Tonisha free porn video

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Tonisha by Bobby Tony wandered up and down the aisles of the record store looking for a CD. He had to leave tomorrow for L.A. on a business trip and wanted to bring some music along for the six-hour flight from Baltimore. He hated those endless transcontinental flights, and anything to help pass the time was a plus. He didn't feel like watching a movie on a 10-inch screen, either, so it seemed that CDs were the best way to go, and he'd stopped at one of the malls just off the Beltway on his way home from work. He'd already picked out a couple, and needed just one more to round out his selection, but nothing came to mind as he looked through the bins. After wasting about twenty minutes and not finding anything interesting, he decided he could get by with what he already had and proceeded to the check-out counter. There were four people ahead of him in the line, so he went into wait mode, looking all around the store but at nothing in particular. After a minute, the line moved forward, and he happened to glance over at the cashier. He felt his heart stop for a second, and thought his jaw would drop to the floor when he saw the woman behind the counter. She was positively gorgeous, in her early twenties, he guessed, with a flawless pecan complexion. Her thick hair fell down past her shoulders, framing the most absolutely beautiful face Tony had ever seen. Her exotic eyes were accented by thin delicate eyebrows. She had a delicate nose, high cheekbones, and incredibly full lips. She smiled at the customer she was currently helping, and Tony's heart just about melted. "My God, she's fantastic!" he whispered to himself. There was just something about her that Tony found irresistible, some kind of indefinable, hidden quality in addition to her looks. He realized he was staring at her, making no attempt to disguise his interest, when she suddenly turned and looked directly at him. Their eyes met and he wanted to turn away, embarrassed, but he couldn't. Something was holding him in place, as if he were frozen solid. A kind of half-smile, strangely seductive, slowly formed on her lips. After what seemed an eternity, Tony was suddenly able to move, and he quickly turned away, his face burning crimson. The rest of his wait in line was spent shifting his eyes around the store, anywhere but the check-out counter. When it was finally his turn, he stepped up to the counter, still trying to avoid looking at her. "Hello, sir, how are you today?" she asked. "I'm, um, fine, thanks," he said, looking down at the floor as he handed her his CDs. "Good, I'm glad to hear that," she said cheerfully. When she reached out to take the CDs with her left hand, her fingers closed over his, and she maintained the contact as she slowly withdrew, almost in a caress. His eyes opened wide as his gaze followed her hand. She had thin, graceful fingers tipped with inch-long nails coated with translucent pearl polish. As she started to ring up his purchase, his eyes were drawn once again to her beauty. To his chagrin, he found his eyes lingering on her breasts almost involuntarily. She wore a scoop neck pullover top, that displayed an inch or two of her dusky cleavage. Her breasts weren't overly large, in fact they were fairly small, but were beautiful nonetheless. Strangely, she didn't seem at all bothered by his staring. "Is there anything else?" she asked. He looked into her eyes and stammered, "Uh, no, I-I think that's everything, th-thanks." He tried to avert his eyes, but he was once again immobilized by that same force. She smiled, and asked, "Are you sure there's nothing else I can help you with?" His only response was a gulp, as he felt her penetrating stare. She seemed to see right into his thoughts, scanning his mind as if she were looking for something. "Um, um, um," was all he could say. "I couldn't help but notice you were looking around for quite a while, sir. Surely there's something I can help you find?" "Well," Tony finally managed to say, "I really don't want to keep your customers waiting." "That's OK, sir. There's nobody else in line now." She reached out, leaning on the counter, and took his right hand in both of hers. He could feel his heart beating so hard he thought it would come out of his chest. What was she doing? "By the way, my name's Shaniqua, what's yours?" She smiled at him as she traced a circle on the back of his hand with the tip of a nail. This gorgeous girl was just coming on to him right out of the blue! Something was very weird here, not that he was complaining...yet. "Uh, it's uh, T-Tony," he stuttered. "Mmm, Tony, I like that. Yes, I think that'll work just fine," she said in her velvety smooth voice. Work just fine? What could she be talking about? "Tell me, Tony," Shaniqua continued, "Do you find black women attractive?" Her directness caught him off guard, and rendered him momentarily speechless. Shaniqua must have detected his uneasiness because she smiled knowingly, moved in closer and softly said, almost in a whisper, "I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I, Tony? I don't want you to be uncomfortable, not at all." She punctuated her last statement by slowly running the tip of her tongue in a complete circle around her lips, then gently biting her lower lip as she stared unblinkingly in his eyes. Tony's heart was beating so fast now he thought for sure he was going into cardiac arrest, right then and there. No woman had ever done anything like this to him, let alone one so stunningly beautiful as Shaniqua. The only things he was aware of at this moment were the haunting smell of her perfume and the glint of her golden earrings as they flashed in the light. His mouth was dry, but he managed to get out the words, "Uh, n-no, I-I-I'm fine, just a little nervous, that's all." The knowing smile returned as Shaniqua said, "Oh, that's so sweet, Tony. But really, there's nothing to be nervous about. I really don't want to make you uncomfortable." She gave his hand a firm but gentle squeeze and said, "Now, back to my question: Do you find black women to be attractive, Tony?" "Yes, sure I do," Tony responded, unaware he was nodding his head up and down like a little boy. "Good, good. And have you ever had any experience with a black woman?" Shaniqua asked, staring even deeper into Tony's eyes. This question really threw Tony for a loop. Shaniqua's question was so matter-of-fact, he almost didn't get it. This woman really wanted him! Never in his wildest dreams had he conceived of anything like this happening. His head was spinning and he heard the words as if they were being spoken by someone else: "No...I haven't." He could see a new light in Shaniqua's eyes when he answered her question. She even giggled a bit as she suddenly let go of his hand and stood back behind the counter again. "Very good, Tony. That's what I wanted to hear. I've got just the thing you've been looking for." She bent down and began rummaging around behind the counter. Tony was a little confused by the sudden change in Shaniqua's demeanor. A second ago she was gazing deeply into his eyes and he could feel the sensuality emanating from deep within her, now she was smiling and giggling like some schoolgirl. After a moment Shaniqua stood up and handed Tony a CD case. It had a plain white cover, with no markings of any kind. He opened it up and noticed the CD inside was also unmarked, the label side was completely blank. "What's this?" he asked Shaniqua, with a puzzled expression. He'd been hoping for a phone number, not a blank CD. "This is what you've been looking for for quite a long time, Tony," Shaniqua explained. "I knew fom the moment I saw you that I could help you find what you were seeking, and this is it." She was grinning triumphantly, but Tony was totally confused. He had come looking for some CDs, not the Holy Grail. What was she talking about? "I know you're confused right now, Tony, but trust me, this is what you want," Shaniqua said. "Just put it in your CD player, and you'll know what I mean." That half-smile she gave him when he first saw her returned to her lips. "OK, thanks," he said, as he dug his wallet out of his pocket. He was having trouble concealing his disappointment. "How much do I owe you?" "It's $25.52 for the two that you picked out," said Shaniqua. "Consider the third item a gift from me." He looked up and she was watching him with those penetrating eyes again, and he once again became nervous and fidgety. "Uh, no really, please let me pay you for it," he said. "No, Tony, I appreciate your offer to pay, but believe me, knowing that I've helped you is more than enough for me. Please accept it as my gift, OK?" Her tone was such that he knew she wouldn't change her mind, so he thanked her once again, took the bag she handed him and headed out of the store. "Oh, Tony," she called. He turned and saw her, that mysterious smile still on her face. "I do have one small favor to ask you." "Sure, what is it?" "Could you stop by later on and show me how you turned out?" "OK, sure," Tony agreed. "Great. See you soon, OK? Maybe we could go out for a cup of coffee." Tony brightened up when he heard Shaniqua's offer. He smiled and said, "Sure, I'd really like that." Shaniqua smiled back and waved goodbye as he left the store. Just before he turned the corner out of sight, he stopped for one more look, and was surprised to see a short, rather pudgy teenage boy behind the counter. There was no sign of Shaniqua. "Hmm, maybe she had to run into the back room for something," he said to himself as he went on his way. Tony was on top of the world as he walked through the mall. He kept going over his encounter with Shaniqua, and he thought about what might happen after that cup of coffee. Something was nagging him though, something didn't seem quite right. She had said something about letting her know how he turned out. That seemed kind of odd to him. Come to think of it, a few things about her were odd, like what she said about finding what he was seeking and all, and the way she looked at him sometimes. Not to mention the fact that although the store had been pretty busy, it almost seemed as if they had been all alone while they talked. That was very weird. But he couldn't get her perfect face, beautiful skin and soft smooth voice out of his mind, and any doubts he still had were soon forgotten. He had felt so alive when she took his hand, he just couldn't describe the feeling; it was unlike anything he had ever experienced. He knew he'd go back as soon as he returned from L.A. Why did he have to leave town now, of all times? Tony got to his car and tossed the bag on the passenger seat. As he was driving toward the mall exit, his curiosity started to get the better of him; he had to play the CD Shaniqua had given him. He pulled into a parking space off to the side of the exit and pulled the CD box out of the bag. It struck him as odd that it wasn't shrink wrapped like most new CDs, and there was no insert containing song titles or lyrics, just the CD with a blank white label. He turned on his stereo and pushed the disc into the slot. Nothing happened. He waited a few more seconds, but still nothing happened. "What's the deal with this thing?" he said out loud. The display that normally showed the track number and time was blank, and when he tried turning up the volume there was still no sound. He pushed the eject button, but the CD wouldn't come out, and now he was starting to get frustrated. "Oh man, don't tell me this thing's jammed now," he moaned. He tried skipping tracks, reverse, fast forward, but nothing seemed to work. "Come on, damn it!" he said, getting angry. He found that he couldn't even switch back to the radio, the stereo was stuck in CD mode. He started punching the buttons randomly, hoping something would work, but still nothing. "I don't believe this! I'm going back and telling her she owes me a new car stereo!" Tony's hand was on the key ready to shut the engine off, but he froze when music suddenly started coming through the speakers. "It's about damn time," he grumbled as he sat back in the seat. It sounded like one of the current female groups; maybe TLC or someone like that. He couldn't tell for sure. Tony pulled out of the parking lot onto the street thinking, "Well, Shaniqua, I appreciate the gift but this isn't really my kind of music." He listened to it for a minute or so, then decided he'd had enough and turned off the player...or at least tried to. It wouldn't shut off. "What the hell?", he said to himself as he tried hitting various buttons, but none of them worked. The Twilight Zone theme started playing in his mind as a creepy feeling came over him. None of the controls would respond. Just about this time, Tony noticed his suit felt a little loose; he tugged on his shirt collar and absently thought there was a larger than normal gap between the collar and his neck. And his shirt sleeves were creeping up his wrists and over his hands. He pulled his sleeves back and kept hitting different buttons on the stereo, getting more and more frantic. "This is freaking me out. Why doesn't this thing work?" A car horn blared and he looked up just in time to swerve out of the oncoming traffic. He wanted to pull over to the side, but there were no driveways or streets into which he could turn. Tony moved his seat forward when he started having trouble reaching the pedals. The music seemed to be getting louder, the beat more insistent and driving. After a while, he stopped fidgeting with the controls, and his uneasiness seemed to lessen a bit. "OK Tony, don't panic, you can figure this out. There's got to be a perfectly logical explanation," he thought to himself. He rubbed his chin, not even noticing that his goatee and mustache had disappeared, or that his hands were looking more tanned than usual. "Actually, this music isn't too bad. I wouldn't run out and buy this stuff, but since it was a gift it's OK." He settled back in the seat, and decided to just bear with it for awhile until he could think of something. The tan that had appeared on his hands had now spread over his entire body, and was deepening by the second. Soon his skin had acquired a rich coffee and cream tone. He had started tapping his fingers lightly on the steering wheel in time with the infectious beat of the music. His hands had become smaller at the same time his fingers grew long and slender, becoming more feminine all the time. Even his nails were starting to grow longer. "Hey, this music isn't bad at all, it's really pretty good. I didn't know what I was missing," Tony said. He cleared his throat as his voice seemed to crack a bit, and shifted in the seat. If felt like he was sitting on a pillow or something, but he couldn't feel anything down there. Meanwhile, Tony's legs were becoming thinner and softer, losing most of their muscle tone, as a thin layer of fat developed, especially around his thighs. As Tony's head had gotten smaller along with the rest of his body, his square jaw had softened and become more rounded. His face was looking less and less masculine, and was almost androgynous in appearance. Tony's pants had started to shorten and slowly moved up his legs, revealing smooth, hairless shapely calves. They stopped shortening about halfway up his rapidly filling thighs, then the legs somehow fused together to form a tight skirt. Tony didn't even notice it. He was really getting into this music. Even though he had never heard these songs before, he was humming along with the tunes, unaware that his baritone voice had become a tenor, and was quickly approaching an alto. The fingers that were tapping on the steering wheel now bore nails an inch and a half long with metallic maroon polish. "Man, this music kicks ass! I have GOT to thank Shaniqua for turning me on to this!" he said in a voice somewhere between high male and husky female. The sleeves of Tony's jacket and shirt were shrinking, similar to his pant legs, until it looked as if he were wearing a pinstriped vest with a sleeveless shirt and tie. The neckline of his shirt began opening up as if someone were pulling down a zipper and his tie thinned and shortened, becoming a gold necklace. The neckline lowered and widened exposing Tony's smooth hairless chest; his well-developed pectoral muscles had flattened and softened until they were almost non-existent. His white dress shirt changed to a yellow knit tank top as his jacket seemed to fade and disappear, and his undershirt turned into a matching yellow lacy bra with capacious cups that hung loosely on his flat chest. He ran a long- nailed hand up and down his delicate upper arm, feeling soft flesh in place of rock-hard muscle, and started singing along with the music as if he knew the lyrics by heart. His voice was now a smooth alto and still getting higher as he swayed along with the beat. Tony felt an itch in his crotch and reached down to scratch the bulge under his orange skirt. The itch became a tingle as the bulge began to shrink and soften right under his fingers. Soon the bulge was nothing more than a small bump, then it was gone, and he found his cotton briefs were now silk panties hugging his flat crotch. He knew what was forming underneath, but instead of fear or anxiety, he was actually calm, and even felt a slight satisfaction. The skirt was stretching out as his hips and buttocks filled out and widened to keep pace with his plumping thighs, and again he shifted in the seat as his rear end expanded. Now it felt as if there were a couple of pillows down there, but somehow it didn't feel strange as it had before. Looking in the rearview mirror, Tony noticed his once brown eyes were dark and almond-shaped and his lashes had grown long and curled. Gone were his bushy eyebrows, replaced by graceful feminine arches over his eyes. His nose grew smaller but slightly broader and his cheekbones grew prominent as his face crossed the line and became unmistakably feminine. His lips had grown full and sensuous. Tony had still been singing along with the CD as the changes continued, and his Adam's Apple had shrunk to insignificance as his voice had steadily risen in pitch until it was a high clear soprano. While waiting at a red light, Tony sat absently running his hands over his short brown hair, and with each pass it seemed to grow longer and darker until it was completely black. Soon it was down to his shoulders and over his ears, and had become coarse. Tony's black socks started to stretch up his leg, first over his calves, then his knees and up his thighs. The material stretched thinner and thinner until it became transparent. The socks joined at his crotch and crept around his hips up to his waist, becoming shiny nude pantyhose encasing his shapely legs in silky nylon. Tony's black wingtip shoes shrank to fit his new dainty feet. The heels narrowed and grew higher and the black leather changed to orange as the shoes morphed into pumps with 3-inch heels to match his short, tight skirt. As the light turned green and Tony pulled away, he looked back in the mirror again and saw a beautiful, though still flat-chested, black woman. At that moment, something clicked in his mind; this is what Shaniqua had been talking about. This is what she said he had wanted. And she was right. Never in a million years would he have thought that this could ever happen, let alone that he would like it, but as he studied his new face in the mirror, he knew that his true identity had surfaced at last. "Wow, I look really good!" Tony said to himself, beaming proudly. With that another thought struck him: he was now, by all appearances, female. He realized he had even started thinking like a woman when he found himself absently twirling his long hair around his finger as he drove. With this realization he knew that his identity had been changed forever. He was no longer Tony Jackson, he had become...Tonisha Jackson. Her new name came to her in a sudden revelation, and she knew this was the beginning of her new life. She knew she had been Tony, and remembered everything about Tony, but she knew Tony was gone forever. Instead of feeling sad, she felt almost relieved, as though a long protracted conflict had finally come to its resolution. At the next intersection, Tonisha made a U-turn and started heading back toward the mall; she had to see Shaniqua again. On the way back she slid her hand up and down her thigh, luxuriating in the feel of the silky pantyhose against her soft smooth skin. It felt wonderful, like nothing she'd ever felt before. The only thing that didn't seem right was her underdeveloped chest. Why hadn't she grown breasts? She rubbed her flat chest and frowned, pulling the neckline of her tanktop up to cover her loose bra. After a few more minutes, she arrived back at the mall. She reached into her purse, formerly Tony's briefcase, and pulled out a yellow velvet scrunchy. Almost as if it were second nature, Tonisha reached up, pulled her hair back and slipping the scrunchy over it to form a ponytail that fell down between her shoulder blades. Grabbing her purse, she opened the door, swung her legs out keeping her knees together in true ladylike fashion, and got out of the car. In the time it took for her to return to the mall, a new bracelet graced Tonisha's right ankle, small gold hoops hung from her ears, and several rings appeared on her slender fingers. She began walking toward the mall entrance, and noticed a tingling feeling in her chest. As she walked it grew more and more intense and seemed to center behind each nipple. She looked down and didn't see anything unusual, but the feeling wasn't going away; in fact it was still getting stronger. She wanted to stop and scratch her chest, but decided a well-lit mall parking lot wasn't the best place to be seen with a hand down the front of her top, scratching frantically. "I'll just have to wait until I can get to the ladies' room," Tonisha told herself, and kept on going. Soon, however, she detected a new strange feeling, almost like a bouncing motion. She stopped and looked down again and sure enough, two tiny mounds of fatty tissue were pushing out from her formerly flat chest. Tonisha's eyes grew wide, then even wider when she saw that they were growing as she watched. Soon the mounds were golf ball sized, then they became pointy cones the size of tennis balls, almost like a young teenage girl's breasts. Tonisha started walking quickly toward the entrance and the safety of the ladies' room; she didn't want her expanding attributes to attract a lot of attention. She could feel her breasts bouncing more and more as they grew larger. The cones started to round out as their weight increased. By the time she reached the halfway point between her car and the mall her breasts had reached the size of large oranges, and were assuming a more mature shape. Her areolae were widening and her nipples were starting to rub against the inside of her bra cups, sending shivers down Tonisha's spine. She looked down again and saw that she would soon fill the huge bra cups which were empty five minutes ago. Cleavage was forming now as her breasts grew even bigger and wider and started pushing against each other, fighting for the decreasing available space. They were almost grapefruit sized, and were beginning to hang in a teardrop shape. As her breasts grew bigger and heavier, they began to bounce from side to side in a rhythmic fashion and Tonisha had to start compensating for the motion as she walked. "That damn door didn't seem this far away when I started," she complained. She felt material against her breasts, and took another quick look down to see she had filled her bra cups and a good three inches of cleavage was visible above her neckline. "Good, maybe they'll stop now," she said hopefully. She was almost at the mall door. However, the growth was not quite complete. The bra was beginning to feel snug, and some breast tissue was bulging slightly above the tops of the cups. By the time she finally reached the door and got into the mall, her cleavage was an inch longer and shaking like a bowl of Jell-O with each step. She noticed the appreciative stares she was getting from some of the men as she made her way into the ladies' room with a sigh of relief. And she could see what was attracting all the attention. She stood staring at her reflection for a good minute before she said to herself, "Damn, Tonisha, you sure turned into one fine looking woman." She stood about 5' 11" in her heels, and describing her as "full-figured" didn't do her justice. Some finishing touches had been added during the walk from her car to the mall. Her lips were now maroon to match her nails, and a darker lip-liner accented their fullness. Her eyes were now highlighted with dark eyeshadow and mascara made her already beautiful lashes impossibly long and full. A quick whiff told her that she was now wearing perfume, also. Her complexion was without a single blemish or flaw. Nothing short of a goddess, she thought with a smile. And moving down, her breasts were nothing short of extraordinary: they held their shape very well and didn't sag a fraction of an inch, despite their enormity. She cupped them in her hands, or at least tried; their size was such that she could only grasp a small portion. She hefted them and was awestruck by their substantial weight. "I don't think I've EVER seen a set of jugs like these," she said proudly. Her hands slid down her sides, tracing the indentation of her near-waspish waist and flat stomach to her wide hips, and posed in the mirror, turning side to side as she pursed her lips and blew a kiss to her reflection, giggling at her coquettish behavior. She turned to the side and admired the lines her full, round rear end made in her short, tight skirt, and gave her buttocks a squeeze, noting with more pride how firm they were. She turned toward the mirror again and stepped back to get a better view of her long legs. Tonisha liked how her thighs had filled out with no gap in between. She didn't really care for that bony look. She ran her hands over her thighs and relished how the pantyhose felt in her fingers. Her legs tapered from her thighs down to shapely calves, then down to her small, delicate feet. She walked around a bit keeping her eyes on the mirror and marveled at the hypnotic sway of her hips and butt and the man-stopping jiggle of her breasts. Her heels brought out the sexy curves of her legs. No wonder she was turning some heads. She was an absolute knockout! "Well, I'd better get going and see if Shaniqua's around," she thought, and headed back out into the mall. She took the long way back to the record store, going through the food court, to soak up some more attention. "I could get used to this," she thought. She saw a tall well- built thirtysomething man walking toward her. He smiled as he passed, and Tonisha found her own head turning to watch his butt as he continued on his way. "I could really get used to this." She just couldn't believe how much better she felt about herself than when she was Tony. He was a good-looking guy, but he never really felt comfortable in dealing with the opposite sex. Now she knew things were different, a lot different. This change was definitely for the better. Tonisha finally reached the record store but was disappointed when she found no sign of Shaniqua. The same guy was still behind the counter. She scanned the store in vain, Shaniqua wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Damn, where IS she?" she said in frustration. "I'll have to come back tomorrow." She turned to go when she heard a familiar voice call out, "Tonisha! Over here, girl!" She turned back to the counter and saw Shaniqua waving and smiling, just where the teenage boy had been a second ago. Shaniqua came around the counter as Tonisha approached and gave her a huge hug. "Sorry it took me a while to get back here, I didn't expect you so soon," she said. "So how are you doing, girlfriend?" "I just have to thank you so much, Shaniqua, I can't explain how fantastic I feel right now. It's amazing," Tonisha gushed. Shaniqua stood back and gave Tonisha a once-over from head to toe with a critical eye. "Turn around for me, Tonisha," she said, motioning with her hand. Tonisha did a slow 360 for Shaniqua, who continued her examination. When Tonisha once again faced Shaniqua, she stopped and waited nervously for the results of the appraisal. Shaniqua finally looked up and a smile slowly spread across her lips, then she said, "Mm-mmm, girl, I am positively jealous! You look incredible!" As they hugged again, a thought crossed Tonisha's mind: an hour ago Tony's interest in Shaniqua had been of a sexual nature, and this hug would have been a tremendously arousing experience, but now Tonisha felt nothing but friendship for this woman. "Thanks again, Shaniqua. I owe you everything," Tonisha said gratefully. "Oh no, Tonisha, this was all you. I knew you were there, I could see you. I could tell you just needed to come out, and all I did was help you along, that's all," Shaniqua said as she took Tonisha's hand, gently squeezing it. "I do have one concern though," Tonisha said. "What will happen to Tony? I mean, his family and everything. Won't they miss him?" Shaniqua smiled and said, "No, Tonisha, this is your new reality. Nobody else knows who Tony is or was; just you. As far as anyone else is concerned, he never existed. You're Tonisha now, and you've got her identity, her job and family. And they love you very much." "I didn't mean to hurt him or anything," Tonisha said sadly. "Oh, don't worry, Tonisha. This is what he wanted. I could see that, too. That's why this all happened. Deep down inside he knew you had to come out, too. He's not gone, Tonisha. Tony's still in there, he'll always be around. Believe me, he's OK." And deep down inside, Tonisha knew that, too. "Now come on," Shaniqua said, tugging Tonisha's hand and pulling her toward the mall. "What? Where are we going?" Tonisha asked with a puzzled expression. Shaniqua turned and smiled again. "To get that cup of coffee." (the end)

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When The Men Are Away

A woman in Colonial America is left home alone with her close friend and servant while her husband goes to a neighboring city to conduct some business. She has her servant help her clean the house but her blouse gets really dirty and her servant offers to clean it for her, of which she agrees, removing the dress and letting her friend go wash it. Another ENF story but set in 18th century America! Fun times. We have two girls to follow here. Abigail is a beautiful, kind hearted, naive and...

2 years ago
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The Big Day Ch 04

CHAPTER 4—Evening After dinner, with no option for electronic entertainment, we elected to just cuddle on the couch. The rain still pounded against the house, but the thunder and lightning had died down somewhat. The storm had brought in a cool front and had killed the humidity, so the wind that whistled through the few windows we had cracked to provide air in the lack of A/C was chilly in comparison to the last few days of smothering, sticky heat. So we cuddled and enjoyed the warmth of each...

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Pool Party InvasionChapter 6

We arrived at the hospital and the nurses wanted to separate all of us. I became insistent and the nurse threatened to call security. I pulled my phone and called the chief, told him the situation, and requested immediate assistance. He said he was sending four men now and knew the head of security at the hospital. He would talk to him, too. We waited and, a few minutes later, the head of security came down. He said, "Nurse, what's the holdup in getting these two ladies into proper...

3 years ago
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Her Need For An Older Man Part 2

Amber gets up off of her knees and kisses John on the cheek. She then slips out of the room to go shower and begin making or ordering dinner. She knew John would be finishing his work and didn't want to bother him. She began to remove what little clothing was left and turn the water to their shower on. She looks at herself in the mirror as she ties her hair up. She looks happy. It had only been two years since she walked out on her old life. She doesn't even miss it.She remembers the day she...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1The room was darkened by drawn d****s, and Lorena had stopped just inside the door, but she could see plainly what was happening on the bed, where her brother was jacking off.Shock held her motionless, and she stared entranced at the boy's stiffly upright cock, at how his hand was moving slowly, lovingly, up and down upon it. Glynn was masturbating; no doubt about that. His balls were lifting and falling to the rhythm of his stroking, and she was surprised at their size, and at the...

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Mothers and SonsChapter 2

Kate climbed back onto the couch, twisting sideways so that she was facing Randy with her back braced on the padded armrest. She lifted one long, slender, lightly freckled leg, kicking off her sandal as she tossed it over the back of the couch. The other leg slid down to the floor. Staring at her young lover's throbbing cock, Kate pulled her skirt up to her belly, letting him see the thick red bush of her tight juicy pussy through her panties. "See how wet I am, Randy?" Kate purred. "My...

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Heirs to the AncientsChapter 2

The days bled into weeks and Taima slipped across the border into the tribal lands of the Kindee. He had crossed mountains, rivers and valleys and all of them had left little impression upon him. Once he passed the ruins of an ancient building whose entrance was half buried in the ground. The walls, pitted and brown, were faced with large depictions of seashells carved into the walls, even though they were thousands of leagues from the great ocean. He smelled wolf and made a wide detour of...

1 year ago
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My Family Chapter 7

My apologies for the delay. Hope you enjoy.CHAPTER 7 – The Weekend Friday morning Scott woke up with his dick being engulfed by someone’s mouth under the sheets. At first he thought it was his wife Cindy, but when he looked to his left and saw her sleeping beside him, he realized it was his 16 year old daughter, Ashley. The events of last night came rushing back into his head. He and his wife had successfully seduced their daughter and fucked her last night. Not only had they fucked her, they...

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Southern TrampChapter 2

Melanie shimmied down the rope from the hay loft and wandered back to the large main house in a daze. Her body felt warm and tingly, and occasionally, darts of urgent need cut through her loins. The pretty blonde sixteen year old was flushed with desire. She looked incredibly sexy with her cheeks burning red and her sky blue eyes heated with carnal lust. She went into the house and flounced up the stairs, hurrying down the corridor to her bedroom. She shut the door carelessly behind her, not...

3 years ago
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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 2

This is the story of 5 high school Cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading…Chapter TwoI couldn't believe how rested I felt in the morning. I found my cheek pressed into Monique's breast. I was a little surprised to find her sleeping, breathing softly, seemingly contented.I eased out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. I could already feel the aching in my loins, I knew I needed...

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Illicit Affair with a Married Mother Part 1

When I was 19yo I had an illicit affair going on with a 50yo married woman. I actually met her from taking my little sister to school, her youngest k** was a few years older than my sister. She gave me lifts back to my house a few times and we did get quite friendly.First time anything happened she pulled over to the side of the road said she had a surprise for me and told me to close my eyes. Then said hold out your hand and put something in it. I open my eyes and it was her red thong, she was...

3 years ago
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Surprise call

So the wife last night called me up telling me she was heading to Widgi then there was a pause. You see the first time she fucked a guy without me there was at widgi. I said oh really kind of slyly. She giggled and said no hun not for that but I did just get a text from Jeff. Jeff is the guy she fucked at widgi. She quickly pointed out that was not what the text was about and she had not invited him there. I knew she was being coy with me and wanted me to say go ahead hun and fuck him again. So...

1 year ago
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Baberotica Milana May Slim Milana May Dazzles On Cam

Amateur girl offers a really nice view to her nude forms and her entire body as part of a remarkable amateur bedroom play. The young little chick is horny as fuck, and although for the first minutes of her amateur show, she posed in a sexy lingerie, taking it down and flashing naked was planned from the start. She is a thin beauty, with medium tits and a round ass, full of life and energy. She loves to provide nude moments and tease her fans with soft moves and by pulling her hair. That’s part...

4 years ago
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The Apartment ManagerChapter 11

When we went back to where the others were getting the information on the new models who are filling out applications, I looked the small crowd over good. Damn, there’s lots of pretty girls who live in this apartment complex and go to college here. I saw one girl who kept looking at me when I looked around the room. She was sitting next to Colleen, and I saw them looking over the application. Both of them waved to me and smiled when I looked their way again. The girl waved her hand really...

4 years ago
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Namratha tho dengulata

My name is Mahesh the movie actor in pokiri, and no need to tell about me I had with my sister. My sister’s name is Sindhu she is my own sister & was elder to me by 2 yrs. She was a sexy slut with a huge pair of boob’s abt 38DD size & had a well shaped sexy ass. Now lets go to the story. My sister got married 3yrs back & remained childless for 2 yrs as she was working. Her husband was a CA & was always on tour & was working for a us based company.She came home for her pregnancy but...

3 years ago
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Lustful Journey To Hometown

Hi Guys, This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories, so please comment and give your feedback on my email () and sorry in advance for the mistakes. So let’s start the story, Let me introduce myself I’m 19 years old slim, average body, white in colour. Reading in college in Delhi and living in boys pg near my college. My family is in Punjab so i have to live in pg until i pursue my degree. So i have to travel back from Delhi during my holidays to Punjab to meet my family and friends. It...

2 years ago
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Working The Club Part One

Fran felt the strap of her thong panties press against the plug in her rear. "They don't call it dental floss for the ass" she thought to herself as she moved through the crowd in the club. Dressed in a black with platinum trim, frilly, clingy, and oh-so-revealing little cocktail waitress uniform, she minced in her high heels toward the men and women at their tables. She had a tray with their drink orders perched atop her left hand while her right hand was planted on her swaying hips. ...

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Dare Thief

Dare ThiefJason, my best friend who lives next door, and I had been bacheloring it at my house while my parents were away for a couple months in London where my mom was assigned for a project. It was great not having someone watching us every minute. Our parents pretty much trusted us about as much as anyone can trust teenage boys. As long as we kept up our straight A grades and sports, we were pretty much on our own. We could only have two other guys over and no girls unless we made special...

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Youtubers Chapter 2 GAY SEX

Title: YouTubers Chapter 2 Rating: PG to NC17Summary: The Daily Life of YouTubers all living together in one house.Looking back on it after what had happened since then, we had all barged into Suzy's room to find out what was happening. Turns out she got so scared from doing a mini-game in The Letter which a ghost-like creature was out to get you and you had to keep tapping a key to escape from her clutches. Now we can laugh about it. It was a good game, but yeah, that was a long time ago. This...

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Our Introduction to our neighbours part 1

I've just come home from work and as I'm walking to the front door, I can hear moaning and it sounds like its coming from our bedroom. I walk around to the side of the house and see our neighbour is standing at our bedroom window in a summer dress. I can see her panties around her ankles, one hand is up her dress and I gather she is playing with herself by the look of ecstasy on her face. One of her big breasts is hanging out of her dress and her other hand is squeezing her erect nipple...

Group Sex
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My beautiful wife Zaida 2

The Day AfterI awoke in the morning thinking of Zaida and her newfound eroticism. I was rock hard and quite horny, but there was not much to do about it now and so turned myself towards preparing for my day and work. My day passed without much incident and though it was somewhat productive, I couldn't help getting distracted by thoughts of my naughty little wife and her potential sexual adventures. Soon enough, I was heading home again, though I sent a few quick texts out: one to Zaida and one...

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My Wifes First Gangbang Sex with a Stranger

My wife and I have been together since the summer after her last year of H***S*****. We went to the same H***S***** but I was a year ahead of her and we hung out in separate crowds. But being in a relative small-ish town we knew each other in passing in the halls. After her 3rd year of classes, her H***S***** BF broke it off with her (her first real BF) and so she spent her last year concentrating on the books. The summer after her final year she graduated and was now 18 and a few months old....

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Katie the Prodigal DaughterChapter 5 Neighborly Love Continues

When we girls came around. There was lot of kissing and hugging. We were all hungry. Aunt Shari and I started preparing the brunch. Libby played with her father and grandpa's cocks. Aunt Shari made shit stuffed pancakes and sliced the firm shit in small bites to go in shit-meatloaf. The rest of shit was lightly drizzled with olive oil and butter along with some honey and fried lightly with coating of egg. The brunch of shit stuffed pancakes with delicious honey butter fried shit logs was...

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Making Little Brothers Night

I have two brothers, both younger than me. We were swimming and my wife had caught the youngest, Andy, staring at her tits sneaking peeks at her pink nipples. She was wearing a bikini and had started teasing him by loosening the top. She kept bending over letting him get some good long looks at her nips and it was driving him nuts! My wife was 32, long red hair, green eyes, big tits with half dollar sized pink nipples that really puff out from her tits when erect. She also had a shaved pussy...

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What Feats He Did That DayChapter 18

I was probably unconscious for no more than a minute. It was long enough for the Morling to move astride me, standing there and beating his chest as if he had just slain a dragon. I was aware that my left arm was broken. It had evidently taken all my weight along with that of the flychair. The flychair now pinned me to the ground. My right arm, which still gripped the still functioning light whip, appeared to be undamaged. I pushed the thumb control forward as the Morling began his usual...

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Emmas Panties

We have known Emma for about 25 years now and she is now 52. So she would have been about 26 when we first met her. She was a virgin and remained so till she got married at 45 She was younger than us by 9 years and was a vibrant young thin. Slim, sensuous and very tactile person. She invited us to her house for a meal one evening and as we ate and drank I needed to go to the loo. In the bathroom was a wicker wash basket. I lifted the lid and I can remember it to this day there,...

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French Connection

If you have checked my profile you know I am a well endowed black 27y.o. trucker. Recently I was driving through a pretty rural part of Quebec east of Quebec City, definitely not many , if any black folks.A car was passing me and I looked down into the car, as I often due and it was a middle aged couple. She was an average build for her age, a little heavy but pretty woman and she was looking up at me and gave me a big smile and then turned to her husband and said something. He slowed and they...

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Today marks your best prospect yet after you discover a rather rare mineral deposit within the kuiper belt. It was hidden within the hollow remains of an unusually dim asteroid which may explain why it was so difficult to locate from a distance. Selling off the prospect was easy as almost every single scavenger within earshot were struggling to win the bid. It ended up going to a weaselly gentlemen by the name of Horus. Horus is a mysterious man with pockets as deep as the black color of his...

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FilthyBlowjobs Jessie Saint Bratty Teen Stepsister Caught Fapping Fucked

I (JMac) can fucking hear her in there! My hot little stepsister Jessie Saint has holed herself up in the bathroom and is fapping her teen cunt. I can hear the damn vibrator but the girl won’t hurry up. What’s this? She forgot to lock the door. She’s embarrassed when I catch her but she isn’t done so she says I can watch her cum. I start jerking off and she won’t stop staring at my big cock. She puts the vibrator down and starts to blow me. I bend her over the...

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GingerPatch April Reid Redhead Lightens Her Load

April Reid is a sultry redhead, thrown off her game by the new ginger at school. Being the redhead has always been Aprils thing. How is she gonna stand out now if shes not the hot ginger in class? She tries on a few hats and considers dying her hair but feels discouraged when she realizes that she it costs more than she can afford. Shes at her ropes end when her brothers friend, Cody, shows up. He asks whats wrong and when she tells him, he suggests that she just dye it. She tells him she cant...

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 6 Ink Inc October

JOE REFLECTS ON THE EXPLORER'S RETURN Jenny is back after her first week. She seems very happy and relaxed and - fulfilled. She was really keen to talk about her week. That surprised me, but I am glad that she feels she can. Actually, I am relieved that she feels she can share this with me. She was full of how much she learned and how the data was really what she hoped for and how well, what she had recorded this time corresponded to her own experience, last time. Her enthusiasm for the...

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CherryPimps Mila Monet An Honest Job Well Done

Jax Slayher is working hard to fix Mila Monet’s TV. He’s a hard working man, doing honest, hard work just like anyone else. He calls Mila over to verify his job is done to her specifications. He turns on the TV, and the first thing that comes on are his old porn flicks! She’s shocked! She can’t believe what she is seeing! At first, he denies it’s him, but she insists. After some cajoling, he admits that he may have made a few movies once upon a time, but he just...

2 years ago
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3Day Stand Part II

‘So, how does this work?’ Ruby asks, shucking off her black lace bra. While he stows her suitcase, Ron tosses over his shoulder, ‘Just lie down on your back, sort of diagonal on the bed. Stick a few pillows under your head so you can see. I’ll be over as soon as this cocoa butter is melted.’ ‘It probably already is,’ she mumbles. ‘What?’ he prompts. ‘IT PROBABLY ALREADY IS,’ she chirps. ‘Melted I mean.’ He pops open the microwave door and removes the container. ‘Doesn’t look melted,’...

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Basketball Camp

My best friend, Brook, and I were at basketball camp with our new coach. Our coach was named Lori and she was 5'10, long blonde hair, great tan, beautiful smile, and the sexiest green eyes. Brook approached me and told me that she thought the coach was very attractive, but I really didn't pay that much attention. Practice was running smooth and perfect, at the end she let us go 20 minutes early. All the girls were out of the gym in five minutes and all that was left was Brook, Lori, and me....

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 79

It was just a few minutes before the 1100 hearing time when we walked in and sat down. Senator Hope Emerson and Senator Ruth Gavin started out sarcastic and nasty as soon as Hope gaveled the committee into session. “We have sent you subpoenas that you have not responded to by law. Do we need to hold you in contempt of Congress?” Senator Hope Emerson asked. “I have been extremely busy, if you take the time to look at the news. I got the subpoenas this morning when I went to the office to...

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At the doctorrsquos office ldquoPart Threerdquo

By Dina PetroPART 3, Final partJust to recall what happened in part two, that I had sex with the doctor in his clinic and he admitted he wanted to fuck the nurse, his sister, along with me in a threesome, he left it for me to convince her to do it.The doctor and I set up a plan for my final visit to their clinic which was supposed to be a final exam after using the medication, we agreed that his sister would stay late at the office waiting for me while he leaves earlier, I told him to come back...

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Aanchal Ki Jordar Chudai

Hiii dosto main viren ap sb ko ek aur kahni btane ja rha hun jo mere sath hal hi me ghati. Mera age 23 hai main gora hun mera height 5’11” hai mere lund ka size 8.5” lamba hai aur 5” mota. Mera eletronics lab ki ek mam hai unka name Anchal hai unka age 26 wo unmarried hai. Unka figure 36 32 34 hai. Wo bahut khubsurt hai bt unka rang gehua hai matlb gori se thoda kam aur sawali se jyada. Main unko aksr ghurte rahta tha. Wo v mujhe dekha krti thi aur muskura kr rah jati thi. Main jb v unko dekhta...

1 year ago
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Holiday shopping with a twist

The weather in Georgia has been extremely warm so far this winter. My wife informed me that she and I would be doing some Christmas shopping Wednesday since I was off work. She loves this time of year, all the excitement and crowds are perfect for her you see I'm a cuckold husband and my beautiful wife is some what of a show off. To get ready to go out she had me shower then meet her in our bed room. She was waiting there wearing her bath robe and told me to stand there naked while she got...

4 years ago
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Jade West sat on her bed, crying. This was her first Valentine's Day in three years she spent alone. She made it clear to everyone that she didn't care about Valentine's Day, but secretly, she liked it. Beck went out of his way to do things he normally wouldn't do for her and to actually show here some form of sentiments. She was stuck at her house while her parents were out on their date.Meanwhile, Cat and Tori drove up to the West residence with the biggest grins on their faces. Jade had...

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Shadi se pehle chudai ke maze

Hi mera naam Priyanka hai. Main Rajasthan se belong karti hu. Main married hu aur Mumbai mein rehti hu. Rang gora aur figure 34-28-36. Ye story us waqt ki hai jab meri shadi nahi hui thi. Shadi se pehle mere boyfriends the aur maine unke saath bohut kuch kiya bhi tha. Lekin ye kahani unke baare mein nahi hai. Ye ghatna meri shadi se 2 mahine pehle ki hai. Main Navi Mumbai mein apni college-friend Shruti ke sath rehti thi. Uski bhi Mumbai mein hi job thi. Hum ache dost the aur ek dusre se...

1 year ago
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Full Of Black Seed

Max watched his pregnant wife roll off the couch and race into the bathroom to vomit. Morning sickness again. She was now 4 months pregnant with a black baby. Unbelievable. His friends back home would never understand but Max was cool with it all. Mainly because he had set the whole thing up. From the first his pretty young wife Haley had been excited and interested in the swingers life style. She was only 19 when they married and the thought of fucking just one man for the rest of her life was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 6 Pick Another Day

August 13, 1996, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “Doctor Mary Whittaker, meet Maria Cristina Ochoa Coulvert. Maria Cristina, Doctor Mary Whittaker.” “It’s nice to meet you, Doctor,” Maria Cristina said. “And you. Steve told me you were Kara’s mentee and that Doctor Jessica has taken you under her wing as well for pre-med and medical school?” “Yes, that’s correct. Thank you for allowing me to participate.” Mary smiled, “Thank Steve. He was very persuasive. Steve, I will need you to sign...

3 years ago
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True love

New writer, 20 years old, and not very confident. Please leave any comments but please leave all feedback positive. (M/F, romance, preg?) True love is a hard thing to describe, you feel it but unless you’re a poet or damn good with your words putting it down, expressing it, sometimes showing it just escapes you. My name is Jesse; I’m 20, strawberry blond hair, 5’10, with broad shoulders and, about 180, average in just about every way. Soft features and a strong urge to take care of those...

2 years ago
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Love Is In The Air

Hi All, Thanks for your responses on my earlier story “My Experiments With Love And Being A Virgin”. I am back with another story (an imagination of course bcos I have not yet found my “the” girl). I hope this story is also liked and appreciated by avid readers like you and I would expect similar responses from you. A brief introduction about me – in case you have missed my earlier story. I am 25 yrs old and athletic built. Still a virgin – waiting for a good partner. Write to me at The story...

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Sister Joann Part 1

My Sister Joann - Part 1After 7 years of marriage I was 2 years ready for this divorce. The first 5 years were great, especially our sex life. The last 2 though were a different story. At the same time, my company was downsizing. I arranged a very nice severance package form my stress filled job that kept me on the road all the time. She got to keep the house, I got the cash. I was headed back home to start all over. After all those years I began to miss being there. I was going to move in with...

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Animal InstinctsChapter 7

Maria had detected the bitterness in Roger’s voice. And why not? While they both had been ostracized by the other kids during high school, it was Roger who had borne the brunt of their cruel jokes and isolation. She felt guilty, not just for having turned him down for the Halloween Dance, but also for the fact that while she did not actually engage in making fun of him, her own attempts at being accepted meant she often said nothing and let the cruelties go by when she should have said...

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I Love This JobChapter 3 a Soft Cock

Skin is very useful to at least the higher animal forms. First of all, it keeps all of our insides, bones, blood vessels, testicles, ovaries, etc. from falling out all over the place. Secondly, it exists as a surprising (to some) trivia answer to the question of which is the largest organ of the body. But most important to me and others, the sight, the touch of skin around certain other organs, specifically cocks (to those of us with cunts and tits) and cunts and tits (to those of you with...

3 years ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 14

It was 6:40 p.m. according to the clock behind the bar at the Pasture. I was a little early. I wanted to get me a drink before I had to look at the woman who was once the love of my life and was now my singular worst enemy, Penelope Hardy. I already had my manhattan in front of me and it was half empty. I saw her come in. Maybe she needed a drink too. I smiled inwardly at the thought. Guilt can be the cause of any number of psychological reactions. She saw me and waved. I did not wave back....

2 years ago
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In the Back Seat

It's 9:42 PM on a Saturday night. After months of dates, attention, and flirting with your latest conquest, Carmen, you've decided that tonight is the night that you're going to go all the way with her. Previous attempts have always met with either making out or a brief fondle or two. But never going past that stage. You've just finished watching a movie, and before that, was dinner at a nice little restaurant with Carmen. It's near the end of the date, and as part of your plan you've taken...

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