Faerie Wings Ch. 04 free porn video

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Adina stared after the woman who had just touched her hair, confused by the girl who was living with the men, wearing men’s clothes.

‘Anybody got any idea who that was?’ Margaret, a busty, middle-aged woman asked, her naturally loud voice carrying through the room full of woman.

‘She must be a native,’ Another voice spoke up.

‘I wonder what she’s doing here and where the rest of her people are then?’

‘She was very pretty.’ More voices could be heard commenting on the strangeness of the girl.

‘Enough about the girl, what about the men?’ Margaret said good-naturedly.

The woman all started talking about the men they had seen, what they were looking for. The only one who wasn’t talking about the men was Adina, who just found a quiet seat in the corner on a trunk.

‘What about you, Addy?’ Margaret asked the shy girl. Adina’s cheeks flushed, making Margaret laugh. ‘The way you’re always blushing, girl,’ Margaret scolded, shaking her head. Despite the fact that Margaret teased her, Addy really liked the woman. Everyone did. People could appreciate her honest and straightforward manner. With Margaret, what you see is what you get.

‘I don’t know,’ Addy shrugged, gripping her knees with her small hands.

‘I got to tell you, I’m worried about you. Your such a mystery to me.’ Margaret said honestly. Addy didn’t need her to explain further. She was different than the rest of the women on the ship.


Falcon pointed at the wood object he was sitting on, looking expectantly at Daisy. Daisy wracked her brain for the right word, but it eluded her.

‘Chair,’ Falcon told her.

‘Chair,’ Daisy quickly repeated. She found it odd and fascinating the way humans made these sounds in order to understand each other. Faeries could feel others’ emotions when necessary, but for the most part, they didn’t need to speak. Daisy could understand why humans would need this sort of language, though. It seems that ever since she became big, she had so many questions she had never considered before.

Chair. Chair. Daisy repeated over again in her mind, trying her hardest to remember the word.

Falcon pointed to the matching wood object sitting next to the chair. ‘Table,’ Daisy remembered that one.

‘Good,’ Falcon told her.

‘How’s it going, Cap’n?’ Jason asked, walking into his friend’s house.

‘Just fine.’ Falcon replied. ‘Jason,’ he said, pointing to his friend.

‘Jason,’ Daisy said, looking at him.

‘Well God damn, the girl can talk!’ Jason said, slapping her gently on the back in a sign of approval. Daisy looked startled as she gazed up at him with wide eyes, but then she simply smiled.

‘Jason,’ she told him again, making Jason laugh.

‘Well, I bet all the women are gonna be disappointed that the captain’s been taken before they got here,’ Jason said, leaning casually against the wall, crossing one booted foot in front of the other.

‘Don’t pretend to feel sorry for them. You’re just glad that they’ll all be vying for the second-in-command bachelor.’

Jason laughed and nodded his head. ‘I definitely saw some good lookin’ gals. Just gonna head over to the meal now and watch them fight over me. All I can say is that I hope it doesn’t come to blows.’

Falcon jokingly rolled his eyes. ‘Is everything ready then?’ Falcon asked.

‘Yeah, I just stopped by to get you,’ Jason told his friend, motioning with his arm for him to follow as he left his house.


‘Have you seen the captain?’ Harriet asked Lucy in a whisper. ‘He is with out a doubt the handsomest man here.’

Lucy looked appraisingly around at the men assembled at the feast. ‘You’re right. Though the one that is talking to him isn’t that bad looking either,’ she whispered back.

‘That’s Jason Good. He is next in line to Captain St. James.’

‘I would normally go after the captain, but he seems to be infatuated with that native,’ Lucy dared another glance to where Falcon was sitting with his arm around Daisy’s waist, his head thrown back in laughter at something Jason had just said.

‘Just my thoughts exactly, Lucy,’ Harriet replied, ‘I think I’ll go introduce myself to Mr. Jason Good.’

A look of anger flashed in Lucy’s eyes before she quelled it with a simpering smile. ‘I was just thinking the same thing. Shall we go together?’ she asked the other woman, who answered affirmatively with the same fake, cordial smile plastered to her face.

Addy watched them leave, feeling disgusted by the women’s plotting and scheming. Addy didn’t like the two women from day one. When they first met her on the ship, they were so nice and polite to her, but later that night, Addy overheard them talking about how mousy and ugly she was, about how she was so skinny that she looked like a boy, a weak boy. They noticed that she walked with a limp, and criticized her for that as well. Addy had vowed not to trust anything the two had said after that, and had stayed clear of them.

She surreptitiously watched Harriet and Lucy as they greeted the man they were both after. He smiled up at them, and Addy thought how handsome he looked with that smile, which he gave away so generously. She disagreed with Harriet and Lucy, thinking that Jason Good was in fact handsomer than the captain.

She blushed to herself and looked away from the man, glad that no one could hear her thoughts. She was well aware of the fact that Harriet and Lucy were the most comely women on the ship. All the women agreed, and it was often the basis of discussion that two would surely get first pick of any of the men they wanted. Margaret had even agreed that it was probably the case, since the men would be so eager to get married that they would do so before they got to know the true characters of the women, and secretly confided to Addy the two who would at first think they were the luckiest men in the fort would soon find out otherwise.

That had made Addy smile. She looked around for Margaret now, the only woman she felt was her true friend. The older woman was talking to a man with a beard. They seemed to be having a good time. Addy felt lonely, since she had no one to talk to at the moment. The one man who had paid her some attention had seen her limp, and had lost interest.

Addy realized that the men here were looking for wives, but also partners. Life out here would be rough, and they needed someone who could keep up with them. Addy sat by herself, thinking that it was probably a mistake to have come. It was her romantic soul that had forced her to run away in the first place, but it looked that she would fend no better here than she had back home. How had her life changed so completely? She could hardly believe that it was really her, sitting here in this place.

‘Hello there,’ a man interrupted her thoughts. Addy looked up from where she was sitting. The man who had spoken to her was smiling down at her, holding out a cup of wine for her to take.

‘Hello,’ Addy said gratefully, taking the drink.

‘I’m Lawrence Longfellow,’ he held out his hand as he sat down in the chair next to her.

Addy shook his hand, which was big and warm. Addy inspected him from over the rim of her mug as she took a sip. He wasn’t especially good-looking, but at least he wasn’t old. He appeared to be only a bit older than her, and seemed to be friendly enough. Addy was grateful for the company.

‘I’m Adina. It’s nice to meet you.’

‘The pleasure is all mine,’ Lawrence replied. ‘What were you doing over here all by yourself?’ he asked her, leaning in close to her face. ‘You don’t like any of the fellers?’

Addy wasn’t really sure how to reply to that. The man was making her a little uncomfortable, but she didn’t want him to leave. She would just have to make a little effort.

‘That’s not it at all,’ she gave her best friendly smile.

‘So who do you l
ike?’ he asked.

Now Addy really didn’t know how to answer the question. ‘Uhh,’ she said, sort of wishing that she was back by herself again.

Lawrence laughed at her nervous stuttering. ‘It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me.’ He took a long sip of his wine and Adina nervously sipped hers as well.

‘Are you still hungry, should I get you anything, sweetheart?’ he asked her leaning in close to her face.

Adina forced herself to smile cordially, despite the fact that the way he called her sweetheart made her cringe a little bit. ‘No thank you, I’m quite full.’

Adina didn’t know why this man was making her so uncomfortable. He was being perfectly nice and friendly.

‘How about we go on a little walk then?’ he asked, standing up before she could answer.

‘No!’ Adina screamed in her mind, but instead stood up and nodded. ‘Alright,’ she agreed, allowing him to take her elbow.

He would see her limp now, she thought, as she walked along beside him. He would lose interest like the other man, and try to get rid of her. Good riddance, she thought happily. Lawrence surprised her, however, by only looking mildly surprised by her limp, but then not saying anything about it.

She was being unfair to him, she decided, and felt guilty. She gave him a bright smile as she followed him.

‘Where are we going?’ she asked as he wandered further away from the others towards the darkened houses.

‘Just a little further, that way we can be more alone,’ he said.

Adina didn’t know why they had to be alone.

‘Umm,’ she hesitated when he led her behind a building.

‘What’s the matter?’ he asked, coming up to rub his hands up her arms, ‘You’re not afraid are you?’

‘No,’ Adina hurried to correct him, even though she was feeling a little uneasy.

‘You know, you are so beautiful,’ he said, coming closer to her. Adina could smell the alcohol on his breath, and she cringed, pulling away slightly. Lawrence didn’t seem to notice her reaction, for he kept getting closer to her.

‘What’s going on here?’ the deep, rich voice interrupted Lawrence’s pursuit. Adina felt herself blush as she looked up into the handsome eyes of Jason Good. He was even more beautiful up close, she surmised.

‘Hey Jason,’ Lawrence was speaking now, when all Adina could do was stare at the intruder with stunned silence, ‘Can’t say that I’m happy to see you.’

Jason laughed. ‘Sorry to intrude,’ he started to apologize.

‘N-noo, no,’ Adina stuttered out, not wanting him to get the wrong impression. ‘We were just heading back,’ she said, looking to Lawrence for confirmation.

Lawrence grew even more agitated than he had become since Jason’s interruption. ‘If you say so,’ was all he said.

Adina blushed even more at the look Jason was giving her, scrutinizing in a way.

She pushed past the two men and started to walk as gracefully forward as she possibly could, but she was well aware of the two pairs of eyes watching her, following her close behind. Though Adina tried to hide her limp as best she could, she knew that there was no way Jason had missed it. She blushed, wondering what Jason was thinking of it, of her.

Stupid, she told herself. She shouldn’t care what Jason thought. He wouldn’t be interested in her even if she didn’t have a limp, she told herself. She felt the men come to walk beside her, but she forced her gaze to keep staring at the ground. She didn’t want to look into either of their faces.

*2 Weeks Later*

Falcon was starting to notice odd things about Daisy, inexplicable things. Like whenever she seemed to pass a plant that was sick or dying, a simple touch of her hand and it would be blooming beautifully. Or how animals seemed to gravitate toward her. It had been more than once he had seen her sitting, petting a wild rabbit that was perfectly content in her arms until Falcon appeared, in which instance it would fearfully run away.

Once Falcon had almost had a heart attack when Daisy had wandered off into the woods, and when he had finally found her, she appeared to be sharing berries with a black bear. Falcon had called out to Daisy and pulled out his rifle, but quickly realized that the bear had been acting tame before, but was now definitely angry then.

While he nearly lost all control of his limbs, with visions of the angry bear turning on Daisy, who was so close to him, and tearing her apart with those large claws and teeth, Daisy wasn’t afraid at all.

‘Hello,’ she greeted him like nothing was the matter, and ran up to him, putting her arms around his neck.

As though the bear realized that Daisy had accepted Falcon’s presence, he immediately relaxed his pose and walked off.

She had also picked up English amazingly fast. While she still didn’t know some vocabulary words, she was putting together sentences within a few days of his attempted teaching.

Daisy was surprised herself how easy it was to learn his language when she actually started trying. While it wasn’t something that came naturally to her, like talking to the birds or sensing how a tree feels, it wasn’t too difficult.

In addition to the language, she was also learning about the ways of the humans. They always had to be wearing clothes, unless they were making love, in which case they were allowed to be naked. One could choose one other person to make love to, and no one else. Falcon was hers. Women were supposed to wear dresses and men pants, but Falcon let her wear pants, since she hated the dresses so much.

She was also learning about the painful aspects of being human. She had burnt her hand the other day on the stove, and it still hurt. She felt emotional pain as well. She remembered back to the first time she realized that what she had been eating the whole time she was human had been other animals.

She had seen one of the men, she wasn’t sure who, skinning a deer. The head was still on, and all she could see were its lifeless eyes. She remembered screaming and running away, not even sure where she was going. She ran out of the fort and into the woods. Falcon had eventually caught up with her, and pulled her into his arms.

She knew enough English by that time to have him explain to her that that was their food. Daisy had been filled with horrible guilt, and hadn’t eaten any meat since then. Falcon explained that it was necessary to eat meat, and the food chain and all that, but Daisy still didn’t want to do it. The animals were her friends.

Some of the women annoyed Daisy, and she found that she would often rather be alone in the woods than spend time with them. The woods were her haven, and she loved them. The only other place she really enjoyed being was with Falcon. She loved making love to him, whether it be day, night, indoors or outdoors. She also just liked being around him, in his arms or holding his hand.

Jason had also become her friend, and she didn’t mind his company. He had a nice laugh, she thought. One of the women she liked, and would sometimes spend time with was the one who limped, Adina.

Adina, unlike some of the other women, didn’t feel the need to fill the silence with senseless chatter, which Daisy liked. They had become friends, or what Daisy considered friends, when she had invited Adina out to the woods to pick mushrooms one day.

It had been late, and the two girls were walking home in the twilight when a wolf suddenly appeared in front of them. Of course Daisy wasn’t afraid, but the girl beside her stiffened. Daisy told Adina not to be afraid, that the wolf was just curious. The creature sniffed the air, but didn’t get to close. He stared at Adina for a long while before letting out a small howl and running off.

Adina’s eyes filled her face, and she looked at Daisy questioningly.

‘You just made a friend,’ Daisy told her, before continuing on her way toward the fort. Daisy decided that if the wolf like
d Adina, then the girl must have a lot of good in her, and from that moment on, Daisy considered her her friend.

The two friends were out one day, walking in the woods. Daisy was ever graceful, seeming to glide among the trees and branches like she was born to live in the forest. Adina had some more trouble, especially with her limp. She had to go slowly to keep from falling, but she managed to keep up with Daisy.

‘It’s hot today,’ Adina commented, as she could feel the sweat building up on her back and forehead.

‘We need some cool water,’ Daisy told her, ‘I know just the place,’ she thought of the waterfall and pond she knew of when she was a fairy. She knew every inch of the woods, but hadn’t gone as far out as the waterfall ever since she became human.

‘Let’s go then,’ Adina agreed, thinking a cool dip in some water would be just the refresher they needed.

Adina limped behind Daisy, as she led the way further into the forest. She knew exactly where she was going, but things were different as a human than they had been as a fairy. With her wings, she could go places so much more quickly, but she had to go slow, especially for Adina who was with her.

Adina wanted to ask how much further it would be, but refrained herself. She hated to be the one to complain, the one to slow them down, but she was already feeling exhausted. Then suddenly, Daisy stopped and called out from ahead.

‘It’s beautiful,’ Adina exclaimed. The little waterfall was like an oasis in the middle of the forest. The water was clear, the pond calm and peaceful.

Daisy eagerly ran into the water before Adina even had a chance to do anything. ‘Are you going to go swimming in your clothes, then?’ Adina asked, already unbuttoning her dress.

‘I thought we weren’t supposed to take off our clothes outside?’ Daisy questioned, already up to her knees in water.

‘Well, we are far enough away that I doubt anyone will see us,’ Adina reasoned as she pulled her dress over her head. ‘And we don’t want them to get all wet.’

Daisy came back out of the water and pulled her dress off as well. The girls went back into the clear water only wearing their white under clothes. Adina couldn’t swim, so she couldn’t go out as far as Daisy, who was luxuriously floating on her back near where the light waterfall hit the water.

She stayed where she could safely touch the ground, but ducked down so the water went up to her shoulders. The cool water felt so good on her heated skin, she let her head fall back so her hair floated out around her, feeling it vacillate gracefully as she gently shook her head. The water felt good against her scalp.

Daisy was playing the waterfall, laughing and splashing. Adina noticed how at home she looked out here. While Adina knew that she was awkward in the forest, Daisy seemed to be one with it. The water glistened off the girl’s skin in an almost unearthly manner. Her hair, black as night, seemed to sparkle like silver and underneath the water like she was, it seemed to almost reflect the rainbow in it. Adina could swear she saw the girl sparkling, but only out of the corner of her eye, and whenever she turned to get a better look, she thought she must just be imagining things.

Daisy came over to the shallow end to splash Adina playfully. The girls laughed and giggled and splashed each other until they were both exhausted.

‘How did you know about this place?’ Adina asked.

‘I used to live out here,’ Daisy said simply. The question reminded her of all the questions Falcon asked her, as soon as she could even remotely understand.

He wanted to know where she was from. Who her parents were. Where the rest of her people were. Why was she on that rock.

Daisy tried to explain it as best she could. She had lived in the forest her whole life, she didn’t have any parents, the rest of her people were still out here, and on the rock, she was waiting for someone. When she had told him that she was waiting there to be sacrificed, he had gotten really upset, called her people savages, and had demanded to know everything, but Adina didn’t know how to say fairy in English, and with every passing day, she seemed to remember less and less of her old life. Her life before she was human seemed like a dream to her now, and it was slowly growing fainter and fainter.

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Main Character: Jae Hwa, Female, 17 - High school junior - 5’6, 145lbs, almond skin, light-brown eyes, long straight black hair I get asked all the time if I’m really twenty-one. Or twenty-two. Or twenty-three. I’m not any of those, actually. My name is Jae Hwa, but everyone shortens it to simply Jae. My parents are from South Korea but they moved to Florida before I was born to open a restaurant in the Tampa area. I look a lot like my mom, I think. Average height, a little overweight,...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 14 A Deceit of Lapwings

Is everything up to date in Kansas City? No, of course not. But progress is being made. Although the voters recently took a sort-of step backwards. But this created the possibility of an ironic, and symbolic, positive statement. The City Council voted, unanimously I think, to rename a historically significant boulevard — The Paseo. It’s around ten miles long, running north and south between two other major thoroughfares — Troost and Prospect. The city’s decision to change ‘The Paseo’ to...

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Camilla Spreads Her Wings

University was finally over after three long years of near-constant study with holidays devoted to internships. It was hard coming from a high-achieving family; targets were high, expectations even higher and failure unheard of. It was even harder when you’re the youngest and just not as academically gifted as your older siblings.I have a brother and a sister. Eric is an ophthalmic surgeon, a real high flyer. Daisy, the next in age, is a barrister at a highly prestigious chamber in London and...

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Green Wings

This is a story i sent to a very close friend some time ago. We're still close.I asked her to meet me thinking she wouldn't show up. Looking out to the river Tyne on the final warm night of the summer I think to the last time we met. No chemistry, lingering looks or thoughts. No longing to be close, intimate. I look up from my thoughts and there she is next to me. I turn to her resisting the urge to kiss her and just hold her close instead. The hug lasts longer than usual. She's wearing an...

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Red Wings

"Please, baby. Please," asked Guy as he ran his tongue down Patty's torso stopping just below her navel as he waited for a response.Patty was lying on her side when he made his request. Her mouth was filled with his cock, and his left leg was d****d over her shoulder and across her head. She pulled his dick out of her mouth then rested her head down on the mattress as she sighed in exasperation. She had no idea why he let her talk her into this again. "Really?" she asked as he tucked his chin...

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Angel wings

"Please," Angel begged, "let me go." "Let you go? Why would I do that, when I prefer you at my mercy." "I don't know what you want, I just want–" Damian snapped his hand up to her throat, cutting her sentence off. He enjoyed the feeling of her choking against his palm. It gave him a strong feeling of power, and he could feel the bulge in his pants growing larger. As he released his grip, Angel gasped for breath. Damian tightened the chains around Angel's wrist, hoisting her...

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In the Shadow of Her Wings

Dravid expected Kali border security to be much tighter than it was. All he got was a body search that was routinely thorough, and a few old-fashioned tests and checks. It reminded him of a visit he had made as a young rightwing Hindu activist to an Indian nuclear weapon testing facility back in 1998, after the Pokhran atomic tests. His briefings had been correct in this respect: Kali did not seem to have much use for 21st century safe-care. The Border guards finished with him in a few minutes...

4 years ago
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First Time On Butterfly Wings

YES it was going to happen. Tonight I would lose my cherry to the most desirable guy in school. I had longed for this moment for ages and in the end things had progressed almost too fast to apprehend. For years I had this dream to have Charles McPherson do the honors to bust my hymen. Charlie was captain of the football team. He was a natural leader and everybody always listened to him and did what he ordered and he was just a sophomore like me. We had been in the same classes from kindergarten...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 65 When a butterfly flaps its wings

John awoke this morning with a lovely exotic beauty in his arms. He was lying on his side, wrapped possessively around Irillith, and her warm blue flesh felt wonderful against his skin. She sensed him stirring, and tucked her long white hair back behind a pointed ear, so that she could turn to look at him over her shoulder. “Good morning, my love,” he said, smiling at her as he gazed into her alluring violet eyes. Irillith seemed to melt in his arms, her expression softening, as she turned...

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Two DiariesChapter 12 Open Wings

From Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, It felt strange to wake up alone after three days sleeping with someone. Sure lying at Clara’s feet hadn’t been pleasant, but weird as it might sound I still felt some sort of connection to her while doing it. Sharing a bed with Fiona was a lot better, and I knew I’d be missing that a lot. I got up and dressed, being careful to cover every bit of me that might show any signs of damage, before I went to the toilet. I decided then I’d be sleeping in my...

4 years ago
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Episode 14 dark drawings

A large padded envelope arrived, addressed in a very sexy handwriting to Bob, the Ami twins' dad, from the West Country. He placed it on the table at breakfast with Amy and Amilie (Tangy-Ami and Sweet-Ami) wondering what it contained. Sweet-Ami tore open the package and pulled out two pairs of boyish panties and two tiny bikini-style bras – just their size: 32B. The best thing was that they were not just see-through, but completely transparent, and stretchy. Tangy-Ami stood up, turned her back,...

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The Casino That Swings

We were staying at a semi-local casino. It was about three hours from home. While we were walking around, we saw some people we knew. Carlos and Isabel were a sexy Latin couple in their mid-forties and we knew them to be in the lifestyle. He was about 5' 10" 200 lbs and she was 5'4" of pure Latina sexiness. We stopped by and said hello. We started talking and, one thing-to-another, we were soon at the casino bar having drinks. After about half an hour and a handful of drinks, we decided to...

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Wife Swings

After eighteen years of marriage, I finally convinced my wife, Nancy, to participate in a swingers party. Nancy was a very sensual lady and loved to fuck. In recent years she had become very adept at sucking cock. I knew she would be a hit at the party.Several guys at work had been regaling me with stories of their swinging parties and had invited me and Nancy to attend on numerous occasions. I knew they all wanted to fuck Nancy and I had to admit there were several wives I wouldn’t mind...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 25 England Swings

Jim Olsen got off the plane at London’s Heathrow Airport and took the shuttle to the nearby Hilton. He wasn’t in a hurry – he’d waited 40 years to come here and it wouldn’t be any trouble to wait a day or so to get past the jet lag. He wasn’t idle, however. Amazingly enough, he still had Sarah Jane’s last letter to him – the one where she told him she’d found someone else. He had the return address on that letter and that would be his starting point. He’d hired a car and driver. When Jim...

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Nurse Mom Chapter 6 Mom scored one from the gyno wing

When I was younger, I do remember seeing Mom wear a bikini on occasion. Now that she has filled out, I am not sure that she even owned one anymore. As she removed her robe in the darkness, I was disappointed to see that she was wearing a very conservative bathing suit that gave her full coverage, and then some. It even had a ruffly skirt attached to conceal her intimate region even more. I was a little let down at this fact, but I just tried to focus on the curves that I could actually still...

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West Wing

President Barlett sat at his desk debating what to do, in front of him he had the bill which would almost guarantee a peace in the middle east and end of nuclear development in Qumar completely. on the face of it this would seem to be a no brainer, sign the deal to secure his legacy and bask in being the president who brought peace to the region, however there was down side this agreement. As part of this deal with Qumar, Qumar would allow America to have control in that region but in exchange...

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BangBus Penelope Kay Hottie With Perfect Tits Fucks for Money

This week, we pulled up on this chick that was on her way to the mall. At first, she didn’t want to talk to us, but eventually she started opening up once she saw we had a stack of money. Eventually, we convinced her to hop inside the bus after giving her a grand to let Tony lick her toes. From there, it wasn’t difficult to get her to do whatever we wanted. She soon got naked, this chick had a perfect body with amazing natural tits. Eventually, it all lead to her getting fucked. Tony stretched...

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Karen My School Teacher 12

After I was done with my shower, I headed for my mom’s bedroom, and saw an outfit she had already laid on the bed. My mom was over by the makeup table.“Take a seat, sweetie...I can apply your makeup!?”I went over and sat down. She applied some foundation and went onto my eyes. She gave me really nice, dark red (kinda) eyeshadow with some fine shimmering to it. After that she used an eyeliner to make my eyes pop, and she even had my eye lashes curved. I’d never tried that, but they looked so...

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Jason Cole

By Jax_Teller©2017 I was at the porn shop on the seedy side of town, in the booths in the back watching porn when I heard a female in the next booth tell the guy with her about a bondage club near by. I over heard her describe a nondescript building just out side the city limits. There was no sign, no windows to see in, but if the parking lot was full it was open. It was a members only club and there was a door man at the door to check membership cards. I discretely followed them out...

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My Sweet Aunt My Lover

Hello friends, this is with new story. This story was sent by one net friend Jalsajulaii. Hii guys, I’ve been reading stories on ISS since more than two years…. I always thought to write my experience but couldn’t get words to describe it….Now I gathered courage to narrate my story to you……. I want to tell you about me and my story…I am a handsome boy of 21 years of age…. With height of 5’8 and very fair and pleasing personality with good attractive look…but still don’t have girl friends… I...

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8 months pregnant horny and I let him in

Five months into my first pregnancy and we just stopped having sex.(As my husband has put me online for his friends to jack off to, I took this photo 4 hours after this story happened)It was maddening, I was getting hornier and feeling weirder, as my hormones were all over the place, and my nudity was magnified, I was imagining I was ugly, and just hated to look at myself in the mirror, as my breasts and hips ballooned, and my nipples became darker and as large was wine bottle stoppers. I found...

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The Rescuers PerspectivePart Two

Part Two The Thief's view Rolf awoke just before dawn. He could see the hint of rose colored light tinting the darkness outside the open temple doors on the far side of the single central room. He was lying on the rough bed in the cage that formed the foundation of the sorceress's dais. His eyes glanced around so as to not reveal he was awake to any that may have been tasked to watch him. The bed was still centered in the cell. There was a single table with a stool next to it to one...

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The Sperm

They were having sex; Jack could hear the furtive grunts and cries as his best friend and his latest flame groped each other's bodies. And here he was alone, again. He thought that this camping trip during Break would help to raise his spirits. So much for that idea. Almost seriously he wished on the shooting star that streaked in a sparkling arc across the night sky. wished for... what? A girlfriend? Casual sex? Or something in between? When he heard the impact, and saw the burst of flames,...

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Do You Know What I Saw

Do You Know What I Saw I had just turned thirteen years old when I first saw my sister’s boyfriend sneak out of her bedroom and then sneak into my mother’s bedroom. It was about one o’clock in the morning because I had to go to the bathroom. After that I paid a lot more attention to what was going on, especially on the weekends. Every Friday Linda would let her boyfriend into her bedroom after she had been sent to bed. An hour or so later he would come out of her bedroom and then go...

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GangbangCreampie JC Silva G291

J.C. told us in her interview that she was a total submissive. Now is the fun part when she gets to show it. She starts out perched on the pedestal with Scotty and Chris whispering dirty nothings in her ears from both sides. Randy takes advantage of his GUESS THE V win this week and goes down on J.C. before being the first one to sample her clean-shaven, 26-year-old pussy. This may be J.C.’s FIRST GANGBANG, but she sure knows how to keep her hands, mouth, and pussy full to entertain her...

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Analized Chloe Cherry Sloppy Anal Fuck Doll

Chloe Cherry is crazy. Crazy about anal sex. This dirty sex kitten prances around in the cutest ways she can imagine. She then strips naked and clearly expresses what she wants for the day. Chloe Cherry wants her asshole stretched open and gaped while her pretty faces is covered in spit from some hardcore, rough, sloppy cock sucking. She gets exactly what she asks for. Chloe Cherry is flipped upside down and gagged on a big cock. She drips spit down her face while deep throating. The young...

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The Armoire

- The Armoire  by Sam DarquesiedA little further than I would normally want to go but this guy's stuff was supposedly the finest handmade furniture in the area and it was a beautiful day. I am still a bit baffled as to why Kristel would help me but, the moment she heard that I was looking to have a custom built armoire, she told me of this artisan named Darquesied. Seems his craftsmanship is second to none and he is in such great demand that he "consults" by appointment only. Again Kristel...

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Our First Meeting

I was wondering when I would feel your body on mine as I quiver and shake with your skin against me. The feel of your lips kissing my neck as I moan slightly in your ear. My hand sliding through your hair to pull it slightly as I seek your lips for a taste of heaven. Our tongues dancing an erotic dance of passion and delight. I feel my breath faltering as you bring me close to the edge with your mouth. All we are doing is kissing and you have me so engrossed in you that I climax without a...

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As step-sisters go, Mary was OK, in her own way. Suffice to say that I mean when things went her way.Out parents had married a couple of years ago, I only met Mary at the wedding. She was married to some sort of corporate lawyer, who was always on his phone. And I suppose we viewed each other with a little apprehension. So I think we both agreed that for the sake of our respective parents, we got along, but there was no real brother sister relationship.After the wedding, and the happy couple...

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Campaign of Poltergeists MaraudersChapter 3

Mission 9 Convoy Ambush Planet: Untron Lance: Poltergeist – Panther Dekker – Vindicator Behemoth – Shadow Hawk Medusa – Centurion We had a 14 day trip to a new planet, Untron, for this contract. We were busy with general maintenance on our mechs, helping out the techs and training in the sims. That’s not to say we didn’t have time to relax and play around. We didn’t have the Blackjack for this mission because Yang still had a lot of repairs to make to it’s internal structure because...

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After we got all our things together we started over to Chase and Amandas house.My wife Lilly, was so fired up by the waterfall encounter that I was sure things were going to be incredible this evening. "Are you turned on still by what had just happened in the water?" she asked. To answer I put her hand on my still thick cock."wow" she said. "you really must have liked it". Giggling, she started rubbing the growing bulge in my shorts . "Did you like seeing my hands on Amanda and Chase while...

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Buy Me a Coffee

Max had only been up at the shopping complex for a short time, he wasn’t in the best of moods for the organization he belonged to had been losing members and he had been given the task of trying to boost membership. It was strange that membership was proving difficult for with all the publicity in keeping fit one would have thought that a cycling group would haven’t had difficulty, but then as he observed the passing public it was very noticeable that his age was very unfit and very fat. He...

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Born in Davids Bedroom

It started when I was 16 years old. David was a few months older than me, and we both attended Martin Luther King High School in Holyoke. It was late May, and school was due out in two weeks. We had summer jobs lined up with David's dad, a landscaping contractor in Holyoke. Since the beginning of April, we'd been working Saturdays and some Sundays. The day it started was a backbreaker. We both were seriously dragging, me especially, who weighed like 113 lbs sopping wet. I was 4" shorter...

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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 7 Surprise Surprise Surprise

Jasmine was there waiting for us. I went into the healing chamber first and then Amanda did. While she was in there Jasmine took me to the shower and began the process of cleaning me. After that long on Chaos, it was a long process which Amanda took over cheerfully once she came in to join us. Jasmine disappeared shortly after that, and I began in earnest to work on our reward and cleaning Amanda. We didn’t get out of the shower without using a restorative. We had dried ourselves and Amanda...

2 years ago
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A Dream Cum True Chapter 1

"Okay Mrs. Taylor, I finished cleaning out the garage like you asked. Is there anything else I can do for you?" I asked as I entered the laundry room where she was putting another load of clothes to wash."No, Johnny, that's about it. Thank you very much for your help, though. I appreciate it," she said with a small smile."That's okay, Mrs. Taylor, I'm just glad I was able to help you. You picked a good day for this because I didn't have anything going on today. I was actually glad that...


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