Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 297
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They waited. They waited and they waited.
At the far end of the living room sitting on the brand new cream leather couches, William and Cecile stare at their glass door foyer, keenly anticipating some beautiful silhouettes at their doorstep.
These two gentlemen try to represent success in the most ostentatious ways possible. Saying they splurged on this property would be an understatement. Even by the living room you can distinguish this; from the terrazzo-marble flooring, to the glass railings of the spiraling staircases, to the skylights, down to the Mojave plants by the entrance, these astute young men have it all and they pride in the fact that they are now big fish.
Will and Cece’ got into real estate in the mid-90s. These young and assertive black men established themselves early and surprised many. William, with his tall and lean build, strapping brown eyes, tightly coiled cornrows, goatee and nose ring, has the more hardened look of the two. After all, he came about through harder circumstances than his friend. He hails from Haiti where as Cecile grew up in suburban New Jersey.
Cecile was always the more brazen of the two and made sure this Teaneck home was one of the most envied in the state of New Jersey. His friend hasn’t the slightest idea about his beachfront purchase in Savannah--yet.
Both men are dressed conservatively in black suits and ties and they wait patiently on their plush couches, in silence. This has become a monthly routine for William and Cecile. Though they are reputable entrepreneurs and powerful figures within the local black communities, William and Cecile have a dark side-
“I first get the blonde” said William, who doesn’t care that he broke nearly 20 minutes of comfortable silence, “Yes, she’s mine”.
Cecile gives William a quirky look and instead of responding rolls his eyes away. He knows he’s the one getting the blonde first anyway.
Both are more fond of the darker hair and darker eyes but they can appreciate an exquisite blonde mixed in with their bevy of brunettes, especially William.
Will and Cece’ feel they have a different standard of beauty. Cecile isn’t shy about the manmade waterfall in the back of this $6.4 million dollar abode. Will, though more intense and reserved, gets keyed up when it comes to his automobiles. He once drew a crowd in a local neighborhood while parking his brand new jet black Maybach 62. The locals stood around and probably didn’t realize how long they were, considering William’s car-mantras often get lost in the over enthusiasm and Creole-English hybrid.
“She’s a beaut’ though…”
They like their women to go with the lavish scenery they’ve fashioned for themselves. They like sluts.
This has been an on going procedure for 5 months now. The month before last (because of important business) , two nice young ladies from Czechoslovakia spent the weekend. Will and Cece’ agreed that Henrietta and her petite friend Jaskova were the best…bar none.
About 6 months ago Cecile was approached by one of his old clients after a banquet for inner-city youth. They loosened their ties, drank their brown liquor and laughed it up for a bit at a local bar …
“Sit down for this” said Cece’ as he bursts into Will’s office and takes a seat, “You’re not ready for this!”.
William leaned back in his chair with his sleeves rolled up, “I am and I am ready for anything…”.
“Have you ever been with a white woman?” asked Cecile.
William responded with a smug expression.
“No, man. It’s not what you think. I’m talking about good, decent, mature, drug free, top of the line sluts from Eastern Europe. This isn’t about personal gain--or the affairs of state--the photo opts--or those augmented blonde whores working for Vespoli…this is about experiencing new things…”
Cecile paused and shrugged, “Besides, it’s free”
“Now that’s just beautiful” says William as he leans forward in his $2,000.00 leather chair.
Cecile then leans in more with a whisper saying “I ran into Walter Pallona from that big Princeton deal 4 years ago. He turned out to be a real nice guy. I sat down and had a few drinks with him at the tavern last night. He made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”
Both lean more into each other…
“I shit you not, they have a secret society or something. While we were having our drinks he makes a call on his cellphone--which I found rude at the time--and then proceeds to talk-yadda yadda yadda--and before I knew it, this foreign girl comes up to me wearing a trench coat. She walked directly up to me, looked me in the eyes, said ‘I need you’--and just started to get to all the sucking of the earlobes, squeezing on the arms—and just really invading my space here. This girl had to be about 23, from Hungary--she’s really special. Walter looked at me with a crazy look--then started motioning for me to take her to the bathroom. Mind you I don’t speak madhar or whatever that shit is so I’m like what the fuck here. We are in a crowded bar and this very fucking gorgeous brunette--gets closer to me and opens her coat. She was completely naked man. She started pressing her body against mine and massaging my balls right there!--I swear to god—I had my way with her in that bathroom. She leaned against the wall, lifted up her coat and I nailed her—pulling her hair—ended up shooting all in her pussy, I just couldn’t help it--Now that was beautiful!”
“It’s called Magyar” replied William.
Cecile leans back in the chair and rolls his eyes, “Who gives a fuck? Isn’t it ugly as hell anyway? Point is, Pallona tells me there are ‘lots of girls like Sofianne, even better—“
“I trust your judgment so I’m sure these girls you speak of--are great but what’s the catch, buddy, lets get real here, nothing is free” says William.
“Right as usual partner. There is a catch. There’s no way out of this. Once you’re in, you’re in for life. As long as we fuck these women—for free—we should have no problems”
“Well I do love pussy….”
The gentleman get a little restless as they check their watches and squirm on the now sticky leather couch, waiting for their acquaintances. The very thought of Sofianne from the tavern, Agi, Possi, Ornelia, Maya, and the very pleasant Henrietta and Jaskova, made both of their cocks unnervingly hard. They have developed a passion for these women.
William and Cecile are not allowed to have any sexual relations outside of their circle. The rules strictly forbid this. After having breathtaking sex with seemingly flawless Eastern European women, they have no choice but to stay with that quality of slut anyhow. Here they are thinking Henrietta and her petite grey eyed friend Jaskova are as good as it gets, but they are wrong.
“Holy shit they’re here” says Cecile as he bounces up from the couch adjusting his tie, “there’s four of them this time”.
William remains slumped into the couch and closes his eyes momentarily; anticipating the sexual bliss. The women have had pleasurable reactions to his melanin packed appearance and strong disposition. He knows he’s getting the blonde first.
“Come right in ladies” says Cecile as he let’s the ladies in from the night, “Don’t worry about your shoes, you’ll be keeping those on” he says with a grin.
Both fellows were a bit dismayed that of the four dazzling Eastern European women none of them were blondes, rather three brunettes and one unbelievably good-looking redhead.
The ladies stand at the marvelous glass and gold foyer, as Cecile closes the doors, and they twist around in admiration of this lavish home. They often don’t get to see such remarkable homes or gorgeous black men, much less in the same instance. Cecile is always aware of this.
He stands at about 5’8 and his partner, who is 6’2, never fails to acknowledge his advantage in height, though Cecile is 5 years his senior. Cecile, with his bald head, hairless face, dimples and muscular build, tends to think the women are more attracted to him. If you asked him, Agi and Possi from the first month showed a little more curiosity towards him. He noticed that same look in the redhead’s eye-
“Me, my—uh-name is Victoria-I am from—Hungary” says the Redhead as she reads Cecile’s eyes, somewhat embarrassed of her English, “We—all from Budapest”.
Victoria, who is obviously in charge and stands out anyhow, is quite beautiful. She is rather fair and has straight shoulder length hair, squinty blue eyes, and in conjunction with some light freckling, has astonishingly sharp facial features. A long pearl necklace wraps around her soft slender neck and lay atop her round medium sized breasts that all but burst under her sky blue crepe-backless blouse. Even with her matching-soccer mom sized Fendi-handbag, Cecile could appreciate the trim waistline, as well as the creamy and fleshy stems ascending up into her sky blue miniskirt--clad with white stilettos. She is to die for.
“Welcome Victoria” as he kisses her hand, “Please, join me in the other room”.
The patter of their high heels into the living room quietly thrilled William. He felt the blood rush into the head of his cock as he shifted it upward under his belt. Though this will naturally build up into an array of kissing, choking and asshole stretching, he does not want to introduce himself with a hard on.
“Victoria, meet our friend William—William—Victoria”
Will stood up and smiled, slightly bowing his head to these beautiful women. He particularly was fond of the tall, radiant; reddish-brunette on the left of Victoria. He locked into her black eyes instantly.
Aneta, who’s really from Fejer Megye, outside of Budapest, is indeed the exemplary brunette beauty—enthralling facial features, tanned complexion, long flowing hair, perfect posture, small breasts, pointy nipples, slim waist and a defined backside—wearing a tight; lengthy red silk dress with spaghetti straps, diamond studded earrings and red open-toe stilettos. She and William could not help but stare into each other’s eyes.
There was an instance of uncomfortable silence, followed by everybody giggling. It is not the language barrier. It is the utter sexual chemistry densely filling the room.
“So, you two” said Cecile as he hovered over these petite strumpets, “what are your names?”-
Melinda and Belinda are sweet green eyes. Their hair flows down to the small of their backs. Their young powdered faces, pouting lips, big circular breasts, washboard abs, firm protruding asses and identical horse-like stances excited the men of their country, even more so; Will and Cece’. Melinda and Belinda dress in flimsy black tank tops with silver straps, black paten-leather miniskirts, black garter-belts, black fishnet stockings and matching stilettos--in addition to platinum chokers around their necks. They know they are princesses. They know they are precious. They know the men of their country dream of having them… but they are bred for black men.
“We come all the way from Budapest—to see you!” said Belinda with a nefarious smile, lightly poking him on his puffy chest-
“Take-long time” added her three minute and 35 second older sister.
William and Cecile were taken back by the twins reassuring English. They soon realized Melinda and Belinda only wish to fulfill their life long fantasies —and that is to please black men. The twins, unlike Victoria and Aneta; whom have been active in the Union for one year now, have no experience with black men, but from a young age were always reminded of their purpose. Now of age, the irresistible twins are ready for the next step.
“Please, ladies, take a seat” said William; still staring into Aneta’s profound black eyes.
Victoria opts to stand as Aneta crosses her everlasting legs; sitting closely to William on the couch and Melinda and Belinda snuggle up on both sides of Cecile on a reclining leather chair.
“Walter—not happy about last trip” said Victoria with a concerned expression, “that--can not happen no more”.
“Don’t worry about Walter, I can handle him” replies Cecile as he looks back and forth at Melinda and Belinda’s gorgeous faces and awe-inspiring cleavage. Both lay on the arms of the chair with their legs slightly crossed; and are elevated just high enough for William to see their hairless pussies and soft bottoms. Melinda and Belinda refused to wear any sort of underwear with their tight; hip hugging miniskirts. They are ready.
This is the scenery William and Cecile have become accustomed to; laissez-faire women from Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Belarus and Russia, lightly clothed and anxious to do whatever the men desire. Their monthly presence has made this million dollar home seem more complete.
“O.K.” said Victoria with her arms crossed, “But-please—take advize, please”
Since the opening weekend with Agi and Possi, these men have heard the word please many times, so neither took heed to Victoria’s banter. At this point, it was all about the untamed fascination between these men and women.
“Come, Victoria, sit next to me” said William; motioning Victoria with his long willowy finger.
Victoria then takes a seat next to William and crosses her legs towards him as he puts his arm around her.
Aneta, who is ablaze with sexual urgency, inaudibly gets up from the couch and stands in Victoria’s place. While continually gazing into William’s eyes, she runs both of her hands through her hair, squeezes her breasts and rubs her pussy over her dress. As she speaks in Magyar, she frantically rubs her clit and gyrates her hips, ultimately laying down on the spotless marble floor and masturbating for him.
Aneta raises her expensive silk dress above her hips and extends her legs open for William. She pulls her thong to the side with her right hand and runs her left middle finger up and down her shaved pussy—
“You get’ em girl” grunts William as he loosens his tie with his unoccupied hand.
“Engem nehéz helyzet ya apuka” whispered Aneta as she slid the straps of her dress off her shoulders; licked her fingers and pinched her nipples. She stares up at William; blowing on her rock hard nipples, whispering yet again “Engem nehéz helyzet ya apuka”.
William doesn’t know Aneta is saying Me need you daddy and she doesn’t know what he says to her, but their eye communication is much stronger than words.
William takes his arm from around Victoria and removes his jacket while watching Aneta grind her hips up and down, pulling her thong perfectly between her pussy lips. She is soaking wet.
Aneta gets goosebumps from her bare ass on the cold marble floor and puts her weight on her upperback, stroking her hips up and down; faster and faster, as she widly runs her hands through her hair-
“Engem nehéz helyzet ya apuka!”
Victoria, who isn’t into girls, but men—big; black men, enjoyed William’s reactions to Aneta. William could feel Victoria’s stare as he rips off his tie and hastily tries to unbutton his shirt with sweaty hands. Victoria giggles and then assists with his buttons, crossing her leg further over his thigh-
“You like that rossz hírû nõ—yes?” asked Victoria as she loosens the final button on William’s white dress shirt, “She--little slut—yes?”
William, who at no point even glanced into Victoria’s gorgeous blue eyes, rather Alena’s piercing black eyes, nods ‘yes’ as he rises off the couch with a visible hard on, ripping off his shirt and revealing his perfectly athletic body.
Victoria says “Oooh” as she tries to steal a feel of William’s well defined 8 pack.
Aneta rolls over as William comes to her. She lifts her silk dress above her waistline, gets on her knees; keeping her hands and upper body against the sexy marble floor, and shakes her ass for William. Her pussy is so wet for him.
William towers over Aneta and plants a firm hand on her ass cheek as she shakes it faster and faster—
“Yeah…yeah” murmurs Will as he spanks her ass cheek, “You’re mine”.
“Engem igény magába szív aki fasz apuka” she mumbled as she catches her breath, ’’Black-Férfi…ooooh” between breaths.
William turned to Victoria, who is watching from the couch, and asked her what Aneta said-
’’She-wants to suck your cock—she love black men” Victoria replied with a smile.
William turns back to Aneta and looks down on her, ’’Yes?” and Aneta nods ’yes’ with her cheek against the marble floor.
He grabs her by the hair and lifts her head, making Aneta arch her back on all fours. William releases her hair and gets directly behind her on his knees. He moves her thong to the side with his left hand and begins fingering her pussy from the back, taking his fingers out and sucking on them.
“So sweet” says William as he licks his fingers.
He grabs Aneta’s hair again and stands her up.
Cecile watches as the lanky and model-esque Aneta wipes the drool from her cheek and stands with a wound up look on her face.
William pulls Aneta into him face to face and puts his fingers in her mouth. Aneta looks intensely into his eyes and sucks on his elongated fingers, bobbing her head up and down, tasting her sweet Hungarian pussy.
“Yeah” said William in his barrel toned voice, looking down on her with his hard stare.
He then lets go of Aneta’s hair, crouches and cups her ass cheeks, lifts her off of the ground as if this 5’9, 120 lb delight were weightless, and puts her over his left shoulder. With her high heels swaying back and forth, William brings a subservient Aneta to his realm.
Cecile, who at this point feels like an inquisitive little kid, squeezes Melinda and Belinda’s ass cheeks as he watches his friend carry a marvelous brunette up the spiraling staircase.
He is ready.
“Noooo” said Victoria as she takes her attention off of William and catches a glimpse of Cecile kissing on Melinda’s neck, “You—no touch”.
Cecile did not pay Victoria any mind as he goes back and forth burying his face into Melinda and Belinda’s braless chests but Victoria made sure he recognized her-
“You!--no touch!” yelled Victoria as she got up from the couch.
Melinda and Belinda, though more than ready for their first black man, slid off the arms of the leather chair and stood next to each other behind it.
“You will listen to me” she said as she walks over to the chair pointing at him, “Do as I say”.
Victoria straddles Cecile in the chair, making her miniskirt rise above her waist, and puts pressure on his hard cock. Cecile looks up into her eyes and runs his hands up her supple legs; grabbing onto her ass—
“No touch” she said with a grim expression.
Cecile then began wondering
what do you mean don’t touch?
But he did not think out loud. He looked back into her gorgeous squinty blue eyes and simply rested his burly forearms on the arms of the chair.
Maybe she’ll give me a lap dance.
Victoria gives Cecile a calculating look and uses her right hand to shift his cock upwards in his slacks. She wanted it to rest on his abdominal so he can feel the force and eagerness of her hips, as she strokes up and down on it. Victoria loosens his belt, allowing his cock to rise up well beyond his bellybutton. She rides up further and further with her hands in her hair.
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William stepped out the front door of the hotel and froze. Rather than facing a run down street in San Diego, he was in a meadow. There in front of him was a contrived scene of life and death. To his right, a man was facing death as a giant wrecking ball swung towards him from behind. To his left, a different man faced an identical death. He shouted, "Duck." Both men stared at William as the wrecking balls swung through them. William stared in horror at the result. Two broken bodies lay on...
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William sat back and stared at the stack of papers. He had spent the past four weeks going over the first draft of his dissertation and fixing the small errors that had crept into it. Sections had been changed to be more precise. The language had been improved to be more readable. References had been checked and the original sources double checked for accuracy. This pass through the dissertation was at a less strenuous pace than the first pass. He had worked eighteen to twenty hours a day on...
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Talking quietly with each other, Lucy and William waited in the theater for Eddie to arrive. The theater room had four rows of ten seats each facing a large screen. Each chair was large and comfortable with a holder for a soda built into the armrest. Beth had ordered the chairs from a real theater supply company. Like a real movie theater, the floor slanted down towards the front of the room. At the entrance to the room, there was a snack bar complete with a typical theater-style popcorn...
Greetings had been exchanged and the guests shown their rooms in the Carter home. The next order of business was to relax. William stripped off his clothes and headed towards the pool. He jumped in feet first, reveling in the feel of cool water against his bare skin. Lucy and Ann, naked as well, slipped into the pool right behind him. Before they had even moved a dozen feet from the edge, Betsy charged into the poolroom throwing off her clothes even as she ran. Without pause, she jumped into...
William and Ed returned to the hotel refreshed from their little swim at the Mayor's house. William felt confident that another candidate had been found with a good chance of winning. They entered the suite laughing about the mayor's reaction on discovering them swimming in the pool. The laughter turned to surprise when William spotted his mother relaxing in the living room of the suite. She was seated next to Lucy. He said, "Momma Kelly! What are you doing here?" Seeing that William...
William looked over at the patio of the hotel where Debbie and Georgia were seated. The two women were talking with each other oblivious of their surroundings. It was obvious to him that they had left their depression behind. Kim and Nancy joined William at the table. The pair of Druids did not look happy. Nancy said, "I feel like we failed." "What do you mean?" William asked. Kim said, "We're supposed to be the grief counselors, not you." "We were useless," Nancy said running a...
Lucy watched the screen through red eyes that saw the world through a blur. She hadn't sleep for the past thirty hours. The programmers were asleep on the floor having exhausted the last of their stamina under the nearly constant pressure from Lucy. Even if she hadn't been so tired, it would have been hard to interpret the results. There were a hundred curves all overlaid one upon another. After running twenty four hours, the model had projected ahead only twelve years. Considering the...
Amused by what he was doing, Derrick led the little horse using the reigns. Lucy was seated on its back holding onto the saddle horn with white knuckles. She was nervous; feeling like the horse was huge and ready to run away at any moment. She looked over at William and, voice tight with tension, said, "I've never ridden a horse before." "You don't say. I would never have guessed," William replied with a grin from atop the horse that Derrick had given him. It was a nice quarter-horse...
It was nearly midnight when William and Colt entered the house. William tried to be quiet expecting everyone to be in bed, but Colt just walked in without worrying about the noise he made. At the irritated glance from William, he said, "I'm up all night and no one notices. If I tried sneaking around here all the time, I'd wake the whole house the first time I made a noise. Everyone is used to me walking around." "Oh, I guess I didn't think about that," William said uneasy about the...
Representative Sidney Smith walked to his office pleased that he had an entire afternoon without a single appointment. Between public speeches, committee meetings, time spent on the floor of the House of Representatives, and smooching with businessmen for funding, he felt that he never had time to think through the issues. It was his standing order that no appointments were to be scheduled Friday afternoons. That was his time to catch up on the issues of the day. Entering his office, Sidney...
Introduction: The sibling teens go out on a date William and Ann Chapter 6 Saturday morning arrived and the kids were eager to get started on their official first date. Larry gave Ann $200 in cash and William $30. He told them to spend it wisely and enjoy their outing. Hed be waiting at home anxious to see what she got. Ann gave him a hug and kiss on his mouth. Larry, not wanting to waste the moment, returned the hug and gave her a little more than a fatherly kiss in return as his lips opened...
"Your mother and I watched your meeting with the White Buffalo on the news. That's how we knew to go to the ranch," said Lucy. "Pardon?" William was not aware that there had been a television camera at the ranch. "Someone filmed the whole thing with their video camera. It was on the television within half an hour of it happening." "So what did you think?" "Strange. It was like you weren't there. Your face was blank. Your voice was strange with an odd echoing quality to it. When...
Eddie stood with his legs spread shoulder wide and his fists on his hips. Glaring at the man standing in front of him, he said, "My brother is the smartest person alive." "There are a lot of very smart people in this world, young man," the distinguished looking man said with amusement in his voice. He added, "As Provost of this University, I can tell you that many of them are here on this campus." "I don't care who you are. My brother is the smartest person alive. He's going to win...
Following behind Rock and Natalie, Lucy and William entered their home with a sigh of relief. They had both been very busy since their graduation. The summer had started with locating, hiring, and delivering Dante to Harry for the purpose of creating a statue of the elderly Druid. That had been followed by their wedding with a week of parties, their honeymoon, visits to a number of tribal councils, and a few visits to Homeless Hotels around the country. Exhausted, they planned to stay at home...
Ling and Betsy stopped the car at the front gate leading to William's place. Over the past year, the front of the property had changed to where it looked more like the entrance to a military base than a ranch. There was a little guard shack that sat beside a closed metal barrier. Ling's trained eye recognized the retractable barrier was capable of stopping a charging dump truck. Worried about the kind of reception they would receive, Betsy asked, "Are you sure that he'll see us?" "It...
Wearing nothing but a loincloth and a small leather bag around his neck, William walked to the edge of the stream. Once there, he paused and looked down at the ground. At the border between water and land was a stone that caught his attention. Kneeling, he picked it up. The stone was the diameter of a quarter with a thickness of a quarter of an inch. The edges were worn smooth. There was nothing remarkable about the stone except for one feature -- the center of the stone had been worn away...
"Uh oh," William said as he pulled into the driveway. Rock, Colt, Natalie, and Nicole were standing in the driveway with their arms crossed and a frown on their faces. They didn't look too happy to see him. "I forgot about them." He turned off the motor and stepped out of the car. Looking at the four body guards, he asked, "How did you enjoy your vacation?" "You dumped us in the middle of nowhere," Colt said. "Sorry about that," William said. He glanced over at the front door to...
"Do you think I should open a publishing house?" William asked. "No," Linda answered putting the manuscript on the table. She had just finished reading it and had been very impressed. She knew Happy Harry, but not many of the other homeless. She had noticed that the manuscript had Forest Shadow crying like a baby by the time she had finished it. "Okay, so who do we take the manuscript to?" "Al Maloney would probably be the best person. His publishing house has handled a lot of best...
John Carter, William's older brother, squatted down by the campfire and picked up the coffee pot. While pouring a cup, he asked, "So what do you think of Betsy's legal problems?" Shrugging his shoulders, William answered, "I don't know what to think. I keep hoping that the father will drop the charges. It would be a disaster for the prison system if she were to go to jail. The thought of that sends shivers down my spine." John laughed and asked, "What do you think the chances are of...
The last test, marked with an A+, joined the rest of the tests stacked on the left hand corner of William's desk. Looking over at Lucy, he said, "That's the last one." "So how were the grades?" Lucy asked looking up from her work. "Not bad," William answered patting the stack of test papers. The first eight weeks of teaching had been hard on William. He didn't have any real experience of dealing with high school students. Getting his early education at the Druid College had not...
William rushed into the hotel and looked around the lobby. The elevator door opened and Lucy stepped out looking around the lobby. They met halfway with a hug that was just on the tasteful side of being publicly acceptable. William said, "I've missed you." "I missed you," Lucy said burying her face into his chest and enjoying his scent. It felt good to feel his arms around her. "I'm so glad that you could make it here," William said running a hand across her back. It felt so right...
It was the day after Thanksgiving and William sat in his hunting stand watching the area in front of him for an older buck to appear. Several does and a young buck had passed in front of him a little after sunrise, but they were young animals that would strengthen the herd. He was waiting for an older deer to come through. There was a nip of cold in the air that was usual for that time of year. He could actually see his breath. Frost had covered the few grasses that grew along the banks of...
Chapter 6 Saturday morning arrived and the kids were eager to get started on their official first date. Larry gave Ann $200 in cash and William $30. He told them to spend it wisely and enjoy their outing. He’d be waiting at home anxious to see what she got. Ann gave him a hug and kiss on his mouth. Larry, not wanting to waste the moment, returned the hug and gave her a little more than a “fatherly” kiss in return as his lips opened up and attempted to taste his daughter’s bottom lip in...
The squick of a white board marker flying across the white board filled the air. William looked up and watched Lucy work through the equations on the board; her hand moving at almost a blur. She stepped back for a second and then dived in for another round of simplifications. Her hips swung from side to side as she worked her magic on the mathematics. With her entire body participating, her long hair started swaying in a most seductive manner. William was entranced. Frowning, Lucy stepped...
William Potts was a freshman at college. It was his first time away from his parents, and he was trying to adapt to college life. William's roommate was a basketball player who was quite popular. His name was Fred, but everybody called him Freddie.William was shy and introverted, where his roommate was loud and boisterous. William was not tall and was relatively thin. He looked like a girl and was quite pretty.William had fair skin and blonde hair that was curly. He was blue-eyed, but for...
Gay MaleLucy stepped out of the truck and went around to the back to get her suitcase. Before she had a chance to pick it up, Ken had grabbed it while looking at her as if she should have known he'd carry it. The van with Linda and Ed pulled up beside the car. Looking around the parking lot in front of the country hotel, William said, "We'll get checked in and then I need to get on down the road." "Are you sure that you don't want me to come?" "Lucy, I'd love for you to come, but you...
"So you're going to become Dr. Carter?" Eddie asked while watching his brother pack up his books. William looked over at his little brother. The boy was turning into a good looking young man. His short black hair, piercing grey eyes, and subdued Native American features gave him an exotic look. William knew that it wouldn't be long before the girls started following his brother around town. Pulling the roll of tape over the top of the box, he answered, "Yes, if I ever manage to get out...
"Son, you know I have to tell the truth," Ed said looking William in the eye. He had finally caught up with William before his son had entered his office. "Yes, I know that," William said with a sinking feeling in his stomach. He looked away from his father breaking eye contact. "You know that it isn't always an easy thing for me to do, don't you?" "Yes, I know that." Shaking his head, Ed said, "You can't hide away from the world forever. Your little brother has asked you...
Ken removed his clothes and placed them on the patio table. The past four weeks had wrought major changes in his physique. He had lost fifteen pounds, with even more fat having been turned into muscle. His shirts were too large around the waist and too small at the shoulders. He glanced over at his wife to see how she was reacting to stripping outdoors. Lisa's body was a soft red color, flushed as a result of embarrassment. After a month of morning exercises with William, Ling, and Tim...
"I'm sure Tim enjoys the holidays and would like to celebrate them according to your family traditions. You can set up a Christmas Tree in the living room if you want," said William. He reminded himself that the needed to purchase presents for the family before he left for the winter holidays. "Thanks," Ken said as he turned onto the street to the house. Upon turning the corner, he slowed the car and came to a stop. He ran a hand over the pistol he carried under his jacket. Pointing...
"Where's Betsy?" "She's grounded," Eddie answered. He shrugged his shoulders and, looking over at his mother, said, "All she did was have a little swim." "Naked, in a public aquarium, and with sharks," Ling said filling in a few details that Eddie tended to forget. Putting an arm around his little brother, William pulled Eddie against his side and said, "At least she didn't get threatened with a spanking." "True," Eddie said. He was tired and wished that he had been able to...
Seated at his desk, William listened to the sound of a twelve-string guitar emanating from the guest room. He liked the music Greg Banner created. Lucy loved the music and could listen to it all day. Turning to Ken, he snapped his fingers to get the man's attention. Once he was sure that Ken was looking at him, he said, "Doug is here." Ken reached the intercom in time to hear the signal from the guard. Pushing the button, Ken said, "Let Doug in." "Sure," came the answer. It sounded...
William looked up at the stars overhead. The sight of the summer sky was always special to him, particularly on nights without a moon. The stars seemed so low that you could reach out and touch them. Turning to the dark shape seated next to him, he said, "I love looking at the stars out here." "I do too," Eddie said with a smile. In the dark, his white teeth seemed to stand out. William pulled out his pack of cigarettes and took one out. He handed the pack to his brother and said,...
"Vera." "What?" she answered without even looking away from her computer screen. Her fingers did not slow down in the least bit. William frowned at the tone of voice that she used in answering him. It seemed to him as if she was upset about something. Dismissing his concerns, he said, "I need you to research the sex industry." "Excuse me," Vera said drawing out each word twice as long as would be normal. She saved the file she was working on before turning to face William. The...
"You're going to be heading off to college soon," William said looking across the fire at Eddie. He added another small log to the fire and sat back to watch it catch. "I've got another two years of high school," Eddie said poking a stick into the fire and watching the end start to burn. He pulled the stick out of the fire. The weak flame flickered and died. The small glowing bud at the end of the stick slowly faded. "Enjoy them while you can," William said. Everyone was telling...
While reading her book, Lucy occasionally glanced over at the television to watch the election coverage on the television. It was kind of sad, but the news coverage only addressed a few of the state elections. When they failed to mention the race in Texas, she shook her head and said, "The news services really make me mad." "Why?" William asked moving his book aside to look at Lucy. "They are only covering some of the races we're interested in," Lucy said gesturing over at the...