A Rainy Night In Paris Ch. 11 free porn video

‘So this is where you have been keeping yourself,’ Samantha said, pushing Monique ahead of her as they came up to the table where the remains of cheese, bread and wine were strewn about except for a small puddle in the bottom of each man’s glass. Greg looked up from his crossword puzzle and Alex barely crooked an eyebrow as he reached for his empty glass, making a slight moue and flagging down the waiter for more wine and two more glasses.
‘Well, I did not seem to be able to add more to the discussion and since the four of you had it under control, I suggested to Greg that we find ourselves a table and some wine and settle in to wait for you. Of course, that was two bottles and several wheels of cheese ago. Needless to say, we are in no condition to go anywhere.’
Monique laughed. ‘Alexander, have you gotten my manservant drunk?’
‘I am not drunk, ma’am. I am mellow. What is a four letter word for sex?’
‘Fuck,’ Samantha said, causing Alex to look up at her quickly, no trace of inebriation in his motions.
‘A four letter word for sex,’ she said, causing another round of laughter as the waiter brought the wine, glasses, bread and menus.
‘And you have not had two bottles of wine,’ Monique said, astutely.
Greg just smiled and opened his menu.
‘Did you come to any conclusions?’ Alex asked Monique as he poured the wine.
‘Oh, several. I think it is time to send Michelle to Nice to open that shop we have talked about, although I hate not having her here, she is such a darling. I should do that before Amanda pushes her out a window, don’t you think? Oh, this is lovely, where is it from?’
‘Would you believe Virginia?’ Alex replied.
‘Alexander, how did you find a Virginia wine in Paris?’
‘Simple, I brokered the deal.’
‘What?’ Monique said, looking up at the marquee before laughing.
‘I seem to constantly be coming in on the end of a joke,’ Samantha said.
‘I own a small share in this bistro,’ Alex said by way of explanation. ‘At one point I spent something like three days waiting for Monique and this was where I waited. The food was good but they were having financial problems so I offered to help out. Wound up with a partial share in the place and occasionally I broker deals for unusual things. The chairs over by the door, for example, are from Muskoka in Canadian cottage country. They are usually full in the morning. The residents love sitting there and reading their morning paper with their coffee. In fact, I have to get a bunch more. Remy is opening a porch, he calls it, out back and wants to have those exclusively. Very unFrench sometimes, our Remy, but then, sometimes it is being different that works. Tonight, the wine is from Virginia, USA. Santé.’
They studied the menu for a few moments before being interrupted by a pencil thin man in a white apron over his white clothes.
‘Mon amis, welcome, welcome,’ Remy said, kissing first Monique and then Samantha before shaking Greg and Alex’s hands. ‘What a beautiful day. I see we have a guest tonight. Je m’appel Remy. It is pleasure to meet you.’
‘Remy, I would like you to meet Samantha, late of the City of New York, des Etats Unis.’
‘Oui? C’est vrai! Bonjour. For you a special dish tonight!’ Remy was positively effusive.
‘Only for her, mon ami?’ Alex asked. ‘I think I have been insulted.’
‘Alex, would I insult you? For the table then, I will put my hand to something fantastique!’
‘Fantasique would be a great change from what you normally serve. How will you manage it?’
‘Tonight I am inspired by a great beauty! Two great beauties! You have enough wine? Bon, un moment mais ami and we will eat.’ With that he bustled back into the bistro and dinner talk fell to wine, cheese and the overall state of the French economy.
‘Dinner was wonderful, merci,’ Samantha said as Alex opened the door to the apartment. She had started thinking of it as their apartment and she seemed to feel more at home here than she did in her place in New York. Maybe it was because it was so friendly or maybe it was because it was Alex’s. She was not sure, but rather than study it too much, she just enjoyed it.
‘Du rien, chérie,’ he said, flipping on soft lights so they could find their way around the room.
‘I need to check email. Can I use one of your machines?’ she asked and picked up a laptop in front of her when he nodded before turning to the kitchen.
‘Would you like anything?’
‘No, not right now thank you. I have had more good food and wine in the last few days than I think I have had in my entire life and I am really not used to it.’ She was only partially paying attention to him, as she scanned a note from her boss. ‘Damn,’ she muttered.
‘Problems?’ he asked coming around the couches to sit near her, the glass of scotch in his hand forgotten for the moment.
‘Rachel. She will be arriving at Gare de Lyon by TGV at 1730 tomorrow night. I am to find a restaurant for dinner and we are going to discuss my finds over the last few days and then the following day we are going to make arrangements and close the deals. Damn, I only have one deal, and that is still very tenuous and relies more on Monique’s good will.’
‘Well, if that is all, then it should not be too hard to close the deal, but I do not think Monique will deal with Rachel, not after she has spent all this time working with you. Who are you seeing tomorrow?’
‘A couple of places that Monique suggested. I think Michelle is going with me.’
‘Perfect, so you should have a more than enough of solid products to go back to New York with. Michelle is good. Don’t get me wrong, Amanda is good too, or she would not have her job, but Michelle is good and subtle. Amanda is Amanda. Subtle is not in her vocabulary, unless she is standing next to Josephine, of course. What do you want for dinner?’
‘Dinner? Oh tomorrow night. I don’t know. Something simple I think, not too fancy. I really don’t know, I have not worked with her much let alone gone out to dinner. What do you suggest?’
‘I don’t know. Where is she staying?’
‘Marriot. One floor up from where I was registered.’
‘Then while you and Michelle are out scouring Paris for the finer things, I will make some calls and scour my little black book and see if I cannot find something appropriate, tasty and tasteful.’
‘Someday you are going to have to teach me how to do that.’
‘Do what? Research? It just is something I have always done, but I will teach you what I can. Now, my dear, would you like to come to bed, or shall I ravish you here on the couch?’
‘I think the bed would be a much better option,’ Samantha said, the laptop now forgotten on the couch as she wrapped herself around Alex and kissed him soundly.

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