California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 2: Pool Party At Heather’s House free porn video

Chapter 2: Pool Party at Heather’s House
SHORTLY AFTER SCHOOL ended that year, Heather Ratcliffe invited everyone in our class over for a swim and barbecue. Sam disappeared into a mob of kids at the end of the garden to play something they called volleyball. It seemed to involve a lot of pushing and shoving but very little control of the ball.
I jumped in the pool and headed for a huge inner tube floating near the opposite edge. I’d just gotten myself onto it when I felt someone’s hand warm on my knee. I turned to see Heather smiling.
“Off, Buddy. This thing is mine.”
“Yeah? Finder’s keepers, Heather, right?”
I heard her laugh as she let go of my knee and grabbed on to the tube and tried to lever herself on board. Instead the tube flipped over and as I fell into the water I grabbed Heather and hung on. In our tangle my nose ended up almost in her armpit, which sounds gross even if it wasn’t. She smelled of chlorine and of something else I couldn’t identify. When I think back on it now mostly I remember being confused.
Heather and I were pushing and pulling and trying to avoid the valve sticking out when I felt a hand between my legs. I figured it was an accident, except that it happened again. I looked at Heather, but she was looking at the tube. Then it happened once more, only the hand kind of rubbed my cock. Again, Heather was looking somewhere else. She didn’t say a word and she didn’t look at me.
There were so many things I didn’t know then, one of them being how much pleasure the touch of another could bring. All I could think about was rub and stroke and come, really. My idea of foreplay, if I had any idea at all, was to rub on someone else, not for her pleasure but for mine. I suppose I very dimly understood that if she was having fun that might work to my benefit, but the key word here was “dimly.”
What I did know was even if those touches in the pool weren’t particularly exciting to me they were an invitation to touch Heather, so I first put my hand between her thighs to cup her and then on her tummy and a minute later up on the little mounds that were on their way to becoming breasts. Neither of us spoke and we never made eye contact. Thinking about it later, I realized Heather was just as new at this as I was and just as uncertain about how to do it.
I ditched the inner tube and went straight for Heather. She struggled and she groped for me, but I spun her around and grabbed the back of her swimsuit and towed her over to a shallow corner. There I turned her to face the edge of the pool and pressed myself against her from behind as she squirmed. I ran my hands up her sides and around to her front.
All I knew was I wanted to get my hands all over Heather, fast, and my now-stiffened cock wanted to be hard against her bottom. I started massaging her little almost-breasts. They were softer than the rest of her and when suddenly I felt little bumps and explored them, Heather stopped squirming and pushed her rear end back at me.
Sure, there were kids around us, a few, but it was fairly dark and the food Heather’s mom was setting out got most of the boys and a good number of the girls out of the pool. At this point I didn’t care. My cock and my hands had someone to rub against and that’s all I could think about. If Heather hadn’t felt my cock before, she surely did now when I plastered my entire body to hers and began to rub myself on her.

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