Digital Playground
- 2 years ago
- 38
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Jasmine laid out on the chaise longue, feeling the sun beating down on the deep bronze of her skin. There was a full suite of tanning beds inside the spa, but the rare break in the Pacific Northwest cloud cover meant that she had to take full advantage of it while she could. Thick, raven mane fanned out behind her head in like shimmering black silk, she adjusted her oversized tortoiseshell sunglasses, and closed her eyes.
The curvaceous MILF could feel the sweat beginning to bead on her skin as she raised her arms above her head and stretched, back arching off the chaise. Her breasts swelled and pressed tightly against the bright melon halter-top of her bikini in a tide of smooth flesh as she did, pinky-thick nipples still slightly swollen from this morning's activities. A drop of moisture rolled through the cavernous cleavage created by the bikini and under the band, sliding down across her sternum and over the soft, smooth plateau of her stomach to the well of her navel, adorned with a tiny blue jewel set in a silver ring.
Wiggling her behind down into the stretchy fabric of the chaise, she let one hand wander down across the slight mound below her navel, fingernails tickling along deep brown skin until they skimmed across the top of her bikini bottoms. The blue rhinestones set in her manicure winkled in the sunlight for a moment, then vanished inside the taut lycra. Her ripe thighs drifted apart as her fingertips slid in between the plush pillows of her vulva, pubic hair crinkling under her palm while her index finger gently slid up and down her weeping slit.
"Can I get you anything?" A tall shadow loomed overhead.
Jasmine opened one eye and let her gaze wander up his hairless stomach, and across smooth, caramel-colored abs to a set of firm pectoral muscles. The speaker stood at attention, arms at his sides, while he awaited a response. Her eyes wandered back down to his tightly-packed black speedos, and she let her index finger lazily circle her clitoris as it began to swell up. Jasmine bit her lip as she watched a thick black tube slowly inflate in his briefs, wandering crazily to the left along the crease of his thigh.
"First," she said, "go and get me a margarita." One of her sky-high espadrilles hit the tiled pool deck as her legs spread even wider. "Second, you can get between your mum's legs and fuck her silly."
"Oooh, Henry, look at that pool!" Jasmine dropped her bag and grabbed onto his arm in her excitement, pointing inside the door.
A natural pool some thirty feet long and ten across was sunk deeply into the floor of the spa. Open to the sky and surrounded by a wealth of greenery, the room was clouded with steam rising from the pool. The water itself, however, was pink as a strawberry smoothie, and gently churning from below.
"Yeah, I can see, mom." Henry rolled his eyes like only a jaded college junior could. The woman who'd opened the door shot him a hard look.
"We call that the Heartspring, hon." Ronnie gently closed the door. "A natural hot spring welling up from island, it's the heart of Jocasta's Playground."
"But it's pink! Why is it pink?" Jasmine asked, hooking her arm back through the strap of her bag.
"Nobody knows." Ronnie waggled her eyebrows mysteriously. "We do let folks play around in the Heartspring sometimes, but there are two pools on the grounds - there's an indoor lap pool down that corridor there," she pointed down a seemingly endless stretch of wood-panelled hallway, "and a more casual outdoor pool. Not that we get to use it much, but it's nice when the sun's out. Are you sure you don't want me to call Barry to come and get your bags?"
"Nono," Henry's mother waved her away. "I can manage."
Ronnie gave the boy a withering look. "Maybe you should give your mother a hand."
"I am fine." Jasmine insisted, and Henry gave their guide a shrug.
The brunette's hazel eyes smouldered under her pixie cut and she seemed to be about to say something when she let out a long sigh. "Alright, whatever you guys say. This way, come on."
Towering over his mother and the receptionist by at least a foot or more, Henry nonetheless enjoyed the view as they followed Ronnie through the labyrinthine corridors of the spa, watching her well-muscled behind twitch back and forth in an abbreviated pair of black lycra shorts that let her show off every sculpted inch of her silky-smooth (if not very long) legs.
He was glad for the first female company he'd had since they landed (besides his own mother) and even gladder that she was a tightly-packed, muscular little MILF who would look fantastic seated atop his thick cock, squirming and-
"Here you go, guys. Right in here." Ronnie swiped a card and opened the door to their suite. She ushered mother and son inside.
Henry gave her one last lingering look as she shut the door on them. Jasmine dropped all their bags on the floor and stretched.
"Oh my god that feels so good!" She stood on her tiptoes, arms reaching out for the ceiling and held that pose for a moment. The hem of her dusty pink hoodie rose up above the waistband of jeans, exposing a long slice of caramel skin. "I could just do with a cup of tea, right now." She cast about the suite.
The room was wide open from wall-to-wall, with only differing levels of elevation to indicate changes in purpose. At the highest level, set atop its own tiny pedestal, sat a large circular bed with a commanding view of the rest of the suite, including the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out on the misty forest beyond. On the middle tier, a granite-inlaid bathroom nook featured an expansive whirlpool tub set directly in the floor and a glass-walled shower cubicle that made no concessions to privacy. At the bottom, a gas-fed fire shimmered in the heart of a sunken firepit surrounded by a semicircle of plush seating open to the enormous windows.
Not a kettle to be seen. Nor a phone, for that matter. Or a television.
"This place is fuckin' weird." Henry said, stifling a yawn. He was staring at the huge bed.
"It's a spa, sweetheart." Jasmine said. "Perhaps they don't go in for technology. But I could just murder a cuppa right now." His mom let loose her bun, sending hair tumbling down over her shoulder in a long black waterfall. "I'm going to pop out and check out the cafe; did you want to come?"
He grunted, and started up the stairs towards the bed. "Nah. I'm just gonna stay here." Halfway up, he stopped and turned. "Why aren't there two beds?"
"I've no idea," she said. "I'm sure I said two beds. I'll get it sorted on my way to the cafe. You go on and have a nap. It's been a long day."
The main Jocasta's Playground building was a maze, and no mistake. Sometimes she was looking outside, sometimes she felt like she was thirty feet underground. Sometimes the signage seemed obvious - RECEPTION THIS WAY - only to lead her to a multifunctional space or a "Yoga Grotto" or a "Massage Therapy" room.
Eventually, Jasmine passed a door that lead out into the misty forest and decided to take her chances with the paths outside. If she stuck to the right, she figured, she should eventually come around the side of the building to the front.
The fog-bound forest was wasn't cold, but the damp cut through her hoodie and loose joggers, seeping into her bones.
Eventually, she came to a sign:
Reception wasn't that far away, and she really did need something hot to shake the fog out of her joints.
Jasmine turned left, and headed to the Cafe.
It was a snug little cedar-paneled building not far off the path, well-lit with a small number of patio tables and muskoka chairs situated outside, getting progressively wetter and wetter. RHEA'S DELIGHTS was etched into the glass door, which whooshed open as she approached, releasing the heavenly, homey smells of baked goods and the promise of hot tea.
Stepping through, the inside of the shop teemed with dozens of tall glass jars, thick with teas of every type and description. Red, white, black, green, herbal in a dizzying array of mixes and blends and flavours. The counter top featured the usual assortment of baked goods - muffins, cookies, oatcakes and such. Half a dozen small tables were littered throughout, none large enough to accommodate more than two, and most were empty that evening, save for one couple sitting in the back.
"Hello, lovely!" A woman stood up from behind the counter. She was a head or two taller than Jasmine, with a tumbling, loopy mane of deep red curls; her generous mouth was twisted in a wry grin. A tight white t-shirt was stretched across the impressive swells of her breasts, distorting the Jocasta's logo embossed in sequins over the left. She looked like she was about Jasmine's own age, somewhere in her early forties, and very well-preserved. "Well, aren't you new?"
"Hello," Jasmine said, blushing a bit. "Yes. We just arrived today. How did you know?"
"It's a small island," the woman, obviously the proprietor, winked at her. "I'm Rhea, like it says on the door. Everybody comes through here eventually, and I haven't seen you before. You're not here by yourself, are you?"
"Oh no, no." Jasmine shook her head. "My son Henry is back in our room."
"You couldn't drag him out with you?"
"No, he was so tired after our trip that I wanted to let him sleep, poor thing."
"Silly boy," Rhea laughed. "Ah well, it's early days yet. What can I get for you?"
"Oh just a cup of tea, please."
"Did you have a particular preference?" The redhead swept her arm, indicating the whole shop. "You're a bit spoiled for choice, there."
"Um," Jasmine looked around helplessly. None of the usual varieties seemed evident, and everything else had fairly vague names - Island Rest, Heartspring Healing, Outlook Morning - that didn't indicate very much. "Black, I guess? What do you recommend?"
"I know just the thing," Rhea laughed again, a warm throaty chuckle. She reached down behind the counter and pulled out a half-empty glass jar of black tea leaves. "It's our most popular blend - Grey Goddess - an Earl Grey-based tea with a few local herbal additions. Trust me, you'll love it." Deftly, she scooped a heap of it into a small pouch, and dropped it into a steaming mug of hot water. "We'll let it steep for a while so you can get the full effect."
"How much-"
"For you? Tonight?" She looked around at the nearly-empty cafe, and leaned over the countertop. "Free for you, love." Rhea winked. "Go and take a seat, and I'll bring it over once it's ready."
Jasmine picked out a table, and sat down. In the back of the cafe, a woman and a man were huddled closely over their drinks; they'd obviously been out for a run or something, they were wearing abbreviated running shorts and trainers along with still-damp jackets. Their bare legs met under the table and rubbed gently together. She couldn't remember the last time she'd sat with someone like that; since Henry's father passed away, certainly, and that was easily ten years ago.
Though willow thin, the woman looked somewhat older than her companion, probably by a decade or more. Her legs were long and flawless, but her age betrayed by a few crow's feet around her eyes and traces of grey around her temples.
"Here you are, darlin'," Rhea arrived with the tea, along with a slice of banana loaf on a plate. Wiping her hands on the apron tied around her trim waist, she sat down across from Jasmine. "Go on, give it a go."
The mug was warm, and welcome heat seeped through Jasmine's chilly fingers. Raising it to her lips, she took a sip, then another. The citrusy taste of the Earl Grey was dominant, but there was something else, something warm and spicy and delicious underneath. Mindful of the hot water, she took another, bigger mouthful.
"It's lovely," she said. "Just wonderful!" Over at the other table, the woman had spilled some of her drink. Droplets of amber liquid rolled down the length of her calf. Immediately, the man sprang to his feet, grabbing a couple of napkins; taking a knee on the floor, he began to lovingly wipe his partner's leg.
Rhea smiled as they watched him, and Jasmine drank again.
"It's lovely to have someone to do for you," Rhea said, with surprising forcefulness. "Someone to lend a hand, somebody who can pick up after you, and treat you a bit like a queen."
Jasmine blushed again. "Oh, wouldn't it?" She drank, mulling over the other woman's words. "But I've never- It's been such a long-"
"I thought you said you had a boy?" The cafe owner turned to look at her.
"Henry?" Jasmine laughed. "No no, if anything, I'm the one who looks after him. After his father passed away, I just got used to trying to keep him safe and happy and content. A bit too much, maybe. I've been his live-in maid for years. I can't remember the last time he did anything for me."
"That's not the way it should be," Rhea's voice was gentle, but there was steel somewhere underneath it. "A boy should look after his mum every once in a while. After all, you've been taking care of him, haven't you? It's only fair."
"Oh, I suppose," she shrank in her chair a bit, feeling like she was being judged. She took another, bigger drink.
"When my boy Charles comes over from the main building," the redhead said, nodding in the direction of the main Jocasta's building, "after a long day of running the kitchen over yonder, the first thing he says is, 'is there anything I can do for you, mum?'"
Jasmine tried to imagine Henry doing the same, and took a long pull from the mug.
"You should be a bit more forceful with him," Rhea said. "it sounds like he runs you right over like a spoiled brat, but a boy's natural inclination is to do what his mum says, and you should remember that. It's too bad you've gone and missed Madeline's orientation session this week, you could've learned a thing or two. But you should keep it in your mind, any road."
"I ... I'll think about it." The young man had stopped wiping his partner's leg, and appeared to be kissing it. That couldn't be right, could it?
"Have you seen the Heartspring?" The redhead asked, taking a bite out of Jasmine's banana loaf.
"Yes, yes it's gorgeous. I've never seen anything like it!"
"You know they let people swim there when nobody's using it?" Rhea grabbed one of the napkins and a pen from her apron. She scribbled something down and pushed it over. "Here, it should be empty around then, no classes or anything. You and your son should check it out."
"I will, thank you!" Jasmine took the napkin and stuffed it in the pocket of her hoodie. She took another long pull from the mug. The couple in the back were getting up now, and strode past, arms linked, giggling. As they passed, the woman reached down and grabbed her partners behind, giving it a hearty squeeze. Jasmine looked down, feeling very warm and slightly giddy for some reason.
"Are you alright? You look a bit flushed."
"Yes, yes I'm fine." She said, looking into the empty mug. "Tea's all gone."
"I think maybe you should head back, then. Maybe have a bit of a lie down, think it over." Rhea pushed herself back from the table and stood. Jasmine nodded, feeling a little overwhelmed by the redheaded cafe-owner's height, and got up herself.
Exiting into the misty night, the cool air cleared her head a little. What Rhea had said about boys and their mums was interesting, though she'd never really thought about it before. She was thinking about it now, however.
"Mom, are you sure we can even be in here?" Henry asked as she held the door open for him.
"Pretty sure!" Jasmine enthused. "Come on, live a little!" She waved him in. Their robes were the same length, so while hers dropped all the way to the floor, his fell only to calf-length, and he found himself having to hold the front together with his hands. She slipped in behind her son, and the door banged shut heavily behind them.
"Oh, just smell that!" Henry watched as his mother took in a deep double-lungful of the moist, warm air that filled up the Heartspring atrium, despite being open to the sky. The front of her robe expanded and began to part in a fashion he suddenly found very interesting, then embarrassing. When was the last time he'd had sex, anyway?
"Breathe it in!" Reluctantly, he did, and felt a warmth suffuse through his body from toes to fingertips, making his extremities tingle a little.
"What is that smell?" It was spicy and warm and homey and something else. Henry shrugged off his robe, and Jasmine was suddenly struck by how fit her son looked; had he always been so broad? As the terrycloth settled around his feet, she couldn't help but stare at the smooth brown skin of his abdominals; they bunched and flexed when he kicked the robe away to the side. His bright-green boardshorts fell to knee-length but draped nicely over the rounded swell of his behind. His mother licked her lips and looked back at the water, a smoothly roiling strawberry pink.
"I don't know, but isn't it lovely? I can't wait to try the water!" Jasmine untied her own robe, and let it fall to the floor. She wore a modest, high-necked purple one piece suit that suddenly felt too a little tight around the chest as her nipples sparked to life. The suit was cut to conceal as much skin as possible, but could do very little to hide the impressive size of her breasts while white piping along the side emphasized the exaggerated curve of her waist as it tucked in above her hips. Looking over, she saw that Henry was staring at her. In unison, they blinked.
She edged towards the water, and dipped a toe in. It was hot, just above body-temperature, and it sent a thrill through her body. Gingerly walking into the water, she found it went no deeper than her waist; a gentle frisson of bubbles popped around her navel while she felt the tingly feeling suffuse through her lower body. On a sudden impulse, Jasmine bent her knees and jumped, diving beneath the surface.
Warm, pink water folded around her and sluiced through the gaps in her suit, briefly taking her in a heated, tingling embrace. She relished the sensation for a moment, kicking her legs until they found the bottom again and jumped upwards. Breaking through in a wild splash, liquid poured from her long black hair and face in a pink waterfall, plastering the one-piece suit to her body as it flowed over every nook and cranny.
Henry, still standing on the edge, breathing heavily of the perfumed steam emanating from the Heartspring, stared wide-eyed at his mother as her fingers combed through her hair, flipping it out of her face, back arched, breasts proudly thrust towards him. The wet lycra looked oilslick slippery as it moulded around the firm globes of her tits, jostling for space underneath her suit. As the water dripped from her face, Jasmine's rose-petal-pink lips glistened, momentarily frozen in a gasping "O" as she sucked in the spicy air of the springs.
Before she could open her eyes again, Henry had jumped into the water ten, fifteen feet away in a terrific splash that sent a small tsunami towards her. Looking downrange, she watched him trying to float, stretching out in the hot spring as far as his long, broad body would go, and she spied a thick bulging mound gently rising over his left thigh. The sudden knowledge that she was spying on her own son's endowment sent a forbidden thrill through her body as she briefly wondered about its dimensions.
Embarrassed at her own thoughts, Jasmine kicked away to the other side of the grotto, where the water was burbling up through the rock. The natural heated jet pounded against her legs, then buttocks as she spread her arms and relaxed against the rough granite edge of the pool.
"Oh!" She gasped. "Henry! You've got to- oooh! Try this!" Jasmine closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the water. He watched from across the atrium as his mother's body gently rose in water, gasping as the hot spring pushed against her from below, pulsing insistently between her legs. Henry folded his legs in, coming to sit on the bottom, his hands below the surface, one idly resting against his insistent cock. The gently fizzing water was tickling the shaft, making it difficult to keep it from thickening to a full erection; his mother's gasps of pleasure weren't helping much.
But he couldn't do anything about it, could he? Not touch it, touch it. Not here, not with his mother in the room, not while he was watching her face, framed by the twin mounds of her breasts, lips parted and gasping, tongue lashing to catch the beads of water as they rolled down her face-
"I've got to go," he said, suddenly pulling himself out of the water.
"What? Already?" Jasmine's eyes opened and she watched his broad, muscular back as he walked across to pick up his robe.
"No, I've got to go," he said, hastily pulling it closed around him, hands firmly clasped in front.
"Oh, I see." She said, disappointed, and paddled closer. "Can you please grab a towel for me before you go, Henry?" There was a chrome rack in the corner of the atrium, piled high with fresh towels.
"Mom, I've got to go." Her son said, although he didn't seem to be too eager to bolt for the door, almost as if he were waiting for something.
Jasmine crossed her arms on the edge of the grotto, allowing her lower body to rise to the surface. The thick curves of her buttocks broke through the water, pink rivulets coursing down over them to puddle in the small of her back.
"Get me a towel, please." She said. Thinking of what Rhea had said, she put a little more bite in her words than she ever would have with her son. "Now."
Biting his lip, Henry appeared to be wracked with indecision, eyes flicking back and forth between her face and the bobbing curves of her ass.
"Sure." He said. "Whatever." Jasmine watched her son stomp over to the rack and snatch one of the towels off, pulling it out of its fold. His feet splashed on the floor of the atrium as he stomped back to her, one arm extended. "Here."
"Thank you, honey." She reached up to take it, and their hands touched. A thrill and a flush rushed through both of their bodies as Jasmine took the towel from Henry. A sensation of ... power ... rolled through her as it had never done before. For a brief moment, she felt like she could have commanded him to do anything and he would. The thrill coursed through her and her nipples peaked, clearly visible through the wet lycra, while heat began building between her thighs.
Henry, a shocked look on his face, let go of the towel and, in a hunched-over half-step, stumbled out, stammering, "I-I really gotta go! I gotta go!"
" ... and then he did it!" Jasmine explained while Rhea leaned over the countertop, listening with a smile. "You don't understand! He's never listens to me! Never! And he did it, just like that!" She snapped her fingers. The redhead's smile broadened.
"Did you like it?" She asked. Jasmine blushed prettily.
"It was very nice, yes." The diminutive brunette picked up her tea and took a long pull, letting the spicy warmth of the brew suffuse through her body.
"Maybe you should do it again." Rhea winked. "Maybe it's time to rewrite your relationship with your son a bit, yeah? You certainly look happier, excited, almost."
Jasmine smiled shyly, remembering how much time she'd spent in the spa after Henry's departure, letting the jet of the spring play against her body, the heated stream toying with the sensitive flesh between her legs and thinking of the thrill of telling her son what to do. She'd never told a man what to do before, nevermind her spoiled son, and it was exciting, dammit. There was no shame in that, in enjoying herself. Maybe when she got back home, she'd try looking for-
"This calls for a celebration!" Rhea declared, interrupting her customer's train of thought. "Just a small one, though." From behind the counter, she produced a small silver hip flask and unscrewed the top. "Here, give it a go." Before Jasmine could say anything, she poured a glug of something amber into the mug. Then, in a stage whisper, "but don't tell anybody, I'm not supposed to be serving alcohol in here."
"Oh-oh I really couldn't," she tried to wave the drink away with an embarrassed, fluttering motion. "I don't even drink alcohol, I haven't in years and I would hate to get you into troub-"
"Drink it," Rhea insisted. "It feels good to be a bit naughty every now and again. It's only a little nip. It won't hurt."
Jasmine giggled conspiratorially, and took a swig. There couldn't have been much alcohol in there, but knowing she was breaking the rules intentionally added a frisson of excitement; the knowledge of her own naughtiness, remembering how naughty she'd been in the Heartspring, sent an electric thrill through her body that sent her nipples perking up again. She wondered if anybody would be able to see them; she was only wearing a bright blue t-shirt that hugged her chest and trim waist. But there was nobody to see, only Rhea.
"See?" The cafe owner said. "Feels good, doesn't it? A little tingle. Now imagine how good it would feel to do something really naughty."
She took another swig, another tingle. "Like what?"
"Sometimes, people sneak into the Heartspring after dark for a night swim," Rhea winked. Jasmine squirmed in her chair a bit, legs rubbing together at the thought of her and Henry slipping into the Heartspring after hours, easing out of their robes and-
" ... very romantic," Rhea was saying. "Who knows? You might even meet a fella down there. You wouldn't be the first one to meet your true love down in the Heartspring."
"Oh yes." Then the redhead chuckled. "You certainly wouldn't be the first to find some lucky boy to snuggle up in between your legs and satisfy other cravings, either. I'd wager what a woman like you needs is a nice, big young cock to toy with."
Jasmine wriggled a little in her chair, feeling her panties bunching up between her legs. The last young cock she'd seen any evidence of was Henry's and that one ... that one had been quite big, hadn't it? Knowing she was thinking about her own son's tool sent another little trill of naughty pleasure through her. She drank from the mug again.
"Of course, you should be properly dressed for such an occasion," Rhea said. "You do have something appropriate, don't you darlin?"
"What do you mean?" The brunette looked down into her mug, flustered. "I have a ... a suit?"
"Nothing too crazy, lovely, but something that might turn a fella's head, you know?"
Still looking into the dregs of her drink, Jasmine shook her head. "No, nothing like that, I guess."
"No harm, honey. You came here with your son, you weren't planning on seducing anybody on this trip." Rhea gave her a long, languid wink. "But findin' a nice ripe young lad to seduce sounds very naughty to me. Anyway, here-" she slid a card across the table. "Take that on down to the shop at reception. Tell Ronnie I sent ya. She'll set you up good and proper, lovely. I promise."
"Thank you!" She swallowed the last of the tea, and the remaining liquor went straight to her head, making her a little dizzy.
"For what? I haven't done anything!" The redhead laughed. "Just make sure you come back after to tell me all about it. Just between us girls. You can come back tonight if you like! I'm here all evening -- my boy and I have rooms upstairs. We can have a giggle about it and maybe a drink or two."
"Okay!" Jasmine stood up, then grabbed onto the table, suddenly a little lightheaded for some reason. "I'll do it."
"I know you will, sweetheart. I'll see you then," Rhea picked up the empty mug and tucked it away behind the counter, grinning wryly as she watched the other woman leave.
"Mom, I still don't know why I'm here," Henry said in a hushed voice.
"Because I didn't want to wander around at night by myself." Jasmine held the belt of her robe tight, keeping a weather eye out for Jocasta's staff as they scurried through the labyrinthine corridors. "Because I asked you nicely. Did you want me to tell you to walk me down here?"
Henry had no answer, and Jasmine tried not to think too hard about it. She was trying mostly to keep steady on her new sandals, being wholly unaccustomed to wearing a heel of any height, never mind the tall wedges the saleswoman had somehow talked her into. She'd made it sound like such a good idea at the time, but now that she had to occasionally grab Henry's arm for balance she wasn't so sure. At least there didn't seem to be anybody around for her to embarrass herself in front of.
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Playground Sweeties Oh how I loved those playground sweeties and I don’t mean their little daughters either. Young children have young mothers, generally. Being a single parent I took every opportunity to visit all of the parks in our town. For a small out of the way community we had four places for our children to play. The elementary school had a very nice solid wooden play gym, the high school had a nice field to run around on, and the main Community Park had a bunch of slides and...
Indoor Playground Brochure I was hired to produce a brochure for an indoor playground. I told the owner that I should do it when there were kids in there enjoying themselves but she said that it would be too hard to get permission to use their faces in her brochure. However, she said that she had a granddaughter that would be perfect. Okay, what could I say? I arrived two hours before closing as she had suggested. She introduced me to her eleven-year-old granddaughter Heidi, who was...
This is a true story. It is also my first story ever written. So any advice is welcomed! Thank you! It was the summer and I was 16. My boyfriend and I had broken up about a month before and I was still pretty upset. My friend Krista suggest we have a Girls' Night, and invited me over to her house. She lived in a small one bedroom apartment with her aunt who was never there. I agreed and was excited to pig out on junk food and watch girl empowerment movies! The night started out just as planned!...
TabooUnder the moonlight, he was able to see through her translucent white flowing dress. He saw her slender hour glass figure, thin yet alluring as she stood against the light a deserted children’s play ground, talking about her missed childhood, and her dream. She looked very pretty, too pretty indeed to fuck. So, he sat beside the see saw, and stopped her swing. Without much hestitation, he slid his hands from under her knees, into the white dress and up her groin area. This made her...
It was the first week of January. I got an email from this girl named Carrie. She was extremely horny and I was the only guy she knew that could give her what she needed. Carrie and I had met on Craigslist and hooked up a few months before. She's a big girl and a technical virgin. She claims she's never had vaginal sex, but she loves anal. Our first encounter hadn't gone as well as I had liked. On top of her anal-only policy, which was new to me, she also had a thing for outdoor sex. We had met...
As the ferry ploughed on through the fog, Nate's phone buzzed again. He slipped it out of his jacket pocket; the second-to-last bar winked out, as they had been doing steadily since departing from the terminal. Jessie: i miss u He thumbed past the lock. i miss u too. i can't believe i have to do this. Jessie:its ok. just try to have a good time!!!! :-) middle of nowhere. not even any signal out here :-( this place better have wifi. i'll text u when i get there. Message not delivered....
Introduction: playmate at playground She showed up at the playground, when I first noticed her. My toddler daughter was playing on the structure with the ropes and slide and stuff right in the middle of the place and there was an older girl, probably of middle school age by the look of her, tall and thin with long dark hair running along with my daughter and playing right along, the two girls made good company together. After a while it was time to leave. The Florida heat was pretty intense...
Hannah caught Jade’s eyes and held them, then turned her gaze out over the river, both their bodies facing the edge of the bridge while people passed by behind them. Without a word, Hannah’s hand brushed against Jade’s thigh. Jade sighed involuntarily, sinking against her soft touch. Hannah leaned over, whispering in Jade’s ear “I need to touch your pussy now”. Jade caught her breath as Hannah’s hand traced slowly, further up her inner thigh. She looked around, people continued to walk...
I went to a really poor city school, the kind that had a library full of books without covers and tiles so old they were cracked and half missing. Well one day in fall, early November, during recess I managed to get away from anyone without getting beaten up or teased by anyone. I snuck off to the side of the building, in a little nook between the brick wall and the brick fence that separated the front of the school from the playground/lot. I wanted to finish reading Scary Stories to Tell...
I cried out, not because it hurt, but because it was so good.I never wanted it to end.It was my first time, and it was perfect.I wanted to yell, 'don't stop, don't stop,' but I couldn't speak.He slowed down, sped up, then changed the angle a little bit. He pressed his arms down into the mattress, so he was doing sort of a half push-up on top of me and started rocking into me, different, harder, even better."Lick," he said. He had his thumb near my mouth.I licked it. He reached in between us and...
I remember Mr. J. saying discretion was essential. Well, not like I had much to tell.Except about Evan. But who would I tell, Bevvie? No way. She didn't even know the name of this place, and I was sure going to keep it that way.Besides, if I mentioned his name I would probably blush red from my neckline to the roots of my hair. I would never tell anybody this, but he was entering my thoughts pretty often at random times. And they weren't PG thoughts either. Not that I would have any idea what...
She sat opposite me sipping her tea, the tracks of her tears still evident on her cheek. "I'm sure things will be ok," I tried to re-assure. "I don't know, this time he's gone too far," fresh tears left her eyes. It was painful for me to watch her like this. I had loved her for so many years, from the first time I saw her on the school playground. Her husband of just two years was fooling around with some slut he had picked up in a pub. "It's not that I wouldn't do anything he...
People have this totally wrong image of depraved porn addicts. They think we’re just a bunch of humorless creeps jerking off in dank basements, our only utterances the primal grunts and groans of men, little more than apes, caving in to their basest desires. Well, those people have never heard me cranking it to the parody pornos over at Digital Playground. That shit is sexy and laugh-out-loud hilarious.Parody scenes can be a quick and easy way for porn studios to cash in on current trends....
Premium Porn Parody SitesI arrived at Keflavik International Airport in Reykjavik, Iceland from Bristol, England. It had taken a while to find my bearings and luggage. Once found I made my way to customs I gave them my passport and made sure the visa was correct. My entry was approved, they handed back my passport and I went outside to wait for the taxi. While I waited for the taxi to arrive, I froze my balls in the below-freezing temperatures. Damn, it was cold this evening and could it be crazy to come here this time...
OutdoorChapter 2: Pool Party at Heather’s House SHORTLY AFTER SCHOOL ended that year, Heather Ratcliffe invited everyone in our class over for a swim and barbecue. Sam disappeared into a mob of kids at the end of the garden to play something they called volleyball. It seemed to involve a lot of pushing and shoving but very little control of the ball. I jumped in the pool and headed for a huge inner tube floating near the opposite edge. I’d just gotten myself onto it when I felt someone’s hand warm...
My name is Jon. I'm 19 years old, white, about 5ft 8in, athletic build with brown hair. I live with my parents in Richmond, a leafy suburb of London where a lot of wealthy people live. We're a well-off family, but my parents have always insisted I work to earn my own money - to teach me the value. Term time I go to university in Edinburgh, but during the summer months I work as a pool cleaner.If you're not from London, or from Britain, you probably can't imagine how many people have swimming...
FetishI liked my sister, Connie, even if I didn’t really know her. I was the “surprise” of the family, born twelve years after her. When I was starting elementary, she was off to college; as I was entering my teen years, she was married. I dare say I wouldn’t have known her at all if she and her husband had not decided to stay at the Beach. Of course, she married up, so they lived at the North End. But we still got together for the holidays and she came by to visit with Mom and Dad several times a...
MasturbationIndru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
I love to lie in the sun by my pool, soaking up the summer rays. I’m Pranay Patel. My parents moved from India 18 years ago, one year before I was born. I’m 5 foot 2, thin, and very young looking. I have short, kinda spiky hair, deep brown eyes, latte-colored skin, a killer smile, and one hell of an ass. It’s round, juicy, and oh-so-fuckable. My dick is about 4.5 inches, but don’t laugh. It’s big compared to the rest of my body. That doesn’t really matter, however, because I’m a total bottom. I...
GayOn the way home, I decided to stop at my favorite lounge, called "The Lush Spot." Upon entering, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. "Good evening Mr. Preston, right this way." Alexandra led me to a table in the back.I always made sure I came when she was working. We have known each other since she started working here four years ago. She is twenty-five years old, five feet tall with hazel brown eyes. Her black hair reaches the middle of her back.Tonight she wore a short brown...
ExhibitionismOn the way home, I decided to stop at my favorite lounge, called ‘The Lush Spot.’ Upon entering, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. ‘Good evening Mr. Preston, right this way.’ Alexandra led me to a table in the back. I always made sure I came when she was working. We have known each other since she started working here four years ago. She is twenty-five years old, five feet tall with hazel brown eyes. Her black hair reaches the middle of her back. Tonight she wore a short...
Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him.Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...
Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him.Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...
Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him.Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...
Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him. Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...
MILFMitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him. Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...
DOGGING IN THE PLAYGROUND This story goes back a couple of years and tells you how my dog walking business led me to wanking and cumming on a group of schoolgirls. First a bit of background. Following a divorce that led me to be being screwed, I ended up in a big city in a little flat with very little money. However a stroke of luck, namely compulsory redundancy, gave me enough money to buy a small house in a little village a long way from where my ex wife lived,but near enough to visit my...
Under the moonlight, he was able to see through her translucent white flowing dress. He saw her slender hour glass figure, thin yet alluring as she stood against the light a deserted children's play ground, talking about her missed childhood, and her dream. She looked very pretty, too pretty indeed to fuck. So, he sat beside the see saw, and stopped her swing. Without much hestitation, he slid his hands from under her knees, into the white dress and up her groin area. This made her...
TabooMy sisters were on their backs. Their young tits were covered with oil and baking nicely in the sun. They were so quiet they could have been asleep. I put my gifts on the table beside Grace and dove in the pool. I swam to the far side and turned to see all five girls lined up on the other side looking at me. Grace had a scowl on her face and the others were similar. I swam back towards them and Grace said.”Where were you? We were worried when you didn’t come down to the pool.” As I neared...
Dan Hutchinson came home to an empty house. He had been gone for two weeks on a business trip to New York, and he was ready to take his suit off and relax. The house was dark, locked, silent. Almost silent, actually. He heard just the faintest tapping coming from below. He walked down the stairs - it got louder - now it was more of a rhythmic thumping, like...a bed rocking back and forth. As he got closer to the guest bedroom, it got louder - he heard some faint moaning through...
I saw her at school every day, waiting in the playground while picking up the kids from school. We had made eye contact often, and she would give me a slutty smile every time. She had long black hair, stunning blue eyes, full sexy lips and a hot little body. She liked to dress in clothes that showed off her perfect tits, pert and firm, with nipples that always seemed to be hard. She never wore a bra. I often fantasized about fucking those gorgeous tits when I saw her. She never failed to make...
I saw her at school every day, waiting in the playground while picking up the kids from school. We had made eye contact often, and she would give me a slutty smile every time. She had long black hair, stunning blue eyes, full sexy lips and a hot little body. She liked to dress in clothes that showed off her perfect tits, pert and firm, with nipples that always seemed to be hard. She never wore a bra. I often fantasized about fucking those gorgeous tits when I saw her. She never failed to make...
Quickie SexWith the housing crash, property values plummeted, especially in Vegas where we’d been talking about a second home. Molly, my wife of 8 years came through the door and said, "Danny, time to step up to the plate and buy the home we've been discussing." At 41, she was strikingly beautiful, standing 5'7'' with a thin build at 121 pounds, light reddish-brown hair with blond streaks cut in a pageboy, emerald green eyes, 36-C breasts and an ass that just took my breath away. She was a...
Patricia watched him from her upstairs window his golden brown skin glistened in the afternoon sun she watched his muscles rippling as he skimmed the debris from her built in pool her hand strayed to her panties and she rubbed herself through the fabric soon this was not enough and she slipped her hand inside and her finger found her clitoris she circled it with her finger as she imagined Juan the pool boy on top of her his big bronze colored cock driving between the lips of her hungry wet...
I made my way around to them and said, "I know what you mean, if I had to do it all over again it would be hookers and maids for me!" I continued to scrub the sides as they all exited the pool talking under their breath at the nerve of me. I just knew that I was going to get fired when I get back to the office. I got back to the office and turned in my papers and got my truck ready for the next morning. Not a word was said.....maybe the 'ol bitches didn't call the office....yet! ...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestJenna planned to tell Kerri all about Matt’s odd encounter when she got back, but as she pulled into the long, circular brick drive way, she saw the van for Golden Boy Pool Service parked in front. “You’ve got to be kidding,” Jenna thought to herself. Leave it to Kerri to find a new pool service by that name. They couldn’t possibly really mean that they send only ... but if they did, they’d have to be open to ... hey that’s not a bad idea ... She felt herself getting wet at the thought of...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
When a vengeful woman turned the teenage Clark Kent aka Superboy into Claire Kent aka Super-Sister, that was the last anyone ever saw of Clark, or so Supergirl believed. So why, when she travels back in time from a period when her now adult cousin is the world-famous Superwoman, does she find a Smallville in which Superboy is back, and Claire Kent is one of the town's bad girls? CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein...
"Pool Boy" It was late Friday afternoon. Lane had driven over to the Hawthorne estate, he'd been called in by the homeowner Ted. He'd checked the pool chemicals with his tool bag then set the bag aside as he took his seat at the kitchen table as Ted Hawthorne brought over a couple sodas. "I just cleaned your pool last week Mr. Hawthorne, the chemicals still look ok. You live alone and don't use the pool very much so I shouldn't have to come back for another couple of weeks," Lane...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
We were at a Jaycee Convention in our State Capitol. I was 24 years old at the time and my wife to be, Julie, was 22. We had attended a dance on the previous evening. Having drank too much, eaten too much, and then fucked the night away, we didn't roll out of bed until mid-morning. The first order of business was breakfast, followed by a little power shopping and then a return to our room for some rest and relaxation before hitting it again.Julie had started playing with my cock in the...
The girls were lying on their towels on the lawn surrounding the pool and putting sunscreen on each other when Bonnie and her daughters came outside in their bikinis. They all had their hair up in pony tails that swung from side to side when they walked. Bridie was slightly taller than Connie and Bonnie but all looked so sweet in their bikinis that I had to stop myself from staring at them. They stopped just short of me and spun around showing that all of the bikinis had a thong bottom and...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
"Ah Katrina!" Kyle all but purred when I rushed in the door. "Perfect timing." Cleo was stepping out of a puddle of blue fabric, her gown fitting complete. "There's a storming coming." I put the book on the counter. "Better get candles ready. Kyle I'll run up and get the torture device you made." I smiled with good humor. Rain came down in sheets against the windows just as I handed the corset to Kyle. Thunder rumbled and sometimes seemed to shake the cabin, the windows actually...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Peaches and the Poolboy“Karma is a bitch” No truer words were ever spoken. Here I am, in my early sixties at an age that a few years ago I looked forward to. If anyone thought they were immortal, it was me. Now I’m an expert on amyotrotrphic lateral sclerosis, ALS, or more commonly known as “Lou Gehrig’s disease” It began about three years ago when I would trip on insignificant things. A crack in the sidewalk, a twig. It initially would be no more than a nuisance and would piss me off. As...
You are in our garden next to the pool and the sun is beating down on your smooth, tanned, wet body. You are wearing a tiny white bikini, which is slightly see-through because you’ve just come out of the pool. You put on your iPod and sunglasses and lie back on the sun bed, letting the sun dry your body and hair. You close your eyes and you slowly start to doze off, and you start dreaming about your fantasies and your past sexual encounters. As you dose, your hand slips down in between your...
Straight SexYou are in our garden next to the pool and the sun is beating down on your smooth, tanned, wet body. You are wearing a tiny white bikini, which is slightly see-through because you’ve just come out of the pool. You put on your iPod and sunglasses and lie back on the sun bed, letting the sun dry your body and hair. You close your eyes and you slowly start to doze off, and you start dreaming about your fantasies and your past sexual encounters. As you dose, your hand slips down in between your...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. Normally a boy of eighteen would enjoy gazing out a large picture window with an unimpeded view of teenaged feminine pulchritude. But lately such lustful viewing has been stressful for me. Though Mrs. Minever's daughter seems to each week wear less and less bathing attire, the Mother of the precocious model puts more demands on me with every visit. Thus I am forced to contemplate the value of my compensation for services rendered. Today I stand upright...