while the roof began raining rocks with growing ferocity.
When the rumbling stopped Max found his torch and shone it's weak and flickering beam out of the back of the van. Through a thick cloud of dust Max saw the shaft was completely blocked. Max next examined Toni who was dazed and bleeding from a gash to the head and multiple scrapes and abrasions to his naked body.
"You'll live," croaked Max.
Toni shook his injured head.
"For how long?" he said. "We've been buried alive."
"It won't work, April," said Carmen.
The accountant had continued to fuck Carmen long after Skull had come and gone to relieve himself. Carmen had tongued her to a noisy orgasm while Skull did his violent best to rupture the dancer's anal sphincter. Now April had Carmen to herself. She had cuffed Carmen's hands behind her back, forced the dildo into the opening vacated by Skull, and rammed her fist into Carmen's pussy.
"What won't work?" grunted the accountant. Her breath reeked of bad alcohol.
"This pretense you're a sadistic bitch and therefore a fit and favored companion for the tattooed man."
"Who says I'm pretending?" she said. "He likes me best. He says the kid's too soft and you're too hard. He says I make the best ... the best ... fuck-toy."
"What's this, 'too hard, too soft'? He's not sodding Goldilocks, April. He's a cold-blooded killer. He'll butcher all three of us before he leaves in the morning. If we let him."
Mirabelle, who was serving supper, heard Carmen's prophecy and burst into another round of weeping.
"What are we going to do?" she wailed.
"About what?" said Skull coming back into the hut. He was carrying the .22. "What are you going to do about what?"
"Max's bitch was making trouble. She said you'd kill us all before we leave tomorrow," said April. She withdrew her hand from April's pussy and slapped the dancer's cum-streaked face.
"Well," said Skull. "That just ain't true." He sat at the table and sipped at the last of the moonshine. "I'm gonna take one of you with me. The other two can just stay here and get home the best they can. Now let's eat. All that fucking's given me a real appetite and I've got some tidying up to do at the mine."
Max switched off the torch to save the batteries. In the dark he listened to Toni's garbled account of how Skull had made him carry the old explosive in its tin box into the access tunnel and then tried to shoot the young man. The back of the van creaked and buckled slightly under the weight of a loosened boulder.
Max said, "You realize that dog-leg we had to dig saved our lives, kid. If it hadn't been there the blast would have hit us much harder." Toni sobbed. He didn't sound happy.
"Cheer up," said Max. "You're not dead yet. You gonna help me get out of this place or you gonna sit here and blubber?"
"We can't get out. The tunnel is blocked."
"Yeah. The access tunnel is blocked and the shaft behind us is too. But the horizontal shaft we're in isn't blocked beyond the van. That's the way we'll go. Forward."
"Deeper into the mountain. You're fucking crazy."
"You got a better idea?"
Toni didn't reply. Max switched the torch on and climbed onto the passenger's seat. He took a grip on the steering wheel and kicked the window out. The little crystals of broken safety-glass glittered like diamonds in the torch's faltering beam. Through the broken window the unblocked section of the mine shaft disappeared into blackness.
After supper Skull secured Carmen and Mirabelle together with a length of chain looped around their necks and padlocked in place. He fastened the tail of the chain to the beam above the mattress and told them to rest while he and Fuck-toy went for an evening stroll. April looked nervous as Skull ushered her out of the door. She told Skull she was cold and asked if she could put a jumper over the thin shift he had permitted her to wear. Skull refused. He told her she'd soon warm up and pushed her out into the fading light with the barrel of the rifle.
"What's he going to do? Is he going to kill her?" whispered Mirabelle. She and Carmen stretched out on the mattress. Carmen lay face down favoring her lacerated back.
"I wouldn't think so, kid," said Carmen. "My guess is he'll keep us all alive and kicking until morning. He likes the idea of a harem and April's attempts to play the sadistic bitch amuse him. But he needs to get away from this place cleanly with the money. We three know too much for him to safely leave any two of us here alive. Better get some sleep now if you can. I reckon we are due for a wild night when Skull and April get back."
"Why?" said Mirabelle.
"Because tomorrow he won't know where his next fuck is coming from so he'll indulge himself with the three of us tonight. Also April is trying to convince him he's her soul-mate so as to be the one he has said he will take with him. She'll do any nasty thing he tells her to. He'll get a big kick out of her disappointment before he kills her."
"You could be wrong."
"You'd better hope so, kid. But I don't think so."
Max said, "You hear that water?"
Toni nodded his head, unseen in the darkness. The sound of falling water was not loud but he could hear it. The two men had picked their way carefully along the horizontal shaft of the old mine. Every now and then it was necessary to shift rock and rubble so they could progress deeper into the workings.
"It's coming from the roof up ahead"
"We won't die of thirst then," Toni croaked, making an effort to sound unafraid.
It took over two hours before the Ford had been unloaded and parked out of view behind the hut, the fire lit, and breakfast of bacon, eggs and beans cooked and eaten. April, still wearing only shoes and stockings, was no great help but she stuck to Carmen like an idiot sister. Carmen understood how frightened their blonde captive must be but was irritated by the accountant's constant presence at her elbow. Carmen was almost happy when they finished the washing up and Skull grabbed April by...
Work at the mine finished early that afternoon. The weather changed and heavy rain began to fall. Before long water began to stream out of the tunnel making it at first uncomfortable and then too dangerous to continue. "I see you've been giving my bitch some training," laughed Skull regarding the red stripes Carmen's belt had painted on April's backside. "What did she do to deserve a whipping?" "You know damn well. And so do you, Max. Couldn't you resist sticking your dick in the...
The following day dawned bright and clear. Before breakfast Max freed Toni from the tree he had been chained to throughout the night. A length of chain led from the tree to a loop of chain wrapped around the young man's neck. He had just enough scope to allow him to lie down in his sleeping bag. Max said during the day a chain hobble joining his ankles would be enough to ensure he could work but couldn't run. Mirabelle had slept—between bouts of being used for rough sex—chained to April....
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** Originally submitted as darkeyeddemon while I lived on the east coast of Florida ** This story is not at all what my readers have come to expect. It was initially written entirely for myself, and long after its’ writing it comes to serve a new purpose. I lost a nephew this past Tuesday June the 3rd 2003. He committed suicide, and that makes my black old heart ache to no end. We identified a lot. I can’t count the times we came to each other’s rescue. We were and still are so much alike. I...
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9 Taylor turned and sprinted as fast as his legs would carry him through the gate of the water treatment plant shouting, “Gas.” While the sheriff and deputy both just stared at him confused, Whitaker turned and also ran towards the trunk of their SUV, wrenching the rear door. By the time Taylor got to them she’d already opened their NBC kit and started pulling out provisions. “Sheriff, do you have gas masks in your car?” “What the hell...” The deputy started to say before Taylor...
“You’re...” Kara started to say as Taylor and Whitaker walked into their apartment and stopped, staring at them. “What happened?” “We had a very bad day,” Taylor said, not wanting to talk about the tragedy in Amberville or worry Kara. “Clearly.” “Come on, you’ve gotta get cleaned up. The person picking you up should be here soon.” “What are you going to do while I’m at this thing?” Taylor said as he followed her into their bedroom. “Go to the office. I know Crawford wants us to take the...
Taylor found Whitaker in her office. It occurred to him, on the elevator ride up, the one actually good thing out of being an employee of the FBI, even temporarily, was the pass that let him into the building without having to go through the visitor process every time. “Hey,” he said, dropping his bag next to her desk. “Kara said you needed me back here. Something break?” “Good timing, I was about to head over and see Crawford,” she said as she got up from her desk. “We haven’t had a major...
It was still dark outside when Whitaker’s cell phone rang. Taylor, who was usually the first of the pair to wake up thanks to being a light sleeper since his first deployment, found he couldn’t get his arm around to pick it up. Whitaker was all but lying on top of him, her head nestled on his chest almost up to his chin. After several tugs, he finally got one arm free and grabbed the phone. “Agent Whitaker’s phone.” “Taylor,” Crawford’s voice said through the line. “A plane is standing by...
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Jason and Mark ran hurriedly around the house getting everything ready for the game. The girls were going to be over anytime now and they wanted to make sure they had everything ready. The attic was the perfect set-up in Jason’s old three-story house, boasting thick walls and parents that went to bed early. The boys were both 18, enjoying their last year of high school with gusto. Parties, panties, and pornographic lifestyles in general seemed to be their taglines as graduation was only a...
They were in Marcie’s apartment. “My parents are getting suspicious, Marcie,” Aniah whined as she gnawed at a cuticle. “How so?” “I’m not sure, but I think it’s this neighbor, Mrs. Vincentia. She’s awfully nosy. She watches everything that goes on around here, so I think maybe she...” After a moment’s thought, Marcie said, “I belong to a gym. I could bring you in as my guest. There are plenty of opportunities to do whatever we want without being spied on, and if anyone asks, you’re...
“Ah-Ah-Ah…” Jordynn was grunting. Now her grunts were tinged with something else. I won’t say pain, but I will say it wasn’t comfort or lust. “Ahh-Jo-John..Ah-Ah-AH…John…P-P-p-please….PLEASE!. go softer…” she implored. “SHUT-UP” I said loudly. Completely ignoring her, I hit it at least 4 more times a tad harder still, then whipped out. I did this so fast that the action caused Jordynn to emit a small noise, and just for a moment I got to see her twat hanging open, prolapsed. “I bet you’re...
I was in the car headed back to the motel/office when the sheriff’s car pulled me over. Since I wasn’t doing anything, I wasn’t worried. I got my registration out of the dash and had it ready. That was so that I didn’t need to explain the Colt revolver in my dash. He would have no need to do a body search, so the two two mag should be fine. I also turned the digital recorder on as well. There might be something happen which Janet would needed to hear about. The deputy, who was about ready...
If you are new to my post I will provide a brief overview of who and what I am . I am a transgender who should have been born a girl. I have lived my whole life as a female. My 6th grade teacher was my first when I was twelve. he used,a bused, pimped me off I was his sub for many years. Due to a few things that were done to me in my younger years I am unable to get an erection (do not care anyway I have a useless tiny clitlit, should have been a pussy wish it was gone.) , Anyway I also do not...
Confused Ramblings of a Gardener 1. History Julia put her pen down, leaned back in the kitchen chair and stretched her arms out. This exercise complete, she leaned forward once again, neatly folded the completed letter and slid it into an envelope with her completed job application and photos of her work. With a sigh, she addressed the envelope and put it on the side ready to post. A waste of time maybe, but Julia knew that she had to be honest. Archie made his weekly rounds of...
There is a small town in Switzerland, Obunsbach, that is known for it’s fine candies. Indeed, one of the first recorded ‘sweets shop’ is in Obunsbach, selling a honey sugared square of pastry. From the simple pastries to the fanciest of confectioneries, if it is made, it is made better in Obunsbach. This includes their world renown chocolate. Ah yes, ‘Obunsbach Schokolate’, a truly divine food, a pleasure to rival sex itself. To taste of that sweet elixir is to indulge your sensations in a...
This is another story written for and to my Mentor, Jack, who answered my questions about how a Dom learns to be a Dom? Please be aware that this story was written about activities before I had ever experienced them, and this story is not meant to be a guide, but pure entertainment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this fantasy, i am free from my husband, looking for a Dom to own me, and I have begun making friends in the D/s community here. And...
Irene and Oscar were an ordinary couple, Spanish, and living a good life together in the beautiful city of Barcelona. They had been together since they were both twenty five, roughly fifteen years. Oscar was Irene’s only sexual partner, so she had nothing to compare him with in terms of his skills or equipment, but she loved him and had no interest in doing anything with another man. Oscar, on the other hand, had had a lot of sexual partners, and he knew for certain, that with a cock only...
CuckoldHis text was short and to the point: Go directly home. Strip down to collar. Get everything ready for me. A shiver went all the way through my body. I sent a short text in reply indicating that I understood and would comply. My pussy contracted and my clit started pulsing. I started packing up quickly and made my goodbyes for the day as naturally as I could, electrified with the knowledge that I was going home to meet my Master. I forced myself to drive the speed limit even though I wanted to...
BDSMConfessions of a girl slut 8Sissy ‘wife’ to a TurkI mentioned in a previous confession - where I first had sex with a black stud in Berlin - that I had been seeing an Arab guy so now I want to set that down too on record!I moved to Berlin fifteen years ago, partly for the culture - great music and opera and cheap! - and partly for the sex scene. I thought that as a sissy if there was so much going on, then there must be a lot of sex for sissies. If there was, I found it difficult to source....
You may love how sexy Haley Spades looks in her sheer pink lingerie set but she has something else much more tempting and pink for you to see. Haley wants to drop those panties fast so you can see her beautiful wet shaved pussy. Being petite has its perks too! She is nice and close to Donnies rock hard cock that he wants to see her stroke with her hands and get deep down her throat. Haley loves having her tight grip on his shaft while trying to milk him dry. Don’t make Donnie cum yet...
xmoviesforyouHi all. First I’d like to say that I’m an avid ISS reader and have had many sexual experiences all over the world. I never thought of posting an incident till I had an experience with my elderly maid’s young daughter. Just so that readers understand the story better, I’m male, 50, married, 2 grown children, living in Mumbai, sexually incompatible with wife, as, she wants sex about once a month while I need it twice a day. Over 25 years of marriage she has accepted the fact that I need more and...
It wasn't until I was in my mid-twenties that I plucked up the courage to leave the house dressed as a young woman. Initially, it was short walks to the end of our street (a relatively quiet suburban road in a relatively quiet town). My hair was fairly long in those days, with blonde streaks through a feather-cut. I'd comb down a fringe to my brows to give me a more feminine look. Over the years, I had tinkered with make-up, and by the time I was ready for a "Walks On The Wild Side", I was...